Is it possible to receive communion without confession? Is it possible to take communion without confession in Great Lent? Is it possible to brush your teeth, eat, drink, wash, wash, take a shower before Communion in church? Is it possible to sleep, make love, drink alcohol, kiss icons, a child,.

Many Orthodox Christians, especially those who have only recently become church members, ask priests and believers a question: “Is it possible to receive communion without confession?” It is impossible to answer unequivocally and categorically, but, nevertheless, it will be more likely "no" than "yes". Why? To not be tempted.

Why did you come up with confession?

Usually, when answering such a question, the clergy begin their introduction by quoting the Old Testament, which deals with Adam and Eve. Initially, our forefathers lived without sin in Eden, communicated with each other and with God. But the Serpent (devil) lived in, who tempted Eve, then Adam also sinned. Since that time, man and God have been separated from each other. To be reconciled to God again, people need to repent of their actions.

What is the point of this episode? Remember, God, having created a man and a woman, said something like this: "Live, use the gifts, but do not eat the fruit from this tree." When Eve was next to the forbidden tree, the Serpent-tempter told her that she would learn a lot if she ate the fruit. She disobeyed God, but agreed with the devil. After such a tragic incident, a person was forever expelled from paradise.

Let's see how this story relates to the contemporary. Is it possible to take communion without confession and what is Communion? After the fall in Eden for many thousands of years, the righteous knew God, but lived according to other laws that Moses wrote. After a while, the Son of God - Jesus Christ - came to earth and established a new law - the Gospel (New Testament). On the eve of the day of the crucifixion, He gathered His disciples and said: "In memory of Me you will eat bread and drink wine, for this is My body and blood." By these words the Lord meant Communion.

Unfortunately, each of us (even the saints) have sinned and continue to sin. Only Jesus Christ was sinless. In order to be reconciled with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, you need to sincerely repent of your actions, cleanse your soul of dirt.

On the sacrament of the Eucharist

It is not given to ordinary people to see how the preparation of Communion takes place in the altar after the common singing of the Our Father. They do not see what is happening, even the priests themselves, they only know what kind of sacrament this is, therefore they pray for the transformation of wine and bread into the body and blood of Christ. There is evidence of how some holy people saw the Infant in the altar, many angels, the Mother of God. So, invisible to the human eye, a real miracle happens, for which you need to seriously prepare. After such stories, as a rule, people no longer ask the question: “Is it possible to receive communion without confession?” After all, every Christian in this case feels his unworthiness before communion.

Great Lent and Christmas

There is such a church rule about Great Lent: if you fasted all the days, took communion at least once, went to church regularly, then you can take communion on Easter night. On Great Saturday, after the sacrament of confession, they are allowed to take communion in the morning at the liturgy. If a person did not sin during the day, prayed, prepared for the night service, then he can receive communion without confession again. The same rule applies on Christmas Eve.

And if before death he did not take communion?

Often people ask with excitement: "A loved one died, but he did not take communion. Where will his soul be?"

There is a story about a nun who succumbed to temptation and went into the world. She lived there with men, had fun. But the time came, she came to her senses, realized what she had done, and decided to return. While she was going to her native monastery, she cried, repented, approaching almost the gates of the monastery, she died. As the nuns of the monastery later found out by a miracle, their erring sister went to heaven, she was forgiven by God, because she cried about her sins, sincerely asked the Lord for forgiveness. This case will answer the question: “Is it possible to receive communion without confession?” But it must be remembered that this is allowed only in exceptional cases, for example, a soldier dies during a battle in a war, or a seriously ill person who cannot be visited by a priest.

Unction, confession and communion

Does this happen during Lent, before Christmas? During this sacrament, the seven Gospels are read and believers are anointed with the cross. What is this action? The priests pray for the health of the congregation. Many priests say that it is necessary to take unction in case of illness.

“Is it possible to take communion after unction without confession, because all sins are removed with this sacrament?” - often hear such a question of the priest. A competent priest will ask the counter: “Who told you that with unction all your sins are washed away?” In fact, in the rite of unction, practically nothing is said about the forgiveness of sins in general, there is only a prayer for health. Usually you can hear the answer before the unction: "You can come to confession after the unction, if you do not have time before it." Nothing is said here about the sacrament.

So we sorted out the questions about whether it is possible to take communion without confession during Great Lent, whether it is possible to proceed to the Eucharist after the unction. Any such questions should be discussed only with the priest to whom you are confessing.

How important is this rite of Christianity? How to prepare for it? And how often can you take communion? You will learn the answers to these questions and many others from this article.

What is communion?

The Eucharist is communion, in other words, the most important rite of Christianity, thanks to which bread and wine are consecrated and served as the Body and Blood of the Lord. Through communion, the Orthodox are united with God. The need for this Sacrament in the life of a believer can hardly be overestimated. It occupies the most important, if not central, place in the Church. In this Sacrament, everything is completed and concluded: prayers, church hymns, rituals, prostrations, the preaching of the Word of God.

Background of the Sacrament

If we turn to prehistory, then the sacrament of the sacrament was established by Jesus at the Last Supper before death on the cross. He, having gathered with his disciples, blessed the bread and, having broken it, distributed it to the apostles with the words that it was His Body. After that, he took a cup of wine and served it to them, saying that it was His Blood. The Savior commanded the disciples to always celebrate the sacrament of communion in remembrance of Him. And the Orthodox Church follows the commandments of the Lord. At the central divine service of the Liturgy, the Sacrament of Holy Communion is performed daily.

The Church knows a story that confirms the importance of communion. In one of the deserts of Egypt, in the ancient city of Diolke, many monks lived. Presbyter Ammon, who stood out among all for his outstanding holiness, during one of the divine services saw an angel who was writing something near the sacrificial cup. As it turned out, the angel wrote down the names of the monks present at the service, and crossed out the names of those who were absent from the Eucharist. Three days later, all those who were crossed out by the angel died. Is this story really true? Perhaps many people die prematurely precisely because of their unwillingness to take communion? After all, he even said that many people are sick, weak because of unworthy communion.

