Anna and Sergei are the last hero. The tragic fate of the participants of the TV show

The police found the body of the missing writer and participant in the reality show "The Last Hero" Sergei Sakin. At the end of November, he left Myshkin for Moscow to visit his family. The author of the famous book “More Ben” never reached the capital. Search operations have not brought results. The body was found near the pier on the Volga when the snow melted.

Death of Sakin

Sergei Sakin was found dead in the forest near the pier in the vicinity of the village of Korovino, located opposite Myshkin, on the other side of the Volga. About this "360" was told by a classmate and friend of the deceased Ekaterina Kuzmina.

“He was found in the forest, not far from the place where he was last recorded by street cameras. Today he was identified, the body is still in Myshkino. A forensic medical examination is underway, the cause of death and some details are not yet clear, ”she said.

In the search and rescue squad "Liza Alert" "360" confirmed that the body of Sakin was found, and therefore the search topic was closed. According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, the deceased was found by policemen who checked the territory after the snow melted. His personal belongings remained intact. The ferry crossing at Myshkin is the main way to get out of the city, which is exactly what Sakin did on his way to Moscow. For a preliminary reason, he died of hypothermia. Whether he was drunk will be determined later.

Sakin's friend Tatyana said that the deceased lived with a friend in Myshkin, but often visited Moscow to visit his parents and children from two marriages. As in previous times, because of the irregular bus service, Sakin planned to hitchhike to Moscow.

“His body was found not far from Myshkin now that the snow has melted. Our friend went to the identification, confirmed that it was he. There are no traces of violence on the body - most likely, he died from cardiac arrest, maybe he froze in the cold. Although Sergei did not seem to have any chronic illnesses, it is difficult to say what killed him. There will be an autopsy, an examination, ”Tatiana explained.

In connection with the death of Sakin, the Yaroslavl department of the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the murder. The department confirmed that the deceased, who was listed as missing, was found in a forest belt near the village of Korovino. The investigators noted that there were no signs of violent death on the body, but specified that experts would establish the exact cause and date of death.

“I never wrote obituaries and I don’t know how to. Yes, Negro, our paths parted. But in the most blissful period of life, you were there, and this will not go anywhere, ”- wrote his friend Pavel Tetersky.

Sergey Sakin on the reality show "The Last Hero"

Disappearance of a writer

At the end of last year, on Tetersky's page in Facebook there was a message about the loss of Sergei. According to him, on November 24, Sakin planned to leave for Moscow. On November 25, parents who did not wait for their son called Sakin's friend in Myshkin. It turned out that the writer did not get into the minibus and did not appear at the ferry crossing. On November 26, Myshkin's friends Anna and Alexander Smirnov filed a complaint with the police, but three days later everything was closed without a search, because the applicants were not relatives. On December 4, the parents filed a second statement about the loss.

The police in Moscow immediately made it clear that they would not search, but would send a request to Myshkin, at the place of disappearance. The announcement of the search was distributed on VKontakte. Sakin's parents turned to Liza Alert volunteers.

Friends and acquaintances were looking for Sakin in the vicinity of Myshkin, calling hospitals on the way to Moscow, putting up ads and interviewing residents of Pereslavl-Zalessky and Myshkin, as well as the inhabitants of the monastery where he lived for some time. It did not bring results.

“To be honest, I don’t really believe in the magical power of likes and shares. But this person was once my best friend ... That he just swelled - I don’t believe it. But suddenly, all the same, some lesser of the evils, ”Tetersky wrote then.

Spiker in London

Sergey Sakin was born on August 19, 1977 in Moscow. In the 2000s, he was known as a prose writer, journalist and ardent fan of Spartak. Throughout the country, he became famous for participating in the first edition of the reality show "The Last Hero".

In his youth, due to conflicts with teachers, Sakin changed several educational institutions, in one of which he received the nickname Spiker. In 1998 he graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University and soon left for London with Pavel Tetersky. Young people lived with a friend, and then spent the night at the airport, then in the barn, earned money by washing dishes in a cafe and kept an adventure diary. There, Sakin became addicted to drugs that helped relieve fatigue.

“We went for a dream that never came true! To fall asleep, like a bum, in an uncomfortable place, he drank. Hangover in the morning. And you need to go wash the dishes in a restaurant. And then I got hooked on drugs - it seemed that I injected it, and my head hurts less. I spent all my money on it,” he said.

When the friends returned to Russia, the London recordings formed the basis of the book More Ben, which in 2000 won the Debut Award in the Big Prose nomination. The first edition was only a thousand copies, but the work became popular with young people, and the book was reprinted several times. In 2008, British director Susie Hellwood made a film of the same name based on the novel, starring Ben Barnes and Alexei Chadov.

In 2001, Sakin took part in the reality show "The Last Hero", the first release of which was filmed in Panama. It was hosted by Sergei Bodrov Jr. Sakin did not win the show, but he met his first wife Anna Modestova there.

