April 28 events in history. Significant events in the world of music - days of memory

In 1813, having caught a cold ten days earlier during a trip in a droshky in inclement weather, the 67-year-old His Grace Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov passed away.

It is known that Kutuzov, to put it mildly, was not eager to shed the blood of his soldiers for the liberation of Europe, but, of course, he could not disobey the order of Alexander I. He died in a foreign land, in Bunzlau, at the very beginning of the foreign campaign of the Russian army.

On the central square This German town, where the heart of the great Russian commander is buried, stands a dark gray triangular obelisk. There is an inscription on it, made by order of King Frederick William the Third: "Prince Kutuzov-Smolensky brought the victorious Russian troops to this place; but here death put an end to his glorious days. He saved his Fatherland and opened the way to the deliverance of Europe. May the memory of the hero be blessed ".

In 1827, Emperor Nicholas I issued a decree on the establishment of the Gendarme Corps. The idea belonged to Adjutant General Benckendorff, who proposed to establish a high police force under the command of a special minister.

Nikolai included the Gendarme Corps in the III Department of the Own Chancellery, and appointed Benkendorf as the head, about whom Herzen wrote: “Maybe Benkendorf did not do all the evil that he could do, being the head of this terrible police, standing outside the law and above the law, who had the right to interfere in everything, I am ready to believe it, especially remembering the beautiful expression of his face ... "

This "punitive organ of the autocracy for the struggle against the revolutionary and social movement", as written in Soviet time, was ridiculous in its numbers: for example, in the security department of Petrograd in front of February Revolution there were no more than 600 people in the state. It must be said that gendarmes were not liked in Russia: even the highest ranks were never accepted in decent houses.

In 1907, the writer Zoya Voskresenskaya was born. People of the older generation remember her children's textbooks about Lenin, the stories "Mother's Heart", "Hope". But writing activities Zoya Ivanovna took up only after her retirement.

Zoya Voskresenskaya was a Soviet spy for 26 years. She worked as a cryptographer in China, a resident in Austria, Germany, Finland.

It was she who, on June 17, 1941, prepared a message about the date of the attack on the Soviet Union.
In 1956, Voskresenskaya retired. A year later, her first story was published.

During the Second World War, this German businessman saved more than a thousand Jews by providing them with work in his enterprises. This fact became widely known thanks to Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List.

On April 28, 1918, in a prison in the Czech city of Terezin, at the age of 25, Gavrilo Princip, a terrorist, whose assassination attempt on the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand became the reason for the outbreak of the First World War, died of bone tuberculosis. Like his comrades in the underground organization Mlada Bosna, this young Bosnian Serb dreamed of liberating his homeland (in 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina).

50-year-old Franz Ferdinand himself hastened his demise: during a fatal visit to Sarajevo, at his request, all security was removed from the streets, with the exception of 150 local policemen. June 28, 1914, on the 525th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo, in which the Serbs killed Turkish Sultan, Princip and his comrades deployed real hunt to the archduke. Franz-Ferdinand was not injured by the bombing, but Princip killed the Archduke and his pregnant wife Sophie with Browning shots. As a minor, the terrorist was sentenced not to death, but to 20 years in prison. In Serbia, Gavrilo became national hero, and a memorial with his footprints was erected in Sarajevo.

Born in 1932 National artist RSFSR Yuri Volintsev.

As a child, he dreamed of becoming a conductor. But musical career did not take place. After graduating from Shchukin theater school Volintsev was invited to the Vakhtangov Theatre. On this stage, he played many roles. The most famous - in performances: "Princess Turandot", "Glass of Water", "Ladies and Hussars". Yuri Vitalievich skillfully combined the bright theatricality with the psychological authenticity of his characters.

In the movie, the artist starred a little, most famous movies with his participation - “Major Whirlwind”, “Carousel” by Mikhail Schweitzer, “Good weather on Deribasovskaya”. Viewers remember him as the resilient Pan Athlete from the program "Zucchini 13 Chairs".

Yuri Volintsev died in 1999.

