Useful information about the Maldives. Maldives

Republic of Maldives.

Country Summary

Capital Male. Founded 5 centuries BC. Political system Full name - Republic of Maldives. The state structure is a presidential republic, divided into 19 administrative regions (alotts) and 1 district (Male). The independence of the Maldives was proclaimed on July 26, 1965 (formerly a protectorate of Great Britain), in 1968 the Maldives was declared a republic by referendum. The unicameral parliament is the main legislative body headed by the speaker. The head of state, head of government and executive power is the president. Maumoon Abdul Gayoum has been the President of the Republic of Maldives since 1978, very popular and revered among the local population. All citizens over the age of 21 have the opportunity to elect the president and other members of the government. Parliament appoints the president, but for this choice to be valid, he must be supported in a national referendum. The administration of the atolls is appointed by the government itself. There is not a single political party in the country, although this is not prohibited at all. There are also no armed forces here. The office of prime minister has not existed since 1975. The Republic of Maldives is a peaceful country that devotes a lot of energy to cooperation with world countries. She has close relations with Great Britain and Japan, and diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation. Location The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka on both sides of the Equator. In total, there are 1190 islands of coral origin, forming 26 atolls, stretching in a double chain perpendicular to the equator. The local population lives on 201 islands, 88 islands are used as tourist resorts. They have a variety of sizes and are designed to receive a different number of tourists. The length of the Maldivian archipelago from north to south is 820 kilometers, from east to west - 120. The Maldives are washed by the Indian Ocean. The largest cities Male is the capital of the Maldives, as well as the commercial and administrative center. This is the only settlement that can be called a city. Time zone UTC+5. Flight time from Moscow Flight time to the Maldives from Moscow (direct flight Moscow - Male) is 8 hours 30 minutes. Territory The total area of ​​the Maldives is 298 sq. km. Population There are only 339.3 thousand people in the Maldives: Maldivians (Singhalese, Indians) - 90%, Arabs - 9%. Language The official language is Maldivian (Dhivehi). It originated about 1500 years ago, belongs to the Indo-Aryan languages, has its own script called tana, read from right to left. English is widely used in Male and in the resorts. Major Religions The state religion is Sunni Islam. In 1153 AD e. The Buddhist king Kalaminia, who ruled the Maldives at that time, converted to Islam, which remains the main religion to this day. Any other sects and religions are prohibited on the islands. Islam in the Maldives is liberal in nature, similar to that practiced in India and Indonesia.

There are unusually beautiful mosques on the islands, and if you stay a little on the islands, you can immediately feel how important religion is here. On all the islands, residents pray several times a day.

When visiting the mosque, you can see what interesting ancient paintings cover their walls. They depict scenes from history and are designed to strengthen the spirit of the inhabitants of the archipelago, to control their upbringing and thoughts. Mosques also host important official meetings and events.

But religion peacefully coexists with modernity. For example, the minaret of the famous Islamic Center, built more than twenty years ago, peacefully coexists with the post office building. The Islamic center is included in the list of the most beautiful Asian mosques. The authorities took special care of its erection in order to strengthen the nation in this way.

Official currency Rufiyaa (Maldive rupee) = 100 lari, 1 USD = 12 rufiyaa. In circulation there are banknotes of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rufiyaas and coins of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari. Mains voltage Mains voltage - 220 V. Climate The climate is tropical, warm, even due to the proximity of the equator, without significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. The best weather conditions are from November to the end of April (northeast monsoon): the sea is calm, the weather is sunny, hot and dry. Sometimes in June-July there are short rains, but they are not so long - 20-25 minutes, and the sun shines again. From May to October - the monsoon season: heavy rains, high humidity, storms. The average daily maximum is +30.4°С. The average night minimum is +25.4°С. The water temperature is +24–27°C all year round.

During the monsoon cycle (spring and autumn), intense tropical storms and thunderstorms have recently become more frequent.


What money to take with you Dollars. Dollars are accepted everywhere, there is no need to change them to rufiyaa, because even in souvenir shops on local islands, purchases can be paid in dollars. Euros are accepted only in resorts, as well as in some souvenir shops.

Where to change US dollars are accepted almost everywhere. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival.

The American dollar is preferred especially by banks, where only dollars are exchanged for you. Exchange offices sometimes accept other world currencies, but this is not the rule.

In resort areas, you can find exchange offices on almost every corner. Money can be exchanged in large hotels. The exchange rate is almost the same everywhere, a little more profitable in Male than in hotels.

Credit Cards Most hotels, shops, gas stations, car rentals, large shopping malls and restaurants accept payment cards, especially American Express, VISA, MasterCard and EuroCard. There is only one ATM in the Maldives from which you can draw from the account of foreign banks. You will find it in Male in front of the HSBC bank building. Shopping Souvenir products can be purchased in special shops in the resorts, which are open until late evening hours, souvenir shops in fishing villages and Male (Chandani Magu Street).

The diverse craft hobbies of the locals will give you a rich selection of all kinds of knick-knacks and really beautiful rare items.

Typical souvenirs are usually beautiful sea shells, shark jaws (a favorite souvenir of tourists), coconut oil, original silk clothes, sculptures carved from coconut wood, beautiful wooden utensils, painted souvenir plates, colorful fish figurines, paintings by local artists, coral jewelry, sarongs, wood crafts (hand-sawn red and black figurines), coconut monkeys.

On one of the islands, lovely painted boxes and jewelry are produced. They are made from a tree called funa.

On another island, you will find another original souvenir - wicker rugs, which are very light and pretty, they are made, like hand-made cane boxes.

Tourists very often buy wooden miniatures of Dhoni ships or sailboats. Usually Sri Lanka or Indian teas, smoking pipes, fans or sets are brought from the Maldives. You can also buy a CD with local traditional or contemporary music.

Things made from various stones will please you. This is not surprising, since the carving tradition here is very old, carefully passed on to the younger generations.

In Male, you can profitably buy high-quality foreign-made diving equipment and equipment.

Export from the country of black corals, products from a tortoise shell is prohibited.

