How to make a circle in photoshop. How to make a circle in Photoshop: draw a smooth, transparent or filled circle, enter text

In this article, we will look at the main tools and functions that you need to know in order to draw. even circle in Photoshop. Let's talk about how you can make a circle in Photoshop, a circle outline and a circle of the desired diameter.

Create a new file: "File" - "New" or open the desired image by pressing the key combination "Ctrl + O".

The cursor will look like a plus sign. Click with the left mouse button where the circle should start and draw it without releasing the button. The circle will be drawn in the color that is selected as the main one. It is drawn from the beginning of the cursor.

To draw a circle from the center, in the tool options, click on the little black arrow and check the box "From Center" (From the center).

If needed draw an even circle, not an ellipse, put a marker in the "Circle" field.

Draw a circle in Photoshop of a given size you can also, put a marker in front of “Fixes Size” (Specified size) and in the “W:” and “H:” fields set the width and height values. By setting the same values, draw a circle, different - an ellipse. Now press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, place the circle that appears in the desired part of the image.

The site already has an article on how to draw a rectangle without a fill. Now let's see how we can draw a circle in photoshop without fill. To do this, in the settings of the tool “Ellipse Tool” (Ellipse), activate the button “Paths” (Contours).

In the same way, by clicking on the black arrow and marking the desired point with a marker, you can make an even circle, from the center or a fixed size.

As a result, you can draw an ellipse or circle with a thin light gray outline without a fill.

Also, you can draw a circle using the Elliptical Marquee Tool (Oval area).

Select it and hold down the "Shift" key to draw an even circle instead of an ellipse. If you hold "Alt + Shift", then you can draw a circle from the center.

Thus, we will draw only the outline of the circle.

To fill it with color, select " paint bucket Tool", and set the desired color as the main one. Then click with the mouse inside the selected area.

If you need draw a circle with no fill, right-click on it and choose Stroke from the menu.

In the next window, set the value for the line width to "Width" and select the color of the outline "Color".

To deselect, press Ctrl+D. As a result, we have drawn a transparent circle with a red outline.

So, using one of the described tools, you can draw an ellipse or a circle with or without a fill in Photoshop.

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There are many ways to draw a circle in Photoshop. You can draw a circle with a frame, you can draw a filled circle. First, select the Ellipse Tool.

Ellipse Tool (Ellipse Tool)

  1. Select shapes - hot key U, or immediately right-click on the icon and select Ellipse Tool (Ellipse Tool);
  2. Select Ellipse Tool (Ellipse Tool).
  1. Install Fill Pixels (Paint pixels);
  2. Choose a fill color;
  3. Draw a circle while holding down the Shift key

circle with frame

The circle should be drawn on a new empty layer, without any fill. You can create a new layer by simultaneously pressing Alt + Ctrl + Shift + N .

  1. Install Paths (in Russian, the path);
  2. Draw a circle with the shift key pressed;

Convert the vector circle to a selection (Select) by pressing Ctrl + Enter .

Color the selection (in this case, white).

Alt + ← BackSpace is the first selected color.

Ctrl + ← BackSpace is the second selected color.

Right-click on the circle layer and select Blending Options (Overlay options).

In the window that appears, set the border thickness in pixels and the color of the border. You can experiment with other options.

The result is a circle with a red border that is 2 pixels thick.

Hi all. Today we will talk about how to draw a circle in Photoshop. the desired diameter, with and without fill, and also learn how to draw various objects using this shape. Many will say, they say, why even devote a separate article to this topic, if it only takes a couple of movements. In fact, you are both right and wrong at the same time, since there are many other nuances besides ordinary drawing, ranging from fitting to the desired diameter, and ending with how to place two circles inside each other. Most importantly, it is very important element web design. So take a seat in a comfortable position. Go!

In order to draw a circle in Photoshop, we first need to find the , which is located on the toolbar. It is there that we have to choose it from 6 elements.

