Interesting personalities of our time. Personality and its contribution to history: the greatest people in the history of mankind

Whatever the champions of pure art may say, all creative people dream of fame. All the talk about annoying interviewers, annoying paparazzi and the burden of popularity, although they have a basis, are more caused by the desire to flirt. The loss of recognition is perceived by artists, musicians, artists and even politicians as a personal tragedy. Even the most famous person in the world can be forgotten by everyone if he does not make efforts to maintain his fame.

Different countries - different celebrities

To determine the degree of recognition of the image of a particular person, you can conduct a simple experiment. It is enough to take a few photographs and walk with them through the streets of the world's largest years, asking random passers-by if they know who is depicted on them. At the same time, it will certainly turn out that not in all countries the top most famous people in the world will be the same. For example, in most European countries they love A.P. Chekhov and P.I. Tchaikovsky, but the kings of Spanish bullfighting or famous baseball players are unlikely to be recognized. The reaction of Americans to the photo of the star in the cult film The Wizard of Oz will most likely be an attempt to sing at least a verse from the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow, but in sunny Kyrgyzstan they may ask who she is.

fame and information

The number of celebrities has become truly enormous due to the emergence and improvement over the past century of mass media and technical means designed to replicate and distribute images - both static (photo) and moving (video). In parallel with the increase in the information saturation of society, there was also the development of other scientific and technical areas directly related to technologies for increasing the level of fame. Today, the most famous person in the world is the one (or the one) whose image most often appears on TV screens and computer monitors.

How to determine popularity?

Film actors, musicians, astronauts, politicians, revolutionaries, writers and scientists have become heroes for decades. On the globe, completely covered with information communications, today there are few who do not remember Gagarin's smile, Stalin's mustache and pipe, Churchill's cigar, Hitler's bangs or Lenin's squint. Seeing the image of JF Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Salvador Dali or Albert Einstein, almost every representative of any civilized country will easily name them. It is difficult to determine which of them is the most famous person in the world, and by what criteria it can be calculated. One thing remains - to compile a list of celebrities in various categories, and already within the framework of some direction to determine the degree of their popularity by objective indicators. The principle of systematization in this case can be different, for example, chronological or taking into account the nature of the activities of famous people.

The most famous writer...

The most famous man among the writers who ever lived. His appearance became a model of what a modern writer should look like, and spawned a huge number of imitators who grew a beard and lit a pipe. Images of the famous novelist and short story writer have become part of the interior of most of the apartments of Soviet intellectuals since the 60s, symbolizing progressive views and a certain degree of freethinking. Hemingway is indeed a wonderful writer, although there were others who wrote no worse, but much less famous.

… and the artist

Who today would recognize Repin, Surikov or Aivazovsky, or, for example, Rubens? Art historians and just art lovers are familiar with their appearance mainly from self-portraits, and those who are not privy to the details of their biography, that is, the majority, would hardly name them. But Salvador Dali is the most famous person in the world among artists. His image is recognizable, and the facts associated with his name continue to be of interest to the general public after so many years after the death of the painter. It was not easy to achieve this, in addition to talent, it was necessary to commit a number of inexplicable acts, participate in many scandals and grow an outstanding mustache.

Famous Politicians

The image of a politician is important for his career. The military tunic of Fidel Castro, the jacket of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the mustache and bangs of Adolf Hitler, the eyebrows of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, the speckled tie of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin and even the wheelchair of Franklin Delano Roosevelt immortalized the images of these figures. At the same time, not every modern inhabitant of the planet will be able to remember the correct name of the positions they hold, but, looking at the image, they will almost immediately name the name, approximate time of reign and the country in which they achieved power. The same applies to Ernesto Che Guevara, whose beret has long been featured on numerous posters and T-shirts. Chairman Mao is not inferior to him either. We also recognize their opponent, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It is difficult to determine who the most famous person in the world among politicians, but it is clear that the inventor of the lightning rod, President Franklin, is ahead of them all, looking at us from the most commonly used dollar bills.

Young pop singer Rebecca Black got the dubious fame of the creator of the most terrible video clip, which, precisely because of its low artistic level, gained 40 million views on Youtube. Everyone was interested in listening to "Friday", the nastiest song in the world.

The leader of the Black Sabbath group, the happy father of three children and millionaire Ozzy Osbourne, are still publicly reminded of the head of a bat that he bitten off in public.

Ringo Star, a living classic of rock music, did nothing of the sort, he was just a drummer for the Beatles and has survived to this day.

