Description of the painting winter evening. Composition based on the painting by N.P.

High school students have more and more tasks related to creativity and independent thinking. One of these is an essay based on the painting "Winter Evening". If such a task was given home, then parents should suggest to the child the main aspects of the presentation of thoughts, so that it would be as simple as possible for a son or daughter to write an essay.

What is an essay on the painting "Winter Evening"

The very word "composition" speaks for itself. This task involves listing your own thoughts that arose when looking at the picture. An essay based on the painting “Winter Evening” (N. P. Krymov) will open up the opportunity to put ideas into action even in front of those students who have an uncreative mindset. The most important thing in this task is to clearly understand what the author of the work of art wanted to convey and what emotions he wanted to convey with his drawing.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of such a creative task, because an essay based on the painting “Winter Evening” by Krymov in the 6th grade will not be difficult. One has only to delve into the details of the image on the canvas, and thoughts will flow like a river.

Work writing plan

To make it easier for a child to write an essay based on the painting “Winter Evening”, you can tell him in what order to express his thoughts. Approximate may be the following.

Introduction. Here you should talk about what the whole picture evokes. What emotions and mood in his work did the author want to convey.

Main part. A colorful and bright essay on the painting “Winter Evening” will turn out if you reveal in detail everything that is drawn. The correct description structure is to list what is shown in the foreground and in the background. Do not be smart and write complex phrases or incomprehensible sayings. For a sixth grade student, the main thing in this task is to freely describe what he sees in the image.

Conclusion. At the end of the essay, you can write whether the artist managed to touch the feelings with his creation on canvas. It is also worth voicing what aftertaste is left after what you see.

Such a plan will help the child express his thoughts.

What to focus on to convey what you see as vividly as possible

Of course, every teacher wants to see an essay that is meaningful, filled with emotions and understanding of the author. In order to convey your feelings from this perspective, it is worth describing every detail seen when viewing the picture.

It is also worth paying special attention to the main idea of ​​the artist.

A beautiful composition based on the painting “Winter Evening” (N. P. Krymov)

Of course, it is worth taking on board examples of descriptions in order to fully understand the essence of the work. To do this, you can read the finished essay on the painting “Winter Evening” (N. P. Krymov). Grade 6 is already quite adult children who can fully express their inner experiences and understand the essence of the image drawn on canvas. The following creations can be taken as an example.

At first glance, the painting "Winter Evening" may seem quite simple. But it is not. In fact, Nikolai Petrovich fully reflected the mood that arises in the winter, and in all colors he transferred these feelings to the canvas.

In the foreground, huge snowdrifts are visible, enveloping the countryside and completely blocking the way for the villagers. Along the well-trodden paths, people go towards their homes in order to have time to return before dark.

In the background, it can be seen that all the houses and huts are covered with silver snow shimmering in the sun. Carts with horses are brought to the huts with brushwood to warm the inhabitants of the houses in this cold. From the picture and the clothes of people it is clear that the frost is very strong. The brilliance of the visible sunset seems to embrace the trees and gives the snowdrifts a mystery and fabulousness.

When I look at the picture of Nikolai Petrovich Krymov, it seems as if I am one of the heroes of this story. I immediately feel the smell of freshness, frosty air and children's fun in the snowdrifts of snow marks.

In the foreground, Nikolai Petrovich emphasized the beautiful, magical season, reminiscent of a fairy tale. Hills covered with silver snow, bushes covered with a white blanket, paths trodden to the huts - all this plunges into the atmosphere of the events depicted.

The winter in the picture is real, filled with emotions and experiences of the inhabitants of the village. In the background, people can be seen heading home to meet the sunset near a warm stove that will be heated with brushwood brought from the forest. One feels the onset of a holiday filled with winter festivities and entertainment.

Despite the fact that it is very cold outside, strong and desperate village people are not afraid to do their usual things and fully enjoy the gifts of nature.

