Selection of repertoire for a beginner singer. Selection of repertoire for a concert for beginner vocalists Exemplary vocal repertoire for music schools

This page contains a list of songs that people most like at holidays, events, celebrations - anniversaries, weddings, wedding anniversaries, corporate parties, birthdays. Exactly, basically on this principle I teach them. If very often they ask me to perform a song, but I don’t know it, I immediately learn it.

Popular, VIA, funny, for dancing, romances, gypsy and others.

Not indicated, which I perform into the microphone using electronic text (not by heart). There are ten times more of them than in the list below.

You can listen to the songs in my performance by going to the pages Yuri Kuznetsov sings.

By nature I have a very good memory. With pleasure I will learn and sing at your holiday any song that you or your guests like.


fireplace sparks

Your eyes are green

Under the caress of a plush blanket

Don't leave, stay with me

Burn, burn, my star

Pair of bays

Fragrant bunches of white acacia

Only once in a lifetime meeting

Enchanted, bewitched

Moscow golden-domed

Shaggy bumblebee

Black eyes

Two guitars behind the wall

Don't wake her up at dawn

The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded long ago

And I thought you were happy

I will never forget you

Foggy morning

Get away, don't look

The Long Road

I met you

Coachman, drive to Yar

And in the end I will tell

Gray hair (And we have not grown old at all ...)

Bells (The ringing of bells is heard from afar ...)

There was a carriage at the church

The reeds rustled, the trees bent

Don't leave, my dear

My fire shines in the fog. (Old gypsy romance)

Vain words (Malinin)

Good night gentlemen (Leps)

Romance of the General of Blackness (Alone again in bed half asleep) Alexander Rosenbaum

Capricious, stubborn (Old Russian romance)
Do not repeat (And for what and for what I fell in love with you)

fireplace sparks


List of songs for anniversary, birthday.

I spend a variety of anniversaries 60, 50, 65, 70, 55, 80, 45, 30 and others. Men and women. In order to make it easier for me to understand what to sing at your celebration, please send me a list of those musical compositions that you and your loved ones like the most. And they will definitely sound at your holiday in my performance.

At the celebration, I ask the guests "what do you want to listen to?", "what will we sing together?". But any impromptu is good when it is prepared in advance.

You can record any song or even a whole disc for the hero of the day at the studio. At the beginning of this album, say that you wish the hero of the occasion and think about him. Such a gift will be very valuable and unforgettable.

Anniversary ditties.
I sing and the great singer Zarina.

Dedicated to the beloved woman.
This woman.

List of songs dedicated to the anniversary, birthday:

Happy birthday. (Everything today is only for you.) Irina Allegrova.
Happy Birthday. (My friend, all your friends congratulate you.) Nadezhda Kadysheva.
Wish. (I want songs to sound, so that a glass is filled with wine.) Vakhtang Kikabidze.
My years are my wealth. Vakhtang Kikabidze.
Wish. (So ​​that they live up to a hundred years, so that they do not know grief.) Elena Vaenga.
Song of the crocodile Gena. (Let run clumsily.)
And the years fly. (Our years fly like birds.)
There is only a moment. (It is he who is called life.) Oleg Anofriev.
Evening table. (For the power that the waves carry to the fullest.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
Duck hunting. (My father and mother taught me.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
Shores. (Between them is the river of my life.) Alexander Malinin.
I am 50 today. (And this is not the evening.)
How young we were. (How sincerely they loved, how they believed in themselves.) Alexander Gradsky.
That's lovely. (That we are all gathered here today.) Oleg Mityaev.
A lonely man over 50. (Life goes on quietly, but gnaws lightly, but does not bite.) Dmitry Vasilevsky.

Dedicated to women.

For you my woman. (I raise a glass. Today is your birthday.) Mikhail Sheleg.
Birthday girl. (We gathered to celebrate your birthday.) White day.
Ay. (I would like to give you a song. Everything is insignificant in comparison with you.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
I can't have you on your birthday. (Give expensive gifts.)
Enchanted bewitched. (You are my precious woman.) Mikhail Zvezdinsky.
You are my only one. (There is no other such.) Yuri Vizbor.
The Volga river flows. (Among the ripe bread, among the white snows.) Lyudmila Zykina.
I wish you. (Out of 1000 stars, one is the brightest.) Igor Surukhanov.


Through the wild steppes of Transbaikalia

From behind the Island to the midline

You are my dear

Oh, frost, frost

A young Cossack walks along the Don

Oh yes you pour

I will go out into the street

Went to the fair uhar-merchant

Lady, Gypsy, Yelets (chastushki)

Once upon a time I was sailing

Am I to blame

In the moonlight (ding-ding-ding...)


The bell rings in unison

Oh, in the meadow, in the meadow

How did the soldier serve?

How would the Volga - mother

When I worked at the post office as a coachman

My joy lives

Steppe and steppe all around

It was a long time ago, seventeen years ago

Who needs it (In the middle of a grandmother, in the middle of Lyubka, in the middle you are mine, gray dove)

Charming eyes

We walk through the village (We distribute gifts. Who has a son, who has a daughter)
My cup

Nadezhda Kadysheva. "Golden ring".
A stream flows. (The stream runs.)
I got drunk drunk.
They plucked a rose. (I met a rose, it bloomed.)
There was a carriage outside the church.
Collective farmer. (On the mountain there is a collective farm, under the mountain there is a state farm.)
There are so many golden lights. (On the streets of Saratov.)
Bird cherry sways under the window. (Showering her petals.)
Here's someone coming down the hill. (Probably my dear is coming.)
Old maple. (Knocks on glass.)
How my mother wanted me. (Yes, for the first to give.)
Wide river. (Love is cursed.)
Charming eyes. (You charmed me.)
The moon turned crimson. (Let's go for a ride, pretty girl.)
The postal troika is rushing. (Along the Volga mother in winter.)
Evening call, evening Bell. (So ​​many thoughts he suggests.)
Thin rowan. (What are you standing swaying.)
There is no better color. (When the apple tree blossoms.)
Hasbulat is good. (Your saklya is poor.)
It is not the wind that bends the branch. (Not Dubravushka makes noise.)
Felt boots. (The old ones are not hemmed)
Light. (The girl escorted the fighter to the position.)
On the Murom path. (There were three pines.)
Lilies of the valley. (You brought me today.)
Oh snow snow. (White blizzard.)
On the field on the clean. (Why are you hot, why are you beautiful.)
It's raining outside. (Water from a bucket.)
Katyusha. (Apple and pear trees blossomed.)
Oh Samara town. (I'm restless.)

In the moonlight

Ukhar merchant


Above the window is a month

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry

The golden grove dissuaded

Maple you are my fallen

Letter to mother (You are still alive, my old lady...)

I have one fun

Weaved out on the lake

I'm a Moscow mischievous reveler

I have never been to the Bosphorus

Moscow (Mongol Shuudan)

mother's letter


I will pray for holy Russia (Hierodeacon Theophilus)

I will go out at night in the field with a horse.
Corner of Russia, father's house. (Pesnyary) Music by Shainsky.

Russian Field. (Yan Frenkel) From the film "New Adventures of the Elusive."

I drank birch sap in the spring forest. (Mikhail Nozhkin). From the movie "Resident's Mistake"

Call me quietly by name. (Lube).

A song about a distant homeland. (I ask at least for a while). From the movie Seventeen Moments of Spring.

Where does the Motherland begin. (Mark Bernes) Matusovsky's words.