In 2002, two books by Sakin were published at once. "Die Old Lady" was partly autobiographical, while the novel "The Last Hero in Binding" was about the life of the author during a reality show. In the same year, Sakin married Modestova, a son, Alexei, was born in the marriage. The couple divorced in 2005.

Sergey Sakin and Anna Modestova

“I was selfish, a liar. He disappeared for weeks, explained it as work, but in fact he used it and could not stop. Anya was a primary school teacher, she earned a little, I published, collaborated with TV. But there wasn't enough money. Anya could not stand it, and we broke up, ”Sakin recalled.

The writer met his second, though civil, wife Maria in 2007 during an interview when he got a job on television. In 2009, their daughter Vasilisa was born. When the daughter was a year old, the couple separated.

“It was the bottom, the money almost stopped coming, I realized that I was unpleasant to my daughter and Masha, and left. He became a homeless again - he lived at railway stations, he could fight and rob a store, ”said the writer.

Photo source: Facebook

Addiction treatment

In May 2013, Sakin was persuaded by his parents to start treatment for drug addiction. It happened after his father found him sleeping on a dirty bench at the entrance of the house. The writer went to the North Caucasian branch of the Center for Healthy Youth in Pyatigorsk. Six months later, he moved to the health camp of the center in the Moscow region, after which he worked at the TsZM in Kazan. At the same time, he acted as a director and screenwriter of the documentary art-house film Lesha's Prayer.

In June 2014, he was again treated at an anti-drug camp in Sochi. After that, he lived in a skete at a monastery in Pereslavl. Most recently, he worked as a civilian journalist at Reedus and acted as a freelance PR man for the rap group 25/17. In recent years, he often talked with Maria and the children, for the sake of meeting with whom he went on a trip that became his last.

On November 17, 2001, Channel One began broadcasting one of the most successful projects in its history. 16 people landed on an island in the Bocas del Toro archipelago, after which they began to fight each other for a huge cash prize.

It was the first season that caused the greatest excitement among the public thanks to the perfectly selected participants, the competent work of Sergei Bodrov Jr. as a host and the brilliant soundtrack from BI-2.

After 17 years, many of the participants in the show went underground, building a successful career away from show business. Some of them are still trying to succeed in the creative profession, and some are no longer alive. It's time to remember those whose courage was admired by millions of viewers and find out what they are doing now.


It was the ambitious customs officer from the city of Kursk who became the winner in the first season of the project. Other members of the team respected Sergey for his wisdom, and the audience often paid attention to the intrigues that Odintsov masterfully wove on the island.

After participating in the first season, the customs officer competently disposed of the funds won by buying an apartment in his native Kursk. Soon Sergei left the service, becoming a member of the legislative assembly.

In 2004, Odintsov took part in the fifth season of the project, and as a result, he was able to move quite far. However, the victory from the man then slipped away.

Three years later, Sergei found himself at the epicenter of a criminal story: trying to overcome an obstacle on the road, he drove into the oncoming lane, and later accidentally demolished a traffic police officer who was trying to stop him. Despite the fact that Odintsov admitted his guilt, he was sentenced to a year of probation.

Now the star of "The Last Hero" lives in Nizhny Novgorod, actively doing business.

“I am the director of one company. Divorced, now there is a second family, ”Odintsov admitted in an interview with StarHit.

According to Sergei, he is periodically recognized on the streets, but the former glory has practically disappeared. At the same time, Odintsov himself recalls the project with nostalgia. “If Channel One launched the show again, I would gladly become a member of it. If they called me, of course, ”the businessman admitted.


At the time of participation in the show, a modest student from Volgograd was only 18 years old. Ivan celebrated his 19th birthday on the Island.

Surprisingly, it was this slightly withdrawn young man who became the main favorite of the audience and the main competitor of Sergei Odintsov. After the end of the project, Lyubimenko continued to receive higher education.

After graduating, he made a fairly successful career in the financial sector.

“I work as a managing director in a very well-known bank in the department of the sales department of the network divisions. I am engaged in the development of sales, I am responsible for the efficient operation of the regional network, I control 23 regions, 60 points of the network. I still remember "The Last Hero" with nostalgia. I think this is one of the best events in my life. I have no doubt that even without The Last Hero this period of life, and I was a second-year student, would have been bright, unforgettable and eventful. But a lot of good things happened because of the show. By the way, I communicate with many guys from the project: with Anya Modestova, with Inna Gomez and Sergey Odintsov. And there are also wonderful people who were involved in the creation of this show, and for a long time they have become dear to us - cameramen, journalists, directors, ”Ivan told StarHit.

But the star of "The Last Hero" does not like to talk about his personal life, limiting himself to the phrase that he is happy and satisfied with his fate. Now Ivan is 36 years old, and, according to him, popularity has long since waned, but this does not bother him at all. “Initially, I didn’t have a goal of becoming famous. Therefore, I am very glad that they stopped recognizing on the streets. This happens extremely rarely and in such doses it does not cause any inconvenience, ”said Lyubimenko.


