Strange Traditions of the World. Unusual traditions around the world

In cultures different peoples there are traditions and customs that have been practiced by these peoples for thousands of years, but at the same time seem completely wild for representatives of other peoples and religions. And what is most interesting is that these customs, which, it would seem, have no place in the 21st century, are still alive today.

1. Thaipusam Piercing Festival

A strange tradition: Thaipusam Piercing Festival.

India, Malaysia, Singapore
During religious holiday Thaipusam Hindus demonstrate their devotion to the god Murugan by piercing various parts of their bodies. This is mainly seen in countries where there is a significant Tamil diaspora such as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, Thailand and Myanmar.

Member of the Thaipusam festival.

In Tamil Nadu, Tamil believers celebrate the birth of the god Murugan and his slaying of the demon Surapadman. They do this through painful piercing various parts body, including tongue. Over time, these rituals became more dramatic, colorful and bloody.

2. La Tomatina

A strange tradition: La Tomatina.

La Tomatina, annual festival throwing tomatoes, takes place in the Spanish city of Bunol. It is held on the last Wednesday of August and during this festival, participants throw tomatoes at each other purely for fun. There are many theories regarding the origin of Tomatina.

This fun La Tomatina.

In 1945, during the parade of giants and cabezudos, young people who wanted to participate in this event organized a fight in the main square of the city - Plaza del Pueblo. There was a vegetable table nearby, so they grabbed tomatoes from it and started throwing them at the police. This is the most popular of the many theories about how the Tomatina festival came about.

3. Stinging gloves

Strange tradition: stinging gloves.

The most painful initiation ritual exists among the Satere-Mawe tribe, who live in the Amazon jungle. Here it is impossible to become a man if you do not take part in this ritual. When a young boy becomes sexually mature, he, along with the shaman and other boys of his age, collect bullet ants in the jungle. The bite of this insect is considered the most painful in the world and is often compared in sensations with a bullet hitting the body.

The collected ants are fumigated with the smoke of special herbs, from which they fall asleep, and placed in a woven mesh glove. When the ants wake up, they become very aggressive. The boys must put on gloves and keep them on for about ten minutes, while dancing to distract themselves from the pain. In the Satere-Mawe tribe, to prove that he is already a man, a boy needs to endure this 20 times.

4 Yanomami Funeral Ritual

Strange Tradition: The Yanomami Funeral Ritual.

Venezuela, Brazil
Funeral rituals performed with dead relatives, are very important in the Yanomami tribe (Venezuela and Brazil), because the people of this tribe want to provide eternal peace and peace for souls of the dead person.

For the past 11,000 years, the Yanomami have had little to no contact with the outside world.

When a member of the Yanomami tribe dies, their body is burned. Ashes and bones are added to the plantain soup, and then the relatives of the deceased drink this soup. They believe that if you swallow the remains of a loved one, then his spirit will always live inside them.

5. Teeth filing

A strange tradition: filing teeth.

One of the largest Hindu religious ceremonies has great importance in Balinese culture and symbolizes the transition from adolescence to adulthood. This ritual is for both men and women and must be completed before marriage (and is sometimes included in the marriage ceremony).

This ceremony is performed by filing the teeth so that they go straight line. In the Hindu belief system of the Balinese, this holiday helps people free themselves from all invisible evil forces. They believe that teeth are a symbol of lust, greed, anger and jealousy, and the custom of cutting teeth strengthens a person physically and spiritually.

6. Tidun bathroom ban

A strange tradition: the ban on the bathroom in Tidun.

Weddings in the Indonesian community of Tidun boast some truly unique traditions. According to one of the local customs, the groom is not allowed to see the bride's face until he sings some love songs for her. The curtain separating the couple is lifted only after the songs have been sung to the end.

But the strangest of customs implies that the bride and groom are not allowed to use the bathroom for three days and nights after the wedding. The people of Tidun believe that if this custom is not observed, it is fraught with dire consequences for marriage: divorce, infidelity or death of children in early age.

