Fun fun for kids. What are active games? Sports competitions for children

entertain the players, help lift the mood, because humor is at the heart of the game. These are games for psychological relief during the holidays.

Gemini game

Two people take part in the game. They stand next to each other. Touching hands are tied - the left hand of one participant remains and the right hand of the other. With these acting hands, they must perform various tasks: for example, wrap a gift in gift paper, tie it with a ribbon and tie a bow. Tasks can be customized to your liking.

Mummy Returns game

Four players take part in the game - two teams of two people each.
One of them is "mummy". Another - "mummifier" must mummify a partner - completely wrap him with toilet paper. The team that does it faster wins.

Game Mad Monkey

Game for two opponents. Plastic spoons in the mouth - tennis balls in them. Competitors stand or sit opposite each other. The task is to knock down the opponent's tennis ball without dropping your own.

Gorka game

Two pairs of participants sit or stand opposite each other. In the hands or in the teeth of partners, your end of the towel. The host puts a ball or egg on the towel. Announces that a storm is beginning - the participants begin to swing the towel up and down. The team whose ball or egg falls to the floor loses.

Game Astronauts

5-10 people take part in the game. Chairs are placed in a circle (one less than the number of participants) - these are “rockets”. Children are inside the circle and hold hands. At the command of the host, they begin to walk in a circle and say the following text: “Rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets. If we really want to fly to Venus. But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers! After the word "no!" everyone runs to the rockets and takes a place in them. A participant who does not have time to take a place in the “rocket” is eliminated from the game.

Bug game

5-10 people take part. One participant stands with his back to the players, right palm he closes his own view of what is happening behind, and left hand- lowers lower under the right, palm outward. One of the players gently hits the palm of the driver with his hand. After that, the driver turns to the players who are holding right hand in front of you with your thumb up.
The task of the game is to guess who hit him in the palm of his hand. If he guesses, then the hitter takes his place, if not, he stands further.

Sky, earth, water

The whole class or group can take part in the game kindergarten. Children walk in a circle around the leader. At the command of the leader - “sky” you need to jump up with your hands up, if the leader pronounces the word “earth”, then you need to stomp your feet. At the word "water" - you need to circle around yourself. Anyone who messes up is out of the game.

At the bear in the forest

Up to 15 people can take part in the game. Before the start of the game, with the help of a counting rhyme, choose bear. Bear and the guys are on different sides traits. While the bear is sleeping, the participants go to his side and sing a song:
I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest,
The bear does not sleep. Looks at me.
At the last cue, they must run over to their side. The one who does not have time, hesitates, bear drag him into his hole. Bear becomes the participant in this entertaining game, who was grabbed bear. As an option - bears with becomes 2, 3,4, etc.

figure, freeze

This entertaining game can involve a class or group of a kindergarten. The script is like this:
the host begins to speak: The sea worries once,
children continue: The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
In place, figure, freeze!
(option: on the spot, funny, weird, fantastic, etc.….. figure, freeze!)
As soon as the participants, after the phrase “freeze”, froze in a certain position, the host tries to make the participants laugh. Whoever laughed becomes the leader or leaves the game.

Game Gardener

Entertaining game for a kindergarten group or class. Children choose a name for themselves, some kind of flower, and tell the leader about it. The facilitator - the gardener walks in front of the participants and says the following text:
I was born a gardener
Not jokingly angry
I'm tired of all the flowers, except for the lily.
Gardener: What's wrong with you?
Lily: In love.
Gardener: Who?
The participant names another flower. After that, the gardener continues to read his text and mentions the flower named by the participant. Who did not have time to quickly say "Oh!" - out of the game.

Game Yes - No

Answer together (Yes)
Ice-frozen water?
We answer quickly (Yes)
Wednesday after Friday?
We will also answer (No)
Is the tree always green?
We answer clearly (Yes)
New Year always cheerful? (Yes)
Waiting for all the games and jokes? (Yes)
Are you okay with humor? (Yes)
Are we always charging? (Yes or no)
Were you congratulated on the New Year? (Yes)
Did they send everyone home? (No)
Will you give gifts? (Yes)
They will (Yes)
Will you eat the gift yourself? (Yes)
And don't treat your friends? (children are confused)
Would you like to treat mom and dad? (Yes)
Will you give grandparents? (Yes)
Are you greedy guys? (Yes)
Is your present not enough? (children are confused)
Are we bored today? (No)
Were you fun to play with? (Yes)

Game with the hall "a song in a circle, for best friend»

Soundtrack sounds famous songs(1 verse) children in the hall, together with the leaders, perform them. Top performers receive tokens - smiles.

