Scenario of the holiday based on Chukovsky's fairy tales for children of the senior - preparatory group. Theatrical performance based on Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotuha" for children of the senior - preparatory group of the preschool educational institution Introductory speech by the teacher

Speech therapy matinee for students in grades 1-4 “The amazing world of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky"

Acquaintance with the work of the children's writer K.I. Chukovsky.
Development of creative imagination.
Development of speech skills.

To acquaint with the works of the children's writer K.I. Chukovsky,.
To educate personal qualities: friendliness, responsiveness, respect for elders, love for animals.
Develop cognitive activity, communication skills, creativity, imagination, thinking, activate vocabulary.
To form a sense of collectivism, attention and sensitivity to each other and to the people around.

Members: students in grades 1-4

Equipment: festively decorated hall, portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, an exhibition of books, masks, costumes and attributes of the heroes of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Event progress

(music sounds, presenters on stage, portrait of K.I. Chukovsky on the screen)

1 leader.- Hello guys and dear adults! Today we have gathered for a literary matinee dedicated to the work of the children's poet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

2 leader.– Without books by K.I. Chukovsky, it is impossible to imagine our childhood. Your mothers and fathers, and even grandparents are familiar with his poems and fairy tales.

1 leader.– K.I. Chukovsky is an amazingly kind person.
Tall, with large features: a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, laughing bright eyes. Such is the portrait of a children's poet.

2 leader.- He lived in the dacha village of Peredelkino, not far from Moscow. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun rose, Korney Ivanovich was already sitting at his desk and working - writing. After working for a few hours, he went for a walk.

1 leader.- When Chukovsky left the gate of the dacha, an army of big and small children immediately went to him and asked him to tell some story. The children were very fond of this cheerful man and called him an affectionate name - Chukosha. And he always told interesting stories, composing as he went.

(students read the poem "Wonder Tree")
wonder tree

1. Like ours at the gate
Miracle - the tree grows.
Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle

2. Not leaves on it
Not flowers on it
And stockings and shoes,
Like apples.

3. Mom will go through the garden
Mom will pick from the tree
Shoes, boots,
New galoshes.

4. Dad will go through the garden
Dad will pick from the tree
Masha - leggings,
Zinke - boots,
Ninke - stockings.

5. And for Murochka such
tiny blue
Knitted shoes!

Together: Here's a tree
A wonderful tree.

2 leader. K.I. Chukovsky built a house for the library. He himself gave out books to children, read fairy tales to them. 1,300 schoolchildren signed up for his library.

1 leader. Chukovsky's poems sound great. Each line of the poet shines with laughter, a smile.

(the student reads the verse "Joy")
Happy, happy, happy
light birches
And on them with joy
Roses are growing.

Happy, happy, happy
dark aspens
And on them with joy
Growing oranges.

2 leader. K.I. Chukovsky was an excellent translator. Such cheerful poems "Robin Bobbin Barabek", "Jenny", "Brave", "Chicken" and others are folk songs. They were translated by Korney Ivanovich from English into Russian. Let's listen to some of them.

(students read the verses “Chicken”, “A man lived in the world”)

Chicken is beautiful
I lived.
Ah, what a smart chicken she was!

She sewed kaftans for me,
sewed boots,
Sweet, ruddy
She baked pies for me.

And when it's done,
Sit at the gate
Will tell a story
Will sing a song.

A man lived in the world
A man lived in the world
crooked legs,
And he walked for a century
On a twisted path.

And beyond the twisted river
In a crooked house
Living in summer and winter
Crooked mice.

And stood at the gate
crooked trees,
They walked without worries
Crooked wolves.

And they had one
crooked cat,
And she meowed
I'm sitting by the window.

1 leader. Amazing songs, and how easy to remember.
(bell ringing)

Wait guys!
My phone rang.
-Who's talking?
-From a camel.
-What do you need?
- Chocolate.
-For whom?
- For my son.

And then the crocodile called
And with tears he asked:
Dear, good
Send me galoshes.
And me, and my wife, and Totosha.
- Wait, don't you?
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?
-Oh, those that you sent
Last week
We have already eaten.

And then the bunnies called:
Can you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:
Please send books!

And then the bear called
Yes, he started crying.
Wait, bear, don't cry.
Explain what you want?
But he is only "mu", yes "mu".
And why, why -
I don't understand!
Please hang up!

2 leader. And also K.I. Chukovsky was a wonderful storyteller. True, he became a storyteller quite by accident when he had to tell fairy tales to his children.

1 leader. Let's go together with you to the wonderful world of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

(music sounds, Fly-Tsokotuha appears, dances, finds a penny)

Fly Tsokotukha
Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,
Gilded belly.
The fly went across the field
The fly found the money.
Fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.

Come, come!
I will treat you to tea
Today Fly-Tsokotuha -
Birthday girl!

(a samovar, cups are on the table .., A fly is busy at the table,

cockroaches run in)

1, 2 cockroaches (together)

The cockroaches came running.

(includes fleas)

1 flea.
Fleas came to Mukha,
They brought her boots.

2 fleas.
And boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.

(Give the gift to the Fly and sit down at the table.
a butterfly runs in and gives the Fly a bouquet of flowers, a bee appears behind it)

Came to Mukha
Grandma Bee.
I brought honey.

Fly Tsokotukha
Help yourself, dear guests!
Today Fly-Tsokotuha -
Birthday girl.

Dear guests!
Tell me where have you been? What have you seen? What have you heard?

1 cockroach
This is the story that happened to our relative, the red-haired and mustachioed Cockroach.

