Music therapy. "Music therapy as a method of regulating the emotional well-being of preschoolers"

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Music therapy as a means of healing children


In today's society, music is one of the artistic activity. Even ancient Greek philosophers noted the role musical art in the aesthetic education of the individual and its positive therapeutic effect on the personality. Plato argued that on the one hand, the “musical ally” sent to the world puts the harmony of the individual in order, on the other hand, removes the disharmony of his mind. Music therapy is a treatment through music, creative self-expression.

Music therapy is widely used in many countries of the world for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of disorders, including developmental disorders, emotional instability, behavioral disorders, sensory deficits, physical and combined disorders, spinal cord injuries, psychosomatic diseases, internal diseases, mental disorders, aphasia. , autism.

As an integrative method, music therapy includes medical, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic methods in its arsenal.

Relevance of the topic: this topic has become very popular at the present time, but is still little studied in Russia. A deeper study of the impact of music therapy on the development and health of children is needed, as in modern conditions there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children, requiring the development of more effective measures.

According to research by specialists, 75% of adult diseases are laid down in childhood. Only 10% of children come to school completely healthy, and many fall behind not because of laziness, but because of poor health. Physicians, parents and teachers everywhere ascertain the lag, delays, violations, deviations, inconsistencies in the development of children, the inferiority of their health.

The aim of the work is to study music therapy as one of the independent directions in therapy for working with children using literary sources.

In this regard, the main tasks can be formulated:

1. study the research literature on music therapy;

2. to identify the types of musical activities used in music therapy;

3. find out the importance of music therapy as a health-saving process for children;

4. Familiarize yourself with various types music therapy activities (choral singing, playing musical instruments, dancing).

In the course of writing the essay, various types of literary sources, sites, which are presented in the form of a list of references.

1. Brief history of the development and use of music therapy

music therapy correctional psychological child

How powerful is your enchanting sound!

Mozart. magical flute

The history of the relationship between music and man is rooted in the distant past, to the origins of mankind.

Scientific and historical evidence shows that dances and songs predate articulate speech. This indicates that music is the primitive language of mankind.

The use of music for healing purposes also has a long history. In the past, music was widely used in medical practice. This is known from the works of Plato, from the biography of King David, is mentioned in the myths about Apollo, etc.

The term "music therapy" is of Greek-Latin origin and means "healing with music". There are many definitions of the term "music therapy". A significant part of scientists consider music therapy to be an auxiliary means of psychotherapy, a means of specific preparation of patients for the use of complex therapeutic methods. Other authors define music therapy as: - the controlled use of music in the treatment, rehabilitation, education and upbringing of children and adults suffering from somatic and mental illnesses; - the systemic use of music to treat the physiological and psychosocial aspects of an illness or disorder; - optimization tool creative forces and pedagogical and educational work.

An outstanding physician of all times and peoples, Avicenna, a thousand years ago, treated patients with nervous and mental illnesses with music. In Europe, the mention of this dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the French psychiatrist Esquirol began to introduce music therapy into psychiatric institutions. Characteristically, the use of music in medicine was predominantly empirical.

Music therapy became more widespread after the First World War. In the 1930s, the experience of military doctors was used by German therapists in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and Swiss ones in the treatment of mild forms of tuberculosis. Austrian obstetricians with the help of music anesthetized childbirth. The use of music and sound as an anesthetic began to be used in dental and surgical practice. All this practice became the basis for the development of music therapy after the Second World War.

In the second half of the 20th century, technical capabilities in the study of physiological reactions that occur in the body in the process of musical perception have increased significantly. It has been shown that music actively affects the functions of all vital physiological systems, the intensity of various physiological processes, respiration and the cardiovascular system, blood circulation, and even leads to certain hormonal and biochemical changes.

2.Music therapy: directions, tasks, functions

The role of music in people's lives is increasing over time. Scientists, composers, teachers, musicians have developed the problems of children's musical education and upbringing. Many researchers note the therapeutic effect of musical rhythm on all systems and functions of the child's body, including the development of thinking, attention, and motor skills. The psychophysical direction of musical activity is associated with the positive influence of music on various systems of the child's body.

There are four main directions of the corrective action of music therapy:

1. Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy.

2. Skill development interpersonal communication, communicative functions and abilities.

3. Regulatory influence on psychovegetative processes.

4. Increasing aesthetic needs.

The following are indicated as psychological mechanisms of the corrective influence of music therapy: * catharsis - emotional release, regulation of the emotional state; * facilitating awareness of their own experiences; * confrontation with life problems; * increasing social activity; * acquisition of new means of emotional expression; * facilitating the formation of new relationships and attitudes.

Music therapy goals:

Strengthen children's health through music;

Teach children to recognize the emotions and feelings conveyed by music;

Develop a sense of rhythm, give the child the opportunity to fantasize and invent movements.

Music therapy is a special kind of musical activity aimed at preventing, improving and correcting various psycho-emotional and behavioral deviations, at rehabilitating a person by means of musical art. Music performs sedative (relaxation), stimulating and cathartic functions.

The sedative (relaxation) function is related to the fact that as a result of specially organized musical activity, muscle and emotional tension is relieved, a person calms down, and restores physical and emotional strength.

The stimulating function, on the contrary, is aimed at mobilizing and activating all the physical and emotional capabilities of a person: it leads to muscle tone, vital important systems body, fills with positive, vivid emotions and gives a good mood. In this case, major, rhythmic, dance music is used.

The cathartic function of music is opposed to the sedative and stimulating. Its essence is not in making up for the missing emotions, but in delivering a person from oppressing feelings. "Catharsis - from the Greek - cleansing - originally: an emotional shock, a state of internal cleansing, caused in the viewer of an ancient tragedy as a result of a special experience for the fate of the hero, as a rule, ending in his death."

3. Mechanisms of the influence of music on a person

Music therapy includes:

Listening to musical works;

singing songs;

Rhythmic movements to music;

Combination of music and visual activity.

Goals of classes with the use of music therapy:

Creation of a long-term emotional background of rehabilitation (removal of the anxiety factor that occurs in this contingent of children due to abrupt change social and personal status);

Stimulation of motor functions;

Development and correction of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions,

representations) and sensory abilities, disinhibition of speech function.

Music therapy uses various therapeutic mechanisms:

Allows you to overcome the psychological defense of the child - to calm or, conversely, to activate, set up to interest.

Helps to establish contact.

Promotes the development of communicative and creative abilities


Increases self-esteem through self-actualization.

Helps to express feelings.

Develops empathy.

Assists in the establishment and development of interpersonal relationships.

Forms valuable practical skills: playing music

instruments, singing, listening to music, etc.

Helps keep your child entertained musical games, singing, dancing, moving to music, improvisation.

4. The use of music therapy techniques in working with children

There are the following methods of music therapy in working with children:

1. Directed visualization method K.O. Connor (music and relaxation). Children need to be taught to relax just as keenly as adults. Sometimes children are very tense physically and emotionally. This leads to irritation and irrational behavior. They need help to relax. Often this allows you to identify the source of irritation. When relaxing, children can lie on the floor, they can take any comfortable position, bending and stretching the body are very useful. Can be used special exercises yoga. Music serves as background.

Having relaxed, the child builds images that are pleasant to him, revives pleasant memories that will help him cope with existing phobias or tension.

2. Music and meditation. Meditation is an excellent way of teaching relaxation - relaxation. Specially selected music serves as a background for music therapy. After meditation exercises, children can draw or move to music. Meditation is of two kinds: directive and non-directive. Directive meditation - accompanied by a story, may include elements of suggestion that set children up in a certain way. Non-directive meditation takes place when the listener freely surrenders to the images and associations that arise in him in the process of observing the development of musical content. The child is immersed in his own inner world and imagine whatever he wants.

3. Method of directed fantasies V. Ocklender (music and fantasies). Fantasies are extremely valuable for the development of children. They are used as a therapeutic agent. Music is used as a background, as an illustration, it can be organically woven into the task. This method helps children to express repressed feelings, needs, aspirations and thoughts in a safe, gentle way. The child reacts much more easily to a metaphorical representation of his life than to rude realistic images. The metaphorical power of music helps him in this.

4.Listening to music. It is very important for classes related to listening to music: to specifically select the musical repertoire and methods of working with it; use in the classroom of other types of musical activities of children: musical movement, singing, playing in the orchestra, conducting; the use in the classroom of works of other types of art, primarily fine and fiction.

5. Vocal therapy is especially indicated for depressive, inhibited, egocentric children. The advantage of group vocal therapy is that each participant is involved in the process. At the same time here great importance it also has a moment of “anonymity” of feelings, “hiddenness” in the general mass, which creates a prerequisite for overcoming contact disorders, for affirming one’s own feelings and a healthy experience of one’s bodily sensations.