Tipping Tipping is not officially accepted in the Maldives. But if the service was worth it, then unofficially, no one forbids to thank the attendants with a small amount: a hotel employee - $ 10, a waiter - 5%.

Some resorts add a service charge to the bill (usually 10%), in which case tipping is not necessary.
Taxi Services Classic auto taxis are available only in the capital Male, Gan and Addu atolls. The trip is paid at the rate of 15Rf plus 5Rf for luggage during the day and 20Rf after 24:00. Any stop, even for a minute, automatically ends the trip, which must be paid immediately. If you want to continue the trip, you will have to pay all over again.

There are several taxi services (work around the clock), all cars are equipped with air conditioning. Taxis can be stopped on the street or called by phone (in this case, the trip will cost 10Rf).

Public transport There is no public transport as such. Because most of the islands are so small that transportation is simply not needed there. There is no spectacle familiar to us - a large accumulation of cars, the most common types of land transport are bicycles and motorcycles.

Basically, they use the services of water transport here - a local taxi can be called a wooden boat with a flat roof - dhoni. This is a traditional multi-purpose vessel, now upgraded with diesel engines. On this modest boat, you can swim to the island you need. As a rule, as a sign of greeting, tourists are immediately put on a wreath of pink or white flowers around their necks, offered refreshing, fragrant napkins and coconut milk. Large boats are called Vedis and are used for long journeys to distant atolls.

You can safely bargain with private carriers. There is no timetable, ships sail as they fill with passengers.

Car rental In Male and other major islands you can rent a car.

Road traffic is practically not regulated, there are no markings and road signs, or they have long been destroyed, there are also no traffic lights. The traffic speed is low, but drivers never give way to pedestrians, so you should be extremely careful on the few Maldivian roads.

customs control

To pass customs control at the airport in Male, you must present all things for inspection, including hand luggage. It must be remembered that:

Import prohibited:

Any narcotic substances, including psychotropic
- pornographic materials recorded for viewing video cassettes with films, etc. Only sealed cassettes are allowed
- anti-Islamic literature
- military paraphernalia
- any pork products
- alcohol
- animals
- gunpowder / explosives / firearms / piercing, cutting objects and - - weapons for spearfishing.

As for "objects of religious worship", this can mean anything that can harm the official religion of the Maldives - Islam. A small decorative cross around the neck is unlikely to be considered dangerous, but a large cross with a conspicuous figure of the crucified Christ may be banned from importation. The same applies to images of the Buddha: a small table figurine may not cause objections from customs officers, unlike a large and noticeable one. Surely they will seize the Bible, although they do not specifically search for this item. In any case, it is better to respect the feelings of Muslims

In the event that the above items are present in your baggage, when passing through customs control, they will be confiscated from you and placed in a special compartment at Male airport in exchange for a receipt describing the confiscated item. Upon departure from the country, you can get the seized back by presenting this receipt.

Allowed to import into the country:
- goods for personal consumption within reason (no more than one item per person);
- goods 200 cigarettes;
- 125 ml of perfumes.

It is forbidden to export from the country:

Black coral and products from it (except for souvenirs made by officially certified by the government manufacturers);
- objects and things found at the bottom of the sea.

Allowed to export from the country:

Gifts and souvenirs (shells; shark jaws; postcards, posters, shorts, T-shirts with local symbols, etc.);
- household items: thin-woven reed mats; wooden boxes; baskets woven from palm leaves;
- Coconut oil;
- jewelry.


The Maldives is a network of islands, both inhabited and uninhabited, completely surrounded by water. There are no regular transport links on the islands.

Transport in the Maldives is a boat. The only human invention capable of moving tourists, and even local residents, to a certain island. Tourists upon arrival in the Maldives can rent boats for independent movement, but before you rent a boat, do not forget to agree on a price in advance so as not to get into a conflict situation. The islands are scattered very close to each other, so the trip will not be tedious.

Almost all tourists visiting the islands come here by plane. Male International Airport is located on the island of Hulule, at a distance of 1 km (10 minutes by national boat "dhoni") from the capital of the Maldives - Male.

Due to the geography of the archipelago, most of the transportation is carried out by seaplanes, helicopters and boats. The seaplane is possible only during daylight hours according to the schedule (from 07:00 to 16:00). It should be remembered that hydroaviation does not fly to all atolls. The deHavilland Twin Otter seaplane, notable for its robust construction and high maneuverability, also known as the DHC-6, is capable of descending smoothly and carrying up to 20 passengers. The plane sits on the water, and a boat delivers you to the pier (jet).

There are 2 air carriers in the country - Maldivian Air Taxi and Hummingbird Island Airways. The prices are quite high, it is somewhat cheaper to order a plane through the hotel administration or a travel agency. In addition, the companies offer sightseeing flights and day trips with picnics to uninhabited islands for 250 USD. (approximately). You can take up to 20 kg of luggage with you free of charge plus 5 kg of hand luggage.

Any Maldivian island can be crossed in 1.5 - 2 hours. However, tourism in the Maldives is regulated and independent movement within the islands is not encouraged, as this may have a negative impact on traditional island communities.

If you decide to have a full vacation, and are not constrained by money, then a rather expensive helicopter is at your service, but you will not only quickly arrive at the required place, but also admire the Maldives from above.

You can make a trip to the outer islands, but it is impossible to see everything at once. A travel permit between the atolls is required to visit islands located outside the tourist area; permits are issued by the Ministry of Atoll Management only to people who are invited by the inhabitants of those islands and atolls.


Telephone communication The entire territory of the Maldives is divided into several telephone zones. The cost of a call within one zone is approximately 0.25 rufiyaa per minute, between different zones - from 0.55 to 3 rufiyaa per minute.

For local and international calls, it is recommended to buy Dhiraagu calling cards (cost 30, 50, 100, 200 and 500 rufiyaas). You can buy cards in a special store "Dhiiraagu Teleshop" in Male, as well as from card sellers on any of the major islands.

There are no public telephones on a number of islands, and communication is carried out from call centers (they usually work from Sunday to Thursday from 7.30 to 20.00, on Fridays - from 14.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays - from 9.00 to 18.00), serviced by telephone operators. The cost of a call depends on the distance and is somewhat higher than from a pay phone. From 24.00 to 06.00 the cost of a call is 20% cheaper.