Birch sap (Just bloom under the snowfield on time). Pesnyary.

I love you Russia! My dear Russia! (Mikhail Nozhkin. David Tukhmanov.)

March - "Farewell of the Slav"Written in 1912.

Song about the Motherland. (The sun is shining in the clear sky.)

Why do birch trees make such a noise in Russia. (Nikolai Rastorguev and Sergey Bezrukov.) From the TV series "Plot"

I will go out into the field at night with a horse.

Migratory birds are flying. (I don’t need the Turkish coast and I don’t need Africa.)

Oh, you are a wide steppe.

Clean ponds. (Igor Talkov).

Our toast. (Let's drink for the Motherland, let's drink for Stalin, let's drink and pour again.) Song of the war years.

Crane. (Although the land is warmer there, but the homeland is nicer.) Mark Bernes.

Russian anthem.


Moscow golden-domed

Moscow windows

Moscow Nights

My dear capital, my golden Moscow

Alexandra (film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears")

Moscow. The bells are ringing

I walk around Moscow
Moscow (I love this elm city). Sergey Yesenin.
The best city of the Earth (These words about you Moscow). Magomaev Muslim.
Song of the old cabman (Only spring morning will burst over Moscow). Leonid Utyosov.
Ah Arbat my Arbat (Bulat Okudzhava)


parental home. (Lev Leshchenko) "The parental home began."

Let us pray for our parents. (Soso Pavliashvili).

Letter to mother (You are still alive, my old woman). But the words of Sergei Yesenin.

Talk to me mom.

Dear mother. (Mom, dear mom, how I love you).

Dear old people. Igor Sarukhanov.

House overlooking the garden. Brothers Radchenko.


Song about a friend. (When you fell off the rocks, he moaned, but held on.) Vladimir Vysotsky.

Friendship. (That our tenderness and our friendship is stronger than passion, more than love.)

Friends song. (There is nothing better in the world than friends wandering around the wide world.) The Bremen Town Musicians.

Song about a friend. (A friend is always ready to give up a place in a boat and a circle.)

If with a friend went on the road. (What is snow to me, what is heat to me when my friends are with me.)

For friends. (I raise my glass.) Vladimir Chernyakov.


Enchanted, bewitched

You are my only one (Yu. Vizbor)
My love is alive like the scarlet color of mountain ash. Sergei Drozdov.

For me, you are not more beautiful

Ah, what a woman

Those eyes are opposite. Obodzinsky.

Please. (I want to please you today). Anatoly Dneprov.

Scarlet dawn. (Scarlet lips. You are my long-awaited love). Brothers Radchenko.

Eastern song. (Does it rain warmly). Valery Obodzinsky.

Singarella. (The anvil groans loudly, since the girl is in my hands).

Lyrical (Here are the paws of the firs...) V. Vysotsky

White swan on the pond

For lovely ladies

And I thought you were happy

I raise my glass

Honey can you hear me

My clear asterisk ("Flowers")

Outside the window bullfinches (Trofim)

My wealth (Yu. Antonov)

Esmeralda (Notre Dame de Paris)

Bouquet (A. Barykin)

Mole (I met a girl, crescent eyebrow...)

Beloved, sleep

I wish you from a thousand stars (I. Sarukhanov)

Mirror (Yu. Antonov)

Because you can't be beautiful like that ("White Eagle")

My only one (F. Kirkorov)

I love you to tears. (I will cover our bed with white rose petals). Alexander Serov.

I miss you (Trofim)

Without you (S. Mikhailov)
Everything for you (S.Mikhailov)
Queen of inspiration (S.Mikhailov)
Three wishes
At the bridge
Lastly, I will say
I would only know that you live somewhere (O. Mityaev)
I want to marry you
You dreamed in the spring ("Pesnyary")
Draw yak missyachna
I asked ash
Wait, I'll turn on the light for a minute
Shaggy bumblebee
The first love
This woman
City of Sochi (Trofim)
For you my woman
Ay (Rosenbaum)
Pigeons kiss on the roof
Don't go stay with me
I met you
Let's get high
Smoke of menthol cigarettes
My joy lives
White birch
Let's go for a beautiful ride
There by the cherry orchard
Black eyes
Black eyebrows, brown eyes
Turquoise, gold rings
Ukhar merchant
Weaved on the lake the scarlet light of dawn
My dear forest sun
Kalina (Rada Rai)
Marjanja (M. Shufutinsky)
Two extinguished candles
When I met you, the bird cherry blossomed
That evening I did not drink, did not sing (Vysotsky)
Trouble (Pugacheva)
two roses
Wasted words
Do not put salt on my wound
I'll take you to the tundra
Where the maple makes noise
White motor ship
On that highway
Purple Haze
Lanfren lanfra
Your eyes are green
Under the caress of a plush blanket
Once upon a time I was sailing
Let's drink to love
Thank you for your son and daughter
You wake me up at dawn
fireplace sparks
Once a year the gardens bloom
swan fidelity
Indian summer is noisy
Knives not sharpened
Let's get high
I'm ready to kiss the sand
Only time
Foggy morning
go away don't look
You are my dear
I got drunk drunk
I'll go out into the street
Am I to blame
The boat sailed on the sea
Black eyes
Who made you like this
The snow is spinning
free duck
Cornflowers in the field
Seagulls at the stern
Bonfires are burning far away
White mists float
A couple lived in the same city
I have to live with you all my life at least once (Vizbor)
Thank you for the day, thank you for the night (M. Boyarsky)
Lonely lilac branch
Beloved woman

Sweetheart (Nepara)

For love (Lubavin)

My love

Gone are the sunny days

You tell me cherry

Good morning darling (Mityaev)

You and I are two banks of the same river (Rada Rai)
My beloved woman (Timur Temirov)
Sweet dream - on a white blanket of January. (Here it is the long-awaited summer to spite fate).
You are my tenderness. Nargiz Zakirova. (You are my heart, you are my miracle)

Pigeons kiss on the roof


Wedding. (Give love to each other). White Eagle.
Wedding. (This wedding sang and danced). Magomaev.

Wedding ring

We wish you happiness

Listen, mother-in-law, dear friend, help ...

Be healthy, live richly

Why do brides cry

I want to marry you

The first love

Wedding (V. Korolev)

Invite your father to a white dance (I. Demarin)

Daughter (Kobzon)
I love you to tears. Alexander Serov.
Silver weddings. (And 25 silver Aprils surround you like sons). Valentina Tolkunova.
Golden wedding. (Grandmother next to grandfather).

I want to marry you


Officers (O. Gazmanov)

From the heroes of bygone times (film "Officers")

Dark night

Eh, roads

Rota goes to heaven

In the dugout

Let's wave without looking (film "Shield and Sword")

Where does the Motherland begin?

The last fight, it is the most difficult one (film "Liberation")


Three tankers

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast

Tanks roared across the field

Artillerymen, Stalin gave the order

Let's go for ... ("Lube")

Far away across the river

How did the soldier serve?

Do not think about seconds down (film "17 Moments of Spring")

I ask at least not for long (film "17 Moments of Spring")

Kombat ("Lube")

Victory Day

Song of the 10th Airborne Battalion (film "Belorussky Station")

Farewell Slav

Cranes (Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers ...)

Sineva (Song of the paratroopers)

Alyosha (Does the powder turn white in the field ...)

