Manipulation of mass consciousness. Manipulation and control of mass consciousness

, decoherence of propositions, etc. . Manipulation is the oppression of a person, and since a person wants to believe in what he wants to acquire (knowledge, experience, material wealth, psychological comfort), oppression can be achieved through "a lie that they want to believe."

In the 20th century, the range of phenomena to which the term “manipulation” began to apply with the political content of the original definition (in tech., medical: "handling objects with a special intention, a special purpose, like manual control"), has expanded. “It began to be used in relation to the media and political events aimed at programming the opinions or aspirations of the masses, the mental state of the population, etc. The ultimate goal of such efforts is control over the population, its manageability and obedience”: 44,45.

Accordingly, the understanding of the term "manipulation" in psychological literature. In addition to the two previously known values ​​(the first is borrowed from technology and is used engineering psychology and labor psychology; the second is from ethology, where manipulation opposed locomotion), since the 1960s. psychologists are beginning to use it - in the framework of the analysis of interpersonal relations - and in the third sense, from the context of political science works.

Depending on the emotions that appear in the object of manipulation, it is possible to distinguish the forms of manipulation:

  • positive forms:
    • intercession,
    • reassurance,
    • compliment,
    • non-verbal flirting (hugging, winking),
    • good news message,
    • common interests…

Manipulator target

The goal of those who wish to manipulate consciousness is to give objects such signs so that, having built these signs into the context, they change the image of this context in their perception. They suggest such connections of their text or act with reality, impose such an interpretation of them so that the idea of ​​reality is distorted in the direction desired by the manipulator. This means that this will also affect the behavior, and the objects will be sure that they are acting in full accordance with their own desires. The purpose of the manipulator is to gently bring the object to the selection. This choice is not free and unconscious.

Opposition to psychological manipulation

One of the forms of countering personality manipulation is a critical analysis of incoming information, the organization of obtaining information from various sources.

There are several ways to respond to manipulation (psychological self-defense):

  • External agreement (start with what you agree with, you can even make an argument in favor of the opponent's words). It consists in the fact that the addressee selects from the speech of the manipulator those provisions with which he can agree. The rest of the information passes "by the ears", or paraphrases it.
  • Paraphrasing "-" into "+", statement of facts. As a rule, it is used for manipulations of a negative form (causing a negative emotion in the object of manipulation).
  • Changing the topic of conversation, delaying the final answer (take the information into account and postpone the decision until tomorrow, “the morning is wiser than the evening”).
  • Ignoring a negative assessment or refusing to answer (for example: “I will not answer this remark, to answer it means to humiliate myself”; “I will pass over this question in silence ...”, etc.).

Manipulation methods

There are quite a few mind manipulation methods used in the media, but the following stand out most often:

  1. The use of suggestion.
  2. The transfer of a particular fact into the sphere of the general, into the system.
  3. The use of rumors, conjectures, interpretations in an unclear political or social situation.
  4. A method called "need corpses."
  5. The horror method.
  6. Hushing up some facts and sticking out others.
  7. fragmentation method.
  8. Multiple repetitions or "Goebbels method".
  9. Creation of false events, hoax.


see also

  • Manipulation (psychology)


  • Kara-Murza S. G., Smirnov S. V. Manipulation of consciousness-2. - M .: Eksmo, Algorithm, 2009. - 528 p. - (Political bestseller). - additional, shooting gallery, 5,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-34641-7
  • Solovyov V. R. Manipulation: Attack and defend! Moscow: Eksmo. 352 p. - shooting gallery 30100 copies - ISBN 978-5-699-43859-4


  • Kara-Murza S. G.“Mind manipulation. Tutorial ." - M.: Algorithm, 2004;
  • A selection of criticism of the works of S. G. Kara-Murza in this area
  • Satarov G. Undercooked noodles on spreading ears. manipulations-1 Daily magazine, 12/22/2010
  • Selchenok S. V. (ed.) Mind control and methods of personality suppression. Reader. - M .: "Publishing house "AST"", 2002. - 624 p. - (Library of Practical Psychology). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-17-007318-6
  • Danilova A. A. Word manipulation in the media. - M .: "Dobrosvet", "Publishing house" KDU "", 2009. - 234 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 9785982276131
  • Champagne P."Making an Opinion: The New Political Game"
  • Aronson E. , Pratkanis E. R. (English) Russian "The Age of Propaganda: Mechanisms of Persuasion, Everyday Use and Abuse" - St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2003. - (Project "Psychological Encyclopedia"). - ISBN 5-93878-046-2
  • Fedorov A.V.

In the article<<Гендерные аспекты воспитания>> (<<Социально-педагогическая работа>>, no. 12, 2011) we touched upon the social problems of modern society.
The topic of the last publication forced us to leave out of the discussion the causes of these problems, which we will describe in this article.

To solve existing problems, it is necessary to find out their source and the social processes that led to their occurrence. And these problems will not be resolved by themselves, since today a purposeful total impact on the public consciousness is being carried out, examples of which will be given below.

First, let's define the term itself.<<манипуляция сознанием>>. By these words, we understand the programming of people's opinions and aspirations, their moods and mental state in order to ensure the behavior that is necessary for a group of those few who, having the means of manipulation, carry out such an impact, pursuing their own selfish goals. This is a kind of spiritual, psychological impact, and not physical violence or threat. This is a hidden influence, the fact of which should not be noticed by the object of manipulation. As G. Schiller notes,<<для достижения наибольшего успеха манипуляция должна оставаться незаметной. Успех манипуляции гарантирован, когда манипулируемый верит, что все происходящее естественно и неизбежно. Короче говоря, для манипуляции требуется фальшивая действительность, в которой ее присутствие не будет ощущаться>> (G. Schiller Manipulators of consciousness. - M.: Thought, 1980).<<Под манипулированием в большинстве случаев следует понимать психическое воздействие, которое производится тайно, а, следовательно, и в ущерб тем лицам, на которых оно направлено>> (Franke G. Manipulated person. - M., 1964).

Another important feature is that people whose minds are being manipulated are treated not as individuals, but as objects, a special kind of thing. Manipulation is a piece of power technology that influences the behavior of another person. So, the manipulation of consciousness is not a ritual of love courtship or behavior due to the norms of etiquette.

Just deceit in itself also cannot be considered as a manipulative influence. E.L. Dotsenko explains:<<Например, кто-то спрашивает у нас дорогу на Минск, а мы его направляем ложно на Пинск — это лишь обман. Манипуляция будет иметь место в том случае, если тот, другой, собирался идти в Минск, а мы сделали так, чтобы он захотел пойти в Пинск>> (Docenko E.L. Psychology of manipulation: phenomena, mechanisms and protection. - M., 1996).

Herbert Franke also notes this feature of manipulation as a mental impact. He describes the impact of advertising on people's minds as follows:<<Оно не только побуждает человека, находящегося под таким воздействием, делать то, чего желают другие, оно заставляет его хотеть это сделать>>.

It is important to understand that manipulation is always a two-way process, interaction, seduction, and not coercion. This is a subtle play on human passions. If a person does not indulge his vices - greed, envy, gluttony, adultery, anger, sloth, fear - no one can manipulate him. No matter how ashamed it is to admit it to ourselves, but we ourselves allow the manipulators to lead us in the direction that benefits them to the detriment of our health, psychological and physical, spiritual integrity, destroys us from the inside.

We can observe the consequences of various options for manipulating the consciousness of the masses in history, and the methods and techniques of manipulation are being improved simultaneously with the development of society. And far from always the development of society is combined with the evolution of the consciousness of society.

An example is the revolution of 1917, which brought the Bolsheviks to power, headed by I.V. Stalin, previously convicted by a criminal Georgian authority nicknamed<<Коба>>. In the end, forever
Thousands of those who were repressed and died in the GUL camps will remain in the memory of the Soviet people. It was under Stalin that the camp laws and<<воровские понятия>>, as a means of manipulating the minds of prisoners, in which<<воры в законе>> were originally legitimized by the administration
camps in order to gain control not only outside, but also within the prisoner community.

The Bolsheviks brutally shot members of the royal family. The last Russian emperor Romanov Nikolai Alexandrovich (Nicholas II) was a deeply religious person, and all members of his family sacredly observed Orthodox traditions and led a pious lifestyle. If you read the testimonies of those years, you can find a completely dismissive and cruel attitude towards them on the part of the guards, all sorts of bullying that these people endured with humility and humility. The murder was financed by the West and was of a ritual nature. As mentioned in the course of lectures on the psychology of intra-family relationships by professor of psychology Nina Krygina, Masonic inscriptions were applied on the wall of the room where the murder took place, indicating that a sacrifice was being made here to destroy the Russian state.

Under the Bolsheviks, the ideas of a new world order and the principles of gender equality were proclaimed. The former Orthodox foundations for building society and the family were destroyed. Previously, the husband was perceived as the head of the family, responsible for his family before God, the wife was his helper, caring and attentive, and the children were a gift from God. When it was announced that there is no God, that this is a delusion, the reference point, the pivot on which intra-family relations rested, disappeared. The new family was to be built in a new free society, where universal equality and brotherhood are established. This means that it is possible to create group families where wives and husbands will be joint, since everything else is also common. And the state will raise the children together. Fortunately, at that time these ideas did not gain popularity. Regarding the creation of a family, the wording proposed by V.I. Lenin, which said that the family would mean<<пролетарский гражданский брак с любовью>>. This seemingly harmless
the phrase is<<миной замедленного действия>>, because, firstly, it focuses not on Orthodox, sacrificial, patient and sublime love, but on love-passion, and secondly, one can draw a logical conclusion from it that if love has passed, then you can get divorced. Marriage is with love, and if there is no love, goodbye!

In addition, the new government is adopting a number of decrees and laws that contribute to the decomposition of the traditional family foundations of society, namely: the decree on the freedom to dissolve marriages leads to a sharp increase in the number
divorces; the equalization of the rights of illegitimate children and children born in wedlock removes one of the essential barriers against debauchery; decrees on the introduction of equal pay for equal work of women and men, the recognition of complete equality of personal and property rights of husband and wife break the established
intra-family, sex-role relationships, reorient a woman from motherhood and marriage to a career and<<независимость>>.

Often in different sources of information you can find a mention of a text that bears the name<<план Даллеса>> and is attributed to Allen Dulles, station chief of the Office of Strategic Services in Bern (Switzerland) during World War II, director of the CIA (US Central Intelligence Agency) from 1953 to 1961. The most common version is the following (we consider it necessary to state it in full due to the importance of the text):

<<Окончилась война, все как-то утрясется, устроится. И мы должны бросить все, что имеем, — все золото, всю материальную мощь на оболванивание и одурачивание людей. Человеческий мозг, сознание людей способны к изменению. Посеяв там хаос, мы неизменно подменим их ценности на фальшивые, и заставим их в эти фальшивые ценности верить. Как? Мы найдем своих единомышленников, своих союзников в самом СССР. Эпизод за эпизодом будет разыгрываться грандиозная по своему масштабу трагедия гибели самого непокорного народа, окончательного, необратимого угасания его самосознания. Из литературы и искусства, например, мы постепенно вытравим их социальную сущность, отучим художников, отобьем у них охоту заниматься изображением и исследованием тех процессов, которые происходят в глубинах народных масс. Литература, театры, кино — все будет изображать и прославлять самые низменные человеческие чувства. Мы будем всячески поддерживать и прославлять так называемых художников, которые станут насаждать и вдалбливать в человеческое сознание культ секса, насилия, садизма, предательства, — словом всякой безнравственности. В управлении государством мы создадим хаос и неразбериху. Мы будем незаметно, но активно и постоянно способствовать самодурству чиновников, взяточников, беспринципности. Бюрократизм и волокита будут возводиться в добродетель. Честность и порядочность будут осмеиваться. Хамство и наглость, ложь и обман, пьянство и наркомания, животный страх друг перед другом и беззастенчивость, предательство, национализм и вражда народов, прежде всего вражда и ненависть к русскому народу — все это расцветет махровым цветом. И лишь немногие, очень немногие, будут догадываться или даже понимать, что происходит. Но таких людей мы поставим в беспомощное положение, превратим в посмешище, найдем способ их оболгать и объявить отбросами общества. Будем вырывать духовные корни, опошлять и уничтожать основы духовной нравственности. Мы будем браться за людей с детских, с юношеских лет, главную ставку будем делать на молодежь. Станем разлагать, развращать, растлевать ее. Мы сделаем из них циников, пошляков, космополитов>> (quoted from an article by M. Deutsch<<Зловещий план Даллеса>>in the newspaper<<Московский комсомолец>> January 20, 2005).

On the one hand, this is a selection of fragments from A.S. Ivanova<<Вечный зов>> (Ivanov A.S. Eternal Call - M .: Young Guard, 1986), on the other hand, fragments of the directive of the US National Security Council 20/1 of August 18, 1948<<Задачи в отношении России>> (Yakovlev N.N. CIA against the USSR. - M .: ed.<<Правда>>, 1983). According to this directive, the main tasks of American policy towards the USSR were as follows: reducing the excessive power of Russia to such limits that it would no longer pose a threat to the peace and stability of the international community. That is, Russia is in a state acceptable to the United States: it should not be so strong militarily as to threaten its neighbors; must grant broad autonomy to national minorities; must be economically dependent on the outside world; should not install<<железный занавес>>.

In this case, it is important to understand one thing: the outlined areas of activity in relation to Russia and other countries of the former USSR are the leading strategies for the destruction and subjugation of the countries that we call our Motherland, and which for the West are countries<<третьего мира>>. Signs and effects
such impacts can be observed everywhere, and every day it becomes more and more difficult not to notice them.

One of the developments in this direction is also<<Гарвардский проект>> - one of the political and sociological studies of Soviet society, conducted by the Center for Russian Studies at Harvard
University in the early 1950s with funding from the US Air Force. After the end of World War II, people who were displaced from the USSR who found themselves in the American zone of occupation were interviewed in order to directly obtain socio-political information about the USSR, supplementing intelligence data and open sources. At the same time, data were collected in the field of economic and family relations, social stratification and the system of power relations, etc.

The objective of the project was, ultimately, to find opportunities and ways to eliminate the Soviet army, liquidate Russia as a state, such attributes of socialism as free education and medical
service, the introduction of attributes of capitalism and payment for various services, the elimination of public and state property and its replacement with private property. According to this plan, the population of Russia was to be reduced by 10 times - up to 30 million people, and the territory was divided into 40 - 45 independent political and economic zones and prepared for use by the Anglo-Saxon civilization.

In order to be convinced of the reliability of such projects and their successful application, it is enough to recall the events of recent years, namely: the collapse of the USSR and the desire of some republics for autonomy with the financial support of the West; increased outbreaks of interethnic conflicts; economic dependence of the countries of the former Soviet Union on foreign loans; decline in industry and agriculture, education and medicine; depreciation of money savings of citizens; decline, weakening of the army; mass alcoholization of the population; the spread of drug addiction; decrease in the intellectual level of the population; the rise in crime; the decline of morality and morality; an increase in the number of divorces, early pregnancies, abortions; decline in health and life expectancy
of people.

And now we will demonstrate specific examples of manipulation of mass consciousness, through the Internet, television, the media and analyze them.

Consider, for example, a site known to many users<<Википедия>> (, which many people trust, and very unreasonably.
In the articles here, against the background of scientific and reliable information, outright lies are interspersed, which the site editors deliberately do not allow to correct, since the creation of a certain style of thinking and a look at
things are beneficial to those who profit from it (for example, the porn industry). Slander is placed on professors, academicians and scientists who publish their works, who can resist the depravity and corruption of children and youth; false disclosures of the so-called pseudoscientific argumentation, which the authors of the site themselves come up with, are given.

So, in an article about virginity, data are given that contradict absolutely all textbooks on gynecology. It is indicated that the ability to have sexual intercourse appears in girls at the age of 10-13 years, and the age of 15-19 years is the most favorable for the loss of virginity. And the age of 20 - 22 years is already considered as late, since defloration (loss of virginity) at this age can lead to complications, so late virginity<<не рассматривается как нормальное явление>>. But even if we just think logically, we will see that our mothers and grandmothers got married in 99% of virgins after graduation, on average, after 23 years. And all the children were born healthy, and the families were large, not like now - exactly the opposite. (But it is not without reason that the religion of all developed peoples of the world says almost the same thing: It is a great sin to take a woman as a wife after a man. A woman who knows fornication will bring sin into the family. Etc. The Bible says:<<Бегайте блуда; всякий грех, какой делает человек, есть вне тела, а блудник грешит против собственного тела>> (1 Cor. 6:18)).

