September 19 according to the church calendar. Orthodox church holidays of September

On September 19, the church holiday of Mikhail's Miracle is celebrated. On this day, the Orthodox remember a miracle that happened many centuries ago.

The history of the holiday goes back to ancient times. According to legend, on this day in the 4th century, Archangel Michael, with his miraculous intervention, saved the temple from destruction by idolaters.

The legend of the Michael's miracle.

They say that the Christian Arkhip built a temple in Colossae. He founded it near the spring in which his daughter was cured of dumbness.

The church and the healing spring began to be visited by many people, including pagans. After getting rid of diseases, unbelievers accepted Christianity.

This situation did not please the idolaters, and they decided to destroy the church. The pagans connected two rivers into one and directed the flow towards the temple.

Arkhip began to pray for the salvation of the church, and God heard his words.

Archangel Michael appeared near the temple. With a blow of the rod, he made a fissure in the mountain, and the water went into the ground. The idolaters fled in terror.

This miracle saved the temple. In honor of this event, the Michael's Miracle is celebrated.

What can't be done?

First, on Mikhailovo miracle forbidden to work. Those who still start work are in for trouble. For example, tools can break.

If it is not possible to postpone or reschedule things, then it is worth finishing them before lunch.

A miracle stands on Mikhailovo avoid quarrels and conflicts. On this day, it is better not to argue or swear, but to try to find a peaceful way to solve the problem.

On this day it is necessary forget quarrels and forgive hidden grievances.

After meal leftovers from the table can not be thrown away Better to give to those in need.

By the way, if September 19 helps other people all day, then many other signs lose their power.

What can be done?

On this festive day, a common candle is placed in the temples and a prayer service is served. Our ancestors believed that any wish could come true on Mikhailovo miracle, so they asked for the most important thing - the happiness and health of loved ones, prosperity and well-being, help and intercession.

It was also believed that on this day the sick can be cured.

Signs on Mikhailovo miracle:

  • Archangel Michael came - wait for the first frosts.

  • If the leaves on the top of the birch are still green, this is early winter.

  • Archangel Michael took the earth with frosts.

  • Blue clouds in the evening - to change the weather.

  • If the aspen leaves lie upside down - this is a cold and long winter, if the wrong side - wait for a warm winter, and if this way and that - the winter will be moderate.

Will you be celebrating this holiday?

Published on 19.09.18 00:13

Today, September 19, 2018, HR Manager Day, Gunsmith Day and other events are also celebrated.

What holiday is today: on September 19, 2018, the Orthodox church holiday of the Mikhailovo miracle is celebrated

On September 19, 2018, the national holiday of the Mikhailovo miracle is celebrated. The Church today remembers the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh (Colossae) - the miraculous appearance of the saint and his salvation of the temple from the attacks of the pagans.

Saint Michael is the patron and companion of those who fight evil every hour, the protector of the souls of the dead and the guardian of the gates of paradise. In history there are many miraculous deeds and deliverances after intkkihs apparitions of the archangel.

According to legend, in the 4th century, the Christian Arkhip built a temple in Khonekh (Colossae). He founded it near the spring in which his daughter was cured of dumbness. The church and the healing spring began to be visited by many people, including pagans. After getting rid of diseases, unbelievers accepted Christianity.

This situation did not please the idolaters, and they decided to destroy the church. The pagans connected two rivers into one and directed the flow towards the temple.

Christian Arkhip began to pray for the salvation of the church. God heard his words. The Archangel Michael appeared near the temple. With a blow of the rod, he made a fissure in the mountain, and the water went into the ground. The idolaters fled in terror. This miracle saved the temple. In honor of this event, the Mikhailovo Miracle holiday was founded.

According to signs, if the day is warm, then the autumn will be long.

If there is frost on the trees, then the winter will be snowy.

HR Manager Day

HR Manager Day is celebrated on the third Wednesday of September. In 2018, it falls on September 19th.

The history of the holiday began on May 24, 1835, when the government of the Russian Empire issued a decree that streamlined the relationship between business owners and employees. The document was the first legal act that regulated the obligations of the parties. After the collapse of the USSR, the duties of personnel department employees expanded and the name “hr-manager” appeared.

Day of the gunsmith

Day of the gunsmith is celebrated on September 19. On May 25, 2010, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. Putin was on a working visit to the city of Izhevsk, where he visited the Izhmash defense enterprise.

During the tour, he talked with M. T. Kalashnikov, who asked to approve the Gunsmith's Day. V. Putin promised to fulfill his request, noting that the Union of Russian Specialists came out with a similar request. The annual celebration was fixed by Decree of the President of Russia D. Medvedev No. 1578 of December 3, 2011. The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. On September 19, the Orthodox Church honors the Archangel Michael, the patron saint of the heavenly host.

Birthday "Smiley"

The history of their origin begins on September 19, 1982. This event was preceded by heated discussions on how to give an e-mail an emotional coloring.

And finally, one of the professors at Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman, was the first to suggest using a combination of three consecutive characters for this purpose: a colon, a hyphen and a bracket. He posted a "smiling face" to the bulletin board, which was the main way for employees to share information.

