Figurative characteristics of Pavel and Nikolai Kirsanov. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: character characteristics


"The image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov"

turgenev kirsanov novel work

Kazakov V.S. 10 "E"


I.S. Turgenev is one of the most respected and revered authors. His classic literary works are a living example of the relationship between people who lived in the nineteenth century, but the problems comprehensively described in his works are still relevant to this day. The works of I.S. Turgenev reflect not only the features inherent in the aristocracy, but also, with all the depth of the literary style, show the simple peasant population of our country in the nineteenth century. His deepest knowledge of the life of those times and the style of his contemporary speech show the multi-layeredness and trends of that society.

If we sharpen the issue of the peasants and their communication, then all this is easy to read from the series “Notes of a Hunter”. I.S. Turgenev’s passion for hunting gave us the opportunity to fully enjoy the atmosphere and depth of this way of fun. Reading the works of I.S. Turgenev, one gets an idea of ​​the long and hard work of the author before writing the work. It is impossible to describe events and life so accurately without prior preparation.

classical Russian literature always famous for the depth and complexity of the syllable, but at the same time did not put pressure on the reader. "Fathers and Sons", which will be discussed below, perfectly shows the many psychological and philosophical currents. Sometimes for better understanding you have to re-read such works more than once. And with each new reading, a clearer and clearer picture opens up.

I did not focus on the biography of the author, since his books are his biography and fully reflect the personality of I.S. Turgenev ...

I want to explain my choice. P.P.Kirsanov is for me the image of an educated person and, in his own way, unhappy. In the book, he is not given too much great place, but this is for me a stimulus to the disclosure of his personality. I do not want to consider him in the course of the work, but I want to consider this person from the point of view of psychology and philosophy. Therefore, I have a proposal to consider this as a task, like the tasks that are solved in the science of logistics. But I also do not want to seem dry and technical in my fabrications.


Any task begins with the material given for it. So given:

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - captain of the reserve, a man with beautiful appearance and lofty, aristocratic manners.

Here, after a more than modest characterization, a more complete characterization begins. Of the small one that fit in just three book pages biography, one can draw conclusions about this far from ordinary personality ...

So, this person is educated, collected and well aware of the laws and rules of secular society. From the book we learn that P.P. Kirsanov loved social events and socializing. In dealing with women, he felt comfortable and confident. No wonder he was known as a secular lion and a dandy. During his youth, he was a handsomely built, neatly dressed and aristocratic young officer. And you can’t blame him for the lack of female attention.

Speaking about his personal life, one cannot fail to say about his attitude to the family, which, of course, is also a big part of it. Although he was often at balls, but about the family, which in Moscow was represented by him younger brother He did not forget N.P. Kirsanov. And in general, it becomes clear from the book that for all his isolation and sometimes even excessively aristocracy, he could not but take care of his relatives. An example of this is the situation in which he lends money to his brother, and even in the fact that he did not stay in the city, but returned and settled with his brother. Although moving to the village cannot be considered only as a manifestation of fraternal feelings. He also shows his care at the moment when he visits Fenechka and his nephew. And this should not be regarded as a mere courtesy. In those days when the birth of a child out of wedlock was a departure from the law of God, for a person of his manners and upbringing, coming to her could be a sign of bad taste and any other person would hardly have dared to do this. Surely knowing that his brother Nikolai would come to his chosen one, Pavel deliberately waited for him. By this he showed his approval of Nicholas and thereby expressed his brotherly feelings.

All this shows him as a person who honors the dogmas of the family. For the society of that time, his act seemed at least impudent. But Paul showed that he could deviate from the laws of society for the good of his family.

But a more detailed analysis of his personality in the family can be left for later.