Composition based on the work of art "Winter Evening" for grade 6

It is important that children convey all their emotions that appeared when looking at the picture. Therefore, it is worth paying their attention to the details that will help to fully open their experiences and convey their thoughts. An approximate essay on the painting “Winter Evening” by Krymov for the sixth grade may be as follows.

This picture reminds me of a plot from one popular poem:

Where are the firewood from? From the forest, of course,

Father, you hear, cuts, and I take.

It is these lines that come to mind when looking at the work of art "Winter Evening".

In the foreground, you can see the real winter, sweeping everything with silver and white carpets. Real Russian winter! The beauty of the coming sunset is reflected in the snowdrifts. The snow shimmers and glitters under the evening rays of the sun. I really want to get into this atmosphere, it seems that the snow will cover you with your head if you lie down in a snowdrift.

In the background, village huts are visible, which sparkle from the snow. The owners are approaching the houses, apparently after evening walks and work. Hard-working horses, plunging their hooves into the snowy flooring, carry firewood home.

Everything in the picture breathes the freshness of frosty air and inspires. It makes you want to ride a sleigh from the hills, which are densely covered with shiny snow.

How to write an essay on a painting

There are no standards for essay writing. After all, that’s what an essay is for, in order to fully convey your personal experiences and emotions. It is worth discovering the depth of fantasy and immersing yourself in what the artist was trying to show in his work.

Before me is a painting by the famous Russian artist N. P. Krylov “Winter”. In the foreground, the artist depicted a frozen river. The ice on it is smooth, snowless, transparent. Near the shore of the reservoir, islands of shallow water peek out from under the ice, and bushes grow on the very shore. If you slowly move your eyes into the distance, you can see how several small birds perched at the edge of the ice and on a bush. The picture was painted on a clear frosty and windless day. The sun shines brightly, white snow blinds the eyes. Looking at this picture, I have a feeling of calmness and warmth, despite the fact that the author depicted winter. The painting depicts village women, they are slowly and happily doing their usual things. One of them has a wooden stick on which yarn hangs. A peasant woman is talking to her with the same pick, she has already rinsed the yarn in the hole and is returning to the village. Next to the peasant women is a woman who has a yoke with buckets on her shoulders. She heads for the river. They are dressed in long skirts over which aprons are put on, warm sheepskin coats on top, large scarves on their heads. Below, under a cliff, there is a small wooden house, next to which is a building with a roof made of boards stuffed at a great distance from each other, they put hay on them to warm the dwellings. The painting "Winter" evoked in me a feeling of peace and admiration for Russian nature! I really like his canvas and evokes the warmest feelings!

Winter evening

An incredible work of art is the painting by A.N. Krymov "Winter Evening". Winter is, in general, a magical time of the year, and in this picture the artist depicted all the beauty and stateliness of winter in the brightest colors. Looking at her, various mixed feelings appear: peace, joy, warmth and a little anxiety. And the following words appear in my head: comfort, hearth, home, tranquility. All this is because the artist accurately conveyed not only objects, but also his feelings.

In the foreground, the artist depicted a frozen river. At its source sparrows sit and warm themselves against each other, this indicates that there is frost, but it is not strong. That is why there is no one on the river - the ice is thin and you can fall through. People are standing not far from her, and, apparently, they are admiring the excellent landscape, and the mother also explains to her naughty baby that you can’t walk along the river - it’s dangerous.

The painting is called "Winter Evening", but despite this, it is very light. Perhaps this evening it seemed light from a lot of snow, or perhaps it was not quite late yet. But it is undeniably evening, on the left side you can see a couple of horses that are carrying a cart. They return from the forest and, most likely, carry firewood to heat the stove and make the house warm and cozy. And also in one of the houses, the owners have already lit the light, perhaps it is a candle, or maybe a kerosene lamp.

By the way, the depicted small houses indicate that this is a small village that is adjacent to the forest. And from the thick of the trees, the dome of the church peeps out, in which services are held on cold Sunday evenings. There is a lot of snow in the picture and it looks so soft and weightless that it involuntarily resembles a feather bed on an old grandmother's bed. And the colors with which the artist depicted the snow indicate that the weather that evening was good: quiet, snowy and frosty. Incredibly, looking at the sky, which is depicted in emerald green, it seems that snow is about to fall, and you need to quickly return to a warm house.

