Horoscope for man and woman: Moon in Libra. Send by email

The presence of the Moon in Libra in a woman guarantees marriage and a reliable partnership. There will be balance in the character of the owner. However, the penchant for theatricality and the desire to stand out. With the harmonious development of the personality, both indicators will help build a career and find family happiness.

What does the Moon in Libra mean for a woman

A born woman with the Moon in Libra strives to find a golden mean between social and family life. This manifests itself at all stages of her life from early years to an independent state. Throughout there are tests that she passes with honor.

The Moon present at the head of the "house" means that the bearer seeks to create a strong family. She dreams of motherhood and wishes to have many children. At the same time, social status as an independent person is important for her. Such ladies never give up work for the sake of the family. However, they are able to harmoniously count one with the other.

Being in Libra, the lady of the night awakens passion and a penchant for romance. Her wards are talented, multi-talented. They are easily given the exact sciences, playing chess and strategic tasks. They perform their life tasks with brilliance, guided by logic.

The characteristic of the combination endows them with a developed imagination. Such people are given the writing of novels and detective stories. They make excellent directors and screenwriters. Paying attention to politics, they build clever moves and inventive solutions. Working in government, they know how to find a way out of difficult situations.

The destiny of the bearers of the sign is to be an arbiter with their loved ones. Their developed sense of justice allows them to look at things with detachment, to look for a grain of truth. Having achieved their position the hard way, they hold their positions. They work a lot on themselves, thrifty for the potential given by fate.

How to conquer a woman with the Moon in Libra

Do you want to start a relationship with the bearer of a double symbol? Then you should show all your talents. No matter how hard the partner tries to win favor, in love the beautiful daughters of the ruler of the night are very picky.

If a woman has the Moon in Libra, she has a clear vision of her goals. Selects only the partner who fully satisfies her criteria. Preference is given to stable and confident men. He needs to have a stable position and be a "man with a capital letter." The daughters of the zodiac do not agree to less.

The choice is made not only from pragmatic views. These ladies are romantic, they are attracted by the real spirit of adventure and excitement. Bright courtship and extravagant decisions can intrigue the subject of your attention. To captivate a companion on an interesting journey or event means to go halfway to conquering her.

It is important to consider that internal contradictions and fluctuations are characteristic of the sign. This seriously affects their decision. To bring courtship to the end, a man needs to show perseverance and initiative. Only by creating the most secure conditions with irrefutable evidence of his intentions, he can hope for success.

White Moon in Libra for a woman

The White Moon in Libra in a woman shows her desire for success on the personal front. It forms a strong desire for family and children. Encourages her mentee to choose the best ways to solve this problem.

Venus rules over the fate of such personalities. She endows them with spiritual and external beauty. These are harmonious persons with a sensitive and ardent heart. For them, spirituality and spiritual qualities come first.

Personalities of this sign often occupy positions:

  • teachers, teachers and heads of children's institutions;
  • film studio workers, directors and actors;
  • judges;
  • spa workers, yoga instructors;
  • doctors.

A strong instinct for self-preservation helps to find the best solutions for choosing a life path. They almost immediately know their purpose, which does not prevent them from doubting their own abilities. Gifted and talented, all their lives they are engaged in rechecking qualities.

Selena guides them, supporting them in the most severe situations. They are granted protection and patronage of others. Successful relationships reinforce internal reserves of protection. They find their expression in children and their favorite work.

Black Moon in Libra for a woman

The black Moon in Libra, present in the notal chart, is a sign of deep spiritual torment for a woman. Lilith plays on her ward's feelings of insecurity all her life. The bearers of the sign of the dark mistress of the night give rise to the desire to manipulate people in them.

These are emotionally unstable people. Their tastes are eccentric, and sometimes grotesque. Such a beautiful lady can become a muse and a “bone of contention”. She is a "dark angel" and a source of unbridled inspiration.

