Everything you need to know about stress and strong emotions. Preparing for "The Judgment Night" - everything you need to know about the world of the new series

Our ancestors thought that the world stands on four elephants, and those on a tortoise. But today you can hardly afford such a level of knowledge about the world without being educated person ohm. The site has prepared answers to questions that everyone should know.

Why is the sky blue?

When the sun's rays come through the atmosphere, they encounter barriers in the air - molecules and dust particles. The blue sky is most often due to the fact that the air more scatters light with a short wavelength. This is the wavelength of this color.

Why do women live longer than men?

As scientists from the University of Uppsala found out, this is due to the fact that men lose Y chromosomes in white blood cells with age (women do not have them).

Why is hair electrified?

It's all about static electricity. Objects around us interacting receive an electric charge. The same thing happens with hair. The more often they rub against each other, the more electrified.

Why in England Left side traffic?

The British drive on the left side of the road with XVIII century. There are two versions of why this happened. The first is Roman. According to her in Ancient Rome was left-hand traffic. Due to the fact that they conquered the British Isles in 45, the way of traveling on the roads may have changed. The second is sea, based on which the ships had to bypass other ships on the left side.

Where does the rainbow come from?

Colored stripes appear in the sky after rain. Drops act as a kind of prism and break the light.

Why does hair turn gray?

According to research by scientists from the New York University Medical Center, the cause of gray hair is a lack of Wnt protein. But soon people will be able to avoid and prevent graying. This will be possible if the Wnt protein is subjected to genetic changes.

Dictionary of an educated person:

Authentic- real, real.

Eclecticism- mixing, combining heterogeneous styles, ideas, views. Most often used to describe clothing and interior design.

Assimilation- the fusion of the language, culture and national identity of the two peoples.

Profanation- Distortion of something by abusive treatment or attitude.

frustration- a depressed state of a person. It happens due to failure and lack of self-confidence.

Seditious- one that contains something illegal, forbidden.

Euphemism- a neutral word that is used in speech to replace words and expressions that are considered rude or obscene.

plot- content literary work and the events depicted in it.

A priori- knowledge obtained independently of experience and the study of facts.

Ephemeral- something fleeting, temporary or ghostly.

What does the term "Ghost in the Shell" mean?

The original title of Masamune Shiro's paper manga is "Kôkaku Kidôtai" (1989), but it is known throughout the rest of the world by its English version (proposed, by the way, by the author himself) - "Ghost in the Shell". Unfortunately, such a successful, meaningful and capacious name is practically untranslatable into Russian. The poetic "Ghost in the Shell" sounds nice, but not entirely accurate. Closer in meaning is "Soul in a steel shell" or simply: "Spirit in the flesh."

What is the point? By the 2030s, people have learned to put the human brain in a special capsule, or even completely rewrite it on neurochips that can improve the functioning of the intellect and make any person online without any gadgets. This design was dubbed the cyberbrain.

This was followed by the development of cybertels (they are also shell - “shell”), which can be changed like gloves: the service life of such a device is almost unlimited. In that ideal world every person (who, of course, has money) has become immortal and beautiful.

At the same time, parallel development artificial intelligence- and to distinguish a housekeeping robot from a cyborg with a human brain, the term "spirit" / "soul" (ghost) was introduced. Cybernetic walks along the thin line separating living consciousness from artificial algorithms are just devoted to the film adaptation of the manga by Masamune Shiro.

Five minute opening scene of the film

Who is Motoko Kusanagi?

In film main character"Ghost in the Shell" plays Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson and her name is Mira Killian, let's not spoil why. In the anime, the heroine goes by the pseudonym Motoko Kusanagi (meaning "Striking Sword"), although people around her usually call her just Major (in the film it will be the same).

