Children's outdoor games. Methodological development in physical education on the topic: Active games for children outdoors and indoors

Do you think parents can play with their children? And together with the younger ones - the older ones? Do our children know those moving games that we played in childhood? Most recently, on our website, we spoke. So, it is useful to play with children on fresh air and parents! This allows us to relax, return to childhood, get a lot of positive emotions, a dose of physical activity, and most importantly - spend time with your children, show what games we played in childhood, teach your baby to play! Our children often wonder if their parents were ever children? Do parents understand their childhood problems?

Here is a great chance to show the kids that you were little, that you also know how to play, that you can be cheerful and provocative, that the feelings and joys of the baby are close and understandable to you! Let's remember together what we played? You know how these games will be useful for both the child and the whole family! Going out into nature with friends and children, you can have so much fun! And for anyone children's holiday simply necessary! Yes, and in the summer in the yard, when a lot of children gather, you can hold a whole gaming tournament! And children know different games will help to gain authority and respect among friends, make friends with new friends! In a team of children, the one who knows the rules of the game, knows how to play and can teach others is already almost a leader, and if new game can come up with - a leader for one hundred percent!

Outdoor games for children. Games archive

"Edible - inedible"

Players stand in a circle, located at some distance from each other. One leads, he has a ball. Calling an object, the driver throws the ball to one of the players. If an edible item was named, the ball must be caught; if an inedible item was named, the ball does not need to be caught. If one of the players makes a mistake, he leaves the game. If there is no mistake, then this player himself calls the object and throws the ball. Whoever is left when everyone is out wins.

The second version of this game. You can play the same game differently. It is necessary to draw eleven lines, between them a distance of half a meter. These lines are designated as in the school of 10 classes. The players stand in front of the 1st class, and the driver is behind the 10th class. The driver throws the ball to the players in turn and names the items edible and inedible. If the player did not make a mistake, then he moves to the next class, moves forward. If the player made a mistake, then he remains in the same class, stands still. They play until all players "graduate from school". The very last one leads the next one.


First you need to draw a circle, the diameter of which is 5-6 meters. Players stand outside the circle and throw the ball to each other. For older children, you can play like volleyball. If one of the players allowed the ball to fall to the ground, he sits in a circle, the rest play on. Players can hit the ball with one hand to hit those inside. If a player is hit by a ball, he returns to his place and plays with everyone else. If the attempt is unsuccessful, then the one who beat also sits in a circle, if he hits, he plays on. The game continues until one person is left in the middle of the circle. Those players who are in the circle should try to catch the ball on the fly. If the ball is caught, then everyone goes out, and the one who made the mistake goes to the circle.


The players are divided into two teams, placed at a distance of about 20 meters from each other, facing each other. Lines are drawn at a distance of 3 meters in front of the teams. These are city limits. A large enough ball is placed in the middle of the court, and small balls are given to the players. The task of the players is to throw their balls at the big ball and try to roll it over the border of the enemy city. The team that rolls the ball first wins.

"The ball is for the neighbor"

Players stand in a circle facing the center. There must be at least one step between players. Two players who are located opposite each other hold a volleyball-sized ball in their hands. At a certain signal, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in one direction, trying to make one ball quickly catch up with the second. The player who has both balls at the same time earns a penalty point. At the end of the game, points are calculated, whoever scored the least wins.

"Take care of the ball"

The players choose a driver or drivers - 1-2 people. All the rest stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, and the drivers try to touch it with their hand. If the driver touches the ball, then the player who threw unsuccessfully leads.


The participants in the game choose the "rat". If there are a lot of players, then they stand in a circle, if there are three, then one is a rat, and two throw a ball to each other. The players try to hit the ball with the rat. The one who hit - takes the place of the "rat", and the one who was the "rat" - leaves. "Rat", must try to catch the ball. In this case, she has a reserve life. That is, if she gets hit, then she uses this life and will not leave the game.

"Throw a pebble"

You must select a site. Dig a small hole in the center, and at a distance of about a meter - 4 more smaller ones. Each player has 10 pebbles. Each participant puts 2 pebbles in the hole in the center, and one in all the others. All players stand behind the line, which is drawn at a distance of 2.5 meters from the last hole. Everyone takes turns trying to get their pebble into the hole. When a pebble falls into a hole, the player takes the pebbles from that hole. If there are no pebbles, then the pebble that fell into it remains there. If the player misses, then he picks up his pebble. The winner is the one who has collected the most pebbles, despite the fact that all the pits were empty.

You can compete for accuracy even when trying to hit the ball into an empty bucket.


You must select a safe site. It is interesting to play when the number of participants is more than 4. Children choose a driver and call him "tag". The bottom line is that the driver tries to touch one of the players with his hand - “tarnish”, and everyone else tries to run away, dodge. The one who is caught becomes the "tag", and his name is loudly announced to the rest of the players so that everyone knows who to watch out for.

"Wolf and Sheep"

Finding a safe place is enough big size. Choose two players, one of which will be a shepherd, the second - a wolf. On opposite sides of the site, paddocks are indicated. There is a field between the paddocks. On one of its sides there is a place for a wolf's lair. All the sheep enter the pen, and the shepherd is located near the pen. The wolf says to the shepherd: "drive the sheep into the field." The shepherd drives out the sheep, they must get to the paddock on the opposite side. The shepherd protects them, and the wolf tries to catch the sheep and drag them into his lair. All those caught by the wolf become his assistants. The game continues until the moment when the wolf catches all the sheep. If the children are tired, you need to stop the game.

"Lame Fox"

Any number of children can take part in the game, we choose one of the participants, who will be the “lame fox”. Children enter a circle previously drawn on the ground. On a signal, they begin to run in a circle, but without going beyond its borders. A lame fox should jump on one leg and try to catch up with someone, touch him. As soon as the "lame fox" touches someone, it changes places with that player.

"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

Good for everyone famous game when the driver is located in the center, and the players are around. The fisherman (leader) holds a rope or rope in his hands at one end and rotates it around him parallel to the ground. Players must jump over the rope so that the "fisherman" does not hit anyone. The one who did not have time to jump is out of the game. Whoever is left wins.

And “hide and seek”, the rules of which are clear to everyone, and “Cossack robbers”, where you can come up with any tasks you want and play big company divided into teams. All these will help them develop physically, improve their health and develop many different qualities and skills. Who will teach them how to play outdoor games for kids like parents? Help your kids to have fun, share your experience, and have fun yourself!

wish happy summer to your whole family!

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Julia Zhurkevich
Card file of outdoor games


Play remains the main activity for preschool children, including mobile, dynamic, aimed at the realization of the motor energy of the growing organism. Games can be used to improve children's health and educational purposes, as well as to develop communication skills and give excessive mobility the desired direction. In addition, by mastering the rules of the game, children establish practical contacts with their peers, which contributes to the development social behavior and the interaction of the child with the world around him

"We are funny guys"

Target: to teach children to act on a signal, to run from one side of the site to the other quickly with dodging. Develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Game progress:

Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. The second line is also drawn on the opposite side. Loviska is in the center of the site. Players in chorus pronounce:

"We are funny guys,

We love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three, catch!"

After the word "catch" the children run across to the other side of the playground, and Trap catches them. The one whom the Trap manages to pin down before he crosses the line is considered to be caught, steps aside and misses one dash.

Option 2.

Children walk in a circle and pronounce the text. Trap in the center. Scatter different

types of running.


Target: to teach children to run under clasped hands in and out of a circle, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal. Develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Game progress:

Players are divided into two unequal groups, the smaller one forms a circle - a mousetrap, the rest represent mice and are outside the circle. Children depicting a mousetrap, hold hands, walk in a circle and they say:

“Oh, how tired the mice are,

divorced their just passion.

They ate everything, they ate everything,

Everywhere they climb here to attack.

Beware the cheats

We will get to you.

Here we put mousetraps,

Let's catch everyone at once!

At the end of the words, the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. Mice run into the mousetrap and immediately run out the other side. At the signal of the teacher "clap!" the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap is slammed shut. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught, they become in a circle


Target: teach children to walk and run with acceleration and deceleration in a circle in accordance with the text. Develop the ability to move in a circle clockwise and in the opposite direction.

Game progress:

Children form a circle, holding the cord, with their right hand and walk in a circle at first slowly, then faster and start running. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken text:

"Barely, barely, barely, barely,

carousel spinning,

and then around, around,

run, run, run!"

after the children run 2-3 circles, the teacher stops them and gives a signal to change the direction of movement. The players turn around and, having intercepted the cord with the other hand, continue to walk and run. Then the teacher, together with the children, says;

"Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two

The game is over!"

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down. At the words "The game is over!" the children stop, put a cord on the ground and disperse throughout the playground.

Option 2.

Children hold hands, walk in a circle in one direction, then in another.

"Traps - dashes"

Target: to teach children to run from one side of the site to the other with dodging, to form the ability to act on a signal. Develop speed and agility.

Game progress:

Children stand behind the line on one side of the playground. A line is also drawn on the second side. Lovishka stands on the side. into words educator: "One, two, three - run!"-children run across to the other side of the playground, and Lovishka catches them. After 2-3 runs, the trap is chosen from the most dexterous and fastest children who have not been caught.

Option 2.

Children run across different types running.

"Carp and pike"

Target: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, on a signal to hide behind the pebbles, squatting down. Develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Game progress:

One child is chosen as a pike, the rest are divided into two groups. One of them forms a circle - these are pebbles, the other is crucian carp that swim inside the circle. The pike is outside the circle. At the signal of the teacher - a pike - she quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch carp. Carp rush to take a place behind someone playing and sit down at the pebbles. Caught crucians leave the circle and are counted. The game is repeated with another pike.

