Incredible! Painting with masking tape: a simple painting technique for toddlers. Interesting pictures from packing tape from the talented max zorn

St. Petersburg artist Nikolai Vasilyev is one of 15 people in the world who work in the technique of "teip art": he paints pictures not with paints and ink, but with multi-colored stationery tape. With the help of adhesive tape, Nikolai can depict anything - from portraits to mythological scenes and sights. Among the works of the artist are the mausoleum of Lenin and Bronze Horseman from adhesive tape. “Most likely, the technique in which I draw pictures will never become popular,” says Vasiliev, “but I like working in it, and I will continue to paint with tape.”

I saw the idea in Germany

Nine years ago, an artist from St. Petersburg, Nikolai Vasiliev, traveled around Germany. Passing by the construction site, Nikolai noticed that one of the workers had written the word “stop” on the wall of the building with scotch tape. The artist liked the unusual inscription, and, developing what he saw in his head, Vasilyev realized that not only inscriptions, but also entire paintings could be created from ordinary adhesive tape. Having delved into this topic, Nikolai found out that he was not the first to come up with such an idea. It turned out that the technique of drawing with adhesive tape even has its own name - "teip art". This direction originated in America in the late 80s, and in the 90s it reached Europe.

In his paintings, Nikolai works out the smallest details and semitones. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

Despite several decades of the existence of teip art, all over the world only 14 people were engaged in creativity in this technique. Nikolai became the fifteenth "taip artist" and brought the technique of drawing with adhesive tape from Germany to Russia. Upon his return to St. Petersburg, the artist stocked up on scissors, multi-colored adhesive tape and set to work.

The main part of Vasiliev's works are portraits of children. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

From portraits to the Bronze Horseman

Any flat surface can serve as a canvas for teip art - from walls to sheets of paper or newspapers folded together: in the latter case, the picture will not be fixed in one place, and you can hang it wherever you want. In his practice, instead of canvas, Nikolai even used advertising posters from supermarkets and a plastic bath screen. Vasiliev admits that one of the main advantages of scotch tape paintings is their practicality. If it needs to be transported to an exhibition, the canvas can be rolled up and delivered where required. Thus, several pictures can be transferred at once.

From afar, Nikolai's works look like paintings painted with paints. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

Nikolai draws with duct tape mythological subjects, landscapes and sights, but the artist's favorite genre is a portrait. Most often these are portraits of children, but among them you can also meet adults: as a rule, the author himself does not know these people and has seen them only once.

“I really like to draw faces, because they hide a lot of emotions,” says Nikolai. “If I see a passer-by on the street with a pronounced emotion on his face - he is gloomy or, conversely, happy - I take a picture of this person, and then I draw him on the canvas with tape from the photo.” In addition to faces, among the works of the Petersburger are dinosaurs, airplanes, Lenin's mausoleum and the Bronze Horseman on a fine summer day. In just nine years of work, Nikolai painted about 200 paintings with tape.

The Bronze Horseman can be recognized immediately, despite the sketchiness of the image. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

Instead of a brush - scissors

It may seem that creating pictures from adhesive tape is easy, but in fact it is not. In his portraits, Nikolai draws the smallest details and halftones, like an artist with paints and a brush. The author creates color saturation by layering adhesive tape: depending on the desired shade, the Petersburger makes from one to six layers of adhesive tape on different parts of the canvas. Vasiliev's works are similar to Impressionist paintings: scotch tape, like large strokes of paint, will form into a harmonious image if you step back a few steps from the canvas. Usually Nikolai takes 1.5-2 hours of work and a dozen rolls of adhesive tape to make one painting.

Once Nikolai made a video about creating a painting from adhesive tape from the stage of preparing a canvas to the last gluing of a colored tape and posted the video on the Internet. Unexpectedly for the author, thousands of people watched the video, and Vasilyev’s “tape art” was talked about not only in St. Petersburg, but also in other cities of Russia. Positive reviews connoisseurs of art gave the artist creative forces, and currently Nikolai continues to draw new pictures from scotch tape and wander the streets of the city in search of new faces for portraits. Smile more often, and perhaps you will be in Vasiliev's picture!

It's hard to think of any other use for brown packing tape other than to pack everything from food to household and office equipment into boxes and bags. But difficult does not mean impossible. So, someone creates from adhesive tape, eh American artist Ukrainian origin Mark Khaisman paints stunning paintings on glass panels for them.

The style in which the Ukrainian designer works is called Tape art, but he, like every self-respecting master, has his own tricks and secrets. So, Mark Khaisman puts a picture or photograph under a glass "canvas", and then "processes" it on top with strips of brown tape so that the result is such an image.

The author does not cover the technique of sticking adhesive tape. He only says that he works according to a special scheme that has been tested over the years. According to the scheme, sticky plates are arranged in a special order, forming a play of light and shadow, creating highlights and dark areas. This gives the work realism, three-dimensionality, and, well, some kind of variety of colors.
True, the author does not always succeed in "copying" the original work with adhesive tape, but after all, there is a hole in the old woman, Heisman smiles, and proceeds to new picture, ignoring failure.

Do you want to create beautiful drawings even with small children? Then try unconventional techniques paint and turn simple children's doodles into spectacular paintings with masking tape!

It doesn't matter if, apart from splattering paint on paper, the child has not yet learned to draw anything. You can diversify children's drawings by inviting the crumbs to first stick on future drawing masking tape in the form geometric shapes or simple images.


All that is required for this technique is to come up with what exactly you want to see as a result of your creativity. If you place strips of adhesive tape randomly all over the sheet, and then simply paint over it with multi-colored paints on top, you get a beautiful mosaic. This is suitable for the smallest children.

