How to draw a dove with a pencil step by step for beginners. How to draw a dove step by step with colored pencils

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that, in theory, even Small child. Naturally, parents can also help small children draw a dove. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a dove, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Each bird is not only unique in coloring, but also has its own anatomical structure. To draw a dove correctly, you need a personal presence, if possible. Yes, I'm talking about drawing from life. I understand that this is very difficult to do, but it will give you a big head start. I can also advise not to neglect the photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

Dove is good character for drawing a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, especially for May 1 and Victory Day - May 9. Everyone knows that a dove is a symbol of peace and happiness, so very often pictures of doves are used to decorate weddings. In wedding pictures, doves, of course, only come in pairs, but if you can draw one dove, you can easily draw the second one, side by side in a mirror image. Pigeons are not only white, but also gray and black. But for wedding pictures, you need to draw only white doves, because White color it is a symbol of purity and health.

How to draw a dove? It is not difficult at all if you draw it with a simple pencil in stages.

1. How to start drawing a dove?

When drawing in stages, you always need to start drawing from the main outline. For a dove, this is his, and his torso. First, we outline the outline of the pigeon's head, from it we draw a line of the torso, slightly inclined. The dove, when flying, the tail slightly lowers down. We will draw the wings in the form of a “tick”, just follow the proportions, the size of the contours. You can copy my markup.

2. Slightly “revive” the drawing of a dove

The first step is always the easiest, but the most important. The further drawing of the dove will depend on how you draw the first contours. At this stage, we will only add a few lines and the dove will already come to life. draw contour line tail and body contours. Well, add the pigeon's legs, so far only contour straight short lines.

At this stage, the dove should already be flying, as you will draw the contours of its wings and tail. It is not difficult to draw the beak and eye of a dove.

4. Let's draw the paws of a dove in detail

Just a few details left to add to the dove drawing. Most of all, you will have to spend time to draw the legs of a dove in detail and after a few strokes simple pencil divide the wings into several segments.

5. The final stage pigeon pictures

It is not difficult to draw feathers for the wings and tail of a dove, because the outlines are already drawn. It remains only to divide the lower contours with sharp sections and extend the lines to the base of the wing. Tail feathers are drawn a little differently, they need to be drawn with elongated ovals. But in general, all this is not difficult to draw, even if you do not have much experience in drawing birds.

Look at pictures or photos of pigeons, what coloring of feathers they have. You may want to make a picture not of a white dove, but with black and white feathers. Then color in some of the feathers or halves of the dove's feathers with a simple pencil.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a dove and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson in social networks and show your results to your friends.

Pigeons are habitual inhabitants of big cities and small villages. Since ancient times, they live next to a person, settle on the roofs of high-rise buildings and in other recesses of stone buildings. You can meet a rock dove on the street, in a park, near children's playgrounds where gullible and friendly birds are used to feasting on treats brought to them by kids. Bread crumbs, seeds, millet - local residents are happy and grateful for any manifestation of care.

Children also like to feed the birds, they enthusiastically observe their habits and habits, and for every walk they try to save something tasty for their younger brothers. Do you feed the doves in the city park? If not, then be sure to try to do this, and you will see how many positive emotions your baby will receive. And in order to keep pleasant impressions in your memory for a long time, when you come home, draw a dove with your child on a piece of paper. How to do this, we will tell you now.

So, we bring to your attention a few master classes on how to draw a dove step by step with a pencil for children.

Example 1

The white dove is a symbol of health and purity. It has already become a tradition to release a couple of snow-white doves into the wild. wedding ceremonies and graduation. Actually, we will begin our lesson by drawing such a “symbolic” bird.

First of all, let's prepare Blank sheet paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. Now let's get started.

Example 2

Our next masterpiece will be the dove of peace. According to legends and beliefs, it was a dove with an olive branch in its beak that informed Noah about the end of the Flood. Also in Christianity, the dove is a symbol of the holy spirit, and not so long ago, its image became the emblem of the First World Peace Congress. So, how to draw a dove of peace flying in the sky with a pencil for children in stages, we look carefully:

Example 3

To please the smallest audience, you can draw a funny cartoon dove. For example, this one.