He came out of the gate
scary giant,
Red and mustachioed
Cockroach! Cockroach! Cockroach!

He growls and screams
And his mustache moves:
"Wait, don't rush
I will swallow you in an instant
I will swallow, I will swallow, I will not have mercy!

They scattered through the forests, through the fields:
They were afraid of cockroach whiskers.
Here it is, our brother,
cockroach winner,
And forests and fields lord.
Beasts submitted to the mustachioed.

Only suddenly from behind a bush,
Because of the blue forest
Sparrow arrives.
He took and pecked the cockroach,
There is no Giant.
(the cockroach sits down, the clinking of dishes is heard)

Butterfly (gets up from the table)
Sorry! I'll go and see what happened. (returns)
The sieve jumps across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows,
Behind the shovel broom
Walked down the street.
And behind them along the fence
Grandma Fedor is jumping.

Fly Tsokotukha
Yes, all the dishes ran away from this Fedora, because she did not wash them.

2 cockroach
I know this Fedor.
I lived in her house with my family.
Yes, it was so good there, so dirty!
Fedor did not drive us, Fedor respected us.

(Fedora runs in)

Oh you, my poor orphans,
Irons and frying pans are mine!
You go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with water,
I will sand you.
And you will again
Like the sun is shining.
I won't, I won't
I offend dishes.
I will, I will do the dishes
And love and respect.

(Fedora collects the dishes scattered on the floor, leaves)

1 flea
Here is Fedora corrected.
And her grief vanished.

Fly Tsokotukha
What just does not happen in the world?
(refers to butterfly)
Butterfly is beautiful
Eat jam
Or you don't like
Our meal?

2 fleas
I also knew the boy - dirty, from whom both stockings and shoes fled.
Here listen!

(Dirty runs in)

The blanket ran away
The sheet has flown
And a pillow
Like a frog
Ran away from me.
I am for the candle
Candle in the oven!
I'm for the book
Ta - run
And skipping
Under the bed!

I want to drink tea
I run to the samovar
But pot-bellied from me
Run away like fire.

What happened,
Why is everything around
started spinning
And wheeled off.

(includes washbasin)

Wash basin
I am the great Washbasin,
The famous Moidodyr
Wash basin head
And washcloths Commander.

Oh you're ugly
Oh you dirty
Unwashed pig!
You're blacker than a chimney sweep
Love yourself.
Wax under your nose
You have a blob on your neck.
You have such hands
That even the pants ran away
Even trousers
They ran away from you.

Gotta, gotta wash
Mornings and evenings
And unclean - chimney sweeps
Shame and disgrace!
(Dirty runs away, and the Washbasin leaves.)

Fly Tsokotukha
Dear guests, eat
Yes, have fun.

Guests (all in unison)
Today Fly-Tsokotuha -
Birthday girl.

(sounds of crying)

I hear crying! What's that noise? What's a roar?

(Barmaley appears, he leads the bound and crying children Tanya and Vanya)

Dear, dear Barmaley
Have mercy on us
Let us go quickly
To our sweet mother.

We run away from mom
We will never
And walk around Africa
Forever forget.

No no no!

Fly Tsokotukha
Who are you?

I am bloodthirsty
I am ruthless
I am an evil robber
And I don't need
No marmalade
No chocolate
But only small
Yes, very young children.

2 cockroach
Wait, villain!
Don't rush Barmaley!
We will call now
And in the stomach of a crocodile
Cramped, dark and gloomy.

Not! No need!
I will, I will be better!
I love children!
Don't ruin me!
Spare me!

Fly Tsokotukha
Well then hurry up
Let those little kids go.

Okay! Okay! I am now.
(unties and releases children)

We run away from mom
We will never
And walk around Africa
Forever forget.

Fly Tsokotukha
Help yourself, dear guests!

Guests (together)
Today Fly-Tsokotuha -
Birthday girl!

(disturbing music sounds, the Spider appears and throws a rope on the Fly)

1 cockroach
Oh, some old spider
They dragged our Fly into a corner.

2 cockroach
Wants to kill the poor
Destroy Tsokotukha.

Fly Tsokotukha
Dear guests!
Spider - kill the villain!
And I fed you
And I watered you
don't leave me
In my last hour!

2 fleas
But beetles, worms
In the corners, in the cracks
They fled.

And the villain is not joking
Hands - feet he Fly
Twisting ropes.

Fly Tsokotukha
The fly is screaming

1 flea
Ouch! Flying from somewhere
little mosquito,
And in his hand it burns
Small flashlight.

Where is the killer? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws.

(Mosquito fights Spider and wins, Fly faints)

Doctor Aibolit needed!
Call Dr. Aibolit.

(Dr. Aibolit enters)
Dr. Aibolit
Heal everyone, heal
Good doctor Aibolit.
Come to me for treatment
Both the cow and the wolf
And a bug and a worm.

(Doctor Aibolit brings the Fly to life)

All guests

Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to good doctors!

Dr. Aibolit
It's time for me to run now
Help other kids.

And Komarik, Komar!
Takes a fly by the hand
And leads to the window

I killed the villain.
I freed you.
And now the soul is a girl
I want to marry you!

All guests
Glory, glory
Komaru is the winner!

People have fun -
The fly is getting married
For dashing, daring
Young Mosquito.

All guests
Today Fly-Tsokotuha -
Birthday girl!

(music sounds, presenters on stage)

1 presenter
Our journey into the wonderful world of creativity of K.I. Chukovsky has come to an end.
What wonderful books the children's writer K.I. Chukovsky gave us!

