Esoteric painting. Esoteric painting by Andrew Gonzalez

How are spiritual paintings, spiritual drawing, spiritual painting born? Often we are sure that painting or the art of drawing, and even more so spiritual drawing, is beyond our control. But one day, suddenly, we have an impulse to take a brush and create a picture in order to express our inner spiritual content with the help of paints ... Some kind of force from within encourages this. And when we begin to create without fear and doubt, the unexpected happens - an image appears on paper or canvas ... And then another, and another. These images form a connection, a plot, an energy pattern arises. This is how spiritual pictures and spiritual drawings are born.

Examples of beautiful spiritual paintings:

Spiritual paintings are a real sacrament

Spiritual painting certainly takes place in connection with the Highest. Spiritual pictures are always created "in the Flow". At the same time, our body becomes both a channel and a conductor, expressing those levels of consciousness that move our hand and create as if independently of us.

Spiritual paintings often express what the Higher consciousness seeks to convey through us, and the artist can perceive and convey this as far as his frequencies are high, as far as he can pick up signals, understand the alphabet of the Higher, and convey it symbolically or in accessible images through a spiritual drawing.

Spiritual pictures can be called the fruit of spatial meditation, when we become one with space - a single indivisible Cosmic Ocean of Consciousness - and everything that is in it becomes available to us, because this is our One Self ... Our hand creates a spiritual drawing - because what the Spirit essentially creates and expresses itself through our creativity, which is the highest form of grace. At such moments, the Creator and the person who creates it with inspiration become a single and indivisible integrity, and the great joy of creation is affirmed here, on Earth, in matter...

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Now it is no secret to anyone that many works of art have a healing psychotherapeutic effect on a person and are able to relieve stress, harmonize the general well-being of a person.

Among such works of art, one should especially note the paintings of the famous Russian artist N. Roerich, which have a special, extraordinary color. The harmonizing effect of the painting of this remarkable artist has long been noted by art critics, psychologists, physicians, not to mention many people who study esotericism and esoteric painting.

N. Roerich traveled over the eastern lands with various expeditions for more than one thousand kilometers, studying eastern philosophy, customs and mores of the inhabitants, getting acquainted with the harsh nature of Altai, Mongolia, India and Tibet. It was from these expeditions that he drew inspiration for his amazing paintings dedicated to the nature and mythology of these regions.

The doctrine of the effect of color and sound on the human body and psyche has been known to the mystics of the East for many millennia within the framework of esoteric knowledge. Did N. Roerich know about this teaching? Judging by the color scheme of his paintings, he knew.

Nowadays, the impact of color waves on the senses has been adopted by modern medicine and psychology, and the concept of color therapy includes special methods of healing and recovery that use the positive impact of these waves on the physical and mental health of people.

Many researchers note that, saturated with bright and pure tones, Roerich's paintings invariably harmonize the aura and biofield of people, raise their vitality and improve their mood.

In the diaries of the Roerichs, you can read the following information about the impact of various colors:

Yellow color strengthens the physical organism as a whole, supports the heart;

Purple strengthens the brain;

Green color strengthens the nervous system;

Pink color heals the stomach;

Blue color has a general strengthening effect and activates the craving for spiritual knowledge.

It is no coincidence that blue, purple, green and pink colors are quite often present in the paintings of the Roerichs. It turns out that color can not only heal the soul and body, but also contribute to the spiritual development of a person. It is on this principle that the main informational component of the psychotherapeutic impact of the painting of this amazing artist is based.

Many experts in the field of esotericism argue that the pure, saturated colors of Roerich's canvases transfer a person's consciousness into a certain altered state, in which the person's consciousness opens a channel of communication with his Higher Self. The color scheme of his paintings awakens and harmonizes the human energy centers, stimulates spiritual development through the activation of higher chakras.

However, each of you can check all this just by looking at these amazing landscapes and meditating on them for a while. Good luck!

Picturesque works of art by Andrew Gonzalez (Andrew Gonzalez) are very reminiscent of sculpture, and at first glance it is difficult to guess that these are just paintings that create the illusion of bulge due to the special technique used by the skilled artist.
Mysterious and feminine, fraught with a mystery, his works attract the eye of the viewer, who tries to look into the very soul of art on canvas.