The need for Holy Communion

Communion is a necessary rite for the believer. The Christian who neglects the Eucharist voluntarily turns away from Jesus. And thus deprives himself of the possibility of eternal life. On the contrary, he who communes regularly is united with God, strengthened in faith, and becomes a partaker of eternal life. From this we can conclude that for a churched person, communion is undoubtedly an important event in life.

Sometimes, after accepting the Holy Mysteries of Christ, even serious illnesses recede, willpower increases, and the spirit strengthens. It becomes easier for the believer to struggle with his passions. But it is worth retreating from the sacrament for a long time, as in life everything starts to go awry. Ailments return, the soul begins to be tormented by what seemed to be receded passions, irritability appears. And this is not a complete list. It follows from this that a believer, a church-goer, tries to receive communion at least once a month.

Preparing for Holy Communion

One should properly prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Communion, namely:

Prayer. Before communion, it is necessary to pray more and more diligently. Do not miss a few days By the way, a rule is added to it for Holy Communion. There is also a pious tradition to read the repentant to the Lord, the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, the canon to the Guardian Angel. On the eve of Communion, attend the evening service.

Post. It must be not only carnal, but also spiritual. It is necessary to reconcile with everyone with whom they were in litter, pray more, read the Word of God, refrain from watching entertainment programs and listening to secular music. Spouses need to give up bodily caresses. Strict fasting begins on the eve of Communion, from 12 o'clock in the morning you can neither eat nor drink. However, the confessor (priest) can establish an additional fast of 3-7 days. Such a fast is usually prescribed for beginners and those who did not observe one-day and multi-day fasts.

Confession. You must confess your sins to a priest.

Repentance (confession)

Confession and Communion play an important role in the celebration of the Sacrament. Communion is the recognition of one's absolute sinfulness. You should understand your sin and sincerely repent of it with a firm conviction never to commit it again. The believer must realize that sin is incompatible with Christ. By committing a sin, a person, as it were, tells Jesus that His death was in vain. Of course, this is possible only through faith. Because it is faith in a Holy God that illuminates the dark spots of sins. Before repentance, one should reconcile with the offenders and the offended, read the canon of repentance to the Lord, pray harder, if necessary, then take a fast. For your own convenience, it is better to write down sins on paper so that you do not forget anything during confession. Especially serious sins that torment the conscience should be told to the priest especially. The believer also needs to remember that when revealing his sins to a clergyman, he, first of all, reveals them to God, since God is invisibly present at confession. Therefore, in no case should you hide any sins. Batiushka sacredly keeps the secret of confession. In general, both confession and communion are separate sacraments. However, they are closely related, since, without receiving the remission of their sins, a Christian cannot proceed to the Holy Chalice.

There are times when a seriously ill person sincerely repents of his sins, makes a promise to go to church regularly, if only healing occurs. The clergyman forgives sins, allows you to take communion. The Lord provides healing. But the man subsequently does not fulfill his promise. Why is this happening? Perhaps the human weakness of the soul does not allow one to overcome oneself, through one's pride. After all, lying on your deathbed, you can promise anything. But in no case should we forget about the promises made to the Lord himself.

Communion. Rules

In the Russian Orthodox Church, there are rules that should be followed before approaching the Holy Chalice. First, you need to come to the temple to the beginning of the service, without being late. An earthly bow is made before the Chalice. If there are many who want to take communion, then you can bow in advance. When the gates open, you should overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross: put your hands on your chest with a cross, the right one on top of the left. Thus, take communion, depart without removing your hands. Approach from the right side, and leave the left free. The servants of the altar should be the first to take communion, then the monks, after them the children, then everyone else. It is necessary to observe courtesy with each other, let the elderly and infirm people go ahead. Women are not allowed to take communion with painted lips. The head must be covered with a scarf. Not a hat, a bandage, but a scarf. In general, dressing in the temple of God should always be decorous, not defiant and not vulgar, so as not to attract attention and not distract other believers.

Approaching the Chalice, you must say your name loudly and clearly, accept, chew and immediately swallow the Holy Gifts. Attach to the lower edge of the Cup. It is forbidden to touch the Chalice. It is also not allowed to make the sign of the cross near the Chalice. At the drinking table, you need to eat antidor and drink warmth. Only then can you talk and kiss the icons. You can't take communion twice a day.

Communion of the sick

At the First, it was determined that a seriously ill person should not be deprived of communion. If a person is not able to take communion in the church, this is easily solved, because the church allows the sick to receive communion at home.
The priest is ready to come to the sick at any time, except for the time from the Cherubic Hymn to the end of the Liturgy. At any other divine service, the priest is obliged to stop the service for the sake of the afflicted and hasten to him. In the church at this time, psalms are read for the edification of believers.

Patients are allowed to receive the Holy Mysteries without any preparation, prayer, or fasting. But they still need to confess their sins. Seriously ill people are also allowed to receive communion after eating.

Miracles often happen when seemingly incurable people got back on their feet after communion. Priests often go to the hospital to support the seriously ill, take confession, and commune them. But many refuse. Some because of disgust, others do not want to invite trouble into the ward. However, those who did not succumb to all doubts and superstitions can be granted miraculous healing.

Communion of children

When a child meets God, this is a very important event both in the life of the child and his parents. Communion from an early age is also recommended because the baby gets used to the Church. It is imperative that the child be given communion. With faith. Regularly. This plays an important role in his spiritual development, and the Holy Gifts have a beneficial effect on well-being and health. And sometimes even serious diseases recede. So how should children be given communion? Children under seven years of age before the Eucharist are not prepared in a special way and are not confessed, because they cannot realize their adherence to Communion.

