All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in art.

Title of the work

What country or culture do they belong to?

The time of their creation

Their current location

Maximum score: 28 points

Task 2

Consider a reproduction.

  • If you recognize the work, write its title, author and time of creation.
  • Write at least 15 definitions or phrases containing them that will be needed to describe the presented image.
  • name three famous works the same author.

Maximum score: 37 points

Task 3

Get acquainted with the signs of a work of art given in the text.

  1. Identify the piece that the text is talking about.
  2. Highlight the features of the image in the text that help you find the answer.
  3. Specify the type of art to which it belongs.
  4. To the culture of what people, what country does the work belong to?
  5. Specify the time it was created.
  6. Specify its location.

You can work in a spreadsheet or give a text answer

The theme for the work was a well-known gospel parable. The meeting of father and son takes place, as it were, at the junction of two spaces: a porch is guessed in the distance and behind it a cozy father's house. The characters imply and invisibly present the boundless space of the roads traveled by the son, the alien and hostile world to him. The figures of father and son make up a closed group, under the influence of the feeling that gripped them, they seemed to have merged together. Rising above the kneeling son, the father touches him with soft movements of the hands. His face, hands, posture - everything speaks of peace and happiness found after years painful waiting. A mysterious light gently envelops the figure of a blind father who stepped out of the darkness towards his son. The people around seemed to freeze in anticipation of words about forgiveness, but there are no words ...

Maximum score - 23 points

Task 4

Take a look at the content of the table. Listen to 5 fragments of musical works (each will sound 2 times, No. 1 will sound three times).

  1. Determine the genre of each of them.
  2. Fill in the table, indicating the number of the sounding fragment. If you know the author and/or title of the work, please indicate it.
  3. Define the genre and give an example of a work (author, title) in the remaining line.
  4. Write 15 definitions and/or figurative characteristics to musical fragment No. 1. Underline the definitions that indicate it genre affiliation fragment.

Musical genre

Music fragment number







  1. Answer (15 definitions): ____________________________________________________________


Maximum score - 48 points

Task 5

Determine art canvas by fragments.

  1. Write the title of the work and the name of its author.
  1. Describe the plot and overall composition work.
  1. What part of the composition does the presented fragment occupy?
  1. Name significant memorable details and their functions.
  1. Determine the general mood of the work.
  1. Specify the time of creation of the canvas and character traits art of this time.
  1. List three notable works the same artist.
  1. Name the genre and list three works of the same genre.

The maximum is 42 points.

Task 6

10 concepts and 9 definitions are given. Match the concepts with their definitions. Insert the appropriate numbers into the table. Define the rest of the concept.

1 - Rococo. 2 - Architecture. 3 - Futurism. 4 - Performance. 5 - High relief. 6 - Amphitheater. 7 - Bylina. 8 - Watercolor. 9 - Altar. 10 - Barcarolle.

A - Altar, originally - a place for sacrifices in the open air. AT Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome - separate structures, decorated with marble and reliefs. In Christian churches - a table ("throne"), on which the sacred sacrament was performed.

B - A kind of convex relief, in which the image protrudes above the background plane by more than half the volume. Some elements can be completely separated from the plane.

B - Style direction in European art 1 floor 18th century Characterized by hedonistic moods, withdrawal into the world of illusory and idyllic theatrical play, addiction to idyllic-pastoral plots. In the field of architecture, it affected the nature of the decor, which acquired emphatically elegant, sophisticated and sophisticated forms.

G - Form contemporary art, in which the work consists of the actions of the artist or group in a certain place and in certain time, any situation involving four base element: time, place, the body of the artist and the relationship between the artist and the viewer.

D - The type of song common in Venice, as well as the name of vocal and instrumental pieces contemplative melodious character with a smooth, swaying accompaniment.

E - The work of the Russian folk epic, a story about old days about exploits folk heroes. It has the character of a leisurely smooth recitative, similar to melodious speech; sometimes accompanied by playing the harp and other musical instruments.