7. Famadihana

A strange tradition: famadihana - dancing with the dead.

Famadihana is a traditional festival celebrated in both the cities and rural areas of Madagascar, but it is most popular among the tribal communities. it funerary tradition, known as "flipping the bones". People carry the bodies of their ancestors from the family crypts, wrap them in new clothes, and then dance with the corpses around the tomb.

In Madagascar, this has become a common ritual, usually performed once every seven years. The main motive of the festival arose from the conviction local residents that the dead return to God and are reborn.

8. Cutting off fingers in the tribe of Dani

Strange tradition: cutting off fingers in the Dani tribe.

New Guinea
Tribe Dani (or Ndani) - indigenous peoples inhabiting fertile lands Baliem Valley in West Papua New Guinea. Members of this tribe cut off their fingers to show their grief at funeral ceremonies. Along with amputation, they also smear their faces with ashes and clay as a sign of sadness.

Dani cut off their fingers to express feelings for someone they love very much. When a person from a tribe dies, his relative (most often, a wife or husband) cuts off his finger and buries it along with the dead body of his husband or wife, as a symbol of love for him.

9 Abandoning Babies

Strange tradition: throwing babies.

The bizarre ritual of throwing newborn babies from a 15-meter-high temple and trapping them in cloth has been practiced in India for the past 500 years. A similar thing is done by couples who have received the blessing of a child after taking vows at the Sri Santswara temple in the vicinity of Indy (Karnataka).

The ritual is observed by both Muslims and Hindus every year and takes place under tight security measures. The ritual takes place during the first week of December and is believed to bring health, prosperity and good luck to the newborn. Every year, about 200 children are "dropped" from the temple to the songs and dances of the crowd. Most children are under two years of age.

10. Mourning of Muharram

A strange tradition: the mourning of Muharram.

Iran, India, Iraq
Mourning of Muharram is an important period of mourning in Shia Islam, held in Muharram (the first month of the Islamic calendar). It is also called the Memory of Muharram. This event is held in honor of the death of Imam Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, who was killed by the forces of the second Umayyad Caliph Yazid I.

The event reaches its climax on the tenth day, known as Ashura. Some groups of Shia Muslims flagellate their bodies with special chains with razors and knives attached to them. This tradition is practiced by all age groups (in some regions even children are forced to take part). This custom is observed among the inhabitants of Iran, Bahrain, India, Lebanon, Iraq and Pakistan.

In every culture of the world there are traditions that seem strange, unusual and even unacceptable to representatives of other cultures. For your judgment, a list of the most bizarre traditions that are observed in different countries peace.

Tooth filing, Bali, Indonesia

This Hindu religious ceremony is an important process in the transition from puberty to adulthood. The ritual for men and women must be performed before marriage, and sometimes it is included in the marriage ceremony. There is a tradition in cutting fangs. It is believed that this way a person is freed from all invisible evil forces, because teeth are a symbol of lust, greed, anger, confusion and jealousy.

Tidong wedding procession, Indonesia

The Tidong wedding procession is unique. Perhaps most charmingly, the groom is not allowed to see the bride's face until he sings a few love songs to her. But the strangest thing is that the bride and groom are not allowed to bathe for three days and nights after the wedding. Tidongi believe that in this way good luck will come to a young family, and quarrels, infidelity and death of newborn children do not threaten them. It’s impossible to lie and run away to wash: several people are watching the couple, who, moreover, allow only certain amounts of food and drinks to be eaten.

Circumcision of fingers, Dani tribes, Western New Guinea

The Dani people (or Ndani) are an indigenous tribe inhabiting the fertile lands of the Baliem Valley in the western part of the island of New Guinea. Members of this tribe, in order to emphasize the depth of grief at funeral ceremonies, smear their faces with ashes and clay. But that's nothing. The second tradition is more terrible: when a person from a tribe dies, his relative cuts off his finger and buries the phalanx along with the corpse of a husband or wife, as a symbol of love. The finger represents the body and soul that will always live together with his/her spouse or relative. Some cut off their fingers until they are unable to do household chores effectively.

