Congratulations on the beginning of the month of Ramadan. Congratulations on the beginning of the Holy Month - Ramadan

Ramadan is a holy month for all Muslims of the world, during which obligatory fasting is observed. Its purpose is spiritual and physical cleansing, education of self-discipline. From this article you will learn how to congratulate a Muslim on Ramadan and what to wish, what can be presented as a gift, why this month is so important for the followers of the Islamic religion.

What does Ramadan mean

Fasting consists in the fact that during daylight hours (from dawn to sunset), believers do not eat and drink, refrain from smoking and sex. Traditionally, visits to relatives and friends, distribution of alms, reading of the Koran, special holiday prayers in the mosque and at home, reflections on one's life path and priorities are traditionally made on these days. The meaning of fasting is the triumph of the spirit over the desires of the flesh.

Many people wonder if representatives of other religious denominations and atheists congratulate Muslims on Ramadan. Each person decides this question for himself. If there is such a desire, then you can congratulate, because your Muslim friends will be very pleased to hear kind sincere words in their holy month.

Fasting in Ramadan is so important for the followers of Islam because it promotes spiritual growth and strengthening of faith, cleanses the mind and thoughts, equalizes and unites the poor with the rich, awakens the desire to do good and improves relations between people. Therefore, believers rejoice so much at the onset of the month of Ramadan, as well as its completion, when the test of stamina and faith is left behind, but new, higher feelings have settled in the soul.


Welcoming and congratulatory words can be said on any day of the holy month, but it is especially good to do this on the day the fast begins or ends. The latter is widely celebrated by all Muslims and is called the Feast of Breaking the Fast (in the Turkic languages ​​\u200b\u200b- Eid al-Fitr, in Arabic - Eid al-Fitr).

If you want to find out how to congratulate Ramadan, then you will be interested to know how Muslims themselves do it. The classic phrase that combines congratulations and greetings is “Eid Mubarak!”, which literally translates as “Blessed is the holiday!”. It is customary for Russian Muslims to say these words in breaking the fast. And in many Islamic countries they say so in connection with any

You can congratulate and more specifically: "Ramadan Mubarak!" - which means, respectively, "Blessed Ramadan!". But it can also be translated as "Congratulations on the month of Ramadan!".

In addition to traditional phrases, it is also appropriate to express sincere patience, mutual understanding in the family, strengthening faith, nobility of thoughts and deeds. You can say (or write): "I wish you to pass this post with dignity"; "May your prayers be accepted"; "I wish you to live this great month righteously," etc.

Gifts for Muslims

Now you know how to congratulate Ramadan. If there is a desire, then your good wishes and parting words can be accompanied by a gift. What is appropriate to present to a Muslim man? The Quran is always the most relevant gift. It can be a beautiful edition, or a convenient "traveling" version in a leather cover and clasp, or even an audiobook. You can also donate supplies for prayer. This includes a rug, special clothing, a compass for determining the direction of prayer, decorative wooden stands for the Koran.

You can pick up a souvenir in the department of Muslim goods. The choice is large: a calendar with photographs of mosques or sayings from the Koran, a thematic bookmark for a book or a fridge magnet, audio recordings of azan (singing call to prayer), a silver ring, an embroidered skullcap, a T-shirt with Islamic symbols, etc.

If you didn’t know before how to congratulate a Muslim on Ramadan and what to give, now you have several options to choose from, from simple souvenirs to serious gifts.

Gifts for Muslim women

And what can be presented to a woman on the occasion of the completion of the holy fast? A good gift would be clothes or decor items: a prayer vestment, a beautiful hijab, a stole, a scarf or a scarf, a Bonnet hat (holds the hair under a scarf), a picture or an Islamic theme, a shamail (a sample of Arabic calligraphy in a frame). Girls and women in honor of the great holiday will always be pleased with jewelry and cosmetics: Arabic oil perfumes, high-quality antimony, or earrings.

Do not forget about Eid al-Fitr for the holiday of breaking the fast. For followers of Islam, health care is important, so they will gratefully accept black cumin or olive oil, as well as honey and a variety of sweets (halva, Turkish delight, baklava, etc.).

Even though the youngest Muslims do not fast, they also receive gifts in honor of the holy month. Before congratulating a family on Ramadan, you need to make sure that all children receive gifts of equal value. You can't offend anyone. Suitable gifts can be, for example, illustrated Quranic stories, stories about the prophets, and so on. If you wish, you can find a lot of children's literature on Islamic topics. It is appropriate for a very small child to give a medallion or a pendant with a crescent moon: silver for a boy and gold for a girl.

