Development of the structure of the organization. Organizational aspects of management


The article presents a set of environmental factors (social, economic, technological and political), which determines the effectiveness of pharmacy organizations and assesses the prospects for their development in a changing legal framework and a structural crisis in the country's economy. The use of STEP-analysis made it possible to systematize the system of factors influencing business processes in pharmacy organizations and form a list of potential consequences and threats for them. It was revealed that the most significant is the group of political factors that characterize the expected changes in the country's legislative framework in the field of drug and pharmaceutical provision of the country's population. The study shows that the socio-economic block of factors negatively affects the development of the pharmacy business, determining the fall in the effective demand of the population and the prospects for a reduction in business activity.

pharmacy organization

the legislative framework

solvent demand of the population

business activity of organizations

STEP analysis

STEP factors

1. Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 488-FZ "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation" [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 01/26/2017).

2. Bushina N.S. A methodological approach to assessing the competitiveness of pharmacy chain subdivisions / N.S. Bushina, D.A. Zyukin // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2015. - No. 12-6. - S. 1091-1095.

3. Zyukin D.A. On the risks of pharmacy organizations functioning at the present stage // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2016. - No. 12-7. - S. 1325-1328.

4. Kornyushin V. 7 reasons why you can not sell medicines in the store // Pharmacist. - 2013. - No. 3. - P. 273.

5. Sergeeva N.M. Marketing strategies of a pharmaceutical organization / N.M. Sergeeva, E.V. Reprintseva // Pharmacy and pharmacology. - 2015. - V.3. No. 5 (12). - S. 60-63.

The pharmacy business has a high social role in the country's economy, satisfying the need of the population to provide the necessary medical products. This is what determines the significant influence of the state on this sphere of economic activity, which is expressed in the obligatory fulfillment of a number of strictly and clearly established requirements, due to which the rights of citizens of the country in the possibility of obtaining high-quality pharmaceutical products will be observed. At the same time, the priority goal of the business remains to make a profit and expand the reproduction of the resources expended. In this situation, the task of the management of firms is to respond in a timely manner to ongoing changes in the external environment in order to maintain the level of profitability necessary for the development (or at least survival) of the business.

To the most significant threats to the development of the pharmacy business at the present stage Bushina N.S. and Zyukin D.A. include the changing legislative framework in the field of pharmaceutical activity and the fall in real incomes of the population with an increase in the cost of imported products as a result of the devaluation of the ruble. This is true, but there are other environmental factors that should be expected to change, and, therefore, it is necessary to analyze what consequences this will bring and what management decisions need to be made. In addition, it is necessary to approach in more detail what changes in the work of pharmacy organizations will bring changes in the legislative framework and what will be the consequences of this. This determines the need for research and systematization of environmental factors, in accordance with which management decisions should be made by the company's management.

Purpose of the study

Studying the influence of environmental factors on the development prospects and the effectiveness of the pharmacy organization.

Materials and methods of research

The effectiveness of the promotion of pharmaceutical products by any pharmacy organization is determined by the need to carry out marketing research, the basis of which is the analysis of the external environment that determines the totality of relationships in the pharmaceutical market. The results of such an analysis are summarized in the form of forming a table of STEP factors. In the study of such factors, we used the methodology of the regression method to identify patterns between the studied quantitative factors.

Research results and discussion

Since the end of 2014, the Russian pharmaceutical market has been influenced by the general economic situation in the country: - devaluation of the national currency; instability of the economy (a slowdown in economic growth, the financial crisis greatly aggravate the difference in prices for drugs in various pharmacies); decrease in the growth rate of the purchasing power of the population, etc.

Favorable prospects for the development of the pharmacy organization are determined, first of all, by the progressive nature of the increase in the incidence rate and the development of diseases and the positive trend in self-treatment of the population. Less significant, but also determining factors will also contribute: unfavorable environmental conditions, leading not only to poor health, the emergence of new diseases, but also to the development of new pathogenic microflora (pathogens), migration processes and epidemics, etc.

According to the results of the analysis in the Kursk region, there is an increase in the competition of pharmacy divisions. Studies of the dynamics of changes in the number of pharmacies for the period from 2000 to 2014 showed that the number of pharmacies in the regional pharmaceutical market increased by 272 units or 64.6%.

A positive trend in the growth of competition also indicates the return on investment for opening new pharmacies or the presence of effective demand from end consumers, which determines the turnover (increase in 2000-2014 amounted to 3.93 billion rubles or an increase of more than 2 times). At the same time, the share of sales of pharmaceutical and medical products in the structure of retail turnover is small. In addition, since 2008, there has been a sharp drop in the percentage of this indicator, which can be explained by the crisis in the economy (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Dynamics of changes in the share of sales of honey. and farm. goods in the structure of retail turnover in the Kursk region

The level of turnover of pharmacy organizations, which reflects the effective demand of the population, is subject to internal and external factors to varying degrees of influence. External regressors are: the political activity of the state, the economic level of development of the country and a particular region, reflected in the values ​​of GNP, GRP, NI, etc. The improvement of these indicators leads to an increase in the level of financial security of the population, reinforces their solvency for the generated demand, which in turn entails an increase in the turnover of medicines.

In addition, according to the results of the study, it was found that the number of pharmacy organizations, which regulates the volume of supply on the market and ensures the availability of goods and services to end consumers, is the engine of trade. The elasticity of change in the indicator "b" of the constructed power model (y = 0.0236.x0.866) says that with an increase in pharmacy competition by 1%, the retail turnover of pharmaceutical and medical goods will increase by 86.6% (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Power model for approximating the influence of the number of pharmacies on the level of retail turnover of pharmaceutical and medical products in the Kursk region in 2000-2015.

This confirms that the Russian pharmaceutical market is currently in the formation stage, being one of the most profitable and fastest growing sectors of the economy. At the same time, the pace of its development is closely related to the dynamics of economic reforms. Developed, adopted and coming into force projects and laws to a greater extent negatively affect the creation of favorable conditions for the operation of pharmacies and the development of competition. So, in July 2015, Federal Law No. 488-FZ of December 31, 2014 “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation” came into force, designed to stimulate the localization of production, including pharmaceutical production, through the conclusion of special investment contracts (SIC) with manufacturers .

The main difference between the SIC and other forms of state support is that the state (the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and / or a municipality) does not transfer any resources to the investor and does not invest budgetary funds in the investment object. The state provides investors with various industry benefits and preferences, provides stable business conditions for the implementation of the project provided for by the SIC. In addition, investors are subject to a number of requirements, namely:

Creation or modernization of production and development of industrial products on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Obligations to localize foreign technologies used in the project, which means the transfer of technologies to a legal entity established under the laws of the Russian Federation;

Availability of forecasted demand;

The obligation to bring products to the declared production volumes, etc.

The second point, which is being considered for adoption, the project on the sale in stores of medicines dispensed without prescription, will ensure maximum availability of medicines for the population, which provides a basis for fulfilling the last two points in the above list of conditions of the CIC for foreign investors.

The introduction of this law will lead to the fact that the profit from 33% of OTC drugs of the entire capacity of the honey market. goods sold in pharmacies will need to be shared with grocery retailers. Pharmacies cannot compete with stores, because they are in different "weight categories": the turnover of store chains is tens, and sometimes hundreds of times higher than the turnover of pharmacy chains. Therefore, if they have a joint market, pharmacies will inevitably begin to lose, which will lead to a decrease in the profitability of pharmacy organizations and the ruin of some of them. Therefore, most of the pharmacies in the country will be forced to raise prices for prescription drugs.

In addition, stores selling pharmacy products will begin to employ pharmacists and pharmacists, where, in general, working conditions are often more flexible compared to pharmacy organizations. Therefore, stores can easily hire not only current first-timers, but also students of pharmaceutical universities and colleges, as well as medical and pharmaceutical workers with invalid certificates. And given that salaries in pharmacies and stores are approximately at the same level (and sometimes salaries in stores can be even higher), it is obvious that a certain part of the pharmacy staff will inevitably “flow” into retail stores, and this will further strengthen the existing pharmacy industry personnel "hunger".