The same is the case with the section of the site about the phenomenon of telegony. The site says that<<телегония — это суеверие, заблуждение, которое не основывается на экспериментальных исследованиях и не совместимо с известными механизмами наследственности>>. Anyone can read about research that refutes this lie on scientific websites and in the relevant literature. As for scientists working in this direction, on the website of Linguistic Wave Genetics (, for example, an article by P.P. Garyaev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and RAMTS, as a response to an article posted in<<Википедии>> about himself. The article is also interesting in this respect.<<Генетическая безопасность>> S. G. Semenov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Energy Information Sciences, laureate of the International Prize. Academician V. Vernadsky.

So, there are two main directions in explaining the phenomenon of telegony. The first of them is based on the mechanisms of transfer of genetic material, the second - on the principles of wave genetics.

Genetic information is information about the structure of proteins, encoded using a sequence of nucleotides - the genetic code - in genes (special functional sections of DNA or RNA molecules). Genetic information determines the morphological structure, growth, development, metabolism, mental warehouse, predisposition to diseases and genetic defects of the body. One of the properties of genes is lability, that is, the ability to mutate many times.

During sexual intercourse, there is a mutual exchange of active genetic material that carries genetic information - DNA. This can happen even when using a condom, as the pores of the latex
rubber products are permeable (for example, the HIV genome (human immunodeficiency virus) is smaller than the latex pore of a condom, as a result of which the condom does not provide 100% protection against AIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome - but only reduces the risk of infection).

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is one of two types of nucleic acids that provide storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of living organisms.
organisms. Linear (not closed in a ring) DNA macromolecules of considerable length form the basis of chromosomes. The main role of DNA in cells is the long-term storage of information about the structure of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and proteins. From a chemical point of view, DNA is a long polymeric molecule consisting of repeating blocks, nucleotides.

When a cell of a foreign active genetic substance enters a woman's body, it is destroyed, and the nucleus of the foreign cell and its chromosome are also destroyed. But at the same time, macromolecules of deoxyribonucleic acid are preserved.
acids (DNA). They are called plasmids, and geneticists are well aware of this.
Plasmids are additional factors of heredity (which are not specifically mentioned in the article<<Википедии>> about telegony), located in cells outside the chromosomes and representing circular (closed) or linear DNA molecules. Plasmids are able to duplicate (replicate) autonomously, but at the same time they exploit the replication system of the host cell. Most plasmids encode special proteins - replication initiators. These proteins start the replication process, which is then picked up and continued by the cell's replication system. Plasmids are widely used in genetic engineering for the transfer of genetic information and genetic manipulation. For this, artificial plasmids are created,
consisting of parts taken from different genetic sources, as well as artificially created DNA fragments.

From this it is clearly seen that the plasmids of the genetic substance fully provide the phenomenon of telegony, especially when they enter the untouched generic genetic environment for the first time. These plasmids, by the way, can be those
<<свободными радикалами половых клеток>>, through which the phenomenon of telegony is carried out, as Professor Vladimir Barabash, Doctor of Medical Sciences, spoke about.

Wave genetics describes the second way of transferring the traits of the previous sexual partner to offspring - photon-genetic. By the way, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician T.D. wrote about him back in the USSR. Lysenko. He could not explain the phenomenon, however, he suggested that it is not genetics that is the bearer of qualities that are inherited, but a different, deeper natural process.

Back in the 20-30s of the last century, the Soviet biologist A.G. Gurvich discovered that the human genetic apparatus, like that of other living organisms, works not only on the material level, but also on the energy level and is capable of transmitting information in the form of electromagnetic fields and ultra-weak ultraviolet radiation. In the 1980s, a group of Soviet scientists led by P.P. Garyaeva proved that during sexual contact there is an energy-information exchange of partners at the DNA wave level. As P.P. Garyaev,<<хромосомы сперматозоидов являются излучательными структурами, которые излучают свет, в том числе и такие фантомы, которые несут генетические функции исходного первого самца>> (movie quote)<<Код мужчины. Зачатие вне закона>>). Information is stored in the female body, and even condoms are not capable of protecting spermatozoa from radiation. During their use, the spectrum weakens, but still leaves its informational trace. In this case, a stronger photon<<призрак>> DNA displaces and replaces the weaker, thereby passing on to their offspring their anthropological characteristics.

And the most persistent genes are base ones (criminals, rapists, the mentally ill, drug addicts, etc.), which can be observed even in the banal example of cynologists (dog breeders): if at least once a thoroughbred shepherd dog mates with a mongrel, and even if, as a result of this, puppies did not appear, then all the same, there will be no more thoroughbred offspring from this shepherd dog, since the mongrel genes will dominate. (By the way, this phenomenon is so well known that it is present in many authors and in fiction. For example, this can even be observed in the novel by Ilf and Petrov<<Двенадцать стульев>>: <<Отец Фёдор, в очередной раз желающий разбогатеть, решил разводить породистых собак и с этой целью приобрёл Нерку. Её по недосмотру покрыл <<одноглазый бездомный пёс с хвостом-кренделем на тощей спине>>. After that, Nerka was bred with a thoroughbred male, but the result was as follows: After the allotted time, Nerka brought six excellent muzzled, round-sided puppies of pure bulldog breed, which were spoiled by one small detail: each puppy had a large black fluffy tail lying on its back like a pretzel. The second generation was even more reminiscent of the tramp Marsik. One puppy was even born with one eye. The success of the stray dog ​​was completely inexplicable.>> (I. Ilf, E. Petrov. Twelve chairs - M .: ed.<<Вагриус>> 1997))

Examples of outright lies and inconsistencies between the sections of the site and reality, and even to yourself, can be found in absolutely every section.<<Википедии>> concerning the need for chastity, the revival of morality and morality.

When the undeniable facts of all of the above editors<<Википедии>> were<<прижаты к стенке>>, the answer was what is written in the general information section on the site itself. Namely, the website<<Википедия>> is not scientific, does not claim to be reliable, does not guarantee the truth of the information provided and is not responsible for the information provided. But the most interesting thing was that after editing the sections (placing reliable information on them), the editors again returned everything to the previous false statements and no longer make contact. That's why the refutation of the sections<<Википедии>> can be read on other sites, only really scientific ones. And these are not isolated cases.

So, on the example of just one site known to ordinary people, the manipulation of mass consciousness by providing deliberately false information becomes obvious. And a similar picture, fully consistent<<не существующему плану Даллеса>> is seen everywhere.

Let's describe a few more methods of manipulating the mass consciousness, which are used today against our people. Everyone knows about the power of words. A word can instill hope in a person, resurrect to life, but it can also hurt very much, even kill. Pay attention to what is happening with the Russian language today. The most precious and valuable words for the heart are being desensitized, perverted, and vulgarized. Is the word Motherland filled with the same deep meaning for you? For most, home is where the pay is higher. For such a homeland people
unable to voluntarily die with a sense of accomplishment, not to mention proud of it. The same thing happened with the unity of people, friendship between people, which were transformed into the concept of “useful acquaintance”, which is mostly based only on profit.

What happened to the word<<родители>>! In the youth environment, it turned into words<<предки>> <<родоки>>, <<черепа>>, <<шнурки в стакане>> (ie parents at home) and God knows what else. The term is often used in the literature<<половые партнеры>> (in this phrase we are talking only about physical contact, there is not even a hint of a mutual feeling there). And in some places even words like<<производители>> (and the child is a by-product) and<<сцепка>> (this is instead of the word<<любовь>>, that is, such a short-term non-binding and meaningless connection).

Many<<бескорневых>>, template words applicable to any context. As noted by S.G. Kara-Murza (Kara-Murza S.G. Manipulation of consciousness. - M .: publishing house<<Эксмо>>, 2003),<<создание этих <<бескорневых>> words have become the most important way of destroying national languages ​​and a means of atomization of society>>. Compare, for example, the words<<воспитание>>, <<образование>>, <<развитие>>, <<сознание>> with words<<прогресс>>, <<ваучер>>, <<менеджер>>. The point is not in the translation of words, but in how they are perceived directly by our consciousness. Our words, filled with deep meaning, having many shades, linguistic connections, correlations with the actual everyday reality, common sense, the way of life of the people, come from the environment where our culture was born and formed, they are the connecting links of consciousness. Words introduced from the outside destroy these ties, they are aimed at atomization, personality-oriented behavior, the creation of a society of free individuals, united by nothing, except for selfish interest, where everyone exists not just on his own, but using the other for his own personal benefit. For the Slavic peoples, on the other hand, conciliarity, ideological cohesion, mutual support are characteristic - a force that can withstand external negative influences without destroying society, without destroying its spirituality, strength of mind.

Another important sign system is the acussphere, the world of cultural sound forms. Our society has been almost completely deprived of silence. S.G. Kara-Murza calls this phenomenon<<демократией шума>>. Such a sound (and noise) design of the surrounding space has been created that<<средний человек практически не имеет достаточных промежутков тишины, чтобы сосредоточиться и додумать до конца связную мысль>>.

All information surrounding us is divided into three streams. First, this is reliable information - most residents do not have access to it, it is sent directly to the authorities under the stamps of secrecy of varying degrees. The second is guiding information -<<щелканье пастушьего кнута>> - that is, information about how people should act, what to do in order to comply with the planned behavior pattern. It has nothing to do with moral standards and moral precepts. The essence of this impact is to form a man, controlled, without critical thinking,<<идеального>> (that is, permanent) consumer. And the third stream, this is the so-called<<информационный шум>> - uninformative speech, useless in everyday life, distracting or entertaining
information, incoherent chatter, semantic chaos, idle talk, etc. Take a closer look and listen, observe carefully - it is so clear, open and obvious that you are involuntarily amazed at how many intelligent people capable of a sober perception of reality are bogged down in this quagmire.

Special attention should be paid to products for children. Anyone can be convinced of the perniciousness of its impact by watching the analytical program<<Влияние зарубежных мультфильмов на сознание детей>> (laid out for free viewing on the Internet, full version 34 minutes). The program shows frames from well-known foreign, most often American, cartoons for children, which form their psyche and attitude towards the world in an appropriate way. Some of them are built in such a way that
imprinted in the subconscious, bypassing the stage of critical evaluation and control.

In all, without exception, foreign cartoons, the image of a girl or woman, unlike Soviet cartoons, is endowed with the behavior of an adult and very vulgar woman, and the ideas of motherhood and family are ridiculed. In children's cartoons, female characters are able to successfully use their bodies to seduce and flirt. There are explicit scenes.

We repeat, we are talking about cartoons for children. For example, in the cartoon<<Шрек>> there is a scene of the murder of a bird by a positive female heroine, followed by the preparation of scrambled eggs from her eggs, then scenes of mockery by the heroes of a frog, a snake. All this is shown in the form of a game, and all the heroes do it with laughter, as if hinting that killing is fun. The protagonist of this cartoon, as in all other foreign cartoons, treats his girlfriend very rudely - he will throw him over his shoulder, then he will hit him. And the heroine with all her appearance shows that such treatment gives her pleasure. The child learns this style of behavior by adopting it from<<положительных>> cartoon characters, transfers to your style
behavior in everyday life and relationships with people of the opposite sex.

in the cartoon<<Том и Джерри>> Tom makes a remarkably disrespectful reference to the female sex: he unceremoniously grabs a white cat, kisses her violently, smokes in her presence, and he<<дама>> all this favorably endures. The cat itself is depicted in frankly adult poses. Such scenes disinhibit the parts of the brain of children that the child should<<спать>> for a long time. It also is one of factors of the beginning of early sexual life. And too early onset of sexual activity for a long time stops the normal natural development of the child. The child experiences such strong shocks, such intense experiences that everything else fades into the background for him: study, relationships with parents and acquaintances,
thoughts about a future career. The more complex the culture, the higher should be the age of marriage and the onset of sexual activity: there is too much to master before a person is mastered by feelings that cannot be resisted.

The image of a mother in foreign cartoons is formed by depicting apathetic, fat, ugly heroines, and the image of a young, beautiful girl is always opposed to it. The girl, as it were, is offered a choice that, in fact, is not:<<либо будешь такой же старой и уродливой, если родишь, либо всегда будешь молодой и красивой — тогда не рожай>>. When the cartoons were viewed by professional child psychologist I. Medvedeva, she was shocked by what she saw and called it<<интеллектуальным растлением детей>>.

Since critical thinking has not yet been formed in early childhood, the attitude towards the beginning of an intimate life with the opposite sex after<<воспитания>> such cartoons in a child are formed as entertainment, and not as a function of procreation. The attitude towards the female sex among boys develops a dismissive, consumerist: having matured, such a man will not treat his wife reverently and take care of her, only his personal needs will be in the foreground. This is how immoral and immoral behavior is formed. It is not surprising that after such methods of influencing consciousness, the word<<целомудрие>> It is not familiar to our children, and if it is mentioned, then with a dismissive giggle.

Since the characters in Western cartoons are well drawn and always painted in bright, eye-catching colors, children stare at them without stopping, without having a chance to think about the moral side of their behavior. All<<положительные>> the characters are very similar (there are several typical patterns that are used in different Western cartoons), and this disorientates children: they form an idea of ​​​​beauty (primarily bodily, not spiritual), but they themselves cannot match this pattern and cannot find such an ideal of the opposite sex in life.

<<Положительные>> heroes of foreign cartoons demonstrate behavior that violates accepted morality, and teach this to children. The heroes of fairy tales are sometimes aggressive, rudely and realistically sexual and lustful, immoral, etc. Girls absorb male stereotypes of behavior that are unusual for women and psychologically lose a clear gender identity - they no longer confidently understand what it means to be a woman, they lose their maternal instinct.

In foreign literature one can also find an undisguised distortion of history. For example, in the book<<Великая шахматная доска>> Zbigniew Brzezinski writes about World War II:<<…поражение Германии было завершено главным образом двумя внеевропейскими победителями — Соединенными Штатами и Советским Союзом, ставшими преемниками незавершенного в Европе спора за мировое господство>>. (Zbigniew Brzezinski<<Великая шахматная доска>>. - M .: Intern. relations, 1998). As they say, comments are superfluous.

It may be useful for our reader to get acquainted with the book of John Coleman<<Комитет 300. Тайны мирового правительства>> (Coleman J. Committee of 300. Secrets of the world government. - M .: publishing house<<Витязь>>, 2000). It describes the main directions in the development of modern society, coordinated by a group of influential people from around the world, namely:

the establishment of a one world government with a unified church and monetary system;

complete destruction of national identity and national dignity;

the destruction of religions, and especially Christianity, the creation of a single<<удобной>> religion;

control over every person without exception through the use of mind control tools;

the cessation of industrial development, with the exception of the computer industry and the service industry, in a post-industrial society, the transfer of the remaining industry of the United States to third world countries;

legalization of drugs and pornography;

reduction in the population of large cities and third world countries;

the cessation of all scientific research (especially the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes), except for those that the world government will consider useful;

weakening the morale of the nation and demoralizing the working class by creating mass unemployment;

not allowing peoples to decide their own destiny, artificially creating for this purpose various crisis situations with subsequent management of these crises;

the creation of new destructive and morally corrupting cults and the continued support of existing ones (in music, literature, painting, etc.);

promoting the spread of sectarian religious cults;

the creation of a general crisis in the world economy and the generation of general political chaos;

the destruction of the sovereign integrity of countries from within their governments;

organization of the world terrorist apparatus;

establishing control over education with the aim of its complete and final destruction.

It is easy to see that the moral decay of society is a growing avalanche. Parades of representatives of sexual minorities are organized in many countries and cities, and various sources in every possible way inspire the fact that this is normal. As an example, the facts are given that<<развитых>> countries allow same-sex marriages, and as an example, gay pride parades are shown on the streets of some cities. Even computer games for children include the ability to have bisexual relationships and enter into
same-sex marriages<>, <>and etc.). It is significant that the fighters against games about same-sex marriage are politically correct and do not even put a corresponding warning on the boxes with games and the ESRB (<>is a non-governmental organization that accepts and determines ratings for computer video games).

Through American cartoons and computer games, the younger generation is implanted with sodomy and other perversions as the norm. If you try to analyze this, then in the future you can accurately predict the flowering of plantings and other pseudonormal<<меньшинств>>. If same-sex relationships are recognized as normal, then in the future with 100% probability we can count on the recognition of other perversions as the norm:
bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, gerontophilia (sexual attraction to the elderly and the elderly), etc. Why is one type of perversion better or worse than another?

