Nosov and his stories. Nikolai Nosov: an entertaining biography of a children's writer in stories and pictures

Perhaps there is no person in our country who did not read the works of Nosov in childhood or did not know at least one hero of his wonderful books and stories. This article is about the amazing children's writer, Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

Childhood years of the writer

Born in Tsarist Russia, in the beautiful city of Kyiv, on November 23, 1908. The childhood and youth of the writer were associated with the small town of Irpen, located not far from Kyiv. Nicolas' father was a pop artist, and, most likely, the boy inherited a vivid imagination from him. After the death of Nosov was published autobiographical story"The Secret at the Bottom of the Well", where he described his childhood years.

Being passionate and quickly carried away by nature, little Kolya tried to make music, but quickly realized that it was not for him. He was very fond of the theater, played chess well, was interested in electrical engineering, photography and chemistry.

The childhood and youth of the writer fell on very difficult years - the First World War and Civil War, revolution. From the age of 14, he began working to help his family, and after graduating from school he became a laborer.

The writer graduated from the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and for 19 years, until 1951, worked as a director of scientific, animated and educational films.

Self awareness and imagination

According to the writer's memoirs, he began to realize himself and things around him by the age of four. The objects surrounding the boy had a character for him and their own special life. The closet is immersed in thought and speaks in a strange creaking language, the sideboard is a frivolous creature, and the armchairs are like two stiff aunts who really want to gossip, but you can’t show them that they can be interested in all sorts of trifles. All these childhood impressions then helped the writer a lot, and some of them subsequently entered Nosov's works for children. For example, one of his famous stories “The Hat” can be recalled. In it, the boys first of all think not that the kitten hid under her, but in a panic they decide that she came to life. In general, it must be said that all the stories of Nosov show an excellent knowledge of child psychology.

The beginning of the creative path

Nosov's debut as a writer took place in 1938. It was the story "Entertainers". The author was then 30 years old. As the writer himself admitted, his arrival in literature was an accident. little son demanded more and more fairy tales and interesting stories, and Nosov began to compose them first for him, and then for his friends. The writer realized that this work requires both great knowledge and understanding of child psychology. And most importantly, respect. And like this big love and attention to children permeated all the works of Nosov.

First collections of short stories

Then Nosov's other children's stories appear - "The Living Hat", "Mishkin's Porridge", "Cucumbers", "Dreamers". Each of them was already impatiently awaited by little readers, who immediately highly appreciated the works of the new writer. They printed it then in the best children's magazine"Murzilka". A little later, these stories were combined into a still thin book "Knock-knock-knock". This event did not happen immediately, in 1945. But a year later, a new collection appears funny stories writer - "Steps".

Nosov's works come out one after another. Their list is extensive:

- "Bobik visiting Barbos".

- Happy family.

- "Funny stories".

- "Vitya Maleev at school and at home."

- Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn.

- Gardeners.

- "The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin".

- "Telephone".

- "Wonderful trousers."

Children like Nosov's works, but general popularity comes to him after the publication of the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home." Taking as a basis a completely ordinary story about a schoolboy and his studies, the writer was able to write about the real, real life of ordinary boys, sincere and naive.

Tale of the Unknown

Even those who do not know the writer Nosov have heard of Dunno - the most famous and beloved by children literary character. The author characterized his hero as follows: “This is a generalized idea of ​​a child with an irrepressible thirst for activity, with a great desire to learn everything, but at the same time uncollected and unable to keep his attention. This is a completely normal child. He has great potential that he will develop in the future, and shortcomings that need to be dealt with.”

Dunno - a representative of the short people living in beautiful cities with poetic names Flower, Sunny. Very active and cheerful main character sincerely wants to help all his friends, but because of his restlessness and haste, he constantly gives them friends. Friends forgive Dunno, although his actions often cause great trouble. In total, the writer created three stories about little men.

By the way, Nosov did not come up with the name of his hero himself, but borrowed it from a book about forest men. Dunno was not the main character there, but one of the most insignificant. The writer never hid this fact. This, by the way, is now preventing Nosov's heir, his grandson, from fighting piracy in relation to his grandfather's work. Several times his claims were rejected with the wording that Dunno was not invented by Nikolai Nosov.

They say that the restless little man was written off by the writer from his son Petya, and Nosov gave the hat to the hero, because he himself loved to wear them.

Heroes of Nosov's works

The most amazing thing is that all the works of Nosov, which are considered funny, were written by him not at all for laughter and entertainment. He never set himself the task of making the reader laugh. Nosov described the ordinary daily life of children, filled with victories and failures, small discoveries and great joy of life. Even if the heroes of his works are lazy or losers, they still evoke sympathy for the fact that they sincerely repent of their actions.

Screen adaptation of Nosov's works

According to the books of the writer, 6 feature films and great amount animated films. Among them are two series about the adventures of Dunno.

The work of the remarkable writer Nikolai Nosov is in demand even now. His books are still as popular and loved by both young children and their parents as they were many years ago.

Kineshma Pedagogical College


Topic: "N. Nosov's humorous stories for children"

FULL NAME. Ambarova Anna Vladimirovna

Course 4 Group "A"

Subject Children's literature

Job 1 Option 8

Address Ivanovo region, Shuisky district,

p.g.t. Kolobovo, st. 1 Factory 39 - 8


1 Combinations of cheerful and serious in the works of the writer. Peculiarities creative manner Nosov in the formulation and solution of moral and aesthetic issues

2 Humorous stories ("Dreamers", "Cucumbers", "Mishkin's porridge", "Live hat", etc.). The originality of the psychological characteristics of the characters, humor

3 The significance of Nosov's works for the development of a humorous children's book


1. Nikolai Nosov, a writer of bright humorous talent, believed that children begin to understand jokes very early, before the age of two, and that the violation of the order of things that they have just learned is funny. In general, Nosov's books, as a rule, have two addresses - a child and an educator. Nosov helps the educator to understand the motives and motivations of the child's actions, and therefore to find more subtle ways of influencing him. He brings up a child with laughter, and this, as you know, is a better educator than any edification.

AT humorous stories Nosov for junior schoolchildren and children up to school age funny - not in the circumstances, but in the characters, the comedy of which stems from the peculiarity of a boyish nature. Nosov's funny books talk about serious things, and children, perceiving life experience heroes, learn how difficult it is, but how good it is to be responsible for the assigned task.

Stories for children of preschool and primary school age, action-packed, dynamic, full of unexpected comic situations. The stories are full of lyricism and humor; The story is usually told in the first person.

Humorous situations help Nosov show the logic of the hero's thinking and behavior. “The real reason for the funny lies not in external circumstances, but is rooted in the people themselves, in human characters,” Nosov wrote.

The writer's insight into the psychology of the child is artistically authentic. His works reflect the peculiarities of children's perception. Laconic expressive dialogue, a comic situation help the author to describe the characters of the guys

Nosov in his stories knows how to talk with children, knows how to understand the innermost thoughts. Reading Nosov's stories, you see real guys in front of you - exactly the same as we meet in Everyday life, with their strengths and weaknesses, thoughtfulness and naivety. The writer boldly resorts in his work to fantasy, mischievous fiction. At the heart of each of his stories or novels is an incident that happened or could happen in life, describes the characters of the guys, which we often meet in the surrounding reality.

