Moral culture. The concept of moral culture

The words "morality", "morality", "ethics" are close in meaning. But they arose in three different languages. concept "ethics"(from the Greek ethos - temper, character, custom) was introduced 2300 years ago by Aristotle, who called "ethical virtues" the qualities of a person manifested in his behavior: courage, prudence, honesty, and "ethics" - the science of these qualities.

concept "morality"(from lat. mores - temper, custom) was introduced by Cicero by analogy with the concepts introduced by Aristotle. concept "moral"(from Russian temper) has been used since the 18th century as a synonym for the first two.

Today, these concepts are used as synonyms, but have shades of meaning:

· morality, morality- values, principles, norms that determine human behavior;

· ethics a) the principles themselves (for example, medical ethics); b) the science of them (the science of morality, morality);

concept "morality" can be used with a negative assessment (for example, misanthropic morality); concept "moral"– only with a positive assessment.

Moral culture is a set of values ​​and norms that regulate relations between people in their Everyday life.

The main aspects of moral culture- these are 1) values ​​and 2) regulators (norms). Values- what the ancients considered ethical virtues (justice, honesty, diligence, patriotism). Moral (moral) regulations- rules of conduct, focused on these values.

In every culture there is a certain system of universally recognized regulations that are considered mandatory for everyone. Such regulations are called moral norms. There are 10 of them in the Old Testament - the "commandments of God" written on the tablets. In the New Testament - 7.

Moral values ​​and regulations are closely related. Any rule implies the presence of the value to which it is directed. For example, honesty is a moral value, the regulative “Be honest” follows from it.

The most important feature morality is the finality of moral values ​​and the imperative nature of moral regulations. The goal of morality is an end in itself, the highest, final goal, which cannot be a means to achieve other goals. Therefore, it is impossible to answer the question "Why strive for moral values?". Imperative means obligatory, obligatory to fulfill.

The main socio-cultural functions of morality:

1. Motivational function. Moral principles (values, norms) motivate human behavior as the reasons for any actions. As a result of upbringing and self-education, attitudes are formed in accordance with which a person does what he should and does not do what he should not do. Therefore, when evaluating a person's act, we evaluate a) its result, the act itself; b) his motive. On the basis of the first and second, the personality itself is evaluated;

2. Constitutive function (from lat. constitus - established, established) affirms the leading role of morality in culture. "The ethical is a constitutive element of culture," wrote A. Schweitzer. Moral values ​​and norms are the main, leading, central in any culture, priority compared to other aspects of culture. Therefore, the criteria of morality are decisive in assessing the achievements of science, politics, art;

3. Coordinating function (follows from the previous one): morality ensures unity, coherence of actions, community of people in a variety of situations. The basic moral principles are of a universally valid nature.

The process of moral development of the individual, the formation of moral culture takes place in 3 stages:

1) Elementary Morality. It is characterized by regulation from the outside. The main motive for moral behavior is fear, fear of punishment for violating norms. The level of morality depends on who gives instructions, instructions;

2) conventional morality. It is also based on external moral regulation, but there is also the development of one's own ideas about good and evil. Conventional morality is oriented towards public opinion. Moral demands are perceived as necessary for fulfillment; there is no critical attitude towards them. A person follows the rules not because he accepts them as binding on himself, but in order to look "good" in the eyes of others. The main motives of moral behavior are shame and honor;

3) Autonomous Morality. It arises as a result of the internalization of public opinion. It is autonomous, as it does not depend on the opinions of other people. A person does good deeds not because they will be praised, rewarded or condemned, but because they arise from an inner need (“I can’t do otherwise”). The main motive of moral behavior is conscience. Shame is an expression of responsibility towards other people; conscience is in front of you.

Morality types:

1) Hedonism- ethics of pleasure. A variety of hedonism is eudemonism, the ethics of happiness (for example, Don Juan). Rigorism- the ethics of duty. The highest moral principle is duty.

2) selfishness(ego- I ) - ethics of life for oneself. From the point of view of an egoist, the good is that which corresponds to the interests of the person himself. Altruiz m(lat. alter - another) - the ethics of life for others.

3) Individualism- recognition of priority personal interests before the public, the autonomy of the individual, non-conformism. Collectivism - dependence on the team, subordination of their interests to the public, conformism.

4) The ethics of struggle is the ethics of cooperation. This typology was introduced by V. Lefebvre.

Basic principles fighting ethics:

1. allow a compromise between good and evil, if it can later be useful for good;

2. the end justifies the means; those. if the end is good, immoral means may be allowed;

3. intransigence, orientation to the struggle in relations with people who take a different position: "Whoever is not with us is against us", "If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed";

Basic principles ethics of cooperation:

1. compromise between good and evil is unacceptable; every deviation from good is condemned;

2. the end does not justify the means; it is impossible to use "bad" means in the name of a "good" goal;

3. Relations between people should be dominated by an orientation towards cooperation, even if they hold different views.

5) Men's ethics - women's ethics. It is due to differences in the requirements for gender behavior of men and women.

Basic principles of modern moral culture:

1. "Golden Rule" of morality . Historically, the first notion of justice is the talion, which is based on the idea of ​​equal retribution. Talion regulated relations between clans. With the collapse of the family around 500 BC. (China, India, Greece) put forward the "golden rule of morality": "Do to others as you would like them to do to you." Unlike the talion, the "golden rule" regulates relations between individuals - it is more fair, since it proceeds from the recognition of the equality of people;

2. Moral autonomy of the individual - the conquest of modern times. The principle of autonomy implies a) respect for a person, b) his self-respect, c) responsibility for the consequences of his actions, d) freedom in choosing his behavior;

3. Humanism, which is understood as a) philanthropy, concern for his happiness and well-being; b) rejection of all forms of violence against a person; c) equality of people, social and natural human rights to life, freedom, health protection, spiritual development, etc. The beginning of the ideas of humanism in European culture was the Renaissance.

human history- a contradictory process, where there is a lot of evil and violence against a person. However, the development of humanistic relations is the only way for the further development of mankind.