Lamentation of Muharram, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and several other countries

This tradition plays an important role among the Shiites and is held in the first month of the Muslim calendar, one of the four forbidden months. The event marks the anniversary of the Battle of the Iraqi city of Karbala, when Imam Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and the Shia Imam, the successor of the prophet, were killed by Yazid I. The event reaches its climax on the morning of the tenth day - in Ashura. Groups of Shiite Muslims beat themselves with special chains with razors and knives attached. This tradition is practiced by all age groups; in some regions, parents force their children to take part in a bloody ceremony.

Ant gloves, Mave people, Brazil

This is a very painful ritual that is practiced by the Mawe tribe of the Amazon, but without it the young man will not be considered an adult. When a boy reaches a certain age, he goes out into the jungle with a local medicine man and other boys of his age to find and collect the so-called bullet ants, which have a very strong sting and poison. This name is not accidental: the bite of this ant can be compared in terms of pain with a bullet wound! The ants are placed in a large woven mitten, and the boy must put it on and hold his hand there for about ten minutes. To take their minds off the pain, the boys start to dance ritual dance. However, to prove that the sufferer - a real man, he is ready to endure this pain 20 times longer.

Funeral rite of the Yanomamo people, Brazil and Venezuela

Ritual rites are very important for this tribe. When a member of the tribe dies, his body is burned, and the ashes are mixed into plantain soup, which is eaten by the family members of the deceased. It is believed that by eating the ashes dear person, relatives help the spirit to move into a new body. The body of the deceased must be completely burnt, because the representatives of the Yanomamo, the process of decay seems terrifying. Moreover, you need to burn the body as soon as possible, otherwise the soul can fly out of the body and pursue the living.

Ritual of Famadihan, Madagascar

The traditional festival is celebrated in urban and rural areas of the country, and is especially popular among tribal communities. This funerary tradition, known as "turning the bones," involves people bringing the bodies of their ancestors from family crypts, wrapping them in fresh cloth, and then dancing with the corpses around the tomb under live music. The ritual is usually held once every seven years, and the whole family gathers for it. For Madagascarians, this is an occasion to pay homage to the dead. For the ceremony, the relatives of the deceased dress very smartly, sing traditional songs and dance.

Jumping over babies, Spain

In a small community in northern Spain, residents participate in the El Colacho ceremony, which literally translates to "the devil's jump." Babies are laid on mattresses on the ground, and people dressed in a devil costume scatter and jump over the babies, thus protecting them from all sorts of troubles in the future. This tradition is at least 4 centuries old.

Some of the customs below may seem funny and interesting to you, while others, in turn, are quite strange and cruel. Today you will learn about the ten strangest traditions, one way or another connected with children.

10. Bathing newborns in boiling milk

Karaha Puzhan is a strange rite that is practiced in a number of areas of India. According to him, the father must bathe the newborn son in boiling milk. The ritual is usually performed in Hindu temples. The whole ceremony is accompanied by the recitation of mantras by Hindu priests. Milk is usually boiled in clay pots, and as soon as it boils, the father puts the child in a pot of boiling milk and pours it from another pot on top. But the ritual does not end there, after dousing the baby, it is the turn of his father. According to the followers of this tradition, its main goal is to propitiate the gods so that the child grows up happy.

Source 9Babies sleeping on the streets in sub-zero temperatures

For the people of Sweden business as usual is to leave your children to sleep outside, even in sub-zero temperatures. While this may seem like a risky proposition to you and me, many Swedish parents will disagree with us. On the contrary, they believe that the habit of cold temperatures will harden their children and protect them from many diseases. Moreover, sleeping outdoors is considered healthier and more restful. This habit is not unique to parents, many childcare centers also practice this activity.

8. Before the age of three months, babies should not touch the ground.

In Bali, Indonesia, there is a strange custom according to which babies under the age of three months are forbidden to touch the ground. The reason lies in the fact that the locals believe that all this time the child is inextricably linked with the spirit, and touching the ground will surely defile him. Many people in Bali consider this rule sacred. All the first three months of life, children spend in the arms of the whole family. Moreover, often the whole village helps a young family to bear this heavy burden.