Example 4

It is better for older children to draw a real dove, as similar as possible to those they are used to seeing in the park and on the street. Do not think that it is very difficult, just follow our instructions and you will succeed.

  1. As usual, we will start drawing a dove for children step by step from the guides.
  2. Now we will correct the contours of the head and neck.
  3. Let's draw a beak and an eye.
  4. Next, let's take a look at the body.
  5. Our next step is the wing and tail.

A dove is a good character for drawing a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, especially for May 1 and Victory Day - May 9. Everyone knows that a dove is a symbol of peace and happiness, so very often pictures of doves are used to decorate weddings. In wedding pictures, doves, of course, only come in pairs, but if you can draw one dove, you can easily draw the second one, side by side in a mirror image. Pigeons are not only white, but also gray and black. But for wedding pictures, you need to draw only white doves, since white is a symbol of purity and health. How to draw a dove? It is not difficult at all if you draw it with a simple pencil in stages.

1. How to start drawing a dove?

When drawing in stages, you always need to start drawing from the main outline. For a dove, these are its wings, head and torso. First, we outline the outline of the pigeon's head, from it we draw a line of the torso, slightly inclined. The dove, when flying, the tail slightly lowers down. We will draw the wings in the form of a "tick", just follow the proportions, the size of the contours. You can copy the markup from my drawing.

2. Slightly "revive" the drawing of a dove

The first step is always the easiest, but the most important. The further drawing of the dove will depend on how you draw the first contours. At this stage, we will only add a few lines and the dove will already come to life. Draw the contour line of the tail and outlines of the torso. Well, add the pigeon's legs, so far only contour straight short lines.

3. Let's draw the plumage, beak and eye of the dove

At this stage, the dove should already be flying, as you will draw the contours of its wings and tail. It is not difficult to draw the beak and eye of a dove.

4. Let's draw the paws of a dove in detail

Just a few details left to add to pigeon drawing. Most of all, you will have to spend time to draw in detail the legs of a dove and, after a few strokes of a simple pencil, divide the wings into several segments.

5. The final stage of drawing a picture of a dove

It is not difficult to draw feathers for the wings and tail of a dove, because the outlines are already drawn. It remains only to divide the lower contours with sharp sections and extend the lines to the base of the wing. Tail feathers are drawn a little differently, they need to be drawn with elongated ovals. But in general, all this is not difficult to draw, even if you do not have much experience in drawing birds. Look at pictures or photos of pigeons, what coloring of feathers they have. You may want to make a picture not of a white dove, but with black and white feathers. Then color in some of the feathers or halves of the dove's feathers with a simple pencil.

In this lesson, you will be able to draw a beautiful Ara parrot in stages.

This drawing of a duck is made on a graphics tablet. But the drawing steps of this lesson can be used to draw with an ordinary pencil. Only at the last step the drawing will need to be painted with paints or colored pencils.

The most important thing is to correctly draw the neck and wings of this bird, they are the most important parts of a swan. The legs of the swan are short, so drawing them is quite simple. Remember all this when you learn to draw a swan in stages with a simple pencil.

It will be easier for you to draw a dove if you have previously tried to draw birds with a pencil on our website in stages. For an example of drawing a bird, I used a flying parrot. In the future, if you can draw a parrot correctly, you can draw any birds, including a dove and even a Firebird.

A crow is somewhat similar to a dove, and if you already know how to draw a dove, it will not be difficult for you to draw a crow. The crow only has a noticeably larger head and especially a beak.

It may seem that it is not difficult to draw a sparrow, because we see this bird as well as a dove all the time. In fact, drawing any small birds is quite difficult, it is much easier to draw a large bird. But if you draw in stages with a pencil, then anyone can cope with this task.

In the sky, on the streets, sidewalks, on window sills and rooftops, we can see peaceful, gentle, kind, and often almost tame pigeons. There are many types of these birds. Lesson topic: how to draw a dove.

We will need:

  • graphite pencils of different hardness
  • sketch paper
  • eraser
  • pastels or colored pencils.

The most important component is desire, and you can create good sketches using any tools and materials at hand.