"Iron Lady" - not only in body, but also in "spirit". Practical, rude, sharp, even arrogant and extremely cold - a professional to the marrow of bones. At the age of six, she survived a plane crash, after which doctors were forced to undergo one of the world's first complete cybernetizations of the body. Then the girl fell under the hood of the government, underwent numerous upgrades and turned into a super-soldier, as well as a perfect woman who does not care about the seductive proportions of her titanium body, but does not give a damn about its capabilities.

Motoko Kusanagi's creation scene in the anime Mamoru Oshii

Mastery of various combat techniques, coupled with the ability to remotely hack everything that moves, allow the Major to solve the most challenging tasks at the head of his elite squad (see below). However, being an ideal killing machine, the girl has a fine mental organization - she has a deep reflection on her own consciousness and the boundaries that separate the artificial from the living in the very confusing world of Ghost in the Shell.

And it looks like a similar scene with Scarlett Johansson. The music was specially composed by Kenji Kawai, the composer of the soundtrack for Oshii films.

What is the Ninth Department in which she serves?

After the Third and Fourth World Wars, the Earth was divided between several political blocs, and the ensuing peace contributed to the fact that great amount cybernated veterans, many of whom are state-owned. As a result, various ministries of the Japanese bureaucratic machine began to race to form detachments from these veterans to protect the country and themselves.

The ninth division of the Japan Public Security Bureau is a division created personally by Major under the patronage of Daisuke Aramaki, who has worked in counterintelligence for several decades. The detachment specializes in the most resonant and dangerous cases of cyberterrorism, as well as in cutting the Gordian knots of the numerous political intrigues of the new Japan.

Who is in Section Nine?

An elite ranger with a huge physical force(and infrared eyes). Remains faithful only to the Major. He is played by Danish actor Pilou Asbek, best known for playing Euron Greyjoy in Game of Thrones and Pontius Pilate in Bekmambet's Ben Hur.

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The only one in the squad (besides Aramaki) one hundred percent person. A real detective and an exemplary family man. Singaporean actor Chin Khan, who plays him, is his man in Hollywood. He can be seen in both Marvel and DC comics.

© Central Partnership / Paramount

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The sniper, who lost his left arm and eye, then received cyber implants and a "falcon's eye" in compensation, which allows him to hit targets at any distance. His role is played by supporting actor Yutaka Izumihara, who previously, for example, played a Tokyo radio operator in Angelina Jolie's Unbroken

© Central Partnership / Paramount

6 out of 6

What other adaptations have the manga had?

The main question is: how to watch it? In reverse order. That is, the first chronologically comes "At the Origins", followed by "The Loner Syndrome", and in the end it is best to watch Oshii's films.

Back to the movie, Michael Pitt was in the trailer. What is he doing there?

The appearance of Michael Pitt's character Hideo Kuze in the film means that Rupert Sanders's (Snow White and the Huntsman) version of Ghost in the Shell will not be a remake of Mamoru Oshii's anime. It will become a collective collage of all available on this moment adaptations of the manga by Masamune Shiro.

At the same time, it was originally planned that Pitt would play "The Laughing Man" - the main antagonist from the first season of "The Loner Syndrome", but then this concept was changed, and Hideo Kuze, the opponent of the Ninth Division from the second season, became the center of attention.

According to the plot, his past is inextricably linked with the Major's past. Together with Motoko, he survived a plane crash as a child, and it was the girl who persuaded him to complete cybernetization of the body. After Kuze turned into a military cyborg, completely devoid of emotions, he went AWOL and became the secret leader of all military refugees in Japan. In the film Kuze, Pitt turned into a hacker, but did not lose his ties with Motoko.

Video about how the very “naked” cybersuit, which starred Scarlett Johansson, works

Was there another scandal involving Scarlett?

Many were outraged that an actress with a European appearance was invited to the role of Motoko Kusanagi, but in the film the heroine is generally called Mira Killian. “I have nothing against Scarlett Johansson. In fact, I'm a fan of hers. But I am strongly against whitewashing this typically Asian role," she wrote on her own.

