Kuban studies lesson famous composers and writers. Ten Kuban folk songs


(curriculum vitae)

Laureate of the Prize of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory in the field of culture

Kuban composer Vasily Mikhailovich Volchenko was born on October 5, 1946 in the village of Starovelichkovskaya, Kalinin District, Krasnodar Territory. From early childhood, he was surrounded by a musical environment: having a very delicate ear for music, the mother of the future composer Praskovya Danilovna Gubareva-Volchenko sang Russian and Kuban folk songs beautifully, his father, Mikhail Nikiforovich Volchenko, played stringed folk instruments (balalaika, mandolin) and the button accordion. But a special influence on the musical development of the child was exerted by his paternal uncle, a well-known amateur bayan player Ivan Nikiforovich Volchenko in the village. The boy's musical abilities showed up at an early age. Already at the age of five, he independently learned to play the semi-button accordion. At first, the young musician played by ear, and by the age of 10-11, elementary information about playing the button accordion from notes was given to him by his uncle. The first attempts at creativity also belong to this period.

From the age of six, the young musician often performs in the village club, later in the secondary school where he studied. Performance goes in parallel with creativity, to which the boy pays more and more attention. Since 1961, V. Volchenko regularly received advice on composition from the Central House of Folk Art named after N. K. Krupskaya (Moscow), where his consultants were S. N. Ryauzov, B. F. Smirnov and others.

And consultants from the Central House of Folk Art named after N. K. Krupskaya and the famous composer Yu. M. Slonov strongly recommended that V. Volchenko receive a professional musical education. In 1969, the musician entered the Novorossiysk Musical College and graduated with two specialties: folk instruments (button accordion) and music theory. According to the composition, he studied with the composer O. O. Meremkulov. During his studies at the music school, V. Volchenko wrote a number of compositions in various genres. One of the most successful compositions of the school period (Prelude No. 2 for piano) was published by the Musical Ukraine publishing house. In 1973, V. Volchenko entered the composition class of the Rostov State Musical Pedagogical Institute (now the Rostov State Conservatory named after S. V. Rachmaninov). His mentor in the specialty at the named educational institution was the famous composer L.P. Klinichev.

After graduating from the university in 1978, the composer combines creative work with teaching and concertmaster activities, living in the cities: Mariupol (Ukraine), Maikop, Krasnodar.

Leading a composition class at the Maykop Music College, and then at the music schools of Krasnodar, V. Volchenko brought up a significant number of young musicians who repeatedly confirmed their creative reputation with victories in city and regional competitions, and some students graduated from the conservatory in the composition class.

The composer works in different genres. His creative portfolio includes symphonic, chamber-instrumental, choral, vocal, piano works, music for Russian folk instruments (orchestra, various ensembles, button accordion, accordion, Russian accordion, balalaika, domra), songs, music for children, arrangements.

On the one hand, V. Volchenko's music is characterized by drama, indomitable energy, dynamism, strong-willed pressure, and, on the other hand, deep concentration, restraint, lyrical penetration, and sometimes humor and mild irony.

More than one generation of musicians has already been brought up on the composer's works, since V. Volchenko's compositions are performed in music schools, music colleges, academies, conservatories. With the works of the composer, they repeatedly won prizes at city, regional, all-Russian and international competitions. The music of V. Volchenko sounded on the All-Union radio, regional television and radio. His music was performed by the Moscow, Rostov, Nalchik and Krasnodar symphony orchestras, such well-known ensembles as the RNO named after N.P. Osipov, "Virtuosos of Kuban", "Russian Daring", Mariupol Orchestra of Folk Instruments (Ukraine), "Cossack Volnitsa", Krasnodar chamber choir, Krasnodar choir of youth and students, pianist N. Korobeynikova, accordion player V. Detkov, accordion player M. Yeskin, etc.

The composer's works were published by the country's leading publishing houses. In different years, four author's collections were published (Moscow, Krasnodar).

V. Volchenko is a multifaceted composer, but the outstanding Kuban poet I.F. Varavva, with whom the composer worked for a long time, described this artist very accurately: “Working with V. Volchenko is always interesting, since he has the complex necessary for serious creativity: a real obsession , high professionalism, great exactingness, amazing natural intuition, great capacity for work, perseverance in achieving the task, amazing firmness in upholding their artistic principles. But, perhaps, one of the fundamental points in characterizing the work of this artist is his national orientation. In this creator, one can easily recognize a truly Russian composer associated with Russian and Kuban Cossack folklore.

The main theme of the composer V. Volchenko was and remains love for Russia and the Kuban. Sincere love, from the depths of the soul and heart ...

Vasily Mikhailovich Volchenko is a member of the Union of Composers of Russia


For symphony orchestra
Symphonic Poem (1978)
Concerto for Orchestra (1981)
Holiday Overture (1985)
Symphony No. 1 (1995)
South Russian Piano Concerto (2000)
Symphony No. 2 (2004)
Sonata for cello and piano (1980)
First Quartet (1982)
For academic choir
Three choirs on texts and tunes of the Svir region (1976)
Five pictures of nature to the words of Russian poets (1983)
Cossack fair - concertino for choir, words by I. Varavva (1990)
Russia, words by S. Yesenin (1994)
Walked over the snow forest, lyrics by P. Oreshin (1998)
Native side, words by S. Safonov (2002)
From the poetry of Antonina Baeva - four vocal miniatures (1977)
Kuban Cossack motives - vocal cycle, words by I. Varavva (1989)
Posadskaya - vocal picture, lyrics by N. Klyuev (1991)
The old woman - vocal picture, lyrics by N. Klyuev (1995)
Motherland - vocal picture, lyrics by P. Oreshin (1998)
for piano
Toccata - ostinato (1983)
Russian open spaces - a poem (1990)
Life Run (1997)
Autumn - bad weather (1997)
Krasnodar imagined (1999)
Graceful waltz (2001)
Winter night (2006)
For orchestra of Russian folk instruments
Kuban Overture (1996)
Kuban Rhapsody (1998)
Cossack cavalry - fantasy on Kuban themes (1999)
Over the Kuban River - a suite of Russian accordion and O.R.N.I. (1999)
Cossack festivities - a concert for O.R.N.I. and choir (1999)
Free Cossack Land - Overture (2007).
Concerto for R.N.O. (2007)
For button accordion
Paraphrase on R.S.P. "Pedlars" (1986)
Kuban marching (1988)
Scherzo (1991)
Paraphrase on R.S.P. "Our village is good" (1992)
Variations on the theme of E. Rodygin's song "New settlers are coming" (1995)
Stanitsa races - Cossack fantasy (1993)
Pleasant meetings - waltz (2002)
Indomitable Movement (2003)
Russian winter, words and music by V.Volchenko (1979)
Snowstorm - snowstorm, words by D. Smirnov (1980)
Horses are racing, words by N. Sidorova (1984)
Kubanushka, words by I. Varavva (1994)
Mother - Russia, words by I. Varavva (1996)
Maiden's will, words by I. Barabbas (1997)
I am your Cossack Kuban, words by I. Varavva (2004)
Shine, red mountain ash, lyrics by V. Arkhipov (2005)
Polyushko - field, words by I. Barabbas (2006)
Selected pieces for button accordion and accordion Moscow, Composer, 1998
Sound, accordion, in the Cossack side Krasnodar, "Enlightenment - South", 1999
Concert Pieces for Duet and Trio of Bayans Krasnodar, Enlightenment - South, 2005
With love for Russia. Songs. Krasnodar, "Enlightenment - South", 2007

