Menu for children's birthday 9 years. Children's table at a birthday party

Do children need a lot to be happy? To spend a wonderful holiday, the most anticipated of all, with family and close friends, and even in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time. And caring parents will help in this - for this they need to prepare in advance and carefully plan everything. On the eve of a child's birthday, especially such a round date as 10 years old, every mother wonders, so what to cook on the table? And if you decide to celebrate this event at home, then the tips of the Zatusim resource will be useful to you.

It is, of course, easier to assemble a table for the birthday of a child of 10 years old than for younger children, for whom the list of food products is limited. But it is still important to choose fresh and high-quality ingredients for cooking.

When compiling the menu, try not to use extravagant products and recipes, especially if you are not sure that your child and guests will want to eat it.

It is best to choose food that is familiar to the baby, but prepared in a special way.

By nature, we tend to separate food, and in children this is especially pronounced. Therefore, the simpler the treats are, the more the guys will like them.

Choose less fatty foods and try not to use frying when cooking, because tasty food can be cooked correctly and be healthy.

If other children were invited to the birthday party, then it would not be superfluous to ask mothers about the presence of allergic reactions or other restrictions on products.

Another important aspect is safety. Keeping track of active children in the heat of the holiday is not easy, so make sure your food and table are as safe as possible.

Children are very fond of fresh fruits and vegetables - when serving them, make sure that the treats are well washed and, if possible, pitted.

Avoid fish with bones, complex sandwiches, spicy foods, and foods that are highly allergenic.

Fish dishes should be abandoned, because even after a thorough check, small bones may remain, and if someone chokes, the holiday can be completely ruined. And not all children like to eat fish.

Children's birthday menu options

Chicken dishes are an excellent option for hot dishes - most children treat it positively.

Baked legs in batter will definitely appeal to 10-year-olds - they are delicious and convenient to eat with your hands. This treat is easy to prepare and can be fun to decorate with paper tassels.

Give preference to simple salads that can be laid out in bowls. Arrange the filling in shortbread baskets or tartlets.

Children are much more interested in helping themselves to such snacks than sitting in front of a plate overflowing with heavy salads.

Prepare small sandwiches with homemade boiled pork, cheese or pate. But it is better to avoid smoked meats and sausages.

An excellent solution for a festive table is various canapés decorated on skewers - such a treat will definitely be eaten.

Avoid the abundance of purchased sweets and candies, many delicious desserts can be prepared at home.

The birthday menu for a 10-year-old girl can be varied with all kinds of fruit and berry jellies, mousses. Milkshakes and chocolate puddings also make great table decorations.

It is better to replace carbonated drinks with natural juices and fruit drinks. The time of bottled cola and forfeit on the tables is over, and every mother who cares about the health of her children is able to prepare delicious and healthy drinks.

Cooking meals that kids love

Almost any healthy dish can be transformed into a children's menu for 10-year-old guests. But there are treats that children especially like. We will include them in our menu.

Snacks, sandwiches and canapes

Small snack sandwiches and canapes make a great menu base for a 10 year old's birthday. Make small sandwiches. The ideal size is 5x5 cm, so they are much more convenient to eat.

Products can be cut into various shapes (stars, circles, fish) using molds and put on skewers. It is desirable that the skewers are not very sharp, which will exclude injuries.

You can string anything on skewers: fruits, vegetables, cheese, cold cuts, bread. Alternate colors - so the appetizer will look much more interesting.

If the holiday takes place outdoors or in the woods by the fire, prepare to delight the children.

Homemade birthday pizza

For the anniversary of 10 years, a girl or a boy can cook pizza. Children simply adore it, and will prefer it to many other dishes.

Such an Italian open pie can be both the main treat on the table and a small snack. It all depends on the filling you choose and how you serve it.

You can bake one large pizza or make small portioned treats.

The golden rule of baby food is the simpler the better. Therefore, chicken, cheese, pickled cucumbers, tomato sauce are perfect as ingredients for pizza.

Do not overload it with olives or onions - children often do not eat these foods.

In the summer, you can not do without cooling drinks. This is where homemade lemonade comes in handy.

To make lemonade you will need:

  • water;
  • lemon;
  • sugar.

The proportions of the ingredients are arbitrary. Usually, juice and zest of 1 lemon is enough for 1 liter of water. But everything will depend on the size and freshness, acidity of the fruit. Add sugar to taste as well. For 3 liters of drink, 1 glass of granulated sugar is consumed.

Wash the lemon thoroughly and scald with boiling water. Remove the zest from the citrus on a grater.

Squeeze out all the juice, then strain to remove the seeds.

Boil water and add zest and sugar to it. Continue to boil the drink for another 10 minutes.

Cool the syrup and pour in the squeezed lemon juice.

Lemonade is ready! Store in the refrigerator in a sealed container.

It will take 1 kilogram of ripe strawberries. You can use wild strawberries or wild strawberries, or other berries that are in season.

