Unusual traditions around the world. Amazing traditions and customs of different peoples of the world

Tradition, custom, ritual is an age-old connection, a kind of bridge between the past and the present. Some customs are rooted in the distant past, over time they have changed and lost their sacred meaning, but are observed at the present time, passed from grandparents to grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a memory of their ancestors. AT countryside traditions are observed more widely than in cities where people live apart from each other. But many rituals have become so firmly established in our lives that we perform them without even thinking about their meaning.

Traditions are calendar, associated with field work, family, pre-Christian period, the most ancient, religious, which entered our life with the adoption of Christianity, and some pagan rites were mixed with Orthodox beliefs and changed somewhat.

calendar rites

The Slavs were pastoralists and farmers. In the pre-Christian period in the pantheon Slavic gods included several thousand idols. The supreme gods were Svarozhichs, the progenitors of all living things. One of them was Veles, the patron of cattle breeding and agriculture. The Slavs made sacrifices to him before the start of sowing and harvesting. On the first day of sowing, all the villagers went out into the field in new clean shirts with flowers and wreaths. Sowing was started by the oldest resident of the village and the smallest, they threw the first grain into the ground.

Harvesting was also a holiday. All, even the old and sick, the inhabitants of the village gathered at the border of the field, a sacrifice was made to Veles, most often a large ram, then the strongest and handsome men and young guys with braids in their hands and at the same time passed the front page. Then the girls and young women, always fast and healthy, tied the sheaves and placed the money. After a successful cleaning, a rich table was laid for all the inhabitants of the village, at the head of the table they placed a large sheaf, decorated with ribbons and flowers, which was also considered a sacrifice to the god Veles.

Maslenitsa also belongs to the calendar rites, although at present it is already considered half religious holiday. In ancient times, this rite called Yarilo, the god of the sun and heat, on which the harvest directly depended. That is why the custom was born on this day to bake pancakes, fatty, ruddy, hot as the sun. All people danced round dances, which are also a symbol of the sun, sang songs praising the power and beauty of the luminary, and burned an effigy of Maslenitsa.

Today Maslenitsa has lost its pagan meaning and is considered almost a religious holiday. Each day of the Maslenitsa week has its own purpose. And the most important day is Forgiveness Sunday, when you should ask all your family and relatives for forgiveness for involuntary offenses. Sunday is the turning point Great Lent, the strictest and longest, when believers refuse meat and dairy food for seven weeks.

Christmas rites

When Christianity was firmly established in Russia, new church holidays. And some holidays that have a religious basis have become truly popular. It is to these that the Christmas celebrations that take place from January 7 (Christmas) to January 19 (Epiphany) should be attributed.

At Christmas time, young people went from house to house with performances, other groups of guys and girls caroled, girls and young women guessed in the evenings. Be sure all the villagers participated in the preparations for the holidays. Cattle were slaughtered and special dishes were prepared. On Christmas Eve, January 6, the evening before Christmas, they cooked uzvar, a sweet compote with rice, cooked cheesecakes and pies, sochevo, a special dish of cabbage with grain.

Young people sang special humorous carols, asked for treats, jokingly threatened:

"If you don't give me a pie, we'll bring the cow by the horns."

If treats were not given, then they could play a trick: close the pipe, destroy the pile of firewood, freeze the door. But that was rare. It was believed, and still is considered, that generosity, songs with wishes of happiness and prosperity, and the grain brought into the house by guests bring happiness to the house for the whole new year, relieve illness and misfortune. Therefore, everyone tried to treat the visitors to their heart's content and distribute generous gifts to them.

Young girls most often guessed at fate, at suitors. The most daring would tell fortunes in a bath with a mirror by candlelight, although this was considered very dangerous, because in the bath they removed the cross from themselves. The girls brought armfuls of firewood into the house, according to the number of logs, even or odd, it was possible to say whether or not she would get married this year. They fed the chicken with counted grain, drowned the wax and considered what he predicts for them.

family rituals

Perhaps most of the rituals and traditions are connected with family life. Matchmaking, weddings, christenings - all this required the observance of ancient rituals that came from grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and their exact observance promised a happy life. family life, healthy children and grandchildren.