2 leading
Guys! Read poems and fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, come to our library!
Until then, goodbye! See you soon!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 11"

Tyumen Region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Literary holiday for elementary school students

"Journey through the tales of Korney Chukovsky"

prepared by the librarian

Serdobintseva Valentina Fedorovna

City of Novy Urengoy



“In my opinion, the goal of storytellers is

to educate at any cost

in a child humanity - this wondrous

a person's ability to worry about others

misfortunes, rejoice in the joys of another,

experience someone else's fate as your own"

K.I. Chukovsky

Literary holiday for elementary school students.


Leading, Fly-Tsokotuha, Spider.


To expand the knowledge of children about the writer K.I. Chukovsky, to instill love for his work. To teach to understand the entertaining plots of the writer's fairy tales, the peculiarity of his language. On the works of Korney Chukovsky, to show that good conquers evil, to instill in children a sense of compassion for the weak and defenseless. Build a strong interest in reading.

Decoration and equipment:

A portrait of the writer, a book exhibition, a stand with a tree model and children's drawings, a basket with things from the writer's works, a samovar and cups and saucers, a table with treats for tea drinking, a recording of poems and songs.

Event progress:

(Children's songs play)

Presenter 1:

Hello dear guys! We are glad to see you again in our library. Today we are going to take a little trip. And where - look around and guess for yourself ... Some strange tree has grown in our library, simply "A miracle tree." And the leaves on it are very interesting. Do you guys know? (Answers of children). Yes, these are your drawings with the heroes of fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky. Who doesn't know his stories? Even adults, now fathers and mothers themselves, grandparents, remember his funny poems and fairy tales from childhood. And today we will go on a journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Host 2:

But this is his literary pseudonym. And who will be able to name the real surname, name and patronymic of Chukovsky? Nikolay Vasilievich Korneichukov. Korney Ivanovich had a great and interesting life. Born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. Early began to work as a painter, but at the same time he was engaged in self-education: he studied English, read a lot. And then he passed the exam for the course of the gymnasium and began working in the newspaper. His talent is very multifaceted: a literary critic, translator, storyteller. Chukovsky wrote his books at a dacha near Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino. The children of the village and the whole country called him by the affectionate name "Chukosha". He had a large and friendly family: four children, five grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Presenter 1:

Korney Ivanovich, by his own admission, wrote his first fairy tale for children by accident. It was a fairy tale "Crocodile". He composed it on the road, on the train, reassuring his sick son. Remember this fairy tale?

lived and was


He walked the streets

Smoking cigarettes,

spoke Turkish,

Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodile!

And behind him the people

And sings and yells:

Here's a freak so freak!

What a nose, what a mouth!

And where does this monster come from?

High school students behind him

Chimney sweeps behind him

And push him

offend him;

And some kid

Showed him shish

And some barbos

Bite him on the nose,

Bad watchdog, ill-mannered.

Guys, who remembers how the story about the Crocodile ended?

(The crocodile flew to Africa, came to visit the writer and drank tea with him)

And what interesting events happened in this fairy tale, you will remember when you re-read it. Guys, please tell me, in what poems and fairy tales of Chukovsky did you meet the Crocodile? Children's answers. (“Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moydodyr”, “Phone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”). Korney Ivanovich wrote many wonderful poems and fairy tales. In our library, some of them are presented at the exhibition. Today, we will meet with the heroes of these books. (Telephone rings).

Host 2:

My phone rang. Who is speaking?

Children: Elephant.

Host 2: Where?

Children: From a camel.

Host 2: What do you need?

Children: chocolate.

Host 2: Guys! How do you know all this?

Children: From the book of Chukovsky "Telephone".

Host 2: That's right guys! Well done!

Do you recognize these heroes from the fairy tale of Korney Ivanovich? (Fly-Tsokotuha runs out).

Fly Tsokotukha:

I am the Tsokotuha Fly, gilded belly!

I'm waiting for guests today, I'm a birthday girl today!

I went to the market and bought a samovar.

I will treat my friends to tea, let them come in the evening.

I have a lot of delicious sweets for all the guests!

Ah, I forgot, I forgot who I invited to visit.

Guys, help.

Call me all the guests!

Children: Insects, fleas, cockroaches, grandmother bee, grasshopper, moths ...

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thanks guys! I have many guests.

I will set the table and meet all the guests!

(Fly-Tsokotukha circles around the table with a samovar. Suddenly a Spider appears and grabs Fly-Tsokotukha).

Fly Tsokotukha:

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villainous spider.

Presenter 1:

What happened? Who do we offend at the holiday?


I'm an evil Spider, long legs and arms!

Dragged your Fly into a corner

I want to kill the poor, destroy Tsokotukha!

Presenter 1:

Let her go. Why are you so angry?


Presenter 1:

All clear. Guys, will you help save Mukha-Tsokotukha? (Answers of children).

Spider riddles for us. And we will guess them with the guys.


I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me on the water.

And the water is as hard as stone!


Oh don't touch me

I'll burn it without fire!


It grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake it -

She will cry and die.


I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And in the mustache, in the hair,

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears.


Little houses run down the street

Boys and girls are taken to houses.


Here are the needles and pins

Creep out from under the bench

They look at me

They want milk.



Thank you guys! Now I will know the answers. Now help me remember the names of fairy tales. I will start the line, and you will continue the phrase and name the fairy tale.

cockroaches came running

(All glasses drank)

"Fly Tsokotukha"

The bears rode

(By bike)

And behind them is a cat




ran away

The sheet has flown

And a pillow

(Like a frog

got away from me)


Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it

And stockings and shoes,

(Like apples)

"Wonder Tree"

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal

Rode on a mare:

"Here's a telegram for you.