I'll get up before dawn today

The girl escorted the fighter to the position

The division went forward through the valleys and hills

No need to be sad, gentlemen officers

Cuckoo (Blue berets)

Lord officers blue princes

A couple lived in the same city

Battalion Intelligence (Blue Berets)
Officers' wives
He did not return from the battle. V. Vysotsky.
Walk slowly. (In the early sunny morning she saw off). Adrenalin.
A couple lived in the same city. (Oh, you women are unfaithful to their husbands, the husband is at the front, and you are here for a walk). Songs of the war years.

Farewell Slav


It's time to hit the road. (Rainy evening.) From the film Heavenly Slow-moving.
Because we are pilots. (We are friends, migratory birds. Well, the girls later.)
The main thing guys, do not grow old with your heart. (Under the wing of the plane.) Soviet song.
The plane is my pectoral cross. (The sky is blue.) And Dolsky.
Phantom. (My phantom is gaining altitude with a roar like a white arrow on a spread wing.)


Beyond the fog. (Blue sea, only the sea astern.)
Farewell beloved city. (Let's go to sea tomorrow.)
Goodbye rocky mountains. (And the waves groan and cry.) The war years.
Treasure stone. (Cold waves rise like an avalanche) Sevastopol. Black Sea Fleet.
Tired submarine. (The boat is compressed by wild pressure.
The sea spread wide. (And the waves rage in the distance.)
Varangian. (Our proud Varangian does not surrender to the enemy.)
Sea. (The sea is a bottomless world.) Yu Antonov.
Blue eternity. (O sea, sea, take me to distant distances.) Muslim Magomayev.
By the sea, by the blue sea. (Vacations of love.)


In a black tulip (A. Rosenbaum)

Orders are not for sale


Love, brothers, love

Are you waiting, Lizaveta

Black Raven

Oh, it's not evening, it's not evening

A young Cossack walks along the Don

Only a Cossack bullet (A. Rosenbaum)

And on the window there are platbands (A. Rosenbaum)

Horses roamed on the Don, on the Don (A. Rosenbaum)

Old Man Ataman (Chizh)

Centurion bold

Oh, in the meadow, in the meadow

Unharness, lads, horses

Oh you Galya, young Galya

Not for me
Oh, oh, oh, don't be afraid of me.

Love, brothers, love


You pissed me off

bird strength

Nichyako mysyachna

Ridny my mother

Chervona Ruta

Bring Galya water

Black eyebrows, brown eyes

There by the cherry tree, by the garden

Black eyebrows, brown eyes

By the cherry blossom garden


Belarus. (Youth is my Belarus).

You dreamed of me in the spring

Bialowieza Forest

You make noise, make noise over me byarozy
Father's house. (Corner of Russia father's house).
Our favourites. (Do not offend your loved ones with reproaches).
Birch juice. (Only the snowdrop will bloom on time).
Thrushes. (You have heard the thrushes singing).
I can't help it.
Half an hour before spring.
Listen mother-in-law.


And I'll lie down.
Olesya. (Lives in the Belarusian woodland).


Hava Nagila


Jewish tailor. (Quiet like heaven)
Buy cigarettes. (Come infantry and sailors)
Couplets about Jews. (There are only Jews around)



Sirun, Sirun


Shaggy bumblebee

Black eyes

Two guitars behind the wall

Tell me, gypsy

Nane tsokha (from the film "The camp goes to the sky)


Cayo berge

Marquee (Ay, yah, yah, yah nay)

Turquoise gold rings

I love Gypsy Jan

Song of Yashka the Gypsy (film "The Elusive Avengers")

Not evening

Honey can you hear me

Oh, the young boy went on a spree

Coachman, drive to Yar


Sokolovsky choir at Yar

Oh yes it's chilly

Magnificent (He came to us, came to us)

Gray hair (And not how much you and I have not grown old ...)


My fire in the fog shines

I'll tell you how I lived with the gypsies


gypsy love

blue poppies


I will bring you flowers

Give lu dai la (Gypsy ditties)

Nane tsokha

Marjanja (Gypsy)


Scows are full of mullet. (He brought Kostya to Odessa.)
Smells like the sea. (And the moon hangs over the spar itself.) Mikhail Shufutinsky.
Ah, Odessa. (Pearl by the sea.)
By the Black Sea. (There is a city that I see in a dream.) Leonid Utyosov.


Besame mucho

Ma guitar (film "Desperate") Banderas


About myo salt


M. Shufutinsky

Left bank of the Don


Knives not sharpened

Jewish tailor

Zoya wrote me a letter

Two extinguished candles


My Soul Hurts

Tanya is a youngster

A bottle of wine

There lived a violinist (Cry, my violin, cry...)

Candles (Burning, candles are crying...)


I'll tell you how I lived with the gypsies

Marinochka, Marina

For lovely ladies


And for the last, yes for five

Palma de Mallorca

Y. Antonov

Mirror (I look at you like in a mirror)

Ah, the white ship

My wealth (Again the month ascended the throne)

For me, you are not more beautiful

Dreams come true

flying gait

20 years later


The roof of your house (We are all in a hurry for miracles)

At birches and pines. (Autumn is quietly wandering. Is it all gone).
From what (I was recently loved and sweet)

Alexander Rosenbaum

Evening feast (Let's raise this cup)
Duck hunting (Walk like a walk, shoot like a shoot.)
Capercaillie (On the current)
Come join us for a bite.
Prophetic fate (Field, field.)
Yesaul is young. (I dozed off under the alder tree.)
Dream in hand. (Dappled gray horse.)
Cossack (Under the evening dawn.)
Waltz Boston.
Violinist Monya. (Hello guests.)
Cab. (The day is so good.)
On the Don On the Don (Horses run.)

Song of the Jewish tailor. (Quiet as in paradise.)
Black Tulip. (In Afghanistan, in a black tulip.)
Ay. (I would like to give you a song).
GOP stop. (We approached from around the corner.)
Ninka. (Like the picture.)
Bunny. (Zoika wrote me a letter.)
Classmates. (My classmates, classmates.)
On Odessa, on the Maidan. (Noise commotion.)
Pintail. (Duck is free.)
From call to call. (I served my time.)
My Odessa. (Smells like the sea.)
Conversation in the hotel. (Wait a minute, I'll turn on the light in the room for a minute).

Oleg Mityaev

Summer is a small life. (Look at what a beautiful house you live in.)
Good morning darling.
(You are my dear.)
Frenchwoman. (She is the same Muscovite as she was.)
Neighbor. (Knives not sharpened.)

Vladimir Vysotsky

Vertex. (Here you are not a plain.)
Song about a friend. (If a friend turned up suddenly.)
Hunting for wolves. (I'm torn from strength from all tendons.)
Lyrical. (Agree at least to paradise in a hut.)
Horses are picky. (Slightly slower horses.)
Road history. (I came out tall and face.)
Bathhouse. (Heat a bathhouse for me, hostess.)
Police protocol. (Consider our way we drank a little.)
He did not return from the battle. (Why isn't it right?)
TV dialogue. (Oh Wan look what clowns.)
The one who was with her before. (That evening I did not drink or sing.)
The song is a fairy tale from evil spirits. (In the protected and dense Russian forests of Murom.)
Indian summer. (Maples painted the city.)
At the cemetery. (And everything is calm in the cemetery.)
Crystal house. (If I am rich as the king of the sea.)
I carried my misfortune. (In spring on ice.)
My graying love. (In Kolyma where the tundra and taiga are all around.)
Oh where was I yesterday. (I only remember that the walls are with wallpaper.)
Royal shooter - about a wild boar. (In a kingdom where everything is quiet and harmonious.)