For older children, you can think in advance what images you want to create with adhesive tape. It can be trees (as in the picture below), the outline of a house, the outline of a snowflake or a Christmas tree. Then just let the kid draw a picture on top of the background, and after it dries, carefully remove the tape from the surface of the paper.

You can also try a creative splatter painting technique. But for this, it is better to put the paintings on the bottom of the bath so as not to stain the furniture in the room. To do this, you need to create some kind of figure using masking tape on paper, and then sprinkle it on a piece of paper with multi-colored gouache or watercolor (you can use an old toothbrush to make small splashes).

You can also work with a preschooler in pairs, creating a masterpiece that can be hung in the apartment or given to loved ones. To do this, buy inexpensive canvas and create an interesting picture by drawing its borders with masking tape.

And entrust the child to decorate it to your taste!

Masking tape is much nicer to use than regular tape and doesn't stick as much. Therefore, you can experiment with it by cutting it into thin strips or even cutting out circles from it.

For example, from thin strips of adhesive tape, you can create a grid for a leaf (in the figure below) or a tree trunk with branches.

What to draw with this original technology children's imagination! This method is very versatile, because you can stick on both elementary figures for a 2-year-old baby, and more complex drawings for children 5-6 years old.

We offer you to watch a short master class on creating pictures from adhesive tape with children!

I’ll tell you a secret right away - or rather, there is no special secret here. The works were created using ordinary brown packing tape and a sharp scalpel.

Max Zornstreet artist who lives and works in Amsterdam. He does not tell much about himself - it is known that he is now 35 years old (he was born in 1977). A couple of years ago, he started working as a street artist - at first he painted in the usual way. Then I decided that I needed to find my own unique style and started working with more unconventional materials.

He was inspired by his native Amsterdam, with its numerous street lamps. Max imagined that a string of these same lanterns could become his personal gallery. How to create images with sticky tape, he saw - his friend, an automotive designer with colleagues often used this material.

The famous "Girl with a Pearl Earring" - the Dutch Mona Lisa

On the Max Zorn there are several videos that show how he works and creates. On a sheet of translucent plexiglass, he begins to stick strips of adhesive tape, cutting through the contours with a sharp scalpel in the right places, gluing new layers in the right places. He says it's easy - stick, cut, stick, cut... Actually it's easy amazing ability- so skillfully combine spatial imagination with the ability to draw and convey emotions on canvas (of any kind).

The most interesting thing is that Max's paintings capture only dynamic moments - he does not make static landscapes, still lifes or portraits. The looks of a man and a woman looking at each other, excitement and inner strength a boxer during a fight, smiles - all this surprisingly looks out from under the layers of the most ordinary adhesive tape.

It is even more interesting to look at his paintings, illuminated with reverse side– the artist decorates street lamps, windows and other similar objects with his works. The effect is amazing...

The characters in the author's paintings are people who could have lived at the beginning of the 20th century. The artist specifically focuses on the clothes and accessories of that era, and his paintings resemble black and white old photographs, or frames from old films.

Tape art by Max Zorn – I look into your eyes, honey

To create his stunning works of art, Max Zorn uses ordinary packing tape instead of a brush, and glass and plastic instead of canvas. Beautiful paintings with interesting stories will not leave indifferent even the most inveterate skeptic.

How much is true talented people in this world. And many of them open more and more new directions in art. Among such talents is Max Zorn, who creates unusual paintings from packaging tape.

It all started with a simple idea to make an application on ordinary street lamps, while Max captured the whole process on camera and posted the video online. But after his videos began to collect millions of views on the Internet, Zorn decided to expand his project globally:

“I have always dreamed of using the lighting of the city as a backdrop for my work, and I still do it with pleasure. But at some point, I felt that street art was not enough for me, since it only appears at night.”

Now the artist not only decorates the streets of cities with his works, but also creates stunning scenes for interiors - large beautiful paintings with internal illumination that catch the eye even of those who do not like fine art.

Transparent paintings by Max Zorn, created from improvised materials, are an unprecedented success. Many art galleries world wish to have these works in their exposition, and Max himself regularly shows his unusual paintings at exhibitions around the globe.

Especially for you, Max opens the veil of mystery and offers to see the process of "manufacturing" of his works of art:

As a material, Max uses the most common brown (and more recently, colored) packing tape, which is subsequently glued in layers on thin acrylic glass. The bottom line is that the more layers of tape used on a particular section of the picture, the darker it becomes. These various shades brown allow you to harmoniously and accurately form storylines and portraits. Zorn's main tool is a scalpel or utility knife for cutting and forming layers of adhesive tape. And finally, the last thing you need is a lighted window.

When the picture is ready, the question arises: how important is light for such a work of art?

Light is exactly what brings life to the beautiful paintings of Max Zorn. Like stained glass, the layers of tape become light filters, creating visual image. Street lights, outdoor shop windows and other types of urban lighting are ideal as displays, but for the contemplation of his paintings indoors, Zorn developed his own technical solution.

To the best way To bring the picture to the interior, the artist has created customizable light boxes that emit warm light with a low color temperature. At the same time, the author individually adjusts the level of illumination for specific work art. Thanks to the use of LEDs in such boxes with a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours and low power consumption, the paintings can be kept in the “on” state all the time.

All paintings by a talented master are original and unique. As the artist himself says, even if he does similar friend on a friend works of art, each of them has its own character and differs significantly from the others.

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Unusual paintings by Max Zorn. Singapore Sling
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