Composition based on the painting Kuindzhi birch grove description. Birch Grove

An essay on the painting "Birch Grove" is a standard topic for a student. Each such essay should begin with words about the artist. Description of the painting "Birch Grove" - ​​an essay with details that accurately convey the image.

Domestic landscape master

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is an outstanding talented Russian landscape painter of the late nineteenth century. Among connoisseurs visual arts his name is always heard. As an artist, he could amazingly accurately convey pictures of nature, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off. Many art lovers want to see his landscapes at home in the living room. Such pictures cheer up, energize, and also instill love for It is very interesting to write the essay “Birch Grove”. Grade 5 is the right period.

History of the painting

The picture "Birch Grove" Isaac Levitan wrote for several years. Today it is in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery. It took four years from conception to completion. The artist was inspired by the expanses of the Kiselev estate near Moscow in Babkino. But Levitan finished his “grove” already in Plyos, which is located on the right bank of the Volga. It turns out that Levitan wrote many of his masterpieces in this place. Plesskaya Birch Grove was located on the outskirts of the city, not far from it was built a church called Pustynka, which adjoined small cemetery. It was in this place that the artist completed his creation.

Painting analysis

The main object of the picture is a birch. Juicy greens are pleasing to our eyes. Such tones of green calm the viewers. Levitan skillfully combined dark and light shades of green. The artist depicted a sunny day on the canvas. Many white and thin birch trees fill the canvas. Often poets compare their trunk with the camp of a young and slender Russian beauty. It would be nice to find yourself in a place like a birch grove. We continue the composition and move on to sounds. Imagine yourself in such a grove, you can hear the chirping of birds, the movement of representatives of the fauna. Having taken a breath of fresh air, you feel how it is filled with the aromas of meadow flowers and herbs. It seems as if a butterfly with velvet wings has flown from flower to flower. Among such dense grass, sweet and sour strawberries like to grow.

Art critics appreciated the artist's play with light and shadow, as well as the richness and brightness of colors. The radiance of shades of green, as well as the peculiarities of the texture of the canvas, give the impression that it radiates the energy of goodness and optimism. To portray the artist used the technique inherent in the Impressionists.

In general, birch is one of the main trees of the pagan religion of the Slavs. Perhaps that is why the artist depicted the national tree of our people so carefully and diligently.

The canvas "Birch Grove" is a masterpiece of the nineteenth century. It evokes romantic feelings of pristine beauty and freedom of natural spaces.

If you carefully consider the artist's landscape, you can see how the rays of the sun play with dark shades of shadow. My impression of the picture is positive. Causes a feeling of calmness.

A transparent, fast stream flows between the trees, dividing the canvas into two parts. The alternation of dark and light objects gives a feeling of mystery and unexplored parts of nature.
The picture, as it were, is divided into two parts. A dense forest is visible in the distance.

There is a peaceful silence here. Birds are not heard, there are only plants and trees around, the stream murmurs melodiously. Mighty birch trunks rush high into the sky. Under them you can hide from the scorching, sultry, summer sun heat.

The artist admires the slender birch trees soaring high into the sky. And he shares his insight with us. He wanted to leave this fabulous corner as a memory for posterity.

Nature is pure and innocent. It makes you want to lie down on soft, green grass. The air is clean and transparent. The trees stand still, there is not the slightest breath of wind. When viewing a picture, a calm, peaceful melody is heard in the soul. I want to visit this forest full of birches. Feel the coolness of the stream, inhale particles of clean air. See outlandish plants growing in it. Walk barefoot on soft, lush grass. Gather a fragrant bouquet of exotic flowers. Learn more about birch features. Various external data. One tree is slightly leaning, the other grows straight. And rest on the green carpet under their foliage.

In the realm of nature, it is good to rest and think. Problems are forgotten, a feeling of peace is felt. Time stops. Don't want to leave. There would be more such corners in our native land!

It is necessary to preserve and appreciate the wild corners of nature, every blade of grass and living being. They become less and less. Valuable plants disappear. Gentle and clean air is clogged. Forests are cut down, rivers are clogged. Valuable herbs and mushrooms disappear. The natural balance is disturbed.

Description of the painting Birch Grove

What immediately catches your eye in this picture is the play of light and shadow. Kuindzhi did it masterfully.

Here, on a green meadow, the beauties of birches froze. In groups of two and three, like girlfriends on the lawn, they broke up in groups and whisper about something, keep secrets. They bowed their crowns to each other, as the girls bowed their heads with lush manes of hair. Due to this, a tent with a shadow was formed on the green lawn. Where you can relax from the scorching summer sun. And it shines, tries, after all, summer, not a cloud in the sky.