A striking feature of the patronage of Lilith is laziness. She goes to incredible heights. Despite rich talents, the bearer takes them for granted and may stop working on herself. As a consequence, being and life come to a routine state. Indecision becomes a reason for constant procrastination

> Moon in Libra

Let us turn our attention to the nature of the personality, when Feeling plus harmony equals obligation.

There is a high probability of having a bright artistic gift, a special attraction for people of the opposite sex, restless social activity. With a negative development of character, a pronounced imbalance, painful suspiciousness and dependence on the assessments of others, a tendency to go to extremes. Negligence, superficiality and fussiness may develop. Too high susceptibility to the assessments of others contributes to the development of narcissism and develops a formal attitude to business and tasks, lack of responsibility and optionality come to the fore. Positive personality development, on the contrary, forms gentleness, kindness, courtesy and modesty. This is the personality of a refined thinker, cautious in forming a stable opinion, having a balanced and strict life position.

They enjoy a benevolent attitude towards themselves due to their charm and charm, and they themselves are often condescending and cordial, have a great need for love. In new conditions they find themselves very quickly, have high adaptability. They feel the environment very sharply and vividly, when establishing interpersonal contacts they are guided by purely aesthetic criteria. They are very sensitive to the manifestation of any imbalance and easily fight it. Expressed emotionality permeates all their insides, experiences are always on their face. Dependence on the opinions of others often results in imbalance and emotional discomfort.

If they are negatively affected from the outside, an agitated state of acute dissatisfaction with one's person very quickly sets in. The need for communication is complemented by diplomacy and courtesy.

Sign compatibility

They are superficial in establishing contacts, but they find them quickly and simply, they easily win over them. Complete happiness and self-satisfaction is impossible for them without a sense of serenity in the complete absence of worries and anxieties. Sweet in communication, sincere and committed to justice. In work they prefer cooperation, they are very productive in a friendly team. In work, he shows enviable dexterity and dexterity. Eloquent, have a light and open disposition. They are oppressed by routine and everyday life, they are revealed only in a refined being. Disproportions of various external factors knock them out of balance and push them towards eccentricity.

They need stimulation from the outside, and if they receive emotional support, they show extraordinary enterprise, they are able to change their lives and the lives of others in a short time. They are drawn to work with everything beautiful and harmonious. He sensitively understands the state of mind of his neighbor, easily tries on the role of a peacemaker and negotiator, knows how to communicate with a large audience.

They are disgusted by vulgarity and pomposity, they literally get sick if they are faced with pressure or great discomfort. Actually, harmony and balance for such a person, first of all. Contrary to the innate ability to disorient and misinform others, they strive in every possible way to be decent, honest and truthful.

This is a refined nature. Her attention is drawn to details, such as soft tones, exquisite styles that successfully emphasize the curves of the figure, and all the ways to express her femininity: cosmetics, flowers, perfumes. Even in the complete absence of money, a woman will be able to get beautiful wild flowers and put them on the windowsill to decorate the homely atmosphere. This is a master of comfort.

Subtly captures the emotions of others, and painfully experiences the negative in his direction. She tries to behave in such a way as not to offend anyone and not cause irritation to her person. Strives to create a calm vacuum where no one could disturb the peaceful flow of her life. She will quickly agree to a compromise if it ensures peace in the family.

This is a treasure for others. Yes, inside she is not self-confident, she often doubts, but it is incredibly comfortable with her. Tactful, will never make a remark to you and will not offend. If he gets into a quarrel or sees a mess, then the first one will rush to solve the problem. These are first-class housewives and their hospitality can only be envied.

It is difficult for her to decide on a serious relationship, and even more so to choose the right partner. A man should be attractive, interesting in communication and able to solve all her problems. If he meets his soul mate, he immediately sets about creating the perfect love nest. She is a wonderful mother who loves her child. She tries not to use the whip and negotiates peacefully. For a husband and child, this is, first of all, the best friend.

