Culinary horoscope: favorite food and eating habits of the zodiac signs. Horoscope of culinary abilities

For food today, it makes sense to go where it is closer, and you have to wait the least long for an order. You simply won't have time for other options. Although no - who's stopping you from ordering delivery directly to you? Let them bring you a hodgepodge with olives and a chicken Kiev with french fries. Unless, of course, you don't mind olives.

This day will be very good for you. You will feel at home everywhere, no matter how far from home the atmosphere is. But it is better to prefer homemade food. No, this does not mean that you have to walk around with a thermos full of soup and a bag of sandwiches. Just order where you will eat dishes that are as close as possible to what you are fed at home. If you, of course, are generally fed at home.

Cauliflower, if you think about it, is the perfect food for an urban, sedentary person. For food, like, and a lot. And there are practically no calories. Nearly zero. So if the day was sluggish and not energetic, order something like cauliflower with sour cream for dinner. You can - fried (better in crackers), or you can - even just boiled.

Today, I can only eat freshly prepared foods. To be absolutely sure that the dish served to you was not warmed up, it makes sense to go to the place where they cook in front of the client. Pizzas, hamburgers and other dishes created for a quick snack are not recommended.

Today you will have to strain the muscles responsible for speech quite a lot. Since they, at the same time, are also involved in the process of chewing, exercise them by chewing meat. It is better to bite off from a large piece, cutlets or goulash will not work, a whole lamb, for example, a leg, is preferable. You probably won’t be able to eat a whole veal leg, but just biting it is somehow unaesthetic.

Today you may inadvertently find yourself in an awkward position. To prevent embarrassment at the table, try to provide yourself with privacy, and do not take anything that would require any specific eating skills. This applies even to spaghetti - not everyone can competently screw it onto a fork either. And keep drinks away from you, you never know.

This day may bring you some kind of loss. However, not too serious. Most likely, it will be purely emotional, but the desire to pour annoyance can easily cause. Nowadays, it is not recommended to use beer for this purpose; from strong drinks it is better to prefer gin to tequila and pepper to rum. Meat should act as a snack (and where without it). Good for pork.

Astrology covers all spheres of human life, including cooking. Nutrition according to the horoscope is considered not quite serious. Nevertheless, it is very interesting to draw knowledge from there, because the food horoscope contains information that helps to better understand yourself and your loved ones. A culinary horoscope helps to learn more about people's gastronomic preferences, why a person reacts to alcohol in one way or another, and where the desire or unwillingness to cook comes from.

Each zodiac sign has distinctive culinary habits. All this will be very interesting to know.

The culture of human nutrition is instilled in him from childhood, so eating habits can be formed under the influence of parents or the environment, national traditions and rituals. But one should not miss here the influence of the constellations on gastronomic preferences. Astrologers are sure that the love of certain foods or the desire to have a snack on the run can instill in us exactly the stars.

Nutrition Taurus

This is, without exaggeration, the most "culinary" sign of the Zodiac, which is manifested not only in the love of tasty and plentiful food, but also in his adoration to create gastronomic masterpieces. People born under this sign, like no other, get real pleasure from the feast, they are recognized gourmets.

Taurus are conservatives, including when choosing alcohol. If the representative of this sign likes this or that type of alcohol, he will remain “faithful” to him until the drink disappears from the shelves, which will undoubtedly upset Taurus.

Being a guest in his house is a real happiness for a gourmet and a lover of plentiful food. Representatives of this sign, when preparing a feast, will make sure that the table is filled with unusual snacks, so that the guests gasp from the hot, and the dessert impresses even the most sophisticated eater. And certainly no one will leave the table hungry, because Taurus will personally make sure that each plate is filled with dishes.

Taurus are not the most sociable people, and they usually make contact without much desire, but they can visit a hospitable house with great pleasure. Especially if the representatives of this sign are sure that the treat will be a hit.

Gemini Nutrition

They are dual in all their manifestations, including the choice of food. Sometimes they do not reveal special whims and addictions to this or that food. Representatives of this sign can eat simple food, sometimes even relegating its benefits to the background, they choose a quick snack prepared in fast food departments or stores.

Usually, Geminis do not have any specific addictions in alcohol, they are always ready to receive new taste experiences, so they try different drinks. At the same time, drinking alcohol or treats is not the purpose of attending this or that event, he comes there to make important acquaintances or meet old friends over a glass of wine.

Gemini is able to create a culinary masterpiece, and the arrival of a pleasant person can inspire this. On this occasion, representatives of this sign will show all their creativity when combining products, spices and serving dishes. But still, a meal is not the main goal of the holiday with Gemini, who will definitely prepare not only treats, but also entertainment.

Cancer nutrition

Representatives of this sign can be called gourmets without exaggeration. They appreciate and understand cooking to such an extent that even the thought of a good dinner or lunch can cheer them up, because the absorption of food is one of the main pleasures in the life of Cancer.

These are people who are categorically contraindicated in alcohol. With extreme caution, it should be used even if the purpose of the reception is treatment. Cancer's stomach is weak, it suffers greatly from the effects of beer or wine. And alcohol, which is higher by a degree, acts on the body as a strong irritant.

Crayfish are hospitable and generous hosts, they will feed their guests to the full by preparing a delicious dinner. You can be sure that the portions in this house will be so large that no one will leave hungry. And even having had enough of the main dishes, eaters are unlikely to refuse the main surprise of the evening - a cake or pie baked by the owner. For dessert, Cancer will definitely cook his signature pastries.

Leo food

These are real connoisseurs and connoisseurs of food, talented chefs from

The lion is the king of his holiday and the king of the feast.

nature. To say that Leo loves to eat delicious food is to say nothing. They love to get new taste emotions, trying unusual exotic dishes that they feast on. Representatives of this zodiac sign are equally delighted with both a huge, well-cooked steak and dessert, because they are recognized and have a sweet tooth.

Lions prefer expensive noble drinks, for example, respectable sweet wines, the price of which does not matter. Representatives of this zodiac sign can drink a lot, which, of course, does not benefit them, since in this case their most weakened organ, the heart, is endangered.

If you are going to visit a representative of this zodiac sign, you can be sure that he will receive at the highest level, sparing no time, no effort, no money to organize a chic feast. He does not skimp on the most exquisite delicacies, he will put on the table culinary masterpieces prepared only from the best and freshest products. Giving 100% when preparing a holiday at home, Leo expects the same return when he is a guest himself.

Virgo Nutrition

Many Virgo adherents of certain food systems that provide for any gastronomic restrictions. So, among the representatives of this sign, there are many who come to vegetarianism, or strictly follow the prescriptions of diets. Because the following formula is true for them: health is equal to nutrition.

In their pursuit of health, many Virgos give up alcohol, as it does not contribute to their goal at all. But, even if you have to drink alcohol, then they tend to choose a noble drink, even if it is expensive.

When visiting Virgo, a lover of a plentiful and hearty meal “does not turn around”, the fact is that representatives of this sign prefer to treat guests the way they eat themselves, trying to maintain and strengthen their health. Dishes on the table, of course, will be tasty, and, at the same time, healthy. Lightness and vivacity after the feast is guaranteed to all eaters.

With Virgo as a guest, the owner will have a hard time. On the one hand, she is easy to please by offering simple dishes without frills: a salad of fresh vegetables or fruits is suitable, she will not refuse baked or stewed meat with rice, stew or porridge. The main thing is that the dish is healthy, and culinary masterpieces can be omitted in this case, as well as pathos.

Nutrition Libra

These are gourmets with a capital letter. They always strive for balance, even in matters of nutrition, so their diet does not have any one taste, that is, they do not make a choice in favor of, for example, only salty or spicy foods. Overeating is also not about them, the quality of food is much more important for Libra than its quantity.

By and large, they are indifferent to alcoholic beverages, but they do not mind drinking for company. And here the main thing is not to abuse it, since representatives of this zodiac sign do not have a strong and hardy body by nature, therefore the effect of alcohol is especially harmful for them.

Libras are real “party kings” who just love to host friends. At the same time, they will give everything 100% to prepare an excellent party, which, of course, will have delicious and beautiful dishes.

The main thing for Libra, both for the host and for the guest, is the beauty and harmony in the design of the table. Therefore, taking care of the serving, putting spectacular plates and flowers on the table, you can be sure that Libra will be in a good mood during the entire meal.

Scorpio Nutrition

Scorpions get real pleasure from food, they love this business with all their hearts. And the spectrum of their passions is very wide. They consume traditional dishes with great appetite. For example, a piece of well-grilled meat on coals is in the first lines of the gastronomic rating of Scorpios.

This is a passionate nature, and he chooses alcohol to match his character. The drink must certainly be bright, have a rich taste and color. Often, representatives of this zodiac sign choose not sugary liqueurs, but always made at the most famous plants and factories.

Visiting Scorpio is tasty, satisfying and fun. He will definitely take care of each of his visitors, as he has the natural gift of a psychologist-analyst. Its banquets impress and amaze with the brightness and unusualness of the dishes, the luxury of decoration and the sophistication of entertainment.

It is quite simple for the hosts with the guest Scorpio, the main task is to feed him well and plentifully. Food should be in abundance and have a bright rich taste. It is better to season it well, add spice or serve with a spicy sauce, under which representatives of this sign will eat anything. Scorpio will gladly consume a large portion of seafood, and at the end of the evening he is ready to treat himself to a pleasant, always tasty dish.

