How to draw winter fun. Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Abstract of the OOD in drawing "Our winter fun"

Tatiana Kozlovskaya

Abstract of a drawing lesson

in senior group "Our winter fun"

Program content:

learn draw a human figure(child) in winter clothes(overalls, conveying the shape of body parts, their location, proportion, to teach to convey simple movements of the arms and legs, to lead children to convey the image in an unconventional way (using hand);

continue to learn to use different drawings materials: graphite pencil, colored wax crayons, watercolor.

consolidate technical skills drawing materials.

develop the ability to convey in the drawing your attitude to winter games;

instill love for healthy lifestyle life and sports.

Material: reproduction of a painting by V. Surikov "Take snow town» , illustrations depicting winter views sports; A4 paper; simple pencil, oil pastel, watercolors.

preliminary work:

Examination of reproductions by V. Surikov "The Capture of the Snow City", illustrations winter scenery;

Didactic lotto game "Wear for any weather" ;

Observations on the site of the games of children;

drawing various art materials.

Lesson progress:

At the beginning lessons children are invited to consider a reproduction of a painting, illustrations depicting winter games , listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin « Winter morning» .

What happens to nature in winter? What colors are dominant? Do you love winter? For what? What games can you play in the winter in the fresh frosty air? Do you like hiking in winter? What is the best way to dress outside in winter so as not to freeze? What mood do you get during games in winter?

After the children answer the questions, offer to compare the two drawings. Who is depicted on them? What are the children wearing? How do they differ from each other? Find out if they could draw the same funny children winter walk?

Physical education "We will build a snow house"

We went out into the street


It's snowing!

(arms up, to the sides)

Let's take the shovels

(work with shovels)

Yes, we will shovel all the snow.

We stomp the path

To the very threshold.

(stomp feet)

Making round snowballs

(making snowballs)

And huge lumps.

(show big ball)

We'll build a snow house


We will live together in it.


Offer to carefully look and listen to a story about two palms that help children paint!

1. Place your left palm in the center of a sheet of paper. Move your thumb to the side. Press the ring and little fingers together, index and middle fingers close tightly and take a little to the side.

2. A tick should form between the ring and middle fingers. Press your palm firmly against the sheet of paper so that it does not move.

3. Right hand circle pencil palm, do not press the pencil hard against your fingers.

4. Remove the left palm from the sheet, close the two lines.

5. Turn the sheet over 1800. Ask the children "What does it look like?".

6. Top draw two arcs(hood).

7. On the right side you need draw the other hand. Children decide where it will be directed: up, down, side or left on the jumpsuit.

8. We draw did: ovals - boots; oval plus finger - mittens; scarf; eyes; nose; mouth.

9. You need to circle the finished drawing wax crayons they don't be afraid watercolor paints. Need to use different colors to make the overalls bright, noticeable, with many small details (zippers, pockets, collar, cuffs, reflectors, etc.).

10. Then add plot: snowflakes, shovel, snowman, etc. according to the wishes of the children.

11. The final part of the work is coloring with watercolors.

The teacher offers the children draw favourite hobby winter. The drawing should convey the mood.

Then the drawings are combined into a mosaic panel then content: skiing, skating, sledding, snowball fight, etc.

Tips for the educator

On the previous In class, invite children to draw a winter landscape.

Exhibit reproductions of paintings about winter.

Source: Collective creativity preschoolers: Lesson notes / ed.. A. A. Gribovskaya. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 192 p.

Winter is one of the most inspiring times of the year.

Your child loves to draw but has unfortunately run out of ideas? No problem.

We offer all kinds of options winter drawings for children, share the best technicians to turn them into reality.

This creative process captures not only children, but also adults and will forever remain in the memory of a pleasant memory!

Different options for expressing talents

Winter theme - a field for a flight of fancy. You can draw a house in the snow, various fantasies about this (snowman, The Snow Queen, Santa Claus), children's fun, snowdrifts, animals associated with this season, landscapes (day and night), a river or lake with ice on the surface.

There are many materials for this business: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, helium pens, cotton wool, glue, sparkles.