1. Somewhere, contactless payment with the Mir national card works fine, but somewhere its owner has to insert the card into the terminal to dial the PIN code. What is it connected with?

Of all national cards issued by Russians, 3/4 are contactless, and by the end of this year or in the 1st quarter of 201 they must be supported by the entire terminal network that works with contactless cards.

There are few payment systems that have both their contactless application on the card and their contactless terminal core. "Mir" is one of them, but when we start talking about such a powerful infrastructure (2 million POS-terminals installed throughout the country), it takes some more time to penetrate into all receiving networks and issuing banks.

NPS "MIR" was launched very quickly as payment system, which has its own technological developments and capabilities. And it continues this rapid movement, but some steps must be taken along with the entire market.

2. Shops are mostly equipped with stickers about accepting Visa and MasterCard cards, and the Mir logo can not always be seen. It turns out that in these places payment by national card is impossible?

It is possible that this problem is related to rapid growth. In our country, the acceptance of Mir cards in Russia today is established wherever other cards are accepted, but there is still no solution to the issue of branding, how to distribute stickers in trade and service enterprises. This is a topic literally every day and it will be solved.

3. Can we expect the possibility of paying for purchases with "Mir" via smartphones?

The release of a joint project with NPS with Samsung Pay is already close. Until the end of this year, four banks will be able to load the Mir card into Samsung Pay, and this project will be expanded in the future.

4. Many of the largest foreign online stores have not heard about the Mir card, and they are not accepted for payment. What to do in such cases?

If we talk about international acceptance, then this is perhaps the most problematic moment not only for the NPS, but also for any other payment system. Inside the country, it is possible to reach an agreement with everyone to ensure the acceptance of cards as soon as possible, but the opening of foreign markets for NPS is a slow process.

Now there are several ways to provide direct acceptance of cards on the Internet. It is already possible to order at the bank, where the owner of a national card, a co-badged card, for example, "Mir"-Maestro, with its binding to all known foreign services, is serviced.

There are projects for joint work with leading online stores, the forms of which can be different. For example, it is possible to reach an agreement with large payment services on linking national cards to their wallets. You can negotiate directly with the largest Internet sites on making payments through some Russian bank. For example, famous brand AliExpress has already established work with Mir, although it was not easy to prepare, and it took a lot of time. But every month there are tens of millions of transactions on national cards, and now the NPS MIR logo can be seen on the main page. Unfortunately, it is impossible to quickly establish cooperation with international giant players, here the question of commercial benefits for them comes to the fore.

National card payments bring a 20% discount, but so far this has been implemented only in Moscow and the Moscow Region, but in the first quarter of next year, the loyalty program for national cards will be distributed throughout the country.

We gradual change relations in the world to the NPS, and this is facilitated by the technological baggage created literally within two years. Once again, it is worth emphasizing that only five leading international payment systems have the same proprietary technologies. But there is no time to "hill up" the whole world at once.

5. The attitude of people to the issue of the security of the Mir cards is very skeptical, this, perhaps, is understandable to everyone. You can even give a simple example: a state employee, knowing that the card has no protection - someone "enlightened" him - does not hold money on it. And when the salary comes, he transfers them to the old card left "from better times".

Alas, one has to face even the distrust of bank employees in the Russian payment system. But it is worth emphasizing once again: our defense systems are at least as good as any existing today, moreover, they are above the most modern standards. This applies to the protection of the payment application on the chip, and to the protection of information transmission channels, and to the system of authentication and identification of national card holders.

The "Peace Decree" was adopted on October 26, 1917 - the day after the armed coup - and spoke of the need to conclude a just democratic peace without annexations and indemnities between all warring peoples. It served as the legal basis for a separate agreement with Germany and the other Central Powers.

Publicly, Lenin spoke about the transformation of the imperialist war into a civil war, he considered the revolution in Russia only initial stage world socialist revolution. In fact, there were other reasons as well. The warring peoples did not act according to Ilyich's plans - they did not want to turn their bayonets against the governments, and the allied governments ignored the peace proposal of the Bolsheviks. Only the countries of the enemy bloc that were losing the war went for rapprochement.