G - Ancient Roman monumental building for spectacles (gladiator fights, baiting of wild animals, theatrical performances), ellipsoidal in terms of structures without a roof, with an arena in the middle, surrounded by seats for spectators with rising ledges.

Z - literary and artistic direction in the art of the beginning. XX century in Italy and Russia, implies a cult of the future and discrimination of the past along with the present.

AND - Painting technique, which uses special paints that form a transparent suspension of a fine pigment when dissolved in water, and thereby creating the effect of lightness, airiness and subtle color transitions.


The maximum score is 20 points.

Task 7

Here are 10 architectural works.

1. Arrange them in chronological order. Write the name of the work, if possible - its location, author, style or era, time of creation.

2. Suggest the principles of classification (no more than 5), explain the principle of grouping. Record your answers in tables.


The maximum is 78 points.

Task 8

This task is completed at home and submitted for verification the next day after writing the classroom part of the Olympiad.

Present in the form of a presentation materials for a television program dedicated to the influence of the culture of Ancient Greece on Russian culture in a historical perspective. (The program is dedicated to the cross year of culture of Russia and Greece).In each slide, place images and your own text (no more than five sentences). Do not forget to link to the resources and sites used.

Job Evaluation Criteria:

1. The participant accurately fulfills the proposed technical task(image and 5 sentences). 2 points for each well-composed slide. 10 points .

2. The presentation contains references to memorial places, museums and collections that house the work. 2 points for each meaningful naming. No more 10 points .

3. The presentation presents a dialogue of cultures, the connection between Russian culture and Ancient Greece is considered. 4 points for each correlation. No more 20 points.

4. The presentation focuses on the analysis of works. By 2 points for each comment related to the analysis. No more 10 points.

5. The participant finds interesting, rare illustrations and facts. By 4 points for each interesting and rare fact and illustration. No more 12 points.

Maximum score: 50 points.

Total for 8 tasks maximum - 324 points


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1 ANSWERS TO THE TASKS OF THE MUNICIPAL STAGE OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN ART (WORLD ART CULTURE) IN THE 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR Grade 11 Task 1.1. Variant of answer Word-symbols Definitions Bach.1. Rubens.2. Bernini.3. Column.4. Johann Sebastian Bach - German composer, a representative of the Baroque era, a virtuoso organist, music teacher. Peter Paul Rubens - the largest Flemish painter, who embodied in his x mobility, unrestrained vitality and sensuality European painting the baroque era. Painting "Union of Earth and Water". Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini italian architect and sculptor. He was a prominent architect and leading sculptor of his time, considered the creator of the Baroque style in sculpture. Sculpture of Apollo and Daphne. pole, often cylindrical shape, usually wood, stone or metal. AT classical architecture supports the entablature (or arches). Sophocles.5. Sophocles is an outstanding ancient Greek playwright, author of tragedies, one of the three (Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles) famous writers of the ancient era. Colosseum.6. Cultural and historical epochs An example of art, an explanation of the choice of the Flavian amphitheater - an architectural monument ancient rome, the most famous and one of the most grandiose structures that have survived to our time. Baroque and Antiquity Peter Paul Rubens Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1610 bible story. Response Evaluation Criteria

2 1. The participant deciphers 6 words-concepts. 2 points for each decryption. 12 points. 2. The participant correctly matches the 6 deciphered concepts with the images. 2 points for each decryption. 12 points. 3. The participant gives 6 definitions to the deciphered concepts. 2 points for each definition. 12 points. 4. The participant, rightly, defines the cultural and historical eras. 4 points each. 8 points. 5. Participant gives an example cultural heritage a certain era. 2 points. Explain your choice 2 points. 4 points. 6. For a competent presentation of the answer. 2 points. (For each grammatical error, 1 point is deducted, for a spelling error, 2 points are deducted). The maximum score for the task points. Task 1.2. Answer option 1. Name Demon sitting 2. Author Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel 3. Country Russia 4. The era of the XIX century 5. Style Symbolism 6. Known by this author 7. Free text "Lilac", "Demon defeated", "The Swan Princess", etc. Evaluation criteria: Description of the criterion Points p/n 1 The participant determines the title from the proposed text 5 points 2 The participant correctly names the author 5 points 3 The participant correctly names the country 5 points 4 Correctly names the era to which the work belongs 5 ​​points Correctly names the style in which the work is done 5 points sculpture 5 Lists several works of the same author, 2 for each title, but not more than 10 points 6 Composes a text characterizing the proposed