1. Karmin A.S. Culturology. Culture of social relations [Text] / A.S. Karmin. St. Petersburg: Lan, 2000. - 128 p.

2. Ethics: Textbook [Text] / Under the general editorship of A.A. Huseynova and E.L. Dubko. – M.: Gardariki, 2004. – 496 p.

2.5 Political culture

Politics - area human relations and interactions about power. In this case, power is understood as the highest, sovereign power in society, which belongs to the state.

Political culture is a set of regulations and values ​​that determine the participation of people in political life.

Political culture is formed in society under the influence of socio-economic conditions that give rise to people's need for power to ensure order in society, protect the life and property of citizens, their rights and freedoms. That power is the state.

Political culture is determined by features national culture. And any state power is stable as long as it enjoys the support of the people.

Political culture is expressed in political behavior. There are different types of political behavior . So, M. Weber distinguishes:

1) politicians on occasion- they are all people, because they participate in elections, rallies and demonstrations, less often - in riots, revolutions; they are especially numerous in turning points stories;

2) "part-time" policies- more or less active members of parties, proxies of deputies, members of advisory bodies. But politics is not for them the main business of life, either materially or spiritually;

3) "professional politicians"- people for whom political activity is the main life occupation: representatives of state power, party functionaries, public figures. M. Weber also divides them into those who:

a) lives "at the expense of politics", that is, for them politics is a profession and a source of income;

b) lives "for politics", that is, they see the meaning of their life in the implementation of political ideas.

Functions political culture:

1) it forms the attitude of people to the existing power. Power is recognized as legitimate (legitimate) when it causes a positive attitude of people. Legitimation of the existing power is the main task of politics;

2) it determines the political organization of society, that is, its state structure. The state may be:

By its structure: unitary and federal;

By form of government: monarchy or republic.

The political organization includes not only the state structure, but also the entire system of political relations in the country, various non-state social forces: parties, political movements, movements, election blocs, the media, trade unions; religious, youth and other associations of citizens.

Types of political culture are determined in accordance with the typology of legitimate power proposed by M. Weber. M. Weber allocate 3 types of power :

1) traditional, based on the belief in sacredness existing customs;

2) charismatic power based on the belief of people in the special, extraordinary qualities of the ruler, given to him by nature or fate, by God;

3) legal power based on a rational system of legal norms.

Accordingly, allocated 3 types of political culture :

1) Legal culture of the traditional type: traditional power is considered legitimate. This type of power is characteristic of patriarchal societies. Society is likened to a family, where the ruler is the father, and the subjects are the children who must love him and obey unquestioningly. The level of freedom is extremely low, as is the level political activity;

2) Legal culture of a charismatic type: charismatic power is considered legitimate. The ruler has indisputable authority based on faith in his supernatural abilities. It is characteristic of transitional eras and is based, like the first, on personal relationships. The main source of laws is the ruler, who is often deified and becomes the object of a sacred cult (Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Napoleon, Gandhi, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, etc.);

3) Legal culture of legal type: legal authority is recognized as legitimate. Management is carried out with the help of a bureaucratic apparatus. Power is impersonal, since it does not belong to a specific person, but to positions that are elective. characteristic of modern societies.

There are two models of legal culture, which correspond to two kinds political regimes - totalitarian and democratic.

1) totalitarian model (from lat. totalitas - integrity, whole), her traits:

concentration of power in the hands of one person - the leader of the ruling party;

fusion of the party apparatus with the state,

non-legal nature of the state;

Use of administrative-command methods of management;

total state control over all spheres of society, including the private life of citizens;

Lack of political pluralism, unanimity;

· the great importance of ideology, which acts as a "quasi-religion", substantiating the legitimacy of power;

lack of freedom of speech, censorship of the press;

restriction of the rights and freedoms of the individual;

dominance of collective interests over personal ones;

the priority of ideological values ​​over all others;

the supremacy of politics over economics;

xenophobia (hostile attitude towards everything alien);

Lack of personal initiative, initiative, etc.;

2) Democratic model, its features:

controllability of the state power to the population;

electivity and turnover of state power;

the legal nature of the state;

political pluralism, the presence of various political organizations;

· separation of powers;

· the interests of the individual dominate the interests of the state;

freedom of speech and press;

high social activity of the masses;

· restriction of state intervention in the private life of citizens, in the life of civil society, etc.


1. Weber M. Politics as a vocation and profession [Text] / M. Weber // Weber M. Selected works. - M., 1990.

2. Karmin A.S. Culturology. Culture of social relations [Text] / A.S. Carmine - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2000. - 128 p.

3. Malkova T.P., Frolova M.A. Weight. Elite. Leader [Text] / T.P. Malkova, M.A. Frolova. - M.: Knowledge, 1992. - 40 p.

2.6 Legal culture

Law is a specialized sphere of culture, in which the content and purpose of the activity of all subjects is to ensure social order and the protection of human rights through laws.

Law in its meaning in the life of society is close to morality, as it regulates the behavior and relations of people, but

Morality is older, arose long ago; law arises together with the class stratification of society and the emergence of the state;

· Compliance with legal norms is controlled by public authorities, is mandatory, and their violation must be punished. Morality is not of such a coercive, obligatory character;

Morality is the "internal" regulator of human behavior; law - "external", state.

Nevertheless, law must be subject to moral requirements: good laws are laws that do not contradict morality established in society.

