Funny stories for kids. Funny Stories for Kids: The Best Reading Options

Nikolai Nosov, a writer of bright humorous talent, believed that children begin to understand jokes very early, before the age of two, and that the violation of the order of things that they have just learned is funny. In general, Nosov's books, as a rule, have two addresses - a child and an educator. Nosov helps the educator to understand the motives and motivations of the child's actions, and therefore to find more subtle ways of influencing him. He brings up a child with laughter, and this, as you know, is a better educator than any edification.

In Nosov's humorous stories for younger schoolchildren and children up to school age funny - not in the circumstances, but in the characters, the comedy of which stems from the peculiarity of a boyish nature. Nosov's funny books tell about serious things, and children, perceiving the life experience of the heroes, will learn how difficult, but how good it is to be responsible for the task assigned.

Stories for children of preschool and primary school age, action-packed, dynamic, full of unexpected comic situations. The stories are full of lyricism and humor; The story is usually told in the first person.

Humorous situations help Nosov show the logic of the hero's thinking and behavior. “The real reason for the funny lies not in external circumstances, but is rooted in the people themselves, in human characters,” Nosov wrote.

The writer's insight into the psychology of the child is artistically authentic. His works reflect the peculiarities of children's perception. Laconic expressive dialogue, a comic situation help the author to describe the characters of the guys

Nosov in his stories knows how to talk with children, knows how to understand the innermost thoughts. Reading Nosov's stories, you see real guys in front of you - exactly the same as we meet in Everyday life, with their strengths and weaknesses, thoughtfulness and naivety. The writer boldly resorts in his work to fantasy, mischievous fiction. At the heart of each of his stories or novels is an incident that happened or could happen in life, describes the characters of the guys, which we often meet in the surrounding reality.

The strength of his stories and stories lies in the truthful, ingenuous display of a peculiar and cheerful childish character.

All the work of Nikolai Nosov is permeated with genuine, intelligent love for children. Whichever of Nosov's stories we begin to read, immediately, from the first page, we experience joy. And the more we read, the more fun it becomes.

In funny stories, there is always something that makes you think seriously. Think about how you need early years prepare yourself for independent living: learn to cook porridge, fry minnows in a pan, plant seedlings in the garden and repair the phone, light sparklers and follow the rules of the street. Everyone should know and be able to do this. These stories help to get rid of bad character traits - absent-mindedness, cowardice, excessive curiosity, rudeness and arrogance, laziness and indifference.

The writer teaches little children to think not only about themselves, but also about their comrades. Together with the heroes, we experience spiritual relief, great satisfaction. The writer is generally opposed to flaunting the moralizing thought of his work, and strives to write in such a way that the little reader himself draws a conclusion. Possessing a deep understanding of children, the writer never gives a fact in pure form, without conjecture, without creative imagination. N.N. Nosov is an amazing children's writer. It is surprising and remarkable in that not only children receive a charge of extraordinary cheerfulness, vigor, a surge of strength, but adults immediately plunge into the atmosphere of childhood, remembering their "difficult" childhood problems.

The artistic word always more emotionally expresses the everyday problems faced by teachers, parents and children. It is much more effective than boring moralizing, instructions, explanations. And a lively discussion of Nosov's stories is not only an exciting journey along with the heroes of his books through the country of childhood, it is also an accumulation life experience, moral concepts what is "good", what is "bad", how to do the right thing, how to learn to be strong, courageous.

Reading Nosov's stories to children, you can have fun, laugh heartily, and draw important conclusions for yourself, do not forget that next to you are the same girls and boys, who do not always go smoothly and do well, that you can learn everything, you need to just keep your nose down and be able to be friends.

This is the moral and aesthetic side. social position children's writer, his worldview is reflected in his work. Internal organization a work addressed to children reflects the worldview of the author himself, his social, moral and aesthetic orientation in the world.

The story "The Living Hat" will always remain relevant. This funny story was a favorite of many in childhood. Why is it so well remembered by children? Yes, because “childish fears” haunt the child throughout his childhood: “What if this coat is alive and will grab me now?”, “What if the closet opens now and someone terrible comes out of it?”.

Such or other similar "horrors" often visit small children. And Nosov's story "The Living Hat" is, as it were, a guide for kids on how to overcome their fear. After reading this story, the child remembers it every time he is haunted by "invented" fears, and then he smiles, the fear goes away, he is bold and cheerful.

The power of life-affirmation is common feature children's literature. The very life-affirmation of childhood is optimistic. Small child I am sure that the world he came to was created for happiness, that this is a correct and lasting world. Such a feeling is the basis of the child's moral health and future ability for creative work.

A story about honesty - "Cucumbers" by N. Nosov. How many experiences Kotka got for the collective farm cucumbers! Not understanding what he did wrong, he rejoices, carrying cucumbers from the collective farm field home to his mother, not expecting her angry reaction: “Now bring them back!” And he is afraid of the watchman - they just managed to run away and be glad that he did not catch up - and here you have to go and voluntarily “surrender”. And it's already late - it's dark outside, it's scary. But on the other hand, when Kotka returned the cucumbers to the watchman, there was joy in his soul, and the way home was now pleasant for him, not terrible. Or has he become bolder, more confident in himself?

There are no "bad" stories in Nosov's stories. He builds his works in such a way that children do not notice that they are taught a polite, respectful attitude towards adults, they are taught to live in harmony and peace.

On the pages of Nosov's works, a lively dialogue sounds, conveying to everything that happens the hero - the boy, in his own way, often the attitude of the very directly illuminating certain artistically reliable events. This penetration into the psychology of the hero, who evaluates everything from his own, boyish point of view, creates not only a comical situation in Nosov’s stories, but also humorously colors the logic of the hero’s behavior, which sometimes contradicts the logic of adults or the logic of common sense.

If we recall the heroes of the story "Mishkin's porridge", "- Don't worry! I saw my mother cook. You will be full, you will not die of hunger. I will cook such porridge that you will lick your fingers! You just marvel at their independence and skill! Broke the stove. The bear poured cereal into the pan. I say:

More rash. I really want to eat!

He poured a full pan and poured water to the top.

Isn't there a lot of water? - I ask. - The mess will work.

It's okay, mom does it all the time. You just look after the stove, and I'll cook, be calm.

Well, I look behind the stove, put firewood, and Mishka cooks porridge, that is, does not cook, but sits and looks at the pan, she cooks herself.

