Educational commentary - The story of N.V. Gogol's "Nose"

The story "The Nose" is included in the third cycle of works by N.V. Gogol called "Petersburg Tales". Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire, appears before the reader. In the story, the life of people in its typical manifestations is revealed with the help of satire and grotesque techniques. The latter technique is often based on a combination of real signs of life and their fantastic perception.

What is real in the story? Before us is Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, along which people scurry about. And here is the main character, Major Kovalev, a dandy and fashionista looking for a warm place in the capital. Nothing fantastic! Solid prose of life!

The fantasy begins at the moment when the major on Nevsky Prospekt suddenly sees ... his nose! The hero is dumbfounded, amazed! Yes, and how not to experience this, if his own nose "was in uniform", rode a cab, prayed in church ... Kovalev "almost lost his mind." He pursues his nose, trying to persuade him to return to his place ... Yes, where is it! The nose behaves independently and denies belonging to Major Kovalev. Fantastic! Pure fantasy! Who is responsible for the mysterious separation of Kovalev's nose is not indicated in the story. There is no persecutor, no culprit, but persecution is felt all the time. The mystery captures the reader literally from the first sentence, it is constantly reminded of, it reaches a climax, and there is no solution to this mystery. Mysterious is not only the separation of the nose, but also how it existed on its own. Do you think that at the end of the story we will find out how this entertaining story ended? Not! The finale of the story retains a fantastic intrigue: "But here the incident is covered with fog, and what happened next is absolutely unknown."

Thus, I can conclude that fantasy and reality go hand in hand in the story and serve one thing: to depict the monstrous power of servility, to show the absurdity of human relationships in conditions of despotic-bureaucratic subordination, when the individual, as such, loses all significance.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a completely unique writer, unlike other Russian masters of the word. There is a lot of amazing and surprising in his work: the funny is intertwined with the tragic, the fantastic with the real.

Reading the works of Gogol, each time you are convinced that the basis of his works is comic. This is a carnival, when everyone puts on masks, shows unusual properties, changes places, and everything is mixed up.

In the story "The Overcoat" Gogol tells the story of the difficult life of the "little man" Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, whose life is subject to tradition and is pleased with the automatism of his life. Comic and tragic, real and fantastic intertwined in this work. The story of his birth, the choice of the name of the hero causes a smile. He got the position of an official, whom no one ever respected, did not notice. Only when his colleagues pestered him too much did he ask: “Leave me, why are you offending me?” The author writes with bitterness about how much inhumanity there is in man, how much ferocious rudeness and refined, cruel secularism are hidden. Bashmachkin's poverty causes, of course, sympathy, but the purpose of his life (to acquire a new overcoat) is too insignificant for a person. And then a happy day came: Akaky Akakievich's dream came true. The colorless and resigned "little man", whose life is reduced to the performance of a position, in a new overcoat felt like a hero, even received an invitation to visit a colleague official, where he was going to celebrate a joyful event. How little a person needs to be happy!

The theft of the overcoat turned into flour for the hero. He tried to find protection from the authorities, but "a significant person stamped his foot" - and Bashmachkin was thrown out. The callousness of a high-ranking official is disgusting.

Protected by no one, Akaky Akakievich dies. A creature, dear to no one, of no interest to anyone, disappeared and disappeared. Gogol portrayed retribution in a fantastic way. The fantastic finale of the story is justified by the attitude of the writer to his offended "brother".

The dead Bashmachkin appeared to a "significant person" on the street and took off his overcoat. This incident somehow softened the despotic temper of the boss, he even began to say to his subordinates less often: “How dare you, do you understand who is in front of you?” Gogol either sympathizes with his hero, or condemns him for the baseness of his goals, for his dumbness and slavish obedience.

In the story "The Overcoat" I did not immediately accurately determine what was reality and what was fiction. The poverty, wretchedness of the life of Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin is brought by the author to absurdity and fantasy (walking along the street, he stepped very carefully on stones and slabs, almost did not touch them), as well as the ability of the "little man" to see characters in letters, and in street - a country with people - letters and words. In contrast, a few days of noisy life after the death of Bashmachkin - an obvious unreality - can always be an exorbitant fantasy and fear of one of the department officials, a significant person and a Kolomna watchman. Each individual character is the truth, and the totality of them, the society they form and the adventures that follow from this, is their fantastic and implausible side.