In 1947, the Norwegian ethnographer and archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl began his historical journey from South America to Polynesia on a papyrus boat sailing with the image of the leader of the ancient Incas, Kon-Tiki.

It was more likely not even a boat, but a raft made according to the ancient Inca model, from balsa logs, according to descriptions in ancient documents of seafarers. The day before, in the Peruvian port of Callao, according to the ancient rite, a ceremony was held to consecrate it with coconut milk.

With his journey, Heyerdahl sought to prove that the ancestors of the natives who settled Polynesia ended up on the islands Pacific Ocean not from South-East Asia, as previously thought, but from South America. Seven people took part in the expedition, the voyage lasted one hundred days and successfully ended at the Polynesian atoll of Raroia. Thor Heyerdahl confirmed the assumption that such trips over many thousands of kilometers on rafts were possible in antiquity, when there were no ships yet.

In 1955, on this day, the first builders of the main rocket range of the USSR, the Baikonur Cosmodrome, arrived at the site.

Here is how one of them recalls this: “We went out, looked around, and it seemed to us that there is hardly a place in the whole world more alien to human life than this endless steppe, teeming with snakes, turtles, scorpions and gophers…”

Meanwhile, the location of the cosmodrome in the Kazakh steppe was not chosen by chance: the distance from major routes, railways, from the border, more than 300 sunny days a year, little rainfall, low humidity, short winters…

They started building from scratch - no work force, no construction base, no sources of electricity. They lived in tents and dugouts, ate from field kitchens, drank unpurified water, which was brought by water carts from the Syr Darya, suffered from jaundice and dysentery. And although the amount of work was colossal, the landfill was created with incredible speed. This process was led by an experienced military builder, Colonel, and then General Georgy Shubnikov. Under his command there were about 20 thousand construction battalion workers.

In 1945, it was Carmen who directed the filming Nuremberg Trials, on the basis of which he then created the film “The Court of Nations” as a director and screenwriter (in 1947, this tape was awarded Stalin Prize). In subsequent years, Karmen created about three dozen more journalistic films, including the first Soviet panoramic film, My Country is Wide, in 1958.

In order not to spend your day in boredom, celebrations were invented for people. So April 28 is no exception.

UN Celebrations April 28, 2019

World Day for Safety at Work

On April 28, at the initiative of the International Labor Protection, we celebrate such a celebration all over the world. The celebration was created to raise global awareness of the magnitude of the problem, and to let people know exactly how a culture of safety is promoted and created and how it can help reduce the annual death rate in the workplace.

This holiday was first celebrated in 2003. The idea of ​​holding takes its origin from the Day of Remembrance of the fallen workers. For the first time such a day was held in the United States in 1898 in memory of workers who died or were injured in their workplace. Ministry of Health and social development RF noted that last years This action is of great interest and support from the workers and heads of industrial firms and enterprises of our country.

On average, about 5,000 people die every day in the world as a result of accidents or diseases at work. For a year, this amount can reach from 2 to 2.3 million people. Every year the celebrations are held under different mottos.

Other holidays April 28, 2019

Feast of the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Jamal

By Gregorian calendar On April 28, the month of Jamal begins to be celebrated. Translated from Arabic this month means beauty. Such a celebration was prescribed in the Kitab-i-Aqdas, which is the sacred book of the Bahá'ís.

The following words can also be seen there: It is prescribed for you to show hospitality once a month, even if the treat is just water. After all, the Lord desired to bind your hearts together by means both heavenly and earthly.

Russian events April 28, 2019

Day of fight for human rights from chemical danger

Every year our country celebrates the Day of Fight for Human Rights from Chemical Hazards. The reason for the creation of the celebration was the tragic events that took place in 1974 at the chemical weapons plant in Novocheboksarka.

It was precisely on April 28 that a fire broke out during the production of a new batch of weapons - an unfinished workshop began to burn at the plant. finished products". On that day, many aerial bombs were destroyed, which contained toxins and were dangerous. So a lot of toxic substances got into the air. And only thanks to a happy accident and the efforts of workers, such a man-made disaster did not become widespread - the accident did not break out of the city.