Legal culture is a complex of regulations and values ​​on which the legal order that actually exists in the country is built.

The first legal documents in the world that arose at the dawn of civilization were the laws of King Hammurabi, carved on basalt pillars and including 282 articles (XVIII century BC); in India - "Laws of Manu", including 2685 articles written in rhythmic prose (I century BC). The first legal documents are based on the idea talion- the punishment should be equal to the crime ("an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"). Ancient law bears the features of class stratification, serves to protect wealth and property. The extreme cruelty of punishments is characteristic: chopping off the head, drowning, impalement, self-mutilation.

A significant step in the development of legal culture was made in antiquity, especially in Ancient Rome. Laws are based on the principle of equality of all free citizens before the law. There are different areas of law: civil, administrative, criminal, family. The litigation process is regulated. Roman law formed the basis of European law.

Functions of legal culture:

1. legal culture determines the nature and forms of legislation existing in the country;

2. conditions the actions of the authorities, i.e. their attitude to the laws they create, observance of laws and control over the observance of laws by the population;

3. determines the legal behavior of the population, i.e. determines the extent to which the citizens of the country know the laws, observe them, enjoy their rights and fulfill their duties.

Accordingly, in the legal culture there are 3 main aspects:

I. Legislative culture, which is currently being built in accordance with the following principles:

1) the principle of social justice (punishment must be commensurate with the crime);

2) the principle of equality (equality of all citizens before the law);

3) the principle of protecting the rights of the individual (protection of the rights of the individual from encroachment by the state);

4) the principle of unity of rights and duties (there are no rights without duties, and vice versa);

5) the presumption of innocence (every person is considered innocent of anything, unless proven otherwise).

II. legal culture of power: executive, legislative, judicial power must act in the interests of the people, the people, the entire population of the country, and not in their own interests.

Basic requirements for the legal culture of power:

laws should be created and changed in accordance with the needs and interests of the people ;

The authorities are obliged to strictly maintain law and order ;

· Punishment must be inevitable and rehabilitating (an ideal that is still unattainable in modern society).

III. legal culture of the population - the most important component of legal culture. If the legal culture of the population is low, then the authorities a) either allow permissiveness, leading to mass disorder; b) or forced to resort to the use of force, terror.

Requirements for the legal culture of the population:

1. Respect for the law. The lack of such respect is a characteristic feature of the legal culture of the population in Russia, which is reflected in the well-known Russian proverb "The law that draws - where you turn, it went there." Distrust of the law, due to all the features of national history; disenfranchisement of the individual, subordination to the interests of the state, lack of human dignity– features of legal culture in Russia;

2. Law Knowledge. You need to know the laws because

a) ignorance of the laws does not exempt from responsibility, and knowledge can help not to commit a crime;

b) a person who does not know the laws may be a victim of deception, fraud by other people;

3. Appeal to the law. It is necessary to resolve conflicts that arise between people within the framework of the law, and not through threats, scandals and other means. For example, in modern Western countries Every middle-class family has its own lawyer. "Contact my lawyer" is the first reaction of a person who is confronted with the legal authorities. There are currently more than 700,000 lawyers in the United States, and suing someone is a fairly common occurrence for the average American.


1. Karmin A.S. Culturology. Culture of social relations [Text] / A.S. Carmine - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2000. - 128 p.

2. Obolonsky A.V. Russian drama political history: system against personality [Text] / A.V. Obolonsky. – M.: Lawyer, 1994. – 352 p.


Lecture #13

Morality as an element of spiritual culture

1. Morality in people's lives.

2. The world of moral values.

3. Moral culture.


*"Activity of a major scientist" (at the student's choice)

“Achievements and prospects for the development of a certain science” (physics, chemistry, biology, etc. - taking into account the interests of the student).

1. Introductory-motivational stage

Without Kindness, it would be too crowded for us,

Without Kindness, it would be dark for us ...

Only with Kindness there is enough space in the heart.

To love and remember anyway.

And even if everything has long cooled down,

Kindness will help us survive

All that in the heart of pain ached for a long time,

To forgive the guilty again.

Only with Kindness are capable of Compassion,

And we are ready to serve Mercy for a century,

And to be the likeness of creation

Required with good heart live.

What do you think, what will be discussed today?

1. Morality in people's lives

Imagine that now, leaving the class, I would say to you: “I'm leaving for 20 minutes, and you can do whatever you want. You won't get anything for it." What would you do. Naturally, at such moments, a person has a desire to crush, break the weight around. Yes, there is a certain genius of destruction in man. But would everyone rush to break furniture, draw on the walls? What is holding you back? Still, there is something that holds us back from such actions. This something is morality, morality.

This is what will be discussed in today's lesson.

Such concepts as morality and morality show us what is humane in a person. How is it different from an animal? Morality and ethics are studied by such a science as ethics.

Morality is a set of rules and norms that determine the relationship of a person to society (society) and vice versa.

Morality is also the regulator of social life. Why do we not throw out aggression, but restrain ourselves? And morality holds us back. We fear being judged by society and want to stick to its rules and boundaries. Morality - like a narrow dress, it seems to be tight in it, but on the other hand, it protects from condemnation, censure.

Moral-specific sphere of culture, in which high ideals and strict norms of behavior are concentrated and generalized, regulating human behavior and consciousness in various areas of public life. life-work, everyday life, politics, science, family, personal, state relations

Another type of personality behavior is the resolution of moral situations that require the active involvement of moral ideas and ethical categories. Ethical categories are the fundamental concepts of morality, reflecting the events of life in terms of the most general moral assessments.

2. World of moral values.

assessment of murder in different historical eras- from antiquity to the present - or the attitude towards usury in the Middle Ages and subsequent periods of history).