The Maldives also has a mobile connection of the GSM-900 standard. Mobile phones of most standards do not work in the Maldives, but you can rent a phone at the office of the local operator "Dhiraagu". More detailed advice can be obtained from the office of your mobile operator.

Calls to Russia To call to Russia: +7 - area code - subscriber's number. Calls from Russia To call the Maldives, dial: 8 - 10 - 960 - subscriber's number. Area Codes The phone code for the Maldives is 960. Useful Phones Useful Phones

Reference phones:
Reference telephone network - 110.
International telephone operator - 190.
The operator of communication between the atolls is 188.
Meteorological Service - 317-171.
Male Airport Information - 332-211.
Maldives Tourism Development Bureau - 323-228.
Customs Department - 322-001, 310-045.

Emergency services:
Police (rescue service) - 119.
National Security Service - 313-281.
Fire department - 118.
Ambulance - 102.

National cuisine

The cuisine is based on two fundamental ones: Arabic and Indian. Local cuisine usually includes rice, fish curry cooked with coconut milk. Limes, chili and small onions add piquancy to dishes. No dish is unthinkable without spices. An important place in cooking is occupied by sauces, their preparation is akin to the sacrament of a cook in the Maldives.

Rice is used in cooking in all variations - boiled in coconut milk, with various vegetables, peppers, all the same fish or marine arthropods, as well as with bananas, papaya, mangoes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes or breadfruit.

The local roshi bread is very popular and is usually eaten with mashuni, a fish cocktail flavored with coconut, onion, chili and lime.

The main and favorite dish for the islands - tuna with rice - may not be the same, because this time it can be seasoned with a completely different sauce.

Dishes in which fish appears as the main ingredient are very diverse, from simple boiled fish, meatballs and soups, to fish cocktails and fish pies.

Popular hikimas - dried and smoked fish. Also good is a pie with fish, coconut and onion bajiya, the most delicate fish pie coolie borkihaa (kulhi borkihaa). Also traditional fish soup and garudia rice, tuna patties with gulu coconut, baked fish with chili paste fihunu mas (fihunu mas), fried keemia fish rolls, rihaukuru fish pate, fried fish with pepper and garlic teluli mae and others

You can finish your lunch with suji, a very tasty local drink. The locals brew raa, a sweet and delicious palm juice extracted from the top of a palm tree trunk. In the heat, juices are very good, local sweet milk kiru sarbat, sweet palm juice raa, suji drink (suji) and low-alcohol drink gaa from fermented palm milk. Alcoholic drinks can only be bought in hotels, and it is advisable to drink them only indoors, otherwise you risk getting into trouble.

Dessert dish, most likely, will be coconut in any form. Areca nut (an oval nut with betel leaves, cloves and lime) is eaten in the afternoon. If you want to taste local sweets, try bondi (bondi) - white coconut sticks - very tasty! Coconut milk, various puddings, vegetable and fruit salads and pastries are widely used.

A popular drink in the Maldives is tea, which is served with milk. Another drink that you can see more often than others is coffee brewed in Arabic.

In addition to coconuts and bananas, few vegetables and fruits grow on the islands, so most of the products offered at tourist resorts are imported by the Maldives.

Institutional work

Store hours are variable. Most, especially on the larger islands, are open from 07.00-08.00 to 21.00-23.00, but in the summer many shops are open from 13.00-15.00 to 18.00-20.00.

In Male, banks and exchange offices are concentrated on Marine Drive. They are open from 8.00 to 13.30, from Sunday to Thursday (as in many other Muslim countries, Friday and Saturday are days off in the Maldives).

Holidays and non-working days

Holidays in the Maldives are based on the Islamic lunar calendar. This means that every year the holidays are on different days. You will feel the festive atmosphere mainly in the capital, as on this day most shops will be closed. In other cities or regions, you will hardly feel the full grandeur of the holiday.

Usually families gather on holidays, everyone cooks food for the festive table together, decorates and organizes fun. Traditional music is playing, people are dancing, you can hear the wooden instruments and modern jazz and pop music.


January 1 - New Year.
January 8-10 - Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan).
March 15-18 - Eid al Kebir (Day of Sacrifice).
April 6 - Islamic New Year.
June 4-5 - National holiday.
June 15 - Mulud (Birthday of the Prophet).
July 26-27 - Independence Day.
November 11-12 - Republic Day.
September 1 - Huravi Day.
October 28 - Martyrs' Day.
November 3 - Victory Day.

customs and practices

Despite the fact that the Maldives, as an Islamic state, is relatively liberal, visitors to the country must carefully abide by the laws.

Rightfully considered one of the oldest states in the world, the Maldives today can tell you a lot and surprise you a lot. Here you need to constantly remember that the main religion is Islam. And so you need to adhere to the established etiquette.

The usual form of greeting for the Maldivians is a handshake, they officially greet "salaam alaikum", the word "kihenen" greet each other in an informal setting. A carefree and simple existence in harmony with nature is the Maldivian way of life.

In the Maldives, musical traditions that arose in the old days are alive. This applies to music, crafts, dances. Musically, the Maldives are unique and inimitable. You will learn that three styles of song performance have been preserved here, each of which is individual and has its own name.

You will no doubt hear about Bodu Beru. This is both a song and a dance that is performed during the holidays. Once upon a time it was brought from the African continent. Dances are also performed according to tradition, there are several different popular national dances that you will be recommended to watch. For example, Bodu Beru, a costumed dance, is danced by fifteen people, in addition, there is a singer and three drummers play.

There are dances both for women and purely for men - this is what tradition prescribes. The male-only dance, Dhandi Jehun, lasts about an hour and is performed without regard to any event. But the female dance - Boaymalaafas Neshun, reflecting a tradition that has long disappeared, but existed - bringing gifts to the Sultan. This dance is considered one of the most important and interesting dances in the Maldives.

