Getting out of your comfort zone: a practical guide for those who are afraid. Psychology

Everyday life in the modern world and in a crazy rhythm requires a person not only to be constantly ready for changes and changes, but also to make various kinds of efforts. Even, it would seem, things that have long been familiar to us often cannot be done without a strong-willed effort on our part. But what to say when some new situation requires us to perform completely unfamiliar, and sometimes even unusual actions? It is here that the fear of the unknown begins to overcome us, we fall into a stupor, and doubts force us to remain at the same mark of our path and the same level of personal development. Almost everyone has experienced this situation in one form or another.

It's all about the fact that there are certain limits - comfort zone, being in which, a person feels, as they say, at home, because everything is familiar and familiar to him, which means that within this framework he is safe and comfortable. Getting out of your comfort zone can be extremely difficult. It is these frameworks that make a person who remains in a job that is boring and does not bring the desired money and pleasure, clings to empty relationships, is afraid to change his lifestyle, his thoughts and himself. These frames limit a person and surround him from all sides, forming his comfort zone.

A bit about the comfort zone

If we give a precise definition of this term, then we can say that the comfort zone is that area of ​​a person's living space in which he feels safe and this very comfort. In most cases, the comfort zone is caused by habits and stereotyped behavior. The comfort zone is a small world in which a person is used to being. You can, of course, say: "Well, what's wrong with that - when a person is comfortable and good?" There is nothing wrong with this, except that this state of affairs often becomes a serious obstacle to the development and achievement of new goals and better results by people.

It will not be a revelation to anyone that, for example, mastering any new skill is going beyond the usual limits. Meeting new people is going beyond the usual. New successes and personal growth are also going beyond the usual framework. This is the main condition for self-development. But the longer a person stays in these habitual limits, the more difficult it will be for him to get out of them later. And from this we can draw a logical conclusion: expanding one's own boundaries and leaving the comfort zone is an inevitability and a necessity for a person who intends to move forward.

But before proceeding to consider the question of how to get out of the comfort zone in the least painful way for your personality, a few words should be said that, first of all, a person must understand that he is stuck in his usual framework. And understanding and awareness of the current situation should serve as a catalyst for their expansion or rupture. Otherwise, the person simply will not budge, because. will not understand why he does it.

Look at yourself and your own life from the position of a critic, analyze your achievements, actions, results and life outcome - how do you feel in connection with all this? Are you happy at your job or doing business? Are you satisfied with the conditions in which you live? What about the relationship you're in? If you can give a confident positive answer to all these and other similar questions, then you can be envied. But if at least one point makes you doubt, then it's time to get out of your comfort zone in this area of ​​​​your life. If, after deep reflection, you came to the conclusion that everything is not right and everything is wrong, this is a clear indicator that you need to radically change your life.

So, clearly understanding that the comfort zone does not allow you to “break away from attraction”, you need to start acting. And your action plan should consist of several successive stages.

Program to get out of the comfort zone

Goal setting

The first step in your plan is setting goals. At this stage, you must clearly define what you want to achieve and what results to achieve. Goals can be short-term (up to 1 month), medium-term (from a month to six months) and long-term (from six months to 3-5 years). And they can include anything: from getting rid of bad habits and creating a daily routine to achieving a comfortable state when meeting people on the street and changing their place of residence.


This stage involves careful consideration of all possible ways to achieve your goals. Make a plan in detail and try to take into account all the nuances of your lifestyle and your personality. So, for example, you can schedule new activities for the week and month. It is very good if you define some qualitative indicator of your achievements. It can be a week lived absolutely without cigarettes, a certain number of acquaintances per month, a daily rise at 6 am, etc. Planning will help you switch from thinking about action to taking action.


Practice is something without which you will not be able to achieve any results, even with a well-thought-out plan. Practice is the key to your success. And it includes the phased implementation of all points of the plan and the performance of daily actions. But here it is important not to try to embrace the immensity, i.e. there is no need to strive to perform overwhelming amounts of work on yourself - this will only lead to overwork, depression and unwillingness to do anything at all.