The strength of his stories and stories lies in the truthful, ingenuous display of a peculiar and cheerful childish character.

All the work of Nikolai Nosov is permeated with genuine, intelligent love for children. Whichever of Nosov's stories we begin to read, immediately, from the first page, we experience joy. And the more we read, the more fun it becomes.

In funny stories, there is always something that makes you think seriously. Think about how you need early years prepare yourself for independent living: learn to cook porridge, fry minnows in a pan, plant seedlings in the garden and repair the phone, light sparklers and follow the rules of the street. Everyone should know and be able to do this. These stories help to get rid of bad character traits - absent-mindedness, cowardice, excessive curiosity, rudeness and arrogance, laziness and indifference.

The writer teaches little children to think not only about themselves, but also about their comrades. Together with the heroes, we experience spiritual relief, great satisfaction. The writer is generally opposed to flaunting the moralizing thought of his work, and strives to write in such a way that the little reader himself draws a conclusion. Possessing a deep understanding of children, the writer never gives a fact in pure, without conjecture, without creative imagination. N.N. Nosov is an amazing children's writer. It is surprising and remarkable in that not only children receive a charge of extraordinary cheerfulness, vigor, a surge of strength, but adults immediately plunge into the atmosphere of childhood, remembering their "difficult" childhood problems.

The artistic word always more emotionally expresses the everyday problems faced by teachers, parents and children. It is much more effective than boring moralizing, instructions, explanations. And a lively discussion of Nosov's stories is not only an exciting journey along with the heroes of his books through the country of childhood, it is also the accumulation of life experience, moral concepts what is "good", what is "bad", how to do the right thing, how to learn to be strong, courageous.

Reading Nosov's stories to children, you can have fun, laugh heartily, and draw important conclusions for yourself, do not forget that next to you are the same girls and boys, who do not always go smoothly and do well, that you can learn everything, you need to just keep your nose down and be able to be friends.

This is the moral and aesthetic side. The social position of the children's writer, his worldview is reflected in his work. The internal organization of a work addressed to children reflects the worldview of the author himself, his social, moral and aesthetic orientation in the world.

2. The story "The Living Hat" will always remain relevant. This hilarious story was a favorite of many in childhood. Why is it so well remembered by children? Yes, because “childish fears” haunt the child throughout his childhood: “What if this coat is alive and will grab me now?”, “What if the closet opens now and someone terrible comes out of it?”.

Such or other similar "horrors" often visit small children. And Nosov's story "The Living Hat" is, as it were, a guide for kids on how to overcome their fear. After reading this story, the child remembers it every time he is haunted by "invented" fears, and then he smiles, the fear goes away, he is bold and cheerful.

The power of life-affirmation is common feature children's literature. The very life-affirmation of childhood is optimistic. Small child I am sure that the world he came to was created for happiness, that this is a correct and lasting world. Such a feeling is the basis of the child's moral health and future ability for creative work.

A story about honesty - "Cucumbers" by N. Nosov. How many experiences Kotka got for the collective farm cucumbers! Not understanding what he did wrong, he rejoices, carrying cucumbers from the collective farm field home to his mother, not expecting her angry reaction: “Now bring them back!” And he is afraid of the watchman - they just managed to run away and be glad that he did not catch up - and here you have to go and voluntarily “surrender”. And it's already late - it's dark outside, it's scary. But on the other hand, when Kotka returned the cucumbers to the watchman, there was joy in his soul, and the way home was now pleasant for him, not terrible. Or has he become bolder, more confident in himself?

There are no "bad" stories in Nosov's stories. He builds his works in such a way that children do not notice that they are taught a polite, respectful attitude towards adults, they are taught to live in harmony and peace.

On the pages of Nosov's works, a lively dialogue sounds, conveying to everything that happens the hero - the boy, in his own way, often the attitude of the very directly illuminating certain artistically reliable events. This penetration into the psychology of the hero, who evaluates everything from his own, boyish point of view, creates not only a comical situation in Nosov's stories, but also humorously colors the logic of the hero's behavior, which sometimes contradicts the logic of adults or the logic of common sense.

If we recall the heroes of the story "Mishkin's porridge", "- Don't worry! I saw my mother cook. You will be full, you will not die of hunger. I will cook such porridge that you will lick your fingers! You just marvel at their independence and skill! Broke the stove. The bear poured cereal into the pan. I say:

More rash. I really want to eat!

He poured a full pan and poured water to the top.

Isn't there a lot of water? - I ask. - The mess will work.

It's okay, mom does it all the time. You just look after the stove, and I'll cook, be calm.

Well, I look behind the stove, put firewood, and Mishka cooks porridge, that is, he doesn’t cook, but sits and looks at the pan, she cooks herself.

Well, they couldn’t cook porridge, but after all, they melted the stove, they put firewood on it. They get water from the well - they drowned a bucket, it’s true, but they still got it with a mug, a pan. "Nonsense! I will bring it now. He took the matches, tied a rope to the bucket and went to the well. Returns in a minute.

Where is the water? - I ask.

Water... there, in the well.

I know what's in the well. Where is the bucket of water?

And a bucket, - he says, - in the well.

How - in the well?

Yes, in the well.



The minnows have been cleaned and, you see, they would have been fried if the oil had not burned. "We are freaks! Mishka says. - We have minnows!

I say:

There is no time now to mess around with minnows! Soon it will start to light up.

So we will not cook them, but fry them. It's fast - once, and it's ready.

Come on, - I say, - if quickly. And if it will be like porridge, then it’s better not to.

One moment, you'll see."

And most importantly, found the right decision- they asked a neighbor to cook porridge, and for this they weeded her garden. "Mishka said:

Weeds are rubbish! Quite an easy task. Much easier than cooking porridge! Similarly, violent energy and fantasy, combined with an overestimation of their capabilities and a lack of life experience, often put kids in a ridiculous position, which is even more aggravated by the fact that failure does not discourage them, but, on the contrary, is usually a source of new fantasies and unexpected actions.

Stories and fairy tales written by the great writer Nikolai Nosov did not leave every little reader without attention, even despite the fact that a large selection of stories by contemporaries is offered on store shelves. The works of Nikolai Nosov for children are the standard of children's literature, and we offer short review some of them.

This is one of the favorite stories of readers, which consists of twenty-one chapters. It describes the life of schoolchildren, their thoughts and anxieties, followed by actions based on personal conclusions, even if they are children. Funny stories that happen in Viti's life give a humorous touch to the story and amuse the reader.

The story written by Nosov in three volumes about the unusual character Dunno originates from the book The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends. Events begin in the Flower City, where one of the residents comes up with the idea of ​​traveling to hot-air balloon. The adventures of friends are gaining momentum, and in order to find the way home, you will have to make a lot of effort and ingenuity.