Kuban composers


Acquaintance with the work of Kuban composers, popularization of the work of outstanding countrymen - Kuban composers G.F. Ponomarenko and V.G. Zakharchenko

Development of interest in their works; the ability to see beauty next to you; the ability to convey the beauty of images of nature; the ability to work collaboratively.

Raising love for the native land; to their small homeland, the ability to be proud of the outstanding people of the region; the development of such moral qualities of students as kindness, love for one's neighbor;

Equipment. Multimedia projector.

You are beautiful and funny

You are generous in Kuban,

Land of bread and songs -

Our Krasnodar region.

More than once the Kuban land

She gave birth to sons worthy of her,

You can't forget them...

The Kuban rocked their cradle.

Teacher: Kuban is fertile lands, healing waters, seas and rivers rich in fish, valuable minerals, as well as wheat fields painted with gold, vineyards dressed in emeralds, white and pink gardens - isn't this a fairy tale?... But our main wealth is people .

They will overcome evil and grief,

They will get light in pitch darkness ...

My heroes are the main root,

The basis of life on earth.

The topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Today we will talk about people of art - about those who make our life beautiful.

Teacher: I want to tell you an ancient legend that was born in ancient Greece.

On the sacred mountain Helikon live eternally young muses - the daughters of the god Zeus and the goddess of memory Mnemocothers. When night falls, the Muses, shrouded in thick fog, rise to the top of the mountain and dance. Inaudibly touching the ground, they whirl easily. Their beauty is extraordinary, their singing gives inexplicable pleasure. In addition, it relieves sorrow and makes you forget all evil. In their songs, the Muses sing of the customs, laws of life and glorify the gods.

Muses have one amazing ability. As soon as they look at a person at birth and pour a drop of sweet dew on the tip of his tongue, his whole life becomes reasonable and beautiful. Such a person has the gift of words, musical and artistic gift. He is distinguished by special wisdom and is highly respected by the people.

Those who fell in love with the muses are the Kuban poets, artists and composers, whom we will talk about today. Thanks to their works, they received nationwide recognition and love.

Let's get to know some of them. (On the board are cards with surnames). Classify these people into groups.

Name the poets Vladimir Podkopaev, Kronid Oboishchikov, Vadim Nepodoba.

Name the Kuban composers : EF. Ponomarenko, V.G. Zakharchenko.

Name the Kuban artists:

Their works: poems, songs, pictures are used in our lesson.

Lesson content.

Look around - the beauty will enchant:

There is no country more beautiful than ours!

Bread is golden

Green forests,

The distance of the sea azure is painted ...

Here and in the songs the Cossack scope and flight,

And in accomplishments the scale is Russian.

The heroic people live in the Kuban,

And the deeds of which are heroic.

V. Podkopaev

Teacher. Read, listen, think about these lines.

What person could say that?

The people of Kuban love to sing. - What songs do we sing in the Kuban?

Russian and Ukrainian songs, ringing and sad, soulful and dancing, they not only express the dreams and thoughts of the people who created them, but also serve as documents of history. Today, songs are taught at school, and once the Cossacks from the military singing choir of the Kuban Cossack army themselves became singing teachers.

Indeed, a song can teach a lot. In songs - the soul of the people, it combines the power of music and words, and the fervent folk ditty is also accompanied by dancing, which means that it is in the song that different types of art come together.

It is worth listening to the melody familiar from childhood, to the usual words - and you will hear the smooth movement of the river, and the noise of the forest, and the rustle of steppe grasses, and the expanse of hot dancing. And, perhaps, it is the song that will help you immerse yourself in the world of living history, teach you to understand the people around you and yourself.

Kuban, Kuban - my soul's joy,

Radiant dawn poured fields.

I don't need anything in the whole world

Your song would float in the sky.

What songs do your parents sing?

What songs do you like?

Here are some proverbs and sayings in which it is about the song? (connect the beginning and end of proverbs)

Conversation whiles away the road - the song is work.

You can't take a word out of a song.

Song to the Cossack - a friend on a campaign.

If the Cossacks drink alcohol, the enemies - cry.

In the Kuban, even a stone sings along with the Cossacks.

Proverb - not in vain is said. They prove that the song is a constant companion of a person, in any life situations.

Have you ever thought about how a song is born?

But how is a melody born and why does it have such amazing power?

Who writes the music for the songs? (composer)

Let's get to know some of them.

(portrait display) Before you a portraitGrigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko - People's composer of the Kuban land. Poems were dedicated to him, flowers were given in huge armfuls, streets were named after him, and a museum was created in the city of Krasnodar. “He possessed God's gift - to write music from which“ the heart asks for latitude ”- this is how his contemporaries wrote about him.

Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko (1921-1996) was born in Ukraine. In the peasant family of Ponomarenko, music was not particularly fond of. But there was a person who had a huge impact on the fate of little Grisha. The boy's uncle Maxim Terentyevich Ponomarenko was an original musician and a wonderful master: no one knew how to tune and restore old button accordions better than him.

During his school years, Grisha lived with his uncle's family in the city of Zaporozhye. Participated in all school and city amateur competitions. Maxim Terentyevich appointed his nephew as a student to a talented accordion player. The gifted boy grasped everything literally on the fly. Often one lesson was enough for him to disassemble and memorize a new work.

In 1938 he entered the service in the song and dance ensemble of the border troops, where he learned a lot from his older fellow musicians. Real fame came to Grigory Fedorovich after the war. In 1972, the composer moved to the Kuban, where he was, to the core, touched by the open Kuban meadows and fields, white huts that reminded him of Ukraine. Here he visited many villages, farms, got acquainted with the work of folk performers, carefully studied all the collections of Cossack songs. But he especially liked the Cossack songs and the beautiful poems of the Kuban poets, in collaboration with whom he wrote more than 200 songs about our region:

“Oh, horses, horses”, “Nightingale on a branch”, “Labour hands”, “The Cossack stood on a stone”, “Song of Novorossiysk”, “Farms”, “Hello, our Kuban!” and dozens of other wonderful works.