Now you know how to congratulate Ramadan correctly, what to wish in connection with and what to give to Muslims in honor of the end of their holy month.

Congratulations on the start of Ramadan

As the Quran tells us all:
Good deed - Ramadan!
Since the beginning of this post
Faith and beauty descend.

I wish you could
To overcome all hardships
Cleanse your soul from sin
To make your life easy!

Let insight come to you -
Allah's word will bring
Light the midnight star
Will take trouble away from home!

From prayer at dawn
Before the evening Maghreb
There will be adults and children
Post keep your continuously.
And do good deeds
And pray and read.
All relatives will gather
Ramadan will be met.
May it give you strength
May Allah give you health!
From adversity and troubles will deliver,
Fear will drive away from the soul!

Praying, doing good, doing mercy,
Fasting bright during the day,
We all strive to open up to us
Another God's incarnation
Overshadowing us with blessing data;
And soon Eid al-Fitr...
My friends! With the start of Ramadan
Good luck! Happiness! Eid Mubarak to you!

One of the five pillars of Islam
Beginning of Ramadan.
Believe in yourself, Allah,
And give up the swing

In food, water and carnal life.
During the day, these charms are all superfluous.
Be patient, waiting for the night
Read the lines of the Quran.

All Muslims with the beginning of the post!
I wish you spiritual growth
An easy victory over desire
And guidance over consciousness.

Here comes the Great Ramadan -
This is the month of fasting for all Muslims.
This is the time for prayer, purification of the soul,
So let your thoughts be only pure.

Forget about quarrels, live only in peace,
And Allah our Almighty will give you strength.
And pray every day, strengthening the faith,
Be an example for friends and family.

The holy month of Ramadan is coming again
It will pass in fasting, prayers and good deeds!
It is given to all Muslims by Allah himself
According to his deeds, he will reward the healthy, heal the sick!
Ramadan will come to your house, fill it with purity
Soul, heart, thoughts and deeds!
Let this bright holiday give you
Joy, faith, strength, repentance.

Holy duty of all Muslims
Fasting is observed throughout the month of Ramadan.
You pray from the very first day
Do not be lazy to read the Quran seven times.

Cleanse your soul and repent of your sins,
And don't be tempted by anything
Allah will always be with you
He will lead you along the right path.

Few people know Ramadan is fasting
And for Muslims, it is very difficult.
But it's a long way to go
After all, the essence of this holiday is:
Purification of the soul, before your faith,
So that there is no self-interest, evil, and shadows,
Pure and bright, so that the soul becomes,
So that life on earth is good for everyone!

Congratulations on Ramadan


The holy month of Ramadan is coming, when you should pacify your body and, thinking about what is above earthly passions, purify your soul ... From the bottom of my heart, I wish you to fast with dignity and cheerfulness, not to allow yourself to grieve and worry over trifles! Be kind to your neighbors, generous to your friends, and patient to the whole world!

Congratulations on the start of Ramadan! We do not think to be sad that the post has come, we will spend this bright time in good deeds and pure thoughts, and we have no doubt that you are going to do the same! And therefore, we wish you this month to change your life for the better!

The holy day has arrived! Month of Ramadan! Humble yourself, think about the fact that our whole life is visible from heaven and not a single deed, not a single thought passes for us just like that! So let your thoughts and deeds always correspond to the best impulses of your kind heart, and let this month be your best time to think about life!

Day and night in Ramadan change places a little, we generally keep ourselves more modest and look at the world differently, judge people and ourselves ... And just like a flower grows stronger and fills with flowers, our soul in Ramadan becomes cleaner and stronger, and then it’s more fun to look into the future, you can honestly say to yourself “I am doing what a truly believing person should do!”. Happy holiday to you and your family!

In the holy month of Ramadan, we do not suffer deprivation, but we joyfully test ourselves, not only physically, but also spiritually. At this time, it is especially important not to allow bad thoughts, to be generous and understanding ... And I must say, I know these qualities in you as much as I know you! Happy Ramadan to you!

When a great month-long holiday, Ramadan, comes, it's time to shake off the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and, praying fervently, promise yourself to become better, learn to feel, first of all, with your heart and make decisions with it! I congratulate you on the beginning of the Great Lent and wish you to start it with joy and end it with a happy feeling of peace and harmony!