Sergey was remembered by many viewers for his romance with Anna Modestova. The lovers met before the project and passed the casting together. However, in the end they ended up in different tribes and saw each other only during trials.

Since the feelings of Sakin and Modestova were sincere, they got married right on the island, after which Sergey left the project. After the end of The Last Hero, the lovers arranged a magnificent wedding, and in 2005 they even had a son, Alexei.

Despite sincere feelings towards each other, soon after the birth of the boy, Sergei and Anna broke up. In many ways, the reason for the gap was Sakin's alcohol addiction.

In 2007, the Last Hero star began a new relationship with a girl named Maria, who bore him a daughter. However, this time, due to bad habits, Sergey destroyed the family. In one of the interviews, he admitted that after parting with his common-law wife, he lived on the street.

“It was the bottom, the money almost stopped coming, I realized that I was unpleasant to my daughter and Masha, and left. He became a homeless again - he lived at railway stations, he could fight and rob a store. Tried to tie - lay down for instillation in clinics. But after discharge, I rarely had enough for more than a day - I broke down, ”said Sakin.

In the fight against bad habits, the next few years passed. During this time, Sergey managed to work on television, wrote several books, and then actively promoted his friends, the 25/17 rap group.

On November 24, 2017, Sakin went missing. According to his friends, the man left the city of Myshkin, where he was visiting a friend, to Moscow, but never reached the capital. The search continued for six months, and in early May 2018, the body of one of the brightest participants in the first season of The Last Hero was found.

“He was identified by his friend Alexander, with whom Sergei lived in Myshkino. It is strange why "Lisa Alert", the police could not find him for a long time. As it turned out, his body was found near the town of Myshkin. Perhaps found when the snow melted, apparently. Parents are psychologically difficult, they can be understood. Suspected non-violent death, possibly cardiac arrest. All this is preliminary, an autopsy and a forensic medical examination will still be carried out, ”said one of Sakin’s friends.

For Sergei's fans, the news of his death came as a complete surprise. According to fans, their favorite was ruined by bad habits that destroyed not only his two families, but also Sakin's health.


The modest primary school teacher could hardly have imagined that she would advance in the show so far. The whole country was watching her touching romance with Sergei Sakin. As it turned out, the feelings were not for the sake of PR, and therefore, soon after the end of The Last Hero, the couple signed and got married.

As mentioned above, even the birth of a common child did not save Sergei and Anna from a divorce. In an interview with StarHit, the writer admitted that he was solely to blame for the breakup.

“It was impossible to live with me. I was selfish, a liar. He disappeared for weeks, explained it as work, but in fact he used it and could not stop. Anya was a primary school teacher, she earned a little, I published, collaborated with TV. But there wasn't enough money. Anya could not stand it, and we broke up, ”said Sakin.

After breaking up with her husband, Anna finally disappeared from the radar. The girl does not lead social networks and, according to rumors, has long since found personal happiness. A couple of years ago, Modestova published a photo of her grown-up son Alexei from Sergei Sakin, but refrained from commenting on her relationship with her ex-husband.

When it became known that Sakin died suddenly, Modestova categorically refused to comment on the tragedy. Fans also suggested that the death of the ex-husband was a real blow for Anna.


Perhaps it was Inna Gomez who managed to make the most dizzying career after the project, which was not surprising. A girl with such a bright appearance and a rich modeling past simply could not be ignored.

Thanks to her wisdom, Gomez reached almost the finale of The Last Hero, and after the end of the show she received dozens of lucrative offers. She has worked in television, represented various brands and acted in films. The last hobby still helps the star to be heard. Her filmography includes about twenty roles, and the last picture with the participation of Inna was released in 2016.

But not so much is known about the personal life of the model. In 2002, Gomez had a daughter, Maria, but the relationship with the baby's father did not work out. A few years later, Inna got married and gave birth to a second child.

Despite the burning interest from fans, the 48-year-old star of "The Last Hero" does not advertise his novels. Inna does not lead social networks, and she gives interviews extremely reluctantly, only occasionally remembering her fabulous popularity in the 2000s.


An active participant from Samara was able to reach almost the final, although initially few people believed in her. Many viewers did not like Natalia at all because she did not hesitate to express her opinion.

After the project, Ten decided to move to Moscow, where she tried herself in various fields. Well, since 2016, Natalia has been conquering cinema.

“I signed up for acting classes to try myself in this profession again. Now I am actively filming in serials and films, mostly in episodes. Soon the new project “Consequences” by Alexander Kott will be released on the screens, where I got an interesting role. Of course, I am very grateful to The Last Hero, because it has become a real school of life for me, a psychological test. I wish everyone to experience such emotions, ”said Natalia.

The 42-year-old actress considers herself an absolutely happy person, because she managed not only to find a calling, but also to meet the ideal man. “I have been married for 15 years. We can say that “The Last Hero” introduced me to my lover, it just so happened. Of course, popularity has declined markedly since then. But people still write to me on social networks, they tell me how they supported me. It's very nice," Natalia shared.