But the tops of the birches did not get into the picture. The trees seem to be cut off, as in the photo. Only birch trunks are visible. In the background is another birch grove. But she does not interest the artist, so those trees are depicted in dark green. Only occasionally flash white trunks. Against the background of the blue sky, they stand out as a large dark green spot. The artist is more interested in birches in the foreground.

The birch idyll is broken only by a flowing stream. He crosses the clearing and runs somewhere into the green distance.

In principle, the artist uses several colors when painting a picture. Green, blue, white. But how many shades Green colour! That and the dark green in the background. The same color depicts the shadows from the trees in the foreground. Green grass growing along the stream. The clearing is also green, but it is some other green color. And on it traced green flowers are visible, and traced green leaves of the crown of birches. They stand out clearly against the dark green grove in the background.

Such a birch clearing can be found in almost every forest, behind almost every Russian village. No wonder the birch is considered a symbol of Russia.

If you dream a little, you can imagine this hot summer day, a light breeze blows a little, a brook murmurs merrily, birds chirp, bees buzz, flying from flower to flower. Just the perfect place to relax in the shade of the trees.

And you can have a picnic in nature. There is no need to build a fire, it will only spoil the idyll. Spread a blanket on the grass, and put all the supplies on it from a large wicker basket or birch box. You can lower a bottle of drinking water or a jar of home-cooked okroshka into the stream to keep it cool. On the fresh air even the simplest food seems so delicious. After a hearty snack, lie down in the grass on your back, fix your eyes on the bottomless blue sky, dream about something of your own, intimate. Maybe even take a nap outside. After such a rest, you can again go to work with renewed vigor.

2, 3, 5, 6 grade

Description of the mood of the painting Birch Grove

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The painting by Isaac Levitan Birch Grove lives up to its name. I can’t even say more precisely, we really have a birch grove in front of us, which the author captured in summer period. The picture is filled with light and seems to radiate in the summer.

Incredibly accurately, the artist conveys the feeling of summer and the mood of a pleasant sunny day, which is easy to see in almost every Russian forest. Of course, birches also grow in other countries, but it is in Russia that such a tree is considered special, it is considered a kind of symbol of the country and contains some folk ideas about beauty, unity, and nature. That is why for a Russian artist the image of a birch is of such significant importance.

On the surface of the earth, the artist highlights flashes of light and grass, which is not lit and a little darker. Thus, a kind of mosaic is created, which is somewhat similar to the mosaic structure of the birch bark pattern, where stripes change on a white background.

The birch trees in this picture go into the distance and seem to continue their eternal journey across the expanses of the country. It would seem that the composition of the picture is almost completely filled and there is no significant space, but, nevertheless, this space is felt and lies precisely in such a series of repetitions of birch trees that go on and on. The picture even seems to be some kind of idyllic, some not quite real, the birch trees are so perfect and beautiful here, there is so much pleasant sunlight.

The birch grove is a kind of Garden of Eden, only in the Russian interpretation. Probably, for a Russian person, some kind of heavenly garden or an ideal of nature may look like this. Levitan embodies here not just a separate grove, but a symbol.

On the other hand, most likely, the artist painted from life, that is, somewhere there was a similar birch grove, and perhaps continues to exist from year to year. Every time the Sun also shines there, the grove is illuminated with light, a mosaic of light and shadow appears on the grass, and the birch trees also continue to sway under the wind.

When you think about this fact, it becomes much more pleasant to the soul. After all, if there is such beauty in the world, then this world is a space for something magnificent and sublime. So you just need to seek and achieve this beauty.

Option 2

Looking at this picture, one wants to exclaim: “I want to go there!” To this clearing, in the shade of these birches. Lie on your back right in the soft, fragrant grass, spread your arms, and look, look into the high blue summer sky.

And what a cool picnic you can have in the shade of birches! Spread a large blanket on the grass, get unpretentious food supplies from a basket or bag. And enjoy nature and food, slowly savoring every bite. The birch trees are drawn so realistically that the picture looks like a photograph. In the foreground, even traced leaves are visible.

The picture shows a beautiful summer day. The sky is not visible, but it is clear that it is cloudless. The artist stopped his gaze and the gaze of the person looking at the picture at the white, dashed tree trunks. It is as if young girls with thin and flexible bodies, dressed in white sundresses, froze in a dance.