A man takes care of his appearance and looks harmonious. He will do everything possible so that the conflict does not escalate into physical violence. Can soothe with conversation and undeniable arguments. In acute situations, his peacefulness saves. This is a smart person. He knows what he wants and confidently goes to the goal. Balance is important for him, therefore he creates a psychologically comfortable environment in all areas. If everything meets his requirements, then he will be able to show his inner potential and achieve what he wants. He achieves great success in professions related to negotiations and communication. This is an excellent diplomat.

He needs a reliable companion who will always be there. In a woman, first of all, appearance attracts. She should be feminine, sophisticated and take care of herself. In everyday life, he is helpless and careless in his duties. The Moon in Libra makes the representative retreat in front of obstacles. He strives for simplicity and lightness. If things don't go as planned, then it's lost. Therefore, a confident woman who is ready to help in a difficult situation is so important to him. Before making a decision, everything is carefully weighed. Risk is not his forte. It is difficult for him to get rid of doubts even after he has decided.

He is calm and patient with other people's shortcomings. He needs not only love, but also protection in the form of a home. A quiet corner is a man's cherished dream. There should be a place in the house where he can retire. He must be 100% sure that this is his fortress. More than other signs, they need walls to hold back the chaotic outside world.

The influence of the Moon in Libra on a person's character

They are completely non-confrontational and avoid confrontation and disputes. With all their might they yearn for harmony between the spiritual and the material. They have a very sociable character, they love pleasant companies and noisy entertainment, they are not alien to romance. They love to travel, they love everything new. They do not want to work alone, they are looking for support in a partner. They are too trusting and careless in relation to other people. They do not spray on a large number of cases, but work only for their own pleasure. Feelings do not prevent them from following strict logic, while they have good powers of observation.

It is better not to rely on them entirely, because they are usually very changeable and very reliable. Intolerant of criticism, intrigue, action behind the back. Very honest in business and partnership relationships. But frankness in them is superficial, they allow few into their inner circle. They quickly get carried away, light up and often become victims of scammers. The soul is refined, openwork, refined speech. They are friendly and welcoming, courteous and hospitable, gentle and affectionate. They shy away from gossip, squabbles and scandals, they value a pleasant appearance in an interlocutor.

Due to third-party influence, their lives often change. They are easy to puppet and manipulate because of their susceptibility to someone else's will. Responding to flattery and praise. Their compromise knows no bounds and often leads to a break with both sides of the conflict. They try to maneuver between sharp corners, avoiding conflicts and emotional stress.

The Moon in Libra speaks of a subtle sensitive soul. People with such a Moon are smart, sociable, tactful, delicate and courteous. They are distinguished by good manners and good manners. These are inborn diplomats, as they feel the mood of people well and try to avoid open conflicts, scandals and confrontations. They know how to communicate with people better than anyone. They are skillful interlocutors and companions, with whom you will never get bored anywhere, they know how to adapt to the right people, to reconcile the conflicting parties. They, like mountain air, need peace, tranquility, harmony, they constantly strive for this, and not only in their own home and family, but also in society, thanks to which they quickly acquire the sympathy of their own and others. They very skillfully hide their negative character traits, feelings and shortcomings under the guise of politeness.

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The Moon in Libra promotes social life and close spiritual contacts. People with such a Moon love a secular lifestyle, earthly joys, entertainment and pleasures, they try to take from life everything that it has to offer. Their life mainly depends on other people, so they try to be on good terms with everyone. Moreover, they cannot imagine life without a partner, they remain romantics all their lives, thirsting for love and understanding. Their love affairs cannot be called intrigues, since they spiritualize any relationship, and adore each of their partners. They know how to attract attention to themselves, they know how to please, but they are subtle actors, so you can never say for sure whether they play love or really love, because with all their openness and sincerity, they know how to restrain their feelings if necessary. In life, many trips and changes are foreshadowed, as well as a change of partners. Women have many admirers, but marriage is rarely successful and even less often happy.