7. Preservation of the umbilical cord

In Japanese culture, the umbilical cord is attached great value. It is so large that mothers here keep their babies' umbilical cords in special boxes called Kotobuki Bako. According to ancient legend, this custom originated when the first women wanted to keep something for themselves in memory of childbirth. Inside the box is usually a doll dressed in a kimono, symbolizing a child, and the umbilical cord is usually hidden inside the doll.

6. Bathing in cold water

In Guatemala, bathing children in cold water is quite common. Mothers believe that it will benefit their children. Such baths usually help get rid of the rash and make babies sleep better. Despite all the advantages of this method, it is probably not very to the liking of the objects of care themselves.

5. Children predict their own future

In Armenia, you can often find a rather eccentric ritual called (Agra Hadig). It is usually done when a child has their first tooth. The child is placed on the table, on which there are already many items, such as books, knives, scissors and others. It is believed that the first object that the baby will reach for will determine his future. For example, if a child touches a knife, then he can grow up to be a surgeon, if books, then a priest or pastor, and if money, then a banker. Only women participate in the ritual, and in its process only sweets are served on the table.

4. Forcing children to cry

The Japanese Nakizumo Festival is held every April at Senso-ji Temple in Tokyo. During this holiday, competitions for crying among children are organized. The parents of the participating children believe that this ritual will give them health in the future and drive away evil spirits. The competition consists in the fact that two sumo wrestlers enter the ring, each of them is given a child. The first one to make the baby cry is the winner. If the children start crying at the same time, then the winner is the one whose child screams louder.

3. Spitting at children

Usually, at the sight of a baby, everyone starts to lisp and admire him, but in Bulgaria things are different. After the welcome praises, a real spit awaits the children here. This is a kind of ceremony of protection from the evil eye, when they try to denigrate the baby by all means so that no one can jinx him.

2. Jumping over children

All parents want the best for their children, but few dare to risk their lives for it. But in the Spanish village of Castrillo de Murcia, they think differently, many parents are involved here.

How are all countries of the world different from each other? Of course geographic location and national composition. But there is also something else. Today we will talk about the most interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world.


A Turkish man cannot have a second wife until he gives the first one gold jewelry worth at least ten thousand dollars. It is generally accepted that this is how a man can confirm financial viability and prove his ability to feed several wives.

It’s not very civilized to talk at the table without asking permission from the owner of the house, and you shouldn’t choose pieces of food from a common dish too carefully. And if you decide to use a toothpick, then you should do it with your hand covering your mouth, as if you were playing a harmonica.


Among the interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, the rituals of India occupy a special place. Let's start with a greeting. Of course, you can just shake hands when meeting. But there are some subtleties here. For example, shaking hands with someone you didn't know before is bad form. Women should not be greeted by the hand either - this is considered an insult in India. How to greet the interlocutor, so as not to offend him? Connect the hands at chest level.

No doubt, many people know about the cult of the animal that exists in Wonderland, as India is also called. The main animal here is the cow. It is they who calmly roam the streets of settlements. Cows die of their own death, usually from old age, because it is forbidden to eat their meat in India.

But not only artiodactyls have the status of sacred animals. Temples for monkeys are erected in this country. The most famous is the Palace of the Winds, which, by the way, is not recommended for tourists to enter. Why? Yes, because it lives there great amount monkeys that can be aggressive. Another animal revered in India is the peacock. They live here literally in clover - they sing their songs everywhere: in temples, in the courtyards of houses and just on the streets.

If you decide to visit a temple in India, be sure to take off your shoes at the entrance. And in general, for the duration of the trip, exclude genuine leather shoes from your wardrobe.


If we talk about funny and funny customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, you should pay attention to this African country. Here, the young spouse is obliged to wear women's clothes for a whole month after the wedding and perform all women's duties.


