The relationship of pedagogical science and practice, trends in their development. Goal setting in pedagogy

The goal is a backbone (defining) element of pedagogical activity. The goal of education is a mental, predetermined idea of ​​the result of the pedagogical process, of the qualities, the state of the individual, which are supposed to be formed.

Goal-setting in pedagogy is a conscious process of identifying and setting goals and objectives of pedagogical activity.

The goals can be of different scale and make up a step system: state goals - the goals of individual educational systems and stages of education - the goals of teaching a particular subject or raising children of a certain age - the goals of a separate topic, lesson or educational event.

It is also possible to single out a global or ideal goal, a specific historical goal and the goal of the activity of a teacher, educator in the specific conditions of the pedagogical process, a personal goal.

The global (ideal) goal of education is the education of a comprehensively developed personality. For the first time this goal was formulated in the works of thinkers of the past (Aristotle, Confucius, etc.). The scientific substantiation of this goal was made in the 19th century. The need for comprehensive development is justified by the high level of technical and economic development requirements for personal qualities; the need of the person himself to develop his inclinations in order to survive in the conditions of the struggle for existence in a rapidly changing world.

In the history of pedagogy, there have been different approaches to determining the essence of this goal. Currently, it focuses on the comprehensive development of the inclinations of the child, the disclosure of his creative abilities, the formation of socially and personally significant qualities.

A specific historical goal is a goal formulated taking into account the peculiarities of the historical stage in the development of society. Currently, it is aimed at the formation of civil responsibility and legal self-awareness; spirituality and culture; initiative, independence; tolerance; the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market.

The purpose of the educator's activity specifies the designated goals, taking into account the characteristics of students, personal experience and the capabilities of a particular educational institution.

Personal (individual) goal reflects the needs of each individual in self-development.

Focusing on the pedagogical needs of society, the needs of the child and his parents, his own capabilities, the teacher organizes goal setting. There are free, rigid and integrated goal-setting. With free - organized joint (teacher and pupils) design, determination of the goals of education. With hard - the goal and program of action is given to schoolchildren by the teacher. With integrated - goals can be set from the outside by the teacher, and the program of actions to achieve them is determined jointly.

Goal-setting in pedagogy includes three main components:

1) substantiation and promotion of goals;

2) determination of ways to achieve them;

3) forecasting the expected result.

The following factors influence the development of educational goals:

The needs of children, parents, teachers, educational institution, social environment, society as a whole;

Socio-economic conditions and conditions of the educational institution;

Features of the student team, individual and age characteristics of students.

The sources of goal-setting are: the pedagogical request of the society; child; teacher.

Pedagogical goal setting includes the following steps:

1) diagnostics of the educational process, analysis of the results of previous activities;

2) modeling by the teacher of educational goals and objectives;

3) organization of collective goal setting;

4) clarification of goals and objectives, making adjustments, drawing up a program of pedagogical actions.

In pedagogical science, goal-setting is characterized as a three-component education, which includes:

a) justification and setting goals;

b) determining ways to achieve them;

c) designing the expected result.

Goal setting is an ongoing process. The non-identity of the goal and the actually achieved result become the basis for rethinking, returning to what it was, searching for unrealized opportunities from the standpoint of the outcome and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process. This leads to constant and endless goal setting.

The nature of the joint activities of teachers and students, the type of their interaction (cooperation or suppression) depends on how goal-setting is carried out, the position of children and adults is formed, which manifests itself in further work.

Goal setting can be successful if it is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

1) Diagnostics, i.e. promotion, substantiation and adjustment of goals based on a constant study of the needs and capabilities of the participants in the pedagogical process, as well as the conditions of educational work.

2) Reality, i.e. promotion and justification of goals, taking into account the possibilities of a particular situation. It is necessary to correlate the desired goal, projected results with real conditions.

3) Continuity, which means:

a) implementation of connections between all goals and objectives in the educational process (private and general, individual and group, etc.);

b) nomination and justification of goals at each stage of pedagogical activity.

4) Identification of goals, which is achieved through the inclusion in the goal-setting process of all participants in the activity.

5) Focus on the result, "measuring" the results of achieving the goal, which is possible if the goals of education are clearly, specifically defined.

Goal-setting involves the allocation of promising, intermediate goals (A.S. Makarenko defined these goals as close, medium and long-term prospects), as well as the setting of educational tasks as ways to achieve them. In pedagogy, it is customary to distinguish between proper pedagogical tasks (SPT) and functional pedagogical tasks (FPZ). SPZ are tasks aimed at changing the student, his personal qualities (for example, the formation of responsibility), and FPZ are the tasks of a separate pedagogical action (for example, one of the tasks of holding a school disco will be teaching children the ability to organize their leisure time).