G.F. Ponomarenko was awarded the titles of People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of Russia. He was a truly national composer not only by title, because he studied with the people and wrote songs for the people about the most important and important thing for a person.

About what do you think?

(Listening to the song)

What is the nature of the music? (Joyful, festive, cheerful, sunny, etc.)

Teacher: I would like to introduce you to another wonderful person.Consider his portrait.

The face of this person radiates light and goodness. Many of you go to music school.

Maybe someone knows this person?

This is a famous composer and leader of the Kuban Cossack ChoirVictor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

Victor Zakharchenko was born on March 22, 1938 in the village of Dyadkovskaya, Korenovsky district, into a Cossack family. His father died in the first year of the war. According to the stories of the mother, who sang wonderfully, the father dreamed that at least one of his 4 children would become a musician.

A musical gift from God went to Victor. From infancy, he absorbed folk song art. And they sang a lot in the village - the song flowed when people went to work, when they built houses in peace, when they grieved and had fun. The Cossack song entered the life of little Vitya and remained with him forever. The talented teenager himself learned to play the harmonica and by the age of 17 he became the first harmonica player in the village, played at all holidays and weddings, and even dreamed of becoming a composer, not knowing musical notation. After leaving school, Viktor went to Krasnodar to enter a music school, but there he was not even allowed to audition. The grief-stricken young man wandered, not understanding the road ... And then fate gave him a happy chance to meet with the teacher of the music and pedagogical school Alexei Ivanovich Manzhilevsky, and he invited Victor to audition. He was accepted without a scholarship on the condition that he mastered musical literacy, solfeggio and caught up with the rest of the students in six months. Victor spent the day and night at the school, slept on chairs and worked, worked! .. After graduating from college, he entered

conservatory. Then for 10 years he worked in the Siberian Choir. Collected 10 thousand Russian folk songs. At present, for 32 years now, the outstanding artist has been directing the Kuban Cossack Choir.

Looking at the photo of the choir.

Information service of Novopokrovskaya station

Well-known, famous figures of culture, art of the Krasnodar Territory, Kuban - artists, painters, writers, poets

Plotnichenko Grigory Maksimovich
Plotnichenko Grigory Maksimovich, Russian, Kuban composer, folklorist, choirmaster, teacher was born in 1918. in Taganrog, Rostov region. With his birth, his parents moved to the Kuban, all life, work, work of Grigory Plotnichenko with the Kuban. Died in 1975
Grigory's parents, noticing his passion for music, from the age of 8 sent him to a music school, in 1936 he enrolled in Krasnodar in the Folk Instruments Orchestra of the Palace of Pioneers.
Plotnichenko, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, volunteered to go to the front, was seriously wounded, his arm was completely amputated to the shoulder joint, and was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
He learned to masterfully play the instruments, became a composer. In 1943 he graduated from the Music College. Rimsky-Korsakov and stayed to teach there. He worked as artistic director of the Krasnodar State Philharmonic Society, artistic director of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the North Caucasian Military District. Since 1957 Plotnichenko G.M. headed the Department of Music and Singing at the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute, since 1966 Dean of the Musical Pedagogical Faculty.
The creative heritage of Grigory Plotnichenko is huge. His works are known in the Kuban and in the country: “Kuban blue nights”, “Poppies on a small land”, “At the old mound”, “The sun over the Kuban steppe”, “There is nowhere to hide from spring”, “Girl's lyrical”, “Quiet outside the outskirts" on poems by Kuban authors. Songs about the war years: "Guards mortars", "Sevastopol", "Walks along the Don ..". He wrote suites, ballads, romances, music for puppet shows.
Polotnichenko Grigory Maksimovich founder and first chairman of the branch of the Krasnodar Union of Composers of the RSFSR and the regional branch of the All-Russian Choral Society, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

Loginov Viktor Nikolaevich
Loginov Victor Nikolaevich, Kuban writer, was born on November 7, 1925. in the village of Bolshie Veski, Vladimir Region. After graduating from the Irkutsk Aviation School, in 1944 he. moved to the Krasnodar Territory.
He began writing stories at school. The first story "The Road of Comrades" was published in the newspaper of Kropotkin in 1952. During the period of creative activity, more than 40 books were published. Novels: "Difficult Days in Beregovaya", "Before Tomorrow", "Inheritance", "Spain, Spain", "Saints and Sinners". Novels and stories: “The Tale of First Love”, “Three Cold Days”, “Under the Clouds on the Slope”, “I Want to Love” He writes a lot for children and about children: “Alkino Sea”, “The World is Good”, “Wreaths for Girls ”,“ The Most Important Secret ”, the novel“ Oleg and Olga ”.
According to the story of Viktor Loginov "That's why she is love", the famous director Ivan Pyryev made the film "Our Mutual Friend".
The Ogonyok magazine awarded Victor Loginov literary prizes five times.
In 1956 Loginov was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.
For the book "Krasnodar - the City of Happiness" Loginov Viktor Nikolaevich was awarded the city of the Prize. HELL. Znamensky.

Since 1950 folklore expeditions of the Union of Composers of the USSR have been systematically studying folk songs in the Kuban. Composers A. Mosolov, V. Volkov, G. Plotnichenko, musicologists N. Bachinskaya, S. Pushkina took part in these expeditions. The collected musical material is carefully studied. As a result of this work, collections were published: "20 Kuban folk songs", Krasnodar book publishing house, 1954; "Five Kuban Folk Songs", Muzgiz, 1955; "Songs of the Krasnodar Territory", Soviet composer, 1959.
After these publications, interest in the musical folklore of our region has increased significantly. Kuban folk songs attracted the attention of professional musicians. Many amateur choirs of the country perform Kuban songs “A Cossack is coming from a distant land”, “Ducks are flying”, “You, Kuban, you are our Motherland”.

Moscow composer A. Mosolov wrote a symphony on Kuban themes, composer G. Plotnicheiko - a choral suite "-Kuban - Soviet land", fantasies for an orchestra of folk instruments. Composer P. Fomichev created the cantata "Kochubey" for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra.
Ten Kuban folk songs included in this collection were created by the people at different times. They also differ in terms of genre. Of particular interest are the songs of the Kuban folklore of the Soviet period. The lyrical song "The Sun Was Setting Behind the Mountain" reflects the events of the civil war, the Cossack marching song "It's not clouds" - the period of the Great Patriotic War. Created at different times, these two songs are related by a common patriotic theme, a sense of loyalty to military duty, a firm belief in the inevitable victory of a just cause.