Well, they couldn’t cook porridge, but after all, they melted the stove, they put firewood on it. They get water from the well - they drowned the bucket, it’s true, but they still got it with a mug, a pan. "Nonsense! I will bring it now. He took the matches, tied a rope to the bucket and went to the well. Returns in a minute.

Where is the water? - I ask.

Water... there, in the well.

I know what's in the well. Where is the bucket of water?

And a bucket, - he says, - in the well.

How - in the well?

Yes, in the well.



The minnows have been cleaned and, you see, they would have been fried if the oil had not burned. "We are freaks! Mishka says. - We have minnows!

I say:

There is no time now to mess around with minnows! Soon it will start to light up.

So we will not cook them, but fry them. It's fast - once, and it's ready.

Come on, - I say, - if quickly. And if it will be like porridge, then it’s better not to.

In a moment, you'll see."

And most importantly, found the right decision- they asked a neighbor to cook porridge, and for this they weeded her garden. "Mishka said:

Weeds are rubbish! Quite an easy task. Much easier than cooking porridge! Similarly, violent energy and fantasy, combined with an overestimation of their capabilities and a lack of life experience, often put kids in a ridiculous position, which is even more aggravated by the fact that failure does not discourage them, but, on the contrary, is usually a source of new fantasies and unexpected actions.

Nikolai Nikolaevich so skillfully hid behind the little heroes that it seemed as if they themselves, without any participation of the author, were talking about their lives, about sorrows, joys, problems and dreams. In the center of the works of N. Nosov are dreamers, fidgets, indefatigable inventors, who are often punished for their inventions. The most common life situations in Nosov's stories turn into unusually funny instructive stories.

Nosov's stories always include an educational element. There is it in a story about cucumbers stolen from a collective farm garden, and how Fedya Rybkin “forgot how to laugh in class” (“Blob”), and about the bad habit of learning lessons by turning on the radio (“Fedya’s task”). But even the most “moralistic stories” of the writer are interesting and close to children, because they help them understand the relationship between people.

The heroes of Nosov’s work are actively striving to learn about their surroundings: either they searched the entire yard, climbed all the sheds and attics (“Shurik at Grandfather’s”), then they worked all day - “they built a snow hill” (“On the hill”).

Nosov's boys carry all the features of a person: his integrity, excitement, spirituality, eternal desire, the habit of inventing, which in reality corresponds to the images of real guys.

The work of N. Nosov is diverse and versatile. Laughter is the main engine of his creativity. Unlike the vast majority of comedians, Nosov has established himself as a theoretician of the funny.

For N. Nosov, the discovery and explanation of the world to children is one of the most important artistic tasks.

One can talk about Nosov - a humorist, Nosov - a satirist for a long time: almost every line written by him is related to laughter.

Nosov's books are readily translated almost all over the world. Back in 1955, the UNESCO Courier magazine published data according to which Nosov was the third among the most translated Russian writers in the world - right after Gorky and Pushkin! In this sense, he is ahead of all children's writers.

Continuation of traditions humorous stories Nosov can be seen in the works of such writers as V. Dragunsky, V. Medvedev and other contemporary writers.

This year, guys, I turned forty years old. So it turns out that I saw forty times Christmas tree. It's a lot!

Well, for the first three years of his life, he probably did not understand what a Christmas tree was. Manerno, my mother carried me on the handles. And probably, with my black little eyes, I looked at the painted tree without interest.

And when I, children, hit five years old, I already perfectly understood what a Christmas tree is.

And I was looking forward to it happy holiday. And even in the crack of the door I peeped how my mother decorates the Christmas tree.

And my sister Lelya was seven years old at that time. And she was an exceptionally lively girl.

She once told me:

When I was little, I really liked ice cream.

Of course, I still love him. But then it was something special - I loved ice cream so much.

And when, for example, an ice cream man was driving down the street with his cart, I immediately felt dizzy: before that I wanted to eat what the ice cream man was selling.

And my sister Lelya also exclusively loved ice cream.

I had a grandmother. And she loved me very dearly.

She came to visit us every month and gave us toys. And in addition, she brought with her a whole basket of cakes.

Of all the cakes, she let me choose the one I liked.

And my older sister Lelya was not very fond of my grandmother. And didn't let her choose the cakes. She herself gave her what she had. And because of this, my little sister Lelya whimpered every time and was more angry with me than with my grandmother.

One fine summer day, my grandmother came to our country house.

She arrived at the cottage and is walking through the garden. She holds a basket of cakes in one hand and a purse in the other.

I studied for a very long time. Then there were high schools. And the teachers then put marks in the diary for each lesson asked. They put some score - from five to one inclusive.

And I was very small when I entered the gymnasium, the preparatory class. I was only seven years old.

And I still didn’t know anything about what happens in gymnasiums. And for the first three months, I literally walked in a fog.

And then one day the teacher told us to memorize a poem:

The moon is merrily shining over the village,

White snow sparkles with a blue light ...

My parents loved me very dearly when I was little. And they gave me many gifts.

But when I got sick with something, my parents literally then showered me with gifts.

And for some reason, I often fell ill. Mainly mumps or tonsillitis.

And my sister Lelya almost never fell ill. And she was jealous that I got sick so often.

She said:

Just wait, Minka, I’ll also fall ill somehow, so our parents, too, I suppose will start buying everything for me.

But, as luck would have it, Lelya did not get sick. And only once, putting a chair by the fireplace, she fell and broke her forehead. She groaned and moaned, but instead of the expected gifts, she received a few slaps from our mother, because she put a chair to the fireplace and wanted to get her mother's watch, and this was forbidden.

One day, Lelya and I took a candy box and put a frog and a spider in it.

Then we wrapped this box in clean paper, tied it with a chic blue ribbon, and put this package on the panel opposite our garden. As if someone was walking and lost their purchase.

Putting this package near the cabinet, Lelya and I hid in the bushes of our garden and, choking with laughter, began to wait for what would happen.

And here comes the passer-by.

When he sees our package, he, of course, stops, rejoices and even rubs his hands with pleasure. Still: he found a box of chocolates - this is not so often the case in this world.

With bated breath, Lelya and I are watching what will happen next.

The passer-by bent down, took the package, quickly untied it, and, seeing the beautiful box, was even more delighted.

When I was six years old, I didn't know that the Earth was spherical.

But Styopka, the master's son, with whose parents we lived in the dacha, explained to me what land is. He said:

The earth is a circle. And if everything goes straight, you can go around the whole Earth and still come to the very place where you came from.