Tasks should be determined by the initial level of development of the individual, the team; be sure to express what needs to be changed in the personality, be diagnostic (their results can be verified); concrete, achievable within the planned time frame.

Goal-setting in pedagogical activity

The goal is a pre-programmed result that a person should receive in the future in the process of carrying out this or that activity.

The goal acts as a factor that determines the method and nature of the activity, it determines the appropriate means of achieving it, it is not only the projected end result, but also the initial stimulus of the activity, the clarity of the goal always helps to find the “main link” in the work and focus efforts on it. Almost the main part of all errors in teaching and upbringing stems from a fuzzy presentation of the goals of activity on the part of teachers, due to miscalculations in the formulation of the goal.

Goal setting is one of the components of human activity. Different authors reveal the content of the concept “goal” in different ways.

The goal is what appears in the mind and is expected as a result of actions directed in a certain way (N.I. Kondakov).

The goal is an ideal representation of the desired result of the activity (T.K. Kravchenko).

The goal is the created result, the criterion-attribute by which compliance with this result is determined. (A.A. Gusakov).

It can be seen from the definitions that the goal and the result of the activity are interconnected. The main functions of the goals: the formulation of goals makes it possible to clearly present the desired end results, to concentrate efforts on finding solutions, to build criteria for evaluating performance. The choice of goals is a time-consuming process and is the most difficult task for the teacher.

In the technological approach to the design of the learning process, M.V. Clarin distinguishes the following stages:

Setting goals and their maximum specification, formulation of educational goals with a focus on achieving results (this stage of the teacher's work is given priority);

preparation of training materials and organization of the entire course of training in accordance with the learning objectives;

assessment of current results, correction of the learning process, aimed at achieving the goals;

final evaluation of the results.

The process of determining the goals of the pedagogical system by the teacher may include several stages:

1. Studying the educational situation (conditions). At this stage, the teacher studies and analyzes, comprehends the goals the school is working on, the goals of the subject being taught, and the established practice of teacher training.

2. Studying the level of development of children. The study of the quality of education of children, their intellectual abilities, which the school provides.

An analysis of the conditions and level of development of children allows us to determine a list of issues that need to be addressed. A hierarchy of these problems is being built. The teacher selects the problems that need to be solved first (one, two or three). When selecting, he takes into account his professional competence, capabilities and interests.

3. The stage of formulating the goals of the teacher's pedagogical system, their clarification, concretization. The initially formulated goal may be of a general nature and not affect all the details and details. In the course of planning, designing, the goals of the learning process are specified, concretized and detailed in the tasks described in the student's actions. Pedagogical goals, if possible, should not be described at the “abstract-analytical level”, they should be specific, complete, precise and not contradictory.

Let's try to identify the requirements for goal-setting in pedagogical activity.

· The learning process is an interrelated activity of two subjects, therefore the goals of both subjects of activity should be reflected in the goals.

· Goals should be set adequately to the level of development of children, as they should be feasible, accessible, achievable for schoolchildren, but at the same time intense, stimulating children to activity and further development.

· In the statement of the purposes ways of realization of the purposes can be specified.

· If the goal is a result that determines the current or final state of the student, then it becomes necessary to measure, determine the level at which the student is, to fix the degree of achievement or approach to the goal. Therefore, goals are set in such a way that they can be diagnosed.

Let us turn to the typical ways of setting goals that are common in the practice of teachers.

1. Definition of goals through the content being studied. For example: "learn the passive voice."

What gives this way of setting goals? Perhaps only one indication of the area of ​​content covered by a lesson or a series of lessons. But is it possible, with this method of setting goals, to judge whether they have been achieved? In other words, is this way of setting goals instrumental? Obviously not. Therefore, supporters of pedagogical technology consider it clearly insufficient.

2. Determination of goals through the activities of the teacher. For example: "to familiarize students with the political system of the United States."

This way of setting a goal - "from the teacher" - is focused on his own activities and creates the impression of clarifying and streamlining the work. However, the teacher plans his actions without being able to check their consequences, with the real results of learning, since these results are not provided for by this method of goal setting.

3. Setting goals through the internal processes of the intellectual, emotional, personal development of the student. For example: to form the ability to analyze ....."; "to develop the ability of expressive reading"; "to form the ability to independently analyze ....... "to develop the cognitive independence of students in the process ..."; "create interest..." In formulations of this kind, we recognize generalized educational goals - at the level of a school, a subject or a cycle of subjects, but not at the level of a lesson or even a series of lessons.

Supporters of pedagogical technology completely deny this way of setting goals. Indeed, is it possible to be convinced of the achievement of such goals, or at least of progress towards them, based on the results of one lesson? In this way, it is impossible to find landmarks by which one can judge the achievement of the goal; for this it is set too "procedurally". However, this method is not fundamentally fruitless. It is only necessary not to confine ourselves to general formulations, but to advance along the path of their clarification.