In the "Overcoat", if we talk about fooling associated with something unreal, there are rumors about the noisy life of Akaky Akakievich after death. The climax leading to the denouement, in one case to the material death of Bashmachkin, and in the other case to the disappearance of his ghost, is the robbery scene. This scene is repeated twice. In both cases, the overcoat is taken away, but one robbery is completely real, and the other is connected with mysticism. In The Overcoat, the world of things is of great importance in the development of the plot, they, one might say, are personified, personified. The most unusual occurrences are connected with things. In the "Overcoat" outerwear, an overcoat, becomes the ultimate dream. For Bashmachkin, this is not only a wardrobe detail, but also an object of love. The new overcoat was the last dream to keep warm in the cold world of St. Petersburg - this symbol of the eternal hellish cold. The overcoat gives rise to conflict, the tragic grotesque develops into fantasy. In The Overcoat, the heroes of the work do not have their own face, but things and material values ​​are animated. The general tone in The Overcoat is not very optimistic, despite the fact that Gogol's irony is also present in the scene of Akaky Akakievich's baptism.

In the work "The Overcoat" everywhere scenes of everyday life, laughter through tears, the comic are found here only with the advent of science fiction

ki. The world of things and incidents related to them are a bright addition to their spiritual life. The overcoat for Bashmachkin is his world, love, dream, the meaning of life. Bashmachkin could not bear the theft of his overcoat, the futility of his dream. And the mild-mannered petty official, who has spiritual strength and opposes the soullessness of society, dies.

Elements of the unreal, the unusual are present in almost all of Gogol's works. Hyperbole, grotesque, "veiled" and explicit fantasy helped the writer to make the viewer and reader laugh, and laughter, according to Gogol, can cure all diseases in society - both the people and individuals.


In the essay about the hero of the story "The Overcoat" the theme is fully and purposefully revealed, it is shown how reality and fantasy are intricately intertwined in the story of the unfortunate "little man" Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, for whom the new overcoat was the last dream of warming himself in the cold world of St. cold. The material is strictly selected, the text of the story is correctly used, its most significant facts, revealing the role of fantasy in a work of art. There are clear logical connections in the work.

The story "The Nose" is included in the third cycle of works by N.V. Gogol called "Petersburg Tales". Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire, appears before the reader. In the story, the life of people in its typical manifestations is revealed with the help of satire and grotesque techniques. The latter technique is often based on a combination of real signs of life and their fantastic perception.

What is real in the story? Before us is Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, along which people scurry about. And here is the main character, Major Kovalev, a dandy and fashionista looking for a warm place in the capital. Nothing fantastic! Solid prose of life!

The fantasy begins at the moment when the major on Nevsky Prospekt suddenly sees ... his nose! The hero is dumbfounded, amazed! Yes, and how not to experience this, if his own nose "was in uniform", rode a cab, prayed in church ... Kovalev "almost lost his mind." He pursues his nose, trying to persuade him to return to his place ... Yes, where is it! The nose behaves independently and denies belonging to Major Kovalev. Fantastic! Pure fantasy! Who is responsible for the mysterious separation of Kovalev's nose is not indicated in the story. There is no persecutor, no culprit, but persecution is felt all the time. The mystery captures the reader literally from the first sentence, it is constantly reminded of, it reaches a climax, and there is no solution to this mystery. Mysterious is not only the separation of the nose, but also how it existed on its own. Do you think that at the end of the story we will find out how this entertaining story ended? Not! The finale of the story retains a fantastic intrigue: "But here the incident is covered with fog, and what happened next is absolutely unknown."

Thus, I can conclude that fantasy and reality go hand in hand in the story and serve one thing: to depict the monstrous power of servility, to show the absurdity of human relationships in conditions of despotic-bureaucratic subordination, when the individual, as such, loses all significance.

The story "The Nose" is one of the most fun, original, fantastic and unexpected works of Nikolai Gogol. The author did not agree to the publication of this joke for a long time, but his friends persuaded him. The story was first published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1836, with a note by A.S. Pushkin. Since then, heated debates have not subsided around this work. The real and the fantastic in Gogol's story "The Nose" are combined in the most bizarre and unusual forms. Here the author reached the pinnacle of his satirical skill and painted a true picture of the mores of his time.

