Characteristics from pedagogical practice sample. Characteristics for a student who had an internship - a sample and a template

Conclusion of the responsible head of the practice on the work of the student (technical skills, scope of work, quality, activity, discipline)

Examples of characteristics of a student from the place of practice

During the internship at the state educational institution of secondary vocational education "College of Arts", student _________________ proved to be disciplined, striving to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in this area of ​​management. The main objective of her practical work was to familiarize herself with the main aspects of the work of the personnel department of the college. Under the guidance of an experienced specialist, the head of the personnel departments of the college, she studied the main legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management; labor legislation; the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects; personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise; the procedure for making forecasts, determining the prospective and current needs for personnel; sources of providing the enterprise with personnel; the state of the labor market; systems and methods of personnel assessment; methods of analysis of the professional qualification structure of personnel; the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement; the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise; methods of accounting for the movement of personnel, the procedure for compiling established reporting; the possibility of using modern information technologies in the work of personnel services.

Despite the short period of practice, ___________ proved to be an active, disciplined student, she was able to cover a very large amount of necessary information. Assisted in the processing of personal files of newly hired employees. She studied the basics of working with information and legal systems "Garant" and "Consultant".

______________ treated all the tasks of her work practice very responsibly, she carried out orders with documents carefully. The practical work of ____________ is highly commendable.

During the internship, I got acquainted with the structure of the organization, the procedure for conducting personnel records management, accounting and storing documents. Participated in the preparation of documents.

With regard to professional qualities, _____________ proved to be a competent, executive, accurate person, and responsibly treats the assigned tasks. Skillfully applies theoretical knowledge gained during the training period in practical activities ______________ is attentive when working with documents, easily orients in their content. She has computer skills, which she used in the preparation of various documents.

In interpersonal relationships, she is polite, sociable, easily adapts to work in a team.

During the internship, ___________________ proved to be a disciplined and responsible employee. Accurately followed the daily routine of the company, followed the given instructions and tasks.

She studied the process of personnel management of the company, applied theoretical and practical skills in her work. In the process, the student had the opportunity not only to study the documentation, but also took part in its preparation, which showed the highest degree of knowledge in the field of personnel workflow.

In my opinion, ______________ showed good knowledge of theory in practice.

The standard characteristic contains the following information:

1. Name, patronymic and surnames of the employee, date of birth, education.

2. The place of work from which the characteristic is issued is indicated, the positions held by the employee during his work in this company, and the duties that he performed are called.

3. The positive qualities of the employee (personal and business) are indicated; information about promotions and awards.

4. Information about the advanced training courses that the employee took, as well as his participation in various projects of the company.

5. It is indicated for what purposes and for whom the characteristic is issued.

An example of a characteristic for an employee


On the marketer of DownTown LLC Ivanov Nikolay Evgenievich

Ivanov Nikolai Evgenievich, born in 1985. In 2007 he graduated with honors from the State University of the Humanities.

She has been working as a marketer since October 2009.

During his work, he proved himself as a qualified specialist. He is a true professional, skillfully manages the direction entrusted to him, enjoys well-deserved respect among employees.

N. E. Ivanov constantly improves his professional level: he attends thematic events, trainings and seminars, reads specialized literature, takes his job duties responsibly and seriously.

The management of the company highlights N. E. Ivanov's constant desire for professional development: he is currently receiving additional professional education in the specialty "personnel management".

For a conscientious attitude to work, he was awarded the diploma "Best Employee 2009".

In dealing with colleagues, he is friendly and attentive. During his work, he introduced specific proposals that had a beneficial effect on the company's activities.

The characteristic is issued for presentation at the place of requirement.


A. A. Andreev

date, stamp
Example of characteristics for a student


Ivanov Nikolai Evgenievich
Born in 1985, Ukrainian, higher education

Ivanov N.E. - A graduate of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. During his studies, he showed himself as a diligent student, constantly improving his professional level. Ivanov N.E. repeatedly took part in scientific conferences. He delivered informative presentations on marketing topics. The graduate also took part in the inter-university student conference "The New Generation of Marketers", where he spoke on the topic: "Falling media budgets in the context of the financial crisis."