When I was little, I really liked to have dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than I do.

First, a variety of food was placed on the table. And this aspect of the matter particularly attracted Lelya and me.

Secondly, adults always told Interesting Facts from your life. And this amused Lelya and me.

Of course, the first time we were quiet at the table. But then they got bolder. Lelya began to interfere in conversations. Chattered endlessly. And I, too, sometimes interjected my comments.

Our remarks made the guests laugh. And mom and dad at first were even pleased that the guests see such our mind and such our development.

But then this is what happened at one dinner.

Papa's boss began to tell some incredible story about how he saved the fireman.

Peter was not so a little boy. He was four years old. But his mother considered him a very tiny child. She fed him with a spoon, took him for a walk by the hand and in the morning she dressed him.

Once Petya woke up in his bed. And my mother began to dress him. So she dressed him and put him on his legs near the bed. But Petya suddenly fell. Mom thought he was naughty, and again put him on his feet. But he fell again. Mom was surprised and put him near the crib for the third time. But the child fell again.

Mom got scared and called dad on the phone at the service.

She told dad

Come home soon. Something happened to our boy - he can't stand on his legs.

When the war began, Kolya Sokolov could count to ten. Of course, it's not enough to count to ten, but there are children who can't even count to ten.

For example, I knew one little girl, Lyalya, who only counted to five. And what did she think? She said, "One, two, four, five." And missed three. Is this account! This is downright ridiculous.

No, such a girl is unlikely to be a researcher or professor of mathematics in the future. Most likely, she will be a housekeeper or a junior janitor with a broom. Since she is so incapable of numbers.

Works are divided into pages

Zoshchenko's stories

When in distant years Mikhail Zoshchenko wrote his famous children's stories, then he didn’t think at all that everyone would laugh at cocky boys and girls. The writer wanted to help children become good people. Series " Zoshchenko's stories for children"corresponds school curriculum literary education for the lower grades of the school. It is primarily addressed to children who are between the ages of seven and eleven and includes Zoshchenko's stories variety of themes, trends and genres.

Here we have collected wonderful Zoshchenko's children's stories, read which is a great pleasure, because Mikhail Makhalovich was true master the words. The stories of M Zoshchenko are filled with kindness, the writer unusually vividly managed to display children's characters, the atmosphere of the most young years filled with naivete and purity.

List of contemporary books Russian writers. Books for children 7-10 and 10-14 years old

I don’t want to charm modern schoolchildren specifically: to find out what is fashionable now, to insert mentions of some things or cool words. I want to tell stories that happen with every generation, in every country and in every era. How to read to children - You have been writing children's books for 25 years. But parents complain that it is now difficult to captivate children with any kind of reading. - Children always read, but now it is really more difficult to get them interested in a book, because there are computer games, dozens of TV channels. But if it works out, they become real readers - the same as we were in our time. It is necessary to read to kids at night, my wife and I always told our children some ...

Create a tradition of oral history!

List of books for children who have passed to the second grade.


Thanks for the list. We work according to the system Primary School 21st century, and everyone has already re-read what we were asked. We can’t tear ourselves away from books directly, let’s take note of new works.

06/08/2018 15:08:51, Yulyashka Darinova

I also constantly buy ozone))) I bought textbooks for my son for school.

3 bedtime stories for kids

Well, give up this desire, and you will get a bun or a gingerbread - whatever you want. Vasya thought: after all, I don’t have to study to read right now, I’ll still have time, but I want to eat a bun right now. And he says: - Okay, I refuse. Get Vasya your favorite bun with poppy seeds and chocolate icing and move on. In the country of sweet buns, everything is so interesting, beautiful: trees, flowers, playgrounds with swings, houses, slides, ladders. Vasya looked at everything, climbed everywhere. Wanted to eat again. Sees - another counter with sweets. He approached. The saleswoman asks: - Do you want a bun? - Want. I just don't have money. “And we don’t sell for money, but for skills. How is that for skills? - do not understand...


The article is just SUPER!!! I am delighted! The main thing is very interesting and the child corrected himself, the fairy tale made him think and draw the right conclusions. Especially the fairy tale about Vika, I would also cry ... very instructive!

08/22/2007 12:45:59 pm, marina

We had a dog - a black medium poodle Timofey. Ten years ago he died, but to great joy he left us pleasant memories of what he did when he was little.

Strangely enough, Nosov's book "Dunno and his friends", "Dunno in a sunny city" can be attributed to this genre, and "Dunno on the Moon" can be considered children's fantastic work. For younger students From the books of Russian authors, I like adventure children's tales by Sofya Prokofieva, Eduard Uspensky, fantastic stories and novels by Kir Bulychev. Boys of younger teenage years can be offered Tolkien's The Hobbit, after which (at a slightly older age) they can proceed to reading the world-famous Lord of the Rings trilogy by the same author. An important role in the...


On the eve of the holidays in most schools, students are given very extensive lists of literature, which each of them must overcome by the beginning of the school year.
...Books about suffering and fortitude can support a child whose mental strength has been exhausted in the struggle with life's troubles (for example, problems with peers, the pain of first love, divorce of parents, etc.) Do not neglect "lightweight" literature. Lyrical "ladies' reading" develops a normal sensual femininity in girls. And entertaining and humorous stories help sick children come to terms with temporary inactivity. It is clear that there can be no talk of any universal advice. It's just that there are books that are the most optimal for reading in childhood: very light, simple and cheerful tales of Rodari, "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" Raspe and, oddly enough, the works of Hemingway, for all their complexity. Besides...

A very strange article. I did not like it, as, indeed, many who unsubscribed earlier ...

competition at school expressive reading prose work. I think in the direction of the humorous, because it is more interesting to listen to. The child is 7 years old. Tell me, who, besides Nosov (read out), has short stories? Thank you.

Hello, is this a lost and found office? asked a childish voice. - Yes baby. Have you lost something? - I lost my mother. She is not with you? - What is your mother like? - She is beautiful and kind. And she also loves cats. - Yes, just yesterday we found one mother, maybe it's yours. Where are you calling from? - From orphanage Number 3. - Okay, we'll send your mom to you in Orphanage. Wait. She entered his room, the most beautiful and kind, and in her hands was a real live cat. - Mother! The baby screamed and rushed towards her. He...


And I cried so much. So all this is vital, true - this is how a child dreams, this is how, with maniacal persistence, we adopt.