Game Draw a portrait of the dragon Gosha

Task: Draw a portrait of a cartoon character overcoming obstacles.
Props: 2 easels, markers, 2 drawing papers schematic representations dragon, 2 rubber bands.
Music. Conducting the game. Definition of winners. Rewarding.

Fun Concert game

Task: Improvisation to music
Props: Fake musical instruments.
The host conducts a quiz on knowledge of music, musical instruments etc. From the active participants, he selects the future "group", distributing tokens with the image of tools to 6 people.
Conducting the game.

game funny fisherman

Two participants take part in the game. In the center of the hall lies a hoop - a pond in which fish swim. The fishermen throw their line into the pond, and the participants who are there hook one fish per hook. After that, the fishermen take their catch and put it in a bucket. Whoever catches more fish in 2-3 minutes wins.

Puzzle game

Collecting puzzles, it would seem, is a simple matter, but it all starts with the fact that two participants are blindfolded. They have to go between the pins - first in one direction, then in the other, taking the last pin with them. And so on until the full collection of skittles. Then they go to the boxes in which the components are located. future picture. Whoever finishes the whole stage first wins.

Pick up trash game

Participants of the game wear large mittens or boxing gloves. Task: to the music to collect small debris scattered on the floor.

feed the bird

Initially, a 3-liter bottle is decorated to look like a bird. The task for both teams is to get into the neck of a voracious bird.

Game for girls - models "Matchboxes"

Girls are invited to parade along an imaginary catwalk, holding matchboxes on their shoulders. This entertaining game is played both in team and individual versions.

Collect "Kisses"

plays funny music. Participants profusely make up their lips. "To the start, attention, march" - the host commands, and the participants scatter in all directions - in search of the cheeks of the spectators present. After the kiss, the "victim" becomes a member of the group who kissed him. After the music stops, "kisses" are counted. Whoever did the best, wins. It is important that a clear imprint of lipstick remains on the faces.

Game Bubbles

Captain Competition. The teams are given cups of soap bubbles. Each team forms its own circle, inside which the captain stands with a blank sheet of paper in his hands. On a signal and to the music, the participants begin to blow bubbles, and the captain catches them by substituting the paper. The captain with the most bubble prints left on the sheet wins.

Game Shoe a Friend

In the center of the circle are two drivers with their backs to their teams. Team members take off one shoe at a time and throw it at the feet of the drivers. At the command of the leader, the drivers begin to quickly put on the shoes of their teams. Who quickly. Then we look at what came out of it.

1. Summer is the season for fruits and vegetables. Therefore, in our competition we will need apples, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers. We lay out this crop of ours mixed up and it is desirable that it is not a bunch, the more space, the better. Everything should be in the same amount. There are 4 children in this competition. They are given baskets. The task of our little participants is to collect the desired vegetable or fruit in their basket. Whoever picks it up first is the winner. But so that the kids do not quarrel because of the vegetable or fruit assigned to them, we propose to draw lots. To do this, take four pieces of paper in advance and sign them: cucumber, tomato, apple, pear. Have each child pull out their piece of paper. And forward for victory! The winner is entitled to an incentive prize.

2. For this competition, two participants are selected. A sheet of paper is hung on their backs. We write one word at a time on paper, but they should be long and interesting. When choosing words, consider the age of the children. The following options can serve as an example: transformer, abracadabra, abstract, adventurer, ride (promise), cash out (place people in their places), etc. We will explain the words that the children do not know later, but first we will ask the children themselves how they understand them. Having attached to the participants, sheets with words on the back, we turn on the music, cheerful and moving. The task of the participants is to dance rhythmically, not showing my word, but you need to find out what word the opponent is hiding behind his back. Whoever reads the opponent's word first is the winner.

3. This competition requires 2-3 participants and a lot of fruits, vegetables, leaves from trees. The task of the contestants is to lay out a picture with the help of fruits and vegetables. Whoever completes the task faster and more beautifully, is the winner. But we set the picture ourselves so that the kids are not confused. It can be a flower, a lawn, Teddy bear etc. It all depends on the age of the participants and what you have for a similar picture. Fruits and vegetables can be cut to your desired shape.

Fun contests for kids

1. First, let's choose two participants who will represent various situations. The rest of the kids are divided into two teams. Our "pictures", with the help of facial expressions, gait, gestures, but without words, take turns showing scenes such as:
a penguin who ate too much ice cream;
little red riding hood saw a wolf;
the cat who stole a sandwich from the table;
a football player who missed the ball;
frightened bunny;
Santa Claus brought gifts;
the birthday boy blows out the candles on the cake;
angry, angry pig.
Teams take turns guessing these situations. Those who guessed the most won.