Ivanov N.E .. from the first year he worked on the topic of his thesis "Internet Marketing". The diploma work shows that the graduate is well versed in the studied material and is fluent in theoretical foundations, successfully combines theory with practical analysis of real companies.

It should be noted that Ivanov N.E. was published in the magazines "Graduate", "Young Entrepreneurs".

A graduate is demanding of himself, enjoys respect among comrades and teachers of the faculty.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics

L. K. Sidorova

Graduate of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the State University for the Humanities (specialty: marketing, full-time education). date, stamp

An example of a characteristic for a student from the place of practice


1. Name of practice: undergraduate.

2. Place of internship:
"DownTown" LLC,
Moscow, st. Timur Frunze 2. of. one,
tel. (044) ___ __ __

3. Work performed by the student at the enterprise (division):
Studying the company's internal documentation (HR documents, internal procedures, job descriptions), studying the experience of the DownTown company, analyzing the company's activities, getting to know the company's reports and plans.

4. Evaluation of the internship (student activities) by the head of the enterprise (division):
Ivanov Nikolai Evgenievich showed a good theoretical level of preparation in matters of enterprise management during his undergraduate practice. All assigned work was carried out conscientiously. Strived to acquire new knowledge in order to be even more useful. In general, the work of Nikolaev N.A. can be assessed as "excellent".

5. Practice time:
Arrived ______________
Departed ________________

General Director of LLC "DownTown"

S. G. Muzafarov

This characteristic was issued to a student of the State University of Humanities Ivanov Nikolai Evgenievich.

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice is a document attached to the report on undergraduate or industrial practice. It is compiled by the responsible person of the organization or the head of the student. But, as a rule, the leader trusts the student to write a testimonial for himself. Consider its content, the basic requirements for design.
What is written in the characteristics of the student?

Header indicating the place of passage, information about the organization and its details
This information must be legally correct.

Information about the timing of the internship
It can be placed anywhere in the characteristic (see below).

Student job description
Example: In the duties of a trainee Petrov V.D. included the preparation of employment contracts, verification of personal data of employees of the organization, work with accounting documents and registration of archival documentation.

Characteristics of the student's theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills
Example: Intern Ivanov A.B. successfully applied the theoretical knowledge obtained at the University to fulfill tasks in production. Besides,
during the internship, the student studied the structure of the enterprise and the coordination of departments, mastered the basic principles of document management, reporting and contracts.
Evaluation of the student's work
Example: The management of the organization LLC "Sample" positively evaluates the work of the student Petrov P.S. in the period from ___ to ____, all the assigned tasks were completed by him on time in compliance with the requirements for the quality of performance.

Characteristics of the student's professional qualities
Shows attention to detail, especially to financial documents. Efficient, efficient. Competent in the professional field.

Assessment of the personal qualities of the trainee
Example: Sociable, friendly, takes initiative, strives to help colleagues and work in a team.

final grade
Example: The results of the work of the student Petrov V.G. in the framework of the production practice deserve an "excellent" rating.

Seal, date, manager's signature
The signature must be certified by the Human Resources Department.

Note that the shortcomings and shortcomings, in contrast to the review of the thesis, it is not necessary to indicate.
An example of a characteristic from the place of practice

See more examples below.


For student Kafelnikov Mikhail Lvovich, who had an internship at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Elektroavtomatika" from 04/11/11 to 04/28/11.

Student Kafelnikov M.L. passed practice in the department of development and implementation of automated systems. During the production practice at Kafelnikov M.L. the following responsibilities were assigned:

Drawing up constructive schemes for the collection of low-power engines.
Systematization of reporting documentation.
Finalization of drawings of basic parts of production equipment.

Throughout the practice, Kafelnikov M.V. showed itself only on the positive side. Personal qualities were manifested in the ability to find a common language with colleagues in solving tasks. Differs in sociability and initiative. Purposeful, always brings the solution of tasks to the end.
He successfully applied the theoretical knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering received at the university, consolidating and developing them in the process of industrial practice.

During the work, the student has mastered and consolidated the following practical skills:

Preparation of design drawings.
Installation of basic parts of industrial equipment.
Correction of operating parameters of production plants.

The trainee also gained experience working in an engineering team (teamwork).

I evaluate the work of student Kafelnikov M.V. during the entire period of practice with "excellent" and I recommend him for enrollment in the production staff of the enterprise upon graduation from the university.