The second part of the Dunno trilogy, but here the behavior of the protagonist changes from a naughty little man, he reincarnates into a sympathetic kid who does only good deeds. Thanks to this, Dunno receives as a gift magic wand and goes on new journeys to the Sunny City, where new friends and adventures await on the way.

The final part of Nosov's trilogy, which consists of thirty-six chapters and the writer has invested in each of them deep meaning, while the text is presented in an accessible form. Major events take place on the Moon along with true friends Dunno who also talk like adults. No wonder this part is called the textbook of life for kids.

A short story by Nosov, which describes a dispute between two young boys who saw a car in the yard and disagreed whether it was Volga or Moskvich. Then one of the comrades had the idea to ride on the bumper of the car, because before that the guys had a dream to ride, but none of the drivers agreed to the request.

This story is about how Vadik and Vova saw a hat on the floor and, to their surprise, it turned out to be “alive”. The guys saw her start crawling on the floor all of a sudden and scared them. Friends decided to look into the situation and, in the end, found the answer. The hat fell on the cat Vaska, who was sitting on the floor.

The story tells that a simple putty can lead to the adventures of two comrades Kostya and Shurik. They got it when the glazier was plastering the windows and after that the funny adventures that took place in the cinema began. A stranger sat on the putty, it was confused with a gingerbread, and in the end it was completely lost.

An informative story by Nosov, in which the boy Bobka himself learns to put a patch on his pants, since his mother refused to sew them up. And he tore them like this: he climbed over the fence, caught on and tore. As a result of many trials and errors, the young tailor manages to make an excellent patch.

A small story where events develop based on the famous fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". The guys read it and decided to start a game. They built small house and found that it has no windows and therefore nothing can be seen. And here it suddenly seemed to them that a gray wolf had come to them ...

The story of how a mother made a gift to her son Vitalik. And it was an aquarium with a beautiful fish - carp. At first, the child looked after her, and then he got tired, and he decided to exchange with a friend for a whistle. When my mother did not find the fish at home, she decided to find out where she had gone. Vitalik was cunning and did not want to tell his mother the truth, but in the end he confessed.

Nikolai Nosov in the story "Dreamers" shows how children come up with stories and spread them to each other. But at the same time, they compete in the one who invents more. But here they meet Igor, who ate the jam himself, and told his mother that his younger sister did it. The guys felt sorry for the girl, and they bought her ice cream.

One of the most funny stories. It talks about how mother and son Mishka lived in the country and came to them little friend for a visit. The guys were left alone, as my mother had to go to the city. She told the boys how to cook porridge. Friends had fun all day, but then they got hungry, and the most interesting thing began, cooking porridge.

An instructive story about the good and bad behavior of children. The main character, Fedya Rybkin, is a funny kid who comes up with funny stories. But the problem is that he has fun at school during lessons too. And one day the teacher decided to wisely teach him a lesson, and she successfully succeeded.

The story of how Misha's mother told her son to behave properly and promised to give a lollipop as a reward. Misha tried hard, but then he climbed into the sideboard, pulled out a sugar bowl, and there were candies in it. He could not resist and ate one, and with sticky hands took the sugar bowl and here it broke. When my mother came, the broken sugar bowl and the eaten lollipop were found.

The main character of the story is Sasha, he really wanted a gun for himself, but his mother forbade it. Once his sisters gave him a long-awaited toy. Sasha played with a pistol and decided to scare his grandmother by shooting right next to her face. Suddenly, a policeman came to visit. Here the most interesting thing began, and the child remembered forever that it was impossible to frighten people.

This story is about a schoolboy Fyodor Rybkin, who made homework mathematics. He turned on the radio and began to solve problems. He thought it would be more fun that way. Of course, the songs on the radio were much more interesting than the lessons, so all the songs were carefully listened to, but the problem was not solved correctly by Fedya.

Shurik at grandfather's

A story about two little brothers who visited their grandparents in the village in the summer. The guys decided to fish, and for this in the attic, at first, they decided to find a fishing rod, but she was alone. But a galosh was also found, with which, as it turned out, you can also come up with a lot of interesting things. Fishing on the pond was not so easy...

The story of how three children were left at home alone and decided to play hide and seek. Despite the fact that there were not many places to hide, one of them hid so that they could not find him. During the search, the whole apartment was in complete disarray, after which whole hour needed to clean it up.

Nosov's story about little boy Pavlik, who went to the dacha in the spring and decided to plant something in the garden, although his peers did not believe in his strength. Mom gave me a shovel for the garden, and my grandmother gave me some grains and explained how to plant. And as a result, it turned out that it was a turnip, which, thanks to Pavlik, rose and grew.

In the story, Nosov tells about boys who loved to play hide and seek, but it always turned out that one was constantly hiding, and the second was always looking. Slavik, who was looking for a friend in the game, was offended. He decided to close his friend Vitya in the closet. After sitting in the closet for some time, the boy did not understand why he was locked up by a friend.

An instructive story about three hunters who went to the forest for prey, but did not catch anyone and stopped to rest. They sat down and began to tell each other funny stories. As a result, they realized that it is not at all necessary to kill animals, but you can have fun in the forest.

The events of this story by Nosov take place in a children's camp, to which three friends arrived, but one day earlier than the others. During the day they had fun, they even decorated the house, but when night fell, and suddenly there was a knock on the door, the boys got scared. When they asked who it was, there was no answer, and all night the guys could not understand who it was. Everything cleared up in the morning.

A comic story about the dog Barboska, who invited Bobik to visit, while grandfather and cat Vaska were not at home. The watchdog boasted of the things that were in the house: either a mirror, or a comb, or a whip. During the conversation, the friends fell asleep right on the bed, and when the grandfather came and discovered this, he began to kick them out, so much so that Barbos hid under the bed.

A story about a little five-year-old girl, Ninochka, who most I spent time with my grandmother, as my mother and father worked. And one day she had the idea to help adults in search of iron for the delivery of scrap metal. When she showed the way to two adult boys, she forgot the way and got lost. The boys helped find the way home.

interesting instructive story about an excellent student named Kolya Sinitsyn, who during summer holidays decided to keep a diary. Kolya's mother promised to buy him a pen if he wrote everything neatly. The boy tried to write down all his thoughts and events, and got so carried away that he ran out of a notebook.


A story about the journey of two little boys who got into the Moscow metro while visiting their aunt. Having seen enough of the moving stairs, stops and ride in the train, the boys realized that they were lost. And suddenly they met their mother and aunt, who laughed at the situation. And in the end, they got lost.

According to the definition of S. Ya. Marshak, this is a writer "with a distinct creative personality", in works which manifested itself "a combination of humor, lyricism and the recollective vigilance of a writer of everyday life." Nikolai Nosov created mainly children's works.

Nosov's works for children: a list

  • "Entertainers"
  • "Knock-Knock!"
  • "Gardeners"
  • "Mishkina porridge"
  • "Telephone"
  • "Step"
  • "About the turnip"
  • "Dreamers"
  • "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin"
  • "Under the same roof"
  • "Merry family"
  • "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"
  • "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"
  • "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  • "Dunno in a Sunny City"

And that's not all list of Nosov's children's works loved by many generations.

How did Nikolai Nosov become a children's writer?