Option 2

crucian carp swim not only in a circle but also between stones, pike is on the sidelines. You can choose two pike.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, the physical activity of children has significantly decreased. Active games have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the child. During the game, children are spontaneous, emotional. I bring to your attention an approximate planning of outdoor games for senior and preparatory group. This material will be useful for both teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents of children.



Active games for children outdoors and indoors

Exercise can replace many medicines, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise.


The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world the child is rushed by a life-giving stream of ideas. Concepts about the environment. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

We can safely say that active games came to us from ancient times. primitive people, rest from hunting. Competed with each other in strength and agility. They began to teach children the basics of hunting in a playful way, passing on and accumulating experience from generation to generation.

Gradually, with the development of society, there appeared sport games and different kinds sports in which children come back in preschool age. But active games have not lost their relevance and have remained a source of physical education and positive emotions.

By its nature, the game is multifunctional, has a versatile effect on children and contributes to the development of a harmonious personality (occupation physical education and sports, which improves overall physical development, improves health and improves coordination of movements, in addition, the development of moral and volitional qualities).

Active games have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the child, not only strengthening and developing the motor apparatus, but also influencing the formation of the child's personality, contributing to his mental development.

During the game, children are always spontaneous, emotional. Therefore, with the skillful conduct of active games, along with physical development, their great educational value. Children develop intelligence, attentiveness, discipline, a sense of healthy competition, initiative and independence are developed, and in team games- a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, the desire to do everything for the overall victory of the team.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, motor activity has significantly decreased. Research scientists have shown that physical activity must be instilled in early childhood.

Clever, engaging play can have a greater educational impact than lengthy and monotonous verbal remarks.

When organizing active games, it is always necessary to strive to create positive emotions in children so that they willingly participate in the game, and not take it for another punishment.

When distributing roles in a game or dividing participants into teams, one should always take into account the desire of children or create and explain in an accessible way a fair order, and not carry out everything by a strong-willed decision, which may cause children negative emotions(anger, resentment ..).

In many games, an important role is given to the leader, who influences the players with his behavior. The choice of the first driver can immediately create one or another atmosphere of the beginning of the game and influence its entire course.

Choose a driver different ways: appointed by the teacher, by lot, with the help of a rhyme, according to the results of previous games, etc.

The division into two teams can be done by simply counting the “First - Second” children lined up in a row, creating the first and second teams. It is also possible to use existing draws. This anticipation of the game in itself creates an emotional background.

In this case, two children are chosen by means of a counting rhyme, who become team captains and select a team for themselves by asking each of the playing questions in a low voice (the team captains had previously agreed on a word among themselves):


Red apple or golden saucer?


Thread or needle?

So the selection of teams is carried out "blindly". Games should be accessible and entertaining both in content and form, but not boring for the child.

It is necessary to monitor each child individually during the game, avoiding overwork. (Combine and alternate games with high physical activity with calm games, giving children rest).

At the beginning of the game, an adult needs to show the necessary movements, and it is best to take part in the initial stage of the game, subsequently replacing oneself with one of the children.

There are games where, under a common command, a group of children simultaneously perform a number of specific movements, then in such a game it is impossible to achieve accuracy in the execution of the movement by each child, making comments to the children during the game. This will reduce the emotional mood of the children.

Most games do not have a clearly defined venue. Conducting active games in the fresh air enhances their effectiveness, strengthens the health of children. Therefore, it is important to rationally use walks in fine weather, combining them with physical activity.

In the process of active play, children not only master the main types of movements, but also develop their imagination by mental creation. various images which is invaluable educational process on comprehensive development child.

I would like to bring to your attention an approximate planning of outdoor games for the senior and preparatory group for school

Card file of outdoor games

in the senior group

MDOU Kindergarten No. 24 "Birch" of the combined type of the city of Istra



Purpose of the game: exercise in fast running with dodging, in orientation in space; develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly on a signal, to strictly follow the rules of the game.

Game progress: Children are randomly located on the site. The leader-trap, appointed by the teacher or chosen by the players, becomes in the middle of the site. The teacher says: “One, two, three - catch!” At this signal, all the children scatter around the playground, dodge the trap, which tries to catch up with one of the players and touch it with their hand (tarnish). The one whom the trap has touched with his hand moves aside, the game ends when the trap catches 3-4 players. Then a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Directions: in order for the children to better orient themselves, you can tie a ribbon on the hand of the trap, put on a hat with a sultan, etc. If the trap turned out to be awkward and cannot catch anyone for a long time, the teacher stops the game and appoints another driver. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Sly Fox.

Purpose of the game: exercise in fast running, in orientation in space; develop attention, endurance.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the signal of the teacher, the children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around the circle behind the children and imperceptibly touches one of the players. The one touched by the teacher becomes a cunning fox.

The teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look at each other carefully, trying to find out which of them is a cunning fox, if she will give herself away with something. Those who play in chorus three times (at short intervals) ask (quietly at first, and then louder and louder): “Cunning fox, where are you?”. At the same time, everyone is looking at each other carefully. As soon as the question: "Cunning fox, where are you?" - will be pronounced for the third time, the player, chosen by the cunning fox, quickly runs out into the middle of the circle, raises his hand up and says: “I'm here!” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them (touches them with his hand). The captured fox takes him to his house. After the fox catches 2-3 children, the teacher says loudly: “In the circle!” The players form a circle, the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times. The duration of the game is 6-8 minutes.

Who will jump better?

Target: to teach long jump from a run (from a place), to develop the ability to concentrate effort, combining strength with speed.

Game progress: A ball in a net is hung on a rope or tree branch. Children alternately run up from a run of 3-4 steps, jump up trying to hit the ball. First, small children perform. Then the ball is raised higher, tall children jump.

Rules: jump with the push of two legs; hit the ball with both hands at the same time.

Option 2: children stand near the same line and, according to a general command or sequentially, one after another, jump forward, pushing off and landing with both feet at once. Having landed, they trace the border of the jump with the toe of their shoes. Then these boundaries are compared, and it turns out who jumped better (further) than everyone else.

Knock down the pin.

Target: to achieve improvements in coordination of movements: to develop accuracy, attention, the ability to give strength to the throw.

Game progress: skittles are knocked down with the help of a cue, as in billiards. The sides, fastened with collars, form a playing field on which pins are placed: red in the center, the rest two on each side of it. Two are playing. In turn, they place the ball in any gate and by hitting it with a cue they try to knock down the skittles. A knocked down red pin gives 4 points, the rest - 2. Knocked down pins are removed from the field. The game ends when all the pins are knocked down. The winner is the one who scored more (or conditional) number of points.In the second case, knocked down pins are returned to the playing field. The number of points received for knocked down skittles can be set aside with the help of chips (sticks, pebbles, buttons, etc.).

Option 2:

The players stand behind the line, 2 - 3 m from which pins or maces are placed in front of each. The children have balls in their hands. On a signal, they roll the balls towards the pins, trying to knock them down. At the next signal, they go after the balls, pick up the fallen pins and roll 2 more times. Who knocked down the skittle is counted more once.

Rules: a large ball is rolled with two hands, a small ball with one, alternating movement with the right and left hands.


Swan geese.

Purpose of the game: continue to learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; teach the runner to dodge and dialogue speech, develop spatial orientation skills, cultivate friendships.

Game progress: on one edge of the site, a line indicates the house in which the geese are located. On the opposite side stands a shepherd. To the side of the house is a lair in which there is a wolf. The rest of the place is a meadow. Children playing the role of a wolf and a shepherd are appointed by the teacher, the rest portray geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze in the meadow, fly.

Shepherd. Geese, geese!

geese (stop and answer in chorus). Ha, ha, ha!

Shepherd. Do you want to eat?

Geese. Yes Yes Yes!

Shepherd. So fly!

Geese. We can not,

Gray wolf under the mountain

He won't let us go home.

Shepherd. So fly how you want

Just take care of your wings!

The geese, spreading their wings (stretching their arms to the sides), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch them (to touch with his hand). Caught geese go to the lair. After several runs (according to the condition of the game), the geese caught by the wolf are counted. Then new leaders are appointed: the wolf and the shepherd. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Fishing rod.

Purpose of the game: practice jumping in place; develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle at a small distance from each other. In the center of the circle, the leader, with the words: “Catch, fish, big and small!”, Leaning down and lowering his hand down, carefully rotates the cord in a circle, to the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The players carefully follow the bag as it approaches and jump up in place so that the bag does not touch the legs. Whoever gets hit by the bag takes a step back and is temporarily out of the game. Soon a short break is made, the game resumes, all the children again participate in it.

Directions. The end of the cord with the bag should slide across the floor. If all children can easily cope with the task, you can slightly raise the bag from the floor. You need to rotate the cord not only clockwise, but also against. To complicate the game between two jumps, you can give the children an additional task: sit down and stand up, turn around 1-3 times, etc. Instead of bouncing up, you can jump back from the "fishing rod".

Duration 5-7 minutes.

Option 2: Purpose - learn to jump rope.

Game progress. The leader in the center of the circle at a low height spins the rope around him, the children must jump over it, whoever did not have time becomes the leader.

Hunters and hares.

Purpose of the game: exercise in throwing a ball at a moving target, in light and soft jumps, fast running, climbing; Develop courage, attention.

Game progress: on one side of the site outline a place for hunters. On the other side are houses for hares. Each house has 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the site, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his place. On a signal, the hares run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the teacher "hunter!" hares run to the houses, and the child, representing a hunter, throws a ball at them. A hare hit by a ball is considered to have been hit. The hunter takes him to him. The game is repeated several times, after which another hunter is chosen.