Chief Engineer of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Elektroavtomatika", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Beloborodov S.V.

Characteristics of the internship of a student of a pedagogical university (MIOO), the faculty of correctional pedagogy, the department of "special psychology and oligophrenopedagogy"
Katilovskaya Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

Katilovskaya Nadezhda Vladimirovna had an internship at the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "Children's Personality" from April 1 to May 1, 2010.

Student Katilovskaya Nadezhda Vladimirovna attended 6 lessons in her specialty during her internship. According to the teacher's plan, she gave an open lesson in arithmetic on the topic: "Comparison of fractions", an open lesson on the basics of literacy on the topic: "Educational presentation on questions", compiled a psychological and pedagogical description for a student of 10 "B" class Karatonova Alena.

During the internship, the student showed good knowledge of the material and the ability to use methodological literature. She rationally used the time of classes and the alternation of various activities of children. Competently applied the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

When preparing and conducting lessons, she took into account the advice of the teacher, received during consultations, and modern developments. Effectively used methods and techniques, as well as various forms of individual and collective activities of children. In the classroom, she successfully established contact with children, observed an individual and differentiated approach to learning. Work throughout the practice was carried out in close contact with all the specialists of the center. The student demonstrated conscientious attitude to business, punctuality, rich creative potential.

Evaluation for teaching practice ______________________________

School methodologist ________________ /M.B. Usoltseva/

Teacher-leader ________________ / S.A. Fedochenko/


for a student of group 642 of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Aginsky Pedagogical College named after. B. Rinchino

Dyzhitova Sayana Chingisovna,

undergraduate practice in the specialty

"Teaching in primary classes" for the period from 28.01. to 24.02. 2013

The student conducted lessons in the main specialty and extracurricular activities, as well as several lessons in the additional specialty. During the internship, she showed a good level of knowledge in the subject and methodological preparation. She behaved confidently in the lessons, knew the content of the lesson well, tried to bring the material to all students, tried to involve all students in the class in the educational process, not singling out either strong or weak. Scientific and theoretical training at a good level.

The student is able to connect teaching with life in the classroom, solve the problems of education, and positively influenceconsciousness, feelings and will of children. The student owns the methodology of teaching in all subjects. She devoted most of the time of the lesson to the practical work of students, demanded that all students perform high-quality assignments. Created conditions for the comprehensive development of students through problem tasks, questions. Reasonably approached the selection of the content of educational material and practical work for the lesson, taking into account the material and technical base of the classroom.

Sayana was responsible for the preparation of lessons, the selection of practical tasks for students. The notes were detailed with a description of each element of the lesson. Tried to applylesson innovative forms of work with students. She was friendly with the students, showed a good knowledge of child psychology, took into account the individual and age characteristics of younger students.

The student also did extracurricular work in the classroom. The children especially liked the holidays "Sagaalgan", the contest "Come on, boys!", class hour "Kindness will save the world". Extra-curricular activities contributed to team building, the development of the creative abilities of each child, the formation of moral qualities and tolerance.

Fairly graded in accordance with the grading criteria.

Grade for practice as a primary school teacher - "good".

Head teacher /_____________/Gongorova L.Ts.


university student full name,

passed pre-diploma pedagogical practice

in MOU

Student passed pre-diploma teaching practice in 5 "A", "B" classes and 8 "A" class MOU from 01/27/11 to 02/26/11. During this period, he has established himself as a responsible and knowledgeable specialist. They had 21 lessons: 2 lessons of literature, 2 lessons of speech development, 17 lessons of the Russian language (1 of them - control) in the 5th and 8th grades.

Student basically showed knowledge of the content of the Program of educational institutions. Russian language. 5-9 grades. / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky / and Programs of educational institutions. Literature, 5 - 9 grades. / Ed. VL Korovina / and the ability to work in accordance with them.

Fully masters the skills of planning the educational material of the lesson of the Russian language and literature in grades 5-9.

FULL NAME. has a high level of erudition. Sociable, correct in relations with children and elders. He knows how to put into practice the connection between theory and life, to solve the problems of educating middle school students. She uses knowledge of developmental psychology in her work.

Methodically competently organizes children for educational work, regulates their attention, activates mental activity, maintains interest in the material being studied, uses visual materials, linguistic games, uses information and communication technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature.