Follow the plan slowly, gradually, honing your skills and gradually expanding your comfort zone. After a while, increase the load. This will ensure continuous progress. It is also recommended to keep a diary and write down all your achievements, successes and failures in it at the end of each day. Such a diary will be a clear display of the process of going beyond the usual boundaries. And one more indispensable condition for practice: it must be regular and systematic.


The presented stage is the simplest of them all - this is a simple consolidation of the result. Those. if, after a month, for example, you have achieved certain successes, you must definitely consolidate them - do all the steps several times. This will be your new comfort zone, but already more expanded and including a much larger number of possibilities.

And finally, some simple but very effective recommendations for getting out of your comfort zone, which will help you not only consolidate a new skill, but also make it your good habit.

Exercises to get out of your comfort zone

  • Go home, to work and to other familiar places by different routes.
  • Make friends on the street at least once a week.
  • Go somewhere unfamiliar to you.
  • Learn to play a musical instrument or another interesting skill.
  • Embark on a spontaneous journey.
  • Change your image, buy unusual clothes, dye your hair, pierce your ear, get a tattoo.
  • Make changes in your home.
  • Take a ride to the final stop on an unfamiliar bus or taxi.
  • While at work, read a beautiful verse out loud for everyone to hear.
  • Change your daily routine and start sticking to it strictly.

You can come up with your own exercises that will force you to regularly step out of your comfort zone. The main thing is to show imagination.

Psychological studies have shown that any new habit is formed and consolidated within 21 days. Therefore, try to strictly follow the above recommendations, at least during this period. And remember that all your true goals, desires and dreams are outside your comfort zone, so aim for it and always be yourself!

The comfort zone is the internal psychological state of the subject, in which it is safe, pleasant. The higher the self-esteem of a person, the wider the comfort zone. Making new discoveries, actions, we increase the usual comfort zone, having fun, instead of stressful impact.
The comfort zone is an immeasurable, invisible layer of real life.

How to get out of your comfort zone

Take a look at yourself from the outside, increase self-esteem, gain confidence, forget about the complexes surrounding you. Intensive expansion of the "comfort zone" gives great opportunities to control reality. Remember from past years, a wonderful, cheerful period of continuous development: mastering skills, knowledge, implementing ideas, plans. Carefree happy childhood, absorbing any information without fear of the unknown. It is important to know that after inaction, there comes a terrible period - the degradation of the individual. Only active actions will allow you to expand your consciousness and achieve labor success.

What does it mean to step out of your comfort zone?

Great opportunities for self-realization lie ahead. An ideal person tends to engage in regular self-development, to learn the surrounding reality. It is quite difficult for a subject living in established conditions to leave the usual comfort zone. So, force yourself to take a serious step into the unknown. Survive failures, stress, discomfort, cope with difficulties. It is easier for the younger generation to leave the comfort zone, with the desire to master new tasks. The wider the worldview, the more interesting life.

Comfort zone status:

Permanent habits. People live well among their favorite things, the environment. They do not develop, everything suits them. There is a feeling of comfort and security. behavioral actions. In a familiar environment: at home, at work, a person performs actions automatically. The scenarios of personality behavior are repeated, their consciousness is lulled.
Monotonous thinking. The subject does not want to think, becomes a potential consumer of the finished product. Pastime is reduced to the use of alcoholic beverages, participation in sectarian events, drug addiction. In the brain, the conditional boundaries of existence are indicated, he does not want to move, the world looks prickly, gloomy, inhospitable, there is a degradation of the personality. In this case, talking about the comfort zone is in vain, it is narrowed to nothing.
People who are in the usual comfort zone, do not strive to increase vital stimulus, have low growth potential, are lagging behind in development, and will not be able to rise to the next degree. Habitual routine actions and thoughts will lead to a state of stagnation. The psychological component of consciousness will tell you that this is a "trap". Look for a way out of your comfort zone immediately. Otherwise, you will lose creativity.

Life begins! when you step out of your comfort zone.
Become more productive.
A comfortable level of existence, favorable for a person, lulls the brain cells. Performance drops. Drive, ambitions are lost, we fall into the "trap of everyday life". You have to get out of your comfort zone. I warn you - it's hard! Change your lifestyle. Direct internal discipline in the right direction: expand the boundaries of comfort zones, come up with an incentive to implement new ideas. Don't be alarmed - it will take two to three weeks for new habits to become part of your daily life. There will be changes in consciousness, thinking will come to life, it will become flexible.