House in the snow

We present variations of children's drawings on the theme "Winter" with colored pencils and paints. One of them:

To begin, draw three large snowdrifts, one after the other. Draw Christmas trees on them. To do this, draw one stick with a brown pencil. Branches will emanate from it. On them in green draw the needles. Draw snow with a white pencil. A house will hide behind the snowdrifts. Draw a square and a triangle on top of it. This is a wall with a roof. Place a small square on the wall and a rectangle next to it: a window with a door. Sprinkle the roof with snow in white or blue. Ready.

It is better to do the drawing with hatching, and not paint over all the empty spaces.

Draw winter with paints:

Here is the first snow, and a house in winter. But painting is hard work. To get started, mark up with a simple pencil (take the work plan from the first option). Then just paint with gouache. Mark the snow flakes in blue.

Winter landscape


Divide a sheet of paper in half. Place two Christmas trees on the top line, followed by light green birch trees. Distribute as many trees on the sides as you see fit. There should be snowdrifts in the center. To do this, leave a couple of lines of purple-pink, blend blue somewhere.

Winter tree:

We'll have to divide the horizon again. Only now on one-third and two-thirds of the sheet. In the upper right corner we draw the sun. On the horizon - Christmas trees. We will make them blurry, do not draw the outline and details. With a thin brush on the lower part we draw two semicircles. These are snowdrifts. On them, with the same thin brush, we draw two birch trees without foliage.

Desired fairy tale

When we hear the phrase " winter fairy tale”, Most people think about the snowman, snow maiden, talking little animals.

Therefore, we offer in the background, and in the front, a smiling snowman and his mouse girlfriend:

To do this, draw three circles. The bottom is the largest, the middle is smaller, and the head is the smallest. She wears a red cap and a multicolored scarf around her neck. On the side are two handles-twigs, on them are warm mittens. In the hand of a New Year's gift.

Fairytale winter house:

Nothing new. Combining elements from early work: there is a house, and Christmas trees, and a snowman. This option is also suitable for children in grades 2 and 3.


The favorite pastime of the kids is, of course, ice skating. Pictures on the theme "Winter Fun":

We draw the upper part of the little man the way you always used to do it. Spread your legs a little wider than usual. The second boy can depict how he pushes off the ice. Ice is supposed to be pale blue, otherwise color as desired.

Naughty guys love hockey:

We divide the horizon into two parts. The top one is for the sky, trees and gates, the bottom one is for fun activities. How to make a gate: in a gray square, the strokes go diagonally first from the bottom left to the top right, then from the bottom right to the top left. Put one child on the slide, let the other watch on beautiful picture. Give two children sticks in their hands, throw a black oval puck between them.

We remind you that it is difficult for children to work with paints, because they blur on the sheet. The base should be done with a pencil, and blurry spots should be attached to it, symbolizing hair, clothes, inventory.


Children fantasize and dream most often about gifts, the new year and Santa Claus. We suggest you draw winter fantasies using sketches like this:

First, draw an oval, in its center a smaller oval. We divide the large figure into two parts. From above we draw a semi-oval (and on top of it a semicircle), from below a semicircle. We got a hat without a pom-pom. Hurry up and finish it. In the very first oval there will be eyes, furry eyebrows, a nose and a mouth. From the mouth, draw another half of the circle. Starting from the hat, erase the borders, drawing in detail the beard. We paint over.

Another option:

Draw a circle with a smile in the center. This is the nose of Santa Claus. A luxurious mustache should depart from the nose. Then draw frills on the cap and a lush beard in waves. Draw the cap and torso, eyes, eyebrows, gifts behind the back. All that's left to do is paint. Forward! A 4th grade student can do this.

Depicting nature from the earth to the sky

draw winter nature possible in different ways.


Who, if not a bunny, stays awake all winter. What is not a symbol of this time of year:

The steps are extremely simple: draw an oval, a slightly elongated circle not far from it. Add the contours of the tail and paws. We connect the head with the body, attach to the head long ears. Add strokes to make the wool effect.

Drawing animals with paints is not as difficult as it seems. Penguins live in the ice all year round. They deserve to be on your winter drawing:

How to draw animals: in the upper half of the paints we draw an excellent beautiful northern lights. Most the sheet is occupied by snowdrifts and ice floes. Three penguins walk merrily on them. We make a black oval, tapering a little at the very beginning. Next to him on the sides are flippers. We dip the brush in orange paint, gently apply downwards. These are webbed feet. We make eyes and abdomens in white.