Sagittarius Nutrition

Representatives of this sign do not really think about what they eat. Sagittarians are not demanding people with special whims and desires. They are just very busy, and there is no time for long feasts with a change of dishes.

Alcohol is extremely detrimental to the body of Sagittarius, causing great damage to his health. Therefore, it is better for representatives of this zodiac sign to completely abandon the use of alcohol. But he still has to drink, because he often becomes a participant in friendly parties and feasts, where communication and relaxation also implies a libation.

A special desire to cook appears in Sagittarius when he conceives a holiday for guests. It was then that he had the intention to arrange a chic banquet for a large number of relatives and friends, even if the occasion is another family celebration.

To conquer the guest of Sagittarius, the hosts will need to show special cordiality and hospitality; before his arrival, you must definitely remember the norms of ethics - after all, these factors will affect his impressions of the feast. At the same time, the treat fades into the background - for the sake of Sagittarius, it’s not worth it headlong to look for delicacies and delights, as well as new intricate recipes.

Capricorn nutrition

Representatives of this sign choose their favorite dishes in childhood and remain faithful to them, even having matured. Such conservatism is not always good for health, among the favorites of Capricorn there may be not very healthy dishes. In this case, relatives should change his diet gradually, gradually introducing new products into it.

Interestingly, according to the horoscope, alcohol harms Capricorns less than all other signs, but they themselves do not like to drink. An exception may be perhaps gatherings in a good company, where Capricorn will miss another glass to relax and communicate, because by nature these people are introverts.

Aquarius Nutrition

A clear distinction in time: “breakfast-lunch-dinner” is not for Aquarius, they are used to eating exactly when they want to. Appetite is the main signal for eating food, in which representatives of this sign do not look for frills at all. For Aquarius, simple dishes are quite suitable without claiming to be a masterpiece. And sometimes, plunging headlong into work or doing what they love, they can completely forget that they haven’t eaten anything for a long time.

As a rule, Aquarians in the alcohol supermarket choose champagne or sweet wines, while they are happy to replenish their home stocks of alcohol. Representatives of this sign sincerely believe that alcohol helps them relax, and this is true. But it is important for Aquarius to remember that trying to get rid of tension with the help of alcohol, you can come to the exact opposite result, exacerbating the feeling of anxiety and anxiety.

Aquarius is a hospitable and hospitable host, but, nevertheless, going to his feast, you should be prepared for surprises, sometimes discouraging. Sometimes representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to do anything in order to serve guests an exotic dish, which may well turn out to be a little edible. But if experiments are not included in his plans this time, then, most likely, he will offer simple snacks, canapes or tortoises.

Pisces food

Contradictory and fickle Pisces show their characteristic features in relation to food. This lies in the fact that sometimes representatives of this sign behave like picky gourmets, making requests for delicacies and various delights. And it happens that they show absolute indifference to food, using either too little of it, or sometimes forgetting to have a bite at all, doing just a cup of tea or another drink.

Pisces get drunk quickly, and a hangover for them is torment and suffering. And when drinking strong drinks, the most vulnerable place suffers - the digestive system, so cases of poisoning are not uncommon.

In the kitchen, Pisces are real experimenters who never follow an authentic recipe, but bring their own unique notes to it. They spend a lot of time creating an exclusive, because the process is not only in cooking, but also in its design. By the way, they prefer to treat their guests with seafood.

As a rule, Pisces are true to their love for cozy and quiet feasts, preferring them to noisy parties, and at a party. To please them, it is enough to organize a romantic dinner in a narrow circle of the closest people, turn off the light to twilight, turn on a pleasant melody. Otherwise, Pisces will be extremely upset, because in a large and constantly noisy company they have problems with appetite.

Table: Choose a horoscope.

Capricorn is a pronounced sign of the Earth, and much of the behavior of people born under this sign can be explained by the influence of this element. As a rule, Capricorns are practical, conservative, self-confident and reserved. No wonder they love simple, hearty and tasty food without any frills.

Capricorn is easy to please by preparing fried potatoes, borscht, jelly, baked duck, homemade dumplings, cheesecakes - in general, everything that consists of a small number of ingredients and requires good culinary skills. Capricorn will appreciate such simple, solid, folk dishes much higher than some newfangled 10-layer salad or shark fin soup. A good cook in the sense of Capricorn is one who can feed quickly, tasty and preferably inexpensive. Culinary delights, expensive and rare products, Capricorns prefer to leave for the festive table. In everyday life, it is a pity for them to spend a lot of time and money on food, it is enough that it saturates, gives strength and does not cause anxiety.

Due to inattention to nutrition in their youth, Capricorns often face problems with the stomach and other digestive organs. Sooner or later, this makes them think about what they eat, try out several food systems and choose the most suitable for themselves. If your friend Capricorn suddenly became a vegetarian, raw foodist or supporter of the Paleo diet, do not look for moral and ethical reasons in his behavior. Most likely, he is looking for the most suitable diet for his body.

Most Capricorns love meat and root vegetables. Their favorite culinary techniques are baking and frying. In the pursuit of new taste experiences, this sign runs the risk of overdoing it with fats and carcinogens, as culinary experiments are reduced to different options for frying and baking. Capricorns can get carried away with grilling, deep-frying, meatloaf, and casseroles. Of course, all this is tasty and satisfying, but everyone born under the sign of Capricorn should keep a balance in nutrition: regularly eat soups and salads, often replace meat with fish, chicken and vegetables. It is useful for Capricorns to remember that in addition to meat, proteins are found in dairy products, legumes, cereals, vegetables and nuts. Bean soup, barley porridge, cheese plate or vegetable stew can be just as hearty and tasty as the usual meat dishes.

Capricorns are strongly encouraged to cut down on simple carbohydrates: sweets, pasta, white rice and potatoes. As a side dish or a light dinner, it is better to use all kinds of cereals cooked in the oven, vegetable salads and herbs.

It is better for Capricorns to avoid animal fats and margarine - the invariable components of semi-finished products and sweets. Fortunately, many industrial products seem to Capricorns not very tasty, and this, to some extent, keeps them healthy. Capricorn only as a last resort - in economy mode or when there is absolutely no time - will eat store-bought dumplings, canned food, sausage, instant noodles and store-bought salads. Of good will, this sign will not eat semi-finished products in everyday life for anything. He understands that in no case should you save money or time on your own health.

The best dessert for representatives of this sign is fresh fruits and berries. Capricorn will be sincerely happy with a curd dessert with dried fruits, pancakes or homemade jam. Never give Capricorn store-bought cakes, sweets and ice cream, he will take it as a formality. It is better to bake him a simple homemade cookie or an apple pie as a gift. If you are not confident in your culinary skills, but you want to treat your beloved Capricorn, invite him to a quiet cafe.

Due to innate conservatism or the need to carefully monitor nutrition, Capricorns are quite selfish in matters of food. They will not eat for company or out of courtesy what they do not like. The same applies to alcohol - Capricorn may well refuse a dubious cocktail and skip a toast at a party without hesitation if he is not satisfied with the choice of drinks. Speaking of alcohol, we note that Capricorn usually needs it not for intoxication, but for communication. Closed and too serious Capricorns often resort to alcohol to show themselves in all their glory. To do this, they choose strict classic drinks: dry red wine, aged whiskey or cognac, dark rum. It is better not to offer people born under the sign of Capricorn sweet and sparkling wines, liqueurs, tequila, and especially bright cocktails like Sex on the Beach.

When choosing soft drinks, Capricorns are also guided by their naturalness, benefits and vigor that they give. No instant coffee or tea bags. When there is no time, Capricorn would rather drink water or homemade compote, and when there is time, he will dedicate it to a cup of freshly brewed tea or freshly brewed coffee. Tea or coffee is perhaps the only culinary weakness of Capricorns. They are ready to spend time and money on their favorite drink: to buy beautiful dishes, to try the best varieties, to learn new ways of cooking. When Capricorn invites guests to his home, he is sure to proudly prepare his signature drink.

Leo horoscope

Leo is a sign of fire, seething energy and passion. This zodiac sign should not be considered a direct analogue of the king of beasts. Of course, they have something in common, but a person born under the sign of Leo is not at all a bloodthirsty predator who sends lionesses to hunt and comes to everything ready. Both lions share a love for fresh and plentiful food. But if the king of animals recognizes only meat, then a person born under the constellation Leo has more versatile and complex tastes.

For Leo, everything is important in food: the taste, the smell, the beauty of the presentation, the benefits, and the cost. This sign never saves on himself and his loved ones and always chooses the best products in the store and the best dishes in the restaurant. These are not whims and not snobbery, as it may seem from the outside, but a habit formed in early childhood. Just imagine what time of the year the Lions were born: the last week of July and almost the whole of August. The mother of the future Leo probably ate well in the last trimester of pregnancy and after the birth of the child. Little Leo had the opportunity to learn the taste of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries literally with mother's milk. And the first months of Leo's life fell on autumn, when the gifts of the earth and the meat of domestic animals are maximally saturated with vitamins. Is it worth it after this to be surprised at the strength and energy of Leo? It's best to watch their eating habits and adopt them, because this sign has a natural flair for healthy eating.

Contrary to popular belief, Lions eat more than just meat. They love everything that has a bright taste, rich aroma and juicy texture. Lions love spicy and sweet food, they are delighted with complex mixtures of spices and aromatic herbs, chocolate and jam. Turkish coffee or good black or green tea without sugar are their favorite drinks. It happens that Leo dines with instant noodles or canned food. This is not because he has become illegible in food, but because there was no better option nearby, and the feeling of hunger for this sign is unbearable. Eating not quite wholesome food with appetite, Leo is fully aware of his actions and compensates for the harm in the near future - he will work out on simulators or eat an additional portion of vegetables for dinner.