Eminem, who proved to the whole world that not only colored, but also white guys can rap, is also recognizable almost everywhere.

The top celebrity parade traditionally includes athletes, presidents, chancellors, singers, artists and representatives of other public professions. One can relate differently to their activities and achievements, but one cannot deny their recognition.

Aristotle is an ancient Greek encyclopedist, philosopher and logician, the founder of classical (formal) logic. Considered one of the greatest geniuses in history and the most influential philosopher of antiquity. He made a huge contribution to the development of logic and natural sciences, especially astronomy, physics and biology. Although many of his scientific theories have been refuted, they have contributed significantly to the search for new hypotheses to explain them.

Archimedes (287-212 BC)

Archimedes is an ancient Greek mathematician, inventor, astronomer, physicist and engineer. Generally considered the greatest mathematician of all time and one of the leading scientists of the classical period of antiquity. Among his contributions to the field of physics are the fundamental principles of hydrostatics, statics and an explanation of the principle of action on a lever. He is credited with inventing pioneering mechanisms, including siege engines and the screw pump named after him. Archimedes also invented the spiral that bears his name, formulas for calculating the volumes of surfaces of revolution, and an original system for expressing very large numbers.

Galileo (1564–1642)

In eighth place in the ranking of the greatest scientists in the history of the world is Galileo - an Italian physicist, astronomer, mathematician and philosopher. He has been called "the father of observational astronomy" and "the father of modern physics". Galileo was the first to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies. Thanks to this, he made a number of outstanding astronomical discoveries, such as the discovery of the four largest satellites of Jupiter, sunspots, the rotation of the Sun, and also established that Venus changes phases. He also invented the first thermometer (without a scale) and a proportional compass.

Michael Faraday (1791–1867)

Michael Faraday was an English physicist and chemist, primarily known for the discovery of electromagnetic induction. Faraday also discovered the chemical effect of current, diamagnetism, the effect of a magnetic field on light, and the laws of electrolysis. He also invented the first, albeit primitive, electric motor, and the first transformer. He introduced the terms cathode, anode, ion, electrolyte, diamagnetism, dielectric, paramagnetism, etc. In 1824 he discovered the chemical elements benzene and isobutylene. Some historians consider Michael Faraday the best experimenter in the history of science.

Thomas Alva Edison (1847–1931)

Thomas Alva Edison is an American inventor and businessman, founder of the prestigious scientific journal Science. Considered one of the most prolific inventors of his day, with a record 1,093 patents in his name and 1,239 elsewhere. Among his inventions are the creation in 1879 of an electric incandescent lamp, a system for distributing electricity to consumers, a phonograph, an improvement in the telegraph, telephone, film equipment, etc.

Marie Curie (1867–1934)

Maria Sklodowska-Curie - French physicist and chemist, teacher, public figure, pioneer in the field of radiology. The only woman to win the Nobel Prize in two different fields of science - physics and chemistry. First female professor teaching at the Sorbonne University. Her accomplishments include the development of the theory of radioactivity, methods for separating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two new chemical elements, radium and polonium. Marie Curie is one of the inventors who died from their inventions.

Louis Pasteur (1822–1895)

Louis Pasteur - French chemist and biologist, one of the founders of microbiology and immunology. He discovered the microbiological essence of fermentation and many human diseases. Initiated a new department of chemistry - stereochemistry. Pasteur's most important achievement is considered to be his work in bacteriology and virology, which resulted in the creation of the first vaccines against rabies and anthrax. His name is widely known thanks to the pasteurization technology he created and named after him later. All Pasteur's works have become a vivid example of a combination of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry, anatomy and physics.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643–1727)

Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, historian, bible scholar, and alchemist. He is the discoverer of the laws of motion. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, laid the foundations of classical mechanics, formulated the principle of conservation of momentum, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, built the first reflecting telescope and developed the theory of color, formulated the empirical law of heat transfer, built the theory of the speed of sound, proclaimed the theory of the origin of stars and many other mathematical and physical theories. Newton was also the first to mathematically describe the phenomenon of tides.

Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

Second place in the list of the greatest scientists in the history of the world is occupied by Albert Einstein - a German physicist of Jewish origin, one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the twentieth century, the creator of general and special relativity, discovered the law of the relationship between mass and energy, as well as many other significant physical theories. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. Author of more than 300 scientific papers in physics and 150 books and articles in the field of history, philosophy, journalism, etc.