Germany declared that it was ready to accept the condition of peace without annexations and indemnities, but only if this peace was signed by all the belligerent countries. But none of the Entente countries joined the peace negotiations, so Germany abandoned the Bolshevik formula, and their hopes for a just peace were finally buried. The talk in the second round of negotiations was exclusively about a separate peace, the terms of which were dictated by Germany.

Betrayal and necessity

Not all Bolsheviks were willing to sign a separate peace. The left was categorically opposed to any agreements with imperialism. They defended the idea of ​​exporting the revolution, believing that without socialism in Europe, Russian socialism is doomed to perish (and the subsequent transformations of the Bolshevik regime proved them right). The leaders of the left Bolsheviks were Bukharin, Uritsky, Radek, Dzerzhinsky and others. They called for guerrilla warfare against German imperialism, and in the future they hoped to wage regular fighting we are creating the Red Army.

For the immediate conclusion of a separate peace was, above all, Lenin. He was afraid of the German offensive and the complete loss of his own power, which, even after the coup, was largely based on German money. It is unlikely that the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was directly bought by Berlin. The main factor was precisely the fear of losing power. If we take into account that a year after the conclusion of peace with Germany, Lenin was ready even for the division of Russia in exchange for international recognition, then the conditions Brest Peace don't seem so humiliating.

Trotsky occupied an intermediate position in the inner-party struggle. He defended the thesis "No peace, no war." That is, he proposed to stop hostilities, but not to sign any agreements with Germany. As a result of the struggle within the party, it was decided to drag out the negotiations in every possible way, expecting a revolution in Germany, but if the Germans present an ultimatum, then agree to all conditions. However, Trotsky, who led the Soviet delegation in the second round of negotiations, refused to accept the German ultimatum. Negotiations broke down and Germany continued to advance. When the peace was signed, the Germans were 170 km from Petrograd.

Annexations and indemnities

Peace conditions were very difficult for Russia. She lost Ukraine and Polish lands, renounced claims to Finland, gave up the Batumi and Kars regions, had to demobilize all her troops, abandon the Black Sea Fleet and pay huge indemnities. The country was losing almost 800 thousand square meters. km and 56 million people. In Russia, the Germans received the exclusive right to freely engage in entrepreneurship. In addition, the Bolsheviks pledged to pay the royal debts of Germany and its allies.

At the same time, the Germans did not comply with their own obligations. After signing the treaty, they continued the occupation of Ukraine, overthrew Soviet power on the Don and helped the White movement in every possible way.

Rise of the Left

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk almost led to a split in the Bolshevik Party and the loss of power by the Bolsheviks. Lenin hardly dragged the final decision on peace through a vote in the Central Committee, threatening to resign. The split of the party did not happen only thanks to Trotsky, who agreed to abstain from the vote, ensuring the victory of Lenin. But this did not help to avoid a political crisis.

The Brest Peace was categorically rejected by the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Party. They left the government, killed the German ambassador Mirbach and raised armed uprising in Moscow. Due to the lack of a clear plan and goals, it was suppressed, but it was a very real threat to the power of the Bolsheviks. At the same time, in Simbirsk, the commander Eastern Front Red Army Socialist-Revolutionary Muravyov. It also ended in failure. Beneficiary

Lenin received the greatest benefit from the Brest Peace. After the annulment of the treaty, his authority grew. He gained fame as a farsighted politician, whose actions helped the Bolsheviks gain time and hold on to power. After that, the Bolshevik party consolidated, and the Left Socialist-Revolutionary party was crushed. The country has a one-party system.

Anna base

Man is an exceptional creature. It is not news that the human body is a complex and intricate system, right? The parts of the body and the daily functions hold amazing facts. The human body has not been fully studied. Consider 15 interesting facts about a person, his body and organs.