  • Fill color. Responsible for what color your circle will be. If you put the item "No fill", then there will be a void inside, that is, only the outline will remain.
  • Stroke color. If we set any color here, we will see that the contour began to change.

For now, temporarily set both of these options to Away mode by selecting the icon with a white square slashed by a red line. This will mean that we will not have a fill or stroke, but only an outline.

And now we can start drawing an ellipse. We hold down the right mouse button anywhere on the canvas and start dragging with the mouse. As long as we move the mouse while holding down the key, we will draw an oval, which will change depending on your movements. But when you release the button, the shape will be drawn.

But if you want to draw an exact circle in Photoshop, as if using a compass, then you will have to do the same, only with the key pressed SHIFT. This will ensure that the proportion of the figure is maintained.

If you want to draw an oval or a circle from the center, then you need to do this with the key pressed ALT. Just before use, first hold down the left mouse button to indicate that drawing has begun, and only then hold down ALT and draw fully from the center.

To move the circle before you have released the mouse button and applied it (and this is really necessary often), hold down the spacebar while drawing and just move the mouse.

The most interesting thing is that all these combinations can be combined. For example, if you want to draw an even circle from the center, then start drawing it with the SHIFT and ALT simultaneously. And then you can also hold down the spacebar and move our figure somewhere.

How to draw a circle of the desired diameter

To draw a circle of a certain diameter in Photoshop, you need to select this shape (Ellipse) and simply click once with the left mouse button on the canvas. After that, a window will appear where you can set the size in width and height in pixels. Naturally, in the case of a circle, these parameters should be the same.

At any time, you can change these given parameters without resorting to transformation. To do this, in the properties at the top, simply change the length and width values ​​​​as you see fit.

Circle Properties

Now, let's move on to the properties of the circle or ellipse themselves. Like any other tool properties, they are located under the main menu. Just be sure that it is activated right tool, since each figure has its own properties.

Primary Properties

Above, we already removed the fill and stroke from the shape to make it easier to see the outlines, and now let's use them. For example, I'll choose a red fill and a blue stroke. To do this, go to the properties and change the color in the appropriate paragraphs.

Now draw a circle as I showed you above and you will see that they are the color we intended. By the way, it is not necessary to set these parameters at once. The colors can be changed at any time by going back to the same options and changing the color.

Next comes the stroke weight property. You need to decide whether to make it thick or thin. But in any case, this can be done by pulling the sliders, or by setting the size manually.

For example, if I increase the size of the stroke by 6 times, then this is how it will look on me.

And we complete our primary properties with the stroke settings that are next to the thickness. We have several options (solid, dashed and dotted lines) from which you can choose options. But on this stage I recommend leaving the default solid line.

Also, you can activate these very properties in a separate panel. To do this, go to the menu "Window" - "Properties".

Union and subtraction

As for any other figures, in this case it is possible to combine different figures on one layer. Usually, after all, each new shape is drawn on a separate layer, but if you select the item "Merge Shapes", which is located in the section "Operations with contours" in the properties panel under the menu, then all new styles will be made on the same layer.

But you need to take into account that now all the shapes that you drew on the layer automatically become a single whole, and with the help of moving they can no longer be moved separately. But there is a way out. From the toolbar select "Outline Selection". Here, with the help of it, you can move individual figures.

I hope you get the gist of what figure subtraction is for.

How to draw a circle within a circle

At first glance, drawing two circles in one is simple task. But when it comes down to it, users face a real problem. Let's put the whole thing into practice and draw a small target. And we will do it in two ways.

Method number 1. Copying layers

Let's immediately draw a circle with a red fill and no stroke. and after that we will copy this layer three times (let us have a four-layer target). To do this, stand on the layer with the circle just drawn and press the key combination three times CTRL+J to duplicate it three times.

Now, make the first two layers invisible. so that they don't interfere with us. To do this, click on the eyes on the thumbnails. After that, stand up the second layer from the bottom, which we did not hide from view, and then press the key combination CTRL+T to activate transform mode. After that, pull the corner and reduce the circle with the SHIFT to keep proportions. Do not pay much attention to the alignment yet, we will fix it later.