Brilliant grotesque

This is one of the most favorite literary devices of N.V. Gogol. But if in early works it was used to create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery in the narrative, then in a later period it turned into a way of satirical reflection of the surrounding reality. The story "The Nose" is a clear confirmation of this. The inexplicable and strange disappearance of the nose from the physiognomy of Major Kovalev and its incredible independent existence separately from the owner suggest the unnatural order in which a high status in society means much more than the person himself. In this state of affairs, any inanimate object can suddenly acquire significance and weight if it acquires its proper rank. This is the main problem of the story "The Nose".

Features of realistic grotesque

In the late works of N.V. Gogol, the realistic grotesque prevails. It aims to reveal the unnaturalness and absurdity of reality. Incredible things happen to the heroes of the work, but they help to reveal the typical features of the world around them, to reveal people's dependence on generally accepted conventions and norms.

Gogol's contemporaries did not immediately appreciate the satirical talent of the writer. Only having done a lot for a correct understanding of the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich, he once noticed that the "ugly grotesque" that he uses in his work contains the "abyss of poetry" and "the abyss of philosophy", in its depth and authenticity worthy of "Shakespeare's brush".

The "nose" begins with the fact that on March 25 an "extraordinarily strange incident" happened in St. Petersburg. Ivan Yakovlevich, a barber, discovers his nose in freshly baked bread in the morning. He throws him off the St. Isaac's Bridge into the river. The owner of the nose, collegiate assessor, or major, Kovalev, waking up in the morning, does not find an important part of the body on his face. In search of the loss, he goes to the police. On the way, he meets his own nose in the garb of a state councilor. Pursuing the fugitive, Kovalev follows him to the Kazan Cathedral. He tries to return his nose to its place, but he only prays with "the greatest zeal" and points out to the owner that there can be nothing in common between them: Kovalev serves in a different department.

Distracted by the graceful lady, the major loses sight of the rebellious part of the body. Having made several unsuccessful attempts to find the nose, the owner returns home. There he is returned the loss. The police chief grabbed his nose while trying to escape to Riga on someone else's documents. Joy Kovalev does not last long. He cannot put the body part back in its original place. The summary of the story "The Nose" does not end there. How did the hero manage to get out of this situation? The doctor can do nothing to help the major. In the meantime, curious rumors are creeping around the capital. Someone saw the nose on Nevsky Prospekt, someone - in As a result, he himself returned to his original place on April 7, which brought considerable joy to the owner.

Theme of the work

So what is the point of such an incredible plot? The main theme of Gogol's story "The Nose" is the loss by the character of a piece of his "I". Probably, this happens under the influence of evil spirits. An organizing role in the plot is assigned to the motive of persecution, although Gogol does not indicate the specific embodiment of supernatural power. The mystery captures readers literally from the first phrase of the work, it is constantly reminded of, it reaches its climax ... but there is no clue even in the finale. Covered in obscurity is not only the mysterious separation of the nose from the body, but also how it could exist independently, and even in the status of a high-ranking official. Thus, the real and the fantastic in Gogol's story "The Nose" are intertwined in the most unthinkable way.

Real Plan

It is embodied in the work in the form of rumors, which the author mentions all the time. This is gossip that the nose regularly makes a promenade along Nevsky Prospekt and other crowded places; about how he seemed to be looking into the store and so on. Why did Gogol need such a form of communication? Maintaining an atmosphere of mystery, he satirically ridicules the authors of stupid rumors and naive belief in incredible miracles.

Characteristics of the main character

Why did Major Kovalev deserve such attention from supernatural forces? The answer lies in the content of the story "The Nose". The fact is that the protagonist of the work is a desperate careerist, ready to do anything for a promotion. He managed to get the rank of collegiate assessor without an exam, thanks to his service in the Caucasus. The cherished goal of Kovalev is to marry profitably and become a high-ranking official. In the meantime, in order to give himself more weight and significance, he everywhere calls himself not a collegiate assessor, but a major, knowing about the advantage of military ranks over civilian ones. “He could forgive everything that was said about himself, but did not apologize in any way if it related to rank or title,” the author writes about his hero.

So the evil spirits laughed at Kovalev, not only taking away an important part of his body from him (you can’t make a career without it!), But also endowing the latter with the rank of general, that is, giving it more weight than the owner himself. That's right, there is nothing real and fantastic in Gogol's story "The Nose" makes you think about the question "what is more important - a person or his status?". And the answer is disappointing...