Once upon a time in China, such a method of revenge was practiced as revenge through suicide: offended person came to the house (or yard) of his offender and killed himself. In this case, the Chinese said, the soul of the suicide does not ascend to heaven, but remains in the offender's house and brings various misfortunes to him and his family.

Once upon a time in China, such a tradition as bandaging the feet was common. It appeared in the X century. Six-year-old girls had their feet tightly tied with bandages. This was done in order to prevent the growth of the leg. The fact is that in China a small foot is the standard of beauty, girls with miniature legs are easier to marry. Due to the fact that the girls experienced terrible pain and had difficulty moving, in 1912 footbinding was officially banned. But in some regions of the country it is still practiced.

There are also interesting traditions in China today. For example, when going on a visit, you should not take flowers with you. The owners of the house take this as a hint that the house is so uncomfortable and unattractive that the guest decided to decorate it himself.

Many customs and traditions of the peoples of the world are associated with eating. China is no exception. Here, for example, champing is not a sign of uncivilized behavior, but quite the opposite. If you do not champ at the table, this can offend both the hosts of the house where you are invited for lunch or dinner, and the chef in the restaurant. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire consider a quiet meal a meal without pleasure. Do not worry about accidentally put on the tablecloth stains. You should even deliberately stain it, thereby making it clear that the food gave you incredible pleasure.


Speaking about the most unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the so-called monkey banquet, which is customary to arrange in the province of Thailand called Lopburi. This happens as follows: literally thousands of kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruits are brought to the local temple and about two thousand monkeys are invited. These animals are loved here because once a whole army of monkeys helped the god Rama to defeat his enemies.

There are other traditions as well. For example, it is not recommended to point at something (and even more so someone) with your foot. The lower part of the body is considered despicable in this country. By the way, it is for this reason that you should not sit with one leg crossed and pointing your feet towards the Buddha statue. Going to Thailand, it is important to know that the Thais honor absolutely every image of a deity, and therefore you should not lean, step on or climb on the statues to make unusual photo. Another local tradition says: be sure to take off your shoes before entering someone's house or temple.


A special place among the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world is occupied by the way of life of the Norwegians. For example, in this country it is not customary to give up seats in public transport to people of age. The fact is that here it is perceived as a demonstration of physical advantage. What else should not be done in Norway? Ask about well-being. It is considered too personal.

It is not customary in Norway to hug when meeting. Usually people just shake hands or barely touch fingertips. When parting, you can pat each other on the back. Another interesting tradition concerns visits: you should not go to someone without warning. In addition, it is necessary to inform exact time departure. It will not work to leave later than this time - the owners, without a twinge of conscience, will point to the door at the appointed hour.


If you are interested in unusual traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, we advise you to pay attention to Denmark. A flag hung in the window means that there is someone in this house who is celebrating a birthday.

A very interesting tradition applies to young people and girls whose age has reached 25 years. They are sprinkled with cinnamon. This is done so that a pleasant smell helps to understand the representatives of the opposite sex that this person single and not averse to getting to know each other.


Discussing the interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot but mention the Japanese rituals. It is not customary to leave work until the leader leaves. It is also not customary to greet each other with a handshake, usually they just make a polite bow here.

Local traditions are also spoken about the number of flowers that can be given. Unlike Russia, where they give only odd number flowers, in Japan they give only an even number. The Japanese say: a flower without a pair feels lonely, quickly fades. An odd number of flowers is suitable for mourning ceremonies.

Andaman Islands

Getting to know unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, the Andaman Islands cannot be ignored. At a meeting, one native sits on his knees to another native, hugs him by the neck and begins to cry. No, no, he does not complain about his sad life and is not going to tell tragic episodes from his biography. So he simply expresses the joy of meeting with a fellow tribesman.


Among the strangest customs and traditions of the peoples of the world is the Tibetan ritual of showing each other their tongue when they meet. This custom appeared in the 9th century. Then King Landarm ruled Tibet, distinguished by particular cruelty. The main sign of the king was a black tongue. The Tibetans were afraid that the king (or his soul) might move into someone after death, and therefore, for security reasons, they began to show each other tongues.