The glare of the sun on the ground and on the birch branches makes the picture lively and natural. It seems that you can hear the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. There is nothing more beautiful and sweeter than Russian nature!

If you continue to look at the picture for a long time, then you will want to mentally go further, deep into the forest, beyond those distant birches, to see what is there. Birches are depicted in groups of two and one. And how fun it is to play catch-up among these birches!

Even the grass is depicted so realistically that every blade of grass and small blue flowers can be seen in the foreground. Probably forget-me-nots or daisies.

The artist used not so many colors when painting the picture - white, black, a little blue and yellow. But what a rich palette of green! From light green to malachite shade. With what love for the Motherland this picture was written. It can be seen that the artist loves her forests and fields, and is ready to paint and paint them on his canvases.

Chekhov liked this picture at one time. And he predicted a great future for her. He turned out to be right. Not a single generation admires the beauties of Russian nature.

Green color has a beneficial effect on vision, soothes nervous system. I would hang this picture at home, in front of my favorite sofa, and admire it for hours.

Description of the painting by Levitan Birch Grove

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is a famous Russian artist of the late 19th century who worked in the landscape genre. At that time, his work was very much in demand by society.

worldwide famous painting"Birch Grove" Levitan wrote for about three years. But, what is most interesting, more than 4 years have passed from the idea of ​​​​painting a picture to its implementation. AT given time This work of art is in the collection. The artist was inspired by the beauties of Russian nature. So, being in the expanses of the Kiselev estate near Moscow in Babkino, during a walk, Levitan saw a beautiful birch grove, which he decided to embody on canvas. But he finished the picture already in Plyos, this is the right bank of the Volga River. An excellent birch grove also grew there, in that place the artist completed his picture.

Birch is a symbol of his Motherland - Russia. Isaac Ilyich Levitan depicted a beautiful birch grove on canvas. The day was very warm and sunny, most likely it was already noon time. Because the sun was high in the sky. The painting depicts a warm, perhaps even hot, summer day. Birches stand one after another. They are very densely planted, their trunks reaching high towards the sun. The trees are overgrown with green, juicy foliage. The birch twigs are very beautifully shown, they are thin, but strong. The artist chose the colors of the canvas very correctly. Such colors fill with inner vital energy.

High, dense, green grass grows on the ground, in which white and blue flowers can be seen here and there.

The artist showed very beautifully how the shadow from the trees falls. Not many flowers are depicted on the canvas, but there are enough of them to feel that beautiful summer day that Isaac Ilyich Levitan himself once felt. Mostly dominated dark green color. The color of life and energy. We also see black and white birch trunks that flicker one after another. This picture beautiful, I want to admire it endlessly.

Levitan possessed such an extraordinary power of transferring wildlife to the canvas. The artist depicted everything down to the smallest detail in his works. Many connoisseurs of paintings are eager to see his creations in their collections. Because his works are filled with the power of nature, they inspire new achievements, as well as cheer up.

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Description of the mood of the painting Birch Grove

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Birch Grove

In the birch forest
where the birds sing
Where in the silk grass
rays shining through the shadow...
I.A. Bunin

Good and carefree to me
On the grass, among the green birches,
In a quiet and unknown side!
I.A. Bunin
"The forest is noisy with an indistinct, even noise"

Such Levitan's masterpiece as Birch Grove (1885-1889) was started in Babkino and completed a few years later in Plyos on the Volga. In this image of a fertile corner of a birch forest, everything shines, radiating a feeling of vivacity, involvement in the bright energy of living life. skillfully using expressive possibilities textures, the artist conveys the play of sunlight on white trunks, the play of green birch foliage and sunny grass, among which blue sparks of flowers can be seen. Birches in Levitan's painting are the most cheerful and light-loving of trees, smiling towards the sun and living, like everything around them, their own life, spiritually close to the artist.

Vladimir Petrov

"Birch Grove", begun in Babkino in 1885, was completed only in the summer of 1889. In this image of a birch grove with shadows moving across the light grass from the swaying foliage of trees, Levitan again builds a picture on movement, on the play of lighting. And here this play of light, this movement of shadows serve as the basis and means of expressing "mood". Spots of light and shadow invite the viewer to delve into the image, where the clarity of the outlines of objects is lost and the birch grove merges into common green spots. The play of light on the birch trunks makes them not only quivering and alive, but as if transparent. This transparency and tenderness is given to them by rich color, which conveys the play of light and shadows on the trunks. We see here, along with white, pasty spots, smaller pink, brown and additional bluish-green colors. They find support in the image of small purple flowers and yellow reflections of light in the grass and above in the foliage.

