Hip hop studio for kids. Hip-Hop dance training for beginners: Hip-Hop freestyle Hip-Hop choreo

Hip-Hop dance school

Today, by hip-hop I mean street dance direction. It is important to understand that there are many directions here, and anyone who wishes will definitely find the most acceptable option for themselves. And talented teachers will help! modern school hip-hop is a real discovery for those who want to control the body, maintain excellent shape and express their own emotions through beautiful dance.

Unique direction

In general, hip-hop is the widest range various styles, among which should be noted C-Walk, Turfing, Locking, Breakdance and so on. In the United States, hip-hop began to gain popularity in the seventies of the last century. Different dance directions began to appear in cities and develop there. It is noteworthy that hip-hop dance is practiced in both dance studios as well as on the streets.

Music plays an important role in hip hop. Since hip-hop music has been constantly changing, this dance style has developed tremendously, actually accompanying the corresponding musical genre.

Modern hip-hop style is a lot of genres and categories. And here it is important to choose something of your own, to choose the option that will reflect the character of the individual. Sometimes it's hard to figure it all out on your own. School teachers are here to help!

Why choose us?

If you decide to take the course, we will definitely help you! If you are a rebel, do not know what to do with energy and want to use it with maximum benefit, contact us for help! Modern hip-hop dance school - the right decision! We offer:

personalized approach to everyone;

incredible opportunities;

bold decisions;

convenient schedule;

acceptable rates;

well-equipped rooms.

Already today, you can easily comprehend street culture with the help of dances and completely imbue it. At school, you will not only be able to show and reveal your own potential, but also meet new interesting people, chat with like-minded people. Now you know exactly where to turn for help and positive emotions!

Contact us in any way convenient for you to discuss the nuances of cooperation and training details! Competent specialists will prompt excellent options and high-quality solutions! It's worth checking it out for yourself! If you want to get new emotions and learn to dance, do not hesitate! A team of talented teachers will help you understand street culture, the basics of hip-hop. Sign up for classes so you don't miss out! This is your unique chance to express inner world through movements.

Each new generation is necessarily different from the previous one. The pace and rhythm of life is changing, new values ​​are emerging, culture and art are developing and improving. An integral part cultural heritage of every people is a dance. Modern dance is a reflection of the life of a generation. In our time, light and rhythmic dances are especially popular, which you can dance with friends at discos and parties that do not require precise movements and allow free improvisation.

Among the many modern dance styles and styles, hip-hop is especially popular among young people - a dance that does not take much time to learn, because its technique is simple and accessible to both children and adults. It begins its history in the 70s of the XX century. After a short time, it quickly breaks into the youth culture of many countries, and by the mid-90s it turns into a trendy dance direction, which, among other things, serves as a kind of protest against injustice and inequality.

Modern hip-hop as a combination of many different directions

Hip-hop movements are very diverse and include elements of choreography, acrobatics, modern jazz and many other dance styles. Each lesson at the hip-hop dance school is both a workout and performing arts Because a good dancer must be an artist. Just a few months of regular and hard work - and you can start your dancing career.

In general, modern dance lessons are in demand among people. different ages, but hip-hop is considered the dance of the young, energetic and sexy. In addition, for many it is a great way to show themselves, express their feelings and aspirations. Hip Hop Lessons for Beginners in Schools modern dance help beginners dive into wonderful world movement and rhythm, master basic skills and learn how to build your own, unlike others, dance.

The hip-hop movement among young people is constantly growing. This dance leaves the dance floor and takes to the streets. And here, each dancer must adequately demonstrate the skills and abilities acquired in hip-hop dance lessons not in front of the jury, but in front of the audience. AT recent times hip-hop dances, which are available to everyone, become part of the plot of films, which adds to their popularity.

Teaching hip-hop dance at dance schools in Moscow

It is unlikely that someone will be able to master all directions of this dance at once, so hip-hop lessons for beginners or experienced dancers are the first step in a dancer's career. And it doesn’t matter if you plan to practice professionally or if you are satisfied with an amateur level, experienced choreographers are waiting for you at hip-hop dance schools to help you in word and deed.