Why step out of your comfort zone. Reason for leaving

Isolation from the outside world, a sense of comfort and stability in our time is not acceptable.

  1. Unexpected life changes, circumstances.
    Change of residence: another city, army, prison. The economic crisis is the loss of business. Prolonged illness. A person will involuntarily need to take a serious step - a way out of their usual comfort zone. He is responsible for the family, for productive results, solves problematic issues. The behavioral stereotype changes, thinking develops, marital status improves.
    Consequently, stress helps the human body to create a new comfort zone with external resources: purposefulness, stable income; internal - energy, health.
  2. Independent The solution is to get out of your comfort zone. A great desire to increase career and personal growth. Be sure to take into account human factors: age, energy potential, the goal of achievement. Curiosity, everyday work towards knowledge, the ability to apply in production contributes to overcoming the boundaries of the comfortable zone of existence.

Sometimes going beyond a measured calm life leads to stress, neurosis, and poor health. The comfort zone narrows, marital relations become cold, home, family, goes by the wayside. The imbalance of the psychological state is disturbed, it can lead to aggression, suicide, unforeseen actions.

Take care of the psyche. Gradually gradually expand the boundaries of comfort a little bit, do not allow steep amplitudes of activity, choose a small plan of action without deviating from it. Praise for the slightest achievement, encourage yourself. Your psyche will painlessly pass the process of adaptation, accept new conditions.

How to push yourself out of your comfort zone

You often hear expressions in the crowd of people: "I'm tired, I have no more strength", "I can't take it anymore, I'm in complete decline." So, you need to get out of your usual comfort zone. Change your life orientation: learn to live, feel, love in a new way, so that the world seems simple, understandable. Leaving the usual zone is a painful process. Throw out the old foundations, gain something big that exceeds the losses. Ready for change, you have a great advantage over other subjects. Remember, each person has his own comfort zone, big, small, depending on the potential.

Ways to get out of your comfort zone

  1. Communication with a person who has a wide comfort zone will involuntarily expand yours.
  2. Faith in success, in yourself. Live by the principle "I want and I can." A developing person does not stand still. Moves forward, overcoming difficulties, obstacles, solving new problems, achieving the intended goal in the material, spiritual, charitable directions.
  3. Just persuasion and training. Learn to get out of your comfort zone in different situations. Get used to not showing fear, uncertainty, doubt, anxiety when meeting with new circumstances. Adapt quickly.
  4. First step. Taking a step forward, stepping over the comfort zone, is sometimes not easy: you feel discomfort, increased heart rate, feelings of anxiety. Frequent going beyond the limits of comfort, become positive, ordinary phenomena.

What is a comfort zone

The internal pleasant state of the human soul, with a sense of security, peace. The size of the comfort zone is measured by wealth and the ability to manage it. One category of people allows you to live in a three-story mansion, have decent real estate: a car, a yacht, etc. Another category is a room in a communal apartment, a bunch of children, minimum wage. Each type of people have their own thinking, habits, patterned behavior, being content with the opportunities they have, their comfort.

Why you need to step out of your comfort zone

Staying in a “closed comfort zone” does not provide an opportunity to see the changes in real life, fulfill a cherished dream, and fulfill needs. With age, a person acquires: housing, a family, a decent job, everything seemed to be there. It remains to stay at the same level. Money is a pity for a new refrigerator, washing machine. Denies himself everything, lives in illusions. There is a degradation of personality, the circle of comfort narrows.
And life does not stand still, it moves, changing events. At any age, the subject must keep up with the times. Relying on knowledge and experience to solve emerging issues painlessly, in a timely manner. The TV is broken - buy a new one. Teeth fell out - insert jaws. Laziness, fear, self-deception returns a person to his usual comfort zone.

We offer ways: How to get out of your usual comfort zone

  1. Swap furniture, buy new dishes;
  2. Ride public transport, meet new passengers, exchange phone numbers;
  3. Learn how to bake a cake, treat a lonely neighbor;
  4. Get a dress, sing a new song at the party;
  5. Buy a computer, communicate in the social. networks.

