Team games for men. Birthday contests for boys

Competitions in speed and agility, team games and funny contests will give the boys the opportunity to frolic with benefit. Quizzes and riddles, quests will lead the boys into wild delight. colorful crafts after creative tasks will be reminded of the solemn event for a long time. Active entertainment with adventures and challenges will make the holiday interesting and unforgettable.

    All interested boys participate in the competition. Before it is carried out, you need to determine the start and finish lines. Each participant receives a balloon. Players line up along the starting line and pinch the ball with their knees.

    After the start signal, they begin to jump as quickly as possible, like a kangaroo, towards the finish line. At the same time, the ball should not burst. The participant who damages the balloon is out of the game. If the ball falls, the player returns to the start line and starts jumping again.

    The winner is the participant who gets to the finish line faster than the rest.

    There are 4 boys in the competition. They are divided into 2 pairs. For the competition, you will need 2 clotheslines of the same length. In the middle of each of them, it is necessary to make a knot in advance and attach a felt-tip pen to both ends.

    Each couple receives one clothesline in their hands. The players spread out to the sides, pulling the rope. After the “start” command, they begin to wind the rope around the felt-tip pen as quickly as possible. The 2 players who first reach the knot in the middle advance to the second round. It determines the main winner.

    Game "Tennis player"

    There are 4 boys in the game. Each competitor receives a tennis ball and a racket.

    On the “start” command, all participants throw the ball up and begin to fill it with a racket. The game is timed. After the ball falls, the contestant is eliminated. The game continues until last member. He becomes the winner.

    Several boys are participating in the competition. Before it is carried out, it is necessary to draw a zigzag line on the floor with chalk.

    First, the first volunteer receives binoculars in his hands. He turns it over and puts it to his eyes. The task of the contestant is to cover the entire distance marked with chalk, looking through inverted binoculars. After he reaches the finish line, the next participant enters the game.

    The winner is the boy who manages to pass the line most accurately.

    The game "Cap in a cap"

    All boys are welcome to participate in the game. To carry it out, you need 2 caps different colors: one big size and the second is small.

    Boys participate in the game one at a time, in turn. First, the first participant approaches the leader. He puts a large cap on the player's head. A small cap with a sharp end of the top is tied to a thread. It remains in the hands of the leader.

At least once a year, parents should receive guests from their beloved child. And it must be done the best way After all, children have been waiting for this kind of celebration for a whole year! How to entertain guests so that everyone is satisfied? And finished your child first. The topic of this article will be devoted to such as birthday contests for boys, very important point, is not it?! We have tried to select for you the most best ideas for a holiday that is bound to be unforgettable!

Top interesting birthday contests for boys

Even an easy and relaxed holiday requires some preparation, and even more so a birthday. For a good celebration, we offer you funny and funny birthday contests for boys.

  • "Guess who". It rarely happens that the holiday takes place without girls at all. If this is your case, then these will be quite suitable contests for guests. One of the boys is blindfolded with a scarf. The host puts the rest of the guys in a row. The task of the hero is to find the girl by touch. The joke is that the presenter quickly dresses up one of the guest boys in a dress and a wig.
  • "Treasure Seekers". All the guys know stories about Indians and pirates, so why not help them fulfill their long-standing desire? it original competition, which involves dressing up (multi-colored feathers or black scarves can be made by yourself) and searching for real jewels using encrypted symbols on the map. The game can be played both at home and outdoors. Connect your imagination and you will succeed.
  • "A real hero." Interesting competition which will appeal to many boys. For her, you need to transform little men into heroes, that is, give them “swords” and “helmets”. The task of the young defenders is to destroy the villain "Three-Headed Serpent", which also needs to be done in advance (while the heads should be removed and put back very easily). There will be no limit to children's delight and pride, especially if you encourage them for this with sweet prizes and medals for valor and courage.
  • "Blow harder." In this competition, the host will need to divide the children into two teams, as well as prepare two very light handkerchiefs (chiffon can be used). At the set signal, the teams must throw the handkerchief into the air and hold it there with the help of their own lungs, that is, by blowing on it from the bottom up. Those participants who manage to keep the handkerchief in the air for as long as possible win.
  • "Forward-right-left." In the game, the boys also need to be divided into teams. The host prepares the necessary attributes: sweets suspended on a string. Then, in turn, the representative of the first second team enters the game. To do this, they blindfold him and hand him scissors. Fellow soldiers show him the right path to the candy, which he must cut, and opponents try to confuse him. In a fun competition, the one who manages to get the cherished goal, regardless of enemy advice, wins.
  • "Clash of the Titans". For this contest you will need Balloons. Each participant needs to tie one such ball to both legs. Under cheerful music a competition begins, the essence of which is to be able to burst the opponent's balls and at the same time keep your own. The number of people is unlimited!
  • "Remove - do not eat." The good old game that we loved so much as a child. The rules are very simple: one player gets the ball, and all the rest line up in a row opposite him at a decent distance. Water throws the ball to everyone in turn, while naming something edible or inedible. If it can be eaten, then the ball must be caught, if not, then hit back. For the correct reaction, the player takes a step forward. Thus, any of the guys can replace the water if they are attentive. Intentional confusion of participants is welcome.
  • "The most persistent sentry." For this competition, one person is invited, who will play the role of a sentry. He stands against the wall and fulfills his duty: he silently watches the surrounding events. The rest of the guys are doing their best to make him laugh. If they succeed, then the post of sentry is replaced by the next recruit, and so on until the most persistent sentry is identified.
  • "Scout check". As you know, a scout must have a very good memory, so we will try to find out who has it better. To do this, you need to draw in advance on a large sheet of paper a different military equipment: tank, helicopter, ship, etc. We show this creation to the guys for half a minute. Then we ask them to reproduce (voice or write / draw on their pieces of paper) everything that they saw. The winner gets a promotion!
  • "A dancer for all time" A great dance competition which can also be held in a cafe. The host invites the guys and explains the rules of the game to them: you need to dance as long as possible and better than others to any music that will sound. Then, to the general applause, music begins to play (the incendiary one can change to a more melodic one, and so on). Winner Gets honorary title"A dancer for all time"