Representatives of this sign enjoy gardening. They are especially pleased with the diversity of the fruits of their own labor. The lion will not plant the entire garden with potatoes, but will breed many varieties of vegetables. Leo will eat tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers right from the garden, without waiting for them to get into the salad. If possible, Leo will plant a large garden and grow in it the best varieties of apples, pears, apricots or peaches, depending on the climate. In summer and autumn, such a Leo-gardener does not need anything other than his own plot. Unless sometimes he will get out for meat or fish to cook a barbecue or grill for a group of friends.

Everyone born under the sign of Leo has many friends and loves to be the center of attention. Representatives of this sign are able to feed and surprise a huge company without making any effort. They will simply cook for the guests the same thing that they cook for themselves - simple dishes from the best fresh ingredients, coffee according to their own recipe, homemade mulled wine - and this will be an undoubted success. Do not forget also that Leos have an innate sense of beauty, creativity and the ability to serve food beautifully.

The lion needs to know exactly what his food is made of, so he is distrustful of catering establishments and prefers proven places. If Leo eats everything at your place and even asks for supplements - be proud, you cook great! Dishes, the composition of which is difficult to determine by appearance (puff salads, closed sandwiches, gratins and casseroles), do not delight Leo. But if Leo eats such dishes as your guest, be proud - you have completely tamed him.

To please Leo, you do not need to spend half a day in the kitchen. It is better to spend more time shopping, or even better, go to the market and choose the freshest local fruits, vegetables, real homemade cottage cheese, cheese and farm meat. From these products, without much effort, you can cook a real feast for the Lion: quickly fry or bake meat or fish, organize a cheese plate, bake a cottage cheese pie with berries, chop greens and vegetables coarsely, wash fruits. No frozen convenience foods and canned food - do not offend the beast. If you want to surprise Leo with a luxurious table setting with candles, silverware and a service that has been kept in a sideboard until now, you will not succeed: a beautiful table is a matter of course for this sign, he often eats like this at home.

In spirit and mood, the cuisines of hot countries are ideal for Lions: Mediterranean (Greek, Italian, Moroccan), Caucasian, Uzbek, Indian, Thai. Pilaf and tagine are perhaps the only cases when Leo approves of long-term cooking of meat. French delights with sauces make Lions ridicule, American-English fast food Lions can eat only if it is impossible to find normal food.

In the choice of alcoholic beverages, Leo also manifests himself as an aristocrat and gourmet. The taste of alcohol is more important to him than the effect on consciousness. Better less, but better - this is Leo's motto regarding strong drinks. He would rather have a little gin, cognac, liqueur, whiskey or aged wine than a lot of port. Vodka is too boring for Leo, it can only be used in cocktails, which, by the way, this sign turns out very well. For Leo, there is nothing wrong with drinking good cognac alone. He does not need company to enjoy food and drink.

Compared to other signs, Leo eats a fairly balanced diet. He should pay increased attention to legumes and cereals. Yes, it is not very attractive and neutral in taste and smell, but it is these simple and very healthy products that are usually lacking in the diet of Leo gourmets.

Horoscope Libra

Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus, and that says it all. People born under this sign strive for lightness, balance and beauty in all their manifestations. This desire is especially noticeable in food - Libra loves to eat tasty food, but does not overeat; they easily find a balance between tasty and healthy; they are distinguished by a delicate artistic taste and never sacrifice logic and their time for the sake of decorating dishes.

It is worth dwelling on the beauty of food in more detail. For Libra, beautiful food is not at all daisies carved from eggs decorating a puff salad. The natural beauty of vegetables, fruits, greens is much more important than man's pathetic attempts to imitate nature, and Libra will emphasize this in every possible way. Representatives of this sign can beautifully cook and serve absolutely everything: from fruit salad to salted herring. They see the most advantageous sides of the dish and accentuate them, hiding the possible unsightly sides. For this reason, Libra cannot cook if the food available is not of the best quality. They are disgusted by the very idea of ​​peeling rotten fruit or buying frozen fish who knows when. Aesthete Libras will not skimp on food and would rather buy less good food than a lot of not fresh food. For the same reason, Libra does not like sauces and gravies, and if they use them, they serve them in a separate bowl - because they hide the natural beauty of the products.

Due to pickiness and scrupulousness in food, Libras usually eat well and do not lack nutrients - after all, homemade, lovingly prepared dishes are much more beautiful than fast food and sausage. Some especially sensitive Libras even become vegetarians because they are picky - after all, fruits and vegetables are much more attractive than raw meat. When switching to a vegetarian diet, Libra does not have difficulty planning a diet. In this they are helped by a natural flair and a sense of beauty.

If the love for meat still outweighs the refined airiness of Libra, then they choose only exquisite and beautiful ways of cooking it: grilled steak, shish kebab, baked whole duck with apples, liver pate. Products made from minced meat and finely chopped meat make Libra suspicious. This sign prefers to cook meat on its own, so that it is guaranteed not to overdry it, but to leave it juicy. In meat dishes, Libra really does not like the abundance of oil and fat, so their favorite cooking methods are baking and steaming. Libra meat is usually served with a vegetable side dish - fresh, baked or blanched vegetables. So on their table the harmony of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins appears by itself.

Libras are happy to buy new products and try new recipes for themselves, preferring the simplest and most logical, and they, as a rule, turn out to be time-tested ancient methods. To people inexperienced in cooking, it may seem that Libra invents their own recipes when they only repeat what was known many centuries ago. For example, the combination of meat with sweet fruits and dried fruits is a technique known to the Sumerians. Libra, with their passion for balance and harmony, is very fond of logical and wise recipes: rye bread, tsampa, pilaf, risotto, tagine, halava. They admire the transformation of simple products - flour, rice, peas, butter - into real works of culinary art.

If there is a choice between homemade brown bread and a beautiful cream cake, Libra will certainly choose bread, although it would seem that their sense of beauty should suggest a different choice. There is no contradiction here - Libra does not appreciate the external beauty of food, but the internal one, so to speak. A store-bought cake is just a mass-produced product that has no deep content, but is full of sugar and other simple carbohydrates. Homemade bread is not only the best products, the time and effort spent, but also a sign of high culinary skills. Even if a person born under the sign of Libra does not bake bread himself, he is able to appreciate it. However, if there is a choice between homemade bread and homemade cake, Libra's behavior is difficult to predict, it all depends on the details - which bread and which cake. Most likely, Libra will try both, and then ask for the recipe.

Despite the fact that Libra has a big sweet tooth, they do not eat all the sweets and cakes in a row, but choose them very carefully. It is important for them that chocolate, cream and cakes are from natural products, and not from low-calorie substitutes. Sweet taste is not a sufficient condition to please a Libra person. These people appreciate the balance of tastes: sweet must be balanced with sour, salty or even spicy. Therefore, Libra will definitely like chocolate with red pepper or lime cake.

For people born under the sign of Libra, there is usually no problem with being overweight. If it is present, then it should be so - its owner appreciates his lifestyle and is not going to give it up. But as soon as Libra comes to lose weight, they do it easily and naturally under the guidance of their instincts. If it is difficult to lose weight on your own, Libra will use some system, having carefully studied it. These people never act to the detriment of their health and choose balanced diets.

Libra is calm about alcoholic beverages, they do not see supervalue in them, for them it is nothing more than an ordinary food product. Intoxication is of no interest to these people. This sign will never drink questionable cocktails and canned beer simply because it doesn't taste good. At the same time, Libra will never miss a chance to try new varieties of live beer, good wine, natural liqueurs and liqueurs. When choosing drinks for dinner, Libra will prefer French or Italian wines.

When it comes to soft drinks, Libras always go for the healthiest option possible: freshly squeezed juice, smoothies, green tea, or fresh milk. Sugary sodas are usually not interesting to Libra, and they will prefer plain water if there is nothing else.

Aries horoscope

Aries is number one in the horoscope for a reason. People of this sign strive to be the first in everything and go ahead to their goal. Therefore, often food for them is just fuel, and the main requirements for it are high efficiency and safety, because Aries does not have time to suffer from indigestion. When Aries is hungry, he becomes completely unbearable and incapable of work, therefore, before solving any issues with him, the good fellow needs to be fed and watered.

Such a pragmatic approach to cooking turns out to be very useful in difficult times: Aries will get enough of simple homemade food without whims and go to move mountains to bring something tasty to the family, and along the way they will still have a bite to eat with what they find. But when everything is fine, promiscuity in food can be fatal for Aries: hamburgers, cookies, sausage, dumplings and other semi-finished products from the nearest store may well become the basis of his diet.

Reading lists of ingredients, looking up recipes, peeling potatoes and spending time at the stove is very boring for a passionate and impetuous Aries. But if he decided to create a culinary masterpiece, everything will be on the highest level. For guests, Aries will come out of his skin, but will prepare a luxurious treat. (And in a pinch, find the best pizzeria in town and order the most delicious pizza.)

All Aries have a very wise body, which saves them. It is he who tells the owner that food is not only energy, but also vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful things. In choosing products, Aries often follows instincts and is guided by appearance: juicy fresh meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, red wine will undoubtedly appeal to all representatives of this sign. It is important not to spoil their beauty and nutritional value by long cooking. Given a choice, Aries will not hesitate to prefer roasted meat with a fragrant crust and will not even look in the direction of stewed cutlets or salad with boiled meat. (Although if there is no choice, the same cutlets and salad will go with a bang.)