But the star of "The Last Hero" rarely communicates with other participants in the show. According to Natalia, for so many years contact has been maintained only with Anna Modestova and Inna Gomez.


Sergey Tereshchenko got to the legendary project almost by accident. After learning what the show would be about, he frankly admitted that he did not want to participate in it. However, for the sake of interest, the man nevertheless filled out the questionnaire and unexpectedly passed the casting.

Tereshchenko had a hard time on the show, and in 15 days on the island he lost about 20 kilograms. Other participants invariably called Sergey the kindest opponent of all. Sergei himself recalls the show with nostalgia.

“After the casting, we were all invited to Konstantin Ernst. He immediately said that it would be difficult on the island, but after him even more serious tests await us. He joked that we would be like astronauts who had just flown to the moon. And so it turned out. For a while, we all became incredibly popular. As an actor, I decided to take advantage of this. However, at first I was offered only small roles, and the same type. It seemed that the directors invite me for one purpose: to find out how it was there on the island. Now I have changed a lot. During the project, I decently lost weight, lost weight from 120 kilograms to a hundred, but still the body was quite flabby. And then one day the director threatened me that if I did not put myself in order, he would cut my role. I started playing sports, actively swinging, and it paid off. I can safely say that I have changed not only in appearance, but also internally as a person, ”said Sergey.

After a series of episodic roles, Sergei was still able to succeed: in 2015 he got a big role in the TV series "CHOP".

A charming security guard named Fedya captivated many spectators, as a result, Tereshchenko again began to be recognized on the streets. “The series“ CHOP ”was interesting in many respects because the role was a comedy. I liked the role right away. And you know, back in the days of The Last Hero, Inna Gomez said that I should act in comedies, like I'm very funny. After two seasons of the show, I decided to take a short break. Still, acting in a sitcom is very difficult, the shooting lasted 12-15 hours, ”the actor shared.

Recently, Sergey faced a whole series of injuries, because of which he could not work normally, and even classes in the gym were minimized. Now the artist is successfully playing in the cinema, while not forgetting about his sports hobbies.

43-year-old Tereshchenko can also boast of a happy personal life: the man has been married for a long time and has two sons. “My wife and I have been married for ten years and have known each other for over twenty years. Raising two boys. You know, I have repeatedly thought about returning to The Last Hero. He even dreamed that we would all be sent to the island with the same composition. And now I think that I would take part in the show, but as a host. Not all the same, Nagiyev is on Channel One,” Sergey said.


Actress Elena Kravchenko stayed on the "Last Hero" for a very short time: she was kicked out after the first vote. And all because of the too independent nature of the star, who does not want to put up with injustice on the island.

One way or another, Kravchenko did not grieve for long. She already had successful studies at the Shchukin Theater School, when in 2003 the girl got the main role in the TV series Lady Mayor.

Then there were reincarnations in The Return of Mukhtar and Volkov's Hour. Recently, the actress plays one of the main roles in the popular TV series "Molodezhka".

For many years, the 51-year-old star has been happily married to the famous TV presenter Mikhail Kozhukhov. The couple brings up three children, invariably demonstrating a family idyll. The actress rarely remembers her failure at The Last Hero, because outside the project she was able to fully realize herself.


The audience disliked the dentist Nadezhda Semenova almost immediately. The fact is that the star of "The Last Hero" skillfully weaved intrigues, trying to eliminate the most dangerous rivals.

Despite the efforts of Semenova, she never managed to reach the final of the project. After dropping out, Natalia returned to work. She still works as a dentist, but now in her native Balashikha. Having achieved considerable success in the profession, a woman feels herself a very happy person.

“Psychologically, The Last Hero had a great impact on me: I left the position of director and sold my share of the business in a dental clinic in Moscow, got a job as a dentist in my native Balashikha. After that, she completed the construction of the house, then she got married a second time, and became a church member with her husband. Now I’m happy with everything: I have a favorite job, the church is nearby, my mother is alive, my husband’s son and two daughters make me happy. We are raising three grandchildren, I also have as many as five godchildren. In my free time I grow roses, go skiing, enjoy life,” Nadezhda said.

According to the doctor, she does not communicate with other project participants, because she does not see the need for it. But Nadezhda remembers life on the island with constant nostalgia, because not everyone has such adventures.

May 4, 2018, 15:05

The body of the writer Sergei Sakin was found in the Yaroslavl region. The man disappeared in November last year on the way from Myshkin to Moscow. Sakin was only 40 years old.

Sakin was born in Moscow and graduated from high school in the Novy Arbat area. Prior to that, he changed several schools (was expelled for systematic conflicts with teachers and other violations of discipline).

Sakin was a participant in the first season of the popular reality show "The Last Hero". Later he married Anna Modestova, a participant in the same show (the couple later divorced), Sergey also published a book about his participation in the show.

