What needs to be done to baptize a child. What godmothers need to know about christening a child

Baptism is one of the important sacraments that signifies the acceptance of a person into the Christian Church. Long before the advent of Christianity, there were ritual immersion in water, such a rite is typical for many religions, because water is the source of life, the cult of water was among different peoples of the world. There was a belief that after dipping a person into water, he becomes protected from all his sins and returns to a new, pure life.

Today, the rite of baptism is not much different from the rite of baptism conducted several centuries ago. As before, so now, the priest does everything.

There are many Christian denominations and in all the rite of baptism takes place in different ways. For example, in the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, baptism is classified as a sacrament. There are differences in the conduct of the rite of baptism itself during this ceremony in different churches. In the Catholic Church, the child is poured with water, in the Orthodox Church they are immersed in water three times, and in the Protestant Church, the child is sprinkled with water. And Adventist and Baptist baptisms are usually performed in natural bodies of water.

How is the rite of baptism performed?

The sacrament of baptism was instituted by Jesus himself. He was baptized in the Jordan River by Saint John the Baptist. It was not by chance that the rite of baptism took place in water, because in the Bible water symbolizes life (everyone is well aware that a person mainly consists of water), spiritual and bodily purity, God's grace. Jesus himself did not have to be baptized, but in this way, by his own example, he showed all people that each of them should begin his spiritual life. Jesus Christ himself consecrated the water in the Jordan River, and the priest, therefore, calls on the Holy Spirit with the help of prayers to consecrate the water in the font.

Most often, baptism is performed in the temple, but outside the temple it is also quite acceptable. The Sacrament of Baptism lasts an average of about 30 minutes - one hour. The priest at the very beginning begins to read prohibition prayers, thus, he casts out Satan from the baptized in the name of the Lord. After that, the baptized person (or godparents on his behalf) renounces Satan three times, and proclaims three times reunification with Jesus Christ as God and King. The Symbol of Faith is read three times, in which the whole essence of the Orthodox confession of faith is set forth. Next, the Priest sanctifies the water and oil (oil). The person being baptized is anointed with this oil, and this indicates that from that moment he is in the tree of the Church of Christ. The person being baptized is given a name, which must necessarily be only Christian. After this, the person being baptized is immersed in water three times. During the first dive, the priest says these words: “The servant (slave) of God (God) (the name of the person being baptized) is baptized in the name of the Father. Amen". Second dive: “And the Son. Amen". Third dive: “and the Holy Spirit. Amen". From the water, the child is placed in a christening diaper, which is called kryzhma (another name is krizhmo or krizhma).

Next is the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Gospel and the Apostle are reading, during the prayer, tonsure takes place - the Priest cuts off a small tuft of hair from the person being baptized. And a sign that the child has already become a Christian is put on a cross around his neck.

Basically, at baptism, the child is lowered into the water, but splashing and dousing with water is also acceptable. One person can be baptized only once in his entire life, since a person can be physically born only once. Despite different views in beliefs (even in understanding the process of baptism), the Sacrament of Baptism is recognized by the Orthodox Church only in the Armenian Church, the Calvinist Church, the Catholic Church (Greek and Roman), the Anglican Church, the Lutheran Church.

What is a feast after christening or a baptismal table?

Since ancient times, the ancient Slavs, after completing their pagan rites, held family holidays. In Christian Russia, they laid the christening table on the same day, fed everyone - both guests and the poor. All estates had a tradition of arranging a baptismal table, the process differed only in rituals and the variety of dishes served. Before entering the church, the father usually said to the godparents such words “Take the prayer one, and bring me the baptized one” Lee "Go and introduce the child to the Orthodox faith". At christening, the godfather brought bread and bought a cross, and in some cases paid the priest for the ceremony. The godmother provided the priest with a towel so that he could wipe his hands after the ceremony, a shirt for the child and three to four arshins of cloth.

At the baptismal dinner, the main guests were the godparents of the child and the midwife. They were invited to the festive table and treated to tea and snacks. The father of the child at this time invited friends and relatives to his house to celebrate such an important event.

On the day of the christening, the hosts festively set the table. At the beginning, cold dishes were served, for example, on a fast day - kvass with meat and eggs and jelly, and on a fast day - kvass with sauerkraut and herring. After the cold, they served noodles, potato soup with mushrooms, cabbage soup with smelts, which were seasoned with hemp oil - this is on a fast day, and on a fast day - offal soup (ushnik), milk noodles, noodles with pork or chicken, cabbage soup with meat. Regardless of what dishes were on the baptismal table, the most important dish was served without fail - buckwheat porridge (millet porridge was served before it was served).