Mystical paintings by Andrew Gonzalez are painted with acrylic paints on a plaster panel or on canvas using an airbrush. Shapes and bulges are achieved with a special paint lifting technique. Influenced by esoteric traditions, the artist describes his work as modern tantric art (In Indian terminology, tantrism is the doctrine of the dual nature of the world, in which male and female principles are represented). Andrew Gonzalez's interest in the secret, mystical and sacred led him to the question of the perception of reality and essence. Therefore, he tries to find the answer in the esoteric paintings he creates. Each carefully painted canvas takes months to complete. Sometimes, to reproduce small details, the artist uses a magnifying glass.

Andrew Gonzalez, San Antonio, Texas-based artist whose work has won numerous awards and is shown in many countries around the world. He grew up in an artistic family, where his father Anthony A. Gonzalez encouraged his son's interest in drawing and painting.
In childhood, drawing gave the future artist access to the exciting world of fantasy and imagination. This playful contact with fiction later developed into a creative exploration of the human soul and a celebration of the forces of life.

Mario Duguay, a talented artist from Canada, paints beautiful paradise paintings depicting the spiritual world that is described in various religions.

His heavenly drawings carry positive energy, awakening in us bright feelings and a desire to return to the Kingdom of God.

Not every artist can create such wonderful works, this requires a special talent and connection with divine energies.

In an interview, Mario Duguay tells his story: he was a tattoo artist and addicted to drugs and alcohol, which led to a black streak in his life.

He was left without a wife, money, job, and ashamed of his family.

All he had left was the light inside.

Fleeing from loneliness, he turned to spirituality, became interested in the New Age movement and, starting to work for himself, underwent various therapies.

Mario Duguay admits that at that time he began to paint to expel the dark side of himself, but now he paints with the goal of giving something to others, wanting to touch the spirituality in each of us.

The artist's early paintings, he said, were not so bright, and the current canvases reflect the experience that he receives.

Paradise paintings of the spiritual world is an attempt by Mario Duguay to bring more Light into life.

And it seems that the bright mission of the artist achieves its goal, finding a response in our hearts.

We were lucky enough to behold 50 paintings of the Kingdom of God by Mario Duguay, and although these heavenly paintings are shown here in a small size, looking at them, we feel in our hearts that this is how the spiritual world should look like.

Description of Paradise - God's Kingdom

In addition to the artist's paintings, excerpts from the description of the Kingdom of God, taken from the Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 3, Chapter 15, are given.

The author of this article hopes that the texts of the sacred writings of Hinduism and the heavenly drawings of Mario Duguay will complement each other well and will be of interest to a wide range of readers.

Even though different religions describe the Kingdom of God in different ways, you can still see a lot of similarities in the descriptions of the spiritual world.

So, welcome to the spirit world! Brief description of paradise, the eternal abode of the Lord.

The Kingdom of God is located above all the material universes, including above the planets of the demigods, and even Brahma himself, the creator of the material world, wants to get into it, not to mention other demigods.

The diversity that can be found in the spiritual realm is inextricably linked to the transcendental pastimes of God.

In the sky of the spiritual world, billions of spiritual planets, known as Vaikunthas, float. The inhabitants of Vaikuntha do not know anxiety, because in the Kingdom of God there is no birth, disease, aging and death - everything is eternal and blissful there. The Vaikuntha planets abound in incalculable riches, as we shall see from further descriptions.

These planets are inhabited by the Supreme Lord Himself and His pure devotees, self-realized souls, God-realized souls and eternal relationship with Him.

The Lord, being an inexhaustible source of bliss, brings happiness to every person by His presence alone.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original Personality, the Source of the entire manifested world, who can be understood by studying the scriptures.

The Lord is full of pure goodness, and He Himself helps the souls who surrender to Him to reach the highest spiritual perfection.

In the Kingdom of God, everything is spiritual; all forms of life - plants, birds, animals, people - have a spiritual nature. All the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God are pure devotees of the Lord.

Wishing trees grow here, strewn with flowers and fruits, regardless of the season.

Husbands and their wives fly in airships made of gold, emeralds and lapis lazuli and constantly chant the all-virtuous activities and qualities of the Supreme Lord.

They have no desire to receive sensual pleasures, because serving God (for example, chanting His divine qualities and deeds) gives them such an all-consuming bliss that any sensual pleasures, in comparison with this bliss, simply lose their attractiveness.

In the spiritual world, there is no difference between birds, trees, flowers, humans, and other inhabitants, because all life forms in the God Realm are animate and have God Consciousness (are in God Consciousness), so they are all in a state of ever-increasing bliss.

Here everything is spiritual and full of diversity, there is nothing inanimate.