The list of ways is long, you can not list. Each person himself can outline a plan according to interest, for a successful exit from the usual comfort zone.

The stability that reigns in the comfort zone is not as good as it seems. This is not only a cozy nest, but also fences with signs. By abandoning the well-worn rut, habitual thinking and proven actions, you will discover a lot of new things.

A comfort zone is a living space in which we feel safe. Usually this is not a physical, but a psychological framework, going beyond which is associated with discomfort.

We build our comfort zone out of habits, patterns, and stereotypes. We are comfortable living in a predictable world of our own delusions, but the longer we stay in it, the more difficult it is to step out. Any unusual action is frightening and frustrating. We forget that in the outside world, not only troubles await us, but also exciting adventures, discoveries and unknown sensations.

When we live, as they say, "on autopilot" - this is staying in the comfort zone. We mechanically repeat habitual actions and know exactly about their result. While the hands are working, a person is dozing, for which it is dangerous to constantly stay in a vicious circle of habitual work - habitual rest. Our personality degrades under such an established regime, and we must not allow this!

Signs of being stuck in your comfort zone

Learning something new is always associated with going beyond the comfort zone. The risk zone is a space where unpredictable events can happen to us, but it is necessary to go into it in order to develop. When we are young, we easily expand the scope, but the older we get, the more difficult it is to give up peace.

A healthy person who stays in the comfort zone for a long time dooms himself to degradation. What are the signs of a jam? Let's say you are faced with a new situation, or you just imagined that you could get into it. If fear becomes a reaction, know that it is urgently time for you to get out of your familiar place. Remember that reactions to new circumstances can be completely different: curiosity, anxiety, pleasant excitement, even joy. But the fear you experienced is an absolutely destructive feeling, and it clearly indicates an unwillingness to leave the comfort zone. Fear makes us hide from the problem, pretend that nothing is happening, resist change. If we decide to expand our comfort zone, the actions must be completely different - adaptation and acceptance of new circumstances.


As Neil Walsh said, real life is outside the comfort zone. The first and most important step on the way to the true life must be the awareness of hanging in a deceptive balance. It is important to recognize that we are stuck at a dead point and have stopped developing. This happens very often: there is a familiar job, bored, but well-established relationships, uncomfortable, but your own apartment. All this can simultaneously cause dull irritation and remain unchanged, because we are afraid to break out behind us the same established barrier.

tight cage

The bear at the zoo was kept in a small cage where he could only take four steps. For days on end he paced back and forth, measuring his living space. Visitors said that they felt sorry for the bear and believed that he was dreaming of freedom and space. Then the zoo expanded, and all the animals were moved to spacious green enclosures, and even a swimming pool was built for the unfortunate bear. When the "lucky" was transported to a new habitat, he continued to count the usual four steps in a tight carriage. And finally, he was released into a large aviary. The bear looked around, stepped cautiously, then again... He still took four steps back and forth... The bars that bound him now existed only in the imagination, but they were in place and turned out to be too strong. The bear is still measuring his comfort zone, not paying attention to the free space around.

Awareness of the absence of boundaries is the path to freedom. Let's face it, we've fenced ourselves in - it's time to push the boundaries. We offer a program to get out of the comfort zone, consisting of five steps.

Five Steps to Liberation

Step one - Problem statement

Any path begins with the choice of direction and the first step. We need to decide where we want to go and why. Tasks can be very different. For example, you realize that you have communication problems, you cannot contact new people, and this holds you back. This means that you should get to know each other as often as possible, initiate communication and make it habitual, that is, comfortable.

Step two - What and how much do you want?

The next step is task definition. Set a deadline and a result. Typically, the result can be measured by numbers, facts, estimates and other clear criteria. So you can understand how fully completed the task. You should also develop a plan of action.

If you decide that your task is to overcome difficulties in communication, you can focus on the state of confidence in new acquaintances, but it is impossible to measure this result in numbers. Therefore, we propose to establish a certain number of acquaintances per month. You may not immediately feel comfortable with the new lifestyle, but progress will definitely be observed. The trick of the technique is that you switch from experiencing your own state to working on the task and gradually develop the desired skill. Any new skill requires effort, so let's get to work.