The Slavs used to live in large families, where adult children who already had their own families lived with their parents. In such families, three or four generations could be observed, families included up to twenty people. The elder of such a large family was usually the father or elder brother, and his wife was the head of the women. Their orders were carried out unquestioningly along with the laws of the government.

Weddings were usually celebrated after the harvest or after Epiphany. Later, the most successful time for weddings was Krasnaya Gorka - a week after Easter. The wedding ceremony itself took a rather long period of time and included several stages, which means that a large number of rituals.

The bridegroom's parents came to woo the bride together with the godparents, less often other close relatives. The conversation had to start allegorically:

“You have goods, we have a merchant” or “Did a heifer run into your yard, we came for it.”

If the bride's parents agreed, it was necessary to hold a bridegroom where the bride and groom would get to know each other. Then there will be collusion or handshake. Here, new relatives agree on the wedding day, dowry, and what gifts the groom will bring to the bride.

When everything was discussed, her girlfriends gathered at the bride’s house every evening and helped prepare the dowry: weaving, sewing, knitting lace, embroidering gifts for the groom. All girl gatherings were accompanied by sad songs, because no one knew what fate the girl would have. In the house of her husband, a woman was expected to work hard and complete submission to the will of her husband. On the first day of the wedding, the songs sounded mainly lyrical, majestic, farewell laments. Upon arrival from the church, the parents met the young on the porch with bread and salt, and the mother-in-law had to put a spoonful of honey in her new daughter-in-law's mouth.

The second day is completely different. On this day, according to custom, the son-in-law and his friends went "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." After a good feast, the guests dressed up, covered their faces with bandages or linens and drove around the village, visiting all the new relatives. This custom is still preserved in many villages, where on the second day of the wedding, costumed guests harness themselves to the cart and roll new matchmakers through the streets.

And, of course, speaking of customs, one cannot skip the rite of baptism of an infant. Children were baptized immediately after birth. To perform the ceremony, they conferred for a long time, choosing godparents. They will be the second parents for the child and, along with them, are responsible for the life, health and upbringing of the baby. Godparents become godfathers and maintain friendly relations with each other all their lives.

When the child was one year old godmother she put him on a twisted sheepskin coat and with scissors carefully cut off a cross in her hair on the crown of her head. This was done in order to devilry did not have access to his thoughts and further actions.

On Christmas Eve, the grown-up godson always brought kutya and other treats to the godfather, and the godfather presents him with some sweets in return.

mixed rites

As we have already said, some rituals originated in the pre-Christian period, but continue to live to this day, having slightly changed their appearance. So it was with Shrovetide. The rite is widely known - the celebration of the night on Ivan Kupala. It was believed that only on this one day of the year the fern blooms. Whoever can find this flower that cannot be handed will be able to see treasures underground, and all secrets will be revealed before him. But only a person who is pure in heart, without sin, can find it.

In the evening, huge bonfires were lit, over which young people jumped in pairs. It was believed that if the two of you, holding hands, jump over the fire, then love will not leave you for the rest of your life. They danced and sang songs. The girls wove wreaths and floated on the water. They believed that if the wreath floated to the shore, then the girl would remain single for another year, if she drowned, she would die this year, and if she went with the flow, she would soon get married.

Customs and traditions: the toughest examples

What are customs and traditions? Customs are historically established certain actions and orders that have long become the habit of the whole people. Under traditions, we "decipher" a certain " cultural code which is passed down from generation to generation.

Traditions and customs are very similar in their meaning. Sociologists even point out e. They are closely connected not only with history, but also with religious views. It was with the advent of beliefs that the beginning of customs and traditions was laid.

We all follow some traditions and customs, but not all of us truly know their purpose and history. I believe that people should pay special attention to history, because all traditions and customs are an interesting part of the culture of the people, the history of generations and religion, and are also one of the components of a person’s upbringing and his worldview.