(From Hippo)


Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

(To Africa for a walk!)


Hey you stupid cymbals

What do you ride like

(squirrels) "Fedorino grief"

But the shameless laughs

So that the tree shakes:

"If I only want

(And I'll swallow the moon!)

"Stolen Sun"


Thanks guys! Well done! How much have you read. What funny tales from Chukovsky. And I had fun with you. Now I am kind. Can I have fun with you at the holiday?

Fly Tsokotukha:

Forgive him guys? (Answers of children). I liked the way you saved me and answered Spider's questions in unison. Can you answer my questions too? If you do not know the answer, the good Spider will help you. In the basket under the Miracle Tree, we have collected various things from the works of Chukovsky. You must help us find the owners. Name who owned the thing, and read the line from the work that says about it:

(Takes things out of the basket and shows them to the children).


(And behind him are mosquitoes in a balloon)

Mosquitoes. "Cockroach"


(And behind them saucers -

Ring-la-la! Ring-la-la!)

Fedora. "Fedorino grief"


(Here the soap jumped

And caught in the hair)

Moidodyr. "Moydodyr"


(And puts, and puts thermometers for them!)

Aibolit. "Aibolit"


(Gingerbread mint,


Surprisingly pleasant.)

Barmaley. "Barmaley"

So our basket is empty. But I have more interesting quiz questions for you. Let's remember the funny poems of Korney Ivanovich together:

    What grew on the trees in the poem "Joy"?

    • On a birch; (Roses)

      On an aspen. (oranges)

    What did the tadpoles ask their grandmother-toad in the poem "Tadpoles"?


    Who was Murochka afraid of in the poem "Zakalyaka"?

(His drawing "Byaki-Zakalyaki Biters")

    What did Bibigon sail on in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Bibigon"?

(on galosh)

    Who saved Bibigon in his adventures?

(Pig, toad, Fedosya, granddaughters)

    What fell on the elephant in the fairy tale "Cockroach"?


    How did the good doctor Aibolit treat sick animals in Africa?


    Why did the pig from the poem "Telephone" ask to send a nightingale to her?

(To sing with him)

Fly Tsokotukha:

Well done boys! And you answered my questions in unison. I know that many of you remember Korney Chukovsky's poems by heart. And now we will be happy to listen to the poems that the students of the second grade have prepared for you. (Children read poems)

Presenter 1:

Today we remembered many heroes of fairy tales and poems by K.I. Chukovsky: Mukha-Tsokotukha, Moidodyr, Aibolit and even the evil Barmaley, who became kind. Without these wonderful fairy-tale heroes, life would be sad for us. Many more times we will meet with the works of Korney Ivanovich. When you get older, get acquainted with Chukovsky's translations of works by foreign writers and get to know new heroes: Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer, Baron Munchausen and others. Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, smart, cheerful. In all his books, good always triumphs over evil. Fairy tales and poems by Chukovsky are very musical. Musical operas and songs have been written on almost all of them. Let's listen to a short excerpt from Chukovsky's musical fairy tale "Telephone". (Sounds like a fairy tale.)

Host 2:

So our journey through the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. A wonderful and funny storyteller and poet. You have new meetings with the heroes of his books ahead. And our heroes Fly-Tsokotuha and Spider say goodbye to you. See you soon! We are waiting for you in the library!

Fly-Tsokotuha and Spider treat children with sweets. The melodies of children's songs are heard.

List of used literature

    Petrovsky, M. Korney Chukovsky.- M.: Det. lit., 1989.-125p.

    Russian writers. XX century. Biographical Dictionary: At 2 p. Groznova and others; Ed. N.N. Skatova.- M.: Enlightenment, 1998.- 656 p.: ill.

    Tubelskaya, G.N. Children's writers of Russia. One Hundred Names: Bio-Bibliographic Reference. Part 2. M-Ya.- M .: School Library, 2002.- 224 p.

    Chukovsky, K.I. Collected works in 2 volumes / Korney Chukovsky. - M .: Pravda, 1990.

T.1: Tales; Two to five; Live like life. - 653s.

T.2: Critical stories. - 620s.

5. Chukovsky, K.I. Favorite poems.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1997.- 256 p.: ill.

6. Chukovsky, K. Poems and fairy tales. From two to five / Foreword. V. Smirnova;

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the birthday of Korney Chukovsky.

Archvadze Yulia Dmitrievna, primary school teacher.
Place of work: MBOU "Budanovskaya secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union M. V. Greshilov", Budanovka village, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region.
Material Description: The holiday is dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of K. I. Chukovsky. The material can be useful for primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, children and their parents. The publication uses author's poems by Yu. D. Archvadze.
Target: the formation in children of preschool and primary school age of interest and need for reading (perception) of books.
- introduce the works of the children's writer K.I. Chukovsky,
- instill a love of literature and poetry;
- to develop creative abilities, the ability to use figurative and expressive means of the language; - educate personal qualities: friendliness, responsiveness, respect for elders, love for animals.
portrait of K. I. Chukovsky; exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky; children's illustrations for the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky, costumes of fairy-tale heroes.

The course of the holiday

Hello guys and dear adults! Today we have gathered for a celebration dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of the children's poet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

In the village of Peredelkino (this is near Moscow)
There lived a big man with a kind soul.
He was a magician
With a strange name Roots.