When we met. (Bird cherry blossomed.)
My gypsy. I dream of yellow lights. (Eh, one more time.)
Paradise apples. (I will die someday.)
For me, the bride will cry honestly. (Others will sing all the songs for me.)
Soldiers of the group center. (Across the scorched plain.)
I do not like. (I don't like any time of the year when cheerful songs are not sung.)
I'm on the lookout. (I hold on to my pocket.)


Yuri Vizbor

You are my only one. (I don't have another one.)
My darling. (The sun of the forest.)
Guitar bend. (It's great that we are all here today.)
Seryoga Sanin. (Then takeoff, then landing.)
They tell me. (I can live with you at least once all my life.)
Dombai waltz. (Skis are standing by the stove.)
If I get sick. (Make me steppe.)
Alexandra. (Moscow was not built in a day.)

Bulat Okudzhava

Georgian song. (I will bury a grape seed in warm soil.)
Your honor, lady luck. (Nine grams in the heart.)
Song of the 10th airborne battalion. (We will not stand up for the price.)
Cavalier guards. (The age is short.)
Take your overcoat, let's go home. (And you and I are a brother from the infantry.)
Prayer. (Lord, give you to everyone what he does not have.)

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim)

Bullfinches. (Bullfinches outside the window.)
Sochi city. (Skewer for cognac.)
I miss you. (As an apostle through holy torments.)
Pigeons. (My barefoot childhood.)

Stas Mikhailov
Everything for you. (In my destiny there is only you.)
Without you. (Forgive me dear.)
Queen of inspiration. (All my poems are about you.)
White birch. (I love you.)
Heaven. (Give strength to the tramp.)

Muslim Magomaev
Heart in the snow. (Roads distant arrow.)
Wedding. (Sang and danced.)
The best city on earth. (These words are about you Moscow.)
Queen of beauty. (You are happiness in life, my love.)
Nocturne. (Thank you.)

Alexander Malinin

Lieutenant Golitsyn. (Do not lose heart.)
Shores. (Between them is the river of my life.)
Fun. (I have one fun left.)
Romance of General Black. (Alone again in bed half asleep.)
Gulba. (The icons are gold.)
Vain words. (Splash witchcraft.)
in the Cape Town port. (The crew was released ashore.)
Prayer. (Where can I get the strength to fall out of love.)

Y. Loza

Igor Talkov

Clean ponds. (Each of us has places in the world.)
Former podesaul. (Left to fight.)
Summer rain. (Started early today.)

Vyacheslav Dobrynin

Do not put salt on my wound. (Don't speak out loud.)
Who told you. (No, I can never stop loving you.)
Farewell to all train stations. (They go to a distant place.)
You'll see. (How unlucky am I)
Everything I have in my life. (The world is not simple.)
You don't dream of me. (I'm too.)

Vakhtang Kikabidze

My years are my wealth. (Let my head be gray.)
Wish. (I want the songs to sound.)
Bottoms Up. (If the toastmaster asks you.)
I wander drunk. (But it's not the wine's fault.)
Seeing love. (Half an hour before the flight.)

Grigory Leps

Natalie. (From you and from fate I can not escape.)
A glass of vodka on the table.
Good night gentlemen. (And angels will fly over your house.)
The best day. (It's still great to be alive.)

Alla Pugacheva

Million Scarlet roses. (Whoever is in love with a serious person will turn your life into flowers.)
This world is not invented by us.
Not renounce loving. (You can give everything for this.)
Bolshak. (Well, how can one live without love in the world.)
Trouble. (Looking for me in the world.)
Goodbye, Summer. (Again the birds gather in flocks.)
I want summer to never end. (The whole earth is warmed with warmth.)


I will buy you a house. (White swan on the pond.)
Bird Market. (Birds in a cage, and a crow in the wild.)
10 commandments. (I was resurrected from boredom.)

Ivan Kuchin

In the tavern. (Let's drink to our friends for our faithful.)
A man in a padded jacket. (And on the white snow he left the chase.)

M. Gulko

Enemies burned their home


I haven't seen my mother in such a long time

Blue skies of Russia

One victory (song of the tenth airborne battalion)

Odessa Mishka

Why are you married

If I get sick

Behind the fog

Lord officers


"Gems", "Funny Guys", "Blue Guitars"

For me, you are not more beautiful

This never happens again

I'll take you to the tundra

I won't come to you

Clear bright eyes

When we are silent together

Alyoshka's love

Time Machine. (Andrey Makarevich.)

Turn. (We made a promise to ourselves.)
Blue bird. (We walked like this.)
Puppets. (The faces of the erased paint are dull.)
Bonfire. (Everything will hurt.)
While the candle is burning. (There are days when you give up.)
Three windows. (I forgot about storms and thunderstorms.)



My star is clear

We wish you happiness

"Blue bird"

Where the maple makes noise
My love is alive like the scarlet color of mountain ash (Sergey Drozdov)


There, beyond the mists

Call me softly by my name

Why do birch trees make such a noise in Russia

I will go out into the field at night with a horse

Everything again

Through the tall grass

Sunday. (Konstantin Nikolsky.)

Musician. (Violinist. Hung up his frock coat. Musician on the back of a chair.)
Night bird. (What one sings about in autumn silence.)
The forgotten song is carried by the breeze. (God, that was a long time ago.)
When you understand with your mind. (That you are alone in the world.)

Michael Krug
Come to my house. (My doors are open.)
Vladimir Central. (North wind.)
Katia. (The matchmakers came to the father.)
Kolschik. (Give me domes.)
Silence. (Oh, how I long for unfamiliar hands and devilishly pleasant and moist lips, feminine tenderness.)
Pie girl. (How warm it was. What brought you and me together?)


Moscow Nights

Russian field

How many good girls

Friendship (When with a simple and gentle look...)

By the blue sea

There is only a moment

Hope (Unfamiliar star shines...)

Why is my heart so upset

And the years fly by

I love you life

There is nothing better in the world

Song of an old cabman (L. Utyosov)

Black cat

Wonderful neighbor

We wish you happiness

under the wing of an airplane

Purple Haze

Here under a strange sky

crimson ringing

Far away across the river

Queen of beauty

Candles (Autumn night outside the window...)

white snow

lonely accordion

Ryabinushka (Evening with a quiet song...)

Here's someone coming down the hill

Blossomed under the window ...

There are so many golden lights on the streets of Saratov...

Daisies hid

My village

From afar, the Volga River flows for a long time

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked

For you my woman

I met a girl, crescent brow


Bouquet (A. Barykin)

green-eyed taxi

Sailor (And when the pitching is on the sea ...)

Dark mounds sleep

I raise my glass

I'll take you to the Tundra

From the Vagants (In the French side...)

scarlet dawn

You can't hide from the people in the village

Trouble has green eyes

parental home

People meet, people fall in love

How delightful evening in Russia

Sharmanka (N. Baskov)

The city that does not exist (I. Kornelyuk)

Moscow, the bells are ringing

Mirror (Yu. Antonov)

Call me softly by my name ("LOVE")

Coward does not play hockey

Song about Shchors

Talk to me mom


The river runs in the fog melts

Have you heard the thrushes sing

If with a friend went on the road

All will pass

At the edge of the forest

Blue frost

You wake me up at dawn

Thank you son, thank you daughter

Ural mountain ash

God save the king

Once a year the gardens bloom

Bear, Bear, where is your smile

Village (Now I consider myself urban ...) (S. Belikov)

That's what happens when you fall in love...