After the end of the holiday, the guests expressed their gratitude to the hosts and wished the child many years and more health. The godmother and father were the last to leave. On the same day, in the evening or in the morning, they were offered snacks, followed by an exchange of gifts. Kuma gave her godfather a handkerchief as a keepsake, and the godfather, in turn, kissed his godfather on the lips and gave her money. Before leaving, the mother of the child gave the godparents a cake, for which she received a handkerchief or money (in some cases, soap, sugar, tea, and so on). This is where the holiday ends.

Today, the family holiday of christening is being revived. Children will be born in maternity hospitals (mostly), so you should entrust the role of a midwife to some relative or a very respected guest. This decision is made by the parents of the baptized person.

Is it possible to give the baby a name before the rite of baptism?

Can. The parents give the baby a name and register it in the birth certificate. The church has no right to influence that the name be changed. Naturally, at baptism, a child can be given a church name, which will not always coincide with the name registered on the birth certificate. The registered name will be used in daily life, and the church name in church ceremonies.

The role of godparents

The choice of godparents should be taken very seriously, because if something happens to the child's parents (illness or death), then it is the godparents who will be responsible for raising the baby. For this reason, they try to choose them among family friends, relatives or close people. Only Christians can be godparents.

In addition, the godparents of the child must be spiritual godparents for their godson. It is forbidden to take unbelievers, non-believers and unbaptized into godfathers. Also, godparents cannot take members of cult organizations, different sects, for example, fortunetellers, Roerichs. It is forbidden to take sinners (drug addicts, alcoholics, and so on) as godparents.

According to the norms of Church law, the following cannot become godparents: mentally ill people, minors, nuns and monks, parents for their children, bride and groom, people who are married (since married life between persons who are spiritually related is unacceptable ).

In the process of baptizing a child, godparents hold him to the cross in the temple. It can also be one person, the godmother can hold the girl, and the godfather can hold the boy. If a person is baptized in adulthood, then godparents are an optional rule for him, since he can answer the questions asked on his own. The biological parents of the child may be in the temple during the baptism, but they must not hold the child to the cross.

Many people are interested in such a question, is it possible to take a pregnant woman for a godfather, can she be a godmother for a child? Of course you can, there are no barriers to this, since the church is very respectful and reverent towards pregnant women.

If you have any questions related to the baptism of a child, then it is best not to look for an answer from a neighbor or on the Internet, but it is best to ask a priest.

To carry out the process of baptism, the godfather should buy a pectoral cross; the child must wear this cross under clothing for the rest of his life. The godmother needs to buy a baptismal shirt and kryzhma (a white embroidered cloth in the shape of a diaper). In the roof, the child is held to the cross. Baptismal attire and kryzhma are symbols of the fact that the baby came out of the font without sins. Throughout the life of the child, the kryzhma is preserved. If in the future the child will get sick, then they cover him with a roof, as they believe that with its help a quick recovery will come. On the day of baptism, the child must appear clean, dressed in smart and clean clothes, and bathed.

When is the best time to baptize a baby?

The Church recommends that a child be baptized at an early age. Thus, original sin is removed from the child, after which he becomes a member of the church. Jesus Christ had a special relationship. He told his apostles "Let the children come to me and never forbid them to do so, for theirs is God's Kingdom". So parents do not need to delay with the baptism of their child, so that God's grace descends on the child at an early age. Immediately after the rite of baptism, the Holy Spirit descends on the child when the chrismation takes place.

Catholics and Orthodox try to baptize children in the first months of their lives, sometimes even in the first days from birth. Protestants baptize only in adulthood. They argue that at a young age a child is not able to understand the Sacraments of Baptism, but his soul is capable of receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit. It also happens that an early death of a child happens, so it’s not worth delaying baptism, as there is a risk of leaving the baby without God’s protection and the path to salvation will be cut off for him.

Basically, all parents take care of their child, want their child to be physically healthy and not get sick, give him all sorts of vaccinations, so what prevents them from thinking about the immortality of the soul of their child?

It is possible to carry out baptism in adulthood, if for some reason it was not carried out in infancy. In this case, a person must undergo catechesis. After that, both the original sin of an adult and all other sins will be removed.

How to conduct baptism correctly: immerse a child in water or pour water over him?

The Holy Letter does not say how much water is needed for baptism. Water is a symbol of life and the sacrament of baptism.

Just pouring or completely immersing in water at baptism is the tradition of the church.

There are churches that have special baptismal places where children are baptized, and even an adult can fully enter the water there.

What you need to buy for a baptism

If not the first child is baptized, then in order for the brothers and sisters to love each other very much and be very friendly, subsequent children are baptized in the shirt in which the firstborn was baptized.

Despite the fact that there are so many different religions, they all have almost the same Baptism Ceremony. Basically, for a child, they acquire a baptismal cover or a baptismal set. In some cases, a special bag is also purchased, in which the child’s cut hair, a satin bracelet or boutonniere, and a bible in a satin cover will be stored in the future.