The learning process, as a rule, proceeds according to the principle "from simple to complex", which allows beginners to gradually master new movements and learn to improvise. By attending classes in modern dance schools and studios, you can not only become a professional dancer, but also improve your general physical condition, because hip-hop is a constant movement, and movement, as you know, is life.

Modern hip-hop is a dance of self-confident people. To become one of them, choose hip-hop dances, which can be trained in modern dance studios, the addresses of the best of them are available for everyone on the glavsport.ru website.

    Men and women

    Average price per lesson

    Impact on weight

    Injury hazard


    Sense of rhythm



About hip hop dancing

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, a society for which only ballroom dancing existed in the world had to go through a breakthrough in Latino and rock and roll. And immediately followed new blow: dance ghetto hip-hop. It's no surprise that hip-hop has been seen by society as a threat to the future. What does it really represent - a dance that will eventually go into oblivion or subculture with its music, clothes, words? Definitely the last option! Hip-hop dance sections are growing like mushrooms under the warm rain of appropriate music, and five-year-old children are already dancing the “adult” dance. Drive, excitement, delight, freedom - these are the words that can describe the feeling of seeing hip-hop. Do you want to take these classes? Then you have to delve a little into the culture and styles of this dance. Then it will not be blind copying of movements, but self-expression, freestyle, which is the quintessence of dance.


The father of hip-hop is considered to be DJ Afrika Bambaataa, who developed the five basic elements of dance. It happened in 1974. Well, the "ancestors" include African jazz, rhythms of drums and tom-tom. In the poor American neighborhoods, too, they loved self-expression and dancing - this is how amazing and daring hip-hop was born, combining afro-jazz, funk, break, pop, and continuing to absorb new trends and assimilate with them. Loose clothes, caps, glasses, a special gait and plasticity - this is what distinguishes "authentic" hiphopers. And also - a certain love for graffiti.

Interestingly, it is in this dance that there is such a type of competition as battles. Such international competitions are held in Europe, Australia, Japan. Well, after hip-hop classes, no one bothers to arrange an expressive battle on the dance floor or right on the street.

Dance styles

Since hip-hop is a creative and collective dance, there are many directions in it. Keep this in mind when choosing where to practice hip-hop dancing. If you have any doubts about the chosen direction, visit the training in the section as a spectator and decide if the style suits you.

Old school dance is the old school of the 80s, which includes the first experiences of hip-hop:

  • popping;
  • locking;
  • breakdance.

Many MTV stars have become popular thanks to these directions. There is a lot of acrobatics here and the physical form of the hiphoper must be impeccable. Modern direction- new style school (since 2000) - focuses more on footwork (footwork). One of the most popular and spectacular is LA Style - a "choreographic" version that is used on stages, in clips and productions. This is the most artistic kind of hip-hop.

Who is street dancing for?

The hip-hop section accepts both adults and children, but still this “topic” is more suitable for people 15-30 years old. Endurance is very important here. physical strength when executing the lower elements. A fast pace and the ability to quickly switch in training are also very important. Of course, this does not limit the possibility of classes for people of a different age, if they have sufficient enthusiasm and physical fitness. It is interesting that hip-hop is more masculine than feminine dance, there are still more representatives of the stronger sex in it. The more interesting this situation for girls! You will definitely be the center of attention in training and in the club. And for children and teenagers, dancing in the hip-hop section is a great way to overcome shyness and tightness.

Benefits and contraindications to hip-hop

The main benefit is excellent physical shape. It is unrealistic for a hiphoper to stay "in the body", and the process of losing weight is very fast. Classes successfully replace training in the gym - here in literally breaks seven sweats. However, this imposes certain restrictions in the classroom. Hip-hop is not an option for people with cardiovascular problems, asthma, high blood pressure, serious diseases of the spine and joints. Injuries to the knees, elbows, and wrists are common here.