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kyiv, in the family of an actor. At the age of 15, he entered the concrete plant as a laborer. In 1927 he began to study at the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later, he moved to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, and then worked as a film director - he shot educational and cartoons. During the war, Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star for creating military-technical films.

Which parent has not had to compose poems, fairy tales, stories their children? Nikolai Nikolayevich also had to do this: he had a boy. The experiments were successful. In 1938, Nosov's story appeared in the Murzilka magazine. "Entertainers". But he became a professional writer only in 1945, when his first book was published.

"Knock-Knock!"- with this heading, Nosov, as it were, knocked on the doors of great literature for little ones. The subtitle "Funny Stories" was a claim for the birth of a humorist writer. Here we first get acquainted with Mishka, whom we later meet in a whole cycle of Nosov's small works: "Gardeners", "Mishkin's porridge", "Telephone" and others. This boy is always trying to do something good, but does not measure this desire with his strengths and skills. This is where situations arise. causing laughter, but not judgmental, but benevolent. Nosov believes that "humor is ridicule with a touch of sympathy." great success readers also use others Nosov's works for children: "Step", "About the turnip", "Dreamers", "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin", "Under the same roof".

Children's works by N. Nosov

The story "Merry family"

In 1949, Nosov's first story was published - "Merry family" . In many ways, it is still close to those stories of the writer, where the images of the guys who called themselves "Me and Mishka" are developed. Friends still do not know peace: "This is the character of Mishka and I - we definitely need some kind of activity." At first, the guys quickly move from one hobby to another: "Mishka is such a person - he definitely needs everything to be useful." But the boy thinks about the benefit not for himself, but for everyone. His reflections on the benefits of state farm incubators bring a community approach. So, children need to be helped to find just such activities that would inspire them with a big goal. Only thanks to this goal, Mishka and his friend were able to grow chickens in a makeshift incubator for almost a month (a long time for restless boys!)

With the whole development of the plot, the author suggests that a big deal needs to be taken together, by a team. We see how in the boys, especially in Mishka, who was so careless just recently, a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility for their mistakes, is ripening.

The story "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"

In the story "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" It also speaks of the children's desire to engage in a common cause. Unlike The Jolly Family, in this book, the guys act together from the very beginning and consciously look for "such work that will be useful." The form of the diary allowed the writer to convey the reflections of his hero. They have a lot of naivete, colored by the author's humor, and at the same time, how much moral purity, characteristic of the pioneers.

Following the example of Nosov's characters, many of the guys began to build incubators and breed bees. The writer V. Kataev tells what a rout his son did in the house, who, after reading The Merry Family, decided to follow the example of Kolya and Misha. Readers are attracted to Nosov's stories by the enthusiasm of the characters, the rapid development of the plot, the lack of long descriptions which, as noted by N.K. Krupskaya, are unacceptable for children aged 8-13. Many guys tell Nosov that they themselves, following the example of Kolya Sinitsyn, began to write diaries, and some even ask how to publish them.

Parents, after reading these stories, will truly understand how important adult support is for children. The old beekeeper from the "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" did not scold the boys who accidentally ran into his apiary, but helped them. Kolya reflects on this: “That's how kind grandfather turned out to be! He not only promised to give us bees, but he kept his promise.” This is a reproach to those adults who thoughtlessly violate the word given to the guys. “And I also had joy today,” Kolya writes after a while in his diary, “my mom and dad came to the apiary and looked at our bees.” Here is an example of how important it is to delve into the interests of your children, to encourage them with your attention!

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

If in the books "Merry Family" and "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary" Nosov shows the development of interests and a sense of collectivism in the process extracurricular activities, then his third and most significant story in content - "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1951) - mainly devoted to educational work. She was awarded the State Prize and was among the best in the children's fiction book competition held by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

... Inseparable friends Vitya Maleev and Kostya Shishkin love school, they want to study well, grow up to be real people. “You dream of something wonderful,” Vitya reflects, “and you want to grow up quickly, become strong and courageous, perform various feats and heroes ...” There is nothing surprising in these dreams. They are determined by our entire system, which opens up to children from the very first years school life clear perspectives. Vitya clearly understands why he should study, but the trouble is that he does not know how to concentrate - the temptation to play football turns out to be stronger than his still weak will.

In books Soviet writers and earlier there were images of children who, under the influence of the teacher and the whole class, became successful. But we did not see how this process took place in the minds of the losers themselves. Nosov, on the other hand, managed to look into the world of thoughts and feelings of his hero. “The discovery that Vitya Maleev makes, having solved the problem on his own for the first time,” said S. Ya. Marshak at the II Congress of Writers, “is not only the discovery of Vitya, but also the author himself. It is not so easy to show why the incomprehensible suddenly becomes understandable, how consideration depends on the imagination.

Kostya's correction process is much more difficult. He is less able than Vitya to analyze his actions, to be critical of them. Kostya even stops going to school and, deceiving his mother, pretends to be sick. It seems to him that it is easier to perform in the circus than to write a dictation. And although Vitya feels remorse, he still hides the truth from the teacher, from the whole class. To act otherwise, he thinks, would be uncomradely. But soon Vitya realized that a true pioneer should not hide the bad deeds of a friend, but help him improve. The pages describing how Maleev works with Shishkin, how they, despite the first failures, achieve success, are especially interesting in the story.

In the words of Lev Kassil, "educators will find in Nosov's story a lot of things that will be useful in their work." Let the parents think about how Kostya's mother failed to correctly direct her son's hobbies and inspired him that he had no will. And Aunt Zina kept threatening to "take him in, check his studies, but each time she forgot to do it." The example of Viti's parents is also instructive. Each time, the mother scolded her son for the fact that he sat down for lessons late, but did not help him properly allocate his time. And the father, undertaking to help the boy with arithmetic, simply solved the problem for him, and explained it so impatiently that Vitya did not want to turn to him anymore.

The book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" was published 30 times in the first three years. Hundreds of letters about the children's favorite story are stored in the Children's Book House.

Tale-tale "The Adventures of Dunno"

N. Nosov says that when discussing his books, the guys often say: without friendship there cannot be a full-fledged school team, and the girls complain about the boys, who often behave arrogantly towards them. This topic is mainly devoted to the story-tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" . But why did the writer decide to resort to fantasy? He explains that “the very form of a fairy tale, as a work that tells about fictional events, with its amusingness is close to the game, which arouses the interest of the child, who is always willing to play. As usual in the works of Nosov, the main character of the new book - Dunno - is also endowed with shortcomings. He is inquisitive, active, but he does not know how to work, he does not have enough patience for this. Striving for fame, this shorty does not even neglect deception. The unknown is re-educated.

Fascinating episodes of Nosov's new fairy tale "Dunno in a Sunny City" says that good deeds must be done disinterestedly, that, having advantages, you should use them deliberately, otherwise you will harm others. Pictures of the sunny city are clearly directed to the future.

Nikolai Nosov: biography in entertaining stories and pictures

Nikolai Nosov: entertaining biography children's writer in stories and pictures. Bibliography. Brief biography of N. Nosov for children. Films based on Nosov's stories for children.