Christian Responsibilities of Godparents

Godparents must:

  • Be a role model;
  • Regularly prays for his goddaughter or godson;
  • Teach your goddaughter or godson to fight evil and believe in Christ;
  • Help her or him grow with faith in the heart of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If godparents live far from their cross and see it very rarely, then you need to keep in touch in some way - call up, write letters. The child must definitely feel the care of the godparents, he must also understand that in his life they are very important people. It is desirable that the godparents be present at the first communion of the child.

The godmother and father, both in the rite of baptism and in the life of the child, are very important people.

Even in pre-Christian Russia there was a rite of nepotism, a child was bathed in a lake, river or in a wooden trough. The child was bathed in a pond, swaddled and given a name. In parallel with this, religious ceremonies were held. There were two Kumovievs, and three, and four. In the event of illness or death of the parents, they took responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

christening gown, christening gown, christening gown

The most important element in the baptismal process is the baptismal attire, shirt or dress. He is basically chosen in advance by the godmother of the baby. When choosing, you need to focus on ensuring that the outfit is pleasant to the touch and soft, then the baby will behave well in church.

Kryzhma. Kryzhma is a relic that has been preserved for many years. Kryzhma - an openwork diaper of white color, which has never been washed, at baptism in kryzhma they take the baby from the font. At baptism, kryzhma must be present, it is the main attribute of christening. Very often, the date of the baptism of the baby and his name are embroidered on the corner of the kryzhma. Kryzhma should also be bought by the godmother of the child. Kryzhma is endowed with miraculous powers to heal the baby if he suddenly gets sick.

How to choose a christening outfit

This is the second outfit in the life of the mother, the choice of which she treats with such awe and love. The first such outfit was, most likely, the wedding dress of the mother. One way or another, we want to help you choose a quality christening gown that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Finding a baptismal outfit is not difficult, because today the market offers us a huge selection of this baptismal attribute. The problem is, it's a bit difficult to find the right christening outfit that fits your little one, that you like, that makes the christening chic and that fits within your budget.

Therefore, when choosing a baptismal attire, it is worth considering the following:

  1. Modern or traditional? The style of the baptismal attire plays a significant role. It is important to decide whether you want to buy something modern for your child, or whether you want to baptize him in your own outfit, which your parents have kept for many years. It is worth asking yourself some questions. Do you want your little one to be christened in a traditional christening gown, or would it be a modern satin suit? Do you want something exclusive? Do you want an outfit in the national style?

    Whatever style you choose, you must make sure that your child is very comfortable in it, and it is convenient for you to dress up your child. It is necessary to pay due attention to the fabric from which the baptismal outfit is made. The fabric should only be natural so that the child is comfortable and his body can breathe. An excellent choice would be fabrics such as 100% silk, satin, linen, satin (cotton). It is these fabrics that are always used for newborns, so this should not be an exception for baptismal attire.

    The baptismal attire should be comfortable, soft, made of high quality fabric, and the outfit should also be gentle and pleasing to the eye.

  1. The size. In order for the baby to be comfortable in baptismal clothes, you need to pay attention to the fact that the baptismal shirt of the bull is spacious enough. It is very important that the outfit does not press on the baby's skin and does not rub it when moving. When choosing an outfit, you should refer to the size chart, it usually gives measurements according to the baby's body without any allowances.
  2. Details. Details such as buttons should not be left without attention. They should be sewn very tightly, match the color of the outfit. It is also worth paying attention to how long the ribbons are on the outfit, are the buttons on the outfit hard to unfasten, how is the lining sewn: seams to the baby’s body or seams inside?
  3. Color. Among the baptismal dresses, white dresses are considered the most popular. But it is not necessary to stop your choice on this particular color. You can choose an outfit for your baby in a different color. It should depend on what you want it to symbolize for the baby. It should be noted that white is a symbol of youth and purity.
  4. Season. When choosing a baptismal outfit, you need to take into account the time of year. If it is sunny and warm outside, summer or spring, then naturally, you need to choose an outfit with a short sleeve. If the child's christening is planned for the cold season, then you need to choose a warm hat, warm coat or sweater, cotton-lined kryzhma.
  5. Accessories. In the world of children's accessories, you can get confused, there is such a large selection of everything. In order not to buy anything extra, you should know what you need at a minimum: a bib, booties and a hat. If you plan to baptize a child in the cold season, then you will also need a lining, a fur coat or a warm sweater.

What is the best gift for a christening?

Practical or Traditional: Most traditional christening gifts are not practical. The usual traditional gift for the godmother is a christening shirt or kryzhma - a white openwork diaper. Traditionally, the godfather for christening should give a silver spoon. If you have to be the godparents of a child, then you should think about the fact that your gift for the baby should have a special meaning. You can think about such a gift that will be useful to a child when he becomes an adult. It can be a set of silverware, you can open a small savings bank account for it. Ordinary christening guests can donate clothes, books, toys.