They also partake only of Blood (wine), as infants cannot eat solid food. If a child is able to eat solid food, then he can also partake of the Body (bread). Baptized children receive the Holy Gifts on the same day or the next day.

After receiving the Holy Gifts

The day when the Sacrament of Communion is performed is, of course, a significant time for every believer. And you need to spend it especially, as a great holiday of the soul and spirit. During the Sacrament, the one who takes communion receives the Grace of God, which should be kept with trepidation and try not to sin. If possible, it is better to refrain from worldly affairs and spend the day in silence, peace and prayer. Pay attention to the spiritual side of your life, pray, read the Word of God. These prayers after communion are of great importance - they are joyful and energetic. They are also able to multiply gratitude to the Lord, engender in the one who prays the desire to receive communion more often. It is not customary to kneel after communion in the church. The exceptions are bowing before the Shroud and kneeling prayers on the day of the Holy Trinity. There is an unfounded argument that, allegedly, after Communion, it is forbidden to venerate icons and kiss. However, the clergy themselves, after receiving the Holy Mysteries, are blessed by the bishop, kissing the hand.

How often can you take communion?

Every believer is interested in the question of how often one can take communion in church. And there is no single answer to this question. Someone believes that communion should not be abused, while others, on the contrary, recommend starting to receive the Holy Gifts as often as possible, but not more than once a day. What do the holy fathers of the church say about this? John of Kronstadt called to remember the practice of the first Christians, who had a custom to excommunicate those who did not receive communion for more than three weeks. Seraphim of Sarov bequeathed to the sisters from Diveevo to take communion as often as possible. And for those who consider themselves unworthy of Communion, but have repentance in their hearts, in no case should they refuse to accept the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Because, by taking communion, one is cleansed and brightened, and the more often one takes communion, the greater the likelihood of salvation.

It is very auspicious to take communion on name days and birthdays, for spouses on their anniversary.

At the same time, how to explain the eternal disputes about how often one can receive communion? There is an opinion that both monks and ordinary laity should not receive communion more than once a month. Once a week is already a sin, the so-called "charm", coming from the evil one. Is it true? The priest in his book gave a detailed explanation of this. He claims that the number of people who take communion more than once a month is negligible, these are church-going individuals, or those who have over themselves. Many clergy agree that if a person is ready for this at heart, then he can take communion at least every day, there is nothing wrong with that. The whole sin lies in the fact that a person without proper repentance approaches the cup without properly preparing for this, without forgiving all his offenders.

Of course, everyone decides for himself with his confessor how often he should take the Holy Chalice. It depends primarily on the readiness of the soul, love for the Lord and the power of repentance. In any case, for a churched, righteous life, it is worth taking communion at least once a month. The priests bless some of the Christians for communion more often.

Instead of an afterword

There are many books, manuals and just tips on how to take communion, the rules for preparing the soul and body. This information may differ in some ways, it may define different approaches to the frequency of communion and the severity in preparation, but such information exists. And it is numerous. However, you will not find literature that will teach a person how to behave after receiving the Holy Mysteries, how to keep this gift and how to use it. Both everyday and spiritual experience suggests that it is much easier to accept than to keep. And it's really true. Andrei Tkachev, archpriest of the Orthodox Church, says that the inept use of the Holy Gifts can turn into a curse for the person who received them. He uses the history of Israel as an example. On the one hand, there is a huge number of miracles happening, the wonderful relationship of God with the people, His patronage. The other side of the coin is heavy punishments and even executions of people who behave unworthily after communion. Yes, and the apostles spoke about the diseases of the communicants, behaving inappropriately. Therefore, the observance of the rules after Holy Communion is extremely important for a person.

Many books have been written on how to prepare for Communion, but how to behave on this day? There are many prejudices:

  • you can't wash on that day,
  • you can not eat fish, so as not to spit out the bones, as well as berries with stones?
  • You can’t spit saliva, even if it’s sputum, and what if you spit?
  • What if the baby burped that day?
  • You can't kiss a communicant, and what if it's a baby you kiss 100 times a day?

Priest Nikolai Fateev:
here is what is recommended and generally accepted:
“Church rules prescribe keeping bodily purity on the day of communion, occupying your mind with contemplation and prayer, and not entertainment. Regarding food, there are no recommendations, but there is a limit on the amount of food and the intake of wine, so that there is no nausea on this day. Therefore, abstinence until Communion, moderation in food, is especially necessary on this day. If the baby burped after communion, then it is necessary to collect it with a napkin and burn it. Church rules are silent about kissing the baby.”

How should one behave during the day after communion?

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, a resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

A person after communion must keep the shrine. It is wise to keep your mouth shut and avoid idle talk. One must move away from everything vain, passionate and generally spiritually unprofitable. You need to be especially attentive to yourself, because on such a day the enemy tries to lead a person into temptation. If communion was on a weekday, then you must fulfill your duties. Nothing prevents work.

The opinion that on the day of Communion one cannot kiss icons and the hand of priests is not based on anything. This is not mentioned either in the holy fathers or in liturgical books. It is better to refrain from bowing to the ground until the evening, because a person has accepted the greatest shrine - the Body and Blood of the Lord. But if during the prayer everyone fell on their knees, then you can do it without embarrassment. The most important thing is to be in a joyful mood and thank God.

When taking communion, is it necessary to bow towards the altar after receiving the Holy Gifts?

Do this it does not follow. And here's why: a bow after communion towards the altar, past the ambo, on which the priest stands with the Chalice, reflects a complete misunderstanding of one obvious fact. The one to whom, having received the Holy Gifts, wishes to express gratitude, i.e. Christ Himself abides at this time with His Most Pure Body and Precious Blood in the Eucharistic Chalice, which the communicants kiss precisely as a token of gratitude.

Priest Dimitry Turkin

They say you can't christen after communion?

They also say that you can’t kiss three times after Communion, kiss children?