When the Moon is damaged, they can be frivolous, windy, superficial, they can easily promise anything, it is even easier to forget about it. Avoid physical labor.

The Moon in conjunction with Mercury gives outstanding mental or oratory abilities.

The Moon in conjunction with Venus in male horoscopes and in conjunction with the Sun in female horoscopes indicates the possibility of a successful marriage, provided that this conjunction does not have negative aspects.

Characteristics of the Moon in Libra

c - neutral.

Feeling + harmony = commitment

Keyword: emotional sophistication.

Positive qualities of the Moon in Libra: contact, cordiality, the need for love, hot expressions of feelings, the ability to adapt to any situation, a sense of justice, sensitivity, deliberation of external manifestations (also in relation to fashion), a pretty creature.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Libra: unreliability, negligence, narcissism, vanity, superficiality, dependence on others, lack of responsibility, tendency to formality.

Features in the male horoscope: a man whose Moon is in Libra is looking for a sophisticated, friendly and pleasant partner who will be attractive, well-mannered and intelligent at the same time.

Features in the female horoscope: if this position of the Moon is in a woman's horoscope, she is a good housewife, loves society, beauty, jewelry and clothes.

Health Disorders: kidney disease, sweating of the hands and feet, sleep disturbance.

Moon in Libra in the natal chart:

You live from moment to moment, your mood often changes and depends on the situation. You are friendly, pleasant in communication, you have a gentle character, and others love you. You become popular easily. But, if you use this position of the Moon negatively, you can become a capricious, changeable and overly critical person. Since you are easily flattered, you must consciously develop self-confidence and learn to say no. Control your tendency to be lazy and lethargic.

You are very aesthetic and love beauty. Like Virgo, your feelings are controlled by the mind, you appreciate the facts, but you never criticize or analyze them. Due to Libra's airy characteristics, you don't have the practicality that Virgo is known for being an earth sign. You are prone to contemplation, full of grandiose ideas, but you are not always ready to act in accordance with them. That is, it is more important for you to judge something than to practically implement it.

With this position of the Moon, decisiveness is not the strongest side, but behind apparent meekness lies great strength. You love music, poetry and art. While you are talented in all of these areas, you tend to observe and evaluate rather than express yourself in this field.

You are kind and you have a good character. People around you influence you, and your love life depends on how much your partner appreciates you. Partners are of great importance to you, since you work best in cooperation with them, and also depend on their reactions.

The Moon in a neutral position increases the instability of emotional states in Libra, quickness, ease, dependence of moods on the state of the environment, in particular, on the state and mood of the partner. At the same time, Libra is able to quickly change the (air element) mood in the process of communicating with a harmonious person.

The moon endows this psychotype with the need for a quick change in emotional states in the near world: in the family, among well-known people. It can be difficult for people of this psychotype to determine what they have associated with an unexpected decrease in a sense of security, the emergence of anxiety and anxiety, which, as quickly as they appeared, can go away with a slight change in the external environment.

Due to the status of the Moon, Libra may not have special requirements for everyday life and a great penchant for household chores. The position of the Moon explains the emotional coldness and detachment in the behavior of people of this psychotype.

Moon in the decanates of Libra

Strong Venusian influence, external beauty, popularity. With negative aspects of the Moon with Mars and Venus - a tendency to tumor diseases.

Passion, extravagance, subtlety of internal organization.

High intelligence, enterprise, skill in crafts, ability to adapt to people and circumstances. Many changes in life at the behest of other people. Lots of trips.

Historical figures with the Moon in the sign of Libra

Louis XIII, Frederic Chopin, A. I. Mikoyan, A. M. Isaev, Sefarial, Ernst Kraft, Tamara Globa, Liana Zhukova.