Directions. The hunter may have several balls in his hands. Throwing balls (snowballs) is possible only at the feet of those running. Shooting hares in the houses is not allowed. Anyone who breaks this rule is eliminated from the game.

Relay in pairs.

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the elements of competition in the game, to develop running, agility, orientation in space.

Game progress: Children stand in 2 columns in pairs per line on one side of the site, the number of pairs in the columns should be the same. On the opposite side of the site (at a distance of 6 - 8 m.) Some objects (cubes, wooden blocks) were placed. At the signal of an adult, the first couples, holding hands, run to the cubes, run around them and return to the end of their column. As soon as they run across the start line, the second couples run away, and so on until all the couples run through. That column wins, the players of which complete the task faster and do not separate their hands while running.


We are funny guys.

Purpose of the game: teach to walk and run in a limited area; learn to clearly pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game, act quickly, deftly; increase physical activity.

Game progress: children stand on one side of the playground, beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, is a trap. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children. The children say in unison:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

After the word “catch”, the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners, catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the evader crosses the line is considered to be caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Ball to the driver.

Target: to teach to perform actions at the signal of the educator; exercise in throwing the ball, catching it; develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Game progress: the children participating in the game are divided into two equal subgroups (5-6 people each) and lined up in columns. The distance between the columns is 3-4 steps. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Distance 3 m. a second line is drawn from it, parallel to the first.

Two leaders are selected, who stand behind the second line against the columns. On a prearranged signal, both drivers throw the ball in front of those standing in their columns. Having caught the ball, the player throws it back to the driver, and he himself stands at the end of the column. The driver throws the ball to the second player, and after receiving the ball back, to the third, etc. The column that wins last player will return the ball to the driver earlier.

Who will make fewer jumps.

Target: improve the jump technique (strong push, vigorous wave of the arms); start the game at the signal of the teacher. Continue to teach children to jump with giant steps.

Game progress: children in a line on one side. On a signal, they jump on two legs to the other side of the site. Whoever made the fewest jumps wins.

Option 2: Two lines are marked on the site at a distance of 5-6 m. Several children stand up to the first line and, on a signal, jump to the second line, trying to reach it in fewer jumps. To do this, you need to push off harder, land softly and immediately start pushing off for the next jump.

Rules: do not spread your legs too much. Land on both feet.

Complication: increase the distance to 10 m (this will require an average of 8 - 10 jumps)

Drop the checkbox.

Target: develop an eye.

Game progress: children stand in two lines one after another, in the hands of the first line are balls, sandbags. Ahead at a distance of 4 - 5 m several flags are at the same level. Children simultaneously throw sandbags over their heads with both hands or one, trying to throw them over the line of flags. The teacher counts how many children threw the bags over the flags. Then the children pick up the bags, run and pass them to their partner. Rolls the next rank, then compares the results.

Directions. You can pass the bag to your pair and throw it. You need to carefully monitor the place where the bag fell, because. after falling, it can slip forward on the floor. The result of the throw is marked at the place where the bag fell.



Purpose of the game: exercise in walking and running in one direction, in agility and squatting.

Game progress: The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children, holding hands, form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. According to the condition of the game, they must constantly be in motion, either running into the circle, or running out of it. The players in the circle raise their hands up and move in a circle with the words: Oh, how tired the mice are,

They ate everything, they ate everything,

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

Here we put mousetraps,

Let's get everyone now!

Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it. At the signal of the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle (mousetraps) are considered to be caught. Those caught become in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of children are caught, the children switch roles and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Homeless rabbit.

Target: exercise the ability to run without bumping into each other; follow the rules of the game, act quickly, deftly; continue to develop the ability of children to quickly move from one movement to another, dexterity, endurance, orientation in space.

Game progress: a hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. the rest of the players - hares draw circles for themselves, and everyone gets up in his own.

The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle; then the hare standing in the circle must immediately run away, because now he is becoming homeless and the hunter will catch him. As soon as the hunter caught (tagged) the hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter. This game can be played with the whole group of children. In this case, a circle is formed by holding hands 4-5 children. In each such circle becomes a hare. The game is played according to the same rules. After 2-3 minutes, at the signal of the teacher, the game is interrupted. One of the children forming the circle changes places with the hare standing inside the circle. The game is resumed and repeated 4-5 times so that all the children play the role of a hare. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Empty place.

Target: to teach to perform actions at the signal of the teacher, to consolidate the ability to run fast without bumping into each other; develop speed and agility.

Game progress: the players stand in a circle, putting their hands on their belts - windows are obtained. The leader is chosen. He walks behind the circle and says:

I walk around the house

And I look in the windows.

I will go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the word "knock" the driver stops, looks into the window against which he stopped, and says: "Knock - knock - knock." The one in front asks: “Who has come?” The leader says his name. The one standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come?” The driver replies: “We are racing,” and both run around the players playing different sides. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who reaches it first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Get into the hoop.

Target: develop dexterity, accuracy, endurance; to form the ability to throw at a horizontal target, at a distance of at least 5-9 m;

Improve coordination of movements.

Game progress: Children throw a small ball from behind over their shoulder with their right or left hand, trying to hit the hoop (at a distance of 2m).

Complication: One player throws the ball and the other tries to catch it with the hoop. The couple with the most points after 10 tosses wins. The ball must be very soft or half-deflated.

Option 2: children stand in a circle with a diameter of 8 - 10 m , through one each in the hands of a bag of sand. There is a hoop in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher, the children who have bags in their hands pass them to their comrades on the right or left (by agreement). Having received the bags, the children throw them with two (or one) hands from below, trying to get into the hoop. The teacher counts how many bags got into the hoop at the first numbers. The children pick up the bags and return to their places in the circle. The signal sounds again, and the children pass the bags to their neighbors - the second numbers, etc. The teacher compares which numbers were thrown more accurately. The game is restarted.

Directions: bags can be thrown in other ways: with two and one hand from behind the head, sitting, kneeling, etc.


Oncoming runs.

Target: continue to teach children to act on the signal of the teacher, to obey the rules of the game; exercise in speed and agility, increase the physical activity of children for a walk.

Game progress: the group is divided in half. The players stand on opposite sides of the court behind the lines in a line at a distance of at least a step from each other. Each group of children has ribbons of their own color on their hands - blue, yellow. At the signal of the teacher: “Blue”, children with blue ribbons run to the opposite side, the children standing opposite stretch their palms forward and wait for the running ones to touch them with their hands. The one who was touched runs to the other side of the site, stops behind the line and raises his hand up. Etc.

Don't stay on the floor.

Purpose of the game: keep learning to run and jump without bumping into each other.

Game progress: trap is selected. Children are placed in different places of the playground. On the instructions of the educator, they, together with the trap, walk, run, jump at a certain pace and rhythm, due to musical accompaniment, blows to a tambourine, claps, etc. As soon as the teacher’s signal “Catch!” is heard, everyone runs away from the trap and climbs towering objects. The trap tries to overpower the fleeing. Children who are touched by the trap immediately step aside. The game is repeated 2-3 times, then those caught are counted and a new trap is chosen. The game is restarted. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Who is more likely to crawl through the hoop to the flag. (with elements of competition)

Target: to teach to perform actions at the signal of the educator, to follow the rules of the game; develop coordination of movements, the ability to correctly and deftly roll hoops with your hand; develop the basic types of movements - running, climbing.

Game progress: in the middle of the platform there are hoops (4-6) - at a distance of 1-2 steps from one another. On one side of the site, flags are laid out in one line so that each flag is against the hoop. A line is drawn on the other side of the site. Behind it are placed 4-6 link columns. Each link lines up against its own hoop.

At the signal of the educator: “Start!” - the first in the columns each run to their own hoop, crouch and, taking the hoop in their hands, put it vertically, pressing one side to the floor (to the ground). After the words of the teacher: “One, two, three - run!” - the children who were second in the column are running. They crawl into the hoop, reach the flags and lift them up.

Then, putting the flags in place, the children replace their comrades holding the hoop, they run to the end of the columns, and those who are in them first run after the flag at the signal: “One, two, three - run!” Each time the first of the column runs away for the flag, the column approaches the line. When the children who held the hoop at the very beginning of the game also run and raise the flags, the game ends. The column in which the largest number of participants raised the flag first wins. The game continues 3-4 times.

Who is higher?

Target: improve jumping from a place, develop rhythm and coordination of movements, decisiveness, speed in children; develop a sense of camaraderie.

Game progress: the players must overcome several obstacles, which are made from three jump ropes placed on cubes or bricks from building material. The first rope lies at a height of 15 cm, the second at a height of 20 cm, the third at a height of 25 cm; the distance between the ropes is 30-40 cm. The children, divided into two groups, are built in pairs or triples. Everyone holds a neighbor's hand. One squad approaches obstacles and jumps, the other watches. The winner is the squad that had fewer failures and mistakes. Jumping without stopping must be coordinated. At first, children jump without holding hands: it’s easier this way. Then, after training, they jump in pairs or threes. At the discretion of the teacher, the height to which the ropes are raised can be increased. The game is played on a carpet or a flat, not too hard track.


Make a figure.

Purpose of the game: improve the basic types of movement (running, jumps, balance), increase motor activity.

Game progress: a leader is selected from among the players, he stands aside. The rest of the children run, jumping from foot to foot all over the site.