As you know, in the life of Paul there is a place for a long and unhappy love carried by him through his whole life. Perhaps he would have married, but one meeting did not give him such an opportunity throughout his life. Princess R, who became the subject of his adoration and with her enigmatic gaze forever left a seal on his heart. He liked to play with fate, in which he most likely did not believe. He could not believe in it, because Paul received everything he wanted from life and did not give it special significance. His infatuation, his love shows the internal contradictions in the characters and a dismissive attitude towards society. This neglect and contradictions are expressed in his actions. When he is a young and aspiring officer starts an affair with married woman, moreover, with a rather nasty reputation, it becomes clear that he belittles the whole way of life and his laws in comparison with blind feeling. He knew that he could overcome himself, but he began to fight. Of course, I have no right to consider the foundations and reasons for his love for her, but I can make out the makings of this feeling. So, you can consider her and him as two personalities and find the edges of contact. She is a secretive person, but with all this she is quite sociable. Her secrecy is expressed in behavior, because the style of her communication is quite clearly spelled out in the book - stupid, completely empty phrases, a frivolous attitude towards marriage, because she appeared at balls without her husband. Sociability is explained, of course, by the position in the family. No matter how stupid it may sound, but if you look at things sensibly, then her interest becomes clear. Yes, for the most part because of the profit, she attended secular evenings time after time. She and her husband had no children, and according to the laws of that time, the church could easily give permission for a divorce, which, of course, she did not want. Although she was a princess, I cannot think that she had sufficient capital. She's already used to beautiful life and had no desire to part with her. I want to clarify my opinion about the fact that she was not financially independent. The poverty of her kind is evident in her behavior of course. Firstly, for women of her position, she contradicted the image of a wealthy landowner. She behaved impudently and this was expressed in her ease of behavior. She calmly walked with a gentleman and did not miss a single dance. There was a slightly peasant and somewhat ignorant tone in this dedication. Usually it was the peasants who chose this model of behavior. And since this was the case, it means that she had the opportunity to absorb it in childhood, living in the poor estate of her parents. More specifically, the father. Her mother most likely died when the princess was young. Not guessed in her behavior female hand. Apparently, as a child, she did not hesitate to play with peasant children. Secondly, in those days, during the ball, women stepped aside for a while to communicate, this was a sign of good taste. Princess R, on the contrary, at that time communicated with young people, which represented her frivolously, which a respectable and well-educated princess could not allow. And as for the benefits, I will say openly, the princess wanted to get pregnant and maintain her position. You can talk about her character for a long time, but this will distract from the main character. I compared their personalities. Pavel was also quite withdrawn, since he was not at the balls all the time. He tried to come home at the same time every evening. The book does not say that he stayed overnight with friends, maybe only when he wins another heart. So almost every late evening, his thoughts remained hidden from the rest. Yes, and from the communication with the brother it is not clear that he would share something strongly. So he had some inner secrecy, which undoubtedly made him related to the princess. The second point of contact is the benefit mentioned above. Paul needed recognition and satisfaction own desires. This is also a connecting thread with the princess. There are many more examples of their connections, but I will focus on the main one. And the main thing here is the princess's passion for him, and his love for her. I am focusing on the princess's hobby, because I am firmly convinced that she still remained with her husband. It was possible to facilitate a divorce from him and quickly marry another, but at least for Paul. But something held her back. And rather, this was the reason for her tears, which she shed at night.

Let's get back to the main point. Pavel, completely confident in his abilities and in her love for him, seemed to be floating in the clouds. The quick parting served as a catalyst for him, it was a blow to pride. Paul could not accept this, and love still warmed his soul. He didn't get frightened and didn't stop when that warmth turned into hellish heat. She became a burning light, and he became a stupid moth. They say that on a par with the power of love, on the same level is the power of dreams. In Paul, both of these two feelings were in abundance. Both of these feelings fought with each other and did not notice how they destroyed the person in which they were. Life gave Pavel another month with her in Baden, but then he fully felt the pain of separation and the power of merciless desire. He experienced this separation, but still left a chance for himself. It seems I have moved on to retelling, but it was impossible not to say this.