Description of the picture

The painting "Winter Evening" was created by the popular Russian landscape painter N.P. Krymov. Throwing your gaze at the canvas, you understand how the artist was fascinated by the modest nature of his native land. He definitely likes the snow, the hard frost, the majestic importance of winter. Reading the name of the picture, twilight appears, but in fact, when you look at this picture, you see quite the opposite. The picture is very radiant, apparently this is the beginning of a winter evening.

Apparently for this reason, the bright green sky with bluish hues is located on most of the picture. But, and on the front of most of the picture - snow. Not a single winter is complete without snow, it is like a blanket covering the ground, hiding last year's greenery and small shrubs under it.

The houses stand as if dressed in white snow caps. These houses are warm and comfortable. Behind the houses you can see large luxurious treetops, between which you can see the large belfry of the church.

In the middle of the picture you can see the paths trodden by people. People walk along one of these paths. These are, most likely, residents of those houses that are standing under white hats. Children are also visible in the picture, for whom winter is a joy.

If you look closely at the picture, you can see two horse carts with hay. The day is drawing to a close and people are rushing to finish their work before it gets dark.

The snow does not shimmer in the sun, as the sun is no longer averse to hiding behind the horizon. In those places where the shadow falls, it is dark blue, and in those places where it is illuminated by the sun, it is light. This large number of shades in the picture make you feel that cold frosty air of calmness and tranquility. But in reality, when you look at the picture, it becomes not cold and comfortable. The artist achieved this result thanks to the color scheme. It is she who conveys all that sensuality and sincerity of the picture.

Essay description No. 3

It is good to sit in the kitchen with warm tea and look at the winter evening and all its beauty. Adults go from work along that road, but there the children return from a walk with their mother. Sometimes in the summer there is a desire to return to the cold season, and when I felt it, I decided to go look at winter photographs and paintings, where I came across Krymov's "Winter Evening".

Looking at this picture, I first of all feel peace and quiet. It becomes light and warm in your soul, at such moments you begin to plunge into childhood and remember all the stories that warm your soul: how your mother drove you down the hill on a sled and how you broke your nose while skating for the first time.

In the foreground of Krymov's painting, first of all, we see snow. It looks fluffy and light, yet does not know that very soon, when the first rays of light appear, it will melt, and we will meet with it only next year. Various bristles of bushes are visible, however, they are not quite green: rather, a marsh, and even a dirty color. We see black spots, and if you look closely, you can distinguish four birds in them.

In the snow we see numerous shadows, and not only from the bushes, but also from people. Closer to the viewer, four human outlines can be seen and the first thing that catches the eye is the three people standing together. It can be assumed that this is a married couple with a child. The husband and wife are dressed in warm, but at the same time dark fur coats, and a pink jacket can be distinguished on the child. Away from them is another person. It is not clear why he is separate from them? It is good that the artist did not tell this secret, because the viewer can think it out himself. However, one main feature can be distinguished, they all look into the distance. A child may look at the birds, and adults at the sky, thinking about the deep, for example, the meaning of life.

In the background, we can see, first of all, the wooden houses of the peasants. They are buried in snow, and huge snow-white snowdrifts lie on the roofs. Here, too, the question arises: whose houses are these? Those people who look into the distance? Or maybe those that ride with horses and carry something? There is enough light in the windows, so it can be assumed that none of the proposed options is suitable, and the houses are the property of completely different people. Also, besides the houses, we can see tall, mighty crowns of trees that rise above the houses. You can see that their color is also not green, it is some kind of dirty, marsh. There is a little church in the distance, we can see it from the dome that looks out of the forest. And the most important thing that is in this picture is the sky. It is majestic and powerful, but at the same time light, and even to some extent bright. How much the artist used colors on it, here we can already clearly see white mixed with green, even blue is visible somewhere.