Of great importance for the development of pharmacy retail and network pharmaceutical retail are the latest government initiatives in the field of drug price regulation. The initiatives are expected and justified: the economic crisis provoked a significant increase in prices for medicines and revealed a number of problems associated with the production and sale of medicines. At the moment, the state's ability to regulate prices in the commercial retail sector is limited by the so-called List of Vital and Essential Medicines (VED), which is established by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and which sets marginal wholesale and retail margins. Today, the drugs that form this list provide about 30% of the turnover of an average Russian pharmacy, both in value and in kind. The purpose of this innovation is to increase the physical availability of medicines for the population of the Russian Federation.


Based on the results of the study, we have formed an integral system of STEP factors that affect the pharmacy organization, and reflect their potential consequences for the company, which is presented in the table.

STEP-matrix of a pharmacy organization

1. The need to adjust pricing tactics: it becomes necessary for most pharmacy organizations to increase their business activity in order to maintain positive cash flow.

2. Growth in the volatility of the turnover in pharmacies.

3. The reduction in inventory turnover leads to an increase in the level of stock and overstock of products.

4. The growth of the difference in differentiation in terms of revenue between the divisions of the pharmacy organization leads to the impossibility of a single pricing policy and management strategy.

5. A decrease in the total volume of purchases of goods determines the limitation of the ability to work on a number of items in the assortment with suppliers at lower purchase prices due to non-compliance with the minimum order quantity upon delivery.

6. The increase in the costs of promoting pharmaceutical products of large manufacturing companies determines the inevitable increase in the cost of original drugs, and, accordingly, the restriction of their use in the assortment of most pharmacies with low traffic, replacing them with cheaper generics.

Maintaining a high proportion of the population engaged in self-medication;

Unfavorable demographic situation in the region: population decline, especially in rural areas;

Increasing the incidence of the population and the identification of new viruses;

Low standard of living of the population.

Reducing the real level of income of the population;

Decline in the purchasing power of the population;

Reducing federal subsidies to the regions in view of the country's budget deficit;

Devaluation of the domestic currency;

Recession of the region's economy;

Growth in the number of pharmacies in the market;

Import sanctions and restrictions.



STEP factors



Development and implementation of a program for automating a pharmacy of a universal accounting system (USU);

Introduction of an online cash register: the use of cash register equipment (CRE) for the purpose of making settlements with customers by issuing them also a cash receipt;

Registration of cash register equipment with tax authorities through a personal account using an electronic signature

State regulation of prices for medicines, which are provided under state guarantees (VED);

Optimization of state regulation of prices in order to increase the availability of domestic medicines for various consumer groups;

Increasing the share of domestically produced products in the total volume of consumption in the domestic market up to 50% in value terms by 2020.

Impact on the pharmacy organization

The need for additional funds for the purchase of software and special equipment;

The implementation of all communication with the taxpayer through a personal account eliminates paper workflow and simplifies the tax accounting system;

It is necessary to provide training for personnel to work through the CCP;

Automation of pharmacy business processes allows you to coordinate the actions of various departments; evaluate and compare the performance of employees and departments; simplification of financial transactions and settlements, reporting and analytical information.

Changing the way medicines are dispensed will complicate operations and lead to an increase in errors for which fines are imposed;

New requests for the organization of work determine the growth of the qualifications of medical and pharmaceutical personnel;

The replacement of most drugs (generics and drugs that have domestic generics) with Russian products creates a threat of an increase in the number of refusals for some drugs due to the inability to offer a worthy replacement option;

The need to change the structure of product sales (in favor of the non-drug share);

Rising prices for non-prescription drugs;

Reduction of business activity and closure of unprofitable divisions of the pharmacy chain.

The formation of an ordered system of factors and a clear determination of risks and threat potential is an integral element in the formation of a general strategy for the development of a pharmacy organization and the adjustment of certain areas in the field of tactical management, especially pricing policy.

Bibliographic link

Reprintseva E.V. ON THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON THE PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF PHARMACY ORGANIZATIONS // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2017. - No. 2-2. – S. 258-262;
URL: (date of access: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

"Ryazan State Medical University named after I.I. acad. I. P. Pavlova

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Course work

Subject: Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Topic: The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

Completed by: Yulia Nikolaevna Komova

Ryazan, 2014

List of abbreviations

GDP - gross domestic product

Vital and essential drugs - vital and essential medicines

R&D - Research and Development

Scientific and technological revolution - scientific and technological revolution

LS - medicines

Mass media - mass media


Chapter 1. The external environment of the enterprise

1 General characteristics of the external environment

2 Classification of the environment

Chapter 2. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

1 General characteristics of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

2 Analysis of the elements of the external environment

3 Methods of analysis of the external environment

4 Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization

Chapter 3. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

1 Government regulators

2 State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization


List of used literature



The enterprise today is an independent, organized, separate economic entity with the rights of a legal entity that sells products, performs work, and provides services.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that globalization, the deployment of the scientific and technological revolution (STR), the saturation of markets increase the pressure on organizations from the external environment. The requirements for the quality of products put forward by consumers are becoming more stringent, there are requirements from the society, etc. The enterprise management system is becoming more complex again. The scope of the external environment is becoming much wider, and the predictability of changes is less.

The textbook "Economics of Enterprises" defines the concept of "external environment of an enterprise": "This is a combination of economic, political, legal, scientific, technical, communication, natural-geographical and other conditions and factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the activities of an entrepreneurial enterprise" .

Many scientists around the world are studying the external environment, developing scenarios for its development. The scenario is a realistic description of what trends may appear in a particular industry, including pharmaceuticals, in the future. Scenarios provide an opportunity to determine the most important environmental factor that an enterprise needs to consider. Along with the analysis of the external environment of the enterprise, it is important to conduct an in-depth study of its current state.

The purpose of the work: to study the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

Conduct a theoretical analysis of data on the problems of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

Give a description of the external environment and the classification of the external environment

Consider the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization, the functions of the tax system of the Russian Federation

Consider state regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

Structurally, this course work contains an introduction, the main part, which consists of three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications. The work contains charts and tables.

Chapter 1. The external environment of the enterprise

.1 General characteristics of the external environment

Globalization, the deployment of scientific and technological revolution, the saturation of markets increase the pressure on organizations from the external environment. The requirements for the quality of products put forward by consumers are becoming more stringent, there are requirements from the society, etc. The enterprise management system is becoming more complex. The scope of the external environment is becoming much wider, and the predictability of changes is less.

The high level of impact of environmental factors on the activities of enterprises causes an increased interest in the study of the external environment. Timely received information allows to respond adequately to ongoing and expected changes, to make the necessary decisions aimed at maintaining a balance with the external environment.

Before isolating individual elements of the external environment as a system, determining its factors, it is necessary to reveal its essential features. The characteristics of the external environment include:

.The interrelationship of environmental factors is the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. The interconnectedness of environmental factors leads to the need for their comprehensive, systematic study.

.The complexity of the external environment is the number of factors to which the organization must respond, as well as the level of variability of each of them. An enterprise that has a more complex production, resulting in a greater number of goods, using more different technologies, will feel the influence of more factors.

.Mobility of the environment - the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. This characteristic, like all others, will be specific. It was revealed that in the pharmaceutical industry the rate of technology change is high.

.The uncertainty of the external environment is a function of the amount of information that an organization has about a particular factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If there is not enough information and there are certain doubts about its accuracy, the external environment becomes less certain and it becomes more difficult to make the right management decisions.

Summarizing the above features, we can give the following definition of the external environment as an economic category: the external environment is a dynamically changing set of factors and conditions of artificial or objectively independent origin, which the organization is unable to control, but which directly or indirectly have a positive or negative impact on it.

The features listed above remain of fundamental importance for characterizing the external environment in the conditions of Russian reality, they require rethinking, expansion and projection onto the object of study. The content of environmental factors is determined by the level of research (enterprise, a separate function of the enterprise, etc.).

