Modern Talking Dieter is sick biography. Hooligan and excellent students


Name Dieter Bohlen causes a strong association with the group, and yet he achieved a lot in life and outside this team. In Germany, he is one of the most talented contemporary pop composers and successful producers. None of his projects was a failure, and many songs, even after 30 years, are listened to and sung with pleasure.

german nugget

They say, Dieter- this is an inexhaustible source of energy, he never gave up, did not lose heart, did not even allow the thought that he could not achieve his goals. His favorite quote is: "Even a bad experience can produce good results." And the results Dieter Bohlen not a few - over 40 years of creativity, he has earned hundreds of titles and awards, received an incredible number of "Golden Discs", released hundreds of songs, helped to make a career for several performers and now does not cease to participate in the musical life of Germany. Each of his projects became popular and brought considerable income.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention some of the critics who claim that Dieter Bohlen listen to only three German-speaking countries and states of the former socialist camp, allegedly in Great Britain and North America, they don’t even know about it. Perhaps the share of objectivity in these statements can be traced, but there are a lot of American idols who are absolutely not perceived in Europe or Asia. And if we judge the commercial popularity of an artist or a group, then even without covering the American market, discs Dieter Bohlen sold in millions of copies. To achieve this, remarkable perseverance, diligence, talent and self-improvement are needed.

Born in 1954 in the German town of Bern. On the Internet, you can find several references to the fact that he has Russian roots, since his grandmother was from Kaliningrad. However, as he himself clarified, this is more fiction than truth, although my grandmother really lived in Koenigsberg.

Young Dieter He did not cause much trouble to his parents, although he was expelled from two schools. When the question of choosing a profession arose, he wanted to sing, and his father (the owner of a construction company) insisted that his son still graduate from the economics department of the university. A compromise was found Dieter studies at the university, and his father allows him to study for a year after that music. As you can see, this period stretched for many years.

Prolific composer

The aspiring musician tried his hand at several bands, composed songs, sent them to recording studios in the hope that someone would like his work.

In 1978, the unthinkable happened. Dieter received an offer to become an employee of the music publishing house Intersong. There he had to deal not only with writing songs, but also with producing performers.

He tried his best, wrote songs one after another, sometimes performed with his creations in the music programs of German TV. He dreamed of popularity, but he understood that songs in German would not bring him worldwide fame. And then he began to compose English-language compositions, experiment with arrangements. And in 1983 he got the idea to create his own group. To do this, he needed to find a performer of his songs, since he did not have outstanding vocal abilities.

Once a young singer Thomas Anders came to him to record his album. Hearing this guy's voice Dieter realized that he was the perfect partner for him. So the world heard the legendary group Modern Talking, and Thomas Anders became almost inseparable for three whole years.

With euro disco style Dieter then hit the bull's-eye - millions of fans around the world went crazy with their idols.

Blue system of Dieter Bohlen

But already in 1987, the ambitions of two talents took over. Not without the intervention of the then wife of Thomas Anders - Nora. She believed that Thomas was more gifted and would succeed with solo performances. It was she who persuaded him to quit everything and go to the United States. was depressed and offended by Thomas. Later, he admitted that Anders shattered his dreams of conquering Great Britain and America by a group, destroyed many hopes, crossed out plans and prospects.

Having come to terms with the collapse of the Modern Talking group, he took up the Blue System project with renewed vigor and inspiration. Here he showed not only his composing, but also producing abilities. His musical flair allowed the group to become leaders in the music market in a very short time. Over the 11 years of the group's existence, he released 13 albums and shot 23 videos! In 1989 Dieter became the most successful German composer. That year, the Blue System group went on tour to the USSR, where they fully felt the nationwide fame. By the way, in the countries of the former Soviet Union it was more popular than even the most in terms of the number of discs sold.

In one decade, he composed a lot of hits and began cooperation with several performers, among whom were Bonnie Tyler and Chris Norman, and for C. C. Catch he became the godfather.