At the teacher’s signal (a blow to a tambourine or the word “stop”), everyone stops in place and takes some kind of pose and does not move: they squat, raise their arms to the sides, etc. The leader goes around all the “figures” and chooses the one that suits him liked the most. This child becomes the driver - the appraiser, and the previous driver joins the rest of the children, and the game continues.

Directions. By the end of the year, the game becomes more complicated, group figures are introduced into it - in pairs, triples. In addition, children are invited to come up with a figure in a certain position: only standing, standing on all fours, sitting, etc.

Burn, burn bright. (folk game)


Game progress:

1. Children stand in a column in pairs. Behind everyone, but with his back to the rest of the players, is the driver. All players sing the text of the game in chorus:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One, two, three - run.

Children from the last pair, let go of their hands and run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right), join hands at the beginning of the column. The driver tries to catch one of the pair before the children join hands.

If the catcher succeeds in doing this, he forms with the caught a new pair and they stand in front of the column. Left without a pair will be catching. If the catcher fails to catch either of the pair, he continues to fulfill his role. The game ends when all pairs run once. After that, a new catcher is selected. The game is restarted.

the driver is selected - the burner. The sing-song players say:

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out,

Stay at the bottom, look at the field.

Look at the sky - the birds are flying, the bells are ringing!

One, two, do not crow, but run like fire!

Children scatter, and the burner tries to knock down as many players as possible.


Target: to teach children to clearly pronounce the text of the game, to follow the rules of the game; improve walking different directions; continue to consolidate the ability of children to coordinate movements; develop resourcefulness.

Game progress: children become in a circle. The teacher appoints one of the players as an entertainer. He is in the middle of the circle. Children go, as directed by the teacher, to the right or left under the following text:

In a circle, stay where you are

One after another Together together

We go step by step. Let's do it... like this.

At the end of the text, the circle expands, the children stand at arm's length.

After the word “so”, everyone stops, the entertainer shows some kind of movement, and everyone standing in a circle repeats it. Then the teacher changes the entertainer or the entertainer chooses someone instead of himself, and the game continues.

The players must make the movements that the person in the middle of the circle shows. Each entertainer himself must come up with movements and not repeat those that have already been shown before him. The game continues 3-4 times.

Pair run.

Target: continue to teach to run in pairs, obey the rules of the game; foster a sense of camaraderie; develop attention, speed.

Game progress: children stand in pairs in links on one side of the playground beyond the line. On the other side of the site, skittles (chairs, inflatable balls, etc.) are arranged according to the number of links. The teacher gives a signal, according to which the first pair of the link, holding hands, runs to the object in front, goes around it and returns to the end of its link. At the next signal, the second pair will run out, and so on. the pair that let go of their hands is considered the loser.


Firefighters in training.

Purpose of the game: exercise in climbing, running, the ability to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children;

to develop the ability of children to act on the signal of the teacher.

Game progress: children become facing the gymnastic wall in 3-4 columns (according to the number of spans). The first in the column stand on the line. On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung on the rail at the same height. At the signal of the teacher "One, two, three - run!" all the children standing in the columns first run to the gymnastic wall, climb on it and ring the bells. Then they descend and return to the end of their column. The teacher notes the one who called first. The game continues. All children must complete the task. That column wins, in which there are more players who managed to call first.

Directions. The teacher makes sure that the children get off, and not jump off the rails, if necessary, helps. Repeat the game 6-8 times.


Target: develop attention, determination, the ability to navigate in space, speed of reaction.

Game progress: Children stand in designated circles (each child in a separate circle). The driver is in the middle. He comes up to one of the children and says: “Mouse, mouse, give me a corner!”.She refuses. The driver goes with the same words to another player.At this time (while the dialogue is going on), the children run out of their circles to change places. The driver tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, then the driver becomes the one left without a place. If the driver cannot take a corner for a long time, then a signal is given: “Cat!”, According to which all the children change places at the same time, and the driver occupies someone else's corner.

Rules: before the run, agree with the one with whom you want to change places; You can't stand in your corner for long.


Target: throwing, catching, coordination of movements.

Game progress: two children stand opposite each other at a short distance (2-3 m). One of them throws a ring towards the other, and he catches them (at first on his hand, and later on a stick).

At large numbers players, divided into pairs, stand opposite each other at a distance of 3 - 4 m. One of them has a stick in his hands, the other has a stick and several rings (at first 2, later 3-4). The latter puts rings on the tip of the stick and sends them one at a time towards his partner, who catches the rings on his stick. When all the rings are thrown, the caught rings are counted, after which the children change roles. Whoever catches the most rings wins.

Note. When cerso is given to children for the first time, they play with one ring; the children toss it to each other. The teacher shows how to stand up, how to hold a stick, a ring, etc. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Pass the ball without hitting the pin.

Target: to teach jumping on two legs with the ball clamped between the feet with a snake between objects without knocking them down.

Game progress: There are different skittles on the site. The child pinches the ball between the feet and jumps on 2 legs with the ball sandwiched between them between the pins "snake"

Option 2: learn to snake between objects, hitting the ball with both hands at the same time.

Game progress: Various objects are placed on the site (skittles, cubes, etc.). The child dribbles the ball with hits on the ground, bypassing or running around objects with a "snake"


Carp and pike.

Purpose of the game: to form the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, without hitting objects; exercise in the ability to act on the signal of the educator;

continue to learn to independently agree on the distribution of roles; develop attention, ingenuity;

Game progress: half of the players, standing at a distance of three steps from each other, form a circle. This is a pond, on the banks of which lie pebbles. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, depicts a pike, he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are crucians, they swim (run inside the circle, in the pond. At the teacher’s signal “Pike!” The pike quickly swims into the pond, trying to catch crucians. Carp rush to hide behind one of the players standing in a circle and representing pebbles. Pike catches those carp that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of carp caught by the pike is counted. Then another player is assigned to the role of the pike. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. When the game is repeated, when a new pike is chosen, the children depicting crucians and pebbles change roles.

Throw the ball into the ring. (relay race)

Target: develop accuracy of movements, attention, endurance.

Game progress: for this game, a pole is dug in, to which at a height of 120-130 cm. a ring (25 cm in diameter) with a mesh is attached.

Several children (4-8) can take part in the game. The players stand behind the line drawn at a distance of 1.5 m from the post, and alternately throw the ball into the ring. The one who gets the conditional number of hits (5-6) wins first. Then the game is repeated. The winner of the previous game gets the right to throw first. Before giving this game, it is necessary to teach children the correct throw technique.

Who quickly. (with elements of competition)

Target: to teach to perform actions at the signal of the educator, to follow the rules of the game; develop coordination of movements, exercise in jumping rope.

Game progress: children with jump ropes in their hands stand in a line on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. At 15-20 steps from them, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is stretched.

At the agreed signal, all children simultaneously jump towards the line. The teacher marks the children who were earlier at the line.

From bump to bump.

Target: to teach to jump with a push of one or two legs, to act according to the rules; Cultivate friendliness.

Game progress: Two lines are drawn on the ground - two banks, between which there is a swamp (the distance between the lines is 30 m). The players are distributed in pairs on one side and the other. The teacher draws bumps in the swamp - circles (flat hoops can be used) at different distances from each other: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 cm.

Two children, on a signal, jump from bump to bump, trying to get to the shore. The one who stumbles remains in the swamp. The next couple comes out. When everyone completes the task, the teacher appoints who will take the children out of the swamp. He gives the bogged down a hand and shows by jumping the way out of the swamp.

Rules : you can jump with a push of one or two legs, choosing a route at will; you can not become a foot between the bumps; the one who violated remains in the swamp until he is rescued; you can help out after everyone crosses to the shore.

Option 2: the players are divided into several teams and lined up in columns one at a time near the starting line. In front of each column from the start to the finish line (10-15m), 10-12 circles (bumps) with a diameter of 25-30 cm are drawn. At the command of the leader, the players, standing first, start jumping from bump to bump, and having reached the finish line, they come back running. The first person to come running and his team gets a point. The game is played several times, and in conclusion, it is calculated who personally scored the most points, and which team was the first in terms of the number of wins.


Target: exercise in jumping on one leg or two legs, develop an eye, accuracy, the ability to hit a horizontal target with flat objects.

Game progress: on a flat area or on an asphalt path, children draw so-called classes with chalk (on asphalt) or a stick (on the ground). geometric figures certain configuration.

It can be a large rectangle, divided by one longitudinal and two or three transverse lines, on top of which a semicircle is drawn - “fire”; or small rectangles, variously arranged on a plane and divided by lines into small compartments, as well as classes resembling shell snails in shape.

Game principle - children throw flat objects at them: boxes, pebbles, bits, jars - and jump into them on one or two legs.

1. The child throws a flat pebble into the first compartment, and if it hits it, then jumps into it on one leg into this class, stops, standing on both legs, takes the pebble and again continues to jump on one leg without stopping in all subsequent classes, trying not to step on the line. Having jumped out of the last, eighth grade, he again throws a pebble, but already in the second grade. Then he makes a jump on one leg to the first class, from there to the second, stops, takes a pebble and again continues jumping to the next classes. This ends the game round. If the child wants to participate further in the game, he starts all over again.

If a child jumps onto a line or does not hit a pebble in the desired class, the right to throw is transferred to the next player. If the pebble hits the “fire” or the child steps on the “fire” line with his foot, then he must start the game from the beginning - throw the pebble, starting from the first grade.

2. The child throws a flat pebble also in sequence, starting with the first grade and ending with the tenth, but does the jumps in a slightly different way. In the first two grades, he jumps on one leg, and in the third and fourth grades he jumps on two legs, from where he jumps into the fifth grade again on one leg, etc. at the end he jumps around and continues to jump in reverse.