Nikolai Nosov: an entertaining biography of a children's writer in stories and pictures

Nikolai Nosov: “Composing for children is the best job”

Sometimes it seems that famous people everything in their life was smooth and clear. They immediately began to write, found their calling, gained fame. But it is not. Everything in the life of Nikolai Nosov developed in such a way that he had to deal with technology, but ... he became the favorite children's writer of many generations.

This article - unusual biography of the writer - "live" and "human", without dry phrases, but with life lessons for all of us. Talking about the biography of Nikolai Nosov, we will try to see in it the lesson of life that will help us go towards our goals, understand ourselves and do good deeds in this wonderful world!

Biography of Nikolai Nosov: the mysteries of an interesting fate

Speaking of a children's writer, I want to get as close as possible to him from the position of a child, to understand why children in different countries they love Dunno so much and where does this inexhaustible fantasy that created the whole world amazing heroes?

Let's try to reveal the secrets of "the secret at the bottom of the well" - that's what N. Nosov called the book - an autobiography about his childhood years. And look for answers to the riddles of his interesting creative destiny we will start in the childhood of the writer, because it is this time of a person’s life that he chose as the main one in his works.

The childhood of Nikolai Nosov: where did Dunno come from and who is he?

Nicholas grew up in large family, there were two more brothers and a sister, and their dad was an actor. Nikolai really liked his father's performances, the family even thought that he would follow in the footsteps of his parent.

The boy decided to learn to play the violin, imagining himself as a musician. But it turned out that it was not so easy, and Kolya abandoned the violin.

Then he became interested in chemistry, already dreaming of seeing himself as a scientist in a white coat, making amazing discoveries in the field of science.

He was fond of photography, chess, playing the mandolin, even trained dogs. AT school years Nikolai published a handwritten magazine "X", staged "Taras Bulba" on the amateur school stage

The figure below in this article presents all the hobbies and professions of Nikolai Nosov. They are reflected in his works, especially in "The Adventures of Dunno".

The author endows each shorty social status, that is, gives him a profession: the artist Tube, the musician Guslya, the astronomer Steklyashkin, Dr. Pilyulkin, the mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik, the scientist Znayka, and so on. And the shorty is happy to try, he faithfully follows his destiny. That's just the main character - Dunno - has not yet decided on the choice of his life path. The author allows us to follow how Dunno is looking for himself. And you will agree that it is very interesting.

Such a path - the path of finding one's life path, the path of Dunno - Nikolai Nosov also passed in his life.

The childhood of Nikolai Nosov fell on hard times, World War I and Civil War left their mark. The whole family of the writer was ill with typhus, and Kolya was sick the longest. But everyone survived, which was seen as a miracle at the time. Nosov remembered for the rest of his life how his mother cried with joy when he recovered: “So I learned that you can cry not only from grief.”

The author has developed a sensitive attitude to tears, especially to a child's tear. He believed that a crying child should certainly be consoled, asked who offended him, what happened. Because when a child cries, "it is no less difficult for him than for us, in a minute mental hardship, and we somehow look indifferently at his tears and ... we consider them just nonsense or a whim. Nosov does not believe physiologists that “children and old people often cry because ... their lacrimal glands easily release moisture. I know it's not! They cry because they do not yet (or no longer) have the strength to cope with the feelings that this incomprehensible and inexorable life inspires them. The suffering does not decrease, but only increases.” We will not see such Nosov directly in his stories, but his attentiveness to the problems of the child, the triumph of goodness and morality run through all his work.

Little Nikolai was not an ideal student or an ideal child. There was a time when the high school student Nikolai quit doing homework, got bad marks and stayed for the second year. After that, he was listed among the most backward students. But once he heard such a dialogue of adults. To the question “How does he learn”, his teacher answered: “Nothing”, hesitating for a second. The boy immediately changed his view of adults and gained confidence in them. It was easiest to call him lagging behind, it was more difficult to believe in his capabilities. And it happened! After that, Nikolai always tried to see the good in people and in the heroes of his works.

After that, the epic of the development of the gymnasium program by little Nikolai began - it was necessary to catch up on everything lost in previous years. He studies mathematics from a textbook and copes with algebra "self-taught". Physics and chemistry suddenly fascinate him so much that he makes a real laboratory in the attic at home and dreams of becoming a chemist. He also plays in the orchestra, reads a lot, sings in the school choir, plays chess very well! He studies harmony, reads a lot of Russian classics. He himself prepares his brother and sister for admission to the fourth grade of the gymnasium, teaching them! Even having met street children on the street, Nikolai does not avoid them, but enters their circle and introduces the book and explains that “the book is food for the mind”, reads Leskov’s story to them and teaches them by heart “The green oak is near the seashore”.

In the life of Nikolai Nosov were different people and different cases. But he had a very reasonable approach to life and professed the principle of "seeing everything, not blaming anyone."

Adolescence and youth of Nikolai Nosov

To feed a family Nikolai was forced to work from the age of 14: he was a newspaper merchant, a digger, a mower, etc. After 1917, the gymnasium was reorganized into a seven-year school. After graduating in 1924, he worked as a laborer at a concrete factory in Irpen, then at a private brick factory in the city of Bucha.

It was little Nikolai who saved his family during the difficult years of famine.- He harrowed the garden, planted potatoes with his older brother and sister. After all, the father was on earnings, the mother was busy with women's chores, the older brother was already studying painting at that time. Nikolai was not afraid of hard work - he crushed rubble at a concrete plant, worked at a brick factory, mowed grass for a goat, traded newspapers, drove heavy logs to the station, taught children to read and write, and calmly treated work for a "piece of bread." But - working for a piece of bread - he always dreamed of finding his calling. Nicholas wrote that he felt in his soul “Sherlock Holmes, Gadfly and Christopher Columbus - one in three persons; and to be completely truthful, Captain Nemo was me too.”

Everything went to the fact that Nikolai clearly should have gone to study at the Polytechnic Institute. Nikolai passionately dreamed of the profession of a chemist! But - His Majesty Chance intervened.

Nikolai wanted to enter the Chemistry Department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, but he could not, because he did not finish a vocational school that provides a completed secondary education. But on the other hand, a new hobby in life suddenly came to him, which gave a completely different direction to his life!

The passion for teaching prevented him from becoming a chemist :). Here's how it happened.

Nikolay's brother was engaged in drawing. Nikolai explained to his brother that he was painting incorrectly: it was necessary to display in the picture not just anything, but a state of mind! This is the most important thing in the picture, the special state of the Artist in her Creation! Therefore, you need to choose a special place according to the mood of the picture. In order to convey his thought to his brother, Kolya decided to take a photograph (he did not know how to draw at all, so he could not convey his thought in a drawing). To do this, he had to read several magazines on photography, make a camera, buy reagents and everything you need. Photo turned out! And .. Nikolai suddenly became interested in photography and decided that this would be his way “to tell the world at least some kindness”!And he enters the film department of the Kyiv School of Painting and Sculpture.

And after 2 years, in 1929, Nikolai Nosov transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. After graduating from this institute, Nikolai became a producer and director of scientific, animated and educational films.