The history of the emergence of customs and traditions

Initially, customs and traditions arose out of the need for survival. Thus was born the so-called hunting magic. It must be understood that people in ancient times were much more dependent on nature than we are. The hunt could be successful - or unsuccessful. Therefore, rituals arose that, it was believed, could bring good luck to the side of the hunters. The elders had knowledge of such rituals, therefore, in ancient times, the elderly were treated with due respect, not like now.

There were other customs and traditions among the ancients: not to wake a sleeping person (his soul may not have time to return from the world of dreams), not to mate during a hunt - this is fraught with uncontrolled births, etc. By the way, it is within the framework of hunting magic that rock painting: people wanted to attract the spirit of the animal to their side.

Such customs and traditions accompanied the life of an ancient man. They have penetrated our culture so much that we do not even notice and do not track them! For example, look at a teenager at a bus stop. He smoked, spat and wiped his grub on the asphalt with his foot. What's this? This is a genetic memory: in fact, he destroyed the trace of himself. After all earlier people believed that through saliva, hair and other remnants of a person, you can bring trouble to him. Don't believe? Read the textbook "History primitive society» for universities!

Wedding traditions are generally a solid antiquity: White color(dress, veil) is a symbol of transition to another state. We wear white according to the rite three times in our lives: when we are born, when we get married or get married, and when we die. Did you even know about all this? Write in the comments!

Food habits. Come on new job- you need to "put down", you go on vacation - the same way. Wedding table, parties - in a word, a lot is connected precisely with eating food. Why? It turns out that in ancient times there was such a custom of potlatch, when the leader of the tribe fed all his community members. This meant that he did them good - we must respond in kind! And today: went on vacation, and we work? We're stressed! Gotta eat! And there is a gap. Have you graduated from high school, received a certificate? Are you stressed? School ball, graduation is again associated with food. Didn't notice

Interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world

The peoples of the whole world have many traditions and customs, and they are different for all peoples. For example, Russians have a tradition of celebrating the New Year, a holiday that connects the past and the future. This holiday carries bright feelings and many miracles, but, like most other traditions, the New Year is rooted in antiquity.

An integral part of the New Year is a Christmas tree with funny and clockwork toys, bright and glossy balls and blinking different colors, garlands. Do you know why everyone decorates the Christmas tree so quickly before this holiday? Because according to customs, people believed that by decorating the Christmas tree, they make the evil forces that surround them good. At present, many have forgotten about these forces, and the decorated Christmas tree is still a symbol of new year holiday. This magical holiday is described in many Russian fairy tales and poems, the authors of which are well-known A. S. Pushkin, S. A. Yesenin and others.

The Russian people also have interesting customs which are incomprehensible to foreign residents. For example, on the eve of Easter, a bright holiday that appeared in Russia at the end of the tenth century, in honor of the resurrection of Christ, we paint chicken eggs. And many people dye them with onion peel, because it gives a burgundy-red hue, this shade symbolizes the blood of Christ crucified on the cross. BUT egg in turn - a symbol of the birth of a new life.

But not only the Russian people are famous for their traditions and customs. Abroad there is the well-known All Hallows' Eve or, as we call it, Halloween. The holiday became a tradition several centuries ago and, as we know from the book "Scarlett" by Alexandra Ripley, this holiday was rooted in Ireland. An attribute of such a tradition is a pumpkin, which symbolizes at the same time the harvest, evil forces and the fire that scares them away.

There are no less interesting traditions in the countries of the East. For example, polygamy. Polygamy also came into life from the ancestors and is preserved in the countries of the East to this day. For example, the Book of Mormon can tell us a lot about such a tradition. It is known from the book that ancient times at nomadic way life required considerable care for numerous herds of horses or camels, so the owner forced to have several women who could provide care for mares or camels. Camel fur made it possible to have warm and light blankets, and camel milk was highly valued. Only a woman could do all this, men had no time to do housework, they were the earners. At present, in the Eastern countries, polygamy determines the prestige of a man, which is no less important for the inhabitants of the East.

Departing from the history of the traditions of polygamy in the Eastern countries, one cannot help but recall the monogamy of the Caucasus. No matter how sad it may sound, there are always wars in countries, after which the number of men decreases sharply. Girls, as a rule, are born more than boys, and in the future, many adult girls do not have enough husbands, and as a result, families and children.