International Pirate Day

International Pirate Day is celebrated annually on September 19 (some people hold this event on January 23 or June 6). In Russia, it was first celebrated in 2009.

On June 6, 1995, in Albany (USA, Oregon), two friends, playing racquetball, started a conversation, inserting pirate words into speech. And they liked it so much that they decided to hold a pirate holiday every year, a distinctive feature of which, in addition to slang, was the wearing of pirate clothes, weapons, shooting competitions and much more.

It was decided to abandon the date of June 6, since on this day in 1944 the Normandy operation "Overlord" was carried out. The choice fell on the birthday of the ex-wife of one of the friends (September 19).

Andrei, Vsevolod, David, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Makar, Mikhail, Thekla.

  • 1648 - Pascal conducted an experiment that proved the existence of atmospheric pressure.
  • 1727 - Peter II signed a decree on the exile and deprivation of all ranks of Prince Menshikov.
  • 1888 - The first ever beauty pageant was held in Belgium.
  • 1943 - partisan operation Concert began.
  • 1990 - the first domestic SU domain is registered on the World Wide Web.
  • 1996 is the date of establishment of the Arctic Council.
  • Leo VI Philosopher 866 - Byzantine emperor.
  • Elizaveta Khitrovo 1783 - Russian princess.
  • Vera Pashennaya 1887 - Russian actress.
  • William Golding 1911 - English novelist.
  • Victor Erofeev 1947 - Russian writer.
  • Alexander Karelin 1967 - Russian wrestler.

Church holidays in September

Miracle of the Archangel Michael

On September 19, a church holiday is celebrated in memory of the miracle performed by the HOLY ARCHISTRATIG MICHAEL in Khonekh (4th century). He is also called the leader of the invincible host of Heaven and the patron saint of border guards. In Phrygia there was a temple in the name of the Archangel Michael; a healing spring flowed near the temple. The temple was erected by one of the inhabitants in gratitude for the healing of the mute daughter, the Archangel Michael, having appeared in a dream to his father, revealed to him that the daughter would receive the gift of speech by drinking water from the source. A pious man named Archippus served as sexton in the temple for 60 years. In anger because the sexton never left the temple and was an exemplary servant of Christ, the pagans decided to destroy the temple at the same time as Archippus. To do this, they connected two mountain rivers into one channel and directed their course to the temple. Through Archippus fervent prayer, the Archangel Michael appeared near the temple, who, with a blow of his rod, opened a wide cleft in the mountain and commanded the waters of the seething stream to rush into it. The place where the miracle happened was called Hona, which means “hole”, “cleft”. See also everything and a convenient calendar, where everything is distributed by month. It is convenient to watch what today is the divine holiday of September.

Feast of the Archangel Michael

What to do on the day of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael:

  • Reconcile with all relatives and friends
  • Resolve disputes - if successful, be sure to celebrate
  • Treat fever and other infectious diseases

Archangel Michael photo

What not to do on this day:

  • No physical work is allowed

Signs for September 19, Miracle of the Archangel Michael, Church holiday:

  • Mikhailovsky matinees.
  • The day has already shortened by five hours.
  • You can’t work for Mikhail - God will punish.

September 19 marks 2 Orthodox church holidays. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays September 19

Mikhailovo Miracle

In the 4th century in the ancient city of Khona, which was called Colossi under the Apostle Paul (in Phrygia, not far from Hierapolis), there was a temple of the Archangel Michael of God. It was erected by the zeal of one of the inhabitants of Laodicea: his mute daughter was healed and received the gift of speech by drinking water from a healing spring, located near the place where the temple was built, after the appearance of Archangel Michael to her father. Subsequently, at this place, the Archangel of God repeatedly showed his intercession to Christians.

The pious Christian Archippus served as sexton in the church for 60 years. Once, the embittered pagans, seeing that the preaching of the blessed Archippus was converting a large number of people to Christianity, decided to destroy the temple of the Archangel Michael and destroy Archippus. To do this, they connected two mountain rivers into one channel and directed their course to the temple. But through the prayer of Archippus, the Archangel Michael appeared, opening a wide cleft in the mountain with a blow from his staff; the waters of the rivers went down into the earth, and the temple was saved.

On this day, the Orthodox Church glorifies the miracles performed for the good of Christians by Saint Michael, the Archangel of the Heavenly Forces at different times in different places.

Near the Phrygian city of Hierapolis, on a place called Khoni, in the 4th century. The Holy Apostle John the Theologian, being in Hierapolis with the Apostles Philip and Bartholomew to preach the Gospel, predicted that the grace of God would shine in this place, and the Archangel Michael would visit this place. Soon after this, water broke through in the desert (Isaiah 35, 6) of Hierapolis, and a spring was opened, from which the holy Archangel invisibly gave healing to the faithful, as once from the pool of Siloam. Many came to this source, not only Christians, and those who washed and quenched their thirst with its water were healed of their ailments. Many received holy baptism in it.