If you also decide to join this tradition, make sure that you have not eaten anything before that that could stain your tongue in a dark color.


In Vietnam, it is not customary to look into the eyes of your interlocutor. There are two reasons for this: the first is the shyness inherent in the Vietnamese, the second is that the interlocutor may be a more respected person, may have a higher rank. Talking about concerning children interesting traditions and the customs of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the Vietnamese ban on praising a newborn child. In this country, it is considered evil spirit, who is nearby, can hear about the value of the baby and steal it.

It is not customary in this country to argue loudly. The Vietnamese are distinguished by self-discipline and good upbringing, and therefore the heated discussions of guests from Europe cause disapproval among the locals. If we talk about rather mysterious national customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot but say about the tradition of the Vietnamese to hang on entrance doors(outside) mirrors. What for? Everything is very simple - a dragon who wants to get into the house will see his reflection and think that the dragon already lives in this house.


In Tanzania, as, indeed, in other regions of Africa, it is customary to consider left hand dirty, and the right - clean. That is why it is not customary to eat or give gifts with the left hand. The method of accepting gifts is also interesting: first you need to right hand touch the gift, and then you need to hold the giver by his right hand.


In the United States of America, it is customary to celebrate almost any event. This list includes birthdays, weddings, childbirth or pregnancy, and more. For the heroes of the occasion, for example, guests usually arrange a procedure called shedding.

What gifts are showered? It all depends on the occasion. These can be items useful in the household (towels, pancake pans or vases), but you can also receive very frivolous gifts.

wedding customs

Well, and as a bonus - wedding traditions and customs of different peoples of the world. For example, every inhabitant of Andalusia with even a little self-respect before the wedding is simply obliged to jump from a cliff upside down. It's just that ancient traditions say: only a man with a strong skull can marry. But the most interesting thing lies elsewhere: the height of the rock depends on the number of relatives of the future wife - the more of them, the higher the height you have to jump.

It may seem funny wedding tradition, which is observed in some parts of India. Some states prohibit third marriages. You can lead a woman to the altar twice, four times, too, but three times is strictly forbidden. Moreover, only marriage with a living person is prohibited. Therefore, men who decide not to stop at two marriages are forced to marry a tree for the third time. The wedding ceremony is usually not so magnificent, but there are guests and gifts. After the completion of the wedding celebrations, the invitees help the newly-made spouse become a widow - all together they cut down the bride. Problem solved, you can get married again.

Speaking about the wedding traditions and rituals of the peoples of the world, one cannot lose sight of the Greek traditions. Here, during the entire wedding celebration, the young wife seeks to step on her husband's foot. The best way to do this is to dance. Such a maneuver, according to local beliefs, suggests that a woman has every chance of becoming the head of the family.

In the Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, a man who expressed a desire to marry a girl had to become her slave for some time (usually from six months to a year). During this time, the girl had to think it over and give an answer. If she agrees to marry, the village council declares the couple husband and wife. In case of refusal, the man was forced to return home.

One of the most interesting wedding traditions and customs of the peoples of the world can safely be called the rituals of Central Nigeria. Here, girls of marriageable age are locked in separate huts and fattened. Only the mothers of these girls are allowed into these huts. For several months (or even years), parents bring their daughters a large number of flour food to make them stout. The fact is that curvy women are highly valued in these places, which means that it is easier for fat women to successfully marry.

It is customary for Vietnamese newlyweds to give two gifts. Here it is believed that one gift symbolizes a quick divorce. Therefore, it is better to present two inexpensive gifts than one expensive one.

Russia - multinational country. And we have peoples, very unusual, which are almost gone. Their traditions and language are on the verge of destruction, but they continue to exist. Someone has already moved to the cities and puts on National Costume only for the holidays, others still live in places that can only be reached by helicopter.


