Who used to live in the land of people. Someone lived on Earth BEFORE US! These facts are proof of that! Stone plate from Nepal

Remained about this mysterious people and material evidence. So who are they - the elder inhabitants of the Earth?

About ten years ago, in the Alpine mountains in the permafrost zone, scientists found the frozen corpse of a man. Due to the fact that the body was constantly at sub-zero temperatures, it was perfectly preserved.

According to scientists, it was a man aged about 40 years old, which froze on a mountain pass... several thousand years ago.

Who Otzi was remains a mystery

However, was the deceased human? His clothes, shoes, and personal effects could not be identified from any of the known cultures. The appearance of the deceased was also surprising: he was surprisingly proportionately complex, with perfectly correct facial features, as it was possible to find out with the help of computer modeling.

But the most striking thing was discovered when, with the help of modern technology, scientists examined his bone tissue. Despite the fact that at the time of his death he was about 40 years, it was a young man.

His bones and skeleton were still at the stage of formation, like that of a modern sixteen-year-old teenager. Comparing these data, the experts came to the conclusion that he should have reached maturity at the age of more than a hundred years, and live much longer.

Perhaps, it was then that scientists seriously thought about the ancient legends about the eternally young elves.

Beauties and craftsmen

The descriptions of the older people in the legends and myths of different cultures are extremely similar. Firstly, the older race differed from humanity in height: its representatives were either giants, like the Celtic Sids and Indian Gandharvas, or, conversely, babies, like elves and Scandinavian elves.

But in any case, they were slender, graceful and surprisingly beautiful. According to some legends, they were distinguished by longevity - they lived up to five hundred years or more.

In other myths, the older people are endowed with immortality. By the way, the children of its representatives were born very rarely.

The older race settled far away from people - in caves, inside hollow hills, in dense forests, on secluded islands. The Sids and other representatives of the older people were skilled craftsmen: their products were many times superior in beauty and quality to objects made by human hands.

The elves, for example, were especially famous for being excellent weavers. In the myths of absolutely all cultures, the older race is endowed with innate magical abilities.

In addition, her sons and daughters were distinguished by extraordinary talents in music, singing and dancing that captivated the audience. In India, such music is to this day referred to as the "art of the Gandharvas". And the melodies of the elves, who loved to dance in the moonlight, made even inanimate nature dance.

The elves (elves) in early German-Scandinavian mythology are an ageless, magical, beautiful race that lives like people on Earth, or in the "elven world", which was also described as physically real (since according to legend, people get there and return from there alive). Such an idea of ​​alves, partially preserved, even reached the Middle Ages, remained imprinted in language, names, culture and genealogy.

Contacts with people

Despite the fact that the older people lived in isolation, they had numerous contacts with people, about which there is a lot of evidence both in legends and myths, and in medieval chronicles. The relationship between the two intelligent races evolved differently.

Often the older people acted as mentors, teaching their "smaller brothers" various arts and magical techniques. Often, its representatives gave people wonderful objects, predicted the future, or endowed them with some out of the ordinary ability.

So, in England, the legend of Thomas Lermontov (by the way, a distant ancestor of our great poet Mikhail Lermontov) and the queen of elves is very popular. Having visited her, Thomas gained the gift of clairvoyance and bewitching eloquence.

And Oisin from the tribe of the goddess Danu told the founder of the Irish church, St. Patrick, about all the features of the relief of Ireland, its rivers and lakes. However, the older brothers could not stand it when the younger ones were uninvited guests to them.

Accidental witnesses to their secret meetings and rituals were often ruthlessly killed. Anyone who sees the ghostly "city of the Gandharvas" in the mountains was threatened, according to Indian legends, with misfortune or death.

In all legends, there is a statement that representatives of the older people love to steal human children, sometimes leaving their own in return. The Indian researcher Krishna Panchamukhi, who was engaged in a comparative analysis of Celtic and Hindu mythology, writes that this ancient kidnapping cannot be regarded as a manifestation of hostility.

Due to the low birth rate, the older people, apparently, constantly needed an influx of fresh blood, otherwise they would be doomed to extinction. There were even marriages between the older people and people.

From them were born children with longevity and many talents. Growing up, they often became rulers or great sages, such as the legendary Irish seer Finn, who in III century AD e. led the detachments of warriors who lived in the forests and devoted themselves to war and hunting.

Slavic divas

The Slavs also believed in the older people, calling it "divas", "samovils" or "samodivs". They are mentioned in the "Words" - teachings against paganism, and even in the "Word of Igor's Campaign" ("the diva calls at the top of the tree"). It is clear that this name comes from "wonder" - "miracle". Unfortunately, before the advent of Christianity, myths and legends were not recorded in the Slavic regions, so there is much less evidence left about the "samsdivas" than about the sids, elves and gandharvas.

It is known that the divas were distinguished by their beautiful appearance, their women had hair to the toes, which they wore loose. They lived in the mountains or built their houses in the trees.

According to the legends, the divas could levitate, but sometimes for some reason they suddenly lost this ability (in the same "Tale of Igor's Campaign" - "having already crashed the divas to the ground"). The distinguishing talent of the divas was the ability to find water - apparently, they were the first dowsers in Russia.