Mustache brush, laughing look
There were always a lot of guys around him.
The poet was affectionately called Chukosh
And they knew all his stories by heart. (Archvadze Yu. D.)

Without books by K.I. Chukovsky, it is impossible to imagine our childhood. Your mothers and fathers, and even grandparents are familiar with his poems and fairy tales.

Children read a poem "Grandfather Korney"
1st student:
Tara-ra! Tara-ra!
Holiday from early morning.
135 years since the birth of the sorcerer
The storyteller of the good Korney.
2nd student:
For girls and boys
He wrote many books.
And so in the morning
The kids are having fun.
3rd student:
Having fun with kids
And fabulous people
Rejoices, goes to dance,
He sings songs loudly.
4th student:
Sparrow and Cockroach
They beat a huge drum.
The Fly is dancing with the Mosquito,
With Cincinela Bibigon.
5th student:
With Moidodyr Aibolit,
With Karakula blue whale.
Sparing neither bast shoes, nor boots,
Grandmother Fedor is dancing with Barmaley.
6 student:
Murochka and Crocodile,
The one that the sun swallowed.
And with Toptygin and Fox.
These are miracles!
7th student:
The table is set in the clearing,
The samovar is already boiling.
There will be, there will be children
Have fun until the morning.
Today the storyteller
Chukovsky birthday boy! (Archvadze Yu. D.)

Books by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky have been giving us joy for many, many years. They do amazing miracles. His funny, funny poems can be sung, and fairy tales can be read and re-read at any age.
Let's once again plunge into the amazing fairy-tale world of Korney Chukovsky.

Quiz "Guess the name of the fairy tale" Author Archvadze Yu.D.
He showed the boy the whole world
Washcloths, paste, scallops and soap.
Who did the hero then thank?
Great cleaner ... ("Moydodyr")

He walked around Africa
Kidnapped small children.
The villain was terrible.
His name was ... ("Barmaley")

In this story, it's the other way around.
The cat got into the mousetrap
The cuckoo barks at the bitch,
Nearby a sparrow lows like a cow,
Only a tiny hare does not play pranks. ("Confusion")

In this fairy tale, glory and honor to the hero.
He is respected by the animal people.
He saved them from the villainous giant
Red mustachioed ...
And then these animals
They were having fun like children. ("Cockroach")

Butterflies, insects, midges
Rushed to visit along the path.
They drank tea, ate jam,
Singing, having fun
Well, how did the trouble come,
Crawled through the cracks. ("Fly Tsokotukha")

In this fairy tale from dirty
The plates are gone
The pots are gone.
They were led by the Samovar through the forest, through the field.
And the fairy tale is called ... (“Fedorino's grief”)

Mom, dad, even kids
It was torn off at dawn
Bast shoes, shoes, sandals,
Galoshes, boots, boots.
At the gate it grew
Wonderful miracle. ("Wonder Tree")

This doctor is the best
He heals sick animals.
And hurry to help
He will only hear their cry ... ("Aibolit")

In this tale, the crocodile did an evil deed.
But the bear found him in the dark,
He gave good cuffs and kicks.
The villain will remember, he will know -
What a very bad thing to steal! ("The Stolen Sun")

From morning to evening, a ringing is heard in the apartment,
Already from the ringing the whole house is shaking.
But it is heard again: Ding-de-laziness!
When will this bullshit stop? ("Telephone")

Mishka grieved and cried,
Who was born without a tail.
And Lisa's advice
It was given to him for a reason.
Pinned the peacock's tail,
I forgot about the danger.
Flaunted beauty through the forest
It has become easy prey for hunters. ("Toptygin and the Fox")

The moon beckoned with honey light
Clubfoot Mishka to yourself.
And so there was a bear
On the highest pine.
And though they gave him wings,
It will hardly reach the moon. ("Toptygin and the Moon")

The enemy was defeated by a brave boy -
Evil, bloodthirsty turkey Brundulyak.
Each of us is familiar with the little boy.
The brave bears the name ... ("The Adventures of Bibigon")

The staging of the fairy tale "Fly-clatter"

We love and know Chukovsky's fairy tales.
We enjoy reading these stories.
To make your life more fun
Grandpa invented them all...
Children in chorus: ROOT!
Good conquers evil - the motto of the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. They teach us to rejoice, to empathize, to sympathize. Without these qualities, a person is not a person. Irakli Andronikov wrote that "Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, smart, brilliant, festive. Do not part with such a writer all your life"
Children sing a song (to the motive of the song "Little Country")
There are behind the mountains, behind the forests
Little country
We've all known her since childhood.
She is full of stories.
We will knock on fairy tales
We will meet many miracles in them
Walking through fairy tales
And there is a lot of magic in them.

Since childhood we know you, adore
You are our favorites.
Fairy tales of Chukovsky are kind, sweet
Since childhood we know you, adore
You are our favorites.

Here is a big miracle tree
And underneath the ocean
There is a Karakula shark here
And the cockroach is a giant.
Here Barmaley lives and Fly,
Moidodyr lives here
Here Bibigon the brave walks
And Aibolit is waiting for you.
It's good that he lived in the world
Storyteller wise Roots
There are many smart and good books
He wrote for children.
Visit my friend, come soon
Read his stories.
You will be more obedient, wiser,
You know this for sure.

irina averina
Scenario of the performance based on the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky

Hello colleagues!

At the moment I am working with children of senior preschool age and one day an idea came to me and the children. Invite to visit performance children of the younger group from a neighboring kindergarten.