Silver - if you are a guest and are thinking of giving your child some kind of jewelry for christening, then it is best to opt for silver items, since silver is the tradition of gifts for christening.

silver spoon. It will be very good if you give a set of 12 silver spoons, as they symbolize the 12 apostles. If your budget cannot allow you to make such a gift, then you can opt for 4 silver spoons or even one. On the spoon, you can engrave the name of the saint on whose day the baby was born or in whose honor it was named. The silver spoon is a symbol of prosperity.

Silver mug. Jesus Christ at the last supper drank from a silver cup. As a gift, the cup symbolizes that the baby's soul is empty and that she is waiting to be filled with purity and the holy spirit. For Catholics, a silver mug is an obligatory gift for the christening of the godfather, since it is from this mug that the baby is poured with water.

A popular christening gift is a Bible or a set of books with a religious theme. You can give something personal, for example, embroider his name on the child's clothes, or engrave the baby's initials on silver or gold jewelry.

Gifts that are most often given for christening:

  • Money;
  • Silver;
  • Ribbon or chain for a cross;
  • Photo album with the name of the baby;
  • Silver or gold bracelet with an engraved name;
  • Earrings;
  • Cross;
  • Clothing;
  • Bible;
  • Books on religious subjects;
  • A set of books for the future;
  • Fairy tales;
  • Soft toys or simple toys.

Baptism certificate

Before the baptismal ceremony, check with the church if they have a baptismal certificate, because it can be kept for many years for pleasant memories. If the church does not have such certificates, then you should not be upset, as you can purchase them yourself.

Such certificates can be purchased for both the person being baptized and the godparents, with a description of their responsibilities. Many temples will have photographers at your service who will be able to capture this unforgettable event for a fee.

From christening to marriage

For boy boutonniere. Boutonniere - a small beautiful bouquet for a boy, made of snow-white flowers, which after a while becomes part of the wedding bouquet, which clings to the groom's wedding suit.

For girl bracelet. This tradition is widespread in Europe. For a girl, they choose a beautiful bracelet made of white pearls, put it on the girl’s hand and keep it until the girl gets married. On the wedding day, such a bracelet becomes part of the jewelry on the bride's wedding dress.

The appearance of an heir in the family is a joyful event. A newborn is in dire need of parental love and care. Changing the baby's diaper, keeping his body clean, one should not forget about the purity of the soul.

Orthodox parents They try to baptize their son as soon as possible. After all Sacrament is the spiritual birth of a child for life with God.

The font with water symbolizes the "womb" of the Church, in which the soul dies for a sinful life and is resurrected by the Holy Spirit into heavenly life. This is just an external rite, but at the same time, on an invisible plane, a little man joins God, becomes open to the eternal.

Sometimes you can come across mercantile views on the Sacrament of Baptism. Children are baptized in the hope that they will stop getting sick and live a happy life. However, baptism does not save from earthly hardships. Health, money, long life in the body given at birth - all this is temporary, transient. God, first of all, takes care of our eternal soul, gives strength and courage to fight against sinful nature, shows the path leading to Him.

When to baptize a child?

You can baptize a boy at any age. Orthodox families try to do this as early as possible. There is a custom to baptize a baby on the 40th day after birth. It comes from the time of the Old Testament church. In those ancient times, the child was brought to the temple on the 40th day.

In addition, according to church customs, a mother should not take part in the Sacraments for 40 days after giving birth. She should devote this time to the newborn and the restoration of her health. After the expiration of the term, she has the right to be present at the christening of her son.

Consider the main arguments for the early baptism of a child:

  • newborn boys sleep peacefully during the Sacrament, while grown-up babies can hardly withstand the hourly ritual, they begin to act up;
  • a child under 6 months old is not afraid when being in the arms of strangers;
  • up to 3 months, babies retain intrauterine reflexes, and they more easily tolerate dipping into the font.

However, parents have the right to postpone this event to a later date. It all depends on the circumstances, as well as the well-being of the boy.

Choice of godparents

Since the dawn of the Church godparents helped any person preparing to come to God. Usually, pious people, sincere believers, who were ready to vouch for their godson, were chosen for this role. They instructed the new converts in the basics of Orthodoxy, brought them to talks with the clergy, and answered questions. It was the godparents who helped the person out of the font after baptism - they took him into their own hands. That is why they are called "receivers".

At the christening of a child, the presence of godparents is mandatory . The infant cannot consciously accept one faith or another. Parents and sponsors vouch to bring him up as an Orthodox Christian. Godparents act as representatives of the Church, that is, the community of believers. Their task is to bring the recipient to the temple, to Christ, so that after a few years he voluntarily joins the ranks of the Orthodox.