Even the divas knew how to heal, predict death, but they themselves were not immortal. Samodivas were friendly to people, helped the offended and orphans.

However, if you anger the diva, he could severely punish, even kill with one glance. One of the last mentions of divas refers to 20 th years of the last century.

It is contained in the notes of the traveler Mikhail Belov, who studied the remote corners of the Urals. He claimed that the locals deeply believe in the existence of wild people who live in mountain caves.

These creatures are very beautiful, wise and have the gift of foresight. Sometimes they come to villages and talk about what is happening in the world.

The traveler wanted to laugh at "grandmother's tales", but then he realized: isn't it strange that the inhabitants of a mountain village, completely cut off from the world, are well aware of the change of power in Russia and what its leaders want?

Material evidence

With a serious approach to the topic, relying on myths and legends alone would, of course, be unreasonable. Fortunately, several material evidence of the culture of the older people have survived to this day. The Lancaster Museum (England) has a bowl of the 19th century.

As the researchers note, at that distant time, the British did not have the technology that would allow them to do such a thing. At best, this item could appear several centuries later, when blacksmithing and metal engraving advanced significantly.

However, physicochemical analysis shows that the bowl was made in XII century, and its history is directly related to the older people. According to legend, a certain peasant, returning from his guests late at night, walked along the hills.

In one of them he saw an open door and heard the sounds of music and singing. When he looked inside, he saw people feasting.

All of them were young and unusually beautiful. Seeing the guest, the company presented him with a cup of wine.

Having received a precious cup, the peasant, without thinking twice, rushed to his heels. They chased after him, but the peasant turned out to be more agile.

The lord, whose serf this peasant was, saw this bowl from him and, amazed at its beauty, took it away. Then he presented a magnificent vessel as a gift to the king.

For some time, the bowl was inherited by the English monarchs, and then ended up in a museum. Another amazing find was made on the territory of Ukraine: fortune-telling bones, the age of which scientists determine approximately 17 thousand years. The lunar calendar is marked on the bones with pinpoint precision, and only modern astronomical calendars can be an analogue of it.

Scientists have no doubt that this calendar is evidence of the existence of an older culture than all known ones, since the semi-savage nomadic tribes that inhabited the territory of modern Ukraine at that time had no idea about astronomy.

Who are they?

Experts build a variety of hypotheses about who the representatives of the older people actually were. There is a version that these were people who from the very beginning went not along the technological path of development, but along the path of unity with nature.

This explains their innate extraordinary abilities, as well as the desire to live away from settlements, among mountains and forests. Then, biologically, elves, divas and sids are no different from us, and children could well be born from marriages with them.

However, a more popular hypothesis is that it was still a slightly different kind of intelligent life. After all, it has been scientifically proven that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, that is, our ancestors, are completely different types of living beings, although very close.

The same can be assumed in the case of the older people. The most incredible version was put forward by the famous scientist, the author of the sensational film "Memories of the Future" Erich von Daniken.

In his opinion, the older people are aliens who settled on Earth. However, von Daniken also admits that these could be descendants from alliances between aliens and earthlings.

Where did the older people go?

Approximately to XVII-XVIII For centuries, evidence of meetings with representatives of the older people has come to naught. And if every third medieval legend told about elves and forces, then they were completely forgotten about later. It turns out that there are no more of them on Earth. Where could they go?

The English legends tell about the magical land of Avallon, where the elder people went. It is believed that the legendary King Arthur also sailed there.

Most experts believe that the older people simply assimilated with people, because due to the low birth rate they could not maintain their originality. However, adherents of the theory of the plurality of parallel worlds believe that the older people have primordially lived and continue to live in another dimension.

It is their homeland, and on Earth they appeared only occasionally on their own, not very clear to us affairs. In confirmation, experts cite numerous legends about the country of elves, in which time flows differently.

Often the hero of the legend, having stayed with the older people for only a couple of days and returning home, finds out that ten years have passed. So, to the abilities of the older people, you can add the ability to travel between worlds.

Descendants of the older people

Recently I was surprised to learn about people who are seriously convinced that about "

“... are carriers of the blood of the older people. They have nothing to do with Tolkienists playing elves. These people even organized their own club, whose members are scattered in different cities of the near abroad, but the backbone of the club is in the Crimea. They claim to have a slightly different blood composition than normal people. Some medications work differently on them or have no effect at all. The "descendants of the elves" are looking for their fellow tribesmen by signs known to them alone, which they keep secret, reporting only that they are judged by a number of appearance features, as well as by answers to some questions. Members of this club maintain a close relationship with their Irish counterparts. They all believe that in the generation born at the turn of the 70 -80 th year... »

the gene of the elder blood made itself felt.

For better or for worse, time will tell. On their website, I was able to see photos of the members of the club.

Most of them are really tall and very beautiful...

Since ancient times, almost all peoples have known about the existence of parallel realities. This knowledge is reflected in the cosmogony, cosmology, mythology of these peoples. Almost all religions have ideas about the existence of various realities in which other beings live, as well as the reality where the souls of people go after the death of the physical body. And even "rational" science has come close to the concept of a multidimensional universe consisting of various parallel worlds.