Student tries to implement the principle of an individual approach to children, to prevent a lag in the assimilation of educational material. Skillfully avoids conflict situations. Uses verbal encouragement.

He owns the methods of teaching the Russian language and literature in grades 5-9 and skillfully applies them in practical work.

All the lessons conducted by the student F.I.O. were thought out, strictly regulated. The most successful and interesting were the lessons of the Russian language and literature in the 5th grade "A", with the students of which I.O. established warm, trusting relationship. Children showed activity, interest, learned new material well and showed solid knowledge during the test.

Practice score: 5 (excellent)

Director of MOU ___________ Full name

Teacher of Russian language and literature _____ Full name


for a student of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Aginsky Pedagogical College

them. B. Rinchino

Bazarzhapova Ayan Ayakovna,

internship _______________________________________

for a period of ___________________________________

on the basis of MBOU ASOSH No. 2 in the 2-D class, class. hands Tsyrendashieva M.E.

At the beginning of her practice, the student got acquainted with the class team, studied the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class, the educational plan of the class, made observations, and based on this she organized and conducted extracurricular activities. Classes were held once a week on Tuesdays. During the internship, she showed a good level of knowledge in the specialty and methodological training. In the classroom, she behaved confidently, knew the content well, tried to involve all the students in the class in the educational process, not singling out either the strong or the weak. Scientific and theoretical training at a good level.

The student is able to connect education with life in the classroom, solve the problems of education, favorably influenceconsciousness, feelings and will of children. Created conditions for the all-round development of students. Ayana was responsible for the preparation of classes. Tried to applyclasses with students: game technologies, ICT technologies. She was friendly with the students, showed a good knowledge of child psychology, took into account the individual and age characteristics of younger students.

The children especially liked the holidays "Sagaalgan", the contest "Come on, boys!", class hour "Kindness will save the world". Extra-curricular activities contributed to team building, the development of the creative abilities of each child, the formation of moral qualities and tolerance.

Practice score 4 (four)

Teacher /___________/ Tsyrendashieva M.E.

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education


Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Kuznetsov Sergey Vladimirovich passed pedagogical practice as a teacher of physical culture in the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Severodvinsk SKOSHI". Internship time from September 4, 2017 to October 15, 2017

During this period, the trainee took an active part in the process of planning lessons and school-wide events, assisted and assisted the physical education teacher in conducting lessons, and also conducted them independently. Student Kuznetsov S.V. diligently mastered the selection of physical exercises, thought through the system of preparatory and leading to the development of movements.

When planning the motor material, specific living conditions, hygiene rules, exercise and rest regimen, the characteristics of the physical development of children, the correspondence between the number of movements and the child’s ability to perform them were taken into account, the principles of systematicity and consistency were taken into account. Educational and developmental, health-improving and educational tasks were carried out correctly and in a timely manner at different stages of training, taking into account program requirements, the contingent of the group, and working conditions. During the classes, it was planned not only to study new exercises, but also the subsequent stages of training, providing a solid formation of motor skills.

Student - trainee Kuznetsov S.V.

Head of Practice, Severodvinsk SKOSHI


(each day of practice must be marked on an individual plan indicating the work that has been done)