Parents should carefully choose godparents for their son, because it is impossible to change them after the Sacrament. For twins, it is worth choosing different recipients.

Who cannot become a godfather?

The Church says that godparents cannot be:

  • the child's parents;
  • representatives of other religions or atheists;
  • monks;
  • mentally ill people;
  • boys under 15 and girls under 13;
  • people who are married to each other or about to get married.

Here, an unmarried or pregnant woman It may well be, contrary to popular belief. The main thing is that she regularly goes to church and has a desire to participate in the upbringing of her godson.

Godfather for a boy

Only one receiver is allowed at the baptism of a child. The boy must be baptized by a man who agrees to become his second father.

For this role, it is better to choose a churched person from the immediate family circle. It could be a friend or relative. The godfather must meet several requirements:

  1. serve as a positive example for the boy;
  2. have the opportunity to communicate with the child often;
  3. regularly visit the temple, including with the baby, pray for the godson;
  4. be mindful of your responsibilities.

Sometimes there is no suitable candidate for the role of a successor. In this case, you can ask the father for advice. He will tell you which of the parishioners of the temple can become a good godfather for the boy. You can also invite a priest to this role.

Where to baptize?

Most often the Sacrament of Baptism takes place in the temple. The parents of the baby can choose a temple for the ceremony at their discretion. You can baptize any day by agreement with the priest. Check in advance whether it is possible to photograph the process, shoot a video. Some priests are negative about this.

In large churches there is a separate baptismal room. For newborn babies, this is preferable, as it will avoid drafts and crowds. Find out in advance how many children will be baptized on the day you have chosen so that there is no pandemonium.

If the baby or his parents are sick, clergy can be invited home. In the most severe cases, the child can be baptized in intensive care by the parents themselves or medical personnel. To do this, it is enough to moisten your hands in water and cross the boy three times, saying:

The servant of God (name) is baptized in the name of the Father. Amen (sprinkle water and baptize). And the Son. Amen (the second time we sprinkle with water and baptize). And the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Repeat the procedure for the third time).

After the child is discharged from the hospital, he must be taken to the temple and chrismated, explaining the situation to the priest.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism

Before a baby is baptized, his parents and godparents must:

1. Find out in the temple how much the rite costs. If the family is in a difficult financial situation and there is no money, the boy should be baptized for free. But usually people pay the fee as a donation. Traditionally, the godfather bears the costs, although exceptions are possible.

2. Choose a baptismal name. It is customary to name a child with the name of a saint who will later become his patron. This may be a saint with the same name or a name similar in sound (Egor - George, Jan - John). You can choose a saint, especially revered by parents. Often a Christian name is determined by the calendar - they choose a saint whose memory is honored on the boy's birthday, as well as on the 8th or 40th day from his birth.

3. Come to talk with the priest. Now this is a mandatory requirement in all temples. The priest will tell about the meaning of the Sacrament, about Christ, about the Gospel. The task of such a conversation is to make sure that the parents and godparents of the baby are Orthodox people and are conscious of the ceremony. The Church does not approve when children are baptized out of superstition, "because it's fashionable" or "it won't get worse." If the need for a conversation scares or displeases you, consider postponing the baptism. It is unlikely that people who do not trust God will be able to instill in a child love for Him.

4. Learn prayers, confess, take communion. This requirement applies to the recipients of the baby. During the Sacrament, they must know by heart the "Word of Faith" prayer. They are also encouraged to fast for three days, go to confession, and take the Sacrament of Communion. On the day of baptism, you can not eat anything until the ceremony is completed.

5. Prepare everything you need for the baptism of the child. The boy must be properly dressed, to, the icon of the saint, who will become the patron of the child. The godfather must purchase a cross with a crucifix and the words "Save and save." It is good if the ends of the cross are rounded and do not injure the baby. It can be made of precious metal, so as not to cause allergies, or wooden. It is better to choose a chain or ribbon for a cross that is soft and short so that the boy does not get tangled in it.

What to baptize the boy?

For the rite of baptism, the boy will need:

How is the Sacrament of Baptism performed?

On the day of the ceremony, come to the Church in advance in order to calmly prepare for the solemn event, to tune in the right way. Feed the child so that he behaves calmly. The boy is undressed, wrapped in a blanket. You can leave the diaper on. When the priest gives a sign, the godmother brings it into the temple.

During the Sacrament, godparents with a baby and candles in their hands are near the font. They repeat prayers after the priest, renounce the devil instead of their godson, and swear to keep God's commandments. Then the priest blesses water and immerses the baby three times in the font. At this time, the Holy Spirit descends on him. Warm water is used for baptism, so the child will not catch a cold.

The godfather takes the boy from the font and wraps him in kryzhma. The priest hangs a cross on his chest as protection from sin. Then the godfather puts a baptismal shirt on the baby and the sacrament of Confirmation begins.