But the information itself was initially hidden from the public. And only in the 1990s many people were able to learn about it. So ensuring the chemical safety of the country is one of the most important national tasks. Without them, it is impossible to implement any projects that are aimed at improving the quality of life of mankind.

What do we celebrate in the national calendar on April 28, 2019

Pudov day

The Church on such a day celebrates the memory of the apostles from the seventy Pud, Aristarchus and Trofim. According to tradition, they were disciples and followers of St. Paul. On such a day, beekeepers inspected the apiary and omshaniki, they also checked the health of the bees and how they could survive the winter.

And if the spring was early and the sun was shining, then the hives were taken out and exposed to fresh air. Usually, rowan and viburnum buds bloomed on such a holiday. In the old days, healing infusions and teas were prepared from them.

Who will celebrate the name day on April 28, 2019

Alexander, Anastasia, Andrey, Aristarkh, Vasilisa, Victor, Kondrat, Leonid, Lukyan, Sevastyan, Trofim, Fedor.

Significant events April 28

  • 1563 - The printing house of the first printers Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets began to work in Moscow.
  • 1914 Air conditioner patented in the USA.
  • 1925 - Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the SRFSR "On the registration of citizens in urban settlements" was issued.
  • 1938 - Professor Lev Landau was arrested in Moscow on charges of espionage.
  • 1947 - Thor Heyerdahl embarked on a journey on the Kon-Tiki raft.
  • 2001 - the first space tourist flew into space.

What popular people were born on April 28

  1. James Monroe 1758 - 5th President of the United States.
  2. Alexander Ostuzhev 1874 - Russian actor.
  3. Vladimir Kappel 1883 - Russian military leader.
  4. Kurt Godel 1906 - Austrian logician.
  5. Donatas Banionis 1924 - Soviet and Lithuanian film and theater actor.
  6. Yuri Volintsev 1932 - Soviet actor cinema and theater.
  7. Saddam Hussein 1937 - Iraqi statesman and politician.
  8. Irina Asmus 1941 - Soviet actress, clown.
  9. Terry Pratchett 1948 - English writer.
  10. Penelope Cruz 1974 - Spanish film actress and model.

Every day something happens in the world, leaving a bright mark in history.

Here you can find out what holiday is today, the owners of which names celebrate their name day (Angel's Day), which folk omens associated with this day. Every day is notable for significant events that took place in different years.

Holidays April 28, 2014

World Day for Safety at Work celebrated since 2003. In many countries of the world, preventive measures and labor protection standards have long been legislatively fixed. Every day, about 5,000 people in the world die from accidents and diseases received at work.

Chemical Safety Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the 1974 fire at the chemical weapons plant in Novocheboksarsk (Chuvashia). Air bombs were burning, causing a lot of toxic V-gas to enter the atmosphere, avoid massive consequences succeeded only thanks to the skillful actions of the liquidators.

Name day April 28

Angel Day is celebrated by the bearers of the names Alexander, Anastasia, Andrey, Aristarkh, Vasilisa, Victor, Leonid, Lukyan, Sevostyan, Trofim, Fedor

Folk omens for April 28

Pudov day was considered in Russia a day when they began to check bee hives, if the weather allowed, then they were exposed to fresh air after wintering.

Significant events that took place on April 28

In France, the first self-propelled model of a helicopter was demonstrated (1748).

Air conditioner patented in the USA (1914).

The Italian dictator Benito Mussollini was executed (1945).

Traveler Thor Heyerdahl sailed on a balsa raft Kon-Tiki from west coast South America to Tahiti. The journey lasted three and a half months (1947).

L. Gaidai's comedy "The Diamond Arm" (1968) was released.

The flight of the first space tourist Dennis Tito began (2001).