In general, if you recall, there have been cases in history when only one survivor from the male population of the village returned to the village from the front. However, after some time, the population again became at the same level.

So during Caucasian war nineteenth century primate Caucasian highlanders Imam Shamil, facilitated the fate of widows and single women. They were allowed to choose a husband at their own discretion, which actually legitimized the existing relationship. As S. Essadze wrote: "The named man, single or married, was obliged to marry the one who chose him."

I propose to recall the customs and traditions of the inhabitants of such interesting country like Thailand. Thailand is famous for its exotic customs. During the calendar year, the native Thais have many customs and traditions that delight tourists. Solemn holidays celebrated throughout the kingdom of Thailand. In general, some of the most interesting rituals can be observed in the "backward" cultures, whose carriers live in.

An example of this is one of the most beautiful holidays in Thailand - Loy Krathong, dedicated to the spirits of water. This day falls at the beginning of November on the day of the full moon. Thais, floating their boats along the rivers - krathongs, in which candles burn brightly and fresh flowers, coins, various incense lie. Thais firmly believe that with the help of these boats that night, the spirits of water will wash away all the sins of the previous year from them.

In every country of our vast world have their own special customs, traditions that determine the way of life and culture of people How often do we hear about the customs and traditions of China? One of the most special traditions in China is the greeting. In the old days, the Chinese greeted each other by bowing with their hands folded across their chests. At the same time, it was considered: the lower the bow, the more people shows respect. Modern Chinese people today just make a small bow with their heads. However, if they want to show respect, they can bow lower.

The customs and traditions of all the peoples of the world inhabiting the Earth are very extensive and multifaceted. They are directly related to factors that are rooted in the very depths of history, and with religion, which helps a person to realize and perceive the world believing in the supernatural. It is necessary to respect and honor not only the customs and traditions of your country, your people, but also other countries and its inhabitants.

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© Sokolova E. A.

Editing Andrey Puchkov

Many rituals are very harmless and there are traditions that are popular all over the world, but there are also those that can shock you. Very strange rituals, sometimes painful and violent, can be found in different parts planets. We will tell you some of them in this article and remind you that when traveling you need to be very vigilant and careful.

Sun dance

As you know, the indigenous people of America did many rituals in honor of the spirits of the earth. All these rituals are needed in order to contact the great spirits, they also often sacrifice themselves and this in order to maintain direct contact with the Tree of Life. Direct contact with the Tree occurs in this way: a skewer attached to a post pierces the skin on the chest. All participants begin to move forward and backward and try to break free, while their skin is still connected to the post. This dance can go on for hours.


In India, in the city of Varanasi, there are Aghori Baba who are known for eating dead people. Many of them think that most of all in life a person is afraid of his death, and that this fear prevents him from spiritual enlightenment. Aghori Babas believe that if they eat dead man, then this fear disappears, and they begin to become enlightened. According to the laws of Hinduism, 5 types of people cannot be cremated: pregnant women, children, saints, unmarried women and people who died from snakebite or leprosy. These people are first given to the Ganges River, and then the Aghori get them out of there and begin to consume them.

Vine jumping

Gkol is a ritual that takes place in the village of Bunlap. This ritual is similar to bungee jumping. At that moment, when the men are preparing to jump, all the other inhabitants sing and dance. Jumpers around the ankles tie a vine and then jump from the towers of wood, which are made especially for this ritual. Apparently, the men are not worried about what this might threaten them, they simply believe that the higher the jump point, the greater the blessing of the gods.


During holy month Muharram, every year the followers of Shia Islam carry out mass self-flagellation. Thus, they commemorate the death of Hussein, as well as the grandson of Muhammad. During the ritual, men torture their bodies with blades attached to chains. Men do not feel pain, as they are all in a trance state.

Heavenly burials

There is a sacred ritual called sky burials in Tibet. Buddhists believe that there is no need to keep the body after death, as there is a circle of rebirth. body dead people passed on to aerial predators. In order for the body to disappear as quickly as possible, it is cut into pieces and given to be eaten in the district.