After this story with the princess, Pavel withdrew into himself and felt weak. Something in him broke and the pieces fell into the abyss of his thoughts. The last straw was the news of her death. Destroyed, Paul lost the thread connecting him with old life. Then he already approached the image of his uncle, whom we saw upon Arkady's arrival at his parents' house. It may sound silly, but I believe that he carried this image in himself from the very beginning and somewhere inside he always prepared himself for the events and torments that had taken place. But the general's son could not afford to show feelings and despondency in front of society, although this society no longer meant anything to him. He was able to bring up in himself a strict, but liberal person. I think that self-improvement has become the main purpose of existence. This English style and deceitful stiffness became an integral part of Paul, as well as his deeply hidden pain.

Pavel Petrovich is one of the interesting characters in the work Fathers and Sons. He is tall, proud and proud, born into a noble family. In the work, his image is created as an example of an aristocrat of liberal views.

Due to the fact that he and Bazarov have different views on politics, they often argued. Pavel himself is a middle-aged man, always neatly and fashionably dressed, cultured and educated. He was interesting to women, but due to the fact that his love story ended tragically, he does not start new novels.

He had successful career, beloved woman in the face of the princess. But after her tragic death, Kirsanov left the service and went to live with his brother. At the same time, participation in public affairs Pavel Petrovich did not quit, he became a defender of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

His Political Views were aimed at ensuring that every person has the right to freedom of thought and speech. He offers all these innovations for the development of his country and increase its status, both in the world and among its citizens.

But of all the ideas and principles, Paul could not translate into reality anything. His favorite and most correct country, both politically and civilly, is England. But all his views and principles are his personal worldview.

And if we compare it with Bazarov, who denies all the principles and rules. This is an example of these very representatives of fathers and children, whom the author shows in his work. Pavel Petrovich is a representative of the generation of fathers, and Bazarov is a representative of the generation of children. They are completely different, but both exist, and will carry their ideals and foundations until the end of their days.

Thanks to his good upbringing and willpower, Pavel Petrovich was still able to survive the tragedy in which he died. future wife. And he decided to live for the sake of his states, to serve him and help his relatives in everything.

The hero is very self-sufficient, proud and freedom-loving, it is these character traits that help him endure all the failures in life and fight with opponents. In his youth, he served in the regiment, rose to the rank of officer. Soon he was supposed to become a captain, but because of the tragedy on personal front all his interests disappeared, and became uninteresting to him, he quit military service.

Before serving in the army, Kirsanov often attended social balls, conquered more than one girl, was constantly in the center social entertainment and conversations. After the death of the princess, he went to live abroad, but after living there for four years, he returned to his homeland.

By nature, Kirsanov is kind and fair man, but he could not bring all his principles and ideas to life. And after the death of his beloved, he never found simple human happiness.

Essay about Pavel Petrovich

AT this work Turgenev reflects on the conflict between the paternal generation and the adolescent generation. Revealing the images of the characters, he thus discusses this problem in the work. The image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov should be highlighted.

Pavel Petrovich is one of the key characters in the work, who controls almost all events, using the respect of others and his position in society. Turgenev describes him as a man true to his ideals, always moving towards his goal, which he sets himself in advance. Describing him in this way, he puts before the reader a strictly described image of a purposeful, slightly selfish, self-sufficient middle-aged man who has already managed to achieve a lot in his life, including a high position in society.

The image created by the author tells us about the problem of the work, namely, the old generation's rejection of the new ideas of the new generation. Pavel Petrovich, as a representative of the old conservative generation, simply cannot agree with all the innovations that the new generation is trying to bring, and, thanks to the respect he has received over his life, he instills this opinion in his environment. In truth, Pavel Petrovich's entire entourage, not counting some people, are complete conservatives who reject everything new and everything that moves progress.

Also, through his image, the author asks the reader a question. And do you really need to change something? Is it really necessary to break something that works so well? All these questions are asked by both the author himself and Pavel Petrovich. But, with the help of such questions, the character of the character is revealed. We are learning more and more about his motives, his goals, and also his beliefs. We are witnessing hesitation on the part of Pavel Petrovich about the question of his conservatism. He has not yet finally decided on his goals and needs. It is possible that he will want to bring something new into his life, and help change the lives of others, but perhaps not. This is exactly how Turgenev argues through the image of Pavel Petrovich.

