Scenario of an extracurricular activity on the topic "Visiting Konstantin Paustovsky". "Always follow the path of goodness!" literary holiday for preschoolers based on the works of K

Konstantin Paustovsky:

"Waiting for happy days happens

sometimes much better than these days."

“I remember very well how, as a child, reading the stories of Konstantin Paustovsky “Hare Paws”, “Badger Nose”, I could not hold back my tears,” Elena Korkina, head librarian of the Pushkin Central Library, shares her memories. – Already now I understand that this is a kind of indicator of the author's skill. Children's emotions are the most truthful, because open heart the child recognizes falsehood instantly. Years have passed, and now I enjoy reading these works to my son.

It is symbolic that 2017 was the year of the 125th anniversary of famous author. Few people know, but Konstantin Georgievich is a very difficult fate. I'll tell you a little about the family of the Russian classic. On May 31, 1892, a boy was born in the family of a railway employee and a sugar factory worker. The Paustovsky family repeatedly moved from place to place, eventually settling in Kyiv. The atmosphere in the family was creative: they sang a lot, played the piano, did not miss a single theatrical premiere. The first teachers of the writer were specialists from the Kyiv classical gymnasium. They instilled in him a desire to engage in literature.

When we complain about our lives, we often do not think about what hardships are destined for the lot of other people. For example, Konstantin Paustovsky had to grow up very early. When the boy was in the sixth grade, his parents divorced. Leaving school, future writer took up tutoring.

Paustovsky wrote his first story while studying in the last grade of the gymnasium. After the gymnasium, Paustovsky studied for two years at Kiev University. In 1914, the writer moved to Moscow. This coincided with the start of the First World War. And here the writer did not choose easy way- when forming rear ambulance trains, Konstantin Paustovsky began working there as an orderly. Then, by his own admission, he fell in love with the middle zone of Russia with all his heart.

During the Great Patriotic War Konstantin Georgievich was a war correspondent on the Southern Front, while continuing to write. Already in post-war years came to Paustovsky world fame which gave him the opportunity to travel extensively in Europe. The writer was in Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Italy, Belgium, France, Holland, England, Sweden, lived on the island of Capri. The impressions from these trips formed the basis of many of his works.

In the department of popular science literature of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin for the anniversary of the writer framed book exhibition from the cycle "Singers native nature» . Amateur tourists came to the opening of the exhibition, as well as eminent personalities in the Ural tourist circles - Anatoly Nikolaevich Sychev and Olga Anatolyevna Charykova, known as the organizers of unique hiking routes through the protected areas of the Chelyabinsk region.

The atmosphere of the meeting was informal: they made plans for the upcoming trip along the paths of the Subpolar Urals. Anatoly Nikolaevich, a geologist by profession, explained in detail the rules of tourist travel, and we could only admire these selfless people. After all, outdoor activities require self-discipline, willpower and, of course, endurance. Goals: draw students' attention to the work of K. G. Pau one hundred vsky; to form reading skills by roles; attachchildren to the culture of the theater, to develop the ability to emotionallyaccept the text, express when reading the feelings of the actingpersons; enhance children's play experience.

Equipment: a “radio” screen, a portrait of Paustovsky, an exhibition of books.

Preparation for the lesson: students read stories and fairy talesK. G. Paustovsky (“Cat-thief”, “Badger nose”, “Hare lapy”, “The Last Devil”, “Golden Line”, etc.).

Students are divided into groups: the first group prepares a story about the life of Paustovsky, the second - “ radio play" based on the story "Cat-thief", the third - a quiz.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction by the teacher.

Guys, today's lesson is unusual. We will servemake a "radio broadcast" and take part in it.

II. A story about the writer's life.

The teacher “turns on” the radio (the radio is drawn on the screen).

The first group of students is speaking.

1st student. Dear radio listeners! We starthire a program about the life and work of a famous Russian writertel, whose books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, - about Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968).

