Modern dance styles for girls: a list of directions. Modern dances - a variety of techniques, forms, styles

Modern dances include hundreds of styles, elements of which were created both in the present and in the past. The directions that exist today have retained the aesthetic appeal of the movements, but at the same time they have become faster. They, like the rest of art, reflect the realities of our time and fashion trends.

What is modern dance?

This section includes different types, as well as variations this art. Among the new directions are such names modern dance:



    other more youthful hip-hop dances and so on.

The choreography of modern dance is usually much more complex. It includes all existing elements and pas. In order to create new dance, you have to connect the old ones in parts.

Jazz dance

It is rightfully considered one of the very first among other modern variations. Story this dance began at the very end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century in the United States. Since then, he has successfully conquered all continents of the world.

In turn, completely new types of modern dances emerged from it. They differ not only in music and movements, but also in the concept itself.

Jazz currents:

    classic jazz;

  • freestyle;

All directions are similar to each other only in one thing - they retain the chic of the roaring twenties. They are full of enthusiasm and fun music. In all these dances there is something from the Great Gatsby, from the luxury that the aristocrats of that time surrounded themselves with, and the passion that the beggars lived in the American ghettos.

One of the youngest on the list is soul. A variety of fast movements are performed per beat.

But flash jazz is more reminiscent of such types of modern dances as ballet.

Thanks to him, the world has many different directions in vogue. They, as a rule, quickly became obsolete and were characterized by mass interest.

ballroom dancing

Modern ballroom dance- this is no longer the one that was previously performed during ceremonial receptions. How kind contemporary art it combines some elements of old, traditional folk, ephemera and jazz.

During competitions, ball dancers usually show their skills in both European and Latin American dance styles, which also belong to the ballroom type.

Names of modern dances in Latin American style:

  • paso doble;

In European:


    Viennese waltz;

    slow waltz;


All these directions are performed in pairs. The dancers wear special costumes. All their movements are coordinated and identical to the movements of the partner.

These verses are performed in a specially designated room for them. Traditional European ballroom dances are performed to classical music.

Modern and Contemporary

The dance appeared on the basis of the classical one. Nevertheless, modernity seems to have rebelled against any rules that exist in the classics. Each movement of this direction carries a certain philosophical meaning.

Dancers don't just have to hit the main beat. They are looking for several rhythms at once in one melody and try to adapt to them.

The names of modern dances - modern and contemporary - are often referred to the same area. Both of these types can be involved in modern theatrical performances where the whole story is told with the help of them.

This type of dance combines many different directions. In it, the performer seeks to express his own emotions, to convey his state. Contemporary is most often associated with classical ballet from which the dance originates.

Folk dances

Despite the fact that folk dances can hardly be attributed to modern ones, they continue to remain just as popular and in demand. This direction maintains old traditions, bringing elements of native culture into art.

Russian modern dances combine both devotion to the history and past of their people, and completely new dance trends. They are popular not only among the older generation, but also among young people. Folk dances are performed to the appropriate music produced with the help of ethnic instruments. The performers wear traditional attire.

At the same time, modern variety dances may include elements of folk, jazz, sports, ballroom.


It first appeared in America in the twentieth century. It is divided into such types of modern dances as lower and upper. During the lower break, the performer can rotate on his head, jump on his hands, twist his legs in a stand on one arm.

The upper break, as a rule, is characterized by plastic movements. This dance is performed under certain type music. There is a subculture in which this kind of art develops.

Belly dance

It can be attributed to folk dances to some extent. Raks sharki, or belly dance, was born on the territory of Muslim countries. He performed in Eastern harems to please the gaze of the ruler. Modern Muslim women dance it in front of their husbands.

Of course, dancing is best suited for lovers. But, nevertheless, it helps to develop grace, eliminates excess weight, contributes to the elimination of some female diseases. Modern dances for children can also include it. Little girls are more plastic, and certain movements will go well with youth and enthusiasm. Belly dancing has several national destinations. They are all good for health.

Modern dances for children

Children need to be taught the art of choreography from the very beginning. early age. From two or three years in private dance schools recruiting the first students. There they are first introduced to basic movements, working on plastic. Children are easy to learn. In addition, they can memorize the main differences between different styles, movements that are typical for ballroom or jazz dances.

In game versions, children are taught classic stances, hand positions, and head rotation.

Teachers allow you to create your own movements, thus developing the child's imagination.

Modern dances for children form basic knowledge about this art, introduce them to history, and teach the perception of music.