Subsequently, at the healing spring, by the zeal of one Greek, whose daughter the Lord resolved the tongue from dumbness with the water of this source, a temple was built in honor of the holy Archangel Michael. A man named Archippus settled at the temple, who became famous for his holiness.

The pagans, who wanted to destroy the temple and destroy Saint Archippus, set out to flood that place. Saint Archippus then prayed for deliverance from adversity. And so, when the stream was launched from two rivers and rushed with great power to the temple, Archangel Michael opened a wide cleft in the mountain with a blow of his rod and ordered the water to rush against the pagans, saved the temple from destruction and Saint Archippus from drowning.

On the Neapolitan mountain Gargan, near the city of Siponta in 493, the Archangel Michael miraculously indicated a place for building a temple in his name, and after the construction of this temple, he also gave healing to the sick in it. When the infidel Lombards approached Sipont in 630 with the intention of conquering and plundering it and the Gargan monastery, the Archangel appeared in a vision to the bishop of this city and, having encouraged the frightened inhabitants, helped them defeat and expel their enemies with his help. The latter, seeing in this event the almighty hand of God, turned to the Orthodox faith of Christ.

Near Mount Athos, the holy Archangel Michael saved a youth from drowning. The attackers wanted to drown this youth in order to use the rich treasury he had found with a great amount of gold. On the occasion of this miracle, a temple built on Mount Athos by a certain Dochiar, a Bulgarian courtier, was dedicated to the name of the Archangel Michael, and the gold saved along with the life of the youth was used to decorate the new temple.

In the 8th century, St. John of Damascus, in the 9th century, Joseph the Studite and Byzantium wrote many hymns for the celebration of St. Michael the Archangel on September 6th. On the day of commemoration of the miracles of St. Michael the Archangel, the Church calls to him for the intercession and intercession of the faithful and prays to him, with other heavenly powers, to protect us with the shelter of the wings of his immaterial glory.

Martyrs Eudoxias, Zeno and Macarius

Martyrs Eudoxius, Zenon, Macarius and their retinue were martyred for Christ under Emperor Maximian Galerius, successor of Emperor Diocletian.

Saint Eudoxius held the high position of military commander in the imperial troops. He was a Christian, just like his friend Saint Zeno and his steward Macarius. After the Emperor Diocletian issued an edict on the death of Christians who refused to sacrifice to idols, many, including noble people and dignitaries, fled to different countries with their families in order to avoid torment and death. Then St. Eudoxius, with his wife, St. Basilissa, and all his family left their high position, abandoned their property and hid within the boundaries of Melitina of Armenia.

The ruler of Melitina sent soldiers to look for Eudoxius. Having met Eudoxius himself, dressed in poor clothes, and not recognizing him, the soldiers began to ask about the whereabouts of the commander Eudoxius. Without revealing himself, the saint invited the soldiers to his house, fed them and provided them with lodging for the night. Saint Eudoxius regarded his meeting with the soldiers as a call from the Lord to martyrdom. In the morning he revealed to his guests that he was the one they were looking for. Grateful for their hospitality, the soldiers offered to hide from their superiors that they had managed to find Saint Eudoxius. However, he himself did not agree to this.

Having made all the arrangements for the house, he explained to his wife that he should not be mourned, but on the contrary, the day of his martyrdom should be celebrated as a holiday. Putting on military clothes, he went with the soldiers to the ruler. Saint Basilissa and his friends, Saints Zenon and Macarius, followed Saint Eudoxius. The ruler tried to persuade Saint Eudoxius to sacrifice to idols and thereby save his life, high position and property. Saint Eudoxius firmly renounced everything, denouncing the madness of those who worship soulless idols.

The military belt - a sign of his commanding power - he took off himself and threw it in the face of the ruler. The soldiers who were at the same time, secret Christians, did the same, and there were more than a thousand of them. The embarrassed ruler asked the emperor what to do, and received an order: to torture the chiefs, and let the rest go. After lengthy tortures, the holy martyr Eudoxius was led to execution. Saint Basilissa wept as she followed her husband, and the martyr's friend Saint Zenon also wept. Then Saint Eudoxius again urged his wife not to weep, but to rejoice that he was worthy of a martyr's crown, and asked her to bury his body in a place called Amimna.

Saint Eudoxius predicted to weeping Zenon that they would appear in the Kingdom of Heaven at the same time. Encouraged by these words, Zinon loudly confessed himself a Christian, for which he was immediately sentenced to death. Saint Basilissa freely took the body of her husband and buried him where he commanded her. For this, they seized the saint and brought her to the governor; trying to share the fate of her husband, she denounced both the ruler and his false gods-idols without any fear. However, the ruler understood her intention, did not torment her and drove her away from him. Leaving, the saint told him that God sees her desire to suffer for her faith and will accept this desire as a fulfilled feat.

After 7 days, Saint Eudoxius appeared to his wife in a vision and ordered them to tell his friend and steward Macarius that he and Saint Zenon were waiting for Macarius to come to them. The latter immediately went to the governor, confessed himself a Christian, was sentenced to death and beheaded. Many Christians were also martyred at this time (+ 311-312).

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