New conversation on an old topic

continued Dieter and his solo career. From my youth Is sick sang under many pseudonyms - Steve Benson, Joseph Coli, Fabrizio Bastino, there was even a female name - Jennifer Blake. The reason, in the words of Bolen, was simple. In Germany, after a few years, many are already tired of the performer Dieter Bohlen, and he went on and on writing music, so from time to time he recorded songs under pseudonyms. Firstly, the performer was curious to see how the audience would react to this creation, not knowing what it was performing. Is sick. Secondly, these songs did not affect his reputation in any way, and he could release singles under a female pseudonym for fun.

In 1998 career Dieter Bohlen made a sharp turn, and who would have thought in which direction. To the surprise of all fans, the most successful project Dieter Bohlen- Modern Talking - was resurrected in 1998. Apparently, after the separation of Anders from his first wife, Dieter it was easier to find a common language with him and restore the former joint work. It is believed that the group's second era was even more successful.

Again tours, concerts, recordings, TV shows and, of course, interviews. , as an excellent producer, knows that the interest of the public needs to be constantly warmed up, which is why he is a frequent hero of the gossip pages. What they didn’t write about him - numerous novels with young beauties, betrayals, scandals and so on. Paper will endure everything, if only his name was heard.

Fashion Writer

It was one of the components of his popularity. Therefore, when in 2002 he released an autobiographical book, Nothing but the Truth, it instantly became a bestseller, breaking all sorts of records even at book fairs. It was hard to imagine such a thing. Having exposed his whole life on the pages of the book and turned out the underwear of his colleagues, he forced the Germans to flee to bookstores.

Many performers were offended by him for such frankness, while others, on the contrary, were grateful, because the fans again started talking about long-forgotten idols. Fiction writers criticized creation in every way Bolen, thereby further fueling interest in him. Myself Dieter in an interview, he noted that this book became his second most popular project after Modern Talking. Later, he released several more autobiographical books, but they failed to break the record of the first. The second book "Behind the scenes" even became the reason for the claim of Thomas Anders. The court ordered the author to pay him a fine for unproven facts about Thomas published in the book.

Dieter Bohlen is looking for talents

Before he could recover from the fallen popularity of the second wave of Modern Talking and the hype around the book, he was invited to the jury of a television competition for young performers. Now, on German television, he hosts a music show every day, and on weekends, a talent casting. In addition, he continues to produce some artists, and to do business (for example, to produce collections of glasses, clothes or even wallpaper). Perhaps such versatile work cooled his interest in Modern Talking, and in 2003 he announced the completion of the project.

In Germany, for some reason, the image of a dry businessman was firmly entrenched behind him, but he is actually very romantic and sensitive. Dieter likes to repeat that if a person does not touch anything in life, then he will not be able to compose songs that will touch others to the depths of their souls. For example, "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", "My Bad Is Too Big" and many others. Is sick he was always amorous, it is important for him that his heart be filled with emotions. This is probably what helped him compose over 2,000 songs.

Lovingness Dieter Bohlen becomes a constant occasion for discussion of his life in the press. He was officially married twice and lived in a civil marriage with several women. From different wives he has six children - four sons and two daughters. The youngest Maximilian was born in September 2013.

When free time appears, he dedicates it to his children and wife, while strictly observing his own regime - every day he works out in the gym for an hour and a half, plays tennis, leads a healthy lifestyle and eats right. To that Dieter calls on all his acquaintances to live long and full lives.


“When I was young, I said that I wanted to be a star at 30, then - at 40, later - at 50, but even now at 60 I don't mind being popular and in demand. Today, many young artists want to become stars, but do not understand that this requires a lot of work. Fame is earned by hard work, otherwise it will not last.

He calls the musicians of the group his idols, and considers him the most successful composer. He considers himself only a successful German composer.

Updated: April 9, 2019 by: Elena

German musician, singer, songwriter, successful producer. Ranks second in the number of discs sold (800 million) after The Beatles. For many years he was the director of the television competition "Germany is looking for a superstar".

Dieter Bohlen: biography

The full name of the musician is Dieter Günther Bohlen. Date of birth - February 7, 1954. Dieter was born in the city of Bern. The boy's father and mother, Hans and Edith Bohlen, were in business.