2. For this competition, we write on the leaves the names of animals, in duplicate: a hare, a dog, a penguin, a kangaroo, a gorilla, a lion. Thus, we should get twelve leaves. Now we need twelve participants. To begin with, they pull the leaves, but they do not show anything to anyone. Their task is to portray without words, but with the help of facial expressions, gestures, any movements of the animal that they came across, and find their mate among other participants. On command, everyone together begins to portray their animal and look for their mate. Those who have found each other go aside and so on until the last pair. Then we distribute the places - who was the first to find his pair, who was the second, etc. But we check the leaves so that we don’t get a lion with a kangaroo together.

3. We divide the participants into two teams. This competition develops fantasy and imagination well. The task of the teams is to write as many different uses for an object as possible, for example: a school notebook with deuces, a toilet paper wrapper, a torn slipper, a hole in a sock, a broken ball pen, dropped door handle. Both teams are given the same topic. And a certain amount of time is given (10-15 minutes). The team that came up with more uses for such an interesting item during this time won.

Funny contests for kids

1. This competition develops creative thinking and imagination of children. We divide the kids into two teams. Imagine that a new restaurant with the most unusual menu opens in the center of our city. The task of our teams is to come up with as many slogans as possible for a particular dish. After all, we all know what better advertising, the greater the demand, the more original, the better. And our menu is this: roasted chestnuts with cabbage in tomato juice; acorn pate with pineapple pieces; wings of the cockchafer own juice; crow's feet in maggot sauce. The commanders pull out leaflets with the names of the dishes and start the task with the team. Time is given 15-20 minutes. Whoever came up with more slogans during this period of time, he won.

2. For this competition we need two teams. Each team chooses its leader. The commanders take turns pulling out five sheets of paper with tongue twisters: You can’t speak all the tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak them. The cardinals of Karvolan crowned at the carnival. There was a white-winged ram. All the rams were white-winged. The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres. Teams are given 15-20 minutes. for preparation. Then each team takes turns reading their tongue twisters. The winner is the team that reads better.

3. For this competition, you need to prepare in advance scarves, aprons, and preferably long, loose skirts, blouses, cosmetics (which is not a pity). Now we need two boys to participate in the competition. Their task is to quickly change into Babka-Ezhka, put on makeup, and tie a scarf on their heads. They stand with their backs to each other and, on command, begin their reincarnation. Whoever quickly transforms into Baba Yaga wins. But do not forget to take into account the quality of reincarnation.

1. 2-4 teams can take part in this competition. Each team chooses its leader. Assigning commands to compose little story or a fairy tale, but the trick is that in this fairy tale all words must begin with letters that the commanders will come across. Team leaders pull leaves. On each piece of paper, 3 letters are written, with which all the words of the fairy tale will begin. For example: the letters P, Zh, K: there lived a beautiful beauty, a beauty - a princess. The beautiful beetle fell into the web and cried until the prince rode to defeat the beetle, etc. The winner is the one who used the most words. If there are a lot of teams, then you can arrange nominations: “The most long tale”, “The most original”, “A fairy tale with an unexpected end”, etc.

2. For this competition, you need to prepare pictures for proverbs in advance, you can draw it yourself, or you can find it on the Internet. We select different proverbs, the more interesting, the better, but do not forget to take into account the age of our participants. 2-4 teams can take part in the competition. Each team has its own leader. We lay out the prepared pictures on the table, face down, so that the participants do not see them. Commanders choose 5 cards each. The task of the teams is to find out what kind of proverb is shown in the picture. This task is given 15-20 minutes. The winner is the one who solved all the cards first.

3. 2-4 teams can participate in this competition. In advance, you need to prepare a description of fairy-tale characters. For example: She went to visit her grandmother and brought her pies. Walking through the forest, met gray wolf. (Red Riding Hood). For each team, you need to prepare 3-5 fairy-tale heroes. Commanders pull out cards with descriptions. Teams are given 20-25 minutes. If they do it before the given time, they raise their hand. The winner is the one who recognizes all the characters first.

Sports competitions for children

1. For this competition, we need two or three teams and a gymnastic hoop. Each team has 5-10 members. The task of the teams is to walk, twisting the hoop at the waist, to the finish line, and from the finish line we run, jumping over the hoop. Having reached our team, we pass the baton to the next participant. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

2. We will need sand for this competition, children's shovels with buckets. 2-4 teams participate. Each team has 5-10 members. At a distance from the teams to the finish line, we calculate the middle. In the middle, in front of each team, we pour out heaps of sand, next we put buckets with shovels. The task of the teams is to run to the middle, pour sand into the bucket, run to the finish line with the bucket, pour out the contents of the bucket behind it, but so that it turns out to be a pasochka, then run with the bucket to the middle, leave it there, run to our team, passing the baton next. If one of the participants breaks the pass, then he runs again from the very beginning. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. You can also arrange nominations: “The fastest team”, “Team with culinary skills”, “Team - accurate cooks”, etc.