Oh, and about me, no one called the heavenly office. Well, so that there is an ideal man, love, good luck, and most importantly - endless cash flow. And I did everything like in a fairy tale-e-e-e (I cry)

The topic of reading has been raised many times already, with different sides discussed. I will also do my part. I also have a child who can't read. But here it is necessary: ​​sunk into humorous books. Reads with pleasure and asks for more. funny stories, stories. Jokes come first. Even the problem of journals, discussed below, is the following for us: one reads mainly anecdotes and funny stories of them, and everything else, including comics, is just like a free supplement to these jokes. All in all, I'm glad...


I also remembered: N. Dumbadze, "I, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion"

In the new season 2004-05 in the Central House of Artists on the literary subscription number 4 for young. schoolchildren, which is called "The Most Incredible", will read Dragoon's "Deniska's stories" and "Little Baba Yaga" by Preysler. Highly recommend. When the son hears
good works performed by professionals, he will want to read them all the more.
Or you can go further: buy subscription No. 3 "Through the pages of your favorite books". Although it is addressed to grades 5-7, we bought it :-)
Gogol "The Night Before Christmas", Seton-Thompson "Stories about Animals", Hugo "Les Misérables", Gauf "Dwarf Nose" will not leave anyone indifferent. Let the child first like these books, and then he will read them himself.

Girls, please advise for the competition, my son is 10 years old. I don’t like poetry myself and I don’t know which of the authors writes funny :(

The child will be auditioned theater school. You need to read the verse. In order not to be long, beautiful, interesting and memorable. adult level. Maybe one of your favorites?


Vladimir Volkodav - Mute:

One day, on a fine May day,
A passer-by fell on the street,
Fell absurdly, right into the dirt,
Everyone was pointing fingers and laughing...

And floated past the face.
Grumbled - it is necessary to get so drunk!
And he - looked with a plea at everyone,
Trying to get up, and laughter and ... sin.

Mumbling obscure words...
Head covered in blood...
Mud flowed from the face,
Whispered around - "cattle", "scum" ...

And bypassed
Proud in my heart, I'm not like that!
And spitting in disgust
Fear of getting dirty in the mud.

Others - just hiding their eyes,
They walked past, they say they are in a hurry ...
Raise? ... God forbid!
He is like an animal, in the mud.
So hour after hour passed,
And now the sunset is over...
Deep at night, only a patrol,
I noticed a sack in a dirty puddle ...

Disdainfully kicked with a boot,
Get up, wino... the basement is your house.
Didn't notice the blue lips...
He did not answer ... he was - THE CORPSE ...

The gray-haired man was not drunk,
A sick heart was squeezed by a trap,
Fate grinning,
Pushed him straight into the dirt...

In vain, he tried to get up,
In vain, he tried to call
Crushed by pain, like a wall ...
But the trouble is… he was MUTE…
And maybe one of us
I've seen this more than once
A vile grin is melting,
Perhaps they will help ... but - not me ...

So who are we ... people ... or not?
Simple question - not an easy answer.
Loving the laws of the jungle
Where everyone is only for themselves.
Once upon a fine day in May
A passer-by fell on the street ...

03/04/2018 16:04:22, Alina Zhogno

To become a man, it is not enough for him to be born Mikhail Lvov

02/08/2018 20:46:58, david2212121221

Have you noticed that many children really like different kind theatrics? In teaching reading, when the stage of reading individual words and phrases has already been completed, reading simple sentences not inspiring, and the texts are still difficult to read, short dialogues help a lot. They can be read by roles (with a teacher, with mom, with comrades in the training group), you can read alone different voices. We read both poetry and prose. Now, for example, I am making a book based on Suteev for reading - "The Mouse and ...


Oleg Grigoriev.

I carried home
A bag of candy.
And then towards me
Taken off beret:
- O! Hello!
What are you carrying?
- A bag of candy.
- How - candy?
Yes, candy.
- A compote?
- There is no compote.
- No compote
And it is not necessary…
Are they chocolate?
Yes, they are chocolate.
- Good,
I am very happy.
I love chocolate.
Give me candy.
- For candy.
- And that one, that one, that one...
The beauty! Delicious!
And this one, and that one...
No more?
- No more.
- Well hello.
- Well hello.
- Well hello.

L. Mironova
- Where is the apple, Andryusha?
- Apple? I've been eating for a long time.
- You haven't washed it, it seems.
- I cleaned his skin!
- Well done you have become!
- I've been like this for a long time.
- And where are the cleaning cases?
- Ah... cleaning... also ate.

S.V. Mikhalkov Kittens.
Our kittens were born -
There are exactly five of them.
We decided, we guessed:
How should we name kittens?
Finally we named them:

ONCE - the kitten is the whitest,
TWO - the kitten is the most daring,
THREE - the kitten is the smartest,
And FOUR is the noisiest.

FIVE - similar to THREE and TWO -
Same tail and head
The same spot on the back
He also sleeps all day in a basket.

We have good kittens -
Come visit us guys
View and count

Sing, great! B. Zakhoder
- Hello, Vova!
- How are your lessons?
- Not ready...
You know, bad cat
Doesn't let you do it!
Just sat down at the table
I hear: "Meow ..." - "What came?
Leave! I scream at the cat. -
I'm already... unbearable!
You see, I'm busy with science,
So shove and don't meow!"
He then climbed into a chair,
He pretended to be asleep.
Well, he deftly pretended -
It's almost like he's sleeping! -
But you can't fool me...
“Oh, are you sleeping? Now you get up!
You are smart and I am smart!
Once by the tail!
- And he?
He scratched my hands
Pulled the tablecloth off the table
Spilled all the ink on the floor
All my notebooks smeared
And slipped out the window!
I'm ready to forgive the cat
I feel sorry for them, cats.
But why do they say
Like it's my own fault?
I openly told my mother:
“This is just slander!
Would you try it yourself
Hold the cat's tail!"

Fedul, what pouted his lips?
-Caftan burnt.
- You can sew.
- No needles.
-How big is the hole?
-One gate left.

I caught a bear!
- So bring it here!
-Does not go.
- So you go!
- He won't let me!

Where, Thomas, are you going?
Where are you driving?
- I'm going to mow hay,
What do you need hay for?
- Feed the cows.
- What about cows?
-Milk milk.
- Why milk?
- Feed the kids.

Hello kitty, how are you?
Why did you leave us?
- I can't live with you
Tail nowhere to put
Walk, yawn
Step on the tail. Meow!