Another moral category is category of debt. At the level of public opinion (consciousness), it presents the totality of a person's obligations to society, and at the level of individual consciousness - the individual's understanding of these duties and acceptance of them. The demand for duty is the moral foundation of social discipline.

An important moral category is conscience, reflecting the ability of the individual to an emotional assessment of the actions committed and performed by her, correlated with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe proper. Conscience is the "guard post" of society in the individual consciousness. It is no coincidence that Hitler spoke of

“chimera of conscience”, arguing that “conscience, like education, spoils people”: manipulation of a person is possible only if conscience is turned off. The degradation of the personality has always begun with the manifestation of shamelessness. Conscience protects society and people from undesirable actions, awakening in them a painful state called the voice or remorse of conscience.

Categories honor and dignity personalities reflect the recognition of the value of a person based on the presence of some obligatory features: nobility, readiness for selflessness, a certain restraint and compliance with the rules adopted by one or another person in relations with other people.

different reference group.

category of happiness captures the experiences of a person who is satisfied with his activities, his position and the prospects that open up. History knows the most various interpretations happiness. It is clear that the achievement of this state provides a continuous process of life; stopping it for one reason or another immediately creates a feeling of discomfort.

Finally, moral ideal- this is the idea of ​​a perfect system moral standards embodied in the activities and behavior of the individual.

It is clear that the moral culture of the individual will be different in different people. Why do you think? (factors that determine the level of moral culture: low general culture of people; belonging to different groups and layers; various interests, goals of their life and work; differences in the degree of moral feelings, empathy)

What qualities are most valuable to you?

Each was born as if “in draft”, conditionally called “man”. But really everyone still needs to earn this name. What do you think should be done to achieve this?

In everyday life, the implementation of moral norms and requirements, the implementation of the moral ideal encounter a number of difficulties and obstacles. Some of them are related to the low general culture of people who do not perceive certain ethical categories (honor, duty, conscience, etc.). Other difficulties are related to the fact that people belong to different social groups that have unequal fundamental interests and goals of their lives. and behaviour. This leads to the fact that there is a clash and opposition of life positions and their reflections in the world.

al practice of moral life. Egoistic group and individualistic ideals and goals make general social tasks and interests recede into the background or disappear altogether from the horizon. People quite often swear by them, but act according to their specialized individual and group programs. Finally, the bad manners of a person manifests itself in the absence of her own moral experience of general social moral requirements and norms, in the lack of sensitivity to the position and state of mind of other people and whole social groups(in ethics, this phenomenon is usually called paralysis of empathy, that is, empathy).

  • - Moral culture.

    Relevance this direction is determined by the following circumstances: - there was a loss (partial or complete) of moral ideals, devaluation of fundamental values ​​- kindness, compassion, conscience. The orientation towards ideals based on the principles of... [read more]

  • - Moral. Moral culture of the individual.

    Morality plays a special role in regulating the life of society and human behavior. Morality (from Latin moralis, mores - moral, relating to temper, character) - form public consciousness, consisting of a system of values ​​and requirements that regulate people's behavior. On the issue... [read more]

  • - Modern moral culture and moral values

    In the 19th century moral culture was theoretically substantiated in the morality of the so-called " reasonable selfishness". In practice, it was realized in the rationalized norms of bourgeois morality, based on Christian precepts. At the same time, it came to the fore ... [read more]

  • - Moral. Moral culture

    [read more]

  • - Moral. Moral culture

    Since ancient times, people began to think about the meaning of actions, their evaluation, about the soul of a person and his inner world, about “what is good and what is bad” (that is, about good and evil). Good is the main moral shrine, showing the content of moral values. Her...

  • 2) the structure of moral culture.

    The term "moral culture" was formed on the basis of two concepts "morality" and "culture". Morality, as you know, is the practical embodiment of moral ideals, goals and attitudes in various forms of social life, in the culture of people's behavior and relations between them. The very word "culture", as you know, comes from the Latin "cultura", which in translation into Russian means cultivation, processing, improvement, education, upbringing. The subject of culture, its bearer are both society as a whole and its structural formations: nations, classes, social strata, professional communities and each person individually. And in all these cases, culture acts as a qualitative characteristic of the degree of perfection of any sphere of human life and of the person himself. Man is the subject and object of culture. The specificity of culture lies in the fact that it reveals the qualitative side of human activity, showing how the latter acts as the realization of the creative potential of a person, how much this activity meets certain requirements and norms.

    The level of moral development of society and the individual can be different: high or low, since the degree of assimilation of moral values ​​developed by society, and in particular their implementation in practice at different times, is different. When this degree, this level is high, we are talking about a high moral culture of society and vice versa.

    In the moral consciousness of the individual, two levels can be distinguished: theoretical (rational) and psychological (sensual). Both of them are closely related to each other, influence each other and allow the most complete and deep, mind and heart to evaluate social phenomena from the position of good and evil and influence the actions and deeds of a person from the same positions. However, it would be a mistake not to notice the differences between them. The content of the theoretical, or rational, level of moral consciousness is ethical knowledge, views and ideals, principles and norms, moral needs. The content of this level of moral consciousness is formed purposefully both by the relevant public state institutions (kindergarten, school, university, service team), and by the efforts of the individual himself. Elements of this level are more stable, they are more closely connected with political and legal consciousness. They are deeper and more fundamental, because they reflect the most significant connections, patterns, trends in the moral life of society. It is precisely because of this that they can control and orient, restrain the moral feelings and emotions of the individual. Moral needs, being, like beliefs, the result of the activity of the mind and heart, become an important goal of the transmission mechanism from moral consciousness to moral behavior.