I really liked this picture, I will watch it in the sad moments of my life and think about the bright.

Description of the painting Krymov's Winter Evening

Silence. Barely perceptible creak of snow. Everything is white. Somewhere in the distance, horses are running, carrying haystacks. When I look at a picture, I want to drop all my business, sit on a bench, close my eyes and think about something pleasant.

It seems that nature froze, fell asleep. Huge crowns of trees do not move. They put on their dark clothes and froze in anticipation of spring. People talk very quietly, afraid to wake up all living things. White snowdrifts are like a fluffy terry blanket that covered the ground and houses. Lights are already on in the huts. The hostess, for sure, is already preparing dinner and preparing to fire the stove.

Looking at the picture, I remember my native village. When I was little, I loved to ride roller coasters, run through snowdrifts and play snowball fights with the kids. In the evening, when I got home, I climbed onto the stove and warmed myself, wrapped in a blanket. It seems to me that when I look at this picture, I return to my childhood - everything seems so familiar to me.

N. Krymov knows how to convey not only the beauty of winter nature, but also its feelings, sounds, sensations. From the picture breathes winter cold, native warmth and memories. Thin paths between snowdrifts indicate that winter is already raging with might and main, but people are not afraid of it and do not want to stay at home.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. The artist was able to depict all her beauty using only two colors - white and blue. Blue evening sky, a frozen river, dark blue shadows that show the viewer that the sun is already setting. These colors convey cold and cold. In black, N. Krymov depicted all living things - horses, birds, people. All of them are waiting for new spring colors, but for now they are in a peaceful state and are preparing to take off these dark clothes.

The sky is already slowly darkening, which means that soon people will go home. At home, they are waiting for a hot dinner, a warm oven and long conversations at a large wooden table.

Description of the picture for grade 6

Looking at this picture, it is immediately clear that the artist was in a great mood and he tried in every way to convey those incredible feelings and emotions that took possession of him at that moment. Krymov, on a canvas of paper, managed to depict not only a wonderful winter evening, but even a frosty smell, from which a shiver immediately runs through the body.

The picture conveys such peace that you want to instantly find yourself in this village and warm yourself in the very first nearest house. Thanks to the artist for such an amazing and wonderful picture.

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Who will help to make an essay on literature in 1 day, the topic is "In front of me is a painting by Tatyana Yablonskaya, which is called" Morning ". The picture captures the early morning, everything"