The content of the work the date Completion mark
Acquaintance with the base of practice. Acquaintance with the director of the school, deputy director for educational work, teachers in physical education. 12.09.2017
Studying school and classroom documentation, Drawing up an individual work plan. 13.09.2017
Viewing and analysis of physical education lessons conducted by the teacher. 14.09.2017
Drawing up lesson notes for independent work No. 1. Report formatting. 15.09.2017
Viewing and analysis of physical education lessons conducted by the teacher. Conducting lesson fragments as an assistant. 19.09.2017
Drawing up a summary of the lesson for independent work No. 2. Report formatting. 20.09.2017
Viewing and analysis of physical education lessons conducted by the teacher. Conducting lesson fragments as an assistant. 21.09.2017
Drawing up a summary of a lesson for independent work No. 3. Report formatting. 22.09.2017
Viewing and analysis of physical education lessons conducted by the teacher. Conducting lesson fragments as an assistant. 23.09.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 1. 26.09.2017
Drawing up a summary of a lesson for independent work No. 4. Report formatting. 27.09.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 2. 28.09.2017
Drawing up a summary of lessons for independent work No. 5. Making a report. 29.09.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 3. 30.09.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 4. 03.10.2017
Drawing up a summary of a lesson for independent work No. 6. Report formatting. 04.10.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 5. 05.10.2017
Drawing up a summary of lessons for independent work No. 7 06.10.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 6. 06.10.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 7. 07.10.2017
Drawing up a summary of a lesson for independent work No. 8. Report formatting. 07.10.2017
Independent conduct of FC lessons according to plan No. 8. 08.10.2017
Analysis of the density of lessons and the dynamics of physical activity (lessons No. 7 and No. 8) according to timing and heart rate monitoring. Report formatting. 09.10.2017
Conducting lesson fragments as an assistant. Report formatting. 11.10.2017 .
Compilation of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the attached class and one of the students. Report design 12.10.2017
Working with special educational literature, filling out a diary-report on educational practice 13.10.2017
Conducting lesson fragments as an assistant. Report formatting. 14.10.2017
Summing up the practice. Report formatting. 15.10.2017

Today, such a thing as a letter of recommendation has entered business use. We offer you templates and samples that will save time when compiling a characteristic.

Sample for a trainee student

Kotov Viktor Vasilievich, a student of the Ural University of Economics, had an internship from September 25, 2017 to October 20, 2017 at Karat LLC. Viktor Vasilyevich showed excellent knowledge in the field of economic activity.

Viktor Vasilyevich has independence, communication skills, determination and the desire to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired at USUE. Viktor Vasilyevich is able to show respect for work, for mentors and work colleagues in relationships in a professional team.

In relationships with colleagues, Viktor Vasilyevich showed himself from the best side. He demonstrated such human qualities as attentiveness, the ability to listen and help, not to enter into conflict situations, stress resistance and the ability to come to a compromise solution.

I would especially like to note that Viktor Vasilievich knows how to competently plan his working time, in accordance with the development strategy of the enterprise, and perform work as efficiently as possible.

Viktor Vasilyevich analyzed the commercial activities of Karat LLC. Based on the results of the research work, he proposed measures aimed at improving the activities of the enterprise. These proposals are of interest and practical value.

Characteristics from the student's internship at the summer camp

Finished example

Ivanova Olga Igorevna had a teaching practice in a summer camp from 06/14/2016 to 07/14/2016, where she showed herself only on the positive side. Olga Igorevna possesses such human qualities as discipline, responsibility, and the ability to find a common language with children.

Olga Igorevna treated children with love and understanding. The student actively participated in the work of the summer camp and applied the theoretical knowledge gained at the university in practice. Olga Igorevna showed herself as a creative and sociable person and an excellent organizer. The student showed herself as a competent teacher in solving educational problems.

Olga Igorevna demonstrated responsibility, commitment and diligence, as well as a serious attitude to the preparation and holding of events. Children participated in the events organized by Olga Igorevna with interest and enthusiasm.

When organizing events, Olga Igorevna took into account the age and psychological characteristics of children. Olga Igorevna worked closely with her colleagues. She listened to the advice of teachers and psychologists. She managed to get close to the guys and win their trust. Grade for the internship: "Excellent".

Characteristics of the student's practice as an educator in a preschool educational institution


Svetlova Elena Nikolaevna, a student of the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University, during her internship in the kindergarten "Ryabinka" from 17.09.2017 to 18.10. 2017 proved to be a competent, didactics-savvy teacher. She demonstrated a responsible attitude towards working with children.

In the process of pedagogical activity, she always had visual material available. Elena Nikolaevna held classes in all areas of children's development: cognitive, speech, communication, physical and aesthetic. The trainee independently organized Dow pupils in the game, cognitive, labor, visual and other activities.

Elena Nikolaevna actively participated in the autumn holiday "Merry Kapustnik", and also organized the event "Road Adventures of Baba Yaga", dedicated to the study of traffic rules.

Elena Nikolaevna spoke at the parent meeting with a report on the topic: "The importance of joint leisure of parents and children of preschool age." Student Svetlova showed a good theoretical knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and developmental psychology, as well as skills in planning the activities of preschoolers in the first and second half of the day. Elena Nikolaevna always showed pedagogical tact in communicating with pupils.

