Positive thinking: how to quickly switch from negative thoughts? How to learn to quickly switch attention from one activity to another.

A person cannot constantly work at his maximum capacity. His energy falls, his strength becomes less and his concentration decreases. In order for us to be productive, we need to switch attention from time to time.


All people are faced with the fact that in the morning they can concentrate well on solving complex problems, and in the evening it becomes problematic to do so. Why? A person spends his energy on making all kinds of everyday decisions, and for this reason, by the evening he has neither the strength nor the desire to do something important. Switching attention helps to restore energy. A simple technique gives good results if mastered to perfection. The brain will not be very tired if it does not work all the time for wear and tear.

A smart person takes a break every 2 hours of productive activity. Moreover, in his free time, he does not sit at the computer, but goes out to get some air, does physical education or makes coffee. Changing activities is the best way to switch attention. But it is not always possible to leave the table and take a walk. Sometimes you have to quickly change the sector of your tasks and concentrate on each of them. How to be in such a situation?


Switching attention is of two types:

  1. Deliberate. In this case, a person forces himself to shift his attention from one task to another. Case in point: switching between multiple projects can often be seen in any office. And at home, people often work in multitasking mode. For example, a girl can wash dishes and talk on the phone at this time. Such a constant switching of attention will reduce the effectiveness of each of the individual cases, if the person performing them does not have this quick skill.
  2. Unintentional. Distractions accompany a person throughout the day. He may be busy with work, but a phone call will knock a person out of a state of deep thinking. Social media alerts prevent you from focusing on an activity for more than 30 minutes. The radio or TV that plays in the background consumes attention, even if he is not aware of it.

How to determine your performance?

Switching attention and distributing it between tasks is a useful skill. But before doing the exercises, a person must understand his starting point. Each individual has his own rhythm of life and sphere of activity. Someone needs a strong concentration, and someone can work on the machine. How to determine the amount of your attention and its expenditure per day? In the morning, immediately after you wake up, sit down at the table and start writing any number or letter. Draw a row until you get lost. Calculate the result. For example, you got 16 digits. The same test should be done throughout the day. Write a series of numbers closer to dinner, and then in the evening. Looking at the result, it will become clear to you at what periods of time you will need to be distracted, relieve mental stress in order to rush into battle again.

Reading two books at the same time

The method of switching attention is to train the mind for a conscious and quick change of activity without loss of cognitive functions. How can you get a good result? You need to practice a simple exercise daily. Take two books of the same format and similar content. For example, it can be detectives. Take an hour and start reading. You need to read both books alternately at the same time. When you finish one page in the first detective story, go straight to the second one. Focus on each book. After an hour, you should do a test. Write the contents of what you read from the first book and then from the second. At first, the task will seem very difficult, and you can hardly check yourself. Therefore, nothing terrible will happen if you reread the text again in the normal way. After six months of training, you will be able to change your activities quickly and without losing concentration.

Attention to emotions

Switching and stability of attention is needed not only in order to cope with working moments. Man is an emotional being. For this reason, it is not always possible to control oneself. If you want to become more restrained, you need to learn to shift your attention from what offends you to something else. For example, in a fit of anger, try to imagine your feeling. Take a mental look around your body and think about where exactly you have accumulated anger. Give it a form. It could be a cloud or some kind of animal. Mentally, you need to release anger outward. Simple concentration and distraction of attention allows a person to quickly cool down and not break loose on his neighbor. You can practice this technique not only with negative, but also with positive emotions. Sometimes joy, pride, or a good feeling interfere with work no less than grief.


The distribution, switching and volume of attention varies depending on how much a person is interested in what is happening around. Perhaps you met your friend on the street who walked by without even saying hello. When you called to a friend, he said that he was thinking. A person's attention can be concentrated either inside him, it is in this position that a person thinks, or outward, then the person feels what is happening next to her. It's hard to focus on both. For this reason, simple meditation can help to switch the mind. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position in order to clear the mind. Just focus on your breathing. Extra thoughts will leave your head, and a semblance of a vacuum will remain in it. In this state, a person can sit down to work and achieve the highest concentration of attention.