What do we know about our body?

human brain- the most complex and not fully explored part of the anatomy. The brain uses the same amount of energy as a 10W light bulb. This internal organ never rests and works more actively at night than during the day. The human brain consumes 20% of the oxygen present in the blood. At a speed of 170 miles per hour, nerve impulses travel from and to the brain. 80% of the human brain is water, so when you feel like you're dehydrated, drink water to keep your brain healthy. Scientists have noted that there is a connection between the brain and body weight: women have 22 g of brain for every kg of body, and men have 20 g. Women have 10 times more white matter in the brain of the head than men. In men, the gray matter is 6.5 times larger than in the fairer sex.

Why biological knowledge and terms, the basics of geography, historical facts, dates and events, including in Russia, is it useful for a modern literate person to know? - precisely for the development and maintenance of the brain in working condition for many years.
They are non-living parts of the body, but people watch them carefully and for a long time. Every day a person loses from 60 to 100 strands of hair. It depends on various factors: time of year, pregnancy, age, diseases. A woman's hair is about half the diameter of a man's hair in thickness. This is necessary to know for general development: Blondes sung by various stories and anecdotes have more hair, and their hair is very thin and thick. Sparse and thick hair - in red people, the "golden mean" are brown-haired and brunettes. On average, the lifespan of a human hair is between 3 and 7 years. In brown-haired men, the beard grows more slowly than in men with blond hair.

The fastest growing nail is the nail on the middle finger. Interesting, isn't it? Compared to fingernails, toenails grow four times slower. Everyone noticed that in warm weather, nails grow much faster. Do not torture yourself with different diets - they will lead to the fact that the growth of nails will stop, and they will become brittle and thin.

The largest organ of the body is the skin. In an adult, its area is 2 m2. The health of a person is judged by the condition of the skin. So, acne on the chin speaks of a failure of hormones in the body, acne on the forehead - about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system. The skin performs respiratory, tactile, heat exchange, regenerating and cleansing functions. The thinnest skin layer (0.5 mm) is located on the eardrums and eyelids, and the thickest is on the soles of the feet (0.5 cm). During the day, the skin releases approximately 1 liter of sweat and 20 g of sebum, creating a protective film on the skin.

How fast do we sneeze? That's right, 100 mph. For this reason impossible to hold when sneezing open eyes . But, if you support the eyelids with your hands, then this can happen. This is an excuse to cover your mouth when you sneeze.
Having a tight bite, it is not recommended to go to musical concert. Why? Yes, for one obvious reason. Solid food affects the ear, and it becomes less perfect.

Men smell worse than women. From birth, women have much better receptors than men. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex remain the best tasters of smell until the end of their lives. According to research, women are able to identify the smell more correctly. So, they more clearly define coffee, citrus, vanilla, cinnamon smells. Newborns recognize their mother's scent. Humans are also able to identify the smell of familiar people. Part of the smell depends on the food, external environment, various hygiene products and genetics.

A person will go without food more time than without sleep. Up to 60 days a person will live without food if there is water. It also depends on some factors, such as the amount of fat in the body. But if a person does not sleep, after sleepless nights there will be changes in his psychology. A person can go 11 days without sleep- exactly this long time which the experimenter experienced. After this time, he could not speak normally, had hallucinations and forgot about his actions.

Surprising things about pregnancy and newborns

You know…? Below are almost everything that absolutely all novice mothers need to know - so, a mandatory list of facts about the baby in the womb and the newly born crumbs:

Fingerprints in a newborn appear during pregnancy in the third month of life. They are imprinted for life.
Your long-awaited baby may cry while in the womb.
Talk to your baby during pregnancy. Studies by British scientists have shown that children with whom mothers talked about adult topics differed. high level intellect. Talk, consult with them, and ask questions in silence.
To facilitate childbirth, you need to sing. Since singing releases the hormone of happiness - endorphin, hearing the mother's singing, the child calms down. So, by singing, reduce the pain during contractions.
Does your baby need noise to fall asleep? Do not wonder. In the womb, the baby adapts to the noise of the body.
Scientists have refuted the hypothesis that in newborns things are mixed into one point and the world is perceived in an altered form. According to the research, it was found that the child sees the mother's face clearly.
Up to seven months, the child breathes and swallows. All this is done at the same time. Adults cannot do this. Newborns breathe only through their nose.
When a human being is born, at that moment there are 14 billion cells in the brain that do not increase and after 25 years they shrink by 100,000 a day.
300 bones are contained in the body of a newborn, while an adult has 206.

Unusual facts about sleep

Sleep is an extraordinary human state. People spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping. This is the time when the brain processes and decides what to forget and what to remember from the retrieved information of the day.

Get a good sleep before something important

how you learned the tickets and go to bed quickly before memorizing. According to psychologists, the character of a person can be judged by the way he sleeps. People sleeping in a ball, fenced off from the outside world. The longest dream was recorded by D. Powell in 1994 - its duration was 3 hours 8 minutes, the man was examined in the American city of Seattle.
The essence of prophetic dreams is also extremely interesting. Scientists have long found that the cerebral cortex becomes less active when a person falls asleep. While he does not know about his illness, in the affected blood cells this news already exists. It is reproduced in the form of dreams and images. According to doctors, it is possible to predict the flu, a cold, 1 or 2 days before the onset of its signs, and an ulcer - 2 to 3 weeks. During research on dreams, British professionals found that For a positive attitude, people need to sleep 7 hours a day.

The table of chemical elements that Mendeleev dreamed of is one of the most famous dream phenomena in science.

Professionals believe that this comes true when a person persistently solves a problem.

Psychological facts

Concentrated attention you hold for ten minutes. So, being present at some meeting, you will listen to the topic, which the speaker tells very well and informatively. You maintain attention for up to 10 minutes, after which it decreases. Take a break for further retention.

We are failed predictors of the future. We overestimate our responses to future actions, whether positive or negative. Professionals figured out interesting thing: People feel that positive events, such as getting married or getting a job, will make them better than they really are. By the same analogy, it seems to us that negative events will cause more despondency, discouragement than it really is.
Many people think that they can do several things at the same time. Scientists have proven that it is impossible. Why? The answer is simple. So, walking with a girlfriend and talking with her, the brain at this time focuses on one main function. It says that we are not able to think about two different things.

People feel much happier when they are busy

Imagine you are at the airport where you have to collect your luggage. You need 10 minutes to get to this place. At the end of the term, you reach and take the suitcase. Please tell me how unrestrained you seem to yourself? Now imagine that you reach this place in 3 minutes and wait 7 minutes to pick it up. On two occasions spent 10 minutes, but were in all likelihood impatient and unhappy the second time around. Thus, if a person believes that he does not need to be active, he is inactive. Although energy is conserved, when we do nothing, we feel more unhappy. So get to work and keep busy.

interesting and amazing facts a lot about a person, because human body and the mind is an extraordinarily complex, truly unique biological machine in which everything is interconnected and, with a healthy body, works smoothly, clearly, and in a balanced way. Every minute, every hour, every day opens the world to man, and to the world of man - we still have a lot to learn about ourselves.


Interested in interesting and surprising factors? Then positively tune in to life, take everything positive from it, take care and keep your health. Study yourself and study this limitless world, develop constantly and daily- make, for example, your own list: values incomprehensible words, smart articles, classical and modern poems, Interesting Facts from history and elementary things that every educated person should know. Choose an area of ​​interest to you and work on it—for example, formulate questions about politics that every erudite person should answer, and try to give detailed, well-founded answers to them. Or 100 questions about animals / birds / fish that any intelligent person should answer - anything, as long as life is interesting, diverse, attractive at 20, 50, and 80 years old.

Good luck, good mood and positive attitude!

February 9, 2014
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