It is known that many people think that if they kiss someone after Communion, then "grace will leave" them. This is prejudice. First of all, a person who takes communion must protect himself from everything that is not useful for the soul, from vanity, from sin.

Deacon Pavel Mironov

What to do with clothes soiled after communion?

During communion of a four-month-old son, moving away from the Chalice, she noticed that the Blood of Christ was flowing down his cheek. A drop fell on a gauze napkin and on a jacket. What to do with a jacket and a napkin? Galina

Dear Galina! The blouse and napkin should be burned, and the ashes should be buried in the ground (in order to avert from trampling, defilement), you can take things to the temple and ask to be burned there, because they got the Holy Blood. The next time you give communion to a small child, try to be extremely attentive, take your time when bringing it to the Holy Chalice. This needs to be confessed.

God bless you and your family!

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Look at the video rules for behavior after Communion.

Is it possible to sleep and bow after communion?

Is it possible to venerate icons after communion?

Is it possible to wash after communion?

How to act Orthodox after communion

Answered by Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

There are many books and manuals devoted to preparing for Divine Communion. The purpose of these books is to give a person the knowledge necessary for a conscious, reverent and shameless approach to the Chalice with the Food of Immortality. These books are not the same. There are discrepancies in them, mainly related to the different severity of preparation and different approaches to the frequency of communion. But, all the same, such literature exists, and it is numerous. But here's what we don't have! We do not have books that would lead a conversation with the reader about how to behave after communion, how to keep the received gift, how to use the reality of communion with God for the good! There is an obvious gap. And there is no audacity to quickly fill this gap. The seriousness of the task requires, firstly, the formulation of the question, and secondly, a conciliar effort to find the right answer.

Experience, both spiritual and worldly, shows that it is easier to get than to keep. If we are talking about a great gift, then the ability to use it is the most difficult thing that awaits the recipient. A blessing can turn into a curse as the gifts are misused or neglected. The history of Israel is an example of this. Many miracles, God's guidance, the relationship of the people and God, similar to marital! What more? But the other side of this relationship is inexorably executions and heavy blows falling on the heads of people who behave unworthy of election. As for communion, the reality of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist even in apostolic times made people talk about the illnesses and deaths of unworthy communicants. So, it is high time to talk not only about preparing for communion, but also about the correct way of life after receiving communion.

Here is the first thought that lies on the surface: is it not appropriate on the day of communion, instead of evening prayers, repentant and contrite, to read prayers of thanksgiving after communion again at night? They contain requests not just to forgive and have mercy, but “to enter into the hearts and into the womb, strengthen the structures and bones, burn the thorns of all sins,” and so on. These short prayers are very strong, full of meaning, joyful, energetic. Reading them repeatedly or at least repeatedly on the day of communion increases the feeling of gratitude to God in the Christian soul, gives rise to sobriety (the memory of the Lord), and stirs up the desire to receive communion more often.

Saint John (Maximovich), after the celebration of the Liturgy, often remained in the altar for a long time. He read the Gospel, "pulled" the rosary, performed other prayers, and then with an effort went to daily work, because he did not want to leave the altar. This is also a lesson. It is obvious that the worldly man is loaded with worries and that the inflated pace of life is the enemy of concentration. But one must try not to immediately plunge into business after communion, one must try to look for at least a drop of silence given to reading and reflection.

I'm afraid to say which of the Optina elders (I think it was Barsanuphius) advised reading the Apocalypse of John the Theologian on the day of communion. Obviously, it meant that the blessed mind of a Christian at this time is more capable of perceiving the mysteries of God than on ordinary days. There is not so much specific advice as outlines of a general rule: on the day of communion, devote all possible time and energy to the study of the word of God and other spiritual labors.

Having become the house of God through communion, the Christian becomes fearful of the invisible enemies of goodness. From him, as from fire, "every villain and every passion flees." Therefore, the essential task for the enemy is to try to entertain the Christian, to drag him into a whirlwind of all kinds of worries, to surround him with "ignorance, oblivion, cowardice and petrified insensitivity." And to the extent of our inattention, the enemy successfully succeeds. Should we be surprised at the rampant sin and the confusion that reigns in our heads if we do not really learn to use our most victorious weapon - an essential union with the God-man and the Savior?

The question, no doubt, is not solved, but only touched upon. It requires ecclesiastical attention, and the very sound of the question may be preceded by the call: "Let's listen!" And the ability to forgive insults, and the ability to resist the action of passions, and courage in the midst of adversity, and the foretaste of eternal blessings, and much, much more, are given abundantly to communicants.

Here is what John of Kronstadt said after communion:

“The Lord is in me personally, God and man, hypostatically, essentially, immutably, purifying, sanctifying, victorious, renewing, deifying, miraculous, which I feel in myself.”

The richness of gifts felt by the Kronstadt shepherd is the same richness of gifts that is given to everyone, but, unfortunately, without such a deep feeling on the part of the communicants.

In this sense, the saints will judge the world. Having exactly as much as we do, they managed to turn their lives into a bright burning lamp, while we only smoke and in the terrible hour of judgment we risk being without oil.

In addition to what we already have, perhaps we need nothing more for miraculous fullness and everyday Christian witness. Nothing more is needed, but you need to learn how to use what you have. And first of all, you need to learn how to behave correctly in relation to the most pure mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ: to reverently accept them and to worthily keep them in yourself.
Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Orthodox prayers read after Communion

Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!