2nd student. Born into a railroad familyreaping, the family was large, prone, as Pau himself saidStovsky, to art. The family sang a lot, playedon the piano, loved the theater. The childhood of the future writer passed in Ukraine - first in the village, then in Kyiv, where he studiedin the gymnasium. From the 6th grade of the gymnasium, he already tutored. Byafter graduating from high school he studied at the university, first in Kiev, then in Moscow. After finishing his studies, he went to work.He changed many professions: from a tram leader and an orderly to a teacher and a journalist.

III . Quiz based on the stories of K. G. Paustovsky.

The second group of students is speaking.

- And now, dear radio listeners, you can receive
participation in a quiz based on the stories of K. G. Paustovsky by calling
us by phone.

Prizes await the winners of our quiz. Call.

Students pick up the phone and make a call.

- And here is the first call. Please introduce yourself...
So the question...

Quiz questions:

  1. Who it's about: “He robbed us every night. He's socleverly hid that none of us could really see him”?(About the cat; story "Cat-thief").
  2. How did you manage to tame the cat? Like a thief heturned into a caretaker?(They tamed the cat by feeding it.He ate for over an hour. And he became a watchman, having weaned chickens to steal porridge from the table.Seeing the cat, they hid under the home.)
  3. Who it’s about: “A beast began to sniff angrily by the fire.He was not visible. Heanxiously ran around us, you rustledgrass, snorted and got angry, but did not even stick out his ears from the grass "?(About the badger; the story "Badger nose".)
  1. Once a badger burned his nose by putting it in a frying pan where potatoes were fried. How did he treat his nose?(He opened the old stump, stuck his nose into its very middle, into the cold and wet dust.)
  2. When did the author meet the badger with the scar on his nose again? What was the badger doing?(A year later; the badger satnear the water and tried to catch dragonflies rattling like tin with his paw.)
  3. One of the characters of K. Paustovsky is called "ten percent". Why was he called that?(The story "The Last Damn." A pig attacked grandfather, not a pig- straight lion! He ended up in the hospital, where the doctor told him that "ten percent" was left of him. That's what my grandfather was called- "Ten percent".)
  4. Whom did the grandfather "Ten Percent" take for a trait in the story "The Last Devil"?(Pelican. The pelican rushed at his grandfather and beat him so that he fell into the raspberry bushes.)
  5. Where did the pelican come from on the lake?(Escaped while transporting the menagerie.)
  6. Grandfather went to the city, found a menagerie and told about the pelican. What did grandfather get as a reward?(40 rubles, for which I bought new pants.)
  1. Who can help a person get out of a forest fire?(Old forest dwellers know that the animals better than a man they can smell where the fire is coming from. The hero of the story "Hare Paws" grandfather Larion ran after the hare, and he brought him out of the fire.)
  2. What do village boys use to weave fishing lines?(From horsehair; the story "The Gray Gelding".)
  3. Who is called the best bud collector?(Squirrel; story "Caring flower".)
  4. Do fishermen have enemies? If yes, what are they?(Yes. These are boys who scare away fish; underwater snags for which the fishing line gets tangled; as well as duckweed, mosquitoes, thunderstorms, bad weather and flooding. The story "Golden Line".)
  1. Can you see heat or cold?(Yes, you can. In the heat above the forest, you can see a yellow smoke. It seems that the air is trembling. And in the cold, the color of the sky changes - it becomes green, like wet grass. The story "Quaksha".)
  2. What does the tree frog predict?(By croaking, she predicts rain. The story "Quaksha".)
  3. If you dig a small tree in the forest, such as a birch, plant it in a tub and keep it in a warm room, will the leaves turn yellow in autumn or remain green all winter?(They will turn yellow in the fall and fly around. The story "Gift".)
  1. In ancient times, beauties washed themselves with the first snow from a silver jug. Why did they do it?(So ​​that their beauty does not fade. The story "Farewell to Summer".)
  2. There is a tall plant with red flowers in large clusters. It is of great benefit to young forest plantings. What is the name of this plant, and what is its use?(This is fireweed or Ivan tea- a very “warm” flower, there is always warm air around it, and young trees standing next to it do not freeze in the cold. The story "Caring flower".)

The results of the quiz are summed up. The winners are announced.

IV. "Radio performance" based on the story of K. G. Paustovsky.

The third group of students is speaking.