3. children divide the figure into 8 - 10 parts - classes, into which they throw pebbles in the same order of priority and jump on one leg.


Bears and bees.

Purpose of the game: exercise in climbing, climbing, walking, running, the ability to quickly change movements; develop a sense of responsibility.

Game progress: the beehive (gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side of the meadow. Away from the bears' den. At the same time, 12-15 people participate in the game. The players are divided into two unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in the hive. Bears in the den. At a prearranged signal, the bees fly out of the hive (get down from the gymnastic wall), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. As soon as the bees fly away, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal “Bears”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away to the den. The bees that did not have time to hide sting (touch by hand). Then the game resumes. Stung bears do not participate in the next game.

Directions. After two repetitions, the children switch roles. The teacher makes sure that the children do not jump off, but get off the stairs; if necessary, provide assistance.

Ball school.

Target: exercise children in throwing, catching the ball, and attention.

Game progress: A small ball is given to play. Children play one at a time, two at a time, and in small groups.

During the game, the child who made a mistake passes the ball to another. When the game continues, he starts with the movement on which he made a mistake.

Types of movements:

Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands. Toss the ball up and while it is flying, clap your hands in front of you.

Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with your hands. Hit the ball on the ground, simultaneously clap your hands in front of you and catch it with both hands.

Stand facing the wall at a distance of two or three steps from it, hit the ball against it and catch it with both hands.

Throw the ball against the wall, let it hit the ground, bounce off it, and then catch it.

Hit the ball on the ground up to five times with the right and left hand.

Obstacle track. (relay race)


Game progress:

Shoot down the ball.

Target: teach throwing the ball on the run, complete tasks on command, develop an eye when throwing at a horizontal target.

Game progress: A line is drawn on one side of the site, 3-4 stools (or boxes) are placed on it at a distance of 1 m from each other. A cerso ring is placed on each stool, and a large ball is placed on it. At a distance of 2 m, one line is drawn, at a distance of 3 m - the second line. The players are divided into 3-4 subgroups and line up at the second line in columns facing the ball. Each column is given two bags of the same color (the players must remember the color of their bags). On the signal “knock the ball”, those standing in the columns are the first to throw the bag into their ball with their right hand, and then from the near line- second bag with left hand. After that, they run after the bags and pass them on to the next, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. For each successful throw (hitting the ball), the player receives a flag of the same color as the bags. The column with the most flags wins.

Rules: throw from behind the line on a signal.

Who will get to the flag sooner.

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, dexterity, collectivism. Practice fast running and climbing.

Game progress: 4-5 children stand on one side of the playground. On the opposite side (distance 12-15 m) there are flags on the benches (chairs). At the signal “one, two, three - run,” the children run to the flags and raise them. The one who did it first is noted. Then the guys go to the place, the next 4-5 children come out.

Complication: include overcoming obstacles in the game - crawl under the rope, climb into the hoop, walk along the bench.

Option 2: flags (4 - 6) are laid out on one side of the site at a distance of one meter from one another. In the middle of the site - hoops. On the opposite side there are 4 - 6 columns. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run”, those standing first run to the flags, crawling into the hoop on the way, run to the flag, pick it up and lift it up, then put it down and run to the end of the column. The game continues 3-4 times.


"Ice Tracks"

Children slide along the track at intervals. After sliding, you need to quickly leave the track without running across it.

"Drive the ice"

children run across from one side of the site to the other, pushing the ice with your foot or club. The one who reaches the opposite side first wins.

"Who quickly"

sledge competition. A circle is drawn in the snow, in the center of which there are 3-4 children with sleds.

Their task:

take the sled out of the circle, holding on to the back;

exchange sleds, sit down and ride out, helping yourself with your arms and legs;

before leaving the circle on a sled, you need to throw a snowball at the target.

"Drive and Collect"

two lines are drawn on the snow, 6 m each. The child carries the sled in the direction from the first line to the second, quickly collecting snowballs or bags scattered in advance along the way, and returns back.

"Who is first"

children try to reach the flag:

sitting facing in the direction of travel;

sitting back;

in pairs, back to each other;

compete in units.

"Three to the Finish"

one child carries another on a sled,the third pushes from behind; near the checkbox are swapped.

"Nimble and fast"

one child is carrying another on a sled. The person sitting on the road tries to collect as many snowballs or bags as possible.

"Ice Ride"

ride sitting on the ice, pushing with sticks.

"Reindeer Racing"

catch a "deer", "harness", running a race.

"Dragon tail for the game, children become a train. The first child is trying to catch the last, as if trying to bite his own tail. The one who has caught stands at the tail of the train.

"Right on Target"

Children line up along the starting line. Skittles are placed at a distance of 6-8. On a signal, the players throw snowballs at the target. Counting downed items.

"Snow Holes"

Each team has its own hole. Opponents are trying to throw ice into it with their feet. Whoever does it first wins.


"Mail" (Russian folk game)

Purpose of the game: teach children to play together; cultivate interest in collective games.

Game progress: With the help of a rhyme or by agreement, a leader is selected. After that, there is a roll call between the driver and the players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?



From the city …

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping, etc. in the city. The players do what the driver said.

"Lyapka" (Russian folk game)

Purpose of the game: teach children to play together; develop attention, speed of reaction.

Game progress: One of the players is the driver, the “blooper”. He runs after the players, tries to knock someone down, saying: “You have a blooper on, give it to another.” The new driver runs after the players and tries to pass the blooper to one of them.

The driver must not chase the same player. The participants in the game carefully observe the change of drivers.

"Dawn" (Russian folk game)

Purpose of the game: teach children to play together; develop attention, determination, speed of reaction; to cultivate interest in collective games.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. One of the players - "dawn" - walks behind with a ribbon and says: "Dawn, lightning, red maiden, walked across the field, dropped the keys, golden keys, blue ribbons." FROM last words"dawn" puts the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the children, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbons, and they both run in different directions in a circle. Left without a place becomes "dawn".

"Boyars" (Russian folk game)

Purpose of the game: teach children to play together; to bring to the consciousness of children that the result of the game depends on the coherence of actions; to cultivate interest in collective games.

Game progress: Divided into two teams, the participants in the game alternately approach each other with a uniform step to the beat of the sentence. It is desirable that the teams have guys approximately equal in terms of physical strength. The game is on on level ground. Teams line up against each other in a chain at a distance of 10 - 15 meters. One group asks a question, the other answers.

The first team goes ahead with the words:
- Boyars, we came to visit you,

and back: Dear, we have come to visit you (end up in the same place where it was)

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

Boyars, why did you come? Dear, why did you come?

Boyars, we need a bride, dear, we need a bride,

Boyars, which one do you need, dear, which one do you need?

The first team confers and chooses someone.

Boyars, we need this one,(showing). Darlings, we need this one.

At the words “we need this one,” the selected player turns his back on the opposing team and walks in this position until the end of the “negotiations”.

Boyars, she is a fool with us. Darlings, she is a fool with us.

Boyars, and we are her whip, dear, and we are her whip.

Boyars, she is afraid of whips, dear, she is afraid of whips.

Boyars, and we will give the gingerbread. Dear, and we will give a gingerbread.

Boyars, her teeth hurt, dear, her teeth hurt.

Boyars, and we let's take it to the doctor. Dear, and we will reduce to the doctor.

Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.

The first command completes:
- Boyars, open the gate, Give us the bride forever!

At the end of the "negotiations"the one who was chosen as the bride must run away andruns, trying to break through the clasped hands of the players of the other team.If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player of the first, i.e.takes the prisoner with him. If he fails to break the chain, he remains with his rivals,that is, getting married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The task of the teams is to keep more players.Those who manage to transfer all the players to themselves win.You can change the words by making them up as you go. You can not dive under the arms during the run.


Target - train in throwing and catching the ball, develop endurance; to cultivate interest in collective games.

Game progress. Two children - captains, stand on opposite sides of the site. The rest are in the middle. Which of the children the captains hit with the ball, leaves the playground and approaches his captain. The team that knocks out all the opponent's players from the field wins.

Option 2: A minimum of 3 people are required to play. Of these, 2 kickers ( bouncers ) and one driver. The bouncers get up at about 5-10 meters from each other (by agreement), and the driver between them. The essence of the game: hit the driver with the ball ( knock out his). The driver can catch the ball ( candles ) before it hits the ground. You can play both on the street and in a large hall (for example, in a gym).

Game rules for three players

The players agree on the distance between the bouncers and draw lines, closer than which, the bouncers cannot approach each other - than more distance, the harder it is to kick and the easier it is to dodge the ball.

The driver is in the middle of the bouncers.

The bouncers try to knock him out.

The one who knocked out the driver takes his place, and the former driver becomes the bouncer.

The caught candle is used as an extra life (you need to hit again to remove the candle).

Game rules for more than three players

Players are divided into two teams: kickers and drivers.

Players agree on the distance between the bouncers and draw lines closer than which they cannot approach each other - the greater the distance, the more difficult it is to kick out and the easier it is to dodge the ball.

The driving team is in the middle of the bouncers.

The bouncers try to knock out the drivers with the help of the ball.

The one knocked out goes out and waits for the end of the game or until they give him a candle.

The one who caught the candle can return one of the previously knocked out candles.

When the last leader remains, he must dodge the sword as many times as he full years. If he dodged successfully, then the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are swapped.

“The sea is worried…”

Goals : teach children to perform beautiful smooth movements; develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in motion, cultivate endurance.

Game progress: A leader is selected who pronounces the words: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three. Marine figure, freeze on the spot!