For more than 20 years of his life, the writer will give up cinema, he will also work as an animator.

This is interesting: such an episode from the life of Nikolai Nosov has been preserved.

Once N. Nosov was instructed to make a film about the structure and operation of the English Churchill tank. One tank was brought to the studio and an English instructor showed the Russian tank driver how to drive the tank. The British left, but a few days later, during filming, instead of turning around on its axis, the tank began to describe a curved arc. The tanker was nervous and fussing, but the tank stubbornly did not want to turn around and turned from a maneuverable vehicle into a clumsy slug.

Nikolai Nikolaevich asked the driver to sit next to him. Not only the fate of the film, but also the fate of the tank, which was supposed to go into service, depended on the solution to the control. Soviet troops. Nikolai Nikolaevich had previously worked on an educational film about tractors and was generally well versed in machines. Soon, while observing the actions of the mechanic, he discovered an error. The driver was embarrassed, apologized to Nosov and did not want to believe that the director knows the technique just like an amateur. Nosov also filmed the work of various parts of the machine, accompanying their show " moonlight sonata» Beethoven.

For this film, and for his work in the field of scientific and technical cinema, Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star in 1943.

Despite the difficult moments of childhood, Nosov developed one very good quality - he knew how to discern their best sides in people.

Another example from his childhood as an illustration of what has been said. In the gymnasium where Kolya studied, the teachers were very strict with the students. One day, Kolya accidentally ran into a teacher leaving the door. Expecting inevitable punishment, the boy throughout the lesson peered into every movement of the teacher: what he was up to, how he decided to punish him or take revenge. But punishment did not follow, and the suspicion crept into Colin's head that his teacher was simply good man. This quality is reflected in the future and in the work of the writer, each of the shorties is endowed with certain good character traits, maybe someone has them more or less lesser degree manifest, but there is a seed of goodness in everyone.

How and when Nikolai Nosov became a children's writer: what is the secret of the popularity of his works?

Many of us believe that at 30 it's too late to start something new :). There is already a specialty and ... why change it. But… Nikolay Nosov wrote nothing, nothing at all until… 30 years! I didn't even want to write!

N. Nosov himself admitted that he came into children's literature quite by accident and did not even dream of a profession and career as a children's writer.

Nosov began to write stories at the age of 37, when his son was already growing up. And these entertaining stories were written just for him. I just had to compose something funny for my son and his friends - preschoolers.And ten years later he was already a famous writer and received a prestigious state award for his work!

The debut of Nikolai Nosov as a writer took place in 1938- it was his first story for children "Entertainers". Soon the stories began to be published in one of the most famous and popular children's magazines at that time - in Murzilka.

The first collection of children's stories was published in 1945 in Detgiz. It included the stories "Live hat", "Mishkin's porridge", "Dreamers", "Gardeners", "Wonderful trousers", "Knock-knock-knock" and others.

If you think that after the publication of this book, Nosov decided to become a writer, then you are mistaken. He was not going to change his job and continued to work in cinematography.

The situation changed dramatically only in 1951.

How Nikolai Nosov entered the "big literary world and became a professional writer: in 1951 in the magazine New world"N. Nosov's story" Vitya Maleev at school and at home" was published. The editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine at that time was A.T. Tvardovsky. With his " light hand From that moment on, fame came to Nosov. And the story received a high award - the State Prize of the USSR. Since that time, Nikolai Nosov finally left the world of cinema and became a professional writer.

Interesting Facts: In 1957 (six years after N. Nosov's decision to become a writer), a list of writers was compiled who were most translated into other languages. Nikolai Nosov was third on the list. His characters spoke different languages.

“Gradually I realized that composing for children is the best job, it requires a lot of knowledge, and not only literary knowledge…” – this is how the author himself spoke about his work.

Nikolai Nosov, treating his son with great respect, transferred this to all the children to whom the stories are addressed. Children feel this, it was precisely this position that Nosov adhered to, they not only feel, but also give their respect and love in return. So isn't this the secret of the writer's popularity?

Without knowing it, children often provided food for stories.Each story told to us by N. Nosov has an echo and its origin in real life.

For example, he wrote the story "Cucumbers" from a story that happened to his five-year-old nephew. One day the boy was walking next to the vegetable tent. He saw a barrel of pickles behind the tent, climbed into it with both hands, grabbed a cucumber in each and, satisfied, went to his mother. And what happened next is described in the story "Cucumbers" - watch the video below with your kids.

Books are filled with the same fidgets, inventors and dreamers, like all of us in the country of childhood. These are ordinary boys and girls with whom different things happen. funny stories. Remember your childhood, I'm sure, and you will find a dozen such stories.

And here is how the grandson of the writer Igor recalls his childhood and his grandfather Nikolai Nosov:

1) Always been busy.
2) Always played with me. Or wrote, or played ... He adored his son, my father, adored me. … He liked to buy toys for me. I remember how we went to the Leiptsip, still old, on Leninsky. He bought German cars. He loved to play with them."
3) Hammered nails, drilled holes. Drawn, sculpted. Made something like an air conditioner ... ".

"Didya, woo!"

“How they joke when they are not yet two years old”

We play with plasticine.
“Let’s make sausage,” I say.
I rolled him a long sausage out of plasticine. Igor took it, opened his mouth wide, pretending to want to bite off a piece, and he himself looks askance, slyly at me. Noticing that my hand involuntarily reaches out to take away this “sausage” from him, he breaks into a smile.
Here is his favorite joke. He takes a plate from the table, raises it above his head and pretends to want to throw it on the floor with a flourish. Seeing the expression of horror on the face of those around him, he laughs out loud and, pleased with his joke, puts the plate on the table.

"The First Story of the Incident"

One morning, Petya brought Igor to us, and he quickly left: he was in a hurry somewhere. Before he had time to undress, Igor began to repeat, somehow getting excited and worried:
- Dad, uncle, give me gasoline! Uncle, dad, no gas!
Seeing that we did not really understand him, he repeated these two phrases, sometimes only changing the order of words. Of course, we realized that on the way Peter ran out of gas in the car and he asked the oncoming driver for some gasoline, but he did not give it. When Peter
arrived, he confirmed that this was exactly what happened.
Igor's conversation now resembles the conversation of an Indian who knows a few words from the white language. However, the Indian has the mind of an adult, great life experience, as well as knowledge of his own language, Igor has none of this. But it still gets the job done.

The story "I'm going!"

Bought him a tricycle of the tiniest caliber. He quickly learned to pedal with his feet. Rolls along the asphalt path from the gate to the house. Suddenly I saw Tanya come out on the porch about twenty paces and scream:
Butterfly, be careful! I'm going!
Then the path was uneven. And he says:
- The road is broken.

Nikolai Nosov ends the book about his grandson with the words of his grandson, a preschooler: “We are friends, grandfather!”. Here it is - the happiness of grandparents!