April 28 were born

5th President of the United States James Monroe(1758), German businessman who saved Jews during the Second World War, known from the film "Schindler's List" Oskar Schindler(1908), ex-president of Iraq Saddam Hussein(1937), English writer Terry Pratchett(1948), Spanish actress Penelope Cruz(1974), host of the Premier League and the First League of KVN Alexander Maslyakov (1980).

Thursday, April 28, 2016 12:32 pm + to quote pad


1563 - Pioneers Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets began printing the first book.

1914 Air conditioner patented in the United States.

1920 - Azerbaijan SSR was formed.

1955 - Construction of the Baikonur cosmodrome began. 1956 - By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the special settlement regime was lifted from the deported peoples.

1963 - the Vnukovo-2 air terminal was put into operation.

1968 - Leonid Gaidai's comedy "The Diamond Hand" was released, in which Yuri Nikulin, Anatoly Papanov, Andrei Mironov, Nonna Mordyukova, Nina Grebeshkova, Svetlana Svetlichnaya played the main roles.

2001 - Dennis Anthony Tito, the first space tourist, flew.

April 28 events that took place in the world, in different years Source: http://calendareveryday.ru/index.php?id=12/4/28 calendareveryday.ru

1563 - Pioneers Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets began printing the first dated Russian book in Moscow - on the day Ivan the Terrible visited the new printing house (April 19, O.S.). Previously, there was an anonymous printing press in Moscow that published at least four books since 1553.

1566 - Start of construction of the Vologda Kremlin on the orders of Ivan the Terrible.

1599 - The English Parliament approved a common prayer book for the Anglican Church.

1621 - Ukrainian Orthodox priests wrote "Protestation", in which they substantiated the legitimacy of the restoration of the Orthodox hierarchy.

1686 - Isaac Newton presented the first volume of his monumental work The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy to the Royal Society.

1784 - Inventors B. Lonoy and J. Bienvenue in France demonstrated the first officially recognized self-propelled helicopter model.

1788 - Maryland becomes the 7th state of the United States.

1799 - The capture of Milan by Russian troops.

1847 - The British sailing ship Exmouth was shipwrecked en route from Londonderry to Quebec. 248 people died.

1848 - Writer Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin was exiled to Vyatka province.

1879 — Constituent Assembly in the city of Tarnovo, the Constitution of Bulgaria was adopted. 1908 - The World Esperanto Association (UEA) is founded.

1914 - An air conditioner is patented in the United States.

1920 - Formation of the Azerbaijan SSR.

1930 - For the first time in US history, emigration exceeded immigration. This was due to the economic crisis and strict restrictions on entry into the country.

1937 - In the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a decision on the 3rd five-year plan.

1939 - Adolf Hitler's announcement of the denunciation of the 1934 Polish-German Non-Aggression Pact and the 1935 Anglo-German Naval Agreement.

- Early in the morning, the TsKB-30 "Moskva" aircraft, piloted by V.K. Kokkinaki and M. Kh. Gordienko, took off from the Shchelkovsky airfield near Moscow. Thus began a one-day non-stop flight from Moscow to the United States at a distance of 8,000 km from average speed 348 km/h.

1945 - American troops occupy the city of Augsburg without a fight.

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci were executed.

1947 - The Polish authorities launched Operation Vistula to deport Ukrainians from Lemkivshchyna and Kholmshchyna to Western Poland.

- Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl and five comrades set sail on a balsa raft from the western coast of South America to Tahiti. The raft was named after the legendary Inca god Kon-Tiki. The voyage lasted three and a half months, during which the sailors covered a distance of 5,000 nautical miles, thereby confirming the likelihood of Heyerdahl's hypothesis that Native Americans could colonize Polynesia.

1956 - By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the special settlement regime was lifted from the deported peoples.

1963 - The Vnukovo-2 air terminal was put into operation.

1967 - American boxer Cassius Clay (future Muhammad Ali) (Cassius Marcellus Clay - Muhammad Ali) is deprived of the right to participate in fights due to his refusal to serve in the US Army.

1969 - Voluntary resignation of Charles de Gaulle from the presidency of France.

1973 - Omsk founded State University.

