How to draw balloons. How to draw a balloon step by step

Most holidays, no matter how original and rare they are, are always accompanied by stable decor elements. Of course, this is a cake, a couple of drunk individuals, a bunch of banal toasts mixed with the same jokes, as well as one special element that brings joy to the kids. At the request of the latter, you will now see a lesson on how to draw balloons in stages. A ball is, first of all, a geometric figure so polygonal that it seems round to the naked eye, and even more so to the armed one. The balloon is far from round, which makes him complex and often commits suicide by piercing himself with any sharp object, or refuses to breathe, from which he suffers from anorexia and is completely blown away. The presence of a subject, according to unwritten laws, increases the level of festivity in any situation by one hundred units.

On the other hand, the ball is the average name of a dog of any breed and origin, so familiar to native land that this information is already in their genetic code. Tuzik, Polkan and Kashtanka sound less trite, but are used extremely rarely. This process is controlled by an unknown force, for which humanity is not yet ready, however, individually, each Tuzik is a little Sharik, and this is already a paradox.

Nonsense and more

  • The first balloons were inflated from the skin of bulls and whales, presumably dead at that time. Nightmare;
  • Self-inflating balloons are a new word in the field of nanotechnologies of the future, in which the balloon has thinking and can determine the cause and consequences of its inflation;
  • An interesting record was set by Walt Disney Studios, which launched 1,592,744 balloons into the air at the same time. Nice cho;
  • One ball lifts 3 grams of weight. Attention to the question, how many balls do you need to lift you into the air?

And drawing them is not difficult. See for yourself:

How to draw balloons with a pencil step by step

Step one. First you need to prepare the drawing by drawing a few shapes and lines as in the figure below.
Step two. Now add a person holding those balloons in his hands.
Step three. Add some tall grass, highlights on the balls and draw the girl's body well.
Step four. Clean up the drawing and add strokes with shadows to your taste. Here it is, done:
There are many more interesting things in the world that you can draw, for example.

Unfortunately, a person is deprived of the opportunity to fly. 'Cause he's trying to get airborne by everyone accessible ways.


Before moving on to solving the question of how to draw Balloon with a basket, you should understand what it represents. The correct name for such a design is an aerostat. In fact, we are talking about an ordinary spherical object that can rise to great heights. This happens due to the force of heated air. At present, the described apparatus is extremely rarely used as a means of transportation. Usually they make an attraction similar to a Ferris wheel from it. Millions of people dream of climbing to a bird's eye view on such a miracle of technology, and thousands of artists dream of drawing it in all details. Working on a piece of art like this can be a lot of fun and even a little romantic.


So, let's move on to a step-by-step solution to the question of how to draw. At the first step, we draw a figure that is similar in contours to the silhouette of the object we need. Now we make a more even sketch to get geometric figures. We proceed to the next step in solving the question of how to draw balloons, and remove auxiliary lines. Next, draw the contours.


At the next stage, we divide the object into slices, like a tangerine. Now we do a similar operation, but with horizontal lines. At the end, draw a basket. Now you know how to draw balloons. It should be added that the main geometric shapes that will be needed in this case are a rectangle and a circle. For work, you should stock up on paper, pencils, and an eraser. When creating a basket, keep in mind that it is a rectangle, the side of which is equal to the third part of the diameter of the ball.

AT modern life too much of everything is automated and mechanized. And the more valuable are man-made things and drawings created with a soul. Many people like to draw - both small children, and teenagers, and adults. Sometimes you want to portray some interesting real object. For example, you can learn how to draw balloons with a basket from this article.

Where are the balloons from

A long time ago, people wanted to rise above the earth. Hot air ballooning allowed relatively safe air travel. In fact, such an aircraft is a sphere connected by ropes to a passenger basket. This method of transportation is still used now, but more as an entertainment attraction or as a variant of a romantic date. Many artists depict him on love cards. How to draw balloons? Let's find out, it's worth learning, if only to please your loved one.