1.2 Classification of the environment

Currently, there is no generally accepted classification of the factors of the external environment of the enterprise. Many domestic specialists in the field of management give their own grouping of factors. At the same time, the number of distinguished groups rarely exceeds three or four.

A.T. Zub proposed a classification of factors, consisting of four groups:

· political and legal;


· social and cultural;

· technological .

There are also general economic, state, market, and other factors. From the author's point of view, the grouping of environmental factors can be represented as follows:

Political and administrative

Legislative and regulatory


Institutional factors

Public environment


Scientific and technical

Natural (geographic)


Socio-demographic and socio-cultural factors


Factors of criminal origin

The grouping of environmental factors presented above is an attempt to cover all kinds of influences on the organization from the outside. There is a gradation of environmental factors into direct and indirect, macro- and microenvironment, near and far environment.

Microenvironment - the environment of direct impact includes factors that directly affect the organization and experience their direct impact. The "near" environment increases or reduces the efficiency of the organization, brings or delays the achievement of its goals. It typically includes customers, suppliers, competitors, government and local government regulations, labor unions, and trade associations. The macro-environment - the environment of indirect impact includes factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on operations, but nevertheless affect them. The "far" environment is, for example, macroeconomic factors, legal requirements, changes in state or regional policy, social and cultural characteristics. The impact of these factors on the organization is more difficult to identify and study, but cannot be ignored, as they often determine the trends that will eventually affect the “near” organizational environment. The study of macro-environment factors will help the organization to adapt in advance, to respond to their influence.

Enterprises that adequately respond to threats from the external environment are in a better competitive position. However, in order to react, you need to know in which directions you need to concentrate efforts.

Chapter 2. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

.1 General characteristics of the external environment of the pharmaceutical organization

The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is all the conditions and factors that arise in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular organization, but which have or can affect its functioning. The external environment in which organizations have to work is in constant motion and subject to change.

One of the most important components of the success of an organization is its ability to respond and cope with changes in the external environment. The external environment of an organization includes elements such as customers, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial institutions, and labor sources. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is divided into the environment of indirect and direct impact.

The external environment of indirect impact - includes political factors, i.e. changes in the legal framework, economic factors, the level of technology, etc. The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization's operations, but nevertheless affect them.

The external environment of direct impact is competitors, suppliers, consumers, i.e. those objects, on the action of which the profit of the pharmacy organization directly depends. The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the operations of the entity and are directly affected by the operations of the entity. The external and internal environments of the organization are schematically presented in Diagram 1:

Rice. 1. External and internal environment of the organization

Examples of political factors:

· Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation (adoption of a new edition or additions/amendments to laws and regulations governing the circulation of medicines, consumer protection, approval and revision of lists of essential drugs, etc.)

· State regulation in the industry

· State regulation of competition

· Change of regional legislation

Examples of economic factors:

GDP dynamics


· Ruble exchange rate dynamics

· Employment dynamics

· Change in the purchasing power of the population

· Market and trading cycles

Pharmacy costs

Examples of social factors:

· Changes in Core Values

· Changes in style and standard of living

· Attitude towards work and rest

· Demographic changes

· Religious factors

media influence

Examples of technological factors:

R&D trends

· New drugs, parapharmaceutical products, etc.

· Technology Development

The following categories are indicators of the external environment:

Environment fluidity is the rate at which changes occur in an organization's environment. Around pharmaceutical companies, the external environment is particularly fluid. Given the complexity of operating an organization in a highly mobile environment, manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacies or their subsidiaries must rely on a variety of information to make effective decisions about their internal variables.

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit their consideration of the external environment to only those aspects on which the success of the organization largely depends. One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to distribute them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence. Suppliers are one of the most important direct influence factors.

There are suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources. The multifaceted activity of pharmaceutical organizations also requires the relationship with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on the providers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors.

For the implementation of tasks related to achieving the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed. Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to solve the issue of enterprise profitability. Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include medical and preventive and health-improving institutions, outpatients and inpatients, non-medical organizations and institutions.

2.2 Analysis of the elements of the external environment

The scheme of analysis of the external environment is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Analysis of the external environment

After defining corporate goals and corporate policies, the development of working marketing goals begins, covering the same points as corporate goals: profit, profitability, market share, etc. As with strategic planning, work begins with market analysis.

Market analysis is carried out in two main areas:

Environmental Analysis

Competitor analysis

Environmental analysis should take into account the various characteristics of the health system:

· General health budget

· Price control system

· Permissive and restrictive lists

· Encouragement of competition

· Social insurance system

· Co-payment system for medicines

· Pharmaceutical protocol system

· New entrants in the pharmaceutical sector (care management organizations, pharmacy management organizations, private insurance systems)

· Socio-cultural level of consumers.

· Political situation

· Centralized social actions of the municipality, etc.

.3 Environmental Analysis Methods

There are the following methods of analyzing the external environment: analysis or STEP-analysis is designed to identify political (Political), economic (Economic), social (Social) and technological (Technological) aspects of the external environment, which to a greater or lesser extent affect the activities and efficiency of any commercial organization, including pharmacy.

The political situation is being studied, and is currently quite active. The direction of social and economic programs with the establishment of mandatory priorities depends on political decisions and trends. The influence of this environmental factor is clearly visible on the functioning of large companies, at the same time, in this case, pharmacy organizations fully feel the influence of this factor (the introduction of a list of vital and essential medicines (VED), etc.). The main reason for studying the economic situation is to create a picture of the distribution of finance at the state level. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis.

The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products and technologies for their implementation.

The analysis is performed according to the "factor - pharmacy" scheme. The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a “matrix”, the subject of which are the factors of the macro environment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, estimated in points, ranks and other units of measurement.

The version of PEST-analysis is PESTLE-analysis, it is extended by two factors (Legal and Environmental). Sometimes other formats are used, for example, SLEPT analysis (plus legal factor) or STEEPLE analysis, which includes: socio-demographic, technological, economic, environmental (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors.

Porter's five forces analysis is the second most common method of analyzing the influence of environmental factors in modern entrepreneurship. A methodology for industry analysis and business strategy development developed by Michael Porter at Harvard Business School in 1979. Porter's five forces analysis includes three forces of "horizontal" competition:

ü the threat of the emergence of substitute products (online pharmacies), the threat of the emergence of new players, the level of competition;

ü two forces of "vertical" competition: the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of consumers.

This analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the company's strategic position in the industry and is most interesting in the field of planning to open or expand a company in a competitor's territory. The applicability of the analysis requires conditions: buyers, competitors and suppliers are not connected, interact or collude. As a result of the analysis, the attractiveness of doing business in this industry is revealed, in this context, attractiveness means the profitability of the industry. An "unattractive" industry is one in which the combination of forces reduces profitability. The most "unattractive" is the industry that approaches perfect competition.

As mentioned above, this analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the company's strategic position in the industry and is most interesting in the field of planning the opening or expansion of a company in a competitor's territory. However, for most, this technique is only the starting point in a list of tools or techniques they can use. Like all generalizing techniques, an analysis that does not take into account exceptions and particulars is considered as simplistic. The model is not intended to be used for a group of industries or any part of one industry. A company that does business in one industry must develop at least one "Porter's Five Forces Analysis" for that industry.

A schematic representation of Porter's five forces is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Schematic representation of Porter's five forces

analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment). The use of SWOT analysis will allow you to systematize all available information and more clearly imagine the advantages and disadvantages of the organization, will allow you to choose the best development path, avoid dangers and make the most efficient use of available resources.

external environment pharmaceutical government

2.4 Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit their consideration of the external environment to only those aspects on which the success of the organization largely depends.

One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to distribute them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence.

Factors of direct influence

Suppliers are one of the most important direct influence factors. There are suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources.

Domestic suppliers of medicines and medical products to the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation are pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical factories, as well as enterprises and associations of medical equipment, glass and plastics, etc.

In addition, there are more than 700 foreign companies that supply pharmaceutical products on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation. Decentralization of supplies contributed to a significant expansion of the network of suppliers of pharmacy enterprises.

The multifaceted activity of pharmaceutical organizations also requires the relationship with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on the providers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors. For the implementation of tasks related to achieving the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed.

Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to solve the issue of enterprise profitability. Talented managers, economists, programmers, developers of information systems, etc. are needed today.

Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

In the conditions of market relations, the state is required to pursue an active social policy: providing social benefits to young professionals, determining the main social guarantees, mechanisms for their implementation and the function of providing social support to persons who are released during the restructuring of enterprises.

The survival and existence of an organization depends on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities and satisfy their needs.

Consumers, deciding which goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine the program for the organization of its activities. Thus, the need to meet the needs of consumers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. Customers, as an external factor, influence almost all other organizational variables.

With the development of the pharmaceutical market, the structure of consumer organizations of pharmaceutical enterprises has changed. Among them are wholesale and intermediary firms, pharmacy warehouses and bases, economic wholesale and retail associations (utilities, joint-stock companies, holdings, concerns, corporations, etc.), individual pharmaceutical enterprises, medical institutions, etc. At the same time, the advantages of marketing pharmaceutical products through wholesale structures remain and should remain.

Features of organizations of consumers of products of foreign pharmaceutical companies confirm this. In the UK, 80% of all medicines are sold through wholesalers, in Sweden - wholesale through the state warehouse is 80% of medicines and through the private sector ? 20%, in the US, wholesalers account for 50%, pharmacies ? 27%, medical institutions ? 12%, government organizations ? 8%, private practitioners ? 3%.Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include medical and preventive and health-improving institutions, outpatients and inpatients, non-medical organizations and institutions.

The direct exposure environment is presented in Annex 3.

Factors of indirect influence

No less important factors of direct influence are laws and state bodies. Each organization has its own legal status, which determines the procedure for its activities, the types and amounts of taxes transferred. But the actual operating mechanism of management in an organization is determined by the knowledge and correct use of laws in specific conditions and at different levels of management. Taking into account the action of objective laws, a strategy and tactics for managing an organization are developed, which are based on the compliance of a law or a set of laws in their relationship.

Organizations are required to comply not only with laws, but also with the requirements of state regulatory bodies. These bodies provide enforcement of laws in their respective areas of competence, and also propose their own requirements, which have the force of law. Coordination of the activities of enterprises regarding compliance with laws is carried out by the Ministries and bodies authorized by them.

Legislative and supervisory functions in the financial sphere of enterprises and organizations are performed by financial authorities and banks.

Chapter 3. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

.1 Government regulators

Organizations are required to comply with laws and government regulatory requirements. These bodies provide enforcement of laws in their respective areas of competence, and also propose their own requirements, which have the force of law.

Coordination of the activities of enterprises regarding compliance with laws is carried out by the Ministries and bodies authorized by them.

Pharmaceutical activity in most countries is one of the most regulated activities by the state. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is the federal body responsible for implementing the state policy in the field of protecting the health of Russian citizens and ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Subjects of the Federation have the right to develop, within their competence, normative documents that do not reduce the requirements established by the federal ones.

State authorities regulate the activities of a pharmaceutical organization through a licensing mechanism. The licensing system provides the only effective opportunity to influence the pharmaceutical organization.

The regulatory function of the state in the field of drug sales is the establishment of fixed margins. Assortment policy is subject to state regulation, as a rule, in three directions:

· formation of formulary lists;

· formation of lists of drugs dispensed under free and subsidized prescriptions;

· obligatory range of pharmacies.

3.2 State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization

State regulation is a set of forms and methods of state influence on the economic system in specific conditions, complementing the operation of the market mechanism of self-regulation.

The main directions of state regulation are:

· development of laws and standards governing the procedure for the circulation of drugs, licensing of pharmaceutical activities, the procedure for admission to pharmaceutical activities;

· regulation of export and import of pharmaceutical products;

· standardization of the volume and quality of pharmaceutical care in the form of treatment standards, formularies, lists of essential drugs, as well as financing of their production and purchase;

· development and improvement of the registration and certification system for drugs and other products that affect public health;

· financial and tax policy - control over the rational use of funds for the purchase of drugs;

· provision of tax benefits to domestic enterprises producing and selling medicines;

· pricing policy (state regulation of drug prices);

· patent and licensing policy;


Today, a pharmaceutical organization is an independent, organized, separate business entity with the rights of a legal entity that sells products, performs work, and provides services.

Speaking about the functioning of the organization today, it is impossible not to touch upon the problem of the internal and external environment in which it operates. Activity directly depends on the totality of ongoing processes both in the internal environment of the enterprise and in the external one.

Time passes, and the processes taking place in a market economy force the organization's external environment to change under the influence of a combination of various factors. Unfortunately, today it is difficult to single out the fundamental factor, since all factors together form a system and in the process of development lead it to various states, favorable or vice versa.

Many scientists around the world are studying the external environment, developing scenarios for its development. Scenarios provide an opportunity to determine the most important environmental factor that an enterprise needs to consider. Along with the analysis of the external environment of the enterprise, it is important to conduct an in-depth study of its current state.

The external environment should not be regarded as a permanent system of conditions. This structure is very dynamic, just like the entire economy of the world is dynamic, and if we consider the current situation, we will immediately notice such processes as the instability of the European economy and the financial market, etc.

The problem of the external environment is considered in sufficient detail in the works of A. Ya. Gorfinkel, S. B. Zainulin, N. A. Breslavtsev, Yu. N. Vasyutin, and others. But at the same time, new factors arise and the role becomes more and more influential. In order to achieve high accuracy, it is important to understand what factors make up the overall picture of the external environment.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the external environment is the environment in which an enterprise conducts its activities, based on a system of financial, raw material flows with a coordination-stimulating structure, forming an economic, political, legal, scientific and technical, communication, natural geographic and intermediary factors that have a direct impact on the means of changing flows or indirectly - due to the coordinating and stimulating effect on the system of flows.

List of used literature

1.Breslavtseva N. A., Vasyutina Yu. N. Analysis of the external environment as part of the scientific and analytical support of the strategic management accounting system at a printing enterprise / N.A. Breslavtseva // Accounting and statistics. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 17-18.

.Gorfinkel V.Ya., Shvandara V.A. Economics of enterprises. - Moscow: UNITI-DANA, 2007. - 607 p.

.Zainulin S. B. Problems of interaction between the interests of the enterprise and the subjects that make up the external and internal corporate environment of the enterprise / S.B. Zainulin // Vestnik SamGU. - 2007. - No. 3. - S. 120-121.

.Tooth A.T. Strategic Management: Theory and Practice. - Moscow: Aspect Press, 2002. - 415 p.

.Kokarev D.V. External environment and competitiveness of the enterprise / D.V. Kokarev // Bulletin of OSU. - 2008. - No. 81. - S. 59-60.

.Kotler F.S. Marketing management". - St. Petersburg: PETER, 2000. - 321 p.

.Liansky M.E. Reengineering of business processes for effective adaptation of enterprises to changes in the external environment / M.E. Lianskiy // Innovations. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 87-89.

.Matantsev A.N. Market analysis: Handbook of a marketer. - Moscow: Alfa-Press, 2007. - 201 p.

.Yudanov A.Yu., Volskaya E.A., Ishmukhamedov A.A., Denisova M.N. pharmaceutical marketing. - Moscow: Remedium, 2008. - 291 p.


Attachment 1

Destabilizing environmental factors

Appendix 2

Model of the influence of the external environment on the organization

Annex 3

Direct impact environment

Appendix 4

Environment of indirect influence


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Currently, managers need to take into account the action of factors outside the organizations, since the organization, as an open system, depends on the outside world for the supply of resources, energy, personnel, consumers. The manager must be able to identify significant factors in the environment that will affect his organization, select methods and methods of responding to external influences. Organizations are forced to adapt to the environment in order to survive and remain efficient.