3. 3-5 teams of 5-10 participants take part in this sports competition. At a distance from the team to the finish line, we calculate the middle. Teams need to jump rope, with their arms crossed, jump to the middle, put the rope, take the cube and run to the finish line. Returning back, we run to the middle, take the rope and, jumping over it, run to our team, pass the baton. But the interest is all in the cubes. In the middle, the cubes are laid out in a figure, the participants must line up the same figure at the finish line. If there are 5 participants in the team, then this is the letter X (5 dice are needed to build it); 6 participants - triangle, etc.

Competitions for children and parents

1. 2-3 couples participate in this competition: mom or dad and a child. The host of the competition prepares in advance leaflets on which he writes fairy-tale characters: Little Red Riding Hood, Old Woman Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Carlson, Cheburashka, Gena the crocodile, Dunno, Luntik, Shrek, etc. From the bag, children pull 4-6 leaves, on which are written fairy-tale heroes. Then the participants are faced with the task of portraying the hero that they came across. Who will portray, agree in advance, but so that in all teams these are either children or parents, for equality, or you can take turns - once a child, once a parent. First, in the first team, the child shows the hero, and the parent guesses, then the second team, etc. The winner is the team that guessed the most. For more interest, you can set the time to 5-10 minutes. for one show.

2. For this competition, we seat mothers hardly, with their backs to the children. Moms need to let their hair down. The more mothers, the better, you can even involve those girls who came without children. The main condition of the competition is that children do not see how their mothers are seated. We blindfold the children, and they take turns passing and trying their mothers' hair. After the "test" they tell the host the number under which their mother sits. Other children should not hear this, so as not to stray. The winner is the one who correctly named his mother. If you want to simplify the task, then you can have the children try the face, but carefully.

3. We will prepare cards in advance on which we will write the names of fairy tales or cartoons: “Shrek”, “ ice Age”,“ Sleeping Beauty ”,“ Duck Tales ”, etc. Participates in this competition 3-5 couples. Children pull out cards with the name of fairy tales / cartoons. One card each. And draw this fairy tale on a piece of paper. This is given 15-20 minutes. Parents should not see what their child depicts. After the end of time, children give their masterpieces to their parents. And now parents should find out what kind of fairy tale it is and retell it.

Children's birthday contests

1. Competition "Relay"
- six participants, who will subsequently be divided into two teams;
- two basketballs;
- two bags;
- two chicken eggs and two tablespoons.
After the teams of participants are formed, each participant in the relay chooses a type of competition for himself (someone will fill the ball, someone will jump in bags, and someone will try to bring and not drop the egg in a spoon).
On command, two participants from each team at a given distance must go in one direction and the other, stuffing a basketball with their hands, then pass the baton to those who will overcome the same distance, jumping in bags, they, in turn, pass the baton to those who will carry egg in a tablespoon. The team that passes first wins.

2. Competition "Faster than others"

The competition is designed for children aged 10 to 15 years. To run this competition, you must:

- prepare in advance air balloons two colors;
- form two teams by a participant (there must be an even number).
The task of the teams participating in the competition is to inflate the most number of balloons of the corresponding color in a minute. For example: the blue team inflates blue balloons, and the red team inflates red ones.
On command, the participants take the balloons and inflate them for a minute. The team that inflates wins the largest number balloons.

3. Key Cracker Contest

The competition is designed for children aged 7 to 14 years. For its implementation, two participants are enough. Two small locks and a bunch of 12-14 keys are pre-prepared. The task for the participants is to pick up the key to the lock faster than each other. The participant who completes the task first wins.

4. Contest "Toe"

To run this competition, you must:
- prepare leaflets in a box;
- ballpoint or helium pens, you can also pencils.
An unlimited number of participants can participate in the competition.
All children participating in the competition receive a piece of paper in a box and a pen.
The task for the participants is to draw as many zeros as possible in each cell on the sheet in a minute. The one with the most zeros wins.

5. Competition "Chain"

To run this competition, you must:
- form two teams (from 2 to 4 children in each team);
Prepare a box of paper clips for each team member.
After the teams are formed, it is necessary to make a chain of paper clips in a minute for each participant in the team. After the allotted time for the competition ends, all participants of each of the teams connect their chains into one, which team will have a common chain longer than that and becomes the winner. This competition is a team competition.