Artistic Maldivians complement the natural beauty of exotic coral islands. Fishing for them is both leisure and profession at the same time. Especially striking is the local hospitality. This trait is passed down from generation to generation among the Maldivians. The Maldives is a place where a tourist is always a welcome guest.

Precautionary measures

Precautionary measures:

Buy water in plastic bottles.
- The Maldives is a Muslim country, therefore the laws, therefore, are appropriate, therefore, for those who like to drink, the road here is either simply closed or they must refrain from this unprofitable pleasure.
- collecting corals and, moreover, taking them out of the country is a criminal offense
- it is forbidden to break, tear live and dead corals in the ocean and near the coast, damage the shells and raise them to the surface, fish near the islands, throw any garbage on the islands, for this it is necessary to use dustbins to avoid problems
- you can not visit the capital Male and the islands where the locals live, and are in beachwear
- it is also forbidden to wear things that do not cover the body from the shoulder to the knee
If you are going to the beach, regular beachwear will do. But if you suddenly want to visit the fishing villages and the capital Male, then you should respect local laws and wear modest clothes.
- while diving and swimming, you should pay attention to the sharp edges of coral reefs, and also do not touch marine life, they can be poisonous

Penalties apply for violations!

This small country is located on 20 atolls in the equatorial Indian Ocean. More than 2000 km separates the Islamic Republic from India. The distance to Sri Lanka is much less: if you look at the Maldives on the world map, you can see that the states are about 700 km apart from each other.

Island Information

The state of Maldives is formed by almost 2000 coral islands. About 400 thousand people live here, and Islam is the dominant religion. The total area of ​​the Republic of Maldives is 90 thousand km 2, however, no more than 300 km 2 fall on the share of land from it.

Interestingly, the only city and port of the country is its capital, Male, located on the atoll of the same name. The remaining islets are almost uninhabited and only occasionally there are hotels on them.

The time in the Maldives is UTC +5, so when flying, you should prepare in advance for changing time zones.

Monthly weather in the Maldives

Climate features are determined by the location of the Maldives. It belongs to the subequatorial monsoon type, so the weather is drastically different in the dry and rainy seasons. Depending on the month of the trip, you have to prepare for the following:

    January. A trip to the islands this month will definitely be successful due to the warm, sunny and calm weather and the calm that reigns in the ocean. Although technically January refers to the rainy season, the rainfall is minimal, which guarantees a wonderful beach holiday and the opportunity to go diving. In the daytime, the thermometer rises to at least +24 °C, and the water temperature averages +27 °C.

    February. At this time, crowds of tourists usually flock here. The ocean continues to delight with a comfortable water temperature of +25 °C, and the daytime air temperature rarely drops below +28 °C. There are practically no waves, and the sky is perfectly blue and cloudless. Therefore, even inexperienced divers can start learning the tricks of diving, and the almost complete absence of precipitation allows you to ride a yacht or a catamaran to your heart's content.

    March. This month is also considered to be quite hot and dry, and the average air and water temperatures differ little from February. The sand remains very warm, and there are practically no tropical showers. In March, many local flora bloom, but be prepared for occasional sandstorms.

    April. At this time, the southwest monsoon comes to the Maldives, bringing with it a change in weather. Storms in the ocean are rare, the heat intensifies, but the rains here are still infrequent guests. If you cannot stand stuffiness, it is worth postponing the trip: the air temperature is mostly +30 °C, and the water temperature reaches +28 °C.

    May. Very strong winds begin to blow, sometimes turning into hurricanes. There is much more precipitation: about half of the days in May are rainy. At the same time, the weather constantly surprises. The sun is replaced by heavy rain and vice versa.

    June. This month continues the May trend as the southwest monsoon takes over. There are very strong gusts of warm wind. In June, the maximum precipitation typical for this region falls in the Maldives, but their amount rarely exceeds 200 mm. Ocean waves sometimes reach gigantic proportions. The thermometer stays at an average of +30 °C, and the water temperature in the ocean is +27 °C.

    July. At this time, the islands are not very comfortable due to frequent rains. However, they quickly end, and soon the sky is partially cleared and the sun peeps through the clouds. In July, approximately 160 mm of precipitation falls, and the air temperature is +31 °C. In water, the thermometer usually shows +27 ° C. Thunderstorms are possible during which coolness is felt.

    August. This month is considered the most changeable on the islands. In early August, the sea is quite warm and calm, winds and hurricanes practically stop. It rains relatively infrequently, and the atolls are still hot. But already at the end of the month, the sky becomes more and more covered with clouds, it often rains, and the wind intensifies.

    September. Both day and night, the weather is predominantly warm, and the exhausting heat recedes. Remains quite high humidity, and precipitation falls up to 200 mm. The average number of rainy days in September is 15-16. Rains are often accompanied by severe thunderstorms, but the ocean remains quite warm with water temperatures around +27 °C.

    October. The air temperature drops slightly to +27-29 °C, and the water temperature drops to +26 °C, which does not interfere with swimming at all. It rains much less often: usually no more than 100 mm of precipitation falls.

    November. This month, the northeast monsoon arrives in the Maldives, bringing with it warm and dry weather. Winds and rains rarely bother tourists, and the thermometer on average shows +28 ° С. Water warms up to +25 °С.

    December. At this time of the year, everything blooms on the islands, so they turn into a real tropical paradise. Daytime temperatures rise to +30-32 °С, and the water temperature in the ocean rarely drops below +25 °С.

How to get to the Maldives

In any guidebook, where you will find everything you wanted to know about the Maldives, it is indicated that the connection between the island state and the mainland is carried out exclusively by air. The country's only airport is located in the capital Male. You can get to it in the following ways:

    Direct flight of Aeroflot from Moscow. New Airbus A-330-200 aircraft take off from the Russian capital twice a week: on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If it is important for you to know how long it takes to fly from Moscow on such a direct flight, you will have to be patient: the flight duration is approximately 9 hours.

    Please note that when returning from the Maldives, you will have to pay an airport tax of 10 USD - 15 USD, which is not always included in the airfare.

    A flight with a transfer of Qatar Airways (transfer point - Doha), Singapore Airlines (transfer point - Singapore) or Emirates Airlines (transfer point - Dubai). The cost of tickets for air liners of these air carriers already includes the airport tax.