1st Orthodox prayer read after communion

I thank You, Lord my God, that You did not reject me a sinner, but made me worthy to be a participant in Your holy things. I thank You for vouchsafed me, unworthy, to partake of Your most pure and heavenly gifts. But, O philanthropic Master, who died and rose again for our sake, and who bestowed on us these terrible and life-giving sacraments of Yours for the benefit and sanctification of our souls and bodies! Give them to me for the healing of soul and body, for the reflection of every enemy, for the enlightenment of the eyes of my heart, for the appeasement of my spiritual strength, for shameless faith, for unfeigned love, for the increase of wisdom, for the fulfillment of Your commandments, for the increase of Your grace and the assimilation of Your kingdoms, so that I, guarded by them in Your sanctification, always remember Your grace and live not for myself, but for You, our Lord and benefactor. And so, having ended this life with the hope of eternal life, he reached eternal rest, where (heard) the unceasing voice of those who enjoy bliss and the infinite joy of those who contemplate the inexpressible beauty of Your face, for You, Christ our God, are the true delight and inexpressible joy of those who love You, and You praise all creatures forever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Basil the Great read after Communion

Lord Christ God, King of the ages and Creator of all! I thank You for all the blessings that You bestowed on me in receiving Your most pure and life-giving sacraments. I beg You, merciful and philanthropic, keep me under Your shelter and in the shade of Your wings, and grant me, until my last breath, with a clear conscience worthy to partake of Your holy things for the remission of sins and eternal life. For You are the bread of life, the source of holiness, the giver of blessings, and we glorify You together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Simeon Metaphrastus read after Communion

Who freely gave me Your flesh to eat, You are the fire that burns the unworthy! Do not burn me, my Creator, go better into the members of my body, into all the joints, into the insides, into the heart, and burn the thorns of all my sins. Cleanse the soul, sanctify the thoughts, strengthen the knees with the bones together, enlighten the five main feelings, nail me all with fear of You. Always protect, protect and protect me from every deed and word harmful to the soul. Purify, wash and arrange me; adorn, admonish and enlighten me. Reveal me as Your abode, the one Spirit, and no longer the abode of sin, so that every villain, every passion flees from me after receiving Communion, as from Your house, as from fire. As intercessors for myself, I present to You all the saints, the Commanders of the disembodied hosts, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, and above them - Your immaculate, pure Mother. Accept their prayers, my merciful Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. For You, the only Good One, are the sanctification, as well as the radiance of our souls, and to You, as befits God and the Master, we all send glory every day.

4th Orthodox prayer read after communion

Lord Jesus Christ our God! May Thy holy body be unto me for everlasting life, and Thy precious blood for the remission of sins. May this (feast) of thanksgiving be to me in joy, in health and joy. In Your terrible second coming, grant me a sinner to stand on the right side of Your glory through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos read after Communion

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy! I thank You for deigning me, the unworthy, to partake of the most pure Body and the precious Blood of Your Son. But, having given birth to the true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart! Producing the source of immortality, revive me, mortified by sin! As a merciful Mother of a merciful God, have mercy on me and grant tenderness and contrition to my heart, modesty and liberation from the captivity of my thoughts to my thoughts. Vouchsafe me until my last breath to accept uncondemned sanctification by the most pure sacraments for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession to sing and glorify You all the days of my life; for you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now you release your servant, Lord, according to your word, in peace; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all men, a light to bring light to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel (Luke 2:29-32).

Listen on video Orthodox prayers read after communion

Hegumen Agafangel (Belykh), rector of the Bishops' Metochion of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Valuyki, Valuysk and Alekseev diocese, an employee of the Synodal Missionary Department, head of the Spassky missionary camp, in the village of Tiksi, the Republic of Sakha, continues the conversation about the parish practice of communion.

Father Agafangel, how often, in your opinion, should one take communion?

– I think we are making a big mistake when we talk about the frequency or rarity of communion. It's an imposed term. It is necessary to say not that one should take communion more often or less often, but that this should be done regularly, as far as possible.

Hegumen Agafangel (White). Photo by Y. Nikitin

There are canonical rules that require us to attend the service every Sunday. We also know about the canon, according to which one who missed the Sunday Liturgy three times is excommunicated from the Church.

If a person has the opportunity to take communion every Sunday and does commune, it is not often, not infrequently, but in the right way.

It is clear that in real parish life everything happens differently. In cases where it is possible to form a parish literally from scratch, where there were no traditions that appeared back in the Synodal period or later in the Soviet period, people have no doubts that if you come to the Sunday Liturgy, then you take communion.

In parishes that have existed for many years, it is often necessary to explain why it is desirable to take communion every week and that this does not at all require a weekly fast preparation. Because people were a little scared: “Father, if you take communion every Sunday, it turns out that all life is just fasting.”

There are no special instructions about fasting before communion by a priest, who is no different from a layman. The priest fasts the prescribed days - on Wednesday and Friday, and takes communion on Sunday, and sometimes more often, but he does not have any special grace that is different from the laity.

In our parish in Tiksin, people try to partake of the sacrament at every service, in St. Nicholas Cathedral, in Valuyki, where I now serve, regular parishioners receive communion two or three times a month.

- There is a wonderful experience, which is also reflected in: Follow-up to Holy Communion, consisting of a canon, prayers, and there is also a pious tradition to add, if possible, other canons and akathists.

Therefore, if a person reads evening and morning prayers, then adding one canon and ten prayers to them is not difficult. If you have the strength and desire to pray more, then you can add other traditional canons.

Another thing is confessional discipline. Because it is easier for someone to grind out insignificant disciplinary mistakes from themselves weekly in order to come to the sacrament more “prepared” than once to deeply understand themselves.

We know that there are sins that really separate us from God, separate us from the Cup of Christ, and they need to be confessed before communion. But this is not about trifles, which, of course, are also not good and require correction, but they are not an obstacle for an adult to receive communion.

The sacrament is not a grade of "five" for behavior, but a healing medicine that the Lord gives. Mysterious participation in the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, it is understandable that people come to communion burdened with their imperfection. But why strain out a mosquito?

There is a saying: "For food you will not go to hell." But from 90% of those who confess, you hear: “I ate candy on the wrong day, I am a sinner, I need confession” - despite the fact that a person can be in many years of unrepentant non-peace with his neighbors or in some other spiritual condition.