Today I want to congratulate you on the fact that the holy holiday - Ramadan has come! At this time, without regrets, we replace the usual food with spiritual, leaving the first that is more modest for the night hours ... In our humility, we learn invaluable lessons, we see that it is time to change in life, what to fix ... I wish you to know only good in Ramadan!

Without some strictness to yourself, the spirit cannot be strengthened! Therefore, in Ramadan, I not only congratulate you, but also wish to maintain a strong will, strengthen faith and instill in my heart faith in goodness, which should triumph throughout the world! Let the days of Ramadan fly by easily, like birds, and each of them will be especially wonderful!

In the month of Ramadan, pure faith, by which we, in fact, are alive, comes forward, pushing aside routines and habitual way of life, and who would argue with that! I congratulate you on the holiday and wish you to spend this month in such a way that the entire burden of worries of the past disappears, so that your soul becomes light and calm and the most worthy dreams come closer!

Our life is fleeting, we strive to do everything, but sometimes you need to stop and think about where and why we are going, who is next to us? Ramadan is a time of fasting and reflection, a time to decide what is pearls and what is dust in life ... Let me congratulate you and wish you to always remain the same good and wise person under the moon and under the sun as we love you endlessly!


One of the brightest and kindest holidays is coming, which will certainly give you and your family only the best and most beautiful. I want to sincerely congratulate you on the holy holiday of Ramadan and say that you are a true Muslim who observes this important fast year after year, honors all traditions and customs. I would like to wish you on this bright day only what will help you become an even happier person. I wish you many joyful moments and fun days, which you sometimes miss so much. I would like to wish you good health, as well as happiness and love. Love is an important source of inspiration. I am sure that Allah will give you many reasons for joy and happiness, and will also fulfill all your dreams and desires. Pray every day to gain faith in all the best and brightest.


I want to once again express my admiration and say that I never cease to be amazed at how much you love your religion. You are a real devout Muslim who sincerely rejoices at the onset of every religious holiday. I want to sincerely congratulate you on Ramadan - on this bright and kind holiday, and also wish you everything that can brighten up your life and give even more strength and joy. This wonderful holiday will last for a whole month, which means that you will have the opportunity to cleanse yourself of all negative emotions and thoughts. Keep fasting, pray and just enjoy every day, because it will certainly give you the most positive emotions. Be always healthy, happy and loved. Happy celebration to you! May Allah grant you all blessings.


I would like to congratulate you on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. I would like to wish you high spirits, because throughout this festive month you will have to observe a very difficult fast. But you yourself know how important it is for every true Muslim. I would like to wish you all the brightest and kindest that only exists in this world. Believe that if you think only about everything good and bright, you will receive a blessing from Allah. May this beautiful day please you with pleasant emotions and new useful acquaintances. I would like to wish you good health, as well as happiness and the fulfillment of all desires. I am sure that you will enjoy every day of this holy month. I congratulate you and wish you all the best and positive.


On this beautiful and such a bright day, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, which is the most significant holiday for every true Muslim. You are also one of them, which makes us all admire. You are planning a very interesting and eventful month that will help you clear your mind and body of all negative and negative emotions and thoughts. You will again need to endure a difficult, but very important post. However, believe me that after this you will feel a surge of strength that you need so much for further productive activities. I have no doubt that Allah will bless you and your radiant family. May this beautiful day give you the opportunity to relax in the company of family and friends. Pray every day to gain faith in all the best and brightest.


Well, here comes one of the most beautiful holidays, which will last for a whole month. We are talking about the bright and holy holiday of Ramadan. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of this wonderful holiday month, because I know that this holiday means much more to you than you can imagine. I want to sincerely wish you all that you lack for a happy and peaceful life. May Allah grant you and your family all the blessings, bless you and give you many reasons for happiness. Remember that prayer helps to gain the strength that you need so much. Do not forget that you need to monitor your health, then you will certainly succeed. Wishing you a wonderful holiday month. Relax and enjoy every day. Happy holiday!