How to dress for a hip hop workout

T-shirt, top and sports trousers are enough. It is worth noting that it is traditionally customary to wear oversized loose clothing. It's not a good idea to show up to class in a shirt, cap, and glasses—leave those cute traditions for later when you've mastered the basics. As shoes, high-quality sneakers or sneakers are optimal. Don't forget drinking water and a towel.

Choosing a hip-hop section in Moscow

Hip-hop dance lessons are held both in groups and individually, so anyone can choose a section to their liking. On our site you can sign up for hip-hop dances near your home, place of study or work. Take classes seriously and do not skip workouts: in a couple of months, both you and those around you will notice the result. It's time to surprise your friends with new skills - it is quite possible that you will gain new allies in hip-hop.

Today hip-hop is the most fashionable and popular trend. youth culture. This style absorbed African American street philosophy, elements of funk, pop, break, jazz. Hip-hop is a symbol of modern youth culture that will always remain relevant. dance style hip hop originated at the end of the last century as a dance for the poor American neighborhoods. But the expression and creativity of this dance went far beyond the American streets, conquering the dance floors of all the world's clubs.

Energy, emotions, passion, inspiration and freedom - this is what the youth of the third millennium appreciates. All this gives hip-hop! Hip hop is an opportunity to express your emotions, feelings and aspirations. Overcome social stereotypes and restrictions! And our teachers will be happy to help you with this!

Incendiary rhythmic beats of African American tunes with elements of r'n'b, house and rap - this is the concept of hip-hop music. Hip-hop dance is an explosive mix of the freedom of the break and the power of African American dance.

In dance, the main thing is the free work of the body and legs, which bear the greatest load. The absence of sharp jumps, jerks and falls distinguishes hip hop from modern jazz. The relaxation of the dance is possible due to the half-bent legs and body, as well as soft smooth turns and jumps. But this relaxation is just an illusion. In fact, all muscle groups are actively working in hip hop dance, so a good exercise stress You are guaranteed.

hip hop gives many opportunities for improvisation and self-expression. Sometimes light and smooth, sometimes hard and aggressive - this dance will always find its true fans. Hip-hoppers all over the world are known for their passion for breakdancing, graffiti, sporty loose clothes and shoes. This is a vibrant generation of today's youth who freely express their emotions through street dancing.

Hip-hop dance training is for the extraordinary and self-confident.

Hip hop confidently walks the planet, gaining popularity and appreciation of many young people. This is perhaps the only "street" dance that can be seen in all the world's advanced clubs, social events and creative theatrical performances. This style is very popular in dance schools both in Moscow and throughout Russia.

ParadiseSky dance school will be happy to teach you the plasticity and dynamics that are hidden in hip hop. Our experienced teachers will open for you the world of street dancing, where everyone will find what he likes. Hip hop dancing, which you can learn at the RaySky dance studio, is the choice of courageous and extraordinary young people who know what they want from life and are ready to plunge headlong into the exciting world of street culture. Drop all stereotypes and social restrictions, set the rhythm and boldly go to the world of hip hop.

  • Polina Rumyantseva

  • Irina Ostroumova

    Argentine tango

  • Victoria Sidelnikova

    Children's hip hop

  • Roman Trotsky


  • Eduardo Luis Madrazo

    Salsa, Reggaeton

  • Thiago Mendes

    Kizomba, Bachata Sensual

  • Frederico Pino


    My name is Frederico Pino, originally from Portugal and my roots are from Guinea Bissau. I am a kizombiero. I enjoy working with Afro House and Semba. I am fond of tennis, judo, boxing. I dream that my students develop, that Casablanca flourishes, and that all men know what kizomba is! I think that when my students come out of class they are happy and energized. They tell me it was great!