One of such researchers of the "anomalous" activity of parallel worlds is the Russian physicist V. Rogozhkin, director of the research center "ENIO". And here is how he comments on this: "All mankind lives in the delusion as if we are in a three-dimensional space. In fact, we live in a multidimensional world and we perceive this multidimensional world at 3.14. Where 3 is the length, width, height , and 0.14 is time, a time constant, i.e. how much a person is able to go either into the past or into the future.

Physicists have long known that the world is multidimensional. Nowadays there are certain constants. What is a poltergeist - this is a violation of constants, i.e. when certain physical constants change and we encounter parallel worlds... Man is not only this physical shell. In fact, a person is multidimensional, as well as the Universe. And the projection of our multidimensional essence, it can be here on Earth and somewhere in another galaxy, but we are interconnected. At the same time, information is transmitted instantly, since our thought instantly spreads over any distance.

In higher dimensions there is no concept of distance, mass, time. These worlds function in a completely different way. But our civilization is still something "born in a cocoon" and the Higher Mind does not yet allow us to open this "cocoon". Because we have a colossal amount of aggression. You look, if you ask the question: "Who poses the greatest danger to a person in the night forest?", 70% on average around the world answered - a person ...

Aliens gave us magic. Ie, what is magic? Thoughtless, incomprehensible way out into multidimensionality... We had a real case. In Krymsk, the girl left the house and got on the bus. She had to drive a few stops to the library. No one remembers how she got off the bus. They saw that she sat down, how she left - they did not see. Parents came running to us in a panic that the child had disappeared. In this small town, everyone has been raised to their feet and cannot be found.

We made a correction, i.e. saw - yes, withdrawal. We forced them to return it. She returned to a locked hotel room in Novorossiysk on the same day. The maid was walking along the corridor and heard a knock on the door from inside. When the door was opened, this girl was there…”

So, maybe the numerous abductions of people are not the work of aliens, but aliens from other parallel worlds? It is no accident, because some ufologists adhere to just such a version. But why do they need all these kidnappings? Is it just to conduct genetic experiments?

There is such a version that by studying people, they create their "matrices" - clones that perform tasks unknown to us in our world, while outwardly not differing from ordinary people. It is they who often act as pseudo-skeptics, ridiculing and discrediting those areas of knowledge that are considered "forbidden" for mankind. Apparently, this is one of the tasks of at least some of them - by any means to keep humanity away from this knowledge that can "awaken" the possibilities of our consciousness.

The physicist V. Rogozhkin also supports the fact that most of the 7.5 billion people of the Earth are not actually people. Here is what he said about this: “The population of the Earth is 7.5 billion, and where do they come from? There may be 600 million people. And where did the rest come from? These are "matrices", empty shells. If you take a real "look", then they do not exist.

All these official statistics are invented for people and people think that there are really so many of us. But, if you look, there are very few people on Earth. Let the aliens take these "matrices" -duplicates from here. So that a real civilization remains on Earth."

So, on Earth, in our world, in addition to ordinary people, there are clone biorobots created by aliens. Surely those of the aliens who outwardly do not differ from us are also living. There are also reptilian hybrids that outwardly look like ordinary people, but have obvious genetic differences from us. They make up the clan of the ruling "black aristocracy", but they are not so numerous. To be honest, the figures given by V. Rogozhkin are amazing. But on the other hand, all this "herd" obsessed with material accumulation, predatory consumerism, the thirst for power and fame, "rams" really do much more resemble clone biorobots than normal people.

In so many legends there is a mention of a certain older race that once inhabited the Earth. Most of the Western European peoples called them elves, the Scandinavians - alves, the Celts - the tribes of the goddess Danu and the Sids, the Bretons - Korrigai, the Slavs - wild people, the Indians - Gandharvas and Apsars. Remained about this mysterious people and material evidence. So who are they - the oldest inhabitants of the Earth?

strange find

About ten years ago, in the Alpine mountains in the permafrost zone, scientists found the frozen corpse of a man. Due to the fact that the body was constantly at sub-zero temperatures, it was perfectly preserved. According to scientists, it was a man about 40 years old who froze to death on a mountain pass ... several thousand years ago.

Who Otzi was remains a mystery

However, was the deceased human? His clothes, shoes, and personal effects could not be identified from any of the known cultures. The appearance of the deceased was also surprising: he was surprisingly proportionately complex, with perfectly correct facial features, as it was possible to find out with the help of computer modeling. But the most striking thing was discovered when, with the help of modern technology, scientists examined his bone tissue. Despite the fact that he was about 40 years old at the time of his death, he was a young man.

His bones and skeleton were still at the stage of formation, like that of a modern sixteen-year-old teenager. Comparing these data, the experts came to the conclusion that he should have reached maturity at the age of more than a hundred years, and live much longer. Perhaps, it was then that scientists seriously thought about the ancient legends about the eternally young elves.

Beauties and craftsmen

The descriptions of the older people in the legends and myths of different cultures are extremely similar. Firstly, the older race differed from humanity in height: its representatives were either giants, like the Celtic Sids and Indian Gandharvas, or, conversely, babies, like elves and Scandinavian elves. But in any case, they were slender, graceful and surprisingly beautiful.