To prepare a delicious smoothie in a tall container, mix 2 cups of juice (fruit drink), berries, pieces of melon, banana.

Beat the resulting mixture well with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
Pour into tall glasses and garnish with fruit. This drink will be a great addition to any appetizer or dessert.

Interesting recipes using berries in the material.

10th birthday cakes

What birthday is complete without a cake - its appearance almost always becomes the culmination of the holiday.

Of course, mothers always have a choice - to order a birthday cake for a 10-year-old boy in a pastry shop or bake it at home on their own.

If you have free time, the second option is preferable, since you will know exactly what ingredients the cake for children is made from.

The rules for the safety of components and preparation remain relevant for the first anniversary.

In addition, there are recipes for amazingly delicious and easy-to-prepare treats, starting with and ending with desserts, cupcakes, muffins.

Jelly cake without baking

Even if there is no experience in preparing complex pastries, making jelly is not difficult. In addition, there is a place for creative experiments and the embodiment of the most incredible ideas.

For cooking you will need:

  • butter;
  • shortbread cookies;
  • cinnamon;
  • fruit;
  • gelatin;
  • chocolate;
  • heavy cream;
  • curd;
  • powdered sugar.

For the base, we prepare butter, cookies and cinnamon. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and tamp in a detachable cake mold. We send it to the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

For the next jelly layer, you can choose any filler - fruits, berries, chocolate. The most beautiful cake will turn out if you combine several layers.

We prepare the gelatin mixture according to the instructions on the package, add melted chocolate and heavy cream - 200 ml. Stir and send to simmer over low heat, not bringing to a boil.

In a blender, mix 200 g of the curd mass with the prepared chocolate mixture and add 50 g of powdered sugar. Put it on the base of the cake and send it to harden in the cold.

At this time, prepare the next layer.

Add berry juice, chopped fruits and berries to the new gelatin mixture. Let it brew a little and fill it with the first layer after it has hardened.

The number of layers and their content can be combined as you wish. Decorate the cake to your taste - with fresh berries or almond flakes, chocolate chips or marzipan figurines.

A birthday cake for a 10 year old girl can be not only a delicious treat, but also a great activity for your child.

Involve the young birthday girl in the cooking process, giving her freedom for creativity.

Such joint chores on the eve of the holiday will definitely appeal to girls and even some boys.

Festive table setting

It is important to remember that children are not adults who are ready to sit at the table for hours at a holiday.

Most likely, the holiday will not do without competitions and games, where only at intervals the kids will run up to the table and have something to eat and chew on the go. Try to create comfortable conditions for them.

Plastic unbreakable dishes will help out, small portions of food that are convenient to take from the table.

Drinking glasses can be written with the names of guests, use resealable bottles for cocktails and smoothies with straws.

Treats can be decorated in the form of animal figurines or cartoon characters. Fruits and vegetables are fun to cut with the help of special kitchen utensils.

Summing up, we highlight the main points that must be considered when compiling the children's birthday menu:

  1. Think over in advance the dishes for the birthday of a child of 10 years.
  2. Avoid complicated recipes and extravagant ingredients.
  3. It is better to serve familiar products, but prepared in an original way.
  4. Homemade pizza will be a great treat for a 10 year old children's birthday.
  5. Use fewer purchased sweets - delicious desserts can and should be prepared at home.
  6. Carbonated drinks are easy to replace with fruit drinks, compotes or juices.
  7. Try making a delicious cake that doesn't need to be baked.

Beautifully set the table and dishes, then your child and guests will definitely be satisfied.

Video: children's holiday menu

What and how to cook for a children's holiday is shown in detail in the video:

Every mother wants a special day of the year - the birthday of her child, to be bright, special and memorable. At 2 years old, the child does not have special wishes about what the holiday should be like, so the mother herself must carefully think over and organize everything so that it is interesting to everyone who is invited, especially children.

A child's birthday should be bright, colorful and interesting.

Most parents prefer to spend the holiday at home, it's more convenient. Contests, clown, animation - all this can be ordered at home, but the menu is a little more complicated. It is necessary to prepare such dishes that would be tasty, healthy and served on the table in a special way in order to attract the attention of children, and they wanted to try them.

What dishes to choose, what to serve first at the table and how to serve everything, all these questions are asked by all mothers who are preparing a birthday for their 2 year old baby.

What should not be on the holiday table

There are small food restrictions that every mother must adhere to if she wants to organize a holiday for a 2 year old child and his friends. At this age, not all foods and dishes can be eaten, so the main thing when compiling a birthday menu:

  • no salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • dishes with pepper, mayonnaise sauce and garlic are not welcome on the table;
  • smoked meats are also better to remove;
  • do not experiment by mixing many different products in one dish;
  • remove fresh fruits and vegetables from the menu that can cause allergies;
  • do not put on the table fish dishes with bones, grapes, fruits with a rough skin and what a child can choke on, set aside for the holidays of the older generation;
  • fruits and vegetables that can stain clothes should be kept to a minimum.