Characteristics for a student in medical practice in a hospital institution

Finished example

Samokhina Olga Viktorovna, a 3rd year student of the Saratov Medical College, had an internship as a physician at the Clinical Hospital. S. R. Mirotvortseva with a degree in Nursing. in the period from February 10, 2018 to March 18, 2018

The trainee was acquainted with the internal documentation of the surgical department. The rules of asepsis and antisepsis, pre-sterilization and sterilization treatment of instruments were brought to her.

Olga Viktorovna performed nursing manipulations in the treatment room, operating room and dressing room. In particular, it performed intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections, filled intravenous drip systems, collected blood and transported it to the laboratory, and cared for patients in the postoperative period.

Samokhina Olga Viktorovna filled out the documentation related to the duties performed. She took part in the preparation of the operating room, processed and removed the stitches, did the dressings.

The student showed good theoretical training and skillfully applied the knowledge gained in college in her work. She behaved with staff and patients in accordance with the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

Pedagogical educational practice of a student at school - characteristic

Example of a positive characteristic

Berkovich Andrey Yuryevich passed teaching practice at MBOU secondary school No. 148 in the period from 03.03.2016 to 04.03.2016. The student taught history lessons in grades 5a, 7a and 7b. In total, during this time he conducted 16 classes on various topics.

Andrey Yuryevich demonstrated a high level of knowledge in the subject, as well as excellent methodological and didactic skills. The student approached his work creatively, used modern teaching aids, applied various methods and teaching aids in the classroom. Therefore, the children attended his classes with interest. In the classroom, Andrey Yuryevich behaved confidently, knew the material presented well and skillfully involved all the children in the educational process.

From the first lessons, he managed to gain the trust of students and establish close contact with them. Even the most inactive children worked at the lessons, since the tasks corresponded to their amount of knowledge, the level of proficiency in the subject and age characteristics.

Andrey Yuryevich carefully planned each lesson, prepared thematic presentations and handouts. Many lessons were conducted by him in a playful way, with video clips shown in accordance with the current sections of the educational program.

Andrey Yuryevich showed himself to be a sensitive and attentive teacher, able to present the material in a clear and understandable way for all children.

Characteristics for a student who has completed an internship in accounting

Characteristic example

Alisov Vladimir Vladimirovich, a student of the Rostov University of Economics, completed an internship at Regina LLC from 11/12/2017 to 12/13/2017 with a degree in accounting. He showed himself as a competent specialist and showed high efficiency, responsibility, purposefulness and communication skills.

Vladimir Vladimirovich quickly got acquainted with the structure of the organization, with the constituent documents and the main directions of its activity. He actively participated in the preparation of financial statements for November 2017.

Alisov Vladimir Vladimirovich showed himself to be an obligatory and serious specialist, he came to work without delay and carefully performed all the tasks assigned to him. His practical participation in solving the tasks assigned to him contributed to the consolidation of the skills acquired at the Rostov Economic University in all areas of his chosen specialty.

Vladimir Vladimirovich participated in the discussion of economic issues, such as minimizing the costs of the organization. He made proposals valuable from a practical point of view for finding ways to solve them.

He also participated in the inventory of the warehouse, which was carried out in the organization. The curators believe that Alisov Vladimir Vladimirovich deserves high praise.

The student's practice was carried out in court as a lawyer

Characteristic sample

Severov Gennady Lvovich, a student of the Khabarovsk Law Institute, did an internship at the Khabarovsk District Court from April 2, 2016 to April 14, 2016, specializing in Jurisprudence.

Gennady Lvovich showed himself as an enterprising and competent employee, able to apply in his work the knowledge he received at the educational institution. He quickly and accurately carried out the orders of the judge.

Gennady Lvovich got acquainted with the work of the court office and secretaries of court sessions. The student regularly attended court hearings in criminal and civil cases. He took an active part in the preparation for the consideration of court cases.

The head instructed Gennady Lvovich Severov to draw up draft procedural documentation on cases considered by the court without outside help. In addition, the student studied the rules of conducting judicial office work.

Severov Gennady Lvovich timely performed all the tasks that the leader set for him and showed himself in the team as a disciplined, tactful, benevolent, hardworking and sociable person. According to the results of the practice, Severov Gennady Lvovich deserves a high positive assessment.