Songs are selected according to the mood of the group. Group placement is a vicious circle. The leader sings along with everyone. When a certain state of the group is reached, each participant is given the opportunity to propose a song, to nominate a leader. The sing-along is associated for many with overcoming shyness, as the sing-along gets into the spotlight.

6. Choral singing is the most effective means of educating not only the aesthetic taste, but also the initiative, imagination, creative abilities of children, it best contributes to the development musical ability(singing voice, sense of rhythm, musical memory), the development of singing skills, promotes the growth of interest in music, increases the emotional and vocal-choral culture. Choral singing helps children understand the role of the collective in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of the worldview of children, has an organizing and disciplining effect on children, fosters a sense of collectivism, friendship.

7. Playing musical instruments. Along with listening to music, it is important to use active music-making, which helps to increase self-esteem - to overcome the ambivalence of behavior. Most often, music therapy associated with performing activities is group therapy. Active music therapy involves playing musical instruments.

For the performance of simple pieces, you can even use such simple tools like drum, triangle, xylophone. Classes are limited to the search for the simplest melodic, rhythmic, harmonic forms and represent an impromptu game. Dynamic adaptability develops, the ability to listen to each other. Since this is a group music therapy, the game is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic. The most important thing is that a child expresses himself through playing a musical instrument.

8. Dance movement therapy can serve as a bridge between the world of consciousness and the unconscious. With dance movement therapy, a child can use movement to express himself more fully and to keep his identity in contact with other children. Dance movement therapy is the only type of therapy that uses a lot of free space. Movement behavior expands in dance, helping to recognize conflicts, desires, and can contribute to living negative feelings and release from them.

5. Main mechanisms of psychological corrective influence

Music therapy can be used both as the main method and as one of the auxiliary methods. There are two main mechanisms of psychological corrective influence, characteristic of the method of music therapy.

The first mechanism is that the art of music makes it possible to reconstruct a traumatic conflict situation in a special symbolic form and thereby find its resolution.

The second mechanism is related to the nature of the aesthetic reaction, which allows changing the action of the “affect from painful to pleasurable”.

A distinction is usually made between retrospective and prospective phases of music therapy. The retrospective phase has the task of prompting the participant to experience the need to actively disclose the internal conflict. Listening to music should bring a person into confrontation with his inner life. Experiences that until then remained unconscious or only partially conscious are transformed into concrete representations. In this phase, music with a deep emotional content should be used, such as symphonic music from the 19th century. In the prospective phase, two approaches are possible. The first is the discharge of mental tension, the expression of which can be muscle tension. The second is the development of the need to listen to music, the expansion of the range of experiences, the stabilization of well-being.

There are individual and group music therapy. Individual music therapy is carried out in three versions: with a distinctive communicative, reactive and regulatory action. In the first case, the teacher and the child listen to the piece of music, here the music helps to improve these relationships. In the second, purification is achieved. In the third - neuro-psychic tension is removed. All three forms can be used independently or in combination. They represent, in a certain sense, passive music therapy. Along with this, there is an active individual music therapy, the purpose of which is to overcome communication disorders. It is carried out in the form of a teacher's music lessons together with a child.

Group music therapy is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic.

Music therapy helps to improve the relationship between the teacher and the child, develops a sense of inner control, opens up new abilities, and increases self-esteem.

6. Positive effect of music therapy.

Experts identify the following positive effects of using music therapy:

*Music has a strong calming effect on hyperactive children;

* Closed, constrained children become more spontaneous, they develop skills of interaction with other people;

*Improves speech function;

*Improves sensorimotor function;

*Music therapy is very effective in correcting communication disorders, it often helps to establish an emotional dialogue even when other methods have been exhausted;

* The child experiences a positive experience of the success achieved when mastering various ways of playing music, his interests develop;

*Music has a beneficial effect through the bodily level on the emotional state of a preschooler;

*Music has a huge healing potential and the ability to influence the spiritual development of the child;

*Music, as a rhythmic stimulus, stimulates physiological processes that occur rhythmically in the motor and vegetative spheres.


Currently, music therapy is considered an independent direction, a kind of section of psychotherapy, it is entrusted with a number of tasks for psychocorrection. Despite the fact that the use of music for medicinal purposes is now becoming more widespread, the theoretical aspects of music therapy have not been fully developed.

The purpose of classes using music is to create a positive emotional background, rehabilitation, stimulation of motor function, development and correction of sensory processes and sensory abilities, disinhibition of speech function.

The most important for children's activities is the training of observation, the development of a sense of tempo, rhythm, time, mental abilities and fantasies, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, the development of volitional qualities and the ability to restrain affects, the development of general fine and articulatory motor skills.

To accomplish these tasks, the organizing principle of musical rhythm and its emotional impact on the child's behavior.

Practical material is a variety of tasks that are organically related to music and are arranged according to a specific lesson scheme, providing for the correct alternation of physical and mental stress. Musical accompaniment regulates the pace and nature of movements, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes smooth, sometimes jerky. From the very beginning, music should guide the behavior of the child, restrain excessive excitability in some and activate passivity and inertia in others. The child himself must feel the leading role of music.

The direct therapeutic effect of music on the neuropsychic sphere of children occurs with its passive or active perception. Music therapy contains a system of various differentiated methods, some of which are, of course, traditional, others are modified in a certain way in accordance with the specifics of a speech disorder. Music therapy includes listening to music, singing songs, rhythmic movements to music, a combination of music and art activities, etc.

Musical rhythm is used in the treatment of disorders of motor and speech functions, correction of delayed development of psychomotor, impaired sense of rhythm, deviations in speech breathing. With preschoolers, it is carried out in the form of classes combined with rhythmic games, breathing exercises. Music therapy is used for speech pathologies of organic origin, has a beneficial effect on intellectual activity, music has a positive effect on learning activities, increases learning motivation, and increases satisfaction with learning.


1. Burno M.E. Practical guide in creative self-expression therapy. M., 2002, p.214.

2. Vorozhtsova O.A. Music and play in child psychotherapy. Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy. M., 2004, p.90.

3.Vygotsky L.S. psychology of art. Minsk, 1998, p.356.

4.Music therapy in music education: Materials of the first all-Russian scientific and practical conference / Ed. A.S. Klyuev. SPb., 2008, p.254.

5. Nazaikinsky E.O. Psychology of musical perception. M.: Music, 1974, p.378.

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Therapeutic possibilities of musical art.

The perception of music, its performance are the main forms of not only musical perception, but also musical psychotherapy. History has left many facts testifying to the successful use of the therapeutic possibilities of musical art since ancient times. Humanity learned about the healing properties of music from the Bible.

The first to scientifically explain the healing effect was Pythagoras. In the III century BC. e. in the Parthian kingdom, a musical medical center was created, where, with the help of specially selected melodies, they treated melancholy, nervous disorders, and heart pains.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous psychoneurologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev began to study the influence of music on the human body. The scientist came to the conclusion that music can relieve fatigue and energize a person, positively affect the circulatory and respiratory system. Academician Bekhterev believed that mothers sing to their babies for a reason. “Without a lullaby, the full development of a child is generally impossible,” the scientist wrote.

Spiritual, religious music restores peace of mind, gives a sense of peace. If we compare music with medicines, O religious music is an analgesic in the world of sounds, that is, it relieves pain.

Thanks to the scientific research of Swedish scientists, it became known to the whole world that the sounds of the bell, containing resonant ultrasonic radiation, kill typhoid bacilli, causative agents of jaundice and influenza viruses in a matter of seconds. And it is no coincidence that during the period of epidemics, bells rang tirelessly in churches.

Mozart's music has a universal effect - and all experts are unanimous in this. It has a truly magical effect: for colds and headaches, depression and mental stress. Moreover, the effect of the music of the great Austrian extends not only to people, but also to domestic animals and even to inanimate objects. For example, in Europe, they found that cows who regularly listened to Mozart's works gave more milk, and the Japanese believe that Mozart makes bread more fluffy, and sake rice vodka more fragrant.

It has been established that during singing there is a special vibration of the internal organs. On the one hand, it helps diagnosis, on the other hand, it activates the functions of breathing. Singing cheerful songs helps with heart ailments, contributes to longevity.

Not only certain melodies, but also certain instruments help a person feel better. So, it is believed that the harp harmoniously affects the work of the heart. The drum also helps the diseased heart to normalize the rhythm and heals the hematopoietic system. A gentle violin heals the soul and promotes self-knowledge of a person. The noble organ harmonizes the activity of the spine and puts "order in the head." It was not for nothing that works were performed on it mainly in churches and temples, after which people came out with a clearer consciousness and pure thoughts.