Peak propaganda of this model<<культуры>> came from the West after the fall<<железного занавеса>>, along with the collapse of the USSR. For the sexual molestation of children in Russian schools, programs on sexology, sexual education, and sex education were introduced. The sex education program was introduced at the suggestion of the Russian Association<<Планирование семьи>> (branch<<Международной федерации планирования семьи>>), the purpose of which is to reduce the birth rate in third world countries. Countries with a certain population are considered by the United States as a potential threat to their security. The results of the implementation of such programs: an increase in the number of divorces, abortions, early pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, psychological failures, and sexual crimes.

In the United States itself, such programs are prohibited, and a lot of money is allocated to promote chastity in premarital relationships. On the streets of cities you can often meet young people in T-shirts with inscriptions:<<Презерватив не защищает сердца>> or<<Я тебя люблю, поэтому до свадьбы не пойду с тобой в постель>>.
Since 1995, a movement has emerged in this country in which young men and women make a promise to remain celibate until marriage, as a sign of which they wear a silver ring. According to medical and sociological studies, more than 50% of American women are now married virgins. And this figure continues to grow. But for some reason these facts are not advertised anywhere except in the West. And it makes me think again.

And if the situation in other countries does not change in the near future, then these countries will cease to exist, nations will disappear from the face of the Earth. The fate of the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah will befall them, which was predicted in the Bible at the expense of peoples with such<<культурой>>.

Master of Philosophy and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines A.V. Danilchenko

Doctor, international lawyer A.V. Savelyev

An excerpt from the chapter “The state and features of the Russian (Russian) civilization. Passionarity of the population, propaganda and mobilization” 2nd volume « National idea of ​​Russia » .

Propaganda acts not only as the main means of stimulating the passionary impetus and channeling passionary energy on a national scale, but also as the main method of controlling the mass consciousness.

In recent decades, campaigns to control the mass consciousness - first of the Soviet, and after it of the Russian society - have acquired a significant scope. Russian society is continuously subjected to ideological influence on the introduction of values ​​targeted for someone or something.

In today's world, mind control is an impact that requires considerable skill and knowledge. If we are talking about public consciousness, about politics, at least on a local scale, then, as a rule, specialists or at least special knowledge gleaned from literature or instructions are involved in the development of an action. Since the manipulation of public consciousness has become a technology, professional workers have appeared who own this technology (or parts of it). There was a system of personnel training, scientific institutions, scientific and popular science literature. True, the Nobel Prize has not yet been explicitly established in this area (although some winners of the Nobel Prize for Peace or Literature should rather be ranked as outstanding manipulators of consciousness).

In imposing on the Russian society the values ​​of a hybrid of an alien democracy, the control (manipulation) of consciousness has become almost the main instrument of efforts. This technology, created in the USA, is used today to a more or less wide extent in other parts of the world (in Russia - without any limits) and is developing towards becoming the main means of social control in the new world order. By the way, methods of social control and tough spiritual influence outside of democracy, in the so-called. "totalitarian" societies do not fall under the concept of manipulation.

The impact on a person of religion (we are not talking about sects yet) or propaganda in the so-called. ideocratic societies, such as, for example, tsarist Russia and the USSR, differ from manipulation in their main generic features.

The key feature of manipulation is the secrecy of influence and suggestion to a person of desires that obviously contradict his main values ​​and interests.
Neither the religion nor the official ideology of an ideocratic society not only does not correspond to this sign, but they operate in a fundamentally different way. Their appeal to people is not just not hidden, it is loud. Guidelines and norms of behavior, to which these influences prompted, were declared quite openly, and they were rigidly and clearly connected with the declared values ​​of society.

Both the Church Fathers and the “Fathers of Communism” believed that the behavior they loudly called for was in the interests of the salvation of the soul and the welfare of their flock. Therefore, the task could not be to inspire false goals and desires and hide the action of spiritual influence. The meaning of the manipulation is different: we will not force you, we will get into your soul, into your subconscious and make it so that you yourself want it. This is the main difference and fundamental incompatibility of the two worlds: religion or ideocracy and the manipulation of consciousness (in the so-called democratic society).

However, the similarity of some "technical" techniques used in both religious and propaganda manipulative rhetoric is misleading - playing on feelings, appealing to the subconscious, to fears and prejudices. Although in reality the fact that these methods in religion and ideocratic propaganda are the result of weakness and immaturity, and in the manipulation of consciousness are a fundamental principle, is not obvious.

This is where the essence of propaganda comes in. On the one hand, propaganda is one of the key methods of mind control, on the other hand, it is the basis for the emergence of manipulation of consciousness as a phenomenon. The tools of propaganda as mind control are very diverse. The key semantic message in propaganda was originally the "word". The American sociologist Harold Lasswell is considered the founder of the scientific direction devoted to the role of the word in propaganda (and then in the manipulation of consciousness). Having begun his research back in the years of the First World War, he summarized the results in 1927 in the book “Propaganda Techniques in the World War”. Lasswell developed methods for the semantic analysis of texts - the study of the use of certain words to convey or distort meanings ("political semantics examines key terms, slogans and doctrines from the point of view of how people understand them"). From here it was a stone's throw to the methods of selecting words. Lasswell built a whole system, the core of which was the principles of creating a "political myth" with the help of the selection of appropriate words.

Today, the main means of enslavement has become the language of television with a special genre - advertising, the main meaning of which lies precisely in the manipulation of consciousness.

Metaphors are ready-made stamps of thinking, but the stamps are aesthetically attractive. These are artistically expressed stereotypes. One of the main "materials" with which the manipulator operates are social stereotypes.

Stereotypes, as a tool of perception and thinking necessary for a person, are stable, can be identified, studied and used as targets for manipulation. Since their usefulness for a person is to perceive and evaluate quickly, without thinking, the manipulator can use them as "filters" through which his "victims" see reality. If it is possible to push large masses of people to perceive some social phenomenon through the stereotype necessary for the manipulator, then it becomes very difficult for those who disagree to appeal to common sense, to convince them to stop, think, and not make hasty dangerous decisions. The task of the manipulator is facilitated by the fact that there are relatively few target stereotypes, especially among the intelligentsia, imbued with rational thinking, not burdened by traditions and religious vision of the world. Such thinking deposits a very small part of the entire human experience in the mind, and this part "settles" in memory in the form of stereotypes as memorized and easily recognizable ready-made holistic conclusions.

For successful manipulation of public opinion, it is necessary to have a reliable "map of stereotypes" of different groups and strata of the population - the entire cultural context of a given society.
A very large amount of research in this area has been carried out by American specialists who have studied the mindsets of influential groups in foreign countries with the aim of influencing these mindsets in the direction that the US desires ("to make US foreign policy arouse a sense of admiration or at least be perceived without resentment") .
This sphere of global manipulation of consciousness is bashfully called "public diplomacy" in the USA.
It was formed as a whole special area of ​​the sociodynamics of culture. The greatest efforts in the United States were made to study the cultural stereotypes of different groups of the population of the USSR, primarily the intelligentsia as the main force that creates or destroys the legitimacy of the state.

The use of stereotypes in "audience capture" is especially important. "Capture" is one of the main operations in the manipulation of consciousness. In the course of its implementation, the manipulator attracts and then holds the attention of the audience and "attaches" it - makes it a supporter of its settings (creates a feeling of belonging to the same "we"). At this stage, the manipulator adjusts to the stereotypes of the audience, does not contradict them. His job is to earn trust.

As a rule, manipulation uses stereotypes that have already been deposited in the mind. But ready-made stereotypes are used not directly, but most often through a technique called channeling or stereotype substitution.

For example, in anti-Soviet propaganda, they put a lot of pressure on the sense of justice and the leveling ideal of the Soviet people. The stereotype of dislike for unearned income was gradually replaced by the stereotype of dislike, and then hatred, of the nomenklatura as an allegedly exploiting working class. People's dissatisfaction was channeled to management workers, closely associated with the image of the state. This technique was also actively used in inciting national conflicts. Its essence is that the context in which the stereotype and image of some social group is embedded is gradually changing. And these small changes do not contradict the usual stereotypes. This idea was already expressed by Goebbels: "The existing views of the audience can be directed to new objects with the help of words that are associated with existing views."

Often, for manipulation, it is necessary to first strengthen or even build the necessary stereotype - “run over a rut”, “cut grooves”. We are usually talking about an illusory stereotype - the suggestion of a false idea or explanation, so that it becomes habitual and takes on the character of the obvious ("if the collective farms are dispersed, there will be an abundance of products"). If the program of manipulation is of a long-term nature, as was the case, for example, during perestroika, then such preparatory work can be carried out ahead of time, without any manipulation burden, without arousing suspicion.

If you manage to create and root a big, strong stereotype, then you can use it for a long time for a variety of purposes. So, in the late 1940s and 1950s. in the United States, great efforts were expended to create a stereotypical idea of ​​the USSR as an "evil empire" that threatened the interests of all Americans.

This stereotype underlay the ideological justification of the Cold War against the USSR. Then the initial investments began to give large political dividends, many US actions could be justified by the need to fight against the “red threat”.
Samuel Huntington wrote in 1981: “Sometimes it is necessary to present [an intervention or other US military action] in such a way as to give the false impression that it is a military action against the Soviet Union. The US has been doing this since the Truman Doctrine."

The anti-Soviet and anti-communist (actually, anti-Russian) stereotype is so strong that it remains active many years after the collapse of the USSR and the coming to power of anti-communists in Russia. So, in 1996, mass graves of executed people were discovered in Austria. From two to three thousand corpses were found in one pit. Who shot the Austrians? Of course, the Russians. A columnist for the Spanish newspaper Pais writes sarcastically: “Russians continue to be murderers by nature, such is their race - they kill Chechens and just anyone. Are they so bad because they were communists? Or were they communists because they are so bad? And then he reports that there was an embarrassment: the Russians did not reach those places in Austria. So these poor remains belong to the prisoners of some concentration camp, whom the Nazis took out and shot to cover their tracks. Again embarrassment: in all the turtles - healthy strong teeth, traces of good nutrition. Yes, and the remains of clothes - obviously officers. Their owners could not be emaciated prisoners. A smart historian was found, he explained: these are the remains of Austrian officers shot by Napoleon. But archaeologists laughed at him - not the same cultural layer, not the same age of the remains. Finally, a little noticed message flashed that these mass executions were the work of good Yankees, and all mention of this event disappeared. Doesn't fit the stereotype! If the Soviet troops were in that zone of Austria, then no problem would arise at all, no one would investigate anything and have no doubts. Gorbachev and Yeltsin himself would immediately admit the guilt of their ancestors.

The technology of “creating” politicians based on stereotypes is also well developed. The slang word "promotion" refers to a whole system of methods for promoting people to the highest levels of politics, regardless of their personal qualities or already existing popularity. One of the complex stereotypes is image- a stereotypical image of a politician or public figure specially built in the course of a whole program of actions. As they say in the textbooks, in the image "the main thing is not what is in reality, but what we want to see, what we need." That is, the image must correspond to the active expectations of people - the active stereotypes of the mass consciousness. The mass media only spread, introduce into the consciousness the image developed by specialists. They choose the main features of this image: either on the basis of ready-made and “warmed up” stereotypes of the mass consciousness, or, if time and means allow, they preliminarily modify, complete and strengthen the necessary stereotypes.

The campaigns to create Reagan and Thatcher from "material" that, it would seem, did not allow any hope of success, were widely known.
In a sense, these operations and the subsequent effective implementation of the program of shadow ruling circles (neoliberal wave) by artificially created politicians became a turning point in history. They clearly showed that all sorts of democratic illusions have exhausted themselves. In a "democratic" Western society, politicians are created and act independently of the interests and even the moods of the majority of voters.

In Russian society, the first President of Russia can serve as an example of creating a stereotype of a politician. For B. Yeltsin, the image of a "fighter against the nomenklatura" was chosen and created. There was no "real" material for this - neither in Yeltsin's biography, nor in Yeltsin's personal views. He himself was perhaps the most typical product of "nomenklatura culture." Nevertheless, in a very short time and with a small set of primitive tricks (a trip by subway, a visit to the district clinic, "Moskvich" as a personal car), the image was created and firmly entered the mass consciousness. Even after 1992, when Yeltsin in everyday life and in his habits openly demonstrated the extreme expression of the nomenklatura nobility, there was no feeling of incompatibility of the two images in the mass consciousness.

Any stereotypes are suitable for the manipulation of consciousness, if they help to turn off common sense at least for a while. But manipulators always begin to swing those of them that are already "actualized" in the public mind.

Read about some large-scale manipulations of consciousness in the 20th century in the second part of the material or in the six-volume book "National Idea of ​​Russia"


Lasswell's work is admired for its frankness. Following exclusively the criterion of effectiveness, he gives such a neutral definition: "A political myth is a complex of ideas that the masses are ready to consider as true, regardless of whether they are true or false in reality."

E. Husserl introduced the term "sedimentation" - "precipitation" of experience in the form of stereotypes. This process saves the manipulator a lot of effort and money.

US experts are studying the true state of affairs and do not allow politicians tosti business is illiterate. They, for example, found that Americans, for the most part, are easilybelieved that Kennedy was killed by a lone lunatic, but the Europeans do not believe in this.They believe that there was a major conspiracy, the presence of which is hidden from society. Soversion of the lone killer is excluded from propaganda on Europe.

By the end of perestroika, public consciousness in the USSR was so split that many stereotypes were reduced to the most primitive formulas, and even to individual cliché words. This surprisingly manifested itself in the elections in 1989. The writer V. Maksimov was amazed: “What is happening? Our liberal progressive intelligentsia now has a whole series of master keys with which it provides itself with intellectual comfort. You just have to say what you have learned by heart: “democracy”, “pluralism”, “hazing”, “sovereignty” - and you get a pass to a certain influential part of society.”

“Here are the conclusions of scientists about the role played by TV as the most important tool of information and cultural influence on a person today. The first and truly amazing conclusion: TV has the ability to eliminate the truth from events. It is the eye of the television camera, which transmits the event with maximum plausibility, that turns it into a "pseudo-event", into a performance.
S.G. Kara-Murza

“Radio and television programs are constantly interrupted to broadcast advertisements. ... the gradual increase in the amount of time children focus on one thing can be a factor by which you can control the development of their mental abilities.
G. Schiller

Methods of influencing the psyche through the media.

- Mass media, information and propaganda.

- manipulation of mass consciousness and mass media.

- features of the psychological impact of television.

- computer gaming addiction.

- cinematic techniques of mass audience manipulation.

The means of mass communication (MC) include an expanded arsenal of ways to influence the psyche of the individual and the masses in order to introduce psychological attitudes into the subconscious and form patterns of behavior in the unconscious psyche. In addition to the media (mass media: television, press, radio, etc.), the mass media also include cinema, theater, circus, all entertainment events and literature, video films, computers, various types of advertising, video and sound recording, etc. .p., with the help of which you can influence a mass audience. Communication is information, a message.

Communication means - ways of transmitting messages over large areas. Mass communication means the involvement of the masses in such a process.

In terms of the effectiveness of influencing the mental consciousness of the masses, the media of mass communication and information come out on top. This becomes possible for the following reasons. Let us briefly consider how the process of information impact on the psyche of an individual or the masses takes place. The human brain consists of two large hemispheres. The left hemisphere is consciousness, the right hemisphere is the unconscious. On the surface of the hemispheres is a thin layer of gray matter. This is the cerebral cortex. Underneath is white matter. These are subcortical, subliminal, parts of the brain. The human psyche is represented by three components: consciousness, the unconscious and a barrier between them - the so-called. called mental censorship. Information is any message that comes from the outside world into the human psyche.

Information passes through the censorship of the psyche. Thus, the censorship of the psyche stands in the way of information that appears in the zone of perception by an individual (through representative and signal systems), and is a kind of protective shield, redistributing information between the consciousness and the unconscious psyche (subconscious). Part of the information, as a result of the work of the censorship of the psyche, enters the consciousness, and a part (large in volume) is forced out into the subconscious. At the same time, we note that the information that has passed into the subconscious, after some time, begins to influence the consciousness, and therefore through the consciousness, thoughts and behavior of a person. Recall that any information that has ever passed by the individual is deposited in the subconscious. It doesn't matter if he remembers it or not. Any information that a person could see or hear, information captured by the psyche with the involvement of the organs of vision, hearing, smell, touch, etc., such information is invariably deposited in the subconscious, in the unconscious of the psyche, from where it soon begins its impact on consciousness.