Attention to the environment

Do you want to learn how to change your activities without losing concentration? The property of switching attention lies in the fact that a person can do whatever he wants, but for this he will need to make incredible efforts. If the switching skill is trained, then it will be easy to quickly change the scope of activity. One of the simple practices is reminiscent of meditation. You should at the moment when you decide to change your occupation, be distracted and focus on the space around you. Ask yourself:

  1. I see. What do you see. Without changing the angle of view, list to yourself all the objects and objects that fall into the field of view.
  2. I hear. Focus on the sounds coming to your ears. It can be snatches of conversation, the hum of a computer or refrigerator, the sound of a working TV, or children's laughter.
  3. I feel. Try to understand how you feel. You may be warm, cold or hot. Maybe you want to drink or eat. Give yourself a full account of the sensations.

Dear friends, I want to consider a very interesting and useful topic in this article, it will be about switching a person's attention, which is extremely important for everything we do, including for the perception of this world. You and I know that our brain is not fast enough to solve several problems at the same time, carefully consider a lot of information, draw several conclusions, and so on. If we want to do something right, we need to focus on it with all our attention. In addition to various activities, our attention also determines our worldview, our point of view, our mood and behavior. Attention is the main thought that wanders in our head more often than others, and which requires the most resources to process itself. In principle, one can draw an analogy with the operation of a computer, which one way or another solves any problems sequentially, no matter how powerful its processor is.

What our attention should be focused on and what it is actually focused on are completely different things, and this is not really accidental. A person's attention is switched as simply and primitively as a conversation is transferred to another topic when one of the interlocutors is not satisfied with his course. Any information we receive from outside focuses our attention on certain things that in some cases are of no interest to us at all, they do not give us anything positive, but rather, on the contrary, they contradict our interests. How can you switch a person's attention at all? Elementary - you just need to play on his natural natural instincts, giving them an unnatural form. For example, having frightened with something that, by definition, a person should not be afraid of, however, at the subconscious level, he is still afraid, and his attention is completely switched to this fear.

Remember yourself in a situation where you were very passionate about something and suddenly someone manages to switch you to something else, to distract you from business. Is it something that distracts you - boring and tedious, it is unlikely, rather, it is something that makes you think, show your emotions and inner feelings. It is very good at switching our attention from natural problems to problems completely third-party, those of the media. For example, they can begin to link our whole life and the problems in it with power, thereby letting us subconsciously understand that we depend on it, that we cannot decide anything on our own. Also, for example, some enemy, internal or external, can be imposed on us, thereby turning to our sense of fear, forcing us to solve a problem that may not be relevant for us at all. There are a lot of such examples, in everything said, shown and written, there is a certain meaning, and the goal is to give information for processing to our processor in the head.

Any information prompts action, remember this friends, and if we do not see and do not understand what they want from us, then our level of consciousness is very low, and this is not good. You need to manage your attention, otherwise it will be uncontrolled, and anyone who wants to can switch us to what he needs, but we don’t need it at all. You have probably seen and heard more than once about how in the markets and other crowded places, someone shouts and invites people to buy something, attracting their attention. Here there is an emphasis on reactive people, who very often switch their attention to external stimuli. You don’t need to be such people, it’s not for your good, but to your detriment, try to be more purposeful, that is, be proactive people, plan, not react. There are several ways to protect yourself from the influence of various information from the outside, the most effective of which is to move away from it.

You can, say, not watch the news on TV, or not watch it at all, so that it does not brainwash you, you can not communicate with negative people who set you up for a negative wave. Ignoring information is also effective, you should not betray much importance to what does not concern you at all. Think only about what really worries you, about what you need to decide solely for yourself, and not about such crazy things as we say that the sun may go out in a million or a billion years - this is completely pointless, even crazy. In this case, of course, you need to understand that the information that you don’t need is actually such, it’s certainly not easy to do in our time for most people, because due to so much influence on our mind, we sometimes may not know what we really want.

I remember myself about ten years ago, when it was difficult for me to decide what I needed and what I actually wanted from life, I just adjusted other people's models for myself, constantly switching my attention from one goal to another, this happens with many. Therefore, the best way to still be limited in information, if it is difficult to analyze, it is better not to receive it at all. Be interested only in what you really need, that is, what has a direct impact on your life. I can also advise you to follow the recommendations of our famous satirist writer, who advises to look at everything with a sense of humor, do not worry and worry, because this is how they try to switch our attention, making us worry and worry, forcing us to solve absolutely meaningless problems .