According to the latest census, 43,341 representatives of this people live in Russia. Most of lives in 13 villages in Karachay-Cherkessia. Some move to neighboring republics and cities. The first mention of them can be found already in the 5th century BC by a Greek historian. They practice Islam.

In the second century they even had their own principality, but the people could not compete with powerful states and constantly fell under their influence. After the Russian-Caucasian war in the 19th century, they became part of Russia. The main occupation of this people is cattle breeding, since the mountainous lands are poorly cultivated. They also breed bees and make a sweet, intoxicating drink from honey. The swallow is considered a sacred bird that will save humanity. Now they live using many benefits of civilization.


Only 500 representatives of this people remained in Russia. But more than 15 thousand people live in Alaska. Initially, this indigenous people islands, which eventually dispersed to neighboring continents. They call themselves unangan". Now they live on the Commander Islands.

For the first time, this people encountered Russians in the 18th century. First, anthropologists went there, and then sailors. The Aleuts often clashed with them. Then the Aleuts fell under the influence of a Russian-American company who tried to make money on mining fur seals and then gold mining. Aleuts were attracted to work. Russians and Americans married local girls.

Now the Aleuts get the fur of valuable animals, catch birds and fish, breed sled dogs and grow turnips, radishes and potatoes. Most likely, soon this people will finally assimilate with the Russians and other peoples, since the Aleut language is not taught in schools.

The population traditionally professed paganism: shamans connected people with the spirits of their ancestors and helped solve everyday problems. Also, due to the influence of Russians, Orthodoxy is popular here. Now the people enjoy the benefits of civilization and live in houses built for them Soviet power.


The Besermyans live in Udmurtia, but in fact they, like the Karelians, are Finno-Ugric peoples. Now the number of people fluctuates around 2 thousand people. Purely Besermian villages - 10. Besermian language - dialect Udmurt language, in which more oriental influences can be heard.
The religion of the people is a mixture of several beliefs. In the XVIII century. they adopted Orthodoxy, but retained traditional beliefs and Islam. A mullah was invited to the village every year to pray, it was considered necessary that he be present at the funeral; Mullah was given flour (groats) after the first pasture of cattle in the field. The cult of ancestors is developed, which is clearly manifested in funeral and memorial rituals.
Bessermen are engaged in agriculture. Now the remnants of the people are trying to preserve their traditions, they say National holidays. Somehow even Putin came to them.


According to official data, now there are a little more than 6 thousand Vepsians left. Most of them live in Karelia and the village of Sheltozero. Also lives in the Leningrad region.

Until the mid-1930s, the Veps lived in large families. All economic and ordinary life a large family was led by its head - the oldest man. His wife took care of the cattle, house, cooked food, weaved and sewed clothes. The Vepsians grew rye, barley, oats, peas, beans, and a small amount of wheat and potatoes. Later they began to plant onions, swedes, radishes, cabbages, carrots, and potatoes.

An average household always had a horse, 2-3 cows, and sheep. Fishing, as well as picking mushrooms and berries were of great importance. Man's occupation was the manufacture of various products from wood, birch bark, weaving from willow and spruce roots. They made wooden kitchen utensils, handicrafts - weaving mills, spinning wheels, hoops, etc. Wooden handicrafts were usually decorated with carvings. Women were engaged in weaving, sewing clothes and embroidery.


Now there are just over 8,000 Koryaks left. They know Russian, although they are trying to keep their languages. About three thousand speak local dialects. They profess Orthodoxy, but they also preserve shamanic traditions. A study of the village of Atargan indicates that the local Koryak tribes were familiar with the use of metal long before the arrival of the Russians, or rather, in the last century of the first millennium.

Surprisingly, the mythology of the Koryaks is almost the same as the mythology of the Indians. Pacific Ocean. Some religious events could be borrowed, but in general myths usually reflect the state of mind for a long time and even the most remote periods.

The similarity between the life of the Chukchi and the Koryaks is great, although, character traits Eskimos tend to disappear. Among the Koryaks and Kamchadals, the number of elements of similarity with the Eskimos gradually decreased, while the number of myths proving the opposite increased. Until now, most Koryaks live without any special amenities, adhering to traditions. Young people gradually leave for the cities and assimilate.