1978 - In Bolshoi Theater the premiere took place one-act ballet Evgenia Svetlanova "Kalina Krasnaya" based on the film story of the same name by Vasily Shukshin.

1982 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR was published on awarding Novosibirsk with the Order of Lenin for the great merits of the city's workers in revolutionary movement, their contribution to the fight against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War and the successes achieved in economic and cultural construction.

1988 - M. Gorbachev, at a meeting with the Russian patriarch, announced the return of the church's religious buildings.

1990 - In last time was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union: it was awarded to Dmitry Yazov, who participated in the State Emergency Committee a year later.

1991 - The first meeting of the Masonic Lodge ("Northern Star") was held in the USSR.

1997 - A terrorist act was committed in Pyatigorsk.

2000 - Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia signed an agreement on the construction of an oil pipeline to transport Caspian oil bypassing Russia.

2001 - Flight of the first space tourist Dennis Tito.

2003 - Kyrgyzstan is recognized as the most corrupt country among the seven poorest countries of the CIS. Such information is provided in a joint report of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Asian Bank Source: http://calendareveryday.ru/index.php?id=12/4/28 calendareveryday.ru

One Day Events

April 28, 1877 The official opening of the Stamford Bridge football stadium in Fulham, London took place. The stadium has a capacity of 41,798 spectators and is the ninth largest football stadium England. Stamford Bridge has been the home ground of Chelsea Football Club since 1905.

April 28, 1883 in the family of a lawyer was born the German physicist Max Planck, one of the founders of quantum theory, a foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and an honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He was a member of the German and Austrian Academies of Sciences, as well as scientific societies and academies in England, Denmark, Ireland, Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, the Soviet Union, Sweden and the United States. He died on October 4, 1947. Only his first and last name and the numerical value of Planck's constant are engraved on his tombstone.

April 28, 1898 The first two ambulance stations were opened in Moscow. A little earlier, such rescuers appeared in Vienna, Berlin and London. The first Moscow ambulances, first of all, rescued drunk people who were unconscious on the street.

April 28, 1903 The great genius Josiah Willard Gibbs, an American theoretical physicist, one of the founders of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, died. Born February 11, 1839 in New Haven, Connecticut, the son of a professor at Yale University.

April 28, 1937 in the city of Tikrit in northern Iraq, an Iraqi was born statesman Saddam Hussein. His birth name is Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti. The boy was raised by his uncle, a very devout Sunni Muslim. President of Iraq (1979-2003) general secretary Iraqi branch of the Ba'ath Party, marshal (1979); overthrown in April 2003 by US-British invasion. Executed by an Iraqi court on December 30, 2006.

April 28, 1939 born Evgeny Olegovich Adamov - Russian statesman, doctor of technical sciences, professor; Minister for Atomic Energy from 1998 to 2001.

April 28, 1939, speaking in the Reichstag, Hitler announced the annulment of the German-Polish declaration of 1934 on friendship and non-aggression.

April 28, 1948 Terry Pratchett was born in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, an English writer, author of over 70 books. Known primarily for the satirical fantasy cycle "Flat World". The total circulation of his books amounted to about 50 million copies. He died on March 12, 2015 in the UK, at the age of 67 from Alzheimer's disease.

April 28, 1953 Vasily Iosifovich Stalin was arrested. “As you know, Joseph Stalin died in March, and only a month and a half later, on April 28, his son Vasily Stalin was arrested. He was accused of exceeding his official powers, embezzling large amounts of money and was sent to the Vladimir prison.” (Razzakov F.I. Dossier on the stars. Their love are talking about them. - M.: CJSC Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999, p. 621).

April 28, 1956 A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued on the removal of the regime of special settlements from the deported peoples.

April 28, 1957 The World Federation of Twin Cities was formed. Twin Cities Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in April.

April 28, 1961 issued a Decree of the President of Czechoslovakia on awarding Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin the "Hero Socialist Labor Czechoslovak Socialist Republic".

April 28, 1969 Leonid Gaidai's comedy "The Diamond Arm" was released.