Hints of a brilliant author

There are many satirical subtleties in Gogol's story, transparent allusions to the realities of his contemporary time. For example, in the first half of the 19th century, glasses were considered an anomaly, giving the appearance of an officer or official some kind of inferiority. In order to wear this accessory, a special permit was required. If the heroes of the work exactly followed the instructions and corresponded to the form, then the Nose in uniform acquired for them the importance of a significant person. But as soon as the chief of police "left" the system, violated the severity of his uniform and put on glasses, he immediately noticed that in front of him was just a nose - a part of the body that was useless without its owner. This is how the real and the fantastic are intertwined in Gogol's story "The Nose". No wonder the author's contemporaries read this extraordinary work.

Many writers noted that "The Nose" is a magnificent example of fantasy, Gogol's parody of various prejudices and people's naive faith in the power of supernatural forces. Fantastic elements in the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich are ways of satirically depicting the vices of society, as well as affirming a realistic beginning in life.

Real and fantastic in N.V. Gogol's story "The Nose"

hack on your nose lead by the nose hang your nose wipe your nose He knows better who has a longer nose Do not go to the governor with one nose, go with a gift. He can't see beyond his own nose. Do not poke your nose into someone else's millet. The nose is pulled out - the tail is stuck, the tail is pulled out - the nose is stuck. The nose lifts, and the wind walks in the head. leave with your nose stay with your nose Do not raise your nose - you will stumble. You can't lift your nose with intelligence. The nose is the size of an elbow, and the mind is the size of a fingernail. The nose is out of order. keep your nose to the wind

On March 25, an unusually strange incident happened in St. Petersburg. The barber Ivan Yakovlevich, who lives on Voznesensky Prospekt (his last name is lost), woke up quite early and smelled hot bread. Sitting down at the table, he began cutting bread. Cutting the bread into two halves, he looked into the middle and, to his surprise, saw something whitish. Ivan Yakovlevich poked carefully with a knife and pulled it out - his nose! ..

Is he not sleeping? It seems that he is not sleeping Collegiate assessor Kovalev woke up quite early. Kovalyov stretched himself, ordered himself to bring a small mirror that stood on the table. He wanted to look at the pimple that had popped up on his nose the previous evening. But, to the greatest amazement, I saw that instead of a nose, he had a completely smooth place! Frightened, Kovalev rubbed his eyes: for sure, there is no nose! Collegiate assessor Kovalev jumped out of bed, shook himself: no nose! .. He ordered immediately to give himself some clothes and flew straight to the chief of police.

It is necessary to say something about Kovalev Major Kovalev came to St. Petersburg out of necessity, namely, to look for a place decent to his rank: if possible, then vice-governor, and not that - an executor in some prominent department. Kovalev (Ukrainian koval - blacksmith; "smith of his own happiness") Plato (Greek broad-shouldered, broad-shouldered, strong man) Kuzma (Russian) from Cosmas (Greek - decoration) Major Kovalev was not averse to getting married, but only in this case when two hundred thousand capital will happen for the bride.

He could forgive everything that was said about himself, but did not apologize in any way if it related to the rank or title “Kovalev was a Caucasian collegiate assessor. Collegiate assessors who receive this title with the help of academic certificates cannot be compared with those collegiate assessors who were made in the Caucasus. "Young titular advisers come here (to Georgia) for the rank of assessor, much coveted." A.S. Pushkin. "Journey to Arzrum" Titular adviser - rank of the 9th class. Collegiate assessor - the rank of the 8th class, corresponded to the major, gave the right to hereditary nobility. In order to give himself more nobility and weight, he never called himself a collegiate assessor, but always a major.

I had a distant hope in my soul to get into collegiate assessors ... It would really be good to have something worthwhile, otherwise it’s a simple elistrat! Collegiate registrars - officials of the 14th class - were scribes in the offices. Collegiate registrars - officials of the 14th class - were scribes in the offices. Khlestakov. You may think that I am only copying; no... They even wanted to make me a collegiate assessor, yes, I think why. Khlestakov. You may think that I am only copying; no... They even wanted to make me a collegiate assessor, yes, I think why.

After all, you live to pluck the flowers of pleasure. Kovalev stepped closer, stuck out the cambric collar of his shirt-front, straightened his seals hanging on a gold chain, and, smiling from side to side, drew attention to the light lady who, like a spring flower, leaned slightly and raised her forehead to her forehead. a white pen with translucent fingers. Khlestakov. You’ll go up to some pretty daughter: “Madame, how am I ...” (Rubs her hands and shuffles her foot.)