At the age of 9, the child became a fan of The Beatles, which inspired him to study musical literacy. Bohlen chose the guitar as his instrument. The main thing remained - to buy it, for this purpose the boy got a job as a potato picker for a neighboring farmer. The money I earned was enough to make my dream come true.

First popularity

In a short time, Dieter became a star in his school: he performed at holidays, performing songs that he himself wrote, as well as hits by famous musicians.

The Bohlen family often moved from city to city, Dieter managed to study at three schools. At the age of fifteen, the future idol of millions created his first group, Mayfair, and then Aorta. For them, the young musician created about two hundred songs.

At first, Dieter did not devote enough time to studying music, however, he graduated from school with honors.


The young man chose a profession far from being creative. He entered the university at the Faculty of Economics, but in his spare time he did what he loved. Dieter performed in nightclubs, thereby earning his living. He succeeded well in this, soon the musician saved up the amount that was enough for him to buy a piano and his own car.

Dieter Bohlen was no longer enough to work in nightclubs. He wanted to be on the big stage. The young man independently recorded his songs and sent them to various production centers, but to no avail.

In 1978, Dieter received a diploma in economics and got a job that was completely unrelated to his acquired specialty. In the biography of Dieter Bohlen, the main place was occupied by music. He got a job at Peter Schmidt's Intersong firm. The young man studied musical news and compiled reports and lists. Along with the work, Dieter got the chance to write songs and offer them to various artists.

First success

In 1978, the creative biography of Dieter Bohlen continued with participation in the groups Monza and Sunday as a vocalist. The young man continued to develop as a songwriter. The first musical composition that brought Bohlen great success and money was Hale, Hey Louise. He wrote it for Ricky King. The song earned the publisher a five hundredfold profit. The author of the work was Steve Benson. It was the pseudonym of Dieter Bohlen.

World fame

In 1983, Dieter met Thomas Anders, and the following year, the Modern Talking group was born.

Musicians become megapopular all over the world. This is Bohlen's most successful product in his entire career. Proof of this is the fact that in one evening Dieter was presented with seventy-five gold and platinum discs in the Westphalian Hall of Dortmund, which were delivered to the stage by truck. In total, 185 million copies of the albums of this successful band were sold.

At the same time, Dieter Bohlen works on many projects as a producer, writes songs for stars, composes music for television and cinema. Throughout his creative biography, this talented person has worked with more than seventy singers. Once Dieter appeared on the screens as an actor, playing a minor role in the film.

Luis Rodriguez provided great assistance to Bohlen in his work. He made excellent arrangements for the musician. In gratitude for the joint work, Dieter dedicated a song to this man, which he called Brother Louie.

Star duo Modern Talking lasted three years. Then Dieter breaks off working relations with and creates a new project - Blue System. In 1991, the group enters the American chart. During the 11 years of their stay on stage, the band released 13 albums.

In 1998, the musician restores Modern Talking, which he has been working on for the next five years.

Period after 2000s

In 2002, the author's biography of Dieter Bohlen was published, which he wrote together with journalist Katya Kesler. The book quickly gained popularity and became a bestseller. At the same time, the producer creates a television competition project "Germany is looking for a superstar". The final composition of the first season of the popular show soars to the top of the charts.

Dieter Bohlen continues to work with the finalists as a producer, recording albums with them. In 2008, their joint composition You Can Get It becomes platinum.

In 2003, Dieter Bohlen signed a huge number of contracts with well-known brands. In the same year, the second biographical book "Behind the Scenes" was published, and then litigation began with Thomas Anders. As a result, the author paid a fine for insulting his former partner, he was forced to remove some places from the text.

In 2004, a scandal erupted around the name of Dieter Bohlen. He was accused of the fact that in some songs of the bands Modern Talking and Blue System, the voices of not the group's soloists, but studio vocalists, sound. But, as it turned out, this is unlikely.

In 2010, the producer takes under his leadership the singer Andreu Berg, who is called the queen of the German hit. As a result of the creative process, the Schwerelos disc is released, which immediately becomes a hit and takes first place in music ratings.