3rd work: names characteristic features, gives its stylistic definitions Total Maximum number of points 15 points 50 points Maximum mark for two tasks of the first type 100 points. Task 2.1. Answer option: Author and title: Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Above eternal rest» Means of painting Means of poetry The space open in breadth and upwards is presented in the form of generalized planes of water and sky, painted in the same color tone, which enhances the monumental sound of the picture. Leaden clouds hung over the steep bank. On a small cliff there is a church, nearby a forgotten cemetery, a churchyard, last resort dull still water. Fragile trees bend under strong wind, a thin, intermittent path leading to the church, a symbol of oblivion, abandonment. The element surrounding the cliff breathes power. In the distance you can see a deserted island, which is rapidly “floating away” from the cliff. The small dome of the church is strictly directed upwards, and its color, merging with the metallic tones of the sky, creates a feeling of firmness and strength, etc. Used in the work artistic means, inherent in the "Aesopian language": allegories ("in the form of a slave the king of heaven"), paraphrases ("king of heaven", "cross burden"), metaphors and epithets ("edge of long-suffering", "foreign gaze", "humble nakedness") etc. Emotional Dominants painting work The poetic Theme of mysterious incomprehensibility Love for one's Motherland, the simple world resounds in the landscape solemnly to the Russian people. and harsh (helplessness, fragility and defenselessness). A man with his fate in front of an immense universe. Response Evaluation Criteria

4 1 The participant determines the name and author of the art. 2 points for each definition 4 points 2 The participant names 6 means of painting in conveying an emotional atmosphere. 2 points for each name 12 points 3 The participant names 6 means of poetry in conveying an emotional atmosphere. 2 points for each name 12 points 4 Participant, analyzing painting, notes 4 significant details. 2 points for each name 8 points 5 The participant, analyzing the poetic work, notes 4 significant details. 2 points for each name 8 points Bonus points can be awarded for literacy, consistency, completeness of the answer. Total for task 2.1. you can earn up to 2 bonus points. The maximum number of points 46 points Task 2.2. Variant of answer: 1. Genre Portrait 2. Types (types) of the genre Ceremonial portrait, self-portrait, historical portrait, everyday portrait, group portrait, etc. 3. Author Ilya Efimovich Repin 4. Features and characteristics of the genre 5. Time of creation Late XIX century, 1884 6. Others by this author (no more than 5) This independent genre painting, the basis of which is the image of one person or group of people. The artist strives to convey characteristics appearance of the model, emotional state, inner world portrayed. Portraits are living faces captured by means of painting, and at the same time their ideological and artistic interpretation by the artist. "Barge haulers on the Volga", "Cossacks write a letter Turkish sultan”, “Portrait of the composer M.P. Mussorgsky" and others.