The piano normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, and the flute expands and cleanses the lungs.

Music therapy can be an effective treatment for childhood neurosis, which is increasingly affecting preschoolers today. The current preschool educational institutions should by all possible means help the society to solve these problems.

The main focus is on introducing children to works of high musical art: works of the "golden fund" of musical culture. The best music for treatment and relaxation is classical.

Relaxing, relaxing music can be listened to both during the day and in the evening, before going to bed, in a comfortable, pleasant environment. At the same time, the room should have a muffled, calm light. Comfortably seated, or lay down the children, remind about correct breathing(As a rule, experts advise not to breathe with the chest, as we are used to, but with the stomach, exhale at the expense of “ten”.) Thanks to such breathing, air enters the cells and helps to relax better.

Activating classical music improves brain activity, helps to return lost and expended energy. Use this music while playing, taking morning routines.

Music therapy has three types: receptive (passive), active, integrative.

Integrative Music Therapy includes two methods:

Musical color therapy- synthesis of music and color (perception of music in combination with color).

Music isotherapyI- based on the synthesis of musical and visual perception. Musical perception in combination with viewing the masterpieces of world art has a strong psychotherapeutic effect on the child, helps to get out of conflict situations, deepens attention, awakens a sense of love for oneself, for life. Transferred to paper (in drawing) music gives self-confidence.

Receptive Music Therapy used in working with preschoolers with visual impairments, speech disorders, who have emotional and personal problems.

Active music therapy includes vocal therapy which helps the cardiovascular system and folklore therapy which teaches the harmonization of the external and internal world of a person.

Kinesitherapy develops as an independent technique and is based on the connection between music and movement, includes: choreography, corrective rhythm,rhythm therapyanddance therapy. It gives a positive effect in children with impaired speech, vision and hearing, musculoskeletal apparatus.

A special place in kinesitherapy is occupied by dance therapy. Mastering the dance, those involved not only learn the movements, but also create an artistic image. He. It has a great emotional impact on performers and spectators.

Music therapy is used both in the process of listening to music and in the process of the exercises themselves.

To relieve stress, or vice versa, to activate the emotional sphere of the child's personality, they use music for relaxation, as well as recording the sounds of nature (the noise of the sea, forest, thunderstorms, etc.)

Music therapy exercises.

Exercise "Sound of the sea".

Students listen to the sounds of the sea and then invite them to "breathe" like the sea. Take a quiet, soft breath with your stomach and gently raise your hands up. And then exhale to the sound "sh". Exhale for a long, long time, drawing in the stomach so that all the air comes out. Gently lower your arms and inhale again.

Relaxation exercise "Magic dream"

Calm music sounds with the sounds of nature. The teacher offers to sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. Installation:“You are now in a magical dream. Rest easy with your eyes closed. May everyone have a good good dream.”

Eyelashes fall...

Eyes are closing...

We rest in peace (2 times),

We fall asleep with a magical dream.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply ...

Our hands rest...

Feet rest too...

Rest, fall asleep ... (2 times)

The neck is not tense

And relaxed...

Lips slightly open

Everything is relaxing wonderfully ... (2 times)

The tension has gone...

And the whole body is relaxed (2 times),

It's like we're lying on the grass

On the green, soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...

Lips are warm and flaccid

And not at all tired.

We rested calmly

They fell asleep with a magical dream.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Exercises for rhythm therapy.

Exercise "Air Bubbles"

To the sounds of the splashing of the waves, the children walk very quietly, lightly and softly on their toes, dancing to the music. They represent themselves as water bubbles, light and weightless.

Exercise "Heron".

Students sing any sound and stand as long as possible on one leg, spreading their arms to the sides like wings. This exercise trains the sense of balance, develops coordination of movements, forms the correct posture, strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Exercise "Snowdrifts and the sun."

One child is the "sun", all the rest are "snowdrifts". To the sound of a blizzard, children “turn into snowdrifts” and freeze in a certain position. The teacher asks what or who they have become. Then the "sun" with a soft touch helps the "drifts" to melt. After all the snowdrifts have "melted", the students dance to any cheerful music.

Exercises formusic therapy.

Exercise "Carpet-flying".

In this exercise, invite the children to fly on a magic carpet with Ivan Tsarevich. Students examine reproductions of paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf" and "Flying Carpet". To calm music, they close their eyes and imagine themselves as Ivan Tsarevich or Tsarevna, the children “fly” in the air on a magic carpet. The teacher touches them in turn, and they tell what they see below, below them, above, whether they are afraid to fly, whether it is cold or warm, whether it is easy to breathe, they want to fly even higher or go down to the ground.

Exercise "Sleeping Princess".

Students examine a reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "The Sleeping Princess". They are invited to imagine themselves in the images of various fairy-tale characters in the picture, and freeze in a pose characteristic of this character. Then the teacher touches them in turn and everyone “wakes up” and dances in accordance with the chosen images to the music of P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”.

Vocal therapy.

« Melodization proper names or neutral phrases"- Ask the child to sing his name or any phrase (what he is doing now). Complication. Ask to sing your name or phrase with a certain intonation - anger and determination, sadness and despondency, fun and joy, calmness, etc.

« Melodization calls" - Sing emotionally colored calls with different intonations. (“Forward, friends!”, “Oh, how sad I am ...”, “What luck, what joy ...”, etc.). Children sing on a note and pitch that is convenient for them.

Exercise byfolklore therapy.

Atexercise "Whowhat does he play?"

Blindfolded children one after another must guess the names of folk musical instruments sounding alternately.

In addition to music therapy, music accompanies children and adults during the day in the group.


« hare».

Children perform movements according to the text.

Here are fluffy bunnies

They sleep peacefully in their beds.

But bunnies stop sleeping

It's time to get up grey.

Pull the right hand

Pull the left hand

We open our eyes

Playing with legs

We press the legs

Straighten the legs

Now let's run faster

Along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side

And we'll be completely awake!

Wake up, eyes!

Wake up, eyes! Are your eyes awake?

Children lie on their backs, lightly stroking their closed eyes.

Wake up ears! Are your ears awake?

Rub your ears with your palms.

Wake up, hands! Are your hands awake?

Rub hands from wrist to shoulder.

Wake up legs! Are your legs awake?

They tap their heels on the bed.

Wake up kids!

We woke up! Stretch, then clap.

« Sip».

Who is already awake?

Who stretched so sweetly?


From toes to toes.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small

We are growing, growing, growing!


Children stretch, alternately stretch their right hand, then their left, arch their backs.

« kittens».

Little kittens are funny guys:

Then they curl up into a ball, then turn around again.

Children lie on their backs, arms along the body. They bend their knees, legs pull up their chests, clasp their knees with their hands, return to her.

To keep the back flexible

So that the legs are quick,

Do kittens

For back charging.

Children lie on their backs, hands “in the castle” behind their heads, legs bent at the knees .. Tilt the knees to the left, in and. n., tilt of the knees to the right, in and. P.

The steam locomotive puffed

he took the kittens for a walk.

Children sit, legs together, hands in support behind. Bend the legs at the knees, pull them to the chest with the sound "f-f" on the exhale.

Kittens have afternoon tea soon?

Their bellies are rumbling.

Children sit in Turkish, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose

drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

Here come the kittens

Got to the sun.

Children stand on the floor, raise their hands up, stretch.


little kids

Little kids are sleeping

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Dream magic all look.

The dream is magical and colorful,

And a little funny.

The mischievous bunny is dreaming,

He hurries to his home.

Dreaming of a pink elephant

He is like a small child

Laughing, playing

But he doesn't fall asleep.

Sleep, little children!

A sparrow sits on a branch.

He chirps and you hear:

Hush, hush, hush, hush...


Lullaby of cubs

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

I sing a song to Sasha

About funny teddy bears

What are they sitting under the tree?

One paw sucks

The other one gnaws at the seeds.

The third sat on a stump,

He sings a song loudly:

"Sasha, sleep, sleep,

Close your eyes…”


(lullaby of the Ural Cossacks)

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

There is a house on the edge.

He is not poor, not rich,

The room is full of guys.

The upper room is full of guys

Everyone is sitting on benches

Everyone is sitting on benches

They eat sweet porridge.

butter porridge,

Spoons are painted.

The cat sits next to

He looks at the kids.

You, cat-cat,

You have a gray pubis

white skin,

I will give you a kokurka (butter biscuit).

Come on, kitty

Download kids to me

To me, kids to swing, lull.

And the night will end...

(Russian folk lullaby)

Bye-bye, bye-bye

And the night will end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in bed until morning.

The cow sleeps, the bull sleeps,

A beetle sleeps in the garden.

And a kitten next to a cat

He sleeps behind the stove in a basket.