Option 3

One of central characters in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov appears. He is the elder brother of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and the uncle of Arkady Kirsanov. At the time of the unfolding of events in the work, Pavel Petrovich was from five to fifty years old. Despite the fact that this man was a native of the village, he was a real aristocrat and a representative of secular society.

Having received a military education in his youth, Pavel Petrovich successfully and quickly became an officer and built a career. But it only did not last long, and the reason for this was Pavel Petrovich's unrequited love for Countess R. The beloved did not justify his hopes, but only brought disappointment, then went abroad. Pavel Petrovich left his career and went after her, but was refused in response. And after some time, he did learn about the death of the countess. This finally killed any hope of finding happiness in him. Then Pavel Petrovich makes a decision and leaves to live in the village with his brother. But when Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov got married, he went to Dresden, where he lived all the time alone.

Despite his age, Pavel Petrovich looked very good outwardly: he had slim figure, well-groomed face and hands, he was in good health. To do this, he carefully watched and looked after himself. Even while in the countryside and not being able to go out, Pavel Petrovich did not deviate from his aristocratic habits. He had a lot of clothes, which he changed at the bottom several times, always followed the fashion, but did not accept all the innovations, but only what suited him and was close. By nature, he loved everything English. The most important attributes for Pavel Petrovich were cologne, clean clothes and a bath. This is interestingly described by the author, how he cologned his mustache several times during the day in order to radiate a pleasant aroma.

Pavel Petrovich was a fairly educated person, he closely followed the news in society in order to be aware of all events and be able to maintain a conversation with his interlocutor on any topic. He considered progress to be the most important condition for the development of the state. However, on this occasion, Pavel Petrovich had a lot of disputes with Bazarov, because he did not accept nihilistic views, since they only brought devastation. “After all, it is impossible to destroy without putting anything new in this place,” said Pavel Petrovich.

By his nature, he was a kind, honest, just and respectable person. He advocated the freedom of all people, especially peasants. It was important for him not to limit human rights, but each person must fulfill his duties with dignity. Pavel Petrovich did this himself and demanded from others in relation to himself. He had a well-developed intuition, which was often used by his brother Nikolai Petrovich, turning to him for advice on personal relationships or housekeeping.

Thus, in the image of Pavel Petrovich, the writer showed an ideal representative high society, which constantly strives for development and self-improvement, but accepts only what is useful from fashion. This means that he can analyze everything life situations and be selective in accepting important decisions. The most important thing for Pavel Petrovich is the honor of himself and his family.

The history of the Melekhovs runs like a red thread through the entire work of Sholokhov. We begin to get acquainted with the Melekhovs with the story of Prokofy and his tragically deceased wife, and the story ends with the return of Grigory Melekhov.

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  • Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich

    Romance (1862)

    Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich - uncle of Arkady Kirsanov, antagonist of Evgeny Bazarov, aristocrat, Angloman, moderate liberal. Endowed with a spectacular biographical background: a brilliant career and secular success interrupted tragic love, and then a change occurs with the hero, also reminiscent of the story of Lavretsky - the hero finds a way out in the rejection of hopes for happiness and in the performance of moral and civic duty, P.P. moves to the village, where he tries to help his brother in his economic transformations and supports liberal government reforms. The dispute with the "nihilist" Bazarov P.P. is a defender of a program based on ideals that are high and noble in their own way. “Western” ideas of dignity and rights of the individual, self-respect, honor, freedom are harmoniously combined in it with the essentially “Slavophile” idea of ​​the great importance of the agricultural community and the patriarchal family, with the affirmation of the need for humility before the people’s faith and people’s truth. And all this is overshadowed by the idea of ​​progress: we are talking about the transformation of Russia into a civilized country.

    P.P. appears in the novel as a convinced and honest person, but clearly limited. Turgenev shows that his ideals are hopelessly far from reality, and his life position does not even provide for him peace of mind. In the mind of the reader, the hero remains lonely and unhappy, a man of unfulfilled aspirations and an unfulfilled destiny. This, to a certain extent, brings him closer to Bazarov.

    All characteristics in alphabetical order:

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