5 7. The portrait depicts the artist's daughter. The composition of the canvas is extremely simple. We see a girl who is cheerfully shaking her legs, sitting on a high crossbar of a picket fence. It really resembles a dragonfly that sits on a flower and waves its transparent wings. The pose of the girl is natural and free, full of liveliness and enthusiasm. A hat, amusingly fastened with a ribbon under the chin, a serious-perky look of dark eyes, sunbeams on the face and neck, all these details add immediacy to the look, take us into the world of children's games and dreams. All the space on the canvas is the air itself, and the girl’s colorful, in light folds, dress is as if saturated with the sun. Behind the child is a clear summer sky, slightly covered with white clouds. At the bottom of the canvas, the dried grass blades of the meadow are slightly marked with a thin brush. The canvas is quite active on color solution, but the shades of color are pastel, delicate. The writing technique, the interpretation of the image and the sense of the momentary nature of what is happening here are very reminiscent of impressionistic ones. The author managed to create an image in which there is a lot of warmth, tenderness and love. Evaluation criteria: Description of the criterion Scoring points 1. The participant correctly names the genre 2 points 2. The participant correctly names the types of this genre, 1 point for each correct naming - up to 6 points. 2. The participant correctly names the author 4 points 3. The participant correctly names the characteristic features of the genre by 1 point, but not more than 10 points. 4. The participant correctly names the time 2 points of creation 5. The participant correctly names other works of this author 6. The participant correctly describes compositional, expressive and emotional features 1 point for each correct naming up to 10 points 1 point for each characteristic up to 10 points 7. Logical, detailed, competent answer 2 points Total Maximum number of points 46 points Maximum score for two tasks of the second type 92 points. Task 3. Answer option: Repeated or synonymous definitions are NOT additionally assessed.

6 1. Name of the movement Dance of the Little Swans 2. Name of the whole Ballet « Swan Lake» 3. Name of the author P. I. Tchaikovsky 4. Emotional and sensual dominants dark melody the dance of little swans yearning for Odette. But at the same time with a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of lightness is also created. This is felt in light, fluttering music. Anxious and trembling music persistently reminds of the bitter fate of girls suffering under the power of the sorceress. With great force, the sadness of the fading autumn Russian nature, the motives of the bitter maiden lot, the exciting expectation of getting rid of evil spells. The plot of the ballet "Swan Lake" is based on a simple German fairy tale about the swan girl. This tale was turned by the composer into an exciting poem about true love triumphing over evil and deceit. The ballet shows two worlds, real and fantastic, between which, however, there is no insurmountable line. 5. Expressive means Melody Tonality Tempo Time signature Harmony Dynamics 6. Other authors Ballet The Nutcracker Ballet The Sleeping Beauty Cycle The Seasons Opera Eugene Onegin Opera « Queen of Spades» « children's album» 7. Distinctive features of the composer's work Sample answer: In case of acute tragedy of attitude the most important feature Tchaikovsky is a harmonious, optimistic perception of life. The aesthetics of Tchaikovsky can be expressed in the words of Chernyshevsky "the beautiful is life." The truthful disclosure of emotional experiences is the essence of his music. Also Tchaikovsky deeply national composer. In x, he shows the life of Russian society, its way of life; gives pictures of Russian nature. Music intonationally close to Russian folk song. Evaluation criteria: 1. The participant correctly names the work 2 points. 2. The participant gives the name of the whole 2 points. 3. The participant correctly names the composer 2 points. 4. The participant correctly describes the emotional-sensual dominants, 1 point for each correct naming, but not more than 10 points.

7 5. The participant correctly names the means musical expressiveness used in this work by 2 points, but not more than 20 points. 6. The participant correctly names other P. I. Tchaikovsky by 1 point, but not more than 10 points. 7. Participant correctly calls distinctive features creativity of Tchaikovsky by 1 point, but not more than 10 points. Bonus points in this task are awarded for literacy, consistency, completeness of the material presented. In total, you can get up to 4 bonus points for the task. The maximum score for task 3 is 60 points. Task 4.1. Answer option: Name of the author Alexandre Dumas (father) of literary works Country where the writer worked France Epoch Romanticism Titles of works Numbers of film adaptations The Count of Monte Cristo 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Three Musketeers 1, 5, 8, 9 Countries where they were the presented film adaptations were created. Others of this writer Distinctive features of this writer's work France Russia (USSR) USA "Queen Margot" "Countess de Monsoro" Captivating plot, clear and harmonious composition, lively dialogues. At the same time, the work of Dumas is characterized by melodramatism. Elements of melodrama remain in most of his novels: fatal secrets, affectation of feelings and emotional richness of the characters' speech, dangers that lie in wait for the characters at every turn. Special regard for historical context: if at the beginning of his work he was interested in the era, then in the mature period in all eras he is looking for bright personality. The heroes of Dumas are active, they exude energy, optimism, an excess of strength, and festivity. They regard every moment of their lives as unique and live with such fullness and dedication that they cannot but captivate the reader. 1. The participant correctly calls the name of the author of literary works 3 points.