The shadows were interpreted there either as bluish, or as pearl. In the picture “Birch Grove”, penetrated by the sun, shining, as if radiating emerald light, the color rendering of the relationship between light and dark has acquired remarkable purity and immediacy. From the picture it seems to breathe freshness and smells of a sunny summer day in the forest.

Nowhere else did Levitan come so close to Impressionism in his painting, he approached it on his own, not yet knowing the works French artists and not seeing other manifestations of impressionism, except for the sketches of his peer and comrade K. Korovin. In fact, the composition itself is impressionistic with its cut of birch trunks and their tops by the edge of the picture, the composition, as if immediately introducing us into the depths of the image, to this grass under the canopy of birches, plunging us into the air filled with the fragrance of greenery heated by the sun, permeated with light . The dynamics of the image is also impressionistic, manifesting itself in the seeming “randomness” of the choice of the point of view and the location of the trunks, and in that light rhythm of movement that permeates everything in the picture. This is a movement that does not have a specific direction, but as if “fluttering”.

Polenov himself, in a response letter about this picture, expressed his joy "that Levitan stepped forward." Perhaps the paintings created as a result of the third trip to the Volga include the comment attributed to Chekhov by Kuvshinnikova: “You know,” he remarked to Levitan, “even a smile appeared in your paintings.” She really was in them - and in the "Birch Grove" in particular.

A.A. Fedorov-Davydov

Composition based on a painting by student 6B Sergeev Oleg

Today I will introduce you to the picture of the 19th century Russian painter Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Birch Grove”, which takes us to warm summer days. It was started in Babkino and completed a few years later in Plyos.

On this canvas, birch trees are shown in unusually bright, saturated, lively and warm colors. The sun's rays fall on the birch bark. And due to this, a contrast is created between the illuminated corners of the trees and dark green leaves. Dark pieces of birch bark also emphasize this. Birches with leaves are depicted very naturally, Levitan, as it were, lets us hear their whispers.

More on this painting canvas radiant grass is visible. It contributes well to the selection of birch trees. Among it grow various wildflowers. This meadow is full of freshness. It seems to expand, increase the size of the grove depicted here.

This grass spreads unusually smoothly over the canvas. Looking at it, you just want to run through it, lie down, think about something high and look through the rustling leaves at the azure sky.

This picture cheers up, invigorates and reminds that winter is not eternal.

"Birch Grove"(1885-1889) is considered one of Levitan's most significant "impressionist" masterpieces.

This small (50 by 29 cm) landscape took Levitan for four whole years, wandering with him from one important spatial and biographical milestone to another. He started "Birch Grove" in 1885 in the Babkino estate near Moscow on Istra, where, in close company of the Chekhov family and their friends Kiselev, Levitan spent three fruitful and boring summers, and ended four years later already in Plyos, a city on the Volga (almost by accident "discovered" by Levitan and his girlfriend Sophia Kuvshinnikova during a river trip), which will become a whole era in Levitan's painting.

"Birch Grove" sounds infrequent in Levitan's melancholic painting as a major chord. Everything here, in this fertile corner of a young birch forest, shines, shimmers and radiates cheerfulness. It is easy to succumb to the temptation to draw a direct biographical parallel: until recently, the artist was poor and lonely, and by 1885-86 everything had finally changed miraculously. Levitan earned good money for the scenery in private opera Savva Mamontova and together with Chekhov stays in Babkino, among people who are close in perception of the world, who appreciate art and are benevolent towards Levitan. He works a lot, but he also fools around a lot, almost every day he portrays in amusing performances either a Bedouin or a defendant merchant accused of distilling and secret immorality, and it seems that he has not laughed so much in all his life. So, maybe that's why "Birch Grove" also laughs and rejoices? Yes and no. Of course, psychologically everything was much more tortuous and complicated, and at times Levitan again fell into his usual melancholy, telling Chekhov: "Nothing but longing in the cube". In any case, Levitan did not manage to finish the "Birch Grove" in Babkino. Something was still missing. Some kind of "smallness", without which, as Fyodor Chaliapin, who was well acquainted with Levitan, said, "there is no art."

“The very fact of the possibility of working on a landscape, so small, for several years, with interruptions, again returning to this topic and preserving, with such a long work, the immediacy of sensation and such a captivating freshness of the painting itself, I was simply amazed,- admitted the artist Boris Ioganson, - and still I never cease to be amazed at this perfection, this diamond even in the work of Levitan..