Beautiful and tasty appetizers

Recently, canape sandwiches have been very popular in the children's menu. In order for them to interest children, it is desirable to perform them in an unusual form of boats, stars or bugs. In addition, only safe products will be needed for their preparation, and it will take a little time to create them.

Canapes are prepared only from fresh bread, preferably white, butter, slices of boiled pork, but not fried, but baked, delicate varieties of cheese and vegetables or fruits. Turn on your imagination and prepare canapes from those products that your beloved baby loves more.

It is important for children to never use skewers and toothpicks for canapés, the child may prick them.

Delicious and healthy salads for a children's holiday

Healthy salads can be laid out on a plate in the form of an animal or a flower, and small children will like this serving. There are a large number of salads, each mother can choose from this list for her menu those that she likes, but pay attention to this salad.

Salad "Sunshine"

The first thing I want to say is that it contains orange and lemon, so for children prone to allergies it is better not to cook it, otherwise it is very light, satisfying and tasty.

To prepare it you will need:

  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs., but they can be replaced with 8 quail eggs, which will make the salad even more useful;
  • boiled chicken - 300 g;
  • cucumber;
  • Apple.

As a dressing, you can use a sauce that is made from yogurt, olive oil, a couple of drops of lemon juice and egg yolks.

The salad is prepared as follows: oranges, cucumber and apple, peeled and cut as small as possible. Peel the egg, finely chop and add to the rest of the ingredients, do the same with the chicken. Salt, mix and beautifully lay out in the form of a sun on a plate, pour sauce on top.

The salad is ready, you can serve the kids on the table. But remember that citrus fruits can cause allergies, so ask mothers invited to the kids' holiday about whether they can eat fruits that can provoke such a reaction. Be sure to adjust the menu based on this.

Salad "Tropics"

The menu for the birthday of children of 2 years of age should be varied, satisfying and light, so parents should pay attention to the Tropics salad, which almost all children love and eat it with great pleasure. The recipe is quite simple and easy, does not require much high costs, as it contains a small amount of ingredients.

Its preparation will require:

  • 300 g of chicken, only boiled;
  • 300-400 grams of pineapples;
  • 1 apple, preferably green;
  • grapes in the amount of 1 cup.

Peel apples, grate on a fine grater and sprinkle lightly with lemon juice. Grind pineapple and add to apples, do the same with meat. Cut the grapes in half and add to the dish. You can fill with mayonnaise, but only homemade or yogurt.

Sweet fruit salad children eat with great pleasure!

You can also add a vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and greens to the festive menu, but just chop the vegetables finely and season them with olive oil. It is better to serve salad on the table in small salad bowls for each child separately.

Sweet fruit salad

The child will eat this delicious salad with great pleasure. It is prepared immediately before the guests arrive, as the fruit may lose its color, and the salad will not look very attractive. It is worth asking the parents of invited children if they are allergic to bee products and nuts, if not, then honey is added to the bottom of the salad bowl, and the top of the salad is sprinkled with chopped nuts.

For the salad you will need:

  • green apple, banana;
  • 1 glass of sultana grapes;
  • 1 pear fruit;
  • a glass of yogurt.

Take fruits without peel and cut them into small pieces. Divide the grapes in half, combine with fruit. Mix everything, put in small salad bowls, and pour yogurt over the top of the dish. This delicious and at the same time light dish is prepared quickly and is sure to please children.

A child's birthday happens once a year, and 2 years once in a lifetime, and every mother wants to make this day special, so the menu for this day is selected carefully.

Salads are ready, but what a holiday without second courses, but what to cook for a children's birthday, what would be beautiful, tasty and liked by children.

Main dishes

For a children's birthday, you should not cook a lot of hot dishes, because children eat little, they are more interested in entertainment than a festive table. Therefore, for a children's holiday, you can cook only a side dish and a meat dish.

For a children's birthday, when the child is only 2 years old and almost all guests are of the same age, it is better to choose meat dishes with minced meat. They cook quickly, the meat is tender, soft, a child at 2 years old will eat it with pleasure.

Which recipe to choose for the birthday of your child, each mother decides for herself, but perhaps this one will be more like it.

Chicken zrazy with quail egg

Little children will definitely like these zrazy, because they are very tender and tasty, besides, they have a little secret inside that will interest the children and make them eat food.

Chicken zrazy with quail egg will definitely appeal to children!

To prepare them you will need:

  • 400 g minced chicken;
  • 1/3 cup rice;
  • small carrots;
  • bulb;
  • 12 boiled quail eggs;
  • 2 tomatoes.

Zrazy is prepared like this:

  1. Grind the onion with a blender and add to the minced meat.
  2. Add cooked rice to minced meat.
  3. Salt, mix thoroughly until the minced meat is soft.
  4. Roll a ball out of minced meat, hide a peeled quail egg inside and roll it up.
  5. Boil in boiling water for 10 minutes, lower them into the water carefully on a spoon.
  6. Fry carrots and tomatoes in a pan.
  7. Put the zrazy in the gravy, add the broth so that it completely covers them.
  8. Simmer for 20 minutes, then put the pan in the oven for 5 minutes.