In youth, Aries usually does not notice the harm from fast food, fatty foods and sweets, because the strong inner fire of this sign easily burns everything that enters the stomach. But if youthful promiscuity in food continues beyond the 30-year mark, then problems with excess weight and the resulting consequences in the form of chronic diseases and reduced activity are possible. A healthy balanced diet is the last thing an Aries will think about in this situation. First, he will rush to the gym, to the simulators, or will torture himself with diets, suffer from a breakdown, periodically break down and be angry with himself. As a last resort, he will learn to count calories and limit sweets. Few Aries are willing to take the time to learn the basics of nutrition and instead of exhausting themselves with diets, just stick to simple rules.

What does this energetic fire sign need to be healthy, slim and happy? The same as any representative of Homo sapiens: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. There are only a few nuances for Aries.

Due to their high activity, Aries feel a great need for proteins and feel uncomfortable without meat, fish and dairy products. Unfortunately, animal proteins are often accompanied by fats, and there is a high risk of excess weight and cholesterol plaques in the vessels. Therefore, it is very important for Aries to monitor portion sizes and carefully approach the choice of meat. In no case should you drink meat dishes with Coca-Cola or beer. It is better to choose simple green tea for this purpose, and even better, half an hour or an hour after eating, drink good oolong or pu-erh - this helps the absorption of heavy food and gives new taste experiences.

In addition to their favorite meat, Aries should pay attention to vegetable sources of proteins: nuts, soy products, legumes and cereals. With a skillful approach, these products can be as tasty as meat. Nuts can be toasted with salt, soy cheese or asparagus can be used in salads and vegetable stews. It is more difficult with legumes and cereals: they require a long cooking time, which Aries really does not like. But if one day you treat Aries to a properly prepared dish of chickpeas (chickpeas) or barley soup, he and his body will certainly appreciate the taste and effect, and Aries will find time in his busy schedule for long soaking and boiling peas and barley.

In addition to proteins, Aries need iron and potassium. Fortunately, the sources of these substances are quite attractive and tasty: strawberries, bananas, nuts, tomatoes. More difficult with vegetables and root crops. Aries are suspicious of beets, celery, onions, carrots when they float boiled in soup, but they will eat them with pleasure as part of a hot stew, especially if it contains meat. If Aries is not attracted to vegetables at all, you can make freshly squeezed juice from them.

The hot nature of Aries requires rich tastes. He always has some hot sauce in the fridge (adjika, wasabi, tabasco, or at least hot ketchup). Indistinct mayonnaises are not for him. As for spices, rams will appreciate not only hot peppers, but also any additives with a bright taste and aroma: coriander, star anise, cloves, ginger, mint, basil, rosemary. Perhaps because of the rich aroma of spices, Aries are so fond of mulled wine and all kinds of tinctures and balms. Composing a home bar, Aries will try to fill it with drinks for different occasions: whiskey, cognac and good vodka for a friendly company, pink champagne and delicious liquors for romance, red wines for rich family feasts with meat dishes.

Taurus horoscope

Taurus is a typical representative of the elements of the Earth. Everything in it is strong, solid and reliable, and first of all this applies to everything related to food. Taurus love to cook, eat and talk about food. There is evidence that Taurus is the most among the authors of cookbooks.

It is not uncommon for representatives of this sign to grow their own food - they are engaged in a garden or vegetable garden. Under the guidance of Taurus, potatoes grow well in the garden, and herbs on the windowsill, and even exotic fruits in the greenhouse. And if Taurus takes up meat or dairy farming, all his relatives and friends will be satisfied.

Representatives of this sign enjoy spending time in the kitchen, they know the properties of products and the best ways to cook them. From early childhood, many Taurus are interested in the process of turning food into food, spin under their mother's feet, ask a lot of questions and even give advice. Little Taurus usually spend their first culinary experiments at the age of 5-6. Taurus mothers should be very patient and tactful in order to keep their child interested in cooking, but not turn food into the main joy and purpose of life.

By the way, Taurus men do not believe that cooking is a woman's business. The Taurus man is self-sufficient in terms of food, and finding a way to his heart through the stomach is very difficult. Is it possible to learn how to cook cabbage soup and cutlets in exactly the same way as his mother or grandmother. Despite their own culinary achievements, Taurus, especially men, consider the best food that they ate in childhood. Therefore, it is better for Taurus's wife not to try to compete with his mother and grandmother, but to find her own niche - for example, pies and pilaf. But they will always have to be prepared at the highest level!

In food, everything is important for Taurus: quantity, quality, benefits and aesthetics. This sign cares about how to satisfy his appetite, he will not be content with sandwiches and semi-finished products when he comes home from work, but will try to cook a simple but real homemade dinner. And if there was a free day and inspiration came, Taurus can lock himself in the kitchen and create for many hours. This serious earth sign is no stranger to experimenting with fusion food. He prefers time-tested recipes, so to create in the understanding of Taurus is to repeat the best dishes of the cuisines of the world and adapt them to local conditions and their own tastes.

Taurus is very good at meat dishes. They handle meat with confidence, they know how to cut it, choose the right marinade and the right temperature, how long to cook it so that it remains juicy. It is not surprising that when the company is going on a picnic, with a high degree of probability Taurus will be in charge of the barbecue.

In addition to meat on the festive table, Taurus will be pleased with everything bright, spicy and crispy: fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, citrus fruits, spicy sauces, an unusually decorated cake. Taurus loves Japanese and Mediterranean cuisines. In everyday life, this sign is usually content with simple home-cooked meals, as long as they are fresh and from the best products.

Taurus takes the choice of products very seriously, if you do not take into account emergency cases when hunger catches on the road or you need to urgently refresh yourself after a long work. If there is time and opportunity, Taurus will go to the best supermarket or market for groceries, and not to the nearest stall. There he meticulously examines the assortment, checks the dates, the composition, asks the sellers tricky questions, but he will definitely choose exactly what he needs. Taurus does not recognize any grocery lists: a detailed dinner plan is in his head. If some product was not found or its quality was not high enough, Taurus will not be upset by this - he will change the dinner plan on the go and come up with another dish that is no less tasty.

When it becomes necessary to save money, Taurus does not get upset, but looks for products that are optimal in terms of price and quality, and tries new recipes: soups, cereals, stews, homemade cakes. But even in difficult times, this sign will not buy dubious canned food and sausages, cheap butter substitutes. Such flexibility in food allows Taurus not to lose shape and performance and survive a difficult time with minimal losses.

Abundance can become a much more serious test for Taurus. Exquisite meat delicacies, sweets, expensive alcohol are so attractive for them that they have to constantly control their appetite and weight. One has only to give in to desires a little - and a couple of kilograms have already been deposited on the waist and hips, a second chin and other delights have appeared ...

Taurus, like no one else, has to follow the physical form. But strict diets and fasting with this sign do not work at all. Any restrictions and hunger cause a real panic in Taurus. To combat excess weight, Taurus should go the other way: analyze your diet and remove fatty and sweet foods from it, and put useful analogues in their place. For example, instead of sausage and carbonates, buy lean beef; instead of chicken legs - breasts; instead of cakes - cookies; and instead of cookies - nuts and dried fruits. Sweet carbonated drinks for Taurus are generally contraindicated. It is better for them to drink homemade juices and compotes, tea, and in summer prepare cold lemonade.

With a reasonable approach to food, the only threat to the Taurus figure will remain - friendly parties, to which he is often invited. Here you can take the initiative, buy only the right products and prepare a table so that no one dares to say that healthy eating is boring.

For an extra bar of chocolate or a heavy gala dinner, Taurus should not blame himself - this is not constructive. It is much more efficient to turn excess calories into energy: go hiking or at least go to the gym.

Virgo horoscope

Virgo is an earth sign, but unlike other earth signs, it has a lot of air in it. Virgos strive upward and do not want to put up with what is happening around, but their earthly nature constantly reminds of itself. The more Virgos are removed from everyday issues (in particular, the issue of nutrition), the more serious problems await them. Those born under the sign of Virgo strive for perfection all their lives. Even in old age, they are characterized by youthful maximalism in everything, including nutrition. Virgo either does not pay attention to her diet at all, or takes the issue of nutrition very seriously, going to extremes.

According to statistics, among vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists and other adherents of radical nutritional methods, the majority of those born under the sign of Virgo. Fanaticism in food is just one of the manifestations of perfectionism and scrupulousness of Virgos. At the same time, vegetarianism for this sign is not only taking care of your health, but also a way to achieve harmony and reduce the amount of suffering in the world.

From the outside, it may seem that Virgo is dual and fickle: at first she eats everything, not paying attention to the composition and quality of the products, then she begins to pick and choose, treat food as an annoying necessity, carefully read the ingredients on the labels and look for some special products. Such behavior is not at all a sign of duplicity - it is evidence of a constant search for an ideal and a way to achieve it. If Virgo suddenly begins to eat improperly, she acts consciously, sincerely believing that this technique will benefit. Here, gullible Virgos can be in danger: there are many nutritional methods, and they all promise weight loss, rejuvenation, and other pleasant bonuses. Before following a diet or changing your diet, you need to learn the basics of nutrition, consult with knowledgeable people, and listen carefully to the needs of your body. For Virgos, this is especially true, since the stomach and intestines are their weak points, and they can hardly endure any change in nutrition.