The following main characteristics of the external environment are distinguished:

the interconnectedness of environmental factors - the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. A change in one environmental factor may cause a change in others;

the complexity of the external environment - the number of factors to which the organization is obliged to respond, as well as the level of variability of each factor;

mobility of the environment - the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. The environment of today's organizations is changing at an ever-increasing pace. The mobility of the external environment may be higher for some departments of the organization and lower for others. In a highly mobile environment, an organization or department must rely on more diverse information in order to make effective decisions;

uncertainty of the external environment - the ratio between the amount of information about the environment that the organization has, and confidence in the accuracy of this information. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the organization's activities:

a) Suppliers. Capital providers are mainly banks, shareholders and individuals. The better things are with this organization, the more likely it is to get a loan on favorable terms from capital providers.

b) Labor resources. Without the necessary specialists of proper qualification, it is impossible to effectively use complex machinery and equipment.

c) State laws. Organizations are required to comply not only with federal, but also with regional laws. State bodies ensure the enforcement of laws in their area of ​​competence.

d) Consumers. Customers decide which products and services they want, that is, they determine the direction and growth of the organization. In a market economy, the principle applies: "The consumer is the king of the market."

e) competitors. The management of the enterprise must understand that unmet consumer needs create free niches in the market for competing organizations.

The indirect impact environment consists of factors that do not have a direct and immediate impact on the activities of the organization:

a) The state of the country's economy. The management of the organization, especially when entering the international market, must take into account the economic situation in the country to which it supplies its goods, or with which the organization has business relations. The state of the world economy affects the cost of resources and the ability of buyers to purchase goods and services. If a recession is predicted in the economy, then it is necessary to reduce stocks of finished goods in order to overcome sales difficulties, in addition, one should take into account an increase or decrease in the interest rate on loans, possible fluctuations in the dollar or other hard currencies.

b) Scientific and technological progress. Technical innovations increase labor productivity, contribute to the improvement of product quality, and also expand the possible areas of application of goods. The emergence of such high technologies as computer, laser, microwave, semiconductor, as well as the use of atomic energy, synthetic materials, miniaturization of instruments and production equipment have a significant impact on the development and activities of the organization.

c) Sociocultural factors. These are, first of all, life values ​​and traditions, customs, attitudes that have a significant impact on the activities of the organization.

d) Political factors. These include: the economic policy of the administrative bodies of the state, i.e. tax system, preferential trade duties, consumer protection legislation, product safety standards and environmental standards. For an organization carrying out international activities, the political stability of this state, as well as the establishment of special duties on the import of goods, export quotas, etc., is essential.

e) Relations with the local population. The nature of the relationship with the local community is very important for accounting and planning in any organization. Thus, each community has its own specific laws and regulations regarding business and business relations with other organizations and institutions. Sometimes, maintaining good relations with a community requires funding and support for its social programs, as well as charitable activities in many areas.

Mobility of the environment - is the rate at which changes occur in an organization's environment. Many researchers have pointed out that the environment of modern organizations is changing at an accelerating rate. However, while this trend is general, there are organizations around which the external environment is particularly fluid. For example, two researchers found that the rate of change in technology and competitive parameters is faster in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and electronics industries than in the engineering, auto parts, and confectionery industries. Rapid changes are taking place in the aerospace industry, computer manufacturing, biotechnology and telecommunications. Less noticeable relative changes affect the furniture industry, the production of containers and packaging materials, as well as canned food.

In addition, the mobility of the external environment may be higher for some departments of the organization and lower for others. For example, in many firms, the R&D department faces a highly fluid environment because it must keep track of all technological innovations. On the other hand, the production department may be immersed in a relatively slow-changing environment characterized by a stable movement of materials and labor resources. At the same time, if production facilities are scattered around the world or inputs come from abroad, then the production process may be in a highly mobile external environment. Given the complexity of operating in a highly mobile environment, an organization or its departments must rely on more diverse information to make effective decisions about their internal variables. This makes decision making more difficult.

The uncertainty of the external environment is a function of the amount of information that an organization (or person) has about a particular factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If information is scarce or there is doubt about its accuracy, the environment becomes more uncertain than when there is adequate information and there is reason to believe it is highly reliable. As business becomes more and more a global endeavor, more and more information is required, but confidence in its accuracy is diminishing. Dependence on the opinions of foreign experts or analytical materials presented in a foreign language exacerbates uncertainty. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

Therefore, the relationship of environmental factors gives the force with which a change in one factor affects other factors, as well as a change in any internal variable can affect others, a change in one environmental factor can cause a change in other factors.

When considering the influence of the external environment on the organization, it is important to understand that the characteristics of the environment are different, but at the same time related to its factors. The characteristics of interconnectedness, complexity, fluidity and uncertainty describe both direct and indirect impact factors. This dependence will become clearer when considering the main factors in the environment of direct influence of suppliers, laws and government agencies, consumers and competitors.

From the point of view of a systems approach, an organization is a mechanism for transforming inputs into outputs. The main varieties of inputs are materials, equipment, energy, capital and labor. The dependencies between an organization and a network of suppliers that provide the input of these resources is one of the most striking examples of the direct impact of the environment on the operations and success of an organization Obtaining resources from other countries can be more profitable in terms of value, quality or quantity, but at the same time more dangerous by amplifying these factors environment mobility, like exchange rate fluctuations or political instability.

Thus, the external environment of the organization plays one of the most important tasks in building the competitiveness of the business. Based on this, any leader must take into account the external environment as a whole, since the organization is an open system that depends on the interchange of inputs and results of activities with the outside world.

The significance of external factors varies from organization to organization and from unit to unit within the same organization. Factors that have an immediate impact on the organization belong to the environment of direct impact, all others - to the environment of indirect impact.

All environmental factors are interconnected and interact with each other. The complexity of the external environment refers to the number and variety of external factors to which the organization is forced to respond.

The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

2.1 General characteristics of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is all the conditions and factors that arise in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular organization, but which have or can affect its functioning. The external environment in which organizations have to work is in constant motion and subject to change.

One of the most important components of the success of an organization is its ability to respond and cope with changes in the external environment. The external environment of an organization includes elements such as customers, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial institutions, and labor sources. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is divided into the environment of indirect and direct impact.

The external environment of indirect impact - includes political factors, i.e. changes in the legal framework, economic factors, the level of technology, etc. The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization's operations, but nevertheless affect them.

The external environment of direct impact is competitors, suppliers, consumers, i.e. those objects, on the action of which the profit of the pharmacy organization directly depends. The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the operations of the entity and are directly affected by the operations of the entity. The external and internal environments of the organization are schematically presented in Diagram 1:

Rice. 1. External and internal environment of the organization

Examples of political factors:

· Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation (adoption of a new edition or additions/amendments to laws and regulations governing the circulation of medicines, consumer protection, approval and revision of lists of essential drugs, etc.)

State regulation in the industry

State regulation of competition

Change of regional legislation

Examples of economic factors:

· Dynamics of GDP


The dynamics of the ruble exchange rate

Employment dynamics

Changes in the purchasing power of the population

Market and trading cycles

Pharmacy costs

Examples of social factors:

Changes in core values

Changes in style and standard of living

Attitude towards work and leisure

Demographic changes

Religious factors

Media influence

Examples of technological factors:

・R&D trends

· New drugs, parapharmaceutical products, etc.

· Development of technologies

The following categories are indicators of the external environment:

Environment fluidity is the rate at which changes occur in an organization's environment. Around pharmaceutical companies, the external environment is particularly fluid. Given the complexity of operating an organization in a highly mobile environment, manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacies or their subsidiaries must rely on a variety of information to make effective decisions about their internal variables.

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit their consideration of the external environment to only those aspects on which the success of the organization largely depends. One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to distribute them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence. Suppliers are one of the most important direct influence factors.

There are suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources. The multifaceted activity of pharmaceutical organizations also requires the relationship with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on the providers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors.

For the implementation of tasks related to achieving the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed. Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to solve the issue of enterprise profitability. Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

The survival and existence of an organization depends on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities and satisfy their needs. Consumers, deciding which goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine the program for the organization of its activities. Thus, the need to meet the needs of consumers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. Customers, as an external factor, influence almost all other organizational variables. Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include medical and preventive and health-improving institutions, outpatients and inpatients, non-medical organizations and institutions.