And at the end of our program, listen to the "radio play" based on the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Cat-thief".

Listening to a radio show.

V . Summing up the lesson.

  • Did you enjoy today's lesson? How?
  • What stories by K. Paustovsky would you like to read?
  • Let's take a look at the book show.

The teacher and students are working with an exhibition of books.

Sokolovskaya Inna Vladislavovna - teacher of the defense industry, teacher - librarian of MBOU Tatsinskaya secondary school No. 3. Rostov region
Material Description: Today I decided to tell you about the literary museum. Russian classical literature from Pushkin to Pasternak is closely connected with those memorable places where Russian writers and poets lived and worked.
Such museums occupy a special place in the cultural and public life our country…
Extracurricular activities are designed for students in grades 5-8. The material can be used in a variety of ways. At the teacher's choice.
Target: Formation of general cultural competence of students through the perception of literature
1. Educational: to expand the understanding of the museums of the national classical literature. Students can use when preparing homework, essay writing. Just deepen your knowledge.
2. Developing: develop individual Creative skills students, figurative and logical thinking, imagination, the ability to think outside the box.
3. Educational: instill interest in museums, writers, literature.
Equipment: Exhibition of books about museums, writer's literature

Extra-curricular event "My land is thoughtful and tender"

Today, a literary museum is not just quiet museum halls where books, documents, manuscripts, photographs, personal items and other exhibits that tell about the life and work of a writer or poet are collected. The Literary Museum is alive and interesting. Fascinating business. In addition to traditional tours, lectures and exhibitions, the museum hosts concerts, theatrical tours and performances. You can also become a participant in an old ball yourself, try on a costume from past centuries and meet the heroes of literary works. You can also show your own talent and re-read your favorite books with a new feeling and impression.
Today there are many literary museums in Russia, and new ones are being created. Attention to such places never weakens.

Tarusa. Memorial House - Museum of K.G. Paustovsky.

Tarusa is very good. The surroundings are fabulous ... the places here are wonderful.
K.G. Paustovsky

My friend, let's go to Tarusa!
In a house where it's been dark and sad for a long time,
But the old park is still alive
And in the midst of the Central Russian plain
The river of oblivion runs...
Here you can be yourself
Drowsily listen to the cry of a robber
Ravens sticking out here and there
To sip through the sieve of the fence
And the summer heat, and the moisture of the clouds ...
In a bowl with a holey bottom
The spider lives, the artist is a beggar.
Let's ask him for blood.
Suddenly the oriole will whistle,
And silence ... And no one else.
Let's enter the sacred chapel
Where centuries are rusty bolts
Hide the ruin of feelings
Marina is ringing the Castalian key...
With difficulty opening the blind shutters,
Let's light a candle in memory.
Well, then it's time for the valley
Magic, where he arched his back
Bridge over a sparkling stream...
And, completing the picture in tone,
Two willows cry for nothing.
There is our wounded grove...
Forgetting her, of course, is easier,
As we forgot in delirium,
What is not progress is a greedy flourish
I drew a star in the sky...
And not with iron hands
And storm clouds
Breath, sound and fire
This miracle of the world was created,
Where there are no temples, no idol,
And a miracle is hidden in it today.
My friend, let's go to Tarusa.
There is also dirt, and the same cowards,
But there are high points
Unsold Russian Muses,
And unbroken bonds
Love, Kindness and Beauty...
Valentina Innocent

In the charm of the Russian landscape
There is genuine joy, but it
Not open to everyone and even
Not every artist is visible.
And only when behind the dark thicket of the forest
The evening ray will mysteriously shine,
Everyday life is a thick veil
From her beauties instantly fall.
The forests lowered into the water will sigh,
And, as if through transparent glass,
The whole chest of the river will lean against the sky
And it will light up wet and light.
And the clearer the details become
objects located around
The more immense are the distances
River meadows, backwaters and bends.
Nikolay Zabolotsky

In spring, Tarusa is buried in a white cloud of flowering gardens. The ancient city, known from the chronicles since the 13th century, is comfortably located on the picturesque, green hills at the confluence of the Tarusa River with the Oka. The city is included in the list of historical cities of Russia and has the status of a natural and architectural reserve.
On one of the quiet streets of Tarusa stands a modest house. Log walls painted in Blue colour, white platbands. Like blue skies and white clouds...