Forest - trees and animals collected in one place. As in the picture you can depict a winter forest:

How to draw winter picture with mountain ash: we draw a trunk of medium thickness, short branches depart from it. At their ends we place small red circles in two rows. The first row is longer. Next to the mountain ash we draw a red semicircle, two sticks depart from it. From these sticks there are three more: two obliquely, one in the center. Add a black head, beak, wings. We place in the picture a couple of Christmas trees and other animals of your choice. Do not forget to use white and blue pencils to create the effect of snow.

Another variant:

First you need to draw spruce. Dip the brush in green paint, then print to the sheet on both sides evenly. It turns out symmetrical needles. brown paint designate the base of the trunk. The rest of it was closed by branches. After that, paint over the bottom and top with white, leaving room for the moon. We are waiting for the white paint to dry, then we apply pink next to the yellow circle and blue around the edges.


Fairy night forest:

Even if you work in a minimalist style, there is a chance to achieve the desired recognition. Print the Christmas tree in green as in the paragraph above. On top of this layer, apply almost the same, but white, leaving room for the previous one. It turns out a Christmas tree, which is covered with snow. Add to the sky blue paint, on it with a thin brush we draw stars and snowflakes.


Hand-drawn picture with a river:

This drawing is also done with hatching. Christmas trees are made with blue strokes obliquely with an inclination to the right. The sky is purple and blue. Let's add yellow-purple clouds. The river is blue-yellow with a horizontal stroke.

Doing crafts: pleasant gatherings

Winter illustration:

For such a simple craft, we need a sheet of cardboard, glue, colored and plain paper, gouache. Cut out from brown paper branch. We draw snow on it with white gouache. We dip the palm in red paint and print it horizontally to the sheet. It remains to add eyes, beak and legs. Cut out small snowflakes, glue.

Another simple craft:

Materials at hand: cardboard, colored, cotton wool, cotton pads. Glue the disks on top of each other to make a snowman. We cut out all the necessary details for its decor from paper. We glue brown tree trunks and a broom onto the sheet. Further we deal only with cotton wool. Tear off small pieces, fluff them up. It will be snowdrifts. Then roll into large balls - this is the crown of trees. Smaller balls - Christmas tree. The smallest lumps are falling snow.

Competition-Worthy Works

We have selected examples of drawings about winter, with which your child will be able to win the competition. The execution techniques have been presented above.

For those over ten

Ten-year-olds are old enough to perform more complex winter drawing techniques. They are already able to work small parts, handle paints so as not to go over the edges.

How to draw pictures on the theme "Winter" for children 10 years and older:

Beauty - do not take your eyes off

Finally, we would like to show you beautiful painted, talented children's portraits of winter:

We wish you success in all your creative endeavors! Let winter be remembered with a wonderful pattern.


VI All-Russian annual
competition of children's drawings "Winter fun"

The Aid to Education Program Center invites kindergartens to take part in VI All-Russian annual competition of children's drawings on the theme "Winter fun".

December 12, 2016 to February 12, 2017 send with drawings of children by e-mail. mail: or at the address: 610000, Kirov region, Kirov, Main Post Office, PO Box 19.

DOO-winner will receive a valuable prize - certificate for 5000 rubles for the purchase of software for kindergarten, small the author of the drawing is waiting for a surprise gift.

Good luck!

Competitors: preschool organizations (kindergartens). Works are performed by children from 2 to 7 years old.

Competition Description

Every kid has their favorite winter fun. Sledding, skiing or skating, sliding down an ice slide, making a snowman, playing snowballs. Or maybe build ice castles and draw directly on the snow?

Have your children draw their favorite winter activities and write a short story about your impressions of the bright and cheerful moments of winter walks. Send all your drawings to us for participation in the VI All-Russian annual competition of children's drawings "Winter Fun"!

Terms of participation in the competition

The participants of the competition are preschool educational institutions. Competitive drawings are made by children aged 2 to 7 years on the theme "Winter fun".