The grass sleeps on the lawn

Leaves are sleeping on the trees

The sedge sleeps by the river,

Master class for parents of preschool children "Music therapy in the system of health saving"

Author: Gulyaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, music director of GBOU secondary school No. 19 JV "Kindergarten "Korablik"
Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region

The material is relevant for teachers of kindergartens and schools.
Target: reveal the possibilities of music therapy in the prevention of diseases and health improvement of children and adults.
- to teach methods of vocal therapy based on diaphragmatic breathing;
-offer practical musical material for use at home;
- Teach techniques for relaxing muscles and expressing emotions.
Hello dear parents! There is no need to convince anyone that music can create a certain mood and evoke corresponding emotions. But the fact that she is also an excellent doctor is not known to everyone. Meanwhile, the ability of sounds to heal a long time ago was noticed by ancient healers. Music therapy is not limited to psycho-emotional impact, it is able to penetrate the body not only through the hearing organs, but also through the skin, as it has a wave nature, and the skin contains vibroreceptors that perceive sound waves, which, acting at a certain frequency, trigger the pain system. That is, in the mechanism of musical influence there is a phenomenon
bioresonance. It is known that each cell of our body oscillates with a certain frequency, and if these vibrations fall into resonance with sound vibrations, the cell reacts to sound in a certain way. Cancer cells react very violently to music, and from one music they begin to actively grow and multiply, and from another, on the contrary, their growth slows down. Music therapy also has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, broncho-pulmonary pathologies.
Listening to what kind of music gives a healing effect? It's basically classical works performed by a symphony orchestra : "Ave Maria" by Schubert, "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven, "The Swan" by Saint-Saens relieve tension; "Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky is capable of curing stomach ulcers; the creative impulse is stimulated by Dunaevsky's "March" from the movie "Circus", "Bolero" by Ravel, "Saber Dance" by Khachaturian; to prevent fatigue, it is necessary to listen to "Morning" by Grieg, "The Seasons" by Tchaikovsky; complete relaxation can be obtained after listening to "Waltz" by Shostakovich from the movie "Gadfly", "Snowstorms" by Sviridov; normalizes blood pressure and heart activity Wedding March» Mendelssohn; relieves headache and neurosis listening to "Polonaise" Oginsky; the suite "Peer Gynt" by Grieg normalizes sleep and brain function; Beethoven's Sonata No. 7 cures gastritis, and Mozart's music contributes to the development of children's mental abilities. Do not abuse listening to rock, too loud aggressive music, as this is fraught with the accumulation of negative emotions, nervous tension and excitement.
Besides, the sound of individual instruments((clarinet, cello, violin, flute, piano, organ, etc.) at a moderate pace and volume of sound affects different organs and parts of the body. The clarinet activates the circulatory system; violin and piano soothe; the flute has a positive effect on the bronchi and lungs; cello - on the genitourinary system; harp harmonizes the work of the heart, relieves heart pain, relieves arrhythmia; the body leads to a state of spiritual harmony; trombone has a positive effect on the skeletal system, relieves clamps in the spine; percussion clear energy channels.
In order to correct the psycho-emotional states of children, I offer all parents a selection of "therapeutic" musical works both performed by a symphony orchestra and the sound of individual instruments.
With the help of children's songs, you can also correct the condition of children. A major cheerful, dynamic melody is able to cheer up, speed up the work of the heart, raising blood pressure and speeding up the pulse, and minor melodic, calm music is appropriate when, as they say, it is necessary, as they say, "to moderate the ardor", relieve overexcitement, for relaxation.
With the onset of the winter period, with exacerbation of broncho-pulmonary diseases, it is especially important to use vocal therapy. The impact of vowel sounds on the body is different, since each vowel has its own amplitude of vibration of the vocal cords. Singing some vowels energizes, others calms, relaxes, relieves tension, which is an excellent prevention against stress. In addition, each sound affects a specific organ. For example, "BUT" positively affects the functioning of the heart, large intestine, stimulates energy;
"O" stimulates the liver;
"U" helps to stabilize emotions, affects the psyche;
"E" acts at the cellular level, stimulates cell regeneration;
"E" helps to overcome an inferiority complex;
"AND" improves brain function;
"I" activates internal forces organism, immune system;
"YU" the sound of youth, renewal, has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, skin.
The most important sounds are "A" and "O", these are donors that give the body energy.
The use of full breathing contributes to the achievement of the desired healing effect.
Before singing vowels, you need to take the pose of a ballerina, take a deep breath (“belly”), hold your breath and then use the energy of a full exhalation, imagining how the sound goes up like a golden thread. Such diaphragmatic breathing strengthens the respiratory system, which helps to increase resistance to colds and other diseases, and is also an effective means of removing toxins and cleansing the body, massage the internal organs. The pitch of the voice should be comfortable for the singer, the duration should be until full exhalation, the time of singing one vowel should be several minutes.
Very effective for healing sound games with consonants. Games with sound "AT" it is useful to perform with the onset of a runny nose. “Close your eyes, spread your arms and sound like a plane that is far away, then it is approaching (the sound gets louder), then it sounds very loud, then the plane is moving away.” Or the sound game “Wind” when “B” sounds, imitating the howling of the wind. You can also play with sound. "AND"("Beetles"), with which you can relieve a cough, or with a sound "Z"- if you have a sore throat. Playing with sounds will help relieve fatigue "Tr-tr-tr"("We start the engine"), "SH", which relaxes, relieves tension ("Blow off the ball"). Games can be accompanied by movements, which is very popular with children.
Exercises and etudes from "Psycho-gymnastics" by M. Chistyakova will help to create a calm mood, a relaxed state of masculature, relieve tension.
During the training with parents exercises for muscle relaxation"Old Mushroom", "Icicle", "Rod" and sketches for the expression of various emotions"Sour and sweet", "The chanterelle overhears".
An important factor in achieving mental, and hence physical health and psychological stability are the Formulas of musical self-hypnosis:
1. Formulas of psychological stability: “I go firmly through life”, “Just laugh” and others.
Example: "Just laugh!"
Just laugh and smile, but don't give up, don't let go.
And get up and straighten up, hold on tight and laugh again!
2. Formulas for accepting misfortune: “Whatever happens to me” (smile in case of failures), “I forgot about my failures” (forgetting failures) and others.
Example: "I forgot about my failures"
I forgot my defeats, I forgot my sorrows,
I forgot what weighed on me, everything that weighed heavily on my heart.
I don’t remember anything bad, and I don’t need another happiness,
I don’t call, I don’t regret, I don’t cry, I forgot my failures.
3. The formula for relaxation and calm: "Oh peace, silence"(lullaby to myself)
Oh, the peace, the silence and the anticipation of sleep.
Sweet to me in silence, soft light pours into my soul to me.
Take a break from worries, fall asleep, dear friend,
And rather in silence, forget everything that was around.
4. Worry and Bad Thought Protection Formula: "Do not stress yourself in any work"
In any work, do not strain, and if you strain, quickly relax.
Tense muscles are a source of anxiety, from which fatigue goes to the mind and brain.
And if you relax them, you will not get tired for a long time, you will be healthy, fresh, like a bright May day!
5. Positive Thought Formula: "My life is what I think about it"
My life is what I think about it, my strength is what I think about it.
My will is what I think about it, my health is what I think about it.
I think that my life is beautiful, I think that I am very happy.
I believe that I do not live and think in vain, and my fate will bestow happiness on me!
6. Formula for increasing self-esteem and positive perception of others "I am good, you are good"
I am, I am good. I, I, I am calm. I, I, I am healthy. I, I, I'm funny.
I am very smart. I am very kind. I am very strong. I am very brave.
I, I, I love you. I, I, I love you. I, I, I love you. I love you.
You, you, you are the smartest. You, you, you are the kindest. You, you, you are the most gentle. You, you, you are the best.
You, you, you are just amazing. You, you, you are amazing. You, you, you are just an angel. You, you, you are a gift of fate.
Those who wish are also offered Fasting Formulas, Health Formulas for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of internal organs, bronchial asthma, and pain in the legs.
(Formulas with musical accompaniment are contained in the book by V. Petrushin "Musical Psychotherapy")
What is their effectiveness? They are aimed at forming in a person such principles in relation to the life around him that would contribute to harmony of his inner world. Resilience in case of failure, protection against negative thoughts, the ability to enjoy life and thank fate are the main content of these formulas. They are aimed at cultivating faith in life and searching for those reference points in it that give it meaning. Orientation to the meaning and to the deed is an important factor mental health and psychological stability.

Music accompanies us throughout his life. It is difficult to find such a person who would not like to listen to it - either classical, or modern, or folk. Many of us love to dance, sing, or even just whistle a tune. But do you know about the benefits of music for the body? Certainly not everyone thought about it.