Sergey Sakin has been treated for alcohol and drug addiction for many years. For the last two years, he lived in the courtyard of the Nikitsky Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky (Yaroslavl Region). The writer worked in a team of volunteers like him. Men were engaged in the restoration of the temple. In parallel, the journalist collaborated with an online publication (the last publication was in March 2017).

In the summer of 2017, Sakin moved to a village near the town of Myshkin, Yaroslavl Region, to live with his old friend Alexander Smirnov. A large believing family accepted a man with a difficult fate as their own. The guest helped them with housework and enjoyed nature. From time to time, Sergei came to Moscow, where his parents live, as well as two children - a 12-year-old son from his marriage to Anna Modestova and a 9-year-old daughter from a civil marriage. In the autumn he came every month, in a good mood and even brought country meat as a present. But, according to his acquaintances, the capital spoiled Sergei - on every visit he broke down.

On November 6, the journalist left for Myshkin and invited his old friend to live with him, with whom he was treated for addiction to hard drugs. Alexander Smirnov gave them a separate house with cattle, in which the men were supposed to equip their lives, but instead, the comrades returned to their old habits. Moscow, where he will put himself in order and return back. His friend was sent by taxi back home.

On November 24, 2017, Sergei was escorted to the ferry, on which he was supposed to cross the Volga and take the first regular bus to Moscow. Here the trail of the journalist is interrupted. Judging by the security cameras, he was indeed on the ferry. But his parents did not wait for him in the capital. According to some reports, eyewitnesses saw a man who looked like a well-known journalist buying alcohol in a department store in Myshkin on the same day at about 17.00 (and he was supposed to take the bus at 16.00). And on November 30, Sakin was allegedly seen in Pereslavl-Zalessky, also in line for alcohol (he was in a black knee-length jacket, blue jeans, a hat and sneakers with red laces).

In the latest photographs of Sakin, traces of use are evident. I remember how in school I eagerly waited for each issue of The Last Hero. Then it was something fundamentally new on TV! I don’t remember Sergey Sakin well, but I remember that I didn’t like him, he seemed somehow hysterical. And his chosen one, Anna, on the contrary, gave the impression of a very pragmatic down-to-earth girl.

Do you remember Sergei in "The Last Hero"?

All our heroes have found love under the cameras - on the sites of reality shows and romantic programs. Woman's Day found out how their relationship developed in real life.

Anna Semenova, Alla Vlasova, Olga Astafieva, Alena Nuzhdina, Anastasia Taldykina July 17, 2016

"House 2": Evgeny Kuzin and Rita Agibalova

The relationship of lovers at the construction site developed rapidly, the guys converged, diverged, but after Rita's betrayal with Andrei Cherkasov, Kuzin became convinced that Agibalova was the girl of his dreams.

Rita became pregnant, a wedding was played on the project. Son Mitya was born on December 15, the birthday of Evgeny Kuzin.

This couple is the first of those who agreed to stay on the project and raise the baby under the cameras. The audience watched first the idyll, and then the spoiling relationship. Many claims have accumulated - and Kuzin earns little money, spends not enough time with his son, and fights with his mother-in-law Irina Alexandrovna. Divorce, leaving the project. Then another attempt at reunion - and again failure.

Former spouses practically do not communicate, Mitya Zhenya has not seen his son for a long time. Mother-in-law Irina Alexandrovna has a lot of claims to her son-in-law. Allegedly, he took loans in her name and still has not paid.

Now everything is fine with Rita - she married a former project participant Pavel Marceau, the couple are raising their daughter Bella. And Zhenya returned to the TV set again and went to the Seychelles. But on every broadcast he says that "this little girl broke my heart, and no one can glue it together." And everyone understands who he means.

"House 2": Olga Kravchenko and Alexander Titov

Their wedding in 2004 was the first on the project.

“I noticed Alexander as soon as he appeared and appeared on the frontal place,” Olga said. “True, I tried not to show my feelings. Soon Sasha began to show me signs of attention. We started a relationship that literally two weeks later led to the wedding.

The novel turned out to be so stormy and hasty, primarily because in the closed perimeter of the project everything feels completely different than in ordinary life. At that moment, it seemed to us that we had found each other and were ready to build a strong family.

Two weeks after the wedding, Alexander left the project according to the results of the voting, and a week later I also left the project. We began to live with his father in Moscow, and when I became pregnant, we moved to Nizhny Novgorod. It was important for me to bear and give birth to a child at home, in the circle of relatives and friends.

I felt comfortable in Nizhny Novgorod, which cannot be said about the ex-husband. For all the year and a half that we lived in Nizhny, he never found himself here. When the son grew up a little, we again left for Moscow. Alas, this did not bring happiness - Alexander continued the life of a bachelor. True, he provided the family with the most necessary things, at least we always had food, but that was where his concern for my son and me ended.

In the first place, he always had friends, companies, hunting, fishing, etc. He could easily not come home to spend the night, he essentially lived his own life. At the same time, for four years I tried in every possible way to save my family, but it was all in vain.