The figure should show: winter entertainment and fun.

The image should be interesting and bright. The drawing can be made in any technique on A4 or A3 paper.

Be sure to give the picture a name and write a mini-story. The mini-story is required and should contain a description of your favorite winter activity, funny or funny case etc. The child must draw and compose the drawing and its description. If he still does not know how to write, an adult can do this, but verbatim from the words of the child. The work must be original and made specifically for this competition.

Send scanned drawings or their photographs to the competition (the number of drawings is not limited). Separate files are required in the letter:

1. Application () - required condition participation in the competition ;

2. Files with drawings (scan or photograph), each work in separate file graphic format *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png.

Applications and competition works are accepted by e-mail or at the address: 610000, Kirov, Main Post Office, PO Box 19 marked "Children's Drawing Competition" .

You can publish your drawings in the album yourself"Competition of children's drawings "Winter Fun" 2016-2017" On the page official group Program Center "Assistance to Education" VKontakte at . There you can also vote for your favorite entries.

Important! By submitting their work to the competition, participants and authors thereby grant the right to the organizers of the competition to use the competition works (posting on the Internet, publication in print media, presentation on exhibition stands with reference to authorship).

Competition Prizes

Winners will be determined in two age categories:

  • 24 years;
  • 5 - 7 years old (preschoolers).

The winners of the competition - kindergartens - will be awarded diplomas with the image of the participants' works and Cash Certificates for the purchase computer program Program Center "Assistance to Education":

  • 1 place- Certificate for the amount 5000 rub.
  • 2nd place- Certificate for the amount 3000 rub.
  • 3rd place- Certificate for the amount 2000 rub.

Children whose drawings will be recognized as the best will receive surprise gifts.

Participants of the competition - kindergartens - will receive Certificate participant.

The work of the jury and the results of the competition

The jury team evaluates all proposed works according to 4 criteria:

1. correspondence of the drawing to the theme of the Contest;

2. level of performance and artistic expressiveness;

3. completeness and originality of the description;

4. independence.

There is nothing more fun and exciting than winter fun - pictures for children clearly demonstrate how many different activities you can come up with on the street during this cold season called winter.

A warm winter day is a real gift for kids. The snow becomes soft and sticky, turning into an excellent material for creativity. The most famous snow character is, of course, the snowman. What a pleasure it is to mold a big man out of snow, decorate him, dress him up! You can make a snowman in a cheerful crowd, or you can do it alone - if only there was a desire.

And small snowballs turn into a real projectile. What dexterity, resourcefulness, accuracy is needed to hit your opponent with such a projectile! In this fun game all the joy that the child experiences at the sight of snow is expressed.

Joint work brings children together, unites them, makes it possible to feel the joy of friendly interaction with each other.

And how much pleasure do you get from sliding on flat ice! Skates are a great means of transportation for true lovers of speed. But what perseverance is required in order to master the art of riding them, what strength of mind is needed to get up after a fall and ride again ...

A sunny winter day beckons even the most inveterate homebodies to the street. It gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in winter entertainment; pictures for children walking in a snowy meadow - and they awaken the desire to go outside and make their own snow angel or roll up a snowman.

And of course, what winter can be without snow slides! How breathtaking it is when you fly down at a rapid speed on skis or sleds, what pride you feel after a successful landing. And how useful it is to climb back up the hill, inhaling the cold winter air.

Winter entertainment not only brings happy, memorable moments to kids, but also strengthens their health, makes them more resilient and persistent. Without exaggeration, we can say that in the process of these games both the body and the character of the child are tempered.

Winter fun video for the little ones:

A snowball outside the window is an excellent occasion to take a brush in your hands and depict all the charm of winter-winter. Show kids some ways to draw snowdrifts, "crystal" trees, "horned" snowflakes, fluffy animals, and let winter "painting" bring the joy of creativity and decorate your home.

Music to create masterpieces

So, let's turn on some nice background music and… draw winter with the kids!

Draw "snow"

You can simulate snow in the picture in different ways.

Option number 1. Draw with PVA glue and semolina. Squeeze out the right amount of glue directly from the tube, if necessary, you can smear it with a brush (if you plan to cover large surfaces). Sprinkle the image with semolina. After drying, shake off the excess cereal.