    On a Srilankan Airlines connecting flight. To do this, you will first have to fly to Dubai or Colombo and purchase a ticket to Male for 180 USD - 250 USD at the local airport. This is the most budget flight option for those who want to save money.

The average cost of a flight between the capitals of Russia and the Maldives ranges from 570 USD to 720 USD one way.

Visa to the Maldives and customs clearance

There is no need for residents of Russia and the CIS countries to obtain a visa to travel to the Maldives, since there is a visa-free agreement between the countries. However, given the dramatic change in climate and the exotic nature of the region, it does not hurt to purchase a medical insurance policy. Weekly insurance will cost about 25 USD - 45 USD.

It is very important to comply with the rules of the customs legislation of the Republic of Maldives. They talk about the following:

  • You can import and export foreign currency in unlimited quantities.
  • 125 ml of perfume or cologne and 200 cigarettes, as well as no more than one personal item per passenger, are allowed without payment of duty.
  • It is strictly forbidden to transport with you pork and meat products from it, salami sausages, pornographic goods, drugs, souvenirs from the shell of a sea turtle or dark coral, as well as antiques found at the bottom of the ocean.

Be sure to note that the import and export of any alcoholic beverages in the Maldives is prohibited. Violation of this rule may result in arrest.

The cost of holidays in the Maldives

Many Russian celebrities such as Volochkova are very fond of relaxing in the Maldives. This is due to the very comfortable climate and reasonable prices for accommodation. If you are wondering how much a standard ticket to the Maldives costs, please note that it depends on the following factors:

  • duration of the trip;
  • hotel category;
  • the island on which the hotel is located;
  • food and entertainment included in the price;
  • season.

The more services the hotel offers for vacationers (SPA, swimming pools, animation, sauna and much more), the more expensive the rest will be. If you are planning a trip for 7-8 days with booking a single or double room with half board and a minimum of entertainment, you will have to spend from 2600 USD to 5500 USD.

The wedding tour involves a romantic weekend for the newlyweds and will cost from 1750 USD to 2500 USD. The price includes decoration of the room, services of photographers and musicians, fruit, wine or champagne and a solemn wedding ceremony of an informal nature. An all-inclusive tour is suitable for those who want to completely relax during their trip. Its price - from 3500 USD to 7000 USD for a weekly stay in a 4 or 5 star hotel - includes three meals a day and free drinks throughout the stay.

Those who want to save money should pay attention to last-minute tours: they are usually 30% cheaper. Also, for the most budget holiday in the Maldives for 8 days, you will have to spend about 2000 USD if you book a room in an inexpensive three-star hotel without special amenities. The price includes airfare and medical insurance.

The Maldives is a real sunny paradise on earth, where you can easily recuperate after a long-awaited vacation.

/ Maldives

Maldives - country information

SQUARE: 298 sq. km.
POPULATION: Maldivians, Arabs, Africans
CURRENCY UNIT: Maldivian rufiyaa, equal to 100 lari. 1 US dollar is approximately equal to 12 rufiyaa. In circulation there are banknotes of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rufiyaas and coins of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari. However, US dollars and major credit cards are accepted almost everywhere. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival.


Millions of years ago, during global geological cataclysms, a large number of volcanoes erupted from the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Over the years, the volcanoes have subsided, leaving behind only coral reefs in the sea. The reefs gradually turned into tiny coral islands with desperate sailors drifting around them in search of treasure.
Maldives today best known for their white sandy beaches, crystal lagoons and azure skies - a dream come true for any vacationer.
The Maldives consists of 1,190 small coral islands and covers an area of ​​10,400 sq. km. These islands lie no higher than 2 meters above sea level and 73 degrees east of the equator. The islands are grouped into 26 "atolls" and vary in size and features. Some of them are completely sandy, while others are tropical islands with rich vegetation, amazing lagoons full of marine life and white sandy beaches.

Maldives located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka on both sides of the Equator. In total, there are 1190 islands of coral origin, forming 26 atolls, stretching in a double chain perpendicular to the equator. The local population lives on 201 islands, 88 islands are used as tourist resorts. They have a variety of sizes and are designed to receive a different number of tourists. The length of the Maldivian archipelago from north to south is 820 km, from east to west - 120 km. The total territory of the Maldives, together with land and sea, is about 90 thousand square meters. km.


The inhabitants of the Maldives are of one race, one culture and one religion - Islam. Physically, the inhabitants of the Maldives are a mixture of Asian, Arab, Negroid and Mongoloid races.
The origin of the inhabitants of the Maldives is shrouded in mystery. The faces of today's Maldivians reflect the influence of Arabs, Africans and Indonesians who have contributed to the racial and cultural characteristics of the Maldives. The people here are friendly and "sunny and warm" by nature. The population of the Maldives is about 260,000 people with a literacy rate of 98%. Since 1960, English secondary education has been declared in the country and is now standardized.
Dhivehi Maldivian is the national language, which is a mixture of Singaporean, Tamil, Urdu, Persian and Arabic. The Maldivian script known as "Thaana" is written from left to right.
The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean southwest of India. The Maldives are 26 natural atolls, each surrounded by coral reefs and several deep natural channels. Each island is also surrounded by a protective layer of coral reefs and a shallow lagoon.
The Maldives consists of 1190 islands and only 207 of them are inhabited.


Almost all visitors to the Maldives arrive at Male International Airport. All visitors must have a valid passport. Visitors from areas affected by yellow fever require a vaccination certificate. A visa does not need to be issued in advance. Tourist visa for 30 days will be issued to all tourists with properly executed documents.
During the period from December to March, when most resort islands are full, it is recommended to get a booking confirmation before traveling to the Maldives. However, for the convenience of visitors without prior reservation, there is a Tourist Information Center located in the arrivals hall, where you can also book a holiday. For clean entry, you must have information from the hotel. All visitors to the Maldives must have a return air ticket and at least $25 for each day of stay.