  • Polina Rumyantseva

    Pilates, Stretching, Antigravity, Antigravity KIDS

    Rumyantseva Polina, Moscow, Russia. Graduated from Gitis (choreographer's faculty). Certified instructor of the Pilates Stott program (diploma "Fitness Academy"), Certified instructor of Antigravity Fundamentals, Stretching and Antigravity Kids, certified instructor-universal (diploma "It's fitness") My main hobby is sports. everything new, to hone what I have learned and to help people improve.My love for sports began at the age of 6. For more than 13 years I have been professionally engaged in sports ballroom dancing.I confirmed the title of Master of Sports, achieved high results not only in Russia, but also abroad.I started teaching at 15 years, but decided not to stop at dancing and stretching, became interested in the fitness field.At the same time as studying at the university, she began to restore her back after numerous sports injuries, thus she came to Pilates and antigravity.Later she successfully completed training and certification in these areas, received a fitness instructor diploma .I restored my back, learned from the best craftsmen, so I have no doubts about the effectiveness of these programs! I love my job, nothing motivates me like results, happy faces and testimonials from my clients! The greatest happiness for me is their gratitude, I am glad that I can help others. This is what gives me confidence that I am doing my job, gives me the strength to constantly attend conventions, master classes, and never stop learning. As opposed to sports, I am fond of baking and confectionery art. My signature creamy brownie. AT free time I love outdoor activities, hiking, traveling. I went in for equestrian sports, I love animals very much and, if I have time, I help a dog shelter. I dream that sport is an obligatory part of the life of all people. I think that there should be inner harmony, you need to accept and love yourself and your body, but not stop improving, doing it for pleasure, striving for beauty in everything. And beauty is first of all health, and my goal is to pave the way for everyone's excellent well-being, spiritual harmony and excellent physical shape.

  • Irina Ostroumova

    Argentine tango

    My name is Irina Ostroumova, I am a teacher of Argentine tango. I am the Vice-President of the International Argentine Tango Federation. Member of the World Council for Dance and Dance Sport. Member of the Russian Dance Union. Participant of the first project "Dancing with the Stars". I am passionate about the knowledge of the World of Argentine Tango! The further, the more interesting! I dream that my students will love Argentine tango just like me, with all my heart, passionately and forever!!! My students, leaving after class, say that they are happy! They are full of energy! They are smiling! They bring good feelings to their families!

  • Victoria Sidelnikova

    Children's hip hop

    My name is Sidelnikova Victoria, I am from Ukraine. By profession I am a choreographer, teacher, dancer and even practical psychologist.)) I have 17 years of dance experience, and 6 years of choreographer experience. I know styles: hip-hop, house, popping, jazz-pop, jazz-funk, contemporary, jazz, street-jazz, strip-plastic. I am a ballet dancer of the dance troupe of the Theater of Satire. She took part in the filming of television projects "Ukraine has talent", "So you think you can dance" Ukrainian version - Dance all 6 and Dance all 8 "(entered the top 50 best dancers of the CIS), *participant in the television project "DANCES" on TNT (entered the top 55 best dancers in the country), participant in the television project "Dance" on Channel One (entered the top 40 best dancers in the country). And I am also a participant in the Opening Ceremony Olympic Games in Sochi-2014! She was a judge of 8 and 9 "Dance star festival" Moscow (2015/2016), dance award Danza -2016. I have acting experience - I starred in clips with Russian stars (Domenic Joker, the group "Heart" and in episodic role(TV series "Day and Night" on REN TV). I really want the Casablanca studio to multiply all over Russia, no, better all over the world! I think when my students, children, leave my classes, not only they are satisfied, but also their parents)))!

  • Roman Trotsky


    Roman Trotsky, I am from Smolensk. I have been doing ballroom dancing for 20 years. Semi-finalist, finalist of category 1 WDSF International Open Latin tournaments in sports ballroom dancing.Master of sports. Enter the TOP 100 best couples of Russia in sports ballroom dancing of Russia out of 4000 pairs of Russia according to the STSR rating. Zumba instructor - 5 years of experience. I am fond of dancing. Dancing is my life. When my students leave my class, they say: "We forget about all the problems, enjoy Zumba."