Characteristics from the practice of a student - psychologist


Kaverina Olga Alexandrovna, a student of the Moscow Psychological and Social University, had an internship as a psychologist at the Secondary School No. 123 from November 5 to December 6, 2017. During this period, the student showed herself as a responsible and organized worker.

She carried out psychodiagnostic and educational work in grades 1, 2, 3 - 7, 9. Also, Olga Alexandrovna conducted correctional and developmental classes in the 4th grade and advised students and parents on an individual basis.

In diagnostic work, she used the method of personality accentuation, tracking the adaptation process in the graduating classes and monitored the development of seventh graders using sociometry, testing the psycho-emotional state and questioning.

Olga Alexandrovna carried out diagnostic work related to the cognitive and motivational spheres of primary school students. In the process of work, the student demonstrated conscientiousness, organization and correctness.

She immediately found an individual approach to children and managed to establish close contact with them. According to the results of the practice, Olga Alexandrovna deserves an excellent mark.

Characteristics for a student who had an internship at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Finished example

Volchek Dmitry Evgenievich, a student of the Omsk Law Academy, had an internship from 12.05.2017 to to 12.07.2017 in the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Omsk region. During this time, the student showed himself as a responsible, disciplined and conscientious worker.

Dmitry Evgenievich was involved in the preparation and maintenance of official documentation, the identification and prevention of offenses among persons under the age of majority, the identification of persons who committed a criminal act, and the supervision of dysfunctional families. Dmitry Evgenievich also participated in raid events.

The student has proven himself on the positive side. The manager described him as a diligent, independent, honest, friendly and sociable worker. Dmitry Evgenievich demonstrated determination, ability to work with minors and readiness to assimilate and apply new information in his work.

In the process of fulfilling the tasks assigned to him, Volchek Dmitry Evgenievich successfully applied the acquired skills. The trainee noted excellent knowledge of the legal framework. During the participation of official operations, Dmitry Evgenievich kept his composure and restraint.

The student's internship was carried out in a bank, characteristics


Romanova Olga Viktorovna, a fourth-year student of the Kemerovo Economic Institute named after Plekhanov, had an internship at UniCredit Bank PJSC with a degree in financier since 14.04. 2017 to 15.05. 2017 inclusive.

During the internship, Olga Viktorovna got acquainted with the general organizational banking structure, the procedure for opening accounts for individuals and legal entities, as well as making deposits. The student took an active part in the daily maintenance of already opened accounts under the guidance of a curator.

Romanova Olga Viktorovna mastered the procedure for issuing loans to individuals and legal entities, as well as the design and issuance of debit, credit and payroll plastic cards. The trainee took part in the preparation of daily reports and got acquainted with the procedure for leaving quarterly reports.

Olga Viktorovna proved to be a sociable, obligatory and correct employee. She quickly found a common language with colleagues and listened to their recommendations when performing the tasks assigned to her.

From the first day of practice, she approached her work responsibly, communicated kindly with clients and did not receive any complaints about her. Based on the results of the internship, Olga Viktorovna earned a high positive assessment.

similar characteristics. . .

Editor's Choice
It is difficult to find any part of the chicken, from which it would be impossible to make chicken soup. Chicken breast soup, chicken soup...

To prepare stuffed green tomatoes for the winter, you need to take onions, carrots and spices. Options for preparing vegetable marinades ...

Tomatoes and garlic are the most delicious combination. For this preservation, you need to take small dense red plum tomatoes ...

Grissini are crispy bread sticks from Italy. They are baked mainly from a yeast base, sprinkled with seeds or salt. Elegant...
Raf coffee is a hot mixture of espresso, cream and vanilla sugar, whipped with an espresso machine's steam outlet in a pitcher. Its main feature...
Cold snacks on the festive table play a key role. After all, they not only allow guests to have an easy snack, but also beautifully...
Do you dream of learning how to cook deliciously and impress guests and homemade gourmet dishes? To do this, it is not at all necessary to carry out on ...
Hello friends! The subject of our analysis today is vegetarian mayonnaise. Many famous culinary specialists believe that the sauce ...
Apple pie is the pastry that every girl was taught to cook in technology classes. It is the pie with apples that will always be very ...