In this house on May 31, 2012, in honor of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, a museum was opened. And this modest, ordinary village house is today the only memorial house in Russia - the museum of the writer. Konstantin Georgievich lived in Tarusa for more than ten recent years own life.

Creativity K.G. Paustovsky is well known to everyone who loves native literature. Many of the author's books have been translated into foreign languages. Paustovsky was even nominated as a candidate for Nobel Prize in the field of literature.
“Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky is an extraordinary writer in Russian literature. This is thrown into the heart, instinctively felt by every reader who has fallen in love or is just falling in love for the first time in his fragrant, melodious, luminous prose ... And is it necessary to explain the miracle? - these lines about the work of Paustovsky were written by the poet B. Chichibanin to 100 - summer anniversary writer.

Clear morning is not hot
You run light in the meadow.
The barge moves slowly
Down the Oka.
A few words involuntarily
You repeat everything in a row.
Somewhere bells in the field
They sound weak.
Are they ringing in the field? Is it in the meadow?
Do they go to the threshing?
Eyes looked for a moment
into someone's destiny.
Blue distance between the pines
Talk and rumble on the threshing floor...
And autumn smiles
Our spring.
Life opened up, but still.
Ah, golden days!
How far they are. God!
Lord, how far!
M.I. Tsvetaeva

Tarusa gave, free landscapes fell in love with Paustovsky. He, who visited many picturesque corners not only of Russia, but also of other countries, admitted: “I will not exchange Central Russia to the most famous and stunning beauties the globe. I would give all the elegance of the Gulf of Naples with its feast of colors for a willow bush wet from the rain on sandy shore Oka or beyond the winding river Taruska - on its modest banks I now often live for a long time. And another quote: "I live in one small town... It is so small that all its streets go either to the river with its smooth and solemn turns, or to the fields where the wind shakes the bread, or to the forests, where in spring wild bird cherry blossoms between birches and pines ... "

I feel the silver waters of the Oki,
Forest birch silver tongue.
In the lilac shade, blooming like a chamomile,
Tarusa sleeps like an amber dream.
Ignatovskaya mountain behind the aunt's barn
Red-green I see a break.
Anastasia Tsvetaeva. Foreign land. 1941.

Tarusa since the 19th century has become one of the cultural centers Russia. These places are associated with the names of many artists, writers, poets. That is why Konstantin Georgievich called Tarusa " creative laboratory and a haven for people of art and science."

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born on May 31, 1892. Years later, the writer writes in his autobiographical essay: “I was born in 1892 in Moscow, in Granatov Lane, in the family of a railway statistician. My father ... was an incorrigible dreamer ... My mother is the daughter of an employee at a sugar factory ... My mother was convinced that only with strict and harsh treatment of children can one grow “something worthwhile” out of them.
Your first literary work- the story "On the Water" - Paustovsky wrote as a student of the gymnasium. The story was published in 1912 by the Kyiv magazine Ogni. Even then, Paustovsky decides to become a writer and understands that life experience is needed for this.
Konstantin Paustovsky studied at Kiev and Moscow universities. But in 1914 the First World War. On the same day, but on different fronts, two brothers of the future writer die. Konstantin Georgievich works as a tram driver and conductor.
He works on an ambulance train, which, under enemy fire, takes out wounded soldiers from the front.

Notebook Mystery:

In the autobiographical Tale of Life, Konstantin Paustovsky recalled his work as a conductor on a Moscow tram. The storm of all the conductors was an old man with a hundred-ruble bill. Every morning he got on the tram and handed the conductor this large bill. But the conductor, of course, had no change. The cunning old man did not demand an exchange. He obediently got off at the first stop and boarded the next tram. And everything repeated again. And so the "hare" sly went to the service all the time. But Paustovsky turned out to be more cunning. He received a hundred rubles in small change from the ticket office of the tram depot. And when the cunning old man habitually held out a hundred-ruble bill, Paustovsky leisurely counted out 99 rubles 95 kopecks in small change. More than this "hare" in the trams were not seen ...