V. Orlov
- Kra! crow cries.
Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief sneaked in early in the morning!
He stole a penny from his pocket!
Pencil! Cardboard! Cork!
And a nice box!
- Stop, crow, shut up!
Shut up, don't scream!
You can not live without cheating!
You don't have a pocket!
- How? - jumped the crow
and blinked in surprise
Why didn't you say before?
Kar-r-raul! Kar-r-rman ukr-rali!

Who is first.

Who offended whom first?
- He me!
- No, he me!
Who hit whom first?
- He me!
- No, he me!
- Have you been friends like this before?
- I was friends.
- And I was friends.
What didn't you share?
- I forgot.
- And I forgot.

Fedya! Run to Aunt Olya,
Bring some salt.
- Salts?
- Salts.
- I am now.
- Oh, and Fedin's hour is long.
Well, it finally arrived!
Where did you run, tomboy?
- Met Mishka and Seryozhka.
- And then?
- They were looking for a cat.
- And then?
- Then they found it.
- And then?
- Let's go to the pond.
- And then?
- Catching a pike!
They barely pulled out the evil one!
- Pike?
- Pike.
- But wait, where is the salt?
- What kind of salt?

S.Ya. Marshak

Wolf and fox.

Gray wolf in dense forest
Met a red fox.

Lisaveta, hello!
- How are you, toothy?

Nothing is going on.
The head is still intact.

Where have you been?
- On the market.
- What did you buy?
- Pigs.

How much did they take?
- Wool tuft,

right side,
Tail bitten off in a fight!
- Who gnawed?
- Dogs!

Are you full, dear kumanek?
- Barely dragged his legs!

01/10/2016 12:49:02 PM + Olga

Everyone thank you very much for answers and for new ideas!

Dear friends! I recently met interesting person, a real sorceress - a children's writer from Moscow Natalya Osipova. There is a lot in her creative baggage amazing fairy tales, some of which have become interesting cartoons, became the basis of beautiful children's books. Especially for the readers of the portal, Natalya Nikolaevna wrote a letter. I publish it and invite you to the YouTube channel to watch the video clip "Brilliant parrot!". Best regards...

V. Golyavkin

How we climbed into the pipe

A huge pipe was lying in the yard, and Vovka and I sat on it. We sat on this pipe, and then I said:

Let's climb into the pipe. We go in one end and we go out the other. Who gets out the fastest.

Vovka said:

And suddenly we'll suffocate there.

There are two windows in the chimney, I said, just like in a room. Are you breathing in the room?

Vovka said:

What kind of room is this? Since it's a pipe. - He always argues.

I climbed first, and Vovka counted. He counted to thirteen when I got out.

Come on, I, - said Vovka.

He climbed into the pipe, and I counted. I counted to sixteen.

You think fast, - he said, - come on! And he again climbed into the pipe.

I counted to fifteen.

It’s not stuffy at all, he said, it’s very cool there.

Then Petka Yashchikov approached us.

And we, - I say, - climb the pipe! I got out on the account of thirteen, and he on fifteen.

Come on, I, - said Petya.

And he also climbed into the pipe.

He got out at eighteen.

We started laughing.

He climbed again.

He came out very sweaty.

Well, how? - he asked.

Sorry, I said, we didn't count now.

What does it mean that I crawled for nothing? He was offended, but climbed again.

I counted to sixteen.

Well, - he said, - gradually it will turn out! - And he climbed into the pipe again. This time he crawled there for a long time. Nearly twenty. He got angry, wanted to climb again, but I said:

Let others climb, - he pushed him away and climbed himself. I stuffed myself with a bump and crawled for a long time. I was very hurt.

I got out at thirty.

We thought you were gone,” Petya said.

Then Vovka climbed. I have already counted to forty, but he still does not get out. I look into the pipe - it's dark there. And there is no other end in sight.

Suddenly he gets out. From the end you entered. But he got out head first. Not with legs. That's what surprised us!

Wow, - says Vovka, - I almost got stuck. How did you turn around there?

With difficulty, - says Vovka, - I almost got stuck.

We were very surprised!

Mishka Menshikov came up here.

What are you doing here, he says?

Yes, - I say - we climb into the pipe. Do you want to climb?

No, he says, I don't want to. Why should I go there?

And we, - I say, - climb there.

You can see it, he says.

What is visible?

What did you climb there.

We look at each other. And really visible. We are all as it is in the red rust. Everything seems to be rusty. Just horror!

Well, I went, - says Mishka Menshikov. And he went.

And we didn’t climb into the pipe anymore. Although we were all rusty. We already had it anyway. It was possible to fly. But we still didn't climb.

Annoying Misha

Misha learned two poems by heart, and there was no peace from him. He climbed onto stools, sofas, even tables, and, shaking his head, immediately began to read one poem after another.

Once he went to the Christmas tree to the girl Masha, without taking off his coat, climbed into a chair and began to read one poem after another.

Masha even told him: "Misha, you're not an artist!"

But he did not hear, read everything to the end, got down from his chair and was so pleased that it was even surprising!

And in the summer he went to the village. Grandmother had a big stump in her garden. Misha climbed onto a stump and began to read one poem after another to his grandmother.

One must think how tired he was of his grandmother!

Then the grandmother took Misha to the forest. And there was clearing in the forest. And then Misha saw so many stumps that his eyes ran wide.

What stump to stand on?

He got really lost!

And so his grandmother brought him back, so bewildered. And since then he did not read poems, unless he was asked.


We made original costumes - no one else will have them! I will be a horse, and Vovka a knight. The only bad thing is that he should ride me and not me on him. And all because I'm a little younger. See what happens! But nothing can be done. True, we agreed with him: he will not ride me all the time. He rides me a little, and then he gets down and leads me along like horses are led by the bridle.

And so we went to the carnival.

They came to the club in ordinary suits, and then changed clothes and went out into the hall. I mean, we moved in. I crawled on all fours. And Vovka was sitting on my back. True, Vovka helped me to touch the floor with his feet. But it still wasn't easy for me.

Besides, I didn't see anything. I was wearing a horse mask. I couldn't see anything at all, even though there were holes in the mask for the eyes. But they were somewhere on the forehead. I crawled in the dark. Bumped into someone's legs. I ran into the convoy twice. Yes, what to say! Sometimes I shook my head, then the mask would come off and I would see the light. But for a moment. And then it's all dark again. I couldn't shake my head all the time!