The basis of existence in the spiritual world is the principles of devotional service to the Lord, which includes first of all hearing and chanting the qualities and activities of God as the Supreme Person.

In Vaikunthas, even flowers and birds are engaged in the service of the Lord.

Pure devotees of the Lord who live in the Kingdom of God have no shortage of emeralds and precious stones.

Gold jewelry, studded with precious stones, they get by the blessing of God, and not as a result of exhausting labor, as happens in the material world.

They possess innumerable treasures without any effort. But it is the service of God that gives them true pleasure, and not the possession of unseen treasures.

The women of Vaikuntha are many times more beautiful than the most beautiful women that can be seen and even imagined in our material world. They are beautiful like Lakshmi herself - the goddess of prosperity.

However, husbands in God's Kingdom have access to far more sublime pleasures than sexual pleasures, so they do not need them.

In the spiritual world, the Supreme Lord is eternally served by millions of goddesses of fortune. In their gardens they worship the Lord.

The land of Vaikuntha, as stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam, consists of the philosopher's stone. This is how heaven is described in the sacred scriptures of Hinduism.

How to enter the spiritual world, enter the Kingdom of God

The desire to return home to the transcendental spiritual abode makes one study the nature of the spiritual realm.

Studying descriptions of the spiritual world is the beginning of the path to paradise.

One who tries to understand the spiritual nature of the Vaikuntha planets is considered a fortunate person.

Any person can go beyond the material world and enter the spiritual abode of the Lord, if his consciousness is purified enough to realize his true nature, God and his eternal relationship with the Supreme.

Only one who has acquired all the virtues, the 26 qualities of a holy person, can enter the Kingdom of God. Those who are engaged in the service of the Almighty gradually develop all these necessary qualities. The 26 qualities of a saintly person are described in the Chaitanya-caritamrta and also in the third canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, chapter twenty-five, verse 21.

It says that a person worthy to return to the God Realm is very patient and kind to all living beings, so he does not have any enemies. He is always calm and imperturbable, does not start disputes with anyone and does not quarrel. Such a person considers Krishna Consciousness (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) to be his highest goal of life, because there is nothing higher and blissful than being in God Consciousness.

He equally treats all living beings (not only people), because he sees their spiritual nature. He is always pure, spiritually and physically, and has an impeccable disposition. A devotee does not feel or consider himself the owner of anything, whether in the material world or in the spiritual world, because he understands that everything belongs to the Lord.

He wishes well for everyone and is peaceful, has no material desires and shows modesty. His senses are curbed, and he is devoid of false self-importance. He does not eat more than is necessary to keep the body in optimal condition. While respecting others, he does not demand respect for himself. He is friendly and compassionate. These are the qualities of a person worthy to enter the Kingdom of God.

Regular chanting of the holy mantra (the Hare Krishna maha-mantra) is an essential part of devotional service, recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and other scriptures, and this mantra helps a person acquire all the necessary qualifications to return to the Kingdom of God. However, when chanting the holy names of God, offenses should be avoided, because this will become an insurmountable obstacle on the way to the spiritual world. The description of the ten offenses preventing the return to the God Realm can be read in the spiritual literature.

The unfortunate people, the inhabitants of the middle planets (like Earth), instead of discussing the description of the Kingdom of God, discuss topics that defile their hearing and cloud their minds.

People who refuse to listen to descriptions of the spiritual world, and instead indulge in material talk, work their way into the darkest regions of ignorance.

Lord Brahma, the creator of the material world, says that the human form of life is so valuable that even the Brahmas and the demigods strive to incarnate among humans, because only a person can acquire perfect spiritual knowledge and perfectly understand the meaning of religion, that is, achieve.

If one cannot understand the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His spiritual realm, that means that one is greatly influenced by the external energy of the Lord, the aggregate of material energies, which obscures the Supreme Truth.

If one hears the praises of the Lord and experiences ecstasy in which one's breathing quickens and one's body becomes perspiring, one enters the Kingdom of God, even if one has never practiced spiritual practice or performed austerities (voluntarily depriving oneself of sense gratification for the sake of spiritual progress). practice).

Other descriptions of the eternal Kingdom of God can be found in other religions.

Studying descriptions of the spiritual world is beneficial for a person, because it awakens in him a forgotten spiritual reality and revives the desire to return to the Kingdom of God, which is the first important step on the way home, to the eternal transcendental abode of the Supreme, full of wisdom and bliss.

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