But the pleasant sounds of melodies are used as a treatment method without drugs. This method is called music therapy, and its use has a positive effect on the body, both adults and children.

A bit of history

The fact that music has an effect on the human body was pointed out by the philosophers of the ancient world. Plato, Pythagoras and Aristotle in their writings talked about the healing power that the melody has. They believed that music served to establish harmony and proportional order in the entire universe. It is also able to create the necessary balance in the human body.

Music therapy was also used during the Middle Ages. This method helped in the treatment of diseases that caused epidemics. At that time in Italy, this method was widely used in the treatment of tarantism. This is a serious mental illness, the cause of which was the bite of a tarantula (poisonous spider).

This phenomenon was first attempted to be explained only in the 17th century. And two centuries later, scientists began to conduct extensive studies of this phenomenon. As a result, the fact was established that the twelve sounds included in the octave have a harmonious connection with the 12 systems of the human body. With the directed influence of music or singing on our body, amazing things happen. Organs are brought into a state advanced level vibrations. A similar process allows you to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and activate recovery processes. As a result, a person gets rid of ailments and recovers.

Thus, music therapy is considered not only the most interesting, but also a very promising direction. It is used in many countries of the world for recreational and medicinal purposes.

Music and children

Toddlers living in the modern world most spend their time playing computer games and watching TV screens. Most often, parents do not mind such activities for their child. Indeed, at this time, silence reigns in the house, and adults can safely go about their business. However, moms and dads should remember that frequent communication with a computer and TV can negatively affect their baby. After all, cartoons often radiate outright aggression, and there are a lot of violence and murders in the plots of films. All this negatively affects the fragile psyche of the child. But it happens that even the relationship between parents is not going well. In this case, the baby gets a real psychological trauma. He becomes insecure and withdrawn. Often these children experience feelings of fear and guilt. They are afraid that no one needs them, and no one is able to protect them. In addition, these children develop bad habits.

All this has a negative impact on the relationship between children. But at a young age, contacts with peers play an extremely important role. It becomes difficult for the child to enter the team because of self-doubt and fear that he will simply not be accepted.

Music therapy for children can help in this case. It is a psychotherapeutic method that allows you to correct emotional states. The use of this therapy leads to the rapid elimination of mental stress.

The great benefit of music therapy for children lies in its ability to eliminate behavioral problems, as well as to survive age-related crises that are associated with the development of the baby.

The harmonizing effect of melodies on mental processes is used in work with preschoolers. In this case, the teacher can use a huge number of methods. Regardless of which one is chosen, music therapy classes for children preschool age pursue only one goal. It consists in the fact that the baby began to realize himself and his existence in the world around him.

The importance of conducting classes

Music therapy for young children is a special form of work with toddlers. In this case, the teacher uses various melodies, which can be either recordings on a tape recorder, or playing musical instruments, singing, listening to discs, etc.

Music therapy in kindergarten is a great opportunity to activate the child. Thanks to this, he begins to overcome the unfavorable attitudes in his mind, establishes relationships with people around him, which improves his emotional state. In addition, music therapy for preschool children is also necessary for the correction of various emotional deviations, speech and movement disorders. This technique helps to correct deviations in behavior, eliminate communication difficulties, and also cure a variety of psychosomatic and somatic pathologies.

Music therapy also helps in the development of the child. It creates optimal conditions for education in little man taste and aesthetic feelings, helps him discover new abilities.

The use of music therapy for young children contributes to the formation of their norms of behavior and character, and also enriches the inner world of a small person with vivid experiences. At the same time, listening to songs and melodies allows us to solve the problem of forming moral qualities personality, aesthetic attitude of the baby to the world around. At the same time, children develop a love for art.

Music therapy programs

Experts note that the combination of traditional means and teaching methods with listening to melodies and songs can significantly increase the level of development of preschoolers. This has also been proven by research. Music therapy for preschool children can be used not only for psychological and pedagogical correction, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The possibilities of this method are wide enough. At the same time, a specific music therapy program for preschool children can be selected by a specialist from an extensive list that is available today.

K. Schwabe, who is one of the founders of this type of treatment, pointed out that there are three directions in the use of melodic sounds:

  • functional (prophylactic);
  • pedagogical;
  • medical.

Musical influences, which are components of these directions, in turn, are:

  • indirect and non-mediated, based on the scope of application;
  • group and individual, differing in the way of organizing classes;
  • active and supportive, with a different range of action;
  • directive and non-directive, indicating the type of contact between pupils and the teacher;
  • deep and superficial, which characterizes the alleged final contact.

Let's take a closer look at some of these methods.

Individual music therapy

This type of influence can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Distinctively communicative. With this type of influence, the child listens to a piece of music together with the teacher. In this case, the melody is able to improve the interaction between the adult and his pupil.
  2. Reactive. Such an effect contributes to purification.
  3. Regulatory. This type of exposure allows you to eliminate neuropsychic stress in a child.

These forms in the music therapy class in kindergarten can be used separately from each other or in combination.

Group audition

This type of music therapy class in kindergarten should be built in such a way that all participants in the process can freely communicate with each other. Only in this case, the classes will become quite dynamic, because within the group, relationships of a communicative-emotional nature will certainly arise.

Organizing creative activities is one of the best ways to relieve stress. This is especially important for those children who cannot speak out. It is much easier for them to engage in creativity, where their fantasies will find expression. The stories are very difficult for them.

Passive music therapy

This is a receptive form of influence, the difference of which is that the child does not take an active part in the lesson. In this process, he is a mere listener.

During classes using a passive form of music therapy in kindergarten, preschoolers are invited to listen to a variety of compositions or listen to the sounds, selected in accordance with the state of health of the baby and the stage of treatment. Such activities aim to simulate a positive emotional state. All this will allow the child to get out of the traumatic situation through relaxation.

Consider options for conducting passive music therapy classes in work with children.

  1. Music pictures. In such a lesson, the child perceives the melody together with the teacher. In the process of listening, the teacher helps the child to plunge into the world of images proposed by the work. To do this, the child is asked to focus on musical picture. Within 5-10 minutes, the preschooler should be in the world of sounds. Communication with music will have a beneficial effect on the preschooler. To conduct such classes, the teacher must use instrumental classical works or the sounds of the world of wildlife.
  2. Musical modeling. In such classes, teachers are encouraged to use a program that includes fragments of works of various nature. Some of them should correspond to the mental state of the preschooler. The action of the second works neutralizes the influence of the previous fragment. The third type of music is necessary for recovery. At this stage, the teacher should select melodies that have the greatest emotional impact, that is, positive dynamics.
  3. Mini relaxation. Carrying out such music therapy classes in kindergarten helps to activate the muscle tone of the pupils. The child should feel and understand his body well, learning to relax it when tensions arise.

Active music therapy

During classes of this form, the child is offered singing and instrumental playing:

  1. Vocal therapy. Such music therapy classes are held in kindergarten and at home. Vocal therapy allows you to create an optimistic mood in the baby. And for this, he must sing songs that will bring the inner world of the child into a harmonious state. In their texts, the formula "You are good, I am good" must certainly sound. Vocal therapy is especially recommended for egocentric, inhibited and depressed children. This method is also included in the preparation of a music therapy program for school-age children. With group vocal therapy, all the children present at the lesson are involved in the process. But here the specialist needs to take into account the moment of secrecy in the general mass and the anonymity of feelings. Participation in vocal therapy will allow the child to overcome contact disorders, affirming their own feelings for a healthy experience of existing bodily sensations.
  2. instrumental therapy. This view also allows you to create an optimistic mood. At the same time, children are invited to play a musical instrument.
  3. Kinesitherapy. The general reactivity of the organism can be changed under the influence of various means and forms of movement. Such a process will destroy the pathological stereotypes that often occur during the period of the disease. At the same time, new attitudes arise in the mind of the child, which allow him to adapt to the surrounding reality. In such classes, children are taught the technique of expressing their emotions using body movements. This allows them to achieve relaxation. used this species music therapy in correctional work with children. Such classes contribute to the normalization of psychological and communicative functions. The method of kinesitherapy includes a plot-game process, rhythmoplasty, corrective rhythmics, as well as psycho-gymnastics.

Integrative Music Therapy

In this technique, in addition to listening to melodies, the teacher also uses other types of art. He invites children to play a game to the music, draw, create a pantomime, compose stories or poems, etc.