I saw the light for a moment. But Vovka saw nothing at all. And he kept asking me what was ahead. And asked to crawl more carefully. And so I crawled carefully. I didn't see anything myself. How could I know what was ahead! Someone stepped on my arm. I stopped right now. And he refused to move on. I told Vovka:

Enough. Get down.

Vovka probably liked the ride, and he did not want to get off. He said that it was too early. But still he got down, took me by the bridle, and I crawled on. Now it was easier for me to crawl, although I still could not see anything. I offered to take off the masks and take a look at the carnival, and then put on the masks again. But Vovka said:

Then we will be recognized.

Must be fun here, I said. We just don't see anything...

But Vovka walked in silence. He firmly decided to endure to the end and get the first prize. My knees hurt. I said:

I'll sit on the floor now.

Can horses sit? Vovka said. You are crazy! You are a horse!

I'm not a horse, I said. - You're a horse.

No, you are a horse, - answered Vovka. - And you know perfectly well that you are a horse, We will not receive an award.

So be it, I said. - I'm tired.

Don't do stupid things, - said Vovka. - Be patient.

I crawled up to the wall, leaned against it and sat on the floor.

You sit? - asked Vovka.

I'm sitting, I said.

Well, okay, - agreed Vovka. - You can still sit on the floor. Just be careful not to sit on a chair. Then everything was gone. Do you understand? A horse - and suddenly on a chair! ..

Music blared all around, laughing.

I asked:

Will it end soon?

Be patient, - said Vovka, - probably soon ... Vovka also could not stand it. Sat on the sofa. I sat next to him. Then Vovka fell asleep on the couch. And I fell asleep too. Then they woke us up and gave us a bonus.

We play Antarctica

Mom left home somewhere. And we were left alone. And we got bored. We flipped the table. They pulled a blanket over the legs of the table. And it turned out to be a tent. It's like we're in Antarctica. Where our dad is now.

Vitka and I climbed into the tent.

We were very pleased that here Vitka and I were sitting In a tent, although not in Antarctica, but as if in Antarctica, and around us there was ice and wind. But we got tired of sitting in a tent.

Vitka said:

Winterers do not sit like this all the time in a tent. They must be doing something.

Surely, - I said, - they catch whales, seals and something else. Of course they don't sit like that all the time!

Suddenly I saw our cat. I shouted:

Here is a seal!

Hooray! Vitka shouted. - Grab him! He also saw a cat.

The cat was walking towards us. Then she stopped. She looked at us carefully. And she ran back. She didn't want to be a seal. She wanted to be a cat. I understood it right away. But what could we do! There was nothing we could do. We need to catch someone! I ran, stumbled, fell, got up, but the cat was nowhere to be found.

She's here! - yelled Vitka. - Run here!

Vitka's legs stuck out from under the bed.

I crawled under the bed. It was dark and dusty in there. But the cat was not there.

I'm getting out, I said. - There is no cat here.

Here she is, - Vitka argued. - I saw her run here.

I got out all dusty and began to sneeze. Vitka kept fiddling under the bed.

She is there, - Vitka repeated.

So be it, I said. - I won't go there. I sat there for an hour. I'm over it.

Think! Vitka said. - And I?! I climb here more than you.

Finally Vitka also got out.

There she is! I shouted. The cat was sitting on the bed.

I almost grabbed her by the tail, but Vitka pushed me, the cat jumped - and onto the closet! Try to get it out of the closet!

What a seal, I said. - Can a seal sit on a closet?

Let it be a penguin, - said Vitka. - As if he were sitting on an ice floe. Let's whistle and shout. He then gets scared. And jump from the closet. This time we will capture the penguin.

We began to yell and whistle with all our might. I really can't whistle. Only Vitka whistled. But I yelled at the top of my lungs. Almost hoarse.

The penguin doesn't seem to hear. A very smart penguin. He lurks there and sits.

Come on, - I say, - let's throw something at him. Well, at least throw a pillow.

We threw a pillow on the wardrobe. The cat didn't jump out.

Then we threw three more pillows on the closet, mother's coat, all mother's dresses, father's skis, a saucepan, father's and mother's slippers, many books and much more. The cat didn't jump out.

Maybe it's not in the closet? - I said.

There she is, - said Vitka.

How is it there, since it is not there?

Don't know! Vitka says.

Vitka brought a basin of water and placed it by the cupboard. If the cat decides to jump from the closet, let it jump right into the pelvis. Penguins love to dive into the water.

We left something else on the closet. Wait - will it jump? Then they put a table next to the closet, a chair on the table, a suitcase on the chair, and climbed onto the closet.

And there is no cat.

The cat is gone. It is not known where.

Vitka began to get down from the closet and flopped right into the basin. Water spilled all over the room.

This is where mom comes in. And behind her is our cat. She apparently jumped into the window.

Mom threw up her hands and said:

What's going on here?

Vitka remained sitting in the pelvis. Before that I was scared.

How amazing, says Mom, that you can't leave them alone for a minute. You need to do this!

Of course, we had to clean everything ourselves. And even wash the floor. And the cat importantly walked around. And she looked at us with a look as if she was going to say: "Here, you will know that I am a cat. And not a seal and not a penguin."

A month later, our dad arrived. He told us about Antarctica, about brave polar explorers, about their great job, and it was very funny to us that we thought that the only thing that winterers do is to catch various whales and seals there ...

But we didn't tell anyone what we thought.
Copyright: Golyavkin, stories for children

Do you know that literature is not only for education and moralizing? Literature - it happens for laughter. And laughter is the most favorite thing for children, after sweets, of course. We have compiled for you a selection of the most fun children's books that will be of interest to even the oldest children, grandparents. These books are perfect for family reading. Which, in turn, is ideal for family leisure. Read and laugh!

Narine Abgaryan - "Manyunya"

“Manya and I, despite the strict prohibition of our parents, often ran away to the junk dealer’s house and fiddled with his children. We imagined ourselves as teachers and drilled the unfortunate kids as best we could. Uncle Slavik's wife did not interfere in our games, on the contrary, she approved.

“All the same, there is no government for children,” she said, “so at least you calm them down.

Since admitting to Ba that we picked up lice from the children of a junk dealer was like death, we were silent in a rag.

When Ba finished with me, Manka squealed thinly:

“Aaaaah, am I really going to be that scary too?”

- Well, why scary? - Ba grabbed Manka and imperiously nailed him to a wooden bench. “You might think that all your beauty is in your hair,” and she cut off a large curl from Mankina’s crown.