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The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

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The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

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The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

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The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

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The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

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The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

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Volgograd State Medical University

Department of Pharmacology and Biopharmacy FUV

Section 1 "Pharmaceutical management"
Seminar №2
Topic: Organizational aspects of management. Internal and external environment of a pharmaceutical organization.
The purpose of the workshop: to give basic knowledge on the topic “Organizational aspects of management. Internal and external environment of a pharmaceutical organization”: general and basic concepts.

The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization

Environment of direct and indirect influence.

State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization.
1. Define the "external environment of a pharmaceutical organization"

2. What is the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization divided into?

The organization interacts with the external environment, must adapt to changes in it in order to function normally, and therefore must be considered as an "open system". An open system depends on energy, information, materials that come from the external environment. Any organization is an open system, as it always depends on the external environment.

The external environment includes: economic conditions in a given country, government regulations, trade unions, competing organizations, consumers, as well as public opinion, technology and technology in general.

The classification of environmental factors due to their diversity is quite different and it can be based on various principles. But in management it is accepted, and most adhere to it, the classification into factors of direct and indirect influence. In the environment of direct impact are allocated: suppliers, laws and government agencies, consumers and competitors.

The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the organization's activities:

A) vendors. The dependence between an organization and a network of suppliers providing the input of these resources is one of the most striking examples of the direct impact of the environment on the organization and the success of its activities. Receiving resources from other countries may be more profitable in terms of prices, quality or quantity. Capital providers are mainly banks, shareholders and individuals. The better things are with this organization, the more likely it is to get a loan on favorable terms from capital providers.

b) Labor resources. Without people capable of effectively using complex technology, capital and materials, all of the above is of little use. The development of a number of industries is currently constrained by the lack of the necessary specialists. Virtually every sector of the computer industry serves as an example, and this is especially true for firms that need highly skilled technicians, experienced programmers and systems designers.

c) Legislation. Organizations are required to comply not only with federal, but also with regional laws. State bodies ensure the enforcement of laws in their area of ​​competence. In a predominantly private economy, the interaction between buyers and sellers of every input and every output is subject to numerous legal restrictions. Each organization has a specific legal status, whether it is a sole proprietorship, a company, a corporation or a non-profit corporation, and it is this that determines how the organization can conduct its business and what taxes it must pay.

d) Consumers. Consumers decide which goods and services they want, that is, determine the direction and growth of the organization. In a market economy, the principle applies: "The consumer is the king of the market." The analysis of consumers, as components of the organization's immediate environment, is primarily aimed at compiling a profile of those who buy the product sold by the organization. Studying buyers allows an organization to better understand which product will be most accepted by customers, how much sales the organization can expect, how much buyers are committed to the product of this particular organization, how much it can expand the circle of potential buyers, what the product expects in the future, and much more. .

e) competitors. Competitors are an external factor whose influence cannot be disputed. The management of the enterprise must understand that unmet consumer needs create free niches in the market for competing organizations. The study of competitors, that is, those with whom the organization has to fight for the resources that it seeks to obtain from the external environment in order to ensure its existence, occupies a special and very important place in strategic management. This study is aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and, on the basis of this, build your competitive strategy.
3. The relationship between the external and internal environment of a pharmaceutical organization.

The external environment of direct impact (business environment) of the organization is formed in the course of its activities and changes over time. The environment changes if the product, markets, strategy, etc. change. The main driver of the business environment is the customer. These are all direct buyers and clients: trading companies, official distributors, shops, manufacturing companies, sales agents, individual buyers and clients. The influence of consumers can be expressed in various forms: in the establishment of a certain price level, the presence of special requirements for quality, design, technical characteristics of products, forms of payment, etc.

Manufacturers can influence consumers by setting lower prices, guaranteeing high quality and delivery times, offering unique products, and good service. Customers are very important to a company. They are the ones who determine its success. The modern goal of a business is to create its customer. Studying buyers allows you to better understand which product of the company will be in the greatest demand, how much sales it can expect, what the product expects in the future, how much you can expand the circle of potential buyers.

A buyer profile can be compiled according to the following characteristics:

1) the geographical location of the buyer;

2) demographic characteristics (age, education, field of activity);

3) socio-psychological characteristics (position in society, style of behavior, tastes, habits, etc.).

By studying the buyer, the firm must determine its trading power. This strength is determined by factors such as:

1) the volume of purchases made by the buyer;

2) availability of substitute goods;

3) the level of awareness of the buyer;

4) the cost of switching to another seller;

5) price sensitivity.

Competitors are firms that sell products in the same markets or provide services that satisfy the same needs. They compete with each other for resources. And the most important of them is the ruble of the buyer. The company must know the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor and build its competitive strategy based on this. The competitive environment is formed not only by intra-industry competitors producing similar products. Competitors can be firms producing a replacement product, and firms re-entering the market (“aliens”). It is necessary to create barriers to the entry of potential "newcomers" (specialization, low costs, control over distribution channels, access to cheap sources of raw materials, a well-known brand of goods, etc.). In modern conditions, it is often not a fight with a competitor, but cooperation with it that allows you to effectively adapt to the environment and achieve your goals.

Suppliers of material and natural resources can influence the organization, creating resource dependence. This dependence gives power to suppliers and allows them to influence the cost, product quality, production time and, in general, the effectiveness of the organization. The setting by monopoly enterprises of unreasonably high tariffs for electricity, gas, irregular supply or disconnection of these vital sources of income in case of non-payment put many organizations on the brink of survival or bankruptcy. Therefore, they try to maintain mutually beneficial relations with their main suppliers, sometimes on a multi-year contract basis. If a firm has reliable suppliers, it can save on inventory holdings. Get rid of unreliable suppliers.

Supplier analysis should show what the supplier's competitive strength is and what its factors are. When analyzing, one should pay attention to the prices of goods and services, their quality, compliance with the terms, conditions and volumes of supplies, whether the supplier is a monopolist of this type of resource, whether a change of supplier is possible.

The labor market is people who have the necessary qualifications, who are able to realize the goals of the company and who want to work in it. In a modern organization, this is the main resource. This group includes everyone with whom the company interacts in order to provide itself with the necessary human resources: recruitment agencies, the employment service, educational institutions, labor exchanges, systems of retraining and retraining of personnel, trade unions. The study of the labor market allows you to obtain information about the availability of labor force (required specialty, qualifications, age, work experience, personal qualities) capable of working with the company.

The external environment of the organization is characterized by the following features: complexity, mobility, uncertainty and interconnectedness of all factors.

Uncertainty is the main characteristic of the external environment, which in turn depends on its complexity and mobility. Uncertainty refers to the incompleteness or inaccuracy of information about environmental factors, which results in the difficulty of determining its needs and changes. The higher the level of uncertainty, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions, the higher the risk. Therefore, the firm tries to reduce the level of uncertainty in its environment. To do this, two types of strategies can be used - adapting the firm to changes in the environment and influence, changing the environment itself to make it more compatible with the goals and needs of the organization.

Adaptation of the organization is implemented through the following tools.

1. Creation of an information system that allows receiving information about changes that have occurred with the main counterparties of the enterprise; reduce uncertainty at the inputs and outputs and protect, realize the interests of the enterprise in the environment. Information gathering activities are carried out by services such as supply, marketing, strategic planning, and logistics. The creation of these departments requires large financial investments on the part of the enterprise, but this activity can also be carried out with the involvement of consulting firms specializing in this type of work.

2. Forecasting trends in the development of the external environment and strategic planning of the activities of enterprises prepare the enterprise for possible changes in the market situation and unfavorable environmental influences. Strategic planning formulates the goals and strategy of the enterprise, which ensures compliance between the enterprise and its environment.

3. Mergers, acquisitions of new businesses, formation of strategic alliances with other businesses, including former competitors. The use of this tool provides the enterprise with full-fledged partners for the creation of promising, stable, integrated production, supply and marketing, investment and innovation structures. This reduces the uncertainty of the environment by creating a zone of stability; prepares the enterprise for hard-to-predict changes in the situation; limits the possibilities of opportunistic behavior of partners; reduces transaction costs; allows you to find a new place of the enterprise in the environment; ensures its flexibility and adaptability, creates the prerequisites for influencing the external environment and leads to the formation of synergistic effects. The synergistic effect arises as a result of increased subordination, coordination and integration in the networks of partner enterprises.