Virgo's stomach problems can be provoked not only by new products, but also by unusual ways of preparing them. Virgos are very conservative in their eating habits and do not like to change their habits unless absolutely necessary. In childhood, acquaintance with some new product or dish goes smoothly for Virgos, but problems are possible with age. Therefore, an impressionable Virgo is recommended to try any new product in small portions. In general, fractional meals are recommended for all those born under the sign of Virgo - small portions 4-5 times a day.

It is especially important for Virgos to find a balance between healthy and tasty food. It is dangerous for this sign to go to extremes: with strict restrictions, Virgo can bring herself to exhaustion, and when indulging her appetite, the virgin is threatened with excess weight and the problems associated with it. People born under the sign of Virgo need to include more complex carbohydrates in their diet: a variety of cereals and cereals, whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits, greens. Preferred dishes for Virgos are light homemade soups, crumbly cereals and vegetable salads seasoned with oil. This is the base on which any power system is based. If these foods and dishes are present in the daily diet, then the chance of harming yourself through negligence or ignorance is close to zero.

Preferred tastes for Virgos are sweet and neutral. From sweets, it is better to choose fruits, dried fruits, homemade cakes and honey. Ice cream, sweet creams, whipped cream, fried donuts and chocolates are too rich for gentle Virgos and should be avoided. Spicy and salty foods should be limited.

A typical Virgo is quiet and modest, vulnerable and impressionable, sometimes an infantile idealist. Usually representatives of this sign are introverts. They avoid noisy companies, preferring to stay at home with family and closest friends. Many Virgos feel uncomfortable eating in public. Therefore, representatives of this sign avoid fast food establishments, and if they have to dine out, they choose small cozy cafes or stay for lunch at the workplace. Virgos fully trust only the food that they have prepared on their own or that prepared by loving relatives. Therefore, lunch in the dining room, surrounded by many strangers, can be a real stress for suspicious Virgos.

Virgos are big fans of soft drinks. They are happy to prepare juices, lemonades, fruit drinks, compotes, kvass and will not miss the opportunity to try homemade drinks at a party. Virgos are able to appreciate the subtle nuances of different varieties of green tea and natural coffee. As for alcoholic beverages, Virgos usually do not like being drunk and prefer weak wines and cocktails. If they drink strong alcohol, it is only for the sake of its exquisite taste or a special ritual. The abuse of strong drinks is extremely bad for the health of Devs. In addition, this sign keenly feels the destructive power of alcohol and tries not to fall under its influence.

Horoscope scorpio

Despite the fact that the element of Scorpio is water, this sign is very close to fire signs with its passion and strength. A person born under the sign of Scorpio is deep, strong water, mirror calm in calm and indomitably dangerous in a storm.

Like all water signs, Scorpio has very inert eating habits. They develop in childhood and persist throughout life. This sign needs a lot of time and effort to change the diet if circumstances suddenly require it. Because of this peculiarity, Scorpios are to a large extent hostages of their parents: if the parental family ate a balanced and varied diet, the Scorpio child will follow the principles of healthy eating all his life. If the parents did not pay enough attention to the child's nutrition, he will continue to eat convenience foods and fast food.

Usually, Scorpios are good at cooking simple basic dishes: fry potatoes and meat, cook a simple soup, bake a simple biscuit. Before mastering the culinary tricks of this sign, it usually does not come. And not because they are bad cooks or do not like tasty food - there are no questions about this. The fact is that Scorpios do not see the point in new recipes when there are proven old ones. They will never be able to get bored with traditional dishes from their childhood. It happens that even minor changes in a familiar recipe (for example, adding new spices) cause outrage in a conservative Scorpio. At the same time, Scorpio has nothing against the same spices in exotic dishes.

This sign is ready to experiment only with completely new dishes and products. Scorpions may well master the recipe for risotto or Thai soup, but they will cook these dishes only on special occasions or to surprise guests. For your loved ones, there is nothing better than proven recipes from childhood. When visiting or on vacation abroad, Scorpios are happy to try new foods and dishes, but the likelihood that they will include them in their daily diet is extremely small. Therefore, if a Scorpio is so interested in your signature dish that he asks for the recipe, be proud - you cook divinely.

In truth, Scorpio is very easy to please. To do this, you do not even need to spend time preparing complex dishes. It is enough to show that the food is prepared with love, taking into account his passions and especially for his arrival. Another way to conquer a Scorpio is through unusual flavor combinations (salty and sweet, spicy and sweet, meat and fruit). But in this case, you need to know for sure that you are not encroaching on the sacred and are not perverting Scorpio's favorite recipe.

Due to the conservatism in food, Scorpios usually do not have serious digestive problems. However, due to immoderation or due to inattention to the ingredients, problems with being overweight can begin. Scorpios tend to overeat because they can't control themselves when they see delicious food. Some women born under this sign do not bake homemade cakes just because they are afraid of being overweight - after all, it is impossible to eat only a piece of homemade cake and leave the rest for tomorrow.

The culinary conservatism of Scorpios can play a trick on them. Accustomed in childhood and adolescence not to limit themselves to sweets or meat delicacies, Scorpios can no longer do without store-bought cakes, yogurts and sausages. But if earlier their quality was completely different, and the young body burned everything without a trace, then after decades the products in stores are no longer the same, and the body requires increased attention. The situation is complicated by the fact that many Scorpios do not feel the nuances of taste, and if changes in the composition and taste of products occur slowly, they do not notice the difference. Only an extended list of ingredients can convince them of the dangers of familiar products.

Scorpios do not care about other people's opinion at all, so they are unlikely to cook according to someone else's recipes or use someone else's diets. The maximum that Scorpio needs from cookbooks is the methods of cooking unfamiliar products, traditional dishes from the cuisines of the world and, perhaps, the exact proportions of ingredients for baking. When it comes to nutrition, Scorpios will not look for easy ways to lose weight in the form of a "kefir" or "watermelon" diet. They will take the problem seriously: they will study the properties of products, calculate calories and try to increase the proportion of low-calorie foods in the diet. Fortunately, Scorpios are very fond of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and other gifts of nature, so the transition will not be difficult.

To vegetarianism, veganism and a raw food diet, Scorpios are not to say that negatively, rather, they are indifferent. They do not believe that animal products are harmful. If Scorpio switches to plant foods, then only for religious or ethical reasons.

If a Scorpio is hosting, don't expect to see pickles and the pinnacle of culinary arts on the table. It will be simple homemade food, but in large quantities, or all the best from the nearest store. For Scorpio, a pleasant company is much more important at the festive table, so he will pay more attention to communication than food. After all, food is just a background for a friendly conversation, and alcohol is its litmus or vector.

Speaking of alcohol. Scorpio, with their passionate nature, should stay away from strong drinks. Excessive drinking for him can end in much more dangerous consequences than for other signs. Those born under the sign of Scorpio usually like drinks with a rich taste and aroma: dry red wines, liqueurs and liqueurs. This sign is strongly advised not to mix several types of alcoholic beverages, as well as to avoid cocktails. A good portion of freshly brewed black or green tea will help Scorpions recover quickly after immoderate libations.

Cancer horoscope

Cancer is perhaps the most emotional and sensual sign of the zodiac. Not surprisingly, his relationship with food is quite complicated. Food for Cancer is not just fuel and a set of useful substances, but a source of pleasure, comfort, or, on the contrary, the culprit of all troubles. From the outside it may seem that food is the most important thing in the life of this sign. If you directly ask Cancer about this, he will be surprised and answer that the most important thing is not food at all, but air and water.

When Cancer is doing well in life, he does not deny anything to his stomach and gladly submits to his whims: he tries new foods and recipes, goes to the best restaurants and chooses the most exotic dishes while traveling abroad. When something goes wrong, Cancer seeks solace in food: eats pounds of cakes and chocolate with fragrant tea, or spends the evening watching TV with beer and chips.

Crayfish love not only to eat, but also to cook and go grocery shopping. When Cancer is not limited in funds, he will definitely bring something new from the store and try to cook it in different ways. In addition to buying familiar products, he can quietly fill the refrigerator with delicacies: anchovies, olives, expensive cheeses, exotic jams. The representatives of this sign are especially pleased with products with a long shelf life: unusual cereals, spices, dried fruits, pickled vegetables. With their help, at any time you can create a culinary masterpiece for guests or for yourself. At the same time, Rakov does not lose anything. They will definitely find a use for everything that is in the refrigerator, and will not allow food to spoil.

Cancerians love anything to do with food. They enjoy reading cookbooks, watching cooking shows, studying the properties of products. A real Cancer is never too lazy to read the list of ingredients on products and ask tricky questions to sellers or waiters.

Attention! If you inadvertently ask Cancer about some drink or product that you were treated to in his house, be prepared for a half-hour lecture, after which you will learn absolutely everything about the subject of interest to you and its role in history. Do not even try to argue with Cancer in matters relating to nutrition. He, as a rule, knows more, as he is truly interested in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

Going to visit Cancer is very interesting. Even if you went on a business day on a business day, the Cancer host will definitely offer you tea or coffee, but not some bag or a dubious instant product, but a surprisingly tasty drink, the name of which you may have heard for the first time. The next time you come to visit, you will try a completely different drink, but not because the last one is over, but because the owner has a different mood, requiring a different kind of tea.