8 2. Correctly identifies the country 3 points. 3. Correctly names the era to which the writer's work belongs 3 points. 4. Correctly determines the titles of works, screen versions of which are presented in the task. 1 point for each correct definition 2 points. 5. The participant correctly correlates the title and numbers of the film adaptations. 1 point for each correct match 9 points. 6. Names the countries where the film adaptations given in the task were created. 2 points for each correct naming 6 points. 7. Correctly names others A. Dumas-father. 1 point for each name, but not more than 5 points. 8. The participant correctly identifies the distinctive features (author's style) of the writer. 2 points for each correctly named feature, but not more than 20 points. Bonus points are awarded for literacy, completeness of the material presented, for example, for an answer containing the clarification "father" in the writer's name. Total for task 4.1. you can earn up to 4 bonus points. Maximum grade for the task 4.1. is 55 points. Task 4.2. Evaluation criteria: 1. The participant proposes exhibits or groups of exhibits for the project related to the history of the Moscow Kremlin. 1 point for each position, but not more than 15 points. 2. The participant reveals the key provisions of the project concept, indicates the goal, defines the main idea, predicts the results. 2 points for each position of the concept, but not more than 20 points. 3. The participant gives the correct names of architectural objects, sculptures, etc. 1 point for each name, but not more than 15 points. 4. The participant gives the name of the project. Points are awarded according to the following scheme: 3 points for a nominative name. For a title that reveals the concept 5 points. For a metaphorical or poetic title 7 points. If, in addition to the metaphorical title, the participant adds a subtitle or epigraph, this should be considered as a justified extension of the question and an additional 3 points. Thus, the maximum score for this task is 10 points. 5. The participant proposes the form of the project, explains and justifies his choice. 1 point for each argument, but no more than 10 points. Duplicate or synonymous definitions are not additionally evaluated.

9 6. The participant proposes the central exhibit of the exhibition, logically substantiating his choice. 1 point for each justification, but not more than 5 points. 7. The participant offers adequate means of interactivity. 1 point for each remedy, but not more than 5 points. The maximum score for the task is 80 points. The maximum score for the two tasks of the fourth type is 135 points. The maximum total score of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is 387 points.





These lines are dedicated to the ballet "Swan Lake" by P.I. Tchaikovsky. This is indicated by the ballerinas named in the text, the accompaniment of the performance to music, the main characters of the ballet white swan

Tasks of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in art (MHC) 2017-2018 academic year Grade 7-8 Task completion time: 180 minutes (3 hours) Maximum points: 273 points

Tasks of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Art (MHK) 2016-2017 academic year Grades 7-8 Time to complete tasks: 240 minutes (4 hours) Maximum number of points: 284 Tasks

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Code Texts of assignments for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in search of art (WORLD ART CULTURE)

For the participant All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren World Artistic Culture Municipal stage Grades 7-8 Total time to complete the work is 3 hours. Read the assignments carefully. completing tasks,

Code Texts of assignments for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in ART (WORLD ART CULTURE)

The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Art (MHK) 2017-2018 Assignments Grade 9 Time to complete assignments: 4 hours (240 minutes) Maximum points: 400 Be careful and accurate.