As you know, the main role in reflecting a person's contacts with reality, in the perception of this reality, belongs to consciousness. However, in addition to consciousness, there is also a subconscious or unconscious psyche. Thus, the human psyche consists of two layers - consciousness and the unconscious, the subconscious. It is on the subconscious that the realization by a person of hidden, subliminal influences, or influences from manipulators, who, using the developed psycho-technologies, introduce psychological attitudes into the human subconscious, depends. The subconscious or unconscious, in turn, is also represented by two layers. This is the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious (or the so-called phylogenetic memory). Representatives of the masses, unconsciously fulfilling the installations embedded in their psyche, owe their behavior to the archetypal components of the psyche, which were partially transferred to such a person phylogenetically (that is, they were formed before his birth), and partially formed as a result of the personal experience of each person. Those. the personal unconscious is formed during a person's lifetime through the use of his representative and signal systems, and the formation of the collective unconscious depends on the experience of previous generations. The information coming from the outside world is partially influenced by the person himself, as well as the environment, which forms the direction of his thoughts in the spectrum of certain knowledge. The unconscious of the psyche is a baggage of knowledge accumulated by a person in the process of life. Moreover, it should be noted that the information of the personal unconscious is constantly replenished throughout life. The information coming from the outside world will eventually be processed with the involvement of the deep layers of the unconscious, as well as the archetypes and patterns of behavior in the unconscious, and then this information will pass into consciousness in the form of the emergence of certain thoughts in a person and, as a result, the commission of appropriate actions. It is in the unconscious of the psyche that desires are concentrated, the initiative component of actions, and indeed everything that later passes into consciousness, i.e. becomes conscious of one or another person. Thus, if we talk about the archetypes of the unconscious in the factor of influence on the subconscious using manipulative techniques, we must say that this becomes possible through a certain provocation of the archetypal layers of the unconscious psyche. In this case, the manipulator fills the information that enters the human brain with such a semantic meaning, so that by using one or another archetype, it causes the corresponding reactions in the human psyche, and therefore encourages the latter to fulfill the settings laid down in his subconscious by the manipulator himself. In addition, archetypes are present not only in the collective, but also in the personal unconscious. In this case, the archetypes consist of the remnants of information that once entered the human psyche, but was not forced out into consciousness or into the depths of memory, but remained in the personal unconscious, being enriched with early half-formed dominants, half-attitudes, and half-patterns; those. at one time, such information was not the creation of full-fledged dominants, attitudes or patterns, but, as it were, outlined their formation; therefore, when information of similar content (i.e., information with a similar encoding, or in other words, similar impulses from afferent connections, i.e., connections between brain neurons) arrives in the future, the early half-formed dominants, attitudes and patterns are completed, as a result of which a full-fledged dominant appears in the brain, and full-fledged attitudes appear in the subconscious, turning into patterns of behavior; the dominant in the cerebral cortex, caused by focal excitation, is the reason for the reliable fixation of psychological attitudes in the subconscious, and hence the appearance of appropriate thoughts in the individual, subsequently turning into actions due to the preliminary transition of attitudes in the subconscious into patterns of behavior in the unconscious. And here we should note the power of mass media. Because it is with the help of this kind of influence that the psychological processing of not an individual individual takes place, but individuals united in masses. Therefore, it must be remembered that if any information comes through the media (television, cinema, glossy magazines, etc.), then such information will certainly completely settle in the psyche of the individual. It settles regardless of whether the consciousness has managed to process at least part of such information, or has not. Whether the individual remembered the information entering his brain, or did not remember. The very fact of the presence of such information already indicates that such information is forever deposited in his memory, in his subconscious. And this means that such information can have an impact on consciousness both now or tomorrow, and many years or decades later. The time factor does not play a role in this case. Such information never leaves the subconscious. It can, at best, only recede into the background, hide for a time in the depths of memory, because the individual's memory is arranged in such a way that it requires constant updating of the available (stored) information in order to memorize new amounts of information. It does not matter whether such information has passed through consciousness or not. At the same time, such information can be amplified if it was enriched with emotions. Any emotions, the emotional content of the semantic load of any information, significantly enhances memorability, forming a dominant in the cerebral cortex, and through this, psychological attitudes in the subconscious. If the information “hit the feelings”, then the censorship of the psyche can no longer have its full effect, because what concerns feelings, emotions, easily overcomes the protection of the psyche, and such information is firmly assimilated into the subconscious, remaining in memory for a long time. in order to somehow separate the information that enters the subconscious through the barrier of the psyche (censorship) and the information that enters the subconscious without the censorship of the psyche, we note that in the first case, such information is deposited in the surface layer of the personal unconscious, i.e. it is not deposited very deeply, while in the second case it penetrates much deeper. At the same time, it cannot be said that in the first case information will eventually pass into consciousness faster than information that has not passed through consciousness (and therefore through censorship) before. There is no particular relationship here. The information extracted from the subconscious is influenced by many different factors, including the archetypes of the collective and personal unconscious. And then, just by using one or another archetype, it becomes possible to withdraw information from the subconscious - and transfer it to consciousness. From which it follows that such information will soon begin to influence the behavior of the individual, guiding his actions.

Having dwelled a little on archetypes, we note that archetypes are understood as the formation in the subconscious of certain images, the subsequent impact on which can cause certain positive associations in the psyche of the individual, and through this influence the information received by the individual "here and now", that is, information currently valued by the individual. The archetype is formed through the systematic flow of some information (i.e., through the flow of information over a period of time), and most often it is formed in childhood (early childhood) or adolescence. With the help of this or that archetype, the unconscious is able to influence consciousness. C. G. Jung (1995) suggested that archetypes are already embedded in human nature from birth. This position is in direct relationship with his theory of the collective unconscious. In addition, since the archetypes that are in the unconscious are themselves unconscious, it becomes understandable that their impact on consciousness is not realized, just as in most cases any form of influence on consciousness of information stored in the subconscious is not realized. Introducing the concept of the collective unconscious, Jung (1995) noted that the surface layer of the unconscious is called the personal unconscious. In addition to the personal unconscious (acquired from personal experience in the process of life), there is also an innate and deeper layer, which is called the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious includes contents and patterns of behavior that are the same for all individuals.

Of all the mass media, television stands out as the highest manipulative effect. There is a certain problem of the susceptibility of modern man to manipulation through television. It is impossible for most individuals to refuse to watch television programs, because the specifics of the television signal and the presentation of the material are designed in such a way as to first provoke psychopathological symptoms in the individual, and later to remove them through television broadcasting, thereby providing a stable addiction (similar to drug addiction). Everyone who has watched TV for a long time is in this kind of addiction. They can no longer refuse to watch TV shows, because, in case of avoiding watching, such individuals may begin states that resemble the symptoms of a neurosis in their characteristics. The significant effect of manipulative techniques is based on the provocation in the psyche of the individual of the symptoms of borderline psychopathology. By means of a television signal, television encodes the psyche of an individual. Such coding is based on the laws of the psyche, according to which any information first enters the subconscious, and from there it affects the consciousness. Thus, through television broadcasting, it becomes possible to model the behavior of the individual and the masses. S.G. Kara-Murza (2007) notes that television production is a “commodity” akin to a spiritual drug. The man of modern urban society is dependent on television, because the impact of television is such that a person loses his free will and spends much more time in front of the screen than his needs for information and entertainment require. As in the case of drugs, a person who consumes a modern TV program cannot rationally assess the nature of its impact on his psyche and behavior. Moreover, since he becomes “addicted” to television, he continues to consume its products even if he is aware of its harmful effects.

The first mass broadcasting began in Nazi Germany, during the 1936 Olympic Games (Hitler was the first to understand and began to use the manipulative capabilities of TV). A little earlier, in April 1935, the first TV salon for 30 people with two TV sets appeared in Berlin, and in the autumn of 1935 a TV theater with a projector for 300 people was opened. In the United States in 1946, only 0.2% of American households had a TV set. In 1962, this figure had risen to 90%, and by 1980 almost 98% of American households had television sets, with some families having two or three television sets. In the Soviet Union, regular television broadcasting began in 1931 from the building of the Moscow Radio Center on Nikolskaya Street (now the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network - RTRS). The first television receiver appeared in 1949. (It was called KVN-49, it was black and white, the screen was slightly larger than the size of a postcard, to enlarge the image, a lens attached to the screen was used, which enlarged the image by about two times.) Until the mid-80s. in our country there were two or three channels, and if the first channel could be watched by almost 96% of the population of the country, then two channels were not “caught” by everyone (depending on the region), approximately 88% across the country. Three channels - only a third of the country had. Moreover, the majority of television receivers (by two thirds) remained black and white even before the 90s.

When conducting a television broadcast, there is an impact on the psyche through the activation of various forms of information transfer; the simultaneous participation of the organs of sight and hearing has a powerful effect on the subconscious, due to which manipulations are carried out. After 20-25 minutes of watching a television program, the brain begins to absorb any information that comes through the television broadcast. One of the principles of mass manipulation is suggestion. This principle is based on the action of television advertising. For example, a person is shown some kind of commercial. Suppose, at first, such a person has a clear rejection of the material being demonstrated (ie, his idea of ​​this product is different). Such a person looks, listens, justifying himself by the fact that he will not buy anything like that. This kind of calms himself down. In fact, if any signal enters the information field of a person for a long time, then the information is inevitably deposited in the subconscious. So, if in the future there will be a choice between what product to buy, such a person will unconsciously give preference to the product about which he has already “heard something”. Furthermore. It is this product that will subsequently evoke a positive associative series in his memory. Like something familiar. As a result, when a person faces a choice of a product about which he knows nothing, and a product about which he has already “heard something”, he will instinctively (i.e. subconsciously) reach for a familiar product. And in this case, the time factor is often important. If for a long time we have information about a product, it automatically becomes something close to our psyche, which means that a person can unconsciously make a choice in favor of such a product (a similar brand of goods, brand). With a television signal, especially during advertising, the three main principles of passive trance technology (hypnosis) are used: relaxation, concentration of attention and suggestion. Having relaxed and concentrated in front of the TV screen, a person absorbs all the information suggested to him, and since a person, unlike animals, has two signal systems, this means that people react in the same way both to a real sensory stimulus (the right hemisphere of the brain) and on human speech (left hemisphere of the brain). In other words, for any person, the word is the same real physical stimulus as everyone else. Trance enhances the effect of words (left hemisphere of the brain) and emotionally perceived pictures-images (right hemisphere of the brain), therefore, while relaxing at the TV, any person at this very moment and in this state becomes extremely psycho-physiologically vulnerable, since the human consciousness goes into a hypnotic state , the so-called "alpha state" (a state that is neurophysiologically accompanied by alpha waves on the electroencephalogram of the cerebral cortex. In addition, TV commercials are necessarily repetitive. In this case, another important principle of hypnosis applies. Repetition sharply increases the power of suggestion, eventually reducing the behavior of many people to the level of ordinary reflexes of the nervous system.

L.P. Grimak (1999) notes that modern television acts as the most effective means of forming the hypnotic passivity of the viewer, which contributes to the strong consolidation of the created psychological attitudes, therefore television advertising is considered the most effective way of programming buyers and consumers of services. While watching TV shows, the viewer is immersed in superficial hypnosis. In this case, the programming of the viewer is carried out according to the type of post-hypnotic suggestion, when the given setting is activated at the appointed time after leaving the trance, i.e. after a while after watching a TV show, a person has an obsessive desire to make a purchase. Therefore, in recent years, a new mental illness has emerged - shopping mania. It is characteristic mainly of people suffering from loneliness, inferiority complexes, low self-esteem, who do not see the meaning of their existence. The disease manifests itself in the fact that once in a supermarket, such a person begins to buy literally everything, trying to get rid of some internal anxiety. Having come home with the acquisitions, both the buyer himself and his relatives are shocked, being amazed at the amount of money spent and the obvious uselessness of purchases. Especially often women suffer from this disease, because. they are more suggestible. It has been established that 63% of people who are unable to resist shopping, even if they understand that they do not need this item, suffer from depression. Watching television is especially dangerous for a child. One of the reasons for the hypnotizing effect of TV shows is that watching TV is accompanied by a very high energy expenditure. It seems to a person that he is sitting and physically resting, but the rapidly changing visual pictures on the screen continuously activate in his long-term memory many images that make up the experience of his individual life. By itself, the visual range of the television screen requires continuous awareness of the visual material, the associative images generated by it require certain intellectual and emotional efforts to evaluate and inhibit them. The nervous system (especially in children), being unable to withstand such an intense process of awareness, already after 15-20 minutes forms a protective inhibitory reaction in the form of a hypnoid state, which sharply limits the perception and processing of information, but enhances the processes of imprinting it and programming behavior. (L.P. Grimak, 1999).

TV has no less danger to the psyche of women housewives, as well as men and women who come home after a working day and turn on the TV. This danger is connected with the fact that television has a strong suggestive effect. When watching TV programs of any orientation, a person works mainly with the right hemisphere of the brain. The right hemisphere thinks in images, and is responsible for a complex vision of the world, i.e. assembles individual frames of what he saw into a single holistic composition. At the same time, the work of the left hemisphere, with its analytical thinking, is turned off. Thus, all the information seen through watching TV easily penetrates into the subconscious, where it forms the appropriate psychological attitudes and patterns of behavior. As a result, sponsors of TV channels program the population of the country to perform the given actions, leaving no chance for people to resist. It is necessary to learn to fight against professional manipulators, mastering special knowledge, which greatly complicates, and, with the proper approach, nullifies the efforts of manipulators. With regard to the manipulative impact directed at children (a significant number of TV programs), it should be said that the child, due to age, has not formed the skill of transferring information from the right hemisphere to the left, i.e. the skill of comprehending information that is presented through a television show. Television, with its huge flow of visual information, affects mainly the right hemisphere of the brain. The rapid transition of images, the inability to go back and once again view insufficiently understood frames (and therefore comprehend them), these are signs of the dynamic art that television is. Comprehension of what he saw, i.e. the transfer of information from the right (sensory, figurative) hemisphere to the left (logical, analytical) occurs by recoding the images seen on the screen into words. This takes time and skill. Children have not developed this skill yet. Whereas when reading books, the left hemisphere mainly works, therefore, a child who reads books has an intellectual advantage over those who watch TV to the detriment of reading. A.V. Fedorov (2004) cites data on the negative impact of mass media on the psyche of the younger generation, noting that currently Russia has one of the highest crime rates in the world. The annual number of murders (per 100,000 people) in Russia is 20.5 people. In the US, this figure is 6.3 people. In the Czech Republic - 2.8. In Poland - 2. According to this indicator, Russia shares the first place with Colombia. In 2001, 33.6 thousand murders and attempted murders, 55.7 thousand cases of grievous bodily harm, 148.8 thousand robberies, 44.8 thousand assaults were committed in Russia. At the same time, juvenile delinquency is acquiring the scale of a national disaster. After the abolition of censorship in the media, thousands of domestic and foreign works containing episodes of violence began to be shown on cinema/television/video/computer screens (without observing age restrictions). The violence shown from the screens is associated with the commercialization of television and the abolition of state censorship. Scenes of violence often replace the weak plot of the picture, because. scenes of violence immediately affect the subconscious, involving feelings, and not the mind. By demonstrating sex and violence, manipulators with the help of the media achieve the degradation of the younger generation, whose representatives are impaired in their ability to adequately perceive reality. Such a person begins to live in his fictional world. Moreover, television and cinema (as well as all mass media in general) form attitudes and patterns of behavior in the psyche of a teenager, in accordance with which such a teenager will already react to a particular life situation in accordance with the attitudes that turned out to be formed in him through watching TV shows and movies. Clearly, television and cinema stand out, of course. unlike print or electronic media, in these types of influence on the psyche, the greatest manipulative effect is also achieved from a combination of music, picture, image, voice of the announcer or film characters, and this all significantly enhances the semantic load that the manipulators of mass consciousness put into the plot of one or another a different picture. Another manipulative effect is the involvement of the audience in what is happening on the screen. There comes a kind of identification of the viewer with the characters of the film or TV show. This is one of the features of the popularity of various programs. Moreover, the effect of this kind of demonstration is very significant, and is based on the mechanism of influence (intentional or unconscious) of what is happening on the screen on the subconscious, with a special kind of involvement of the archetypes of the personal and collective (mass) unconscious. In addition, we must remember about such a category of impact on the psyche as connection to information sources. If you watch any TV show, then even if you are alone, you enter a certain informational biofield of the masses, i.e. connect to the psychic consciousness of those who are also watching the same program; thus you form a single mass, which is subject to the mechanisms of manipulative influence inherent in mass formation.

“Commercial cinema consciously and methodically, with diabolical sophistication, sets up traps for the viewer on the screen,” notes K.A. Tarasov, who cites the following fact as an example: in 1949-1952. The creators of the world's first crime television series Man Against Crime (USA) received instructions from their management as follows: “It has been found that the interest of the audience can be best maintained when the plot revolves around a murder. Therefore, someone must be killed, preferably at the very beginning, even if other types of crimes are committed during the course of the film. The threat of violence must hang over the rest of the heroes at all times. The main character from the very beginning and throughout the film must be in danger.