Competitions for children at home

1. We will need postcards, which we cut into four parts. Thus, we make a deck. We shuffle it like cards. We put this deck in the middle of the table, and start playing. The rules are as follows: we take turns taking out a card from the deck, and so on until it runs out. Then, from the cards that we have, we fold a postcard or several, it depends on how many participants and how many postcards were cut. Who got a postcard or most of her, he is the winner.

2. This competition is similar to the game "Cities" or "Words", when we name a city / word, and the next participant must say the name of the city / word that begins with the final letter of the previous word. In our competition, the conditions are the same - we name the word, and the next participant says his own, but which begins with the final letter of the previous word. The interest lies in the fact that in this competition we name only those words that consist of 3 letters. For example: poppy - car - cancer - cap - pap - pak - Cyrus, etc. To play longer, you can use such forms of words as: mom, dad, Rome (Rimma), Cyrus (Kira), etc. The winner is the one who last named a word consisting of 3 letters. For this contest, you can also use words with only 4 letters, with 5, 6, etc.

3. For this contest, we need large apples or pears. Participants can be 2-5. We take apples, cut them and put them on five plates (if there are five participants). Apple slices should be the same size and slices in each plate should be equal amount. Participants are seated at the table, in front of them we put plates with apples. The task of our contestants is to eat the contents of the plate without the help of hands. It is better to keep your hands behind your back. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Competitions for children in nature

1. This contest is for the adventurous as we will be looking for treasures. Parents need to figure out in advance what kind of treasure and where they will hide it. It can be sweets, fruits, some kind of game: tennis, ball, jump ropes. It all depends on the interest of your children and your financial capabilities. For this competition, we need 2-3 teams, it doesn’t matter how many participants in each team, albeit two. Parents draw a map in advance, you can even include certain places in which clues will be hidden, with which treasure seekers will step by step get to the secret place. There is enough space in nature. But still, try to draw cards for each team a little different, or let the tips differ, but so that they are the same in complexity. Or you can just make different places for the teams to start. After the competition, a common sweet table is set for the teams.

2. This is a competition of skill. 2-5 children take part. We blindfold the kids and tighter so that they do not have the opportunity to peep. In the clearing we scatter small balls, the more the better. The task of the participants is eyes closed for a certain period of time to collect the largest number of balls in their baskets. 10-15 minutes are enough for this competition. Whoever collected the most balls wins.

3. In this competition we will have several winners. We buy multi-colored balloons in advance, 6 balloons of each color (this also depends on the number of participants). The more participants, the more interesting and fun. We inflate the balloons and tie them to the legs of our participants. Their task is to keep their ball safe and sound, but to burst the opponent's ball. The interest is also in the fact that the participants must pop the balls only of their own color. Whoever kept his ball intact is the winner.

Competitions for children on the street

1. This competition is both interesting and instructive. You can read a lecture for children in advance on the topic: "Providing first aid" or ask them what they know about it. Also consider the age of the participants. So, we divide the children into two teams. Their task is to bring the wounded to the finish line and provide him with first aid. At the finish line we have first-aid posts for each team. From the start, two participants carry the third (wounded) in their arms to the first-aid post, and there, together with the fourth team member, they provide assistance to the wounded. But we give a task in advance, or rather, we specify what the patient is sick with - a broken arm, leg, sprain, concussion, etc. For both teams, the task is the same. Whoever completes the task faster and correctly is the winner.

2. In this competition, each team must find their commander, who was kidnapped by pirates. But they left clues that could help teams get their leader back. We hide step-by-step hints in secrets in advance. It can be riddles, instructions, encrypted text. This is how, solving the scheme step by step, the teams find their commanders. But the start for the teams should be different, and each team, having solved the problem in the cache, must leave it there and leave it for the next team. The one who saves his commander first will win.

3. For this competition we need a ball. And the best thing is to have a lot of children. Participants stand in a circle and begin to roll the ball to each other. The first participant, sending the ball with his foot to the second, says "first". The one who picked up the ball sends it to the next one, saying "second", etc. The ball can be rolled to anyone, but you can’t leave the circle, you can’t take the ball from a neighbor either. And most importantly, you can not lose count in this game, we use ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.). The one who loses count is out of the game. And so we play until there is no last member- A winner who never fails.