The songs “Kuban blossomed like a spring garden”, “Along the Kuban River”, “In the fields of the Kuban”, “Fly, my song” are imbued with love for the native land, for its boundless expanses, pride in their work as a grain grower. They are united by a common stylistic feature - the lyricism of the expression of the heroism and romance of our days.
Gradually collecting treasures of folk music and poetry, creatively rethinking the collected material, honing and polishing it, the author of the arrangements, composer G. Plotnicheiko, takes care of the melodic and modal originality of the Kuban song, strives to preserve its specific flavor.
A characteristic feature of the Kuban folk song, which determines its originality and uniqueness, is the historically formed and crystallized multinational "fusion" in it. The song absorbed the intonation, modal, metro-rhythmic features and the figurative structure of Russian and Ukrainian folk songs, and also did not escape the influence of other national cultures, in particular the Adyghe.
In some works, native Russian folk song traditions predominate. Here, first of all, it is necessary to name the arrangements of the songs “Mountains of the Trans-Kuban” and “On the fields, fields of the Kuban”. Attention is drawn to the voice leading, which allows the parallelism of fifth moves, so characteristic of Russian folk songs, a variable mode with elements of Dorian revolutions, the consistency of the natural minor and reliance on its fifth foundations (without a third). The genre specificity and vivid imagery of the dashing Cossack song "It's Not Clouds" certainly determined the style of its processing, sustained in the traditions of the Russian soldier's song. Here is a sharp, strong-willed syncopated rhythm, and cries and exclamations characteristic of marching songs. The peculiar melodic pattern of the sing-along is excellent.
Proximity to the Ukrainian folklore of the Kuban folk songs “The Sun Was Setting Behind the Mountain”, “The Song of the Cossack Woman” determined the harmonic language of arrangements and the rhythmic structure of their accompaniment. In the old comic song “The woman conceived the enemy”, the shades of Ukrainian speech pronunciation that exist in our region are preserved.

The dual nature of the Kuban folk song is especially characteristically manifested in the modal structure of the adaptations of the songs “Along the Kuban River”, “Fly, my song”, “Song of the Cossack”.
In G. Plotnichenko's arrangements of Kuban songs, one can feel the composer's desire to get as close as possible to the techniques and traditions characteristic of the folk-song choral culture of the Kuban.

The polyphonic fabric of the choral arrangements is woven from vocal-meaningful flexible melodic lines, which sometimes have a completely independent meaning. The vocal style of folk polyphony is especially pronounced in the arrangements of the songs “In the fields, fields of the Kuban”, “Fly, my song”, “Kuban blossomed like a spring garden”, “Mountains of the Trans-Kuban”.

It should be noted that the sustained linearity of voice leading, the relative independence of each voice or choral part does not contradict the integrity of the figurative perception of the song.
In many arrangements, the melodic cadenza turn, so characteristic of the Kuban folk song, is used, when the bend of the upper voice passes from the dominant to the tonic through the second step (“The sun was setting behind the mountain”, “Fly, my song”, “Song of the Cossack”).
The form of adaptations of the Kuban folk songs is largely due to the individual originality of the musical and poetic content, the genre specificity of each song.
It is quite natural, for example, when the thoughtful chant of the old song "Mountains of the Trans-Kuban" finds its embodiment in a wide choral canvas without instrumental accompaniment. The lyricism and sincerity of the song is even more emphasized by the part of the soloist against the background of the general choral sound. The author of arrangements uses here specific vocal and choral techniques of musical expressiveness. At the same time, the texture of the choral presentation remains vocally convenient and technically uncomplicated.
Some of the songs included in the collection are arranged for choir accompanied by button accordion. This is due to the desire to present the song as it exists among the people.

The accordion accompaniment, technically uncomplicated, strictly adheres to the stylistic features characteristic of the song as a whole. Rhythmic pattern, variational ornamentality, harmonization of the song - all these details of the accompaniment sparingly but expressively set off the main idea of ​​the work, bring new touches to the song image.
One more feature of G. Plotnichenko's arrangements of Kuban folk songs should be emphasized - their simplicity and accessibility for performance.

  • Fly, my song. Recorded in 1961 in the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban from Antonets I. M. Literary processing by V. Podkopaev
  • It's not clouds. Recorded in 1956 in the village of Novopokrovskaya from a group of collective farmers of the agricultural artel named after. Kirov. Lead singer Nemykina E. A. Literary adaptation by V. Podkopaeva
  • Mountains of the Kuban. Recorded in 1957 in Art. Gostagaevsky from M. D. Kishenek, S. K. Tretyachenko and I. T. Podlesny. Literary processing by V. Podkopaev
  • Song of the Cossack. Recorded in 1952 in Art. Starominskaya from Yurenko S. M. and Chuprina T. T.
  • The sun was setting behind the mountain. Recorded in 1954 in Krymsk from Zaspa G. M. and Malukalo M. M. Literary processing by V. Popov
  • Cuckoo. Recorded in 1948 in Art. Maryanskaya from the collective farmer of the agricultural artel "Krasny Khutorok" Koval G. L
  • The enemy woman thought. Recorded in Art. Starominskaya from Fomichev P.P.
  • In the fields, the fields of the Kuban. Recorded in 1950 in the village of Pashkovsky from Ponomarenko K.I.
  • The Kuban blossomed like a spring garden. Recorded in 1962 from E. N. Menyuk in Art. Novopokrovskaya. Literary processing by V. Podkopaev.
  • Along the Kuban River. Recorded in 1952 in Art. Linear from Shelest M. I. Literary processing by V. Podkopaev

Thanks to Irina for the collection!

Musicologist, composer, teacher, public figure.

Graduated from the Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical College (1960) and the Faculty of Theory and Composition of the Saratov State Conservatory. L.V. Sobinov (1967, leader B.A. Sosnovtsev); graduate school of the Russian State Academy of Music named after V.I. Gnesins (1975, leader A.G. Chugaev).

He began his career as a singing teacher in one of the Krasnodar schools (1960-1961). During the years of study at the conservatory, he worked as a teacher of musical and theoretical disciplines at the same conservatory (1965-1967), a teacher at the Saratov Theater School (1966-1967). From 1967 to 2017 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer (1968), Associate Professor (1983), Head of the Department of Theory and History of Music (1985-1986), Dean of the Music and Pedagogical Faculty (1986-1992), Professor of the Department of Musicology, Composition and Methods of Music Education Krasnodar State Institute of Culture.

At the congresses of the Union of Composers of the USSR and the RSFSR, he was elected a member of the audit commission and a member of the board of the Union. From 1984 to 1998 he headed the Krasnodar organization of the Union of Composers of Russia (Chairman of the Board). From 1994 to 1996 - head of the association of composer organizations "South of Russia".

Participated in the work of congresses, creative plenums, conferences and festivals in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Suzdal, Talin, Warsaw, etc. Chairman of the organizing committee of the All-Russian Festival of Symphonic and Chamber Music "Aeolian Strings" (1993, 1994, 1995), participant of the musical travel organized by the Russian Investigative Committee (All-Russian Festival) “Panorama of the Music of Russia”.