For Cancer, not only the food itself is important, but also its appearance and origin. Sensitive Cancer does not tolerate offal: pig ears, bull eggs, black pudding, fish milk, and even more tripe - this is the most effective weapon against the representatives of this sign. As a rule, they do not like fish cooked whole: the bones and fins discourage their appetite. Caviar, seafood, as well as their namesakes - crayfish - leave the representatives of this sign indifferent. Some Cancers do not like jelly or liquid porridge precisely because of aesthetic unattractiveness.

In serving dishes, true Cancer tries to preserve and emphasize the natural beauty of products. He will never eat fried potatoes from a frying pan and herring on a newspaper, but will create a harmonious composition of these products with the involvement of herbs, sauces and the best dishes that are in the house. Delicious pizza for Cancer is not a thick sausage and cheese pie, but the thinnest crust with a light filling. The ideal salad for this sign is not a multi-storey building with layers of mayonnaise, but a colorful mosaic of multi-colored vegetables, pieces of meat or cheese, with an abundance of greens, poured with olive oil and artistically laid out on a large platter.

It may seem to many that Cancer's increased attention to food is snobbery and a desire to put oneself above others. In fact, everything is different. For many representatives of this sign, one of the weak points is the stomach and other digestive organs. Cancer has to study the properties of foods and learn how to cook in order to feel good and be in shape. That is why Cancer does not like street fast food, treats cafes and restaurants with distrust, meticulously studying the menu. It is more peaceful for him to dine at home, where he is confident in every ingredient and does not expect a dirty trick. Among Cancers, there are many who consider their homemade food to be tastier than restaurant food.

Excessive emotional connection with food can result in a problem of excess weight for Cancer. This sign needs to strictly monitor the amount of fats and simple carbohydrates in everyday meals. The best way to do this is to completely abandon purchased meat delicacies, canned food and sweets and learn how to cook their homemade counterparts: boiled pork, grilled chicken, dumplings, pasties, cookies, buns and cakes. Let it take time, but health and good mood are more important.

Like all signs belonging to the element of water, Cancer needs warm food. He needs to eat baked or boiled foods every day, use a variety of spices, drink black tea or coffee.

Foods containing iodine (seaweed, barley, greens), calcium (dairy products) and proteins (lean meat, fish, legumes) are especially useful for Cancer.

Cancer, like no one else, should be careful with alcohol. The emotional instability of this sign can easily lead to addiction. Even after a single libation, it can be difficult for Cancers to restore the disturbed balance. In order to enjoy the pleasant effect of alcohol without harmful consequences, it is recommended that this sign have several bottles of expensive wines, liquors, and whiskey in the home bar. These noble drinks will allow you to relax in a friendly company and serve as an excellent accompaniment to the culinary masterpieces of the Cancer gourmet.

Pisces horoscope

Pisces is a very controversial and fickle sign, like Water, their element. There are fish-streams, fish-quiet whirlpools, fish-mountain rivers and even fish-seas. People born under this sign love to be the center of attention, but having plenty of socializing, they need solitude. Pisces treat food in the same way: they can spend the whole day choosing products and preparing a three-course dinner, and when they are not in the mood, they are content with sandwiches and even fast food.

Like all water signs, Pisces needs warm food, otherwise they will become inactive and lethargic. This is especially important in the wet and cold season. The daily diet of Pisces must necessarily include a hot first course or at least hot tea. Honey, milk and spices will help to keep warm: ginger, black and red pepper, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla.

In most Pisces, the leading hemisphere is the right - responsible for imaginative thinking. Therefore, representatives of this sign love beautiful food and stylish serving. Consider this when inviting Pisces to visit. They may not appreciate a dish that you have spent several hours preparing if it fails a little, for example, if the filling of the pie crumbles or the wings of the grilled chicken are too badly burned. Don't expect Pisces to appreciate eggplant caviar, stew, French-style meat, or salad hidden under a thick layer of grated cheese - these dishes are not attractive enough for Pisces' delicate nature. Decorations in the form of a mayonnaise net, egg lilies or apple swans will not save the situation, because the natural beauty of products is important for Pisces. For the same reason, representatives of this sign will not appreciate themed salads and cakes: in the form of a snake, a heart or a pomegranate bracelet. To please Pisces, it is enough to cook one simple dish, but approach it with all your heart: choose the best products, find a proven recipe, serve it beautifully, create a romantic atmosphere and invite you to the table with a smile.

At home, Pisces usually does not have ugly, cracked dishes. An exception is made only for antiques and family heirlooms. Those born under the sign of Pisces love not only to eat from beautiful plates, but also to cook in convenient dishes. Their kitchen is usually clean and tidy, there is a tool for every culinary action and everything has its place. Starting to prepare dinner, Pisces use a lot of utensils: devices for curly cutting of products, a mixer or blender for mixing, several pans or pots for separate preparation of products.

Pisces are very addicted individuals, and if they are interested in cooking, then they plunge into it with their heads: they start a separate shelf for cookbooks or collect hundreds of links to culinary sites. At the same time, Pisces rarely follow other people's recipes. Cookbooks and websites for them are nothing more than a source of inspiration. When creating their own masterpieces, Pisces will definitely experiment. This does not always end in success, especially among novice cooks, but as experience and theoretical knowledge are accumulated, Pisces more and more often manage to come up with successful signature dishes.

Such culinary-minded Pisces probably have a variety of appliances to help cook: a double boiler, slow cooker, bread maker, food processor, yogurt maker, herb dryer and pasta cutter. However, Pisces do not like to rely on appliances, and after a week of use, most of the new products move to the mezzanine, and the culinary specialist born under the sign of Pisces continues to knead the dough with his hands and roll out the noodles with a rolling pin in the old fashioned way. All of this applies to gourmet Pisces, but not all of them are. If cooking is not part of the Pisces interest, they can be very unpretentious and eat ready-made or semi-finished products from the nearest store.

Favorite products of representatives of the Pisces sign are bright fruits, berries, vegetables. Pisces can have a difficult relationship with animal products, since their preparation is far from an aesthetic process. For the same reason, sensitive Pisces do not like liver, tongues, black pudding, jelly and other offal and dishes from them. However, this does not apply to liver pates and Spanish oxtail soup, if they are ordered in a restaurant and served according to the rules.

Favorite ways of cooking meat, poultry and fish for this sign are baking and grilling whole or in large pieces. Boiled meat and fish do not seem very appetizing to this sign, but if you make a Thai-style spicy soup from them, everything will change. By the way, with regard to fish and other seafood, Pisces should not get too carried away with them, but they must be present in the diet, at least in the form of a fish pie or shrimp pizza.

Fish should pay increased attention to protein foods. In addition to meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products, they need legumes, nuts, and seeds. They contain many vital trace elements and vitamins. For Pisces, iron, iodine, potassium and phosphorus are especially important, and from vitamins you should pay attention to E and D.

Pisces can have a difficult relationship with sweets: they have a big sweet tooth and cannot control, so they gain weight easily. To avoid this, they need to use their innate sense of beauty - replacing nondescript cakes and cookies from the store with homemade cakes, abandoning chocolates and making their own sweets from nuts and dried fruits, and drinking homemade lemonade instead of sweet soda. If you use honey instead of sugar, natural butter or olive oil instead of margarine, and fresh fruits and berries as a filling, then homemade sweets will not cause harm. For complete confidence in this, drink sweets with green tea or pu-erh, naturally, without sugar.

This sign can have a difficult relationship with alcoholic beverages. This happens when Pisces do not find understanding among others and seek solace at the bottom of the bottle. If it is impossible to completely eliminate alcohol from life, Pisces is recommended to drink dry wines or aged strong drinks in small quantities. One glass of wine or a glass of whiskey will be enough to relax and switch off from gloomy thoughts. Anything beyond this will be harmful, and mixing alcoholic beverages is generally contraindicated for Pisces.

Sagittarius horoscope

Sagittarius belongs to the element of Fire, but this is not the open flame of Aries and Leo, but smoldering coals. They can easily be turned into a huge fire, or you can leave them unattended and they will cool down. This comparison perfectly describes the attitude of Sagittarians to food and everything connected with it. If the food is boring, inexpressive (or seems so to this burning sign), Sagittarius will remain indifferent to it. But if something interests him - a new ingredient or method, an unusual combination, cooking speed, original serving, or the effect that a dish or drink gives - Sagittarius will definitely try to figure out and repeat the recipe.

Sagittarius' passion for cooking begins unexpectedly. In childhood and adolescence, they perceive food as fuel and do not attach importance to the diversity of their diet. We can say that they are unpretentious and ascetic. Many Sagittarians have a clearly limited set of foods that they eat. This legibility, on the one hand, is very convenient: knowing the list of favorite foods, Sagittarius is easy to please. But on the other hand, getting into a new environment, when there are no familiar products, Sagittarius runs the risk of remaining hungry.

Most Sagittarians have an interesting feature - they prefer not to eat dishes, but products. That is, a representative of this sign will gladly eat whole raw vegetables and fruits instead of preparing a vegetable salad or a pie. Boiled chicken is a complete meal for Sagittarius, he does not see the point in taking it apart to make a salad or sandwiches. From the outside, it may look like laziness or inability to cook, but in fact, Sagittarius really tastes so much better. He loves and appreciates the natural taste of products. Look for an explanation for such a Spartan attitude to food in early childhood: Sagittarius came into this world at the darkest and harshest time of the year. For the first few months of their lives, they may not have seen sunlight. Therefore, their body instinctively reaches for healthy food - natural products that have undergone minimal heat treatment. Excessive manipulation of prepared food and decorating dishes are usually perceived by Sagittarius as a waste of time. If the food is delicious, it does not need decorations, and if it is not tasty, the appearance of it will not make it more appetizing.