The Maldives has a great choice of accommodation for its visitors. You can choose hotels and guest houses on 69 resort islands, which will soon become 74.
The resort island is a world in itself. Created from uninhabited islands, each island is just one hotel, specially maintained in pristine condition and serving a limited number of guests. Pristine white beaches are ideal for relaxation and a healthy tan under the Maldivian sun. Surrounded by the majestic coconut palms that characterize the Maldives, the vegetation on the islands is remarkably similar; rings of tropical vegetation, adapting to different environments, sea salt and other conditions, closer to the beach line open the way to shrubs and plants, and towards the center to more sensitive and dense plants.
Just inside the line of vegetation for maximum privacy on a typical resort island along the beach are scattered small bungalow-style rooms where accommodation is offered. Most of the rooms are shaded by trees. All of them are equipped with modern amenities and devices. Most of the resort islands have at least 2 restaurants. Some large resorts are able to offer up to 5 different restaurants. In addition to exotic buffets and barbecues, there is local and continental cuisine.

Most entertainment centers are located around the sea. The reefs around the islands are ideal for diving and underwater photography. Activities such as water skiing and windsurfing can seem a bit extreme. Water sports equipment can be rented on almost all resort islands.
Those who want to relax can relax on the beach; sitting under the sun or in the cool shade of greenery; admiring the beauty of the surrounding nature or just looking at the ocean and the horizon line, where green islands jump out of the blue ocean. The beaches seem secluded and never crowded. Each resort island is a Robinson Crusoe island, but equipped with modern pleasant little things that are invisible at first. As local artists in the Maldives describe, relaxing on the beach is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also a sport and an art. There are very few places in the world where you can truly have a lot of fun doing nothing.

Holidays in the Maldives and cruises along the islands can be a great alternative to relaxing on resort beaches. Some of the larger ships have diving and windsurfing equipment with qualified instructors on board. The food prepared by the team members from freshly caught fish may seem modest, but it costs nothing for a tourist to stop somewhere for sumptuous food or drinks.
On a cruise, dining in the open air of the Maldives can be an unforgettable experience. The equator crossing the Maldives could be any astronomer's dream.
In addition to safari boats and resorts, there are several hotels and guest houses. These dwellings serve mainly business travelers. Large establishments provide meals. Tourist accommodation is also possible on Gan Island, the southernmost atoll of the Maldives.


Tourist resort islands have their own boats for transfers and serving their clients. Visitors with confirmed reservations are met upon arrival at the airport and taken by boat, helicopter or plane to the selected resort island. The transport and communication services provided to tourists are usually of high quality.
There is no regular inter-island transport system between the inhabited islands. The ad hoc transport system is operated mainly by local dhoni or baththeli boats, which have an average speed of about 10 km/h. You can rent dhoni and even modern motor boats. Air Maldives, the national airline, offers scheduled flights to Hanimaadhoo, Kadhdhoo, Kaadhdhoo and Ghana airports.


Male, the capital of the Maldives, is the commercial center, seat of government and many important historical and religious sites. With an area of ​​over 1.77 sq. km., it is home to more than 60 thousand people and the most intense and popular island of the archipelago. In the past it was known as Sultan's Island.
Good Friday Mosque, Massid al-Sultan Mohammed Thakurufanu-al-Az Zam is the largest mosque in the Maldives. It also includes the Islamic Center. This Grand Mosque, with its majestic golden dome, adorns the landscape of Male. It can accommodate over 5,000 believers.
The Old Friday Mosque, with its unique minaret and the tombs of national heroes and royalty, gives the visitor a glimpse into the past. Paintings in the mosque and royal cemeteries are unique and priceless.
Other important attractions in Male include the tombs of legendary saints, Mulee-age - the Presidential Palace and the National Museum in Sultan Park, which show past glory in different centuries. All of them are within 10 minutes walk from each other.
Fruit, vegetable and wood markets are never empty and are picturesque places where islanders from other atolls trade their goods. The fish market, located nearby, is empty at first while the fish are being caught, and in the afternoon fishermen begin to flock here with their prey. Fishermen cutting and cleaning fish have turned this process into an art. It is a clean and well developed area that attracts many tourists and gives a glimpse into the life of a typical Maldivian fisherman.


Male is the best place to shop if you are interested in buying imported goods. Most tourist-oriented shops sell handicrafts and souvenirs. It's always interesting when you can walk among the shops, choosing something better. Stores recommended by guides or sellers hired as guides are not the best place to shop.
If you are looking for tax-free duty free shops, you can find several of them at Male International Airport.


The Maldivian currency is the rufiyaa and the laari.
1 Maldivian rufiyaa is equal to 100 laari.
1 US dollar is approximately equal to 12 rufiyaa.
In the Maldives, there are banknotes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rufiyaas and coins of 2 and 1 rufiyaa, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 laari.


The dominant industries in the Maldives are fishing and tourism. The Maldives exports canned tuna, dried and frozen fish, tropical aquarium fish, as well as fresh-frozen Shashimi - all caught in the unpolluted waters of the Maldives with waste and chemicals. In recent years, the growth of tourists has increased by 10%. More than 300,000 tourists visit the Maldives every year.
Several charter flights serve the capital Male. It takes about 10 hours to get to Male from Moscow via Europe and 8 hours by direct charter flights.


Tropical warm, even due to the proximity of the equator, without significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. The best weather conditions are from November to the end of April (northeast monsoon): the sea is calm, the weather is sunny and dry. Sometimes in June-July there are short rains, but they are not so long - 20-25 minutes, and the sun shines again. The average daily maximum is +30.4oC. The average night minimum is +25.4oС. The water temperature is +24-27oС all year round.


Dhivehi and English. Dhivehi is a local language spoken only in the Maldives. The writing is called "Thaana". English is the main language taught in schools. Most people in Male and the tourist resorts speak English.


The Maldives is perhaps the only country in the world with a 100% Muslim population. Islam came about 800 years ago and the middle form practiced in the Maldives has remained unchanged.


Attention! When traveling by seaplane in the Maldives, you are allowed to carry luggage up to 25 kg free of charge. For 1 kg overweight surcharge $2.


