Snakes and ladders board game. print and play

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

An original drawn board game where participants need to advance their pieces from the starting, 1st position, to the cell with the number 91. Snakes and ladders will help the players on the route. Ladders help you climb up, snakes help you down. Depending on the chosen variant of the game: with chips or figures - instead of snakes there may be slides with the same purpose.

Number of players: two to six. At the start, choose a chip or character (figurine). All players, except you, are controlled by a computer (program). On your turn, you need to roll a die - just click on its image in the lower right. Everything else happens automatically here: the program itself moves the chips, you just roll the dice. The player whose chip reaches the 91st position first wins.

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Snakes don't need stairs, they crawl just fine without them. But they will come in handy for you to be the first to get to the coveted cell with number 100. Throw a die, rearrange the chip and see where you got. If on the stairs - feel free to climb higher, jumping several cells at once. But if you come across a cell on which the snake's head is located, you will have to roll down to its tail.

Your lucky number is six

If a six is ​​rolled on the die, it is very good: you have the right to a second move. The only moment - the lucky one, who managed to throw six three times in a row, comes back.

Can't go further

To win, you need to clearly reach the cell with the number 100. That is, throw out the exact number of steps that you do not have enough to win. If, for example, you roll a 5 and you are standing on cells 97, this is a reroll. And, again, you have to go back, not forward. So who will be the winner in this game is not clear until the last moment!

Hey, she's really childish!

For an adult, this game looks too simple: roll the dice and move. But for the little ones, it's a lot of fun. And very useful, by the way: they learn to count from one to a hundred, concentration and patience. Any teacher will tell you that Snakes and Ladders is great for keeping a small group of small, very active, noisy kids busy.

What else is good about this game?

  • compactness: the box fits easily even in an elegant handbag. What to say about the suitcase!
  • Convenience: iron field and magnetic chips make the game an indispensable companion on a trip. Even with a sharp braking of the train, the position on the playing field will remain unchanged.

Legend for the Curious

The game "Snakes and Ladders" came from Ancient India, where it was called "Lila" and was played not just for fun, but put a special meaning into the movement of chips. It's simple: snakes are a fall, bad deeds, and ladders are righteous thoughts and deeds. Who will reach the "sky" faster?

The original name in English is Snakes and Ladders.

This is the most interesting ancient Indian game, originally it was intended for gaming classes in religion. The older generation, playing with children, explained to them the basic principles of the Jain religion. Good behavior and righteous deeds are ladders leading up, wrong behavior are snakes leading down.

Nowadays, this game has little to do with religion, it has become famous and beloved. The rules are simple, the playing field is interesting, it is recommended for children of all ages.

Even SpongeBob in the cartoon plays this game. :-)

Rules of the game "Snakes and Ladders"

The essence of the game is very simple and understandable even for younger children (despite the fact that adults play this game with great interest!!).

Players take turns rolling the die and moving a certain number of squares. Some cells of the field are ordinary, cells with ladders and snakes move the player's chip to another cell. The player who reaches the finish line first wins.

Before the start of the game, the chips are placed in front of the playing field. The sequence of moves is determined by lot. Then the players take turns throwing the die and, according to the numbers drawn, move their chips to the corresponding number of cells on the field. The goal of the game is to be the first to reach the finish line - cells with number 100.

If the chip stops on a cell with a ladder, the player moves the chip up to the end of the ladder. If the chip stops at a cell with a snake's head, the chip goes down to the very tip of the tail.

Outwardly, it is very similar to the ancient Indian game Leela. Also famous, probably many have heard. But there the rules are more complicated, and a whole treatise has been written on the game. In "Snakes and Ladders" everything is simpler, but no less exciting!

What options are on sale

"Snakes and ladders" for the street.

The playing field consists of 9 parts. Turn it over and you can play tic-tac-toe! Includes: dice and styrofoam chips.

Game 2 in 1 "Snakes and Ladders - Tablut"

This is a very inexpensive option. "Snakes and Ladders" is a board game for 2 or more people. I now have this set.

"Tablut" is a popular Scandinavian game that was brought into society in the 18th century. The playing field is a 9x9 square board. The white player has a king and his eight guards, the black player has a squad of sixteen mercenaries. In the initial position, the king stands on the central cell of the board (throne). The king's guards are located on four sides around the king, and enemy mercenaries occupy the allotted areas. The aim of the white player is to reach any edge of the board with his king. The black player tries to capture the white king.