    The culture of moral needs is such a level of their development that expresses the constant desire of an employee of the State Fire Service to consciously and disinterestedly fulfill his civic and official duty, to comply with the requirements of public morality and fire ethics in everyday work and off-duty activities. The more sublime the moral needs are, the higher the level of moral qualities.

    As noted above, the second level of moral consciousness is psychological or sensory level. Sometimes it is called the level of ordinary moral consciousness. It includes a rich range of moral feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes, ideas about moral and immoral, moral rules, mores, customs, etc., developed and fixed by a person in the process life experience This is a kind of primary elements of moral consciousness. In feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes, the formation of the moral position of the individual takes place emotionally and directly. Sometimes this manifests itself very impulsively: a person rejoices or gets angry, cries or laughs, falls into prostration, closes, and sometimes, as they say, gives free rein to his hands. Moral feelings are very numerous, and are classified according to the most different grounds. Some divide them according to the vital sphere of manifestation: moral-political, moral-labor, moral-combat, actually moral. The other three groups are situational, intimate, and feelings of social experience. Still others classify based on the depth of experiences.

    For example, intimate feelings are feelings of love, friendship, fidelity, hatred or devotion, etc. They arise in relations with other people, they express sympathy and antipathy, likes and dislikes.

    Feelings of social experience have a completely different character. They, in fact, are moral and political feelings, because they reflect attitudes not so much to other people, but to phenomena of great civic sound: this is a feeling of patriotism and internationalism, collectivism and solidarity national pride etc. They are complex in their content, diverse in their manifestation, and rather represent a fusion of the personal and the public. It should also be emphasized that, unlike, for example, intimate feelings, which are mobile and dynamic, moral and political feelings are more stable and stabilized.

    Moral culture



    2. Morality

    3. Moral culture




    Every person almost daily directly or indirectly encounters the concept of culture. Wherever we are, we see or hear all sorts of phrases and statements directly or indirectly related to this concept. For example, often at the sight of a large and noisy company of young people expressing obscenely and boorishly, an old woman passing by quite boldly declares to them: “What kind of uncivilized you guys are,” or “Young people have gone - immoral.”

    Whether we like it or not, everything that surrounds us and everything with which we are essentially connected is culture. This concept has firmly entered our life and under no circumstances will we put it aside in a distant dark corner.

    While we have heard the word culture so often, few of us can boast that we have been interested in or even deeply studied this concept. Most often, we limit ourselves to just comprehending our understanding of a concept and do not strive for more. And in my opinion this is not entirely correct. That is why I would like to study deeper and reveal some concepts for myself.

    Based on the topic I have chosen, it follows that at the beginning of my work I set myself the following specific tasks: to give a clear and, in my opinion, correct concept of culture, morality, and most importantly, as a consequence (in my opinion) of the above, the concept of moral culture.

    It seems to me that the topic I have chosen is quite relevant and interesting. Long before I came and still long years"moral culture" lived and will live after me, it will help people learn and become personalities, it will guide them to take the right step, from its point of view, and if a person can understand its urges and appreciate its contribution to the everyday life of not only a single individual , but of the entire human race as a whole, then I believe that humanity will have hope for a bright and holy future, because, in my opinion, it is in moral culture that the guarantee of peace and human well-being.

    1. Culture

    Culture is one of the most important areas of social life. In the concept of "culture", a person and his activity act as a synthesizing basis, since culture itself is a creation of a person, the result of his creative efforts. But in human culture, not only an acting, but also a changing being itself.

    The beginnings of culture are found at the very early stages the historical existence of people, the first ideas about it become possible at a fairly high level public and spiritual development. People have always lived in culture, although they did not immediately become aware of it. As long as a person in his life depended on purely natural circumstances not yet transformed by labor, he ascribed the decisive role in his life not to himself, but to these circumstances, which he turned into an object of religious reverence, or cult. Mythological and religious cultures of antiquity, deifying natural forces and elements, endowed nature with purely human properties - consciousness, will, and the ability to predetermine the course of events. Only with their further development did people begin to realize that much in their lives depends on themselves, on how they think and act. The first, at first indefinite and vague, ideas about culture are connected with this. It was enough, for example, to see the reason good harvest not at the mercy of the gods, but as tillage, to distinguish between cult as the deification of nature and culture as its cultivation and improvement. The very presence of "culture" in the language testifies to a person's understanding of his special and independent role in the world, only his characteristic activity, not reducible to the action of both natural and divine forces. The appearance of this word meant the birth of the "cult" of the man himself, who replaced all other cults of antiquity.

    The subject of cultural history has its own content and specificity in a number of historical disciplines. The history of culture presupposes, first of all, a comprehensive study of its various areas - the history of science and technology, education and social thought, folklore and literary criticism, the history of art, etc. in relation to them, the history of culture acts as a generalizing discipline that considers culture complete system in the unity and interaction of all its areas.

    Culture literally translates as cultivation, processing, care, improvement. In the most ancient Latin texts, the use of this word is associated with agriculture. Cicero used the term culture to characterize human spirit. His saying “philosophy is the culture of the soul” is widely known; subsequently, the use of the word “culture” in the meaning of upbringing, education, enlightenment becomes traditional.

    The desire to use the word "culture" not to refer to individual directions, methods and results of human transformative activity, but to everything that was created by him, was outlined in the 17th century, in line with the development of German educational thought. The first author to use the term "culture" in this new, broad sense, was Samuel Puffendorf (1632-1694).