Any alcoholic product
Any video materials
Weapons for spearfishing
pornographic material
Narcotic substances
Gunpowder and explosives, chemicals
Firearms, incl. spearfishing weapons


Alcoholic products. They will pick you up at the airport (luggage office) and give you a receipt.
Video materials. All video / film production is withdrawn for viewing by special in exchange for a receipt. When flying back from the Maldives, after passing through customs control, you can receive the confiscated alcohol and video materials in a special window of the storage room by presenting a receipt.
Upon departure from the Maldives, when passing through customs control, you will be seized:
All piercing and cutting items from hand luggage (decorative knives, nail files, etc.). We advise you to take all piercing and cutting objects in your luggage, do not leave them in your hand luggage.


Break, tear live and dead corals in the ocean and near the coast.
Damage shells and raise them to the surface.
Catch fish near the islands. For this purpose, fishing is organized in hotels, both for ordinary and large non-commercial fish.
Spearfishing is strictly prohibited.
Throw empty cans, tin, glass and plastic bottles and other rubbish on the islands.
It is forbidden to visit the capital Male and islands where locals live in beachwear.
Nudism and topless (topless) are prohibited.


Time difference with Moscow: +1 hour in summer, +2 hours in winter.


The Maldives is a visa-free country. A visa is issued upon arrival at the airport in Male upon presentation of a passport, a return ticket and an amount of money sufficient to live in the country. Instead of money, you can present a voucher for a hotel. The maximum validity of a visa is 30 days. There are no restrictions on the number of entries into the country. When leaving the country, you must pay an airport tax of 10 am. USD

Customs formalities and airport fees: In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives, tourists are not allowed to import: any alcoholic beverages, drugs, any pornographic materials, recorded video cassettes, weapons for spearfishing. Upon departure from Male, by presenting the appropriate receipt, you can get back alcoholic beverages that were selected at customs upon entry.


Vaccinations are not needed.


There are no restrictions on movement. To visit one of the islands inhabited by the indigenous population, you must obtain a special permit.


There is no Russian embassy in the Maldives. Contact the Russian Embassy in Sri Lanka, Colombo. Tel. (94-1) 57-35-55, 57-49-59 (around the clock).


As souvenirs, shark jaws, handicrafts, light summer clothes, coconut oil, shells, etc. are brought from the Maldives.


any light clothing of your choice is acceptable. Even in deluxe hotels, most restaurants do not require evening wear. For the beach, regular beachwear is recommended. It should be remembered that nudism and topless are prohibited in the Maldives (with the exception of the Kuramathi islands, where topless is allowed).
When visiting the fishing villages and the capital Male, tourists should, respecting Muslim traditions, wear modest clothing.


Despite the fact that Islam practiced in the Maldives is softer than in most Arab countries, one should not forget the following:
spearfishing and unauthorized fishing are prohibited;
it is forbidden to get corals, shells, starfish, etc. from the sea;
nude swimming is prohibited on all islands of the archipelago.


The attractions of the Maldives include the National Museum, Sultan Park, the Singapore Bazaar, the Islamic Center and 20 picturesque mosques in the capital.


local cuisine usually includes rice, fish curry cooked with coconut milk, spiced with lime, chili and small onions. Roshi, local bread, is usually eaten with mas huni, a fish cocktail flavored with coconut, onion, chili, and lime.
Among the local snacks, fihunu mas - fish baked with chili paste, keemia - fried fish rolls, kulhi borkihaa - the most delicate fish pie are very popular. Among the sweets, there is a very tasty bondi - white coconut sticks.

Capital- city of Male
Square- 298 sq. km.
Population- 393 thousand people
Language– Maldivian
Form of government- presidential republic
Date of Independence (from UK)- July 26, 1965
Largest cities— Male
Currency- rufiyaa
Timezone — +5
Telephone code — +960

From above, they resemble a handful of opals scattered in the ocean blue, this is a divine work of art, and perhaps diabolical, because they are very seductive. Located in the Indian Ocean, 700 km southwest of, 26 atolls, consisting of corals that have grown around extinct volcanoes, are the Republic of Maldives. Each of the 26 atolls has natural riches - white sand beaches, clear turquoise water and lush tropical vegetation. In total, there are about 2 thousand islands, but only 200 of them are inhabited and 87 receive tourists. So there are hotels for every taste.

Maldives - video

The Maldives are like animated pictures depicting a typical paradise island. Warm tropical sea and miles of white sandy beaches surrounded by palm trees. Just do not look for mountains here - they are not here. The islands are completely flat, they are even considered the flattest area in the world. Many of the islands rise above the water by no more than 2 meters. The population of the Maldives speaks Dhivehi, but when they enter school, at the age of three, children begin to learn Arabic. Most of the youth are also fluent in English. And the literacy rate will give odds to more developed countries, it reaches 99%.

Over the past few years, the Maldives has experienced a boom in foreign tourism. And this is completely understandable - the country can offer tourists any conditions: from the simplest to those that meet the most demanding tastes. Accommodation from campsites to 5 star hotels. But all the proposals have something in common - sapphire waters, golden beaches and emerald forests.

Looking at this beauty, you understand - the best place in the world for romantics. The weather here is beautiful, so this is the right place for rest and relaxation. The beaches here are rarely crowded, so it seems like you have your own beach.

In hotels full of oriental luxury, you can enjoy all the amenities and live like in a fairy tale. In endless pools, the water from which flows directly into the Indian Ocean, it is very easy to imagine yourself as a mermaid or an inhabitant of the ocean depths. It is impossible not to rest here. With the highest service, it remains only to relax and enjoy. And this proves how well the Maldives is adapted for tourists.

- the capital of the Republic of Maldives. Of the 400 thousand people living in the Maldives, about a third live in this city. Male is a lively large city typical of tropical islands. With numerous shops, lively bazaars and even traffic.

Islamic Center- one of the most famous buildings in the city of Male, the roof of which is crowned with a golden dome. This is the largest mosque in the Maldives - it can accommodate 5,000 worshipers. Its beautiful wood carvings and Arabic calligraphy attract many admiring tourists.

A 20-minute boat ride from Male (the capital of the Maldives) is bandos island. This is a small island with a perimeter of 600 meters. Each of his bungalows is literally 3 meters from the beach.