Nikola Tesla (1856–1943)

The greatest scientist in the world is considered to be Nikola Tesla - a Serbian and American inventor, physicist, electrical engineer, known for his achievements in the field of alternating current, magnetism and electrical engineering. In particular, he owns the invention of alternating current, polyphase system and alternating current electric motor. In total, Tesla is the author of about 800 inventions in the field of electrical and radio engineering, including the first electric clock, solar-powered engine, radio, etc. He was a key figure in the construction of the first hydroelectric power station at Niagara Falls.

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What does it mean to be famous? For example, Chesley Sullenberger came in second in the Top 100 Most Influential People of 2009 just for a successful emergency landing of the plane, as a result of which no one was injured. But time passes, and all these rating names are erased and dissolved behind millions of the same rating names. But there are ten people who are known in any part of the globe. They knew, know and will know about them. And we invite you to remember these ten people in the Top Greatest People of All Time. The names in the list are in ascending order, from tenth to the most important, first place.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Sir Isaac Newton

If you make a rating of people on demand in Google, then Albert Einstein would be in tenth place, in one month the query “Albert Einstein” gains up to 6.1 million search queries. But many more books have been written about Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein is unlikely to ever beat him in this sense. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Attraction, coined the term "gravity", invented the reflecting telescope, defeated the Roman Catholic Church with the justification of geocentrism and determined that any, even the smallest object in the universe, moves. In his spare time, Newton explored the principles of optics. He lived a long life and died at the age of 84.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Leonardo da Vinci

In the case of one of the greatest men in history, Leonardo da Vinci, a Google search can be quite inaccurate. And if you enter just the name "Leonardo", then Google will return a bunch of links to ninja turtles and people who drowned on the Titanic. But if you type the full name of Leonardo da Vinci, you will immediately find out that he is known to the whole world. A person who could do anything. And all the books about him and his inventions are probably the biggest and most interesting summaries in the world. He was an engineer, inventor, anatomist, architect, mathematician, geologist, musician, cartographer, botanist, writer and sculptor. He invented the rifle, even if it didn't immediately look like what we used to call a rifle, but Leonardo's rifle shot at a distance of 1000 yards. He invented the parachute, 300 years before it was officially invented. He invented the hang glider, 400 years before his official invention. Hang glider Leonardo was based on the work of bird wings. He could imagine what a helicopter should be like, but he could not understand what kind of force it would have to be to lift such a structure into the air. He invented the tank, which was a structure driven by a crankshaft. The structure could move and shoot at the same time and in different directions. He invented scissors by bolting two knives together.

Along with incredible inventions for his time, Leonardo was a great artist and sculptor. The work "Mona Lisa" is a masterpiece of world portraiture, around which controversy does not stop to this day.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is a person whom we repeat every day, quoting and not even suspecting that it was he who invented this phrase or expression. It's amazing, remember how often you say something like this: "all that glitters is not gold", "a pitiful sight", "food of the gods", "all's well that ends well". It's all Shakespeare. And of course, the maestro's most famous phrase: "to be or not to be." Egil Aarvik, a spokesman for the Nobel Prize Committee, once said that Shakespeare would be the only person who could claim the Nobel Prize more than once.

Speaking about the work of Shakespeare, we can say almost nothing unambiguously about him. About his life, about him as a person. We only know that he was a simple actor, and then suddenly became the greatest playwright. This gives rise to an incredible amount of rumors spreading about whether Shakespeare was Shakespeare.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Adolf Gitler

Everyone knows who Adolf Hitler is. We all know that this man is the root cause of World War II. He provoked the war for two main reasons, so to speak. One: to become the most powerful man on earth and in history, and rule the world. The second reason: to generate as much pain as possible against all those whom he personally considered guilty of putting Germany in an insulting and humiliating position after the First World War.

Hitler was a great orator, and he knew what his compatriots wanted to hear and knew that they felt the same feelings towards the offenders of Germany as he did. Consequently, it was not difficult to raise people to "great" accomplishments and conquests.

The Second World War was the most difficult, bloodiest war in the history of mankind. It led to the greatest human losses. The approximate number of victims of the Second World War is 71 million people. And Hitler is to blame for this. And during the war, he knew about it. He knew that all these victims were his victims, and he was glad of that. He was proud of it. Today, Hitler is in the hearts and minds of people on the same list as the "Devil" and "Satan".