The most interesting thing begins when Sagittarius suddenly becomes seriously interested in food. It doesn't matter what leads him to this - gourmet, health and figure care, or ethical reasons - but the principle of this sign makes itself felt in all its glory. Sagittarius will definitely approach nutrition seriously and thoroughly. He will study the properties of products, the best ways to prepare them, begin to trace the origin of what he eats, and with horror refuse products that, according to some criteria, do not suit him. It may seem to others that Sagittarius goes too far and complicates his life, but for Sagittarius himself, a critical attitude to food is a vital issue. “We are what we eat” are not empty words for many Sagittarians.

At the stage of finding the right food, Sagittarius can fight for the truth and fiercely criticize those around him who do not share his views. Over time, when the new diet becomes a habit, the ardor of Sagittarius fades, and he no longer tries to change the world. However, the lack of criticism does not mean that he does not care. Try to invite the principled Sagittarius to visit and treat him to something that he does not accept. At best, he will leave hungry, and at worst, you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself. This sign, even out of politeness, will not try unloved dishes.

For people born under the sign of Sagittarius, it is very important that everything in their life is right, including food. But each Sagittarius can have its own “correctness”: for some, the main thing is the benefit, for someone the taste of food and its quantity are very important, and someone zealously adheres to the principle of “do not kill”. In any case, it is impossible to convince Sagittarius that you can eat differently until he himself decides to change his diet. This can happen under the influence of a read book or a trip, because of the desire to lose weight or in search of new tastes, but Sagittarius will defend new addictions as zealously as old ones.

Sagittarius is very interesting to visit - you never know what he will cook. Of one thing you can be sure - the choice of products and dishes is carefully thought out and planned, and not determined by the contents of the refrigerator. People of this sign always have exotic products or branded recipes in stock.

When inviting a Sagittarius to visit, do not try to surprise him with complex dishes if you are not 100% sure that he loves it. It would be much more accurate to cook a few simple, good-quality dishes that do not raise doubts about the ingredients: baked duck, apple pie, caviar sandwiches, fresh fruits, berries, ice cream. From mayonnaise salads, stuffed vegetables, soups and other dishes, the composition of which is not obvious, Sagittarius will prefer to refuse. Sagittarius always knows exactly what and how much he wants to eat, so you can’t insist on trying something. It is unusual for this sign to overeat, eat for company, or seek solace in food.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius should pay attention to the balance of nutrients. Often, in pursuit of a healthy diet, these people may limit themselves to fats or proteins. To maintain good health and a slender figure, it is better for Sagittarius to pay attention to physical activity, but not to count calories, and even more so not to follow "buckwheat", "kefir" and other dubious diets.

When choosing alcoholic beverages, Sagittarians are guided by simplicity and expediency. If wine - then red French, if beer - then live, if something stronger - then natural whiskey, herbal balm or good vodka. Mixing drinks is not at all a Sagittarius habit, even if it is a trendy cocktail. The only exception to this rule is coffee with cognac or liqueur. Speaking of coffee: Sagittarians do not recognize instant surrogates and prefer strong, invigorating espresso or oriental coffee. The same applies to tea - only freshly brewed and no sugar.

Gemini horoscope

Gemini is air and duality, insecurity and inconstancy, sensuality and nervousness. These are people who are too detached from the earthly life, and “despicable prose”, including food, is usually not of interest to them. Of course, they love to eat delicious food, but they don’t consider it necessary to do something for the sake of it. Usually, there is a reliable earth or water sign next to Gemini who will take care of nutrition issues (he simply has no choice).

Many of the Twins do not like and do not know how to cook, do not know how to choose products. Often they eat and drink on the go, in street cafes, paying attention not to the taste of food, but to the satiety that it gives. And of course, not a single Gemini will read the list of ingredients on products. To cook dinner means for representatives of this sign to simply go to the store, buy something that the eye will fall on, and heat it up in the microwave at home, pour boiling water over it, boil it or fry it. Cooking soup is a serious achievement for Gemini, and homemade dumplings and cheesecakes are a feat in general.

In their youth, Gemini gets away with this neglect of nutrition, because they are not naturally inclined to be overweight. Art or sports help keep the body in shape. But with age, an inattentive attitude to what enters the body can lead to undesirable consequences, so the sooner Gemini thinks about a healthy diet, the better: this will help them maintain lightness and activity until old age.

Often Gemini lives under the motto: all or nothing. Or a belly feast with restaurants, bars and delicacies from the best supermarket, or a sharp transition to vegetarianism, diets and fasting. According to statistics, among anorexics, most of all born under this sign. Many Gemini eat sweets (or drown in wine) problems in their personal lives, thereby compensating for the lack of positive emotions, and then reproach themselves for weakness. Representatives of this sign should be aware of such an insidious property of their psyche and, in case of trouble, stay away from seductive food and alcohol - this will not solve the problem, but add new ones.

Geminis are usually sociable and social life is very important to them. They love to be the center of attention, to shock, to cause admiration and surprise. And since family holidays, friendly parties, gala receptions and other events are not complete without food, Gemini can cleverly use this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife to attract attention. Those born under this sign can easily pass for experts in wines, cocktails, cheeses, seafood and other delicacies.

Even without going into the subtleties of cooking, the Gemini is able to cook delicious dishes, relying only on intuition and a sense of beauty. Glancing at the description of some exotic cuisine, Gemini will prepare a dinner in Japanese, Indian, Brazilian or Italian style. They are sensitive to the nuances and can create a romantic or businesslike atmosphere at the table with the details of the setting. Even an unpretentious festive dinner in a student company becomes brighter and tastier if the Gemini is entrusted with serving and decorating the table. (They will refuse to cook the main dishes anyway.)

The ease of Gemini is especially useful in the preparation of salads. Following a recipe when making a salad is the height of absurdity for this air sign. Gemini will act according to the situation and mood, and the result will be much more interesting than Mimosa or Capercaillie's Nest. Gemini is unlikely to repeat their exploits in everyday life, so you should not refuse their treats, it is not known when such an opportunity will again fall.

For the same reason, representatives of this sign can become excellent bartenders and baristas. Their impeccable taste, desire for experimentation and lack of stereotypes help to invent interesting drink recipes better than special courses for bartenders. The twins do not think about what will happen if you add garlic to coffee or mix puerh and oolong, but simply mix it. If it turned out tasteless - forget about it, and if it's tasty - praise me!

The delicate and vulnerable nervous system of Gemini needs support, but not in the form of chocolate, but in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals. In summer and autumn, it is vital for Gemini to force themselves to go to the market and buy local products: strawberries, strawberries, currants, blueberries, plums, apples, pears, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkins, various greens. This will strengthen the immune system and stock up on vitamins and other useful substances for the winter, when the choice of food will be limited. In winter, Gemini should pay attention to all types of cabbage: white cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi.

Meat is not a staple for Gemini (maybe because they don't know what to do with it). They are much more willing to eat sausage or ready-made smoked delicacies. For those Gemini who are already concerned about healthy eating, fish, seafood or soy products can be an ideal source of protein.

To harmonize with the outside world, this sign needs soothing drinks: tea with mint and other herbs, fragrant red tea, cocoa, mulled wine. Coffee and energy drinks can be very unsettling. Gemini should make it a rule to always have apples, bananas, dried fruits, nuts and tea in a thermos or a bottle of filtered water on hand. It's a healthy replacement for fast food when you need a snack on the go. No matter how the Gemini deny their addiction to food, it is there, and strong enough. Gemini, no less than other signs of the zodiac, should pay attention to what and when they eat and drink.

Aquarius horoscope

Aquarius is an air sign. He often has his head in the clouds and thinks about eternal questions, and not about what he will eat for dinner tonight. Aquarians pay just as much attention to food as necessary to keep their body healthy and strong. Representatives of this sign cannot be called gourmets, but asceticism is also not for them. Aquarius is unpretentious, he loves simple hearty homemade food and dishes familiar from childhood. But if suddenly there is a need to switch to a new diet in connection with a move, the need to lose weight or save money, Aquarius will quickly adapt and will not miss unavailable dishes too much - it's just food.

Many Aquarians, especially men, believe that excessive attention to food is an indicator of effeminacy and weakness. Aquarius himself can eat sandwiches all day or even forget to eat if he is busy with something interesting. From others, he expects the same dedication and immersion in business. Aquarius is usually surprised when others interrupt important and interesting work in order to cook and eat a delicious dish. Aquarius is also incomprehensible to those who spend most of their salary on food, visit expensive restaurants and spend holidays in hotels where everything is inclusive. It is quite enough for Aquarius to feel full and healthy, his interests lie in other planes.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius, even when receiving guests, approach the choice of treats inattentively. At best, they will order sushi from a trusted restaurant or buy pre-cut delicacies from a good supermarket. At worst, guests will have to settle for reheated pizza, smoked chicken, or ready-made salads from the nearest store. Spending several hours in the kitchen so that the results of labor disappear in a few minutes is definitely not for Aquarians. For them, food is just a necessary attribute of a party. It is much more important to provide a warm friendly (or romantic) environment.