Active music playing is important in such classes. It increases the child's self-esteem, which helps to overcome ambivalence in behavior. In order for children to perform simple pieces, the teacher can give them the simplest instruments, such as a drum, a xylophone, or a triangle. Such activities, as a rule, do not go beyond the search for simple harmonic, rhythmic and melodic forms, representing a kind of improvised game. Children participating in such a process develop dynamic adaptability and are fully prepared for mutual listening. Due to the fact that such classes are one of the forms of group music therapy, during their conduct all participants should actively communicate with each other. This will allow the process to be as dynamic as possible, which will lead to the emergence of a communicative-emotional relationship between children. The most important thing in this case is the child's self-expression through playing a musical instrument suggested to him.

Dance Movement Therapy

This form of study serves as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious world. allows the child to express himself in movements. This will allow him to maintain his own individuality and establish contact with his peers. Such classes are the only type of music therapy that requires significant free space. During the dance, the child's motor behavior expands, which allows him to realize the conflicts of desires and contributes to the experience of negative feelings. Such an impact leads to liberation from the negative.

Especially valuable for the health of the child is the combination of dance with singing or improvisation of movements to the sounds of classical melodies. Oscillatory rhythmic movements that are performed to music that has three measures also have therapeutic value.

Treatment of speech disorders

Musical rhythm helps to eliminate some speech therapy problems. Among them is such a disorder of speech function as stuttering. Music therapy for children with speech disorders is carried out in the form of subgroup sessions. At the same time, the specialist offers his wards rhythmic games, breathing exercises and playing a melody at a slowing down, as well as at an accelerating pace.

Use music in the process independent work. At this point, there is no verbal communication. With such music therapy, the exceptions are exercises for children in the form of reading to music. The specialist makes sure that the volume of the sound of the melody is strictly metered. The sounds that children hear should not be too loud, but at the same time too quiet.

The development of correctional programs for music therapy and their further use for the treatment of children with speech defects require the joint participation of music educators and psychologists.

It should be noted that the use of this technique to eliminate speech pathologies is considered to be very effective and promising. This became possible due to the strong influence of music, which it has on the emotional state of a person. During such classes, as practice shows, there is a correction and development of perception sensations, which allows stimulating the speech function and normalizing the prosodic side of speech, that is, timbre and rhythm, as well as the expressiveness of intonation.

For children with speech therapy problems, special programs, in which only those works should be used that all little patients will certainly like. It can be musical pieces that are well known to children. The main condition for choosing a work is the fact that it should not distract the child from the main thing, attracting him with its novelty. The duration of listening does not exceed 10 minutes during one lesson.

Autism treatment

The main task of the music therapy technique for correcting the condition of children with such a mental disorder is to establish auditory-vocal, auditory-motor, and visual-motor coordination, which should subsequently be synthesized in one activity.

The basic principle of conducting classes with children-outs lies in mental ecology. It provides for the presence of soft music at the beginning and at the end of classes. During the period of work, the specialist must carefully monitor changes in the emotional state of each small patient, adjusting the intensity of therapy if necessary. In addition, classes are built on the principle of passing from simple to complex material. Their structure includes:

  1. greeting ritual.
  2. Regulatory exercises that promote the activation of motor, auditory and visual attention.
  3. Correctional and developmental exercises.
  4. Farewell ritual.

Music therapy for children with autism is a highly effective remedy for many problems.

Colleagues, we are publishing a poster presentation by a participant in the IX Summit of Psychologists, which will be held May 31 - June 2 in St. Petersburg

Theoretical part "Theoretical aspects of the study of Music Therapy as a means of preserving the physical and mental health»

Music therapy (or “music therapy”, literally “healing with music”, from Latin musica “music” and Greek therapeuein “to heal”) is a psychotherapeutic method based on the healing effect of music on the psychological state of a person, where music is used as remedy. Music therapy refers to the complex means of emotional and psychosensory influence.

The therapeutic effect of music has been known since ancient times. Let's take a short digression into the history of musical healing, which has its roots far into the past. Music therapy is associated with the name of Apollo, the patron of the arts, and his son Asclepius, the patron of healing. ancient medicine was closely associated with religion, philosophy, mythology and art, especially music. The ability to sing and play musical instruments was one of the duties of a doctor. We find mention of the healing power of music in the writings of ancient Greek scientists and philosophers. Plato suggested treating rheumatism by singing and playing musical instruments. Pythagoras claimed that music helps a person maintain inner harmony. He owns a well-known aphorism: "Music can heal people's madness." Aristotle believed that music affects the liberation from emotional stress and psychological breakdown. Many thinkers have expressed their belief that music builds character and helps understanding.

Ancient doctors prescribed courses of music therapy for the sick (Hippocrates). Avicenna stated in the Canon of Medicine: “Those suffering from melancholy must be entertained with music,” he believed that good singing soothes pain, distracts from it, and even lulls. The great Homer described how the performance of melodic songs contributed to the healing of the wounds of heroes. In the Parthian kingdom in the 3rd century BC, with the help of specially selected melodies, they were treated for melancholy, nervous disorders and heart pain. In the 19th century, the French psychiatrist Esquirol began using music therapy in psychiatric institutions.

Music therapy became more widespread after the First World War. In the 1930s, the experience of military doctors was used by German therapists in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and Swiss ones - in the treatment of mild forms of tuberculosis. Austrian obstetricians with the help of music anesthetized childbirth. The use of music and sound as an anesthetic began to be used in dental and surgical practice. All this practice became the basis for the development of music therapy after the Second World War.

In general, doctors and psychologists managed to prove the general pattern of the positive and negative effects of specific musical trends. In particular, house, hip-hop, punk rock, hard rock, heavy metal, chanson, as well as the work of artists such as Marilyn Manson or Ozzy Osbourne were classified as "harmful" music. But the list of "useful" included almost all the works of the classics. Moreover, Mozart's music is considered to be the most healing and unusual in terms of impact: not fast, not slow, smooth, but not boring - this musical phenomenon even got its definition as the “Mozart effect”. It is no less useful to listen to children's and folk songs that form a feeling of security and complete calm.

Music surrounds us everywhere, without it it is impossible to imagine our life with you. Music inspires, promotes the flight of the imagination. The day becomes filled and joyful if we hear our favorite tune on the way to work. Loved ones in the evening musical compositions helps to escape from the daily hustle and bustle. Yes, and to whom, no matter how we know how a song helps to build and live.

Music can heal the soul and body. Calm melodies help to get rid of stress, excitement, fear, more energetic music improves tone, promotes the rapid awakening of the body, especially in the morning, when it is so difficult to move away from sweet morning sleep.

Music has a healing effect on the body born child. While in the womb, the child hears. And these first sounds have a strong influence on his emotional world. Already at 14 weeks, the fetus reacts to the rhythm of the melody and to the volume, he can already determine whether he likes the melody or not. There is an opinion that during pregnancy a woman needs to listen to the classics and only the classics. This is not entirely true. She needs to focus on her musical sympathies, on the music that will bring positive emotions.

Now there are scientific theories that music is embedded in the Universe at the atomic level. (String theory and the theory of vibration of the universe).

Why does music have such a powerful effect on us? Music therapy, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries in our stormy, impetuous age, is widely used in medical and teaching practice. Scientists, doctors and musicians from many countries are studying the impact of music of certain styles and trends on certain organs and the whole organism. For example, doctors in Germany and Japan established the healing effect of the music of Mozart and Beethoven on patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers, Beethoven - on patients with arthritis and rheumatism.

The main mechanisms of influence of music therapy make this method as individually effective as possible for each person. On the one hand, music containing rhythm affects certain brain areas and activates or synchronizes the work of the brain as a whole. Since our body works in the mode of adjusting to the rhythmic organization of the external world. By choosing music, you can achieve the desired effect of relaxation or increased activity. Secondly, any music carries an individual marking, i.e. associated personally for each person with some event, respectively, has a certain meaning for us and causes certain emotions.

Modern information, superimposed on ancient knowledge, shows that the sounds of various musical instruments affect the human body in different ways: - The sound of percussion instruments can give a sense of stability, confidence in the future, physically invigorate, give strength to a person. -Wind instruments influence the formation of the emotional sphere. Moreover, brass wind instruments instantly awaken a person from sleep, make him vigorous, active. - The intellectual sphere corresponds to the music played keyboard instruments especially the piano. It is no coincidence that the sound of the piano is called the most mathematical music, and pianists are referred to the musical elite, who have clear thinking and a very good memory. -String instruments directly affect the heart. They, especially violins, cellos and guitars, develop a sense of compassion in a person. -Vocal music affects the whole body, but most of all on the throat.

Our breathing is rhythmic. If we are not doing heavy exercise and not lying still, we usually take an average of 25-35 breaths per minute. Listening to fast, loud music after slow music can have the effect described by Nietzsche: “My objections to Wagner's music are physiological. I find it hard to breathe when I'm affected by his music." By slowing down the tempo of a piece of music, you can make your breathing deeper and calmer. Chants, modern orchestrations and folk music usually have this effect.