4. Setting goals through the learning activities of students. For example: "the purpose of the lesson is to read the text with the extraction of the necessary information", or "perform lex-gram. exercises".

At first glance, such a formulation of the learning goal introduces certainty into the planning and conduct of the lesson. However, here, too, the most important moment falls out of sight - the expected result of training, its consequences. This result is nothing but a certain shift in the development of the student, which is reflected in one or another of his activities.

The method of setting goals offered by pedagogical technology is characterized by increased instrumentality. It consists in the fact that learning objectives are formulated through learning outcomes expressed in the actions of students, and those that a teacher or some other expert can reliably identify.

True, this fruitful idea faces considerable difficulties. How to translate learning outcomes into action language? How can this translation be unambiguous?

These issues are addressed in two main ways:

1) building a clear system of goals, within which their categories and successive levels (hierarchy) are distinguished.

2) the creation of the most clear, specific language for describing the learning objectives, into which the teacher can translate insufficiently clear formulations.

Here is an indicative list of verbs for formulating general learning goals:

analyze, express, demonstrate, know, interpret, use, evaluate, understand, transform, apply, create.

I will give a list of verbs for specific educational purposes.

Verbs for designating goals of a "creative" type (search actions): vary, modify, modify, regroup, rebuild, predict, question, systematize, simplify, etc.

Verbs for designating goals in the field of oral and written speech (speech actions): highlight, express in verbal form, write down, designate, summarize, underline, pronounce, read, divide into component parts, tell, retell

Verbs for designating goals in the field of interpersonal interaction:

make contact, express an idea, express agreement (disagreement), apologize, excuse, answer, thank, express praise (approval), provide assistance, invite, take part, etc.

Thus, the most real, instrumental and diagnostic is the method of setting goals through learning outcomes, expressed in specific actions of the student. Since these actions are only projected when setting goals, it would be more accurate to formulate them using the modal verb “should” or “can” and the indefinite verb: the student must know, must have an idea, must understand, must perform, must apply, etc.

"The logical foundations of the computer" - Volume. Statement. Logical expressions and truth tables. Logic functions. A computer. RAM. Logical multiplication (conjunction). logical equality. What is the difference between a full adder and a half adder? Truth table of logical functions of two arguments. Logical laws and transformation rules.

"Logic of statements" - We will designate statements in capital letters. The idea of ​​the possibility of mathematization of logic was expressed as early as the 17th century. German logician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. But Leibniz's idea turned out to be unconfirmed, since no way has yet been found to reduce human thinking to some kind of mathematical calculus.

"Laws of Logic" - Let's use the distributive law: X? (Y V Z) = X ? Y V X ? Z (or take the common factor out of the bracket). Homework. Let us apply the distributivity rule ((A?B) +(A?C) = A?(B+C)). O. Morgan. Reinforce learning #1 Simplify the expression: F = ¬ (A&B) v ¬ (BvC). How to schedule.

"Logic" - The relationship of calculus to semantics is expressed in terms of semantic suitability and semantic completeness of the calculus. Inference rules are divided into two classes. A calculus is a set of inference rules that make it possible to consider certain formulas as derivable. Such precise languages ​​have two sides: syntax and semantics.

"Laws of the algebra of logic" - Morgan's Laws: A + B \u003d A * B A * B \u003d A + B. - For logical addition: A + (A * B) \u003d A; 3. Associative (associative) law. - for logical addition: A + B = B + A - for logical multiplication: A*B = B*A. 1. The law of double negation. Prove the validity of Morgan's first law using truth tables.

"Logic at school" - A bit of logic. Condition Which of the fractions is greater: 29/73 or 291/731? Medvedeva Olga. Is it possible to live like this? Condition Present the following rational numbers as decimal fractions: a) 1/7; b) 2/7. Specify the largest possible value of such a fraction.

The pedagogical process - this concept includes the method and way of organizing educational relations, which consist in the systematic and purposeful selection and application of external factors for the development of subjects of education. The pedagogical process is understood as the process of teaching and educating a person as a special social function, the implementation of which requires the environment of a certain pedagogical system.

The concept of "process" comes from the Latin word processus and means "moving forward", "change". The pedagogical process determines the constant interaction of subjects and objects of educational activity: educators and educators. The pedagogical process is aimed at solving this problem and leads to changes that are planned in advance, to the transformation of the properties and qualities of students. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process where experience turns into a personality quality. The main feature of the pedagogical process is the presence of the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of maintaining the integrity and generality of the system. The concepts of "pedagogical process" and "educational process" are unambiguous.

The teaching process is a system. The system consists of various processes, including formation, development, education and training, inextricably linked with all conditions, forms and methods. As a system, the pedagogical process consists of elements (components), in turn, the arrangement of elements in the system is a structure.