Levitan's student Boris Lipkin argued that for the author of Birch Grove it was a favorite practice - to leave the picture "for ripening", returning to it after a while. Lipkin conveys the words of the artist that he remembers in this way: “Finishing a picture is sometimes very difficult,” said Levitan. “Sometimes you’re afraid to ruin it with one stroke. So they stand, “ripen”, turned to the wall ... To finish, sometimes you need two or three strokes, but you won’t decide which ones right away ”.

Levitan was able to complete the Birch Grove only when he found himself in Plyos, a city that the artist would glorify and which would forever remain associated with the name of Levitan. This Volga town stands on hills covered with white-trunked birch groves. One of them, which Levitan liked, was located on the outskirts of Plyos, not far from the cemetery church. Here Levitan could watch the play of sun glare on birch trunks, foliage, and young grass for a long time. In conveying the vibration of color and the light-air environment, Levitan approaches the technique of the Impressionists. Akin to their finds is the compositional solution of the "Birch Grove": Levitan's trees are cut off by the edge of the canvas. This technique is loved by the Impressionists: it contributes to the “inclusion” of the viewer in what is happening in the picture, creates the effect of presence and a sense of spontaneity.

In addition to the obvious parallels with the Impressionists (Levitan will see their work with his own eyes a little later, when he visits Europe, and will remain not that indifferent - but will generally perceive it without much enthusiasm), "Birch Grove" evokes almost obligatory associations with three more names: Arkhip Kuindzhi , Camille Corot and Anton Chekhov.

Levitan and Kuindzhi: such different "Birch Groves"

Four years before Levitan began work on Birch Grove, in 1881, the innovator landscape painter Arkhip Kuindzhi exhibited a painting with the same name. Both the choice of motive and the horizontal, slightly elongated format of both "Birch Groves" are similar. Otherwise, they are strikingly different. Kuindzhi strives for dramatic effects, strong contrasts, and his light has a majestic, incomprehensible, cosmic nature. Levitan in his "Birch Grove" is more lyrical and psychological. Kuindzhi works with rational symmetry (the stream divides the composition in half), Levitan achieves natural asymmetry when choosing the angle. Kuindzhi worked from memory - Levitan could not complete the work without checking with nature.

Levitan and Koro: "there are strange rapprochements"

The creation of a work on a topic with which Kuindzhi had already become famous was not for Levitan a conscious controversy or deliberate creative rivalry: in terms of character, Levitan hardly belonged to competitive natures, and Kuindzhi was not his idol. But from whom he really learned a lot and whom he would consider it an honor to inherit in his work - this is Camille Corot. This French landscape painter, close to the Barbizons, was called "poet of the dawn" and "singer of the trees", i.e. everything that makes up the essence of Levitan's "Birch Grove". Young Levitan was simply delirious with Corot's paintings. In France, the first monograph on Corot by Rouge Millet and Levitan had just come out, in order to be able to read it, he independently taught French. Corot, like no one else, was able to convey the fleeting moods of nature, the flutter of foliage, the subtle movement of air and gradations of color. Indeed, if we look at how the foliage vibrates in the crowns of trees from Corot’s painting “Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld” or on any of his views of Ville d'Avre, we will see that the flutter of the greenery of Levitan's birches, his small quivering strokes here are akin to the Corot method.

Chekhov's Parallels in Levitan's "Birch Grove"

Levitan's heartfelt confession, written by him while working on Birch Grove, is addressed to Chekhov: “I have never loved nature so much, I have never been so sensitive to it, I have never felt so strongly this divine something, poured into everything, but which not everyone sees, which cannot even be named, since it is not amenable to reason, analysis, but comprehended by love. Without this feeling, there can be no true artist» . And Chekhov's heroes will then argue: "What kind beautiful trees and what, in essence, should be near them beautiful life» . The “circumcision” of the composition of the “Birch Grove” is close to creative method Chekhov himself, who argued that when the story is already written, in order to make it better, it is necessary to discard the beginning and end. However, more important than the "technical" moments of similarity for Levitan was the emotional support that friendship with Chekhov gave him. In the "Babkinsky" period, Chekhov wrote to their common acquaintance with Levitan, the architect Fyodor Shekhtel: “There is so much air and expression in nature that there is no strength to describe ... Each knot screams and asks to be written by Levitan ...”.
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