Once I decided to quit everything and go home to Nizhny Novgorod. I told my husband about this, and he, to my surprise, very easily agreed with my decision. This finally convinced me that he did not need me and my son.

Project stars visiting Olga in Nizhny Novgorod

So we broke up in May 2008. At first, Alexander talked with his son, sometimes even took him to him for a while, and then everything came to naught. And for several years now, he does not remember the child at all.

I do not understand this behavior of the ex-husband. Yes, he is now in a new marriage, in which two girls were born, but our son has not ceased to be his child! And in recent years, Alexander has never even congratulated him on his birthday on the phone, not to mention financial support: the ex-husband has never paid alimony for the maintenance of his son in six years.

I do not hold a grudge against Alexander, let him be happy in a new family. But I am surprised and saddened by his inattention to his son. After all, Sasha also grew up without a father, who left the family when he and his brother were very young, and was very worried about this. And now he is doing the same.

However, despite all these vicissitudes, I am glad that it happened in my life. The best and most important thing remained with me. This is my favorite son - a good, smart, well-mannered boy.

"House 2": Sergey and Daria Pynzar

Today, a couple of Daria and Sergey Pynzar is one of the strongest on the project. It is difficult to imagine that initially no one believed in the sincerity of this union. The participants believed that young people do not fit together and stick together just so as not to fly out of the project.

Dasha's feelings were especially doubtful. After all, Sergey looked after her beautifully - he gave bouquets, gifts, and the girl continued to lead her usual life of a free beauty. She traveled to nightclubs and hung out with her girlfriend Zhenya Feofilaktova. Because of this, the couple was constantly on the verge of breaking. But the guys managed to overcome the misunderstanding.

May 5, 2010 Sergey and Dasha got married. The young people celebrated their honeymoon in Cuba. Soon, a replenishment happened in the family: on July 23, 2011, the couple had a son, Artem.

Conflicts are left behind. June 30, 2013 Dasha and Seryozha got married. Today, the couple owns a chain of clothing stores and plans to explore new business horizons.

"House 2": Aliana and Alexander Gobozov

The passion between the participants of "House-2" Alexander Gobozov and Aliana Ustinenko flared up instantly. In June 2013, Alexander returned to the project again and met Aliana, and just a few months later, the lovers decided to get married and have a baby.

On November 30, 2013, their wedding took place in Moscow, and then the couple went on a honeymoon to the Maldives. There, in the presence of the couple's friends, on December 8, the second marriage ceremony took place.

On May 13, 2013, the son of the Gobozovs, Robert, was born, but this wonderful fact did not prevent young parents from spending the whole summer in scandals.

The lovers recorded a common song, went on vacation to the Maldives with the singer's son and do not hide their feelings at all, each of them posts their joint photos on social networks.

"Ice and Fire": Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev

The couple formed during the filming of the Ice and Fire program on Channel One. Nastya was the host of the project along with Marat Basharov, and Pyotr Chernyshev was a participant. He skated in tandem with Margarita Drobyazko.

Anastasia and Peter got married in 2008.

“Our relationship with Petya is based on trust and mutual understanding,” says the actress. - He often tours, I often shoot. But we try to combine business with pleasure and use every opportunity to be together.”

"Dancing on Ice": Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina

Olympic champion in ice dancing Marina Anisina met her eccentric husband while filming the program "Dancing on Ice" in 2007. The athlete found out that Dzhigurda would be her partner in the project just a few days before the start of filming.

On the day he met Marina, Nikita was kneeling on the ice with a bouquet of roses and a guitar. Lovelace was courting very actively and Marina could not resist him. On February 23, 2008, they got married. And on January 7, 2009, Anisina and Dzhigurda had a son, Mik-Angel Krist Anisin - Dzhigurda. On January 23, 2010, the daughter of Eva-Vlad was born.

One of the most eccentric couples, Anisina and Dzhigurda, lived quite happily, always appearing together, but in January of this year, Dzhigurda shocked everyone with a message on his Twitter: “Rejoice, enemies, my Anisina was intimidated by Gwendalya, after returning from America she is with our children does not want to return to Russia ... "

The figure skater filed for divorce, and Dzhigurda demanded that the children be returned to their homeland. It is assumed that the cause of discord in the family was the French figure skater Gwendal Peizerat, once he and Anisina were a couple in sports dancing on ice, and in 2002 they became Olympic champions.

At the end of February, Dzhigurda said that he would fight for Marina, and Anisina withdrew her application for now. Whether the relationship will improve between the couple, time will tell. But there were some unexpected surprises ... According to Dzhigurda, his wife Marina Anisina is pregnant again.

"Battle of psychics": Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro

The fact that between the two most powerful participants in the 14th "Battle of Psychics" a romantic relationship began, the audience guessed even before the couple kissed in the last issue to the cries of "Bitter".

With the naked eye, it was clear that the guys were in love. They languidly looked at each other, now and then hugged and answered questions about the presence of sympathy in two ways. Sheps and Kerro abstained from official statements.