Where to begin

Before you start drawing, look for nature, carefully consider nice photos. If possible, watch these birds on the street.

Here are some examples of different drawings.

Line and shape

It is important to catch and outline the pose of the bird, static or dynamic, with one line. The line will help to correctly position and build the main components of the shape of the depicted object.

In each of the above sketches simple figures the body shapes of pigeons are indicated: the head and body are ovals, the wings look like triangles, the tail is like a trapezoid.

Unite all these shapes with a single line in order to form an approximate silhouette.

Detailing the silhouette

We refine the previously drawn lines, and add the main ones. important details. The lines may already be more confident and distinct, but, as yet, without finishing expressiveness.

1. When drawing a bird with spread wings, it is important to correctly show direction and shape of feathers. With light lines we outline large flight feathers and small coverts. All feathers are attached to the body of the wings, directed downwards and smoothly diverge. different sides when the wing is open. Feathers in the tail large, of the same shape and size, resemble a fan.

We also outline the line of the eyes and beak, they are on the axis that divides the oval of the head in half. Show small paws at the bottom of the body.

2. In this sketch, we can more clearly show the shape of the wings and tail. In the general silhouette, highlight the paws and claws.

We should aim the eyes and beak of a bird. This can be done by dividing the oval of the head horizontal line into two parts (the lower part is slightly smaller than the upper). The horizontal axis should represent the direction of the bird's gaze. This line divides the beak into lower and upper parts. We also place the eye above this axis.

3. In this drawing, we will more accurately show the shape of the wings and tail, the direction of the feathers. According to the above recommendations, we will place the eyes and beak. Mark a small arc above the top of the beak. important to show rounded chest birds and prominent forward paws.

Shadows and some color

At the final stage of work, you need to detail the drawing as much as possible. We can draw patterns on the feathers, some kind of folds and relief on them. Refine the shape of the paws, they have small tubercles, and claws. Specify the shape of the beak, eyes.

The drawing will become more expressive if we add shadows. Usually they form under the wings, in the lower part of the body, under the legs and tail. You can outline the shadow areas with a few light strokes if you are drawing a white dove, or work out the color, light and shadow more carefully.

Structural features

Drawing pigeons is quite simple, yet let's look at some of the nuances separately.


The paws of all birds are quite strong and powerful, they help take off and land, move by jumping, grab and keep balance. The legs are attached approximately in the middle of the body and always lean back. There are many muscles in the upper part and it is covered with plumage. The lower part of the paw is very thin, there are only tendons, covered with scales, and sometimes with feathers.

The feet of pigeons are made up of four toes. Three fingers point forward and one back. The fingertips have small seals and claws. The image below shows the sequence in which you can draw the paws of doves.


The shape of the head, beak, and placement of the eyes may vary slightly depending on the breed of bird. Sometimes the top of the head appears larger, more voluminous, or pulled over the eyes. However, in most cases, the following scheme will be correct:

  • We enter the head into an oval placed horizontally.
  • We divide this oval in half using the horizontal and vertical axis.
  • To place the beak and eyes, we need to draw another horizontal line slightly below the center. This line is shown in red in the figure. It runs along the center of the beak and divides it into the mandible and mandible.
  • The eyes and the beak are connected by a certain feature that helps us better navigate the structure of the head and draw it correctly. This not entirely distinct line runs from the center of the beak under the base of the eye and goes a little further, most likely to the area of ​​the bird's ear. In fact, this feature and our red arrow are one and the same.
  • The red line helps us to define and show in the drawing the direction of the bird's gaze.


The red line and the vertical axis help us place the eyes - draw them at the corner of the intersection of these lines.

The eyes are usually round, sometimes slightly elongated into an oval. Most breeds have a small halo around their eyes. It highlights and visually enlarges the eye with a contrasting color. Most often, the eyes of these birds orange color with a large black pupil in the center.


The mandible is slightly larger than the lower part of the beak and curves slightly downward. At the base, near the head, the beak has a stripe or even a bulge in a contrasting color. On the beak there are two holes resembling nostrils.

The lower part of the beak stands out little and has a duller color.