Stages of creating a drawing

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a balloon in stages. First of all, you need to decide how many balls will be shown, determine the proportions of the objects. At the next stage of deciding how to draw balloons, you need to outline a large sphere and a small basket. Further, the sphere itself is divided into shares, like an orange - these are the ropes that fasten the ball and the basket. You also need to detail the passenger basket, make sure that it is connected to the ball itself. Finishing the drawing, you need to carefully remove the construction lines with an eraser. In order to add dynamics and liveliness to the work, you can outline clouds, treetops, birds flying nearby.

Creating a man in his image, the Almighty forgot a few details. For example: hands should grow from the right place, or the nose should not meddle in other people's business. But all this is trifles compared to the fact that we still cannot fly. This is unfortunate, and a person is trying in every possible way to rise into the air by any available means. I will now describe one of these methods in more detail. You will learn how to draw a ball with a pencil. Aerostat is the correct name for a hot air balloon. But this does not bother anyone, for us it is an ordinary spherical object that can rise to a bird's-eye height thanks to heated air. It is rarely used as a means of transportation. Usually this is an attraction of the type. Every girl dreams of riding such a miracle. It's very romantic, scary and fun. Yes, in that order. I'd ride one too if I had it. But in the absence of it, I can simply copy it:

How to draw a balloon step by step

Step one. Let's draw this shape. Step two. Now let's make it smoother, we should get geometric shapes. Step three. Delete auxiliary lines, outline the contours. Step four. We divide it like a tangerine into slices. Step five. Now it's the same, but horizontal lines. And do not forget to draw a basket. We have drawing lessons for other flying objects and celestial bodies, here.

To teach a child to draw a balloon with a pencil, it will take only 10 minutes of free time, and also a ruler with geometric shapes.

On the balloons not only brave aeronauts rise, but also romantic princesses from girlish cartoons. It's so interesting to look at the planet from a great height! To teach a child to draw a balloon with a pencil, it will take only 10 minutes of free time, and also a ruler with geometric shapes.

Main structural elements:

  • actual ball,
  • rope basket,
  • ballast (sandbags).

On a vertical sheet of paper, draw a circle of large diameter. In fact, the ball has a shape more like an incandescent lamp, but this is difficult for babies. While learning to make a schematic and quite recognizable image.

Just below the ball will be a basket. We choose its form in accordance with the capabilities of the child. For older ones - a trapezoid, for kids - a rectangle, even if it's on a ruler. The width of the basket is substantially less than that of the ball.

We connect the two parts with strong ropes.

We give the ball a visual volume. In the upper part we paint over the oval, in the center we lower a straight line, on the sides of it - arcs. We complete the design with wavy transverse lines.

We “hang” several sandbags from the outside - this is ballast.

We color the picture so that it becomes as bright and joyful as a flight in a hot air balloon.

It is easy to consolidate the acquired skill. Draw several circles in the album at a distance from each other. Invite the child to finish the balls with a pencil or felt-tip pen. The image is simple, and it can be reproduced with chalk on the pavement, with a stick on the sand, with a finger on a placer of semolina. The main thing is to learn three base element. Well, in parallel, you can tell why the ball changes height, how its flight depends on the wind.

Another option for an art master class is in a cartoon with the song “Draw a picture, Subject!”. This series for kids is posted on the Web in open access. Now that the preschooler can draw a balloon step by step, it's time to write an adventure story and launch your first aeronauts into the sky.

Show balloons- a very colorful event that always gathers a lot of spectators. On this topic, preschool children together with their parents can make an application. Let a unique pattern appear on each ball, like a mosaic assembled from pieces of holographic colored paper or tracing paper. Suitable for decor and illustrations passed through a hole puncher from unnecessary magazines, advertising booklets. The preparation of the craft is very simple: a ball, a trapezoid basket, a twisted thread for ropes.

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