Nganasany - the most northern people Eurasia. Now there are less than a thousand left. They used to lead nomadic image life, but because of the Soviet power they switched to settled. To hunt wild deer, they had to go deep into the tundra. Women in the village sewing workshops and at home are engaged in dressing deer skins and sewing national shoes, souvenir rugs, handicrafts from deer skins, sewing fur clothes for hunters.

Works of oral folk art know almost all men and women, regardless of age. The Nganasans do not have professional folklore performers; all generally recognized storytellers are simple hunters, fishermen and reindeer herders. Traditions are told in the long evenings at the end of the working day or on vacation, there were no special national festivals at which the storytellers share their stories, like the already mentioned Yakuts or Kazakhs.

popular kaingeymekumi- competitions of two young people who, sitting on both sides of their chosen one, composed allegorical songs, competing in wit. The one who, not understanding the allegorical text of his opponent, was considered defeated and was obliged to give the winner some kind of metal decoration.

Photo: Russian Ethnographic Museum


A small people who live in Russia and Japan. The first traces of his stay in these territories appeared 10 thousand years ago. Now the population is constantly falling, in the last census experts counted about 4 thousand people.

It is assumed that the peoples of Polynesia are related to the Nivkhs. It is believed that the earliest mention of the Nivkhs in history is the Chinese chronicles of the beginning of 600 AD. e. Contacts between Russians and Nivkhs began in the 17th century, when Cossack explorers visited the area.

The nihwis are mostly engaged in fishing. Religious beliefs The Nivkhs were based on animism and belief in the spirits that lived everywhere. Each bear was considered the son of the owner of the taiga. The Bear Festival was celebrated in January or February, depending on the clan. The bear was caught, raised and fed for several years in a paddock. During the celebration, the bear was dressed up in a special costume, taken home, treated from carved wooden dishes. After that, the beast was sacrificed by shooting from a bow. Food was placed near the head of the dead bear, "treating" it. Unlike other peoples of the Amur, the Nivkhs cremated the dead, burning them on a huge fire in the taiga under ritual lamentations, and in ancient times they practiced air burial. The deceased was hung on a tree and left there.


A small Finno-Ugric people from the Pskov region. Only 200 people live in Russia, and about 10 thousand in neighboring Estonia. The origin of Seto is controversial among scholars. There is also an opinion according to which the Sets are the remnant of an ethnic group - once as independent as other Finno-Ugric peoples.

The Setos, unlike the Lutherans-Estonians, are Orthodox. For several centuries, having adopted the rites of Orthodoxy and observed them, the Setos did not have a translation of the Bible. The Russians who lived nearby did not consider the Setos to be full-fledged Christians, calling them "half-believers."

Seto house-building is characterized by the Pskov closed yard with high gates; later, two-chamber (and then multi-chamber) houses with a glazed veranda spread. Seto settlers brought this type of house to Siberia as well. Now the nationality is not much different from ordinary people.


They live on the territory of Tofalaria in Irkutsk region. Today, Tofalars live mainly in three organized by the Soviet authorities in the 1920-1930s. settlements: Alygdzher, Upper Gutara and Nerkha, where they were forcibly transferred to settled life and settled together with Russian-speaking immigrants. The only way to get there is by helicopter and the only way to get in touch is by radio.

Starting from the end of the 17th century and until 1925 (before the beginning of cardinal changes in the life of the tofs), their number remained practically unchanged and fluctuated between 400-500 people. Such a small number individual people amazing. Neither in the annals nor in the archival data are there any indications of any mass death. Apparently, the Russians had already found this people in a state close to the modern one, and their decrease in numbers occurred long before the conquest of Siberia.

The people were engaged in hunting and reindeer herding, led a semi-nomadic lifestyle. But because of the Soviet power, they had to leave the nomadic lifestyle. At the same time, technology appeared in the villages. Traditions were forgotten and only at the end of the last century they began to be restored.

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