Dove of peace

A white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak - a symbol that came to us from the Bible, this bird brought a green branch to Noah after the flood.

After World War II White dove became a symbol of peace. Pablo Picasso first depicted him, he painted as a symbol and emblem of the World Congress of Peace Supporters. Here is the drawing:

Let's try to create our own drawing-symbol of the world:

In the first two steps, we use a simple hard pencil, and draw very lightly, so that the lines are barely visible.

Video lesson

Watch the video how to draw a dove with a simple pencil in stages:

To inspire you even more, below are a few interesting works with these birds:

I hope this lesson was interesting and useful for you and you will create wonderful works with beautiful birds.

I wish you success in your work!

The best animal pencil drawings
Let's take a break from color expression today. Let's fully touch the black and white hyperrealism of the artist Lisandro Pena. The standard in the field of drawing with a pencil of animals.

There is nothing unusual in the graphics of this artist. Just photocopying. But, he manages to convey the liveliness of the painted animals. And this is its unusualness, unlike other ordinary copiers. It's a pity the resolution is small in order to look out for the technique. But this can be fixed with a short video at the end of the post, where the author demonstrates the technique of creating animalistic graphics in accelerated shooting ... There is very little information on the artist on the network. On Facebook, instead of his photo, he posted a graphic image of a small gorilla. Apparently, he shares Darwin's theory of the origin of species ... Most likely, he is joking with us ...

Lisandro Pena was born June 25, 1980 in El Salvador and currently resides in Canada. Art was originally for the most part his life, and now he wants it to be the main center of his life. He loves all styles and trends, techniques in fine arts, but his favorite technique is a pencil. He allows him to portray whatever he wants in his individual style. The pencil is his love. If someone does not see all the possibilities of a pencil, Lisandro Pena wants to correct this and show what can be done with it on paper.

Lisandro Pena inspires a lot in life and wants to capture as many moments of life as possible through drawing. Let all the best remain on paper and then influence the minds of the audience for a long time ...

And most importantly, Lisandro Pena is a self-taught artist. So that, dear viewers and fellow artists, dare in your quest and aspirations. Nothing will stop an artist on the way to perfection, if he is firmly aware of his destiny...

Pigeons are habitual inhabitants of big cities and small villages. Since ancient times, they live next to a person, settle on the roofs of high-rise buildings and in other recesses of stone buildings. You can meet them on the street, in the park, near children's playgrounds, where gullible and friendly birds are used to feasting on treats brought to them by kids. Bread crumbs, seeds, millet - local residents are happy and grateful for any manifestation of care.

Children also like to feed the birds, they enthusiastically observe their habits and habits, and for every walk they try to save something tasty for their younger brothers. Do you feed the doves in the city park? If not, then be sure to try to do this, and you will see how many positive emotions your baby will receive. And in order to keep pleasant impressions in your memory for a long time, when you come home, draw a dove with your child on a piece of paper. How to do this, we will tell you now.

So, we bring to your attention a few master classes on how to draw a dove step by step with a pencil for children.

Example 1

The white dove is a symbol of health and purity. It has already become a tradition to release a pair of snow-white doves into the wild at wedding ceremonies and graduations. Actually, we will begin our lesson by drawing such a “symbolic” bird.

First of all, prepare a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. Now let's get started.

Example 2

Our next masterpiece will be the dove of peace. According to legends and beliefs, it was a dove with an olive branch in its beak that informed Noah about the end of the Flood. Also in Christianity, the dove is a symbol of the holy spirit, and not so long ago, its image became the emblem of the First World Peace Congress. So, how to draw a dove of peace flying in the sky with a pencil for children in stages, we look carefully:

Example 3

To please the smallest audience, you can draw a funny cartoon dove. For example, this one.

A dove is a good character for drawing a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, especially for May 1 and Victory Day - May 9. Everyone knows that a dove is a symbol of peace and happiness, so very often pictures of doves are used to decorate weddings. In wedding pictures, doves, of course, only come in pairs, but if you can draw one dove, you can easily draw the second one, side by side in a mirror image. Pigeons are not only white, but also gray and black. But for wedding pictures, you need to draw only white doves, since white is a symbol of purity and health. How to draw a dove? It is not difficult at all if you draw it with a simple pencil in stages.