4. Flexible organizational structures, the significance of which as a tool for adapting an enterprise to the environment lies in the fact that the structure determines the nature and quantity of information and communication links both within the enterprise and between it and its counterparties. A flexible adaptive structure allows an enterprise to effectively respond to changes in the external environment and carry out internal transformations due to such features as the ability to quickly implement changes and focus on human potential as the main resource of the enterprise. Flexible organizational structures orient the enterprise towards the development of new products, new markets and new technologies. They make it possible to ensure partnership and cooperation between all participants in the economic activity of the enterprise, as well as with consumers of its products and resource suppliers.

5. Partnerships between the management of the enterprise and its personnel ensure the interaction of economic agents within the enterprise, the integration of the internal environment and the maintenance of internal integrity.

The enterprise not only submits to existing economic relations, but also forms them itself, forms the environment in which it operates. The impact of an enterprise on the environment is possible when it integrates a sufficient amount of resources and has a high socio-economic potential. The enterprise will prefer to influence the environment when the next adaptation to changes in the external environment will be estimated by it as a more expensive process than changing the environment itself. The instruments of influence of the enterprise on the environment are listed below:

1. Advertising, which creates new needs, changes the environment for the functioning of the enterprise through signals about the quality of the goods, erecting barriers to entry into the market of competing enterprises, forming trusting relationships with consumers and suppliers.

2. "Public Relations" establish and maintain a system of communications with counterparties of the enterprise in order to form a reputation, a favorable public opinion about the enterprise, its product, which strengthens trusting partnerships in the network of agents and counterparties interacting with the enterprise.

3. Permanent and stable relations with suppliers and consumers on the basis of long-term contracts change the external environment by limiting the reactions of partners to a change in the situation, increasing mutual obligations and trust, on the basis of which coordination and integration between them is enhanced. All this contributes to the formation of a stable network of interacting enterprises, which structures the external environment and allows you to control it.

4. Thanks to lobbying the interests of the enterprise in parliament, government, including local, other power structures, the enterprise becomes a participant, and sometimes an equal partner of the government in the formation of the legal framework and sectoral, microeconomic and macroeconomic policies. In order to obtain the possibility of lobbying, enterprises organize vertical or horizontal structures (associations and associations of producers of the same type of product) FIGs, which, in addition to economic power, acquire political power, the possibility of pressure and equal cooperation with the government and the Central Bank of Russia.

5. Professional associations - voluntary associations of various enterprises, created to provide assistance, support, promotion, protection and lobbying of their interests. Associations are usually formed to achieve non-commercial purposes. The need for their formation is due to the fact that the market involves the interaction of firms - producers of one product. The activities of associations are aimed at establishing interaction, coordinating enterprises - members of the association, providing information, marketing services, improving the professional level of managerial personnel, protecting rights and interests in legislative, executive, law enforcement bodies, informing the public, and influencing public opinion. First of all, it is organizational, methodological and consulting assistance, legal protection.

The following public associations of commodity producers operate on a nationwide scale: the Coordinating Council of Domestic Commodity Producers, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers), the Agro-Industrial Union of Russia. At the sectoral and regional levels, there are the Association of Financial and Industrial Groups, the League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises, the Union of Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturers, the Association of Oil Refiners and Petrochemists, the Union of Gold Producers, the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, the Union of Entrepreneurs of the Textile and Light Industry, etc.
4. What are the methods of analysis of the external environment?

The most important element of strategic management and planning in the company is the analysis of the external environment, as well as the monitoring of business markets. The threats that lie in wait for the company in the process of doing business, and the opportunities that are provided to it - all this is present precisely in the external environment, of which the business is a part. In the external environment, the company is threatened by competitors, unscrupulous suppliers, rapidly changing tax laws, social upheavals and many other "surprises". In addition, buyers are waiting for the company, there are or are not enough resources to do business.

An analysis of external factors helps to develop strategic decisions that provide algorithms for the company's interaction with the environment in the short and long term, which will help maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve goals, and help uncover threats and opportunities.

The external environment is usually conditionally divided into two parts: macroenvironment and microenvironment. If the company's macro environment is difficult to significantly influence or control its processes, then the dynamics of the micro environment may directly depend on the choice of its strategy.

When analyzing the external environment within which the company operates, we can identify a number of factors that affect the possibilities of its development. To do this, use the T.E.M.P.L.E.S. (Technology, Economics, Market, Politics, Laws, Ecology, Society). It allows you to consider a group of issues related to the external environment, dividing them into several subgroups for the appropriate definition and classification. Each of these factors is subjected to an appropriate analysis in order to find out what difficulties may arise when working in this area and what positive opportunities open up here. It is convenient to analyze these reasons taking into account various (mainly long-term and medium-term) prospects, when it is necessary to predict what changes await the company in the future and choose strategies that are as adequate as possible to the current situation.

Technology. The analysis of technological factors involves the study of the following components:

  • new information technologies;

  • new equipment standards;

  • new types of products.
Scientific and technological advances seriously change the environment for the functioning of the company. There are new technologies, new products, which, of course, increase competition. Many companies systematically monitor trends in scientific and technological progress, which has a positive effect on their activities. Scientific and technological developments change the lifestyle of the consumer, improve the quality of consumer satisfaction. Scientific and technological innovations appear in design, model building, distribution and sales, marketing, thereby influencing the overall strategy of the organization.
In the literature, the following questions are usually identified for the analysis of technological factors:

How has the relationship between you, your employees and customers changed after the introduction of new methods of delivery of goods and in connection with the use of new methods for obtaining, storing and processing information?

Has your business been affected by the development of the Internet and other additional communication channels?

Can your company introduce and use new technologies (for example, distance learning)?

Are there new technologies on the market that allow you to make better products or increase productivity?

Has the lifespan of your equipment changed since the advent of new technologies?

What do you know about new developments in the field in which your company operates?

Are there any notable innovations in terms of delivery of goods?

Have rail or other fares changed recently?

Is it possible to change the composition of your company and how new approaches to work are suitable for it (for example, when your employees do most of the work from the office, but at home, or communicate with you via the Internet while in other regions of the country)?

Are your business impacted by changes in equipment costs?

Economy. In order to develop the right strategy, the company's management needs to know what economic conditions are available in the region:

  • growth rates of industries;

  • dynamics of market development and its saturation;

  • the level of inflation and unemployment;

  • interest rates for loans;

  • investment and tax policy;

  • wage and price policy;

  • the tax base;

  • economic situation in the region;

  • income level of the population;

  • growth rates of the country's economy and industry;

  • foreign trade barriers;

  • customs policy.
Since the global economy significantly affects the life and activities of the company, one should carefully analyze general economic processes (for example, rising unemployment and inflation, an increase in the number of companies working for imports or exports). In this regard, it will be useful to answer some questions:

What currency fluctuations are observed and do they affect your customers?

Does your company depend on the lending rates that banks issue, respectively, on the discount rate?

Is employment growing in your industry?

Limited or slow growth in an industry is often due to a shortage of skilled workers. Is this fair for your company?

How is changing consumer demand affecting you?

What specific groups of the population spend money on the products you produce?

Is there internal competition within Russia with other regions that produce similar products, or do you compete with the CIS countries and other countries?

Politics. Political factors seriously affect different types of business. This is especially noticeable in a country like Russia, where the political system is in its infancy. Typically, political factors include:

  • the political situation in the country;

  • stability;

  • the loyalty of the authorities;

  • protectionism in the industry;

  • presence of administrative barriers;

  • property protection system.
At the same time, such important driving forces as the change in the socio-political system, outbreaks of religious intolerance and the revival of nationalism should be taken into account. We cannot discount the threat of armed conflicts, a sharp reduction in imports or exports, the imposition of embargoes and various trade sanctions designed to economic suppression.
When analyzing the external situation (necessarily taking political factors into account), it is necessary to answer a number of questions. The main ones are:

What immediate political decisions can be expected from the current (or new) government?