For many years he was actively engaged in musical and educational activities, performing on the stages of concert organizations in Krasnodar and other cities of the Kuban. Author and presenter of a large number of musical programs of regional radio and television.

Author of books and numerous articles in the central and regional press devoted to the work of Russian (including Kuban) composers, Kuban song folklore, problems of the development of national musical culture.

PhD in Art History (1978). Dissertation "On the dramaturgical principles of the work of Rodion Shchedrin."

Member of the Union of Composers of Russia (1974).

Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation (1992).

Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea (1995).

Professor (1993).

  • Laureate of the Prize. educator of the Kuban K. Rossinsky and an independent award. People's Artist of the USSR G.F. Ponomarenko.
  • Honorary Professor of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture (2016).
  • Honorary Worker of the Union of Composers of Russia (1996).

The main works of V.G. Komissinsky:

  • Symphony with choir in 4 parts.
  • Concertino for piano and string orchestra. (2005).
  • Cossack evening songs. Cantata for mixed choir, contralto, piano and an ensemble of woodwind and percussion instruments (1998).

Published writings:

  • 1. Songs of my mother: vocals. cycle for voice and f.-p. Folk words. – M.: Composer, 1996.
  • 2. Royal service: vocals. cycle for low female voice and flute. Folk words. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2001.
  • 3. Cossack evening songs: cantata for mixed choir, contralto, piano. and an ensemble of woodwind and percussion instruments; clavier. - Krasnodar: Kuban folk choir, 2001.
  • 4. Symphony with choir, in 4 parts; clavier. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2002, 61 p.
  • 5. Ten romantic pieces for p.-p. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007, 47 p.
  • 6. Cossack evening songs: cantata for mixed choir, contralto, piano. and an ensemble of woodwind and percussion instruments; score. – Krasnodar: Enlightenment-South, 2008.

Musicological works of V.G. Komissinsky
Individual editions

  • 1. Music and people. (To help lecturers, teachers and listeners of people's universities). - Krasnodar, 1970. 25 p.
  • 2. Music of our days. (To help lecturers, teachers and listeners of people's universities). - Krasnodar, 1972. 42 p.
  • 3. Motherland, revolution, Lenin in the works of Rodion Shchedrin. (To help lecturers). - Krasnodar, 1977. 29 p.
  • 4. On the dramatic principles of R. Shchedrin's work; ed. and enter. Art. M.E. Tarakanova. – M.: Sov. composer, 1978. 191 p.
  • 5. Composers and musicologists of the Kuban: a biographical and bibliographic reference book. - M.: "Bioinformservis", 1998. 120 p.
  • 6. State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir. - Krasnodar: Kuban Cossack Choir, 2000 (in Russian and English).
  • 7. Music, creativity, life. Articles, materials, documents; ed.-st. L.V. Komissinskaya. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2007. 245 p.
  • 8. 70 years of the Krasnodar State Philharmonic. G.F. Ponomarenko. - Krasnodar: "Kuban-book", 2009. 50 p.
  • 9. Grigory Ponomarenko: “My soul is a volcano crater”: monograph. - Krasnodar: KGUKI, 2012. 150 p.

Articles in books, collections and magazines

  • 1. Songs of my mother // Outlook. 1970. No. 6. S. 12.
  • 2. In search of the main song // Kuban. 1973. No. 4. S. 104.
  • 3. Encounters with the song // Musical. life. 1975. No. 17. S. 7.
  • 4. Poetry by Rodion Shchedrin. New editions // Musical. life. 1976. No. 5. S. 24.
  • 5. Meetings with the song // Kuban. 1976. No. 11.
  • 6. Epic song to Lenin // Sov. music. 1980. No. 4. S. 4.
  • 7. Folk songs of Kuban // Melody. 1984. No. 4.
  • 8. Singer of Russian birches // Grigory Ponomarenko and his songs. - M.: Music, 1987.
  • 9. [Yuri Aleksandrovich Simakin] // Simakin Yu.A. “My Quiet Motherland”: tunes and melodies for f.-p. – Krasnodar: [Krasnodar. org-iya SK of Russia], 1992. S. III.
  • 10. Kaplan Tuko // Petrusenko I.A. Kaplan Tuco. – Maykop, 1992.
  • 11. First Karachay-Cherkessia (M. Kochkarov's ballet "Aitugan - the daughter of Kar-chi") // Yugo-Polis. 1994. No. 2.
  • 12. The problem of contrast in the theory and practice of musical art // Actual problems of musical education. – Krasnodar: KGAK, 1994.
  • 13. Melodies of the native land // Tuko K. Peace be with you, people. – Maykop, 1994.
  • 14. The Last Witnesses (Symphony-Requiem by V.Magdalitz). - Krasnodar: TO "Premier", 1995.
  • 15. Russian Orpheus (in memory of Grigory Ponomarenko) // Kuban: problems of culture and informatization. 1996. No. 2-3.
  • 16. Krasnodar boys' choir // The Krasnodar boys' choir sings. - M.: Composer, 1999.
  • 17. On the way to the song theater // Kuban ditties, choruses, suffering, drinking songs; recording and preparation text by I.N. Boyko. - Krasnodar. Folklore and creative center of the peoples of the North Caucasus, 2002.
  • 18. “You are the Kuban, you are our Motherland” // Anthem of the Krasnodar Territory “You are the Kuban, you are our Motherland”. Folk music, lyrics by K. Obraztsov. Arrangement for wind orchestra, 4 choirs and piano. V. Spiridonov. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2002.
  • 19. Music of the native land // Donchenko Yu. Music of the native land: selected transcriptions for a brass band on the themes of the songs of Kuban composers. - Krasno-dar: Aeolian strings, 2002.
  • 20. Everything remains for people. Memories of G.M. Plotnichenko // Our contemporary Grigory Plotnichenko; comp. N. Magdalits. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2003.
  • 21. A brilliant start to change. People of art give their assessment of the changes that have transformed the musical theater of the Kuban // Kuban. news. Feb 22, 2003
  • 22. "The Tale of the Kuban" I.M. Kosyaka // Kosyak I. The Tale of the Kuban: Overture for Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments; score. - Krasnodar: Aeolian strings, 2003.
  • 23. Grigory Ponomarenko: “My soul is a volcano crater” // Grigory Ponomarenko: creativity and fate (on the 90th anniversary of his birth): Sat. articles. - Krasnodar: KGUKI, 2010. S. 5-65.