1. How to start drawing a dove?

When drawing in stages, you always need to start drawing from the main outline. For a dove, these are its wings, head and torso. First, we outline the outline of the pigeon's head, from it we draw a line of the torso, slightly inclined. The dove, when flying, the tail slightly lowers down. We will draw the wings in the form of a "tick", just follow the proportions, the size of the contours. You can copy the markup from my drawing.

2. Slightly "revive" the drawing of a dove

The first step is always the easiest, but the most important. The further drawing of the dove will depend on how you draw the first contours. At this stage, we will only add a few lines and the dove will already come to life. Draw the contour line of the tail and outlines of the torso. Well, add the pigeon's legs, so far only contour straight short lines.

3. Let's draw the plumage, beak and eye of the dove

At this stage, the dove should already be flying, as you will draw the contours of its wings and tail. It is not difficult to draw the beak and eye of a dove.

4. Let's draw the paws of a dove in detail

Just a few details left to add to pigeon drawing. Most of all, you will have to spend time to draw in detail the legs of a dove and, after a few strokes of a simple pencil, divide the wings into several segments.

5. The final stage of drawing a picture of a dove

It is not difficult to draw feathers for the wings and tail of a dove, because the outlines are already drawn. It remains only to divide the lower contours with sharp sections and extend the lines to the base of the wing. Tail feathers are drawn a little differently, they need to be drawn with elongated ovals. But in general, all this is not difficult to draw, even if you do not have much experience in drawing birds. Look at pictures or photos of pigeons, what coloring of feathers they have. You may want to make a picture not of a white dove, but with black and white feathers. Then color in some of the feathers or halves of the dove's feathers with a simple pencil.

In this lesson, you will be able to draw a beautiful Ara parrot in stages.

This drawing of a duck is made on a graphics tablet. But the drawing steps of this lesson can be used for drawing with a regular pencil. Only at the last step the drawing will need to be painted with paints or colored pencils.

The most important thing is to correctly draw the neck and wings of this bird, they are the most important parts of a swan. The legs of the swan are short, so drawing them is quite simple. Remember all this when you learn to draw a swan in stages with a simple pencil.

It will be easier for you to draw a dove if you have previously tried to draw birds with a pencil on our website in stages. For an example of drawing a bird, I used a flying parrot. In the future, if you can draw a parrot correctly, you can draw any birds, including a dove and even a Firebird.

A crow is somewhat similar to a dove, and if you already know how to draw a dove, it will not be difficult for you to draw a crow. The crow only has a noticeably larger head and especially a beak.

It may seem that it is not difficult to draw a sparrow, because we see this bird as well as a dove all the time. In fact, drawing any small birds is quite difficult, it is much easier to draw a large bird. But if you draw in stages with a pencil, then anyone can cope with this task.

The dove has long been considered a symbol of peace, love and tenderness. Therefore, people treat these birds with care. If you live in a city, then you probably have seen more than once how flocks of rock doves flock to the bread crumbs that people bring them.

And you have certainly heard that pigeons are excellent postmen. Founder of the first official postal service was the Egyptian Sultan Nur ad-Din, who created the so-called network of "pigeon towers". However, today, with the development of technology, this type of communication has lost popularity.

Now carrier pigeons are called sports pigeons. These birds can cover more than 1000 km, reaching speeds up to 140 km/h. Thanks to such incredible skills, in 1818 the first pigeon sport society was opened in Belgium. Pigeon racing is now a very popular activity in Western Europe. take part in the Olympiads: a microchip is installed on the foot of a pigeon and it records the time during which the “athlete” flies to given point and returns to the owner.

I know, I know, You can't wait to draw such an amazing and mysterious bird!

Tohow to draw a pigeon step by step

Unlike countryside, pigeons in the city are not uncommon: they circle overhead, sit on balconies, window sills, “walk” along the sidewalks.

These birds are called urbanists, because they have perfectly adapted to local life: they are not afraid of noise and are not whimsical about food.