We made an invitation card for our performance, on a walk with the children they took away the invitation to our neighbors, the children were delighted, accepted our invitation with joy.

We have started preparations. Together with the children we made a "Magic Book". Parents helped make costumes for fairy tale. I suggest script of our fairy tale it is composed of three fairy tales. AND. Chukovsky"Confusion", "Fedorino grief", "Moydodyr".

The script of the performance based on the fairy tales of K. AND. Chukovsky

Educational tasks:

Continue to acquaint children with the work of K.I. Chukovsky

To promote the development of children's creative activity in accessible types of musical performance activities

Development tasks:

Continue to develop the ability to convey your attitude to the content of a literary phrase with intonation, gesture, facial expressions;

To consolidate the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of a work of art, to use attributes, costumes, tools;

Educational tasks:

To cultivate a culture of communication with peers in the completed joint actions;

Continue to educate the need to monitor appearance, cleanliness and order.


Piano, music center;

multimedia equipment, laptop;

costumes for kids: suit for Fedora: apron, scarf; costume for Moidodyr,

scenery for fairy tales: (samovar, ladles, spoons, combs, washcloths, basins, pillow, tablecloth, broom, etc., a book with plots fairy tales: "Confusion", "Fedorino grief", "Moydodyr".

Act one

Leading: Guys, do you love fairy tales? Look, I have a magic book in my hands, all the pages are alive in it, we open the first page:

Animals run out: kittens, ducklings, pigs, chickens

Music is playing, animals are dancing. At the end of the dance, the animals begin to misbehave. The music stops, the animals are together displeased and sad they say:

On-to-e-lo! On-to-e-lo! On-to-e-lo.

Vedas. - The kittens meowed!

kittens: Tired of meowing!

We want, like pigs,

Vedas. - And behind them and ducklings.

ducklings: We don't want to quack anymore!

We want, like frogs,

Vedas. The pigs meowed.

pigs: Meow meow!

Vedas. - The cats grunted.

kittens: Oink oink oink!

Vedas. - The ducks croaked.

ducklings: Kwa-kva-kva!

Vedas. - The hens quacked.

chickens: Quack-quack-quack!

Vedas. - Sparrow jumped (Sparrow runs out)

And mooed like a cow.

Sparrow: Mu-u-u-u!

Vedas. - the bear ran

And let's roar.

Bear: Ku-ka-re-coo!

Vedas. - Only the hare was a good boy

(a hare comes out, walks between the animals, threatens them with a finger)

Didn't meow or grunt

He persuaded unreasonable little animals.

Hare: (addressing the audience)

Who is told to tweet - do not purr!

Who is ordered to purr - do not chirp!

Do not be a crow cow

Do not fly frogs under the cloud!

(sits down on a chair, shaking his head and lamenting)

Vedas. - But funny animals -

Pigs, bear cubs,

More than ever they are naughty,

The hare does not want to listen!

(to the cheerful music, the animals, holding hands, dance and have fun, then the animals sit down here in the clearing, the music continues to play, but quieter)

Vedas. - The fish are walking around the field.

(two fish by the handle walk along stage)

Toads fly across the sky.

(two frogs run across stage, waving their hands)

The music subsides.

Vedas. - And the chanterelles took the matches,

(on tiptoe, sneaking, two chanterelles come out with a box of matches)

Let's go to the blue sea

The blue sea was lit.

(fire jumps out of the sea, chanterelles run away in fright, fire dances)

Vedas. - The sea is on fire

A whale ran out of the sea.

Whale: - Hey, firefighters, run!

Help, help!

Vedas. - Long, long crocodile

The blue sea extinguished.

(Crocodile extinguishes the sea from buckets)

Pies and pancakes and dried mushrooms.

Vedas. - Two chickens came running

Watered from a barrel.

(chickens watering)

came running pussies

Water from a bowl.

(kittens run out to water)

Vedas. All the animals came running

Watered, watered.

(all the animals run out, stand one after another, water)

Extinguish, extinguish, do not extinguish,

They flood, they don't flood.

Here comes the butterfly

(girl runs out)

Waving wings,

The sea began to fade and went out.

(butterfly gets up to other animals, fire joins)

Vedas. - The animals rejoiced!

Laughed and sang!

(cheerful music sounds, animals dance an arbitrary dance)

Leading: open another page of our book.

Look at the mess, do you know who it is?

and heroes come to life.

Sounds music comes out Fedora

Action two

Fedora: (points to the empty table)

I don't want to wash the dishes - I'd better forget about it!

Oh, I would like to sleep at least an hour, turn on my side.

(takes a broom in his hands, but changes his mind)

The floor should be swept, but the napkins should be shaken ...

Everywhere crumbs, dust, yes rubbish.

If only someone swept up!

(Looks in the mirror)

When did I wash? Whether today, or yesterday?

Oh, come on, what to guess, I'd better go to sleep!

(Sits down at the table, puts his head on his folded hands)

Well, how! Bye Bye! Sleep, Fedora, sleep!

(falls asleep)

Vedas: Oh no no no! Even the dishes were about to leave Fedora, got offended and did not want to live with her. Will Fedora be left all alone?

Children "tableware" they run out, take dishes from Fedora’s table, quietly run around the circle


potpourri to music by Mozart

(At the end of the dance they gather in the middle "whisper")

1st: We must run, friends,

Can't take it anymore!

2nd: I can't live like this anymore

I don't want to be friends with her!

3rd: We are poor, poor unfortunate dishes

Living with Fedora, friends, is very, very bad for us!