Having become the winner of the battle, Alexander Sheps made a speech in the final, in which he stated that he had acquired something more on the project than the cherished statuette. Moreover, Sasha handed Marilyn a box, saying that the girl needed to think about its contents. Was this offer...

Fans of the couple could only guess. Many accused the guys of insincerity and predicted that the couple would break up soon, thereby confirming that the novel was just a PR stunt for the channel.

Contrary to the statements of skeptics, a year after the completion of the project, psychics, although they continue to refrain from commenting, pictures constantly appear on the network confirming the fact of the novel.

The couple rests together, visits Sasha's relatives in Samara and often takes romantic selfies together.

"Battle of Psychics": Tatiana Larina and Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky

At the ceremony of presenting the main prize to the winner of the Battle of Psychics - 15 at the end of December 2014, an event took place that became a sensation for fans of the program. One of the finalists, the flamboyant Tatyana Larina, didn't look upset when she found out she wasn't the winner.

“I thank you for your support,” said the blonde beauty. - Julia Wang needed a victory on this project more. And I have already found my happiness, my strength and the meaning of life. With these words, Larina showed off her engagement ring!

Tatyana Larina in a white, like a wedding dress, and her chosen one Yuliy Daletsky in a white tuxedo - also a participant in this program, who dropped out just half a step before the final - came out to the fans of the show after the winner of the "Battle-15" Julia Wang. In front of the assembled audience, the lovers kissed and announced that they were together.

Tatyana already had one marriage, unsuccessful. For Yulia, this is the first. Julius is 13 years younger than Tatyana.

They began dating, judging by the romantic photos on social networks, even before filming began. The editors of the "Battle of Psychics" kept their relationship secret. But what an exclamation mark!

Later, in a special issue of the Battle of Psychics dedicated to her, Tatyana Larina said: “It was love at first sight. It happened like - time! – a button was pressed on the computer! I want a second child. We met to have this second child.”

"Big Races": Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya

The couple is now expecting their first child. And they met on the set of the Big Races program in 2005. By that time, Volodya had two marriages with famous women and an adult son, Nikita, behind him.

After meeting Natasha, Vladimir's life changed a lot.

“He quit smoking, he practically quit drinking,” recalls Vladimir’s mother, Elena Presnyakova. - And all thanks to Natasha, for her sake. Vova really appreciates the fact that she is nearby. Therefore, he tries for her, and makes concessions.

"The Bachelor": Maxim Chernyavsky and Marina Drigola

Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky (ex-husband of singer Anna Sedokova) was the main character of the show "The Bachelor" on TNT. Masha from Petersburg is one of the candidates for his hand and heart.

“Masha is an interesting interlocutor, she (and this is especially important!) Loves me very much and worries a lot about me,” says Maxim.

Young people liked each other and started dating since May last year. After a year of relationship and living in two cities, St. Petersburg and Los Angeles, the couple decided to get married.

Maxim has already made an offer and bought wedding rings. The wedding was scheduled for September.

According to the newlyweds, there will be few guests - about twenty people. They will sign in St. Petersburg, which is native to Drigola, and the celebration will continue in the Maldives.

"Ice Age": Alexei Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina

Olympic champions were familiar before the project, which they got into in 2008. But then they became a couple. A year later, Alexei and Tatiana had a daughter, Lisa.

“This does not mean that with the birth of Lisa, we began to forget about each other,” says Tatyana. - Twice a year we try to go on vacation just the two of us. And romance as such ... All the same, over the years, all this goes away. Remain simple human relationships, which are sometimes breathtaking. You suddenly look at a person and think: “So much time has passed, so much has happened, but still I adore you!” And I just want to cuddle up to him tightly, tightly and not let go. That's the main thing."

Star Ice: Anastasia Zadorozhnaya and Sergey Slavnov

The singer and skater participated in the show together. The romance between them began to spin from the first days of filming ... and continues to this day.

Young people have been living in a civil marriage for seven years now, but they are in no hurry to register relationships. Nastya is scared that the stamp in the passport can ruin their romantic relationship.

“While I don’t want any wedding and the topic of marriage,” Nastya Zadorozhnaya shared with Woman’s Day, “this is stress for me. Everything I see around me doesn't appeal to me in any way. You have to want to get married. Why go down the aisle just because your relatives or neighbors want it? I don't like stereotypes: "At 30, you should already have an engagement ring." I don't owe anyone anything. I live the way I want. I achieve something in my career in small steps. My relatives understand and support in everything.”

This year, at the "Couple of the Year" award ceremony, organized by Oksana Fedorova, Zadorozhnaya and Slavnov even received a prize in the "Joys of Love" nomination.

"The Last Hero": Nikolai Fomenko and Natalya Kutobaeva

Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili, RIA Novosti

During the filming of the project, its presenter Nikolai Fomenko found a wife. During the filming of the fourth season of the show, Nikolai had to often contact the press service of Valentina Matvienko, she supported the project. Namely, with Natalia Kutobaeva, press secretary of Matvienko. She became the fourth wife of Fomenko.