Would you like to draw such a dove? I am ready to teach you: I have a step-by-step scheme for this.

1. Closer to the left edge of the sheet, draw a small oval - this is the head of a dove.

2. A little lower and to the left draw the body of the bird. Draw it in the form of a large oval.

3. To draw the neck, connect the head and torso with lines. Although the pigeon's neck is short, it is very mobile! That's when you have the opportunity to see this bird, be sure to observe how cleverly it collects food and how it cleans the feathers on its back and tail.

4. The tail of a dove is of medium length. Draw it in the form of such an irregular geometric figure, as in the diagram.

5. This stage is the easiest: draw a short beak and paws.

6. So far, our dove is just a set of figures, but a few strokes - and the bird will begin to "come to life". Take an eraser and erase the extra lines. Draw the wing: it should be large and almost completely cover the body.

7. The paws of a dove have four fingers: three of them are directed forward, and one is backward. So draw!

8. Add volume to the paws and draw the claws. They are long, sharp and slightly curved in the dove. Also draw the feathers on the bird's tail.

9. The most interesting thing is to create a pattern on the wing: the lines should be smooth, but not necessarily perfectly even.

10. The last details are the eye and beak.

Oh, it wasn't that easy! But I believe that You managed and remembered how to draw a dove :)

How to draw a little pigeonpencil

Ukrainians have long believed that the dove brings success and happiness. They depicted a bird on the stove, embroidered this symbol on towels. People were convinced that a dove in the house portends good news.

Place a little dove in your album - and you are guaranteed to be lucky :)

1. Draw two small circles: this will be the base of the pigeon's head and body. It's okay if the figures are not perfect, but try to keep them approximately the same size. If you are not sure whether you will get beautiful circles, use a compass.

2. Now that you have the frame, let's start drawing the details. First, form the outline of the head of the chick, drawing a line all the way to the neck. Draw a beak and draw a line from it to the neck and torso. Also draw an eye.

3. We draw widely spread wings dove. Take a close look at the drawing - and you will understand that they seem to be raised up. So we will create the impression that the chick is flying.

Wings are allowed to be drawn in different ways: the tips of the feathers can be sharply pointed or the same as in the diagram - rounded.

4. Draw paws. During the flight, the bird lifts them under itself. See how it is shown in the picture.

5. You are almost done - it remains to draw a beautiful tail! Just make sure that it is in harmony with the wings: make the feathers rounded or pointed. Note that the top line of the tail connects to the wing, while the bottom line appears to be behind the leg.

6. Erase extra lines, draw contours. The drawing of the little dove is ready!

We draw a dove-athlete in flight

You already know and can tell your friends that pigeons are great flyers. They are not only fast - these birds regularly maneuver. Faster than a dove, only a hawk and a swallow. However, they do not amaze with such memory as an air athlete: there is a case that even after decades the dove returned home.

I really want to draw a dove in flight with you!

1. Draw a small head and a large torso.

2. We connect the ovals with the help of these slightly curved lines. We also draw a tail.

3. Next in line is the sharp beak of a bird. Also draw two lines - this is the base of the wings.

4. Outline the wings with two arcuate lines. Draw paws: Do you remember that when flying, a bird bends them?

5. Here is the last step: it remains only to erase the extra lines and draw feathers on the wings and tail of the dove.

How to draw a pigeonflies "b"butterfly"

Such an interesting manner of flying a dove is called a "butterfly". Spreading its tail as wide as possible, the bird slows down its forward movement and soars in place. It is amazing! Sometimes during such a flight, the pigeon spreads its tail 180 ° - almost like.

Would you like to draw just such a dove? Repeat after me!

1. Outline the contours of the body, tail and wings of the bird.

2. Draw the head and eye.

3. Now we draw a beautiful pointed beak.

4. Start contouring and draw one paw.

5. The most crucial moment is to draw the widely spread wings of a bird soaring somewhere in the blue sky.

6. Add some fluff to the wings and breast.

7. To finally make our dove really look like a butterfly, draw a beautiful tail. And do not forget to outline the feathers with a few strokes.