We offer you a few more videos with interesting children's birthday contests.

Even an easy and relaxed holiday requires some preparation. Here, for example, how to decorate a room for a birthday is also worth thinking about in advance. This will help you avoid unnecessary fuss and do business in detail. Of course, when it comes to boys, then, first of all, it makes sense to prepare the area for games and various competitions. It's good if everything goes on fresh air, and if at home? Move away easily breaking objects, but you will be calmer. Here are the attributes needed for the competitions, carefully fold somewhere nearby so that you don’t have to look for them for a long time later. You can ask your little man for help, he will surely support your initiative with pleasure. Happy holiday!

Fight with the Serpent-Gorynych

In this competition, you need to demolish all the heads of the Serpent-Gorynych with one swing of a valiant sword. The hero enters the battle blindfolded. That good fellow who manages to defeat the Serpent with one blow of the sword wins the competition.

For this competition, you need to prepare props: the body of the Serpent - Gorynych, several of his heads, which should be easily separated from the body. You will also need valiant toy swords - plastic or wooden. This competition requires free space indoors so that the fighters, swinging their swords, do not hit their fans, furniture or glass interior details. Heads are placed on the snake's body. The tournament participant is blindfolded, he can be slightly spun around his own axis so that he is a little disoriented. Now the player's task is to fight the Serpent-Gorynych, and try to demolish all his heads in one fell swoop. To make the fun last longer, and the audience could have plenty of fun and laugh, you can add a few more heads to the body, or attach fallen heads. It would be nice to reward the player who killed the snake with a medal for courage in battle!

Weapon for battle!

Contest for those who know how to search for hidden things! You need to take more toy weapons and hide them in different secluded places in the hall or yard. The boys go in search of him, whoever finds the most is the winner.

A fun and very exciting competition for boys. To carry it out, it is necessary to prepare "combat" weapons - children's toy pistols, sabers, a bow with arrows, knives. The host makes a list of the entire arsenal. Each player can be given a copy of it (if the children already know how to read), or loudly announced in front of the contestants so that they know what they are looking for. The task of the contestants is to find as many weapons as possible and collect an arsenal that will allow them to overtake all rivals. The fastest, most agile and "resourceful" wins the game. As an option for holding a contest, opposite each combat unit in the list, you can put down the number of points awarded to the player if he manages to find this weapon. Then, at equal number found weapons, the winner can be determined by points. To make it more fun for the participants to search, and the audience to have a good laugh, several small light pistols can be discreetly hidden in the pockets or hoods of the players, but so that the edge of the weapon “peeps out”. Such a pistol on points should “cost” much more than others, because in order to find it, you need to be especially careful. The prize for the one who has collected the largest arsenal will be the pistol or carbine that the winner liked.

Family matters

Game that develops acting skills guys. For her, they collect a set of familiar things, those that are most often used by family members. Young actors with the help of these items should portray all their household members.

This game is a competition of young actors who have to show the audience small funny theatrical sketches. Props are required for the competition. They will serve as items used by members of each family: a saucepan, a magazine, a newspaper, chess, a telephone, a ball of thread and knitting needles, a mirror, a book, a ball. Each participant of the competition, using these things, tries to portray all his relatives. For example, a father reading a newspaper or a magazine, a mother preparing dinner in the kitchen, a grandfather sitting at a game of chess, a grandmother with a ball of thread and knitting needles, a sister looking in the mirror, a brother talking on the phone incessantly. You can also include your favorite pets in the family. Each child, thus, shows a mini-performance from the life of his family, becoming different characters in turn. The audience greeted the young actors with applause. At the end of the game, you need to reward the contestant with a small prize. It is possible to distribute the first places among the participants in different nominations - for best role dads, moms and so on.

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