Option number 2. Draw with salt and flour. Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of salt and the same amount of flour. We stir the “snow” well and draw winter!

Option number 3. Draw with toothpaste. Toothpaste perfectly fulfills the role of "snow" in the drawings. It can be tinted with watercolor or gouache if you want to get a color image.

Drawings with white paste on dark paper look beautiful. And they SMELL delicious!

The most popular toothpaste won, perhaps, for the fact that it is easily washed off, so you can draw with paste on glass. Feel free to take tubes in your hands and let's go decorate mirrors, windows and other glass surfaces in the house!

Option number 4. Draw with shaving foam. If you mix PVA glue with shaving foam (in equal proportions), you get an excellent "snow" paint.

Option number 5. Painting with salt. If you pour salt on a drawing circled with PVA glue, you get a sparkling snowball.

Drawing on crumpled paper

An unusual effect will be obtained if you draw on previously crumpled paper. The paint will remain in creases and form something like crackle.

Drawing with stencils

Stencils make the process of drawing easier for those who "don't know how" (as it seems to him). If you use several stencils at the same time, you can get an unexpected effect.

Leaving the part of the image covered by the stencil unpainted, you can pay more attention to the background: sprinkle salt on the still wet surface, apply strokes with a hard brush in different sides etc. Experiment!

Several sequentially superimposed stencils and splashes. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush or a hard bristle brush for this purpose.

A knitted snowflake will help create real lace on paper. Any thick paint will do: gouache, acrylic. You can use a can (spray from a short distance strictly vertically).

We draw with wax

Wax drawings look unusual. Using an ordinary (not colored) candle, draw a winter landscape, and then cover the sheet with dark paint. The image "appears" right in front of your eyes!

Who are you? Seal?

The effect of fluffy wool will help to create a simple trick: dip a flat brush into thick paint (gouache) and apply strokes with a “poke”. Drawings with white paint always look better on a dark contrasting background. All shades of blue are perfect for winter motifs.

How to draw winter trees

The crowns of these trees are made using a plastic bag. Dip in paint and dab in the right places - that's the whole secret of "snow caps" for trees.

Finger painting is great for kids. We dip the index finger in thick gouache and generously sprinkle snow on the branches!

Unusually beautiful snow-covered trees are obtained using a cabbage leaf. Cover a sheet of Chinese cabbage with white gouache - and voila! On a colored background, such a painting looks especially impressive.

No cabbage - no problem. Any leaves with pronounced veins will do. You can even donate your favorite ficus. The only BUT, remember that the juice of many plants is poisonous! Make sure that the child does not taste his new “brush”.

The trunk is a handprint. Everything else is a matter of minutes.

A favorite technique for many is blowing paint through a tube. We create “snowiness” using the fingerprints of a small artist.

Not everyone will guess how this charming Birch Grove. The resourceful artist used masking tape! Cut strips of the desired width and glue on a white sheet. Paint over the background and remove the paint. Draw characteristic "lines" so that the birches become recognizable. The moon is made in the same way. Thick paper is suitable for these purposes, the adhesive tape should not be too sticky so as not to damage upper layer drawing.

Draw with bubble wrap

Apply on bubble wrap white paint and apply to finished drawing. Here comes the snow!

The same technique can be applied in applications.

The snowman has melted. It's a pity…

This idea is suitable for the most young artists, and for those who want to make a gift "with humor". Cut out “spare parts” for the snowman from colored paper in advance: nose, eyes, hat, twig hands, etc. Draw a melted puddle, wait for the paint to dry and glue what is left of the poor snowman. Such a drawing could be great gift relatives on behalf of the baby. More more ideas in our article.

Draw with palms

An easy way to create amazingly touching new year card is to tell a story about funny snowmen. A whole family will turn out if, on the basis of a palm print, draw carrot noses, coal eyes, bright scarves, buttons, twig hands, and hats to your fingers.

What is there outside the window?

What does the window look like from the street? Unusual! Invite the child to look at the window through the eyes of Santa Claus or another character who may be outside in the most severe cold.

Dear readers! Surely you have your own "winter" drawing techniques. Tell us about them in the comments.

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