Articles in periodicals

  • 1. Conquering everyone // Dawn of youth (Saratov). 1964. 3 Apr.
  • 2. "Twelve" // Dawn of youth (Saratov). 1964. 8 Apr.
  • 3. Two choirs met // Communist (Saratov). 1965. March 11.
  • 4. Young pianists play // Kommunist (Saratov). 1965. 29 Oct.
  • 5. For three centuries // Chernomorskaya health resort. Jan 31, 1967
  • 6. Cheerful performance // Sov. Kuban. 1969. 2 Oct.
  • 7. Bright talent // Sov. Kuban. 1969. 7 Oct.
  • 8. Chopin sounded // Komsomolets Kuban. 1970. 18 Apr.
  • 9. Genuine nationality // Sov. Kuban. 1974. 5 Apr.
  • 10. Songs of Viktor Ponomarev // Sov. Kuban. 1974. 14 Aug.
  • 11. In search // Komsomolets Kuban. 1974. 15 Aug.
  • 12. Multicolor of the Kuban song // Komsomolets Kuban. 1975. 23 Sept.
  • 13. Inspiration and skill // Komsomolets Kuban. 1975. 2 Dec.
  • 14. Searches and accomplishments. To the results of the Third Plenum of the Krasnodar Composer Organization // Sov. Kuban. 1977. 30 Apr.
  • 15. Guests from Novosibirsk // Komsomolets Kuban. 1977. 28 Dec.
  • 16. Author's evening of Alexander Dudnik // Sov. Kuban. 1978. 18 Apr.
  • 17. "Russian Music Orchestra" // Sov. Kuban. 1978. 27 Sept.
  • 18. Students sing // Komsomolets Kuban. 1978. 12 Oct.
  • 19. In search of his audience // Komsomolets Kuban. 1978. 28 Nov.
  • 20. Unusual concert // Komsomolets Kuban. 1979. Jan 16
  • 21. Devotion to music // Sov. Kuban. 1979. 3 Apr.
  • 22. May there always be music. The Fourth Plenum of Kuban Composers // Komsomolets of Kuban. 1981. 15 Apr.
  • 23. Who is louder? // Komsomolets Kuban. 1983. 6 Apr.
  • 24. Songs of courage // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 16 Apr.
  • 25. Everything remains for people // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. May 22.
  • 26. A song has amazing power. Name in art // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 13 Aug.
  • 27. Illumination by beauty // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 19 Oct.
  • 28. Music is about the main, deep and secret; the conversation was conducted by T. Vasilevskaya // Komsomolets Kuban. 1985. 19 Nov.
  • 29. Song for working people // Komsomolets Kuban. 1986. No. 141.
  • 30. Igor Yunitsky plays // Komsomolets Kuban. 1987. Jan 1-7
  • 31. Vocation - inspiration // Komsomolets Kuban. 1989. No. 239.
  • 32. Play, Ponomarenko // Sov. Kuban. 1989. 2 Sept.
  • 33. Music of Faith, Goodness and Hope // Sov. Kuban. Feb 13, 1991
  • 34. About Kaplan Tuko and his music // Sov. Adygea. 1993. No. 23.
  • 35. "Eolian strings". Anniversary festival of symphonic and chamber music // Volnaya Kuban. 1993. No. 108. June 8.
  • 36. Two ballets at the Premiere Theater // Sov. Adygea. 1994. Jan 11
  • 37. Russian sacred music // Free Kuban. 1994. May 20.
  • 38. Birth of a song // Free Kuban. 1995. Jan 17
  • 39. The rebellious soul of music. The Third All-Russian Festival of Symphonic and Chamber Music "Eolian Strings" in Krasnodar // Krasnodar. news. 1995. No. 208.
  • 40. From the family of Russian ringers. Grigory Ponomarenko // Kuban. news. 1996. 2 Feb.
  • 41. A creative union is a single cultural space of the country. Problems of musical culture // Kuban. news. 1996. No. 30.
  • 42. And the impossible is possible. The Krasnodar Composers' Organization turns thirty years old // Kuban. news. 1996. May 31.
  • 43. About G.F. Ponomarenko // Free Kuban. Feb 11, 2009
  • 44. Pantry of memory // Krasnodar. news. 1996. No. 202.
  • 45. The city grows rich with ballet // Krasnodar. news. 1996. No. 234.
  • 46. ​​How do you remember 1996? // Kuban. news. 1997. No. 1.
  • 47. Life in dance. Creative portrait of Nikolai Kubar // Kuban. news. 1997. No. 218.
  • 48. Everything remains for people // Free Kuban. 1997. 26 Dec.
  • 49. The last classic of Russian music. [Georgy Sviridov passed away] // Free Kuban. 1998. Jan 10
  • 50. Masterpieces of world classics // Kuban. news. 1999. No. 46.
  • 51. Choral master. Creative portrait of Vyacheslav Yakovlev // Kuban. news. Feb 11, 2000
  • 52. Sounding chronicle of the Kuban Cossack choir // Kuban. news. 2000. No. 17.
  • 53. Finest hour of Viktor Zakharchenko // Kuban. news. 2000. No. 96.
  • 54. He composed music as he breathed - widely and freely // Free Kuban. Feb 11, 2009
  • 55. House where muses serve people // Free Kuban. 2009. May 20-22; 26 of May.
  • 56. Love of Veronica // Free Kuban. Nov 26, 2009

Speeches on Krasnodar regional television (selection)