Showing violence in commercial films is often justified by the fact that good triumphs in the final picture. This implies a qualified reading of the film. But there is another reality of perception, especially in adolescence and youth: socially significant is the meaning that the audience ascribes to the film, and not the intentions of the author.

There are five types of consequences of perception of screen violence.

The first type is catharsis. It is based on the idea that the individual's failures in everyday life cause him a state of frustration and the resulting aggressive behavior. If it is not realized through the perception of the corresponding heroes of popular culture, then it can manifest itself in antisocial behavior.

The second type of consequences is the formation of readiness for aggressive actions. This refers to the setting for aggressive behavior, which occurs as a result, on the one hand, of excitation of the viewer from scenes of violence, and on the other hand, the idea of ​​the permissibility of violence in interpersonal relationships under the influence of scenes in which it appears as something completely justified.

The third type is learning through observation. This means that in the process of identifying with a movie character, the viewer voluntarily or involuntarily learns certain patterns of behavior. The information received from the screen can later be used by him in a real life situation.

The fourth type of consequences is the consolidation of the viewers' attitudes and patterns of behavior.

The fifth type is not so much violent behavior as emotions - fears, anxiety, alienation. This theory is based on the idea that the mass media, primarily TV, create a kind of symbolic environment where people are immersed from childhood. The environment forms ideas about reality, cultivates a certain picture of the world.

Therefore, it follows that the images of violence affect the general identity in three areas: 1) the formation of readiness for aggressive actions as a result of the consolidation or emergence of the idea of ​​the permissibility of physical violence in interpersonal relationships. 2) learning through observation. In the process of identifying with the movie character, the viewer voluntarily or involuntarily learns certain patterns of aggressive behavior. The information obtained can then be used in a real life situation. 3) fixing the existing attitudes and patterns of behavior among the audience. Thus, in childhood development, modern screen art contributes to the formation of aggressiveness as components of a person's general personal identity. (K.A. Tarasov, 2003) Most scientists do not disagree about the negative impact of the uncontrolled flow of scenes of screen violence on the children's audience and the need to create a well-thought-out state policy in relation to the protection of the rights of the child in the field of media. (A.V. Fedorov, 2004).

Regarding the impact on the child's psyche, one should pay attention to the fact that such a structure of the psyche as censorship (a barrier to criticality in the way of information coming from the outside world) has not yet been formed in the child. Therefore, almost any information from the TV lays in the child's psyche the attitudes and patterns of subsequent behavior. There is no other way. This is the strong manipulative effect of television, when a person may not even understand the meaning of the information that he sees on the TV screen; the content of the TV show can even be a set of funny stories with a scandalous tinge (which enhances the suggestive effect, because any provocation of emotions destroys the barrier of criticality of the psyche), and outwardly, as if there is no obvious negative. Such negativity becomes noticeable later, when a teenager begins to demonstrate the behavior modeled earlier as a result of watching TV. “The cult of cruelty, violence, pornography, promoted in the media, printed publications of unlimited sale, as well as in computer games, etc., leads to an sometimes unconscious desire in adolescents and young people to imitate this, contributes to the consolidation of such stereotypes of behavior in their own habits and lifestyle , reduces the level of threshold restrictions and legal prohibitions, which, along with other conditions, opens the way for many of them to offenses, ”notes V. N. Lopatin.

Speaking of attitudes, we must say that such attitudes are expressed in programmed behavior patterns. Highlighting one of the characteristics of the set, T.V. Evgenyeva (2007) notes that the set is the state of the individual's internal readiness to respond in a programmed way to objects of reality or to information about them. It is customary to single out several functions of the attitude in the process of cognition and motivation of behavior: cognitive (regulates the process of cognition), affective (channels emotions), evaluative (predetermines assessments) and behavioral (directs behavior). Considering such functions, T.V. Evgenyeva gives an example of understanding the differences between attitudes, known as the "Lapierre paradox" . Briefly, the gist is this. In 1934, R. Lapierre conducted an experiment. He decided to visit many different hotels in small American towns, taking two Chinese students with him. Wherever the company stayed for the night, the owners of the hotels met them very cordially. After Lapierre returned to the base with the Chinese, he wrote a letter to all the owners of the hotels, asking if he could come to them with a company in which the Chinese would be. Almost all hotel owners (93%) refused. In this example, it can be seen that the appraisal attitude towards members of a particular racial group in a situation requiring a behavioral response has been supplanted by the behavioral attitudes of the hotel owner towards the client. T.V. Evgenyeva (2007) notes the chaotic nature of the Russian media, which are guided by the rating and attracting advertisers, and supplements the given installations with one more: the installation of a barrier. Note that such an attitude lies in the plane of psychoanalysis, and means the fact that information coming from the outside world that does not encounter archetypes or patterns of behavior previously embedded in the subconscious mind will not be perceived by the consciousness of the individual, which means that it is sent to the subconscious before the deadline. But it doesn't disappear. This must be remembered. Because any information from the outside world that was not perceived by the consciousness and forced out by it into the subconscious (into the unconscious), in fact, after a certain time passes, begins to have its effect on the consciousness. Thus, the attitudes introduced into the subconscious, and aimed at the formation of the corresponding thoughts, desires and actions of the individual and the masses, are very stable in time, and dissolving in the unconscious (both personal and collective) in the form of the formation of the corresponding archetypes, have a key impact on life. person. We have already noted an increased perception of any information by the child's psyche. In fact, any information that enters the psyche in childhood is deposited in the subconscious, which means that over time it begins to affect the consciousness. Thus, with the help of the media, manipulators from business and government program the consciousness of the masses for many years, because adults live with the attitudes they received in childhood.

Speaking about modern means of mass influence on the audience, we must talk about the combination of advertising and mass media. Influencing the subconscious of the individual, advertising leads to the fact that a person no longer belongs to himself. He obeys the principles and norms of life imposed on him. And even if he consciously still opposes some of them, subconsciously he already makes a choice in favor of one or another psychological attitude on the part of the manipulators.

In addition, manipulators form an inferiority complex among certain groups of the population who do not have the opportunity to buy a particular product. The goods corresponding to this or that style of life. For example, television, through programs of a certain direction, forms the image of successful people who have the means to buy any goods for themselves. The people want to get closer to the same level of consumption, hence the growth of loans from banks, and in general - the growth of neurotic addictions and anger in society, loans are not always possible to repay.

There are five stages of interaction between society and television. The first stage is interest in the source of information (i.e. TV). The second stage is information evaluation. In addition, the possession of a TV at this stage is noted by a person as an increase in their own social status. The third stage characterizes the development of mass television. Many families can afford to buy a TV set. At the fourth stage, adults not only spend a significant amount of time in front of the TV, but the TV is already beginning to build their lives through the information once received through television viewing. The fifth stage characterizes the emergence of cable television, which means that the selectivity in obtaining this or that information is growing. (Y.N. Zasursky, 2001). At the same time, the modern stage of development of television characterizes the changes that occur from simply watching television through a television receiver (as happened in the 20th century), to such types of television as satellite (worldwide), cable (subscriber), cassette (TV via laser discs), title television (videotext, teletext). In addition, we must also talk about the fact that the manipulation of the mental consciousness of the masses is inherent in any television broadcast. As noted by A.N. Fortunatov (2007), the specifics of television information include the need to be perceived uncritically, to meet the expectations of the audience, its stereotypes and stable ideas about reality. A TV program from the very first seconds should signal to the viewer that it is addressed specifically to him, meets his needs. After that, such impulses should be repeated with sufficient frequency so that the person sitting in front of the screen does not have motives to change the channel. The viewer acts as a kind of "resonator" between his own ideas about the world and what he sees on TV, receiving from the TV confirmation of the correctness of his choice.

At the same time, we should talk about information management (through television in particular, and mass media in general). Moreover, considering the issue of management, we can notice (based on the example of Perestroika and the destruction of the resulting social structure of Soviet society) that the effectiveness of such actions was built on the methodological basis of Antonio Gramsci, who believed that a mass revolution would be too complicated for the destruction of society, since it is a change "basis", which in modern conditions is relatively difficult. And in this case, it is easier to change the “superstructures”, that is, in other words, to direct a manipulative influence on the intelligentsia, because changing its worldview will turn out to be noticeably more advantageous, including in terms of time, rather than trying to change the consciousness of the whole society at once.

Consider manipulation through television. (S.K. Kara-Murza, 2007).

1) Fabrication of facts.

In this case, the manipulation effect occurs as a result of small deviations used in the supply of material, but acting always in the same direction. Manipulators only tell the truth when the truth can be easily verified. In other cases, they try to present the material in the way they need. Moreover, a lie becomes most effective when it is based on a stereotype embedded in the subconscious.

2) Selection for material events of reality.

In this case, an effective condition for programming thinking is the control of the media in order to present uniform information, but in different words. At the same time, the activities of opposition media are allowed. But their activities must be controlled and not go beyond the scope of broadcasting allowed by them. In addition, the media use the so-called. the principle of democracy of noise, when a message unnecessary by the manipulator should simply perish under a powerful release of versatile information.

3) Gray and black information.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the media began to use the technology of psychological warfare. The American Military Dictionary of 1948 defines psychological warfare as follows: "These are planned propaganda activities that influence the views, emotions, attitudes and behavior of enemy, neutral or friendly foreign groups in order to support national policy." The manual (1964) states that the purpose of such a war is "undermining the political and social structure of the country ... to such a degree of degradation of the national consciousness that the state becomes unable to resist."

4) Major psychoses.

The secret tasks of the media is to turn the citizens of our country into a single mass (crowd), with the aim of general regulation of the dissemination of the flow of information, which processes the consciousness and subconscious of people. As a result, such a crowd is easier to manage, and the average layman unquestioningly believes the most ridiculous statements.

5) Affirmation and repetition.

In this case, the information is presented in the form of ready-made templates that actively involve the stereotypes in the subconscious mind. An affirmation in any speech means a refusal to discuss, since the power of an idea that can be discussed loses all credibility. In human thinking, the so-called. mosaic culture. The media are a factor in strengthening this type of thinking, accustoming a person to think in stereotypes, and not to include intellect when analyzing media materials. With the help of repetition, information is introduced into the depths of the subconscious, where the motives for subsequent human actions are born. Excessive repetition dulls consciousness, causing any information to be deposited in the subconscious almost unchanged. And from the subconscious, after a certain period of time, such information passes into consciousness.

6) Crushing and urgency.

In this method of manipulating the media used, integral information is divided into fragments so that a person cannot combine them into a single whole and comprehend the problem. (For example, articles in a newspaper are broken into parts and placed on different pages; a text or TV show is broken up by advertising.) By tearing apart information about an important event, it is possible to drastically reduce the impact of the message or completely deprive it of its meaning.

7) Simplification, stereotyping.

This type of manipulation is based on the fact that a person is a product of a mosaic culture. His consciousness is created by the media. The media, unlike high culture, is designed specifically for the masses. Therefore, they set strict limits on the complexity and originality of messages. The justification for this is the rule that a representative of the masses is able to adequately assimilate only simple information, so any new information is adjusted to a stereotype so that a person perceives information without effort and internal analysis.

8) Sensationalism.

In this case, the principle of such presentation of information is preserved, when it is impossible or very difficult to form a single whole from separate parts. In this case, any pseudo-sensation stands out. And already under the cover of it, the really important news is hushed up (if this news, for some reason, is dangerous for the circles that control the media). The constant bombardment of the mind, especially with “bad news”, serves to maintain the necessary level of “nervousness” in society. Such nervousness, a feeling of continuous crisis, sharply increases the suggestibility of people and reduces the ability for critical perception.

9) Changing the meaning of words and concepts.

Media manipulators in this case freely interpret the words of any person. At the same time, the context changes, often taking the form directly opposite or at least distorted. Example: when the Pope during a visit to one of the countries was asked how he treats brothels, he was surprised that, they say, do they really exist. After that, an emergency report appeared in the newspapers: “The first thing dad asked when he set foot on our land was whether we have brothels?”

We have already noticed that television broadcasting serves as a kind of daily dose of a spiritual drug that allows you to temporarily remove neurotic addiction. Getting rid of addiction occurs by connecting to the collective mind. As we have already noticed, if a certain number of people are doing the same thing (for example, watching TV), then they unite in a mass. This means that the laws of the crowd (suggestibility, contagiousness, imitation, etc.) apply to such people, and such people can be controlled, as it were, from a single “command center”. Any opposition to manipulation by the media is virtually out of the question. All people live in society, i.e. being between signals evenly emitted from each other, they interact with each other within the same society of a similar social structure, which means they have almost the same fears and joys, worries and problems, etc. Moreover, the initial connection of the minds of individuals into a single mind takes place even in kindergarten and school (the so-called disciplinary spaces). Thus, from childhood, mechanisms are formed in the human psyche, the impact on which subsequently allows you to unite people into masses and obey the leader (head of state) What is submission? Submission is the removal of neurosis. Doing like everyone else, a person is not subjected to pressure from their leaders. Otherwise, a stream of criticism falls upon him, unconsciously provoking various kinds of neurotic addictions in the psyche (anxiety, guilt, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, etc.). The removal of such addictions occurs by combining individual individuals into a single mass, when a person, starting to play according to the rules accepted in society, ceases to stand out, which means that the symptoms of neurotic dependence disappear from him. As a result, the human brain remembers this, and later, when such a person wants to do something different from the generally accepted one, he is faced with a choice: to do it consciously and go along the path of confronting society (and therefore again plunge himself into neurosis), or do everything is like everyone else, and relatively happy to live on. Most choose the latter. Therefore, when entertainment programs are shown in the evening, people watch them, because, among other things, they know that others, having come home from work, also watch the same programs.

In addition, the media have a psychological impact on the following areas of the psyche:

1) Need-motivational (knowledge, beliefs, value orientations, inclinations, desires).

2) Intellectual-cognitive (sensations, perceptions, ideas, imagination, memory and thinking).

3) Emotional-volitional sphere (emotions, feelings, moods, volitional processes).

4) Communicative-behavioral (the nature and characteristics of communication, interaction, relationships, interpersonal perception). (V.G. Krysko, 1999).

At the same time, the psychological impact has its own patterns:

If it is aimed at the need-motivational sphere of people, then its results affect the direction and strength of people's motives (drives and desires);

If it is directed to the emotional sphere of the psyche, then this is reflected in internal experiences, as well as in interpersonal relationships;

The combination of influences on the need-motivational and emotional together - allows you to influence the volitional activity of people and thus control their behavior;

Influence on the communicative-behavioral sphere (the specifics of relationships and communication) allows you to create socio-psychological comfort and discomfort, force people to cooperate or conflict with others;

As a result of the psychological impact on the intellectual and cognitive sphere of a person, the representation of a person, the nature of his perception of newly incoming information and, as a result, his “picture of the world” change in the direction necessary for the manipulators. (Project Russia, 2006).

Thus, television and other media of mass culture (cinema, glossy magazines, etc.) change people's habits, introducing new attitudes into their subconscious, initiated by power and (or) capital. There is a kind of zombification of the mass consciousness. And people encoded in this way begin to act in the interests of the ruling elite, without even suspecting it.

D.A. Volkogonov (1983) gives the main characteristics of such tactics, noting that its most characteristic features are a high degree of selectivity of influences, a quick restructuring of the argument depending on the changing situation, the complex use of various methods and techniques of psychological warfare, the concentration of efforts on one or other object, specific date, region, social group, etc.

There are three levels of impact on the psyche:

1) Strengthening the necessary attitudes, ideals, values, norms that exist in the minds of people. Fixing these elements of consciousness in the worldview and life attitudes.

2) Private and small changes in views on a particular event, which affects the position and emotional attitude of a person to a particular phenomenon.

3) A radical, cardinal change in life attitudes based on the communication of dramatic information and unusual new data.

The implementation of the first two attitudes is achieved through manipulation in a short period of time, and the third level, which characterizes a fundamental change in attitudes in the behavior of the masses, becomes possible as a result of a long-term impact on the psyche. (D.A. Volkogonov, 1983).

In our opinion, one should single out such an important role of television as the possibility of getting rid of neurosis by watching, for example, movies. Such films as, for example, "Cargo 200", by the strength of the achieved effects-influences on the audience and the affective experiences of the psyche associated with this, are able to achieve a much greater effect than many psychotherapeutic techniques that require the patient to methodically and thoughtfully immerse himself in his inner world. That is, during one viewing of a film of similar content, the patient at once relieves himself of the burden of painful psychosomatic problems, experiencing catharsis (purification). Considering the mechanisms for achieving such effects-results by watching a TV or movie, we will present the classic methods of involving in the psyche of the masses that emotional component, thanks to which, in fact, feelings are born in the soul that help to empathize with the heroes of films through unconscious involvement in the plot and action played out. on the screen.