  • Eduardo Luis Madrazo

    Salsa, Reggaeton

    Eduardo Luis Madrazo, creative pseudonym"LOBO", which translates to "WOLF", Cuba. Dance styles: salsa casino, timba, rumba, guaganco, colombia, reggaeton and bachata. graduated dance school Maraguan, choreographic department, specialty - popular traditional dances. Among my achievements I can name work in the most best schools the capital, as well as staging numbers for the stars of our stage. My hobby: Browsing good movies to the cinema, to spend time with my friends I am demanding in class, this is the only way to get good results It is impossible to say exactly when a student learns to dance, it all depends on his receptivity, capabilities, experience, desire and individual characteristics. I became a teacher and a dancer because I loved listening to music and dancing since childhood. My parents always told me that I should dance. Subsequently, I began to study the art of dancing and realized that I wanted to connect my life with them. Each student is looking for a teacher who meets his/her selection criteria. For those who choose me, I guarantee that I will make every effort to ensure that they achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

  • Thiago Mendes

    Kizomba, Bachata Sensual

    I am Thiago Mendez, born in sunny Brazil in the city of Salvador. I am a professional choreographer: graduated from the Academy Contemporary Choreography in El Salvador. Been a dancer worldwide famous shows- Platforma (Rio de Janeiro) and RIO CARNAVAL in Germany. My favorite direction is kizomba, but with great pleasure I teach salsa, bachata, merengue, zumba. I love my friends, dancing and my job as a teacher! I love watching Brazilian films. I wish Studio Casablanca many new talented students!

  • Frederico Pino


    My name is Frederico Pino, originally from Portugal and my roots are from Guinea Bissau. I am a kizombiero. I enjoy working with Afro House and Semba. I am fond of tennis, judo, boxing. I dream that my students develop, that Casablanca flourishes, and that all men know what kizomba is! I think that when my students come out of class they are happy and energized. They tell me it was great!

  • Polina Rumyantseva

    Pilates, Stretching, Antigravity, Antigravity KIDS

    Rumyantseva Polina, Moscow, Russia. Graduated from Gitis (choreographer's faculty). Certified instructor of the Pilates Stott program (diploma "Fitness Academy"), Certified instructor of Antigravity Fundamentals, Stretching and Antigravity Kids, certified instructor-universal (diploma "It's fitness") My main passion is sports. everything new, to hone what I have learned and to help people improve.My love for sports began at the age of 6. For more than 13 years I have been professionally engaged in sports ballroom dancing.I confirmed the title of Master of Sports, achieved high results not only in Russia, but also abroad.I started teaching at 15 years, but decided not to stop at dancing and stretching, became interested in the fitness field.At the same time as studying at the university, she began to restore her back after numerous sports injuries, thus she came to Pilates and antigravity.Later she successfully completed training and certification in these areas, received a fitness instructor diploma .I restored my back, studied with the best masters, Therefore, I have no doubts about the effectiveness of these programs! I love my job, nothing motivates me like results, happy faces and testimonials from my clients! The greatest happiness for me is their gratitude, I am glad that I can help others. This is what gives me confidence that I am doing my job, gives me the strength to constantly attend conventions, master classes, and never stop learning. As opposed to sports, I am fond of baking and confectionery art. My signature creamy brownie. In my free time I like outdoor activities, hiking, traveling. I went in for equestrian sports, I love animals very much and, if I have time, I help a dog shelter. I dream that sport is an obligatory part of the life of all people. I think that there should be inner harmony, you need to accept and love yourself and your body, but not stop improving, doing it for pleasure, striving for beauty in everything. And beauty is first of all health, and my goal is to pave the way for everyone's excellent well-being, spiritual harmony and excellent physical shape.

  • Irina Ostroumova

    Argentine tango

    My name is Irina Ostroumova, I am a teacher of Argentine tango. I am the Vice-President of the International Argentine Tango Federation. Member of the World Council for Dance and DanceSport. Member of the Russian Dance Union. Participant of the first project "Dancing with the Stars". I am passionate about the knowledge of the World of Argentine Tango! The further, the more interesting! I dream that my students will fall in love with Argentine Tango just like me, with all their hearts - passionately and forever!!! My students, leaving after class, say that they are happy! They are full of energy! They are smiling! They bring good feelings to their families!