    "... The upbringing of the human race is a process both genetic and organic - thanks to the assimilation and application of the transmitted. We can call this human genesis in the second sense, we can call it culture, that is, the cultivation of the soil, or we can remember the image of light and call enlightenment…"

    So, by culture, we mean the totality of all material values, all knowledge and experiences, all practical experience, aimed at solving the triune task - the reproduction, preservation and improvement of human life. No sphere of life - be it economics or politics, family or education, art or morality - is impossible outside of culture.

    2. Morality

    Before talking about moral culture, let's consider such concepts as ethics, morality, morality.

    Currently, all of them at the household level are used as identical. However, with scientific point of view, ethics is called science, where the concepts of good and evil are system-forming. Morality should be understood as a set of norms and rules of decent behavior. Morality is the practice of such behavior. Thus, a three-stage structure is built up: ethics as a science, morality as a set of prescriptions for doing good, morality as a practice of good behavior.

    All these concepts together constitute the essence of moral culture. Culture, in its modern sense, is the process of creating, storing, distributing and mastering material, spiritual and socio-political values. In personal terms, culture is the level, degree, value of mastering the values ​​of three orders (material, spiritual, socio-political).

    Moral culture is a powerful factor in the formation of a person's personality, transforming and enriching his needs, inner world for the better.

    I can't help but agree famous philosopher Karl Popper:

    "Man has created many worlds - the worlds of language, poetry, science. But perhaps the most important of them is the world of morality, the world of moral values ​​and prescriptions, the world of moral requirements - freedom, equality, mercy."

    Morality is a set of unwritten rules that determine the good behavior of a person. It is based on morals, that is, the voluntary agreement of people who are trying to correlate their feelings, aspirations and actions with life attitudes other people, with the interests and dignity of the whole society.

    *Value is a vital and practical setting of an individual's behavior, expressing what is significant for him. One person puts honor above life, another yearns for freedom, a third insists on the invincibility of goodness, a fourth praises the all-conquering feeling - love.

    For many centuries philosophers, religious thinkers, teachers of life have shown interest in moral and ethical problems. The moral feeling inherent only in man made it possible to realize his difference from animals. Moral feeling largely determined human actions. Consistent with it, people built their relationship with nature, with other people, with society as a whole. Finally, moral standards helped to choose a decent way of life. Many thinkers in morality saw the way to God.

    Morality (from Latin moralis - "moral") - the area of ​​moral values, which is recognized by people, the moral life of the people. The content of this sphere, its specifics change over time and are different for different peoples. In the morality of all peoples and at all times one can find universal human values, moral principles and prescriptions.

    Morality (from Latin moralis - "moral") morality, a system of norms and value ideas that determine and regulate human behavior. Unlike a simple custom or tradition, moral norms are justified in the form of ideals of good and evil, due, justice, etc.

    Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900) believed that morality is an innate human property that distinguishes it from animals. "The basic feelings of shame, pity and reverence are in the realm of possible moral relations man to what is below him, what is equal to him and what is above him," he wrote in his book "The Justification of the Good." The Russian thinker compared moral philosophy with a guidebook that paints places worth visiting, but at the same time does not say where to go. People themselves decide where to direct their steps. Therefore, according to Solovyov, "no exposition of moral norms, i.e., conditions for achieving true life purpose, cannot make sense for a person who consciously set himself not this, but a completely different goal "...

    "Golden Rule of Morality": "Do to others the way you would like others to do to you."

    Moral culture

    I believe, I am sure that many also believe that the culture of the individual is entirely based on his moral culture in the broadest sense. Moral culture implies both respect for tradition, generally accepted patterns of behavior, and the ability to find one's own, creative solution. In those cases when we are faced with "eternal" problems, universal situations, such as birth and death, illness and health, youth and old age, love and marriage, it is very important to listen to tradition, to act in accordance with etiquette. This is how life is built. And on how high the level of culture of society, its development and progress largely depend.

    Moral culture is represented by the subjects of society and their relationships. It includes: a) signs and elements of the culture of moral consciousness of the subjects of society; b) culture of behavior and communication; c) culture moral deeds and activities. Moral culture correlates with other types of culture of the material and spiritual life of society, but above all it is opposed to the antipodes of morality: evil, inequality, injustice, dishonor, lack of dignity and conscience, and other antimoral phenomena.

    In terms of content, moral culture is the development of moral consciousness and worldview of the subjects of society; the unity of the morally proper and the morally existing; manifestation in the system of behavior, communication and activity of the norms of goodness, honor, conscience, duty, dignity, love, interaction, etc.; implementation of life on the principles of humanism, democracy, hard work, social equality, a combination of reasonable egoism (dignity) and altruism, peacefulness.

    Moral culture is also the effectiveness of the moral regulation of people's lives, the complementarity of moral and legal regulation, adherence to the "golden rule of morality", the rules of etiquette.

    Everywhere there are talks and many are even convinced that public and personal morality is currently experiencing a severe crisis. There are many things to worry about. And the growth of crime, and social injustice, and the collapse of the ideals that served as the official pillar of morality. It is quite obvious that moral culture cannot be any high if the social system is inefficient and ignores the demands of justice and common sense.

    There is a need to make adjustments to the relationship between people through moral culture, which is a factor in the development of a reasonable society, becoming more and more obvious every day.

    Our mind has a way direct impact to the material world. This, as they sometimes say, is a manifestation of the triumph of thought over matter. The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov said: "Man is the only system that is able to regulate itself within wide limits, that is, to improve itself." It is important to note here that much depends on us.

    If we want our civilization to survive, it is necessary to prevent such incidents as soon as possible. That is why our duty, our sacred duty is to create a new idea of ​​ourselves and consciousness through moral culture, so that, guided by this new model in practice, humanity was able not only to survive, but to be at a more perfect level of being.