As for fasting preparation - if a person takes communion every Sunday, then observing the prescribed fast on Wednesday and Friday and some reasonable restriction in food on Saturday is quite enough.

– And in cases where people take communion almost every day – on Holy Week, on Bright Week? Do they need the same prayer preparation?

– Yes, of course, “Following” is a must. The priest who takes communion on such days every day and who, as has already been said, is no different from the parishioners, reads the Rule daily.

As for fasting preparation before communion on Svetlaya: breaking the fast does not mean overeating and getting drunk. If you want to eat three cutlets, eat two. Here is the preparation. And if a person ate a cauldron of pilaf the day before, drank a barrel of wine - such a conversation is to the detriment.

Is there a difference in preparing for communion in central Russia and, say, in Yakutia?

– Our parishioners in the north of Yakutia still try to fast, including on the eve of communion, vegetables and fruits, as is customary in the central and southern regions of Russia. Although the prices for all this are exorbitant, and it would be much cheaper to eat local fish.

But the formed stereotype is difficult to break. Lomonosov also wrote about this, if I'm not mistaken, complaining about the Palestinian and Greek fathers that they imposed their guard rule on us northerners.

But prayer preparation does not exactly depend on the region: the main thing is the Follow-up to Holy Communion - prayers and the canon, and then - according to one’s strength and desire.

If a person comes to you who is going to take communion for the first time….

– This rarely happens. Usually, those who are going to be baptized come for the first time, undergo special training: participate in conversations, read recommended books, attend worship services, communicate with parishioners ... So when they come to communion, there is no need to specifically talk to them about it.

In those rare cases when a person comes literally “from the street”, says that he has been baptized and would like to take communion, but does not know how, we have a small catechism conversation, tell how to prepare, explain the meaning of the sacrament. For such a person, most likely, I will offer prayers not in Church Slavonic, but in Russian.

– If a person, for various reasons, takes communion irregularly, it means that he needs enhanced preparation. Lent - a week, if possible, resemble worship. In a week, you can have time to read the Follow-up and additional canons, and not all at once - it's hard, but to distribute it by day of the week.

- According to the Apostle Paul: abstinence is appointed by the spouses by mutual agreement. I do not take on such impudence - to climb into someone else's bed and regulate the relationship between husband and wife. But as a priest, I, of course, am obliged to outline some general evangelical frameworks. And the decision, how to be, they must make themselves.

Do you allow any of the parishioners to take communion without confession?

– Yes, without confession before each communion, I admit those parishioners whom I have known for a long time, I know their spiritual life. I ask in advance: “Is there a sin in the past week that would not allow you to the Chalice?”

If I don’t know a person well, I will definitely ask him to come to confession.

Who can you prevent from taking communion?

“I never forbid approaching communion. Here's my advice - I can: "You know, it's better for you to abstain from communion today, it seems to me that you are not quite ready."

If I see a person for the first time, he came to confession, intending to take communion (this happens more often in Valuyki, in Tiksi - a small parish, everyone knows each other), and I see that he simply does not understand why and how, then I understand that communion in this state would be mentally harmful for him.

I suggest that such a person be sure to meet after the service, when I can explain everything. I explain: “And now I see that communion will not be useful for you.” In most cases, people stay, listen and come back after a while.

Have there been cases in your parish practice when people still did not understand why they should receive communion?

“I'll tell you about one of my missionary failures in Tiksi. The unbaptized husband and wife went to the temple for a long time for public discussions, preparing for baptism. We usually first conduct the first part of the conversations, then the rite of announcement, and after it we already talk about the sacraments. The couple went to all services, participated in conversations, in common meals.

Finally, the baptism was performed (and we are trying to perform the sacrament before the liturgy, so that the newly baptized could take communion), the couple took Communion and ... the woman said: “What is this? Is this what you told us about? I don't like it at all!"

They never crossed the threshold of the temple again. A small village, we constantly meet, and only a few years later they began to answer my greetings. This is a story without a positive ending.

But often the majority of parishioners in Central Russia do not fully understand the meaning of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, the importance of common participation in the Eucharist. It is good that now there is such an abundance of Orthodox websites, newspapers, TV shows that talk about this. However, in general, this is a big problem that takes time to resolve.

In the Orthodox Church there is such a thing as the sacrament of communion, it also has the name of the Eucharist. Communion is the blessing of the Lord for the remission of sins and filling Christians with their grace. If you have decided to visit the temple for this purpose, then our article will explain to you all the related questions.

The main thing in the article

What is the sacrament of communion in the Orthodox Church: what does it give and what is it for?

Not every person who wears a pectoral cross and who has been baptized in the Orthodox Church can call himself a Christian. A person becomes a believer when he begins to participate in the life of the church, to observe all its canons. . In other words, he is in spiritual union with God.

For our ancestors, who professed the Orthodox faith, it was unthinkable to call themselves Christians and not observe the sacrament.

The Sacrament of Communion was established by Jesus Christ even before he was betrayed and sent to torment. At the Last Supper, the Savior instituted the sacrament of communion among his disciples. He blessed his daily bread and wine as his own flesh and blood, thereby commanding his apostles, and through them to their other successors, to do this good deed.

By performing the sacrament of communion, a person gets the opportunity to be cleansed of sin and receive healing of the soul. There is an opportunity to correct your life for the better, to transform your human essence.

How is communion in church?

If you are a real believer, then should properly prepare for the sacrament (read more about this below). By doing this, you express gratitude and respect to the Lord. You need to come to the decision to take communion not because of a sense of duty, your soul must consciously strive for this.

The concepts of confession and Holy Communion are inseparable . You will not be able to take communion if you do not confess first.