Contests- an invariable component of all children's holidays. All loving parents know this. And it seems that there is absolutely nothing difficult in picking them up for a specific, long-awaited birthday of the most expensive baby in the world. But it was not there! As a rule, most parents who decide to arrange a holiday for their children on their own (without the help of professional children's animators and clubs) are faced with a very unpleasant thing - a huge, immense choice. And the overabundance of supply that now exists in books of a certain direction, master classes and the same Internet creates chaos in the heads of parents unprepared for such a scenario of events. And what is the result? After flipping through several pages (out of one million and a certain number of thousands offered by the search engine), poor parents understand that it is easier to pay money and leave such a complex and multifaceted business as organizing a children's holiday in the hands of professionals. Of course, this is their right. But! Never, and under no circumstances, will strangers (even professionals in their field!) give YOUR children, at YOUR holiday, the amount of soft parental love that you can give! This is the main thing! So, you need to resist the temptation and not look for the path of minimal resistance.

Well, if the problem is really only in the difficulty of selecting contests for a holiday of a certain theme, it doesn’t matter. We will help you figure this out!

So, let's start with the fact that we determine for ourselves, what are the competitions?

As a rule, game programs for children imply three directions, which, when considering the scenario of the holiday, must be alternated among themselves: active games, passive entertainment and creative contests. For example, after a relay race (active game), you can put together a puzzle (passive) or draw a picture (creative competition), and after that, play energetic “musical chairs” again. This is necessary in order to maintain the dynamics of the holiday and the general good mood guys.

Active games

What are active games? These are noisy fun, the essence of which is the performance of certain tasks that require intensive movement in space, on the way to victory. Therefore, initially, when planning to include active games in the scenario, you must take care of the "space" - the hall, the large room, the yard, the sports ground.

What are active games?

Almost all active games are divided into:

1. Competitions

These are games that involve ultimately determining the absolute winner. As a rule, all sorts of thematic interpretations of “treasure hunt”, search for keys to open the treasured “chest of desires” and sports are attributed to competitive amusements. A few examples.

(suitable if you are having a holiday in the spring, in the yard). Hide around the yard (in nooks and crannies of the garden) plastic "eggs" with little surprises. On the command “start!”, send your little guests to hunt! Determine the winner by the number of finds! Learn more about this and others Easter contests read "Children's Easter"
"Running with obstacles"(arrange, as a rule, in the summer, on the beach). The essence of the task is to carry as many shells as possible from one point to another, overcoming obstacles. But! You need to do this, shod in flippers! Well, you will learn about the construction of obstacles in the article "The sea worries once". A real rally car race, based on the cartoon about McQueen's car, can also be called a kind of obstacle course.

2. Team games

This type of entertainment for the holiday should be at least 50%. And mainly because group fun is the key to the success of even the very first, organized by self-doubting parents. Advantages of team games:

Easy tasks (and they certainly should be!) that even the most shy kid can simply and with a smile. And from this, after all, the whole mood of the holiday depends!

Team game - an opportunity to easily make friends of children of different sex, age, complexion! And this is exactly what you need for quality children's day birth!

Usually, team game assumes the victory of the whole team, and not someone specific. In the same way, the loss is distributed among the members of the whole team, and does not become an unpleasant moment for someone alone. Again, the level of children's impression of the holiday depends on this alignment.

Team games carry a certain idea, they form part of the scenario, they correspond to a certain entourage. This is all - it helps the little participants to dive deeper into the game reality of the scenario, to feel what the organizers of the holiday wanted to convey to them, that is, you, the parents.

Examples of team games.

(for the holiday of pirates, beloved by all children, the game is played on the beach). Stones must be laid out throughout the beach (if there are no stones at hand, you can take plastic bottles filled with water). The whole "structure" should resemble a corridor with complex turns. Between the "reefs" (stones) you need to scatter pennies, shells, and other things related to the sea. Participants must hold hands, go through this corridor and collect as many "sea treasures" as possible. More about the contest - "The sea worries two"
(game on fresh air). All children are divided into 2 teams: butterflies and catchers. The task of the "catchers" is to catch the "butterfly" in the net, the task of the butterfly is to run away from the catcher to the house. Details and props for the competition can be found at the "Children's Party of Little Butterflies". The team can also include "Fairytale croquet" ("Birthday, not a little girl or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"), or - the well-known sack jumps and tug of war "The sea worries once".

3. Games for passing, relay races

A relay race is a team game that involves overcoming certain obstacles by team members at speed. The winner is the team that completes the task faster and better.