Dress (Nothing to wear, whatever you say...)

Galina lives in this house

swan fidelity


Indian summer

Bird cherry sways under the window

Bears got lost

Former podesaul (Talkov)

New Year (Serduchka)

There is no better color

Good mood

From Dawn to Dawn (Dan Spataru)

Tell me cherry (Kirkorov)

Good mood

Siberian frosts (Kuzmin)

Wanderer (V. Presnyakov)

Blossomed bird cherry

buttercup flowers

blue poppies

I remember the stars blue

Traveling Artists


The mice got lost. Yard songs with guitar.

Nichyako misyachna "Only old men go to battle"

Tanks rumbled across the field "In war as in war"

From the heroes of bygone times "Officers"

Cavalry guards, the century is not long "Star of captivating happiness"

Your Honor "White Sun of the Desert"

Cursed Thoughts "Five Evenings"

Horses walk over the river "Bumbarash"

Scows full of mullet "Two fighters"

Dark night "Two fighters"

Friendship "Summer Evening in Gagra"

Three tankers "Tractor"

Migratory birds are flying "Cold summer of '53"

Song about a friend "Vertical"

Here you are not a plain "Vertical"

Dark mounds sleep "Big life"

It's time to go, on the road "Heavenly slug"

From people in the village ... "It was in Penkovo"

Don't Think Down Seconds "17 Moments of Spring"

I ask at least not for a long time "17 moments of spring"

Trouble has green eyes "Dangerous Friends"

Lanfren-lanfra "Midshipmen forward"

The city that does not exist "Gangster Petersburg"

Shaggy Bumblebee "Cruel Romance"

And finally, I will say ... "Cruel romance"

Not the evening "Dowry"

Honey, you hear me "Dowry"

Wait, locomotive "Operation Y"

Oh, by the meadow, by the meadow "Wedding in Malinovka"

You are waiting, Lizaveta... "Alexander Parkhomenko"

Love, brothers, love "Alexander Parkhomenko"

I'm in the spring forest... "Resident error"

From Dawn to Dawn "Songs of the Sea"

About hares "Diamond Hand"

Birch sap "Real guy"

Our service is both dangerous and difficult "Experts are investigating"

Again the month ascended the throne "Take care of women"

Ma guitar (Banderas) "Desperate"

Artillery march "6 p.m. after the war"

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale ... "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession"

Bad Luck Island "Diamond Arm"

Kurochkin's couplets "Wedding with dowry"

Song about a friend (If there is only one joy for all) "The way to the pier"

Why didn't you meet me "Different Fates"


Murka. (You are my little moray.)
The cherries are ripe. (In Uncle Vanya's garden.)
Taganka. (Why did you ruin me.)
Wait, locomotive. (Conductor press the brakes.)
Vanino port. (I remember that Vanino port.)
Take me, cabbie. (Pour her a darling to take away the whim.) Alexander Novikov.
In Kolyma. (Where is the tundra and taiga around.)
Ushanochka. (And I'll pull the earflap deeper.) Gennady Zharov.
Pigeons are flying over our area. (How I would like to fly away with pigeons to my native land.)
The share of thieves. (Here is such a share of thieves.)
My grandmother smokes a pipe. Garik Sukachev.
On the tundra, on the railroad. (Where the Vorkuta-Leningrad train rushes.)
Testimony of an innocent. (I leaned back, which bazaar is the station.)
The night is moving. (Lanterns swing and the owl hit with its wing.)
Suitcase. (Come on, put your suitcase away.)
A trilogy about an old grandmother. (Grandma is healthy and dreams of surviving the raid.) Arkady Severny and Grisha Berbe.
Railway station. (I'll go to the railway station today.) Garik Krichevsky.

Anniversary of a woman - songs about female beauty, about love, songs for women.

Anniversary of a man. Songs for men, about friendship, favorite works.

Anniversary of the company, corporate holiday, anniversary of the enterprise - songs about the profession, professional songs.

City holiday - city day, songs about Moscow, cities.

Special repertoire for Victory Day, May 9, Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23, international holiday March 8, Valentine's Day, Shrovetide, Christian holidays, Russian Independence Day, Christmas.

Retro parties. Hits of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s Popular songs of Soviet artists and VIA, Disco of the 80s.

Evenings who are over 30, over 40 - dance hits.

Concert performances in restaurants, clubs, boarding houses, rest houses.

You can continue listening to songs on the pages Yuri Kuznetsov sings.

Musical repertoire of the cover band- this is a playlist of prepared non-author's compositions.

These songs are popular at events and have been arranged in a certain way by cover bands. A cover band is a musical group that performs non-author's compositions in an individual style. Often, such groups are ordered to enliven any event, adding zest to it and taking the opportunity to hear your favorite songs live.

One of the main repertoire mistakes when choosing songs!

What kind of compositions will sound at the celebration depends on the customer. The mood of the client and the general impression of the musical design in general will depend on how competently the repertoire of the event is compiled. In our case, we approve it in advance on the eve of the scheduled date. But! There is one nuance about which the client forgets. Its taste may differ from the taste of the guests at the feast. What to do in this case? We have found a solution in this matter and offer you to choose from 250 songs cover group repertoire Favorite songs. Further, this list is adjusted and approved with the client.

What distinguishes a complete and high-quality playlist:

  • the presence of popular compositions (most often these are American, French, Italian world and domestic hits);
  • the best songs of different times (starting from the 70s-80s, ending with our time);
  • the presence of separate, so-called, female compositions, songs from cartoons and films, and even military or post-war ones.

Before ordering a musical group, it is worth listening to recorded performances or videos from live performances. This will give confidence in the quality performance of certain necessary hits. It will also help to understand in what style this or that tribute band plays and whether it is suitable for this particular celebration.

A professional cover band has at least 80 hits in its repertoire.

What styles of compositions can be included in the repertoire of a cover band?

According to the style and genres, the selected songs of the customer can be completely different. From jazz compositions and romances to eccentric rock and roll and latin. It is important to know in what arrangements the musical group will perform your favorite motives. We don't experiment much with the arrangements, as the new arrangement may not please the listener at all. People are used to a certain sound and the new arrangement makes it a new song.

Professional cover bands work with the following musical directions:

  • jazz and even symphonic jazz;
  • rhythm and blues;
  • rock and rock and roll;
  • pop and rap directions;
  • lounge and hot jazz:
  • as well as disco and hip-hop.

Do not forget about the songs of the twentieth century, which can be heard in modern arrangements of professional cover bands.

What is the musical repertoire at what celebration?

In our practice, the customer himself fills the playlist that he wants to hear at his party. Songs are taken from the proposed repertoire, which can be downloaded directly from the site.

Our team leader often tells customers which songs people respond best to. Given 10 years of experience, this is not so difficult to do:

  • for a wedding- cheerful solemn songs about love and family;
  • birthday (anniversaries)- congratulatory compositions in honor of the name day;
  • for a corporate- a collection of compositions liked by the majority;
  • jazz performance- themed events.

Of course, for a large and rich program, the repertoire of the celebration itself is filled with both favorite compositions and world hits. Usually between repertoire of a cover band for a wedding and the repertoire for the birthday there is a slight difference.