Confession is repentance before the Lord God about the sins committed, denial of committing further sins. You, a servant of God, in the presence of a priest, voice all the sins for which you ask God for forgiveness. In turn, the priest helps you cleanse yourself of sins with the help of prayer. You also need to prepare for confession:

  • Early think about the possible sins you have committed. First of all, pay attention to those perfect deeds that bother you, prevent you from living. But do not forget about other disobediences to the faith, which, at first glance, seem less significant (check out the list).

If it is difficult for you to voice your sins out loud, then you can write a note and give it to the priest, he will do it for you. Only at the moment of confession you need to sincerely realize your mistakes - you will not hide anything before God.

After preparing for communion and confession, the priest gives a blessing to pass communion.

As a rule, a sacred action occurs in this way:

  • In the morning, a person comes to confession, after which the service begins in the church.
  • Then the priest takes out a cup of red wine, symbolizing the blood of the Savior.
  • Then, one by one, without pushing, people come up to the priest to take a little wine from a spoon.
  • After taking red wine, the Orthodox Christian steps aside, where the ministers of the church give him a piece of prosphora with holy water, denoting the flesh of Christ.
  • Children are allowed to take communion first, until they are seven years old they may not prepare for communion.
  • On this, the procedure for accepting the sacrament of communion is considered completed.

What are the days of communion in the church?

You can go through the sacrament of the sacrament on any day when a church service takes place. This Christian worship is called - liturgy. In order not to be mistaken, talk in advance with the priest or with the ministers of the church about the exact day of communion. As a rule, the service in the church must be corrected on Saturday and Sunday.

The exception is Great Lent before Easter until Holy Week. During this period there is a special calendar (schedule) of services.

Great Lent is intended to prepare the Christian people for the great celebration of Easter. Divine services during this period are distinguished by prayers for the remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, his repentance.

An Orthodox Christian should take communion as often as possible, once or twice a month. But this is very individual, you yourself should feel the desire for repentance, and not adhere to the standards. It would not be superfluous to discuss with the priest all the questions of spiritual life that concern you.

What time does communion start in church on Saturday and Sunday?

The Sacrament of Communion begins at the end of the morning service in the church. Each temple has its own - individual start time for the morning service. Church services are divided into: morning, afternoon, evening. Communion is often held at the morning service (there are exceptions), it is also called the 1st hour. Usually the beginning of such a service is not earlier than seven, and not later than ten in the morning.

The duration of the service depends on:

  • From the nature of the service (holiday, daily, evening, Lenten, etc.).
  • From the speed of the performance of the service by both the holy father and the choir. In some churches this happens slowly, in others more quickly.
  • From the number of people who want to confess before the start of the service and take communion after it, respectively.
  • On whether a sermon will sound at the service.

On average, the morning service lasts 1 hour 20 minutes - 2 hours.

If you will take communion at the evening service, then it is better to consult with the holy father about the moments of preparation for it, since the action should take place on an empty stomach. Perhaps it is better to confess before the evening service, and take communion after the morning.

How long does communion last?

  • The duration of the communion itself will depend on the number of those wishing to receive communion .
  • After the end of the service, the priest takes out the Chalice with the Holy Gifts from behind the altar, and invites those who wish to take communion.
  • At first, church ministers, monks take communion, and then let the children and everyone else pass.
  • Waiting for your turn, you can not arrange a farce and showdown, otherwise all repentance will not make any sense.
  • It will take less than a minute to taste the Holy Gifts (“cahors”, prosphora, holy water or “warmth”).

How often can you take communion?

This is a rather ambiguous question. Rather, it is not the frequency that is important, but the “quality” of communion, the realization by the person himself of the importance of what is happening. If such awareness is always present, then you can take communion as often as possible, at least every week.

  • Orthodox Christians it is recommended to learn the sacrament of communion two or three times a month.
  • People who are preparing to dedicate their lives to the church can take communion more often, then mental and physical fasting can be slightly relaxed for one or two days.
  • You can also do this before each post - four times a year.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take communion twice in one day.

Thanks to the church, the spirituality of a person is revived. If you feel a burden on your soul, start attending just the liturgy for a start, without communion. Talk to the holy father, perhaps you will find answers and find peace. When your consciousness itself comes to the desire to confess and take communion, you will feel it.

How to take communion for the first time?

The first communion takes place a little after the baptism of the child.

Before First Communion you need to spiritually adjust and prepare both yourself and the child:

  • It would be a good move if relatives and godparents after the christening will take communion with the child .
  • The preparation before the sacrament includes all the same points that you read earlier.
  • Say prayers for the child (see below), ask the Lord in your own words so that he endows the baptized baby with his grace, helps to raise a worthy Christian on the way to the salvation of his soul.
  • Then bring the baby to the priest, put his head on his right hand, hold his hands so that he cannot accidentally knock over the Holy Chalice.
  • Also need properly prepare clothes , the child should be comfortable so that he does not worry once again.

If you teach a child to take communion as often as possible, then he will grow up, being in spiritual balance with himself.

It happens that a person receives baptism and the first communion already in adulthood. Then do not be afraid to make a mistake - the first communion, like all subsequent ones, is almost the same. Feel free to ask questions to your spiritual mentor, he will be able to prepare you.

Preparing for Communion

The most important preparation for communion is to become aware of the process itself. You must go to church to get closer to God, to realize and repent of your sins. You should feel a bright attitude before going to church, and not the heavy burden of being forced.

  • Further, no later than three days, need to fast- do not eat food of animal origin. The sacrament itself must be taken on an empty stomach.
  • Also three days before communion, you must refrain from sexual contact , and even try to get rid of your thoughts from this. The end of bodily abstinence ends on the day following the day of communion itself.
  • It is required to give up worldly pleasures, celebrations.
  • If there are no life obstacles, then you need to cleanse your body, entering the church dirty is a sin. For this wash yourself early in the morning before going to the temple.
  • Next, you need confession- repentance before God for all your sins.
  • Having gone through confession, having attended a church service, you can be blessed for communion by a priest.