A.V. Fedorov (2007) gives the following scheme for achieving the effect on the viewer:

Orchestration" - psychological pressure in the form of constant repetition of certain facts, regardless of the truth;

- "selection" ("rigging") - the selection of certain trends - for example, only positive or negative, distortion, exaggeration (understatement) of these trends;

- "blushing" (embellishment of facts);

- “sticking labels” (for example, accusatory, offensive, etc.);

- "transfer" ("projection") - the transfer of any qualities (positive, negative) to another phenomenon (or person);

- "playing the common people", including, for example, the most simplified form of presenting information.

- "sifting" information (for example, for media texts that claim to be documentary, effectively argued selection of true and false, clearing information from "rouge" and "labels" by comparing it with real facts, etc.);

Removing the halo of "typical", "common people", "authority" from information;

Critical analysis of the goals, interests of the "agency" / authors of the media text.

Among the factors influencing the attractiveness of a television and movie film, the demonstration of scenes of violence stands out, causing an additional surge of the viewer's emotions, and hence involvement in the viewing process. Consider the classification of the attractiveness of scenes of violence for the audience by J. Kantor (1998):

1) Desire to experience excitement. Watching scenes of violence activates empathy, increases heart rate and pressure.

2) Desire to virtually experience aggression (empathy effect): many media recipients like to virtually participate in aggressive actions. Passion for media texts containing naturalistic images of scenes of violence is directly related to the process of getting pleasure from contemplating such scenes, to identifying with the aggressor, and not with a positive character or victim.

3) Ignoring restrictions (the "forbidden fruit" effect): parents often limit their children's access to media violence, which makes such episodes more desirable for a certain part of minors.

4) Trying to see the violence and aggression as reflecting your own experience. In this sense, aggressive people like to watch programs that show their characteristic behavior. Studies show that people who behave aggressively in real life opt for more aggressive programs.

5) Exploring the surrounding criminal world: people for whom violence is an integral part of their social circle are more interested in violence on the screen.

6) Self-soothing: contact with media texts containing scenes of violence helps people to distract themselves from their own life fears and real problems, since, for example, a typical TV series plot ends with the triumph of order and justice.

7) Gender effect. In the children's audience there is a gender difference in the perception of scenes of violence. When boys and girls watch the same TV show, the former may be more prone to the “aggression effect” and identification with the typical aggressive male character, while girls are more fearful because they identify with the typical female victim character”;

Psychotherapeutic practice shows that a large part of the population is a kind of videoman. These are two age categories: children under 16 and pensioners. The phenomenon of videomania resembles drug addiction. The television screen significantly intensified the hypnogenic function, bringing it close to the hypnotic essence. (L.P. Grimak, 2004).

Consider the classification of reasons for the attractiveness of media violence for the audience, developed by J. Goldstein (1998):

1) Subjective characteristics. The following categories show the greatest interest in the topic of violence:

a) men;

b) individuals more than usual prone to aggressiveness;

c) those whose needs for excitement and thrill can be defined in the range from moderate to high;

d) those who are in search of their social "I", or a way to make friends with peers;

e) prone to "forbidden fruit";

f) wishing to see justice restored;

2) Use of scenes containing violence: to control mood; to regulate excitement and arousal; for the possibility of expressing emotions;

3) Characteristics of violence images that increase their appeal:

a) unreality (music, editing, scenery);

b) exaggeration or distortion, fantastic genre;

c) predictable result (fair ending);

4) Context. Violent scenes (such as military or crime themes) are more appealing in a safe, familiar setting.

In addition, scenes of violence in media texts psychologically prepare a person for intense emotional situations, allow them to symbolize their physical activity and ability to act in crisis situations, and exercise mental self-regulation at the moment of confusion.

Thus, among the main reasons for the attractiveness of media texts containing scenes of violence to the audience, A.V. Fedorov (2007) identifies the following:

Entertainment, recreation, compensation, desire to experience excitement/fear;

The desire to virtually experience aggression (the effect of empathy);

Identification with an aggressive or victim character (identification effect);

Ignoring restrictions (forbidden fruit effect);

Trying to see the violence/aggression as reflecting one's own experience;

Studying the surrounding criminal world (comprehension of the role of violence in society and in the area where this audience lives);

The effect of complacency, i.e. the effect of anticipation of a happy ending and the realization that "this whole nightmare is not happening to me";

Gender effect, etc.

All this is fully consistent with the main theories of "media effects", which describe the following mechanisms for the impact of audiovisual works containing scenes of violence:

Manipulating the feeling of fear (for example, stimulating a feeling of fear of aggression and violence);

Teaching the audience violent / aggressive actions with their subsequent commission in real life (violence as an acceptable way to solve any problems);

Stimulation, excitation of aggressive, imitative instincts of the audience, its appetite for scenes of violence (especially in relation to an audience with a mental disorder);

- "inoculation" of the audience with a sense of indifference, indifference to the victims of violence, lowering the threshold of sensitivity in relation to the manifestation of violence in real life;

- "cathartic", virtual and safe for others, the release of aggressive emotions that do not lead to negative consequences in real life. (A.V. Fedorov, 2007).

In addition, through television, the education of the masses is enhanced. While watching some popular TV show, the brain of viewers (regardless of their distance from each other) is connected to a single system, which, through signs and symbols representing a coded signal, forms the appropriate psychological attitudes in the human subconscious. Thus, viewers receive a certain code. Being encoded, they begin to think in the algorithms given by the manipulators. To activate the code, just give a signal. Coding techniques have been carefully developed in various areas of psychotherapy (NLP, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, etc.). The question is that with the development of informatization (the 21st century is the century of super technologies), it became possible to encode a huge audience at once. Each TV channel has its own so-called. "target audiences". The target audiences of TV channels are well known. Ratings are compiled by order of the owners and managers of channels, because. bring money from sponsors for advertising. Each transfer costs a certain amount. Having filmed the program, the producer sells it to the TV channel, and the TV channel predicts its rating and, in accordance with this, calculates the cost of advertising time. If the program does not make a profit (the main income of TV through advertising), such a TV show will be closed. The laws of mass programming are dictated by the market. The target audience, "addicted" to one or another channel or TV show, becomes even more dependent on TV. In order to exclude the harmful effects of TV on unprepared people, they should refrain from watching TV. Moreover, TV cannot be turned on simply “for the background”. We have already written about the fact that any information that falls within the range of action of a person's representative or signal systems is deposited in the subconscious. This means that it programs a person, forming patterns and attitudes. Such a person may not watch the program, doing another thing (for example, ironing clothes, or preparing dinner), but the information still enters his subconscious. And such information is assimilated much faster, because the censorship of the psyche in this case weakens almost uncontrollably. For example, if we simultaneously do different things (read, listen to music, walk or run, etc.), then the information in this case penetrates into the subconscious almost without hindrance, and forms attitudes there that subsequently affect our life. Any act of a person, any of his thoughts, any of his desires - is determined by an earlier received psychological attitude. The beginning of such an attitude is laid in childhood. For example, a despotic mother, feeling outraged at the disobedience of the child, begins to reprimand him that he does not love her, thereby unconsciously provoking the development of a neurosis and a psychological attitude in the child's psyche. When such a child grows up, and especially if it is a girl, then such a girl bears the negative consequences of the attitude she received in childhood in life. On the one hand, this girl cannot love a “weak” (in her mind) man because of contempt for any weakness (after all, her mother taught her that one must be strong), but she will not be able to cope with a “strong” man, because she has an inner (unconscious) desire to dictate her will (as her mother once did in relation to her or her husband, her father), and a strong man will not allow such a neurotic girl to lead him. He himself will control her, which means that the girl will have an imbalance in her psyche and she will turn into a hysteric. Such a girl will want the impossible: a man in her mind must be a superpowered hero in order to please her, and at the same time he must become a “henpecked” and fulfill any of her desires. She cannot fall in love with a weak man (who will be happy to fulfill her desires), but she loves a strong one - but he does not fulfill her desires, but he himself gives her orders, demanding unconditional obedience. And it turns out that the girl herself, as it were, is not to blame, but her hysterical mother is to blame, who thus introduced a psychological attitude into the subconscious of her daughter, forming an appropriate pattern of behavior. The subconscious always influences consciousness, and the time factor is excluded, and what a person has deposited in his memory (in the unconscious) will inevitably pass into consciousness after a while. It's a question of time.

Speaking about the issue of encoding the brain (psyche) by means of a television signal, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that scientific methods of such influence were developed in neurophysiology. The impact on consciousness through new information obtained, for example, through a word, occurs as follows. At first, the word is encrypted in the electrical impulses of the brain as complex sound signals. It does not matter the semantic content. The impulse activity of neurons (code) arising from such encryption is addressed to long-term memory accumulated as a result of individual experience, activating it. After activating long-term memory, a new electrical cipher appears - a semantic code. Now the heard word, having passed through the stage of the acoustic code, "comes to life" in the brain and causes other, already more complex mental processes. (E.V. Polikarpova, 2002). Thus, modern neurophysiology confirms that any word is deposited in the subconscious, and then, mixing with information that was previously in the subconscious, it activates the appropriate archetypes, simultaneously forming patterns of behavior, and then passes into consciousness and is reflected in the deeds and deeds of a person.

TV scans the psyche of the person connected to it and finds points of connection to deep archetypal layers, to their images and plots. Therefore, television is able to keep the human psyche in a state of dream activity for hours, during which psychological coding and the introduction of standard reactions, identification schemes into the subconscious, the formation of basic illusions, which all together increase the psychological dependence on television, take place. (V.A. Medvedev, 2004). In addition, in modern society, the human imagination plays an important role. Imagination is defined as a form of mental reflection, when new images or associations are generated based on previously formed ideas. In the work of the imagination, an important role is played by memory, which stores sensory images. In the process of imagination activity, not only the elements of one or another image are retrieved from memory, but also images of another modality (for example, a visual image can cause an odor associated with it), which is accompanied by a number of successive electrical and molecular changes in certain parts of the neural network. Therefore, the influence of the media on human consciousness is due to the physical and chemical processes of fixing and fixing the perceived information at the neural level of the functioning of the human brain. In other words, in the neural structures of the human brain, through the media, physical paths are laid, along which the flows of information move and with which certain stereotypes of thinking and behavioral attitudes embedded in the consciousness of the individual are associated. (E.V. Polikarpova, 2002). The effectiveness of purposeful suggestions is greatly increased by using new technologies for information processing of viewers: subthreshold signals, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques. NLP has developed one of the simplest ways to give unconscious commands, instructions, installations, etc. This technique consists in introducing the so-called “inserted speech” (“hidden message”) into the transmitted text, i.e. inside the existing text, individual words are distinguished by intonation or graphically (depending on whether it is a printed text or a television, radio text), which together make up a hidden command. In this case, the mechanism of interhemispheric relationships in the perception of information is triggered. Since the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for evaluating the context of messages (the left hemisphere is responsible for the verbal content), the information obtained in this way is not realized, but is firmly deposited in the subconscious and subsequently guides a person’s life. In the NLP system, psychotechniques have been developed that allow using television to quite effectively draw the viewer's attention to the pre-planned qualities of the object being shown and form the appropriate attitudes. Among such psychotechniques are “transformation of meaning”, “attachment to the future”, “anchoring” and many others. etc. The possibilities of NLP make it possible not only to easily form a positive emotional attitude towards an object or phenomenon. It is no less simple that NLP creates predetermined negative attitudes and eliminates actual images or episodes from memory. The advantage of these techniques is that, representing manipulations with visual images, they are easily translated into the language of modern television. For example, one of the methods of eliminating an obsessive image or a painful impression, called "destruction". A person must imagine the visual image that he wants to get rid of in the form of a large colored stained glass window. Then he “hits” it with a hammer with force and watches how it breaks into thousands of small fragments and disintegrates. Another highly reliable technique for destroying disturbing visions is to mentally watch the movie, stop it at the right moment, and imagine the projection lamp burning a hole in the frame. Thus, you can burn a picture with an unacceptable plot. Therefore, if it is necessary to denigrate someone on TV, then you must first show his portrait, which unexpectedly for some reason often cracks and turns into small fragments. But it is possible and easier - to show the same image in complete safety, but deliberately emphasize some emotionally repulsive detail in it (a sweaty face, a wart on the forehead, an unpleasant grimace, etc.). (L.P. Grimak, 1999). The human brain is capable of 20 orders of magnitude more imaginary associations than the number of atoms in the universe. Therefore, it is understandable that it is impossible to express such diversity in verbal form. The subconscious mind comes into action, which plays a key role in any process of communication (communication). For example, during a television broadcast, in addition to verbal information flows, non-verbal ones (gestures, facial expressions, the appearance of a movie character or a broadcaster) fall upon the viewer, and thus one or another archetype is activated in the viewer’s subconscious, projection, identification, etc. At the same time, it becomes possible to intentionally, using manipulative technologies, influence human behavior, for example, focusing on one or another emotional component of the issue, and thereby activating behavioral patterns (models) previously formed through television in the subconscious.

Currently, psychotechnologies for managing human behavior continue to be improved. As a result, a person is under the powerful influence of the technogenic information and information-psychological environment. The development of technical civilization has caused the effect of turning off the ability of the human brain to consciously control the information flows affecting it. Therefore, information is perceived by the brain and psyche unconsciously, which changes the state and behavior of a person in addition to his will and desire. By artificially changing the emotional structures of the psyche, it becomes possible to control not only a complex of beliefs and ideas, but also somatic processes. At the level of consciousness of the subject, this is usually reflected as faith, conviction, a stable idea, opinion, etc., which forms the “core” of the personality - the image of the “I” with all the multidimensionality of its relationship with the surrounding realities. (E.V. Polikarpova, 2002).

Speaking about the exclusion of viewing for unprepared viewers, we should note that theological seminaries and military academies follow this path; thus achieving the highest suggestibility of pupils. Speaking of suggestion, one should say that our whole life is permeated with suggestion. In one form or another, suggestion is present in all spheres of human life, where there is communication between people. Although there is also a suggestion from objects. For example, a diamond inspires a person (if a person is next to a diamond) to pull himself together. There is a direct suggestion and an indirect one. Direct - occurs through an order. Indirect - through mediated connections. For example, with direct suggestion through speech, the suggestion of a specific mental function is achieved: a directive suggestion so that the pain goes away. Indirect suggestion is achieved through indirect suggestion, for example, knowing that if you take a medicine the pain goes away, the person takes the pill and the pain goes away. Thus, with the help of suggestion, a person can control the deep biological processes of the body. The most effective is suggestion by influencing the unconscious. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the hypnotic into a state of ASC, a state of trance, i.e. it is necessary to achieve the maximum narrowed consciousness. At the same time, the activity of the cerebral cortex is inhibited and the person is transferred to a state of hypnosis, a sleepy state, a meditative state, and other analogues of an altered state of consciousness. Strengthen rapport (communication channel between the hypnotist and hypnotist) can be relaxing music, comfortable body position, and other means that will further contribute to the hypnotic's state of comfort. Suggestion against the background of fatigue has an additional effect. In this case, the left hemisphere, with its criticality of the psyche, will not be able to fully analyze the incoming information, i.e. the verification process will be broken. An important component of suggestion is the development of the hypnotic's imagination. It is necessary to activate his feelings and emotions (right hemisphere), and stop the work of logic as much as possible (left hemisphere). On the part of the hypnotic, this requires trust and blind obedience. The hypnotic should not try to analyze the installations he receives. However, modern hypnosis allows you to bypass any obstacles and influence a person without plunging him into a state of sleep, i.e. carry out coding of the psyche in the waking state of the hypnotic. It is also necessary to remember that suggestion becomes more effective if accompanied by emotional and semantic richness, as well as facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. The speech of the hypnotist must be confident and clear. You should skillfully highlight the "key" words, pronounce them more clearly, sharply, more intensely, emotionally richer and always in an imperative form. In addition, suggestion is actively practiced in pedagogy. Moreover, most teachers may not be aware of this, not knowing the specifics of the work of the subconscious and hypnosis built on the activity of the subconscious. Hypnosis is made up of suggestion. There is a classic version of hypnosis (when the hypnotic dives into a drowsy state with his eyes closed) and modern hypnosis, the so-called. hypnosis in reality, in the waking state of the psyche. Television has a strong suggestibility. By excluding watching TV shows, we thereby put an insurmountable barrier on the way of the brain and the source of suggestion, which means that suggestion becomes impossible.