Sit in silence for a few minutes, think about what you really need in life, what you should do, what to focus on, what is the priority of your actions? And then compare it to what you're actually doing, what's on your mind, what do you pretend to want, and do you really want it? I assure you, you will find a lot of things you do not need, if you try hard, you will get rid of a lot of fears, worries, worries, stop being nervous and find solutions to the most difficult problems that you have. And all because you will greatly facilitate the task of your brain, freeing it from the colossal load that it is subjected to due to the impact on it of a large amount of completely unnecessary information, to which someone constantly switches it. In general, follow your attention in the most careful way, do not let it clog it with any nonsense, think only about things that are important to you.

Techniques for switching attention

Did you have to dive from a springboard as a child? Remember the first time you climbed the stairs, higher...higher...and with each step your heart sank deeper into your heels? You were very scared, but you went anyway.

And here you are at the top. With timid steps, you approach the edge of the springboard, your heart rumbling as if it were about to jump out of your chest. Somewhere down there, your friends are standing, they are shouting, cheering you up, but you do not hear the screams. The surface of the water seems infinitely distant, as if it were at least five kilometers away. How do you not want to jump at this moment ... and at the same time how you want to! Something inside you says that this is a great turning point in your life, that after the jump you will never be the same again. You jump... emerge... and realize that your life has changed forever. You did it!

Remember how hard it was for you to take your feet off the springboard? In the same way, it can be difficult for us to break away from the habitual current problem (and all problems are nothing more than ... habits!).

You don't need to change the situation.

You just need to stop focusing on her!

Is it difficult? Still would! Is it possible? Rest assured!!! But you have to start somewhere. The stove from which you will dance will be your firm decision to somehow change the center of attention. It is impossible to solve a problem by radiating vibrations of the same frequency at which it was created. So you make a decision: "This problem will no longer be the center of my life." The problem will become something like a cut on your finger for you: you know that your finger is cut, and it hurts when you remember it, but you do not allow your plans to be disrupted because of a cut finger! You know that the cut will soon heal and disappear - and it does disappear in a few days.

Always remember that the basic principle of changing an unfavorable situation is very simple: you don't have to change the situation, you just need to stop thinking about it! All you need is the willingness to jump.

Technique one: shift your attention. Immediately!

As soon as you find yourself thinking about something with the engine of excitement, blame or anger turned on, find something else, anything, but to think about it at least slightly improve your well-being and mood. Do it immediately!

Think about your loved one, spouse or partner (if you are in a great relationship), your cozy house or apartment, your dog or cat, a new dress, chocolate ice cream, making love, a past or upcoming vacation, a sleeping baby. , about your favorite restaurant... ABOUT ANYTHING!!!

Force yourself to think about something else until you feel that your mood begins to improve at least a little, which indicates a change in energy flow. Changes for the better can be arbitrarily weak, but they must be.

After switching your feelings, start talking to yourself (always out loud) about what you want. I emphasize that we are talking about Desire, not Unwillingness. It will distract you from negative circumstances. As soon as your center of attention shifts, the engine of Intent will start working, the energy valve will open wide enough, and the process of changing circumstances will begin.

I beg you, do not think about the reality of your Desire, even if it seems impossible to you. Only “what” should remain in your head, do not remember and do not think about “how”.

If you can't tune in to Desire/Intention, don't worry. The main thing is that something pleasant remains in the center of your attention for as long as possible. The longer you radiate the energy of positive high frequency vibrations, the more often you switch to this state, the sooner your problem will begin to resolve. And vice versa: the more you concentrate on what worries and worries you, the more firmly it will stick to your life.

Technique Two: Talk to yourself in a soft tone. Immediately!

If you can’t manage to distract yourself from unpleasant circumstances and think about something pleasant, talk to yourself in a soft, soothing tone (always out loud). Talk to yourself like a mom or dad soothing a small child.