Voodoo and Spiritual Domains

West Africa is popular with voodoo followers. One of the rites is famous for the fact that a person takes a spirit into himself or a soul to a friend, as into a vessel. Although the person is conscious, it is believed that the spirit takes possession of the body completely, and at the end of the ritual, the spirit is in the person for another 3 days.

Dancing with the dead

Madagascar hosts the Turning the Bone Festival. Residents believe that the spirit gets to afterlife, it is necessary that the body decomposes as quickly as possible. Therefore, every 2 years for 7 years they dig up their loved ones, dance with them around the grave, and then they need to be reburied elsewhere.

fiery walks

In Malaysia, it is believed that in order to push away evil influences from oneself or strengthen male power and get rid of bad thoughts, one must go through a purification ritual and walk barefoot on burning coals. Hundreds of people believe in this and therefore take part in this festival.

Mortal rites

The Yanomami tribe is considered one of the most primitive in the world. According to the residents, death is not a natural phenomenon. After death, the body is cremated and mixed with bananas and consumed. In their opinion, therefore, a member of the tribe does not leave them, but continues to live with them.


A very dangerous ritual is performed annually in Phuket, Thailand. Participants pierce their cheeks with swords, spears, knives or even weapons. All this is carried out because the inhabitants believe that the gods put them into a trance during this action, and this helps to protect themselves from evil and brings good luck in the future.


The spiritual connection between the tribe is very important in Paula ( New Guinea), so they have an unusual ritual. One of the ceremonies is held in the "House of the Spirit". The ritual consists in the fact that teenagers live alone in the House of the Spirit for two months. At the end of isolation, all prepare for initiation, after which their transition to maturity is recognized. During the ritual, punctures are made with bamboo fragments. All these notches are very similar to crocodile skin. Tribal people believe that humans are descended from crocodiles. According to legend, the crocodile swallowed the boy and left an adult man instead, and because of this, all the marks on the body resemble marks from the crocodile's teeth.

Each country has its own unusual traditions that may even shock us. In this article, we'll look at how general information according to tradition, and New Year's. Some moments may surprise you, some make you smile, and some even make you laugh.

Common Traditions

Unusual rituals of the peoples of the world


So, for example, in Denmark it is customary to hang a flag in a window. If you see a flag, it means that this house is celebrating a birthday.


Song Kran in Thailand

In Thailand, there is a festival called Song Kran. On this holiday, everyone pours water on each other. If you were poured with water that day, it means that you are wished good luck. Also in the same country, they take care of the head, because. It is generally accepted that this is the repository of the human soul.


If you touch it, then you will offend a person, so it is better not to do this.

eskimo tribe

It is customary for Eskimo tribes to stand in a row to greet a stranger. Next, the first person comes forward a little, spanks stranger on the head, and also waiting for a response from a stranger. So, they keep spanking each other until one of them falls to the ground.

South America

Another interesting welcome custom can be observed in South America. They spit at each other. Some peoples of Africa greet each other by sticking out their tongues.


In Korea, if you want to show that the table is delicious and you really liked it, it is recommended to slurp very loudly. That's what everyone does to please their owners.

Northern Kamchatka

Amazing Customs northern people

In Northern Kamchatka, among a number of peoples, the host could be given a great honor, to express respect if the guest had sexual contact with his wife. The owner of the house will be incredibly honored by such an act. And the mistress of the house tried her best to make the guest want to have sexual intercourse with her. And it was considered the greatest happiness if a woman became pregnant and gave birth to a child after such a relationship. When a child was born, the whole village celebrated this event.


You can not ignore the island of Luzon (Philippines). This custom has existed since ancient times and continues to this day. The deceased, even before their death, were cut down in the logs of the burial, in which they were laid. After that, the dead were taken to caves far into the mountains. So, some caves are already great amount such unusual coffins. And some of them tear out their ancestors every few years and change their clothes.

New Year traditions

Unusual New Year traditions

What New Year's traditions can be observed in Bulgaria, and even so that they surprise us with their unusualness?

Before it strikes the last blow on the night before midnight, the lights are turned off in the houses for several minutes and they kiss.