At the same time, we note that the exclusion of TV viewing is an extreme measure used in exceptional cases when it is necessary to achieve complete elimination of drug addiction from TV. The same must be done in order to exclude dependence on computer games and other forms of drug addiction of the population.

Let's dwell on gaming computer addiction. The expert of the Federation Council N.E. Markova cites data obtained as a result of an analysis of the market for modern gaming computer technologies. According to the data obtained, the vast majority of computer games offer murder as the meaning of the game. Everything is allowed in the game what the culture forbids. Main values ​​of an invisible new ideology, rapidly spreading in the global world: murder, violence, betrayal. According to recent polls, 22% of Russians, about 25 million people, go online at least once a week. According to Yandex, Runet has at least 1.5 million blogs. With the skillful use of new technologies, this is a fertile field for any propaganda. Director of Directorate "K", Colonel-General B.N. Miroshnikov cites data according to which more than 700 sites promoting drugs are currently supported on the Internet. At the same time, 70,000 people die from drug addiction in Russia every year. Over the past 10 years, the number of drug addicts has increased ninefold. Today, about 4 million people use drugs in Russia. Information from the Internet is dangerous for children. Almost five hundred thousand people in Russia suffer from computer gaming addiction. A significant part of these people sits at the game up to 18 hours a day. The vast majority of computer games contain elements of destructive content: stimulation of feelings of fear, hidden advertising and drug propaganda, models of physical and sexual violence; elements of racial discrimination, etc. Hundreds of millions of people are involved in the games. Computer addiction causes physiological exhaustion (to the point of death from cerebral hemorrhage due to the inability to interrupt the game), and also provokes crimes (theft, robbery, murder). The following psychological and physical symptoms of addiction are known: inability to leave the game, neglect of family and friends, lying about the type of work at work and in the family, problems with school or work, carpal tunnel syndrome, insensitivity, neglect of personal hygiene, sleep disturbance or change in sleep behavior. At the same time, such a person still continues to play regularly, despite the destructive consequences for himself. One of the symptoms of addiction is active and persistent activity aimed at continuing the game. Where an ordinary person refuses to play, the player will do everything possible to continue playing. At the same time, there are studies allegedly about the “usefulness” of games. All such studies are carried out either with the money of large media corporations (for example, Sony), or are caused by the dishonesty of researchers. The turnover of the gaming industry in the US alone exceeds 10 billion dollars a year. Therefore, they are forced to maintain the image of the harmlessness of computer games, even knowing that after such games, children are more likely to kill each other. According to the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia S.N. Fridinsky, “the materials of a number of criminal cases, the methods and circumstances of the commission of crimes by teenagers often indicate that they were taken from ... computer games ...”. Thus, it should be said that computer games have a negative impact on the psyche. Known for the so-called. "Weld Syndrome", which develops in stages. First, the teenager plays cruel games, "killing" the object of hostility in the virtual world. Then he commits murder for real. For a real kill, he needs to overcome a psychological barrier. In this, he is helped by computer games that orient his mind to the permissibility of cruel behavior. Or, for example, the “Lara Croft effect”, when children who encounter violence in games, as the US Congress indicates, will consider violence as the most effective way to resolve conflicts, and consider aggressive behavior as the norm. Neurophysiological studies of persons playing computer games are based on the measurement of brain activity. Adolescents who play computer games have a decrease in cognitive activity of the brain. During a video game, only nerve networks consisting of motor neurons and visual analyzer neurons work in a person, while the thinking process is sharply inhibited. Those. children first stop in intellectual development, and then become dumb.

We have already noted that television has an impact on the human psyche. This is due to the peculiarities of the perception of television broadcast by the mental consciousness of a person. If we read a book, our left hemisphere of the brain, our consciousness, is involved to a greater extent. In a smaller part, the unconscious of the psyche is included, which, through imagination, helps to present what is described in the book. In this case, only a small part of the material is assimilated. Memory and intellect are necessary for understanding and remembering. Television in this case can afford to act differently. During viewing, for example, a feature film, several organs of the representative and signal systems work at once. The first is vision (the visual representational system). Secondly, hearing (auditory representational system). In the third senses (the first signaling system). In addition, imagination is actively turned on, and memorization is much easier, since while watching, the psyche is so affected that a person plunges into a trance state. In any trance state, the effect of a pronounced suggestive effect occurs. In other words, suggestibility increases sharply. Thus, after 25-30 minutes of watching any TV show, the human brain completely absorbs any information. There is a powerful process of memorization. All information received is deposited exclusively in the subconscious. During this, due to emotions (any good film gives rise to emotions; and if we watch a film for half an hour and do not switch the channel, it means that we like the film or are interested in something, whether the plot hypnotized us, or whether the acting was liked, it doesn’t matter) focal excitation of the cerebral cortex occurs, which means we are talking about the formation of dominants. The process of formation of dominants is accompanied by the formation of psychological attitudes in our subconscious. The filling of the unconscious psyche during TV viewing leads to the formation of patterns of behavior. We must say that after watching a feature film that evoked emotions in a person, for some time this person looks at the world with different eyes due to a temporary violation of the process of his own initialization, as well as the active involvement of such phenomena of mental activity as identification, sublimation, projection , reactive formation, rationalization, annulment, splitting, denial, displacement, regression, for creative individuals, the process of self-restraint can turn on, in addition, repression and introjection turn on for everyone. Let's briefly consider the protective mechanisms of the psyche when watching television programs.

Identification has the greatest impact on the psyche during or after watching a feature film. Identification is defined as identifying oneself with someone else. In the process of identification, the viewer unconsciously identifies himself with one or another character in the film (with the object of identification). Identification leads to imitation of the actions and experiences of the object. The second most important can be called sublimation. Sublimation is expressed in the fact that the viewer, who previously experiences some kind of mental conflict, finds a replacement for internal anxiety by switching to such a positive activity for his psyche as watching a feature film. At this moment, the identification mechanism comes into play (therefore, the order we give will be very arbitrary, because the states of the psyche constantly flow into each other, complementing each other), as well as the projection mechanism. Projection means that a person attributes his own unwanted traits to others, and thus protects himself from being aware of these traits in himself. In the case of TV viewing, the viewer gives some of his own negative traits (which everyone has, because a person improves himself in the process of socialization, trying to get rid of some complexes and habits) of the negative hero, and thereby gets rid of them at least for a while.

Introjection. Features and motives of faces can be introjected, to which the viewer forms a variety of attitudes. The object that is lost is often introjected: this loss is replaced by the introjection of the object into one's self. Thus, the viewer unconsciously sees not the hero of the film, but a person similar to him, the connection with whom when was broken and who is not next to him (former friend, acquaintance, relative and so on; moreover, it is precisely the fact of the absence of this person at the moment that is important; the lost object itself can be alive, but located at a distance, or die, and then in the process of introjection, as it were, the memory of him returns).

In the process of watching a feature film, the emergence of such a mechanism as reactive formation becomes possible. Reactive formation means the unconscious transformation of one mental state into another (for example, love - into hatred, etc.) Often this happens in life when one person experiences an unconscious attachment to another, and consciously trying to protect himself from this, he becomes angry at any about this person. For example, a male boss may be secretly in love with his subordinate, but consciously realizing the impossibility of expressing his own feelings, he torments her with various nit-picking and so on. Whereas in fact he loves passionately. The reason for such conflicts lies in the development of civilization and the general cultivation of society, and we have described in detail in a number of our other studies.

Self-restraint. This is typical of creative individuals who, seeing some achievements of people of similar professions who have reached significant heights, unconsciously stop or slow down their own creative activity, explaining to themselves that they will never reach the same heights, but to do something knowing that others do it better. , do not want. This, of course, is more a matter of conscience, but it is precisely conscience (or, rather, excessive conscientiousness) that often serves as an obstacle to the self-development of neurotic personalities, of which there are a lot among creative natures. Viewers who have an overdeveloped imagination may also experience unconscious problems, because after identifying themselves with the hero, for example, their age, which has achieved incomparably more than they do, such viewers turn on the mechanism of self-restraint, as a protective reaction of the psyche from depression and others. forms of development of symptoms of neurosis. Any defense mechanisms are an unconscious way of the psyche to slow down the development of its own neurotic and (or) mental symptoms.

Crowding out. Repression is the process of exclusion from consciousness of thoughts, feelings, desires and drives that cause pain, shame or guilt. The operation of this mechanism can explain many cases of a person forgetting to perform some duties, which, as it turns out, upon closer examination, are unpleasant for him. Memories of unpleasant incidents are often suppressed. If any segment of a person's life path is filled with especially difficult experiences, amnesia can cover such segments of a person's past life. While watching a feature film, the viewer gets rid of many of his own complexes, unconsciously forcing them out. Thus, he has an unconscious desire to continue watching films further, because such a process has a relaxing effect on the psyche, in fact, healing such a person-viewer.

Rationalization or defensive argumentation. Rationalization as a defensive process consists in the fact that a person unconsciously invents logical judgments and inferences to explain his failures. For the psyche, this is necessary to maintain a person's own positive self-image. The film, storyline, acting, etc., greatly help the viewer in this process.

Cancellation. Cancellation is a mental mechanism that is designed to prevent or weaken any thought or feeling that is unacceptable to a person. When a person asks for forgiveness and accepts punishment, then his bad deed is, as it were, canceled, and he can continue to live with a clear conscience. In the process of identification while watching a feature film, the viewer unconsciously identifies himself with the hero of the film, because due to the latter, he gets rid of internal suffering. This is the healing role of television film in particular and television in general.

Split. As a result of turning on this mechanism, the viewer unconsciously divides his life into the imperatives "good" and "bad", as if removing something indefinite, which may subsequently make it difficult for him to analyze some critical situation that causes mental discomfort as a result of development, for example, anxiety. Splitting is a kind of distortion of reality, as, in fact, other defense mechanisms, through the action of which a person seeks to escape from reality, replacing the true world with a false one. Cinema in this case is most conducive to escaping from reality, which means we can also talk about its healing effect.

Negation. In the case of the action of this unconscious defensive reaction of the psyche, the viewer, if negative information for him appears in the zone of his perception, unconsciously denies its existence. It should be noted that the fact that a person denies some facts or events in most cases allows you to find out what really worries him, what is most important for him, because usually, first of all, what a person unconsciously tries to hide is denied. . Therefore, by tracing the viewer's genre preference, it becomes possible to learn a little more about it.

Bias. Such a protective function is expressed in the unconscious desire of a person to switch attention from an object of real interest to another, extraneous, object. Thus, during a television broadcast, by such a switch, it becomes possible to get rid of some internal conflicts.

Insulation. In this case, there is an unconscious abstraction from something, immersion in which can cause anxiety and excitement. While watching a movie, the viewer is completely immersed in the action on the screen and thus does not think about the problems that bothered him in everyday life.

Regression. Regression can manifest itself in the fact that the neurotic viewer unconsciously returns to the past, where he was much better than in the present. This is especially evident when watching old films, films from the youth of this viewer.

Having considered a far from complete list of defense mechanisms of the psyche that were activated when watching feature films (as well as television broadcasts in general), we must recall that defense mechanisms are a way to avoid neurosis. Television very easily copes with such a psychotherapeutic function, therefore any television broadcast is unconsciously attractive to a person. The factor of counteracting the negative manipulative influence of television should be not only knowledge about the functioning of the brain in the perception of information from the external environment (in this case, through watching television), but also an idea of ​​the cinematic techniques that are used to provide a psychological (manipulative) impact on the viewer. Cinematography, in terms of its importance in influencing the psyche, has occupied a leading position since its inception. In a relatively short time (an hour and a half or two ...) a person is bombarded with such a volume of information that he could not have received while reading a book. The person, as it were, is "under massive shelling." The organs of vision, hearing, feelings, emotions are involved, the mind is turned off, the barrier of criticality on the way of incoming information from the outside world is sharply reduced, as a result, the human psyche is not ready for such a massive impact, the archetypes of the unconscious are activated, all incoming information ends up in the subconscious, from where later begins to affect consciousness. This means that everything that has entered the subconscious from the TV screen or a movie projector serves as an installation for a person to act. Moreover, if when reading a book, images that appear in the unconscious of the psyche through imagination depend on intellectual abilities and the knowledge that were laid in the psyche earlier, then when watching a movie, everything is greatly simplified. The information comes already in a "chewed" form. “Crushed” into parts, it becomes much easier to digest than when reading a book. Therefore, movies are much easier to watch than books to read. This does not require special skills. You can be illiterate and still understand the film. There is no barrier between the information from the movie projector and the brain. Any information is first entirely in the depths of the psyche, and then forms the thoughts and actions of a person. The brain does not require excessive stress. Film producers sponsoring a team of manipulators have already done this for a person. The screenwriter wrote a high-quality manipulative script. The director thought over such staging of scenes, combinations of music, acting, etc., in order to achieve the maximum effect - impact on the viewer's subconscious. The cameraman made sure that what the director “conceived” was “snatched” from the outside world in the right context. Special effects specialist also did a professional job. The actors made every effort to ensure that those images were formed in the soul of the viewer, which, in the case of independent reading of the book, depended on the imagination of a person. Therefore, when watching a movie, the viewer does not need to expend any additional effort. Just watch and listen.

In major American film companies, in addition to screenwriters, directors and the rest of the team, specialists in the manipulation of consciousness play an important role in creating films. In their introduction is the task of influencing the subconscious of the masses in order to provoke basic instincts (fear, sex, etc.) and to engage the archetypes of the collective unconscious psyche (thirst for revenge, the triumph of justice, the confrontation between good and evil, etc.). A person who has watched the film will never be able to retell the thoughts "sewn" into it, the authors of the book "Project Russia" (2006) note. He will begin to retell the storyline, the acting, memorable episodes, special effects, and so on. He will never see the thought itself. The main idea in such products is focused not on consciousness, but on the subconscious. Thought as if scattered throughout the film in no way connected with each other details. These details, once in the subconscious, are combined into a whole. This forms a starting point that a person will never comprehend, but always builds on it when making a decision. It is these thoughts, which skillfully interspersed between the lines, are woven into the behavior of the hero, into the plot, and the general atmosphere of the work forms a model of behavior for the viewer, presenting role models. A person watches a movie, and the information needed by the manipulators is uploaded into the subconscious, forming the views on life necessary for the manipulators. A person does not realize the presence of such psychological attitudes, and later passes the thoughts that come to him as his own, not suspecting that earlier work was done with his subconscious. In some cases, for example, in scientific and educational or documentary programs, manipulators of mass mental consciousness play on a person's desire for improvement. At the same time, in order to increase suggestion, criminal psycho-technologists use such proven technologies as music behind the scenes, the speech of the host of the program with appropriate intonations, pauses made in time, diction set, a slightly hoarse voice, visual images through moving pictures-frames, etc. ., which contribute to better memorization of what they saw and heard. Moreover, memorization is also enhanced due to the fact that the censorship of the psyche is not able to analyze the flow of information that occurs through the simultaneous impact on representative and signal systems. In addition, the newly received information in the process of repeated repetition is amplified, superimposed on the information already available in the human subconscious.

But man has always watched and will continue to watch movies and TV films. Some of these films gradually or immediately become cult. The vast majority of viewers need such films, because they are necessary to maintain personal and collective identity, to form the foundations of their own mental reality around the projective images they offer. That's the power of making cult films. It is through the assimilation of this kind of cult contents, their integration into the life world of a person, that a person enters the structure of a social myth and the cathartic effect of the latter is carried out. In cult films, the means created by culture to provoke mass emotional reactions are merged. Films provide each viewer with the opportunity to receive through viewing models for social role-playing games and projective images for any impulses of the unconscious. The temptation to merge with the mass through the experience of common emotions is so great that modern man "represents a kind of sediment of identifications with film (television) heroes, and his sphere of awareness of the world is associatively structured by combinations of situational and verbal quotations from films and television programs." (V.A. Medvedev, 2004).

The following laws of information impact should be highlighted:

Lies must be dosed and maintain the appearance of believability;

It is necessary to clearly represent the expectations of the audience, which allows you to create illusions that are applicable specifically for this audience;

The logic of collective action, mutual responsibility should be used;

It is necessary to hide information that goes against the official course;

One should appeal to the "sacred principles" of the nation;

It is necessary to use symbolism and symbolization through image technologies.