Moon transit through Libra

The Moon in Libra brings a good mood, people strive for contacts, they like entertainment and feasts. I would like to spend time in a good company, meet friends, go to the theater, to an exhibition, to be creative. People crave flattery, they want to hear only pleasant things. At this time, susceptibility to beauty is aggravated, interest in the opposite sex is more pronounced. Improved relationships with family, friends and family. The Moon in Libra favors new contacts, but the connections established during this period are unreliable. Decisiveness weakens, decisions are easily changed. People are prone to disputes, but it doesn’t come to quarrels, Libra contributes to reconciliation and prudence. There is a readiness for partnership and peaceful negotiations. Flowers on the table, candles, soft music, light wine, sweets help to create a mood.

Children are distracted and need calm guidance. These are the days of beauty, harmony and health. Great time to visit the theater, cinema, concert. Try to walk more.

With tense aspects, frivolity, windiness increase, a feeling of rivalry, envy may appear, especially for women. There is a danger of quarrels, intrigues, the spread of rumors, clashes with rivals.

good time

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for all types and genres of arts, including music, painting, drawing, design, dancing;
  • for cases that have a fast pace, and those that can be quickly completed;
  • for joint work with the team, partnership, cooperation, co-authorship;
  • for public work, joining a club, public organizations, increasing and expanding authority, prestige, reputation;
  • for love and intimate life, engagement, wedding celebrations and other family celebrations, pleasant surprises, gifts;
  • for receiving guests, making acquaintances, communicating with people of art, friends, attending cultural and entertainment events, parties;
  • for recreation, tourism, travel by rail (8th, 14th, 16th, 21st and 25th lunar day);
  • for home decoration, shopping for clothes, works of art, interior items, gifts, perfumes, cosmetics, women's toiletry items, linen, bedding, jewelry, ornaments;
  • for transactions related to clothing, jewelry, etc. ;
  • for requests for repayment of a debt;
  • to start a course of treatment;
  • for plastic surgery, treatment of teeth, ears;
  • to start the fight against excess weight.

bad time

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for business and affairs related to fire, iron, technology, sharp and cutting objects;
  • for non-aesthetic and dirty work;
  • for trading in movable property;
  • for purchases of metal products and animals, castration of animals;
  • for operations on the genitals, kidneys, bladder, skin.


  • intrigues, disputes, showdown; fall under the influence of other people; consequences of immoral behavior.


  1. Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky - «CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes»
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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Libra is one of the most interesting signs of the zodiac, and people who have the Moon in Libra are very unusual. The period itself, when the Moon is in Libra, is distinguished by all the advantages of this sign. This is balance, sobriety of mind, wisdom and prudence.

During this lunar period, people subconsciously strive for balance and harmony. As never before, it is possible to find a compromise in any conflicts, surprisingly, solutions to problems and questions are found, and the choice is made easily and correctly. The Moon in Libra helps to put thoughts in order and not be scattered on trifles, to focus and see the essence.

During the period of this sign, harmony and peace reign everywhere. People do not want to argue and fight, they easily compromise and are ready to give in. In addition, the Moon in Libra is a penchant for beauty, grace, good taste and fine manners. It is during this period that one so desires exquisite, high pleasures, and not gross pleasures. There is a desire to bring beauty and order around oneself, to balance chaos and admire only beautiful things.

Characteristics of a man

If the moon is in Libra for a man, then this is a real esthete. He is a diplomat and a sage rolled into one. This man always makes only carefully considered decisions, never “chops wood”, never doubts the correctness of the decision, because he does everything consciously and is not in a hurry. This person knows how to find a middle ground in everything, and make everyone happy.

A man with the moon in Libra is never wrong, and not because he is stubborn, but only because he really knows how to make the right decisions and choices. He will never choose between two evils, but will only look for the ideal option.

Main qualities:

  • Aestheticism and the desire for beauty.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Balance and tranquility.
  • Complimentary character.
  • Calmness, lack of fussiness.
  • Kindness.
  • Compromise.
  • Honesty.
  • Rationality.