Nikolai Nosov died in Moscow on July 26, 1976. The writer was 68 years old. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

Nikolai Nosov: a short biography for children

It is possible to acquaint children with the biographies of writers and with the biography of Nikolai Nosov already at the senior preschool age. Interesting things are important for children entertaining facts, how the writer comes up with a story (after all, children also write stories and fairy tales), how he lived, and all the cases from the series “When ... I was little”.

It would be very good if you make a thematic exhibition of N. Nosov's works from your home books and books from the children's library. So that the child recognizes all the works known to him from the pictures and understands that they were written by the same writer. So that the kid gets acquainted with the author's style, knows how differently you can tell about the world!

If possible, you can take the same story by N. Nosov from the library with illustrations by different artists and compare them. While you have such an exhibition at home, you will introduce the kids to the life of this writer beloved by all of us.

Acquaintance with a biography brings up a child not as a user of books, but as a creator, a talented thoughtful reader. A preschooler from our story learns about the process of creativity and .. tries to “become a real writer” himself and dictate to his mother the first composed fairy tales and stories. And it must be supported and be sure to write them down. Who knows, maybe your kid has a talent for the artistic word? After all, when Nikolai Nosov was small, he did not show his literary abilities in any way!

What to tell the children about Nikolai Nosov? Of course, not all the facts of the biography of any person are available to children for comprehension. Therefore, in this section, I give a small cheat sheet for adults - organizers of children's quizzes and literary holidays: what will be interesting for children from the biography of the writer.

Brief facts of the biography of Nikolai Nosov for children:

  • Born in Kyiv, his father was an actor.
  • When Nikolai Nosov was little, he did not even dream of becoming a writer. He loved the most different activities: perfectly played chess, trained dogs, taught younger children to read and write, tried to play the violin, read many books, played in the school theater and sang in the school children's choir.
  • At first, Nikolai Nosov wanted to become a chemist and even made a small real laboratory at home, in which he spent different experiences and experiments. And then he became interested in photography and decided to study photography and filmmaking. He made films for adults.
  • When Nikolai Nosov had a son, he began to compose various funny stories for him and his friends - preschool children. He made up stories about funny situations which he himself observed in life. For example, once such a story happened to his nephew. The boy was walking and saw a barrel of pickles behind a vegetable tent. He climbed into it, grabbed two cucumbers and, satisfied, came to his mother with these cucumbers. What happened next - you already know from the story "Cucumbers". In the story of cucumbers, children took other people's vegetables not from a barrel, but from someone else's garden, and everything else is described in it as it was in life.
  • The first story of Nikolai Nosov, which he composed, is the story "Entertainers". It was even published in the famous Murzilka magazine. Listen to this story with the kids in the video below.
  • Then Nikolai Nosov composed more children's stories. And it turned out to be a children's book. It was published by a children's publishing house. It includes many stories known to us: "Live hat", "Mishkin's porridge", "Dreamers", "Gardeners", "Wonderful trousers", "Knock-knock-knock" and others.
  • The son of Nikolai Nosov grew up, and with it new stories appeared for his son and even novels. After Nosov wrote the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home," he decided that he would change his profession and become a children's writer. After that, he wrote many children's books, including the fairy tales about Dunno, beloved by all of us.

You can find an interesting quiz script for children 6-8 years old based on the works of Nikolai Nosov on the Pedagogical Piggy Bank website - a literary children's holiday "He loved childhood in people."

Nikolai Nosov: portrait

Films for children based on the works of Nikolai Nosov

Druzhok: based on the stories of Nikolai Nosov "Mishkina porridge" and "Druzhok"

Dreamers: based on the stories of Nikolai Nosov: Dreamers, Karasik, Cucumbers

Where did Nikolai Nosov live in Moscow

Addresses of houses where Nikolai Nosov lived in Moscow:

Novokuznetskaya street, 8 (Until the 1950s),
Kyiv street, house 20,
Krasnoarmeyskaya street, house 21 (from 1968 until death).
Unfortunately, although Nikolai Nosov is one of the most beloved children's writers, there is no memorial plaque on any of these houses. But if you live near these addresses, you can take a walk and look at the house where the “literary dad of Dunno” lived :).

Works by Nikolai Nosov for children: a list

  1. Automobile
  2. Grandma Dina
  3. sparklers
  4. Bobik visiting Barbos
  5. Happy family
  6. Screw, Shpuntik and vacuum cleaner
  7. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  8. Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn
  9. buddy
  10. living hat
  11. putty
  12. Patch
  13. Entertainers
  14. And I help
  15. Karasik
  16. Blot
  17. When we laugh
  18. Lollipop
  19. Underground
  20. Policeman
  21. Mishkina porridge
  22. On the hill
  23. Our ice rink
  24. Dunno in Sunny City
  25. Dunno on the Moon
  26. Resourcefulness
  27. gardeners
  28. cucumbers
  29. The story of my friend Igor
  30. Under the same roof
  31. Adventures of Dunno and his friends
  32. Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin
  33. About Gena
  34. About the turnip
  35. About the tiger
  36. hide and seek
  37. steps
  38. The secret at the bottom of the well (autobiography of N. Nosov about his childhood)
  39. Telephone
  40. Three hunters
  41. Knock-Knock
  42. Dreamers
  43. Fedin's task
  44. Wonderful Pants
  45. Shurik at grandfather's

Films based on the works of Nikolai Nosov for children

  1. Two friends. Based on the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"
  2. Buddy. According to the stories "Druzhok" and "Mishkina porridge"
  3. Dunno from our yard
  4. Jerusalem artichokes
  5. living rainbow
  6. Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin
  7. Dreamers

Cartoons based on the works of Nikolai Nosov for children

  • Bobik visiting Barbos
  • Vintik and Shpuntik are funny masters
  • Dunno in the Sunny City (in 10 episodes)
  • Dunno on the Moon
  • Dunno is learning
  • Funtik and cucumbers

Afterword: about the children and grandchildren of the writer Nikolai Nosov

Books for children of the writer's grandson - Nosov Igor Petrovich - for children:

Nosov, I.P. Big surprise Dunno. - M.: Makhaon, 2005. - 16 p., ill.
Nosov, I.P. How Dunno trained frogs. - M.: Makhaon, 2006. - 16 p., ill.
Nosov, I.P. How Dunno collected strawberries. - M.: Makhaon, 2006. - 16 p., ill.
Nosov, I.P. Dunno and the talking mushroom: stories / I.P. Nosov. - M .: Dragonfly, 2001. - 15 p., ill.
Nosov, I.P. Dunno and carnival costume: stories / I.P. Nosov. - M.: Strekoza-Press, 2001. - 15 p., ill.
Nosov, I.P. Dunno and Hocus Pocus: Stories / I.P. Nosov. - M .: Dragonfly, 2001. - 15 p., ill.
Nosov, I.P. Island of the Unknown. - M.: Makhaon, 2005. - 16 p., ill.
At the end of the 90s, many new adventures of Dunno came out, written in bad language and having no literary value, because. Dunno as a character was not copyrighted. They have nothing to do with the Nosov dynasty.