  • 1968 "Out loud". Oratorio by Georgy Sviridov.
  • Piano Conversations. Composer Rodion Shchedrin.
  • 1969 "Songs of my mother". Kuban song folklore.
  • Conversations at the piano: Dmitri Shostakovich; Mikael Tariverdiev; Kara Karaev.
  • Musicians of our city: Alla Tretyakova; Igor Bulakhov and Mikhail Eskin; V. Kradin; Composer A. Gandelsman [Zhurbin]; Composer Tatyana Vasilyeva; Emilia Serebrennikova.
  • Song dialogue. Conversation with the composer V.D. Ponomarev.
  • Art by Zara Dolukhanova.
  • Bayan and song.
  • 1971 Oratorio by R. Shchedrin "Lenin in the Heart of the People".
  • Ornament. V. Mikhailov and A. Lomaev are playing.
  • Music in my life. Nikolay Kirichenko.
  • Our guest. Choir of boys "Topolek".
  • 1972 A.N. Sryabin - 100 years from the date of birth.
  • Let's talk about music.
  • The song is the soul of the people.
  • 1973 Meeting with composer Pavel Chernoivanenko.
  • Musicians of our city: Natalya Korobeynikova; The ensemble of Russian folk instruments "Souvenir" plays; Taisiya Drobova; Viktor Ponomarev.
  • Film music by Mikael Tariverdiev.
  • Piano Conversations. Aram Khachaturian.
  • 1974 Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Krasnodar Institute of Culture.
  • Conversations at the piano: Sergei Rachmaninov; I.S. Bach.
  • Composer Alexander Dudnik.
  • 1975 Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments led by Alexander Dudnik.
  • Meeting with V.D. Ponomarev.
  • Recent writings by D.D. Shostakovich.
  • Piano Conversations. Played by Lydia Marchenko.
  • Meeting with the Kuban Cossack choir.
  • Composers of the Kuban.
  • 1977 Musicians of our city: Vitaly Kevorkov; Alexander Dudnik.
  • To the results of the Third Plenum of Kuban Composers.
  • Art Festival.
  • The orchestra played by Igor Bulakhov.
  • Russian folk musical instruments: Balalaika; Domra; Played by Boris Tropicyn.
  • Composers of Kuban October.
  • 1978 Russian folk musical instruments. Accordion.
  • Played by Natalya Korobeynikova.
  • Our guest. Russian orchestra.
  • 1979 Music by Mendelssohn.
  • 1983 Grigory Ponomarenko.
  • 1985 Conversation with the poet Vitaly Bakaldin.
  • 1986 Grigory Ponomarenko. Everything is left to the people.
  • 1987 Young Composers of Kuban.
  • Otradnensky ditties.
  • We invite you! Music and Pedagogical Faculty.
  • Author's concert by Vladimir Magdalits.
  • Fourth plenum of composers of Kuban.
  • 1991 Opening of the Grigory Ponomarenko Song Center.
  • 1992 Meeting. Interview with V.G. Komissinsky on the problems of the musical culture of the Kuban.
  • "All-Night Vigil" by Grigory Ponomarenko.
  • "Eolian strings". First All-Russian Festival of Symphonic and Chamber Music in Krasnodar (together with V. Magdalits).
  • Our festival Conversation with V. Kazenin and B. Tselkovnikov.
  • 1994 Krasnodar chamber choir.
  • "Wreath to the city". Artistic and publicistic film of Russian television ("Video International"), dedicated to the First All-Russian festival "Aeolian Strings" for the 200th anniversary of Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar.
  • 1996 Meeting for you. Krasnodar television and radio company "Pioneer". Interview with V.G. Komissinsky.
  • The Krasnodar organization of the Russian Investigative Committee is 30 years old (interview by V.G. Komissinsky).
  • 1997 Hunting for wolves. Conversation with V.G. Komissinsky. TRK "Ekaterinodar"
  • 1998 Right to biography. Victor Komissinsky.
  • "Friends of Grigory Ponomarenko". V. Komissinsky.
  • 1999 Vyacheslav Yakovlev and his Chamber Choir.
  • Amirbiy Kulov and dance ensemble "Nalmes".
  • Viktor Belousov and Tatyana Sorokina.
  • 2000 People's Artist of Russia Anatoly Lizvinsky.
  • Director of the Krasnodar chamber choir L.P. Belevtsov.
  • Honored Artist of Russia Svetlana Demkina.
  • Ataman V. Gromov and sculptor Olga Yakovleva.
  • Artist M.A. Klimarev.
  • Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation Alexander Dudnik.
  • Territory of communication. Rose Laveau.
  • Professor N.L. Mezhlumova and her students.
  • Ensemble of percussion instruments TO "Premiera". Viktor Burd.
  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation N.M. Kremenskaya.
  • 2001 Young artists of the Kuban Cossack Choir Anna Kosyakova and Elena Kulikovskaya.
  • Tour of the Kuban Cossack Choir in the cities of Siberia. Conversation with V. Vishnevsky and A. Rabochy.
  • Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation N. Uskirev.
  • Singing Roman Troyan.
  • Territory of communication. Honored Art Worker of Russia Vladimir Chernyavsky.
  • Professor Natalya Korobeynikova.
  • Composer Nikolay Nekoz.
  • Our guests are N. Vlasov and Vl. Waltz.
  • Territory of communication. Honored Art Worker of Adygea, Honored Teacher of Kuban, Professor Gissa Chich.
  • Composer Vitaly Kevorkov.
  • 2002 Alexander Plakhteev sings.
  • Ancient music performed by N. Korobeynikova.
  • Regional puppet theater today. Conversation with I. Belova and V. Prasol.
  • Regional Philharmonic today.
  • Territory of communication. Igor Anisimov.
  • 2003 Kuban Art Stars. Grigory Ponomarenko. A documentary film about the creative path of the composer (script by T. Vasilevskaya). State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Information and Economic Development of the Press, Television and Radio of the Krasnodar Territory", ANO "Krasnodar Film Studio", 2003.
  • 2008 V.G. Komissinsky is 70 years old. New TV Kuban.
  • 2010 "History in faces". Grigory Ponomarenko. Documentary film (script by T. Dunaeva). OOO TK "Star of Kuban", 2010.
  • 2011 Liberation of Krasnodar from fascist invaders. Documentary film with music by V. Komissinsky.
  • 2014 "Shrines of the Caucasus". A documentary film about the history of the Catherine's Church in Krasnodar (script by T. Dunaeva), with music by V. Komissinsky. TV "Star of the Kuban".
  • Anniversary of V.I. Zhuravleva-Ponomarenko.

Performances on Krasnodar radio

  • 1969 In the world of music.
  • 1971 "My record library". Cantata by S. Prokofiev "To the 20th Anniversary of October".
  • 1972 Man follows the song. Conversation with S.I. Eremenko.
  • 1975 A song goes around in circles. Conversation with V.G. Zakharchenko.
  • Take care of your own.
  • "This is the day of victory." Literary and musical composition (together with L.V. Komissinskaya).
  • "Winter Fantasy". Literary and musical composition (together with L.V. Komissinskaya).
  • Through the pages of a future book. Composer Rodion Shchedrin.
  • 1977 Creative portrait of Viktor Zakharchenko.
  • Played by Boris Tropicyn.
  • 1984 Vocal cycle by V. Magdalitz on verses by A. Voznesensky.
  • 1985 Grigory Ponomarenko - People's Artist of Russia.
  • Vladimir Magdalits. "Farewell Songs"
  • Dedicated to the Victory Day. Competition.
  • 1986 Viktor Likhonosov. "Elegy".
  • Young composers of Kuban.
  • At the Seventh Congress of Composers of the USSR. Conversation with G. Seleznev and V. Burylev.
  • 1987 Sixth plenum of Kuban composers.
  • Composer Lev Smirnov.
  • 1989 Creative plenum of Kuban composers.
  • 1993 Russian romance.
  • 1994 Russian sacred music performed by the Krasnodar chamber choir.
  • 2000 Conversation between V. Frolkin and V. Komissinsky.