This is a connoisseur of beauty. He has a surprisingly delicate and refined taste, a craving for beautiful and expensive things. An esthete who surrounds himself with only the best and quality. Even if this man is not rich, then even in poverty he behaves like an aristocrat, and will never fall below his bar. He loves high art, classics, understands the past and is almost always very well-read.

His professions are usually something related to art, collecting or creating something. But in any other profession, even in the simplest, a man will achieve exquisite perfection and pay great attention to detail. In love, he is an idealist. His chosen one must match him - and he is looking for a real lady.

If a man has a Black Moon in Libra, then he is a zealous fighter for justice. It often seems to him that the world is unfair, and he may suffer from this. Sometimes on this basis he may have conflicts and even proceedings, but he will always look for a way to achieve justice and will not leave the situation if it does not suit him.

It is difficult for him to find understanding with people and even with his soulmate, because the world is very imperfect for him. That woman who is imbued with a deep understanding for this man will be able to make a strong couple with him forever.

The white moon in the scales of a man is a guarantee that he will always protect and support, will always be right and win. He remains a defender of the interests of not only his own, but also those close to him, but only if the truth is on their side.

This man is incredibly honest and very well educated, naturally endowed with a sense of proportion and justice. He does not tend to make mistakes, he knows what to do in the most difficult situation. Therefore, everything gradually develops in his life - a good job, success, an ideal marriage and a strong family.

Characteristics of a woman

A woman whose Moon is in Libra is truly an adornment of this world. It’s good and calm next to her, warm light, harmony and love pour from this woman. She is harmonious, calm, her movements are measured, and her voice is pleasant. Tantrums, noise, gossip - all this is completely unknown to this sorceress.

Wherever she enters, order, peace and comfort immediately come around. She knows how to harmonize any space around her, does not tolerate disorder and chaos.

Main qualities:

  • Charm.
  • Kindness.
  • Softness and suppleness.
  • Balance of character.
  • Calm.
  • Feminine weakness.
  • Refinement.
  • Aristocracy.

For a woman who has the Moon in Libra, there are no concepts of emancipation, she does not fight, but she achieves all her goals gently and without pressure. In any profession, she achieves perfection, does not rush anywhere, does not press. More prone to arts and subtle things, does not tolerate brute force and dirty work.

She has an amazing innate understanding that everything in the world is interconnected and everything has its time. Her companion is a real hero, honest and fair. She will be an invisible shadow next to her chosen one, his support and support. Great men often “grow up” near such women.

If the black moon is in Libra, then a woman is characterized by self-doubt, she needs support. She is often tormented and unable to make a decision, because she does not tolerate mistakes. Injustice can hurt her greatly, because fighting is not her style, and enduring is unpleasant and wrong. Therefore, she is looking for a strong person to support in difficult times.

If a woman has a white moon in Libra, then she looks like a good fairy from a children's fairy tale. Kind, bright and charming, this lady knows how to defeat evil and injustice without resorting to a fight. One look from her or a quiet, gentle word can do wonders.

Characteristics and features of the period

During the period of the moon in Libra, the mood of people changes. We feel calm, we do not want to argue with anyone. How to live this lunar period correctly so that it brings good luck?

1. Try to be softer. To make relationships with friends and family more harmonious, show complaisance today. Disputes on this day are simply contraindicated, they will not lead to anything good. It's time to learn diplomacy and look for compromises in everything. Agree, consider other people's points of view, do not be stubborn.

2. The best day to enjoy art. Visiting museums, exhibitions and theaters will become "a potion for the soul" and will positively affect your inner world. But rude, low-lying entertainment and pleasures will only harm.

3. Wedding and wedding during this period is wonderful! The family will be happy, strong and incredibly harmonious. In this family there will never be strife and conflicts, only mutual understanding between spouses will always reign.