Of all the existing options, they try to choose ballroom ones. They combine more classic movements, a variety of styles.

The music, to which all kinds of modern dances are performed, can be matched to the tastes of children and modern fashion.

Another effect of these classes is the feeling of one's own I, one's beauty. The child sees that he is beginning to cope with the assigned tasks, that he looks beautiful during the performance.

Dancing rip off psychological barriers. They liberate a person, make him more self-confident, and therefore open to others.

Modern dances perform the following functions:

    children become more cheerful, more confident in their abilities;

    posture is corrected;

    gait is getting better;

    getting better fine motor skills and dexterity;

    coordination of movements is getting better;

    increases endurance;

    there is perseverance in achieving the goal set for oneself;

    problems with their own inferiority disappear, the child understands that he is better than he thought about himself.

Dance is a special state of the human soul. In ancient times, not a single holiday or ceremony took place without it. Sometimes, even without knowing the classical movements, you can dance.

Today there are various styles dances, the list is long. Each of them has gone its own way of development, has its own history and fans.

Historical information about dances

The dance existed in different centuries and eras. However, it was distinguished by its views, popularity among the population. If we talk about ancient times, then the dance was more sacred and deep. They cared little about beauty and aesthetics, the main thing was to achieve their goal, so traditions had to be observed. Dance in those days could bring rain or demonstrate the relationship between a man and a woman.

Later, when it took shape as a movement to the music, each nation had its own special and indescribable flavor of dances. Almost every locality had its own special rhythm and movement.

The booty dance style basically contains the following movements:

  • vibration of the buttocks;
  • rotations and eights with the hips;
  • hip kicks, etc.

Based on these movements, there are the following techniques, each of which has its own characteristics:

For this dance, it is necessary to have strong muscles of the legs and buttocks, since the load mainly falls on them. Being engaged in this direction, you can just pull up these parts of the body. In addition, there is a good study of the back.

Clothing for dancing can, in principle, be any, if it is comfortable. However, it is still recommended to wear one that emphasizes the hips and buttocks. It can be leggings or short shorts. You can dance without shoes or in sneakers. Accessories are also welcome.

go-go dance

Highly interesting dance is also a go-go. It also combines many styles. It all started with a very popular American disco “Whisky-A-Go-Go”, where girls danced in cages, thus attracting wealthy men. After such an innovation, many clubs adopted it. Now dancing half-naked girls could be found in many establishments.

Today this style is very popular. It is performed mainly by girls, very often professional dancers are invited to clubs to entertain and ignite visitors. It can also be performed by men. gay in their clubs.

This dance is considered erotic, but it does not require you to undress. This is not a striptease in the usual sense. Performers usually do not invent complex movements. They just dance and enjoy it. Emphasize their body in slow compositions and show passion in fast ones.

Of course, there are traditionally used movements, but beginners in this style are encouraged to just relax and feel the music. Then everything will go by itself. But professional dancers hone their art for a long time. In the end, it turns out both a dance and a game with the audience, which translates into emotional communication. Such performers are highly valued.


It is impossible to list all dance styles, the list of which is quite impressive and continues to grow. Each direction and style has its own personality traits and features.

Perhaps dance is what will always be next to a person as an expression of his emotional state. After all, people often jump or dance for joy, don't they?

Today, everyone can choose their own dance, which is more suitable for their perception of the world. After all, you can even train at home if your soul asks, but you don’t know what you would like. Over time, preferences will become clear. In any case, you just need to start moving. And it will be simply impossible to stop!

Dance is one of the most popular ways to express yourself, your mood and emotions. Besides, dancing helps a lot. keep in good physical shape. Since ancient times, people have expressed their feelings through movements, which are then combined into styles. Nowadays in dance world There are many directions and trends. Contemporary dance styles are very diverse and widely popular among a wide variety of age groups. To learn how to dance, it is absolutely not necessary to be a child, this wisdom can be done even by older people.

List of dance styles

The ability to dance is becoming more and more in demand in the modern world. Dance is not only a set of movements, it is sometimes a sign of belonging to a certain subculture. Modern dance styles give everyone who cares about this art form an opportunity to express themselves. To understand the whole variety of directions, you can make a kind of, which includes the most popular genres:

  • hip hop dancing(very popular among young people, performed to rhythmic recitative);
  • jazz dance(energy of movements is combined with energetically strong music);
  • styles oriental dance (for those who love smooth and beautiful movements);
  • bollywood dancing(appeared along with popular colorful Indian films);
  • disco dancing("springy" and very rhythmic style of dancing);
  • street dance styles(as a rule, they do not have clear sets of movements, they are designed to express the mood of modern youth).