Certain parts of the child's body are smeared with sacred oil while praying for his health and well-being. The godparents with the baby in their arms walk around the font three times after the priest. The circle is a symbol of eternity. This procession of the cross means the introduction of the child to eternal, heavenly life.

In gratitude for what has happened the boy makes a sacrifice to God. As a sacrifice, the priest cuts the hair from his head crosswise. At the end of the ceremony, the priest brings the boy to the altar, which means his churching.

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place solemnly, because this is the first Sacrament in the life of a baby, the first meeting with God. After the ceremony, everyone who loves the baby and was present in the temple celebrates the christening, gathering at the common table.

Gifts for the holiday

It is customary to give gifts to the baby at christening. It can be ordinary things, for example, educational toys. But still, spiritual gifts are more appropriate: an icon, the first Bible. The godmother usually gives the boy a kryzhma and a baptismal shirt. If a woman is engaged in needlework, she can sew them on her own. A set in which maternal love and warmth are invested will become a reliable amulet.

Godfather by tradition buys a silver spoon that can be engraved with the boy's name. Silver is a symbol of well-being, prosperity. This spoon is subsequently used in the temple to accustom the child to Communion. From it, the baby is given bread soaked in red juice.

Baptism is only the first step on the path to God. This is a great blessing and at the same time a great responsibility. It is very important that parents and foster parents can to open before the boy the amazing, deep, bewitching world of Orthodoxy. We must ourselves faithfully and joyfully serve the Lord in order to become a guide for the child on the spiritual path.

Often we have to observe the following picture in the church. At the baptism of a child, if the priest tries to somehow enlighten those who came to the ceremony about what baptism is and why, in fact, everyone has gathered, the people are indignant that he is being detained. A dissatisfied murmur is heard - let's go faster, but let's go to the festive table. This is sad. Few people know, they don’t know the rules for the godmother, for what, in fact, the ceremony itself is needed is unknown. Tradition, so it is necessary, grandmothers insist - the whole answer. But this is a very serious matter, and you need to approach it with full awareness.

Baptism of a child - superstitions and rules

The godparents of the baby, or rather in the church, godparents - the most important link in the baptism of the baby, after him. The bottom line is that a child who was born in sin, like all of us, starting from the time of the fall of Adam and Eve, receives a new, pure life at baptism. And the priest, having dipped the child three times in the font, passes him renewed and pure into the hands of his second parents - godparents. And this is not just a beautiful tradition - it is a great responsibility. And if you were offered to become a godparent, you should think hard - can you, are you ready?

There is such a stupid belief that supposedly you cannot refuse when you are asked to baptize a baby. Nonsense, the church assures, it is impossible to take on such responsibility so that friends are not offended! Or, as some say, “a godson is a step into the kingdom of heaven” and they gain more of them, rejoicing that the more “steps”, the closer to paradise. It would be nice, but only an answer to God will need to be kept for each baby who has become godparents. For his spiritual upbringing, for the kind of person he has become. And it's not about financial support and expensive gifts.

Godparents - who to entrust the child to?

1. Baptized in the Orthodox faith;
2. Not being the physical parents of the child;
3. Not being husband and wife;
4. Absolutely summer.

Desirable: close friends who already have children, and experience in upbringing, pious, who can properly prepare a child for adulthood. It is believed that relatives should not be taken, because they should already take care of the baby, but godparents are added to this composition of close people and the baby is more useful.

Who does not qualify for the role of godparents:
Mentally unhealthy people, drug addicts, adulterers and alcohol addicts.

It happens that they ask such a question - “and if the godparent later turned out to be unworthy of being the child’s godparent, is it possible to refuse him and baptize the baby?” Of course not, any priest will answer you. The rules are as follows: if the godfather began to lead a bad life - you need to pray for him, if he betrayed the faith - the priest can terminate the spiritual union and another person whom you would like to see as a godparent can receive a blessing to take on these duties.

There is also such a superstition that supposedly a girl must be the first to baptize a boy, otherwise her personal life will not work out. This is superstition and has nothing to do with the truth, you can be the first to baptize a girl.

Godparents at the rite of baptism - prayers and preparation

Actually, it is supposed to choose like this: for a girl - a godmother, a godfather is enough for a boy. But according to ancient tradition, two are chosen, which is even better for the baby. So, we decided on the godparents, now we need to remind them how to prepare for the ceremony:

Learn prayers (at least the "Symbol of Faith" and without fail - "Our Father").
To buy a pectoral cross for a baby, preferably a silver one, consecrated in a shop, and a towel is the duty of the godfather.
Buying a sheet in which the baby will be taken from the font and a baptismal shirt is the responsibility of the godmother. And another important gift from the godparents - a nominal icon. The kryzhma, in which the baby was wrapped, must be kept all his life, not giving it to anyone, and the baby should be wrapped in it in case of illness.
According to tradition, the godfather must pay for the ceremony. According to an old tradition, the godparents gave the baby a silver spoon, the so-called “gift for a tooth”, they were the first to start feeding the baby from it, the first tooth of the baby godfather clicked on it.
At baptism, you need to appear in clean, light festive clothes, with your shoulders and knees covered, for women - with a covered head.
And you also need to know that the godmother cannot be baptized on the days of menstruation, so this issue needs to be discussed in advance.