It is interesting: The son of Nikolai Nosov, Pyotr Nikolaevich, is one of the masters of "fun photography", he is called "the virtuoso of humorous photography." Apparently humor is important feature the entire Nosov dynasty :). The writer's grandson Igor Petrovich Nosov is also involved in photography. The son and grandson of the writer even had a joint photo exhibition called "Quantums of Laughter" and was held in 2007. Igor Petrovich, grandson of Nikolai Nosov, wrote:

My grandfather did a lot of photography with me, who, before becoming famous in children's literature, worked for many years as a director of educational and animated films. And my father, a well-known ITAR-TASS photojournalist, taught me, without exaggeration, all my life. Having passed such a home school of photography, at the age of 25, after studying at the philological faculty of the university and serving in the army, I decided to become a photojournalist and began working at the Novosti Press Agency, and later at ITAR-TASS. Collaborated with many newspapers, magazines, photo agencies.

The creative duet of the Nosovs also has a lot of mischief, humor, kindness, the ability to see joy in the most ordinary moments of life. This is what we pass on to children and what becomes the hallmark of every dynasty! And what we can learn from the fairy tales and stories of Nikolai Nosov for children.

In the annotation to the exhibition of photographs of the son and grandson of Nikolai Nosov, it is written as follows: " they teach everyone to look into the world so that he becomes better and kinder, and bright smile was a symbol of our sometimes difficult life". Probably, in these words the whole essence of the work of the Nosov family for people and for young children is very accurately conveyed!

Illustrators of Nikolai Nosov's works for children: classic children's book

- The life and work of Nikolai Nosov. M.: Children's literature, 1985. - 304 p. The book contains reviews on the works of N. Nosov famous writers: Yu. Olesha, V. Kataev, L. Kassil, A. Aleksin. As well as articles about Nikolai Nosov, reviews. And Nikolai Nosov's article "About himself and his work", his letters to readers and letters from readers.

Nosov N.N. The Secret at the Bottom of the Well: An Autobiographical Tale- M .: Det. lit., 1978. - 303 p.

Nosov N.N. Russian writer (11/23/1908 - 07/06/1976) // Writers of our childhood. 100 names: biogr. dictionary in 3 hours - M .: Liberia, 1998. - Part 1. - S. 269-273.

Grishkova, I.M. Cheerful family of Nikolai Nosov: to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer / I.M. Grishakova // Pachatkova school. - 2008. - No. 8. - S. 66-70.
Zamostyanov, A. Nikolai Nosov - a hundred years: reflections on the anniversary of the writer / A. Zamostyanov // Public education. - 2008. - No. 7. - S. 251-256.
Zurabova, K. In this strange world: to the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.N. Nosova / K. Zurabova // Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 8. - S. 74-83.

Korf O. Nikolai Nosov's "Merry Family" is 50 years old!// Children's literature -1999. - No. 2-3. - p.8

Larina, O.S. We read the story of N. Nosov "Dreamers"/ O.S. Larina // Primary School. - 2008. - No. 8. - S. 42-44.

Maltsev G. "Father" Dunno knew a lot// Junior Technician: popular children's and youth magazine. - M., 2009. - No. 9. - P.19-25.

Prikhodko, V. Nikolai Nosov: he loved childhood in people/ V. Prikhodko // Preschool education. - 2001. - No. 11. - S. 73-79.

Sivokon, S.I. Lessons of children's classics: essays / S.I. Sivokon. - M .: Det. lit., 1990. - 286 p.

Mirimsky S. My meetings with Nikolai Nosov // Children's literature - 1999. - No. 2 - 3. -S. 9-12

Moskvicheva O.A. A smile born of the art of the word: about the work of N.N. Nosov// Primary school: Monthly scientific and methodical journal.-M., 2009.-№6.-P.20-23.-(School library).

Prikhodko V. Sparkling flute by Nikolai Nosov// Children's literature - 1999. - No. 2 - 3. - P. 4 - 7

Scenarios for children's quizzes and thematic classes based on the works of Nikolai Nosov:

Gogoleva P.A. Visiting N.N. Nosov: script based on the works of N.N. Nosov for elementary school / / Primary school: Monthly scientific - methodical journal. - M., 2008. - No. 11.

— Dzhanseitova N.Kh. Where does the unknown live?// We read, study, play. - 2003. - No. 6. - P.17-20

Kovalchuk T.L. In the Sunny City of Nikolai Nosov(script) // Read, study, play. - 2006. - No. 9. - P.55-57

Kolosova, E.V. The kindest entertainer (Script for the birthday of N. Nosov)// Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2008. - No. 9. - P. 9 - 12.

— Rakovskaya, L.A. Dunno and the Wonderful Tree (quiz)// Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2008. - No. 4. - P. 51 - 52.

— Savelyeva, A.V. Dunno from our yard: reading aloud the stories of N. Nosov for children 7-9 years old // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2008. - No. 2. - P. 53 - 54.

What books by Nikolai Nosov to buy for children?

Readers of the site always ask me to suggest high-quality editions of books for children. Therefore, having carried out “reconnaissance” among the modern publications of N. Nosov, I end this article with the following recommendations for books for the home library:

I do not advise buy books by Nikolai Nosov from the Makhaon publishing house, since in many cases the author’s original text of the writer is very much changed in them (moreover, it is shortened, phrases are rewritten, fragments are omitted, i.e. the text is changed for the worse). Therefore, when reading "Nosov's stories" to children from the books of this publishing house, in fact, you are reading to them the words of a completely different person - the editor.

The author's text of Nikolai Nosov in modern editions is preserved by the publishing house Melik-Pashaev in the series "Subtle masterpieces for the little ones". They are published from classic illustrations the wonderful artist Ivan Semenov, in the past - the editor-in-chief of the magazine " Funny pictures". Indeed, these books bring up the artistic taste of the child, and they have one drawback - this is a rather high price.

– The Eksmo publishing house also preserves the author’s text and publishes the works of N. Nosov with beautiful illustrations: the book “The Living Hat” in the series of books “My Friends” and the book of stories with illustrations by the same artist I. Semenov “Dreamers”. And the price of these Eksmo books is affordable for any family.

- Perfectly releases stories by N. Nosov, Publishing house "Rech" (series "My mother's favorite book") and publishing house "Clouds" (story "Karasik" with illustrations by E. Afanasyeva)

Trilogy of the Dunno. A collection of classics released black and white illustrations A. Lapteva. This is the book "All about Dunno and his friends" by the Azbuka publishing house (2014 edition). This is a classic from our childhood.

All books, illustrations in them and reviews can be viewed in the Labyrinth here:

I thank the readers of the Native Path website for their help in creating this article:

Alexander Naumkin- for collecting bibliography and information about the life of Nikolai Nosov in libraries,

Evgeny Vavilov— for creating the text of the article about Nikolai Nosov, for beautiful drawings and diagrams for this article. Evgenia Vavilova - philologist, mother of many children, author of books for children on creative development.

As always, Valasina Asya was with you- author of the site "Rodnaya Path", editor - methodologist and designer of this article, candidate pedagogical sciences host of the Internet Workshop of educational games "Through the game - to success!"

We will continue this new rubric. Therefore, we do not say goodbye to you. And we say to you: Until we meet again on the "Native Path".


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