One of the brightest and kindest holidays is coming, which will certainly give you and your wonderful family many reasons to be happy. From year to year, it gives you the opportunity to cleanse yourself of the sins and negative emotions that have accumulated over these few months. Of course, we are talking about Ramadan, which is a bright and sacred holiday. Remember that fasting begins, which you must endure in order to show how responsibly you treat your customs, how deeply you respect your religion. Of course, the post will be very difficult, but you will certainly endure it. I am sure that you will enjoy every day of this holy month, you will pray several times a day, because this is an important part of this wonderful holiday. I wish you happiness and good health.


One of the most beautiful holidays is coming, which deserves our respect and attention. I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. I would like to wish you all the most beautiful, all the blessings that only exist in this world. May Allah grant you many pleasant moments, bless and give you many reasons for happiness and joy. This bright and kind holiday will last for a whole month, which means that you will have a great opportunity to cleanse yourself of all negative emotions and thoughts. I would very much like to note once again that I simply admire you and your attitude towards religion. You are a true devout Muslim who complies with all regulations. I congratulate you and I want you to receive blessings from the Almighty. Happiness to you and all the best.

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Congratulations on Ramadan: In verse

Ramadan has finally arrived. An important period begins for all Muslim believers. For a long time, for a whole month, you can not drink and eat food every day. Morning - evening - this is a special time when you need to follow many instructions of the Koran. I believe that you and all your loved ones will definitely pass the existing tests with dignity. Let everything in your life develop successfully and happily. I want to wish you great faith in Allah and a bright future, because only on the basis of this can you move forward. Pray to Allah, because he always hears his children, who so need his protection and support, help. Let Ramadan help cleanse the soul of any bad notes, give sincere hope and reveal the goodness of the heart. Go through a successful purification of the body and soul, because this will allow you to open new moments of worldly life, to find happiness.

So the holy fast has come, lasting a whole month. Ramadan is a chance for true happiness and spiritual enrichment, gaining inner strength, which will certainly help you withstand life's difficulties. Please accept my congratulations on the onset of such a valuable and important stage in your life. Pray to Allah, think about your life and the laws of being, because only thanks to this you will be able to go the path of improvement, understand in which direction you need to actively develop. For your salvation of soul and heart, it is extremely important to help the poor and neighbor people, because they often need a helping hand, but are far from always ready to admit it. Let your acquaintance with the Quran become even closer and more important this month, because you can find many valuable tips and recommendations for life. Allah will surely protect you and guide you in the right direction.

Ramadan is a miraculous period for all Muslim believers. Understanding its great significance, I want to sincerely congratulate you on this fast, on the beginning of the holy month. You know, I believe that you will definitely show the strength of your character and the depth of faith in Allah, because only on the basis of this will you have the opportunity for active development in the chosen direction. Dear friend, think about what your soul needs, not your body, because it is she who has eternal life and plays an important role in your determination, the opportunity to feel truly happy. Let everything in your life always work out only in the best way. Pray to Allah, because He is omnipotent and ready to hear prayers, fulfill the requests and wishes of His children. I believe that you are always under the protection of Allah, and he will surely direct you in the right direction.

The Muslim religion has existed since ancient times. She has already managed to unite many people who are ready to glorify Allah and worship him. Let Ramadan be another important stage for you to take a step towards Allah, who is ready to protect you and guarantee worthy protection from any life difficulties. I want to wish purity in the heart and body, sincerity, energy and health, inner harmony. May you have only the best and positive in everything, because Allah gave life to gain happiness and strengthen the spirit, the opportunity to better understand the laws of life. Be sure that God's hand will never let you go, because it controls everything in worldly life. Praise Allah, pray sincerely and hope that everything will turn out as it should. Only in this case you can be a truly happy person. Please accept my sincere congratulations on the start of Ramadan.

Allah is the protector of our entire world, humanity. Under his guardianship and care, we can live without thinking about what we will have to face tomorrow. By all means, you need to use the chance in order to fulfill the will of Allah, to take a step towards him. Today, fate gave this chance. We mark the beginning of Ramadan, a holy fast that will last for a whole month. My dear friend, I want to wish you happiness and faith in a bright future, love and tenderness from loved ones, amazing kindness. May there always be a place for good deeds and good news in your life. I wish you strong faith and a strong spirit, readiness to go through many life trials and show everything that you are really capable of. I know that you are a believing Muslim, therefore Allah should extend a helping hand to you at a crucial moment for the improvement of the soul.