(for any holiday outdoors). To obtain cherished key to the chest, the guys need to go through an obstacle along a thin path between sharks with sharp teeth suspended at different heights! How to make sharks and how such a competition can end, read "The sea worries three"
((sports game for a holiday in the forest). You need to go through a labyrinth built from cardboard boxes so as not to touch any of the walls and not wake the dragon with a bell ringing. And at the end of the maze there will be something that can surprise children so much that they will remember your holiday for a lifetime! I wonder what? Read The Real Little Man's Birthday.
Another interesting option walkthrough games - real "cowboy rodeo"- ride on wooden stick horses through dangerous prairies (bales of hay, etc.). The result of such a race is the solemn presentation of the "Star of the Sheriff" to the winner ("Celebration in the style of cowboys of the Wild West").

4. War-battles

And, of course, what is a children's holiday (especially given as a gift to a boy) without a war? Between dark and light forces, between the armies of two states and, in the end, between teams, using water pistols or water "bombs" from balloons?

For example, such games can be held by arranging a large-scale celebration according to the scenarios of favorite children's fantasy films Harry Potter, or The Lord of the Rings. And yet, a large-scale air-water war can be organized by holding a holiday in the style of "Circus".

Passive Entertainment

Passive games are games that do not require a significant expenditure of energy to achieve a result (win). This defines the meaning of "passive play" dictionary. In life, moreover, as applied to children's holiday, passive games are any entertainment that can interest a company of children in the limited space of one room. And this, by the way, is not only known to everyone board games- checkers, chess, dominoes and puzzles.

Playing can also be classified as passive fun. "Bingo"(even in its most classic version). And if you develop a board for the game yourself (for example, using the faces of cartoon characters), you will get great fun in general, which will help the kids take a break from the recent overly emotional relay race. Well themed "Bingo" falls into the script based on popular cartoons with many actors, for example, Visit Mickey Mouse.
Also, they work great "Musical minutes". These are passive games that involve the creation of a whole orchestra of musical instruments “invented” from improvised means. For example, in a script based on the popular children's cartoon“Luntik and his friends” children ring the bells of the spider-poet Shnyuk, and “Honey holiday with Winnie the Pooh” generally takes place to the musical rhythms created by children.
If you don't want to mess around with creating music, you can play a few games that require minimal movement from the participants. For example, pass in a circle to the music of the insidious queen-stepmother (from the script based on the fairy tale “My light, mirror, tell me, or visit Snow White and the dwarves”).
Another interesting option for festive passive entertainment is blindfold orientation. For example, you can attach a propeller to an airplane with your eyes closed (in the scenario of the “Flying Holiday” there is such a game and an example of an airplane poster), or you can find out how old ladybug("Ladybug").
And one more competition for a small company in a small room - "Eat Without Hands"- a bagel, an apple, a candy - what exactly is not important at all! The main thing - without the help of hands! Examples: "Glamorous Pajama Party" and "Children's Fall Party"!

Creative contests

Most often, creative competitions are included in the children's game program in order to calm the children and give themselves the opportunity to calmly set the table. Interesting examples creative fun - inclusions in entertainment program(drawings, origami) for children different ages you can find in the article

Clear rules. The complication of the essence of the task of the competition should occur only along with an increase in the age of the participants. For the little ones - the most simple rules, involving the performance of one action, for adults - the most difficult tasks, suggesting the presence of strategic thinking.

Subject fit. If you are organizing a holiday, for example, based on the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh, then the Harry Potter magic hat contest will be completely inappropriate here. Choose tasks for children so that they logically connect different parts of the holiday.

Excitement. You, as the organizer, in no case should allow the children to get bored at the holiday! Focus on the situation and keep your "ears open"! If the kids liked the competition, you can repeat it several times, if not, there is no point in delaying it, hurry up to move on to another one!

Diversity - development. Never the same type of holiday was interesting. Be sure to alternate active, passive and creative games and contests, useful not only as entertainment for the holiday, but also as a general developmental moment of education as such.

Jury. And, of course, don't forget to choose the winners! True, the children's jury is allowed to be a little untruthful and disingenuous in some situations. The task of the "supervisory body" game program- reduce all contests to a fighting draw. Let friendship always win at the holidays and no one will be offended!

Prizes. The final, and most pleasant chord of any competitive program- rewarding of winners and the most active participants! Do not forget to buy at least the smallest prizes and your success, even the most imperfect holiday, is guaranteed!

So what are contests? Contests, this is a competition in the art of being excellent, loving, the best parents in the world! And you are exactly like that, because you have already taken the most important step - you have started! Well, we will always help to finish the preparation for any children's holiday! After all, Dikmi is a site that knows how to appreciate the most important thing in life - love and family!

show the word

The players are divided into two teams. From each team, one person approaches the leader and receives a word, a piece of paper and a pen. At the signal of the host, these players must draw the received word on paper so that the team can guess. wins in game the team that guesses the pictured word faster than the other.