Then there were years of wandering. Paustovsky changed many professions. For several years, from 1916 to 1923, Paustovsky has been working on his first story, Romantics. It will be printed only in 1935. But the main profession at that time was journalism. Konstantin Georgievich travels a lot around the country. These travels provided rich material not only for magazine and newspaper essays, but also for future works of the writer. In 1932, the story "Kara - Bugaz" was published.

Having published several books, Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky decided to devote his life to literary creativity. But, as before, the writer travels a lot. Cycle short lyrical stories he dedicates to the Meshchera region.
In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, Paustovsky was a war correspondent. In short moments of rest and calm, he works on the novel The Smoke of the Fatherland.
In the 1950s, Paustovsky was a world-famous writer. And again new suffering, this time - foreign.

And yet, the modest house in Tarusa, the gazebo in the garden became the writer's favorite "working room". Among the works of the writer there is a multi-volume autobiographical "Tale of Life" and a work dedicated to the work of the writer - " Golden Rose". Paustovsky had an amazing ability to see in the ordinary that which we pass by without paying attention. No wonder the writer is often called "Levitan in Literature."
Many people know the house-museum of Paustovsky in Tarusa today. This small museum has lovingly preserved a warm, cozy homely atmosphere. Here everything is as it was during the life of the writer. In the office there is a table by the window, a typewriter, the writer's favorite books, photographs. Among them is a picture of world cinema star, actress and singer Marlene Dietrich. She was an ardent admirer of the talent of the Russian writer.

In Tarusa, holidays of K. G. Paustovsky are held annually on his birthday - May 31

Children's festival in Tarusa

Igor Shatskov. "Tarusa"

Cozy, peaceful town;
Above the dove eye,
Far from the hustle and bustle of the earth
He breathes blissful peace.
He is all huddled in the hills,
The keys are babbling in the lowlands,
And dilapidated gray houses
And in the middle - an old cathedral
And the bell tower is like a candle.
In the gardens the rooks are screaming, screaming,
The monotonous cry of a rook ...
Below a wide semicircle
Oki sparkling surface.
And there, beyond the shoals, beyond the meadow,
Forests countless army
Crowding along the coastal mountains
And gently sinks in a gentle haze ...
What expanse and grace! forest landscape
Paustovsky is here, always alive,
Always cheerful, inspirational,
With your talented hand
In Tarusa writes incomparably
In foggy haze and snow
And in bright sunshine.
His solemn willows,
Eyes of a blue twist,
The surrounding distances depth -
Everything touches the soul to the bottom.
There is a cemetery among the birches
On the shore, above the mountain slope,
Grave on the edge - in it Musatov
Reposed, full of secret dreams.
The world is unsolved, rich
He took with him forever...
Here is a frisky Tarusyanka jet,
Burle, sparkle on the stones,
And the bright river enchants
Enticing coolness to yourself.
Here are the piles of the forgotten mill,
Wheels overgrown with grass
Around shady willows
Bent the branches over the water.
Driftwood, stones, dark pool ...
And a lot of pink flowers
Blossoms along the steep shore
Among the wild thickets of bushes.
The horn screams lingeringly, sharply
And, stirring up the bosom of the waters,
Smoke, hissing, with a seething splash,
The white steamer set sail.
Another minute - turn
He completely closed it...
And again there is silence.
The hot sands are silent.
The forest distance turns blue meekly.
And the sandpipers gently cry.
A boat floats with fragrant hay,
Disturbing mirror of the river.
A.V. Cheltsov 1924

Konstantin Paustovsky:

"Waiting for happy days happens

sometimes much better than these days."

“I remember very well how, as a child, reading the stories of Konstantin Paustovsky “Hare Paws”, “Badger Nose”, I could not hold back my tears,” Elena Korkina, head librarian of the Pushkin Central Library, shares her memories. – Already now I understand that this is a kind of indicator of the author's skill. Children's emotions are the most truthful, because with an open heart, a child instantly recognizes falsehood. Years have passed, and now I enjoy reading these works to my son.