  • Victoria Sidelnikova

    Children's hip hop

    My name is Sidelnikova Victoria, I am from Ukraine. By profession I am a choreographer, teacher, dancer and even a practical psychologist.)) I have 17 years of dance experience, and 6 years of experience as a choreographer. I know styles: hip-hop, house, popping, jazz-pop, jazz-funk, contemporary, jazz, street-jazz, strip-plastic. I am a ballet dancer of the dance troupe of the Theater of Satire. She took part in the filming of television projects "Ukraine has talent", "So you think you can dance" Ukrainian version - Dance all 6 and Dance all 8 "(entered the top 50 best dancers of the CIS), *participant in the television project "DANCES" on " Dance star festival "Moscow (2015/2016), dance award Danza -2016. I have acting experience - starred in videos with Russian stars (Domenic Joker, the Heart group and in an episodic role (TV series Day and Night on REN TV) I really want the Casablanca studio to multiply all over Russia, no, it's better all over the world!I think when my children leave my classes, not only they are happy, but also their parents)))!

  • Roman Trotsky


    Roman Trotsky, I am from Smolensk. I have been doing ballroom dancing for 20 years. Semi-finalist, finalist of category 1 WDSF International Open Latin tournaments in sports ballroom dancing. Master of sports. I am in the TOP 100 best couples in Russia in sports ballroom dancing in Russia out of 4000 couples in Russia according to the STSR rating. Zumba instructor - 5 years of experience. I am fond of dancing. Dancing is my life. When my students leave my class, they say: "We forget about all the problems, enjoy Zumba."

  • Eduardo Luis Madrazo

    Salsa, Reggaeton

    Eduardo Luis Madrazo, creative pseudonym "LOBO", which translates to "WOLF", Cuba. Dance styles: salsa casino, timba, rumba, guaganco, colombia, reggaeton and bachata. He graduated from the dance school Maraguan, choreographic department, specialty - popular traditional dances. Among my achievements I can name work in the best schools of the capital, as well as staging numbers for the stars of our scene. My hobbies: Watching good films in the cinema, spending time with my friends I am demanding in class, this is the only way to get good results. I became a teacher and a dancer because I loved listening to music and dancing since childhood. My parents always told me that I should dance. Subsequently, I began to study the art of dancing and realized that I wanted to connect my life with them. Each student is looking for a teacher who meets his/her selection criteria. For those who choose me, I guarantee that I will make every effort to ensure that they achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

  • Thiago Mendes

    Kizomba, Bachata Sensual

    I am Thiago Mendez, born in sunny Brazil in the city of Salvador. I am a professional choreographer: I graduated from the Academy of Modern Choreography in El Salvador. He was a dancer of world famous shows - Platforma (Rio de Janeiro) and RIO CARNAVAL in Germany. My favorite direction is kizomba, but with great pleasure I teach salsa, bachata, merengue, zumba. I love my friends, dancing and my job as a teacher! I love watching Brazilian films. I wish Studio Casablanca many new talented students!

  • Frederico Pino


    My name is Frederico Pino, originally from Portugal and my roots are from Guinea Bissau. I am a kizombiero. I enjoy working with Afro House and Semba. I am fond of tennis, judo, boxing. I dream that my students develop, that Casablanca flourishes, and that all men know what kizomba is! I think that when my students come out of class they are happy and energized. They tell me it was great!