Literature about the creative activity of V.G. Komissinsky

  • 1. Markov V. Conversations at the piano // Komsomolets Kuban. 1970. March 3.
  • 2. Slepov A.A., Kalachev Yu.T. Krasnodar organization of the Union of Composers of Russia. - Krasnodar, 1977. S. 7-8.
  • 3. Mkhitaryan A. Tasks of the day. From the Third Plenum of Kuban Composers // Komso-molets Kuban. 1977. 29 Apr.
  • 4. Tarakanov M.E. Foreword // Komissinsky V.G. On the dramatic principles of Rodion Shchedrin's creativity. – M.: Sov. composer, 1978. S. 4-10.
  • 5. Kuznetsov V. Vivaldi's creations sound // Komsomolets Kuban. 1978. 27 Oct.
  • 6. Genina L. A very difficult task. Questions of criticism // Sov. music. 1978. No. 11. S. 23.
  • 7. Semenov Yu. About contemporary music: [rec. on the book by V. Komissinsky “On the dramaturgical principles of Rodion Shchedrin’s work] // Sov. music. 1979. No. 5. S. 101-102.
  • 8. Sychev I. In the creative organizations of the RSFSR. Krasnodar // Music of Russia. Issue. 3. - M.: Sov. composer, 1980.
  • 9. Grigoriev L.G., Platek Ya.M. Soviet composers and musicologists: a reference book, in 3 volumes. T. 2. K-R. – M.: Sov. composer, 1981. S. 79.
  • 10. Sychev I.B. For the Russian Federation. Krasnodar // Music of Russia. Issue. 4. - M.: Sov. composer, 1982. S. 366-368.
  • 11. Korev Yu. The First Adyghe… // Sov. music. 1985. No. 12. S. 58-60.
  • 12. Titov S. Results of the Year // Information Bulletin of the Secretariat of the Board of the Union of Composers of the USSR. – M.: Sov. composer, 1986, no. 4-5. pp. 32-33.
  • 13. Pshenichnaya I. On the way of perestroika // Sov. Kuban. 1987. 16 Apr.
  • 14. Polozkov I.K. Not only compliments // Sov. culture. 1987. June 6.
  • 15. Vasilevskaya T. Do not prohibit, but educate // Sov. Kuban. 1987. June 26.
  • 16. Miroshnikova S., Yavorskaya M. Song of Brotherhood // Adygeiskaya Pravda. 1987. 28 Nov.
  • 17. Fish E. There is no stronger force // Dagestanskaya Pravda. 1988. 14 Apr.
  • 18. Borisov G. “I am happy in the profession” // Komsomolets Kuban. 1988. 21 Sept.
  • 19. Borisov G. Symphony for an orchestra that does not exist // Komsomolets Kuban. 1989. Feb. 1
  • 20. Vasilevskaya T. I choose business // Sov. Kuban. 1989. March 10.
  • 21. Zakharova T. Melodies of the Kuban // Komsomolets Kuban. 1989. 16 Dec.
  • 22. Chich G. Interesting and diverse // Adygeiskaya Pravda. 1990. Jan 4
  • 23. Zaitsev Yu. About music, artist and not only // Sov. Kuban. 1991. 10 Aug.
  • 24. Titov S.A. Musical creativity and Musical. life of the republics of the Russian Federation. Krasnodar // Music of Russia. Issue. 9. - M.: Sov. composer, 1991. S. 329.
  • 25. Reshetnyak L. So our union will be eternal // Kuban. news. 1992. May 13.
  • 26. Petrusenko I.A. V.G. Komissinsky // Petrusenko I.A. Path to song. Book. 1. - Maykop, 1992. S. 132-148.
  • 27. Reshetnyak L. How long to live in poverty? Backyard culture. Meeting of the leaders of the region with the creative intelligentsia // Kuban. news. 1992. March 19.
  • 28. Congratulations! // Free Kuban. 1992. July 7th.
  • 29. Congratulations! // News of the South of Russia. 1992. No. 37.
  • 30. Magdalits V. What is completed, what is in progress, what is planned? // Musical. academy. 1993. No. 2. S. 178.
  • 31. Weil D. “Eolian strings” sound // Krasnodar. news. 1993. June 17.
  • 32. Nikolaeva N. What does the Russian spirit smell like? // Kuban. courier. 1994. No. 190.
  • 33. Shinkevich S. The living word of God // Labor Man. 1994. No. 45.
  • 34. Ivanyuk S. Illuminates the music of the heart // Sov. Adygea. 1995. No. 238.
  • 35. Abdullin E. Let the "Eolian strings" sound // Musical. life. 1995. No. 3. S. 11.
  • 36. V.G. Komissinsky headed the association of composers of the South of Russia // Krasnodar. news. 1995. Jan 31
  • 37. Mikhlina I.I. Deeds and plans. Members of the Krasnodar regional department of the International Informatization Academy // Kuban: problems of culture and informatization. 1995. No. 1.
  • 38. Weil D. Bolshoy in Krasnodar: [about the concert performance of "Iolanta" by P.I. Tchaikovsky soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre, the Mariinsky Theater and the Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky] // Dawn. 1996. No. 23.
  • 39. Tuko K. Go your own way // Sov. Adygea. 1996. No. 177.
  • 40. Abdullin E. Jubilee // Culture. 1996. No. 30.
  • 41. Chervlensky V. Fiery sounds of chords // Honor and Motherland. 1997. No. 2.
  • 42. Grigory Ponomarenko and Margarita Agashina - what happened, it happened // Multi-level system of art education and upbringing: coll. Art. XI All-Russian. scientific-practical. conf. - Krasnodar, KGUKI. pp. 177-184.
  • 43. Podskochiy M. Creativity of Alemdar Karamanov: an experience of characterization [review of the book by V. Komissinsky "On the dramaturgical principles of R. Shchedrin's creativity"] // Alemdar Karamanov - music, life, fate. Memoirs, articles, researches. - M .: Publishing house "Classics of the XXI century", 2005. S. 279.
  • 44. Ten-Kovina N. Symphonic worlds // Free Kuban. Jan 12, 2009
  • 45. Grigory Ponomarenko // Free Kuban. Feb 11, 2009
  • 46. ​​Tkachenko G. Cossack memory. Vocal and choral works, accompanied by piano, button accordion. Issue 3. - Krasnodar: "Enlightenment-South", 2011.
  • 47. Babenko E.V. Analysis of musical works: textbook. allowance. - Krasnodar: KGUKI, 2010. S. 13, 14, 19, 68, 74.
  • 48. Salnikova S.V. Acquaintance with symphonic works of Kuban composers // The News. Feb 8, 2015
  • 51. Isachenko S.V. Jazz in the Kuban in the Soviet period: on the history of the issue // Music in the space of media culture: Sat. articles on mater. second international scientific-practical. conf. - Krasnodar: KGIK, 2015. P. 100.
  • 52. Babenko E. Some features of the musical language and shaping of the vocal cycle V.G. Komissinsky "Songs of my mother" // Music in the space of media culture: Sat. articles on mater. second international scientific-practical. conf. - Krasnodar: KGIK, 2015. S. 128-130.
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