Gan Island- the southernmost island of the Republic of Maldives, located beyond the equator. Its dimensions are 5 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide.

If the Maldives manages to maintain its reputation as the main center of attraction for divers of the entire planet, and manages to maintain everything that they have today, then they will remain such a center forever. Someone will come here for relaxation, entertainment and romance, someone to devote themselves to exploring the many wonders of the underwater world. And no one, neither nature lovers, nor fans of beaches and massages, nor those who need adrenaline, will be disappointed in the Maldives - wonderful islands at the very end of the world.

Road junction of the Maldives

The transport interchange between the islands is represented by two types of communication - boats and seaplanes. Most of the islands are small enough to be easily explored by bike. The peculiarity of this type of travel here is that in whatever direction you go, you will always find yourself on the seashore.

1. First of all, you should know that in the Maldives (as in many other countries) it is forbidden to get all kinds of corals, shells and the like from the sea. Also, it is not allowed to fish near the island, and spearfishing is completely prohibited.

2. One of the important virtues of the Maldives is that there are neither mosquitoes nor any other unpleasant insects and animals.

3. During a trip to the Maldives, it is worth spending at least one night under the open sky, looking at the stars. You can sleep right on the street, because the temperature at night does not fall below 24 degrees.

4. The main value of a holiday in the Maldives is the ability to step back from problems and stress.

5. If you decide to go on vacation to the island of Gan, be prepared for the fact that the island cuisine can greatly disappoint you. The thing is, almost no vegetables grow on the island and the hotel chefs have to cook from the products that are delivered here by plane. Often, these are products that are stored for a long time, and therefore lack exquisite taste.

6. Before traveling to the Maldives, it is recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B. To avoid unwanted situations, it is better to take out insurance.

After the vacation, I did not find the strength to talk about. Gathering my thoughts, I'm talking.

Who owns the Maldives?
No one, this is an independent state, located on 2000 islands, right on the equator (only a hundred islands are inhabited). The country is run by a president. Religion - strict Islam. The population is 300 thousand people, for the most part the descendants of the Dravidians (the ancient Austroloid population of South Asia), who are colloquially referred to as "black Indians". Tourism and fishing are the main sources of income for the treasury.

Are there cities?
There is, but only one, he is the capital. The main problem of the country is that all the islands are very small, there is nowhere to build cities. The city of Male is located on one of the largest islands (it is also called Male). The airport is on a neighboring island, 15 minutes by ferry. Male is built up very densely; in terms of population density, this island ranks second in the world after one of the islands of Hong Kong. 100 thousand people live in Male, a third of the population of the Maldives. There are practically no one-story houses, they are built in 5-6 floors, there are also 10-story buildings. There are a lot of cars on the island, including jeeps and trucks, although everywhere there is normal asphalt, and the entire island around the perimeter can be walked around in an hour. Sports cars were especially surprising, because in Male it is difficult to accelerate faster than 40 km / h. Typical street:

Why is everything so expensive there?
Everything is very expensive, because each island is self-sufficient. Male has its own large thermal power plant, on the islands - only small diesel power plants. Male has wells, other islands have distillers, just like Tatooine from Star Wars. And all the water in the water supply comes from distillers. On the tourist islands, all products are imported, including fish and fruits (nothing grows except coconuts). There are no factories for the production of, say, drinks in the Maldives - bottled drinks are from abroad. To get from island to island, you need to overcome many kilometers of the ocean surface, and trips on speed boats and, especially, on seaplanes are also not cheap. Prices for a tourist in Sri Lanka, where I visited on the same trip, are one and a half to two times lower than the Maldivian ones.

Is it really heaven on earth?
Depends on how you imagine paradise. In any case, paradise is not in Male, but on the tourist islands. One island, according to the unwritten rule of the Maldives, is one hotel. The tourist lives in a bungalow, a simple one-story structure, the pomp of decoration of which depends on the "star" of the hotel. From the bungalow there is direct access to a snow-white beach with the purest water, around the expanses of the ocean, coconut palms and helpful hotel workers. Food and drinks in bars-restaurants. For some, Crimea is a paradise. On the beach:

But what about the original nature?
Do not deceive: there is a lot of nature. In the sea next to you swim colorful equatorial fish and fatty tuna. We saw a reef shark at a depth of one and a half meters on the first day. Moray eels and stingrays were not noticed, but they were heard about. The sand is strewn with pieces of coral, you can admire the living ones by diving with a mask. Hefty crabs teem on the beach in the evening. A palm-sized tropical cockroach and lizards roamed the bathroom. Most of all I liked the fearless herons, ignoring beachgoers, and flying foxes - huge bats (wingspan more than a meter) hanging on trees and flying overhead at dusk. Foxes do not drink blood, but love fruits.
Tourists are urged to take care of the local nature. For offending a fish, you will receive a fine of several hundred dollars. At the same time, locals fish with impunity anywhere and any kind. The central sewer in Male and other islands flows directly into the ocean. Since there are no incinerators in the Maldives, garbage is also drowned in the sea. But, of course, they are not in a hurry to tell tourists about this.

What other pitfalls are there?
An ordinary tourist who comes to the Maldives does not see the country - he is taken from the airport to the island-hotel, and then back. I, as a curious tourist, spent a day and a half in the capital. Few people know that the Maldives has its own currency "rufiyaa", because in hotels settlements are in dollars. Since the water supply on the islands is connected to distillers, in the event of a breakdown, the entire island loses not only its soul, but also food - there is nothing to wash the dishes with. Yes, remember, I spoke about strict Islam? It is forbidden to import alcohol into the country, that is, it is useless to buy a bag of booze in a Moscow duty-free shop - they will take it away at the entrance. Alcohol is available only in tourist hotels on the islands, and at a sky-high price ($7 for a pint of bad beer, $5 for 50 g of whiskey). In Male, alcohol is not sold at all, but there is a wide range of “non-alcoholic beer”. Tastes like lemonade lemonade. Here, for example, is Holsten's choice (Holsten is not local, but brewed in Hamburg specifically for the Maldives!):

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