4th: This house is dust and dirt

Let's leave immediately now!

All: Farewell, Fyodor Yegorovna!

(They walk one after another and say)

Vedas: That's the trouble happened!

Well, Fedor excelled!

And the soul does not hurt,

Only groans and sleeps!

(Fedora smacks sweetly in her sleep, rolls over to the other side)

But then Fyodor wakes up, sees no dishes, jumps up, grabs a broom, stands confused, burst into tears.


Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come back home!

Hey you stupid cymbals

What are you jumping like squirrels?


Better get lost in the field

Let's not go to Fedora!

(walk in a circle to the music, slower, slower)

(Fedora goes behind the screen, comes out dressed, combed, stands by the fence)

Leading: But the kettle whispered iron:

Leading: And they cried saucers:

Saucers: Isn't it better to come back?

Frying pan:

Look who's toiling there?

Sitting, crying, sad?

Tableware (children in chorus):

Yes, it's on the fence.

Our hostess is Fedora!


But a miracle happened to her

Fedor became kinder.


Oh, you, my poor orphans,

My irons and frying pans,

You go home unwashed,

I will wash you with water!

I won't!

I won't!

I offend the dishes

I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect


Pots laughed

The samovar winked.


Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!

Leading: And the saucers rejoiced



And dance and laugh



(Dishes and Fedora perform the samovar dance “Oh, you canopy…”.)


Well, it's time to say goodbye

You had fun.


Good time!

(Fedora says goodbye and leaves backstage with the dishes.)

Act Three

Leading: and we open the next page of our book.

dirty boy runs out to the music "Dirty" chosen by the music director.


The blanket ran away

The sheet has flown

And a pillow like a frog

Ran away from me.

I'm for a candle, a cut in the stove.

I'm for a book, she run

And skipping - under the bed.

I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar

But pot-bellied from me

Run away like fire!

Child: (runs out)

God, God, what happened?

Why is it all around

twirled, twirled

And rushed somersault.


Suddenly out of my mother's bedroom

Bow-legged and lame

Washbasin runs out

And shakes his head.

(To the music of Y. Levitin "Moidodyr Exit".)


Oh you ugly, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Love yourself.

You have wax on your neck

You have a blob on your nose,

You have such hands

That even trousers ran away

Even trousers, even trousers ran away from you!


Early in the morning at dawn

The mice are washing

Both kittens and ducklings

And bugs and spiders.


You alone did not wash

And remained dirty

And ran away from dirty

And stockings and boots.

Leading: he hit the copper basin and cried out:

Moidodyr: CARABARAS.

(brushes run out, dirty gets up in the basin)


And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles

And let me rub, sentence.


My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!


Here the soap jumped

(soap comes out, joins the brushes)

And clung to the hair

And wilted, and lathered,

And bit like a wasp.

(brushes and soap leave, girls put on a clean T-shirt on a dirty one)

Everyone stand together in a semicircle


Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick scallop.


Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble.

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.

And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere!

Children: (in chorus) Eternal glory to water!

(Music at the choice of the music director sounds, the characters leave).

Leading: So the pages of our magic book have ended

I wish you to be beautiful, healthy, wash your hands and dishes, then no one will ever run away from you.

Scenario of an instructive performance for children of senior preschool age with the participation of adults
(based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit")

Target: To educate preschoolers on the rules of safe behavior on the roads.


1. Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of the road.

2. To develop observation, speed, reaction of movements.

3. Arouse interest in children and a good attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursions with children on the streets of the village to the roadway

2. Conversations, observations, practical exercises at transport sites at the d / s section and in the hall,

3. Reading works on the prevention of DDTT

4. Participation in regional, municipal, kindergarten competitions for the prevention of DDTT, watching cartoons, presentations, videos about the rules of DD.

Musical accompaniment: tape recorder, piano.

Entertainment progress

Narrator Good doctor Aibolit, he sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment, both a cow and a she-wolf,

And a bug, and a worm, and a bear!

The good doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal everyone!

(Aibolit enters, singing a tune, sits down, starts leafing through the encyclopedia)

Narrator And Lisa came to Aibolit.

(Fox enters, paw at the ready, rollers on the shoulder, bump on the forehead)

Fox: Oh my body hurts

Aibolit: What happened? And what hurts?

Aibolit will help you now

(examines Lisa, she sings to the motive of the song “We rode in a boat”, folk music, lyrics by the author)

Fox I was rollerblading on the wide highway

For some reason, I ended up in the opposite lane.

In the forest, they say, in the forest, they say

Grew up, they say, pine,

But this tree was knocked down on roller skates by a girl!

My mother scolds me, my father does not give me will,

I come home from skiing, at the gate he is waiting for me

And I, he says, to you, he says, I won’t leave it,

I'll make you learn the traffic rules!

(crying, shaking her paw and holding her forehead)

Aibolit: Well, Lisa, I'll prescribe you

Lotions on the paw, lotions on the forehead,

I will also send you directions (writes)

For this you will go to school, dear friend,

We have a school of traffic light sciences.

The director there is Leo, he is very strict,

I hope you learn every lesson.

And soon you will recognize all the road signs.

And, of course, you will be more careful!

Narrator And then the monkey came running,

(a monkey runs in, trembles.)

Monkey: Oh, Mishka scared me yesterday,

And now I'm shaking

Aibolit: Don't tremble! It's better to say everything in order.

monkey (fearfully sings to the motive of the song "Conversation with happiness"

from the film "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession", music. A.Zatsepina, words of the author)

1. Someone suddenly knocked on the door in silence

Are you sleeping or not, we want to check

Friends invited me to play ball.