And another such moment - if you have to become a godmother, and the person with whom you are going to marry is called the godfather - it is better to refuse, because according to church rules, a husband and wife should not be godparents to the same baby.
By the way, if you are going to baptize twins, you should know that they cannot be baptized on the same day, you need a gap of at least a week, and the godparents, preferably, should be different.

When to baptize and how to name the baby

You can baptize almost any day, best of all - on bright Sunday, from the beginning of the 8th day from the moment of birth. You need to know that if you baptize up to 40 days, then your mother cannot be in church.
Prospective godparents should also participate in choosing a name for the baby, because they will practically become second parents to him. It is good if the baby is named after his Saint. But - it is better if it is a righteous man, not a martyr. But, if the parents, although still some kind of intricate name, in the church they will give him a second, church, consonant.

Baptism traditions - how to behave as a godfather

It is accepted in the old fashioned way: godparents must take the baby from home and bring it to church. It is forbidden to sit in the house - they took the baby and left. Parents and relatives follow them. Invite only those closest to the church to the ceremony, let the rest come to the festive dinner, which is customary to cover so magnificently.

If a baby is baptized, initially the godmother holds him in her arms, and after dipping, the father gives him to the godfather, he is his main godfather. With the girl, on the contrary - the godfather holds, after the font they pass the godmother. The difference between the baptism of a boy and a girl is also that the baby is brought to the altar, but the girl is not allowed.

Rules for godparents - conclusion

So, to summarize the above, and briefly outline what people who are invited to be godparents need to know:

This is a big responsibility, you have to be ready for it. The child must be carried to Communion, in the temple and pray for him, and submit notes, and hang icons of the house for him.
Godparents are responsible all their lives to the Judge for their godson, just as they are for their own children.

If trouble has befallen the baby's parents, or they lead an inappropriate lifestyle, godparents must take care of their godchild.
If anger and quarrels reign in the family of godfathers, the child feels bad in it, the godparents are obliged to take care of the baby, periodically pick him up, take him to church, teach the basics of Orthodoxy, take care of him.

If you are ready for all this, you can safely accept the invitation to become a godmother or father.

child. This is the rule if the ceremony is performed before the offspring reaches 40 days. At this time, the woman is considered dirty, as bleeding and discharge continue. They end about a month after birth. A woman enters the temple, confesses and takes communion.

If it is decided to baptize the child earlier, the father and other relatives are sent away. Church rules apply not only to adults, but also to children. For example, boys and girls are baptized differently. In this article, we will consider the ritual procedure for male offspring.

Features of the baptism of boys

Baptism of a boy differs from the rite with a girl in several aspects. First, for a male baby, the presence of a godfather is necessary. According to tradition, the spiritual mother also enters the church.

But, in extreme cases, you can do without it, since it is the godfather who carries the child through the temple. The priest gives him the crumb after three dipping. The spiritual father also gives the baby - the main symbol of initiation into the faith, the rejection of the Devil.

Baptism baby boy accompanied by bringing it to the iconostasis and the altar. The last zone symbolizes Paradise. In it, according to the Bible, entry for women is prohibited. They lost their privilege because of the original sin of Eve, who disobeyed the command of the Lord, tasted the fruit of evil given by the serpent Tempter.

Adam also bit off an apple, but already on the instructions of Eve, who was supposed to be his companion and ally, but by no means the leader in the pair. All this became a reason for the wrath of God, expulsion from Paradise. Therefore, until now, girls and adult ladies are forbidden to approach the altar in the temple.

Because of original sin, women cannot become clergymen. Men, from childhood, are perceived as possible priests, bishops. The boys are carried through a semblance of heavenly Paradise, in which they have a place.

Preparing for Boys' Baptism

What is needed for the baptism of a boy? In this regard, the recommendations are the same for children of both sexes. And the day before the sacrament, the godparents come to the priest. They confess and are interviewed. During it, the priest will tell the prayers that spiritual mentors need to know and tell you what you need to have with you during the ceremony.

An important point - godparents should not be spouses. It is believed that after the sacrament, mentors become soul mates. Husband and wife are already relatives, so their participation in the role of godparents is considered "spiritual incest."