Scotland has a different family tradition. Here it is customary to light a fireplace before midnight, sit down with the whole family and look at its fire. It is believed that at this moment all sorrows and sorrows go away along with the past year. Also, everyone makes secret desires. When the clock begins to strike the last blows, the doors of the house are opened to old year could leave and a new one to enter. After this ritual, everyone goes to the festive table and has fun.

There is another unusual and vibrant tradition in this country. On the night of the new year, it is customary to take barrels of tar from them, set them on fire and roll them through the streets. Thus they burn the old year and celebrate the new year.


And in Ireland it is customary to open the doors in all houses. If you want, you can go to any house, and you will be the most valuable guest. You will be seated at the table, fed with festive dishes, and you will be part of the holiday of this family. The next day the celebration continues with family and friends.


If in the southern part of France the hostess is the first to draw water from the source in the New Year, then she must leave a bun with holiday table. And then, the woman who comes after her and takes the pie must leave the pie from her table. And so the treats continue until the evening.


Germany also has an unusual New Year's tradition. In this country, at midnight, every person (both old and young) stands on a chair. It can also be a chair or a table.


So, standing on a kind of hill, everyone starts jumping loudly and cheerfully, greeting New Year.


Italians also have unusual traditions and customs. So, it is customary for them to throw all unnecessary things, junk out of the windows. At the same time, success and good luck in the New Year depend on the number of things that will be thrown away. The bigger, the better. Argentina has a similar tradition, but in a simplified form. So, from the offices you can see flying documents and invoices.


As can be seen from this article, unusual traditions are not only in general terms - by the type of greeting, hospitality. Also, unusual traditions affected the New Year - the most celebrated holiday in the world. All these traditions are very unusual, funny and interesting. And some customs even want to participate yourself.

Unusual traditions peoples of the world

Planet Earth is inhabited by many different peoples and nations, differing from each other in traditions, religion, culture, language of communication, which cannot be said about rituals. It is they who are mostly repeated among many peoples, causing surprise in full or partial similarity. In their execution, the rites have differences, but carry the same meaning.

What is the relationship between the customs and religious characteristics of peoples?

Many religions are known, but the main and more common are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. Thanks to faith, wars of liberation, enmity and conflicts between different peoples were waged. It would seem that such beliefs have nothing in common. But in reality, everything is not so clear.

Putting boundaries between peoples according to their religious affiliation, humanity moves away from higher reason. It is no coincidence that the rites of one nation have many common features with the traditions of other nations. In most cases, the customs of African tribes are similar to Eurasian ones. There is a lot in common in wedding, either funeral rituals, as well as in conspiracies, prayers, communication between relatives.

Why are the rituals of different peoples repeated?

The answer to this question must be sought in the distant past. Before modern man news has come that most of peoples used to be classified as pagans. People believed in various gods, in extraterrestrial civilizations that patronized humanity in old days.

Higher powers bestowed on the ancestors many covenants, a store of knowledge aimed at teaching the right way of life. If there were violations of such rules, then the time of retribution and punishment would come.

With the development of civilizations, the customs of the pagans gradually faded into the background, but this was not always the case. Their transformation took place in the culture of certain states, they were combined with a new religion.

It is worth noting that Muslim celebrations can be a copy of Christian ones. For example, rituals Tatar people, whose religion is Islam, in many respects have something in common with the traditions of the Russian people. Customs are passed on from one generation to another, improved, modified, even supplemented, or some details are canceled. Taken together, the purpose of any rite clearly reflects its importance and relevance today.

Many traditions and rituals continue to exist today in their original form.

Slavic rites and holidays

The traditions and customs of the Slavs have passed through many centuries, have undergone certain changes, but still survived, and today they continue to live and delight the people. The most ancient rites are related to paganism, which was considered necessary for man. Indeed, according to such a religion, the destiny of the individual on earth was explained.

One of the ancient and famous rites of different Slavic peoples associated with the deity Makosh. They celebrated the celebration between October and November. Gatherings during this period were starting, so that you could prepare for the winter season.