Children walk, swaying, smoothly waving their arms. At the command "Freeze!" - freeze in place. The driver, like King Neptune in the silent underwater kingdom, walks between the figures and with his touch “revives” one after another. Or it can “wake up” everything at once, shouting: “Otomri!”. Then the leader changes.

"I know five names"

Goals :

Game progress: One player hits the ground with the ball with his palm. With each stroke, pronouncing the next word: “I know five names of girls: Anya-one, Olya-two, Tanya-three, Sveta-four, Nastya-five. I know five names of boys (names of flowers, birds, cities, etc. .)..."

Rules of the game: If a player makes a mistake or takes a long break, the ball goes to the next one. When the ball makes a circle, returns to the first participant, the game for him resumes from the place where he interrupted, and this happens to all players.

Card file of outdoor games

in the direction of "Physical development"

educational area "Physical culture"

in preschool group

Compiled by: Panteleeva S. E.

Educator of the highest qualification category

MDOU kindergarten No. 24 "Birch" of the combined city of Istra


Target consolidation in a game form of running skills, development of dexterity, coordination of movements

Game progress: Children stand in a column in pairs. Behind everyone, but with his back to the rest of the players, is the driver, at a distance of 2 - 3 steps. All players sing the text of the game in chorus:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One, two, three - run!

After the word “run”, the children from the last pair release their hands and run forward along the column (one to the left, the other to the right of it). They run forward and try to hold hands again and stand at the beginning of the column in front of the catcher. The catcher tries to catch one of the pair before the children join hands. If the catcher manages to do this, he and the caught form a new pair and they stand in front of the column. Left without a pair will be catching. If the catcher fails to catch either of the pair, he continues to fulfill his role. The game ends when all pairs run once. After that, a new catcher is selected. The game is restarted.

Directions: the teacher makes sure that the children do not run out of the column ahead of time.

Option 2: the driver stands in front of the column. During the singing, the couple standing behind inaudibly tries to run forward and join hands again. When they have already run through almost the entire column, the rest of the players can give a hint to the driver by singing: “One-two, do not crow, run like fire!”

"Two Frosts.

Target - teach to run in all directions, develop spatial orientation skills, speed and agility.

Game progress. Before the start of the game, it is necessary to mark the “home” and “school” lines on opposite sides of the site. The distance between the lines should be 10–20 m. With the help of a counting rhyme, two Frosts are selected, the rest of the players are “guys”. The guys are located in one line behind the “home” line, and in the middle of the site, on the “street”, there are two Frosts. Frost addresses the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers

Yes Frost removed,

I am Frost Red Nose,

I am Frost Blue Nose.

Which one of you decides

To set off on a path-path ?! ”

The children respond in chorus:“We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!”

Children run from one end of the room to the other. Frost catches them. The tagged must immediately stop and stand in the place where the Frost overtook them. They stay like that until the end of the run. Frosts count how many players they managed to freeze. After that, the Frosts again turn to the guys, uttering only the last phrase: “Which of you decides to go on a path-path to go?”, And the guys, having answered, run back to the “house” and “rescue” the frozen guys along the way, touching them with their hands . The released players join the rest of the guys. Frosts freeze the running guys, thus preventing them from helping out the “frozen”. After two runs, new ones are chosen. The game starts again. At the end of the game, it is necessary to mark the children who have never been caught by Frosts, as well as best couple leading.

Having run out of the house, it is impossible to return back, and also it is impossible to linger in the house - in both cases the player is considered to be caught, i.е. a player who runs out of the house before the signal or stays in the house after it is also considered frozen. Drivers do not have the right to touch with their hands the players who managed to cross the line; after several dashes, new Frosts are selected, and the game starts over.


Target - exercise children in running with dodging, navigate in space.

Game progress. Children are accommodated in a restricted area. One of them is blindfolded - this is a blind man's blind man. After that, the following conversation is held between the driver and other players:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- At the pot.

- What's in the pot?

- Kvass.

“Catch the mice, not us.

Then the participants in the game run away screaming, lightly clapping their hands, and the blind man's blind man catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man. When a blind man's blind man catches someone, the game is paused and a new blind man is selected.

In this game, you must follow the following rules:

- if the blind man approaches an object that can be hit, then he must be warned by shouting “Fire!”, However, this word cannot be shouted in order to distract the blind man from a nearby player;

- players cannot hide behind any objects;

- players cannot go beyond the designated border;

- players can dodge blind man's blind man's buff, crouch, walk on all fours;

- having caught the player, the blind man's blind man must recognize him and call him by name, without removing the bandages. If he does not do this, the player is considered not caught.


Purpose of the game: learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the educator; to form the ability to work smoothly with your hands, to run in a certain direction without bumping into each other; develop endurance, organization in the team.

Game progress: in one of the corners of the site is designated "owl's nest". There is a driver in the nest - an owl. The rest of the players portray beetles, butterflies and other insects. At the signal of the head of the game, “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” children scatter, run around the playground, waving their arms, imitating the movement of the wings. After a while, the head of the game says: “The night is coming, everything freezes!”. The players freeze in place in the position in which the night caught them. The owl flies out of its nest. It flies slowly, flaps its wings and looks to see if anyone moves. The one who moved, the owl takes to his nest.

The game ends when there are 3-5 players in the "owl" nest. A new owl is selected, and the game continues from the beginning.

Directions. Before the start of the game, the teacher talks about the habits of the owl, that she sees well at night. Warns that the owl must monitor all insects at the same time.

Take it fast, put it down quickly"

Purpose of the game: Development of dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress: The players are divided into two equal teams. On a signal, the first player carries the ball into the farthest hole, running around the landmark. Next to the nearest hole, etc. Then everything is repeated in reverse order.

Rules of the game: The team that finishes the fastest wins. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Option 2:
On one side of the site there are 3-4 chairs, each with 2-3 any objects or small cubes. On the other side, at a distance of 5-6 m, there are 3-4 boxes or baskets. Three or four children are offered to take one object at a time, move them at a run and put them in a box. Physically strong children can add one more item or slightly (by 1-2 m) increase the distance for running. Select children of approximately the same strength.

"Change subject"

Purpose of the game: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to cultivate a sense of collectivism. Exercise in running at speed, in building in a column.

Game progress: on one side of the court behind the line, they become players, forming 4-5 columns (the distance between the columns is approximately 1.5 m). on the opposite side of the site opposite each column, circles with a diameter of 60 - 80 are outlined cm. Each first in the column holds a bag of sand, a cube or another object in his hands. The same object is placed in the center of each circle. On a signal, the players run to the mugs, put an object and take another, then run back to their place and raise the brought object above their heads. The one who did it first is considered the winner. Those who came running pass objects to those standing behind them, and they themselves run to the end of the column. When everyone completes the task, the column with the most wins is marked.

Directions: you can only lift an object up by standing in a column. The teacher makes sure that the children do not approach the line, leaving a free place for the returning player.

"Trap, take the tape"

Purpose of the game: Develop in children dexterity, ingenuity. Exercise in scattered running, teach how to dodge the driver, develop spatial orientation skills.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle. Everyone, except for the trapper, receives a ribbon, which they put in their belt. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher "Run!" everyone scatters, and the trap tries to pull out as many ribbons as possible. The one who has lost the ribbon temporarily steps aside. According to the teacher: “One, two, three - run in a circle!” children are built in a circle. The trap counts the number of ribbons taken and returns them to the children. The game continues with a new trap. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Whose link will gather sooner?"

Purpose of the game: teach children to play together; educate interest in collective games; to bring to the consciousness of children that the result of the game depends on the coherence of actions; running at speed, orientation in space.

Game progress: The players are divided into several groups the same number children. Each group chooses a leader and stands behind him in a column. The teacher distributes ribbons to the leaders different color. According to the color of the ribbon, the link gets its name - “green”, “blue”, “red”, etc. the teacher hits the tambourine, all the players begin to walk, run, jump around the site in different directions, changing movements depending on the pace and rhythm set by the teacher. At the signal "In place!" the driver stops at the place where he found the signal, and lift the ribbon up. The rest quickly gather behind the leader in columns, equalize and stand at attention. The teacher notes which link came together first.

Option. When everyone is in motion, the teacher says: “Stop!”. All the players stop and close their eyes, while the drivers run to other places, raise the ribbons and freeze. The teacher says: “Go to your places!”. Children open their eyes and hurry to line up behind their leader.

Directions . In the game, you can use different constructions and positions: in ranks, in circles, sit on the floor in Turkish, stop on one leg, etc. You can enter the condition: “Do it like a leader”, then, lining up in a link, the children accept the position that the driver will show them.

“Who will roll the hoop to the flag sooner?”

Purpose of the game: to teach to perform actions at the signal of the educator, to follow the rules of the game; develop coordination of movements, the ability to correctly and deftly roll hoops with a stick or hand.

Game progress: the players are divided into units; become each other behind the line. At 10 meters from it, flags (skittles) are placed on stands. The first in the columns have hoops in their hands. At the signal of the teacher: "Ready!" - children put the hoop on the ground towards the flags, holding it with their left hand; right hand they keep ready to push the hoop. Then the teacher says: “One, two, three - roll!” - and the children roll hoops towards the flags, pushing them right palm or with a stick, they run around the flag with a hoop, return to their columns and pass the hoops and sticks to the next. The game ends when the last person in the column completes the task. The team that finishes the game the fastest wins.

Directions: the teacher makes sure that, taking the hoop and the stick, the children do not go beyond the line. The hoop cannot be let go far from yourself. You can give the task to roll the hoop with your left hand.

"Catch up with your couple"

Purpose of the game: running, catching.

