What does it mean in VKontakte. Dance Go Go

Popular modern dances today have many different trends and directions. Each style is unique in its own way and differs from the other in its staging and manner of delivery. So, to one of the new directions in modern dance, in which several styles are mixed at once, should be attributed incendiary dance go go dance.

So what is go go?

Give a specific definition this direction in dance, unfortunately, it is impossible, since it combines a complex of movements from different dance styles. In the course of the dance, you can see both rhythmic energetic movements and flexible plastic movements. erotic character, and beautiful short dance sequences, smoothly passing from one to another. The main task of the one who dances go go dances is the ability to turn on the entire audience present, make everyone look at themselves and move to the beat of the music. It is important to listen to the music, put aside any restrictions and improvise, then the dance will turn out to be dynamic and varied.

When did dance direction go-go?

The starting point for the emergence of the go-go trend can be considered the day when the first disco took place in Hollywood in a fashionable and popular nightclub. That night, all visitors to the establishment were entertained beautifully dressed girls, placed in improvised cages and dancing incendiary dances to fast music. After that, go-go dances could already be seen in many clubs in America, and today they are danced in almost every entertainment venue around the world. Many clients for this bright show and the drive that the dancers demonstrate, they are ready to go to discos at least every day. In Russia, today this dance direction is at the peak of popularity, and with it a large number of wishing to master this technique of dance.

What is gogo technique and where do you learn it?

First of all, you should know that the main qualities that a go-go dancer should have are: improvisation; the ability to keep the rhythm; hear music; move plastically; switch from one style and switch to another with lightning speed - all this is taught in modern schools dance, where you can go to master this technique. The dance school will tell you in detail about what a go-go is, how to dance it, and many other points.

Classes at the dance school will be useful both for those who plan to use go-go just for themselves, and for those who want to do it professionally. In the process of studying, you will not be able to relax, you will have to sweat a lot. You will need to master various dance styles - this will help you learn how to move under different music and make the right transitions between styles. You will also need to develop good endurance, physical fitness, develop flexibility and plasticity. Constant training will help you get excellent results in the shortest possible time.

However, in addition to owning the sexy go go dance technique, you need to have a good stretch, this can help a lot. If everything is ok with technique and stretching, in order for the image to look complete and concise, you should choose the right clothes for it. In such a case, you can’t do without beautiful shoes, for example, tight knee-high boots may come up, as well as without an outfit that will emphasize a beautiful figure and focus on the “charms of the figure”. It can be short shorts, skirts, tight leggings, etc.

Having learned how to dance gogo, you can, without fear, go to the dance floor of any nightclub and be sure that all admiring glances will be directed only in your direction!

Modern and very incendiary dance unusual name go-go pleases the eye with its relaxedness and energy, even the name itself in translation from English means movement. Many people do not know what go is and think that it is exclusively a club dance that encourages people to relax to the maximum on the dance floor, but it is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance.

Where did this dance come from?

The name go-go literally means a call to action. Shouting "come on, come on," the DJs supported the dancers performing in public. But there is another version, translated from French "a gogo" means "in abundance", which revealed the essence of the abundance of movements and combined directions.

And although the dance looks very modern, it appeared back in the 60s in the USA. Hollywood became its progenitor. It was here in a nightclub called "Whisky-A-Go-Go" that girls in short skirts danced incendiary in cages suspended from the ceiling.

Similar dances were also noticed in the nightlife of Japan, around the same years. It was this time that became the beginning of the progressive fashion for go-go dance. It was often confused with striptease, although unlike last dance does not involve the exposure of intimate areas (an exception was the topless dance by Carol Doda in 1964).

The popularity of this incendiary direction grew over time, and it was performed not only by the fair sex, but also by men. In the 60s, such dancers were especially in demand in gay clubs.

What is the go-go direction?

The main purpose of the dance is to incite the desire in the public to dance, have fun and move in rhythm. Characteristic features directions are as follows:

  • Lack of strict structure or sequence. Often the performers themselves come up with movements and improvise to different rhythms of the music.
  • Having a bright, shiny suit that is tight-fitting and eye-catching, with knee-high boots, although many simply wear high-heeled shoes.
  • The rhythm of movement using various techniques like disco or house dance.
  • No restrictions and free flight of fancy.
  • The performance of the dance takes place most often on special racks or pedestals.