According to some legends, they were distinguished by longevity - they lived up to five hundred years or more. In other myths, the older people are endowed with immortality. By the way, the children of its representatives were born very rarely.

The older race settled far away from people - in caves, inside hollow hills, in dense forests, on secluded islands. The Sids and other representatives of the older people were skilled craftsmen: their products were many times superior in beauty and quality to objects made by human hands. The elves, for example, were especially famous for being excellent weavers.

In the myths of absolutely all cultures, the older race is endowed with innate magical abilities. In addition, her sons and daughters were distinguished by extraordinary talents in music, singing and dancing that captivated the audience. In India, such music is still called "the art of the Gandharvas" to this day. And the melodies of the elves, who loved to dance in the moonlight, made even inanimate nature dance.

The elves (elves) in early German-Scandinavian mythology are an ageless, magical, beautiful race that lives, like people, on Earth, or in the “elven world”, which was also described as physically real (since according to legend, people get there and return from there alive). Such an idea of ​​alves, partially preserved, even reached the Middle Ages, remained imprinted in language, names, culture and genealogy.

Contacts with people

Despite the fact that the older people lived in isolation, they had numerous contacts with people, about which there is a lot of evidence both in legends and myths, and in medieval chronicles. The relationship between the two intelligent races evolved differently.

Often the older people acted as mentors, teaching their "smaller brothers" various arts and magical techniques. Often, its representatives gave people wonderful objects, predicted the future, or endowed them with some out of the ordinary ability.

So, in England, the legend of Thomas Lermontov (by the way, a distant ancestor of our great poet Mikhail Lermontov) and the queen of elves is very popular. Having visited her, Thomas gained the gift of clairvoyance and bewitching eloquence. And Oisin from the tribe of the goddess Danu told the founder of the Irish church, St. Patrick, about all the features of the relief of Ireland, its rivers and lakes.

However, the older brothers could not stand it when the younger ones were uninvited guests to them. Accidental witnesses to their secret meetings and rituals were often ruthlessly killed. Anyone who sees the ghostly "city of the Gandharvas" in the mountains was threatened, according to Indian legends, with misfortune or death.

In all legends, there is a statement that representatives of the older people love to steal human children, sometimes leaving their own in return. The Indian researcher Krishna Panchamukhi, who was engaged in a comparative analysis of Celtic and Hindu mythology, writes that this ancient kidnapping cannot be regarded as a manifestation of hostility. Due to the low birth rate, the older people, apparently, constantly needed an influx of fresh blood, otherwise they would be doomed to extinction.

There were even marriages between the older people and people. From them were born children with longevity and many talents. Growing up, they often became rulers or great sages, such as the legendary Irish seer Finn, who in the 3rd century AD. led the detachments of warriors who lived in the forests and devoted themselves to war and hunting.

Slavic divas

The Slavs also believed in the older people, calling them “divas”, “samovils” or “samodivs”. They are mentioned in the “Words” - teachings against paganism, and even in the “Word of Igor's Campaign” (“the diva calls at the top of the tree”). It is clear that this name comes from "wonder" - "miracle". Unfortunately, before the advent of Christianity, myths and legends were not recorded in the Slavic regions, so there is much less evidence left about the "samsdivas" than about the sids, elves and gandharvas.

It is known that the divas were distinguished by their beautiful appearance, their women had hair to the toes, which they wore loose. They lived in the mountains or built their houses in the trees. According to the legends, the divas could levitate, but sometimes for some reason they suddenly lost this ability (in the same “Tale of Igor's Campaign” - “having already crashed the divas to the ground”). The distinguishing talent of the divas was the ability to find water - apparently, they were the first dowsers in Russia. Even the divas knew how to heal, predict death, but they themselves were not immortal.

Samodivas were friendly to people, helped the offended and orphans. However, if you anger the diva, he could severely punish, even kill with one glance.

One of the last mentions of divas dates back to the 20s of the last century. It is contained in the notes of the traveler Mikhail Belov, who studied the remote corners of the Urals. He claimed that the locals deeply believe in the existence of wild people who live in mountain caves. These creatures are very beautiful, wise and have the gift of foresight. Sometimes they come to villages and talk about what is happening in the world. The traveler wanted to laugh at "grandmother's tales", but then he realized: isn't it strange that the inhabitants of a mountain village, completely cut off from the world, are well aware of the change of power in Russia and what its leaders want?

Material evidence

With a serious approach to the topic, relying on myths and legends alone would, of course, be unreasonable. Fortunately, several material evidence of the culture of the older people have survived to this day.
The Lancaster Museum (England) has a bowl of the 19th century. As the researchers note, at that distant time, the British did not have the technology that would allow them to do such a thing. At best, this item could appear several centuries later, when blacksmithing and metal engraving advanced significantly. However, physicochemical analysis shows that the bowl was made in the 12th century, and its history is directly related to the older people.

According to legend, a certain peasant, returning from his guests late at night, walked along the hills. In one of them he saw an open door and heard the sounds of music and singing. When he looked inside, he saw people feasting. All of them were young and unusually beautiful. Seeing the guest, the company presented him with a cup of wine. Having received a precious cup, the peasant, without thinking twice, rushed to his heels. They chased after him, but the peasant turned out to be more agile. The lord, whose serf this peasant was, saw this bowl from him and, amazed at its beauty, took it away. Then he presented a magnificent vessel as a gift to the king. For some time, the bowl was inherited by the English monarchs, and then ended up in a museum.