It was in the name of Makosh that they organized festivities. Representatives of the Slavic peoples bowed before this deity, performed a ritual of sacrifice, and brought various gifts. People did everything to ensure that Makosha provided her assistance in obtaining a rich harvest needed next year.

For the most part, the rites of the Slavs were related to agriculture, since people in those days were engaged in their lands and therefore the main thing for them was the harvest necessary for life.

Ancient rites and church holidays

To this day, customs associated with visiting the graves of deceased relatives have been preserved. People go to the cemetery on church holidays such as Trinity, Radunitsa, and also Dmitrievskaya Saturday. From here came the tradition of commemorating the dead, while candles should be lit on their graves, food and drinks should be left.

Among the ancient rites should be attributed the current Christmas time, in honor of which people at home commemorate their dead relatives and friends. Holy Thursday is also relevant. In this case, a ceremony associated with purity is performed. On this day, it is necessary to clean the whole house, wash all family members. The essence of the tradition is that this is how the souls of dead people are cleansed and warmed.

Mankind celebrates today also the ancient Slavic holiday called Maslenitsa. This solemn event is closely connected with commemoration, and therefore, today, as in the old days, they continue to cook pancakes, which are taken to the grave of deceased relatives, they perform a commemoration ritual.

In the process of celebrating Maslenitsa, fisticuffs were held in the air, other competitions were also taken under open sky. Among the ancient Christian rites, there was a place to commemorate a dead person. Customs such as wedding, baptism came to modern world from the distant past.

Popular holidays and traditions associated with religion

With the retreat of paganism, holidays and rituals began to appear, incorporating teachings from religion. Every religion has its own special traditions, which are daily, weekly, and also annual. There are episodic rites that are performed only once in a lifetime. Usually, they are related to such life processes as the birth of a child, marriage, or the death of a person.

Major Traditions in Christianity

Among the important and basic customs in Christian world it is customary to consider such as birth, baptism, marriage with an accompanying wedding, death followed by a funeral service. The brightest and main celebration in the Christian world is considered Holy holiday Easter. This tradition ends with Lent.

Another colorful holiday is the Nativity of Christ, before which comes the Advent.

Major Traditions in Islam

Every Muslim is required to read a prayer called Namaz. A person must pray 5 times every day, regardless of where he is. AT Muslim world several major celebrations are adopted, which have their own meaning. This is Eid al-Adha - the ritual of sacrifice, Uraza-Bayram - the holiday of breaking the fast, including Miraj - the night on which the seer Muhammad is raised to heaven, Mawlid - the birth of the prophet.

Solemn events are held according to the Muslim calendar.

Major traditions of Buddhism

This religion places a special place on the death of a person. An unusual burial ritual is performed, which includes several stages in its organization. Here it is necessary to read prayers, illuminate the places of burial, and also bury the dead person.

Vesak is an important holiday in Buddhism. It's bright solemn ceremony held on the occasion of the birth, enlightenment, and departure of Gautama Buddha from the world of the living.

Significant New Year in Buddhism. He is more famous as Tsagan Sar. It is celebrated differently, depending on which school or direction. For Buddhists, such a celebration is associated with renewal, a new period in life. it celebratory event carried out quite brightly, beautifully.

Major Traditions in Judaism

Considering important holidays and customs related to religion, it is worth noting the features of the traditions and solemn events of Jewish Jews. The main and significant in Judaism is the day of God - Saturday, that is, Shabbat. According to tradition, one commandment out of ten is fulfilled.

At this time, you can not work on the seventh day of the week. Shabbat is a very important ritual, which is considered the main part of the life process of the Jews. To such significant day there is a greeting - Shabbat shalom.

Hupa - beautiful holiday in Judaism, relating to the moment of marriage. The name of the solemn event came from the canopy of the same name, which serves to hold a wedding ceremony under it. At the same time, people sing songs, dance, and perform ancient rituals aimed at protecting and well-being of the newlyweds.

Pesach is another important and interesting holiday, which in Russian means - Easter.

Shavuot is a festive event organized in honor of the memory of how God gave Moses the Ten Commandments from the Bible.

Diverse and amazing is the world of traditions, rituals, holidays, religions of various peoples coexisting on the same planet.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...