Vogue dance style

Among a large number directions of modern dance occupies a special place. It is believed that we owe its appearance to the singer Madonna, who came up with the movements for one of her videos. Now vogue is a great opportunity to keep in excellent physical shape, as the dance involves arm and leg muscles. Among the main features of this direction are:

  • all movements are like walking on a catwalk (hence the name);
  • special emphasis is placed on facial expressions (a kind of parody of models at fashion shows);
  • the outrageousness of the dance is often used as a way to relax and fool around.

In addition, vogue is great for those who want to lose excess fat: dance movements involve the arms, legs and abdominal muscles. There is also a load on the hips. This is a very fast and energetic dance, so if you decide to do vogue, be prepared for serious physical exertion. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find teachers in Vogue, but you can learn the basics on your own. It is enough to apply patience and devote a few minutes a day to classes. It is noteworthy that in this direction there is both a youth movement and a set of movements for older people.

house dance style

The dynamic style of house dance appeared in the 80s of the last century in Chicago. At the beginning, the dance was characterized by sharp, jerky movements, then more and more plastic body movements appeared. Like the music of this style, house - very rhythmic, energetic and positive dance. For those who want to master the art, you need to know that there are a number of required elements:

  1. Qual. That is, the body sways in a certain rhythm.
  2. Wave. The peculiarity of this element is that the body moves regardless of the rhythm of the music.
  3. Footwork. Highly important element, as the legs perform "springs", steps, pushes and various rotations.

It is the combination of all elements of dance that creates a unique individual style professional house dancers. Everyone who is involved in this direction knows that the most important thing in house dancing is to find your leading element. Most of the time it's footwork. All other details of the dance are built on top of the leader. You don't have to be a professional to learn how to dance house. You need to master the technique and your body well. The house style is quite simple to perform, and the movements involve all muscle groups. Therefore, this dance is great for those who care about their physical form.

jazz funk dance style

The last ten years in the world is gaining popularity. This style is characterized by jerky movements and plasticity of their execution. This direction arose from hip hop and wog. Jazz-funk dance is actively used in the production of clips famous performers like Britney Spears and Beyoncé. For those who want to learn how to dance jazz funk, you need to remember the main rule: if a mistake is made in the dance, then it must be beaten in such a way that to make a standalone element. Choreographers who are involved in jazz-funk productions claim that everyone can learn to dance “like in clips”. Jazz funk is a female dance. As a rule, it is performed by a group of girls, but in recent times more and more young men are turning to dance studios, wanting to learn how to dance jazz-funk. To learn how to play jazz funk, you need to remember a few essential elements:

  • movements of arms and legs should be rhythmic and synchronous;
  • all emotions from the dance are expressed on the faces of the dancers - facial expressions play a leading role;
  • the combination of movements should be as original and unpredictable as possible.

Jazz funk originated in Los Angeles, but the dance was actively developed in Europe.

Dance style where the booty is shaken

Among modern dance styles booty dance is very popular. A very sexy direction of dance in which booty movements play a leading role. Except that girls who have mastered the art booty dance, always attract attention, this dance very useful for training the buttocks and abdominal muscles. It also improves blood circulation in the pelvis and relieves women of a number of gynecological problems. Moreover, dancing booty dance is quite easy, because it is based on two movements:

  1. Hip rolling - rolling with the hips. In this element, smoothness of movement is especially important. You need to learn how to draw smooth “eights” with your hips.
  2. Booty shake - relaxation and tension of the gluteal muscles. the main task is to learn how to do it not abruptly, but gradually, smoothly.

In order to dance booty dance, you do not need to resort to the help of a professional choreographer, your desire to learn is enough. And, of course, the clothes in which you dance are very important. It must be very short shorts, which do not constrain your movements and favorably emphasize your ass.

krump dance style

Among modern trends occupies a special place in dance. Initially, this dance was a protest against violence in the US ghetto. One local clown specially came to the "black" areas and performed dances on the street, in which he mixed movements of different directions. However, he did it so incendiary that very soon he had followers - local teenagers. The only obligatory attribute of krump was clown face painting. But gradually this element has become obsolete. Now krump is very popular among young people. Among the main characteristics of krump are:

  • rhythm;
  • energy;
  • impulsiveness;
  • some aggression.