Step Three - Work

Perform planned actions systematically, without deviating from the plan. It is best to write daily reports to yourself and analyze the results of your work.

Step four - More work

Yes, working on yourself is not easy. Get ready for the fact that on the way to expanding your comfort zone, difficulties await you, and you will not succeed in achieving results with lightning speed. Do not try to jump quickly to the desired level. Sometimes it works, but more often there is an already familiar stable feeling of fear, driving back into the comfort zone. Do not try to bite off too big a piece, move towards the goal slowly, getting used to each new frontier. This will take time, but the result will be sustainable.

New habits are fixed within 21 days, the same time it will take us. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of comfort at each new stage, then we will be able to "trample" for ourselves a large and convenient field for a balanced existence.

Step five - Exploring "new lands"

One day we will definitely understand that yesterday's risk zone has become a comfort zone, and it is possible to develop new territories. This will be the victory.

Keep moving!

We managed to overcome a certain boundary that hinders our development, but this does not mean at all that it is time to rest on our laurels. Yes, we have expanded the scope in which you can live calmly and not be tormented by fears, but the situation will definitely repeat itself if we do not learn how to easily leave the comfort zone. It is important to learn not to be afraid when meeting a new one. Psychologists offer us the tools to develop this habit.

Start changing your daily habits. Take a different route to work, change your daily routine, pick a store you don't normally go to, and buy a new set of groceries.

A proven way to get out of your comfort zone is a new acquaintance.

Would you like to attend any courses, trainings? Are you interested in a certain field of knowledge, but you could not break the usual rhythm of life, so you avoided communicating with strangers? Get over your fears and start connecting with a new circle of people.

Perhaps you once wanted to learn how to draw, breed aquarium fish or weave lace? Learning new skills is a great way to expand your comfort zone.

Waking up one day, get dressed and go on an unplanned trip. Let it be a neighboring city, a remote area of ​​​​your city or a park that you have not been to yet - it does not matter. You are provided with fresh impressions.

Change your clothing style. It is useful for girls who do not get out of their trousers to wear an elegant dress. Men accustomed to jeans and sneakers will feel new in a classic suit. You will be surprised to notice how the mood depends on the clothes. Rearrange the furniture in the house. Come up with “refreshing” situations for yourself, and embody your ideas.

Why leave your comfort zone?

And really, why? A measured life without much upheaval, the usual little joys, planned holidays with a well-known menu and entertainment program. What's bad about it?

Imagine that you are driving on the autobahn. Such a long very good road without surprises. You left point A and heading to point B. You have a good reliable car, there are fast food cafes with the same set of food along the edges of the road. You listen to the music you choose. From time to time you see exits to the cities, but you don’t need to go there, you are going to point B. If you decide to turn off the highway, you would end up in an old city with a medieval castle, or you would suddenly open a blue lake overgrown with lilies. Or maybe on the street of a foreign city you would meet a person whom you have dreamed of all your life? In those places that you have not visited, strangers live - they rejoice and grieve, cry and laugh, everyone has their own story with joys and despair. Maybe you could help someone and change their life for the better? You never know what could happen if you turn off your path. But why? You know you are moving in the right direction.

And if you imagine that this is a highway - life with two obligatory points for each? Maybe it's worth getting out of the cabin to find out how the spring leaves smell and hear what the visitors of the village tavern are talking about? There, in life, it's interesting!

Lately, I've come across the expression "comfort zone" a lot. Are you familiar with it? This phrase means a very comfortable course of life for a particular person: he knows how to solve most of the problems that arise, what he will do tomorrow, what the near future is preparing for him. It seems that nothing better than such a comfort zone can be invented, right?

Does anything need to be changed?

Before this question, I thought so too. Now I understand that while we are in such a prosperous and confident state, we do not feel any changes in life and cannot appreciate the opportunities that it offers.

The predictability of our own lives imperceptibly lulls our consciousness and turns actions into simply automatic and unconscious actions. To be honest, I'm tired of regularly living "Groundhog Day". And you? Maybe we will start to change something in the usual way of life?

Psychologists note that the comfort zone only at first glance seems like an ideal “place”. In fact, it often becomes a real trap. Being content with routine and monotonous thoughts and actions, you can find yourself in a stagnant state, from which it is extremely difficult to get out. The eternal companion of a person who is constantly in the comfort zone is degradation.