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Apostle Paul of Tarsus

In sixth place in our ranking of the Greatest people of all time. Top 10 is the Apostle Paul of Tarsus. The Apostle Paul is considered the most important person in the spread of Christianity, its ideology and principles. The Apostle Paul is considered the most important Christian apologist.

The Apostle Paul is the most famous and revered apostle of all the disciples of Christ.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

It may surprise you, but most people who Google the name of the Buddha are not Buddhists. In the Western Hemisphere and throughout Europe, Buddhism is not as widespread as in the Eastern part - Nepal and India. It is known that the Buddha was a mortal man who achieved nirvana and spiritual awakening at the age of 35. To achieve nirvana and spiritual knowledge, the Buddha sat in meditation for 49 days under a tree until he reached the knowledge of what needs to be done in order to end human suffering. Having learned the truth, the Buddha carried his teachings to people so that all those who do could be freed from the torment in their lives. This path is called the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of: Right View, Right Intention, Right Concentration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness. According to the teachings of the Buddha, if you follow these simple rules, you can become a truly happy person who does not depend on anything.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Moses

Moses is revered by all the major modern religions of the world, and Judaism, and Christianity, and Islam. He is the greatest prophet of the Supreme Testament, the liberator of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. Moses was a legislator, a judge, a person through whom the Lord passed on his main 10 commandments.

According to legend, Moses was found as a baby, in a basket, floating on the Nile and was raised as the son of a pharaoh. There is no, by and large, accurate information about Moses, except that he grew up in a noble Egyptian family, and one day he saw an Egyptian mocking his Jewish slave, killed the Egyptian and fled into the desert. Here, in the desert, God first appeared to Moses as a burning bush. This turning point inspired Moses, and he, inspired, went to the pharaoh, asking him to let all the Jews go, otherwise, the Lord would send such torment to the Egyptians that they would not stand it. And so it happened. Pharaoh resisted, and the Lord showed his strength and sent unimaginable torments to the Egyptian people. Ultimately, Pharaoh was forced to release Moses along with all the Jews.

Moses led the Jews through the deserts for 40 years, so that they would all be reborn from slavery, here the Lord conveyed his basic laws through Moses.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Abraham

Bronze on our ranking of The Greatest People of All Time. The top 10 is occupied by the Biblical Abraham. And this is no coincidence. Abraham is considered one of the first prophets of the Middle East, the first to preach the one God. According to legend, God makes a covenant with Abraham, because he was very pious, unshakable in his faith in God. This covenant is marked by circumcision. Before that, the Lord tested Abraham's faith, demanding that he kill his son Isaac and Abraham had already raised a knife over his son when the Lord said that this was a test.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Mahomet

For non-Muslims, Mahomet founded Islam. For Muslims, Islam already existed, but Mohammed revived it in the hearts of people. Muslims believe that the Lord conveyed through Mohammed the basic philosophical principles and revelations, which he wrote down in the main religious book of Muslims - the Koran.

Mohammed was born in Saudi Arabia and had 13 wives. Not a single exact image of Mohammed has been preserved, because he is considered the last prophet sent by Allah in order to teach people the main path of peace and righteousness, and that he is too holy for all of us to see his face. During his life, Mohammed managed to unite the entire Middle East under the name of one God - Allah.

Greatest people of all time. Top 10. Jesus of Nazareth

It would be incomprehensible if some other person took the first place in the Top 10 Greatest People of All Time. Naturally, this is Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ.

We all know the story of the life of Jesus, who was born to a virgin, died at the age of 33, that he was crucified on the cross, that he died and resurrected three days later, ascended to heaven, to the abode of His Father and now sits at the right hand of God.

Jesus Christ is accepted by all religions of the world, both believers and atheists know about him and his life. Perhaps, some of the most primitive peoples and tribes living in the Amazon River Delta or in the impenetrable forests of Brazil do not know the name of Christ. The main book that tells about the life and deeds of Christ is the New Testament Bible, we note that 25 million copies of the Bible are sold annually around the world.

So, even if you are not a believer, you will have to accept the fact that the most famous person in the whole world is Jesus of Nazareth.

About seven and a half billion people live on planet Earth. Despite this, a small percentage of all inhabitants can boast that he is known throughout the planet. The activity of this privileged group determines all events and everything that happens in the world.