Now, paint over the circle with white. To do this, go to properties and select white fill. It should turn out something like this. Don't think it's not a hole. It's just that the background and fill are the same color, so that's what it looks like.

Next, make visible the second layer from the top, after which the shape will again be painted over in red. But that's the way it should be. The main thing is that now you need to reduce again this moment, and even smaller than the one we just reduced. That is, we press CTRL+T, pull the corners and reduce. After that, apply the transformation.

And finally, we make the very first layer on top visible, fill it with white through the properties and reduce it even less with the help of transformation. Thus, we have a small target, though some kind of curve. It must be aligned so that the distances between the links are the same.

Now I deliberately made different distances between the circles to show you how to do everything exactly in just one or two clicks. To do this, select all the layers involved in the process, one by one using the pressed key CTRL. Or you can select everything at once by selecting only the first and last layer with the SHIFT. Everything in between will also be automatically selected.

Now, be sure to select the Move tool, otherwise you will not succeed. After that, in the properties under the menu, you will need to select the alignment of the centers vertically and horizontally.

After that, our drawing of circles will take on a full-fledged, pretty and accurate look. Everything is smooth and stylish, just throw darts. I hope that with this example you have understood how to draw a circle within a circle in Photoshop.

Method 2. Inserting a new circle

In addition to the above method, you can use a simple addition. I will not dwell on this topic for a long time, because in theory everything should be clear anyway.

Basically, we draw a circle and then draw another one, but smaller. After that, just change the color and align in the same way as we did above. I think that this shouldn't be a problem.

Clipping mask and frame

And finally, we will use one cool chip, which is called a clipping mask. Thanks to her, we can insert any image into our circle. And we will not need to wipe and remove anything. It will fit in there partially over the entire surface of the circle, and we will also be able to move the picture inside and edit it.

This is a very cool solution, since everything turns out smoothly and clearly, and most importantly, the picture itself does not suffer and we can move it inside the circle as we want.

Well, if we want to make a round frame in Photoshop quickly, then we can use two options:

More details about how I wrote in one of my previous articles.

Well, if you want to really understand Photoshop well, then I strongly recommend that you look at this wonderful video. It is so superbly built that after watching it, you simply won't have any questions about how to use it. graphic editor. Everything is laid out on the shelves and literally chewed in a simple, understandable human language.

Well, that concludes my post today. I hope that you understand how to draw a circle in Photoshop of the desired diameter, with a fill and a stroke. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Well, that's all I have. Don't forget to subscribe to the public in social networks and to my blog notifications. See you soon. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

Hello, dear readers! In this tutorial you will learn how to draw a circle in Photoshop in a few seconds.

Create new document(Ctrl + N). Select the Ellipse Tool (U) in shape mode.

Hold down the Shift key and create a circle on the canvas.

In this case, you could control the size of the circle with the mouse. If you want to set the size of the circle in advance, select the Fixed Size style in the tool settings and enter the same values ​​for the width and height.

Click on the canvas and the circle will be created.

A circle can also be drawn with a regular brush. In this case, it will be rasterized.
Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N), select the tool Brush (Brush Tool) (B), right-click on the canvas and enter desired values. Hardness should be set to 100% so that the edges of the circle are sharp. The Size parameter determines the diameter of the circle.

Click on the canvas to draw a circle.

If you need to draw a ring, then there are also several ways to do this. The first way is to stroke the path. Select the Ellipse Tool (U) in Path Mode.

Draw the outline of a circle on the canvas. Then select the Brush Tool (B) and set the size and hardness. The size will affect the thickness of the ring, and the stiffness will affect the softness of its edges.

Press Enter to stroke the path.

Let's look at another way. Create a new layer and paint a circle with the brush.

Now we need to select this circle. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the layer thumbnail.

Go to the menu Selection> Modify> Compress (Select> Modify> Contract) and enter a value of 2 pixels (ring thickness).