Today, all Muslims celebrate a great holiday, a holy fast, Ramadan. We have waited for such a significant day to come when you can go through cleaning and gain faith that everything will definitely turn out worthy. Of course, a strict fast is not so easy to observe, it is difficult to fulfill all the instructions of the Koran, but the hand of Allah has already taken your fate. Trust our Defender, because he will definitely guide you in the right direction and allow you to avoid life's upheavals and serious trials. Let everything in your life develop as it should. I want to wish you a bright future and inner harmony, because this is what we were born for. Let everything in your life turn out for the best. Dear friend, I believe that you will definitely find yourself and be able to be truly happy. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the beginning of a responsible period for every believing Muslim. I want to wish you a successful test of deep faith and strong character through the fast of Ramadan. For a whole month you will be able to check yourself and, of course, you will become closer to Allah, because you will be able to go through a certain stage of self-improvement. Please accept my words of support and admiration, because I imagine how important the current period is for the entire Muslim people. I want to wish a bright and easy life, understanding of true values. Let abstinence certainly help you understand how important Ramadan is for moving along the right path of life, holding the hand of Allah. I wish you peace and love, prosperity and all the brightest in the house. Let the hassle remain in the past. Be happy my dear brother.

Today, all Muslims celebrate a special day, the beginning of Ramadan. Let this fast turn out to be a special and worthy test of deep faith and the opportunity to find happiness in worldly life. I want to wish you a serene and happy life, in which peace will definitely be felt. Please accept my congratulations on the beginning of the holy monthly fast, which is truly important for every Muslim believer. I want to wish purity in the soul and heart, good thoughts and deeds. May Allah give you chances for correction, because every person has committed misconduct at least once. I know that you strive to be a legitimate and worthy Muslim, because misconduct can be minor. Believe that Allah, even in the most difficult moments of life, will surely protect you from any danger. Happiness and bright life!

Ramadan is an amazing holiday, the beginning of a truly important fast, with which comes the strengthening of the spirit, the deepening of faith. My dear friend, I want to congratulate you on this solemn day. May Allah guide you carefully along the path of life, protecting you from all kinds of incidents. I believe that you will definitely find true happiness, and the strength of character and spirit will contribute to this. Remember that only you can be responsible for the actions that you do, so you need to take care of a righteous lifestyle. The soul definitely needs harmony, which can only come with gaining an understanding of true values, the development of the soul. Sacred fasting also turns out to be important for the body, because one must have the opportunity to refuse the blessings of civilizations for one's self-improvement. Please accept my words of support and encouragement, in which you can feel the belief that you will definitely reach the desired level of development.

I want to congratulate all representatives of the Muslim people and, of course, your family. Let everything in your life add up 100%. I wish you wisdom and peace of mind, true faith in a brighter future. May Allah always protect you from life's adversities and give you great, truly amazing happiness. Please accept my congratulations on the holy fast, on the Muslim holiday. I sincerely congratulate you on Ramadan, understanding all the responsibility for fasting. I wish you great strength and the opportunity to resist the daily meal, which is prohibited. Use the opportunity to cleanse yourself of negative emotions. I wish you an easy cleansing, despite all kinds of obstacles. I believe that Allah will help you in self-improvement and strengthening of the spirit, faith in a better future. Congratulations on a unique holiday, Ramadan!

Dear brother, I want to sincerely congratulate you on Ramadan. This sacred post must certainly be used for one's improvement, strengthening of faith and spirit. Let during this important period you can test the strength of your character and the depth of faith, go through physical and mental purification. Let Ramadan turn out to be a truly important holiday that will make it possible to understand how significant faith in a bright future is. Please accept my congratulations and words of admiration, because I already know in advance that you will definitely overcome the test and be able to prove yourself at a decent level. I want to wish you and your entire family strength and faith that Allah will always be there, that he will provide protection from any life shocks. I believe that Ramadan will definitely help the entire Muslim people to unite, to feel amazing unity, no matter what. Happy holy day!

Today, all Muslims celebrate the beginning of a sacred and strict month, aimed at testing the strength of the spirit and the depth of faith. Fasting promises to be severe and truly significant. May Allah give strength to pass this important test with dignity, to show how significant faith can be. I want to congratulate you on the beginning of Ramadan, because I understand how important this period promises to be. But I believe that you will definitely show the depth of your faith and be able to show how strong in spirit, despite physical deprivation. May you be able to show your best character traits and with dignity go through the cleansing of any bad weather that has already settled in your heart and soul. Please be a happy person and take care of your loved ones, because they really need it. Happiness to all your family!

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