10 Mark Zuckerberg

The person who opens the list of the most influential people in the world, and at the same time the youngest representative, is the founder of the social network Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg. Now Mark is 32 years old, almost twice as old as all the other contenders in this rating. This year, the young billionaire managed, made a crazy career jump - he jumped from the end of the second ten of the Forbes rating to the first. His current fortune is more than 50 billion dollars. This is taking into account the fact that the Zuckerbergs constantly donate funds to charity. So, Mark and his wife Priscilla Chan previously promised an investment of $ 3 billion for a good deed - the fight and complete eradication of all diseases on the planet by the end of the 21st century.

9 Narendra Modi

Ninth place was taken by Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. And every year the popularity of a politician is growing, especially among Indians. At the same time, the attitude of citizens towards politics did not change even after the difficult and unexpected monetary reform, which was organized in connection with the anti-corruption course. The Prime Minister issued a decree last fall to annul the highest denomination of Indian national currency banknotes.

8 Larry Page

The next place on the list is Larry Page - this gentleman is one of the developers of the popular Google search engine. A year ago, the company went through a process of reorganization. At the moment, Google is a subsidiary of Alphabet Corporation, and Larry Page is the chairman of the board.

7 Billy Gates

A higher position in this top is occupied by a much more popular and popular character in the world media - Billy Gates. This is a man whose fortune reaches more than 80 billion dollars, in other words, "money chickens do not peck." Billy's very symbolic idea is to build a real chicken coop in one of the New York skyscrapers. A logical question may arise - "why"? The thing is that the billionaire is very fond of chickens in any form, he believes that thanks to such poultry, many peoples of Africa will be able to get rid of poverty.

6 Janet Yellen

Janet Yellen was almost in the middle of the list. This is the chief economist of the United States, as well as the head of the Federal Reserve System of America. Janet carefully monitors the work of all banking and financial institutions. It is also curious that Mrs. Yellen has a huge popularity among Americans. And they love and respect her for her simplicity, intelligence, openness, as well as her ability to express her thoughts clearly and understandably.

5 Pope Francis

In fifth place in the ranking of the most influential people on a global scale is the only representative of the sphere of religion - the current head of the Vatican. And this is the most mature representative of the rating. Pope Francis turned 80 last year! However, despite his rather advanced age, the pontiff radiates strength, vital energy, which is more than enough to inspire and inspire his many parishioners to do good and good deeds, as well as to lead a righteous life.

4 Xi Jinping

The fourth place was taken by Xi Jinping, the President of the People's Republic of China. In 2012, immediately after his election as head of state, the politician embarked on reforms aimed at a tough and uncompromising fight against corruption. He is extremely popular among his people. And first of all, this is due to the openness of the politician. For example, there was a case when the press published a report about an ordinary working day from the life of Xi Jinping. Nothing like this has ever happened before in China!

3 Angela Merkel

Absolutely unexpectedly, the top three leaders are opened by Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany. For all its ambiguity, this is a very bright figure in the modern political arena. Despite the significant disappointments of German citizens, according to Forbes, Merkel is the last liberal politician who can give a tough rebuff to the progressive influence of the Russian Federation in the West. Last year, 2017, the German chancellor faced a huge number of problems: she had to clean up the results of Brexit and the growing unrest in the European Union, to deal with the crowds of migrants who flooded into Germany. Parliamentary elections are scheduled for 2019, the result of which will make it clear whether the Germans still show confidence in the decisions of Angela, as well as in the party she leads.

2 Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, took the well-deserved second place. This is the first time that a billionaire has become president of an overseas superpower. According to research findings, America's middle and upper class, who value liberalism so much, feel some embarrassment for their country's leader. Most of the claims are not about Trump himself, but about his family - his wife and children. However, he himself often appears at the epicenter of discussions!

1 Vladimir Putin

Probably no one is surprised that tops the Forbes list of the top 10 most influential people in the world in 2019, the most powerful person on the planet in 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin. If you believe the rumors, the head of Russia is capable of anything: he can influence the course of hostilities in Syria, and organize "sabotage" in the United States! No wonder they say that Donald Trump is a secret agent of the Kremlin. And then information suddenly comes up that, on the “order” of Vladimir Putin, Russian hackers invaded the process of choosing a new head of the White House... Naturally, both Putin and Trump completely deny any political intrigues against each other, but who will believe them!

Who do you consider the most worthy example and inspiration for yourself personally? Martin Luther King Jr., Yuri Gagarin, or maybe your grandfather? Our world has been forming for several millennia, and a lot of historical figures took part in this difficult process, who made their invaluable contribution to science, culture and many other spheres of life, both in their countries and all of humanity. It is very difficult and almost impossible to choose those whose influence was the most significant. However, the authors of this list still decided to try and collect in one publication the most inspiring personalities in the history of world civilizations. Some of them are known to everyone, others are not known to everyone, but they all have one thing in common - these people have changed our world for the better. From the Dalai Lama to Charles Darwin, here are 25 of the most outstanding personalities in history!