It is symbolic that 2017 was the year of the 125th anniversary of the famous author. Few people know, but Konstantin Georgievich is a man of a very difficult fate. I'll tell you a little about the family of the Russian classic. On May 31, 1892, a boy was born in the family of a railway employee and a sugar factory worker. The Paustovsky family repeatedly moved from place to place, eventually settling in Kyiv. The atmosphere in the family was creative: they sang a lot, played the piano, did not miss a single theatrical premiere. The first teachers of the writer were specialists from the Kyiv classical gymnasium. They instilled in him a desire to engage in literature.

When we complain about our lives, we often do not think about what hardships are destined for the lot of other people. For example, Konstantin Paustovsky had to grow up very early. When the boy was in the sixth grade, his parents divorced. Leaving school, the future writer took up tutoring.

Paustovsky wrote his first story while studying in the last grade of the gymnasium. After the gymnasium, Paustovsky studied for two years at Kiev University. In 1914, the writer moved to Moscow. This coincided with the start. And here the writer did not choose the easy way - when forming the rear ambulance trains, Konstantin Paustovsky began working there as an orderly. Then, by his own admission, he fell in love with the middle zone of Russia with all his heart.

During the Great Patriotic War, Konstantin Georgievich was a war correspondent on the Southern Front, while continuing to write. Already in the post-war years, world fame came to Paustovsky, which gave him the opportunity to travel a lot around Europe. The writer was in Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Italy, Belgium, France, Holland, England, Sweden, lived on the island of Capri. The impressions from these trips formed the basis of many of his works.

In the department of popular science literature of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin for the anniversary of the writer framed book exhibition from the cycle "Singers of native nature". Amateur tourists came to the opening of the exhibition, as well as eminent personalities in the Ural tourist circles - Anatoly Nikolaevich Sychev and Olga Anatolyevna Charykova, known as the organizers of unique hiking routes through the protected areas of the Chelyabinsk region.

The atmosphere of the meeting was informal: they made plans for the upcoming trip along the paths of the Subpolar Urals. Anatoly Nikolaevich, a geologist by profession, explained in detail the rules of tourist travel, and we could only admire these selfless people. After all, outdoor activities require self-discipline, willpower and, of course, endurance.

05/22/2017 125th anniversary of the birth of K.G. Paustovsky

May 31 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of the writer K.G. Paustovsky. To the anniversary of the classic of literature on May 17 in high school No. 2 The Central Library held a literary hour "The Singer of the Meshcherskaya side." The children learned a lot of interesting things about Paustovsky's life in Solotch, about why the Meshchera region became his second homeland. An excerpt from the story of the author "Meshcherskaya Side" was heard, after listening, the guys shared their impressions of the writer's work, noted the deep philosophy and " easy language» texts. Also, the students were presented with a book exhibition "Man cannot live without nature."

On May 18, the Children's Library held environmental sketches in the works of K. G. Paustovsky "And the eternal beauty of nature ...". Acquaintance with the life and work of K. Paustovsky was accompanied by a presentation "I love nature in the deepest way ...". Participated with interest in the quiz "Who lives in the Meshchersky region", literary game“Do you know the stories and fairy tales of Paustovsky?”, discussion of the stories “Cat is a thief” and “Hare paws”, competition “Signs from Paustovsky”, watched an interesting and kind cartoon “Quaksha”. The guys expressed their desire to protect and love nature, to help our smaller brothers.

On May 18, in the Kovaly Library, an educational game “Let's go the way of good” was held with the students of the school. The participants of the event got acquainted with the writer's fairy tales. Paustovsky wrote these tales for the first time. postwar decade. The heroes of the works are modest and simple people They are sensitive, responsive and able to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. And although there are no wizards in fairy tales, they magic power endowed with nature. Children understood the main thing that these fairy tales teach kindness, mercy, modesty, sensitivity and responsiveness. During the game, the guys answered the questions of the quiz: “What is it? Who is this?”, “What fairy tale is the passage from?”, “Add a word”.

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