How to set the computer to turn off after a certain time. Scheduled computer shutdown

Has it happened that you have set a long-running task to be completed, but there is no time to sit at the computer? Maybe it's time to leave or sleep, and someone should turn off the computer. Automatic shutdown of the computer will help you.

In what cases is it necessary? Well, for example, if you:

  • turned on a full computer scan for viruses
  • started the video conversion process
  • downloading a large amount of information from the Internet
  • install a "heavy" program or game
  • copying a large amount of data, for example for backup
  • and many more options for every taste

Some programs have a checkbox, such as "Automatically shut down the computer after the process is completed" or "Auto Shutdown", such as in Nero after the disc has finished burning. But if the program does not provide for such an opportunity, then you will have to schedule auto-shutdown according to the schedule.

There is nothing difficult in this. You just need to set the time after which the computer should turn off, or turn on the timer. You need to calculate the time yourself. If the program writes the estimated execution time, then throw in 20-30% and get what you need. And if he doesn’t write, then estimate the time by the speed of the task.

To schedule a computer shutdown according to a schedule, you can use two simple methods:

  • Windows XP/7/8/10 Standard Tools

Personally, I prefer to use special programs, they are simple and clear. Now we will analyze the standard method.

Automatic shutdown of the computer using standard Windows tools

To do this, we need the standard "Task Scheduler". So, let's take a closer look at the steps on how to configure the "Task Scheduler" to turn off the laptop after a certain time:

That's it, the task is created. To view it and change the time, you need to go to the task scheduler library and double-click on our task. Next, you need to go to the "Triggers" tab and click "Edit". Everything is explained in detail in the picture.

At the specified time, all programs will be completed and the computer will turn off. Take care in advance to save all data in open programs.

You probably already noticed that we entered the name of the program "shutdown" and the arguments "-s -f". In principle, you can simply type "shutdown -s -f", and do not enter anything else in the arguments field. Then the scheduler will warn that it has found the arguments itself and ask permission to use them.

Delayed computer shutdown via command line

You can also turn off the computer without the task scheduler through the command line in the Run window. And more specifically, then:

  • We call the "Run" window through the menu "Start -> Run" or hot keys "Win + R"
  • Enter "shutdown -s -f - t 1000", where "1000" is the number of seconds after which the automatic shutdown will occur
  • Press "Enter"

Those. we write everything the same, only change “1000” to the required number of seconds (in one hour there are 3600 seconds). After the specified time has elapsed, one more minute will remain, which will be warned by a special window

If you change your mind about turning off the computer, then simply enter the “shutdown -a” command in the “Run” window.

On the video you can see the programs for conveniently defining a schedule or events for turning off a computer / laptop:

Turning off the computer after a certain, human-specified time can be very convenient in many cases. For example, with this feature, you no longer have to wait for the computer to finish running processes, such as downloading or processing videos, to turn it off. Instead, you can set a timer and leave work or go to bed. There are many ways to set a timer:

  • through the command line;
  • using the task scheduler;
  • with third party utilities.

Command Prompt is available on most Windows operating systems. It is used to execute commands entered by a person. Most of them are used to automate tasks with scripts and batch files, perform advanced administrative functions, troubleshoot, and solve certain problems in Windows.

Step 1. Launch Command Prompt. Click on the "Start" button and in the search bar type "Command Prompt" or "cmd". Run it as an administrator by right-clicking on the application and selecting this mode.

Step 2 Type "shutdown -s" at the command prompt. This command will shut down your computer within a minute of issuing the command.

Enter "shutdown -s"

Specification of the task:

  1. If you want to shut down the computer immediately, type "shutdown -s -t 00" instead.
  2. To shut down the computer after a certain time, type "shutdown -s -t ##", where "##" is the number of seconds (for example, "06" after six seconds, "60" after a minute, etc.) .

Step 3 Press "Enter", this will start the task.

Press "Enter" to run the task

You will now see a confirmation of the task on the screen. It will no longer be possible to undo the action. You also won't see the countdown on your screen.

This method is suitable for one-time use, but may be inconvenient for permanent use. In this case, the task scheduler will come to the rescue.