April 28, 1973 born Ukrainian TV presenter and journalist Oksana Mikhailovna Marchenko.

April 28, 1974 Penelope Cruz Sanchez, the most famous Spanish actress and model in Hollywood, was born in the working-class district of Madrid, the capital of Spain. She became the first Spaniard to win an Oscar for her supporting role in Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

April 28, 1978 Roman Lazarevich Karmen (real name Kornman) died in Moscow Russian figure cinema, documentary film director and cameraman, People's Artist of the USSR (1966), Hero of Socialist Labor (1976), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1960), Stalin Prize (1942, 1947, 1952), State Prize of the USSR (1975). Born November 29 (November 16, O.S.) 1906 in Odessa.

April 28, 1978 Mohammed Daud (Sardar Ali Mohammed Lamari bin Mohammed-Aziz Daud-Khan) was killed in Kabul - an Afghan statesman, president since February 1977. He came to power as a result of a bloodless coup, during which his cousin Zahir Shah was overthrown, and Afghanistan became a republic. From 1973 to February 1977 head of state and prime minister. His government carried out social and economic reforms. April 27, 1978 was overthrown and the next day killed in a military coup prepared by the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan. Born July 18, 1909 (according to other sources, 1908) in Kabul.

April 28, 1980 in Moscow, in the famous television family of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov and Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova (nee Semyonova), Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov Jr. was born - Russian TV presenter, host of the KVN Premier League, CEO OOO "TTO "AMIK" » .

April 28, 1986 at poet, musician and singer Yuri Eduardovich Loza and his wife Svetlana Valentinovna Loza a son was born Oleg. Graduated from the Gnessin School (2001-2005), conductor and choir department, Opera singer, baritone. He studied at the Moscow State Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky and LI them. Gorky, worked in the modeling agency Vyacheslav Zaitsev as an assistant director (2003-2007).

April 28, 2007 By decree of the government of the Russian Federation, the Triumph (S-400, originally S-300PM3, air defense UV index - 40R6, according to the codification of the US Defense Ministry and NATO - SA-21 Growler, literally "Growler") was adopted - a Russian anti-aircraft missile system large and medium range, anti-aircraft missile system (SAM). Designed to destroy all modern and promising means of aerospace attack.

April 28, 2009 Ekaterina Sergeevna Maksimova, Russian ballet dancer and teacher, died in Moscow; People's Artist USSR (1973), laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1981), State Prize of Russia (1984, 1991), soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre. Maternal granddaughter of the philosopher Gustav Gustavovich Shpet. She was born on February 1, 1939 in the same place.

April 28, 2012 in the concert hall Crocus City Hall” in Moscow hosted the first big show Nyusha "Choose your miracle!". During the concert, the singer presented three new songs: two solo songs - “Recollection”, the video was directed by Alexei Golubev, “Association” and a duet with her father Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Shurochkin (“You Are My Life”).

April 28, 2014 In front of the stairs of the Parliament building in Cape Town, President Jacob Zuma, in the presence of Frederick de Klerk, unveiled a bronze bust of Nelson Mandela on a granite plinth 2.28 meters high.

April 28, 2014 The Council of the EU blacklisted an additional 10 Russian citizens and five leaders of the resistance forces in eastern Ukraine, bringing total number up to 48 people. All persons on the lists are banned from entering the territory of the European Union for six months, and their assets in European banks are subject to freezing. The United States on the same day expanded its blacklists, adding seven names and the names of 17 Russian companies controlled by people from Vladimir Putin's inner circle. . Following the US and the EU, Canada has expanded the package of sanctions against Russia and its black list. At the same time, Japan announced anti-Russian sanctions, including 23 Russians on its blacklist. A. R. Rotenberg also got into the "Canadian List".

April 28, 2015 A Progress M-27M truck was launched on a Soyuz-2.1a rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, which failed to dock with the International Space Station at the scheduled time. Inadequate telemetry, incorrect launch of the apparatus into orbit by the Soyuz-2.1a rocket and its uncontrolled rotation around its axis are called as the causes of malfunctions that interfere with the fulfillment of the tasks of Progress.