At the same time, in influencing the mass audience, the role of the image, which is made up of the proposed cliché templates, stands out. At the same time, the image can be formed both purposefully and spontaneously by manipulating imperative settings:

Formation and use of the "image of the enemy". The "enemy" may not be real, but symbolic. When manipulating, the "image of the enemy" is introduced into the public consciousness in the first place. The "image of the enemy" helps to justify any unpopular actions of the authorities;

- “the politics of the self-evident”, when well-rigged facts are presented as “obvious”;

Data of sociological surveys. In polls, it is not the answers that have a greater influence on public opinion, but the wording of the questions. The question can actively influence behavior patterns and value orientations. Polls result in a purposeful confusion of events and pseudo-events, facts and opinions, promises and actions, the actual state of affairs and their interpretation. Questions formulated in a strictly defined form force the object of manipulation to include in the field of possible choice also goals and intentions to which he did not strive and which he did not have in mind. Such questions "rock" a person's attitudes, orientations and beliefs, and make him vulnerable and open to manipulation. The content of the question has a hidden influence on the answer, limiting the field of choice and the possibility of subjective interpretations. The choice of answer not only distributes public opinion, but also models the behavior of the respondent. With the help of polls, the real awareness of individual opinions is replaced by the modeling of public opinion. (K.Kh.Kalandarov, 1998). Polls create an image of the average person that the majority will unconsciously conform to. It should be noted that there is not a single survey that reflects reality. This is simply impossible. With the help of questions, it becomes possible both to model a person’s behavior, unconsciously imposing one’s opinion on him, and when conducting surveys, one must remember that a particular answer of a person is influenced by many factors that do not contribute to obtaining correct data. A person's answers may depend on his mood at the moment, on the personality of the person being interviewed, on an incredible variety of different circumstances. Moreover, by interviewing a selective part of the population it is impossible to obtain complete information, and it is impossible to interview everyone. And even such a survey, if carried out the very next day, may show different results.

Ways to counter the negative impact of television in particular and the media in general can be as follows: (according to S.A. Zelinsky, 2008).

Formation of critical thinking in relation to obtaining information from the outside world through the media and mass media system, acquiring skills in working with information.

The formation of an individual as a person (he must respect himself as a person, and be accountable for his actions at least to himself, and even more preferably, an account to the team);

The development of a super-idea (for example, about elitism, one's own chosenness, or the chosenness of the team (movement) in which one is located;

Joint discussions (as part of groups, teams, school classes, etc.) of the negative influence of the media (examples and consequences, substantiation of the findings) in order to acquire the skills (education) of the ability to analyze various media texts, highlight the focus of interests of the creators of such texts (texts of various content);

Obtaining and consolidating material on information security, forming an idea of ​​the influence of information flows on the human psyche (through, among other things, knowledge about the work of the brain in perceiving information) obtained at lectures, seminars, etc. forms of assimilation of the received information;

Special cycles of courses (in the form of lectures and seminars) on depth psychology, on the basics of mass psychology and manipulative influence on the psyche of the individual and the masses; know the basics of general psychology, psychophysiology, political science, history, literary criticism, philosophy, etc.

A wider introduction in pedagogical universities and faculties of retraining disciplines, the spectrum of attention of which will be given to the topic of information and psychological impact, with a separate section on the influence of mass communication and information on the psyche, on the mass mental consciousness, with the obligatory (invariant part) deciphering knowledge about the unconscious psyche (about the subconscious) and the resulting role of the subconscious in providing such processes, and the variable part - in the study of the influence on the psyche of each specific mass medium, and so on. At the same time, it is quite acceptable in some cases to use a holistic approach, considering various variants of the mass media as a single whole of means of mass mental influence, although it is necessary to separately consider the features of the influence on the mass mental consciousness of such areas of mass media as billboard advertising, popular music, videos, the Internet. , press, television, cinema, radio broadcasts, etc. in the previously indicated vector of research on the components of the QMS and the media. At the same time, deciphering the mechanisms of influence on the subconscious, the consequences of such influence, examples of such influence, and, if necessary, using statistical data obtained in the key of knowledge about the subconscious, should remain a single and mandatory block of any research;

A brief study of the theory of mass media (without going into the specific processes that are characteristic of studying at the faculties of journalism and necessary for professional work in the systems of mass media and the media), with mandatory scientific and practical classes in the field of applying the acquired knowledge in the field of work in the media system, and practice under the guidance of experienced professionals: journalists, TV commentators, etc. In this block, an important part is occupied by the opportunity to show by example the mechanisms of the activity of a particular media, with the consolidation of the theoretical base by independent execution (under the guidance of a specialist in a particular field of media) of the task of creating a media text, etc. projections of acquired knowledge into life. For example, several people can be united in a single staff of an imaginary editorial office, where each one will sequentially perform the role of a pants and freelance correspondent, literary editor, executive editor, editor-in-chief, etc.;

Joint viewing by team members (groups, communities, movements, etc.) of media messages (printed, electronic), news releases, TV shows, feature films and documentaries, etc., followed by analysis and discussion of what they saw in the light of knowledge about the impact of information on subconscious. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure joint viewing of students with an expert (teacher), who will help to reveal the mechanisms of manipulative influence. The teacher (expert) must show what techniques the media use (for example, reports from newspapers, magazines, TV) in order to hide important information, or to beg its significance, switching the attention of the viewer, listener, reader.

Specially trained educators (experts) need to work with children, adolescents and youth in the spectrum of knowledge about the impact of information on the brain. At the same time, it is necessary to form an idea about the psyche (about consciousness, subconsciousness, memory, attention, will, instincts, attitudes, etc.), it is always necessary to highlight the role of the subconscious (unconscious), revealing the mechanisms of the subconscious activity (archetypes, personal and collective unconscious, patterns behaviors, psychological attitudes, functions of the left and right hemispheres, etc.)

It is necessary to explain the methods of the so-called. provocation of the psyche to cause neurotic symptoms (neurosis, fear, sex, instincts, power, love, emotions, etc.) due to which the manipulator achieves the planned result (i.e. control over a person, because the object of manipulation as a result of such an impact weakens the criticality of consciousness, which means that there is an impact on the subconscious for the purpose of further programming (psycho-coding) of a person.

We list a number of methods to counteract the negative manipulative influence of television. (according to S.A. Zelinsky, 2008).

It is necessary to forbid yourself from watching TV in the morning. It should be remembered that in the morning, immediately after waking up, for some time a person is in a sleepy state. This is a state of trance (immediately after waking up) and semi-trance (within about half an hour after waking up). Also, such a state should be referred to ASC (altered states of consciousness). In sleepy states, the human brain actively absorbs any information from the outside world. Such information, bypassing the censorship of the psyche (left hemisphere), immediately enters the subconscious, where it is deposited in the depths of the unconscious (right hemisphere). Thus, it is necessary to selectively approach the issue of both dosing and selectivity of information received at this moment (immediately after waking up). Consciousness has not yet turned on, a person needs some time to “diverge”, therefore any information recorded by the brain is deposited immediately in the subconscious, from where, after a while, it begins to influence the consciousness, as if programming the person in advance. Thus, in sleepy states, it becomes possible to introduce attitudes into the subconscious, forming patterns of behavior in the unconscious, i.e. programming the individual to perform the actions planned by the manipulator. If such a person watches TV immediately after waking up, then in this case the TV encodes his brain, which means that the information from the TV is firmly fixed in the subconscious and forms further behavior patterns for this person. A strong suggestive effect (due to lowering the barrier of criticality of the psyche, and as a result of this unhindered passage of information into the subconscious, i.e. brain encoding) is also exerted by watching television in states before sleep (the fact that information in this case immediately passes and is deposited in the subconscious noticeable by the nature of dreams (dreams occur in a short phase of sleep), because any dreams are always unconscious.With the help of dreams, it becomes possible to obtain information about the content of the unconscious psyche, as well as in other ASCs, for example, mental states against the background of fatigue, alcohol consumption, a sharp increase emotional state (rage, joy, sadness, depression, melancholy, etc.), etc., because the presence of a person in ASC indicates that the perception of the external world in such a person is carried out mostly by the right hemisphere of the brain. analytical hemisphere, in this case is usually not involved, but due to for a sharp decrease in the censorship of the psyche and new information also immediately passes into the unconscious.

Another way to counteract the manipulative influence of television is strictly metered TV viewing. First, it is recommended not to watch ads. Secondly, it is necessary to strictly select programs for viewing. If you really want to watch something, or turn on the TV "for the background" - it is recommended to watch cartoons. Moreover, the latter also need to be distinguished into ordinary (positive, neutral for the psyche) and negative, and even sharply negative. Among the positive ones are almost all Soviet-era cartoons and quite an impressive number of Western cartoons. Usually on federal channels there are more or less “tested” cartoons by public censorship. While a number of small private channels sometimes show extremely harmful and artistic and moral and mentally negative animated films, which must not only be avoided, but also forbidden to be watched by adults and children of any age. The same balanced attitude towards films is necessary. Most of the feature films of the Soviet years and Western films of the middle of the last century can and even should be watched. When watching other films (including a number of Soviet-era films that form neurosis and depression due to the suffering of the characters in the films playing the main role), it is necessary to carry out preliminary intrapersonal censorship control. This does not mean at all that it is necessary to ban Western, and especially American ("Hollywood") films. Among the latter there are many real masterpieces, although there are also many works that negatively affect the psyche. In a nutshell, without some specifics, you can’t tell everything in the form of the listed films, so once again we return to the main postulate of our theory about counteracting the negative manipulative influence of television and the media in general: it is necessary to form special knowledge in the field of the basics of manipulative informational and psychological influence on the psyche . It is knowledge in this case, multiplied by everyone's life experience and education, that can eliminate or drastically reduce the negative manipulative influence of television.

In conclusion, I would like to note that we have developed a method of counteracting the manipulative influence of television (“Anti-Manipulation Method”, abbreviated as “Anti-M Method”), thanks to which it becomes possible to protect yourself from manipulation by other individuals or manipulation by the media, and also independently control the content of the personal unconscious, depending on the need to put up or remove barriers to information coming from the outside world. This is achieved as a result of three successive stages: 1) Conscious resistance to manipulation. 2) Automatic-Unconscious (or conditioned-reflex) opposition. 3) Conscious-Unconscious (i.e. unconscious counteraction, taking place automatically, but with the inclusion, if necessary, of consciousness as a result of awareness of information). We consider the “Anti-M Method” in more detail separately, now we only note that the currently existing methods of counteracting manipulative influence consider a conscious approach, while in our method a conscious approach is needed only at the first, initial stage, and here a significant adjustment is made: we we propose to use the most effective weapon against manipulators - the manipulators themselves. Those. at the first stage of the method, people should be taught how to influence the psyche of another person by teaching the mechanisms of information and psychological impact (i.e. suggestion, coding, psychoprogramming, waking hypnosis, etc., synonymous with information and psychological impact), or in other words, to teach mental manipulation techniques. To own the laws of control (subordination) of the psyche of another person means to be able to resist manipulation by others. Moreover, at the second stage of learning the Anti-Manipulation Method, as we have already noted, the Automatic-Unconscious (conditioned reflex) confrontation becomes important, and at the third stage - the Conscious-Unconscious (i.e. unconsciously, but with the inclusion, if necessary, of consciousness, awareness incoming new information). In a normal state, the psyche itself provides a barrier (censorship) on the way of information from the outside world, i.e. this happens unconsciously. A person through knowledge learns to do it consciously. And then - he must do it again unconsciously (Automatically-Unconsciously), but at the same time, the settings in his unconscious, thanks to the preliminary study of the first stage of training in the "Anti-M Method", are formed by conscious inoculation, learning, the formation of information in the subconscious; therefore, we are already talking about the conscious-unconscious (a combination of consciousness and subconsciousness) perception of any information that enters the psyche (brain) from the external environment. Thus, at the initial stage of studying the Zelinsky method of counteracting manipulative influence, a person will consciously counteract manipulations. But as knowledge is strengthened and transferred to the level of conditioned reflexes (ie, to the level of automatism, the unconscious), any person will be able to counteract automatically, unconsciously. This means that a person will be able to watch any television programs, read any newspapers, magazines, perceive any information, and at the same time not only not be afraid of its manipulative influence (influence on his brain and subconscious through the formation of dominants and, due to focal excitation in the cerebral cortex, fixing information in the form of psychological attitudes in the subconscious, which subsequently form patterns of subsequent human behavior), but will also be able to isolate positive information from the incoming information in order to form positive value-personal life orientations, and with the help of our other method, the Information Comprehension Method (“PI Method” ), memorize any amount of such information. We should also note that the thematic variability of the ways we have listed to counteract the negative manipulative influence of the mass media and the media is not limited to the methods we have identified and necessarily includes additional areas of work with an audience of every age, and especially with children, adolescents and youth. In our opinion, the efforts and knowledge of teachers, parents, psychologists and other persons should be directed to this. To resist the negative manipulative influence of mass media and information is possible only together, only by mobilizing all forces to prevent further psycho-coding (programming) of the psyche of children and adults. And the efforts of modern Russian society, which is implementing the plan of V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev, should be directed to this.

© Sergey Zelinsky, 2010
© Published with the kind permission of the author

"through the media.

1. Distraction

The main element of society management is diverting people's attention from important problems and decisions made by the political and economic ruling circles by constantly saturating the information space with insignificant messages. The distraction technique is essential to prevent citizens from gaining important knowledge in the fields of science, economics, psychology, neuroscience, and cybernetics.
"Constantly divert the attention of citizens from real social problems, switching it to topics of no real importance. Ensure that citizens are constantly busy with something and have no time to think; from the field to the corral, like everyone else animals (quote from the book "Quiet Weapons for Quiet Wars").

2. Create problems and then offer solutions

This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution". A problem is being created, a kind of "situation" calculated to cause a certain reaction among the population so that it itself demands the adoption of measures that are necessary for the ruling circles. For example, allowing violence to spiral in cities or organizing bloody terrorist attacks in order to get citizens to demand laws to increase security measures and enact policies that infringe on civil liberties.
Or: to cause an economic crisis in order to force the acceptance as a necessary evil of the violation of social rights and curtailment of city services.

3. Method of gradual application

To achieve the adoption of any unpopular measure, it is enough to introduce it gradually, day after day, year after year. It was in this way that fundamentally new socio-economic conditions (neoliberalism) were imposed in the 80s and 90s of the last century.
Minimizing the functions of the state, privatization, uncertainty, instability, mass unemployment, wages that no longer provide a decent life. If all this happened at the same time, it would certainly lead to a revolution.

4. Postponement

Another way to push through an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" and get citizens' consent now to implement it in the future. It is much easier to accept any sacrifices in the future than in the present.

First, because it won't happen immediately. Secondly, because the people as a whole are always inclined to cherish naive hopes that “everything will change for the better tomorrow” and that the sacrifices that are demanded of them will be avoided. This gives citizens more time to get used to the idea of ​​change and humbly embrace it when the time comes.

5. Treat people like little children

Most propaganda speeches intended for the general public use arguments, characters, words and intonation as if they were talking about school-age children with developmental delays or mentally handicapped individuals.
The harder someone tries to mislead the listener, the more he tries to use infantile speech turns. Why? "If someone addresses a person as if they were 12 years old or younger, then due to suggestibility, in response or reaction of this person, with a certain degree of probability, there will also be a lack of critical evaluation, which is typical for children aged 12 or less years.

6. Focus on emotions much more than thinking

The impact on emotions is a classic technique aimed at blocking people's ability to rational analysis, and, as a result, to the ability to critically comprehend what is happening. On the other hand, the use of the emotional factor allows you to open the door to the subconscious in order to introduce thoughts, desires, fears, fears, coercions or stable patterns of behavior ...

7. Keep people ignorant by cultivating mediocrity

To ensure that people become unable to understand the techniques and methods used to control and subordinate them to their will. “The quality of education given to the lower social classes must be as meager and mediocre as possible, so that the ignorance that separates the lower social classes from the higher ones remains at a level that the lower classes cannot overcome.

8. Encourage citizens to admire mediocrity

To introduce into the population the idea that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and ill-mannered...

9. Increase your guilt

To make a person believe that he alone is to blame for his own misfortunes, which occur due to a lack of his mental abilities, abilities or effort. As a result, instead of rebelling against the economic system, a person begins to engage in self-abasement, blaming himself for everything, which causes a depressed state, leading, among other things, to inaction. And without action, there can be no talk of any revolution!

10. Know more about people than they know about themselves.

During the past 50 years, advances in the development of science have led to the formation of an ever-widening gap between the knowledge of ordinary people and the information that the ruling classes possess and use.
Thanks to biology, neuroscience and applied psychology, the "system" has at its disposal advanced knowledge about a person, both in the field of physiology and the psyche. The system managed to learn more about an ordinary person than he knows about himself. This means that in most cases the system has more power and control over people than they do themselves.

Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, social activist, author, and political analyst. Distinguished Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and one of the outstanding scientists of the 20th century. His fundamental works in the field of the theory of linguistics and the science of cognition received well-deserved recognition in the scientific and teaching community.

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