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Task 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN ART (MHK) 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR. SCHOOL STAGE IN MOSCOW GRADE 10 Tasks of the first (classroom) round Name the author and the work in the presented

Art world literary work Frame text. Character and means of its creation. Plot. Space and time. Composition Basic Concepts Theoretical poetics the science of forms, types, means

Tasks of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Art (MHK) 2017-2018 academic year Grade 9 Time for completing tasks: 240 minutes (4 hours) Maximum number of points: 274 points

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Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in art (world artistic culture) 2017-2018 academic year. A set of tasks for students in grades 10-11 Code Number of tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General

Explanatory note - Adapted educational program of the main general education for fine arts (for children with disabilities) was compiled in accordance with the author's program B.M. Nemensky, "Fine

I QUARTER EXPLANATORY NOTE Calendar and thematic planning for the subject Art Grade 8 is compiled in the amount of an hour a week, 34 hours a year in accordance with curriculum schools. Program:, authors

Annotation to the work programs for fine arts for grades 5-7 Level of education: basic general education Normative methodological sciences Russian Federation December 17, 2010 1897)

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All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in art (MHK) 2016 2017 academic year Municipal stage Grade 11 Completion time 240 minutes The tasks are compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the central subject methodological

Explanatory note Working programm compiled in accordance with the regulatory documents: 1. The federal component of state educational standards for elementary general, basic general and secondary

February 3, 2016 REGIONAL STAGE OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN ART OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN (WORLD ART CULTURE) 2015/2016 ACADEMIC YEAR A set of tasks for students of grade 10 (Option 1) Tasks are being completed

Annotation to the work program for fine arts grade 7 The real program in Fine Arts for grade 7 was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for basic general education.

2016 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in art (world art culture) Municipal stage Grade 9. Task number Points 1. 18 2. 14 3. 20 4. 18 5. 35 6. 16 7. 12 Total score 133 Tasks

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education"SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRIAL

January 22, 2015 Texts of assignments for the regional stage of the Olympiad in ART (WORLD ART CULTURE)

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ALL-RUSSIAN ART OLYMPIAD (MHC) REGIONAL STAGE 7 CLASSES November 24, 2016 TASK 1 TASK 1 famous fairy tales

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Grade 9 1. Before you are 5 concepts, in the name of which the letters are confused. Each word corresponds to one of the images. Unscramble the written words. Enter them in the table along with the number of the corresponding

Municipal Autonomous educational institution Kaliningrad city average comprehensive school 12 Considered at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense of teachers of fine arts, music, technology MAOU SOSH 12 Protocol 5 of 25.05.16.


Requirements for the level of preparation of students As a result of studying fine art, a 7th grade student by the end of the school year should know:

1. Explanatory note The program is aimed at achieving by students the personal, meta-subject and subject learning outcomes set out in the Federal State Educational Standard. The content corresponds to the goals of basic general education

Explanatory note The work program was compiled on the basis of: - The federal component of the state standard of general education in the subject of "fine arts" (approved by order of the Ministry of Education

Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of the program of B.M. Nemensky "Fine Arts" grades 5-7 for educational institutions and is designed for 35 teaching hours per year.

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN ART (MHK) 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR. SCHOOL STAGE IN MOSCOW GRADE 11 Tasks of the first (classroom) round Task 1 Name the author and the work in the presented


Municipal stage of the GOSh in Art (MHK) 2016-2017 Grade 10 Task completion time: 3 hours (180 minutes) Maximum points: 453 Be careful and accurate. Good luck! Exercise 1

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in art (MHK) 2016 2017 academic year Municipal stage Grade 9 Completion time 240 minutes The tasks are compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the central subject methodological

"Reviewed" "Agreed" "I approve" Head of the Ministry of Defense Deputy. Director for WRM Director of the school E.F. Poletaeva R.A. Sukhov Protocol Order from from MUNICIPAL BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY

Pavlova Natalya Aleksandrovna music teacher State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 806" Moscow INTER-SUBJECT RELATIONS IN MUSIC LESSONS Introduction

I Introduction This work program in fine arts for grades 8-A 8-B of the basic school is based on the Federal State Standard for Basic General Education (basic

EXPLANATORY NOTE Grade 7 The work program in fine arts is based on the exemplary and author's program of B.M. Nemensky, Fine Arts. 7 cells M.: Education, 2011.