4. This lunar period is also good for cosmetic procedures. it will go great! A haircut will make the hair airy and natural, it will benefit the hair. They will grow quickly, become healthier and more beautiful. Not only a haircut, but also other hair treatments - curling, coloring, styling - this is what you should do today.

5. At work and in business, you need to be diplomatic. Pressure, struggle and fierce competition are the wrong approach in this period. You need to analyze, look for subtle and elegant moves and solutions, weigh your steps.

This position of the Moon is positive in every way. May it bring you harmony and happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova

The moon contains the whole essence of the beautiful half of humanity: emotionality, depth, inconstancy, charm, maternal warmth, caring and childish spontaneity. The moon is a soft and bewitching female magic.

The meaning of the moon in the female horoscope

The moon is in the horoscope of all people. But its meaning for men and women is different. Men realize the energy of the Moon through close women who take care of them: through their mother, wife, sometimes through a sister or daughter, sometimes through a nanny, nurse or beloved grandmother. When an astrologer looks at a male horoscope, by the position of the Moon, he is able to determine whether there was enough care in the life of a man, and what kind of women surround him. And women themselves feel the energy of the moon and pass it on to others: husband, elderly parents, children, pupils. The moon shows which woman is a wife and mother, how she takes care of her loved ones, how developed her intuition and emotionality are, whether she knows how to adapt to the new and create comfort in unusual conditions, what life means to her and whether she is a good housewife.

Moon in Aries Woman

These women are strong, brave and independent. The Aries Moon gives a sharp mind, but a lady with this Moon is impulsive and does or says before she has time to think. Lunar Aries like timid and quiet men. And at the same time, these women are not enthusiastic about timid admirers, but are looking for men who are calm, self-confident and a little adventurous (to support their undertakings). Astrology claims that women with the Moon in Aries do not aspire to motherhood. They are selfish and want to be eternal children. The house should be their way. They are not economic, but appreciate their own convenience.

Moon in Taurus Woman

This Moon gives a woman a calm, balanced character, reliability, sanity and thrift. Lunar Taurus love comfort and know how to create it. In relation to relatives, they are patient and faithful. Their prudence makes them unromantic. But the prognosis of family life for the Moon in Taurus is very favorable: they are wonderful wives and mothers and wonderful housewives: thrifty, diligent, with impeccable taste and a large reserve of indulgence for relatives and loved ones. They always have a well-groomed husband, a comfortable home and healthy, strong children.

Moon in Gemini Woman

Gemini Moon women are eternal girls. All their lives they are inquisitive, restless, charming and always upset their fans with their childish indifference to love. They are not emotional and perceive everything rationally. If they are sad, happy or angry, then at the same moment they can give a detailed logical analysis of what their mood means and why they experienced this particular feeling. When they are busy with the household, they do a lot of things at once in passing. But they are indifferent to comfort. For husbands, they are not only loving wives, but also good friends, and for children they are excellent teachers.

Moon in Cancer woman

Lunar Rakinis are included in the constellation of the most charming, sensitive and feminine ladies. They have a lot of emotions, they constantly feel something. They are capricious, unpredictable and mysterious. Their mood quickly changes from joy to sadness and back again. In childhood, maternal love was the most important thing for them, and when they grow up, they themselves become incredibly caring and affectionate mothers. Rakini's husbands are also taken care of in a motherly way: they take care of, worry, try to understand what is in their hearts. A reliable and comfortable home means a lot to them, and they themselves are excellent housewives. But they do not like strangers in their house and rarely invite guests.

Moon in Leo Woman

Lunar Lionesses have exaggerated, demonstrative emotions. In their face, the zodiac acquired great actresses who know how to play the drama properly. They need compliments and attention. In return, they generously endow those around them with the warmth of their hearts. Not too economic, they warm the husband and children with love. Therefore, households love their moon Lioness: without her, their life would not be so joyful and full of feelings. If the Moon is struck, then the mistress of the horoscope is selfish, able to think only of herself and cold internally, despite the outwardly stormy temperament.