Another amazing find was made on the territory of Ukraine: fortune-telling bones, whose age scientists determine at about 17 thousand years. The lunar calendar is marked on the bones with pinpoint precision, and only modern astronomical calendars can be an analogue of it. Scientists have no doubt that this calendar is evidence of the existence of an older culture than all known ones, since the semi-savage nomadic tribes that inhabited the territory of modern Ukraine at that time had no idea about astronomy.

Who are they?

Experts build a variety of hypotheses about who the representatives of the older people actually were. There is a version that these were people who from the very beginning went not along the technological path of development, but along the path of unity with nature. This explains their innate extraordinary abilities, as well as the desire to live away from settlements, among mountains and forests. Then, biologically, elves, divas and sids are no different from us, and children could well be born from marriages with them.

However, a more popular hypothesis is that it was still a slightly different kind of intelligent life. After all, it has been scientifically proven that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, that is, our ancestors, are completely different types of living beings, although very close. The same can be assumed in the case of the older people.
The most incredible version was put forward by the famous scientist, the author of the sensational film "Memories of the Future" Erich von Daniken. In his opinion, the older people are aliens who settled on Earth. However, von Daniken also admits that these could be descendants from alliances between aliens and earthlings.

Where did the older people go?

Approximately by the 17th-18th centuries, evidence of meetings with representatives of the older people came to naught. And if every third medieval legend told about elves and forces, then they were completely forgotten about later. It turns out that there are no more of them on Earth. Where could they go? The English legends tell about the magical land of Avallon, where the elder people went. It is believed that the legendary King Arthur also sailed there. Most experts believe that the older people simply assimilated with people, because due to the low birth rate they could not maintain their originality.

However, adherents of the theory of the plurality of parallel worlds believe that the older people have primordially lived and continue to live in another dimension. It is their homeland, and on Earth they appeared only occasionally on their own, not very clear to us affairs. In confirmation, experts cite numerous legends about the country of elves, in which time flows differently. Often the hero of the legend, having stayed with the older people for only a couple of days and returning home, finds out that ten years have passed. So, to the abilities of the older people, you can add the ability to travel between worlds.

Descendants of the older people

Recently, I was surprised to learn about people who are seriously convinced that they are carriers of the blood of an older people. They have nothing to do with Tolkienists playing elves. These people even organized their own club, whose members are scattered in different cities of the near abroad, but the backbone of the club is in the Crimea.

They claim to have a slightly different blood composition than normal people. Some medications work differently on them or have no effect at all. The "descendants of the elves" are looking for their fellow tribesmen by signs known to them alone, which they keep secret, reporting only that they are judged by a number of appearance features, as well as by answers to some questions.

Members of this club maintain a close relationship with their Irish counterparts. They all believe that in the generation born at the turn of the 70-80s, the gene of older blood made itself felt. For better or for worse, time will tell. On their website, I was able to see photos of the members of the club. Most of them are really tall and very beautiful...

In addition to legends about how Atlantis, the most famous of the legendary continents, was swallowed up by the ocean, there is information that the huge Pacific continent My also disappeared “in a whirlwind of fire and water”.

In the Gobi desert and in the desert parts of the western United States, the present state of the terrain makes it quite plausible that a nuclear explosion once took place here; similar conclusions can be drawn by looking at the modern area of ​​the Dead Sea.

Documents written in Sanskrit, as well as ancient Mexican texts, describe with high accuracy the destructive actions, alas, well known to us from the testimonies of people who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki: fire descended from heaven, which tore out eyes, corroded skin and entrails.

In traditions and legends, one can find the idea of ​​the cyclical nature of the formation of mankind, which is clearly contrary to our modern idea of ​​linear progress, marked by a whole series of “endings” and “resumptions” of the process.

According to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who, contrary to what her opponents claimed, did not invent her theories, but found them in open dedicated sources, the complete history of mankind goes very far, much further than is commonly believed in modern official science. The simplistic idea of ​​linear progress disappears of itself as soon as one dares to touch on the problem of psychic possibilities that were once available successively to one or another of the great races.

In the third volume of her Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky states: “The people of the Third Root Race possessed a third psychic eye which existed until almost the middle of the period of the Third Sub-Race of the Fourth Root Race, an epoch in which the strengthening and perfection of the skeleton caused it to disappear from the outer human anatomy. However, from the point of view of the psychic and spiritual, his mental and visual faculty of perception remained unchanged until almost the end of the fourth race; only then did its functions cease completely due to the materialism and corruption of mankind. All this happened before the main part of the continent of Atlantis was submerged.”

The founder of the Theosophical Society added in the same third volume: "Inner vision could henceforth be acquired only by exercise and initiation, unless the man was a magician from birth, or a man of increased receptivity, a medium, as such are called today."

One can find startling revelations on this subject in Lama T. Lobsang Rampa's remarkable work The Third Eye. It is impossible to give a truly complete picture of the traditions and legends related to "fantastic" civilizations within the framework of this work. This incredible story did not happen inconsistently: on the contrary, everything happened as if the successive change of twelve cyclical periods of the cosmic clock, marked by the twelve signs of the Zodiac, determined the distribution in our world and the periodic return of the great eras of culture.