In May 2017, Dieter Bohlen released collections of new Modern Talking remixes. Fans of the group expressed the opinion that the result was not of high enough quality, they suggested that the work was done in haste.

Personal life of Dieter Bohlen, photo

Dieter is still successfully engaged in creativity. The talented musician has many fans who follow not only the professional biography of Dieter Bohlen, but also the events taking place in his personal life.

The singer is distinguished by love. He was not married once. Personal life in the biography of Dieter Bohlen is always present. The musician is a father of many children.

Dieter Bohlen: personal life, wives and children

The first wife of the musician was the girl Eric. She worked as a stylist and met Dieter at a disco. In 1983, the wedding of young people took place. Everything was modest, without pomp and triumph. The couple came to the marriage ceremony in denim suits. In this marriage, Dieter Bohlen became a father three times: sons Mark and Marvin, daughter Marilyn. The musician dedicated several songs to each of the children at different times of his activity.

Eleven years later, the family broke up. Erica could no longer tolerate women who were constantly present in her husband's life. Former spouses have maintained excellent relations. Dieter has always been involved in the upbringing of children and supported them financially.

After breaking up with his wife, the famous musician was in a relationship with model Nadia Abdel Farrah for a long time. In this case, the separation was not the fault of Dieter. The man loved his chosen one, but the girl was addicted to alcohol and was not faithful to her lover. The couple broke up.

Later, Dieter made a new attempt to build a family and in 1996 he remarried. The second wife of the musician was Verona Feldbush. The marriage did not work out. The chosen one was only interested in the size of her husband's fortune. Their relationship ended in a scandal: Verona accused Dieter of raising a hand against her.

In the early 2000s, Dieter met a girl named Estefania Küster, who gave birth to the musician's son Morias. This time the breakup occurred due to the singer's betrayals.

Then, in 2006, a new family appeared in the biography of Dieter Bohlen, see the photo below.

The musician met in Mallorca with a young girl named Karina Waltz. In 2011, baby Amelie appeared in the family. Dieter became a father for the fifth time at the age of 57. In the biography of Dieter Bohlen, the family took the main place. In the fall of 2013, baby Maximilian was born.

If in show business a man is perceived as a tough tyrant, then at home Dieter is a very sweet and caring father and husband. He walks along the beach with his family and is no longer interested in fast cars or noisy parties. Now in the personal life of Dieter Bohlen there is love and happiness.

Despite the fact that the story called "Modern Talking" had sunk into oblivion back in the early 2000s, this in no way affected the popularity of one of its participants, Dieter Bohlen. Active and full of creative ideas, he was never limited to only one project, and therefore even now, when music has changed its direction and completely different people reign on the stage, he continues to work fruitfully and (which is important) earn. Dieter Bohlen's personal life is also in full swing, and therefore fans always have something to discuss in numerous forums dedicated to the singer, producer and composer.

The biography of Dieter Bohlen began on February 7, 62 years ago in Bern. According to the musician himself, the parents suffered a lot while raising their son. However, he did not limit himself to the tricks that many boys often test the patience of relatives. From childhood, carried away by music (and so seriously that even then he became the author of many of his own songs), Dieter Bohlen decided, against his parental will, to tie his future fate with it. True, before starting his career in this field, the musician still managed to graduate from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Göttingen. At first, all the recordings of the musician, sent to recording studios, did not bring stable work, but the situation changed dramatically and at the age of 24, Dieter Bohlen took the position of composer and producer at Intersong. And since 1983, when a duet with Thomas Anders appeared, the biography of the hero of our article has been known to almost the whole world. It is worth adding that those 10 years, when the band first ceased to exist, the musician himself did not remain in the shadows and continued to work actively, but already in the Blue System group he created. In general, even now, even though Dieter Bohlen does not go on the stage himself, he is constantly in sight at home, since he is the author of hits by many modern performers, produces promising talented young singers and sits on the jury of popular competitions in Germany.

In the photo - Dieter Bohlen with his first wife and son

The personal life of Dieter Bohlen also does not leave the front pages of newspapers. This is largely due to his loving nature, but also to the fact that the musician chooses bright and extraordinary women as his companions. Eric's first wife became his life partner for 11 years, giving her husband two sons and a daughter - Mark, Marvin and Marilyn.