The structure of the pedagogical process includes:

1. The goal is to identify the final result.

2. Principles are the main directions in achieving the goal.

4. Methods is the necessary work of the teacher and the student in order to transfer, process and perceive the content of education.

5. Means - ways to "work" with the content.

6. Forms - this is a consistent receipt of the result of the pedagogical process.

The purpose of the pedagogical process is to effectively predict the outcome and result of the work. The pedagogical process consists of various goals: the goals of direct teaching and the goals of learning in each lesson, each discipline, etc.

Russia's regulatory documents present the following understanding of goals.

1. The system of goals in the standard regulations on educational institutions (formation of a general culture of the individual, adaptation to life in society, creation of a basis for a conscious choice and development of a professional educational program, education of responsibility and love for the Motherland).

  1. The system of diagnostic goals in certain programs, where all goals are divided into stages and levels of training and represent a display of the content of certain training courses. In the education system, such a diagnostic goal can be teaching professional skills, thereby preparing the student for future professional education. The definition of such professional goals of education in Russia is the result of important processes in the education system, where attention is paid, first of all, to the interests of the younger generation in the pedagogical process.

Test questions:

1. 1. Expand the essence and functions of a holistic pedagogical process

2. What is the integrity of the pedagogical process?

3. List and reveal the stages of a holistic pedagogical process

4. What are the conditions for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process?

5. What is the basic methodological basis for determining the patterns in pedagogy, which involves the consistent identification of significant, regular connections of the pedagogical system

6. What are the driving forces of a holistic pedagogical process?

7. What are the laws of a holistic pedagogical process?


Highlight the meaning and logic of goal setting in teaching and pedagogical

Goal-setting in learning is the establishment by students and the teacher of the goals and objectives of training at certain stages. Depending on educational paradigms and didactic systems, educational goals may include the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of abilities, the formation of competencies, creative self-realization, self-determination, career guidance, etc. There are also so-called formal goals: to pass an exam, to enroll in university, etc.

Goal-setting is necessary for designing educational actions of students and is associated with external social order, educational standards, with the specifics of internal learning conditions (the level of development of children, the motives for their learning, the characteristics of the topic being studied, the available teaching aids, the pedagogical views of the teacher, etc.). Goal-setting goes through the entire process of productive education, performing the functions of motivating students' activities, structural stabilization of the educational process, and diagnosing learning outcomes. It determines the structural basis of the activity programs not only for the student and the teacher, but for the entire school, making it possible to identify an adequate teaching technology and a system of criteria for evaluating the results obtained.

Goal-setting techniques form a motive, a need for action. The student realizes himself as a subject of activity and his own life. The goal-setting process is a collective action, each student is a participant, an active worker, everyone feels like a creator of a common creation. Children learn to speak their mind, knowing that it will be heard and accepted. They learn to listen and hear the other, without which interaction will not work.

It is this approach to goal setting that is effective and modern.

Goal setting logic be reduced not to an ideological component, it has its own pedagogical patterns, the basis for determining the content of education is, as a rule, in-depth studies of the educational needs of various strata of society and social forecasts.

The general patterns of the learning process include:

regularity goals learning. The purpose of education depends on: a) the level and pace of development of society; b) the needs and capabilities of society; c) the level of development and possibilities of pedagogical science and practice;

regularity content learning. The content of training (education) depends on: a) social needs and learning objectives; b) the pace of social and scientific and technological progress; c) age opportunities of schoolchildren; d) the level of development of the theory and practice of learning; e) material, technical and economic opportunities of educational institutions;

regularity quality learning. The effectiveness of each new stage of training depends on: a) the productivity of the previous stage and the results achieved on it; b) the nature and volume of the studied material; c) the organizational and pedagogical impact of educators; d) learnability of students; e) training time;

regularity methods learning. The effectiveness of didactic methods depends on: a) knowledge and skills in applying methods; b) learning objectives; c) content of training; d) age of students; e) learning opportunities (learning ability) of students; f) logistics; g) organization of the educational process;

regularity management learning. The productivity of learning depends on: a) the intensity of feedback in the learning system; b) validity of corrective actions;

regularity stimulation learning. The productivity of learning depends on: a) internal incentives (motives) for learning; b) external (social, economic, pedagogical) incentives. The scope of particular (concrete) patterns of learning extends to the individual components of the educational process.

Learning outcomes depend on the ability to include the subject being studied in those connections, the carrier of which is the studied quality of the object, on the regularity and systematicity of students doing homework.

All regularities operating in the educational process are divided into general and particular (specific). Regularities that cover the entire system with their action are called general, the same ones, the effect of which extends to a separate component (aspect) of the system, are called private (specific). Modern science knows a large number of specific patterns. Among the specific regularities of the learning process, regularities are distinguished: in fact, didactic, epistemological, psychological, cybernetic, sociological, organizational.

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