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Good day, dear readers. It's been a long time since I wrote Photoshop tutorials. We need to fix it urgently. Today we’ll talk about one very simple thing that will be useful both for in or other elements for sites, and just for beautiful pictures and postcards.

Now you will learn how to draw a circle in Photoshop. It's very simple, fast and interesting. I will also show you some interesting options to make your own modern materials for a website, posts for groups on social networks or just postcards that you will not be ashamed to send to friends.

How to draw simple, even and beautiful circles

First of all, you need to open the Photoshop program. Do not forget that you have the opportunity to use the online version .

I never get tired of saying that you should not pay attention to simple (or other) options like Paint or some other nonsense. Learn to work in professional programs.

Now you will read an article about solving one problem, tomorrow about another, and in a year you will be able to carry out very healthy projects, even if you were not going to do it at all. Set global goals for yourself. But, back to the main topic.

Create a new document.

Let's say it will be 500 x 500 pixels. It doesn't matter.

Now we find the ellipse tool in the control panel. If you can't find it right away, try holding down the mouse button on the menu buttons on the left for a few seconds. Perhaps the ellipse is hiding under the rectangle.

Now we draw a circle.

To make the circle even, hold down the shift button on your keyboard. It helps keep proportions.

Once you're done, an additional control panel will pop up. It duplicates the one at the top of the screen. You can work in any one you like more, it doesn't matter.

If you need to draw a figure of the desired diameter, change these values ​​​​to the required parameters. Let it be 500. Look, if for some unknown reason only one indicator changes, do not forget to change the second one, otherwise you will draw an ellipse.

You can use a gradient, a pattern, or choose a single color. Open additional panels to expand your own possibilities.

Here you can also use different tricks: gradient, pattern, one color or no stroke.

If you want to change the line itself, look at the next column.

By the way, I completely forgot to say, if you are using a gradient fill, then try a radial effect so that the color comes from the center.

Another interesting effect

You can draw a circle directly on the picture or move it to the photo using the ctrl+c (copy) and ctrl+v (paste) buttons.

Now work with the opacity (in the panel on the left). Make sure that the layer you are working with is highlighted in the panel. In this case, an ellipse.

You can write some text in the circle.

If there are difficulties, you can download the psd layout of this picture, which you see in the screenshot above, and dig deeper into it. This makes learning more interesting. Take a look at my example for yourself. It's not difficult at all. ( DOWNLOAD >> )

There are layers: a photo of the savannah (background), a circle with a gradient (ellipse 1) and text. If you download this file, you can and should open it with photoshop help and then have fun as you wish.

Or here is another picture you can download ( DOWNLOAD >> ).

To create it, in addition to the points that you already know about, on each layer I right-clicked and changed the blending options.

Download this layout and see for yourself, maybe you can significantly improve the result! Feel free to leave your options in the comments.

For those who want to understand

If you and my lessons, then I advise you to subscribe to my blog newsletter and receive information about fresh interesting publications directly to your mail. It's really convenient.

However, you must agree that you will have to wait a lot to learn and become a professional. Indeed, in addition to Photoshop, I talk about WordPress, how to sell and create websites, about plugins and negotiating with customers.

If you want to learn Photoshop in order to create websites, I can recommend two more options. First - lessons from here - " WEB DESIGN for beginners". I have already written about them in detail. In principle, if you want, you can learn a lot for free, in three days, which are provided as a test period. Very helpful and great.

However, it's cool if you're learning for yourself. If you are interested in earning big, then pay attention to Netology, namely this course - “ Web designer: effective site from idea to implementation »:

Yes, the price, of course, bites.

But what program and what teachers are waiting for you.

Here you have the director of Red Keds, and the creator of interfaces from Kaspersky Lab, and a bunch of famous and successful guys from companies with a worldwide reputation. Upon completion, you receive a diploma. This one is really worth it.

OK it's all over Now. Now you know the maximum and I can take my leave with peace of mind.

Good luck in job!

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