    Of course, the cracks in the moral culture of society are obvious, so, in my opinion, the moral culture of communication can serve as an example, faced with various misunderstandings between people when communicating almost every day.

    The moral culture of communication presupposes the presence of moral convictions, knowledge of moral norms, readiness for moral activity, common sense, especially in conflict situations.

    Moral communication is an expression of the content and level of the spiritual image of a person.

    The moral culture of communication is a unity of moral consciousness and behavior. This often requires selflessness and self-control from a person. And when it comes to the Motherland, patriotism, a sense of duty, then the ability of self-sacrifice.

    The moral culture of communication is divided into: 1) internal and 2) external.

    Internal culture is moral ideals and attitudes, norms and principles of behavior, which are the foundation of the spiritual image of the individual. These are the spiritual foundations on which a person builds his relationships with other people in all spheres of public life. The internal culture of the individual plays a leading, determining role in the formation of the external culture of communication, in which it finds its manifestation. The ways of such manifestation can be diverse - the exchange of greetings with other people, important information, the establishment of various forms of cooperation, relations of friendship, love, etc. Internal culture is manifested in manners of behavior, ways of addressing a partner, in the ability to dress without causing criticism from others.

    The internal and external culture of moral communication are always interconnected, complement each other and exist in unity. However, this relationship is not always obvious. There are quite a few people who, behind their seeming lack of sociability, some secrecy, reveal spiritual rich personality, ready to respond to your request, to provide assistance, if necessary, etc. At the same time, there are such individuals who hide their miserable and dishonorable essence behind an external gloss.

    There are many examples in life when for some people the outer side of communication becomes an end in itself and is actually a cover for achieving selfish and selfish goals. A variety of such behavior are hypocrisy, hypocrisy, conscious deceit.

    Recognition of the value of a person is closely related to the specific assessments of people entering into communication. Many of the difficulties that arise in the process of communication are generated by the discrepancy between the self-esteem of the individual and its assessment by others. As a rule, self-esteem is always higher than the assessment of others (although it can be underestimated).

    The holy fathers said: a person is formed from childhood, even from the womb, and not when he finishes school. And now special attention should be paid to education in our school, it is the main institution that educates the younger generation. Alas, the school has now lost its educational moment, it gives only the sum of knowledge, but we must remember that behind the school bench it is decided not only whether a young person will learn to count and write, but also how he will grow up. How he perceives the world, how he treats his neighbor, how he evaluates all actions.

    Therefore, even from the school bench, it is necessary to conduct moral conversations with children. Starting from the age of two, the child enters the scope of moral norms. Knows what is good and what is bad. First, adults, and then peers, begin to make sure that he observes certain forms of behavior. If you inspire a child that it is necessary to take care of those who need it, to help a person who is in pain or grief, we can safely say that the child will grow up caring, understanding the pain and grief of others. This does not require any special tricks and methods, you just need to demonstrate more often positive examples. Moral conversations teach to see the advantages and disadvantages of one's own behavior and the behavior of others in everyday life and in public places (on the street, in transport, in a store); learn the concepts of "fair - unfair", "fair - unfair", "right - wrong"; form a "code of honor", the ability to act fairly, to subordinate their desires to common interests.

    Fairy tale - the first piece of art, which allows the child to experience a sense of belonging to the grief and joy of heroes, to hate greed and treachery, to passionately desire the victory of good. The fairy tale expands the moral experience of the child.

    There are not enough good, moral topics on television and a lot of things that destroy the soul, bring some kind of confusion, temptation. Television should have a creative force, help build our state, and build it strong. And a strong state cannot be without morality, without faith, without love for the Fatherland and neighbor.

    Religion and morality are closely linked. Religion is impossible without morality, and morality is impossible without religion. Faith without works is dead. Only demons believe with such faith (they believe and tremble). True faith (living, not dead) cannot exist without good deeds. Just as a naturally fragrant flower cannot but be fragrant, so true faith cannot but be evidenced by good morals. In turn, morality without a religious foundation and without religious light cannot exist and will certainly wither, like a plant deprived of roots, moisture and sun. Religion without morality is like a barren fig tree; morality without religion is like a cut down fig tree.

    culture moral life society


    In conclusion, I would like to summarize all of the above. After studying the literature, she answered the questions posed. She defined for herself a clear concept of moral culture, its role in public life and significance for a person.

    Identified "vices" of the moral culture of modernity

    "Save your soul, start with yourself, and thousands of people around you will change." In fact, you must first get rid of the problem in yourself.

    The value and significance of moral culture, as well as morality, is found in the behavior, communication and activities of people, in public opinion, personal example.

    Thus, moral culture is the most important element of their culture traditional for a person and society.

    The world community is paying more and more attention to the state of culture. It is understood primarily as the content and process of people's life, the result of their active and purposeful, although not always expedient and successful, productive activity. social activity. Culture is one of the leading signs of a planetary civilization, it distinguishes the life of people from the life of other living beings on earth and possible extraterrestrial civilizations.

    Culture is a fundamental, historically long-acting indicator of people's creativity, correlating the levels and quality of development of communities and individual peoples, a criterion for assessing the historical path and the prospects of major social subjects, each individual person. Culture is "second nature".

    It was created by people, points to fundamentally different laws and factors of the functioning of society (both planetary and specific peoples, states), in contrast to natural (first) nature. It is important to emphasize that the second nature as culture includes not only material and physical, but also spiritual (ideal) elements. This provision also distinguishes culture from nature. Spiritual-subjective abilities and properties of people are manifested in culture.