Examples of musical repertoire for a wedding

One of the programs of our cover band for a wedding:

  1. The Baseballs - Umbrella
  2. Yuri Antonov - Flying gait
  3. Boney M.Sunny
  4. Shocking Blue-Venus
  5. Queen - We will rock you
  6. Whitney Houston
  7. Whitney Houston
  8. Maroon 5
  9. James Brown
  10. THE BEATLES - Can't buy me love
  11. End of the movie - Alice
  12. Zveri - Districts quarters
  13. Christmas tree - On a big balloon
  14. Tina Turner
  15. Viagra - I Got Another
  16. Black Eyed Peace - Let's Get It Started
  17. Kelly ClarksonStronger
  18. IOWA - Smile
  19. Gagarina - The performance is over
  20. Bon Jovi - It's My Life
  21. Pharell Williams
  22. Bravo - Leningradsky Rockn - roll
  23. Bravo Moscow Bit

Examples of musical repertoire for corporate parties

One of the Elim's Band cover programs at a corporate party:

  1. Jessie J
  2. Agutin - On the lilac moon
  3. Iowa - Beat Beat
  4. Bravo - Moscow Beat
  5. Elvis Presley
  6. Glorya Gaynor
  7. Iowa - mother
  8. The baseballs-umbrella
  9. Robin Schulz
  10. Animals - Districts quarters
  11. Leningrad — Exhibit (On Louboutins)
  12. Antonov - Flying gait
  13. Earthlings - Grass by the House
  14. Rihanna
  15. Clean Bandit
  16. Yolka - Draw me the sky
  17. Leprechauns - Khali Gali
  18. Madcon — Beggin
  19. Zucchero - Baila morena
  20. Adriano CelentanoSuzanna
  21. Kristalinskaya - it's snowing
  22. Whitney houston
  23. Bon Jovi - It's My Life
  24. Michel - Telo ai se eu te pego

Invite a cover band to a corporate party in Moscow!

Preparation for the performance, in addition to the actual constant and regular training of the vocal apparatus, consists in the competent selection of the repertoire corresponding to the vocal level of the singer. At the initial stage, as a rule, a repertoire that is simple to perform is chosen - folk songs, romances of the middle register, which do not require much tension of the ligaments, so that the singer can think not about HOW he should sing, but about WHAT he should sing, that is, he thought in images of the work, but not distracted by the technical side of the issue. The singer grows as a musician-performer and as a vocalist, first of all, on the right repertoire.

The work chosen for the student must always correspond to the level of his musical development, vocal and performing training. Artistic pedagogical material requires special attention to the gradual and consistent increase in the difficulties of works. This applies equally to musical difficulties, as well as to vocal and performing difficulties. Especially destructive for the voice of the student is the repertoire, which is overwhelming in terms of vocal and technical terms. Irrational-chosen works can delay the student's vocal growth and even bring direct harm.

The use of a repertoire that is convenient for the voice contributes to the coordination of the work of sound-producing elements, including those that are not subject to consciousness. Folk songs are especially useful at the first stage of learning. They have many advantages and are primarily comfortable for the voice.

Folk song is the basis in music and in singing. Folklore was appreciated by the greatest musicians. Passed down orally from generation to generation, folk melodies seem to be filtered by voices and concentrate elements of convenience for singing. They eliminate what contradicts the mass nature of the voices and exceeds their average capabilities. Folk songs are diverse in character, built, as a rule, on a small range, which is very convenient for beginners. Their tessitura is very moderate. The intelligibility of words, the couplet form of the structure, the ease of memorizing the musical texture allow the student to easily combine the vocal-technical and performing aspects of the performance of the work. They are both simple and extremely expressive.

The style of performance of Russian songs requires simplicity, naturalness, sincerity, good communication of the text. The verse form makes the beginning singer find his own nuance in each verse, which diversifies the performance.

The great Russian opera singer Maksakova Maria Petrovna found “her own intonation, drawn out, sometimes fervent, but always ennobled by feminine softness ... it is a subtle, non-pressurized humor. The singer painted each verse so intonation, with such a unique expression she said “Eh!” That each time it sounded different, depending on the shades of the story, but always with the attitude of the heroine to her lover.

Lemeshev says about the Russian song: “The Russian song is full of lyrical depth and poetry. The people have polished it for centuries, and therefore in its melodic and poetic images there was nothing accidental, superficial, cheap. Pure, high human feelings crystallized in the beauty of her melodies, and she demands from the singer the same purity, scale and sincerity of performance.

Romances by such authors of the pre-Glinka period as Bulakhov, Varlamov and others, as well as later ones, including the Soviet period, based on poems by famous poets in the performing sense require a very careful attitude to the verbal text, a well-developed sense of style. They are simple, melodious, mostly have a couplet form, which makes them similar to Russian folk songs, but at the same time they have a more developed musical side. Written in a convenient tessitura, they do not capture a wide range of sounds, they are easily accessible in terms of their musical language and the requirements that they place on the vocals of novice singers. They are simple, they must be performed sincerely, without going beyond the framework of naturalness, immediacy.

According to Sergei Lemeshev, “Beautiful singing implies naturalness, sincerity of expressing feelings. The singer must feel as if his whole being is singing. But do not force the sound, do not try to show it more than it is released to you by nature.

Lemeshev wrote that in his work on the image of this or that work, and Stanislavsky worked a lot with the singers of his opera studio on romances “Stanislavsky proceeded from the principle of internal justification of this or that mise en scene, and not visual effect. He understood that the singer's well-being, his correct psychological adjustment, would always lead him on the right path to the stage image, help him expressively sing important and vocally difficult parts of the part. . Thus, we come to the conclusion that when choosing a repertoire for a novice singer, it is necessary to take into account his temperament and individuality, not only of the vocal apparatus and the degree of its development, but also the psychological aspects of his character. For example, a slow person, phlegmatic by nature, will find it difficult at the beginning of his training to correctly perform a perky, buffoonish song that requires dashing prowess in his performance. For such a student to perform at a concert, it is better to choose a work that is calm, lyrical, measured in form and content.

When choosing pieces for a concert, it is better to think over their sequence in the concert program in advance. First, a work that is lighter in terms of vocals is put on, for development, and then, more difficult in terms of voice and performance.

Preparation of the selected piece of music

“Classes on a piece of music are recommended to be conducted in two ways: on the one hand, working on the artistic performance of the piece, and on the other hand, working on it purely technically, that is, as if redesigning this work into vocalization.”

Based on the topic of our study, we would like to focus on the musical and artistic side of the preparation of works and omit the purely technical side of voice production. We want to focus on working on the artistic and performing means of expressing the work. These funds include:

Clear diction and correct articulation, and as a result - delivering a legible vocal word to the viewer;

intonation and phrasing.

Work on diction

Our word to the audience, either in speech or in singing, must be clear in pronunciation, expressive and loud enough to be heard in the last row of the auditorium.

A good singing word, i.e. the ability to naturally pronounce the verbal text of a work, combining it with good vocality of all vowels, is an indispensable condition for professional singing, and for most singers it is the result of a lot of work. A good delivery of the word, its true emotional coloring, naturalness are necessary for a professional singer.

In order for the text of a vocal phrase in a work to be natural, well heard by the public, each singer must know the patterns that determine the basic qualities of a good vocal speech.

Vocal speech should be: legible, i.e. have good diction clarity; natural, to the extent that vocals allow it; expressive, i.e. contain elements that make up the expressiveness of speech; vocal, i.e. built on equal vocal vowels.

Professional singing requires a clear message. An extremely unpleasant impression is created by the unclear pronunciation of words. No matter how talented and musical the performer is, no matter how wonderfully beautiful his voice is, his singing will not make the proper impression if it is not dictionally clear. If the listener strains his hearing in order to understand the meaning of the words that the singer sings about, then he no longer fully perceives the beauty of the voice and expression, but focuses on catching the word. The inability to understand the word irritates the listener, and the impression from the performer is sharply reduced. Unclear diction is a great shortcoming of the singer, a technical imperfection in the education of the voice, which can always be eliminated.

