Drawing winter fun how to draw. Winter fun pictures for kids

We continue the theme Draw winter fun for children».

What do we know winter fun? I ask students. The people, crowded behind their desks, are trying to remember something in the subject.

Here I most of all like to watch how children just play in the snow. Without any there sledge-blades. They just throw the crumbling snow, jump into the snowdrifts, and then, lying on their backs, kick their legs to shake the snow out of the boots or just lie in the snow for fun. And you can also lie on your back, clap your hands to the sides and you will get an imprint like wings.

When I tell this to the students directly, their eyes begin to shine, and it’s no wonder, sit for six lessons in the classroom.

So the idea with a child lying for pampering in the snow is excellent, but, alas, very difficult to implement.

In general, drawing a lying figure of a person (even on the side, even on the back) is very difficult, I assure you. And if it’s from a perspective, but taking into account the perspective ... And if not from a perspective and without perspective? - But no, it simply won’t work. My students smile and draw a picture like this:

But you are depicting a view from above, - I say, - if this figure is inserted into the picture, then there will be a clear impression that the child is simply standing on one leg. We also need to draw a lying person from a NORMAL point of view.

Anyway, let's draw. I found a photo on the Internet - a child lies in the snow with his feet towards us and his head diagonally into the distance.

In perspective, it looks like the feet in the foreground look large and the legs themselves are long. The head is relatively small. Hands scattered to the sides look completely shortened. By the way, I also note that the complexity and strangeness of the appearance of a figure lying in the snow is also given by the snow itself - the body is partially immersed in it. This must also be taken into account.

The scheme of the figure was drawn up, now we are specifying the details. The leg, filed straight at the viewer, looks thick, and it is greatly reduced. The second one looks much thinner, and even the snow is almost knee-deep))). The body is quite massive, and the arms are small and thin in perspective.

Well, what can I say, from nature it is necessary to draw such plots. And so, sitting at a desk, you can’t model it in your mind - I’m answering you.

Read more about drawings on the theme "Winter fun for children".


VI All-Russian annual
competition of children's drawings "Winter fun"

The Aid to Education Program Center invites kindergartens to take part in VI All-Russian annual competition of children's drawings on the theme "Winter fun".

December 12, 2016 to February 12, 2017 send with drawings of children by e-mail. mail: or at the address: 610000, Kirov region, Kirov, Main Post Office, PO Box 19.

DOO-winner will receive a valuable prize - certificate for 5000 rubles for the purchase of software for kindergarten, small the author of the drawing is waiting for a surprise gift.

Good luck!

Competitors: preschool organizations (kindergartens). Works are performed by children from 2 to 7 years old.

Competition Description

Every kid has their favorite winter fun. Sledding, skiing or skating, sliding down an ice slide, making a snowman, playing snowballs. Or maybe build ice castles and draw directly on the snow?

Have your children draw their favorite winter activities and write a short story about your impressions of the bright and cheerful moments of winter walks. Send all your drawings to us for participation in the VI All-Russian annual competition of children's drawings "Winter Fun"!

Terms of participation in the competition

The participants of the competition are preschool educational institutions. Competitive drawings are made by children aged 2 to 7 years on the theme "Winter fun".

The figure should show: winter entertainment and fun.

The image should be interesting and bright. The drawing can be made in any technique on A4 or A3 paper.

Be sure to give the picture a name and write a mini-story. The mini-story is required and should contain a description of your favorite winter activity, funny or funny case etc. The child must draw and compose the drawing and its description. If he still does not know how to write, an adult can do this, but verbatim from the words of the child. The work must be original and made specifically for this competition.

Send scanned drawings or their photographs to the competition (the number of drawings is not limited). Separate files are required in the letter:

1. Application () - required condition participation in the competition ;

2. Files with drawings (scan or photograph), each work in separate file graphic format *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png.

Applications and competition works are accepted by e-mail or at the address: 610000, Kirov, Main Post Office, PO Box 19 marked "Children's Drawing Competition" .

You can publish your drawings in the album yourself"Competition of children's drawings "Winter Fun" 2016-2017" On the page official group Program Center "Assistance to Education" VKontakte at . There you can also vote for your favorite entries.

Important! By submitting their work to the competition, participants and authors thereby grant the right to the organizers of the competition to use the competition works (posting on the Internet, publication in print media, presentation on exhibition stands with reference to authorship).

Competition Prizes

Winners will be determined in two age categories:

  • 24 years;
  • 5 - 7 years old (preschoolers).