A distinctive feature of modern krump is physical contact with a partner, a kind of dance fight. That is, it is a contact dance that requires not only knowledge of technique, but also ability to work in a group. At the same time, krump is a child of the street, so partners are very often unfamiliar with each other. Dance battles in the US, for example, sometimes become so massive that they look like a fight. But in fact, krump is a great way to relax and get rid of negative emotions.

Club dances (Club - dance) - now it's all that is trendy, energetic and modern. This style is a mix, a violent combination of many dance styles and directions. Club dances are movements and locks from locking, jumps from house, necks and swings from hip-hop, plasticity and eccentricity of waking, elements of jazz, major and mood from funk.

Breakdancing is one of the most dynamic modern styles. In stunning acrobatic stunts and the young, unbridled, rebellious spirit of the street was embodied in the dizzying rotations of the dance. Breakdance originated in the poor neighborhoods of New York in the late 60s. In the beginning there was James Brown's famous Get on the Good Foot dance.

Strip plastic is a dance filled with sensuality, flexibility, plasticity. This is the dance of the conqueror of hearts, light, and, at times, a little daring. The name of the dance contains the term “Strip” (from English - to undress), but over time, plasticity separated from striptease and formed as a separate direction, which implies a plastic, graceful female dance.

Kramp is a style of modern dance in which you can throw out your emotions. This is an original street dance, jerky and impulsive, aggressive and explosive, fast and rhythmic, which allows its accumulated negative emotions turn into incendiary, interesting dance show. The geographical and temporal reference point from the beginning of the life of the dance is 1992.

Improvisation is a real opportunity to express yourself in a dance movement very honestly, frankly and accurately. This is an opportunity to look into yourself, discover new, hitherto unknown reserves, discover your creative potential. Awareness of this opens up a chance for self-knowledge, for gaining even greater personal integrity. Improvisation is the highest form of dance, which combines the perfect control of the body.

Hip-hop is one of the most popular modern dance styles today. This style is very interesting and multifaceted. It absorbed the mannerisms and movements of many street styles that appeared earlier: break, popping, locking. The huge popularity of hip-hop dance is directly related to the versatility and diversity of this dance style.

Locking is a whole subculture dance art. This is one of the most positive funky dance styles. It differs in a comic-comic style of performance, pantomime and facial expressions play an important role in it. Locking is full of emotions, dynamic and clear movements. The basis of the whole dance is the closing positions of the locks, from these movements the name of the style was formed - Locking from the word lock “Lock”.

LA style is a modern style that has been very popular lately, and finds its fans in a wide audience of energetic, relaxed and self-confident modern youth. LA style - comes from the "Los Angeles" style, a style that came out of hip - hop, it is also called hip hop choreography. Do not confuse it with New Style (New York style). They have fundamental differences between them.

Go-Go (go - go) - is not any particular style. This is a set of styles that are combined in one direction. Go-Go is danced at fashionable parties, presentations and in nightclubs. Today, not a single club party can do without a Go-Go dance performance. Dancing go-go- erotic dances in which, unlike striptease, the dancers do not undress.

R'n'B style is a trendy club dance performed to rhythm and blues music, as well as one of the most popular destinations modern dance, which combined elements of blues, hip-hop and funk. R'n'B is considered to be the most popular dance direction today. club dances in Europe and around the world. And acts as a whole layer modern culture, which includes dance, music and clothes.

Sexy R'n'B - today it is still quite a young trend in modern dance. It is based on the styles and movements of such mega-popular trends as jazz, strip-plastic, hip-hop, and of course, its base is the foundation of the foundations, R'n'B is the style. Sexy R'n'B is constantly evolving and improving, enriching and replenishing itself with more and more new movements.

Club mix - today it's all that is trendy, modern, energetic. This is a mix, a passionate mixture of many dance styles and trends. Club dances are jumps from House dance, swings and necks from Hip-hop, eccentricity and plasticity from Waacking dance, mood and emotionality from funk.

A rather young dance style that was formed in 2000 in France, in the wake of the popularity of Belgian club movements. It is also known as Electro Dance, tck, vertigo, Milky Way - this is a kind of style - a mix that contains elements of techno, jumpstyle, hip-hop, locking, popping

Recently, in Europe, the direction of club dances called "House" (House) is gaining popularity. The name of this dance comes from musical style house. House is now danced at almost all newfangled parties. House is distinguished by a unique style of performance, one might say, with a slight touch of glamor and imposingness. House is very dynamic, rhythmic.