You can serve zrazy with a surprise with any of the side dishes, but the child will definitely like the multi-colored mashed potatoes, it is also very healthy, as it is prepared from natural products. It is very easy to cook it.

Potato puree "Traffic light"

Dishes from natural products enriched with useful substances should please every mother, besides, bright colors perfectly decorate the table, attract children who come to the holiday to it.

What's a birthday without sweets! Preference should be given to light, not too sweet pastries and cakes.

To make colorful mashed potatoes you will need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • carrot juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • beetroot - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spinach juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Boil the peeled potatoes until cooked, add salt during the cooking process. After the water has been drained, it is necessary to mash the potatoes by adding butter and cream to it. Beat everything well so that the mass is light and homogeneous. Divide the puree into three parts: in the first add carrot juice, in the 2nd - beet juice, in the third - spinach. Put the puree in the form of balls into a pan, put in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

For a children's birthday, you can not bake multi-colored mashed potatoes, but simply beautifully put on a plate for each baby. This puree will decorate any table.

The birthday of a child, especially who turns 2 years old, should be interesting, the menu is ready, now you need to choose drinks and sweets.

From drinks, milkshakes of different colors with the addition of fruits are well suited, here it all depends on the mother's imagination. Milkshakes are very healthy and tasty, every child will drink such a drink with great pleasure if you put it on the table.

But as for sweets, here preference should be given to light, not too sweet cakes and cakes. "Bird's milk", "Carrot" cake or any other are perfect, but only with a light and airy cream, children will like this one more.

It is not necessary to overload the table for the birthday of a small child too much, for him the main thing is entertainment and games with friends. Prepare dishes that the birthday boy loves more, he will eat with pleasure, and other children will follow him the same.

A child's birthday should be bright, colorful and interesting, to be remembered, captivated by children, and the dishes should be originally designed, then any child will want to try them.

When preparing a children's feast, many nuances should be taken into account, because a fragile body may not digest some dishes. Also, babies often have allergic reactions, the presence of which is better to check with their parents in advance.

What should you pay attention to when compiling a children's birthday menu?

Do not mix many different products. Babies love simple, familiar flavors, and some combinations can cause gastrointestinal problems. Also, at a birthday party, it is not recommended to serve dishes that are too spicy or salty, fried or heavy for the stomach.

Avoid serving hard-skinned fruits, pit fish, berries and grapes. Children eat chaotically, simultaneously managing to play and talk, so they can easily choke. All food should be served in portions, sometimes it is recommended to use the "buffet" principle.

Place salad bowls and other utensils at a safe distance from children's play, giving them only what they really want to eat now, in small quantities.

Age 1-3 years

Be sure to eliminate from the menu all ingredients that often cause allergies, even if your child does not have one. This list includes citrus fruits, honey, exotic fruits and colorful berries. Avoid heavy food - it is better not to put mushrooms, smoked meats and cereals on the table.

Children from 4 to 6 years old

After four years, babies can be served boiled sausage and sausages of the highest grade. Fish is not yet recommended. Still not worth the risk with the addition of hard-to-digest and fatty foods. Avoid exotic and out-of-season fruits. Most often they are treated with harmful chemicals.

After seven years

Starting from this age, bright juices, beet salads and berry desserts can be offered to young guests. Otherwise, there is a risk of staining festive clothes. The same goes for dishes that are difficult to eat. Cut the snacks as much as possible, remove excess components.

What dishes to choose and cook for a children's birthday?

As a snack, parents often choose canapes. Originally decorated sandwiches on skewers are popular with children, besides, they are very easy to prepare. As ingredients, you can choose cherry tomatoes, small sausages, ham, cheese or feta cheese cut into squares. Sometimes canapes are prepared even without bread, limited to a combination of meat, cheese and vegetables. There are other recipes that make it easy to organize the best birthday.


Toddlers are not easy to get to eat hot meals. During the holidays, it is not customary to put liquid hot soups on the table, but no one will refuse small chicken skewers on skewers or nuggets with sauces.

Many kids love McDonald's, but parents rarely want to risk spending money on questionable food. It is much easier to cook such dishes yourself. Then you will be sure that the stomachs of the children will be in order, in addition, you can play with the ingredients of the sauces. So, to get nuggets at home, take the following products:

  • Cream (fat content not more than 15%) - 250 ml;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste, but do not abuse;
  • Sesame seeds and crackers (for breading) - 70 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 550 g;
  • Oil for frying.

The meat should be marinated in advance. To do this, cut the fillet into small pieces, pepper and salt, pour cream. Put it all in the cold for four hours.

When the meat is marinated, proceed to breading. Roll each piece in breadcrumbs and sesame seeds, then fry in vegetable oil on each side. You can prepare a dish in just half an hour, which is very convenient for working parents.