The winners of the competition - kindergartens - will be awarded diplomas with the image of the participants' works and Cash Certificates for the purchase computer program Program Center "Assistance to Education":

  • 1 place- Certificate for the amount 5000 rub.
  • 2nd place- Certificate for the amount 3000 rub.
  • 3rd place- Certificate for the amount 2000 rub.

Children whose drawings will be recognized as the best will receive surprise gifts.

Participants of the competition - kindergartens - will receive Certificate participant.

The work of the jury and the results of the competition

The jury team evaluates all proposed works according to 4 criteria:

1. correspondence of the drawing to the theme of the Contest;

2. level of performance and artistic expressiveness;

3. completeness and originality of the description;

4. independence.

It is worth saying that I rarely manage to participate in competitions, because. I am either busy on the dates when the competition is held, or I am not satisfied with the criteria for choosing winners (for example, voting is carried out in contact by most likes, which are now easy to wind up and get the right amount). This time it so happened that the timing fell out well, just on new year holidays, and the selection of works was carried out by an independent jury. For this, of course, I would like to say special thanks to the organizers of the competition.

I found out about the competition by chance, when I went to the store's website in search of paper for pastels. I was immediately interested in the idea of ​​the competition - to create my own unique plot on the theme of winter festivities, sports, games. I immediately discarded the copying option, because. All works were checked for uniqueness. According to one of the criteria, I also had to place the name of the store's website on my work.

In general, I got excited about the idea to participate and began to sort out what kind of games and festivities take place in winter. Making a preliminary list various kinds sports and games, for several days I thought about what to choose from the list so that the idea was not boring. And in the end I settled on the option of playing snowballs and skiing. And to make it completely New Year's, I decided to add a team of snowmen to the picture. The idea was formed as follows - in winter forest skiing competitions are held, where children and snowmen participate. But these competitions are not enough for the teams. Right on the ski slope, several snowmen and children staged a snowball fight, which is about to hit skiers passing by.

The final version of the idea took shape on my last working day in 2015, December 25th. Arriving home, I very quickly, while all the images were fresh, sketched out in a sketchbook the main idea, the location of characters and objects:

As you can see, this is literally a two to three minute quick sketch with chaotic lines expressing general idea. Why I arranged the characters and details in this way, I will tell / show at the end of the article.

One of the following days off I started a more detailed sketch already on A4 format with more detailed characters. In doing so, I decided to move the birds from the tree on the left to the greeting banner at the top:

When I was satisfied with the arrangement of objects and characters, I took A3 paper to create an even more detailed sketch, which will serve as a reference for me when I draw already on A3 pastel paper:

I have not placed birds and inscriptions here, only the location of the main objects and details on the characters.

At the next stage, I copied a sketch (just the ability to copy or copy came in handy here) on the final sheet of Canson pastel paper, on which I planned to carry out the rest creative activity. And on this sheet all the lines with a simple pencil I made it very thin and before putting the pastel, I removed additional graphite from the paper with a nag, brightening the lines to the maximum.

I started working with pastels by drawing the sky and the distant plan of the trees. Everything here is like in ordinary landscape, the main thing to remember. In large spaces I have used different brands dry pastels. Details were drawn with Derwent pastel pencils. The bright white areas were done with MUNGYO's extra soft pastels:

By the way, in the final sketch, I decided that the crow that stole the carrot nose from the snowman would sit on a branch with spread wings, adding more movement to the picture - a snowman without a nose jumps to get a carrot, the crow teases him and evades him, flapping his wings. Here I carefully drew the letters on all the banners with the help of a ruler, again trying to follow the laws of perspective.

Having completed the drawing of the background, I began to work on the children. And this turned out to be the most difficult moment in the picture for me. Before that, I had never painted children. Well, somehow it was not necessary at all. And even more so their faces with emotions. Here it was necessary to draw at least 3 children's faces. I tried to google a little, but I could not find such children's faces that would correspond to my image in my head. I had to practice on a separate piece of paper. The first "victim" was the girl on the left. I drew 5 or 6 of the girl's faces on a separate sheet, but they all came out creepy as hell. The last version was more or less, and I decided to reproduce it on the "clean" version. After completing the face, I completed the hat, hair, coat and boots. He walked away a little from the picture, once again was horrified at how terrible the girl turned out to be, and having removed her face, having completely erased the pastel to the paper, he went to bed.