“Vocal diction, like the art of singing, contains two elements: creative and technical. The creative element is the artistic distribution of the semantic content (weight) of the word, depending on the artistic tasks assigned to it, on the idea and meaning of the work being performed. The technical element of diction is the ability to sing vowels cleanly, fully and clearly pronounce consonants. The flow of vowels should not be disturbed by consonants wedged into it. All vowels in singing should sound clean, clear, and their "vocal core" should not undergo noticeable changes when they change.

Diction - i.e. the intelligibility of words depends, as in speech, on the clarity and intensity of the pronunciation of consonants. The speed and clarity of pronunciation of consonants must be carefully monitored from the very first lessons, when works with text are given, paying special attention to consonants that are at the end of words. A very common mistake of inexperienced singers is eating consonants at the end of the word that concludes the phrase. If the consonant sound is at the end of the phrase, then along with the end of the sound, the singer also weakens the articulation of the consonant, as a result of which it is pronounced sluggishly and does not reach the listener. It is necessary to immediately teach the singer to actively and clearly pronounce the consonants at the end of the words.

Lemeshev about diction: “I'll start with the elementary - with diction. How often do singers, especially opera singers, suffer from fuzzy, weak diction. Often there are artists with expressive voices in terms of sound coloring, which convey the mood well. But what they sing remains known only to them and the prompter ... Sometimes you can justify yourself by saying that, they say, the orchestra drowns out; but some manage to pronounce the words so well that they cannot be understood even when the orchestra is silent ... The fact is that by nature not everyone is equally endowed with the ability to clearly and clearly pronounce words. And you need to work on diction.”

K.S.Stanislavsky perceived the art of speech as an art no less complex than the art of singing. He often said: "A well-spoken word is already singing, and a well-sung phrase is already speech."

To achieve good results, it is necessary to work on improving the articulatory apparatus, to develop its technical capabilities. The appendix contains several exercises for practicing the quality of vocal diction according to the book by E.M. Pekerskaya "Vocal primer".

Modern teachers in music schools are often faced with the fact that a teenager does not want to sing this or that song or romance, and all attempts to convince him lead to complications and conflicts. Often a teenager refuses not only to perform a romance that he does not like, but may even stop going to a music school. To properly understand this issue, you need to take into account all the age characteristics of adolescents. You will learn about them in this article.

Age features of a teenager

This age is characterized not only by increased vulnerability, but also by the desire to impress. He wants to seem bright, spectacular and beautiful, to be appreciated and approved, and the less love he receives in his environment, the sharper this feeling. He also becomes sensitive to ridicule, so it is important for him that the romance that he will sing from the stage favorably emphasizes his strengths as a vocalist and as a person. Therefore, in order to choose the right repertoire for him, you need to take into account such age characteristics of a teenager as:

  1. Strive for efficiency. Performing a romance, a teenager wants to feel not just a performer, but a star. To do this, his repertoire must be interesting, conveying feelings familiar to the teenager himself and corresponding to his perception.
  2. Fear of being judged or laughed at. It is also characteristic of adolescence, therefore, if there are places in a vocal work that are incomprehensible to him and cause embarrassment, he can simply refuse to perform it and decide that "he does not need classical vocals, since there are uninteresting works." And here you also need to be careful when choosing a repertoire.
  3. Having new interests. In adolescence, a boy or girl may decide that no one needs the classics and it would be better for him to do pop vocals or even choose dancing. You can keep interest only with a bright and understandable repertoire, the content of which will help the teenager open up. Beautiful arrangements will also have a considerable effect, which will allow a teenager to feel on stage no worse than a popular star.
  4. When choosing works about love, you need to consider age characteristics of a teenager, more precisely, his perception. Much depends on the specific character and temperament. There are boys and girls who perceive light works, without strong drama. And some, on the contrary, already at an early age can perfectly convey the character of the heroine Carmen. So a vocal teacher should pay attention to the ideas about love of a particular teenager in order to choose a repertoire for him that will be clear to him and help him open up.
  5. A clear display of character. It is when a teenager begins to be stubborn, show character and show himself, you can see what his temperament and perception of the world around him are. Usually at this time, an already formed character with its own characteristics begins to appear. Someone becomes bright and flirtatious, an imp in a skirt, and someone turns into a dreamy glamorous girl, tender and easily hurt. Based on these features, it is worth choosing works. You should not make Carmen out of a modest woman and vice versa. It is better that the character traits of a teenager appear in the work, then it will be easy for him to perform it.

How does the perception of a teenager affect the choice of repertoire

When choosing a romance, it is worth analyzing its content and considering whether it will fit into the perception of a teenager. There are romances that sound good performed by a mature man. They contain words about deep dramatic love, about the years that flew by unnoticed. They should not be given to a teenager, as he will not be able to convey his mood, emotions and character. But songs and romances about first love, falling in love, tenderness, or, on the contrary, betrayal, a teenager will be able to convey if they correspond to his perception. Also, the romance should effectively show the teenager himself. For example, the romance “I loved you” will sound beautifully performed by a teenager who is easy to relate to failures and is not inclined to dramatize the situation. For a vulnerable and withdrawn teenager, this romance will evoke longing both for himself and for his listeners. Therefore, when choosing a repertoire, it is worth considering the perception of a teenager and his formed character.

How to create the image of a teen vocalist

The main secret of how to create the image of a teenage vocalist is to profitably present his features to the public. Anything can be beautifully played. Teenager is short tempered and impatient? He should choose a repertoire where he can beautifully present his wildness. Is he closed? Lyrical romances that are not too emotional in nature are what you need. Is the teenager a fun-loving person? Mobile romances or, on the contrary, dramatic works will sound easy and beautiful with him. After that, it is worth considering his image, costume and the message that he will have to convey to the audience during the performance. Acting lessons will help you create a holistic image. It is from such trifles that the image of a teenage vocalist is formed.

How to choose a repertoire for a teenager

  1. Be sure to let the future performer listen to the romance or song in the recording. Although composers did not write works for this age, romances and songs for boys and girls should be in the arsenal of any teacher.
  2. Look and analyze the text. Think about what a teenager might be interested in. An interesting repertoire for a teenager is always easier to perform than to sing something that you don’t like.
  3. How does he portray a teenager? Is he really like that? Girls should not sing male romances and vice versa. They don't need to look funny from the stage.
  4. Romances and songs for girls and boys doesn't have to be tragic. An interesting repertoire for teenagers should be positive and as optimistic as possible.


"Autumn Leaves" by Makrousov;

"Return to Sorrento"

Caccini "Ave Maria"

Selection of a repertoire for a beginner singer is a difficult but very important task that a teacher faces. The success of individual lessons, the dynamics of revealing and revealing the development of the student's creative potential, his formation in singing ability largely depend on how methodically competently and creatively expedient it will be carried out.

The main vocal and pedagogical repertoire for a beginner singer can serve as vocalises, ancient arias (ariosos, ariettas, etc.), simple romances, folk songs and works of songwriters (songs from films, musical and theatrical productions, etc. ).

Work on the repertoire should help to identify:

  • - creative individuality of the student,
  • - reveal the originality of his unique "I",
  • - educate aesthetic taste and form a sense of artistic measure in performance,
  • - to form the basics of vocal and technical skills in a novice singer.