Body temperature also reacts to music. Loud music with strong rhythms can raise the temperature by several degrees and warm us in the cold, while soft music can "cool" us. As Igor Stravinsky noted, "Drums and basses act like a central heating system."

The physiological effect of music on the human body is based on the fact that the nervous system and muscles have the ability to assimilate the rhythm. Music, acting as a rhythmic stimulus, stimulates physiological processes that occur rhythmically in both the motor and vegetative spheres. Entering through the auditory analyzer into the cerebral cortex, it spreads to the subcortical centers, the spinal cord and further - to the autonomic nervous system and internal organs. Various studies have established the effect of musical stimuli on the pulse, breathing, depending on the height, strength, sound and timbre. The frequency of respiratory movements and heartbeats varies depending on the tempo, the key of the musical work. So, for example, the cardiovascular system noticeably reacts to music that gives pleasure and creates a pleasant mood. In this case, the pulse slows down, heart contractions increase, blood pressure decreases, and blood vessels expand. With the irritating nature of the music, the heartbeat quickens and becomes weaker. Music also affects the neuroendocrine system, in particular the hormonal levels in the blood. Under its influence, muscle tone, motor activity can change. Through the impact of the vibration of sounds, energy fields are created that cause every cell of the body to resonate. Thus, a kind of "musical energy" normalizes the rhythm of our breathing, pulse, pressure, temperature, relieves muscle tension.

The fact is that each human organ has certain vibrations, that is, an individual sound "portrait". These natural vibrations add up to a kind of melody, which can be heard and analyzed with the help of special microphones. When the work of the organ is disturbed, its sound is also distorted.

The goal of music therapy is to restore the harmony of the sound palette of the body. This happens both during normal listening and when music affects reflexogenic points and zones. The vibrations caused by it directly adjust the game of our body.

Individual elements of music have a direct impact on various systems of the human body. :

  • Rhythm . Properly selected musical rhythm by normalizing biological rhythms, it contributes to the correct redistribution of energy, harmony, good health. If the sound of the rhythm of the music is less than the rhythm of the pulse, then the melody will have a relaxing effect on the body, soft rhythms calm, and if they are more frequent than the pulse, an exciting effect occurs, while fast pulsating rhythms can cause negative emotions.
  • Key. Minor keys reveal a depressive, overwhelming effect. Major - cheer up, put in a good mood, increase blood pressure and muscle tone.
  • Frequency . High-frequency sounds (3000-8000 Hz and above) cause resonance in the brain, adversely affecting cognitive processes. A long and loud sound can generally lead to complete exhaustion of the body. Sounds of the middle range (750-3000 Hz) stimulate cardiac activity, breathing and emotional background. Low (125-750 Hz) affect physical movement, cause tension and even spasms in the muscles. Music with low vibrations makes it impossible to concentrate or calm down.
  • Also important are features such as dissonances - a disharmonious combination of sounds - they excite, irritate, and consonances - a harmonious combination of sounds - on the contrary, they calm, create a pleasant feeling. So, for example, rock music is characterized by frequent dissonance, irregular rhythms, and lack of form. It affects ultra- and infrasounds, we do not hear them, but our organs perceive them, and this can act destructively on the brain according to the “25th frame” principle.

Music therapy refers to the complex means of emotional and psychosensory influence.

There are three main areas of therapeutic action of music therapy:

  • emotional activation;
  • regulatory influence on psycho-vegetative processes;
  • increasing aesthetic needs.

Music…. When we hear this word, for each of us something different sounds in our imagination. But, of course, this is always the melody that gives us strength, energizes and positive.

There are the following forms of music therapy:

  • active (motor improvisations to a verbal comment corresponding to the nature of the music);
  • passive (listening to stimulating, soothing or stabilizing music specifically or as a background).

Music therapy is one of the promising areas in the life of preschool educational institutions. It contributes to the correction of the psychophysical health of children in the process of their life.

In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously and loudly. Music should be listened to by children in doses, depending on the time of day, type of activity, even the mood of the children. To relax, relieve emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, you need to take advantage of the beneficial effect of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Children on a subconscious level calm down, relax.

Teachers should pay special attention to the musical-reflex awakening of babies after a daytime sleep. This technique was developed by N. Efimenko as opposed to the standard awakening of children at the teacher's loud command "Rise!". For this, quiet, gentle, light, joyful music is used.

A small composition should be kept constant for about a month in order for the child to develop a wake-up reflex. Hearing the sound of familiar music, it will be easier and calmer for babies to move from a state of complete rest to vigorous activity. In addition, to the music, you can carry out sets of exercises without lifting children from their beds.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on the integration of various types of artistic activity. Therefore, it is recommended to use it not only for music lessons but also in all activities. All elements of music therapy exercises make it possible to use them not only as a means of developing children's musical and motor abilities, but also as game training mental processes: attention, memory, will, creative imagination and fantasies, as well as a means of relaxation, switching attention or increasing psychophysical tone, in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusion follows: with the help of music therapy, emotions can be modeled; improve mood, reduce feelings of anxiety; in unbalanced children to form feelings of inner peace, joy, positive emotions; desire to communicate with each other. Performing routine moments with the use of music therapy instills relaxation skills, develops moral and communicative qualities, and creates a positive emotional background.

Practical part: Experimental activity "Musical accompaniment of sensitive moments in preschool educational institutions as a method of maintaining physical and psychological health"

Among the psychological problems of the 21st century, a special place was occupied by the problem of preserving and restoring the psycho-emotional sphere of children, the so-called psychological health. Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the number of children with various forms of psycho-emotional disorders. More and more children with pronounced hyperactivity, psychosomatic diseases come to preschool institutions; children are sometimes withdrawn, anxious, shy.

In kindergarten, the child lives a third of his preschool life. And this life is organized by the staff of the preschool educational institution. And the state of health of children depends to a large extent on how it will be organized. Preschool teachers create a developing environment for children, organize their cognitive and productive activities, and determine the model of educational work.

An analysis of the special literature and the work experience of modern educational psychologists showed that the problem of psychological health is quite relevant and is considered from different angles.

The term “mental health” itself was first introduced into the scientific lexicon by I.V. Dubrovina, who understands by this the aspects of mental health that relate to the personality as a whole and are in close connection with the highest manifestations of the human spirit. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "mental" and "psychological" health - the norm is a kind of image that serves as a guide for organizing the pedagogical conditions for achieving it. The alternative to normal in the case of mental health is disease. An alternative to the norm in the case of psychological health is by no means a disease, but the absence of the possibility of development in the process of life, the inability to fulfill one's life task.

A deeper and more reasoned topic of psychological health, in my opinion, is considered in the studies of such psychologists as O.V. Khukhlaeva, O.E. Khukhlaeva and I.M. Pervushina. They singled out the "key" word for describing psychological health - the word harmony, or balance. First of all, it is harmony between the various sides of the person himself: emotional and intellectual, bodily and mental, etc., but it is also the harmony between the person and the surrounding people, nature, space, where harmony itself is considered not as a static state, but as life process.

Psychological health, in general, is understood as the ability of a person to adapt to various social conditions, the ability to cope with difficulties in difficult and unfamiliar situations without significant damage to the psyche, to behave adequately in them, to be self-confident; the ability to control one's emotions, oneself and be aware of one's emotional state and constructively resolve conflicts.

The psychological health of a child is a special margin of safety of the psyche, stable adaptation to the environment, the presence of a reserve of strength to overcome stressful situations, and an active creative attitude to reality.

Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country. Since physical health forms an inseparable unity with mental health and emotional well-being, the ways to achieve it cannot be reduced to narrow medical and narrow pedagogical activities. The entire organization of the life of a child in a preschool educational institution and the organization of life in the family should have a health-improving orientation.

The formation of attitudes towards health as the main life value, health promotion, provision of a full-fledged education, harmonious formation and development of preschool children are the most important social tasks of our society. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle from an early age is the main task in educational institutions.

Recently, there has been an active reform of the system of preschool education: a network of alternative preschool institutions is growing, new programs of preschool education are emerging, and original ones are being developed. teaching materials. Against the background of these progressive changes, sufficient attention is always paid to the promotion of health and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development that is unique throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed.

Analyzing the basics of psycho-correctional work with children, many scientists note that at preschool age one of the most effective methods is music therapy. Music therapy is widely used in many countries of the world for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of disorders, including also emotional instability. Music therapy is based on the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the human body. This contributes to the overall improvement, improvement of well-being, raising the mood, increasing efficiency. This method makes it possible to use music as a means of harmonizing the state of the child: relieving tension, fatigue, increasing emotional tone, correcting deviations in personal development the child and his psycho-emotional state, and can also relieve mental fatigue in a matter of minutes, invigorate, liberate, improve mood, concentrate attention. For example, in classes with a high mental load and low mobility, dance compositions should be used as physical exercises. The use of compositions based on fast, cheerful music allows you to cheer up children, activate their attention.