Tell yourself everything that the baby would like to hear if he were in your place: everything will definitely be fine, everything has already begun to change for the better, you have nothing to fear, all fears have gone far, far away, nothing will ever happen to you.

Soothe yourself until you feel at least a slight improvement in your condition and mood, until the lump inside you begins to loosen, and the internal resistance of high energy weakens at least a little.

When you relax, the life energy of the Source will begin to flow to you, and you will gradually calm down. Try to keep this state as long as possible.

Technique three: talk to yourself in a strict tone. Immediately!

If nothing comes out, you will have a tough conversation with yourself, out loud, one on one.

The most important thing is that you be strict with yourself, but in no case humiliate yourself. You already constantly, constantly, constantly humiliate and upset yourself by concentrating on adverse circumstances.

You will have to strictly, in simple and understandable terms, from the position of elementary common sense, firmly tell yourself what will happen if you continue to focus your attention on the problem, if you “cook” in it. And then, in the same tone, tell yourself what will happen when you shift your focus and change your vibrational frequency.

“Look, Anna, what a swamp you are in. You definitely need to get out of here. If you continue to go in cycles in your problem all day long, if you continue to have such a mood, it will become even worse, and you know it very well. So get out of your hole. Stop dabbling in all this. Think of something nice. Yes, I know you're having a hard time right now, but…”

Do you not believe your own words? Spit! Keep talking in a confident manner until your mood and well-being (and therefore your energy flow) start to change for the better.

Primitive, elementary logic operates here, and only it. Personally, I use this technique regularly and it always makes me feel better. Only then do I start using other methods of warming up the Feel Good engine until it runs at full speed. If this technique works for you, use it!

Step 4: Do something nice for yourself. Immediately!

Most importantly, don't sit still! Go for a walk, wash and polish your car, brush your cat, go to the store and buy yourself a new thing, bake a cake, play poker, work in the garden, go to the movies. Do something enjoyable. The main thing is that you distract yourself from adverse conditions so that the resistance to the flow of high energy coming from your Source is weakened. When you feel that the tension has eased a little, and your mood has improved, start a conversation with yourself (in a soft tone at first) about what you would like to replace the unfavorable circumstance with.

When applying any of the four techniques, always remember the principle: “Pretend until you succeed.” Switch attention, talk softly and harshly to yourself, do something nice for yourself if necessary - pretend, but be sure to do something as soon as you notice that your attention is focused on an unfavorable circumstance. Do something and don't stop until your condition starts to improve. It will definitely happen!

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14.4.2. Active rest by switching the working dominant The effect of rest or increase in the level of wakefulness can give a change in the types of tasks solved by a person. To do this, it is advisable, if possible, to provide for the alternation of a stereotyped type of activity,

Effective human activity largely depends on the ability to manage one's own attention. This process includes concentration, distribution and switching of attention. All of them are interconnected and aimed at a common task: the correct use of the resources of our mind. Concentration - ability keep it on one object. Distribution - simultaneous focus on several objects at once. So what is the shift in attention?

Attention is the selection of a certain object or phenomenon from a number of others, the focusing of one's mental and emotional processes on it. This feature of the psyche mother nature has laid in us so that we do not go crazy from an overabundance of mental activity. It is not for nothing that we eventually forget what we do not repeat - this is how our brain saves space in memory. The same is with attention - it is focused on what we are doing at a given moment in time, and leaves in the peripheral area what is not important now. Imagine if you were simultaneously focused on all the processes of your life at once - it would be very difficult for the brain. Fortunately, people are endowed with such an ability as switching attention. While doing work, we think less about household chores, at home we hardly remember the troubles at work, and digging in the car, we forget about everything in the world.

Each of us has the ability to quickly switch attention. So we go to the store and make a shopping plan in our mind, and suddenly we see an unfriendly growling dog running towards us. All purchases immediately fly out of my head, and we focus on how to get around the threat. The change of focus of attention occurs automatically, because our safety and life depend on it.

But not always "automatic settings" work the way we need - the brain does not like to focus on difficult tasks and make efforts. If the subconscious mind does not see a real threat or vital necessity, it does not understand why it is necessary to do a boring and difficult task. And then attention automatically switches to interesting and easy tasks, trying to distract us from work. It looks like an internal dialogue:

You know that you need to urgently place an order! Get off the news feed!
- Yes, yes, just look at this post about cats - this is very important! Wow, did you know dinosaurs had colorful eggs?