Game progress: children stand in pairs, one after the other at a distance of 3 - 4 steps on one side of the playground. At the signal of the teacher: "One, two, three - run!" -the front ones quickly run across to the other side of the site,where the line is drawn, beyond which it is impossible to catch. Standing behind them must catchescaping before they reach the line (each to his pair). When the game is repeated, the roles change.If the catcher does not catch the evader, they perform the task again, and if they catch, the children change roles.After the end of the dashes, the players count how many times they managed to catch a friend.


Purpose of the game: teaching children the basic types of movements (walking, running, jumping), developing the imagination of children.

Game progress: among those playing colors, the driver is chosen - the "buyer" and the leader - the "seller". Children - "paints" sit on chairs (logs, a bench ...) and call the "seller" the color of the paint that each of them wants to be. The "seller" remembers who the color of the paint is in his shop.

Then the "buyer" comes and says:

"Knock, knock!,"

"Who's there?" - asks the "seller".

"buyer" says his name.

"Why did you come?" - asks the "seller".

"Behind the paint."

Seller: "For what?".

"For blue (blue, red, etc.)" "buyer" can name any color, but only one. If there is a named paint, then the seller says how much it costs (within 10) and holds out his hand, palm up. "buyer" hits him so many times with his palm on him, counting aloud, with the last blow, "paint" jumps up and runs away. The "buyer" must catch up with the "paint" and touch it with his hand. "Paint" cannot run away from the boundaries of the playing field. The “buyer” takes the caught “paint” into a corner (to his house) and again returns to the seller for another paint. If there is no such paint, then the seller says: "Go (jump on one leg; run, etc.) along the blue (blue, etc.) path, you will find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!" The game continues until all paints are bought from the "seller".

"The kite and the mother hen"

Purpose of the game: To develop in children dexterity, ingenuity, a sense of camaraderie. Practice running in a column.

Game progress: 8-10 children participate in the game. One of the players is a “kite”, and the other is a “hen”, the rest are “chickens”, who stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone hold on to each other, on the opposite side there is a circle - “the kite's nest”. At the signal "kite", the kite child flies out of the nest and tries to catch the chicken standing behind the hen. The mother hen, “spreading her wings” (arms outstretched to the sides), protects her chickens, does not allow the kite to grab the chicken, and the chickens move after the mother hen, not breaking away from each other, trying to prevent the kite from catching the latter. The kite takes the caught chicken to its nest. When he catches 2-3 chickens, other children are selected to play the roles of kite and mother hen. If there are more than 10 people playing, two groups can play in turn. You can play simultaneously (if there is enough space) in two groups.

Rules of the game: the mother hen should not grab the kite with her hands, she can only block his path; the kite flies out of the nest only after the teacher's signal; while catching a chicken, the kite should not grab the hen. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"The Frogs and the Heron"

Purpose of the game: exercise in high jumps from a place; to cultivate attention, the ability to quickly navigate in space, to act decisively, to develop in children the ability to act on a signal.

Game progress: the borders of the "bog" are marked with a rope in the form of a square (circle, triangle). At a height of 15-20 cm, the "Heron" stands in its "nest" at a distance from the "swamp". "Frrogs" jump, frolic in the "swamp". At the signal "The heron is coming!" The “heron” importantly, raising its legs high, goes to the “swamp”, steps over the rope and catches the “frogs”. The “frogs” escape from the heron by jumping out of the “swamp” The “heron” takes the caught “frogs” to his house. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Option 2: Participants: frog, frogs (any number), braggart frog, heron. The frogs hide, and one frog jumps ashore.

Frog. Silence by the pond

The water does not sway

The reeds don't make noise...

Wake up kids!

One by one, the frogs jump out of their hiding places.

Frogs. (2-3 of those that appeared first)

For a long time we sat in the mud,

We didn't go out for a walk. (They call the rest of the frogs.)

Get out of the pond

Come out here everyone!

The rest of the frogs appear, jump, play leapfrog, sing their song cheerfully.

One, two! Kva-kva1Brothers and sisters!

We are green guys, Acrobat Frogs!

We do not want to sit in the pond, Let's play leapfrog!

One, two! Qua-qua! Brothers and sisters!

One, two! Kwa-kva1 Let's have fun!

Frog. (stops, looks around and speaks with a warning).

The heron lives here somewhere...

Will she come here?

The braggart frog.

I'm not afraid of the heron, I'm not afraid of a drop!

If I want, I'll swallow the Heron myself!


. Do not boast in vain, kwak,

You can't deal with her!

The heron will seize the braggart,


Frog (scared)

The heron is here, the heron is here! Frogs, live in the pond!

All frogs quickly jump to their hiding places. The braggart frog remains, but hides behind a hummock, from where it begins to tease the heron.

Ankle-legged heron, long-nosed. I'm not afraid of a heron, I'm not afraid of a heron, I'll laugh at a heron!

Heron. Oh, you stupid braggart, bug-eyed shorty, I'll teach you a lesson, I'll teach you a lesson and swallow it! (He chases the frog and grabs it.)

Frog-braggart (plaintively).

Brothers, brothers, help! Hurry to help me

! Frogs appear from all sides, surround the heron and tease her:

Legged heron,

Long, nosed.

We will fight with the heron,

Can't catch us!

The heron chases the frogs and misses the braggart frog. All frogs run and hide.

HERON (annoyed and displeased).

How hungry am I!

You won't get them from the bottom...

Deep in the pond

I'm leaving without dinner! (Leaves.)

The frogs appear.

There is no heron! Hooray! Hooray!

Let's play, kids!

They jump again, play leapfrog, somersault, but as soon as a heron appears, they immediately scatter and hide.

Before the game begins, the children agree on how to jump over the line or cord: on two legs, on one right leg or on one left leg. The one who jumps differently is considered the loser and is eliminated from the game along with those caught.

"Wolf in the Den"

Purpose of the game: to cultivate courage, determination, coordination of movements, eye; follow the rules of the game.

Game progress: across the platform in the middle with two parallel lines at a distance of 80-100 cm from one another (or a strip of wallpaper) a moat is marked. There is a "wolf" in the moat. The rest of the children are "goats". They live on one side of the square, and behind the "ditch" is a field. At the signal “Goats in the field! Wolf in the ditch! - "goats" run out of the "house" into the "field", trying to jump over the moat along the way. The "wolf" runs in the moat, trying to knock down the jumping "goats". The spoiled ones step aside. At the signal "Goats go home!" the children return, jumping over the ditch along the way (the “wolf” is resting at this moment).

Directions: A “goat” is considered to be caught if the “wolf” touched it at the moment when it jumped over the “ditch” or hit the “ditch” with its foot.

"Don't get caught!"

Purpose of the game: jumping

Game progress: the teacher draws a circle or puts a cord in the form of a circle, with a diameter of 4 - 6 m Children stand behind the circle at a distance of half a step. The teacher appoints one of the players as the driver, and he becomes inside the circle anywhere. Children jump across the line to the circle and back. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players when they are inside the circle. When the driver approaches, everyone dodges the driver and returns to the line. The one touched by the driver is considered the loser, stops and raises his hand, after which he continues to participate in the game. The game is repeated several times for 30-60 sec with a rest break. Then a new leader is selected from those children who have never been tarnished.

Directions: the teacher makes sure that the players do not stand still, but bounce. If the diameter of the circle is large and there are a lot of players, you can choose two drivers.


Goals : teach to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress: children stand with the teacher. He tosses the ball high up and calls the child's name. At this point, all the children scatter in different directions. And the one whose name was called quickly runs up to catch the ball and shouts: “Stop!”. All players stop at the place where the signal caught them. The driver throws the ball at one of the players. If he serves, then the one who was hit quickly catches the ball and again shouts: "Stop!" - and throws the ball at one of the players, etc. If the driver does not hit anyone, he runs after the ball, takes it again and throws it at the players until he knocks someone down. When the driver throws the ball, everyone must be in their places. They can dodge: bend down, squat, deviate to the side, bounce, etc. If the player at whom the driver throws the ball in the air, then he throws the ball up and calls the name of the next driver at his discretion. The game continues.

Directions. The teacher explains to the children that when throwing the ball, you need to aim at the legs. The educator warns those who violate this rule, and then removes them from the game.

Option 2:

Children run around the hall scattered for 2-3 minutes. At the signal "Stop" they stop and make some figure ("hockey player", "gymnast", "swimmer"). Then the best figure is chosen together, and the game is repeated again.

"Whoever was called, he catches the ball"

Purpose of the game: educate attention, endurance, develop speed of reaction, the ability to catch the ball.

Game progress: children walk, run, jump around the playground. The teacher holds a large ball in his hand. He calls the name of one of the children throws the ball up. The named child runs up, catches the ball and throws it up again, calling someone else by name.

Directions: the player throws the ball up at the place where he caught it. The ball must be thrown higher so that the named child has time to run up to it and catch it. We must try to catch the ball from the air or after one rebound from the ground.

"Who is the most accurate?"

Purpose of the game: learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the educator;

Game progress: The group lines up in two lines of seven to eight people facing each other. The distance between the lines is 5-8 m, between those standing in the line - 50-60 cm. Children in one line have sandbags. At the command of the educator “Ready”, children with sandbags take a comfortable preparatory position. Babies without pouches are ready to protect themselves from accidental hits from throwers. At the command "Start!" children throw sandbags towards a standing partner in a line opposite. Those standing in line opposite raise sandbags and, at the command of the educator, perform the same movement (5-6 times).

"Hunters and Beasts"

Target: teach children how to throw the ball correctly, following the rules of the game.