As a dressing, you can use homemade mayonnaise, sweet and sour or cheese sauce. Some cooks make gravy from berries or fruits, but they can be allergenic, so it's best to go with proven recipes.


This Italian dish is loved by adults and kids around the world. Despite the fact that in Russian-speaking countries pizza has long been cooked on yeast dough, turning it into a kind of pie, the taste does not get any worse from this, and children's love confirms this. For the youngest guests, you can prepare a vegetarian version of the dish on thin dough. If older children are present at the celebration, they can be served pizza with chicken and mushrooms. For the meatless version, you will need the following ingredients:

In this version, the simplest dough recipe is used, which even novice cooks can handle. Its advantage is extraordinary elasticity and economy.

In addition, thanks to this recipe, you can entrust the preparation of pizza to your husband or older children, while doing other things at the same time. You can make it even easier and buy ready-made dough. If you did not have time to do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Pour flour into a bowl, leaving a small depression in the middle, add salt there, mix thoroughly;
  2. Stir the eggs with milk and vegetable oil until smooth, but do not shake;
  3. Add the milk-egg mixture to the flour, mix gradually so that the liquid is completely absorbed;
  4. Start kneading the dough, this usually takes up to ten minutes. Remember that it is very sticky, so pre-lubricate your hands with plenty of oil;
  5. Wrap the dough with a damp towel, leave for 15 minutes;
  6. At this time, start preparing the filling: grate the cheese, cut the olives, tomatoes and peppers into cubes and circles;
  7. Roll out the dough on a baking sheet, grease with tomato sauce on top, lay out the filling. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top so that it does not burn, you can smear the sauce again;
  8. Put the dish in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for fifteen minutes. Usually this amount of dough is enough for two of the thinnest, delicious medium-sized pizzas.

There are many options for decorating pizza. The photo shows some of them. You can also invite guests to decorate by providing them with aprons and colorful vegetables. Kids will happily lay out already cut circles and a cube on the dough, all that remains is to bake pizza.


Mayonnaise for salads is better to cook yourself. This is easy to make in a blender by mixing sunflower oil, egg, mustard and lemon juice. To prepare a simple and very tasty children's salad "Hedgehog", take the following ingredients:

  • Hard cheese - 300 g;
  • Potato - 3 pcs.;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • A few olives (or olives) for decoration;
  • Salad dressing (homemade mayonnaise, sour cream, or other dressing you traditionally use for children's meals)
  • Korean carrots (it is better to cook it yourself by adding a minimum of pepper) - 200 g;
  • Fried or pickled mushrooms - 100 g.

Boil potatoes and eggs ahead of time.

Grate them and cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the carrots and mushrooms.

Then lay out the ingredients in layers in this order: potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, hard cheese.

Brush each layer lightly with sauce. From above, depict the needles of a hedgehog with the help of Korean carrots, make a stylized nose and eyes with olives.

If you don’t have time to decorate the salad in the form of an animal, flower or cartoon character, you can simply put it in tartlets, shortbread baskets, or even cut cucumber halves. Insert an umbrella or a skewer from above - and cute boats are ready!

Drink for kids

There should be no carbonated drinks on the table. They are not very useful for adults either, but it is strictly contraindicated for children to use this, it is fraught with sad consequences for health. Limit yourself to juices, fruit drinks and compotes. You can also make milkshakes or chocolate shakes.

And homemade lemonade seems especially delicious to children. To prepare six servings of this wonderful drink, take the following ingredients:

  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Purified (or bottled) water - 2 l;
  • Large lemons - 7 pieces;
  • A few sprigs of mint and lemon slices for garnish.

To begin with, thoroughly rinse the lemons under warm water, it is better to use a brush. Remove the zest from each of them. Then squeeze the juice into a separate container.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. After that, remove from heat, add zest, juice and sugar there. Next, put in the refrigerator for 7 hours. After this time, strain the drink, pour into a decanter with ice. Garnish with lemon slices and mint sprigs.

Adults will also like concentrated real lemonade, so it’s worth preparing at least a few liters in reserve. You can immediately pour the drink into glasses, decorating with umbrellas or cherries for cocktails.


Most kids love sweets, so it's worth considering several options for dessert. To make the dish not only tasty, but also healthy, focus on fruit and dairy ingredients. At the same time, avoid allergens.

In order not to overload your child's stomach, choose a light dessert option. Baking is out of place after a hearty holiday meal, so serve pudding, sweet canapés on skewers, or a standard fruit platter with an interesting twist.

An interesting option for serving jelly, which brings a smile to the eyes of every child. To do this, take any round fruit or berry (apples, oranges, watermelon will do), cut in half, cut out the pulp. Then pour the jelly there - and wait for it to solidify.

After that, cut each "mold" into small slices. Fruit slices with a shaking substance inside look very impressive.

table decoration

Almost any dish can be called children's if it is properly decorated and decorated. But to complete the picture, it is also worth decorating the table. It is best to choose a specific party theme and stick to it clearly.