Get out of your comfort zone

Look at your life. You will notice that some of its periods were characterized by increased activity: for a certain time you were constantly developing, learning new things, and implementing your own ideas. But there were other moments - periods of stagnation, when nothing changed in life for months, but at the same time it went on as usual.

Psychologists note that the greatest surge of activity occurs in childhood, when the baby, who does not have any social prejudices and imposed rules, absorbs new information with pleasure and is not at all afraid to face something not quite known and ordinary. In order to see fundamentally new opportunities for yourself, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Only in this way will you be able to find for yourself the area in which you will achieve real success.

If a person does not constantly strive for something new, his comfort zone is hopelessly narrowed, closing him in the ring of routine habits.

How to get out of the comfort zone?

Tip #1: Change your daily routine

I always say that schedules and plans are an essential part of most people's lives. They help to concentrate on what is important, to prioritize tasks, to keep up with everything. But sometimes it pays to change your usual routine and try something new. Psychologists believe that this is the easiest way to get out of your comfort zone, requiring almost no effort from you.

If you find it hard to get up at 8 am now, try waking up even earlier. Are you used to spending all your free time at the computer or in communication with the same people? Change the scenery, find interesting cafes. New emotions and impressions will shake up your usual life and give you a good mood for at least a couple of days.

Tip #2: Sign up for a class or a gym

A great option to get out of your comfort zone is to change your surroundings. Are you used to seeing only the office and the supermarket every day? It suits you? If not, then search the Internet on the forums in your city for news about opening courses and clubs.

Choose the one that suits you the most and join. I believe that the most win-win option, which is sure to come in handy in life, is to learn a foreign language. Just practice regularly and don't miss meetings. Otherwise, you risk returning to your routine life.

Tip #3: Meet a New Person

A great way to get out of your comfort zone is to get to know someone. It could be your colleague, whom you regularly run into in the dining room, but do not communicate. The neighbor you see in the elevator from time to time. Or just a random travel companion.

Tip #4: Go on a spontaneous trip

It seems to me that after even the smallest trips, most people get a second wind, new thoughts appear, interesting ideas are born. As long as you are sitting in your comfort zone, such positive changes do not occur. Therefore, I suggest using a couple of free days to go on a small tour. Let it be even a neighboring city, in which you have only been passing through before.

Just don't plan your trip down to the minute - leave some room for spontaneity and surprises. So you will not only get out of your comfort zone, but also get a lot of new and pleasant experiences.

Tip #5: Start exercising

Physical activity is an essential component of our health and well-being, so be sure to include it in your life. If you've never exercised before, definitely start. If sport is a mandatory component of your life, double the load.

And I'm not talking about achieving some incredible records and results. No. Just change the usual course of your life. I always advise going in for sports not alone with yourself in front of a computer monitor (although I don’t see anything wrong with that), but in the gym. This will help not only correct the figure, but also introduce you to new people.

Tip #6: Expand your professional responsibilities

How about exploring a completely unknown niche until today? Or maybe it's time to start writing those types of texts that until now seemed very difficult? Until we try, we will not know what this or that experiment will turn out for us. It is quite possible that it will turn out to be a “door” to a new level of professionalism and earnings.

Tip #7: Try new foods

Open Google or your favorite cookbook and find a dish that you have never cooked or even tried before. Now it remains to go to the nearest store for the ingredients and you can experiment. At best, you will discover a new amazing recipe, and at worst, you will expand your own horizons. Isn't that the task we set ourselves today?

Tip #8: Learn new things

Pick a subject that you have never been interested in before, but that seems insanely exciting to you, and start studying it. Let it be something useful, something that will come in handy in the future. Look for information on the World Wide Web, read specialized articles. This is not only a great workout for our brain, but also an amazing opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and expand your own horizons.

Psychologists note that if we do the same thing constantly, over many years, our knowledge will not reach a new level and will remain rather limited. With a new hobby, after a short period of time you will notice that you begin to like doing something that you have never done before.