Interesting answers

Member competition they sit with their backs to everyone, and a plate with pre-prepared inscriptions is fixed on his back. The inscriptions can be very different - "Toilet", "School", "Shop", etc. The rest of the members ask him a variety of questions, such as "why do you go there, how often, and so on." The player, not knowing what is written on the tablet hanging on his back, must answer these questions.


The sleeves of two jackets are turned inside out and hung on the backs of chairs. Chairs are placed with their backs to each other at a distance of one meter. A rope two meters long is placed between the chairs. Both contestants start each at their own chair. At the signal of the leader, they must take the jackets, turn out the sleeves, put on, fasten all the buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull the rope. The one who does it first wins.

Guess with gestures

All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with some kind of abstruse word, and then says it to one of the members of the opposite team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with facial expressions and gestures so that his team can guess what was intended. After a successful guess, the teams switch roles.

Put on boxing gloves. Candy is given and time is recorded. You need to unwrap the candy and eat it. Instead of boxing gloves, you can wear several pairs of regular mittens.

Sea battle (water game)

Children are divided into two teams and stand facing each other at a distance of one and a half to two meters. On command, they begin to splash at each other. The contestant who turns away or starts wiping his face with his hands is eliminated. The team with the most members left at the end of the time wins (usually 30 seconds)


Several participants are hung on the backs of tablets with the word written on them. At the command of the host, the players try to find out what word is written on the back of others, but without showing their own. The player whose word was read correctly is out of the game.


The leader stands in the center, and around everyone else, shoulder to shoulder, form a very tight circle. Participants' hands should be at the back. Target games: Imperceptibly from the host, pass a carrot behind their backs and bite off a piece of it. The goal of the presenter is to guess in whose hands the carrot is. If you guessed correctly, then the player caught with the carrot becomes the leader. If they ate all the carrots, then the presenter lost

sea ​​chain

Participants are given a box of paper clips. On a signal, they begin to make a chain with these paper clips. The game for a while - somewhere 1-2 minutes. Whoever makes the longest chain during this time wins.

Equestrian fight (game on the water)

Children are divided into two teams, taking into account the physical fitness of the players. Pairs are formed - “horse” and “knight”. The rider sits on the shoulders of his partner. At the command of the referee, the teams begin combat. The task of the "knight" is to throw the enemy off the "horse" into the water. "Horses" cannot participate in the battle. Grabs are allowed only by the hands. The discarded "knight" together with the "horse" are eliminated from the game.

Broken phone

Everyone sits in a row, the first player thinks of a word or phrase and quickly passes it in a whisper to the next, and so on. After passing the word along the entire chain, the beginner announces the intended word or phrase, and the last one that has reached him.

Uncle Fyodor's letter

The player sits in circles and everyone is given clean sheets papers and pens. The facilitator asks the question: "Who?". Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After that, the sheet is folded so that what is written is not visible. After that, pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The host asks: "Where did you go?" Everyone writes, folds the sheet and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Host: "Why did he go there?" .... And so on. After this, joint funny reading

Desirable Candy

guess the picture

The host shows the players a picture that is covered with a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The facilitator moves the sheet around the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. Whoever guesses the fastest wins.

Get rid of the match

A match is taken, dipped in water and stuck on the participant's face. Which will need to get rid of it, using only facial expressions, but not hands

Bursting balls

Buy a lot of balloons in two colors. The company is divided into two teams. Each team is given balls of the same color. Team members tie balls with a thread to the leg. So that there is no crowding with scissors and threads, it is better to immediately prepare balls with threads.

On command, the participants begin to pop the balls of the opposite team. The team that has at least one whole ball left wins.

guess the shadow

One of the participants sits facing a light, better not crowded wall. Behind him, a few steps away, a dim lamp or candle is installed so that the shadow is as sharp as possible. The rest of the participants pass between the lamp and the back of the seated person. Without turning around, the seated person must guess by the shadow who passed behind him. The one who was guessed sits on a chair and becomes the driver.

Participants collect one of any item, which are put into a bag. After that, one of the participants is blindfolded. The leader pulls out things in turn, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the owner of the pulled out thing. Tasks can be very different: dance, sing a song, crawl under the table and mumble, and so on.

Siamese twins

Two participants are connected as follows: They stand side by side to each other. The left leg of one player is tied to the right of another player, the torso is tied with straps. Get "Siamese twins." They make several such pairs and then do all the tasks for speed. Target competition- couple, acting with two different hands, silently must perform various tasks. For example, tie shoelaces, sharpen a pencil, open a bottle, dance.


The player is given a bunch of keys and a closed padlock on the cabinet or box with the prize. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch as soon as possible and open the lock.

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