Go-go performers perform most often in nightclubs, discos, casinos or concert venues. The direction is becoming more youthful and today it is becoming increasingly popular due to the lack of borders.

Features Go-Go. What can't be done without?

However, regardless of the fact that the dancer is given full freedom, the performer must possess certain skills, without which the dance will lose its essence. All dance schools and training courses aim to teach their graduates the following:

  • All movements should be seductive and smooth.
  • Learn to listen to your body, because not everyone can turn dance into a real art and set the dance floor on fire with one movement.
  • To love music in all its manifestations, to hear the rhythm, melody, every feature, vocals and all transitions.
  • Adapt to any direction of music, using various elements of other dances, turning all improvisation into a single harmonious dance.
  • To be able to control the body to create an overall composition. Do not forget in what position the arms and legs are during this or that movement.
  • All actions must be decisive and energetic, filled with drive. go-go dance not suitable for indecisive persons, as it implies emancipation.

All classes and training are often aimed at mastering all modern styles dance, so that a person quickly gets used to it and can easily come up with combinations. Particular attention is paid to the creation beautiful effects with slowing down and speeding up, working out emotions, because facial expressions are also part of the dance.

During the performance of the dance, alcohol is not allowed, as this necessarily affects the coordination of the dancer. Many trainers teach go-go as a science, and once you learn the basics, you can easily find a job or even make a career.

How does a career as a dancer start?

Of course, in order to earn recognition in the field of Go-Go dance, you need talent and the ability to hear music. It is a good sense of rhythm that often plays a decisive role in the ability to put on a real show, for which the owners of bars and clubs lay out good money. As for the appearance of the dancer, an integral part of the image will be:

  • Bright make-up showing off strengths and hiding defects.
  • The perfect hairstyle that can withstand heavy loads.
  • Dress code: leather, latex, mesh, fur and other burlesque costumes.

Working as a dancer involves keeping fit, so regular attendance is important. gym and dance lessons. The key to successful casting will be regular replenishment of the repertoire with new interesting movements, usually they are given no more than 2 minutes to demonstrate them, so you need to learn how to give all your best in a short time.

go-go dance- this is an opportunity to find your own unique style, which will be difficult to repeat to anyone else. For many, this direction has ceased to be a hobby and has become a real lifestyle.

Can you learn how to dance go-go at home?

Many people have mastered the science of go-go dancing without leaving home, for this they only needed a desire and a little free time. Here are a few useful tips to help you with this:

  • You should choose a few high-quality video tutorials that are designed for beginners. They will set the pace and allow you to quickly get comfortable. Ideally, if this is a course that involves the sequential development of each stage.
  • It is necessary to allocate a place and time when you can turn on music without complaints from neighbors and with a minimum of distractions.
  • Carefully approach the creation of the image, even at home it must be flawless.
  • You will need to put a mirror in front of you, so that all movements can be controlled, evaluate plasticity, and correct the implementation of each element.
  • Need to start with simple techniques, even copying other dancers, and only after successfully mastering them, you can proceed to create your own compositions.
  • Since there will be no control from the trainer at home, maximum attention should be paid to flexibility, to perform more stretching exercises. Expand your horizons by mastering several styles and trends.

The whole dance should be incendiary and erotic, but vulgarity must be completely eliminated. The main trump card of the performance is emotionality and flirting, which encourage other people to join the game.

Video Go Go

Go-go or go-go - entertaining dance erotic content that does not involve stripping. This is an improvisational dance, uninhibited and energetic, designed to ignite people on the dance floor of nightclubs.

Go-go is traditionally considered club dance, however, contrary to stereotypes, it is far from easy to perform. In addition, Go-go dancers need not only to beautifully perform all the movements, but also to charge those present with energy, to please themselves and others with their dance, to be the center of the club action.

History of occurrence

One of the versions connects the name of the dance with English expression"go-go", which can be translated as "come on, come on." It is assumed that it was these words that the dancers shouted out, supporting DJs and artists performing in front of the public. According to another version, it is believed that Go-go is part of the French phrase "à gogo", which means "in abundance, in abundance", and it in turn goes back to the old French "la gogue" - "joy, happiness."