Today, modern scientists identify musical works that have a positive effect on the emotional state of the child.

So, for example: - to reduce feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, it is recommended to listen to the music of F. Chopin: "Mazurkas", "Preludes", "Impromptu"; as well as "Waltzes" by I. Strauss; "Melody" by A. Rubinstein; - to reduce irritability - "Moonlight Sonata" by L. Beethoven, "Dreams" by R. Schumann, music by A. Vivaldi and W. A. ​​Mozart; - for general reassurance - "Lullabies" by I. Brahms, "Ave Maria" by F. Schubert; "Barcarolla", "Sentimental Waltz" by P.I. Tchaikovsky (see Appendix 3).

Unfortunately, musical activity in kindergarten is more often limited to traditional types of organization of children. I wish the music didn't end at the door music hall, but sounded throughout the day, enriching the emotional sphere of the child with new impressions.

Studying the works of S. Fadeeva, S. Bogdanova, I. Starodubtseva, she came to the conclusion that it is background music that can become an accompanying element of a child's life in kindergarten.

This year, our teaching staff introduced one innovative moment into the daily life of older preschoolers. Musical accompaniment of sensitive moments. In particular, accompaniment of meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, since the regime moment of eating plays a special role in preserving the health of children. Nutrition of children should be complete, balanced and sufficient.

The beginning of the work was preceded by a preparatory stage, at which the pedagogical, musicological, psychological, aesthetic literature on the problem under study was studied and analyzed. The purpose, object, subject and tasks of our work were determined.

During the preparatory phase:

  • Conditions for the use of background music in regime moments of the kindergarten were analyzed.
  • The professional capabilities of teachers in preparing them for the use of new forms of musical accompaniment of children's activities during the day were studied.
  • Using the methods of observation, questioning, conversation, it turned out that the teaching staff was ready to accept my hypothesis and needed theoretical and practical training. Therefore, I scheduled consultations on the topic “Selection musical repertoire and its planning”, “Theoretical aspects of music therapy research”.

It must be admitted that the project aroused great interest among teachers.

Thus, having received the initial premises in the course of the preparatory work, we began the experimental part of our study to identify the level of influence of musical accompaniments of regime moments on the emotional well-being of children and their physical and mental health.

The research site was the preparatory school group of the MDOU "Kindergarten of Care and Rehabilitation No. 108" in Saratov.

Experimental work began in December 2012 and continues to this day.

To increase the emotional background and a positive attitude towards eating, children immediately before the meal turn on a certain melody: "Breakfast", "Lunch", "Dinner" - performer - Irina Levina, Saratov (see additional materials). These melodies increase appetite, which leads to correct work Gastrointestinal tract, better absorption of nutrients, which in turn has a positive effect on the state of physical health. Psychological well-being is achieved through the positive influence of musical accompaniment on the change of children's activities.

Our research hypothesis:

The purposeful use of music therapy means increases the level of development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers, contributes to the creation of a positive emotional climate in preschool groups, strengthens the physical and psychological health of children.

Purpose of the study:

To substantiate theoretically and experimentally prove the effectiveness of the music therapy method on the physical and psychological development of older preschool children.

The formulated goal determined Research objectives:

  • consider the essence of psychological health;
  • show music as a means of emotional well-being of preschoolers;
  • study and analyze the proposed material on music therapy for older preschool children;
  • to experimentally test the effectiveness of the introduction of music therapy in the regime moments of preschool educational institutions

Object of study: Music therapy in the work of the preschool educational institution

Subject of study: Physical and psychological health of preschool children.

To solve the tasks of the study, various psychological and pedagogical methods were used:

  • monitoring children when changing activities;
  • conversations and consultations with parents and educators;
  • questioning teachers and parents to identify the level of knowledge in matters of physical and psychological education;
  • holding parent-teacher meetings on the topic of the study;
  • diagnostics of the level of physical fitness and development of children;
  • diagnostics of psychological health of preschool children.

The main criteria for the psychological health of children include:

  • level of adaptation to social conditions;
  • features of interaction with peers;
  • general emotional well-being;
  • level of anxiety;
  • the presence or absence of destructive intrapersonal conflict.

Based on these criteria, a diagnostic complex was developed:

  • The level of development of children's communicative activity (M.I. Lisina)
  • Anxiety level (R.Temml, M.Dorki, F.Amen)
  • Diagnostics mental states. (Color drawing test by A.O. Prokhorov, G.N. Gening)
  • Personality traits - a survey of parents, children and caregivers (adapted)
  • Self-Esteem (Ladder)
  • Sociometry (Two houses)
  • Determination of the psychological climate in the group (L.N. Lutoshkina) (see Appendix 1)

Research stages:

Stage 1 - ascertaining - to determine the primary level of physical and psychological health of children; emotional climate in the group.

Stage 2 - formative - to develop and test a system of work on musical accompaniment of sensitive moments in older preschoolers.

Stage 3 - control - analysis of the work done to improve physical and psychological health through music among older preschoolers.

Thus, the formative stage of the experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the measures we developed to improve the health of older preschool children by creating a positive emotional climate in the group, implemented in the process of musical accompaniment of regime moments. The musical accompaniment of regime moments, with the correct organization and presentation of them to a preschooler, really contributes to his comprehensive development - both physical and psychological.

A comparative analysis of the result of the final control section of the ascertaining and forming experiments clearly demonstrated a positive trend in physical development, the psychological health of children and the emotional climate of the preparatory group. The diagnostic result was characterized by high scores. (See Appendix 2)

Thus, it must be stated that music therapy is an effective means of achieving positive changes in the physical and psychological health of older preschool children.

Music contributed to the removal of neuropsychic stress in the process of everyday life in the preschool educational institution. Children were charged with positive emotions and they were taught relaxation skills with the help of music, which contributed to the correction of the psycho-emotional sphere.

The positive changes that occurred during the formative stage of the experiment allow us to recognize the experimental work as quite successful.

This activity contributed to:

  • Creating a favorable emotional background, psychological comfort and maintaining the health of children.
  • Development of imagination, creative perception.
  • Creation of new conditions of the educational environment, allowing the use of background music throughout the day.

The use of music in regime moments not only helps to cheer up, optimize the activity of all body systems, improve the functioning of higher nervous processes, but also improves the efficiency of the educational work of the kindergarten.

The regular use of music during routine moments leads to the fact (and this I consider one of the results) that children, independently reacting to a change in melody, determine the moment of transition from one type of activity to another. For example, eating, falling asleep, getting up, relaxing, etc. At the same time, attention is switched to a stimulus that is pleasant for auditory perception and a state of psychological comfort is achieved.

It was also important for us to evaluate: not only the role of background music, but also how interested teachers and parents are in this work? Has it brought the desired results?

Teachers, studying the educational process, appreciated the role of my innovative idea, and came to the conclusion that:

  • Of great importance is not only training and education, but the psychological environment in which the child is located.
  • Background music is indispensable when switching children's attention to a change of activity, while studying difficult educational material, to prevent fatigue and exhaustion.
  • The psychological and physical relaxation that occurs during the sound of background music serves to create emotional comfort throughout the day.

The effectiveness of the work carried out:

  1. Improving the quality of the educational process, as evidenced by the results of diagnostics of the implementation of the kindergarten program.
  2. Music has become not a rare guest, but a constant companion of a child's life in kindergarten.
  3. The practice of teachers included such innovative methods and techniques for using music as musical minutes, background music, musical accompaniment of sensitive moments, relaxation classes with musical accompaniment.

The theoretical significance of this work lies in the study of a new method of health saving and the determination of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective use of music therapy in maintaining the physical and psychological health of older preschool children.

The practical significance is determined by the introduction of new health-saving technologies. A system for accompanying regime moments using music therapy has been developed. This makes it possible to widely use the developed system for kindergarten teachers in the practice of working with children of older preschool age.

Future prospects: To expand the ideas of teachers about the correctional possibilities of the method of music therapy. In the near future, it is planned to introduce the admission of children in the morning to the group under sunny major classical music, good songs with good lyrics. After all, every day a child is inflicted, albeit imperceptibly, trauma - a situation of separation from home and parents. Therefore, one of the health-improving and preventive tasks of the preschool educational institution should be the creation of optimal conditions for the daily admission of children to their second home - kindergarten. And music in this regard will help to provide an invaluable service.

Practical work: Watching videos. Musical accompaniment of regime moments in the preparatory group for school. "Breakfast. Dinner. Dinner - download additional materials

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