    Prospects for the development of world society in the XX-XXI centuries are increasingly determined crisis phenomena that arise in the bosom of culture as its antipodes and indicators of human cultural imperfection. One of such complex problems is the increase in the aggressiveness of a person, the increase in destructiveness, the anti-cultural nature of his behavior and activities, not only in relation to the natural, but also to the artificial, created by the person himself, the social environment and the people themselves. The modern type of personality is acquiring more and more menacing and dangerous inconsistency and duality. This position does not characterize all of humanity, but the trend is quite clear and stable.


    There is a lot of talk about culture these days. But few people think about what this word means. This word originally meant "cultivation of the earth." And since ancient times, having received his land as a gift from God, a person had to cultivate it, reaping the fruits needed to sustain life.
    Culture is multifaceted. We can talk about work culture, culture interpersonal relationships, national and linguistic culture or, for example, the culture of football.
    There are many different cultures, but the basis is always the cultivation of meaning, the work of ordering chaos. And in this aspect, "cult" and "culture" are not only words with the same root.
    Spirituality is at the heart of any culture, and we must remember that spiritual chaos is much worse than material chaos. Any material chaos can be overcome.
    The terrible wars of the twentieth century are behind us. We live, it would seem, in a peaceful and prosperous time. But spiritual problems remain, even increased. The consumer spirit dominates in society, the predominance of the economy over morality, an overabundance of information put pressure on the psyche and soul of a person. Strong family ties are being lost, mass culture dominates, with its pathos of pleasure, show business and a beautiful “game of life”. But behind the mask of this imaginary luxury lies emptiness and destructive lack of spirituality. And if earlier illnesses of the body, bodily illnesses prevailed, today mental illnesses prevail, many people suffer from despondency, sadness, rush about and find no place for themselves. Desolation reigns in their hearts.
    Many of these issues are relevant. I am not a supporter of apocalyptic sentiments and I believe that it is unacceptable to fall into panic and extremes, but to fight evil, to cultivate the good qualities of the soul.
    It is vitally important for us now to make as much effort as possible in order to be able to preserve and pass on to the descendants the language, culture and traditions of our people. Upbringing, education is not only the formation of the mind, but also the heart.
    The spiritual formation of society is a laborious and long-term process.
    A successful solution to this problem lies in the ways spiritual rebirth each individual individual. Introducing people, especially the younger generation, to the centuries-old traditional culture, values, moral experience of the people is the way to solve this vital task.
    Russian culture is historically inextricably linked with Orthodoxy. Holy Russia was formed thanks to the Byzantine Orthodox faith, which was accepted by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir in the 10th century.
    The sphere of goodness, as academician Dmitry Likhachev emphasizes, is tightly connected with the traditions of the native culture, with the past and the future. Each of us is required to pay attention to history - our own and the world, to the cultural values ​​accumulated by all mankind.
    But, before talking about world culture, the younger generation needs to know their Russian culture. It is culture that is called upon to help a person in determining his worldview, his being.
    Orthodoxy spiritually transformed the peoples of Russia, shaped the remarkable features of the Russian character - mercy, sacrifice, fidelity, masculinity, generosity.
    For a thousand years it has nurtured the unbending sovereign spirit of Russian patriotism.
    School, family, church and state for many centuries in unity complemented each other in the preparation of a pious and educated Christian, a respectable family man, a hardworking and patriotic citizen.

    For the sake of the future of Russia, it is necessary to raise children on the basis of an original Russian culture, which originates in the national self-consciousness of the Russian people who received Holy Baptism.
    Culture is an environment that connects people's worldview with their way of life. It is the bearer of mentality and at the same time has a formative effect on the way of life.
    The present time is unpredictable, complex, fateful. It is important and necessary to comprehend the role that spirituality has played and is playing in the culture of our Fatherland, to better understand the path that our pious ancestors followed. After all, on their own
    Material, economic, political, cultural and other achievements were only means and instruments for serving society.
    New state holidays provide ample opportunities for introducing young people to Orthodox culture. We know that public holidays became a few days of Christmas time, which became part of the New Year holidays, and an autumn holiday in honor of the Kazan Icon Mother of God, which is declared the Day of National Unity.
    In order for these holidays to enter people's lives, it is necessary to introduce their mentality and life younger generation then in a few years they will become traditional for our people.
    It is necessary these days to attract young people to the organization holiday events, revealing the Christian meaning of the holiday and its historical and civil significance.
    And here the task of modern culture is to make these days of new holidays uniting our people, opening their hearts to do good and attracting them to the Orthodox norms of life. Only Orthodoxy has the necessary spiritual potential, centuries-old positive experience in the field of spiritual and moral education.
    It is necessary to strive for the set goals:

    1. In the matter of educating young people in the spirit of Orthodox culture, it is necessary to strive to involve the state, its legislation and executive bodies, state institutions.
    2. Only joint work with government agencies can make this activity systematic and massive.
    3. In the education of youth on Orthodox traditions it is necessary to use all possible means of education (literature, art, television, cinema, print, etc.)
    4. It's time to move from criticism and defense to practical, albeit small, but deeds.
    Let each of the teachers who want to see young people healthy not only
    physically, but also morally, will take a concrete step towards returning to his native
    land of Orthodoxy.
    Today, everyone who works with children and youth, including employees of the education system and out-of-school education, youth organizations and the media, organizers of youth leisure, filmmakers, book publishers and web designers, should bring to the younger generation the worldview and moral principles of the traditional for Russia culture based on Orthodoxy. It is necessary that the younger generation not only know about their native culture, but also
    brought up in her. Children should not only have respect for it, but also be its bearers.
    At this time, we especially realized the role of education in the spiritual and moral revival
    countries as a unique area of ​​social life, where the spiritual and the material are combined; past and future of our country, where the image of modern man. It is here, in my opinion, that it is possible to unite the efforts of the state, church and society around central theme: the formation of the future Russia.

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