April 28, 2015 in Moscow, at the age of 53, Batyrkhan Kamalovich Shukenov died of a heart attack - Kazakhstani and Russian crooner, composer, poet, musician, saxophonist, ex-soloist of the A-Studio group. Born May 18, 1962 in the city of Kyzyl Orda, Kazakhstan.

April 28, 2016(until May 1, 2016) Sochi will host the third in the history of the Russian Grand Prix of the world championship in circuit racing in the Formula 1 car class.

- 1827 Decree of Emperor Nicholas I on the establishment of the Gendarme Corps.

- 1891. A sample of a three-line (7.62 mm) rifle invented by the Russian gunsmith S. I. Mosin was approved. With minor upgrades, she was in service with the Russian and Soviet armies over 60 years.

This rifle had a mass with a bayonet of 4.5 kg, a combat rate of fire of 10-12 shots / minute, a magazine capacity of 5 rounds, an aiming range of up to 2000 m. In 1907, a carbine was created on the basis of the Mosin rifle.

- 1915 formation in Russia of the first special battery for the defense of a strategically important object from an air attack. On the basis of the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 277, a separate battery was formed to defend the Imperial Residence from aeronautic vehicles under the command of Lieutenant Colonel V. Maltsev, which was the first special military formation air defense objects of the country, which included both mobile and fixed anti-aircraft guns and lighting equipment.

- 1919 The beginning of the counteroffensive of the Southern Group of Forces Eastern Front under the command of M. V. Frunze against Kolchak and the defeat of the White Guard troops of Kolchak.

- 1939 At 4 hours 19 minutes from the Shchelkovsky airfield, the TsKB-30 (DB-3b) "Moscow" aircraft took off with a crew of V.K. Kokkinaki and M.Kh. Gordienko on board. On the same day, he landed in the Western Hemisphere on about. Miskau (USA). The path of 8 thousand km along the orthodromic arc through Atlantic Ocean completed in 22 hours 56 minutes. For this flight, the pilots were awarded the Order of Lenin and the medal "For Courage".

- 1942 Birthday of the Guards in the Railway Troops. For the courage and heroism shown in the battles against the Nazi invaders, the 28th separate railway brigade under the command of N. V. Borisov was transformed into the 1st guards separate brigade.

- 1942. By order of the NKVD No. 00852, the Main Directorate of the Internal Troops of the NKVD (I. S. Sheredega) was again organized, and in its composition, the Directorate of the NKVD Troops for the Protection of the Rear of the Red Army (A. M. Leontiev).

- 1961 Pilot G. K. Mosolov on a MiG-21F aircraft with additional rocket engines set an absolute world flight altitude record (34.714 meters) when taking off from the ground.

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What holiday is today? On April 28, the world celebrates Occupational Safety Day, and Russia celebrates the Day of Fight for Human Rights from Chemical Hazards or simply Chemical Safety Day.

World Day for Safety at Work

The International Labor Organization established World Day for Safety at Work in 2003 with the aim of attracting the attention of the entire world community to how the creation and promotion of safety at work can reduce the annual death rate in the workplace. Holding world day Occupational safety began in connection with the observance by American and Canadian workers in 1989 of the Day of Remembrance for the lost workers who were injured or died in the workplace. Since then, every year on April 28, this holiday is celebrated in all UN countries, events are held that are aimed at drawing public attention to labor protection problems.