Game progress: Holding hands, the players form a circle. Having calculated on the "first - second", they form two groups: one - "hunters", the second - "animals". The "hunters" remain in their places in the circle, a line is drawn in front of their socks, which cannot be crossed. "Beasts" enter the middle of the circle. "Hunters" throw the ball to each other, trying to hit them at the feet of the fleeing and dodging animals. The “animal” that was hit by the ball is considered to have been shot and leaves the circle. After some time, at the signal of the teacher, the hunters count their trophies. When the game is repeated, the teams change places. According to the rules of the game, you can only hit the ball on the legs.

"Traps with a ball"

Purpose of the game: running, throwing at a moving target

Game progress: children stand in a circle. The trap in the center of the circle. He has two balls on his feet. The trap makes a series of movements: jumps, bends, squats, claps, etc. The players repeat these movements after him. At the signal of the educator "Run out of the circle!" the children scatter in different directions, and the trap quickly takes the balls from the ground and throws them, trying to hit the fleeing ones. After that, at the signal of the educator “One, two, three - quickly run into a circle,” the children again form a circle; a new trap is chosen, the game continues. At the end of the game, the result is summed up - which of the traps was well-aimed.

Directions: if the catcher hit the evaders with both balls, then he remains in this role.

"Bird flight".

Purpose of the game: teach to run all over the site, exercise in climbing, jumping, running; in the ability to quickly move from one movement to another; to consolidate the ability of children to navigate in space, to strengthen the sense of camaraderie. Develop attention, dexterity.

Game progress: birds (children), spreading their wings, fly all over the site. At the signal "Storm!" they hide in the trees (fly up the gymnastic wall). When the teacher says: “The storm has stopped,” the birds fly off the branches (down from the wall) and continue to fly.

Directions. If there is no gymnastic wall, tower, benches, boxes and other objects are used, on which children climb. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Monkey Catching"

Purpose of the game: To develop initiative, observation, memory, dexterity in children. Practice climbing, running.

Game progress: children representing monkeys are placed on one side of the playground, where there are climbing devices or benches (these are trees). On the other side 4 - 6 people are monkey catchers. Monkeys mimic everything they see. The catchers agree on what moves they will make. As soon as the catchers go to the middle of the site, the monkeys climb onto the tower and watch from there. Having done the movements, the catchers leave, the monkeys approach the place where the catchers were and repeat their movements. At the signal of the educator "Catchers!" the monkeys run to the trees and climb them. Catchers catch monkeys that did not have time to climb a tree. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Directions: it is necessary to ensure that the children do not jump off the benches or from the stairs, but go down to the last crossbar. When the game is repeated, the movements of the catchers must be new.

"Fun competition"

Purpose of the game: : teach children to play together; educate interest in collective games; to bring to the consciousness of children that the result of the game depends on the coherence of actions. develop attention, speed of movement, accuracy of tasks.

Game progress: The players stand in 3-4 columns at common feature at a distance of 2 - 3 steps from one another. In front of each column, gymnastic benches are placed 4-5 steps away, then hoops on the floor. At the signal of the educator, the first in the columns run to the benches, enter them, crawl along them in the indicated way (on the stomach, on the knees and palms), get off, run up to the hoops, crawl into them, put the hoops quietly on the floor and quickly return to the end columns. The second of the columns run, etc. The players who complete the task first win.
Rules : crawl in the indicated way to the end of the bench; put the hoop on the floor, do not throw it. The teacher monitors the implementation of the rules of the game.

"Obstacle Track"

Target : teach children to play together; educate interest in collective games; to bring to the consciousness of children that the result of the game depends on the coherence of actions. develop attention, speed of movement, accuracy of tasks.

Game progress: Various aids can be used as obstacles: benches, arcs, barriers, targets for throwing. The order of overcoming obstacles can be any, for example: crawl under several arcs (rails), walk along a gymnastic bench (or log), run around medicine balls (four balls placed at a distance of 1 m from one another), jump over two lines from a place , crawl along the gymnastic bench, run with a small ball (or a bag of sand) 6-7 m and throw it at the target.

Outside the site on the lawn, an obstacle course is set up from used tires: three tires are placed vertically (in a tunnel); 4-5 half-tires are formed together with an edge along the route; one tire lies. Children take turns running through it one by one. Then they run to the second, jump onto the tires, run along their crest to the end, jump off. Finally, they run or jump from one edge of the tire rim to the other (the third obstacle) and, jumping off the tire, reach the finish line.

"Which team will score more goals in the basket?"

Purpose of the game: teach children to throw the ball with the movement of their hands from below.

Game progress: the basket is on the floor, the teacher shows the throw, drawing the attention of the children to the fact that it is necessary to throw the ball into the basket, which is at a distance from the player, with a slight throw, with the movement of the hands from below.

Here is the basket in front of us, and why - tell yourself.

Let's throw the ball in such a way that it hits the basket.


Option 2: Throw the ball into a basket fixed at a height - at the level of the child's head or slightly higher; to teach to throw the ball raised above the head with both hands.

The teacher in this case also shows the throw technique, drawing the attention of the children to the fact that it is necessary to throw the ball into the basket, which is on a hill, by a different method - with both hands raised above the head. Before throwing, the hands with the ball should be taken behind the head.

We raised the basket up, but let us be lucky -

And sports success awaits us, more precisely, drop it, here!

Children take turns throwing cones (hockey or tennis balls), trying to get into the basket.

"Burn, burn bright!"

Purpose of the game: To develop in children endurance, orientation in space. Practice running fast.

Game progress: The players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. "Catching" stands on this line. Everyone says:

Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out.

Look at the sky, the birds are flying

The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word “run”, the children in the last pair run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right), trying to grab the hands in front of the catcher, who tries to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join hands. If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the rest is the catcher.


Purpose of the game: - by hitting the bat, send the ball thrown by the player of the opposing team as far as possible and run alternately to the opposite side and back, not allowing the opponent to "snap" himself with the caught ball. Develop resourcefulness, deep breathing, mindfulness, resourcefulness, fast running, a sharp eye, hardness of a hand strike.

Game progress: Lapta is one of the most common and beloved Russian folk games. To play, you need a small rubber ball (preferably a cast one, like for playing tennis) and a lapta - a round stick 60-70 cm long and 3-3.2 cm thick. From 5 to 12 people can play. At two opposite ends of the site, two lines are drawn, of which one is called horse and the other is called playing. The distance between them (field) must be at least 40 steps. The players choose a thrower and a server who stand on the playing line; the rest of the players are located in different places on the field. The feeder throws the ball to the thrower, he beats it with his bast shoe in the field. If the ball is served badly, you can refrain from hitting. With a successful hit, when the ball flies far away, the thrower runs to the end line in order to return to the playing line from there and not allow himself to be overpowered during the run. A successful return gives him the right to hit the ball again with a bast shoe. If a field player catches a candle, that is, catches the ball on the fly, then he goes to the place of the thrower, and he joins the field players. If, during the run, the thrower is tagged, then he becomes the feeder, and the former feeder becomes the thrower. Salting is allowed only from the place where the ball is raised. A thrower who missed three times, as well as a pitcher who threw the ball badly three times, move into the ranks of the field players, and others are appointed in their place. During the run, the thrower does not have the right to take a bast shoe with him or throw it over the playing line. For violation of these rules, he is transferred to the players of the field.For successful runs, the team is awarded points. The team with the most points in the set time wins.

Option 2: Round shoe The players are divided into two teams. One goes to the middle of the court, the players of the other team stand along its edges or in a circle. They throw the ball, trying to pin down the players of the first team, they dodge the ball. Whoever is hit by the ball is out of the game. When everyone is knocked out of the circle, the teams change places. The team that manages to knock the “opponent” out of the circle with fewer throws wins.


Goals : develop the ability to calculate their actions; regulate the movement of your body; be able to navigate in space, develop walking with a wide stride, cultivate endurance and the ability to restrain oneself.

Game progress: All players stand along one line drawn on one side of the court. On the opposite side is the place of the driver. The driver stands with his back to the children and says: “Walk fast! Look, don't yawn! Stop!" for each word, the children take a step forward, trying to take big steps. At the signal "Stop!" - freeze in place. The driver turns away again and repeats his words. The game is repeated until one of the children comes close to the driver and gets into his house before the word "stop" is uttered. Whoever succeeds, becomes the leader. Children should not run or jump, they can only walk.


The driver is not allowed to look back until the word "stop"

He can say the phrase: "Step fast, look, don't yawn ... Stop!" - at any pace, but loudly.

The players begin to move simultaneously with the words of the driver. Walking is allowed only.

Howcomplicationyou can play a variant of the game with jumping on two legs forward.

Option 2:development of attention, the ability to act on a signal.

On the playground a circle with a diameter of 1 - 1.5 m is outlined, a line is drawn at a distance of 20 -30 m from it. From among the players, a leader is selected, who becomes in a circle. The rest of the players stand on the opposite side, behind the line. Driver, standing with his back to playing field says, "Move fast! Look, don't yawn!" ("The quieter you go, the further you'll get"). After these words, the playing children quickly run towards the driver. But he suddenly says: “Stop!” and turns around. At this word, all players must freeze in place. If the driver who looks around notices the player who made the move after the “Stop!” command, then he returns him again behind the line, and the rest are in the places where the driver’s team found them. The driver again turns his back to the players and says the same words. The players make a movement from the place where the driver's team found them. The game continues until then. Until one of the players stands in the circle of the driver with both feet until the moment when the driver says the word: “Stop!”. The one who first stood in a circle becomes the driver, and the game starts over.

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