It is easy to see the difference between the views expressed in the modern concept of linear progress and the cyclical vision of History.

The latter does not carry the prospect of an irreparable decline of mankind, because the maximum of regression inevitably coincides at the end of the cycle with the beginning of a new "golden age". Here, by the way, is a quote from René Guénon's book The King of the World (p. 85-86) concerning the biblical Ark: a period that serves as an interval between two cycles and is marked by a cosmic cataclysm that destroys the previous state of the world, giving way to a new state.

Many thousands of years ago, our planet was inhabited by a tribe of asuras - people of gigantic growth who could become our ancestors, but ...

According to the Vedas, the asuras were big and strong, but they were killed by gullibility and innocence. The gods, with the help of deceit, defeated the asuras and drove them underground and to the bottom of the oceans. Pyramids scattered all over the planet (in Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, India) indicate that the culture was unified, and the earthlings had no reason to war among themselves. Those whom the Vedas call gods appeared from the sky, they are aliens from outer space. Between the asuras and the "gods" there was a nuclear war, which led to an ecological catastrophe and a change in the living conditions on our planet.

There is a lot of evidence for this hypothesis. A lot of traces of the action of radiation have been found on Earth.

In animals and humans, mutations occur that cause cyclopism (in cyclops, the only eye is above the bridge of the nose). From the legends of various peoples, you can learn about the existence of Cyclopes who are at war with people.

It is known that radiation leads to polyplodia - a doubling of the chromosome set, which causes gigantism and doubling of organs: two hearts or two rows of teeth. Scientists periodically find the remains of giant skeletons with a double row of teeth on Earth.

The third direction of radioactive mutagenesis is monogoloidity. Although now this race on Earth is the most common, but earlier there were much more Mongoloids - they were found in Europe, and in Sumeria, and in Egypt, and even in Central Africa. Another confirmation of radioactive mutagenesis is the birth of freaks and children with atavisms (return to ancestors).

Over a hundred funnels with a diameter of 2-3 kilometers have been found on Earth, among which there are two huge ones: in South America (diameter - 40 km) and in South Africa (diameter - 120 km). If they were formed in the Paleozoic era (350 million years ago), then nothing would have been left of them long ago, since the thickness of the Earth's upper layer increases by about a meter in a hundred years. And the funnels are still intact. This suggests that a nuclear strike occurred 25-35 thousand years ago.

These facts confirm that there was a nuclear war. The fire burned for “three days and three nights” (as the Maya Code of Rio tells) and led to a nuclear rain - where bombs did not fall, radiation fell. Another terrible phenomenon caused by radiation is light burns of the body. They are explained by the fact that the shock wave propagates not only along the earth, but also upwards. Reaching the stratosphere, it destroys the ozone layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet light is known to burn unprotected skin. Nuclear explosions caused a significant decrease in pressure and poisoning of the gas composition of the atmosphere, killing the survivors.

Asuras tried to escape from death in their underground cities, but rains and earthquakes destroyed shelters and drove the inhabitants back to the surface of the earth. Previously, scientists believed that the pipes that operate in our time, going from caves to the surface of the earth, are of natural origin. In fact, they are made using laser weapons to smoke out asuras who have taken refuge in the dungeons. These "Pipes" have a regular rounded shape, which is unusual for funnels of natural origin.

Now it is clear why tunnels thousands of kilometers long have been dug throughout the planet, found in the Altai, the Urals, the Tien Shan, the Caucasus, in the Sahara and Gobi deserts, in North and South America.

Perhaps lasers were used for more than just smoking out asuras. As soon as the laser beam reached the molten underground layer, the magma erupted, eventually forming artificial volcanoes.

Those who remained in the dungeon gradually lost their sight (everyone knows the epic about Svyatogor, whose father lived in the dungeon and did not go to the surface, as he was blind). The descendants of the asuras decreased in size to dwarfs, about which there are many legends. Short creatures have survived to this day, and they have not only black, but also white skin (the Menehets of Guinea, the Dopa and Hama peoples, a little over a meter tall, living in Tibet).

Near Sterlitamak (Bashkiria) there are two dunes of mineral substances. Probably, these are two graves of asuras, there are a lot of similar graves on Earth, but some asuras have survived to this day. In the 70s, the commission on anomalous phenomena received reports of meetings with giants as tall as a 40-story building. The steps of these titans were accompanied by a strong rumble, and their feet fell deep into the ground.

As for life underground, it is possible. According to geologists, there is more water underground than in the entire World Ocean; underground seas, lakes and rivers have been found there. Scientists have suggested that the waters of the World Ocean are connected with the underground, and not only the water cycle between them occurs, but also the exchange of biological species. For the underground biosphere to be self-sufficient, there must be plants that release oxygen and decompose carbon dioxide. But photosynthesis, it turns out, can also occur in complete darkness, it is enough just to pass a weak electric current of a certain frequency through the ground. In places where heat reaches the Earth's surface, forms of thermal life have been discovered that do not need light. Perhaps they can be both unicellular and multicellular, and even reach a high level of development.