Chemical Safety Day (Day of Fight for Human Rights from Chemical Hazard) in Russia

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of citizens to live in a safe environment. Every year on April 28, Russia celebrates the Day of Fight for Human Rights from Chemical Hazards or Chemical Safety Day. This day was established after the tragic events that took place at the chemical weapons plant in Novocheboksarsk (Chuvashia) in 1974. On this day in 1974, during the release of a batch of weapons in the unfinished "finished products" shop, a fire broke out - many aerial bombs filled with toxic V-gas burned there, several tons of toxic substances fell into environment. Thanks to the efforts of the workers and by a lucky chance, the accident did not break out of the city and the man-made disaster did not acquire a huge scale. The consequences of this accident could be comparable to the consequences Chernobyl disaster. Information about this incident, like about many other accidents in the USSR at that time (in Novomoskovsk, Chapaevsk, Stalingrad, Dzerzhinsk), was hidden from the public and became available only at the initiative of environmental organizations and ecologists in the 1990s. Until today, the consequences of this accident in terms of medical scientific evaluation are not known.

Unusual funny and cool holidays

April 28, in addition to official holidays, you can celebrate funny and unusual holidays- Happy Living Day, Young Greens Day and Closed Doors Day

Day of joy that is alive

Today you can rejoice at any occasion: the fact that the sun is shining, or that it is raining, that you can go to work, or that you are at home today, that winter has passed, or that 33 days are left before summer ... Reasons countless for joy, because you are alive and you can rejoice in everything!

Young Greens Day

Spring is already in full swing! It's time to celebrate Young and Green Day. The most beautiful thing is youth, and young is always green, always fresh and pleasing to the eye. Young and green, tender and quivering, inexperienced and always looking for yourself, how incredibly attractive it all is!
And the one who is older, let this holiday feel young, cheerful and cheerful, as if there were no hardships of the life lived. Hello young green spring!

closed day

Do you want to spend time in complete solitude and devote the whole day to your thoughts and feelings? You can do it today, April 28, Closed Doors Day.
Close all your doors, put on your favorite music, tune in to your inner world and do not let anyone in there today who could violate it with at least something ...

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Pudov day

On this day Christian church honors the memory of Aristarchus, Pud and Trofim - the apostles from the seventy. They, according to legend, were the disciples of St. Paul and preached the word of God with him.
In the old days, it was on this day that beekeepers tried to inspect their apiaries and omshaniki, to check whether their bees were healthy and whether they survived the winter well. It was believed among the people that if spring came early, and the first flowers appeared by the end of April, then the hives were taken out and exposed to fresh air on that day.
On Pudov day, the buds of viburnum and mountain ash were blooming. In the old days, the peasants prepared healing infusions from them. It was believed among the people that the mountain ash itself had the ability to heal toothache, but for this it was necessary to perform such a ridiculous rite: go to the mountain ash and gnaw it, saying - “Rowan, mountain ash, take my toothache, from now on and forever I will not be with you.” eat "or" Rowan, rowan, cure my teeth, but if you don't cure it - I'll gnaw you all out.
After this rite, the berries from the mountain ash could no longer be consumed so that the pain would not return.
Name day April 28 Alexander, Anastasia, Andrey, Aristarchus, Vasilisa, Victor, Kondrat, Leonid, Lukyan, Savva, Sevastyan, Trofim, Fedor
Also on April 28, they celebrate the Day of the formation of the special communications service (encryption service) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the birthday of the air conditioner.

April 28 in history

1963 - The Vnukovo-2 air terminal was put into operation.
1964 - Alikberov, Alikber Kalabekovich, Lezgin Russian historian and Islamic scholar, head of the Center for the Study of Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Ural-Volga region of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was born, Chief Editor portal Central-Eurasia
1969 - Charles de Gaulle voluntarily resigned as President of France.
1969 - Leonid Gaidai's comedy "The Diamond Hand" was released,
1973 - Omsk State University was founded.
1988 - M. Gorbachev, at a meeting with the Russian patriarch, announced the return of religious buildings to the church.
1997 - The concept of the reform of housing and communal services is adopted. The President of the Russian Federation emphasizes that the reform is aimed at supporting the especially poor sections of Russians
2000 - Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia signed an agreement on the construction of an oil pipeline to transport Caspian oil bypassing Russia.
2003 - More than 40 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget to prepare for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg
2007 - A farewell ceremony was held at the Moscow Conservatory on the occasion of the death of the world famous conductor and cellist Mstislav Rostropovich

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