Ordinary parents should also prepare. A pectoral crucifix, a snow-white suit for their child will be bought by godparents. But, you still need a light diaper, a towel to wipe the child after dipping. Sold ready baby boy christening sets.

At will, they can be acquired not by spiritual mentors, but personally by the father or mother. Although, on their shoulders, and without it, a lot of trouble. Parents choose church. In large cathedrals, usually, a flea market. But, a small temple can be removed from the house. There is something to think about. Some are ready to go to distant lands to the familiar father.

By the way, it is better to warn the priest in advance. On duty, he will perform the ceremony at any time. But, for the convenience and relaxation of the holy father during the sacrament, mothers and fathers try to discuss the dates in advance.

AT baby boy christening sets not included camcorder. Meanwhile, photography during the ceremony is not prohibited. You need to decide whether to take a camera, or save the moment only in memory. Parents will also find out if the chosen temple has a fee for video recording of the event.

Some churches charge a nominal fee. He goes to the needs of the temple. For the same purpose, a donation is taken. Essentially, this is the price boy's baptism. A photo you can not do as it is allowed and not make a donation in case of financial difficulties. Relatives themselves decide how much to put in the urn, and whether to put it at all.

Celebration after the christening of a boy

Boy's christening kit buy, to learn prayers, to decide on a temple, is only part of the path. After the sacrament, as a rule, they celebrate what happened in the circle of loved ones. Boy's christening clothes removed in a special chest, box. It is believed that the outfits that have passed the rite with the child carry a particle of holiness, protect the baby, as well as. It is not required to wear a robe, only to store it.

Boy's baptism kit, or boy christening suit Can replace undershirt. The temples do not find fault with the fullness of the vestments and their quality.

Having removed the outfit, the relatives sit down at the table. It is covered with a blue or white tablecloth. Congratulations on the baptism of a boy it is strange to take it at a table decorated, for example, in pink. There are no church dogmas about the celebration.

But, there are secular traditions. So, boy's christening cake they choose in restrained colors, decorate not with flowers, but with Orthodox symbols - crucifixes, Easter candles, branches of the world. The pie may have boy christening shirt, made of their glaze or confectionery mastic.

Signs of purification and rebirth accompany the entire festival. The same candles are placed on the table in the room. Blue ribbons, bow ties on glasses indicate what happened boy's baptism. What you need to know for a stylish reception?

For example, the fact that cookies can be made in the form of different animals. They will symbolize the beasts from Noah's ark. Star molds will do. They will remind you of the biblical story with the Bethlehem luminary. Alcohol is not put on the table at all, or red wine is placed. It is a symbol of the blood of Christ.

The Orthodox Church recommends that a boy be baptized on the fortieth day from birth. However, each parent can independently choose the date that is most convenient for them. For this important event, it is necessary to properly prepare not only parents, but also godparents. slightly different from For example, it is believed that a boy must have a godfather, but a godmother may not be present. For girls, the opposite is true. But it is obvious that it will be better for the child if he has two spiritual mentors who will be by his side not only on this day, but for the rest of his life. How the boy is baptized and what is needed for this, we will tell in the article.

Here are the main questions that parents of a child usually ask:

1. Where to conduct baptism? If the parents have a favorite church that they regularly attend, then the boy can be baptized in it, having agreed in advance with the priest. If there is no such place, then you can choose any spiritual institution that you like more and whose clergyman will cause you the greatest trust and respect. In order to sign up for baptism, you need to call the office of the church and find out the dates on which it is possible to conduct this ceremony. You may be invited to a kind of interview, where you can personally communicate with the priest and ask him questions that interest you.

2. Who to choose as godparents? Very often, their friends are invited to these important roles. But this is absolutely the wrong approach to such an event. Your baby's godparents should be those people who know a lot about spirituality and regularly attend church themselves. After all, the godfather will be a spiritual mentor for your child, who can always help and suggest the right path, and therefore the people you choose must correspond to this high rank. In addition, it is impossible for godparents mom and dad to be a married couple or to be in an intimate relationship with each other.

3. The godmother gives the child a baptismal shirt and a towel, and the godfather gives a pectoral cross. All this must be bought in advance and given to parents before baptism, so as not to forget anything. You may also be asked to bring gifts to the temple: bread, sugar and other products.

4. How do you prepare for the sacrament? The main preparation will fall on the shoulders of the godparents. A week before baptism, they need to confess and take communion in the church. Three days before the event, they need to observe a non-strict fast, as well as learn or at least read a few times (the prayer “I believe”).

5. How is the baptism of a boy? The main role in the sacrament is played by the priest and who fulfill all the instructions of the priest. The temperature of the water in the font is checked and the priest begins his ceremony. Depending on whether you chose an individual or general baptism, it lasts from half an hour to an hour and a half.

Now your child has found a guardian angel and godparents who will always be there. God bless you!

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