The appearance of dinosaurs on Earth (for example, the Loch Ness monster) suggests that creatures living under the Earth sometimes come to the surface to “graze”. Many floating creatures from the time of the asura biosphere may have found salvation precisely underground. Reports of dinosaurs appearing in the oceans, seas and lakes are evidence of creatures penetrating from the dungeon that have found refuge there.

In so many legends there is a mention of a certain older race that once inhabited the Earth. Most of the Western European peoples called them elves, the Scandinavians - elves, the Celts - the tribes of the goddess Danu and the Sids, the Bretons - Korrigays, the Slavs - wild people, the Indians - Gandharvas and Apsars. Remained about this mysterious people and material evidence.

strange find

About ten years ago, in the Alpine mountains in the permafrost zone, scientists found the frozen corpse of a man. Due to the fact that the body was constantly at sub-zero temperatures, it was perfectly preserved. According to scientists, it was a man about 40 years old who froze to death on a mountain pass ... several thousand years ago.

Who Otzi was remains a mystery

However, was the deceased human? His clothes, shoes, and personal effects could not be identified from any of the known cultures. The appearance of the deceased was also surprising: he was surprisingly proportionately complex, with perfectly correct facial features, as it was possible to find out with the help of computer modeling. But the most striking thing was discovered when, with the help of modern technology, scientists examined his bone tissue. Despite the fact that he was about 40 years old at the time of his death, he was a young man.

His bones and skeleton were still at the stage of formation, like that of a modern sixteen-year-old teenager. Comparing these data, the experts came to the conclusion that he should have reached maturity at the age of more than a hundred years, and live much longer. Perhaps, it was then that scientists seriously thought about the ancient legends about the eternally young elves.

Beauties and craftsmen

The descriptions of the older people in the legends and myths of different cultures are extremely similar. Firstly, the older race differed from humanity in height: its representatives were either giants, like the Celtic Sids and Indian Gandharvas, or, conversely, babies, like elves and Scandinavian elves. But in any case, they were slender, graceful and surprisingly beautiful.

According to some legends, they were distinguished by longevity - they lived up to five hundred years or more. In other myths, the older people are endowed with immortality. By the way, the children of its representatives were born very rarely.

The older race settled far away from people - in caves, inside hollow hills, in dense forests, on secluded islands. The Sids and other representatives of the older people were skilled craftsmen: their products were many times superior in beauty and quality to objects made by human hands. The elves, for example, were especially famous for being excellent weavers.

In the myths of absolutely all cultures, the older race is endowed with innate magical abilities. In addition, her sons and daughters were distinguished by extraordinary talents in music, singing and dancing that captivated the audience. In India, such music is to this day referred to as the "art of the Gandharvas". And the melodies of the elves, who loved to dance in the moonlight, made even inanimate nature dance.

Alvas (elves) in early German-Scandinavian mythology are an ageless, magical, beautiful race that lives, like people, on Earth, or in the "elven world", which was also described as physically real (since according to legend, people get there and return from there alive). Such an idea of ​​alves, partially preserved, even reached the Middle Ages, remained imprinted in language, names, culture and genealogy.

Contacts with people

Despite the fact that the older people lived in isolation, they had numerous contacts with people, about which there is a lot of evidence both in legends and myths, and in medieval chronicles. The relationship between the two intelligent races evolved differently.

Often the older people acted as mentors, teaching their "smaller brothers" various arts and magical techniques. Often, its representatives gave people wonderful objects, predicted the future, or endowed them with some out of the ordinary ability.

So, in England, the legend of Thomas Lermontov (by the way, a distant ancestor of our great poet Mikhail Lermontov) and the queen of elves is very popular. Having visited her, Thomas gained the gift of clairvoyance and bewitching eloquence. And Oisin from the tribe of the goddess Danu told the founder of the Irish church, St. Patrick, about all the features of the relief of Ireland, its rivers and lakes.

However, the older brothers could not stand it when the younger ones were uninvited guests to them. Accidental witnesses to their secret meetings and rituals were often ruthlessly killed. Anyone who sees the ghostly "city of the Gandharvas" in the mountains was threatened, according to Indian legends, with misfortune or death. In all legends, there is a statement that representatives of the older people love to steal human children, sometimes leaving their own in return. The Indian researcher Krishna Panchamukhi, who was engaged in a comparative analysis of Celtic and Hindu mythology, writes that this ancient kidnapping cannot be regarded as a manifestation of hostility. Due to the low birth rate, the older people, apparently, constantly needed an influx of fresh blood, otherwise they would be doomed to extinction.

There were even marriages between the older people and people. From them were born children with longevity and many talents. Growing up, they often became rulers or great sages, such as the legendary Irish seer Finn, who in the 3rd century AD. led the detachments of warriors who lived in the forests and devoted themselves to war and hunting.

Slavic divas

The Slavs also believed in the older people, calling it "divas", "samovils" or "samodivs". They are mentioned in the "Words" - teachings against paganism, and even in the "Word of Igor's Campaign" ("the diva calls at the top of the tree"). It is clear that the name comes from "wonder" - "miracle". Unfortunately, before the advent of Christianity, myths and legends were not recorded in the Slavic regions, so there is much less evidence left about the "samsdivas" than about the sids, elves and gandharvas.