The next day, for some reason, all problems were removed as if by hand. I have already noticed more than once that if something doesn’t work out badly, you need to sleep with it and everything will work out tomorrow. As a result, the faces turned out to be more or less good-natured :-)

And a close-up:

From above, fans are watching the snowball fights, actively supporting the teams with their chirping:

And the competitors are already visible in the distance! By the way, the inscription "Hello to the Participants of the Competition" refers not only to the characters in the picture, but also to the participants of the competition " Winter Fun":

The final step was to draw a team of snowmen. It turned out to be quite simple occupation, because the shape of the snowman consists of simple balls, so it was not difficult to distribute light and shadow. Close-up this area:

Well, here is the final illustration for the Winter Fun contest, which won 1st place:

As I promised at the beginning of the article, I show why such a composition of characters and elements was chosen in the illustration:

If someone hasn't guessed yet, then the red line shows the approximate route of attention movement. Moreover, the trajectory works in both directions. Wherever the eye passes, obstructing elements (trees, overhead banner, jumping snowman) block its exit from the picture and direct it further along the circle, keeping attention inside the picture.

I hope you found this story helpful. Be sure to participate in contests, if possible. free time. In my opinion this good opportunity try to test yourself in something new and find out what possibilities you have! Well, I'm already impatiently waiting for the prize - a wooden case with extra soft MUNGYO pastels from 160 colors.

By the way, I recommend you the Etudesite online store for shopping art materials. I chose this store a long time ago, because. they have some of the lowest prices a good choice, and there is also the opportunity to purchase materials by the piece, for example, pastels. The latter is very convenient. For example, not so long ago I ordered MUNGYO extra soft pastels from them by the piece. The package arrived in just a week! The pastel was neatly stacked in foam rubber packages of several bars. Everything arrived safe and sound.

Well, that's all for me. Don't forget to leave comments and share the article with your friends.

The article will tell you about how easy it is to draw a winter landscape on your own.

Drawings depicting winter scenery have a special attractive magic: they want to be examined and hung on the wall in the recreation area (hall, bedroom, office). Images of snow-covered trees and rooftops inspire human soul a feeling of comfort and tenderness, fairy tales and magic, which is present in the New Year's time.

Drawing winter landscapes is not difficult. The main thing - choose the right paper and colors. Approximately 50% of the success of the entire work depends on the selected paper. When drawing with paints, you will need thick cardboard from the Kraft category. You can also use colored matte cardboard, for example, blue or black, on which White paint, pastel and pencils look especially contrasting.

Thinking about what you can draw in a winter landscape, the first thing that comes to mind is a house. The house has been present in the human mind since childhood, since the first time a child sees a fairy tale about Morozko or forest animals. It doesn’t matter what kind of house you represent, the main thing is to draw it correctly.

We suggest you depict a cozy forest house:

  • Choose a perspective, i.e. approximate location of the house on a piece of paper.
  • It is best if the house is in the center of your image, or not far from the center. So it will attract attention and be the main storyline.
  • You can use a ruler to draw an even and proportional house with a roof, but then be sure to trace the house template by hand so that the drawing does not look angular.
  • After you draw the main lines: walls, roof, windows, threshold, etc., proceed to detailing.
  • Do not rush to draw snow. Only when the house is completely drawn, using white paint or chalk, literally “cover” the house with a “snow cap”. If you draw only with a simple pencil, an eraser will come in handy.

Step by step drawing:

House in the forest: drawing in stages

House, winter landscape: step one "basic lines"

Once the main lines are drawn, sketch snow on all surfaces.

Start detailing the drawing, depict nature: trees, Christmas trees, paths and other little things

Erase extra lines with an eraser

Start painting with paint

How to draw children in winter with a pencil and paints?

To decorate a drawing depicting winter, you can complement the fun children. Such a drawing will certainly evoke pleasant emotions and associations with childhood. This idea is just as good for drawing New Year's cards and pictures for competitions and exhibitions.

How to draw:

  • Plan the storyline in advance: how your characters will be depicted, where and what they will do: dance, play snowballs, build a snowman, ride a sled, spin around the Christmas tree, and so on.
  • Schematically depict the figures of children. You must choose a pose for each: someone raised their hands up, someone sits on a sled, someone covers their ears or tickles a friend.
  • After depicting the figures of children, you can begin to detail them and create a winter landscape.

How to portray children:

Children are sledding Snowball games, snowman

Winter fun: kids Making a snowman, playing snowballs

Finished drawings:

Paint drawing: winter fun

Sledding: painting with paints

Drawing of winter with the image of children having fun

How to draw animals in winter with a pencil and paints?