What is the impact on your business of new programs that come from the government?

Do you think legislatures have a positive and stabilizing effect on business in general and your business in particular? Can you plan any factors based on decisions made from above?

How well do you imagine the country's foreign policy?

Can you predict with reasonable certainty how government policies will affect your business? (It is likely that embargoes, or some kind of trade restrictions, or establishing or breaking relations with certain countries will greatly affect your company.)

Can any political changes affect your business (if they are related to the suppliers of the raw materials you need, etc.)?

Will your company be able to function adequately if the work is done on an outsourcing basis or in those states that are markets for your country?

Legislation. Changes in legislation directly affect many types of business activity. These changes are taking place both at a fairly high level (for example, the introduction of tax accounting in Russia had a strong impact on the activities of enterprises that had to organize the introduction of additional accounting), and in the field of specific industry issues (for example, the range of issues related to the introduction of certain sanctions and rules, changes in labor legislation and at work).

To analyze changes in legislation, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

What possible changes in existing legislation could affect your company? (For example, changes in the law on employment, in laws governing environmental safety, etc.)

What legislative changes can local governments make (eg grants)?

Does current legislation help you protect yourself from competitors?

Do you understand what steps need to be taken to ensure that both the position and the market position of your company is as invulnerable as possible, or at least not associated with risk? Ecology. An increasing number of companies are now paying attention to the state of the environment. Therefore, the range of issues related to its protection plays an important role in the strategic planning of many developing industries and companies. When analyzing the environment, the following questions arise:

What environmental problems does your business face?

Do you have competitors who use the issues of ecology and environmental protection in their marketing policy? Are they successful in this?

Does your company use recycled materials?

Has your company installed equipment that protects the environment from harmful emissions?

Are you introducing new ways of using recycled and recycled raw materials in the organization of production at your enterprise?

Are there any pressure groups that are involved in influencing your company through environmental threats?

demographic factors. In the process of developing a development strategy (especially in the case of a long-term strategy), many companies often also take into account demographic factors. If a company provides the population with services and products that are differentiated either by age categories of buyers belonging to different groups, or by gender, then such an analysis can be an extremely valuable contribution to the development of strategy. So, at present, Russia is experiencing an increase in the birth rate, as a result of which the demand for relevant goods and services is increasing. This means that this factor stimulates the development of precisely those industries that are associated with the production of goods and services to meet the diverse demands and needs of young families.
The demographic situation is greatly influenced by the specific features of the regions where these companies or enterprises are located. For example, there may be a constant influx or, conversely, an outflow of population from the region; national composition often plays a decisive role in the structure of demand.
When analyzing demographic factors, the following questions are usually asked:

Do you think the population of your country is changing in terms of certain demographic indicators?

Is the birth rate on the rise?

What is the percentage ratio between men and women in your country (city, region)?

What percentage of the total able-bodied population are young and old?

social factors. The activity of an enterprise often depends to a large extent on various social factors. They may include social needs and requests that determine the life of the employees of this enterprise; issues related to the social life of the region where the enterprise is located.
Here are a number of social factors affecting the activities of the enterprise:

demographic situation in the region;

sex and age structure of the population;

average income and living wage;

cultural environment and moral values, religion;

the level of education.

The social factors that play a significant role in the functioning of the enterprise also include the way to attract employees to professional activities and as part of your enterprise, namely: how significant and / or prestigious is the work for them in the state of the enterprise or are they quite satisfied with work under the contract.
In addition, social factors include the lifestyle of your employees; the degree of their involvement in solving internal management tasks; qualitative changes in the relationship of employees at different levels of the hierarchy; internal expectations of people from the work of your organization; various risks, concerns, etc.
In the process of analyzing social factors, it will be useful to answer the following questions:

Is your enterprise considered a city-forming enterprise?

Does the social life of those groups of the population that are directly or indirectly connected with the activities of your enterprise depend on it?

Can you name any specific services that your business offers to specific populations living in the immediate vicinity of your business?

The problem of creating, improving and further developing the legislative framework in the field of public health in the Russian Federation remains one of the most topical.

It is known that the effectiveness of the health care system is one of the determining factors in the socio-economic development of any state. Unfortunately, at present we have come to a situation where the legislative provision of healthcare in the Russian Federation at the federal and regional levels does not meet the realities of today.

In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that the health of the country's population - the most important element of the national security of the state - is directly dependent on the activities carried out by public authorities to implement the constitutional rights of citizens to health care and medical care.

Domestic health care has found itself in a serious crisis and does not provide free and qualified assistance to all segments of the population, which is one of the most important reasons for the deterioration in the quality of the nation's health.

It is necessary to dwell on a number of problems that are currently burning, determining the medical and demographic situation in the country and requiring urgent action by the executive and legislative authorities.

The need for medicines is satisfied by the domestic industry by less than half, their prices are very high, many, including vital drugs, are inaccessible to the majority of the population.

The current situation poses a real threat to the national security of Russia and requires the inclusion of health problems among the priorities of state policy.

It must be said that health care in Russia can and should be only a single (nationwide) functional system that develops and improves taking into account the economic changes that have occurred. We cannot agree with the transition from healthcare as a system to a spontaneous market

medical services to the detriment of public health.

It is necessary to clearly define the relationship between the federal center and the regions, and at the same time, it is imperative to maintain a single center for managing healthcare, restoring and strengthening the vertical of management.

In the light of the foregoing, reforming the domestic health care without the development of a solid and effective legal framework is impossible and unrealistic.

Today we need to critically analyze the past and present experience of lawmaking in the field of health care in order to ensure the maximum observance of the constitutionally enshrined rights of Russian citizens in the field of health care and the provision of medical care.

The formation of a modern and effective legislative framework for health care has already begun. In 1997-1999, a number of federal laws were adopted, primarily: “On Medicines”, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”, “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, “On the Quality and Safety of Food products." A number of amendments and additions have been made to the existing laws adopted in 1992-1996 in accordance with the requirements of today.

As a top priority, we consider accelerating the consideration and adoption of the basic federal law “On Health Care in the Russian Federation” developed by the State Duma Committee on Health Protection with the participation of members of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Culture, Education, Healthcare and Ecology. It should be noted that they are distinguished by two features: linking with the current federal legislation and taking into account the characteristics of their region, its demographic, climatic and socio-economic characteristics. Apparently, this approach is the only correct one, it is he who can ensure the conduct of purposeful and effective activities of health authorities. The quality of regional laws is improving every year.

The analysis carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation showed that in many regions of the Russian Federation, purposeful work is underway to create a legislative framework, taking into account all the components designed to ensure the protection of human health. This is the legislative regulation of socio-economic issues, and the organization of health care, and labor protection, and environmental protection.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, carrying out constant monitoring of laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Federation, has already begun to disseminate the positive experience of legislative work in individual regions.

Legislative activity should be based on the need for regional laws to comply with current federal legislation, while taking into account the specifics of each territory, its socio-economic characteristics, medical, demographic, environmental and climatic characteristics.

And one more question - the legal regulation of the examination of draft federal laws and regulations adopted by the executive and legislative branches of government. It makes sense to think about a special federal law regulating the adoption of laws and other acts in the field of healthcare. The adoption of such a law will regulate the development and examination of draft laws relating to this area and, ultimately, will contribute to the adoption of high-quality, scientifically sound, legally verified and coordinated laws, taking into account the prospects for further development and deepening of legislation as a single integral system. I must emphasize that such normative acts must be developed both at the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation. And this is especially important. Mutual enrichment and replenishment of the legislative space at various levels will serve to solve urgent problems as soon as possible.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation is the federal body responsible for the implementation of state policy in the field of protecting the health of Russian citizens and ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. In this regard, apparently, the policy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation can be considered justified, which takes on the main burden of work on the formation of the legislative framework and the improvement of specific legislative acts. At the same time, the legislative initiative of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should be more widely involved in this process. The State Duma and the Federation Council, as subjects of legislative initiative, contribute to the formation of the legislative framework in the field of health care.

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