25. Charles Darwin

The famous British traveler, naturalist, geologist and biologist, Charles Darwin is best known for his theory, which changed the idea of ​​human nature and the development of the world in all its diversity. Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection suggests that all kinds of living organisms, including humans, descended from common ancestors, and this concept shocked the entire scientific community at one time. Darwin published The Theory of Evolution with some examples and evidence in his revolutionary On the Origin of Species in 1859, and our world and the way we know it has changed a lot since then.

24. Tim Berners-Lee

Photo: Paul Clarke

Tim Berners-Lee is a British engineer, inventor and computer scientist, best known as the creator of the World Wide Web. He is sometimes called the "Father of the Internet" and it was Berners-Lee who developed the first hypertext web browser, web server, and web editor. The technologies of this outstanding scientist have spread worldwide and have forever changed the way information is generated and processed.

23. Nicholas Winton

Photo: cs:User:Li-sung

Nicholas Winton was a British philanthropist, and since the late 80s, he became known primarily for taking 669 Jewish children from the territory of Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia right on the eve of World War II. Winton moved all these children to British orphanages, and some of them even managed to be placed in families, which definitely saved them all from certain death in concentration camps or during the bombing. The philanthropist organized as many as 8 trains from Prague and also took the children out of Vienna, but with the help of other modes of transport. The Englishman never sought fame, and for 49 years he kept his heroic deed a secret. In 1988, Winton's wife found a notebook with records from 1939 and with the addresses of the families who received the young rescuers. Since then, recognition, orders and awards have fallen upon him. Nicholas Winton died at the age of 106 in 2015.

22. Buddha Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha)

Photo: Max Pixel

Also known as Siddhartha Gautama (from birth), Tathagata (come) or Bhagavan (blissful), Shakyamuni Buddha (the awakened sage of the Shakya family) was the spiritual leader and founder of Buddhism, one of the world's three leading religions. The Buddha was born in the 6th century BC into a royal family and lived in absolute isolation and luxury. When the prince matured, he left his family and all his possessions to plunge into self-discovery and seek to save humanity from suffering. After several years of meditation and contemplation, Gautama attained enlightenment and became a Buddha. Through his teachings, Shakyamuni Buddha influenced the lives of millions of people around the world.

21. Rosa Parks

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the “First Lady of Civil Rights” and “the Mother of the Freedom Movement,” Rosa Parks was a true pioneer and founder of the black rights movement in Alabama in the 1950s, where there was still a strong racial segregation of citizens in those days. In 1955, in Montgomery, the capital of Alabama, a courageous African-American woman and passionate civil rights activist, Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger, disobeying the driver's orders. Her rebellious act provoked other blacks into what was later nicknamed the legendary "Montgomery Bus Boycott." This boycott lasted 381 days and became one of the key events in the history of the black civil rights movement in the United States.

20. Henry Dunant

Photo: ICRC

A successful Swiss businessman and active public figure, Henri Dunant became the first person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. During a business trip in 1859, Dunant faced the terrible consequences of the Battle of Solferino (Solferino, Italy), where the troops of Napoleon, the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Austrian Empire clashed under the leadership of Franz Joseph the First (Franz Joseph I), and the battlefield was left to die almost 9 thousand wounded. In 1863, in response to the horrors of war and the brutality of the fight, the entrepreneur founded the well-known International Committee of the Red Cross. Adopted in 1864, the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded was also based on the ideas expressed by Henri Dunant.

19. Simon Bolivar

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the Liberator (El Libertador), Simón Bolivar was an outstanding Venezuelan military and political leader who played a key role in the liberation from Spanish domination of as many as 6 countries of South and Central America - Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama. Bolivar was born into a wealthy aristocratic family, but he devoted most of his life to military campaigns and the struggle for the independence of the Spanish colonies in America. The country of Bolivia, by the way, was named after this hero and liberator.