It is known that the divas were distinguished by their beautiful appearance, their women had hair to the toes, which they wore loose. They lived in the mountains or built their houses in the trees. According to the legends, the divas could levitate, but sometimes for some reason they suddenly lost this ability (in the same "Tale of Igor's Campaign" - "having already crashed the divas to the ground"). A distinctive talent of the divas was the ability to find water - apparently, they were the first dowsers in Russia. Even the divas knew how to heal, predict death, but they themselves were not immortal.

Samodivas were friendly to people, helped the offended and orphans. However, if you anger the diva, he could severely punish, even kill with one glance.

One of the last mentions of divas dates back to the 20s of the last century. It is contained in the notes of the traveler Mikhail Belov, who studied the remote corners of the Urals. He claimed that the locals deeply believe in the existence of wild people who live in mountain caves. These creatures are very beautiful, wise and have the gift of foresight. Sometimes they come to villages and talk about what is happening in the world. The traveler wanted to laugh at "grandmother's tales", but then he realized: isn't it strange that the inhabitants of a mountain village, completely cut off from the world, are well aware of the change of power in Russia and what its leaders want?

Material evidence

With a serious approach to the topic, relying on myths and legends alone would, of course, be unreasonable. Fortunately, several material evidence of the culture of the older people have survived to this day. The Lancaster Museum (England) has a bowl of the 19th century. As the researchers note, at that distant time, the British did not have the technology that would allow them to do such a thing. At best, this item could appear several centuries later, when blacksmithing and metal engraving advanced significantly. However, physicochemical analysis shows that the bowl was made in the 12th century, and its history is directly related to the older people.

According to legend, a certain peasant, returning from his guests late at night, walked along the hills. In one of them he saw an open door and heard the sounds of music and singing. When he looked inside, he saw people feasting. All of them were young and unusually beautiful. Seeing the guest, the company presented him with a cup of wine. Having received a precious cup, the peasant, without thinking twice, rushed to his heels. They chased after him, but the peasant turned out to be more agile. The lord, whose serf this peasant was, saw this bowl from him and, amazed at its beauty, took it away. Then he presented a magnificent vessel as a gift to the king. For some time, the bowl was inherited by the English monarchs, and then ended up in a museum.

Another amazing find was made on the territory of Ukraine: fortune-telling bones, whose age scientists determine at about 17 thousand years. The lunar calendar is marked on the bones with pinpoint precision, and only modern astronomical calendars can be an analogue of it. Scientists have no doubt that this calendar is evidence of the existence of an older culture than all known ones, since the semi-savage nomadic tribes that inhabited the territory of modern Ukraine at that time had no idea about astronomy.

Who are they?

Experts build a variety of hypotheses about who the representatives of the older people actually were. There is a version that these were people who from the very beginning went not along the technological path of development, but along the path of unity with nature. This explains their innate extraordinary abilities, as well as the desire to live away from settlements, among mountains and forests. Then, biologically, elves, divas and sids are no different from us, and children could well be born from marriages with them.

However, a more popular hypothesis is that it was still a slightly different kind of intelligent life. After all, it has been scientifically proven that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, that is, our ancestors, are completely different types of living beings, although very close. The same can be assumed in the case of the older people.
The most incredible version was put forward by the famous scientist, the author of the sensational film "Memories of the Future" Erich von Daniken. In his opinion, the older people are aliens who settled on Earth. However, von Daniken also admits that these could be descendants from alliances between aliens and earthlings.

Where did the older people go?

Approximately by the 17th-18th centuries, evidence of meetings with representatives of the older people came to naught. And if every third medieval legend told about elves and forces, then they were completely forgotten about later. It turns out that there are no more of them on Earth. Where could they go? The English legends tell about the magical land of Avallon, where the elder people went. It is believed that the legendary King Arthur also sailed there. Most experts believe that the older people simply assimilated with people, because due to the low birth rate they could not maintain their originality.

However, adherents of the theory of the plurality of parallel worlds believe that the older people have primordially lived and continue to live in another dimension. It is their homeland, and on Earth they appeared only occasionally on their own, not very clear to us affairs. In confirmation, experts cite numerous legends about the country of elves, in which time flows differently. Often the hero of the legend, having stayed with the older people for only a couple of days and returning home, finds out that ten years have passed. So, to the abilities of the older people, you can add the ability to travel between worlds.

Descendants of the older people

Recently, I was surprised to learn about people who are seriously convinced that they are carriers of the blood of an older people. They have nothing to do with Tolkienists playing elves. These people even organized their own club, whose members are scattered in different cities of the near abroad, but the backbone of the club is in the Crimea.

They claim to have a slightly different blood composition than normal people. Some medications work differently on them or have no effect at all. The "descendants of the elves" are looking for their fellow tribesmen by signs known to them alone, which they keep secret, reporting only that they are judged by a number of appearance features, as well as by answers to some questions.

Members of this club maintain a close relationship with their Irish counterparts. They all believe that in the generation born at the turn of the 70s and 80s, "the older blood gene made itself felt. For good or for worse, time will tell. I managed to see photos of club members on their website. Most of them really tall and very beautiful.

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