Of course, such situations only harm the work, so it is important to know how to learn to switch attention to what is really important.

We need a quick switch of attention in three cases:

  1. When you need to switch from one activity to another. You did some important work, and after its completion, you started a new task. But your thoughts are still in the past. You remember what mistakes you could have made, what you could have done better. This significantly distracts from new tasks.
  2. When you need to distract yourself from negative thoughts. Not every business is pleasant, not all life events give us pleasure. Sometimes, after a fierce argument, we continue to silently give arguments to the departed interlocutor; we scroll through the future event in our head, thinking about what could go wrong. This is a destructive state that does not bring anything good, because you cannot change the past, and you cannot predict the future.
  3. If you are doing several things at the same time. Imagine that you are writing an article and waiting for an important email. You need to check it every half an hour because you need to answer it right away. And now, you are distracted from your article to check your mail, and there are mailings from interesting sites, answers from social networks ... That's it, you are gone, dragged into the maelstrom of the Internet. But only if you do not know how to switch correctly.

Learning to switch attention

In order for attention to be your instrument of work, and not a weak-willed, uncontrollable lazy person, you need to know and apply ways to switch attention.

1. Don't watch the news

TV news is the best way to get on your nerves. Of course, you do not need to completely break away from the world, but to be aware of everything, news sites are enough. When watching TV news, you will find out that a plumber stabbed his entire family, a house collapsed somewhere, and deputies got into a fight in parliament. This begs the question - do you need it? All this information is of no practical use and does not concern you in any way.

The same can be said about whiners and gossips - they bring useless negative information into the lives of those around them. You don't need to communicate with them. Of course, you don’t need to turn into a callous chump either, sometimes you need to listen to a friend and help him in trouble, pay attention to charity, and do a good deed. But do not accept someone else's negativity into your life.

2. Live positively

Positive emotions inspire and help to work - they do not distract, remaining a pleasant background. And negative experiences completely fill the mind, making it difficult to focus on the important. Therefore, try to avoid what upsets and pay more attention to the good. Do not think about what might not work out - rather cheer yourself up with thoughts of possible success.

3. Realize unimportance

In fact, there are few important things in this life. And in the face of death, we all realize that we attached too much importance to everything. Those who have seen this face completely change their thinking, stop clinging to material goods or worrying about what ill-wishers think of them.

Don't worry about trifles. Recall how much you have experienced something in the past. It's been five years - do you even remember that? There are things that are really important for us - self-respect and self-realization, family, well-being of loved ones. It is important that you act according to your conscience and do everything that depends on you. Nothing else matters.

4. Get distracted

If you cannot switch your attention from one process to another, just reset your thoughts. This will help the perception of positive emotions. They purify and inspire. Listen to beautiful music, look at pictures of kittens, nature or children. Imagine a sea beach and rolling waves or a forest. Focus on this image, trying to turn off the internal monologue. After a while, you will feel that annoying thoughts have receded.

5. Focus on Feelings

If you can’t distract yourself from negative experiences, resort to another method. Listen to your body, immerse yourself in your emotions. You are tense, your head hurts, there is a lump in your throat, your stomach is cramped - any sensations can do it. As you deal with the physical manifestations of your emotions, the emotions themselves will recede. And you, perhaps, will find something useful - for example, that from experiences you did not notice how the limbs were numb.

6. Force yourself

Sometimes you need to switch attention use willpower. You only need it to stop. When you can't stop thinking about something or doing something unnecessary, stop yourself. Don't do anything. Freeze. Disable attention by making it blank. After that, it will be much easier to start a new task.

These methods of switching attention are quite simple and do not require much effort. It is only necessary to constantly train your “switch”, just as a musician works out complex combinations of notes, and the brain will learn to easily transfer attention to the desired object.

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First you need to remember the main principle of gear shifting: when switching from low to high gear or vice versa, you must depress the clutch. In other words, the gearshift lever and the clutch should go in close conjunction, like climbers storming the dangerous traverse of Everest. If you do not follow this rule, then set aside a certain amount of money in advance that you will need to buy a new gearbox.