Toddlers are delighted with plates and cups with drawings of characters from popular cartoons or games. Complete it with colorful doilies, invitation caps and garlands. In some cases, parents also put candles or fresh flowers on the table, but for children under the age of ten, this is inappropriate and even dangerous.

Organization of a children's birthday is a very troublesome, but pleasant task. Some parents buy ready-made meals and themed garnish sets, but a home-made salad is a lot more fun.

Children's birthday, like any other event, has its own characteristics of table setting and the organization of the holiday as a whole. Also, the design of the celebration is influenced by fashion trends reflected in the decor and the rules for holding it.

But all parents have the opportunity to arrange an unforgettable and bright holiday for their child and his guests, which will not only remain in the common memory, but also fit into the budget.

To arrange a magical birthday for your child, first of all, you need:

  1. Choose a general theme for the event. It can be a favorite cartoon that will immediately determine the color scheme, holiday attributes and even the child's outfit. Today, Frozen, Minions, Smeshariki are especially popular, and classic Disney princesses or comics also remain relevant. The theme of the holiday can also be a hobby or a child's desire for some kind of work;
  2. Choose a room in which a children's table will be organized. It can be directly a children's room, and a living room and a kitchen, if its size allows.
  3. Create a menu with suitable recipes. On the table, there must be an assortment of sweets and all kinds of healthy goodies that will not be difficult for children - mini-formats, tartlets, skewers, canapes are desirable;
  4. Prepare small gifts for the little guests. These can be toys in the general theme of the holiday, sweet presents, etc. It’s good if children can use them immediately during the celebration, and then take them with them - magic wands, pipes, bandages or jewelry, etc. You can put them on plates.

The main thing is to start preparing for the children's holiday as early as possible so that there is time to check the selected recipes, use or make decor with your own hands and search for everything you need. At the same time, it must be remembered that the children's table is not a place for spicy, fatty, overly salty and smoked dishes, plus it is important to find out from the parents of the little guests in advance if they are allergic to any products, and exclude them from the menu.

There is no need to come up with too sophisticated dishes, because children may refuse them - they are happy to eat only well-known, traditional food. And in no case should you try to force one of the children to eat, because such adult behavior can lead to a tantrum that will ruin the whole holiday.

Table decoration for children's birthday

Decorating a children's table for holiday gatherings has its own requirements:

  1. Excerpt of the general color range. Regardless of whether a certain theme is chosen for the holiday (cartoons, professions, hobbies, etc.) or a neutral design is chosen in the form of stars, hearts, polka dots, etc., it is important that the entire table setting matches 2-3 primary colors or shades of choice;
  2. Decorating the space around and above the table. These can be “Happy Birthday!” garlands, paper decorations, a background made of paper or fabric, figurines, flowers, etc .;
  3. Choosing the right utensils You will definitely need plates, cutlery, glasses, shelves for sweets and fruits, a cake stand, vases for sweets, and trays and more dishes may also come in handy. But for reasons of convenience and safety, it is better to choose paper or plastic dishes that can be made in the colors of the holiday. No - universal white will do;
  4. Making a festive tablecloth. It should also fit into the color scheme, so you should not buy a tablecloth separately for one holiday. It can even be a disposable oilcloth, if it suits the theme, but even the simplest white tablecloth can be easily decorated with frills or a garland (using a stapler), or painted with watercolors, adding inscriptions and drawings;
  5. Making decor for the festive table. We are talking about themed napkins, vases, underplates, decorations for straws, cutlery, cakes and desserts, candlesticks, etc. - all this can be done from improvised materials;
  6. Chair decoration. Chairs are an important attribute of the festive table, for which they need to be draped, tied with bows, decorated with balls, or hang name plates and other attributes on them that correspond to the theme.

Children's birthday table: menu planning and recipes

Children's birthday is a celebration of the stomach (including for parents), its menu must be composed of simple but very tasty dishes.

Nuggets, french fries, baked potatoes with stuffing, macaroni and cheese, salads in tartlets, etc., have the greatest chances of being eaten, and not complex meat or vegetable dishes.

The children's table can even consist entirely of snacks - small sandwiches, mini-burgers, pies, spring rolls, etc. As an option - a sweet table of donuts, muffins, cookies, cakes, macaroons, lollipops, marshmallows, marmalade, sweets and , of course, a cake with candles.

Sweets can be supplemented with fruits, berries, nuts and yogurts (including frozen ones). Naturally, we need more juices or soda.

Healthy nuggets

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 0.25 l of heavy cream (above 20%);
  • 70 gr. breadcrumbs and sesame;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking time: 30 minutes plus 4 hours for marinating.

Calorie content: about 70 kcal / 100 gr.

First you need to marinate the chicken fillet, cut into small pieces in cream with salt and pepper for 4 hours in the refrigerator. Then roll each piece of meat in breadcrumbs with sesame seeds and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. You can serve with any sauce - cheese, sweet and sour, homemade mayonnaise, vegetable sauce, etc.