Aquarians are much more attentive to the choice of alcoholic beverages, because the mood and the outcome of the party depend on them. Many Aquarians have a supply of proven wines or something stronger at home. (At the same time, the refrigerator may be completely empty.) Aquarius does not need society at all to enjoy a glass of cognac or a glass of champagne - he may well do this in the company of his beloved. It happens that a small amount of alcohol is necessary for the sensitive and subtle nature of Aquarius in order to relieve stress and relax after a hard day. So that stress relief does not turn into an addiction, Aquarius needs to have fallback options for relaxation: several varieties of aromatic tea, herbs (mint, lemon balm, lavender), cocoa. On long winter evenings, Aquarius can warm up with mulled wine, and at the same time surprise guests with an author's recipe.

Inattention to the cooking process can play a trick on Aquarius. It’s good if there is someone in the family of this romantic who knows how and loves to cook. Then Aquarius will always have fresh homemade food. True, in this case, he takes it for granted and does not notice the care. Such a spoiled Aquarius will be able to understand the value of good nutrition only when he loses it. If it has never been customary in the family to cook deliciously and hospitably meet guests, Aquarius can eat semi-finished products and sandwiches all his life and not even think about expanding his culinary erudition. The only thing that can bring him back from heaven to the kitchen is health problems or being overweight. In this case, Aquarius may become interested in newfangled diets and cause even more harm to health.

In search of themselves and their place in the world, many Aquarians are fond of vegetarianism or begin to fast. Before changing their established habits, this sign needs to carefully plan the diet: pay attention to plant sources of proteins, fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Without proper nutrition, spiritual development will progress slowly and very hard.

The ideal diet for an Aquarius is a balanced diet with a slight emphasis on fresh, plant-based foods. Fresh or pickled local vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts should be included in the Aquarian diet every day. This will provide Aquarius with the necessary trace elements, in particular, magnesium and calcium. For the normal functioning of the intestines, Aquarius needs fiber, which is found in any plant foods, especially cabbage, carrots and apples.

From animal products, fish, butter, kefir and cottage cheese are best for Aquarius. If possible, it is recommended to replace meat with legumes: cook bean soup, pea or lentil porridge more often. Preferred ways of processing products are stewing, boiling, baking. If such dishes do not cause appetite, use natural spices, wine vinegar, olive oil. Salt, Sugar and Fatty Sauces Aquarians should be consumed in moderation. It is advisable to reduce dishes fried in a large amount of oil to 1-2 times a week, and smoked meats, sausages, canned food, as well as cakes and sweets are too heavy food for this air sign, and it is better to refuse it altogether.

It will be useful for Aquarians to make it a rule to read the list of ingredients on products. So they learn that their favorite lemonade contains no fruit juice at all, mayonnaise is made from water and vegetable oil, yogurt does not contain berries, and butter is half vegetable fat. Elementary knowledge of the composition of products and possession of a few simple recipes will help active and smart Aquarius to maintain health and youth for a long time.

skepticism towards horoscopes as great as the coincidence of common character traits and preferences of people of the same sign. Whether you believe in the stars and look at the page with horoscopes for the sake of interest does not really matter, because "With taste" dedicates this article to a wide range of readers.

Astrologers advise listen to the stars, especially if you are waiting for an invited guest and doubt his culinary preferences. Or maybe you want to surprise an old friend with new delights? Then the gastronomic horoscope is at your service.

Food habits by zodiac sign

  • Aries
    Gourmet dishes from Aries in the background. These people will prefer a moderately fried steak to overseas dishes. Well-cooked borscht or fragrant, Aries will like it more than foie gras or a handful of restaurant salad with unfamiliar ingredients. And do not forget about spices, because the element of this sign is Fire, which means that hot chili peppers should be present in the dish at least in a meager amount.
  • Taurus
    Taurus prefer variety in food. As true connoisseurs of everything authentic and natural, they are skeptical about all sorts of spices that hide the true taste of dishes. To surprise Taurus, serve pastries, stewed vegetables to the table. People of this sign are aesthetes, they like to eat slowly and with pleasure, savoring every bite.

  • Twins
    The cult of food is not about them. Gemini often snack on the run, because they always have something more important than long cooking and boring gatherings at the table. The festive buffet attracts Gemini with beautifully decorated salads, elegant desserts, but most of all - pleasant conversationalists.

  • Crayfish
    Cancers are easy to recognize among all other signs. If you see a queue to the confectionery, then it probably consists of representatives of this sign at least half. These are true sweet tooth and connoisseurs of confectionery skills! If you are waiting for Cancer to visit, pay special attention to desserts, it is better if they are eclairs or a multi-layer meringue cake.

  • a lion
    Not only food itself is important to lions, but also aesthetic trifles: shining cutlery, a starched tablecloth and exquisite napkins. Layered salads, seafood and complex dishes with many ingredients will be appreciated by the Lions. When receiving guests, Leo does not stint on expensive treats and.

  • Virgo
    For Virgo, taste is not as important as the benefits of dishes. Nettle salad or they will like it more than fried pies or meat. For squeamish Virgos, the cleanliness of plates and cutlery is especially important, as well as the conditions in which food was prepared. Virgos are usually not prone to overeating, they try dishes, but they are unlikely to gobble them up on both cheeks.

  • Scales
    If you put representatives of Libra and Gemini at the same table, then you don’t have to worry about the menu. Libras are also prone to heartfelt conversations and appreciate a pleasant atmosphere. In food, they are completely unpretentious, although they can appreciate even haute cuisine. A couple of salads, and a meat supplement will fully satisfy the gastronomic needs of Libra.

  • Scorpion
    That's who should be surprised with exquisite and, so it's Scorpions. They are able to find a zest in the most unusual (for our latitudes) dish, they are always ready for culinary experiments. Are you expecting a Scorpio? Then arm yourself with horseradish, garlic and hot peppers.

  • Sagittarius
    A connoisseur of the cuisine of the peoples of the world, Sagittarius will dare to try even raw beef in Ethiopia. Sagittarius will appreciate the usual stewed vegetables, if you spice up the dish with the story that it was prepared according to the secret recipe of the Templars. French gratin or is the best way to please Sagittarius.

  • Capricorn
    A rich table is unlikely to impress Capricorn. Uncomplicated dishes from the usual ingredients will fully satisfy his desires. Boiled rice or with garlic sauce is the best side dish for the unpretentious Capricorn, which should be served with a piece of healthy boiled meat.

  • Aquarius
    Aquarians are admirers of the exotic. Serve gourmet seafood, blue cheese, or oriental sweets to the table - Aquarius will not notice the rest of the dishes. Lovers of everything unusual, they are completely undemanding in everyday food.

  • Fish
    Representatives of this sign are not afraid to taste with milk or a sweet omelette. The game of tastes, the combination of the incompatible is a great way to surprise Pisces. Pisces are capable of the most daring culinary experiments, sometimes even not entirely successful ones.

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Culinary horoscope can help determine the diet of the current day, as well as introduce some variety and suggest interesting ideas. Thanks to the recommendations in the culinary horoscope, you can ripen for one or another event, for example, going with friends to your favorite cafe in order to sit in a noisy and cheerful company and enjoy a variety of yummy that you haven’t spoiled yourself for so long.

Treat yourself and see how quickly and quickly your mood will improve and bear fruit.

Horoscope for 03/25/2019

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

For food today, it makes sense to go where it is closer, and you have to wait the least long for an order. You simply won't have time for other options. Although no - who's stopping you from ordering delivery directly to you? Let them bring you a hodgepodge with olives and a chicken Kiev with french fries. Unless, of course, you don't mind olives.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

This day will be very good for you. You will feel at home everywhere, no matter how far from home the atmosphere is. But it is better to prefer homemade food. No, this does not mean that you have to walk around with a thermos full of soup and a bag of sandwiches. Just order where you will eat dishes that are as close as possible to what you are fed at home. If you, of course, are generally fed at home.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Cauliflower, if you think about it, is the perfect food for an urban, sedentary person. For food, like, and a lot. And there are practically no calories. Nearly zero. So if the day was sluggish and not energetic, order something like cauliflower with sour cream for dinner. You can - fried (better in crackers), or you can - even just boiled.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Today, I can only eat freshly prepared foods. To be absolutely sure that the dish served to you was not warmed up, it makes sense to go to the place where they cook in front of the client. Pizzas, hamburgers and other dishes created for a quick snack are not recommended.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Today you will have to strain the muscles responsible for speech quite a lot. Since they, at the same time, are also involved in the process of chewing, exercise them by chewing meat. It is better to bite off from a large piece, cutlets or goulash will not work, a whole lamb, for example, a leg, is preferable. You probably won’t be able to eat a whole veal leg, but just biting it is somehow unaesthetic.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

Today you may inadvertently find yourself in an awkward position. To prevent embarrassment at the table, try to provide yourself with privacy, and do not take anything that would require any specific eating skills. This applies even to spaghetti - not everyone can competently screw it onto a fork either. And keep drinks away from you, you never know.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

This day may bring you some kind of loss. However, not too serious. Most likely, it will be purely emotional, but the desire to pour annoyance can easily cause. Nowadays, it is not recommended to use beer for this purpose; from strong drinks it is better to prefer gin to tequila and pepper to rum. Meat should act as a snack (and where without it). Good for pork.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Today there is a danger of overeating well. You can find yourself in a situation where the food offered to you will be much more than you want and disproportionately more than you really need. You won’t be able to eat everything, but what will be eaten would be enough for three. Try to eat as many fruits as possible so that there is less room for heavier foods.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

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