18. Albert Einstein

Photo: wikimedia commons

Albert Einstein is one of the most respected and influential scientists of all time. This outstanding theoretical physicist, Nobel laureate and humanist public figure gave the world over 300 scientific papers on physics and about 150 books and articles on history, philosophy and other humanitarian areas. His whole life was full of interesting research, revolutionary ideas and theories, which later became fundamental for modern science. Einstein was best known for his theory of relativity, and thanks to this work he became one of the greatest personalities in the history of mankind. Even after almost a century, this Theory continues to influence the thinking of the modern scientific community, working on the creation of the Theory of Everything (or the Unified Field Theory).

17. Leonardo da Vinci

Photo: wikimedia commons

It is difficult to describe and list all the directions in which Leonardo da Vinci succeeded, a man who changed the whole world with his mere existence. Throughout his life, this Italian Renaissance genius managed to achieve unprecedented heights in painting, and in architecture, and in music, and in mathematics, and in anatomy, and in engineering, and in many other areas. Da Vinci is recognized as one of the most versatile and talented people who ever lived on our planet, and he is the author of such revolutionary inventions as the parachute, helicopter, tank and scissors.

16. Christopher Columbus

Photo: wikimedia commons

The famous Italian explorer, traveler and colonizer, Christopher Columbus was not the first European to sail to America (after all, the Vikings had been here before him). However, his voyages launched a whole era of the most outstanding discoveries, conquests and colonizations, which lasted for several more centuries after his death. Columbus' travels to the New World greatly influenced the development of the geography of those times, because at the beginning of the 15th century people still believed that the Earth was flat, and that there were no more lands beyond the Atlantic.

15 Martin Luther King Jr.

Photo: wikimedia commons

This is one of the most influential personalities of the 20th century. Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his peaceful movement against discrimination, racial segregation and for the civil rights of black Americans, for which he even received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist preacher and vibrant speaker who inspired millions around the world to fight for democratic freedoms and their rights. He played a key role in promoting civil rights through peaceful protests based on the Christian faith and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi.

14. Bill Gates

Photo: DFID – UK Department for International Development

The founder of the legendary multinational company Microsoft, Bill Gates was considered the richest man in the world for almost 20 years. More recently, however, Gates has become known primarily as a generous philanthropist, rather than for his success in business and the information technology market. At one time, Bill Gates stimulated the development of the personal computer market, making computers accessible to the most ordinary users, which is exactly what he was trying to achieve. Now he is passionate about the idea of ​​​​providing Internet access to the whole world. Gates also works on projects dedicated to combating global warming and combating gender discrimination.

William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers and playwrights in the English language, and he has had a profound influence on a whole galaxy of writers, as well as on millions of readers around the world. In addition, Shakespeare introduced about 2,000 new words, most of which are still in use in modern English. With his work, the national poet of England has inspired a great many composers, artists and filmmakers from around the world.

12. Sigmund Freud

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Austrian neurologist and founder of the science of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud is famous precisely for his unique studies of the mysterious world of the human subconscious. With them, he forever changed the way we evaluate ourselves and the people around us. Freud's work influenced the psychology, sociology, medicine, art, and anthropology of the 20th century, and his therapeutic methods and theories in the field of psychoanalysis are still being studied and applied in practice.

11. Oskar Schindler

Photo: wikimedia commons

Oskar Schindler was a German entrepreneur, Nazi Party member, spy, womanizer and drinker. All this does not sound very attractive and certainly does not look like a characterization of a real hero. However, contrary to all of the above, Schindler deservedly got on this list, because during the Holocaust and World War II, this man saved about 1,200 Jews, rescuing them from death camps to work in his plants and factories. The heroic story of Oskar Schindler has been described in many books and films, but the most famous adaptation was Steven Spielberg's 1993 film Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg, Schindler's List).

10. Mother Teresa

Photo: wikimedia commons

A Catholic nun and missionary, Mother Teresa devoted almost her entire life to serving the poor, sick, disabled and orphans. She founded the charitable movement and the women's monastic congregation "Sisters of the Missionaries of Love" (Congregatio Sororum Missionarium Caritatis), which exists in almost all countries of the world (in 133 countries as of 2012). In 1979, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize, and 19 years after her death (in 2016) she was canonized by Pope Francis himself.

9 Abraham Lincoln

Photo: wikimedia commons

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and one of the most influential personalities in American history. Coming from a poor farming family, Lincoln fought for the reunification of the country during the Civil War between North and South, strengthened the federal government, modernized the American economy, but he earned a reputation as an outstanding historical figure primarily for his contribution to the development of a democratic society and the fight against slavery and oppression. the black population of the USA. The legacy of Abraham Lincoln still has a defining influence on the American people.