American macaroni and cheese

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 gr. pasta horns;
  • 100 gr. smoked bacon;
  • 100 gr. hard cheese (preferably cheddar);
  • 100 gr. mozzarella (in extreme cases, you can replace it with suluguni);
  • 200 gr. frozen green peas;
  • 400 ml cream 20%;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of grated nutmeg;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calorie content: about 330 kcal / 100 gr.

You need to start by boiling the pasta and preparing the sauce in parallel, which requires melting the butter, pouring flour into it, quickly mixing until smooth and pouring cream. Boil until thickened, season with nutmeg and salt.

Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry in a dry frying pan (a lot of fat will be rendered), grate the cheese. Mix together cooked pasta, bacon, peas, cheese and put the mass in a baking dish. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees until crispy.

Children's birthday buffet: menu planning and recipes

If it is clear that the birthday boy and his guests are active children, and it will be difficult for them to sit still at the festively set table, it is appropriate to dwell on the buffet option, in which many portioned snacks such as canapes will be placed on a separate table. Usually, such a table setting delights children, and they eat everything with appetite.

Canape with sausage and tomatoes

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 baguette (preferably grain);
  • 200 gr. boiled sausage;
  • a bunch of cherry tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. processed spreadable cheese;
  • lettuce leaves.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: about 210 kcal / 100 gr.

For squeezing small circles, a glass with thick walls, a baking dish, or even half a container from a kinder surprise is suitable. And you need to squeeze them out of the baguette and sausage cut into thin slices, although the sausage can be cut into very thin pieces and simply fold them four times.

Each of the slices of bread should be smeared with melted cheese, covered with a small piece of lettuce and put on a skewer. On the same skewer, put another piece of sausage and cherry tomato (you can use half). Ready!

Meat balls

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of mixed minced meat;
  • 1 pack of puff pastry;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: about 250 kcal / 100 gr.

You need to salt the minced meat and roll small meatballs out of it, and defrost the puff pastry and cut into thin strips according to the number of the resulting meatballs - they need to be wrapped with them. Put the resulting balls on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees - until crusty.

This is the simplest and most versatile recipe - you can put any salad that your child likes into tartlets, including traditional Russian salad and crab. The tartlets themselves can either be bought at any store or made from puff pastry or shortcrust pastry in muffin tins. As a result, the children's buffet table will be very supported.

Sweet table for a children's birthday: menu planning and recipes

It's no secret that desserts are the most anticipated dish for both little birthday people and guests, and (even if secretly) for their parents. A sweet table can support the main meal or be an independent holiday menu, but the scope for serving it is truly limitless. And you can't go wrong with it.

Curd-pineapple dessert

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 kg of sour cream;
  • 1 can of canned pineapples;
  • 0.5 l of pineapple juice;
  • 0.5 cans of condensed milk;
  • 25 gr. gelatin;
  • vanilla sachet.

Preparation time: 15 minutes plus chilling and soaking time.

Calorie content: about 150 kcal / 100 gr.

Initially, you need to soak the gelatin in pineapple juice for an hour, and then dissolve it over low heat, without bringing the liquid to a boil. Next, the preparation is elementary - all the ingredients, except for pineapples, need to be beaten with a blender and combined with pineapple slices and a cooled gelatin mixture. Pour the mass into a mold or molds and let it harden.

Buckwheat sweets "A la truffles"

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 gr. buckwheat flour (you can make it yourself in a coffee grinder);
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 5 st. spoons of prune puree;
  • 5 pieces. whole prunes;
  • 5 st. spoons of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling.

Cooking time: half an hour.

Calorie content: about 300 kcal / 100 gr.

First you need to mix all the dry ingredients, and then mix them with prune puree and yogurt, as well as sunflower oil. Finely chop prunes.

From the finished dough, make small cakes, put a few pieces of prunes in them, close and form balls that need to be laid out on a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. When cool, they will need to be dipped in honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg "Anniversary" cookies;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 100 gr. Sahara.

Cooking time: 20 minutes plus 6 hours to set.

Calorie content: about 420 kcal / 100 gr.

Biscuits need to be divided into two parts and crushed in a blender, and the second broken into pieces by hand. Melt the butter with milk, add cocoa powder and sugar, then bring the mixture to a boil.

Pour the ground cookies, remove from heat and knead the resulting mass well, adding the remaining pieces of cookies to it as a result, and put it on cling film or parchment paper, forming it in the shape of a sausage. It remains to send the dessert to the refrigerator for several hours and cut into slices before serving.

How to decorate a children's table for a birthday: ideas, photos

Some of the most relevant topics in the decor of a children's holiday today are "Princesses" and "Cold Heart" for girls, "Pirates" and "Minions" for boys.

You can create a fabulous atmosphere of a Disney holiday for a little princess with the help of bright and lush decorations - clusters of balloons, pink bows and ribbons, banners with inscriptions, draperies of chairs, tables and lampshades, paper garlands. In this case, more flowers in the design are desirable - both living and artificial, and even in pots, as well as cardboard models of castles and towers or posters with their drawings.