Shutting Down Your Computer Using Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler is a standard feature of Windows that allows you to automatically perform predefined actions whenever a certain set of conditions is met. For example, you can schedule a task to run a backup every night, or shut down your computer after a certain amount of time.

Step 1. Through the search bar in the Start menu, find "Task Scheduler".

In the "Start" menu, find "Task Scheduler"

Step 2 Run the program. A window with many sections will open in front of you.

Run the program and click "Create Task"

Step 3 Select "Create a task" from the menu on the right. Give it a name and describe the action. Then move on to the next step. The Triggers section can be skipped without compromising the task.

The "Triggers" section can be skipped without compromising task completion

Step 3 Go to the "Actions" section. Create an action by typing "C:windowssystem32shutdown.exe" into the script line. Click on the "OK" button.

Create the desired action and click "OK"

Step 4 Now let's move on to the conditions that are necessary to perform the action. For example, let's set the condition - computer inactivity for 1 hour. This means that if the computer is not used in any way for 60 minutes, it will turn off automatically.

After you click "OK", the task creation window will close, the new task will be active. You can find it in the task library. It contains absolutely all tasks that are created by the user or programs installed on the computer.

Video - How to turn off the computer at a given time

Disabling using third-party programs

The methods discussed above carry out shutdown using the built-in utilities. Using them is not as easy as we would like. For those who would like to simplify their task, many simple programs have been created that are very convenient.

turn off timer

Shutdown Timer is an easy-to-use software that allows users to set a computer shutdown time. The main advantage of this program is that there is no need to download the entire software package. Moreover, in addition to shutting down, you can set a timer to reboot. Of course, it also has some drawbacks, such as limited features in the free version and an English interface.

This program runs entirely through the cloud. Everything is configured through the browser, on the official page of the developer. The user simply goes to the official page and then sets the desired time. It currently runs on Windows XP, although newer versions are also compatible with the service.

Step 1. Download the program and install it on your computer.

Note! The program may require Java to be installed if it is not available on your computer. Follow the instructions that you will see on your screen.

Step 2 Once the installation is complete, a small window will appear on your screen with a few easy-to-understand elements.

Set the time and click "Start"

The first field is for hours, the second for minutes, and the third, respectively, for seconds. This is the time after which the program will perform one of two available actions:

  • shutdown when Shutdown is selected;

Now it remains only to click on the "Start" button to start the timer.

Shutdown /h put the computer into hibernation mode.

When a command is executed, all information from RAM (processes, programs, data) is stored in a special file hiberfil.sys located in the root directory of the system drive and a normal power off is performed. The next time you turn on your computer, Windows Boot Manager will restore the system state from the file hiberfil.sys. The hibernation mode must be enabled for this computer, for example, by command powercfg /h on or by using the Windows Control Panel snap-in. Also, it must be taken into account that the implementation of this mode will require a large amount of free space on the hard disk for a copy of the RAM.

Shutdown /s /hybrid /t 0 hybrid shutdown, next boot will use fastboot

Parameter /hybrid shuts down your computer and prepares it for fast startup.
Must be used with the /s option

Shutdown /l end the current user's session. The end session command can only be executed on the local computer and only for the current user. Same as running the command log off without parameters.

If you want to turn off the computer with a delay, then instead of zeros, you must specify a delay in seconds:

Shutdown /s /t 60

The user will be alerted to a scheduled shutdown.

If the delay is very long, such as 60 minutes (3600 seconds), then a pop-up message appears in the lower right corner of the screen instead of a warning window.

You can stop the computer shutdown while the delay is in effect. To do this, on the command line you need to enter the command:

Shutdown /a

After canceling the shutdown, a pop-up message will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

Shutdown /r /m \\ reboot the computer with the IP address

Shutdown /s /t 60 /m \\COMP1 shut down COMP1 computer after 60 seconds

shutdown /s /t 60 /m \\ turn off the power of the computer with the IP address through 60 seconds.

Shutdown /g reboot and restore the execution of applications registered using the function API RegisterApplicationRestart. Usually used during system upgrades, when a reboot is required during the installation process to continue the installation process.