Tip #9: Set a Goal

And not a simple goal, but one that will require big changes in your life. Let it be an achievement for which you will have to change either the environment or yourself. But it is very important not only to discuss how you can proceed in the future and what goal you can set, but also to limit the time for which you need to achieve the planned result.

Tip #10: Take your favorite hobby to the next level

Almost all of us have our own hobbies. So, those who have decided to leave their comfort zone need to look at their existing hobbies from a new perspective. Do you have a personal blog? Maybe it's time to monetize it? Interested in beadwork? How about putting your creations up for sale?

In general, no matter what field of activity you decide to take on, set yourself a new problem that simply needs to be solved.

Tip #11: Experiment with looks

Try to wear something that you would not even look at before. It is quite possible that a new style of skirt or an unusually bright color will suit you perfectly and cheer you up. And hear the compliments...

Personally, I decided to start leaving the comfort zone from this point and have already begun to pick up things in my wardrobe that I would not even dare to try on before. And you know, now I feel some kind of renewed. Yes, and others notice that I began to look better (of course! Previously, my autumn wardrobe consisted exclusively of black things).

If you decide to get out of your comfort zone and make certain changes in your life, remember that it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit. It is in three weeks that your morning run, regular study of English, and going to the gym will return to normal. Make it a habit to continually step out of your comfort zone, and make self-improvement a lifestyle.

Remember that it is not a routine and measured life that is truly ideal, but the conditions in which a person is constantly engaged in self-development. After all, the wider your view of the world, the more interesting life itself will be. Get out of your comfort zone and you will notice a sea of ​​new opportunities and experiences.

Do you prefer to always be in your comfort zone, or do you believe that you just need to get out of it? What are you doing to get out?

There is such an old and very correct saying: "The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man is looking for where it is better." And this is absolutely correct and natural. Everyone strives to make their life as convenient and enjoyable as possible. More living space, faster car, softer bed, more powerful computer. It would be complete idiocy to refuse these benefits of civilization.

It would seem, well, what's wrong with a calm comfortable existence? You feel relaxed, there are no risks in your life, you are satisfied with the way things are going and you do not feel any need to change anything. Maybe you don't feel incredibly happy, or 100% satisfied, but at least you feel comfortable right?

Almost always, your comfort zone is the product of self-deception. You tell yourself that there is no better alternative to your current position, that you have spent too much effort to build it, that it is already too difficult to change anything in life. You stop at one albeit quite convenient place and with your own hands nullify all the magnificent prospects of your life. The comfort zone becomes the end point of your journey for you. Why is this happening?

you get soft

What happens to a person who is immersed in a bath of warm water for a while? He relaxes, softens. And if such a stay is extended for quite a long time? That's right, it's deteriorating. His muscles lose their tone and very soon he will not only be able to run, but even just stand still.

But it's not just about the body. The same thing happens with our brain.

The lack of the need to solve complex problems leads to a dilution in the head and a loss of clarity of thought, the ability to learn and make decisions.

You become a vegetable that moves on the same trajectory every day and performs the same tasks every day.

Meanwhile, remember what period of your life was the most fruitful and creative for you? I am sure that these were not the most well-fed and comfortable times. Some will remember sleepless student nights, others life-threatening trips and situations, others will remember the crisis periods of their lives, when everything had to be started all over again.

You are giving up on life goals

Everyone, well, almost everyone, a person has somewhere deep in his subcortex that very cherished goal of his life. Yes, something from the "see Paris and die" series. The most interesting thing is that very often these goals are not so sky-high and unattainable. But something always gets in our way.

You may never recognize yourself

There is an opinion, and it is quite justified, that only in difficulties is the true face of a person revealed. You can live your whole life in greenhouse conditions and never know what you are really capable of. Can you really be bold and inventive? Are you really able to show patience and perseverance, or do you just think it is?

It's time to get out of your comfort zone and understand, if only for yourself, what kind of person you really are and where lies the limit of your capabilities. I assure you that the result will surely surprise you.

Sooner or later, the comfort zone for any person turns into a factor that hinders his development and deprives life of the thrill of sensations. Recall the most interesting moments of your life. Surely most of them are connected precisely with those moments when you did something unusual, extreme, going beyond the usual routine. Get out of your comfort zone.

So why not do it again?

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