It's unbelievable that the nose is gone; no way unbelievable oh my god! My God! Why is this such a misfortune? If I were without an arm or without a leg, everything would be better; if I were without ears, it would be bad, but all the more tolerable; but without a nose, a man - the devil knows what: a bird is not a bird, a citizen is not a citizen - just take it and throw it out the window! Disappeared for nothing, for nothing, wasted for nothing, not for a penny!

That is, not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye! It is forbidden to take on the service of cripples who have a painful condition, not from wounds that happened, but due to incurability, which does not allow them to enter into any position; a clear lack of intelligence; misbehavior (Code, article 47). “The nose of a decent person will not be torn off, there are many majors in the world who drag around all sorts of obscene places.”

March 25 (April 7) - the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos Annunciation (ts.-sl. Annunciation; lat. Annuntiatio - proclamation). And then the day came when the Lord commanded the archangel Gabriel to announce the good news to Mary - it was she who was destined to become the Mother of the Savior of the world. God's Messenger appeared to the Virgin Mary and said: “Rejoice, Blessed One! Blessed are you among women!” Icon of Andrei Rublev 1427-1430, Andronikov Monastery In festive uniform, be at the divine service in the presence of their imperial majesties on March 25, on the day of the Annunciation, at Vespers on Palm Saturday, Palm Sunday and other Orthodox holidays.

An inexplicable phenomenon occurred. A carriage stopped in front of the entrance; the doors opened; jumped out, bent over, a gentleman in a uniform embroidered with gold, with a large standing collar; he was wearing suede trousers; at the side of the sword. From the plumed hat, one could conclude that he was considered to be in the rank of state councilor. State Councilor - 5th class rank. Plume - feathers for decorating a headdress. What was the horror and at the same time the amazement of Kovalev when he found out that it was his own nose!

He did not know how to think about such a strange incident. It was obvious from everything that the general was going somewhere on a visit. He looked at both sides, shouted to the coachman: "Give it!" - sat down and left. Kovalyov ran after the carriage.

The carriage stopped in front of the Kazan Cathedral

He entered the church. Kovalyov felt himself in such a distraught state that he was in no way able to pray, and looked for this gentleman in all corners with his eyes. Finally I saw him standing aside. Nose completely hid his face in a large standing collar and prayed with an expression of the greatest piety. After all, you are my own nose! Dear sir…” said Kovalyov with self-respect, “you must know your place. I am a major. It is indecent for me to go without a nose ... if you look at it in accordance with the rules of duty and honor ... After all, you are my own nose! - Gracious sir, you must know your place. I am a major. It is indecent for me to go without a nose ... if you look at it in accordance with the rules of duty and honor ... After all, you are my own nose! You are mistaken, sir! I am on my own. Moreover, there can be no close relationship between us. Judging by the buttons of your uniform, you must serve in another department.

Major Kovalev used to walk along Nevsky Prospekt every day. Soon they began to say that collegiate assessor Kovalev's nose was walking along Nevsky Prospekt at exactly three o'clock.

Then a rumor spread that not on Nevsky Prospekt, but in the Tauride Garden, Major Kovalev's nose was strolling along, And as if he had already been there for a long time: when Khozrev-Mirza still lived there. Khozrev-Mirza (1813-1875) - son of the Persian Crown Prince Abbas-Mirza.

Absolute nonsense is being done in the world Meanwhile, rumors about this extraordinary incident spread throughout the capital. At that time everyone's minds were precisely tuned to the extraordinary: Recently, the public had just been occupied with experiments on the action of magnetism. The story of the dancing chairs in Konyushennaya Street was still fresh. Recently, experiments on the action of magnetism have just occupied the public. Someone said that the nose seemed to be in the Juncker's store.

"Have you deigned to lose your nose?" “By a strange incident, he was intercepted almost on the road. He was already getting into the stagecoach and wanted to leave for Riga. And the passport has long been written in the name of one official. And the strange thing is that I myself took him at first for a master. But, fortunately, I had glasses with me, and I immediately saw that it was a nose. Kovalyov, snatching a red banknote from the table, thrust it into the hands of the warder, who, scuffling, went out the door, and at the same almost minute Kovalyov heard his voice in the street, where he was to the boulevard

Satirical depiction of the world and man Satire (lat. Satira) is a poetic derogatory denunciation of phenomena using various comic means: irony, sarcasm, hyperbole, grotesque, allegory. Irony (Greek - pretense) - the image of a negative phenomenon in a positive way, in order to ridicule and show the phenomenon in its true form; allegory, in which a word or statement acquires the opposite meaning in the context of speech. Sarcasm (Greek - “to tear meat”) is a caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony.

Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration intended to enhance expressiveness.

Grotesque (French grotesque, Italian grottesco - whimsical, from grotta - grotto) The concept of "grotesque" owes its origin to the archaeological excavations that were conducted in Rome in the 15-16 centuries at the site where the public baths of Emperor Titus were once located. In the premises covered with earth, the famous Italian artist Raphael and his students discovered a kind of painting, called "grotesque" ("grotto, dungeon"). Nero's Golden House

Grotesque - deviation from the norm, conventionality, exaggeration, deliberate caricature Grotesque is an unprecedented, special world that opposes not only everyday life, but also the real, the real. Grotesque borders on fantasy. It shows how absurdly the terrible and the funny, the absurd and the authentic, the real and the fantastic collide.

Absurdity (lat. absurdus - “discordant, ridiculous”) - something illogical, ridiculous, contrary to common sense

Phantasmagoria (from the Greek phantasma - ghost and agoreuō - I say) - 1. bizarre, fantastic vision (book) 2. trans. Nonsense, impossible thing (colloquial).

Phantasmagoria - a ghostly, fantastic image obtained through various optical devices (special)

Nonsense perfect is done in the world with no

This is what happened in the northern capital of our vast state! Well, yes, and where are there no inconsistencies? .. And yet, as you think about it, there really is something in all this. Say what you like, but such incidents happen in the world - rarely, but they do happen. It has a lot of implausible things:

"The Nose" is a fantastic work "The Nose" is a fantastic work in which a whole life, empty, aimlessly formal, restlessly moving, stands before you with this runaway nose - and if you know it, this life - and you don't know If you can’t do it after all the details that the great artist unfolds before you, then the mirage life arouses in you not only laughter, but also chilling horror. Apollon Grigoriev “The fantastic serves the triumph of truth just as much, and perhaps even better, than the real. In the story, one can see a very specific artistic goal - to make people feel the vulgarity around them. And here the fantastic only intensified the manifestation of reality, colored the vulgarity and increased the ridiculous. "I. Annensky

Who knows better who has a longer nose? Can't see beyond your nose? Nick down? Keep your nose to the wind? Do not poke your nose into someone else's millet? Lead by the nose? Wipe your nose? Stay with the nose? Leave with a nose? Face to face? Nose lifts, and in the head the wind walks? Can't you lift your nose wisely? A nose the size of an elbow, but a mind the size of a fingernail? Pull up your nose? Show nose?

Not for a man arrogant. The nose is out of order. Arrogance - pride, arrogance, arrogance, pouting; swagger, vanity. Arrogance is a stupid self-satisfaction, putting dignity, rank, external insignia in merit. Arrogance puffs, humility exalts. Arrogance loves honor. Boyar arrogance in the heart is growing. What an honor for us, it would be arrogance! Arrogance is not nobility, stupid speech is not a proverb .. Smart arrogance does not happen. You can't lift your nose with your mind. Pride goes before a fall. There is a proverb for your arrogance.

He himself was not a holder of any order of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire of 1835 To prevent the lack of capable and worthy officials. . . in the Caucasus region. . . officials who are determined there are granted exclusive rights and advantages: an award to the next rank without a queue (Code, article 106); award to the rank of the eighth class, giving the right to hereditary nobility - a collegiate assessor - without tests and certificates required from other civil officials (Code, Article 106); granting land under the statute on pensions (Code, article 117) shortening the period for receiving the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree (Code, article 117) Major Kovalev was seen stopping once in front of a shop in Gostiny Dvor and buying some kind of order ribbon, for unknown reasons because he himself was not a knight of any order.

teacher of Russian language and literature of the Second St. Petersburg Gymnasium E-mail: [email protected] Filatova Svetlana Alekseevna The work was carried out at the course "Information technologies in the work of a language teacher" at the Regional Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Information Technologies (RTSOKOiIT). Lecturers: Ph.D., corresponding member. Academy of Informatization of Education, Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor, Lecturer of the RCCOC&IT Gorlitskaya S.I. .

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