Whatever the origin of the name of this dance, but in the early 60s of the last century in Hollywood in the Whiskey-A-Go-Go club, an interesting spectacle appeared: girls in short skirts began to dance in cages suspended from the ceiling, captivating and igniting all those present with their dances. Then this dance appeared in the bars of Japan.

Probably, these performances can be considered the beginning of the era of Go-go. The owners of night bars and clubs began to hire dancers in order to attract visitors. Go-go dancing does not involve stripping, although its history includes a topless performance by Carol Doda in 1964, one of the famous Go-go performers who danced at the Condor Club in San Francisco for 22 years.

The Vietnam War spread Go-go to Saigon's bars, where Americans entertained during lulls in hostilities.

Go-go was danced not only by girls, but also by men, this was especially typical in the 60s for gay clubs. Male dancers are popular in such establishments even now.

What is Go-Go?

In order not to create a false impression, we emphasize that Go-go dancers, unlike striptease performers, do not have the task of awakening sexual desires, they must be able to stir people up, ignite them with their dance and awaken the desire to move and have fun.

Currently, Go-go has become an indispensable attribute of nightclubs, private parties, discos. Despite the presence dance schools that offer Go-go training, as a rule, many dancers come up with the elements and pattern of the dance on their own.

Of great importance for the Go-go dancer is the costume. Most often, these are shiny bright clothes with a minimum of fabric, effectively emphasizing beautiful figures performers. Special costumes can also be used to create a certain image. An indispensable attribute in a dancer's costume are boots. At the beginning of the development of this dance, they were called "go-go boots", now any boots that reach the knees are suitable.

Dance Features

For Go-go, there is no one strictly fixed style or direction. This dance is performed using elements from a variety of concepts: disco, R&B, house dance, belly dance, flamenco, etc. But it cannot be said that Go-go is a chaotic mixture of techniques and movements. In order to dance Go-Go, you need to know different dance styles, it is easy to improvise, skillfully combining them, move rhythmically, possess internal energy and the ability to transfer it to others. Any tempo and style of music should not come as a surprise to go-go dancers. The most basic thing about Go-go dance is the absence of strict restrictions, the rise of fantasy and incredible drive!

Go-go dance is usually performed on high stage, specially equipped pedestals or racks.

What does “Go” mean in VKontakte? Nowadays, on the Internet you can find many strange words and expressions that people use in communication with each other. Some of them can be understood quite simply, but some will have to be understood on their own. One of these words is the word "go".

What does go on vkontakte mean

What does go vkontakte mean? Now, let's try to figure out what the word “go” means, which is often used both in online correspondence and in live communication.

Origin of expression

The word "go" comes from the English "Go" and for the most part conveys its meaning. How is it possible that English word has become so common in Russian.

Mostly there is an expression in the language of youth, the fact is that young people often tend to experiment with the language, simplify and shorten words in every possible way in order to make them easier. And when words cannot be reduced, their analogue in another language is simply taken and used instead of the original. Apparently, this is what happened in the case of our “primordially Russian” word go.

The convenience and brevity of this word clearly appealed to young people, over time, the use of the word go became fashionable, and eventually became a habit. Now we can meet “go” in almost any part of the Russian-speaking Internet, and in real life, avid gamers often use the word go in communication.

Meaning of the word

So, what does go VKontakte mean? Using foreign words as a replacement for their own, they are almost always kept original meaning, therefore, to understand the meaning of the word, it is enough to look at its translation.

The translation of the word go sounds like go, but there are also many alternative meanings like: start, do, etc.

Examples of using

To better understand the meaning of the word, let's look at its application on concrete examples and analyze its meaning in each specific case.

  • Let's play! - Here the meaning of the word go can be deciphered as: let's go or let's go.
  • Well ho! - In various contexts, it can mean: Well, well, well, let's go, well, we started, etc.
  • Three! Two! One! Go! - In this case, it matters: Started.

As you can see, the word go is most often used as a call to something, and is also used to show your agreement.


After reading this article, you should no longer have the question - “what does it mean on VKontakte?”. We figured out that this word comes from the English Go and has a similar meaning. Most often used among gamers as a call to action.

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