  • Polina Rumyantseva

    Pilates, Stretching, Antigravity, Antigravity KIDS

    Rumyantseva Polina, Moscow, Russia. Graduated from Gitis (choreographer's faculty). Certified instructor of the Pilates Stott program (diploma "Fitness Academy"), Certified instructor of Antigravity Fundamentals, Stretching and Antigravity Kids, certified instructor-universal (diploma "It's fitness") My main passion is sports. everything new, to hone what I have learned and to help people improve.My love for sports began at the age of 6. For more than 13 years I have been professionally engaged in sports ballroom dancing.I confirmed the title of Master of Sports, achieved high results not only in Russia, but also abroad.I started teaching at 15 years, but decided not to stop at dancing and stretching, became interested in the fitness field.At the same time as studying at the university, she began to restore her back after numerous sports injuries, thus she came to Pilates and antigravity.Later she successfully completed training and certification in these areas, received a fitness instructor diploma .I restored my back, studied with the best masters, Therefore, I have no doubts about the effectiveness of these programs! I love my job, nothing motivates me like results, happy faces and testimonials from my clients! The greatest happiness for me is their gratitude, I am glad that I can help others. This is what gives me confidence that I am doing my job, gives me the strength to constantly attend conventions, master classes, and never stop learning. As opposed to sports, I am fond of baking and confectionery art. My signature creamy brownie. In my free time I like outdoor activities, hiking, traveling. I went in for equestrian sports, I love animals very much and, if I have time, I help a dog shelter. I dream that sport is an obligatory part of the life of all people. I think that there should be inner harmony, you need to accept and love yourself and your body, but not stop improving, doing it for pleasure, striving for beauty in everything. And beauty is first of all health, and my goal is to pave the way for everyone's excellent well-being, spiritual harmony and excellent physical shape.

  • Irina Ostroumova

    Argentine tango

    My name is Irina Ostroumova, I am a teacher of Argentine tango. I am the Vice-President of the International Argentine Tango Federation. Member of the World Council for Dance and DanceSport. Member of the Russian Dance Union. Participant of the first project "Dancing with the Stars". I am passionate about the knowledge of the World of Argentine Tango! The further, the more interesting! I dream that my students will fall in love with Argentine Tango just like me, with all their hearts - passionately and forever!!! My students, leaving after class, say that they are happy! They are full of energy! They are smiling! They bring good feelings to their families!

  • Victoria Sidelnikova

    Children's hip hop

    My name is Sidelnikova Victoria, I am from Ukraine. By profession I am a choreographer, teacher, dancer and even a practical psychologist.)) I have 17 years of dance experience, and 6 years of experience as a choreographer. I know styles: hip-hop, house, popping, jazz-pop, jazz-funk, contemporary, jazz, street-jazz, strip-plastic. I am a ballet dancer of the dance troupe of the Theater of Satire. She took part in the filming of television projects "Ukraine has talent", "So you think you can dance" Ukrainian version - Dance all 6 and Dance all 8 "(entered the top 50 best dancers of the CIS), *participant in the television project "DANCES" on " Dance star festival "Moscow (2015/2016), dance award Danza -2016. I have acting experience - starred in videos with Russian stars (Domenic Joker, the Heart group and in an episodic role (TV series Day and Night on REN TV) I really want the Casablanca studio to multiply all over Russia, no, it's better all over the world!I think when my children leave my classes, not only they are happy, but also their parents)))!

  • Roman Trotsky


    Roman Trotsky, I am from Smolensk. I have been doing ballroom dancing for 20 years. Semi-finalist, finalist of category 1 WDSF International Open Latin tournaments in sports ballroom dancing. Master of sports. I am in the TOP 100 best couples in Russia in sports ballroom dancing in Russia out of 4000 couples in Russia according to the STSR rating. Zumba instructor - 5 years of experience. I am fond of dancing. Dancing is my life. When my students leave my class, they say: "We forget about all the problems, enjoy Zumba."

  • Eduardo Luis Madrazo

    Salsa, Reggaeton

    Eduardo Luis Madrazo, creative pseudonym "LOBO", which translates to "WOLF", Cuba. Dance styles: salsa casino, timba, rumba, guaganco, colombia, reggaeton and bachata. He graduated from the dance school Maraguan, choreographic department, specialty - popular traditional dances. Among my achievements I can name work in the best schools of the capital, as well as staging numbers for the stars of our scene. My hobbies: Watching good films in the cinema, spending time with my friends I am demanding in class, this is the only way to get good results. I became a teacher and a dancer because I loved listening to music and dancing since childhood. My parents always told me that I should dance. Subsequently, I began to study the art of dancing and realized that I wanted to connect my life with them. Each student is looking for a teacher who meets his/her selection criteria. For those who choose me, I guarantee that I will make every effort to ensure that they achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

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