2 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE 3 The fine arts program for the 7th grade is based on: The federal component of the state educational standard for basic general education in fine arts;

Fine Arts program for grade 7 Teacher of the Omsk school "Gymnasium 9" of the first qualification category Drozhinina Snezhana Alekseevna Explanatory note to the detailed thematic plan for grade 7 Real

Annotation to the work program on Art (music) for grades 7c, 7g (FCES) The work program on Art (music) for grades 7c, 7g was developed on the basis of: 1. Educational program main general

Explanatory note The creation of this program is due to the relevance of integrating school education into modern culture and due to the need to introduce a teenager into the modern information,

January 22, 2015 Texts of the Olympiad tasks for the regional stage of the Olympiad in ART (WORLD ART CULTURE)

Annotation to the work program for Fine Arts Grade 6 This program in "Fine Arts" for Grade 6 was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for basic general education.

APPROVED by the order of the Municipal Educational Institution "OOSH 2" of Kotovsk dated 30.08.2009 M.P. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED by the methodological council of the municipal educational institution "Basic comprehensive school 2"

Annotation to the work program in music grade 5. The 5th grade music program was developed in accordance with the Federal component of the state standard for basic general education. It includes

Final test in fine arts for grade 1 F.I. student MAIN PART 1 Look at the reproductions located on the board. Determine what types of plastic arts they belong to.

WORKING PROGRAM OF THE COURSE OF COURSE ACTIVITIES "ART" I. RESULTS OF MASTERING THE COURSE OF COURSE ACTIVITIES "ART" Meta-subject results: the formation of key competencies in the process of dialogue

Fine arts (grade 6) Number of hours per week 1 hour Number of hours per year 35 hours Explanatory note The work program in fine arts for grade 6 is drawn up in accordance with

On December 08, 2017, the municipal stage took place All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in art (world art culture) and German language (oral part)


In the Olympiad art (world artistic culture) 479 students from grades 7 to 11 of general educational organizations of all municipalities Kaliningrad region, with the exception of the Nesterovsky district. The largest number participants of the Olympiad from Kaliningrad, Chernyakhovsky, Gusevsky, Pravdinsky, Soviet city districts.

Assignments in art are competence-oriented and built on an activity basis. Questions and tasks of the municipal stage correspond to more high level development of key (general cultural, educational and cognitive, communicative and informational, value-semantic) and special subject competencies than the tasks of the school stage. Questions and tasks are made for each age group.

Olympiad tasks in art (world artistic culture) developed by the subject-methodical commission headed by Dementiev Ilya Olegovich- candidate historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute humanities IKBFU Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.

On December 8, the Olympiad continued German. The peculiarity of the second day is the oral part of the Olympiad, in which 235 students of grades 9-11 took part.

The oral tour assumed group work of the participants of the municipal stage (3-4 people) with the subsequent presentation of its result on a specific topic in the form of a talk show, role-playing game, discussion, theatrical performance etc. The group had 60 minutes to prepare a response. Talk show presentation - no more than 10-12 minutes. Group members could act in the roles suggested in the task or choose other roles for themselves, with the exception of the moderator role, which cannot be changed to another. The decision on the distribution of roles was made by all members of the group. All members of the group had to speak in approximately equal volume. Both individual and group results were assessed. Recall that the tasks for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in German, including the oral part, were compiled in accordance with the requirements of the central subject-methodological commission, under the guidance of Lyudmila Mikhailovna Bondareva - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, professor at the Institute of Humanities of the IKBFU. I. Kant

Results in the above subjects will be posted on the website " School Olympiads Kaliningrad Region" (https://website) until December 15, 2017.

The next Olympiad will take place on December 15, 2017. And these will be intellectual competitions of the strongest schoolchildren of the region in mathematics.

AT this moment on the site "School Olympiads of the Kaliningrad Region" (https://website) you can see the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, as well as the overall rating of all participants in the Olympiad of the Kaliningrad Region.

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