The Frozen cartoon won the hearts of all girls, so a holiday in this style will surely make them the happiest in the world. Here, blue and white colors come to the fore, as well as any imitations of snow and ice.

Snowdrifts made of synthetic winterizer or other material, cardboard figures painted with glitter paint or covered with shiny glue paper, snowflakes made from Christmas decorations, cookies of the same shape, cupcakes with blue cream and sprinkled with silver confectionery sprinkles ... And balls.

You can arrange a pirate party for a little birthday boy with bandanas, vests and pirate hats, which are sold in many children's stores. There you can also find toy daggers and treasure chests. Bananas, chocolate coins, appetizers with seafood and caviar (you can imitate it) are obligatory in the treat.

"Minions" are adored by all children, so the design of a children's birthday in this style is suitable not only for boys, but also for mixed holidays. It is advisable to find hats or minion masks for all guests, but you can simply print their images from the Internet and hang them on the walls.

You can write wish cards in the warped language of minions and distribute them to children, learn a funny dance with them. Bananas are also obligatory in treats, as well as all kinds of images of these creatures.

And a few more ideas for dishes for a children's birthday - in the next video.

In the first year of a baby's life, we are so happy about their miraculous appearance that we are ready to celebrate anniversaries every month, although we are constrained in the variety of food. The older the child, the wider the culinary horizons for the birthday menu, which is clearly felt already at the kindergarten age of children from 3 to 5 years old. To feed the little guests and at the same time to captivate, cheer, interest and play is a truly creative task of increased complexity!

Today, in our review article, we will offer a simple, almost buffet-style scenario for a children's birthday menu at home for kids under 5 years old.

By about 2-2.5 years old, a child develops a stable ability to play next to other children. Take toys from them or give them your own, push them on the slides, take the handle, helping them to get up, imitate their peers and rejoice at the still unknown dexterity of older children.

All this leads to the fact that even a 3-year-old child can have friends. In the future, such progress in socialization should be supported as much as possible. To do this, we begin to communicate more closely with other parents and include the baby in the traditions of adult life, the most pleasant of which is the celebration of a birthday.

For children from 3 to 5 years old, a birthday trip and their own holiday can be remembered for a lifetime! Isn't that the biggest incentive to make something special for the gala menu?

However, let's not forget about the features of children under 5 years old.

Make portioned animals out of your child's favorite salad and serve a hedgehog pair of "patty + salad" on a separate plate for each guest.

Another option is a fish cutlet. It can be not only a meat product, but also a potato, the ingredients for which are always at hand even in winter:

Main course: sausage figurines

Even in the diet of athletes and people who need a strict diet, there is a place for non-diet products. Acceptable proportion: 80% healthy food and 20% food that is heavy, high-calorie, or of questionable composition due to purchase in the store.

For a birthday, sausages can be included in the children's menu, even if we do not serve them daily. We choose a solid brand, using reviews from the Internet or television investigations under the auspices of the State Standard.

Sausage blanks can be made 3-4 hours before the holiday and stored in the refrigerator. Boil and serve on plates - before serving.

What miracles can be built from sausages?

Turtle, using the usual minced meat, cheese and baking:

Pay attention to submission. It is easy to replace the traditional lettuce leaf substrate with Beijing cabbage, which is sold all year round in any supermarket:

And it can also be an elegant caterpillar:

If serving without a side dish seems poor to you, complete the caterpillar with a slide of mashed potatoes, garnishing with slices of boiled carrots and any green canned vegetables - peppers, zucchini, cucumber, green peas.

Finally, look at a simple heart. Such sausages can be made 3-4 pieces for each guest and placed on any familiar side dish:

Desserts and their recipes

We decided to highlight the sweet table for a birthday in a separate article. For children from 3 to 5 years old, a sweet table is just the format that any mother, even the busiest, can master at home.

Selecting among the many recipes, we settled on sweets made from natural ingredients, and tried to give recommendations from what age each dessert can be offered for a birthday.

Serving familiar dishes in an unusual serving is a special charm of a children's holiday. A capricious audience, where “little girls” and shy guys meet, often reacts poorly to unfamiliar tastes. However, children aged 3 to 5 already know the usual recipes of our cuisine - cereals, mashed potatoes, meatballs, potato pancakes, cheesecakes, sausages, sausage and cheese.

If the taste does not scare away, and the names are known, then the parents who came to the holiday will have to find out how you created all this charm from the everyday menu! Get ready to talk about the intricacies of cooking and the amount of time spent.

When your holiday is over, its successful celebration can continue in a creative aftertaste. The birthday menu for children aged 3 to 5 is a great source of inspiration! In one article it is impossible to cover all the richness of the design of salads, meatballs, sausages or desserts on a stick. Therefore, look for new options in order to accumulate another batch of interesting recipes for the next holiday!

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