I ran into the house to look at myself in the mirror. The spectacle that opened my eyes plunged me into horror - I was short and unevenly cut, and on the sides of my head with two perky leaves of burdock my ears stood up! I burst into bitter tears - never, never in my life have I had such ears!

— Narineeee?! Ba's voice reached me. - It's good to admire your typhoid physiognomy, run here, better admire Manya!

I stumbled into the yard. Manyuni's tear-stained face appeared from behind the mighty back of Baba Rosa. I swallowed loudly - Manka looked incomparable, even more whippy than me: at least both tips of my ears stuck out equidistantly from the skull, in Manka they were at odds - one ear was neatly pressed to the head, and the other belligerently bristled to the side!

- Well, - Ba looked at us with satisfaction, - Gena and Cheburashka are pure crocodile!

Valery Medvedev - "Barankin, be a man!"

When everyone sat down and there was silence in the class, Zinka Fokina shouted:

- Oh, guys! It's just some kind of misfortune! New academic year had not yet begun, and Barankin and Malinin had already managed to get two deuces! ..

A terrible noise immediately arose in the classroom again, but individual cries, of course, could be made out.

- In such conditions, I refuse to be the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper! (This was said by Era Kuzyakina.) - And they also promised that they would improve! (Mishka Yakovlev.) - Unfortunate drones! Last year they were nursed, and again all over again! (Alik Novikov.) - Call the parents! (Nina Semyonova.) - Only our class is dishonored! (Irka Pukhova.) - We decided to do everything “good” and “excellent”, and here you are! (Ella Sinitsyna.) - Shame on Barankin and Malinin!! (Ninka and Irka together.) - Yes, kick them out of our school, and that's it!!! (Erka Kuzyakina.) "Okay, Erka, I'll remember this phrase for you."

After these words, everyone shouted with one voice, so loudly that it was completely impossible for Kostya and me to make out who and what was thinking about us, although from individual words it was possible to catch that Kostya Malinin and I were blockheads, parasites, drones! Once again, fools, loafers, egoists! And so on! Etc!..

What annoyed me and Kostya most of all was that Venka Smirnov was yelling the loudest. Whose cow, as they say, would moo, but his would be silent. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than that of Kostya and me. Therefore, I could not stand it and also screamed.

- Redhead, - I shouted at Venka Smirnov, - why are you yelling the loudest of all? If you were the first to be called to the board, you would not get a deuce, but a unit! So shut up in a rag.

- Oh, you, Barankin, - Venka Smirnov yelled at me, - I'm not against you, I'm yelling for you! What am I trying to say, guys!.. I say: you can’t immediately call to the blackboard after the holidays. It is necessary that we first come to our senses after the holidays ...

Christine Nestlinger - "Down with the Cucumber King!"

“I didn’t think: it can’t be! I didn’t even think: well, the jester - you can die from laughter! Nothing came to my mind at all. Well, nothing! Huber Yo, my friend, says in such cases: closure in the convolutions! Perhaps the best thing I remember is how my dad said “no” three times. The first time is very loud. The second is normal and the third is barely audible.

Dad likes to say: “If I said no, then no.” But now his "no" did not make the slightest impression. Not-that-pumpkin-not-that-cucumber continued to sit on the table as if nothing had happened. He folded his hands on his stomach and repeated: "King Kumi-Ori of the Undergrounding family!"

Grandpa was the first to come to his senses. He approached the Kumior king and curtseying, he said: “I am extremely flattered by our acquaintance. My name is Hogelman. In this house I will be a grandfather.”

Kumi-Ori stretched out his right hand and put it under his grandfather's nose. The grandfather looked at the thread-gloved pen, but did not understand what Kumi-Ori wanted.

Mom suggested that his arm hurts and a compress is needed. Mom always thinks that someone definitely needs either a compress, or pills, or, at worst, mustard plasters. But Kumi-Ori did not need a compress at all, and his hand was completely healthy. He waved his thread fingers in front of his grandfather’s nose and said: “We have inoculated that we have a whole watt of porridge apricots!”

Grandfather said that he would not kiss the august hand for anything in the world, he would allow himself this, at best, in relation to a charming lady, and Kumi-Ori is no lady, all the more charming.

Grigory Oster - “Bad advice. A book for naughty children and their parents


For example, in your pocket

Turned out to be a handful of sweets

And met you

Your true friends.

Don't be afraid and don't hide

Don't run away

Don't shove all the candy

Together with candy wrappers in the mouth.

Approach them calmly

Extra words not talking,

Quickly taking it out of my pocket

Give them... a hand.

Shake their hands firmly

Say goodbye slowly

And turning around the first corner,

Rush home quickly.

To eat sweets at home

Get under the bed

Because there, of course,

You won't meet anyone.

Astrid Lindgren - "The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberg"

The broth was very tasty, everyone took the addition as much as they wanted, and in the end only a few carrots and onions remained at the bottom of the tureen. This is what Emil decided to enjoy. Without thinking twice, he reached for the tureen, pulled it towards him and stuck his head into it. Everyone could hear him sucking thick with a whistle. When Emil licked the bottom almost dry, he naturally wanted to pull his head out of the tureen. But it was not there! The tureen tightly clasped his forehead, temples and the back of his head and was not removed. Emil was frightened and jumped up from his chair. He stood in the middle of the kitchen with a tureen on his head, as if wearing a knight's helmet. And the tureen slipped lower and lower. First, his eyes disappeared under it, then his nose and even his chin. Emil tried to free himself, but nothing came of it. The tureen seemed to be rooted to his head. Then he began to shout a good obscenity. And after him, with a fright, and Lina. And yes, everyone was scared.

- Our beautiful tureen! - all insisted Lina. - What am I going to serve soup in now?

And indeed, once Emil's head is stuck in the tureen, you can't pour soup into it. Lina understood this immediately. But mother was worried not so much about the beautiful tureen, but about Emil's head.

- Dear Anton, - Mom turned to dad, - how can we get the boy out of there? Shall I break the tureen?

- This is still not enough! exclaimed Emil's father. “I paid four crowns for her!”

Irina and Leonid Tyukhtyaev - "Zoki and Bada: a guide for children on parenting"

It was evening and everyone was at home. Seeing that papa was sitting on the sofa with a newspaper, Margarita said:

- Dad, let's play animals, and Yanka wants to. Dad sighed, and Yang shouted: - Chur, I'm thinking!

- Dove again? Margarita asked him sternly.

"Yes," Yang was surprised.

“Now I am,” said Margarita. “I guessed, guess.