Winter is a “fabulous time”, which means that even animals at this time of the year enjoy the lush snow, wait for the New Year and have fun. You can draw a landscape depicting any " forest dwellers": wolf, fox, squirrel, bear, hedgehog, hare and others.

What animals can be drawn:

Step by step drawing wolf Step by step drawing of a hedgehog Step by step drawing of a squirrel Step by step drawing of a woodpecker Moose drawing step by step Step by step drawing of a hare Step by step drawing of a bear

How to draw a winter landscape with children and animals with a pencil and paints?

In order for the drawing to turn out to be rich, interesting and positive, depict several storylines straightaway. For example, in the forest or in the clearing, children have fun with winter fun together.

Drawing Ideas:

Forest animals, kids: "winter" drawing

Animals: winter fun

Animals meet New Year

Children and animals in winter

New Year winter drawing Children and animals: winter

Winter activities for animals Feeding animals in winter

Drawings about winter with children and animals for beginners and children for sketching: photo

If you are not strong in independent drawing, sketches will always help you. You can copy the template through glass or by attaching a sheet of white paper to a computer monitor (it is advisable to do this in the dark). Adjust the size and location of the pattern yourself.

Tatiana Kozlovskaya

Abstract of a drawing lesson

in senior group "Our winter fun"

Program content:

learn draw a human figure(child) in winter clothes(overalls, conveying the shape of body parts, their location, proportion, to teach to convey simple movements of the arms and legs, to lead children to convey the image in an unconventional way (with hand);

continue to learn to use different drawings materials: graphite pencil, colored wax crayons, watercolor.

consolidate technical skills drawing materials.

develop the ability to convey in the drawing your attitude to winter games;

instill love for healthy lifestyle life and sports.

Material: reproduction of a painting by V. Surikov "Take snow town» , illustrations depicting winter views sports; A4 paper; simple pencil, oil pastel, watercolors.

Preliminary work:

Examination of reproductions by V. Surikov "The Capture of the Snow City", illustrations winter scenery;

Didactic lotto game "Wear for any weather" ;

Observations on the site of the games of children;

drawing various art materials.

Lesson progress:

At the beginning lessons children are invited to consider a reproduction of a painting, illustrations depicting winter games , listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin « Winter morning» .

What happens to nature in winter? What colors are dominant? Do you love winter? For what? What games can you play in the winter in the fresh frosty air? Do you like hiking in winter? What is the best way to dress outside in winter so as not to freeze? What mood do you get while playing games in winter?

After the children answer the questions, offer to compare the two drawings. Who is depicted on them? What are the children wearing? How do they differ from each other? Find out if they could draw the same funny children winter walk?

Physical education "We will build a snow house"

We went out into the street


It's snowing!

(arms up, to the sides)

Let's take the shovels

(work with shovels)

Yes, we will shovel all the snow.

We stomp the path

To the very threshold.

(stomp feet)

Making round snowballs

(making snowballs)

And huge lumps.

(show big ball)

We'll build a snow house


We will live together in it.


Offer to carefully look and listen to a story about two palms that help children paint!

1. Place your left palm in the center of a sheet of paper. Move your thumb to the side. Press the ring and little fingers together, index and middle fingers close tightly and take a little to the side.

2. A tick should form between the ring and middle fingers. Press your palm firmly against the sheet of paper so that it does not move.

3. Right hand circle the palm of your hand with a simple pencil, do not press the pencil strongly against your fingers.

4. Remove the left palm from the sheet, close the two lines.

5. Turn the sheet over 1800. Ask the children "What does it look like?".

6. Top draw two arcs(hood).

7. On the right side you need draw the other hand. Children decide where it will be directed: up, down, side or left on the jumpsuit.

8. We draw did: ovals - boots; oval plus finger - mittens; scarf; eyes; nose; mouth.

9. Outline finished drawing need wax crayons they don't be afraid watercolor paints. Need to use different colors to make the jumpsuit bright, noticeable, with many small parts(zipper, pockets, collar, cuffs, reflectors, etc.)

10. Then add plot: snowflakes, shovel, snowman, etc. according to the wishes of the children.

11. The final part of the work is coloring with watercolors.

The teacher offers the children draw favourite hobby winter. The drawing should convey the mood.

Then the drawings are combined into a mosaic panel then content: skiing, skating, sledding, snowball fight, etc.

Tips for the educator

On the previous In class, invite children to draw a winter landscape.

Exhibit reproductions of paintings about winter.

Source: Collective creativity preschoolers: Lesson notes / ed.. A. A. Gribovskaya. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 192 p.

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