Can you say it was difficult? :)

How to draw a dove of peace

Friend, have you ever heard the expression "dove of peace"? That was the name of the emblem of the first World Peace Congress. It depicted a dove with an olive branch in its beak. The author of the drawing is a famous spanish artist Pablo Picasso.

According to one of biblical legends God sent water to earth Flood and helped only the righteous man Noah and his family to be saved in the blessed ark. After 150 days, God stopped the flood. To check whether the water really came down from the earth, Noah released a dove from the ark, which after a while returned with an olive branch in its beak. Since then, this bird has been considered a symbol of God's forgiveness and tranquility.

I want to repeat Picasso's experience and draw such a bird. And you? :)

Try now to cope without my tips!

Drawing a dove with a pencil is easy! But decorating a feathered friend is not an easy task, you must admit ... Having drawn this bird for the first time, I could not understand what color it would be. Around the house, we are used to seeing pigeons of gray-blue color with bluish tints. But it turns out that among the 300 breeds there are birds not only of a bluish color. Pigeon feathers can be cherry, brown, red, red, yellow, pink, ashen, lilac, white...

It is best to decorate the dove with paints: this is the only way to show how beautifully its feathers shimmer.

Pigeons are birds that can be found in almost every part of the world. There are over 300 species of these popular birds. They are wild, decorative, postal and even meat. Pigeons differ in color, body type, shape of wings, tail, beak, and so on.

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that the dove is the bird of peace. People believed that the dove is a pure and kind creature that does not have a gallbladder (which was an erroneous opinion), and therefore there is not a drop of bile and anger in it. Some peoples revered pigeons as sacred birds. Also the white dove that brought good sign Noah is mentioned in the Bible.

From the article you will learn how to draw a dove. Let's see what we need for this.

Tools and materials

In order to draw a dove, you will need a simple pencil, a blank sheet of paper and an eraser. Oh yes! There are a couple more things...

If you want to draw a dove with a pencil and then color it, prepare either gouache, brushes and a jar of water. Instead of paint, you can use colored pencils, felt-tip pens or wax crayons. If you have everything you need prepared, let's start drawing!

How to draw a dove step by step

We got a pretty dove-like!

Coloring the dove

We learned how to draw a dove in stages with a pencil, now we will try to color it. To do this, you will need pencils / felt-tip pens / paints of various colors. The main and main color is gray. You will also need black, pink, green and blue colors.

  • Starting with the head: coloring it in gray. We fill the wings, abdomen and beak with the same shade.
  • The neck of a pigeon is blue-green, best applied over gray.
  • On the wings and tail add black.
  • Paws are painted in pink color, and claws - in gray.
  • The pupil is black, the rest of the eye is painted pink or orange.
  • With black color, use a thin brush to trace the pattern along the contour. That's all, the dove is ready! If you worked with paints, then set the drawing aside for half an hour or an hour to let it dry.

Dove in flight

Quietly and peacefully standing on the sidelines we drew a dove, now let's see how to draw a dove in flight.

Dove with a twig in its beak

Let's see how to draw a dove with a twig in its beak.

Drawing with children

We tried to draw a dove and color it. Moreover, they were able to depict a dove in flight, sketched a bird with a twig in its beak. Now let's see how to draw a dove with a pencil for a child.

If a child is 10-12 years old, then it will not be difficult for him to portray a dove, as described above. If you have a completely crumb, then you need to look for another way. Children love to circle their fingers and use them to create drawings. We will rely on this approach.

The easiest way to draw a dove is this: the kid puts his hand on the sheet, traces it along the contour, removes the pen and finishes with your help a couple of details.

Here is such a wonderful dove that your child can get. From the ring finger to the left, you need to draw a wing and depict feathers with the help of several lines. To contour thumb draw the beak and eye, draw the paws from below. This is how easy it is to draw a dove.

In order for the child to succeed exactly, help him, explain each step in stages. For the first time, you can help the child circle the hand and tell that it cannot be moved, it cannot be removed so that the drawing is neat. Then the kid will be able to cope with this simple task. A large mother's hand and a small child's hand will help to revive the dove mother and chick on paper - this will bring you closer to the baby.

Try to draw yourself and teach this to your children. Good luck!

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