- Elephant ... lizard ... fly ... giraffe ... - began Jan, - dad, and the cow has a cow?

- So you will never guess, - dad could not stand it and put down the newspaper, - it should be different. Does he have legs?

- Yes, - my daughter smiled enigmatically.

- One? Two? Four? Six? Eight? Margarita shook her head negatively.

- Nine? Jan asked.

- More.

- Centipede. No? - Dad was surprised. - Then I give up, but keep in mind: the crocodile has four legs.

- Yes? - Margarita was confused. - And I thought of it.

- Dad, - the son asked, - but if a boa constrictor sits on a tree and suddenly notices a penguin?

“Now dad is thinking,” his sister stopped him.

“Only real animals, not fictional ones,” the son warned.

- What are the real ones? Dad asked.

- A dog, for example, - said the daughter, - and wolves and bears are only in fairy tales.

- Not! Yang shouted. “Yesterday I saw a wolf in the yard. Huge such, even two! Like this.” He held up his hands.

“Well, they were probably smaller,” dad smiled.

- But, you know how they barked!

“These are dogs,” Margarita laughed, “there are all kinds of dogs: a wolf dog, a bear dog, a fox dog, a sheep dog, even a kitty dog, such a small one.”

Mikhail Zoshchenko - "Lelya and Minka"

This year, guys, I turned forty years old. So, it turns out that I saw the Christmas tree forty times. It's a lot! Well, for the first three years of my life, I probably did not understand what a Christmas tree was. Probably, my mother endured me on her arms. And, probably, with my black little eyes I looked at the painted tree without interest.

And when I, children, hit five years old, I already perfectly understood what a Christmas tree is. And I was looking forward to this happy holiday. And even in the crack of the door I peeped how my mother decorates the Christmas tree.

And my sister Lele was seven years old at that time. And she was an exceptionally lively girl. She once told me: “Minka, my mother has gone to the kitchen. Let's go to the room where the tree stands and see what's going on there.

So my sister Lelya and I entered the room. And we see: very beautiful tree. And under the tree are gifts. And on the Christmas tree there are multi-colored beads, flags, lanterns, golden nuts, pastilles and Crimean apples.

My sister Lelya says: - We will not look at the gifts. Instead, let's just eat one lozenge each.

And now she comes up to the Christmas tree and instantly eats one lozenge hanging on a thread.

I say: - Lelya, if you ate a pastille, then I will also eat something now.

And I go up to the tree and bite off a small piece of an apple.

Lelya says: “Minka, if you bit off an apple, then I’ll eat another lozenge now and, in addition, I’ll take this candy for myself.”

And Lelya was a very tall, long-knit girl. And she could reach high. She stood on tiptoe and began to eat the second lozenge with her big mouth.

And I was amazing vertically challenged. And I could hardly get anything, except for one apple, which hung low.

I say: - If you, Lelisha, ate the second lozenge, then I will bite off this apple again.

And I again take this apple with my hands and bite it off a little again.

Lelya says: - If you have bitten off an apple for the second time, then I will no longer stand on ceremony and now I will eat the third lozenge and, in addition, I will take a cracker and a nut as a keepsake.

Then I almost cried. Because she could reach everything, but I can’t. ”

Paul Maar - "Seven Saturdays in a Week"

On Saturday morning Mr. Peppermint sat in his room and waited. What was he waiting for? He certainly could not have said this himself.

Why then did he wait? Now this is easier to explain. True, we will have to start the story from Monday itself.

And on Monday there was a sudden knock on the door of Mr. Peppermint's room. Sticking her head through the crack, Mrs. Bruckmann announced:

- Mister Pepperfint, you have a guest! Just make sure that he does not smoke in the room: this will ruin the curtains! Let him not sit on the bed! Why did I give you a chair, what do you think?

Mrs. Bruckman was the mistress of the house where Mr. Peppermint rented a room. When she was angry, she always called him "Pepperfint". And now the hostess was angry because a guest had come to him.

The visitor pushed through the door that same Monday by the landlady turned out to be Mr. Peppermint's school friend. His last name was Pone delcus. As a gift to his friend, he brought a whole bag of delicious donuts.

After Monday it was Tuesday, and on this day the master's nephew came to Mr. Peppermint - to ask how to solve a problem in mathematics. The owner's nephew was lazy and repeating. Mr. Peppermint was not at all surprised by his visit.

Wednesday, as always, came in the middle of the week. And this, of course, did not surprise Mr. Peppermint.

On Thursday, in a nearby cinema, they unexpectedly showed New film: "Four against the cardinal." This is where Mr. Peppermint got a little wary.

Friday came. On this day, the reputation of the company where Mr. Peppermint served was stained: the office was closed all day, and customers were indignant.

Eno Raud - "Muff, Half Shoes and Moss Beard"

One day, three naxitralls met by chance at an ice cream stand: Mossbeard, Halfboot, and Muff. They were all so small that the ice-cream lady mistook them for gnomes at first. Each of them had other interesting features. Moss Beard has a beard of soft moss, in which, although last year's, but still beautiful lingonberries grew. The half-boot was shod in boots with cut-off toes: it was more convenient to move the toes this way. And Mufta, instead of ordinary clothes, wore a thick muff, from which only the crown and heels protruded.

They ate ice cream and looked at each other with great curiosity.

"Excuse me," Muft said at last. - Perhaps, of course, I'm wrong, but it seems to me that we have something in common.

“So it seemed to me,” Polbootka nodded.

Mossbeard plucked a few berries from his beard and handed them to his new acquaintances.

- Sour ice cream is good.

- I'm afraid to seem intrusive, but it would be nice to get together some other time, - said Mufta. - We would cook cocoa, talk about this and that.

“That would be wonderful,” Polbootka rejoiced. - I would gladly invite you to my place, but I have no home. Since childhood, I have traveled the world.

"Just like me," said Mossbeard.

- Wow, what a coincidence! Muft exclaimed. - Exactly the same story with me. So we are all travelers.

He tossed the ice cream slip into the dustbin and zipped up the muff. His clutch had such a property: to fasten and unfasten with the help of a "lightning". Meanwhile, the others finished their ice cream.

- Do not you think that we could unite? - said Polbotinka.

- Traveling together is much more fun.

“Of course,” Mossbeard agreed happily.

“Brilliant thought,” Mufta beamed. - Simply magnificent!

"So it's settled," said Polbootka. “But why don’t we have another ice cream each before we unite?”

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