8 Stephen Hawking

Photo: Lwp Kommunikacio / flickr

Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous and respected scientists in the world, and he has made an invaluable contribution to the development of science (especially cosmology and theoretical physics). The work of this British researcher and ardent popularizer of science is also impressive because Hawking made almost all of his discoveries despite a rare and slowly progressing degenerative disease. The first signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis appeared in his student years, and now the great scientist is completely paralyzed. However, a severe illness and paralysis did not prevent Hawking from marrying twice, becoming the father of two sons, flying in zero gravity, writing many books, becoming one of the founders of quantum cosmology and the winner of a whole collection of prestigious awards, medals and orders.

7. Unknown rebel

Photo: HiMY SYeD / flickr

This conditional name refers to an unknown man who independently held back a column of tanks for half an hour during the protests on Tiananmen Square (Tiananmen, China) in 1989. In those days, hundreds of protesters, most of whom were ordinary students, were killed in clashes with the military. The identity and fate of the unknown rebel remain unknown, but this photo has become an international symbol of courage and peaceful resistance.

6. Muhammad

Photo: wikimedia commons

Muhammad was born in 570 AD in the city of Mecca (Mecca, modern Saudi Arabia). He is considered a Muslim prophet and the founder of the Islamic religion. Being not only a preacher, but also a politician, Muhammad united all the Arab peoples of those times into a single Muslim empire that conquered most of the Arabian Peninsula. The author of the Qur'an began with a few followers, but eventually his teachings and practices formed the basis of the Islamic religion, which has become the second most popular religion in the world today, with about 1.8 billion believers.

5. Dalai Lama XIV (The 14th Dalai Lama)

Photo: wikimedia commons

Dalai Lama XIV or at birth Lhamo Dhondrub (Lhamo Thondup) is the Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1989 and a well-known preacher of the Buddhist philosophy of peace, professing respect for all life on Earth, and calling for the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The former spiritual and political leader of Tibet in exile, the 14th Dalai Lama always tried to find a compromise and sought reconciliation with the Chinese authorities who invaded Tibet with territorial claims. In addition, Lhamo Dhondrub is a zealous supporter of the women's rights movement, interfaith dialogues and advocates for solving global environmental problems.

4. Princess Diana (Princess Diana)

Photo: Auguel

Also known as "Lady Dee" and "The People's Princess", Princess Diana has won millions of hearts around the world with her charitable work, hard work and sincerity. She devoted most of her short life to helping those in need from third world countries. The Queen of Human Hearts, as she was also called, founded the movement to stop the production and use of anti-personnel mines, and was actively involved in the activities of several dozen humanitarian campaigns and non-profit organizations, including the Red Cross, Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital (London's Great Ormond Street Hospital) and AIDS research. Lady Dee died at the age of 36 from injuries sustained in a car accident.

3. Nelson Mandela

Photo: Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science

Nelson Mandela was a South African politician, philanthropist, revolutionary, reformer, passionate human rights activist during apartheid (racial segregation policy) and President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He had a profound influence on the history of South Africa and the world. For his beliefs, Mandela spent almost 27 years in prison, but he did not lose faith in the liberation of his people from the oppression of the authorities, and after his release from prison he achieved democratic elections, as a result of which he became the first black president of South Africa. His tireless work for the peaceful overthrow of the apartheid regime and for the establishment of democracy has inspired millions of people around the world. In 1993, Nelson Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize.

2. Jeanne d'Arc (Jeanne d "Arc)

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc is the greatest heroine in French history and one of the most famous women in world history. Born into a poor farming family in 1412, she believed she had been chosen by God to lead France to victory in the Hundred Years' War with England. The girl died before the end of the war, but her courage, passion and devotion to her goal (especially during the siege of Orleans) caused a long-awaited moral upsurge and inspired the entire French army for the final victory in the protracted and seemingly hopeless confrontation with the British. Unfortunately, in the battle, the Maid of Orleans was captured by the enemies, was condemned by the Inquisition and burned at the stake at the age of 19.

1. Jesus Christ

Photo: wikimedia commons

Jesus Christ is the central figure of the Christian religion, and He has had such a strong influence on our world that He is often called the most influential and inspiring person in the history of mankind. Compassion, love for neighbors, sacrifice, humility, repentance and forgiveness, to which Jesus called in his sermons and personal example, were concepts that were absolutely opposite to the values ​​of ancient civilizations during His life on Earth. Nevertheless, today there are about 2.4 billion followers of His teachings and Christian faith in the world.

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