The set includes:
for the game Snakes and Ladders: playing field, colored player pieces, 2 dice;
for the game Tablut: playing field, 16 black chips, 8 white chips, king.

"105 Best Family Games"

A box with different games at once, "Snakes and Ladders" is also here. Can buy.

This magical box will take its rightful place in your home. It has everything to play with the whole family in the 105 best games of all time.

The kit includes:
1. A set of playing cards
2. Dice
3. Playing chips
4. A set of checkers
6. Field "Checkers"
7. Field "Mill"
8. Field "Chinese"
9. Field "Fox and Geese"
10. Field "Halma"
11. Field "Trilma"
12. Field "Ladders and snakes"
13. Tablut field
14. Field "Jumps"
15. Field "Goose"
16. Field "Tico"
17. Field "Backgammon"
18. Brochure with rules.

Packing: cardboard box.
Production: Republic of Belarus.

And there is a more expensive box (probably better quality) - 100 best games, too.

This magical box will take its rightful place in your home. It has everything to play with the whole family in the 100 best games of all time.
The kit includes:
1. A set of playing cards.
2. A set of dominoes.
3. Dice.
4. Playing chips.
5. A set of checkers.
6. Field "Checkers".
7. Field "Mill".
8. Field "Chinese".
9. Field "Fox and geese".
10. Field "Halma".
11. Trilma field.
12. Field "Ladders and snakes".
13. Field "Tablut".
14. Field "Jumps".
15. Field "Goose".
16. Brochure with rules.

The entertaining game "Snakes and Ladders" will allow you to pass the time pleasantly, using only a cube and hoping for good luck.
There are several options for passing, in the first case, on the playing field, divided into cells marked with specific numbers, there are stairs that raise and lower players in accordance with the rolled number on the die. There are also snakes, bumping into which you have to go back. In the second case, there are no snakes, but there are stairs and slides, the principle of their operation is similar.
Choose the desired number of opponents, remembering that the more of them, the more exciting the competition in who will get to the finish line first.
Demonstrate your own luck by rolling numbers on the die that can bring victory over your opponents.

How to play?

Decide which mode you want to play in, as well as the number of enemy units or characters you prefer.
If you prefer the first option, then choose a chip of a specific color that impresses you the most.
You will always be the first to move, so don't delay, roll the die right away. As soon as a specific number falls out, it means the number of steps that you need to go through the cells of the playing field.
Ladders allow you to both bring the player closer to victory and move them away, and snakes only send back, reducing the chances of becoming a winner.
The second option is similar to the previous one, but it already provides for the selection of a specific character from the list. Ladders are also placed, but there are no snakes, instead of them there are slides that repeat the principle of the stairs.
In all modes, the players are displayed in the upper left of the screen in sequence, determined by the progress achieved during the game. Whoever is in the lead will take the first place, and the rest will distribute the second, third, etc. among themselves.
If the number is successfully rolled, a bonus may appear, allowing you to make an additional roll.

Print out the game board. Prepare chips according to the number of players and a die.
The rules are very simple and accessible to preschoolers.

  • Before the start of the game, the chips are placed in front of the playing field. The order is determined by lot. Players take turns throwing a game die and, according to the numbers drawn, move their chips to the corresponding number of cells on the field. The goal of the game is to be the first to reach the finish line - cells with number 100.
  • If the chip stops on a cell with a ladder, the player moves the chip up to the end of the ladder. If the chip stops at a cell with a snake's head, the chip goes down to the tail.

The Indian game was originally intended for playing religious lessons. The older generation, playing with children, explained to them the basic principles of the Jain religion. Good behavior and righteous deeds are ladders leading up and wrong behavior are snakes leading down. In our time, it is already difficult to attract this game to religion, but nevertheless, many game companies continue to release this board game because of the simple rules and the beautiful, original playing field.

playing field

The game is intended for home use only. Copying and duplicating the playing field on the Internet is prohibited!

Similar games:
- logic and strategy game for kids. We can say - a classic of board games.
- a family game common in Europe. Often sold in online gift shops.

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