In the photo - Dieter Bohlen and Naddel

The couple divorced because of the constant betrayals of Dieter Bohlen and, as they say, because of a new lover - Nadia Abdel Farrah. By the way, she was the civil wife of a musician for a long 12 years. As he himself claims, they broke up because of the girl's addiction to alcohol.

In the photo - Dieter Bohlen with his wife Verona Feldbusch

During the break in these relations, Dieter Bohlen managed to briefly be married to Verona Feldbusch, a divorce from which was accompanied by a loud scandal. Since 2001, all of Germany has been discussing the musician's new romance with a young girl named Estefania Küster, who in 2005 gave him her third son, Maurice Cassian, without receiving a marriage proposal.

Dieter Bohlen, idea generator and creator of Modern Talking, is renowned for his productivity. Not only is he capable of composing 500 songs a year and is a happy father of three children. This German handsome man still doesn't miss a single skirt...


FOR THE FIRST TIME Dieter married a girl named Erika back in 1983. Dieter knew Erica from the university - student, one might say, love with several years of civil marriage preceding it. Erika, a dark-haired beauty, was a loyal and accommodating friend. She lived with Dieter for several years of relative poverty and creative failure, until in 1985 Bohlen thundered with his Modern Talking project. The first-born Mark was added to the wild European-Asian success and several million marks, and a little later, the second son, Marvin-Benjamin. The idyll, as usual, did not last long.

By 1989, the duet with Thomas Anders ordered to live a long time, but Dieter, without hesitation, created his own group called Blue System, where the girl appeared. Fragile and charming, Jean Dupay was a mulatto. Dieter suddenly realized that he was seriously attracted to the exotic Jean, but as an exemplary husband and family man, he controlled himself for some time. However, the new passion won.

Everything turned out very well. Dieter filmed a video clip in Mallorca, where he brought the whole family at the same time. In front of the camera, to the sounds of samba, Bohlen passionately kisses a sultry mulatto, lies with her on the coastal sand, caresses her round ass, barely covered by an ephemeral sheet ... The tabloids immediately spread juicy news: Dieter has a "hot flirtation" with his backing vocalist. The sensible wife of Eric tells reporters that she has nothing against such "flirting".


Dieter arrived from MALLORCA all excited and in love. The young body of Dupai seems to him much more attractive than the bodies of his missus. The missus endures, but in the end declares: either I or she. Bohlen rushes about, suffers, but the decision is not in favor of Erica - he chooses Jean. "Great," says Erica, pushing her famous husband's suitcases out the door.

Jean and Dieter live together for a while. Dreams come true and everyone is happy. The exemplary father Bohlen regularly visits his growing sons, and Erica does not interfere in the least. Her relationship with her husband (no one thinks of getting a divorce - such a waste!) Is even and friendly. As a result of these Sunday visits, Erika becomes pregnant again, and the youngest Marlene is born to the legal spouses. Upon learning of this, Jean disappears from Bohlen's life. Forever and ever.

I must say that Dieter was subsequently lucky for calm and reasonable women. Another thing is that you can’t swallow these quiet and dignified departures of them so easily. Bohlen indulges in all serious - whiskey, bars, dances and mulattos (now he loves only mulattos). But in order to get rid of the pain that he caused Dupay and that she caused him, Dieter needs perfection. And perfection appears.


BOLEN loads himself with beer in one of the out-of-the-way Hamburg bars, nods to the waiter to pour another mug, and turns to the side to see a creature in a skirt, who will have the honor of crushing this mug. What does he see? Infinitely long tanned legs, an unrealistically ephemeral torso crowned with a magnificent bust of the fifth size, long black hair, a clear high forehead, clear brown eyes that look like two large tonsils, sensual plump lips. "What's your name, baby?" - Dieter asks and blinks desperately to get rid of the obsession. "Nadia," the worthy daughter of a native of Sudan and a purebred German answers, and shyly lowers her lush fans of eyelashes. "And me - Dieter," Bohlen introduces himself and falls into a deep trance. "I know," the mulatto of his dreams nods, "I have loved you since childhood." "What a coincidence! - Dieter finally remembers that he needs to breathe. - I seem to love too. Although not since childhood, but ..."