Moon in Virgo woman

The Moon in Virgo gives a weak emotionality. A woman with this position of the Moon never goes on about feelings. But she likes to analyze them. If the Moon is well placed, then the woman acquires a philosophical mindset and understands well what each of her emotions means. With a bad position of the Moon, hypochondria or obsession with one's feelings is possible. The poor emotional spectrum is compensated by excellent household talents and the ability to take care of loved ones. One should not expect sincerity from the wife and mother-lunar Virgo, but she is a born economist in the economy, scrupulously and carefully taking care of the needs of loved ones, especially their nutrition and health.

Moon in Libra Woman

If there were no women with the Moon in Libra, the zodiac would lose a fair amount of beauty. These women brighten our lives. Inside, they are not confident in themselves, often hesitate, do not tolerate discomfort, but how good it is for those around them! The first reaction of lunar Libra to a quarrel, disorder, ugliness is to correct them. They are great housewives, their house is not only cozy, but also beautiful, and husbands and children enjoy peace of mind. A tactful, refined woman makes the space around her truly fabulous. And the Moon in Libra often rewards women not only with charm, but also with beauty.

Moon in Scorpio Woman

Look at the sea during a storm and you will understand what the Moon in Scorpio means. These are boundless emotions, indomitable and sometimes destructive both for others and for the woman herself. She has a very big soul, she can accommodate love, and hatred, and tenderness, and care, and jealousy, and hundreds of other emotions. In love, she is a real femme fatale. And when she becomes a wife, then there is no woman in the world more reliable and more faithful than the lunar Scorpio. The only thing she will not forgive her husband is betrayal. She treats her children strictly, biasedly, but she will not let anyone else offend them.

Moon in Sagittarius Woman

Women with the Moon in Sagittarius are proud and full of self-importance. This may not be noticed right away: after all, these women have a wide soul, a lot of optimism and energy, they love big gestures. They seem cheerful and direct, but they have great ambition and a desire to teach. In the family, they are authoritarian, they teach their husband and children, they are often scandalous and impudent. They like their house to look like pictures of VIP housing from glossy magazines. Lunar Sagittarius intuitively feel what a career and success in society means for a man, marry “lieutenants”, support, help them and eventually become the wives of successful and influential “generals”.

Moon in Capricorn Woman

This is an emotionally cold Moon. In Capricorn, the Moon is uncomfortable, and in women with such a Moon, all lunar features are weakened. They lack intuition, gentleness, soulfulness and emotional flexibility. They do not adapt well to the new, they will endure and suffer, but they will not betray themselves and will not adapt to the circumstances in order to make life more comfortable. Easily tolerate the rejection of household amenities. Everything in their house is arranged reasonably and functionally, but there is not enough beauty and comfort. In marriage, traditions and division of duties are valued. Strict with children, but reliable. They rarely have many children.

Moon in Aquarius Woman

Aquarius is unpredictable and incomprehensible to others, which means the extreme mystery of women with the Moon in Aquarius. They are gifted with a mystical, incomprehensible charm, charismatic and charming. No one undertakes to predict their reaction to even familiar things: today the lunar Aquarius reacts this way, and tomorrow it will be completely different. Husbands are delighted with friendly and different wives every day, but such a mother confuses children, allowing what she forbade yesterday. Their house is like nothing else, and housekeeping is like a constant experiment. However, most lunar Aquarius are generally indifferent to everyday life.

Moon in Pisces Woman

According to Greek legend, the constellation Pisces is named after a couple in love, turned into fish by the gods after death. They should remind people of boundless, endless and sincere love. Women with the Moon in Pisces are the epitome of such love - there are no more loving and selfless women than the lunar Pisces. Pisces have a big soul, able to forgive everything they love and make any sacrifice for them. If they meet worthy husbands and grow up good children, they are happy, because that's all they need. If they are not lucky, they continue to love and justify tyrant husbands and loser children.
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