In front of me is a painting by Tatyana Yablonskaya, which is called "Morning". The picture depicts an early morning, everything around is still sleeping, but the girl has already begun a new day. In the center of the picture, we see a girl, delighted with the beautiful weather outside the window, she meets a new day with a great mood, in order to finally wake up, she starts the morning with exercises. A smile is visible on her face, her golden hair is well illuminated by the warm rays of the sun and shines. The figure of the girl clearly shows that she goes in for sports, probably dancing, she stands in a classical dance pose. She even sleeps not in pajamas, but in black shorts and a white T-shirt. Her arms are raised up and spread apart, one leg is on the toe, all of it is pulled up and stretches up. She is like a bird, it seems that she is about to take off and fly towards a new day. Let's see what's around her. Her bed is not yet made, things prepared from yesterday are hanging on a chair, on a table covered with a blue and yellow tablecloth. The girl is waiting for breakfast: there is a jug in which milk is poured, there is bread, butter and a knife. An unusual panel with birds hangs on the wall, the balcony doors are open. The room was filled with fresh clean warm air. Above the balcony hangs a pot of flowers, the leaves of which run down the walls. The yellow color of the walls is in harmony with the green leaves. The balcony railing casts a shadow on the floor in the room. This room has interesting windows, they are decorated in the form of an arch. The whole picture is filled with light, the yellow walls radiate warmth, the room we are in is very cozy and beautiful. The picture evokes positive emotions, movement, cheerfulness, activity, optimism are captured here. It is necessary that such a picture hang in the bedroom, so that when you wake up, you can see it. Such a picture will be a good incentive to start the morning with a charge. Composition based on the painting by T.N. Yablonskaya "Morning" Plan 1. Tatyana Yablonskaya is a famous artist. 2. Painting "Morning": a) the weather outside the window; b) description of the room; c) the heroine of the picture; d) painting paint 3. Impression of the painting. Tatyana Yablonskaya is a famous artist of the 20th century. Most of the life and work of T. Yablonskaya took place in Kyiv. The artist received her first recognition for the painting "Bread". Her paintings have been exhibited at international exhibitions more than once. By decision of UNESCO, 1997 was declared the year of the name of Tatyana Yablonskaya. Before us is the picture "Morning". It depicts an early clear spring morning. The sun's rays break into the room through the window and the open doors of the balcony and fall on the chair, table, floor, bed. The whole room is filled with fresh air. In the room we see an unmade bed, from which the girl just got up. A school uniform is neatly hung on a chair near the balcony. In the center of the room is a table on which the girl is waiting for breakfast: milk in an earthenware jug, bread, butter. A pot with a beautiful indoor flower hangs on the wall near the balcony. This detail is very refreshing picture. Near the table is the main character - a girl of about ten, who gracefully performs morning exercises. The girl is slim, graceful, athletic. Despite the fact that she just woke up, the schoolgirl was already neatly combed. Her face is concentrated, she is concentrated on the exercises. For her canvas, Yablonskaya chose light colors that emphasize cloudlessness, sunlight, and warmth. These are yellow, pale cream, light green tones. With the help of them, the artist draws sun glare that illuminates the entire room. The artistic skill of Tatyana Yablonskaya, the correct composition, the consideration of all the details create a festive, upbeat spring mood. The picture radiates warmth and cheerfulness. Calls to see the beauty in everyday moments of life.

In front of me is a painting by Tatyana Yablonskaya, which is called "Morning". The picture depicts an early morning, everything around is still sleeping, but the girl has already begun a new day. In the center of the picture, we see a girl, delighted with the beautiful weather outside the window, she meets a new day with a great mood, in order to finally wake up, she starts the morning with exercises. More

In front of me now is a reproduction of the painting by landscape painter Krymov "Winter Evening", on which I need to write an essay. In the picture, the author depicted a real Russian winter, which is already in full swing, enveloping the entire village with its snow blanket.

Krymov winter evening

The main part of the canvas in the foreground is snow, which covered the field with its snowdrifts, hiding the autumn grass under a lush snow-white blanket. And only occasionally are the tops of small shrubs visible. Birds are sitting on one of them. Either they are hiding from predators, or they have found a hot spot where you can get enough of berries. Snow does not shine in the sun, and it is understandable, because the sun no longer shines brightly, it is already low above the horizon.

In Krymov's painting "Winter Evening", among the snowdrifts, one can see well-trodden paths, which the villagers walk every day. Just on one of the paths of the Crimea, he depicted a small group of people, among whom there is a child. They probably went out for an evening walk to get enough fresh air before going to bed. Someone strayed from the group, staring at the setting sun.

In the background, Krymov in the painting "Winter Evening" depicted the beginning of the village. We see old small wooden houses, in the windows of which the light is already on, or maybe it's the glare that the sunlight casts. The roofs of the houses are covered with white snow. It seems as if the houses were wearing snow-white hats.
There is a barn next to the houses. Two wagons full of hay are heading towards him.

Near the village, a little to the left, there is a deciduous forest. The crowns of the trees are lush, it is clear that this forest is many years old. A bell tower peeps out from behind the trees, from where on holidays a ringing sounds, calling all the villagers to service.

While working on Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” and its description, I also want to say about my emotions that the picture evokes in me, and they are pleasant, even though I don’t like winter itself. The painting “Winter Evening” shows that there is no wind, which means that even in frost, it is pleasant and good outside. Looking at the work, you feel the crunch of snow under your feet, you hear the chirping of birds. Nature is gradually immersed in the abyss of night, so you feel calmness, tranquility.

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