The life of the saleswoman from the pharmacy, which Nadia Farrag was until yesterday, is changing dramatically. She becomes a full member of the Blue System and Bohlen's official girlfriend.

Nadia lived with Dieter for seven years. These were not the best years for the once popular composer. His records sold out very badly, there were catastrophically few television and radio rotations, and yesterday's star was called on tour only to the countries of the former socialist camp and somewhere in the depths of South America. Nadia supported, consoled, inspired hope and wiped her snot. But she lacked the beautiful surname "Bolen", a stamp in her passport, material guarantees in the event of the tragic death of her roommate from life and, in general, a child! True, Nadia did not say anything of the kind aloud, but only hinted ... That was enough. Dieter got up and said that Erica is an honest woman. If anything, she won't leave Nadya, let alone the rest... He didn't know, he didn't know that his beloved was so mercantile.

In order to unwind, Bohlen went to move chips in Las Vegas. Heat, champagne, bodies in tuxedos and evening dresses... Dieter did not even notice how he met Verona Feldbusch.


VERONA Feldbusch, of course, was a sexy and sultry girl - a typical girl of his dreams. Besides - non-Russian. In the sense that she is only half German. The second half of Verona was Venezuelan. This fact bought Bohlen with giblets.

Verona appeared in front of the millionaire composer in open tops and miniskirts, arranged stripteases in the room, unexpectedly jumped on Dieter in the pool, sensually rubbed her hips in the dance ... No wonder - Bohlen's bastions quickly fell. Moreover, they fell so low that Dieter seriously believed: he is in love, and he simply cannot lose such a woman. A supernumerary model (which was Verona) was bought a complete set of jewelry with diamonds, a red Ferrari and other benefits of civilization. Back in Germany, Bohlen divorces at the speed of an SS-20 ballistic missile, tells Nadia to pack her things because he is getting married.

Nadia packed a couple of suitcases and moved out of the 8-room mansion to a tiny cheap apartment on the outskirts of Hamburg. For days on end she walked along the embankment of the Elbe, swallowing her tears and thinking about whether she should throw herself into this very river in order to drown herself along with all her sorrows.

And at this time, this is what was happening in the Bolenov-Feldbusch family. Immediately after the marriage ceremony, Verona showed herself to be a spender, a hoarder and capricious. If she was bitten by a mosquito, she bought three cans of Fomitox at once, if they were going to the cinema, she painted for three hours, if Dieter worked, she burst into his studio demanding to pay close attention to her. However, she refused to fulfill her marital obligations. And she never cleaned, and was not even able to hire a servant. And spent, spent, spent Dieter's finances.

Bohlen was especially offended that Verona had seduced the musical giant solely because of money - he, a handsome athlete, don’t look at what hit 42!

Bohlen soon began to respond adequately - during the next disassembly, he screwed Feldbusch in the eye, in the other - in the ear, etc. "What to do if your husband beats you?".

In general, a month later they divorced. It cost Dieter 4 million marks and wounded pride. Now in all women Bohlen saw hunters for money. He increasingly approached the mirror and was horrified by his own reflection. He decided to whiten his teeth and get a facelift. Verona is famous. She was given to host an erotic show on the RTL2 channel called "Pip". In parallel, Feldbusch kept having affairs with the most famous German athletes, TV presenters and actors. A rare issue of "Bild" does without her photo.

What is Bohlen? On the third day after the divorce, he, gritting his teeth (more from fear), called Nadia. They talked as if nothing had happened. Dieter admitted his mistakes and repented. Nadia said that they will always be best friends.

The next day he called again. He said that he was bored and that the house was empty and uncomfortable without her. And called back.

And you know what? Nadia is back.

The couple lives peacefully and happily, for the holidays Bolen, Farrag and the kids from their first marriage go to Mallorca, and in an interview Dieter still says: “Girls? I like all kinds of girls! and a short skirt. I think we always have something to talk about with them!"

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