What you need to know about gear shifting

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the techniques for shifting different gears differ from each other. Common to them is the scheme "squeeze the clutch - shift gear - release the clutch."

Manual transmission is not as scary as it is drawn

If you are a beginner, then it may be news to you that during a gear change, the car loses speed, turning into a “body” that moves by inertia. It is for this reason that you need to shift gears smoothly, but at the same time quite quickly so as not to slow down the car.

When to change gear

There is an exact calculation of the average speed range of the use of gears, which we will give in the table below.

Naturally, these calculations are schematic, because you need to take into account other factors that can affect the ride. Be that as it may, but this scheme is applicable to unloaded cars that are moving along a road on which there is no resistance whatsoever. If there are any, for example, the car is driving in deep snow, viscous sand or climbing a steep slope, then the gear shift should be carried out a little later - that is, above the announced speed limits.

Useful advice

There is a universal recommendation for choosing one or another gear: the first gear is intended for starting the car from a standstill, the second is used for acceleration, the third allows you to overtake, the fourth is suitable for driving in the city, and the fifth - on motorways and expressways.

How gears are shifted

So, to switch gears, you need to perform certain actions:

  • with the help of a sharp movement, you need to squeeze the clutch all the way to the floor, while releasing the gas pedal;
  • quickly and smoothly turn on the desired gear, first moving the gearshift lever to the neutral position, and then immediately to the gear position;
  • we release the clutch pedal, while you can slightly increase the engine speed - this will help compensate for the loss of speed;
  • Let go of the clutch all the way and give it a noticeable boost in gas.

Automatic transmission - for the lazy or those who love global comfort

There are no strict conditions on the account of the gear shift sequence: you can turn them on out of order - from the first to go straight to the third, from the second to jump to the fifth and so on. However, at the same time, more time is spent on acceleration, and the speed will drop significantly.

Mistakes newbies make

Among the most typical mistakes that novice drivers make, it should be noted that they do not work smoothly with the gearshift lever, which is why the car loses speed. In this case, the switching, as a rule, is scattered and abrupt, which causes damage to some of the components of the box.

When starting off, beginners often abruptly release the clutch pedal, which causes the car to twitch and the transmission to become unusable.

The seat needs to be properly adjusted.

A typical situation is when a novice, when necessary to switch from second to third gear, says that he is not going to go more than 40 km / h. And who said that an overdrive necessarily implies an increase in speed? On the third, you can safely go no faster than 40 km / h. The thing is that high gears make it possible to go faster, but no one forces you to use this opportunity.

Another point that is typical for novice drivers is the belated inclusion of second gear. In the mind of the “teapot” (sorry for the frankness), the training scheme takes root: first gear, acceleration to 20 km / h, and then switching to second. This does not take into account the fact that this speed is already reached when you release the clutch after starting off. This becomes the reason that novice motorists are late with the inclusion of the second.

Useful advice

If the car is moving at a stable speed, the left foot should never “hang” over the clutch pedal. The correct foot position is on the floor, to the left of the clutch. The leg that “hangs” over the pedal gets tired very quickly, and involuntary clutch release may also occur, which is fraught with its destruction. In addition, the driver must have a third point of support in order to avoid such unpleasant moments as reduced steering efficiency and curvature of the spine.

Proper gear shifting

It is important to immediately adjust the seat in order to reach the gearshift lever without tilting the torso. Often, the lever itself is also adjusted for this purpose.

Timely gear shifting and the ability not to overload the engine enable experienced motorists to spend 25% less fuel when driving around the city than novice drivers use.

When shifting gears, it is very important to transfer the left hand, which remains on the steering wheel, from the “fifteen minutes to three” position to the upper sector of the steering wheel. This will allow, if necessary, to make an emergency maneuver. As for novice drivers, when shifting gears, they quite often experience an involuntary turn of the steering wheel to the left if the hand is not on its upper arc.

And even this will not scare you later

At first, the moment of gear shifting will be prompted by the tachometer, then it will be enough to listen to the engine. The tachometer of a diesel car should show 1500-2000 rpm, and the crankshaft speed of gasoline cars should be 2000-2500 rpm.

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