What prayers to read before communion?

How to behave at the sacrament in church, what should be said?

A Christian cannot be admitted to communion if:

  • He did not go to confession (except for children under seven years of age).
  • He is excommunicated from the Holy Mysteries.
  • Lost his mind, is not in himself. Belief is not forced.
  • Spouses who have had sexual intercourse the day before.
  • Woman during menstruation.
  • Does not wear a pectoral cross.
  • Other moments, they make a reservation with the priest.
  1. You must arrive at church before the service begins. , if you are late, confession and communion are postponed.
  2. After the prayer “I believe, Lord, and I confess…”, the priest takes out the Chalice with the Gifts, while need to bow low .
  3. At the opening of the royal gates you need to cross yourself, fold your hands in a cross on your chest (right top) . In this position, you need to receive the sacrament of communion.
  4. You need to approach the Chalice from the right side of the church, not ahead of other parishioners.
  5. Women are encouraged to take communion without make-up. (at least without lipstick).
  6. Being near the father, you need to clearly say your name, accept the Holy Gifts, kiss the Chalice (like the rib of Christ) . You can't touch or kiss anything else.
  7. Having departed, receive from the ministers of the church a prosphora and a drink - holy water or warmth.
  8. If there are several Cups, then you can receive Gifts from only one.
  9. Next, read the prayers for Holy Communion or listen to them in the church.

What do you need to take communion in a child's church?

Basic Rules for Communion in the Orthodox Church

According to church law, there are certain rules that every Christian must follow. There are also nuances in the passage of the sacrament of communion. Let's figure out which ones.

Is it possible to take communion at the evening service?

You can definitely take communion at the evening service on the day of the Last Supper. Jesus Christ Himself laid down this rule by giving communion to His disciples, by giving them His flesh and blood.

As for evening communion on other days, the answer to this question is rather ambiguous. The vast majority of communion takes place in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is not very convenient to observe such a rule throughout the day, and not everyone can withstand it. At the same time, it is desirable to be present at the evening service, you can also confess at it, or you can in the morning. Therefore, this question should be asked to the holy father of the church where you are going to receive the sacrament of communion.

Is it possible to take communion during menstruation?

Not, don't take communion during menstruation , such an act will be considered insolence and a great sin. Touching the Holy Chalice during this period is a great disrespect for the Lord God. Furthermore, a woman who is menstruating cannot enter the temple at all. The explanation for this is that menstruation is a missed pregnancy, and the woman should be held responsible for this. A woman is considered "unclean" because of her bloody discharge, which defiles the church when she enters it.

It is a completely different matter if bleeding accompanies a woman for a long time - this is no longer a cleansing, but an ailment. Then ask your spiritual mentor for advice, and repent at confession. The priest must admit you to communion, perhaps after passing it, you will receive healing.

Can pregnant women take communion?

Yes, you can, and the more often the better. This is a special period, even before the birth of a child, a woman must realize the importance of redemption, and after birth, she must involve her child in this process.

The church is indulgent for pregnant women - it is allowed to simplify the fast as you feel better. If the state of health allows, fasting and prayers are prepared according to general rules. Preparation by prayers and service in the church can be performed while sitting on a pew.

Is it possible to take communion if you have not fasted?

  • There are different cases sometimes a fast can be broken by a small oversight (accidental eating of fast food, for example).
  • Either the person due to health reasons, he cannot come to communion hungry or without drinking water. Such moments are negotiated with the priest, and at confession you need to repent for this.

You need to understand that fasting is good, but the purpose of the sacrament is the remission of sins and unity with God. If there are good reasons why the fast was broken, there are no barriers to passing the sacrament.

  • If a it is a violation of physical abstinence by spouses - it is better to skip communion once, and take this moment into account at the subsequent confession.

Is it possible to take communion on an empty stomach?

Yes, but only for children under 7. Moreover, the eating of food should not take place immediately before communion, but in advance. Children should be prepared from a very young age for communion on an empty stomach.

This rule also applies to people who are ill if they cannot do without food in the morning.

Is it possible to receive communion without preparation?

No, you can't do that . It turns out that you will do it just "for show". Just look at this situation from two sides:

  • You take communion several times a year, in general, just like you attend the church itself. In this case, you must strictly observe fasting, go through confession, read all the canons and prayers.
  • You live according to church canons, observe all fasts, that is, preparing for communion is your way of life. Then you can simply come to the sacrament of communion on an empty stomach, read the necessary prayers.
  • As already mentioned, children under the age of seven may not qualify.

Is it possible to receive communion without confession?

This rule also applies to children under seven years of age. In some churches, exceptions are made for regular parishioners if they receive the sacrament of communion frequently.

Is it possible to receive communion if I had an abortion?

The Lord God is all-merciful, he is able to forgive any sin if you really sincerely repent of it. Infanticide is one of the worst sins of mankind. The purpose of realizing this godlessness is not to commit such acts in the future. A spiritual mentor cannot refuse confession and communion if you want to atone for your guilt.

If a woman runs to the church after each abortion, then this is not welcomed by the church, the woman did not fully realize her guilt, since she continues to do this.

Is it possible to receive communion if you live in a civil marriage?

Many people confuse the concept of marriage, let's find out where the truth is:

  • Church marriage - this is a marriage that received its blessing in the sacrament of the wedding.
  • Civil marriage - This is a legally registered marriage by the state. His church recognizes and allows people who are in such a marriage to take communion, even if they are not married.

Do not confuse civil marriage with ordinary cohabitation , which in church terminology it's called fornication . If you live in fornication, then you may be denied the blessing of the sacrament of the sacrament.

Another thing is if you regret your act, and are going to legalize your marriage soon . According to Orthodox canons, you must either marry or end the relationship, then you can take communion.

Video: How is the sacrament in the church?

If you are interested in how the sacrament of the sacrament works in practice, then watch the following video:

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