In 2008, Nikolai and Natalya got married, and in 2009 their son Vasily was born.

"The Last Hero": Anna Modestova and Sergei Sakin

Anya and Sergey met in 2001 even before the casting of the first season of the Last Hero project.

On the show, either by chance or by the will of the producers, the guys ended up in different tribes. Sergei even made attempts to swim across to Anya on another island, he was not embarrassed even by a strong current, but for safety reasons the experiment was stopped and a guard was assigned to the guy.

Returning from the project, the lovers signed and got married. In 2005, their son Alyosha was born. But family life did not work out. Sergey drank and used drugs, disappeared for weeks, did not have a permanent income.

Anna could not stand such a life, and the couple broke up. Later, Sergei created another family, which again almost fell apart due to drugs. After treatment, life began to improve: he found a job (he works on one of the Internet portals), managed to save his family.

“Let's get married!”: Alisa Selezneva and Artem Plaksin

Photo: frame from the program "Let's get married!"

The star of "Russian Radio" Alisa Selezneva took part in the project on June 6, 2012. At that time, she was divorced and treated the invitation to the program only as a fun adventure. But the show really changed the host's life - she met her second husband!

28-year-old businessman Artem Plaksin immediately liked her. And his surprise turned out to be the most impressive: Artyom asked Alice to close her eyes and led her to the symbolic altar. Then he put a diamond ring on her finger, and a lively registrar girl held an impromptu marriage. Photo: frame from the program "Let's get married!"

Sergey, a 40-year-old system administrator from the city of Korolev, and Tatiana, a Muscovite, were the very first couple that formed on the project.

The twice-divorced man did not particularly believe in dating on the show, but for the sake of a joke, he nevertheless decided to fill out a questionnaire on the Let's Get Married! program website. It was there that Tatyana saw her.

The man in the photo sunk into her soul so much that she decided to go on the air of the program with Sergey. The girl had no doubt that the groom would choose her from all the applicants. Her intuition did not fail her: Sergey fell in love at first sight.

The candy-bouquet period lasted only a month and a half, then the lovers began to live together and applied to the registry office.

“When the relationship began after the broadcast, I realized that it was mine and miracles really happen, and one of them happened to me,” Sergey admitted in an interview with Channel One. The lovers played their wedding on December 12, 2008.

“Of the three suitors, I immediately singled out Christo. I was surprised by the expression of his eyes, smile, sincerity. This is such a rarity these days. I also liked the way he sang the song in English. But after the transfer, Christo referred to being busy. We exchanged phone numbers, and he called only two weeks later. We met, walked around the city for a long time, I think this meeting decided everything. A month and a half later, I moved in with him ... As I later found out, Christo also got into the program by accident - a friend said: once again declare yourself as a musician. Christo has never seen the program, although he has been living in Russia for 13 years, and even more so did not make plans for marriage, ”Irina told Antenna-Telesem magazine.

An interesting detail: on the show, neither the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, nor Larisa Guzeeva saw the potential of this couple, the matchmaker even tried to dissuade Irina from choosing Christo.

Of all the suitors, she liked 33-year-old Sergey the most: the handsome pilot seemed the most romantic. At first, the relationship developed in the happiest way: Sergey made an offer, at the end of November 2009 they got married, and soon the young wife realized that she was pregnant.

“But, alas, I did not notice a reverent attitude on the part of my husband. He smoked in the apartment in my presence, and he was not indifferent to alcohol, although at first I did not notice this behind him. When I realized that I couldn’t fix the situation, I decided to part with Sergey, packed my things and left ... Now I live alone, my parents help raise the child, Sergey only pays alimony, he doesn’t help in any way, and he rarely sees the child, although Maximilian was our desired child . Perhaps work interferes with Sergey, besides, he has a son from his first marriage. This year my husband and I officially divorced. But I have no regrets that I once went to the program. After all, now I have a son ... It seems to me that for any woman the main thing is children, ”Ekaterina later told the Antenna - Telesem magazine.

The release of the show, where the bride was 23-year-old Maria, was called by the editors "Amorous and quick-tempered." On the air, the girl admitted that she had run away from her too jealous young man and is now looking for a companion who will not limit her freedom. But what was Maria's surprise when the third contender for her hand and heart came out to her: it turned out to be her ex-boyfriend, the same jealous one!

It turned out that Vasily, having learned that his ex-girlfriend was going to the Let's Get Married! program, realized how dear she was to him. He decided to return the girl at all costs.

As a surprise, the young man showed off his new tattoo on his chest - a portrait of Masha! Further, right in the studio, a marriage proposal followed, and Maria answered: “Yes!” After 2 months, in October 2012, the lovers got married.

The couple were guests of the anniversary program of the show "Let's get married!" in the summer of 2014, where they said that they are very happy and dream of a child.

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