C-Walk, aka Crip, - Clown, -Crown-walk - is one of the styles of modern street dance that is constantly developing and gaining more and more new rounds of popularity. Home hallmark and the original feature of this style is the masterful work of the feet, the virtuosic execution of such intricate movements with the feet that it seems that the dancer "writes out" the signs of the alphabet and whole words.

Among all club styles - the most extravagant, attractive and eccentric style is Wacking. Today it is impossible to imagine modern world dance without this style. This dance is constantly evolving and becoming more and more popular not only as an opportunity to show your dancing talent, but also as an opportunity to reveal and demonstrate your individuality.

It is physically and psychologically pleasant for us to feel our body flexible, toned, relaxed, without pain in muscles and joints. No less joy gives us a sense of peace, harmony with the outside world, a sense of satisfaction with oneself, one's body, one's life. Stretching will help us achieve this state of mind and body.

For today most of Modern dance styles are cocktails of elements and movements from other dances, and Ragga Jam is no exception. This is an explosive mixture of street ragga, hip-hop, jazz, generously seasoned with Jamaican and Antillean motifs. To date, ragga - jam - one of the fashion trends, which conquered Europe and America with its originality.

The very name of the Street Dance style ( Street dance) said everything for itself. Street dance is a mixture of different dance genres and cultures. Breakdance, hip-hop, house, RnB and many more ingredients are mixed in this cocktail. The name of this style combines many dance styles that were born outside dance studios and ballet schools.

Street jazz is a modern dance direction, distinctive feature which is a lot of styles: R`n`B, modern, locking, popping, ragga, house, electric boogaloo and, of course, classical jazz. And as a basis in it, as in most of the newfangled dance styles now, the dance base of hip-hop is laid.

Latina is quite simple to perform and very often it resembles rhythmic beach dances. Thanks to this, Latin can be danced almost everywhere. But the incendiary movements of Latina look especially impressive in nightclubs - liveliness and rhythm, passion and frivolity - ideal qualities for a night of fun.

Salsa is considered to be a more elegant and slower version of rumba, in which partners almost never touch, while being very close to each other. At one time, the Latin American bourgeoisie considered salsa one of the most worthy and noble dances.

Pilates is actually a special complex physical activity, a distinctive feature of which is its functionality and versatility: all Pilates exercises are designed in such a way as to maximally affect the entire body, and not on its individual parts

Hustle is a mixture of many types and styles of dance, including boogie-woogie and rock and roll, a variation of which is "dirty dancing". Hustle - pair dance for discos, parties, clubs, which, due to its colorfulness and ease of execution, is insanely popular all over the world

Those who have never danced are lost in the variety of styles and do not know which one will be closer to them. We suggest proceeding from what effect you want to get from your new hobby.

Dancing for a drive

Any kind of dance can be fun, but jazz-funk and reggaeton will bring you the most drive and positive emotions. These directions of modern dance are very energetic and are held to peppy music. After classes, you will forget about all the problems that have accumulated during the day.

Dances for the disclosure of artistry

There are several areas of dance in which you can express your creativity to the maximum. For example, contemporary (contemporary) or vogue (vogue). For contemporary classes, at least minimal basic training and plasticity are needed. Now this style is at the peak of popularity, having joined it, you will be able to perform at competitions. The direction of the vogue dance is suitable for self-confident girls.

Dancing to develop grace

Ballerinas always stand out from the crowd with their posture and gait. To conquer the stage Bolshoi Theater, you need to start a career almost from the cradle. If you are twenty years too late, you can simply sign up for body ballet classes. That's what it is classical dance, adapted for those who did not stand on pointe as a child. From practicing this direction of dance, you will get a noticeable result in the form of a beautiful posture and plastic gait.

Dancing to build confidence

Many are shy about dancing in clubs or at parties among friends, preferring to sit at the bar and sip on a cocktail. More self-confident girls approach the DJ and dance without noticing anyone around. In order to gain courage, you should go for strip plastic or go-go. Here you will be taught to demonstrate sexuality, not be ashamed of anything and become more liberated in the presence of strangers.

Dances to win battles

In order to collect Grand Prix cups from the European Championships, you need to learn from the pros from childhood. But if you have less ambitious plans to conquer the dance floor, you can simply enroll in a dance school, such as hip-hop or dancehall. These styles are practiced more for battles than competitions. Here you will be applauded by the same passionate fans of this dance as you.

Remember: the main thing for any dance is to start! Do not be afraid, try - and you will definitely find your own style, which will bring you only pleasure.

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