We played football on the road yesterday.

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door slammed,

An animal jumped out of the car.

I didn't recognize him right away because it was dark.

He grabbed our pink ball, he jumped on it,

It turned out that it was the Bear, he began to growl and roar at us!

2. He growled and shouted that we were on the road

Everyone will be crushed by tails, paws, ears, legs,

That's what playgrounds are for.

You need to play there - everything will be all right.

We want to know all the rules - where can we, the animals, play,

On the road we feel good, the ball rolled quickly, easily,

But the cars are here and there,

They honk and don't let us play, they don't let us play.

WHAT ALL THIS MEAN??? (trembling)

Aiboli t: Let your friends know: you can’t play on the highway!

Don't run out onto the roadway

On the road NEVER! Don't play ball!

I'll prescribe you valerian with tea,

you won't tremble anymore, Monkey!

(gives a vial of valerian. Sits down, writes direction)

Aibolit: I will write out a direction for you to school,

So that you know all the rules of the movement!

The director is Leo (shows in photo) he is very strict

You will have to learn every lesson so that your parents are calm

And you were not scolded on the highway by drivers! (monkey leaves)

Narrator: and then the Gray Wolf came running, he also trembled a little

(The trembling Wolf enters.)

Wolf: I completely stopped distinguishing colored lights from traffic lights,

Help, Aibolit, help ! (sings to the motive of the song "Bouquet", music by A. Barykin, words of the author)

1. I drove the bike for a long time, I didn’t slow down at the traffic light,

Suddenly, the left loudly signaled to me

Huge, huge blue Zil.

2. The driver grabbed me by the collar, sullenly showed me at the traffic light

If the red light is on, he said,

So you need to stand then!

Narrator: And Aibolit said

Aiboli t: no problem

Come back here tomorrow.

We will study colors together, I will help you to distinguish them!

(sits down, writes)

Aibolit: Here's another direction for you,

Tomorrow you will go to school at dawn,

The school is traffic light sciences,

Will you study there, my friend,

You will know the color of the traffic light and always drive according to the rules!

(wolf leaves)

Narrator: Here again, a new beast knocked on this door

(cat enters, lame)

Cat: Oh, I'm a cat, oh, I'm a cat, help me a little!

The door in the car closed, my paw hit the door,

My heel hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Cat ( sings to the motive of the song “Go away, close the door”, the words of the author):

There were nights, there were days, they were boring,

until I took a loan, I bought a Mercedes,

Only I didn’t know the rules and steered as it hit,

on the bridge, oh my God, the guard shouted to me:

Come out, close the door, you are not friends with your head,

If you do not know the rules, you can become wounded.

Well you exceeded the rights and overtook two,

This is a double overtaking, it is prohibited on the bridge!

Aibolit: I will prescribe physiotherapy for you,

And on the heel of the left gypsum I will put, (applies a cast, writes out a direction)

And I will give you a direction to school so that you learn the rules of the movement

You learn better at school, and then you get behind the wheel! (The cat leaves.)

Narrator: And such rubbish all day long!

Either a deer will come running, then a seal,

and this morning the hedgehog came running, saw the doctor and started babbling!

(hedgehog enters with a stick, limps)

Hedgehog: I fell under the hooves, I lay on the road,

My leg hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Aibolit: What happened to you? Tell me, my brother!

Hedgehog:(sings to the tune “I rode a gypsy on horseback ..”, folk music, words of the author)

1. I rode a hare on horseback, and I met him on foot

I glanced back and forth,

Now there is no way to avoid trouble.

2. I'm lame, I can't run,

How can you save yourself from trouble?

Can't understand how I've been downed

Why didn't he let me in?

Aibolit: In order not to be wounded - do not walk along the road!

Walking sidewalk for pedestrians

and you will cross the road only at the transition!

Delve into my words - there will be a whole head!

I'll heal your leg, I tell you for sure!

(bandages, writes out a direction)

To learn the rules - where to walk, when to stand,

You will go to school and learn those rules!

The director there is a lion, he is very strict,

You have to go to every class!

(the hedgehog leaves, Aibolit sits down at the table, checks the medicines...)

Sounds music "Visiting a fairy tale")

Narrator: Our Aibolit helped everyone, told where, what hurts

And prescribed medication, gave out directions,

so that every beast of the forest, study at the school of that

So that everyone knows the rules of traffic without exception!

The school year has passed and the forest people have come

Back to Aibolit's house, show your knowledge, tell everything to the guys

(all animals included)

monkey: We now know perfectly well how to behave on the road,

we don’t play on the roads to save ourselves from trouble!

Wolf: I know that the traffic light has three cherished lights -

If it's red, it's dangerous, so you can't move!

Yellow - he tells the driver to get ready and wait

And the green one says: the way is now open for you!

Cat And now we know for sure - you can’t stand on the bridge,

If you are in the car now, then move, friends!

On the bridge, double overtaking is, of course, prohibited!

Hedgehog: If you are a pedestrian - look at the crossing,

to cross the road - you need to find it!

(music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds)

Aibolit: The tale is coming to an end, I'm looking at you now

And I want you guys to always be vigilant,

So that trouble never overtakes you anywhere!

Narrator-there is an end to the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!

Title: Scenario of the performance for senior and preparatory groups based on the fairy tale "Aibolit" by K.I. Chukovsky

Position: senior teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Shunga"
Location: Shunga village, Kostroma district, Kostroma region, Russia

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