The classical vocalizations of F. Abt, N. Vakkai, G. Zeidler, J. Conkone, V. Lutgen can be of great help at the first stage of a singer's training. In the course of their performance, the main attention can be directed to sound formation and sound science, the formation of basic technical elements, without which further work on the work is impossible - the development of singing breathing, sound support, a sense of resonation, singing, cantilena or fluency, etc. When working on vocalizations, the moment of control over muscle tension and the purity of intonation is of great importance.

Vocalises are a good transitional material from exercises to works of art with text for all students. They were written with a specific pedagogical task that must be solved in each individual case (singing a certain interval, grace note, groupetto, syncopation, etc.). The teacher, choosing a vocalization for his student, must analyze it from the point of view of the difficulties it contains, and, first of all, pay attention to the tempo in which it must be sung, rhythmic difficulties and trace the melodic line.

The performance of vocalizations will help the young singer finally understand and analyze the musical phrase and musical form, which are the basis for the performance of any work, more easily.

Artistic works, wisely selected, are the main means of educating a singer. However, such performing genres as aria, romance, folk song, which have their own specific features, contribute to the formation of the singer in the process of his training in different ways. Let's take a closer look at them for a more complete description.

Aria is the most complex solo vocal form. As a rule, it is part of a large vocal-symphonic work and is a complete solo episode that can be performed completely independently. Less common are arias written by composers on purpose, in the form of a piece of music for some instrument, or the voice of a singer. The aria requires the singer to be especially attentive to the work in which it is included.

The singer-performer of an aria must be able to create the image of a hero, while maintaining all the details, touches and maintaining a certain dramatic situation of the work. These requirements also apply to other solo genres of operatic literature that perform the functions of an aria, such as arietta, arioso, cavatina (other names of solo opera-arioso genres are often found, such as rondo, solo, couplets, romance, monologue, song, letter, dreams, tears, legend, etc.).

Aria, to a greater extent than other vocal genres, contributes to the mastery of the vocal and performing side of learning, as well as the vocal and technical techniques of singing.

At the beginning of a singer's training, as a rule, one should, if possible, avoid including vocal-pedagogical ariose material in his educational repertoire, with the exception of those works of this genre that are not difficult. Most of the works of an ariose nature are difficult to perform and require a certain vocal and performing maturity. In any case, it is almost impossible to find the ariose material for basses, baritones, contraltos and mezzo-sopranos necessary for the initial period of a singer's training in vocal pedagogical literature. And only such an educational and pedagogical repertoire is available in a very limited amount for the soprano and less for the tenor.

Romance- This is the most developed vocal-song form. Romance plays an important role in the development and formation of the singer, it contributes mainly to the artistic and expressive side of education, instilling in the singer specific techniques of the chamber style of performance.

Romance should be considered as a synthesis of three types of arts: poetry, singing and instrumental music, organically merged with each other. Romance requires sufficient musical, artistic, vocal and technical training from the singer. This is especially true for the romances of Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and Rimsky-Korsakov, which are very difficult in terms of vocal and technical terms, as they contain complex intonational and melodic turns and subtle touches of artistic and expressive singing that require high skill from the performer. Therefore, the teacher should not be at the beginning teaching the singer to include unbearable and complex works of this genre in the repertoire.During this period of training, it is most advisable to use the romances of Varlamov, Titov, Gurilev, Dargomyzhsky, Alyabyev, Bulakhov, Dubuc. The main thing is that their tessitura, vocal-rhythmic pattern, and dynamic range do not cause difficulties for an aspiring singer.

Song is the most democratic, widespread and mass genre of vocal literature. She, as well as a romance and an aria, contributes to the development of the singer's musical and performing skills. But the song requires simpler means of expression accessible to many performers, while maintaining all its artistic values. Thanks to this, the song is a very useful genre in the vocal and pedagogical repertoire, especially at the beginning of the singer's education.

There are many songs - classical, ancient, modern - heroic, dramatic and lyrical in nature, which are excellent pedagogical material for educating a novice singer and developing his voice.

Among the repertoire of this genre, such works as Budashkin's "Nastenka's Song" (from the movie "The Scarlet Flower") or Dunayevsky's "On Meadows-Glades" can be considered appropriate.

A particularly useful artistic material for training a singer is - folk song. It contains an invaluable wealth of content, feelings, moods and images. Its value lies in the fact that, firstly, it carries the characteristic features of the musical culture of the people to which it belongs, and thus makes the performer imbued with these features. And secondly, being for the most part a simple work accessible to many performers, a folk song is built on natural melodic intonations and turns of music, which in vocal and pedagogical practice contributes to the correct development of the singer's voice.

Folk songs are of great importance in the process of educating a singer-musician, as they have a highly ideological, wise content, a variety and diversity of melodic constructions based on the national characteristics of folk art.

Thus, all genres of vocal pedagogical literature, having their own specific features, serve one common goal - the goal of educating and training the singer.

The task of selecting a repertoire in music schools and universities is to a certain extent facilitated by the presence of developed programs for solo singing, including repertoire lists. These lists are compiled for all types of votes by course. It is very important that the students do not sing an inflated repertoire, as is often the case in practice. This leads to the fact that young, fragile voices lose their freshness of timbre, there is a hoarseness and pitching in the voice. If the work is of excessive difficulty, the student, as a rule, trying to perform it, begins to force the sound, which is completely unacceptable.

It is useful for a teacher to use an anthology of the vocal and pedagogical repertoire in his work. Such works, time-tested in practice, exist. For example, readers compiled by E.Milkovich, S.Fuki and K.Fortunatova, G.Aden; "Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky, "Album for Youth" by Schumann; collections for beginners edited by M. Agin (“Repertoire of a Beginning Singer”, “Vocal Music of the Old Masters” in three volumes).

The situation with the performance of music by modern composers is very difficult. They, unfortunately, do not understand that the ear of a novice singer, and even a university student, is not prepared for new harmonic turns, for the complex language of new music. To be offended by the fact that their works are not performed enough is not a way out. It is necessary to carefully think over the tessitura of a new work, its rhythmic features, and not write, for example, a work where the baritone range is at the bottom, and the tenor is at the top, etc. Works written without taking into account the peculiarities of the singing voice can bring undoubted harm, or at best they will lie “on the shelf” for a long time.

Once again, I would like to remind you that the works that make up the student's individual plan should be accessible to him both from the vocal-technical and artistic-performing points of view. At the same time, the repertoire performed by the student should contribute to the professional development and creative growth of the student, to ensure the disclosure of his creative individuality in the process of developing singing skills. When making an artistic and didactic analysis of works, it is necessary to evaluate:

  • - composition range;
  • - dramaturgy and the image of musical intonation, the artistic meaning of creative tasks;
  • - predominant level of musical tessitura;
  • - the degree of dramatic saturation of the musically intoned image
  • - the possibility of the student's realization of the musically intoned dramaturgy of the composition;
  • - interaction of musical and poetic texts;
  • - features of the ensemble of instrumental and vocal parts

In the middle of the century before last, at the dawn of national conservatory education, A.G. Rubinshtein published lists of works recommended for passage in solo singing classes, which served as a guideline for choosing a pedagogical repertoire. Providing the vocal and technical equipment of the student, these works contributed to the identification and disclosure of his vocal texture and performing talent in the process of developing his singing skills. Unfortunately, today a beginner singer can sometimes perform the aria of the Snow Maiden, Carmen, Lensky or even Herman.

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