Shutdown /i start the graphical environment of the utility shutdown.exe. The screen displays

In the window Remote shutdown dialog to perform a shutdown, reboot or end user session operation, you must enter the name or IP address of the computer using the button Add, select the desired action, reason and fill in the field Note, the text from which will be displayed in the informational message about the scheduled action. For most reasons, the field Note is mandatory, and if it is not filled in, then the button OK will be inactive.

If no parameters are specified on the command line, or if the /? - then a brief help on using the command is displayed on the screen.

You can use -key instead of the syntax /key
Team shutdown can take the following parameters:
/i Displaying a graphical user interface.
This parameter must be the first.
/l Ending a session. This option cannot be used with
parameters /m or /d.
/s Shutting down the computer.
/r Complete shutdown and reboot of the computer.
/g Complete shutdown and reboot of the computer. Run all
registered applications after a system reboot.
/a Cancel system shutdown.
This option can only be used during the waiting period.
/p Shut down the local computer without delay or warning.
Can be used with parameters /d and /f.
/h Putting the local computer into hibernation mode.
Can be used with parameter /f.
/hybrid Shuts down the computer and prepares it for fast startup.
Must be used with parameter /s.
/e Specify the reason for the unexpected shutdown of the computer.
/o Go to the advanced boot options menu and restart your computer.
Must be used with parameter /r.
/m \\computer Specifying the target computer.
/txxx Specify a timeout in xxx seconds before shutting down the computer.
Valid range: 0-315360000 (10 years); default value: 30.
If the delay is greater than 0, the use of the parameter is implied. /f.
/c "comment"

Sometimes in the process of using a computer, situations arise when you need to turn off the computer through the command line.

Using shutdown

It should be said right away that the set of shutdown commands is quite wide and allows you not only to quickly turn off the computer, but also restart it, turn it off after a certain time and perform other actions.

There is also a force shutdown command in case everything else refuses to work and the computer is still on.

Command line launch

To use shutdown, you need to run a command prompt.

To do this, go to the Start menu or the Windows menu in later versions, then open All Programs, the Accessories section, and click on Command Prompt.

The second way is to launch the program execution window by pressing the Win and R buttons on the keyboard at the same time and enter the cmd.exe command there.

After that, it remains to press Enter on the keyboard or just the OK button in the same window. Both of these methods can be seen in Figure 1.

Entering Instructions

  • s - turn off the computer;
  • r - restart the computer;
  • a - stop turning off the computer;
  • f - force shutdown the computer.

That is, the command to simply turn off the computer will look like this:

shutdown -s

The input of this command looks like as shown in Figure 2.

Special Instructions

In addition to all of the above, the shutdown command has a set of special instructions. They look like this:

  • i– displaying help on the given set of commands;
  • l– exit from this menu;
  • m \\– action with a remote computer;
  • t[time after which the computer will be turned off] - turn off after a certain period of time;
  • d– code of the reason for turning off the computer.

The last command is entered with custom code options ( u), scheduled completion code ( p), main reason code ( xx) and additional code ( yy) in this format:


As for the remote computer control command, an example of its input will look something like this: if we are talking about entering an ip address -

shutdown -m \\ ;

if the computer is connected via and its name is known -

shutdown -m \\komp1 .

The shutdown command after a certain period of time is entered something like this:

shutdown -t 25 .

This means that the computer will shut down after 25 seconds. A description of all these commands can be seen if you call up help, what is done by the command

shutdown -i .

You can enter a whole set of commands at once on the same line.

For example, to turn off the computer with the ip address after 45 seconds, enter the following:

shutdown -s -t 45 -m \\

Figure 3 shows what the input of these instructions looks like.

These commands can be entered not through a dash (-), but also through a slash (/). In this case, everything will look like this.

Another way to enter commands

All of the above commands can be entered not only in the command line, but also in the program execution window.

Above is an instruction on how to launch the command line through it, but this is not at all necessary.

The shutdown command, along with all other instructions, can also be entered in the program execution window.

To start it, as before, you need to press the Win and R buttons on the keyboard at the same time. And then you can enter exactly the same commands that were listed above.

For example, entering a command to force shutdown will look like this.

Here you can also enter more complex instructions, an example of which was given above.

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